buses don't fly

We lost an episode. Aaron can officially drive a bus now. Brandon is preparing for school closings. We find out buses do not, in fact, fly. Contrary to (not very) popular beliefs. We set a new challenge for ourselves and end on Collin’s love of spreadsheets.

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second round of testing

What a WEEK!! Collin is still recovering from the dogs, plus an in-depth look at what it takes to put in a stream crossing. Aaron had some cajun! Brandon and Aaron discuss what it’s like to become a teacher and being a good test taker. With recent world events, we need more air ships. Oh yes!

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stealth rock fall

We wish we knew more about West Africa as Aaron watches an independent film. Did you know there’s a video game…or 12…based off an ancient Chinese novel? Collin learns this right before bricks fall. Brandon is irrationally angry. Main topic: Irrelevant tests and learning standards!

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rock repatriation

We have a totally organic intro at 6 minutes in. Just call us “Professional Podcasters”. Aaron is watching hockey. Brandon is repatriating rocks. Collin has Jeep updates. We take a few moments for a headphone review and end with a discussion about the ASVAB and military service.

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