it had an aroma

Collin and Brandon struggle with trash day. Aaron is in hot pursuit of his CDL and can’t figure out which hat to wear. Which brings up a lot of memories about Bus 15. Collin has a new/old office. Brandon brings a review of BlackBrim 1876.

  • Trash day

  • Aaron tours KC

  • Aaron’s CDL

  • Bus 15

  • Sports and motives

  • Test taking

  • Aaron and his hats…

  • Birthdays growing up

  • Pet Services 

  • Collin’s new office 

  • Traveling to South America 

  • It had an aroma 

  • Brandon’s review - BlackBrim 1876

  • Why aren't you helping! 

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bus, people, trash, driving, day, dog, good, coach, office, left, puzzle, aaron, true, fun, test, weird, birthday, pretty, solve, thought


Collin, Aaron, Brandon


Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon Cullen and Aaron. On this week's show, it had an aroma Hi, after remember, put out my trash in the morning? Because the dress schedule is off? And is it is true. It's quite I, what I did is that I just put my trash out on the normal day, and then just left it down the

Brandon  00:45

people and then I mean yeah, because let's be real sometimes. I forget to take the trash down on the normal day. Anyway. And so there's absolutely no way I will remember to take it down on the newly scheduled day due to holiday scheduling kerfuffles right. So like, I he just, this is like, you know what? I'm gonna take it down. And I'm just gonna leave it there. And I don't care if I have any trash. I'll just walk it the, like 25 feet to the curb outside like it's fine. Like it'll be okay. Like, Yeah. Cuz Yeah, some some weeks. Like we'll get home after like, cuz our trash comes on Friday now, but probably number one, they changed our trash day. Right? He said Wednesday, on Wednesday for gears. And then like, last year, they're like now Friday.


And so ever since then. I've been real like, mixed up. Just because I am of course a creature of habit. So some days anyway, we'll get home from work on Friday and be like,

Brandon  02:01

dang, it is our trash can. Up by the garage.

Collin  02:07

Dang it. Yep. Where it should not be right now. Where it will not become empty. So yeah. Oh, yeah. No, and we don't know what Well, I know what possessed to this. But the day before, December 23. We went on like a PR around the house, like get rid of like pitching a bunch, just like straight trash or going through toys and finding ones that were broken and making those donate cell itch piles.

Brandon  02:47

And so our, and then again, just getting rid of like sometimes they'll be like, wow, there's a lot of trash in here. But you know, paper or rapping or whatever that needs to get gone. And we fill filter trash cans, and the Christmas. And I was like, Oh, I have nowhere to put any of this stuff. Now. This is a bit of a quandary. Yeah, you see, we have two very full ready to go. But it just like some weeks like we have like, no trash. Yeah. So when we forget, it's like, Oh, well. That's fine. Who cares? But other weeks? It's like we cannot forget at all. Not one single piece of trash will go into this trashcan. Aaron, do you have as much problem with the trash as me? Or is this just like a me thing? Yeah.

Aaron  03:52

Oh, well, thankfully, I don't have to, like take out a trash bin or anything. But our trash comes out on Mondays. But usually I'm the idiot the kids that we that the garbage people even come on Mondays. And so I'm like, rolling it out like after they've already left on earth. That's what that baggie was on my bed. So that's what I typically do. Especially after Christmas in our apartment complex. The trash thing was full. And so I'd kind of come up with room and I just felt bad just putting it in there. I'm like Sorry.

Brandon  04:28

Sorry. I'll do this on purpose. So you have like the big trash dumpster thing. Yeah, we got about two within walking distance of us. So it's kind of nice to like, get to pick and choose but both of them were just astronomically. Oh, and I'm like, Ooh, I feel bad. Yeah, my old apartment had that and that was kind of nice because like, then it literally didn't matter. You could just like flick it down whatever. And it just whatever but like now I've now that I've have been tasked with the cream, we have been thing to remember when to take it down to the road. And like, you know, in all honesty, like we don't really go outside the front door that much anymore, right? So ever since Chuck passed away, like, you know, we're not going outside to walk the dog like a million times a day. So I'm not like, physically seeing the trash can, and walking by the trash can and putting dog poop things in the trash can. So like, I don't even think about anymore because I'm like, not constantly reminded about the trash because I'm not walking by it all the time. Yeah, yeah. It's kind of like, kind of like that whole, like, when do you realize you're out of toilet paper? Like, when you're on the toilet? Not like, it's true.


Like not any of the hours of the rest of the day. You're not like, Oh, I wonder how toilet paper I have. It's literally only when you're sitting there and you're like,

Brandon  06:03

oh, oh, yeah. Oh, no. Yes. Oh, yeah. And ours. I don't know. Ours. RS is definitely one of those things where it's like, you must put it out the night before, because we're gonna be there at 4am to pick it up and blah, blah. And then they don't roll around until 11 or two at the afternoon. Yeah, ours don't show up till like, late morning afternoon. Right, like, and that's weird, too. Because, like, whenever they did, whenever they changed it, I guess they just rescheduled the routes in the whole city, I think is what's happened. But like, when was on Wednesday, they were common like 730 in the morning. Right? And now they come at like noon, which I mean, I don't care. Like it doesn't matter because they you know, going other places at 730 the morning clearly, but like, it's a weird thing to get used to. Right? It's just like, Ah, my brain has to recalibrate and it has trouble with that clearly. So, yeah. That's kind of like the lady who delivers our mail. When she runs the route. We're like, we have our mail by eight in the morning. It seems like sometimes nine in the morning, when literally anybody else does. It's like five o'clock. Or it's always like, Oh, that's my mail. Oh, yeah. I don't know, our mail runs around. Anywhere between 11 and one depending on like, how much mail right like, no. I think that's generally the time I think sounds right. Again, just where we are on the route and and all that stuff, so that's less important to me than when the trash is coming. Kind of a big deal. Important was the kids want to know when they can go out they can watch trash people freshmen? Yes, of course. I don't like triple Trashman trash guys, company. Come around. And watch. You say you don't like the trash people. I said no, I don't like that phrase. Trash all the name? Oh, yes. Because it implies that they are trash. Okay. Okay. I was real confused there for a minute. I was like, well, this took a turn. I was not expecting. Like, Well,


I'll say trash man. I was like, oh, no, there was a lady that one time so trash. People there was an awful phrase. collectors, trash men though great 60s band just so they go. They weren't?

Collin  08:44

Ah, they might have been you never know. But we got to get out there. We got to watch them kind of watch them work. And wake them. They are very nice. There was one day where I we were crazy busy. And I didn't get it out until I didn't realize it till like 11 o'clock in the morning. And they were they were coming down the street. But they had already gone through one time they were just coming. I don't know why they were there like backpacking or whatever. And they saw me coming out. Every other garbage cans had already been emptied. And they stopped. They walked back and grabbed mine.

Brandon  09:22

Well, that is nice, man. That's pretty handy. Yeah. And he was like, thank you. But yeah, gotta watch him. So I know how's your weeks of week of have nothing going for you? Man, it's great. I didn't do anything. Because my we did get a branch into Susan's sister's house on Christmas. So we did our Christmas at home. Which is weird. Like, just hung out. Watched to Chris babies opened the presence. Right? And then we went down there, we took her mom with us to our sister's house. But then just came back later in the evening, so I wasn't tech related anything. So I was good. pretty chill

Collin  10:17

about it. I was a no ours was, ours was very odd. We spaced out the unwrapping of presence was not to overwhelm anybody. And that were nicely. And then it was like, Yeah, I was like 60 degrees. And so

Brandon  10:42

guess what? That was upsetting, kinda like it was. It was good. I really I did enjoy the weather we're gonna get might get snow this weekend. But we'll see. Ah, there we go. Yeah, it was really confusing. Especially since one of the Presidents I got Susan was a new like, fleece pullover to wear when she goes hiking. So it's like, I mean, you could wear that today except for it's like 70 degrees. So you know, I mean it's like this. I've seen appropriate gear for that temperature. Like, sorry, I didn't know it was gonna be as warm when you were gonna unwrap this. My bad, but it will be cold eventually. Right? Like someday you might need to try it right. We'll see how. That's great. And what about you? How was your holiday? extravaganza?

Aaron  11:43

They got to tour where dad and all them grew up. I didn't realize how big the area that they live in is. And particularly kind of it being next door to like, really bougie establishments.

Brandon  12:03

Our gorillas, yeah, they live in like, Swank Ville. I didn't know that growing up. And so like, that was, yeah, that was different.

Aaron  12:16

So we spent days up there, which was a lot of fun. I haven't seen them in years. And so still, we got to meet them.

Brandon  12:27

That means I haven't seen her like 10


Yeah. And so we got to see what everyone's doing. We didn't I didn't plan it very well, because cousin Alex and his wife came in like the day after we left. That's really Alex's fault. Think. Being a doctor and doing well, but his wife Megan had to like work

Brandon  12:53

like that morning. And they were traveling like with dogs and so from Nashville to Yeah, Gary said he drove. Yeah, like 21 hours or? Yeah. Cuz he called me like right after I left. For some reason we talk talk mostly he was like, most he was like, Aaron came to see me. What are you doing? I was like, oh, like you know. And so then we did that got to explore and city, which was a lot of fun.

Aaron  13:29

Again, we did. We got to see the world war one Memorial, which weirdly isn't open on Mondays, I found that out. But we got the tour like around and everything like the big statue in the tower and everything. Then we went to to Union Station. The train station. Yeah, the place is cool. And then we did

Brandon  13:53

mostly mostly walking around and Gary talking about Gary things

Aaron  13:58

about the history of games that he and growing up there, then

Brandon  14:03

we got to meet some of your networks. When she she had a lot of fun. And just going up there and seeing them and

Aaron  14:12

we watched, I guess he's our second cousin who plays all the basketball. We get the washer on a live stream, which was really fun. And then we came back and Shelby is really bad at doing gifts. So we opened her and I opened a Christmas gift, like a week and like a week or two weeks before Christmas. So she's like, I can't tell you what I got you but I really want you to know, go ahead and open it. It's not like Okay, so we went ahead and had our Christmas and then we went to her grandma's and then we're there for like, seven hours and her that half the family is like really big. And so we did presence. Boom, boom. Boom. And then we went to her mom's and stepdads, where we spent a night and had the main Christmas. And that's all reopened. Presents. And then we came back and then Shelby left or Memphis this morning. So she is there for all girls retreat. And I am stuck at home playing Halo, doing lesson plans and studying for CDL test. So, yeah, Bus Driver truck driver is. Right. Okay. So there's I've taken it twice failed at both times. There's, there's four. There's four tests that I need. There's the general knowledge, which is 50 Questions high. Then there's an airbrake test, which is royalty five questions. There's a passenger test. And then there is a


what other RAM tests? And so I've all I've gotten so close on the general knowledge. Yes, it's frustratingly annoying how close I've got.

Brandon  16:08

And I can No, I can't do the air brakes. My brain just can't compute air brakes.

Aaron  16:15

And then passenger one is easy, except for I always miss like a stupid question. With those you can only miss five. And if you miss the mouse, then it shuts off in. Yeah. And so

Brandon  16:28

I bet I bet the answer is not turn around and scream sit down and shut the blank up. Right? That's probably not, that's probably not the things that our best ever used to do. Right. So don't be bill. Right? Don't

Aaron  16:41

a lot of those. Some of that some of them are like, blatantly obvious, like, yeah. Where, you know, if there's an unruly child, like, what do you do? Like? Can you drop them off? Like, is it safe? Like, you know, you can drop them off at a safe location, just

Brandon  17:00

beat him up, beat him up yourself there? Is that the answer? The answer? Like due to, like, are you able, like, how much weight? Can you carry in liquids? On a bus? You're like,

Aaron  17:19

I know, there's a lot of questions like those. And again, some of those are like, oh, yeah, this is clearly the answer. And then it's like, due to Oklahoma law, 2930, whatever. What's the maximum distance that you have to look at in advance for XY and Z, and you're like, oh, it's clearly like this. And it's like, no, fight, loser, you fail. The general one, I get close, but I always throw up on like, those rinky dink questions and with that you can miss in. But in my anxiety kicks in, I start missing like stupid ones, and just gets worse and worse from there. So I plan on taking it. Maybe tomorrow afternoon. What I've been doing is I've been driving to West Tulsa, and taking it my superintendent knows the facilitator there. And I felt I've been feeling awkward, because I'm like, Hey, I'm here to do this. And I kind of like jump the line. But there's literally a DPS facility like, eight minutes from where I live. So I might just do it there. It's just waiting line and study and not get there at like 630 in the morning waiting in line. But so once in Oklahoma, once you do that, once you pass, I think you have to get three of the tests, you don't have to do the air brake test. That's only if some of your buses have ever.

Brandon  18:52

But like I think I'm just gonna skip that one for now. And just worry about the other ones because the other questions.

Aaron  18:59

Does other tests also ask you not things involving buses, but of trucks? And it's like, oh, what's, what kind of a bulkhead do you need on this? And I'm like, I don't know, this kind of transport is like, I don't, I don't care. Um, so once you do that, you didn't have to go to a facility and take the driver's portion, which is going to be extremely difficult because most of them you need to take like a two week class. But I think I'm taking the accelerated course because you have to go in and like you have to do the pre bus inspection. And you have to point out different parts of the bus. Like what is this? Like, oh, that is the whatever now got it. And then it's like, alright, describe it. Describe it. So I'm getting the Crash Course period, but I'm just kind of more worried about passing a written test. Um, as of that moment, but once I will be

Brandon  20:04

able to drive us driving, that's going to be, I feel like full disclosure, I feel like you're making an enormous mistake with your life, being certified to drive a bus at a small public school. Because there's gonna be some days where they're gonna go. We need somebody to drive a bus, the bus driver is called in sick or whatever. We don't have a bus substitute Aaron, that's what's gonna happen. And you're gonna be at school at five, five in the morning, running random bus routes to pick children up

Aaron  20:43

to go. So thanks. So thankfully, I am on the not morning route list because I live out of the jurisdiction of the school. Therefore, I cannot do bus duty. There's like five other teachers on that list. That was kind of nice. But after school duties, I've already had to transport is on like the little tiny white bus that we have.

Brandon  21:08

Which that holds. First of all boys, 14 kids. And I took one of the junior high beams on an away game on it, which we want, by the way, way. But yeah, I drove that for a little while. It's kind of like one of those buses that like you see, like, older people going on and it says like Sunnyside elderly, living on the side of it.

Aaron  21:38

They're like the van style. The real short ones. Like, yeah, so it's that and and has access on the back. And has like a space for like everything. So it's one of those but it's, it's, we utilize it for all purposes because it has like our logo and things on it. And typically like the cheerleaders take it, but I've I've driven that bus before weeks, which is fine. It's almost kind of like driving like 15 passenger vans, just like a little bit bigger. And so, but yeah, driving like one of the big buses. Oh, hi. Oh, I like I've driven trailers before my Yeah, whatever. I've given, you know, a screw of things, if you will, but I'm like, I don't I've never driven anything that age.

Brandon  22:27

Ah, yeah, they're kind of enormous, right? Yeah.

Aaron  22:34

But some of the newer buses, because I've seen and heard horror and read horror stories about like, the older kind of buses, like the old like automatic, or the old manual buses,

Brandon  22:45

like the one that I wrote on, it's a child 15.

Aaron  22:50

But thankfully, ours are a little bit newer. But I was talking with the other coaches the other day, and they're like, yeah, the brakes don't work. And I'm like,

Brandon  22:59

well, that's not all that useful. I haven't seen with all the older but I haven't seen a manual school bus in years at this point. I'm sure they got those off the road as fast as humanly possible. Like, I think the last time I wrote on one I was in like, Junior High track. Right. I'm pretty sure that's the last I can't I don't remember. I don't I think our school district phase them all out. Pretty much around then. And then I haven't seen one.


Since then. All the buses that we have at school are automatic. All the buses I've ever seen anybody else's school are automatic.

Brandon  23:46

Like there's nothing jankier than a manual shifting school bus because like the transmission is just like kind of just broken all the time. Anyway. So like, you know, I I have been on the school bus where they have stalled out in like really strange spots. Right? The best one ever. Do you remember at the bottom of that James real where you used to have to stop at that river crossing? Yeah, before they made before they exempted the rail crossing our 60 highway. We were going to attract me in like I don't know, Willard maybe? I don't know. Anyway. The The principle was driving the bus. And he Yeah. Stopped at this railroad crossing and then he went to go and he like, stalled the bus out like on the railroad tracks on the on the highway. Oh, yes. And so naturally the tracks he was just like, Ah ha ha like, you know, everywhere and as you were in middle school, so obviously we were just super kind about this situation. Because middle school middle schoolers are kind and nice and thoughtful human. Oh, wait, no. And so none of that is true. So that happened. I also remember that one time, Bill, good old bill was driving up the hill at dad's house. But apparently it's paved. Now, who knew? I know, not me. That was a weird revelation. But it used to be really nasty gravel, right? We were driving up that hill, and the bus stalled out, like halfway up. So basically, he like, yelled at the high schoolers. He was just like, how if I'm going to hit something, and he just started, like backing down the hill? Uh huh. And so obviously, the bus is not on. There's like, he might have been able to restart it. But like, there's like the brakes were not working. Because you know, the bus was stalled on so we rolled all the way down that giant hill backwards. We Oh, Lord, that was exciting. And then kind of better run at it. Like hey, Vinnie, like it's got the bus started backed way up, and then like went mega fast. And this is like, a big running start. We've sort of hopped up the hill was going the transmission was being grumpy. And so Oh, yes. Yeah. That was a, that that hill would washboard out so incredibly bad. And I think that's what happened. It started jumping. Yeah. And then he went to shift gears and it just went and went to downshift to go up the hill, and it just blast it out and killed the boss. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, the backend leads, like, skips sideways because it'd be so washboard and you have to really, really power up right at it. So it kind of did hop sideways. Yeah, I will do that in you know, basically any other vehicle you were doing too. And you really had to watch your, your speed because you would start going sideways if you weren't careful, though. Yeah, true. So it was a hazardous time to Aaron, be safe. Hopefully, you don't have any manual buses. If you do need to come by and pick us up.

Aaron  27:26

I just I just know that it's in the future if I want to find with that. Coaching ladder or school ladder, that a lot of schools to help them save money just hire people that teachers who have CDLs because that's like one of the older teachers, and they're like, Yeah, you're lucky because the old superintendent, you know, only hired the teachers that had their certification and their CDLs like they like he would not hire anybody else. And like, oh, sweet, what they are just in time. So I know that also helped me in the future. Because a lot of schools every time that I interviewed somewhere, they're like, hey, CDL and I'm like, No, but I did it. And then i Ooh, man, so interesting. Yeah. I refuse not doing it. Don't care. They asked me nope, nope. Nope. And I would not do it anyway. Cuz I don't care. I'm doing that. That's ridiculous. Yeah, I know. I'm gonna be head coach, which should be the plan next year. They only a lot of times they only have a teacher or a just one coach with them. I'm like, oh, I need to do it. Yeah.

Brandon  28:47

As I don't coach anything.


This is not really a problem that comes up so it's out now. Turns out when you don't catch anything, you hide


our school is like they're like, Hey, we're trying to see if somebody wanted to coach like middle school baseball.


I was like, why? What? No. But yeah, the coaches have in my schools and be like $12 No, thank


you. And I actually haven't played baseball since I was in middle school. So like, that's really

Brandon  29:32

not really I mean, the game like I mean, probably has really I probably a rules that I was not even aware of as a middle schooler. Like everything. Yeah, I'm just gonna hit the ball and run. Okay, okay, there we go. Got


it. That's all you need to know. Yeah, that's ridiculous. Get to learn. Oh, yeah, no, I'm not coaching. I could Africa

Brandon  30:01

I'm so like, not competitive. They're like, I would just like, as we learned from my time coaching, YMCA soccer. Like, some of the parents of the other places we were going with, like screaming at the kids and I would turn around, look at them Be like, you know, this is the YMCA, right? You're aware of where we are, you know, they're actually not even keeping score. You know that? Because they're 10. Go away. Like nobody wants that. So luckily, I will lucked out of coaching. Knock on wood. Because I just don't have it in me. I'm not a competitive person. Like, I don't care about winning. So like, no one would hire me to be a coach. Like, that's not a there's not really a thing that I possess. Like, I'm not. I don't know, I don't really have that like competitive streak where like, I want to do like, Well, personally on some things, but other things. I'm like, Yeah, okay.

Aaron  31:11

I'm not gonna bother. I don't have to, like, beat anybody. So Well, I mean, at a school that I'm at, where

Brandon  31:22

some sports are favored more than others. That's every school. Okay.

Aaron  31:27

Baseball has never been like that for. And so they're like, look, we introduced baseball like 10 years ago, and we've had like, a coach, we've never fired anybody. So yeah, wins or losses are fine. But like, doesn't mean, I'm not. I am competitive. But like, I've met some people that are like, right play from Rare baseball. I'm like, Well, I mean, like, that's cool. And all. But how about lessons of these kids can use in life and have not been terrible people? Like, if I can, if I can get that out of a kid like I win. So that's all yeah, really shooting for is,

Brandon  32:09

you know, I mean, that is true. Like at our school, it is definitely like basketball or die. So like, yeah, other sports exist in theory, but like, basketball, bro. Like, that's the only one that he cares about. So yeah. I get that too. But like, yeah, that's just that's just my it's just a me personality thing. Like, it's nothing against like anybody that


is like that. I'm just like, I can't. I'm not wired to be like, Oh, God, I have to win. So like, Yeah, fine, whatever.

Brandon  32:43

Because that's why I was the same way. Like, that's why I coached it the why? Cuz it was about fun time. And learning how to play a game and like, community involvement and like, that kind of stuff. Not a gotcha. Yeah, yeah. So we wish you luck on truck driving one on one. Now, surely, there's

Aaron  33:11

some like, video stuff that you could watch? Oh, there there are. I'm like, I've been breaking practice tests after practice tests online. And they're just so much. And some of those are definitely easy. And then like, you get, you get to the test. And it's like, oh, huh. This is nothing like we then like once you pass, like, once you don't have a first pass, you just get demoralized. And I just kind of go through there. And I'm like, I just I just want to get down and go home. Because all I care about right now.

Brandon  33:47

Oh, well, and I'm sure like, it's one of those things to where, like, if it was just one at a time. Yeah, right. Yes, it might be maybe more easily digestible information. But the fact that there are four, it sounds like very separate tests. Yeah. And you must have all of that knowledge. That's a lot of information to store for that short amount of time. So that's a really, that's a difficult thing to prepare for. Right? Like having that much information stored in your brain for just like one test. That's,


that's crazy. Yeah, so I think I'm just gonna go in tomorrow or the other day and be like, Look,

Aaron  34:28

I just want to take this test and just call it good for now. isn't an option. Can you do that? Yes. So what I took it, I took it the first time. And the second time, I'm like, Hey, I'm just gonna do like, oh, four tests. Okay, here you go. You're on station five. And like, that is not what I'm here for. So yeah, I think if I can just study one at a time just, you know, like, Oh, I just need to do this task and focus on this only. I think it will be a lot easier, I think. Just what I'm going to do

Brandon  35:02

in the next few days because our school starts third, and so I need to least get some of these or all of them out of the way. Because then the new system kicks in. February two, so Oh, okay. Yeah, there's just a lot here so yeah. Good luck of the bus abreast of the bus driving. Let us know when we need to get you a trucker hat is appropriate for bus drivers. Every celebration to be hand operated name. Oh, they will now that's true. But Are any of them appropriate school bus driver hats? Wait, wait. Wait during school bus drivers in Oklahoma? I'm pretty sure you have to have a cowboy hat YES. YEAH. OH giant 10 gallon hat. Got a you know, pull up to a power slide into this bus stop. Or open the door. Come on, yell down in here. We get to go through. Or yeah, I guess we're gonna look for you some hats. And don't worry. They're appropriate. Waiting into the into the bus barn and not adoption because our bus barn is like the size of a small like, imagine our driveway when it was gravel, like that long and that why it's


rallying a bus? I don't see the Yeah, perfect. I see all the opposite. st bill would definitely slide that. Maybe not on purpose. But like I keep saying like, this is a bad thing. And I just keep seeing opportunities. Like come on.

Brandon  37:03

Bill definitely used to slide the bus on Pecola Road, like frequently. Like he would go to stop and he would just write rolling up into somebody's house just like gravel flying everywhere. Dust, choking. Get off and then like speedway. Well, the cloud of dust. Yes. This is gonna be a thing. And then well, and actually what will what will end up doing is since you know, you'll probably be in the market or a new bus eventually, you will need to employ the power of rallycross to determine which is the best boss. Yes. For the best

Aaron  37:49

bus clearly. Your your school district there are busing needs bus. Bus, probably probably not the mini bus. Show you kind of how conditioned our vehicles are. We get them inspected every other year. And this year, we wrote a check for like Wells, like $1,000 get like the, like basic maintenance, um, one of the buses costed like 50,000. Yeah, and it's just like to fix. So we wrote we wrote an check for 12345 ish buses look at and basic maintenance, like whatever. Like right here is all of them. And there's what's called our activities bus, which is much larger. And it's one of those things that have like, it's like, a very old travel bus, like an old Greyhound bus kind of. Oh, okay. i We had that. And then they're like, the people are like, Where have you been getting this maintenance that? And they're like, No, this needs like a whole complete overhaul. So no, yeah, that must have costed a very pretty, pretty penny, unfortunately. And yeah, that one is still has some major issues. And the the coach I was talking to today. He's like, Yeah, it's strange. I dropped off last year, and I was driving back to the barn and the bus was in the brakes wouldn't work. And so he's like, I had a call the he's not a bus maintenance person. He's just an overall maintenance guy. And they had to set out like railroad tires, to kind of like, act as like, these are the hay bales out in front like the runway ramps in the mountains. Yeah. So if you if you guys ever come visit, I'll show you in the bus barn.

Brandon  39:52

They're not ready in us know in the bus where people have had to like, nudge the barn to stop Like what is happening right now? No.

Aaron  40:03

Yeah, so is the bad idea that's been working on. I'm gonna tomorrow I'm gonna spend most of all day just studying the second practice as a practice notes after notes. And just going maybe in the afternoon, it's like, I just need to take an test and just be done with it for now. So we'll see how it do.

Brandon  40:27

But, yeah, just sitting there from about eight o'clock in getting it walking out of there, like, in is exhausting. And I'm like, I'm done. Tree, although I think I think the first time I took it, I was in and out in like, 30 minutes, because I was like, I know what I'm doing. And then a cry. Oh, I don't, I don't know any of this. I'm like, Look, I'm done. And the ladies expressions like, Oh, are you? You're done. Are you done, sweetie? And I'm like,

Aaron  40:57

yeah. Look at your scores. I'm like, oh, that's like, no, no, no, let's not do that. It's someone's study. And like, you can study for this thing. And she's like, here's the thing, go go home and do it. Okay, so the second time I did thank you better. But just the look on her face,

Brandon  41:16

like, Oh, are you done with me? Like, I'm sorry, I promise. And she's like, Oh, it's the second time I walk in. There's like, Oh, you're almost your birthday. And I'm like, so can you just ask me like, five and I'm like, hey, you know, you don't know if you if you don't ask. Right. That's it's always good to ask these things. Right?

Aaron  41:42

Yeah. So all I'll see what I can do tomorrow. And just kind of take from there.

Brandon  41:48

Yeah, definitely check about like, just doing one of them thing,


because that sounds like I said, that's just a lot of stuff to do. All at once. Yeah, try to keep straight your brain.


There's just it's just exhausting. After a while. Yeah. Yeah, that's what a Yes. Shall be then somebody the mentors.

Brandon  42:17

For girls weekend, we should go into the Bass Pro pyramid. Yeah. Um, maybe I don't know. I didn't I thought about asking her but she's like, why would I go there? And I'm like, oh, cuz it's a pyramid. Getting to see all the wonders of Memphis, Tennessee. And yeah, so I'm going to be not doing anything. First day again. Oh, yeah.

Aaron  42:46

Yeah, I mean, I did on my birthday. I made that revelation the other day, cuz you had birthday parties growing

Brandon  42:56

up, right? No, well, I mean, more or less. Like you invited friends over? Oh, yeah. Well, after once we once we broken things we dad didn't really list Yeah, I had like kind of stuff. No. Wow. Oh, yeah. We broke a lot of stuff. That's everything. I probably ruin this for you. I'm sorry. This might be my fault. Because like I did, we broke like the hammock. Right. So we broke the toilet one time, like, shocker. Every five seconds to like yell at us. Like it's 130 in the morning, go to bed like

Aaron  43:33

well, 12 When I go to bed we talked about was thinking I'm ever have like, a full on my friend's birthday party I've been I never I've never invited people over because it's always been like Christmas break from my birthday. And every time I've tried to invite somebody, they're like, Oh, we're on Christmas vacation. Like, oh, okay, no, that's fine. And so last year was first time I've actually had like, people over for like a birthday. And I think I was I was more like helping if I will. I surely he's like we're having a birthday party. Okay, so it made me realize like, how fun it was to have people. But after a while, I'm like, Okay, I'm done. What do you mean?

Brandon  44:22

I'm like, I'm done. Like, I don't like I had people. It was nice. I said, Hi. And I'm done. My birthday. I want to go do what I want. Yeah, that was my realization. I was like, Oh, I don't want to I don't want to go to her for my birthday this year. This canonize me.

Aaron  44:39

So little thoughts I was having the other day and I'm like, Oh, I have to have a birthday and like, oh, you can have a birthday. No one


here. Whatever you want. Yeah. All the exciting birthday food, whatever birthday food you desire.


Oh, that is the one thing so we'd like you're still dieting? I mean, just on your birthday though, like, I mean, I think yeah, I have least go to the gym, which I've been going every day

Aaron  45:09

lost 15 pounds, which is like, you have to check it every day. Or every day of me at the gym. Oh, me doing gym things. blink, blink, fear, okay. I also had the I also had the realization before we went left for school. For break, I had a baseball practice with some of the kids. And I was sending some ground just hitting some ground balls. Just thinking Adam, and I'm like, wow, I have no upper body strength. And so am I gonna actually do need to, like legit have a workout workout or some way shape or form of like, oh, I have no upper body straight to do any of this. So I've been I've been actually like, doing my normal stuff and actually like working out and I'm like, Ah, yes. Now this is this is how it's supposed to be. So

Brandon  46:10

I would just hit them on my kids like them harder, buddy. Guide. No, no, go back to him. Are you so far away? Yeah. Yeah. I've been definitely like, Oh, I haven't become a baseball bat and yours. Looks so sane. Same. Like, I don't coach baseball, so I needed to do Junior High baseball. It's not doing it is refuse. No, I'm already having to do things I want to do anyway. So that's fine. coach baseball. No. And well, we'll talk about that later. We'll talk about that a little bit later. I'm still salty about this. I won't talk right now but


it will call I'm gonna be coaching gymnastics here the next few years

Brandon  47:03

is true. Pretty much already gearing up for it. You know, we're doing good stuff. Now, I still really wish that the uneven bars and backyard already. I really should really should think about that.


No, it's It's annoying that none of the places are still have nobody has any availability

Brandon  47:27

for anything. And it's insanely frustrating

Collin  47:33

that they don't. So we're on like, four different waitlist, which is, you know, fine. It's fine. But when you've got the little girl who's like, literally, my must be active at all time. Ah, you're like, Okay, whoo, calm.

Brandon  47:50

We saw a little bit of work through this. It'd be fine too. And she's like, ah oh, she wore she wore her brother out day. I mean, he was he tried so hard to keep up with her. And by like, an hour before bedtime, he was out. Gone.

Collin  48:16

He just he tried so hard. For Noah, yeah, yeah. And we're trying to you know, do as much stuff as we can outside while the weather is still really nice. Is true till this weekend, or whatever happens again, I don't know. Cold and maybe snow. So like, taking those opportunities. And we start back up school. January so because for both of them to get back to routining stuff. I don't want you that. But you know, other people apparently. Oh, oh, we have a here's a sales from the petsitting life. had a guy call us today. And he first did he did he want you to see the duck. No, no, he didn't. Yeah, cuz I've been like I know a person. Yeah. I know about ducks. Now I've done extensive research. No, but But on that like, yeah, like, now that I have a three people it's like, yeah, now I get to kind of be like, hey, like, what services do you would you want to offer or like you feel passionate about and one lady was like, We really need to be offering pet taxi services in town, because nobody's doing that. I was like, so we'd all go get the insurance and buy the appropriate car harnesses. And that can be something that you know, we offer

Brandon  50:01

If people need that. And then obviously with the person we're hiring here, he's got grooming experience, and he wants to continue to do some grooming. Awesome, we can do that. But that's kind of fun is to lean into everybody's expertise and see how to pay what I need to know what is a pet taxi service? Oh, what does that even mean? Sure. That's somebody who goes, Hey, I'm at work. But I have a grooming appointment from my dog at two o'clock that I cannot take them to. Could you go to my house and drive my dog to the group? Ah, okay. Got it. Or somebody actually did reach out to us said, Hey, I, my work hours are very weird. And I leave in the morning, before the daycare service that I use

Collin  50:56

for my dog is over. Could you come by and take them to the take them to the daycare? And then come up with us and take them home? Very simple service.

Brandon  51:08

That's really weird to think about using one pet service to deliver your pet to another pet. So yeah, yeah, no, no, I same. Obviously, we aim to be to use our service for in their home. But it's still like, that's something that we can do. Or people can't take them to. One person was like, I try and schedule all of my visits. My like, my dog just has their day of stuff. Where like, they go to the groomer and the vet. Oh, and they go walk. So it's like, take it from place to place.


Oh, yeah, you could do the walk and then take them to the groomer and the vet and then just bring it back home. Yeah, that's pretty cool, actually.

Brandon  51:52

I mean, does that mean that you're gonna buy a van? Funky but the official is right. And he's very choppy right now. I know. If this van is in order, because then you could continue, like, three or four dogs at a time. You know, I don't want 15 There are people No, but you could like put


little kennels in the van and get my CDL we could drive a bus and renovate on the inside like a DIY thing.

Collin  52:26

Dog man telling you where it's all coming together. But yeah, don't you see one lady? One lady we know legitimately bought a school bus. And transports Aaron that many dogs with her.

Brandon  52:43

She has a special seat. Each one of them. Yeah, it's insane. But yeah, getting a little little Ford Transit van to with special kennels, because that way then it's super crash safety rated. And yeah, you could just put them in the kennels inside the van. Yeah, that way they can be like, harnessed in the you know, so they wouldn't like buffer and stuff. Yeah. Because right now, we're only really going to be able to offer like, a one dog at a time. Which is for Yeah, because he's being like the seat, the backseat or whatever. But yeah, it just means that we have to the pricing is where this gets really awkward and weird. Because it's like, do you go with a flat rate? Do you do a base rate plus a per mile rate? Do you, you know? And then kind of what are some limits? Like how far are we going to drive out how far you know? Because then it's like, if someone's paying per mile. I'm paying my staff per hour. So yeah, to make sure that this stuff adds up eventually, or do you do that hybrid model where you say, Okay, here's the rate. And then if it goes over this mileage, then I charge you this much per mile. Yeah,


that's what we're writing to. So like, if it's just like, on the other side of town, like that should be like, Okay, well, that's fine. Like, but if they have to drive, it's like, oh, but my pets in Nixa, like, alright, that's gonna cost you more

Brandon  54:06

like dog dogs? Yeah, it is what it is. And

Collin  54:15

you know, because we're going to have the insurance for that, because that's something you have to add as a business like I have, yeah, clearly. Pet transportation, that and then plus, we're going to get different gear, like, am I paying an hourly rate like service is going to be, you know, it's not gonna be cheap for anybody. But if they, you know, I'm starting to solve a problem, and it's basically going okay, like, How valuable is this solution to you? And then let him decide. Yeah, once you're the only one offering that right, like there's, there is, I think one other person that does it, but it's really not common out. So that's, that's what Yeah, no, we're trying to, we're trying to partner with we're trying to again, see what little value adds like we're at We're partnering with a poop scooping company to give discount referrals to anybody who like if they basically if they book poop scooping through through our company, we subcontract out to this other company. And

Brandon  55:18

that way, we're kind of increasing their exposure and we're able to, quote unquote, offer more services without having to hire people and bring all


that equipment. Wait, they like? Okay, so I misunderstood this. It's not like a manufacturing of a product. It's like a service.

Brandon  55:36

Or poop scooping like, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, there are there's there are two companies. Thank you. Maybe, maybe more. I've only found two. We've only been in contact with one though. Their entire businesses. I mean, that's, that's good. Don't don't. Their entire business model is they go from house to house and they scoop dog poop from the backyard? Ah, okay. We've thought about offering this. It's very time intensive, though. Yeah, very. And we figure if somebody's already out there, doing it.

Collin  56:15

What I'll do is I'll say, hey, my testing dog walking company, we offer scooped cooking services. And when they book them, I subcontracted out to this other person who's already out doing all that stuff. who already has the equipment is already managing the ways. who already has the personnel? Is that what? Yeah, we don't have to worry about that's true. And you just take like the

Brandon  56:38

percentage of the like, finder's fee or whatever, like,

Collin  56:41

basically all that is we would just cut 10 15%, or whatever we agree on. Yeah, to offer that. And off we go. And then they just booked through us. And then we kind of get that. So we'd obviously a little be a little bit more expensive. But it's like I don't so we're trying to find things like that of like how many little value as without getting

Brandon  57:04

too diluted, and away from the main mission. You know, Yeah, true. But yeah, that's something too, you can like add slowly over time, right, you know, like, but having a couple of those is good to help you break in because like, Oh, hey, we're unique. And we're offering these things, right. Yeah. Well, and it allows for more sticky services are once you do get a client, one person who's like, oh, I want your dog walking. But now we can say, Oh, we also offer this we have these other true right for you. And kind of change. Parent make sure we're pairing them well. With, with what with our core product. core services, really. But yeah, so that's been that's interesting. Growing that? We did. We did move into dad original office space. So did you really? Yeah, we really did. I have to go pick up That's hilarious. The one with John. And stuff. Is he's still there. He's still there. That's hilarious. Reese is still there. I talked to her today. She correctly I'll find out the hallway, are you? Oh no. I'm in dad's first office is literally his first the one in the middle of the hallway. Yes. Yeah. That one?


Holy cow for real. I didn't. I just taught you but the actual building not the actual office. Holy cow. That's hysterical.

Brandon  58:34

It's the one where we've talked about on this very show where he had the microfiche film thing. Yeah. And the front end and there's the door to the back office where his desk was. Yep. And the he had that. Yeah, wall with the barricaded door that went to the education lady or whatever.


I don't know what it was. But yeah, there was a door there. He had that little couch thing in front of it that weird like,

Brandon  58:55

yeah, like that'll catch the middle of Yeah, the green one. Exactly. Yeah. So we, yeah, it's literally that one. Just what, what would have what what had happened was, um, he was asking you about, like, what our office was like, currently, and I was explaining what it was. And he asked, like, how much do you pay for that? I told him and he was like, that's a lot. And I was like, I know, it's just, it's kind of what we have available and blah, blah. And he's like, hold on. He called called John. John. Yes, Dec. I haven't talked in a long time. Give me offices available. Like no joke. Like, a couple days before that set office had been vacated and had just became available. Whoa, yeah. Just become available. And so I was like, sweet, done. It was like, that's crazy. Literally have almost Not necessarily quite half, but almost half what we were, what we were paying at the other place? Sure, really don't holy cow. Sure we don't get free printing or access to like, snack stuff. But yeah, but you can get your own snacks Now am I the money that you're saving? You can have your own snacks and buy a printer. Exactly, exactly is what we're thinking. So it's like the money saying how are you? Oh, have they updated the bathroom?

Collin  1:00:29

The bathroom is quite small river. Yes. Is tidy. It was not yet but nice bathroom. It was there. And that was the other thing too of like, I was like, okay, is this a? Is this like, the nicest office space in the world? No. But be Yeah, but like, spending any time there at all? No. And my staff? Like, I need, like storage and an ally. That's what I need. Yeah.

Brandon  1:00:57

I mean, I want to go visit it now just for nostalgia purposes. Oh, no. But I know, we will. Like that's important. But like, so also, that, you know, that's really not like a bad location, exactly. To be a hub for a service like that. Because it's pretty like, right in the middle of essentially located this was the other thing is that the other office was down way on the South side of town. And then they'd also moved us to a new office space off of Lone Pine down by the like, literally across McCory. Oh, where How convenient. Not convenient

Collin  1:01:40

at all, is because Cory blasting could not be further away from like, anything. So I was already kind of like, I think we need to change this. And then when this came up, I was like, oh, okay, like we're saving serious money. It's easy. It's better access. I get an actual, like, my own physical space. Yeah. And I don't have to I behind locking key. And we

Brandon  1:02:08

can just get a double lock. Really? That front door locks at the end of the night? Yes. And then office door, plus the other office door. Plus, if you have like a filing cabinet, right, like, exactly. You know what I mean? Like,

Aaron  1:02:19

because we are storing you often use it. You also use it to, like interview people in the future. Or,

Collin  1:02:27

yeah, we'll, we'll do interviews there. Or like, when we're in town, like we'll meet up a staff there. Or, you know, just, again, the impetus of this whole thing was getting a local address so that we could do search engine optimization and Google stuff and blah, blah, blah, when again, get mail. Right, likely. That's mail. That's, that's important stuff to write. And then yeah, it's weird, weird, but we do have things to store mainly, like, keys, and walking equipment. And here, there's, there's things and stuff. And I kind of do want a place where people can,

Brandon  1:03:00

can just go and be for a minute, right not have to worry about Well, that's true. Like we said before, like if, yeah, and if they have, like, if they have one walk at, like, let's say 1030 And then another walk it like, so they go 1030 to 11. And the next one's not to like 12 or whenever they can, like, go there. Exactly. Do some stuff. So get their refresh their walking gear, and then like, you know, grab a snack or Merino and then like leave so

Collin  1:03:29

Yeah, exactly. This is what I want. And, you know, so now Now comes the hard part of stocking an office remotely. And, and true, which is a little difficult, because I can't just like, you know, my first thought was blogging on Facebook marketplace, I'll go find, you know, some your for sale for cheap or whatever, and then get oh, wait, I can't get him there. You can get Yeah. So there's some logistic things. Now that we're in that, but it's gonna be good. I'm very excited for it in. Yes. I am definitely looking forward to being able to go and be in that office again.

Brandon  1:04:12

Oh, that's kind of cool. I'm excited. Yeah,


that's hilarious. Now, I yeah, I I was thinking like, just the building. I was I did not compute that it was the exact same. I was I was thinking, you know, the first office like the one with the window. Oh, wow. Like when you first walk in?

Brandon  1:04:34

That's the premium one. You know, that was a second. That was the second Yeah. I remember that. Because I remember spending oodles of hours there. They still have the center decal. I think at least the Google images do have you know had had airflow engineering and had that Susan design thing. Yeah. The triangle thing. Yeah, I was like this thing was like stripes on it? Yeah. The green right. It was on his business card on the window. It was white. Okay, Google Streetview still shows a remnant of that.

Collin  1:05:11

So that's a really. That's hysterical. So the other thing I realized is we also need to get the metal dolly so we can push each other up and down on it in the hallway.

Brandon  1:05:21

Yes, that is important. That's an important part. I mean, you just need a dolly in your office anyway, just now, you know, for heavy pack supplies.

Collin  1:05:30

Right? Yeah, I feel like that's important. Yeah, while we wait for dad to get off the phone? Yes, basically. Yeah. So all that to say, Yeah, changes there. Oh, this originally started because I was gonna tell the story that the guy called us today, because he needs our pet services, because he just quit his job for mental health reasons. And he is going to go to South America for a while. What does that mean for a while? And I went, Oh, well. Sounds thank you for contacting us. Tell us about your dog and kind of what you're looking for. And he's like, Well, he's a shepherd, whatever makes and just honestly, like I'm, I called a couple other places, and they're just way too much money, which is never a good thing to start off this conversation with because I No, no.


And I was gonna say, yeah. Not gonna go well. And you might not like what I tell you.

Brandon  1:06:40

I definitely have information for you, whether you like it or not, will.

Collin  1:06:46

But he was like, he's dead. He was like, he was It was weird talking to this man. He was like, kind of telling me about like, some all his like, past life. I was on the phone with his back, like 20 minutes. And he was like, his job was awful. So he's needing to quit. And he has a friend that lives in. That's in Brazil right now. And he just wants to kind of get away and decompress. And he's not really sure how long he's going to be gone. And he wants to know, like, what, how much it would cost for package packages.

Brandon  1:07:17

For this very reason. And he kind of quoted him some stuff on a per day of like, how many visits we would do that? Much? Like, okay, like, I'm not coming down on price. And then he's like, Well, I'm gonna have my mom and dad take care of my dog a little bit. I've got a friend. So I think I could just do it just need you guys for like, seven or 10 days.

Collin  1:07:43

And I was like, okay, and then I was like, So how long are you going to go? And he's like, I don't really know how long it's gonna be like, Well, I would need to know, like, really start and stop dates for us.

Brandon  1:07:54

And that's true. It's kind of important. Is it seven? Or is it 10? Is it or is it safe? Like, I don't know. And then I was like, and what are you trying to leave? He's like, I don't really know. I mean, I'm trying to buy plane tickets today. Maybe leave on on Monday. Which listeners? Like, less than a week away? Like, yes, at this. Yeah. And I was like, me. That's insane. In his ear, to hear him talk about his dog was like, Yeah, I really love her. But also she's just the dog. So I'm just trying to what, what kind of what's going to be fine and bare minimum with her blah, blah, like, this is not gonna end well? At all.

Collin  1:08:46

Yeah, that's really not what you want to hear like. Yeah, and I just left it at, like, you know, like, you let us know, we'll schedule a meet and greet and blah, blah. And I have not heard back from him at all after I send them the Meet Greet request, so nothing will come of that. It was just I've never had someone who's like, I don't know how long I'm gonna be gone. I just need to kind of get away and yeah.

Brandon  1:09:17

He weird, very weird. That is that is a bit weird. Right? Like, I mean, I get it. But also like, when he coming back, though, like, especially I got super suspicious when he was like, I'm just trying to get away to like South America. Like, did you rob a bank? Are you Butch Cassidy? Like, what's happening? Exactly. I was like, tell me about this previous job of yours. says Dad. Actually wait, don't never mind. Yeah, I don't want to be considered an accomplice. I think the less I know at this point, the better but also like, yeah, exactly. I So, I thought so anyway, like that was, that was weird. And Megan was also like, what? You want?


How when I was like, I don't know, he doesn't know. I can, I can see that phrase and like Megan's personality just really not coping well together at all. Like,

Brandon  1:10:19

I know. It's not like a digger slide or anything, but she's very like a planning. She's like a very much planning oriented person. And so the sentence, yeah, I'm going to South America for a while. Like, see the steam coming out of her ears like? She's very planned. She's very, like, you know, methodical. She's got she sees steps to do and all this stuff. And exactly,

Collin  1:10:54

right. Yeah. And so that sentence is just like, the compute like, exactly, like, returning a four or four redirect error. What? Exactly. Oh, so, you know, it's just one of those. Just fun things, you know, and I will experience more and more of that stuff. Even more now into a larger area? Yeah, true. Okay, well, we're ready for it. And we're actually revamping our policies and procedures now with employees in mind, to both a protect us, but most importantly, make sure that they're protected. And they need right,


to help them navigate weird situations like that, right? Like, what do I tell somebody if they tell me this? Yep. Exactly. Like, you don't go to Chile for an undetermined amount of time, like, well, here's my pricing guide, let me know how many days you want me to come to your house boom by like,

Collin  1:12:01

Jack in that, it's so hard because Meg and I were just talking about how people let themselves get taken, taken advantage of, and that happens in, in life in general, right, where like, you just lay out every field, right? Everything, every field, where you just kind of let yourself be walked over. Because I mean, any number of reasons like you don't feel valuable, you need to be affirmed, you are desperate for money, or you are trying to climb a corporate ladder or whatever. And you feel like that's what you have to do to get ahead is by sacrificing your boundaries, your mental health, your well being for this thing that you're after and chasing. And the really sad part is that the more you do that sacrifice, the less likely you're either a enjoy it at the end of the day, or be ever accomplish it because you burn out

Brandon  1:12:55

too fast. And it's just, I think about that so many times when people call and they're just like, I don't wanna pay your rates. And I've, you know, I need you to do XY and Z for me that aren't on your service list. It's like, hi, I run a business. No. How about no. And it doesn't happen very often, but when it does, it's, it's kind of satisfying to see the look on their face or hear the tone of their voice change. Like, no, I I don't need you. Okay, bye. Oh, and it's, you know, it's, it's, it's whatever, it's whatever. So anyway, that's our crazy. That's our new expansion saga. And, and I hope I hope by the time that we're all together, we can


go go away to the office for a little bit as we go to that building again, and see what the heck's going on near me. And that's what I want to see.

Brandon  1:13:58

I want to see if it still smells the same. Probably does be real. It does. Yeah. Pretty exciting. That was the first thing that I thought about it was like and it did smell bad. It just no just had a there was a It had an aroma, right. Yeah, yeah, I'm with Aaron. I want to check it the bathroom at she see how exactly the same bathroom hallway was, like, like the hallway was super tiny. And then they had the the vending machine right, right in front of it.

Aaron  1:14:38

I forgot there was a vending machine. Oh, yeah. I would have done I would have to sit there and like, you know, Dad would be like, Oh, someone's going to work and like I get to go to work with dad. And then we would sit there for hours only to be on the phone. And then I'd have $1 We'll get a coke or something. And just like First off, just go right around the corner. Or like go down the hallway and like the John Nalls him written down there and get a drink. I was too scared to go all the way down the hallway, but it know those people.

Brandon  1:15:15

But yeah, there's like, oh, I need to go to the bathroom. And it's like getting there it get to navigate down like this super narrow hallway.


It's not long though it's like a foot, like, yeah. And like, okay, there's there's a min bathroom like, right when you turn the corner, and then there's a women's bathroom, which is very narrow. Yeah. And so I'm pretty sure the men's bathroom used to be some sort of broom closet because it was great.

Aaron  1:15:44

Men had to, if you're little and like, you're sitting there waiting to come out. And it's like, oh, well, look, this is awkward, because it's very small. And you had to like, back up. And yeah, it was just, I don't miss it. But I love I love going and spending time in that office, then being a very small child like, oh, I don't I don't have the attention span. Just sit here and you know, this whole time, but I thought I thought it was fun. I thought that's really neat. If you get a little bit of history through an American, you know, a little mini dog park or read they're in a central location. People feel safe with their dogs

Brandon  1:16:29

and how like it. It's fun. Yeah, yeah, no, no clients will see this. They don't need to be ever. But it will at least be a place to have a central hub

Collin  1:16:41

for for staff. Yeah, I'm really excited about it. And obviously, I did win there. John was like, Well, do you need to come by and see the place? I'm like, No, I don't need it.

Brandon  1:16:56

I remember what it was like I remember it. Yeah. I doubt. You know, I don't leave any additions. So sounds good to me. So make this just


as does it look the same. He's like, Yeah, like okay, I got it. Basically looks the exact same. So it is the exact same.

Brandon  1:17:14

Hopefully doesn't have the same carpet still. That has new carpet. Okay, that's good. Walls do need to a fresh coat of paint. And so there was brown. Yeah, I was like brown shag carpet. It was pretty gross. Yeah, yeah. Now they've got that just real tight knit industrial. Kind of cars. Good. Good. Okay. cleaned up a little bit. Is it still Brown? No, probably. Oh, is it blue? That's the other industrial carpet color like that blue with black every now. Yeah, I know. Exactly. Talking about anything special, but no, I was excited about that. So yeah, yeah, I think I think well, I don't know when I schedule. Our schedule is pretty packed that we can I think because I was like, I was just like, oh, we should do an Oprah the recording from the office. Oh, gosh. Yes. Absolutely. Great. Like dad. I know. It's your birthday. We have things to do first, please. Hold on. Yeah. We'll be back. Fine. Okay, whatever. Like you guys are the weirdest. Yes. Special guest episode Dad. Father. I'm all for the same but anyway. So the plan apparently, apparently.


Oh, well. That's all I got. Right. I have for you at the very end a brief review of my night

Brandon  1:18:59

last night. Oh. Yes. So we had some people come over into the house yesterday. And we played a game and it was kind of sweet and I think you would like it. So it we played this game. It is called like, a lot. I have it on my phone. It's called Black brim. 1876. And it's like a puzzle escape room game. Oh, and it was kind of awesome, right. So I'm gonna read you this synopsis here from the website. During Victorian era in the English town of black brim. You are a private detective who has received a package containing mysterious clues from a police commissioner shortly before he was kidnapped. He and the entire police force are being held hostage to save them. You must solve the cryptic puzzles the perpetrator has left behind. Are you up for the challenge So it's like, it's like this really cool kind of thing where like, you just get these envelopes in sequential order. And then like there's an online resource where you can get like hints and stuff. And you could check your answers to whether or not you were right. And you just like, solve these puzzles. So the first one was like, you have to find the location. It was like this series of clues to figure out where people are being held. Right. And then the once you found that, then part two was like, it was like this place and every room, you had to solve a puzzle to save one of the police people that was like locked in some sort of area, right. And so it was like a series of all these like, really crazy, like, puzzles and like code things and like, cipher messages and stuff like that. On this, like little package thing. It was really sweet. It was really good. Except for like, one of the rooms was like, What the heck is going on? This is the most convoluted ridiculous I got grumpy at that one. But the rest of them were like, pretty good. And after you looked at him for a while, you could kind of figure him out. Right? And it was fun. It was fun thing we had, like, how many people were here, one to five or six of us? Six? I think so that made it better to imagine if you didn't it's like two people. That would kind of be awful, but cool. But it was cool. Like, those are those like puzzle escape room in a box. things right? Yeah, it was really cool. So we did that last night. And yeah, I just, I thought it was fun. It's got all these like cool things. I'll print it out on different stuff in their little envelopes, and you bring them out one, the first part, they're just like a whole bunch out. And you can solve them in whichever order you want to. But it's like a whole big series of puzzles, where you're trying to find like, codes. And like, usually you're looking for some kind of like, in this one, it was like, your answer was going to be some kind of word. Right? You were trying to distill everything down to a word. Some of them were like word puzzles or like


the answer to a riddle you like find the real, like decode the riddle. And then like the answer to the riddle is the solution that you're looking for and everything like that.

Brandon  1:22:26

Yeah. So yeah, play that last night. So that was pretty cool. So it was pretty fun. Good times. Again, black brim? 1876 fun times. And I guessing that everything is is like, period themed? Yes. Okay, even better. Yeah. So there was one of the parts where like, the one of the puzzles was like,

Collin  1:22:50

you had to basically find the, there was like, some kind of clue. And you were looking for like the double letters in the word, right? And then it was a series of photographs. And then so like, so like you say the name of that place has like two E's. Okay, well, you need that e to then make your solution later, right.

Brandon  1:23:10

But some of the buildings are like, what is that? So there's a lot of Google that you can like Google, they like encourage you, like use Google use, like stuff to help you like, look up because some of the pictures are from the time period. And see, like, that's not what that building


looks like. Now. I see. So you kind of had to do some of that stuff.

Brandon  1:23:35

But yeah, it was kind of cool. How long did it take? You? Took a few hours? Oh, wow, the break in the middle. Okay. But like we did the first wrap because there was two, there's like two halves, like one was like, find the building they're in. And then second one was like, like, there was like a map of like a bunch of stuff on it. Like, puzzle out which building it is and then solve all the rooms in that building. So we try to never be left. Close to it took us a few hours. I don't remember. But we did take a break in between session one session to just like, hang out and talk for a while. Oh, so it wasn't like consecutive


problem solving. But I could see how it could take you many hours. If you were like working alone or was like another person to try to do this. It would take forever.

Brandon  1:24:36

Oh, I bet it will especially because I think if you weren't like people who don't do those kinds of puzzle solving things too, or having an recommended age range for


people. This one I don't know if it has one on here, but it would this one is definitely

Brandon  1:24:58

for older people. Right. I remember, we played a game like that one time. This one says 14 and older just because it's like, they're hard. Right like?


Well, I mean, it is. Is the thing. We played one that, didn't we? Were we all dressed up?

Brandon  1:25:21

Yeah, yeah, we did that we talked about that that murder mystery thing that we did. It was similar to that. Okay. Except for this one. Like, there wasn't a it was kind of themed that way except for this one was more like escaped roomy where it was like you weren't, it wasn't like one of the people there was the bad guy? Sure. You know, it was like you're all working to try to


solve this like story, you know, like you're working together to save the police department and uncover the identity of this like, bad guy,

Brandon  1:25:51

right? So it was kind of cool. Like, there was definitely a couple that were like, way harder than the rest of them. So that was a little bit weird. There was a couple there was one room in particular, where it was like, What in the world? Is this? Like? Oh, no. So yeah, it was that was kind of frustrating. Because the rest of them there was like a good rhythm going like we would do it, we would like teamwork it out. And like we could solve it and stuff. And then a lot of them have like, several small parts to it. So like, some of us kind of like paired off and just started working on one section, or feel like, Oh, I know what to do with this. Like, he's grab it and you can work it out, and then put all your solutions together at the end to get the word or whatever. So some of them had that really good flow going on. And industry was just like,


blank, like, the puzzle was, like way longer than the rest of them.

Brandon  1:26:50

And like, it didn't make as much sense. It was way more convoluted, then Oh, really? Yeah, than the rest of them was and it was like, much more time consuming. And you couldn't really it was harder to do it together. Because he just was like, read this like thing and then like puzzle it out from it. So it was like, that annoyed me, but we got it done. And then like the rest of them like oh, hey, this is fun again. So well, I you'll have ones I'm sure it well. And yeah, I think just sometimes with those puzzles is like how familiar you are with general concepts or themes, themes, like you solve those a lot faster. So yeah, the ones where you're just like, ooh, this none of this none are these words? Yeah. Well, it would say things like, you know, the directions or like the, quote unquote, directions that you uncovered? Were like, hyper vague. And you're like, I don't


do you mean do this? Or do this or like, they had several different interpretations. And so that was really annoying, because

Brandon  1:28:03

he like, didn't know if you were doing it the right way or not. And it's like that was upsetting. But, you know. Other than that, is all right. Well, good. Fun. Is the same company make. Like other ones?


They do. There are on this thing. I look at it here there is the sequel to that one. And then there's these two other ones that I don't know what

Brandon  1:28:33

they are. So yeah, there's at least four here. There's a sequel, we might do that at some point. And then there's two other ones that look kind of cool. So to see if anybody would want to do them. I think it's slightly grumpy with some my friends because like, they were clearly over it. And they were just sort of like, not helping at all. And I was like, Guys, come on. Stop it. You know what's funny is Megan and I often talk about what would happen if she and I went one on one of those like, puzzle game shows together. Oh, yeah. And I for sure would not make it out alive. Yeah, if we were doing the Amazing Race kind of things. She would just chew just


on the side of the road. She'd be like, it's not that hard. You just have to solve it


I feel your pain. Yeah, well, it's just like it's really frustrating because it's like a team vent and you're like trying to collectively solve the thing. So it's like one person is like, giving up and just not doing anything. Like can I understand there's other reasons for that, right? Like they could be frustrated with the difficulty level or whatever. Like,

Collin  1:29:54

I understand that, but it also makes me frustrated like, why are you not helping? What do you do? But in that it was good well that sounds like really fun. It was pretty fun. So here's my review of my blog game thing that we played well we'll revive the New Year. Aaron your other additional celebratory plan in pending birthday pending and yeah and do the first favor hat shopping aspects. Yes, it commits we've already given you we've all this. Look what Brandon is we've given you a lot of really great advice on cars to buy so we can compete to send you had advice well, and make sure you get the right one. So maybe we should take him to PFI. Oh, I'd be fine. Okay, this game changing. He will play in all that later. Okay. All right.


Love you guys. Bye