buses don't fly

We lost an episode. Aaron can officially drive a bus now. Brandon is preparing for school closings. We find out buses do not, in fact, fly. Contrary to (not very) popular beliefs. We set a new challenge for ourselves and end on Collin’s love of spreadsheets. 

  • Our lost episode

  • Sad Escobar meme

  • Lost on cultural references

  • Not knowing people in commercials

  • Casual internet browsing

  • Breaker breaker Aaron

  • Extensive bus words

  • You can parallel park a bus

  • Buses don’t fly

  • Words is Hard

  • JHS Show

  • Oklahoma Bus Drivers are needed

  • Advanced busing

  • Challenge: Watch the newest Grand Tour

  • School closings and preparation

  • Collin loves Spreadsheets 

Check out our other episodes: ohbrotherpodcast.com

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bus, people, drive, true, week, cdl, commercials, spreadsheet, watch, test, aaron, air brakes, boom, turn, student, meme, school, point, instructor, rolls


Collin, Aaron, Brandon


Welcome to Oh brother, the podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out. Your host, Brandon, Cullen and Aaron, on this week's show. buses don't fly

Brandon  00:20

Hello. Hello, everybody. I am sorry about the last episode that still be lost for all of time. It's true listeners. We've had a terrible tragedy our hands. A tear might be slightly confused as this week's episode, but it there is a lost episode floating out in the corrupted data files of the Internet somewhere.

Collin  00:56

Yes, and yeah, so in case you were all wondering, the never released episode, I'll go ahead and say it was going to be falafels are never disappointing. That was gonna be the title, which is a great title. He's a great title. Also true stuff to this in this episode included when I tried to buy a t shirt. I had a rant about my T shirt.

Brandon  01:16

And Erica

Collin  01:18

saga of being cold. We talked about the mummification process, we talked about Yeah, we had an amazing discussion about cultural anthropology, contextual personas, which is a, which is a phrase that I don't know if that's showed up anywhere else, but just figuring out which person you are and think about which hat you're wearing in different contexts.


Aaron, that's true. We might have to rehash that at some points. That was good, I think. And then we even had a challenge, an impromptu CDL challenge of when people need to watch movies and ah, ah, but you know what they say what's in the show was in the show, and that wasn't in the show. So it technically never happened. We at some point in the future, we could do a brief review of the CDL challenge, as well, to give the listeners a glimpse at the last past restroom.

Brandon  02:14

I had a thought this week about that personality thing. Oh, and now it's gone from my head. The second you said I was thinking about the other day. I was like, Oh, man. I think when I remember that that was in the show that got lost. I was like


badness. I will say if it comes to me again, I'll write it down. So

Collin  02:35

I know, the zoo, the zoo, I've had more just interactions with it. Because I I want to be everybody's friend. Right? I have a really strong need for like, external approval of people.

Brandon  02:55

And that makes having employees hard. Because

Collin  03:03

I don't need their approval. Right. Like because, like, I need them to respect me and like, we need to work together and be well, that needs to work. But I don't need them to tell me that I'm doing a good job. Right. So I need to hear times where I catch myself like trying to make sure I'm like are they like me? Like Well, I don't need to like me. They need to, like respect me that you do all this stuff. Anyway, I I've been I've been running into that more and more

Brandon  03:33

very recently. Well, that makes sense. Since you now have all the employees, right? We

Collin  03:41

all have them. And it felt so weird. Seriously, the way like my life has been run past many moons Monday through Thursday at 540 or 550. I leave to go do the Straka visit. And then I come home and put the kids to bed. It's been like just what we do every Thursday. And today is the first time it I did do it. But it did happen. And I've just kind of been like

Brandon  04:17

dun dun da and like what do I do? It's true. Don't worry listeners. I stepped up to the challenge and sent column the sad Pablo Escobar meme


sort of encapsulated I feel like it was a good choice. I love how the image title for what you sent me is even a board Escobar meme.

Brandon  04:43

Yeah, that's what's called that's the theme. Even Even i Where Where is this from? I don't know. I don't remember. No. It's no I don't remember. Exactly. Let me see Javis have seen it forever see if we can find a source for this


sad Pablo meme. Oh, here we go. picture of him like I was taken by the FBI.

Brandon  05:22

Versus like him like standing with places. Yeah, that one. It's from a Netflix TV show. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, it's not. So it's not actually it's not like, actually Pablo Escobar, but it's about a TV show about Pablo Escobar. Right? So that's what it is. So that's where the image comes from. I don't really know the contact, never watch the show. So I don't know the context of why he's just like, blankly staring into an empty swimming pool. You know, but he is so yeah. So, you know, you know, your meme.com explanation for that. They got a wonderful, a wonderful, a wonderful internet resource. Find you. I love I mean, it's very important to be aware of where your internet culture


emanates, right? Can't just blindly making memes stuff don't know where that come from. Right? So good.

Collin  06:38

Can you think of an I don't know, if you have an instance, in your time recently, where you saw a meme or reference that you just straight up?


did not understand. Frequently, right. Whenever I work with small children, so like sometimes they say things I'm looking


at them like, what? Now? I'm not have any, like specific examples? Right? off top my head. Do you have one? Is that why this comes from?

Collin  07:12

No, I was thinking of a like, anytime that there is a pop culture reference specifically revolt revolving around like music. I have, or even like, actors who were not young in the 90s. Anybody? Right?

Brandon  07:32

Any any actor not that wasn't big in the 90s. I have. I have no idea who they are like all these youngsters, especially for like, like the recent Spider Man film or don't like the newest Spider Man, I don't even know his name. I know, it was a big deal. And all this, like buzz around that I'm seeing going? I have no idea. Like that I get it's usually in movies and music is whenever? Yeah, no, I agree. I think so. thinking in the context, I do have these realizations sometimes where, you know, I'm like watching TV. And like, there's commercials on, you know, and there are people and these commercials are presented to me in a manner that I am supposed to know who they are. And I have absolutely no idea who this person is, and why they are relevant at all. So like there are many cases where I'm missing something. What? Exactly. So yeah, I have no context for these people. And they're just like, presented to me like, Oh, yeah. And oftentimes the commercial, like, doesn't say their name either, because I'm supposed to recognize them by their face,

Collin  08:43

you know? Yeah. And I'm like, it's like the, like those commercials with Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart, where it's like, they don't say Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart. You're just supposed to find it funny that Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg are doing this thing together. Because you know who I mean people are it is funny. It is funny, but if you had no idea who those people were or their background, you just be like, that's true. interesting mix of people.

Brandon  09:13

And yeah, cuz it is. That's a weird That's the weirdest pairing. Yeah, like ever. I feel like oh, my god. It's so strange. Like homemaker extraordinare


and gangster rapper. out having fun, fun. Yeah, I like to meme I like to meet with him. It's like one of these people went

Brandon  09:43

to jail Yes, one, one of the deadly dead


okay about that for breaking news. Yeah, look at that. Look at all the healing. Oh, yeah,

Brandon  10:04

that's a good one. Yeah, that might be the bad. No, I agree. I'm presented with these people. I know some of them just from like, casual internet browsing, you know? Sure. But the ones that are kind of like beat here famous. They just like show on television.

Collin  10:25

I'm like, I don't know who you are. I don't know what I'm supposed to be taking away from this. Yeah, I really do wish that more commercials or kind of had that feature that Amazon has, where they have an x ray feature where you can like, oh, you can just slide over and be like, who's on the screen right now? And why are they? Like, what's the context of things? Well,

Brandon  10:53

you can tell that that commercial is not for me, because I don't know what's happening. Right? I developed this theory, you can estimate the age range of who the commercial is for, based on the music playing in the commercial. Yeah. Right. This is a new theory I have been developing. I've been noticing, I guess I've just consciously noticed it recently. I'm imagining this has been around for a long time, and people are listening to me going. Yeah, you moron. That's exactly what it's for.


But as always, I have been not muted. And I sort of noticed,

Brandon  11:37

if there are songs I recognize, I'm like, Oh, this commercials for me. And it's depressing now that all those commercials are like, car insurance, or like, weird junk like that, that I don't care about. If it's targeted that younger people, there are much more modern songs. And then there are the commercials that are like, I've really old music now. Like, from the 70s. You know, like, well, back commercials not for me, I don't need whatever this product is. We're just gonna there are the few examples of like, since the Beatles sold their


catalogs or whatever, like every commercial had a Beatles song in it for a while, just because it was like available, and everyone knows who that is. So there are outliers in this theory, but you can generally kind of estimate the age range of

Brandon  12:25

the target audience based on the music they have selected for the commercial, and how recognizable it will be to set audience. Yeah, I am. I have heard a similar theory of

Collin  12:42

the people like street performers, I think it's called like busking, or where they go out and they play their music, right? Busking? A will kind of guesstimate the age of the people around them, and then calculate back of going okay, when they were 15 What was it? What what what some songs from that era that I Oh, yeah, sure. And and try and try and play music? Because then that's how you get good tips, right? People go, Hey, I love that song. And you're doing it. Right. So it's like, you can say, I've heard that as applied to St. To give some context to like, the importance of music in people's lives. And trying to connect with a true story. I like it. Mr. Mr. CBl extraordinare is on the call with us.


How does the breaker breaker how's it going over there? Big guy over. Okay. Aaron. What's your there are? No, but what's your handle? I don't have a handle guys. I drove a bus. I don't I don't I'm not in the truck. We don't have radios.


Your buses don't have radios. Come on. Wow. Me. Um, I don't want to look at a bus for a while.

Aaron  14:07

That was fast. Yeah. So this week, or last week, I guess, was kind of a cacophony of many things. So Monday, we had school. II think you'll be able to go to this thing throughout the week, and I was like, Oh, it'll be in the afternoon. Not a big deal. And turns out isn't 7am or so do their rolls around and go to that place. I sent a picture up on that. It's, you know, kinda like a votec kid go to learn trade stuff, but they also have like, other stuff for like, adults learn how to do buses or trucks and all these things. And so day one is just literally the classroom was throwing all this information at us. And then we go out to the what's what is it? The Range there's a building in in behind it, there is just like a huge open area of like roads. And there's like a pond and there's like all these like, backup like backing places. And they have like a fake railroad tracks and fake stop signs and stoplights to kind of like mimic conditions. And a, our instructor who was very nice, kind of would just like abandoned us. And so he's like, I'm not worried about you guys driving, I'm more worried about what's called a pre trip. And it's where there's 1-234-567-8910 10 different parts that you have to get back in different sections, what has anywhere from four to like, 12 different parts of the bus that you have to back. And he's like, Oh, no worries about you guys driving. Even mine I've never driven before. And he's like, Oh, just hammer out that free trip. And so it's myself and two other coaches from a college. And we all we suffered together. So we have a unique bond now. Yes. And that's Tuesday, Wednesday rolls around, we're outside we're doing things get a little bit more acclimated Lee look more comfortable. Thursday rolls around, and the preacher of stuff. And they're like, hey, you need to look busy. There's some senators here. So we want to get this place moving or like, No, this, our job is depend on us getting this, we're gonna we're gonna stay with this. And then we go driver a little bit. And then Friday rolls around. In our instructor, at least as we say, granite, we only saw him like, in person at the time we were there. And so we have we like rein them in. Instructors just kind of show up if you have anything, okay, hey, let's go do this real quick.

Brandon  17:03

learning more and more about the past or who the tester is going to be, like how hard he grades. And so we're all like, Ah, great, this is not at all what we want to deal with. We're more confident now.

Aaron  17:16

The Saturday rolls around, were the day that I tested on it is 20 degrees, knowing and very, very cold and when they perfect. So I'm the first one. And like this guy comes out, he's got a clipboard, and he is just, I was like, I have a hoodie in the jacket and pants. So we're gonna make this quick as possible. And you draw their parts. So yeah, there are different sects. You only have this part. Alright, that let's go. And so you do the front approach. And on this test, it's not like any normal test. It's like, Oh, what is the next thing you have to identify the part, you have to explain how that part is connected to the US. You have to have three describing that part. And so on a bus in our walked up and I was like, alright, boom, my bus is not leaning. It has no oil or debris underneath it. I have my all Amber clearance warning, and boy indicators. They're here entirely by their screws and they're not cracked or broken or missing. Oh, next one. So I do the front, the hood. I'm like, bam, that's the cooling fan. That's the pivot arm drags. Upper and Lower knuckle Tyronn Tyrod in, and then they're all connected by their Cotter key and pass on both ends. I'm just telling it. I get to the tire.

Brandon  18:49

And I'm like, boom for 32nd instead.

Aaron  18:54

Not flat. Bruiser. braze bam bam, bam. And I I'm so caught up. I forgot the word the lug nuts and so I sit crisscross applesauce in the coals No, no Mike these things

Brandon  19:12

things you on rim

Aaron  19:18

and this whole time this guy's not saying he can't be like the lug nuts they're they're secure tightly they're clearly present their bike or whatever so go inside. I'm like this guy Sprint's inside like the bus and so I turn it on. And when an airbrake bus or air brake system you have to do an air brake test. There's many different tests you have to do and so I'm just sitting there boo boo boo and I just stopped looking at it but don't turn the heater on but yes, okay, like all heaters come on. We're warming up. And so I'm freaking out because I'm panicking like there's there's there's something I missed. I'm Unless I've done something wrong, and I include my my braking test, like

Brandon  20:06

I hoped for and I was like, Pat, Ah, he's like, all right over there and do the backing portion.

Aaron  20:13

Over there, he was straight back, would offset back and want to pull do the offset back. So you pull forward and angle it and put the next line over. I was like, I really got to get out and see what I'm doing. And like I unclipped my belt. I see a belt, the guy comes up knocks the window. He's like, look, it is too cold for this. If you're in you're in like, Well, I mean, if you if you exist, no, then then I go over in a parallel park. Yes, you can parallel but

Brandon  20:43

Arca bus. And I do decent. I approach it like, Man, I'm going to kill this. I started backing up. I was like, Oh, no.

Aaron  20:53

And so I angle it. Like an N. Like out like, I mean, I wouldn't pass me like, I'm good enough. I'll go and do. Alright, let's go. Let's hop in. And we'll go to go this way. And you're going to demonstrate how you do a student drop off. There are 16 steps you have to do if you miss one of those. It's an automatic fail. Oh, and so I'm driving around. He's like, all right, up ahead, or a certain road marker is and there's like all these twisting roads. And they have like, all these semis Park is there was a semi class going on. And he's like, Alright, little Johnny needs to get off the bus. That's the bus stop. Go. All like, you know, clearly synthetases mirrors. I'm turning my flashers on. Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. And I'm just I'm white knuckling the steering wheel because I'm scared. I'm like, he's gonna do family. And so I dropped Tony off. And I do my thing. I merge it back into traffic. He's like, and so we get on the road like highways. And if you're if you're ever in a bus, if you ever just like, hey, like, put the hammer down on the on the, like, the stellarator. Like, in your mind driving a car for so long. Man, I need to be careful. This thing has got to fly.

Brandon  22:14

No, buses don't fly. And because you get points deducted if you go 10 under because you're

Aaron  22:25

going all the way if you're European. Yes. So I like the whole time, like 55 time just for just like, or so I articulate what I'm doing the process like, I have you heard. I'm not a teacher, as I'm trying to learn speed. Um, and he would ask me for avocados sporadically. Like, hey, what was that fine back there? Oh, what's the speed limit? And I was just

Brandon  22:59

and then he came in back. And there was one time I was changing lanes. I was waiting for this car. And he got me like, What was that sign? Like, ooh. Not gonna lie. I was not paying attention. But I believe of the bus. I was like, very good. Like, no, it's the way

Aaron  23:18

to do this. And so we pull for like, we go through the town. And we come back. And he's like, Alright, now go straight, demonstrate, you know, going at a high angle turn. And then a low angle turn. Make sure you're not in the way of traffic if I'm just swinging by to the river. There's fake railroad tracks is a great and demonstrate to me railroads. And so if there's a train God before flashing on open the windows that wait for the neutral, the interface on you wait. Like there's a train ride? Like no, there is no trade off like, oh, duh, I clearly wouldn't do any of that one, like trying to like really push the button into the market or get off. I would do this. So I go up. And again, I'm freaking out. I'm like, I did all this family online, going over a line or something. And I buy parking brake, the brake or the air brake. And I and I and I turn the bus off. And the whole week. I've been panicking. I was like, There's if you turn a bus off bombed, then the child warning buzzer like let's switch on or whatever. And so like there's no way I'm going to do this. As I'm done all week. I haven't left the wired on at all. I got this good moment I turn off or turn the key back. Like oh, I am clearly demonstrating how to handle the warning. Lights off the bus. Make sure that there's no kids left by sprint to the back of the bus. Open the door. was sprinting back, turn the bus off and stuff. He's like, Oh, that's not on the test. I was like, Oh my god. It was like, oh, man, you did good. You pass graduation. And I was like

Brandon  25:15

and he signed, and I had to wait there a little bit waited for the other coaches. And I drove home in the snow. And so I probably one of the hardest test I've ever had harder than the the teaching test I've had to take. I got it done. So it was a very interesting week. Let's just say Emily's birthday.

Aaron  25:41

Yay. I am ready to drive a bus, I got my actual license today. All coming in the mail. But I have a paper copy. Yeah. And I will be able to drive us.

Brandon  25:59

Which is weird, because I don't have to do any pre trip inspections. It's literally not my job. And like, I'll never have to learn this again.

Aaron  26:07

Until you do, like, Oh, I remember something about that. area, the tires. If I had to crawl under the bus, which one of my colleagues did, like in the snow I probably would have. Because he drops her portions and I thankfully I only had what's under the hood. This is the old systems. Some of the hoses, the steering system, the suspension, and the brake, and the wheel, the tire and the ramp. So in that, that is about 30 different pieces. Yeah, that's not including the inside of the bus. And then you have to go on the inside that all your panels and all your switches. And then you have to do the brake, and hopefully don't cry on the steering wheel. And then like I haven't said anything like an hour it is a very weird week, because they just left, you know, three adults with a very expensive piece of equipment. And I was talking to one of the coaches, he's like that gates open, we could just drive this us down the road. And thankfully, no instructor came out. But then our original structure came back and he's like, oh, when we get back he's like, Hey, I've got to be honest. I didn't know we were

Brandon  27:33

right. Wow. Thank you. Those cuts us because we haven't seen him in like two hours. He's like, Yeah, I didn't know where you guys were. I thought I lost you like Oh, thank you.

Aaron  27:47

Oh, and trying to deal with my school going virtual. And I'm not worried. I didn't learn about it until like the day before. So I'm like kind of panic and put all my stuff like on Google Classroom and trying to set

Brandon  27:59

a time. Yeah, last week. It was fun, but it's, and I'm glad it's over. Again, when do you get your first bussing assignment?

Aaron  28:13

I don't know. Um, so it might be a, my, well, I feel like it's gonna be like this week or next week, because we're still out here. And some teachers are taking different turns. Going back and forth with the bus routes. We'll never do a morning bus route. They don't live anywhere close to the district. Yeah. It'll probably be like an after after school route, which hopefully would have been like super short, maybe like an hour and a half off.

Brandon  28:48

But they don't provide nap. My principal literally told me Oh, just pick a student. Like, hmm. That sounds like you're like an elementary kid. They're like, I have no doubt, I will drop you off wherever I'm talking. So, you know,


I feel like this should be a thing that is able to be programmed into like a Google Map.

Brandon  29:20

And you just like, go, alright, here you go. Follow the line. Um, go for it. I feel like there's definitely a possibility.


Right. So I don't Yeah, I feel like that should happen if not like a Google map like actual GPS thing, right? Like, you need like programming route.

Aaron  29:44

I don't mean just be like, Stop here. Stop there. Boom. Oh, I had I had to help a teacher. Take a piece of paper and draw it before. I think there is a way you could use like Google Maps like this. all hang out and then close it because I have my principles like, Hey, I just put my phone on the little hole thing. And like have a little GPS going. He's like, Yeah, that could probably work.

Brandon  30:11

Our buses aren't very nice. Keep that in mind. And only one of the buses has air brakes. They don't have hydraulic spins. Or the one was air brakes is the bigger activities bus or like sporting events and things like Yeah, so the one that you would drive. So there's a 14 passenger bus, and I will take that in a heartbeat over any of the above. Even with the big word best. Yeah. Oh, I'll take a little one. All


right, yeah, that's that's what I'm rolling with. No pun intended. Definitely intended. Whenever we know the wheels on the bus or going round around all through.


I, I could not think of that song was out there. Because I was like, There's a song about buses, isn't there?

Brandon  31:08

The other coaches like I just told us and I'm like, yeah, like I was so frazzled, like, not think of it. Awesome. Awesome. I sat there in the cold on concrete. Like, what are these round things on the tire, like one that clearly present and they are tight and secured. Because if they were too tight, they would obviously be cracked. Or if they were not in there i the other day, I was trying to figure out this. i There is a show that I watch on YouTube, right? It's about like guitar pedals. Okay. Anyway, the they're very strange, very whatever. And they have a little Stinger thing, because the guy like messes up his word sometimes. A little bit is hard. Right. And so I must have internalized this at some point. Because I do that when I'm teaching sometimes. I like, like, you know, the thing. And I like try to, like get stuck. I say the words backwards. You know what I mean? Because you're just like, go and you say exactly. I said out loud in a classroom full of dictators, man words is hard. And so now I have a sign behind my podium that some girl made for me. It's words is the new official class motto. But it's okay. Because words is hard. That's so sorry, JHS show, I have appropriated your slogan into my classroom. Sorry about that. Okay, we so it's okay, Aaron, sometimes we just forget the names of things. But it's okay. If they asked me any other part of the bus, I would have been rude. Yeah, I forgot most of it. So I'm very thankful for that. That's a very interesting teaching style of like the you have to know everything, but you're not going to know what you have. Tell us until you show up, we ask for it.

Collin  33:43

I would, I kind of would much rather just be like, No, I'm just gonna tell you everything I know. Like, I'm just gonna tell you everything. Instead of this piece meals, I stress out way more about that, like, study everything, know everything in depth. But also I'm willing to ask you about 5% of our or like, 30% of the of the information.

Brandon  34:04

What that that can be difficult, because the way that you internalize information sometimes is sequential. Right? And so whenever you are, like releasing this information and tearing it up, you tend to go in the order that you learned it, or the order that you remember it, right. You have put it in some sort of arbitrary order that helps you remember it. So sometimes when you have to jump through stuff, it's very difficult. You have to, like, you're still in your brain running through all the information. Users then pausing it the part they asked for. Right? Because you're like to boom, you want this one. Okay. Yeah, well, no, it's kind of like the ABCs of like, how many times you're like, what comes after k? A lot people go Yeah. L Yeah. Exactly. You know what's not like? barely anybody can be like, hey, what's the 15th letter of the alphabet? Yeah. Yeah, that is true. That is true. That comes down to and I know also for time sake, a lot of those things, they literally cannot have every student tell you, you know, stern to bow, everything about oh yeah, the bus like there's just not enough time in a day.


No, exactly. Especially when it's so cold outside, like, tell me one thing and get on the bus. Show me how to turn the heater on.

Aaron  35:42

You I do. I do think the cold worked in my favor because I heard horror stories of him and how he created and how like you because you have to enter and exit the bus certain way. And everything is like a trucker mindset. Very few things are focused on like buses. And so we thankfully enough got all the truck features.

Brandon  36:04

By the way, like I I took notes on everything granted, like, again, very nice gentleman. If he is listening, thank you. But it was just like, I'm not worried about you guys driving. I was like, That makes one of us. Thank you for the coffee.


Like, it was just weird. Like on the on day one. After we're leaving. He's like, Oh, hey, Aaron, go ahead and

Brandon  36:34

park it. Like, I've never driven a bus for like, I've looked at them, and I sat in them, but I've never driven a bus. It's fine. So park it like

Aaron  36:47

a year ago, not knowing how to turn the lights on. So it was a weird level of trust. I'm like, Alright, here's this giant piece of equipment. Don't kill yourself, you know, like, oh, okay, perfect. So,

Brandon  37:00

I mean, that's fair, because I kind of understand that if you see since he had he bought a truck. And because like a truck driver, by the time they get to this point, will have been practiced many hours behind the wheel, like at that course, you know what I mean? Like, they probably have driven around a lot more. And, like, I know, the pre trip is a big thing. But it's a hugely important thing. Like there's paperwork and manifest, you have to fill out like about your pre chip and login with the company and stuff. So they know it's all good to go. So that makes sense why that was such a focus, because that's what like, is the norm like everything else? Yeah, it was, yeah, I'm not gonna be the one that ever does a pre trip because we have a maintenance person that

Aaron  37:51

person talks about the horror stories of, you know, people that get their trucks and just drive like a preacher that like, Oh, hey, you know, the air brakes weren't properly working. And oh, boom, you guilted and stuff like that, that is super important, especially if like that is your job, like you're making money this way. And it was just it was not an eye opening experience, because I've listened and I heard dad talk to truckers on the CB radio, but like, seeing how like everything unfolded, like behind the scenes, like oh, just to help people out there. Like I'm back a trailer for it did not look on when we're driving around the course over and over and over again and watching like a group of people trying to get their CDL take a semi with the trailer load and do a straight back where it can't and there's a lie. Like, as you cross over that you get points taken away or you fail. And I'm like I'm struggling with this. I couldn't do that. That's why it's not like oh, here's 20 feet it's like

Brandon  39:03

50 yards in a straight line. Like oh, I only have to do like 20 feet so in mind all connected

Aaron  39:16

engineer watching them do it and having to do like, Oh, here's a hill you a safe star in emergency stop on a hill. Go and that's like, No, thank


you yeah, that's true. I can't even drive a truck with like a normal bed trailer on it. So I can't really fathom how difficult that might

Brandon  39:39

be like there's no way I could do that. So is that when you watch him like the professional dudes like went back and looked docks or watched him do that? Make these impossible turns are just like one boom done. Like what? How did how did you do? What magic is this? I don't understand

Aaron  39:59

it. amazed to watch, the more I did. I did try to convince my instructor is in the manual, it says avoid backing of us as much as possible. And so when he when we tried to do the parallel parking, I was like, Oh, actually, the manual says avoid parking as much as possible to leave it in a straight line where you can pull away for basically,

Brandon  40:20

he's like, driver side parallel.

Aaron  40:24

Yeah. Nice try, though. Work. Yeah. I think it'll be more real when I have like kids on there. But again, most of the places that I'll be driving on the speeding almost like 30. So I think getting on the highway with a bus is scary. So I'm totally generally not doing it for a long time. Or in small increments. True.

Brandon  40:49

Like I've always wanted to, like, try to drive a bus, but like, in an empty one. Right? Like that. I don't want to drive a bus with people. They be kind of cool. If I could, like, let me like driving around. Just me just supervise. Yeah. And just like, see what it feels like to drive something that enormous. But I don't want kids on that bus carry crazy errand? Did they give you tips or training? Or how to handle like, mentally the chaos of a bus and students in the noise? Or just No?

Aaron  41:30

School? Right on the on the written portion, it talks about like on the right, that talks about like, Hey, you have an unruly student, these are the steps you need to you know, do to deal with it and like Okay, thank you. Um, so what would bill do? Yeah. I've made comments of like, Hey, do we learn how to put like, a little, no, practice on these tires? Like, partially as a joke, but partially not when the guys like, No, yo, yo, yo, learn these as you go? Like, that's not overly

Brandon  42:12

you'll learn? It is no. True.

Aaron  42:15

I did, I did kind of feel bad for the other guys that are at a junior college in Oklahoma, their baseball coaches, we had a lot of fun. But I was like, Don't you guys have like your own subscribers for the school? He's like, Yeah, I've been coaching for like, 18 years. I've never had to drive a bus. So this is kind of pointless. But my athletic director says, and you get this or probably not gonna have a job next year. Oh, wait, wow. Welcome to the party. And so I was like, yeah, they don't have to deal with it. They deal with college, baseball kids. And, again, my school is not very big. But having to do that, and, you know, here's all the students all right, where am I going? I the first few times, I think the principal rides with me. And so it's a little bit more like, Oh, hey, to here to here to here. So it makes it a little bit more regimented. At the same time, it's like,

Brandon  43:14

I cannot or I'm going, and then like, I can't turn around. I can't stop the bus, y'all. The kids like, that doesn't make sense.

Aaron  43:19

So it's a lot to kind of, you know, process and even when I was driving, it's like, all right, like on this test, and they throw at you like, as you're driving. It's like, Alright, there's intersection coming out. You don't have to stop. But that's like, like to get points. You have to look at both sides. Look at down the middle, but you're not coming in, look at your rearview mirrors, make sure you're cross. So there's like you're doing a lot of things at once, while you're driving. And so like two mirrors, doing this traffic doing this, looking in this mirror, you know, getting the air pressure up, and like all this stuff. And so I think that was kind of a good ReadySet because you don't really have to focus on that. Like you're driving, driving, and then you have to deal with, you know, the fee of children as they expected to do.


Oh, yes, I remember riding the bus as a youth much hollering and screaming That's what I remember from Bill hollering screaming coming from the front of the bus. Now. The bus driver. Yeah. Also, what I remember from Bill is Aaron the proper way to backup a bus. Okay, he go yell at a high schooler to look out the window and make sure you're not going to hit it.


Actually trust the high schooler who is lying to you the whole time. Hit offense. Oh, that's it. That's Easy peasy. Pretend like nothing happened and drive away forward. That is pretty much

Brandon  45:08

highway in town I'm not thrilled as at this ad the prospect of this at all. So yeah, I think it's awful cute of you to have such a thick outlook be like, don't make me drive the morning route.


Again, they cannot. Because I don't I don't live in school district cannot it's not really from the school board members and superintendent, oh, desperate, but

Brandon  45:47

I don't have to do that Springfield school district closed for the rest of the week, because of shortages.

Aaron  45:53

So I'll be getting a phone call one night. Yeah. It is, like this whole process is very difficult. Um, so the people that were in the classes ahead of us, they have failed at three times. In in a lot of parts, and they're making it harder. So instead of like a week class, and then boom, here to test, they're making it to where it's like a two week course. And you have to drive like a minimum of like 120 hours in a bus. So one mistake is making it more difficult for people to get their CDL or making the written test. Much, much harder. They're making the actual process to get your bus license, much more difficult. And if for some reason they're doing that, because when we tested, there's a guy that was ahead of us who was on Yes, my third, I always forget to put a little red arm out. And then it took me forever. Literally, the one job of the bus, put out the stop, sign me up, you'd be surprised because you're thinking there's so many things, like on that portion of the test. It's like, I gotta check the mirrors, mirrors in a certain way I fail. That's true.

Brandon  47:18

Like, the one thing I know about school buses, is they have a little stop sign that you have to put out when you stop. So

Aaron  47:29

and I so while we were there, they they all the centers, everybody can actually had a one of those big prison buses. And I made the joke. I was like, Oh, well, we have hats off of that. And one of our instructors are like, maybe

Brandon  47:48

face like, Oh, I was joking. You. Oh, why is no one else laughing? Oh, no, no, I'm serious. Truck drivers are very serious people. It is it is very different. And I mean, given the thing that Governor Syd just asked, or everybody can anybody can do

Aaron  48:11

it. You need to be like a cognitive person to drive a bus is you have precious cargo, children on that bus and you are in charge of their life. But increasingly difficult to pass that test in, they're going to make it require more, or is even more difficult for people to get it. And if it's easy. Now, when people are having a hard time, there's gonna be a huge drop in numbers. So if you if you're tired, you want a good job. Be a bus driver, because schools really, really needed especially Yeah, that's

Brandon  48:53

yeah, that's the quandary, right? Like that balance of how that training for jobs like that. Right. So like, I don't feel like making the test harder. Is a good answer. Right. Now they're requiring training to like actually drive the class. I haven't decided yet. That's probably a good idea. Sure, right. Like more practice time driving. I feel like that's good. But like, it's really hard with these things, right? Especially, because you don't you don't want to just be like, uh, we have a


shortage, we'll just like let her fly and open up the floodgates or whoever wants to be a bus driver can get it. You know what I mean?

Brandon  49:42

Like, you can just show up one morning and be like, you probably don't want that. Right. I feel like that could have negative consequences in the other direction, but you are right. If you just make the test harder, only. Then you're going to take a shortage And then exacerbated because it's going to be impossible for people to get a license right? Is a very interesting problem of how to offer said training, and how to set those requirements for certain things. Right. I feel like that is a that's a tricky theme to do. So I don't really know what the right answer, but I'm sure if like, the blanket make the test harder, not the correct answer.

Collin  50:39

They give him explanations for why the test would be harder and why they thought that would make it more effective. I don't think so. No, take a second on that. I forgot that I'm sure I'm sure there is. Yeah. No, everybody will can take the hunters out into the wilderness. They really want fine. I get it. It makes I think, I

Aaron  51:08

think there's like, a legit reason. I'm just tired to Google it. But it's, and that's why I kind of my class was so rushed. Because yeah, you would typically go from like, four o'clock in the evening to nine o'clock at night or you do all this. You go to a week, but they're like, Tuesday go. It started yesterday, you'll be fine. And so that's why for us it was rush because I think like February 1 or something like the whole new system,

Brandon  51:40

trying to get in before that deadline switch. Okay, that makes it so that that's why especially super rush. I'm trying to recover in sleep that well, very tired. It is exhausting trying to drive this thing for that long or going over repetitively, like

Aaron  52:00

every because there's all the parts, like in the hood, the front and you have you have to come up with additives for everything. And how is it? How is it related? And what does it do? And then that's like, I had to drive

Brandon  52:17

to lunch right time to drive again. Like I still feel that leave. Thank you. But no more bus.

Aaron  52:27

All bus all the time. Yeah. So it was a lot but it's done. I now have to do a physical they had to like take my blood pressure coming out to go and then once a year. I have to

Brandon  52:42

do a kind of some sort. Or like a show like hey, you still see i You're good. Okay, how excited? Yes, that's your continuing education credit next year. powerslide it or do a J turn? Yeah. Blues Brothers Park. Yeah, when do you start? When do you start going on the ramps jumping? Yeah. When it's advanced busing? Yeah. Okay, figuring busting is a is very popular. So that's true. Yes. Never seen. Like the demolition derby. The figure eight racing? Yes. Yeah. Okay, figure eight raising it with buses. Sounds horrid. Yes. It just sounds like. Like, it's all it's already dangerous stuff in a car. Right? And then you're like, ah, you know what? This super dangerous sport needs more mass? Yes. Yes. Isaac, who was having?

Collin  53:59

Well, I mean, we know we know how to find the best bus through our motorsport. We learned this. Yeah, I think


figure eight figure eight racing. Not the appropriate race takes it to a whole nother level at that point. Oh my gosh,

Brandon  54:16

it's like the worst. Yeah, I can't it's hard for me to believe that that thing actually exists sometimes. Like yes, we're gonna drive around as fast as possible in a figure eight pattern. Yes. We were like a grand Sunday. Yes. Yes. never it's never good whenever the simulation is last car actually driving. Exactly. Oh, no. Wait, wait a minute. Sure about this. Yeah, you don't want to be the last car surviving anything? No. Nothing.

Collin  54:57

Really want to like be the first Then I have to ask, we're talking about cars. And this, this may be a challenge. This may be an appropriate town,

Brandon  55:11

we may need to bring back the CDL challenge, and just do a recap of other things. But also, have you guys gotten a chance to watch the latest Grand Tour? Negative? Okay. You know, I was going to the other day and then had the school emergencies. So I've been very busy. Okay. Ah, I think we may need to, I don't know if that's the next challenge, or we need to recap CDL and then do that or what, but I think that would be that might be a good one to get back into watching. More stuff,

Collin  55:45

too. Okay. Yes. Because there enough. Thought. Oh, dear. Okay. Okay, I will try. Do that. Now. Just write that down. Things to do. Right. Once that pops memory exists that watch it. Okay. That work, Aaron for? Yeah, that's

Brandon  56:06

fine. Okay. Know your schedule. Okay.

Collin  56:14

Sounds good. Yes, we were dealing with school emergencies. We also closed school last week. That was fun and exciting. How, how did those announcements come to you?

Brandon  56:26

The email? This how that announcement came to me the worst wait for announcements like to come? Yep. It was basically like, I got to be Brandon, I got to be. So there rolls around. And one of my softball girls texting. Like, Hey, can I get my bag? Other girls spotted? We don't have school. I was like, let's talk about, I had to go to the school app. Where I didn't have to go to the live feed page, where it says, Oh, by the way, we're not in school. And one of the other coaches,

Aaron  57:03

he's like, What are you talking about? Like? He's like, Oh, a phone call and or email would have been nice. Oh, I learned from an app. I wouldn't even


I got an email. And it said basically, hey, guess what?

Brandon  57:23

We're gonna have an email Wednesday. Afternoon. So this would have been Wednesday? What? One o'clock? Yes, approximately time around well, and it said, like, guess what? Gave us a big long explanation. But our superintendent likes to put way too many words. On a point like this, I don't need any of this. Shut up, stop it. And then they just like, copy that and send it home to the parents. And so like, at the end of the day, I was like, okay, here, let me decode this for you. So when you take this home to your parents, and they look at this, and they have absolutely no idea what the bottom half of this paper is talking about? Because it's not anything that you really need to know right now. Yeah. Like the bottom half of the paper was like, basically for me, and like, he put it on the note home to parents like this like, crazy, super wordy, like memo thing, like, What


are you playing transparent? I mean, yeah, but you're speaking acronyms that parents can be like, I don't know, understand. I don't even know what half the things mean. Right. So I was like, let me decode this

Brandon  58:42

for you. Basically. We did emergency wellness break. So we were already out of school, like this Monday, right? Yeah. For a teacher in service day. And he was like, Alright, so we're canceling all school activities and school related things for Thursday, Friday, all weekend. And Monday. So here was the confusing bit. This one is freebie. Right? Like, kids go home. We're not going to worry about it. You don't have any work to do. Anything? Oh to just teacher right. There was nothing you had to this time. This time. Right. And the kids anything the kids didn't have to do any work. Okay. Dan explained this for the convoluted process about next time though. Guess what? Oh. So for the past three days that I was doing at work is making all of the things that will go home next time. So like, apparently, the state of Missouri has allocated six days with AI, which is alternate methods of instruction. Yes, six, A. C? Yes. These are days where the kids can be at home doing work, and they count as real school days. Okay, that Yeah, right. You don't have to make them up. They're not like, whatever. Yeah, the only six part is an interesting plan. Yeah, I've read people are trying to make them more, which means I have to make more things, which doesn't sound appealing, but there are six days where they would work on pre determined classwork to get it counted as a school day. Right. So the stipulations our students must be to work for grade. Gotcha. Boom. So I tell my kids, like, am I going to grade this 100%? accurately? No. Like, am I going to be grading to see if you did it?


Yes. Okay. You know, but it's graded, it's gonna go in the gradebook, whatever if we do it. And so I


had to make these things. 60 days worth of work for science and social studies. That's what I was figuring out. How the heck does this work? What is this


going to look like? And then there was, again, some really, really convoluted like, distribution model that people were talking about. And I was like, Look, tell me what I need to make me the first thing that you need. The first words out of your mouth are not? How do I deliver these things to the kids? I don't care about that. Told me what it is. I'm making first please.

Brandon  1:02:12

Yeah, that's kind of the like, like, what's going on? How's impact me? Like, except actually, like, right? It's going on is? We're not having school? How does it impact me is like, now? Like, what?


Yeah, what you told me to make thing? What kind of thing would you like me to make?

Brandon  1:02:31

Please explain? Do there any is for this? Or is it just whatever I want to? Turns out, it's just whatever I want to Okay, that's fine. Right? caveat is it must be like review material. Right? Nothing new. Nothing like brand new. Right. So you can't like introduce brand new cars when they're at home? Which I probably wouldn't do that. Anyway. That's a bit extreme. So whatever. But you know, it's really mildly annoying when your superintendent like, speaks in metaphors at the time. Like, I can't really tell you how many times he said the phrase we're trying to do playing or here. Oh, oh, bro. Hey, stop it. First of all, the first problem with this metaphor is it's stupid. Second of all, you are trying to build a 747. And I need Cessna a that's


oil. You're trying to build the airplane, and the airport and the control tower, and the flight grid and a flight plan. vola. No, just plain please. I would settle for a glider.

Brandon  1:03:41

Like I don't even need parachute, baby. And we're trying to build this like super complex thing. That's really important. I've heard that metaphor all the time. That was really, really big. Back to the Conservation Department, from the director there of something she said nigh on every week. I like to play with fly. And


it's awful. Yeah, especially here every week. It's like, you're really you're literally defeating the purpose in this metaphor. land the plane already.

Brandon  1:04:13

Okay, start. But I like what you've even added of like, do we have we all agreed on what the appropriate plane is like? Yeah.

Collin  1:04:23

Did we start out with a pre what, what we learned is that there was a prefab plane at takeoff that they were assembling that they weren't telling us what really was going on and that there was just like, No, we were just building it and that like

Brandon  1:04:39

to me, Jesse's lying. Like, no, this was legitimately we're making this up on the fly like whether or not like lack of preparation on his part because he didn't like bothered to think about having this be a thing. Like they constructed a whole section of the website in like 48 hours with like parent information and links and access to like places for us to put these assignments so that people can get them, right. Yeah. So it was kind of a, that part was for real. Guys, is all I need from you. Just tell me? Are there any guidelines at all? What it should look like? How it needs to be like a format? Or not? I got nothing. So I made a whole bunch of Google slides that are like, basically, I just typed up a bunch of stuff from our notes and everything. And there's just like, there's a couple slides of like, reading, and then some questions, and some more reading and some questions like just about all this learn about. So that's why made me like a billion other things.

Collin  1:05:58

Yeah, like nobody really gave me like, Is this fine? I'm doing it so I don't get better. Yeah, I guess on one hand, like that, it feels like I don't know. Like, that's, that's a weird, weird place to put people have like, major things that you're gonna be responsible for. Okay, gonna go by. And like,


Well, I mean, I get it, because like, the thing that's gonna make sense to me, is not the thing that's gonna make sense to other people.

Brandon  1:06:28

Like, the formatting that I want, that's gonna be good for my class is not the same formatting that like the English teacher needs for her material. Right. So like, I just basically wanted confirmation of like,


you don't care about the format? Yeah. Okay. Good. Like that's, that's, that's really what I wanted like that. Awesome. Don't have one in mind. I don't have to follow like a scripted plan. Okay, good. Goodbye. Like,

Collin  1:06:57

it also needs to be communicated of like, because again, you're looking for how much agency do I have? How much control do I have over this? Yeah, because I want all of it. Yeah. But like, you need to tell me the upper and lower bounds of where we need to go. And then boom, I can do this. Right. Like


yeah, we've talked about that before. I'm here. Like, they always people at my work always like to talk about like, the box. And are we thinking outside the box then? Like,


bro, I'm not even a Windows box get stopped. Don't even need to say box. Yeah, we we got we got to retire. This is not now. So like.

Brandon  1:07:36

So yeah, that's what I was doing, making all that stuff. And then slightly overestimated, because we had to print it out for some of our kids that don't have devices. Yeah. It's a little


long. It's six days worth of stuff. So it should be big. Right? So today,

Brandon  1:07:55

doing so much work, because it's like on a slide. So it's like a paragraph and like a picture. And then you go to the next one. It's not information dense. Right? They're not Yes. Not not information. It's like, here's a little piece of information. Here's another little piece of information. Right? Cool picture, right? Yeah. Yeah. And it's but it's spread out over a long way. Right. And you can go back and it's easier to find it that way. Right? If you're doing it this way, the bill. It's more digestible and easier to find. So I did that on purpose. But when you print them all out together, it's a little a big fight. So, yes, we did all that. And yeah, I was doing trade, like it was one of the things where it took me a long time to get started. Because I was trying to like, formulate this plan of attack. And then once I got, like, right, sending typing forever, wham. It was good. So I mean, getting the groove. Yeah, that's true. So, yes, once I finally was in the groove, I was like, all right. Leave me alone. Don't anybody come in bother me. I'm going well, that's like, I don't know. I don't know how much you spend time making spreadsheets for yourself. Zero. Well, I have one spreadsheet. And it was mandatory for work. So I had a spreadsheet in my life. It is a student grade progress monitoring, spreadsheet. It's all of our learning goals by students and their rank on ability. Yes,

Collin  1:09:50

it's as boring as it sounds. But

Brandon  1:09:54

But it's so helpful. I had the I had the I had the thought several weeks ago of How many visits do my staff need to do? For to replace the income that I'm currently generated by myself? Good question. That's a fair question. Barefield as employer employee,

Collin  1:10:19

right, is like kind of like, I don't know, like wins the breakeven point like what Windies, what's the goal here, how do I do this? Today, like I generated, like, a spreadsheet with like four tabs, that we're all interconnected, and calculating different, like, business expenses, personal budget expenses, and then like breaking it down, like the hourly income basis, or generated by staff, staff with like taxes and all sorts of stuff. Wow,

Brandon  1:10:46

that hurts me to think about.


Like, I'm aware that spreadsheets can do that. I have never made anything so complex. Right? I'm like,

Brandon  1:10:55

change this field for sent. Yeah. Like, like, average these fields together.


Yeah. Nailed it. That's about the extent of my spreadsheet. I don't remember anything. Sorry, Miss called. I know, you're definitely listening. I don't remember a whole lot more about

Collin  1:11:13

spreadsheets. Well, me? Well, we had we had someone ask us like, they were like, What do I What do my prices need to be for my services? And we asked like, Okay, well, how much do you need to survive? Like, what's your budget? What's your monthly budget?

Brandon  1:11:31

They're like, I don't know. It was like, Okay, I'm going to do a spreadsheet.

Collin  1:11:37

So we have a spreadsheet that like, you enter in your personal budget, then that shoots over to another tab, where it links to field and then you enter in your service prices. And it will calculate, it'll take out taxes, savings, and then it'll calculate how many of each one of those services you need to do on a daily basis, to have enough money to pay yourself your annual income. And not enough people think that way. Like, that's such a, like, oh, I need money to survive, or I need this to do stuff for me. Like a spreadsheet can tell you that and I'll build your one. This will be fine. We'll all enjoy this. Maybe me. But I colors, their comment sections. Great.


Yeah, sure. Next week, build it. No, no, no, no. veto power. Anyway, I think this is what I have to do. My staff are out doing stuff for me this I have to build spreadsheets.

Brandon  1:12:43

Like oh, my goodness. Anyway, well, I like challenge. Eric black past. Yay. Brandon, glad you got your stuff paid off. Right. Oh, my goodness. Oh, brutal. Hope you don't have to do it anytime, again anytime soon. That was the that was the keep asking me man like so when are we going to need to use this? Ah, well, um, this is Plan B. So yeah, hopefully not. But I have a sneaking suspicion that it's there. So today was all about like, here is this like, here's how like, sorry, go backwards slightly. Like, today, it was all about, alright, I'm uploading this to here. Now, my Google Classroom. If you are a person who does not have internet at your house, or has unreliable internet at your house, you can download this right now onto your


iPad. Boom, everything that you need. So that if we do have to do it, you have it already. Yeah. Don't panic. Whenever this does happen. I will then send out the chunks individually as needed

Brandon  1:14:05

for everybody else. But if that doesn't matter


for you download it right now. I'm watching you push that button, download that onto your iPad, so that

Brandon  1:14:17

when you do go home, you don't need internet. You can just do the work. Done. Right, you have it? It's right there. Not to worry. So it was all about distribution. And I showed them what it looks like. So it wasn't like shocking, right? Like, do you understand how this works? And they're like, oh, yeah, that's simple. Exactly. Exactly. I labeled it accordingly. This one says, science. One. Which one do you think you're gonna do first? Is it four? No, it's not four. It's number one. And I reminded them that Last year, we did put out there are four areas on the outside of the school that are like, outdoor Wi Fi routers. So you can like, come to the parking lot interesting and having service. Like, there are four areas in our school where they're outside. So you can drive up. Do your work if you like live in town, right? You could just like, walk over. Do some work. Go home, you know? Cool. So yeah, for those and everybody's like, one of them is basically right outside our window. So come on up. If you get stuck, I'll have to be here. I'll just yell out the window at you. You're doing it wrong.


What do you do? Like do that? Just like in class, yeah. Well, hopefully it doesn't happen anytime soon. Hopefully not. And we'll see. We'll look at some more of those emails. Right. Those alerts on Yeah. Well, I am going to make sure I save this in three different location. That's true doesn't happen. And the last episode,


part two doesn't happen again. From my CDL challenge, we can relive the magic of the movie that I watched. Yes, yes. Yeah. We get back in that mode. We watch it. Yes. Love you guys. I love you. Bye.