
Collin and his never-not changing news! Brandon has strong opinions about how to switch to high-beams. They discuss the confusing world of courtship in your 80s…for reasons. Collin has questions about why flip charts are so expensive. PLUS, Brandon gives a preview about his book-tube deep dive.

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unexpected revelations

Collin went to the Fair and boy howdy, it was fun. Brandon expresses his extreme love of training videos. Brandon brings a late breaking movie review of 2022s Fall, and we’re shocked by the list of tallest structures in the US. In another corner, Brandon discusses some education philosophy and why we need to embrace the process.

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prototypical coach

Aaron is very busy with coaching clinics. He’s learning all about coaching and grass. Mostly grass. Brandon ate a restaurant and is binge watching Kitchen Nightmares…cause #reasons. Collin goes into a big rant about moving podcast hosts and all of the annoyances that go with that.

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one more cog

Aason is becoming an interim head coach. Collin didn’t make any changes. Brandon is upset about why things happen. We dive into why it’s so important to know WHO has the decision making power. Plus, Brandon has new bike parts! In-coming review….

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wrong answers only

Join us as we totally read this 100% scripted episode. Collin is drinking sleepy time tea and is sad he was hung up on. We also discuss what running an adventure hike for dogs would look like. Brandon has some great input. Aaron is tired…and alive…He’s playing all the ball games. We reminisce about senior photos as Aaron goes in for engagement photos. We wrap up with Brandon’s deep dive in the Ukrainian language which entails his approach to learning a new language.

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