wrong answers only

Join us as we totally read this 100% scripted episode. Collin is drinking sleepy time tea and is sad he was hung up on. We also discuss what running an adventure hike for dogs would look like. Brandon has some great input. Aaron is tired…and alive…He’s playing all the ball games. We reminisce about senior photos as Aaron goes in for engagement photos. We wrap up with Brandon’s deep dive in the Ukrainian language which entails his approach to learning a new language. 

  • Collin was hung up on!

  • Hiring questions! 

  • Right and wrong answers only

  • Adventure hikes 

  • Need a van

  • Aaron is alive

  • Playing all the ball games 

  • Engagement photo time! Downtown Tulsa

  • Senior year photos

  • Brandon’s deep dive into the Ukrainian language 

  • Who lives in the wood? https://amzn.to/3tTqPLv

  • Approach to learning a new language 

  • Learning how to take notes

Check out our other episodes: ohbrotherpodcast.com

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dog, people, question, letter, language, words, sound, read, ukrainian, happening, binder, interview, notes, hang, interesting, driving, jumping, point, talking, answer


Collin, Aaron, Brandon

Brandon  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your host, Brandon, Pollan and Aaron on this week's show. wrong answers only. Okay, hello everybody go get started off on the right foot.



Brandon  00:30

no technical difficulties here ladies and gentlemen. Oh, absolutely not know what has been just plugging them with us recently. Very frustrating. You change one thing. Something updates. Boom. Everything's burning. Everything falls apart, though. I'm just gonna be over here drinking my sleepy time. Wow. Okay, dad. I know you. I mean, it's not technic. It's not actually sleepy time tea, but I don't know what else to call tea you drink before bedtime other than like b times d. So it's true. What I like Kleenex is everything is just the next rise is pretty, pretty much at this point. Just takes up the bulk of the mindshare. I have things that aren't actually what they are, what I call them. Right. Calling things real name is boring. And no one likes that. No, he's got to make up days for it. It's fine. Yeah. As we know, language is not important. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I heard that. From somewhere. Weird. I hear that. I'm all pull up note. Page. all out of whack. all messed up today. Episode Episode 130. Originally, that is look at that. That is a massive number. Like how did that happen? on accident? Totally. I mean, besides being excruciating, like painstakingly planned and scripted. And it's Yeah, well, I mean, yes, yes. Scripted is the word to read these, like we do when we do our library on air after having Yeah, the previous live cold reads. That's what we bring. And they're so they're so cold. Yeah, good. Yes. Oh, yeah. So yeah, pro tip. Even if the interview is not going well, don't, don't hang up. That's hilarious. Is it? Is it hot? Yeah, it's really, I mean, for me as not a part of any of this operation whatsoever. It's hilarious. Listeners, Collin likes to just text random things. So I'm sitting here minding my own business. And like, again, cold out of the blue. All my text says is pro tip. If your interview is going bad, don't mute the call and then hang up. Like, I get no context for anything ever. This is just what. So my mind is racing, right? I'm imagining the scenario, like in my head is playing out like somebody didn't know the answer to a question. And then they just did that thing from like, the movies are like, Okay. Exactly like, this is exactly what happened.

Collin  03:33

Now, let's keep in mind, this is a grown adult, who has spent three and a half, four decades on this earth, and call and I go through my stick where I explained the position, I'm hiring for a dog walker in Pittsburgh, listeners are interested, nobody should be but this is I explain what the position is, the more background on the scheduling, how we work out Dave,

Brandon  03:57

what it looks like. And then we go into our questions, I got to question 41234.

Collin  04:06

And there's a pause, and then click, and it just hangs up immediately on it. And then I kind of gave it the benefit of the doubt. And so I call back immediately went to voicemail. Ah, so they declined, they declined. So I called back again, and left a message and I was like, Hi. Looks like we might have gotten disconnected. You're still interested in continuing on the interview be more than happy to just let us know when you'd like to reschedule?

Brandon  04:41

Yes, yeah. My cough basically has not gone away yet, which is most obnoxious. But I will read to you read to you the first four questions of this excruciating saying, Well, I don't know Have listeners who have heard other episodes of this show about your interview process? They might be like, Yeah, you got some weird questions, dude, I don't know. What are they? These are my questions. Okay. This is the first one, describe a stressful situation in your life, and how you handled it being on a phone call. Clearly everybody, as you should know, people in their mid 30s are just traumatized by phones and don't want to speak on them anymore. Right. That's, that's how it works, and be amazed. So usually, we get two responses when I asked this question. First one is usually

Collin  05:37

do you want to something in work or like personal life? I mean, that's fair. It's very clear. Right? And what do we say? Don't care? Either one, pick a stressful moment. And then the second response is usually, ah,

Brandon  05:52

that's kind of hard. It makes no sense to me. I just, I don't I'm not looking for you to be like that. I was stranded on a desert island. And I was a little upset. Now I want you to if I was like, that's got to be the one. I was running late. I was stressed about being late or whatever. I don't like you. People stressed out all the time. Maybe it was a bill or whatever. It's open ended. Tell me something. And then tell me what you did about that breath. Okay. Second one. Yeah. One time I was so late for work. Or in high school. I was so late for work that I was I changed my clothes while driving the car down the highway. See, you guys my work clothes. I was stressed. I was not exciting. By the way. I do not recommend. That's fine. Um, one time I was so late to work. We had to clock in and clock out. And I learned that if you just didn't clock in, and sometime around lunch message admin and say, Oh, I forgot to clock in this morning. I was here at six. Yeah, yeah, definitely thing. Yeah. Don't do that kid. Yeah, yeah. That no, that never works ever. Nobody ever did that. The second question? Question. We get a little more Pet Specific here. Do you have experience giving medications shot? A pet? Okay. Little

Collin  07:09

Olympian. This is either A, this is a yes. Or this is a no or yes. An explain question. Right. Either you don't? Because I wasn't able to discern it from your application? Or you do have it. And you're supposed to tell me something about that. Right. Like, give the example if the dog what the medication was, how often you gave to it. That kind of thing. That's what we're looking for. Oh, yeah. Right. Okay. Third one, describe this one trips up every single person, because they don't actually listen. And I want and I'm going to preface that and I want to I'm going to read it.

Brandon  07:46

Describe a scenario where your attention to detail prevented a mistake. Okay, it's all going to answer really, right. Because like,

Collin  08:00

I would argue that because I was attentive. I don't know if mistakes have happened or not. Because I don't happen. Yes. Until you get somebody who goes, you know, I was dosing out medications one time, and I always review them right before I give the dog give it to the dog. And I had Miss measured, it was supposed to be 2.0. And I only measured point two on the thing and I caught it. And my attention to detail helped me avoid giving that dog a dose of medication. That's an example that does come up or things like what I'm what I'm trying to get here is like, you were going through the motions. But you checked yourself. And it stopped something from happening. Right? Like yes, like that's what we're that's what we're after here like you caught yourself because you went back.

Brandon  08:48

And do you hear that? You have to check yourself before you wreck yourself yourself. Exactly. This is check your check cell per direct sell question. Exactly. That's on my little outline. The fourth one,

Collin  09:00

I guess this is where it got really hard. How do you were coming this is how I preface this question and it gets annoying whenever I have to do interviews back back back back because I prep I say all the same stuff during phone interviews but anyway, I say during these services we are coming over to people's homes while they are not there to describe how you would enter a home where the dog is on the inside. Barking and jumping against the door that you are trying to get in dogs inside barking and jumping into the door while you're trying to get in. How would you enter that home?

Brandon  09:31

See, here's my non pet expert. Opinion. Okay. begin talking to dog on other side of door in a calm fashion. Right and then open door slowly with foot and leg in front of door to see what happens. If dog tries to shove through door don't open door any further. Continue talking calmly to dog in a situation from there slowly become cat and like squeeze do the whole smallest possible until I'm in the house and then came calm dog down. See this? That's a perfectly acceptable answer. And I write this. She hung up on that one. She hung up on that one, she just straight up was like, click, like nothing. And i Good Good answer. Let's just get the good answers on this. Or when people go they asked they may they I love when people ask follow up questions, then they go, Do I know the dog? Or is this a new dog to me? That telco See, that's the other thing about that. Yeah, the good one really good one. Right. They may say how this is the dog jumping excitedly or aggressively against the door? That's another really good question. Good question. I don't put my foot in the door. If it's aggressively jumping, and there's gnashing of teeth. I'm not poking my toe. Or Exactly. People kind of go if well, if it's happy jumping, you know, I always carry treats on me soft throw those down and I'll get inside or, or if it's aggressive jumping, I'm going to back up and make sure everything's okay. And someone some of you don't like what you know, assess more. Like, that's still treats though here. So she hung up on that one. And you know, what's the next question is where's your favorite place to go when you travel? Like that's, that's a question we asked during our interview. Where do you like go when you travel? Because we want to get their personality and see what kind of people these people are in stone. And then I've got six more but it's it's nothing hard. It's just anyway. Yeah, I got hung up today. I have been through some absolutely. Torment ative anguishing interviews before I applied, okay, I applied to a fisheries biologist management position in North Carolina for their fisheries management biologists. And I went, I've taken these classes. Like that's kind of what my research is. I'll be fine. Right. What column did not do? actually read? usually helpful. Okay, so that was like salt water. Yeah, this was the salt water flatfish one, right. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay, I seem to recall this happening is this is this triggered a memory here. And I got on and they started talking about flat fish population dynamics, and what assessments I would need to do across seasons and stuff like that not? Oh, no, I didn't do Do I just hang up? No, I didn't hang up on that one. gritted my teeth. I sucked up my pride. And I answered what I knew was incorrect. And I just went with it. Right. And I'm not. That was that's bad example, cuz I didn't actually read what was going on. But it's like, Is that Is that okay? Right. You do just hang up in the middle of an interview like that. I'm legitimately curious about this. What kind of what kind of behavior that is scared. Right? Like, yeah, I feel like it's one of those things like part of it is phones, Gary, right. Part of it is, I feel like, in a situation where you can't see somebody's face like that, like, some people are not gonna know, kind of the tone of the room and kind of see that it is informal a question and like, they're not as apt to ask a follow up question. Over the phone. Right. And I also feel like the biggest part of this is, people think that there is a right answer to everything. Right. And I feel like, if you are in that mindset of there is a right answer and a wrong answer. Then, if you don't know the answer, you like panic. I mean, it's just a panic response. But yeah, I think that's the most of it. I think. I think a lot of people are very rigidly in the camp of there's a right or wrong. You don't I mean, yeah, I think that that do they don't like oh, no, I don't know. The right answer to this. Because I know what I do, but I don't know if it's actually right or not. And I don't know what they'll say then. Oh, gosh. Great. You know, I mean, I think that's kind of Yeah, no, I I totally see that. It just to get to the point where you have panicked so much, that you immediate Hang up. I? Well, I mean, you don't have to, like this person could have an anxiety disorder. Exactly. Yes. Right. This person could have a history of panic attacks like we, you know, it's hard to you don't know, in a situation like that. Or they just went, you know what, this isn't worth my time. I'm done. Like, yeah, or maybe I don't actually want to do this right. I mean, that's true. Do Yeah, sure do. is kind of how I got the feeling of of this. Because he answered the the first couple questions. Fine. Like I was, again, when, and what's what's frustrating about this is, I have I have advanced people on to the in person interview, even though their phone interview was, was terrible. And why did I do that? Because I know, people interview different, right? The employers usually, like, it's different. And so it's frustrating because this person was actually pretty promising of all other things considered. And I was genuinely like, Okay, well, we'll get through the phone interview. As long as he doesn't like, really mess it up. We're gonna we're gonna do it in person with us. And so it's also like, Oh, you're so close. So close there, but I can't help you jinx it. You're like, as long as they don't just hang up. I'll go to the Ah, dang it. Oh, well, no, there goes there. There we go. But yeah, so the saga continues. flagger continues I was I was actually in Springfield. Today, yesterday, I was in yesterday. These weeks go by a lot faster whenever I'm traveling like that. With a lady who has 211 month old Golden Retrievers, and she wants us to take them on a tandem walk for two hours. What? Yes. Two hours our like contiguously Asli. To our nothing that's the right word, the right places you use continuously, but I just felt like don't like Well, well, here. That's it. That is 430 minute time block set contiguously into in a go. I will use it that yeah, that's a lot of deaths. A lot of paying dog walking, by the way, lady did you say? Especially for 11 month old Golden's who are not least trained. Oh, gosh. And my staff Matthew refilled? Who could actually do this is like 90 pounds soaking wet? Yeah. Are they just like, hey, hey, let's just tell her no. Can we do that? Oh, here Well, so here's what we devised with it for this lady is she's very interested in us really wants us to user but like, keep on throwing out this to our number. And I was like, no.

Collin  18:02

I said, How about this, how about we schedule to 30 minute blocks, and we walk them individually, back to back for a little while. And we see how they do. And then once they start getting used to us, we'll start pairing them up on a couple walks for a shorter period of time, because they gotta get used to walking together to yeah, we'll work our way up to this. This may be a month or two long process. Before we get good at this.

Brandon  18:30

And it's frustrating because she's not going to work on this. She basically was like, I love my dogs. They're of primary importance in my life. I'm too busy to actually work with him. I basically just want to enjoy that. Which Ha, ah, yes. There it is. So, it's gross. Because that just means the rest of the week and all of the hours there will be no reinforcement on it. But yeah, we're, anyway, so that's where I think we're actually going to make this work. It's just why on earth would you want your dog walk for two hours? I don't understand. Why. Why you would say like, Oh, yes. Two hours is good. Right. I know. I don't know what 11 month old dogs are like, high energy but good to gravy is a lot in the way I get a lot way I envisioned that working up to is two hours of exploration time. Yeah, yeah, yes. That's what we're gonna get. And that actually leads to the logo that I sent to you. You guys actually. Again, listeners, zero context, just a picture of a logo of a dog running on a mountain. And I was like, What? What is this what is happening? We it says adventure hikes. That's true. We just like Ah man, you know what I missed? MDC green. I need a patch. So though I, so that's actually really funny cuz I started putting this together with our current company colors. And it doesn't scream outdoors because it doesn't know your current color code is not that's not outdoor like pink. Gray. Yeah, it's not outdoor. It looks like like metropolitan ice cream from this kinda looks like if when you just describe it like that. And based on all the conversations I have with my children in school today, don't ask this a long story, but like, it's very like 2010 like emo metal core colors, right? It's really good. That's very fascinating. But yeah. So I needed to do something different because I need something that evokes right outdoors. Yeah, I like how you say that's done. Say you did something different because he went with green, white, yellow. The only colors of outdoor a bit different than our current. Yes, no, no, I went straight to the only other thing I could have added was like a bird range. Australia straight to a Boy Scout. patchers like, Hey, I know. Boy Scouts scammer can't patch. Blam. This is I've been I have my motif that I work on. Okay, so, so this is actually this is born of my conversation with this lady of, of doing two. Strangely enough to our long adventure exploration hikes in on trails and stuff around Springfield and Branson with dogs on long leads, and trying to find good places for possible off leash hikes. To which our Father said Yeah, but what about the bears? And I said, Good point. Good point. Great, excellent point. There spray. Has I have bear spray? Only I mean, blackberries will run away probably. I'll put mostly bells on the dogs we fight. Yeah, yeah. All right. So this we're gonna we're gonna soft launch this actually very soon about it's actually already up on the website. It was doing that before we jumped on. So soft, it's already out and get right in there. There. But we're gonna build a wait we're gonna build a waitlist and see if there's actually any interest for this in the area and see what's gonna work for us anyway, that kind of how we how we built this. I still feel like so so as a result of this selling points of outdoor adventure hiking with Funky Bunch of pet care other than Yeah, sweet dog Belle. And so companion fam assuming fanny packs are gonna be involved. Lots of lots of water and water bottles of baby packed. Um, so a couple things. One it's going to speak to and kind of what we're trying to put together here something speaking to dog owners who live in an urban area. I'm going I don't want my dog on concrete or on manicured lawn all the time. Like about that getting an out that and embracing the rugged Ozark adventure dogs. Right really the Ozark hills mountain are? Yeah. So that's so the, the offshoot of this one possible branch board is that this actually becomes a total separate offshoot of the company and it's going to be called we're working on this but Ozark Mountain Dog Adventures okay. Because, you know, and kind of embracing those themes and those Moti again, motifs, people know about the Ozarks, leaning into that. Not copying Ozark adventures at all with their war, those are mountain ducks, not even a little bit, everything's fine. Don't worry about it. Those are bad Dog Dog Adventures. Right? That's what we're doing. But leaning into that, so kind of this the it's kind of this idea of what people like their dog to have. And then secondly, for the dogs. This is really only for a set number of a certain kind of dog. large, large. Yeah, I will say that I have seen several people who do these kinds of hikes, they'll get some Shih Tzus out there and some wiener dogs out there. Very many. I feel like a corgi certain corgis just like go to town they'd be running. Yes, yeah, play out. So just think sporting agility dogs think yeah, those kinds of working working dog big guys. Yeah, big working dogs. So this is great for for Golden's for lads. For German Shepherds for, you know, even some pointers, possibly that one thing we'll have to work on is bringing up and building the groups small and working on recall with them. That's where we come in as far as working on recall with the dogs because the eventual point that we want to get to is being able to find a space where we can go and do off leash grouping group exploration. Also you are okay, so I Okay, so this is becoming clear you are going to be an expedition leader as Yes. Where people are going to bring their dogs with them. Oh, no, no meet up at central location. No. Are you going with the dog? I am I am. Okay. Here's the other part. I'm going to jump on. Here's the part. This one lots here. Okay. Okay. Bam. Okay, man. Of course we are. We knew there's gonna be van here. Okay, van, obviously. No, I drive around in the morning. Collect all the dogs. We go to a set place. I leash up us in group in a group formation. And we go we go. A wandering to Okay, so when you said group, I didn't know if that meant like, people. Yeah, people are only. Okay. That's what I was. I was confused when you say group. Okay. Yeah, so we do. Yeah, thanks, dog. I'm gonna not say the word pack, because that does trigger some dog people. It does. It does. It says because there are modes of thinking that when you say the word pack, they think you mean to be dominant person and that you are the alpha of that pack. When all I'm actually saying is it's just a group of dog. Right, but I'm calling does Why do people have such a trigger certain sects of the training? Yeah, hi. What is wrong with these people? What is wrong with Webpack? I'm curious. They think because in years past the will say that you've heard of something about like pack mentality and I've got a pack there are there are groups of trainers who believe that they are the alpha dog in any group of dog think Cesar. Where he Okay, that's the only context I have of pack. And I know some people don't like him because like, I actually don't know why. But like they don't, they

Collin  27:25

don't. So he takes on a very domineering, dominant Alpha role in the dogs live that he acts with. And there are people who think that's inappropriate, and you should not do that. And do that. Like they go down. Well, yes, but they believe it's so strong. I shouldn't use the word pack because that means you are coded Li, like it's kind of this coded language of like, I'm alkaline, right at that kind of thing. So anyway, um, we package. Okay, dogs out on adventure. But what else do you call a group of dogs? Dog gaggle.

Brandon  27:58

gaggle. But murder. I don't walk in my murder of dogs. And my murder of dogs. That's a great way to keep people off the trails when you're out there. In the murder of dogs is coming the murder. Let's let no that's a bunch of murder mutts. Oh my goodness, the biker gangs. They're just amazing. Um, Dad can give dogs rides on his motorcycle. We'll call it. Goggles. Yeah. Yeah. So So anyway, and right now we're kind of in the hunt of, of places. That might be a good bit, whether public or private or otherwise, that would let us do this. Yeah, I don't know where you would be. There are two the question. So the question of where can you take off leash dogs? Is there a limit to the number of dogs you can have around at any point in time? Oh, trails, because I haven't. I'm calling to see how that's gonna work. Yeah. Because I don't know. You're doing well.

Collin  29:06

And safely and all that good stuff. So yeah, I'm excited about this. See what it becomes? If anything at all, I don't know. I just had, like, you know what, it's one of those things of it's, it's literally free for me to do. If I'm not actually doing it. It just needs to sit out there and see if it starts getting

Brandon  29:28

asked to see if anybody actually wants actly Exactly. It's just kind of like, Are people gonna start finding So yeah, that's gonna watch out you're gonna end up with like, some like Wednesday morning group and then it's gonna like bernese mountain dog and a boars away and like, just like the world's most like Irish Wolfhound, like, Oh, no. Yes. So that's the thing of like, a wedding. Exactly, yeah screening Yeah, how big is your dog? Exactly? Well cuz I mean you can still take them but the group might have to be smaller. Right? Instead of taking eight dogs I'm only gonna bring five because this one's Nick and as well and then the other part of trying to get out of the aspect of this is going

Collin  30:25

like getting people to commit to this of like, this really isn't meant supposed to be a one off thing like to get the most out of this and your dog to get the most benefit. It doesn't need to be a very regular thing

Brandon  30:38

in their life. Yeah, like bi weekly maybe you're like that. Yeah, or once you know at least once a week to start Yeah, so that they I don't know but yeah, it's just gonna say all that figure out if this actually doesn't does anything or not. But no, we're really excited about it. That's crazy. Yeah, I know he really he said no, I was joking. I was like I'm not Yeah, I was like I'm hidden again listen there's no context at all so I don't know how to respond to this was like oh alright. Oh, that's my my update nice yeah, yeah, I'm so yeah, we're bus van. Damme just like oh, there's that place that sells buses out by me it's all vinyl anyway, which is the hose or like it's really awkward that he brings up that place like every other conversation you have with him he's like yeah, they sell buses over there. Like dad just by bus. Okay, just stop stop talking about coded language dad just do it. Okay, I know you want to do it already. Exactly. It's like I think he's just prepping so whenever we come in there is like there are let's just be very real to buses parked out yeah it's not like a surprise like oh hey guys what's going on? But I got a bad time we knew it was happening startup time like Yeah, we all know it's really just an excuse for you to have some sort of large fan with a big you this this logo would look very good on the van. I will say yeah, so they are on the hood big vinyl stickers and just be like right right good. Then I got things right. A polo with a patch on it like this and I'll be all ready to go obviously on the shoulder the shoulder right Oh yeah. No you could get the dogs little patches for their collars for like number of miles hikes so they can have like they can earn little like stripes right like a little oh my god I've oh oh wow. You're welcome. You're welcome by the way Oh, yeah. Remember they can have like special member callers like part of the package they could get the color yeah and then my miles with us and they they they get oh I'm writing this stuff okay. Yeah yeah, then they can have patches like little they can be like stripes or bands that go on the collar you know, like little over I'm thinking like vertical stripes so they could go either way to track their tenure with the hiking club and how fast how far they've gone it'd be great have little things exciting Yeah. Oh, I think oh, like either miles or since we're doing you know hills and stuff we could also do I could be tracking it we could do group like total feet climbed you know, life out? Yeah. Elevation elevation. The doggy Everest club? Yes. Right. When you've climbed to say you get a special patch. Like your dog is so awesome. Owner they got this sweet hatchling bone. This is that? No, no, seriously, this, this it's this kind of stuff. Because because this is not for the owner at all. Like the owner is not getting a patch. But like their dog is going to have like a little vest or a little collar that we provide the hazard a little bit. Yeah, but the owner might think it's really cool that their dog has that. Oh, do they get to kind of be like, oh, yeah, I want this. Or gonna think that kind of stuff is cool. And yeah, exactly. Okay. Okay, this is I just need to work on it. You know, I have like, like business paperwork to do, but instead I'm going to be like, what colors should be nicer? Yeah, you got to go and how, how far apart to space them? Right? Yeah, do you do it like first? I think I do like 510 20 Right. Like, you know, like, where do you jump? You got a group, um, kind of quick in the beginning, so they kind of get some first nice, they feel accomplished, and then start spreading them out, spread them out, right so that when somebody does make, you know, 10,000 miles, whatever, you know, yeah, be Yeah, but that's quite early on. That's something. Yeah, it's a big deal. Like, oh, man, this is the only dog so far that's got this patch. Your dog is so great. They'll be like, Oh my God, we have a leaderboard. Yeah, that we post on our website and social media. And we give out man word, and free services. Yo, that Instagram for the doggy hiking will be fire. Everybody's gonna want to see that. I just want you to know that like, dog hiking Instagram, boom. Oh, yeah. Done over. The people who do that, like, it's just, it's like, scenic Ozark VISTAs with like, a group of dogs laying on the side. And the old man yo, follows for days like that. Everyone's gonna want that. And people are gonna want to see their dog out there. Right. Exactly. So they want to be tagged in it. Oh, that's that's my, I don't know. Dog names. That's my Rex. I don't know. Yeah.

Collin  36:13

Yeah, and the other thing is, is like, you know, you get a good group of four or five dogs that you're doing it a couple times a week with like, it's not it's that'd be pretty. Pretty solid. Yeah. And adventure dog. Adventure dog.

Brandon  36:29

Yep. So coming soon. The adventure dog. Instagram. Oh, yeah. Now people eat that up. I love that. Yeah. Especially because there's literally nothing like that. Yeah, it'd be dogs and like, sweet cliffs and fall foliage. Susan's following it right now that even doesn't even exist yet. Already on it.



Brandon  37:08

Aaron, Aaron, are you how are you alive? Yeah, I don't know. How many games of baseball and or softball Have you played this week? Having been at press that we had three the last few days. And then we have tournaments. Morrow, Friday and possibly Saturday. So we got five. And then next week, probably about same. Yeah. Oh, no.

Aaron  37:55

This week started out so we went we drove down to Oklahoma City Sunday and watch them let her tell you live. If you have Hulu or able to watch it, I'll highly recommend watching Letterkenny. Really funny Canadian TV show. So we watched we watch them live Senecal city they'll play film, late night. Monday. Baseball game.

Brandon  38:21

It was frustrating. One but frustrating. Two games yesterday, got home late. Frustrating. No games today but had to do teacher trainings because we have a test coming up. And we have to all teachers have to take mandatory tests to be able to be certified to administer a test. Oh, yeah. Phillip training thing. Oh, yeah. I love that. So fun game in tomorrow, possibly. And then game Friday, possibly if we have a game plan if we win. And then there'll be the conclusion game or the including game Saturday, but I won't be able to go to the game Saturday because we have our engagement pictures. Saturday evening. Oh, so I've been hitting lesson plans, doing lineup charts, hitting charts, coming up in practice, and just doing everything. Tonight, I

Aaron  39:29

had a good week, and then I have my benchmark into the year test. And then the week after that is when we start a test. So literally cramming things in, because I'm a little bit behind in history. But I'm just trying to get them through the end of the year. So I'm really we did have the tire moment.

Brandon  39:50

Yeah, that's crazy. Where are you going for your engagement photos? Downtown Downtown Tulsa Get on there we might go to a park or something down there but we'll be gentle who actually really pretty. So we'll just kind of go down there. Pictures we were gonna do a Sunday by the lady couldn't is that we just moved it up a day. We'll take care of that and then hopefully getting refunds on Sunday and then recover and just kind of go from there our head coaches are having some Yeah, he's been being pulled all sorts of directions. So I had to drive this gigantic travel by which is a you know when you hear it because we just grand your life fantasy, but no one is just gigantic. And, and it's just super old. And it is massive. And they grab it. So I've been driving mad all over the place. And I've gotten way better at it than when I first drove it by driving that on back roads. Almost absolutely terrible. But I've been I've been having to do many things and wear many hats. And softball is three and three. Oh, yeah. Three, three, or four and three, which is the best record they've had in my five years. And baseball is currently three and four. I think so out of on par. But the the one thing people don't understand with baseball is that for the season schedule like that, you know, you can play really hard to build a program when you play people that are just Barnstorm you like 17 to one? So yeah. intersperse the wins in that. Yeah, so some of those some of those games had a nice kind of get home at the time, but like, oh, well, that's fine. But yeah, that's an that's an Anglican myself. Just recuperating and trying to try the weekend. Nice. I'm going to be interested to hear how these photos go. Because, oh, yeah, well, we'll be

Aaron  42:27

there's some really cool like old buildings downtown. And so we'll kind of go around there. And they have some little, like, mini park down there and

Brandon  42:39

kind of things and it kind of in the road and nice. No, it's always interesting to see how photographers work. Because some of them are like, I have these spots exactly planned. And our guy was like, kind of insane. And we at one point, we were just driving and he was like, Oh my God, look at that we're stopping right here. Like just like winged off the road is like this old like General Store thing. And he's like, dude, check out this wall. This is amazing. And like, we're like, I cool. Like my first thought when when kind of all this was came firing was when the I took my senior photos with a guy that did your all senior photos, I think or at least call him. Yeah. I think I didn't matter. We just went to downtown Springfield if you'd like. I bet. Like, I don't know. I'm a high school. I go stand over there. Hey, what do you what do you think about this? That's a pretty cool tree. Yep, that's a tree. I was taking a picture of it. Okay, so that's kind of how I originally thought but as, as it's gotten closer to the day, it's more it's like, an actual like, oh, this actual, like, paid professional. Like, who does this for a living? It's actually gonna be like a legit, like, boom. Kind of thing. So I'm definitely excited. I've got an app that for me, however, we're both pretty excited. Nice. Hopefully I can stay away will be I mean, that would be good. Please do that. I thought I told them they could Photoshop and then maybe funny time. It might be funny. If you did one where she'll be like, standing there I'll happily like laying on the ground like pass out. That'd be kind of funny. Like the background is asleep on a bench. And she's like, she's like dragging you come this way. And you're like we're gonna have some fun as I've gotten closer to this age, now it's been like drove up like sounds like really fun. So I'm pretty excited. She's pretty excited. So we got we got to get thing look forward to this weekend. Nice. was the exact opposite with things like this. I was like, Oh yeah, that sounds pretty fun. And then like, the closer it gets, I'm like yeah, it's sounding less fun all the time because my pessimism coming out in like all facets Right? Like, oh, I'm doing have to know though

Collin  45:24

Yeah, we did ours in Kansas City and it was very much kind of like yours, Brandon, where our photographer was just kind of, we were just like, well, we're gonna park here, we're gonna walk this street. We're just gonna see what happens. And at one point, like they're like, Whoa, look, let's get on the top of that parking garage.

Brandon  45:44

The sun is setting and running. Running up to catch the last little bit of a light Yeah, was going down. It was a fun though. It was as I really enjoyed it. Yeah, mine was like that we did a bunch of like, around and we went back to his house because he had like a studio room in like, the basement. And it was like, for like the posing ones or whatever. So we did some that were like, out and about we went to like CFO, and like cuz he the guy was in Branson. And so we just went there. And then we just sort of like drove around randomly. And there was one time where we were I don't even know where it is. We were just driving. And all of a sudden he just like swerved off the road. Like, all right, he's like whipped into this like gravel parking lot. He was like, Dude, this is gonna be awesome. Like, and the picture is really great. It's like actually one of my favorite ones that we took just like some random building. He's like, Dude, this is really cool. Check it out. Like, all right, sure. I was also the other thing I remember about my waiting for a gator photos. Was I was a bad band kid. Because we got to his student, we got to studio thing and we had to like change into like, nice clothes. And guess who didn't have any socks? He was me. I didn't know. So like. So didn't matter, really? Because it was pictures of like, from the waist up. But like, still, it's like, oh, this is awkward. I don't you're never gonna believe this. You're never gonna believe this. But I somehow managed to not have socks in this bag of clothing that I brought. Well, you know, whatever. They have backup socks. No, I didn't take any pictures that had my feet in them. Like at the studio, which was like us sitting on a stool or whatever, so that it wasn't like a big deal, but it was like a weird like, thing. I mess that up, didn't I? Yeah, I can't always have socks on you. You want? Yeah. I don't know why I didn't have them because I would have been wearing them. I think maybe Oh, I think it was because I had on like light colored khaki socks. Because I was wearing like khaki pants and like a polo shirt. Sure. My outside ones. But inside ones it was like black pants and like a gray shirt. I didn't have backup black socks. I only had like, khaki colored light socks for my Yeah, that would that would look really weird. With the real bad. I did. Like, oh, man. That's dumb. Okay. Well, I know our challenge is we're continuing our challenge for next week. But brain speaking have no context. I have Yeah. How'd you like that? I have a picture of a of a book. That Yeah. Bilingual stories for kids. You craved English? Yes. Really? It's beautiful. Yes. Obviously. It's great. He's on Amazon looking for something else. And I was on there. I was like, well, he happened half and by this I was actually looking for a more like official like language textbook type situation, right? For my practicing of things. Which are found, by the way so I have one of those. But this was also on there in the little like recommendation deals. It was like impulse buy. Yeah, it's called. The English translation is who lives in the woods. And so it's just a stone storybook. And it's just like, it's one of those ones where it has like all the animals in it and like it's just like, Oh, I am a bear. I am very big. I climb trees. By It has it's all bilingual in Ukrainian and English. kind of awesome. And the illustrations are great. So I was like, I have to buy this. Must, this must have thing. It looks so cool. The illustrations are cool too. I mean, just cover. But yes, they are. Yeah, that came today. So more on that later, but it just had to do. I just searched this. Apparently, there are many versions of this book. Oh, interesting. Yeah. For lots of other languages. It's a thing that I've seen for other languages I've never seen. I've seen that a lot for Spanish, obviously, because I work in a school with a very high Spanish speaking population. Yeah, but I have never seen one. And like, I've seen them for like, Spanish and like, some random one one time. It's like a Southeast Asian language. I can't recall which one it was. But yeah, so they go have the Ukrainian version. I like it. Bam. We're reading your review and Nicola and write about it. Yeah, I was doing some stuff I was looking for. I wanted the language textbook, just to have some something else to practice with. Because I have online resources during the Duolingo thing. Doing some online stuff. I have a random notebook here that I've been copying stuff down from videos, like, like numbers, and like common nouns, and, you know, verbs, I mean, and do the adjectives when later numbers to 10. You know, and then like, 10, to 20, and all that stuff. Personal personal pronouns question words. Yeah, so they're going to use for. So I've been copying those down in there, from like, random videos that I watch and stuff like that, kind of try to do that. And so I was like, Ah, I wonder if they have like a random like, beginner textbook thing. And I found one, it was actually pretty cheap. I didn't know if it was gonna be like, textbook price, or like, normal human being work price. Luckily, the answer was not college textbook price, because I would not have bought that as a job as but suppose he doesn't get to, but I just thought, you know, might be something useful. But now obviously, to buy a notebook to go specifically with the book, because that's how you have to do this, obviously. So we're gonna gotta run to Walmart. Maybe tomorrow, grab a notebook with you, you're tackling a new, a new language. What is your approach to to a new language? I? Well, yeah, that's the I've been trying to formulate one. Right, that's kind of in this last week is trying to think about it. I have experience with formal language training in other languages, right? Not recently. But like, I remember, I took French for two years in high school. I took a semester of intro to Spanish in college. And so I was just trying to think about like kind of basic vocabulary that you need, kind of like so I started with just sort of like, okay, this language is a particular alphabet, right? Because the alphabet is different. As mentioned, last week, there are 33 letters in the Ukrainian alphabet. So it's more. And so I started with alphabet, and just sort of trying to understand the sounds. Right. It's a very phonetic language, though, it seems like it appears that there are 33 letters. So there are 33 sounds. That's kind of it. Right? I think there's a couple exceptions, but like, Oh, interesting. And I could be wrong, because I've been very new to this. But so far, it seems very phonetic, right? We don't have a lot of this weird English garbage where it's like, Oh, it sounds like this except for when this happens and except for this blah, blah, right or, you know. So getting the alphabet down, and kind of getting a basic understanding of what sounds the letters make was step one. Right now there are still a couple letters that I'm still sort of unsure about. For complex reasons. Number one, though. Well, the so the one that I had trouble with is I don't know what it's called. It's the one that looks like a backwards in. I'm still not entirely sure what sound that letter makes. Right? There's another one. It's a backwards end with a little accent over the top of it. Okay, which is apparently a different sound. Allegedly. Depending on the word, it sounds like a different vowel to me. But it is some sort of vowel, it makes some sort of other vowel sound, because, like, on the whole, if think the vowels make one sound, right, so the vowel for the so the letter i represents the sound, E. That is it. Right? No long I short I long a short a, like an English. One letter is one sound. So I think the one of those kind of makes that medium sound. It's hard to tell because sometimes in English, right, we don't have an accurate representation of what the letter says. Right? If you ask somebody, what sound does this letter make? Right? If you say what sound is letter G make, they will tell you go. That's actually a G. A sound. Yeah. Right. So does the Ukrainian letter saying? Is it like the English G that says, gah? Or is it a good, which is actually the g sound? Right? Or like the letter H? You know, people are like, Oh, letter H says ha, like, no, no. letter H says. Yeah, that's, that's it. So, phonetically, this is very complicated. So anyway, trying to build around. That's a whole nother conversation we have for a long time, but that Yeah. So alphabet sounds, and alphabet characters. Step one, step two, sort of the basic vocabulary like, hello, common words, right? What are your common words that you would need? Just your most common words like, hello, that's why I have the question words, like what here? Like where I mean, the all that stuff? Those words, number words, right? I think I'm going to find some color words, again, because those are very common descriptive type things. So like, you know, that and I have some videos, I found that they kind of go through that one. There's like, Oh, hello, my name is blank, right? Those kind of basic things. Because the basic sentences like that, when you hear the sentences, that's how you start to get your ear around the language. Right? That's how you're kind of thinking about this. How do you get your ears around it? Because there are new sounds? New things, some of the vowels like when you have to say like when you say them in isolation, they're fine. When you put the sounds together, what's some tongue gymnastics that I was not fully prepared for? Right? Like the way that your mouth has to shift very quickly from one shape to another to accommodate these consonant sounds? Are these like, orange like crazy sounding consonant sounds is very interesting. So that's why I'm starting right that. And then, because I'm doing that, I'm starting to pick up a little bit of the grammar rules, right, slightly. That's the reason I wanted the book and set to go some of the videos I've been watching online about, okay, what are the because it has gendered nouns like other languages, right? So I need to know really, what is the letter at the end that signifies the gender? How do I know it's changed? What letter Am I looking for? Right? I need I just need to know because it's kind of like Spanish, right? Where if or like French, right, with the E or the O, right? Physical there's or the EMA. I mean, there's like a signal. Right? So that's the basic grammar that I need to kind of get my eyes around. Next is the things like gendered nouns, genders nouns and like what actually do you do to make a noun plural? Right? Right. I need to know that. How do I signify plural? What's this? What do I do? Like? How do I know? How do I change it from this to this? Like, what do you add? So basic grammar would be next. And then that's kind of where I'm at now, sort of like alphabet sounds, common words, basic grammatical structure. How does this sentence go together? I mean. And I started to pick a little bit of that up from just some practice and some sentences and looking at sentences and stuff. And kind of like, the heart piecing them together. And working that way. So right, you got to be looking for it, like Duolingo will not like who's basically tell you these grammar rules, you can sort of start figuring them out when you start seeing more and more sentences. Right? Sure. And you're going okay, that means this. So that means I have to put this word here, you know what I mean? And so I've been doing that, and I did, I might have figured out how to change the keyboard into my on my phone into Ukrainian. Well, because I did that, because in the Duolingo thing, so if you're not familiar with Duolingo, normally, the exercises involve like selecting words from a box for the translation, right. So let's say like, an English sentence, and then you pick the words from a word bank, that are supposed to be the translation, right? After you work through a certain number of levels of doing that, you can actually start typing the sentences yourself. So you don't have to look at a word bank. Now what I can do is I can look at the English sentence. And now I can directly type a Ukrainian translation. But I needed the Ukrainian keyboard, because the characters don't exist on the Latin keyboard. So I just went to my settings on my phone, and I discovered that there are any language you want is in there, you just have to hit download, and then activate it with the little button. And it's there. And now all I have to do is swipe on my spacebar and it switches to a different language. Oh, that's cool. That's really cool. So my spacebar now just has little arrows on the end, and I just swipe it and it completely changes the keyboard to the Cyrillic alphabet of the Ukrainian language. So going back and forth is super easy. I don't have to go into settings yonder thing is swipe it. Yeah, boom. But again, that that gets back to we talked about this a little bit last time about the importance of immersion and exposure to those things of like, because what you're doing is it's this, you know, you're not going to have all the answers are known all right at the beginning. So you kind of slowly discover it. And know that you're going to come across those answers and need those answers over time of like, exit like, I'm going to know the colors as I learned the colors, I'm going to be counting things that I'm going to be doing these things kind of build that very slowly, as you become an you'll get more complex things. Yeah, yeah, just kind of like pieces here, like, Oh, these are groups of things I can know, or this thing here and this thing there. And just, that's I started writing them down in this notebook, because, like, have a centralized repository for where they are. So it's kind of like your homemade reference material. Right, you know, to start putting them in there. So that's, that's been what I've been doing. I will also just like to side note putting, looking at the keyboard in another language is mind bending. Right? Because you're like, I need this letter. Where in the world is this? Right? Like, I'm already not like the greatest typer but through many years of just having to type a bit become like mildly proficient at typing, right? Sure. So like, whenever you get so like, when I did this, I was trying to type the sentence like mom and dad, it was like, Where are I don't understand it's so crazy. Like, why are these? No, it's, it's at least a lot of other questions like, Yo, why are these here? What is happening? I don't understand all these I've done hers a while these things are here. Please help me. He felt though,

Collin  1:05:06

when it when it comes to I don't have it asked this question. Without it hunting weird, but what's going on in your, in your brain, when you're looking for those, those numbers and I'll add, I'll add this of like, I, I kind of feel like a lot of times of learning the second third language, all those languages is how I felt whatever I was learning keys and finger positions on the clarinet or the what I saw in front of me of how quickly I went from, oh, that is a B flat, B flat is where I put my fingers like then to I see a little dot, you know, four lines up, I know that immediately be flat, my fingers snap to it. And kind of the same way for me whenever I was learning French of you just start start the short circuiting but you chunk out these big middle these processing periods of making those connections. So for you what that was that, like, you know, starting to build those linkages from, from letter to letter in that translation process

Brandon  1:06:22

is very slow. Right, I feel it's interesting to think about it because like, I don't know, it's real slow going. It's really hard. It's a lot of searching. Right? Just because you're doing it basically visually, because now I have no formal instruction in this or really keyboarding. Right. So as it turns out, I do not have that. So like it's been a really odd experience to be in that position, because this is a position that you read about as a teacher, right? Of the language learner or the struggling reader. Right. So when I'm trying to spell these words, right, I'm trying to spell school and Ukrainian scholar. Right. So I'm sitting here going, okay. And I'm looking for the key that makes that sound like okay, there it is. And I'm like, okay, okay, I need any this case over here. Oh, luck, luck. This thing? Ah, okay, there. Okay. Got it. Right. So that's, I find myself doing this very, like, breaking it down. So you're like spelling phonetically. And you're going really slow. And you're looking on the keyboard at the same time. It's very, very odd experience. I have trouble describing it. But this is what kids did struggle to read or going through. Right? Is that thing I've read about a lot of textbooks. And here I am doing it. You know what I mean? is very interesting. Think about that. So it is it's very slowly trying to build those connections. Right? Because right now I can't go. Because I'm learning words, and then like spelling simultaneously. You know, I can't go like, Oh, I know how to spell that. Exactly. There's very few words. I know how to spell. Yeah, I just felt like mama. Right. Tato. Talk me. Rat, expert down. Right, these very small letters. I don't know how long it's gonna take me spell like number words, because they're very long. Right, like divots, which I don't really know how to spell that, like. So yeah, it's very interesting. It's like, you're sort of breaking it down. And you're sort of trying to reprogram your brain to do this, because you're doing a lot of these things at once. And so you can't really concentrate on everything. And so you just have to break it down into its constituent parts of letter. Sound. Whatever, right? It's very, very tricky to do that. So it's been interesting. You know, I just didn't have keyboard like yesterday, so I'm very much still like, what? Oh, no world. Yeah. Well, yeah. I'm really fascinated to see how that process keeps going for you with you. And when we start receiving the messages that are completely incomprehensible to me Gotta go copy paste into Google Translate. Yeah, it's just very, it's very, it's very cool. Like, I don't know, it's just really interesting. I don't know why I've latched on to this so much. I'm like, not the linguist, right? Like, I don't I don't really know. But like I was probably challenge or what, but it's just been really interesting. And fun to do so. Yeah. So we'll see how it goes. Yeah. But yeah, the process has been very eye opening, just thinking about, like, this is what's happening. This is what students are dealing with sometimes, right? Like, Oh, interesting, okay. Because like, it's something you read about Pilates teacher, you read about this all the time. But you either have never experienced it yourself. Or if you have experienced it yourself, it was such a long time ago. They don't really have a memory of it. So this, like breaking it down into these little pieces, sounding the words out, trying to remember what's letter or character goes with what sound? You know, going really, really helped you

Collin  1:11:27

really, really helped you out with it. It helps you appreciate the students in the classroom who are trying to do this on the fly with brand new subject matter, right along at the same pace as everybody else. Oh, yeah. Who are, you know, and what exactly. They go through in that process. As they as they as they are really trying. Right. It means you're

Brandon  1:11:53

going to that Yeah, well, again,

Collin  1:11:55

you are now experiencing this afresh. Yeah. And, and it does kind of, again, put you back a little bit go right. Like I I, too often, we get caught up in what we know how we experience the world. I mean, I'm doing this now with teaching math, kids, and I still have to step back and go, Huh, I went from this step to this step. You're probably wondering what exactly I did the middle there. They're like, yeah, like, okay, so this is this will get?

Brandon  1:12:27

Yeah. All right, you're gonna start guys.

Collin  1:12:30

But it's even more like just this, when you think, you know, then one abstraction away from that is just like, foundational, like, the language that I'm just straight up using to try and teach you these things. I'm assuming you're processing them. And you're putting these pieces together at the same rate that I am, because I am right now. Why wouldn't you like, and and it's a really good reminder that that's not the case. And that we need to be very aware of that anytime we're in an educational setting, or in a conversation that we're having with people of, of what exactly going on just be taking a beat be cognizant

Brandon  1:13:06

of that. Yeah, I think that's something that you forget about. Right. And I try to do that when I'm teaching. But I try to think about these things. Like I'm very, I very deliberately think about that a lot about like, okay. And with science, it's like so hard, right? Because, all right, I have to tell you about this phenomenon that you don't know anything about, that you've probably never heard about before. Yeah. How do I do that? Right? Like, how do I break this down into little pieces and make the pieces digestible enough that you kind of can put them together as a whole? Right? So that's very difficult. We think about that. Cuz Yeah, you go, Well, I know about it. And unfortunately, not a lot of I mean, I can I can say that a lot. But there are, unfortunately, many educators that don't think about that way. Right? There's like, why don't you know this? Because I'm 12, bro. I don't know. I mean, like, that's a thing that happens in it. It's all about kind of expectation and, and managing them. And, and then saying, like, okay, you know, at some point, you got to be like, alright, the kids didn't get this. What did I do? That was not helpful. Right? You kinda have to think about in that context and say, What? Why not? What did I do? It's not their fault. You know what I mean? Like, yeah. So that's the other thing. We talked about that on Monday. Another meeting thing about that, like, there are expectations that we just take for granted that, like we think people should know how to do. Like, if nobody's ever told them before, or taught them or got over this, like, how, how do they know? Yeah, well, it's huge. It's huge to sit there and go, Hmm, what did? Yeah,

Collin  1:15:28

what did I do that let's say, you know, maybe what did I do wrong? Or maybe what did I miss? What did I forget? What can I do better next time? That's a huge, huge component to improving and, and looking at ourselves. And I think too often.

Brandon  1:15:43

society, people at large tend to focus on like, Well, you didn't get it. So what's wrong? You? Yeah. You like that? And it's, it's totally off. Right? Yeah, really not the right way to go about, like, the example from Monday is they were all talking about the the other science teachers that teach like high school. They were like, I don't understand why these kids don't know how to take notes. Like, it's such a struggle. I'm like, I can't get him to take notes. I can't get him to do this. Blah, blah, blah. And I can't get you know, and I'm over here like, No, I don't have this problem. Like, guys. They're like, Yeah, is it hard for you? And I was like, No. Like, it's, it's not? We don't, we don't have that problem. Like, maybe next year's kids will be better, because they're really good right now. Like, I don't know what to tell you. Yeah. Like, I don't know, a lot. A lot of it's like, one of your class. There's a lot of other factors going here. Like, what are your classroom expectations? What are your expectations for this activity? Have you told them how you want them to do things like now? Like, you know, cuz? Have you have you told them how you want their notes to be? Have you told them? How it works? Do you tell them things like, write this down in your notes? I will give you time to write it. And then they will continue talking.

Collin  1:17:18

That's a big one. Because I can't write and listen to same time, you know, right. So, or events, something that I seem to do a lot of, I'll say, Okay, make sure you write this down in your notes. Hmm. Do they know what it means to take notes? What are they writing down right now? Where are they writing it down?

Brandon  1:17:36

Right? Yeah, that's the I mean, we in my class, we have a binder? Yeah, you can it sits on the shelf over there. And at the beginning of class, I say things like, Okay, we're going to need to write some things down today. So I'm going to call you by your rows to go get your binder, because I know I have to call them by rows. Because if I don't, then I'll go over there. And it's not so much a problem getting them out. It's when they put them back. It's a problem. And they they fall on the floor. They got binders on the floor, it's all thing I hate it. So we call them by rows.

Collin  1:18:06

And I say just simple stuff like that. You know, again, we're looking at what you're saying in the assumptions that are inherent in it, and go, do they understand those assumptions for my Yeah, talking here. And that, again, at all levels in our lives, that really helps us? Communicate, educate? And I think, above and beyond that very much more importantly, there's a neck? Yeah, better with people. Because if you can go if you can, as you're giving instructions, as you're talking to somebody, you've already kind of, again,

Brandon  1:18:41

put a little bit of thought into this, like, this. So appreciated. Because better, right? So my dad, because I have a lot of slides in my slideshow, right? There's like a billion in there. Yeah, but we only have certain ones that we're going to write down in a binder. Sure, like the real important stuff, like some definitions of key words or like, big important ideas. So I tell them, I will stop and say, write this one down. Yeah. Okay. So we've talked about, like, how does that work? Okay. So, you know, especially if it's in the same, like, right now, we're in the middle of the same chapter. So I just say, okay, you know, the beginning of the year, I'm talking about, find the last thing you wrote. Skip a line. Right? This right, it's telling that Yeah, cuz they haven't taken us foreign sixth grade, before sixth grade. They don't know. I tell them by lacing you did skip a thing right now. And sometimes, like at the very end, like what's the start of a new chapter or something? I'll say alright. Brand new page. Go blank page. Next section, lights the top new unit. Or New I think my slides a new area of focus or something like that. Right that boom Okay, here we go. And asked me, right and because I do that, if there's they're not afraid to go, Hey, Miss Funkhouser, is this part of the same thing from yesterday? I say, Yes, it is. So just write it right under there and be like, okay, cool. Got it. You know? Those ask, or sometimes we're like, Hey, do we need to write this down? I'm like, No, we don't need this. I mean, yeah. If you want to, by all means, but we don't have to. I'm not gonna stop you. But you don't have to. Normally they don't. Everyone's wanted it back. Oh, that's really? Um, that's neat. All right, that but sometimes they don't. Yeah, I think that kind of stuff. Because what are you doing? You You're setting themselves up setting them for

Collin  1:20:50

the test, not just with you. But like, that kind of skill that literally translates to, I mean, I had was very fortunate have teachers who worked on and showed me how to write notes. throughout school. That's almost exactly still how I take notes how I prep the page. Yeah, how I structure how I organize stuff. To this day, and it's, it's, it's, it's essential, I think, to a lot of things of just simple things like no takeout I structure my thoughts while you're talking. Like, that's, that's something that is that is a very, very deep skill that you have to work on. Yeah, that's why we start with

Brandon  1:21:29

me is pointing the board and say, Write this down. Yeah. Right. But like, that's, you know, he got stuck somewhere. And I realized that they don't know how to do it. And so I part of my job as teachers to help teach them. And their mind is look great. This bow, right, the beginning of the year. No, but now Yeah, they're pretty good. I have some kids that were like, they came up to me, and they're like, Hey, Miss Funkhouser, can we have a couple post it notes? And I was like, why? And they're like, well, we wanted to make some tabs for our binder. So we could, like find our stuff better. I was like, yes, absolutely. Hey, go, Hey, all dig up. Outside, why can't they know that? Right? Like, whatever. Like, no, don't organize your material for class. Stop, right. Yeah, cuz one of them. One day, someone was like, I really wish had tabs like, you just make them. And they're like, oh, yeah, I can just like just get a post note, and tape it to the paper. Tab. And they're like, Whoa, really? Like? Yeah. Cuz I have some of the like, the small ones, you know? And they're like, why don't have any like, Well, I do. And I will gladly give up my post it notes. My precious posted notes. If it means tabbed binders. Come on. I'm like, Who do you think you're talking to? Yeah, give that one girl. She's like, Yeah, my own table of contents. And I was like, he's getting a in binders for the rest of year. I'm not even grade yours anymore. And I checked the binders around the quiz time. It used to be a no, I don't care. I was like, Okay, then, like, yeah. That's awesome. I was like, What in the world? Fair still a couple that we? Did. They need some help, you know, but you know, it's fine, whatever. Type, right? Cuz, you know, here's the thing, right? Some people are just, they do differently. You know, I try to be cognizant of that, like, you might need your nose differently. But also, while you're writing all your notes on one page they would get because we talked about that, because we use our we use our notes for lots of stuff. We go back over them, we reread them and we use them for because we talked about that, like, hey, we need to read these again. That's the whole point of writing on first time. It doesn't study guide time. Guess where the answers for all the study guide questions? Not all of them, right? But the majority of them are in there. Not your like, your big like, hey, what do you think about this? Or like, because of these things describe this, right? That's not in there. But like, a lot of the other ones are in there. And if you can't read them again. Good. It's like the first couple chapters. We talked about that like, like, just focus, I cannot find this on my notes and I'll look at their binder and be like, Why do you think that is? Let's talk about this. Let's talk about why you can't find things. How can we make this better next time? Right? Yeah. If you were wanting to improve Yeah, no person wanted to make this mess up better. What might they do? Give me one thing so good. Okay, well, we have our notes we have our new languages we have Yes. That's all you need really? Good. Well, we will be preparing for continuation of the week to true just just more of next time. There's more last time. I mean, keep doing more. Alright, sounds good. Love you. Love you.

