sven sandwich

Collin has a cough. Aaron is counting baseballs. Brandon (and he’s not alone) hates White Elephant Gift. We can all agree marmalade and peanut butter sound disgusting. We take a dive into a weird corner of Youtube. 

  • Sore throats

  • Unofficial throat lozenge

  • Sven sandwich 

  • Aaron is doing Baseball inventory

  • Bucket of baseballs

  • Catcher gear

  • Recycling car seats and gear?

  • Baseball uniforms

  • Brandon hates White Elephant Gift

  • Collin too

  • Brandon discovered something random….

  • Shiey:

  • Owner separation anxiety 

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people, year, building, buy, helmets, abandoned, weird, sandwich, question, watching, baseball, equipment, chihuahua, check, long, videos, bit, hat, talking, interview


Collin, Aaron, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your host, Brandon, Cullen. And Aaron. On this week's show, spend sandwich.


Welcome, welcome. Hello. You could both turn to page one, the script, we can go ahead and get started. Oh, yes. Yeah, I figured, you know, we've been doing these 100 and 100 and 14th episode today. Welcome. Hi, everybody. Wow.

Collin  00:41

Dad, look at that. I decided, you know, we really need to start honing in and making this nice crisp 59 minute sharp episode. So I've gone ahead and just scripted out the whole thing for both of you and you can turn the page


Yes. Sorry. First time listeners. That's a little joke for ya.


Call it a deep cut. A longtime listeners will still be thoroughly confused, but I'm welcome. What's

Brandon  01:14

it's been a day. Oh, has it now? Oh, no, I just, I've got this weird at the end of the day. And so my throat is tired. I didn't interview earlier. I already have a little cough. And so like, every little nuance or like slight chuckle sends me into this like coughing. So it's been kind of kind of fun to try and manage that. I was doing the trying to read stories to the kids earlier and I was like, We got to we got to hold on to this great fun. I drink lots of water. Well, yes. Good luck. What you need is some vinegar and honey have a recipe I can send it to you. Okay, I'll have the have the Boston that right over. That's what you got to get when you got that sore throat. Oh, oh, unless of course you are. Catch a little bit earlier and you carry around in your backpack like me the unofficial throat lozenge of oh brother podcast, the grafters Vassilis Oh Hot dang and hallelujah. The marvelous blackcurrant flavor soothes the throat


right? Makes it keeps you going all day long. Right? Oh, hey, how's it going guys? It was not for real though. I love those things they're amazing. So you need some of those to for your long interview days right

Brandon  02:41

there go that's what I that's really what I need to do. I spelled lozenge right in the first time we've also been and that is something I could not do I'd say that oh also also been reviewing more applicants for job opening that we put for Sedalia. Oh yeah. Boy howdy. It is a wild ride. Believe you mean a rockin good time. That's what you mean to say these people definitely have had one in their life. No, it's really fun to see like how long a sentence can be with no punctuation or capitalization. You have sixth graders applying that's so crazy. Yeah. I didn't know they could apply for

Collin  03:28

one guy that that he was a he was a he did a yard waste removal and wedding. And I was extremely confused and making was like I think he meant weeding. And sure enough he was he would run the weed eater

Brandon  03:45

for law okay, I was like wow, that's I mean maybe he does it before weddings. Right cleans up beforehand to make a nice I'm pretty I was really trying to go for this one. I'm one person said I was I always spend spend sandwich and I was like


them. What is this fed sandwich? And let me tell you there are some very interesting pictures if you can Google a span S v n.

Brandon  04:13

Sandwich. I think I will not I think you get a bunch of weird like frozen stuff and like, I think this is probably NSFW content please do not Google this listeners. This is not appropriate. Yeah. No, no it's I mean they're just weird. But I mean get which I was like really thrown off by but no he meant to say even sandwich he was trying to say like and I would do I would even make I would even make sandwiches but he's like Miss several words in there and it was fence give me what's fun sandwich. And


I put as I possibly have to do he really took this peanut butter and jelly sandwich question a bit too far. He really missed the mark here.

Collin  04:53

Oh man. We had one lady who replied to the so we have a long list of questions people have to add a And answer, and at the end it's like how do you make a PMO? Just name it? Which is a good question. Because I want to see creativity. I want to be able to I'm able to articulate well, you another favorite type of jam. I need to know if it's Jay if they say jam or jelly and I judge them immensely. Or preserves. Nobody said preserved yet. Or Marma lead marmalade?

Brandon  05:21

I mean that Mark Yeah, but that's because marmalade is citrus and this lot of citrus with peanut butter is just atrocious. And I can't even really you imagine orange jelly and peanut butter? No. Now I'm interested, I need it. Can you make us break down? Hold on let me okay. All right. Better. P, peanut butter, we're okay, we'll have to have a definitive list. We should do this. Whenever we go to dad's house, we're gonna have to get all kinds of jams and jellies and marmalades and definitively decide on the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich and the correct methodology for making it. And he will we will. There we go. This is our number one.


I'm sure most of them are already in the refrigerator door. We just have to get but we want them to be not expired. I think that's a fox top. No, so stop started stocking up on jams and jellies now.

Collin  06:13

Okay, good. And, and this really goes one of three ways. previously to this, it was like one of two ways. Usually when it gets hacked question someone answers with like, I love this question, and then gives a very good answer.

Brandon  06:29

Or they give you two sentences. And it's like a tip. We had a third one, we now have three, three ways this can go Oh, no. Where the person responds with, I don't know what this has to do with pet care. proceeds to answer the question poorly, I might add an insert with smack them together, which is back up together. Now


you get chilly everywhere. The most aggressive way I could think to make a sandwich. Like why would

Collin  07:06

you do this, smash it in the magic people like one in each hand and just over your head bringing them and summit slamming them together as you've in your final final move to present the sandwich to somebody, but I have somebody to respond with? What does it have to attack here. And the thing is, it has nothing to do with Pet Care has everything to do with you as an employee, and how you're going to be able to articulate problems right out things going on and

Brandon  07:34

and do ridiculous things that client asks you to do. Because they do. It's just like, I was like, Oh, I'm really angry right now. So I'm just gonna reject you. The final say, good. Oh, my goodness. So it's been it's just so much fun. And I I enjoy it. What makes it even better is when Yes, we can tell how how enjoyable you're finding this whole particular situation.

Collin  08:08

Aaron, can't you feel the joy just radiating off of Collin right now? Can you do you feel it? The joy? Oh, yeah. All of it? Yeah, no, it's even better because it indeed has an option where you can have them answer. verbal questions. Well, that so they have a little prompt. And then they click a button and they record their, their spoken response to it. This is interesting, very illuminating. It's not required. I don't I'm not going to make anybody do that. Because there are accessibility issues. And people are in different environments and whatever. And I don't care about that. But boy howdy, when they do that, oh, it always seals the deal for me to reject them.

Brandon  08:52

And it's a well, a it's like, it's like that one of the questions like What are most beyond a paycheck? What motivates you to do a good job? And they, I mean, it's almost nine out of 10 times they respond with? The reason I applied for this job is because I like working with animals. I'm not really a people person. And then there's a long pause. And then that's done. Then I'm like, didn't didn't answer the question into the question at all. Also, you do know that pets are owned by people, right? So a huge red flag for us is anytime somebody says, I don't like people, and I'm like, wow, perfect. I know immediately to hire you. Because that's not okay. And it's a weird thing to say in an application process. Oh, right. They think it's gonna bubble them to the top because they're like, Oh, I'm more of an animal person than a people person. I'm like, great. Go live with animals in the jungle. I have paying customers that want to give me money. Yeah, they want a friendly pet care specialist. Yeah.

Collin  10:06

They want to be dealing with you. Ah, and then one of them is, gosh, what is the other one? It's, I just want to say it's what, uh, what relevant experience do you have for this job? And I always love the ones that it's always like, either they'll say, like, I was a kennel back. I was a groomer. Or you get the people who say,

Brandon  10:28

I don't have any pet care experience. But I do have like customer service experience. The people who can spin that and play like, sweet, awesome, great job. Because we you know, we do have customer customers. So it's just interesting in in, it's also infuriating, because I can tell the people who are not I can tell the people who are not adapting their resume to this job. Ahead, 111 lady, even if her resume Oh, it was so much fun. Again, this is great. And I'll shut up about this because it's annoying.

Collin  11:17

It she, she forgot to remove the top of it was this template for a resume. And at the top of it was like, summary, or like mission. And then the text was like, this is where you would insert statements about your future and what you would like to do and how.

Brandon  11:37

Just straight nice didn't even change it. Like, Well, anyway, we are moving a law.


Beautiful. That's a good, good sign right there. Right? Just like, yeah, I have high attention to detail and like details spelled wrong. And you're like,

Brandon  11:59

Oh, do you do? Oh, that's great. Yeah, that's, yeah, that's fantastic. That's all Megan I do these days. We just didn't screenshots of the whole horrible mess of resumes that we get from people. And I'm not like, I understand it's hard. But at the same time, it's like, you can get help with the like, you can just look at it. Like just look, I just saw no. Anyway. So we can add a resume checker to our Oh, brother of Fiverr listing, right. I'm Derek filling. Actually, probably wouldn't, because the rate of these people it's like they don't even nobody knows that's a service that you can have somebody do.

Collin  12:52

Like, oh, Yo, guys. It's a service you have people do. I know. I know. I am reading a lot of these like, right over like 300 days at this point. And it's whatever. But like, it's like staying the number of people that struggle staying in the in the in the same tense of like, in what like in the same sentence, they will go from present tense to past tense. Talking about a job that they are still doing presently. Like, I know.

Brandon  13:24

Hey, you know tense is hard, man. You gotta apparently. Apparently, Ford's I'm going to breathe in every quarter. Ah that is a game plan. Not a lot. Aaron, how you doing? I'm good. So we're here. Working on some lesson plans stuff. Relaxing. Nobody's over here to buy them. So nice. It's baseball inventory. Today, it's cool. And kind of putting a sour mood if there's not a lot to work with. So

Aaron  14:09

everything was just shoved in a closet. Oh, yes. Our had our school data meeting and then went straight to that. I was like, Oh, this will be easy. And like, open it up for the first time. And it's like, oh, here's like, all of these colored jerseys. Like all different colored colors of orange. Ah, oh, no. And like, Oh, look at all these, you know, white jerseys. And they're all like, a different like style font or a number font and when you ask some of the players like oh knows what we wore last year. Okay, well, it looks like we need to buy buy more stuff. How much money do we have? The baseball cap only? $600. Yeah, we'll give us like two shirts.

Brandon  14:52

$0 Probably. We have we have a bucket of baseballs are Get your gear is now outdated. It has to be approved by the state. And so we now spend money on new testing equipment. Oh, really? I didn't. I didn't know this. So what? So tell me, tell me about catcher gear. I'm curious.

Aaron  15:18

So I don't I don't have the sex in front of me. But there's a certain hatching gear that is approved by the state. And if the kitchen gear doesn't have like certain art on it, that has like, Oh, sh a, like approval, then we can't use it. So all of the credit equipment that we have is outdated. Which means Oh, wow. If we show up to a game, the officials have to look at our equipment. And if it's, if you don't have the right ones, we can we offer for the game. So Holy cow, okay, and catching women is not cheap. So we have to now go and look for approved testing equipment, we have plenty of helmets, although they're small. Plenty of pants of various shades of grey and black and white. The previous coach who was very independently wealthy, would just buy equipment. So the school never had to fundraise. So that's gone. We're like, oh, it fundraise. And kids are like, what's that? You're like, oh, so? Yeah, that's a big problem. And yeah, same kind of thing with with with softball, looking at some of their equipment. And

Brandon  16:42

it's just like, what did you guys update these? And they're like, update?

Aaron  16:50

No, no, no, no, yeah. But I was going through what we got a few weeks left, we got to start doing mid mid year testing. Like I think, I think they talked about with the high school, we got math testing, coming up, or have been getting getting like prep for it. And, yeah, they'll probably start after.

Brandon  17:13

And then I have my mid mid year testing I have to do.

Aaron  17:21

So I got to get in acclimated. We started doing these training things, we have to go and talk to like the principal. And our I don't even know what she's called. He just like shows up for like some program. And they're like, oh, did you do your curriculum map like that. And so they they showed it to me that one of the other teachers who taught what I taught last year, he actually made one for everything that I teach. So I've been using that, but they're all nice. And I was like, I have never heard of that before. What are you talking about? And so is it

Brandon  17:57

just like your your scope and sequence things just like all the stuff that you do on your like your calendar, but it but it shows like the I that is I do we do they do.

Aaron  18:10

Like the standard, but it also shows like The date of things and how long things should take. But it also, you can also attach resources to it like, Oh, hey, I got this from this website. Or you can download this from here. I printed I printed it off, and I have a saved copy online. So I can be like, Oh, boom, I can pull this up. So now that I actually like, physically see, like a timeline wise. It's been it's been better.

Brandon  18:39

Instead of me just kind of jumping around and hitting sporadic

Aaron  18:44

standards. But it's very helpful to the Bible school, they definitely do this. They're like, where you at? Right by, like these people actually, like, sit down and like work with you and be like, oh, you know, by the time we get to here, you should be covering this. And oh, you know, you know, cover this and then go to this. And this was these are these ones are more important on the test and this stuff. So it's actually like, helping me and actually feel more accomplished this year. So I'm a nice


yeah, so I'm it's doing better now that I actually like physically see, like where I'm supposed to be at?

Brandon  19:18

Oh, yes, that is important. So okay, so it's just like your curriculum, basically. Right? Like yeah, yeah, it's called what and what's okay, all right. That's good. That's good news. Great. Yeah. Almost dropping. Yes, I'm a follow up. Catch your question. Just real quick. Is it? It's like every single piece has to be approved or is it like, like the chest protector is more important or like the helmet and like the kneepads don't matter.

Aaron  19:55

You know, my understanding it has to be the entire Like, you mean, before you could coach, or you could play with like Mitch Matt, like, expect to hear now is like the whole set has to be the same. To be like a particular brand, and style. Oh, wow, really? Because it has, from my understanding, don't quote me on this. But I've read and talked about it, how is it all safety regulated? And so as far as like, equipment and get like, besides like, you know, taking a literal baseball or softball to the face, you know, getting run over by another player or something. So it's about it's about player safety. So there's a particular like, Mark, not exactly like, it doesn't have to be Nike. But it all has to be like the same unit.

Collin  20:49

It's kind of like whenever they revamped the criteria for like, kids safety seat, and wear a that they only are good for so many years, like, you know, seven years or whatever for most manufacturers before they get outdated. And then if the if the Highway Safety Administration changes the regulations on what it means to be a safe car seat, you Ooh, man, you have to check out that old one. And repurchase one. Beat those two standards.

Brandon  21:22

Oh, okay. There you go. I did not know this. Fun seems a bit weird that you have no, interesting unaware that you had to physically throw away your car, see? Yeah, like, and like ours. Lillian's approach is six years old now.

Collin  21:51

And that means that I think the manufacturer says it's good to eight, but I can't, like, I've got to take a picture if you can't sell them anywhere, like on marketplace or anything like that. So really have to donate them or give them to somebody else that you know, and a lot of places that accept donations won't take us carseats either, because they can't guarantee that it hasn't been cracked.

Brandon  22:19

Because once that's true, I suppose right? You probably don't want to buy like a used helmet, right? Like exactly like color something.

Collin  22:26

And so you're kind of in this weird position of like, I now have three that we just have sitting around that it's like, I don't know what to do with the shootings. So and I'm sure kind of same thing with the catcher's equipment, like, there's no way to really now sell that. No one else will buy that. Because if a it doesn't meet the regulations, if it doesn't meet regulations for you, it's like a regulation. Nobody else to you can't even make a little bit of money back to put towards your next purchase. Yeah, that's crazy.

Brandon  23:04

Wonder, okay, I got it idea forming already. Gotta have, like, a way to like recycle it, right, like that ship thing that you sent earlier. Right. So there's a yard, right? There's just that stuff that can't be resold that he has, like, get it and try to melt it down and make it into usable plastics, right? Yeah. Yeah. No, I

Aaron  23:30

think that shipyard idea. It'd be nice. Okay. So I think I think I found one of these things. So for us, starting from 2020. high school baseball requires a certified chest protector. That we'll have to have with that's usually coming in like, for me, like certain things. NCAA push their requirements. The rules are not in place for us. Those chest protectors sold in 2018 COVID-19 do not have certification. Evo evoshield has an undershirt. That is you know, the SAE certified protective plates that will give your old year longer life so it kind of detail that so it has to be like after like the rules changes, but yeah, so something like that, like you have to like have to have

Brandon  24:29

well, that's that's what I was curious about if it was if it was like just the Cheshire pet protector, because like the leg guard things, it's just like, whatever, like who cares, but like, I would figure that the chest protector and perhaps the helmet would be the important bit. But yeah, I know you're saying it's like a stamp right? Like this product meets thing like blue. It doesn't matter what brand or whatever. It just has to have that stamp of approval, saying that it meets the safety requirements, right?

Aaron  24:56

Yeah. That's why thing that has to that we have to have. And what would happen previously is that this this coach would buy equipment for the kids and just like let them take it home. And so we're like looking for all the stuff and they're like, oh, yeah, the kids have it, like super, super unhelpful. So they've like, designed it themselves. And like, put like their own stickers and like all this stuff on it. And

Brandon  25:27

so yeah, we have to, like, get those back and be like, these are mine. Like they're not yours. They're the schools

Aaron  25:37

and get your alcohol swabs and by scrub the stickers off to buy a new, you know, several chest protectors for baseball and softball, so

Brandon  25:50

yeah. Not terrible, but time to sell something. Mm hmm. Wonder what Ellen, oh, I got it. Tie in a sorted sunflower seed flavors. They go, you could have them sell sunflower seeds, we know you would buy them. Surely other people would buy them as well. Baseball enthusiasts love sunflower seeds, I reliably been told this. And so it's a great tie in with the sport, right like that.

Aaron  26:28

We're searching for fundraisers. And one of them might be to actually sell, like some of the old jerseys. They like they look cool. By like, so I sort of take a picture of them. I'll probably do it tomorrow. They need to match though, man, they need to match. And it's like, we could probably sell these but then we just have like, some boxes of just like miscellaneous things like well, first off, we're probably not going to like we should just sell these to be like, Oh, he wants your old Jersey here. And then, yeah, I

Brandon  27:01

bet community people would buy that to where to the games and stuff. You know, I mean, like, yeah, Rogersville band turns their old uniforms into pillows, didn't they?

Aaron  27:10

That's true. I have one. Yeah, we were looking at fundraisers of like, having to work like an OSU basketball game, like in the concession stand or at like, University of Tulsa basketball game, because that's the stands or is money that way. Oh,

Brandon  27:25

nice. Go on flags.

Aaron  27:28

But we're also we also don't have it's not one of the things like with most schools, like there's an overall like athletic budget. And like, one year one sport, it's like New Jerseys or whatever. And then like the next year, something else is more like, Oh, hey, you know, what you can get? And the bigger the the money that we get from concessions and

Brandon  27:54

entry fees like will be distributed. So good luck. So there's no like, overall athletic funds, so we can't let you go to school and ask for money. Yeah. Um, we don't have we have no path. I know that that is an important baseball feature. Is that because

Aaron  28:14

it also is also a rule because you have to have quote, unquote, a year. Oh, really? Yeah. I mean, I guess you have to have a uniforms in my head. He's not helmets, like and which doesn't help because some of our helmets are also multicolored. Like we have like all black helmets and then like a grey with white plains and then like a bunch of horned helmets, right.

Brandon  28:40

So Well, I think batting helmets, it doesn't matter as much. No big with I mean, it's supposed to like, look, we're supposed to look like a team that like, yeah, we misfit. You know, people like we think we know.

Aaron  28:55

Well, you can just get some spray, just get some black spray paint. And he got it. I've seen I've seen pictures of like, the last few years. And it's like, who had this like, youth team onto the baseball field. And you're like, wow, everybody has something different. And you know, so we need Yeah, $600 is not going to buy, you know, 20 some odd hats or 30 or however we need. So, yeah, we


have no hat. Oh, boy. So yes, it's Yeah. Eek. I'm fine. I'm fine. So Okay, question. Follow up question. I have a lot of follow up questions.

Brandon  29:40

I've never really thought this extensively about baseball uniforms before? Yeah, our hats a thing that you have to buy every year. Because I would think the player would buy the hat and then like, or something and then that's just like their hat now because I can't imagine you like

Aaron  30:00

giving it back. No. So you are correct. So okay, biggest thing. So what schools are supposed to do that they buy hat? And then they buy like

Brandon  30:18

they buy these hats, and then the kids do now what they like? Yeah, and then they keep those hats for good, but usually they're some leftover to start next season. Okay, cuz you want yeah, you have the same like style all the time. Okay, this makes sense. And so what they typically did was just like, buy a few and then just like start giving them ask people, but I think the last few years the kids actually paid like

Aaron  30:49

$20 or had and then they just got them. And, like the kids got their own personalized hat, but a lot of those last years are graduated. So there's like a, like a small handful of kids left that have those hats. And so we're like, ah, neat. So yeah, we gotta we got to look at hats. But the main The worst thing is, is when you order something either of us like different kind of like companies like order these due to COVID the they take a really long time. We ordered stuff for football at the beginning of year and we still haven't got them like we ordered like this helmet, speakers, helmet stickers, and don't have them. Wow. And that was we ordered them like before decent. Now we've gotten some things we've ordered weights and we got those weights, but like there's little things it's not ever guaranteed. Like if we can actually like get those in time. It was like a little sketch, and a little bit. Inserting overall, like, hey, we order these. We like these in time. They're like, Ah, so now it's like over the best so x yeah, this is this is fine. We're fine he are fine. Yeah, that's been that's been what my last few hours have been go through a meeting. And then I was like, oh, where we got and then like, there's a tiny little closet just crammed full of like, all of these equipment and we can't use half

Brandon  32:43

Well, that's not very exciting. I'm sorry. Yeah, baseball. Initial adding has been so dramatic. And horrid. Sorry. That's fine. We're doing okay. Oh, man. Well, hopefully we get better. Hopefully we can find some helmets. Be good man. Yep. But what's been new with you Brandon? No, not really. It's been kind of weird. Like, like I said, we ended the last week before break on like a weird spot. So it's just been kind of like, Oh, we're just reviewing some stuff and getting ready to move on to our next thing and quiz tomorrow. Everyone's favorite quiz tomorrow. Yay. Love quizzes. But it was pretty uneventful on the old work friend here haven't really had to do much. dreading things like I got an email today about staff holiday party.


I think it's mandatory. I still think I I did not get the impression. I did not get the impression this was optional. Attendance.

Brandon  34:15

Right. Like you. Sorry. I know. And it's like, I was trying to explain this to Susan, on the way home and I like it's, they're doing the white elephant gift exchange. Right. Which, to me, is quite possibly the most useless thing.


Just in the world. Okay, like I don't, I don't get it. I don't understand how this is fun. I don't like it. I don't get the point. Right. So

Brandon  34:55

for listeners unfamiliar with this concept, first of all, lucky you say Second of all, the white elephant gift exchange, I don't think it has other names, probably. But that's what it's for. That's the only thing I've ever heard called you, you bring a present to the party. Yes, you put present in a pile. And then you draw the numbers from a hat. And then starting at one and going through however many people you have, you just pick a present from the pile, whichever one you want. Generally, you're not allowed to pick the one that you brought. That's like a rule. And then you just pick a present. And that goes on. Now, the person that goes after you has an option to either steal the present that you had, which was open your present, by the way that's important to the story, or get one out of the pile themselves. And this takes 150 years to accomplish. Apparently, it's humorous. I don't, I don't know people laugh. There's mirth involved. Apparently stealing things is fun. I don't really know. And yeah, it generally people bring the most random things imaginable to, to give exchange, and so generally. So the reason one of the reasons I think this is just a waste of time, is because now I have to buy a thing, right? That potentially nobody actually wants. And I have to put it into pile and then I have to get out of this pile, a thing that I most definitely don't want, right? Because it's gonna be like, they're usually like gag gifts, or like silly things like, Haha, clean up my desk drawer. And here's a bunch of junk. Like, Mm hmm. What do I do with this? Like, what? Why is this here? I understand. So I'm the same way. We were invited to one. And recently, and Hagen was like, Oh, we're gonna go like, bright and I was like, no, like, Why? Why would we? That sounds I I can't stand them because it is a complete waste of time. Money effort. I've never enjoyed them.

Collin  37:24

You get stuck with, you know, basically, sometimes literal trash. I mean, yeah, usually I throw it away. Right? Yeah. Where people bring something where they like, like they wrap a roll of toilet paper. And you're like, Gee, thanks. Yeah, I'm, I don't need this. Or like, a fork or like something where you're just like, This isn't funny. I'm not enjoying this. And then. Yeah, I just like I just wanted to get over with and I've never had fun doing it. And I


was like, that's weird. Really? Okay. Yeah, I don't like it. I don't. I don't I don't enjoy it at all. So that's something I look forward to.

Brandon  38:12

Yay, Ray. What I might do is just go through my cabinets at work. And if there's anything in there, like that, I don't know what chemicals. Like I know like, Oh, yes. Here's, here's a two, two containers of salt. some cooking oil. You know, some yarn, and tape. Boom, here you go. I mean, that sounds good to me. Yeah. Right, as exciting. I think that is what you need to do. But like, that's what I wanted. If I play this right, and I get stuck with something.


What I'm going to do is I'm just going to stick it in my cabinet. And if we do another one next year, I'm just going to bring that thing back to

Brandon  38:58

the perfect and just read gift. The same thing over and over. Yeah, but I have to get I have to start this process off for something. Well, yeah. Right. That's the problem. I don't know if I have a starting implement. Hmm. Right. So I have to find a starter, a starter kit Yes. All right. So that's basically it. it's holiday time when I'm grumpy about staff parties because I don't


want to go to don't buy ah my socializing for me. I don't know why I just want if you want to have a set party, which there are like refreshments

Brandon  39:49

and cookies, boom. That's fine. That's all I want. I don't want random present, right? I don't I don't want like junky thing, right? I don't want that. So I don't know. I'm not looking forward to that. That's about it, though. Not really doing anything very exciting. Just

Collin  40:17

trying to figure out this week is basically like, wow, what are we doing? Oh, yeah. Like,

Brandon  40:23

we're almost done with several things. So trying to just wrap up one thing, and so we can go on to our next stuff. So, like transitional time, pretty much is all it is. It's nothing just super interesting. On the work front, however, on the random things I have discovered this week. This time, I have found a YouTube channel that it appears that its sole purpose is to give Cullen anxiety. The more I watch it, the more I think about it. It's it's one job. Okay, not linking to this in this. Oh, you are I'm giving to you. So, so big, I think so. I believe the YouTube algorithm has recommended this to me, because I have been watching ghost town boy videos, right. So the ghost town living videos have been watched a bunch of those still. Yeah, because I'm just endlessly fascinated by this guy. And his desire to live in an abandoned ghost town and do things. Just like just sucked in wholeheartedly, right? But I have found this other channel, right? He goes by his name, he goes by the name Shai. Right? He spells it weirdly. But I'll send that to you in a minute. But his videos are like I'm watching some of the back catalogue. So they start out real weird. So he lives in like at least he used to live in Lithuania or something so he's European guy. Okay. And what he does his YouTube videos are basically just like him exploring abandoned buildings. Sometimes not so abandoned buildings, turns out whoops he enjoys climbing on top of very high things. Like we're talking like abandon factory smokestacks. Right, like roofs. Giant, like radio towers. Right. This is Miss Aveda. Yeah, right. And he, the latest ones, the more recent videos on his channel are a lots of freight train hopping. Oh, right. So like, full blown like 1930s hobo style, hopping freight trains, and like traveling across countries, or like lots of countries at once. By illegally hopping on freight trains, sometimes with accomplices. Oh, and it's fascinating, right? Yes. Because I think so like I have I kind of understand some of this urge, right not like all of it because he's a little bit intense sometimes. But like, I think like we talked about the thing that fascinates me about the ghost town is like the exploration aspect of like, Yo, what's over there? Yeah. Oh, hey, what's over there? And that's kind of what this guy does in like abandoned steel factories. Right? You're like, Oh, I'm gonna go look over there. What's this? I'm gonna go over there. I'm gonna go check this out. What's that up there? I'm gonna climb on it right like yeah, it's kind of that same same thing right? Like oh, but instead of like, oh what's in this mind? It's like Hey, I found an abandoned underground bunker for the Cold War like oh shoot out right? Like or I'm in this like I remember he was in one building it was like some sort of like old print shop but like pre digital print shops so like the basement was like a machine shop they were making parts and stuff for the printers upstairs and like all the stuff is just there right? These these buildings that like were abandoned and then this left all the junk in it. Yeah, there's even a couple where like the electricity is still on. So he was like this is now infinitely creepier because


I think though buddy's here, though, but also they could be here I don't know.

Brandon  44:37

Schroedinger village or building is both occupied and unoccupied at the same time. That is


true, right? That is very true. Speaking of villages, there are also to short series in which he illegally travels into Chernobyl.

Brandon  44:53

Yes. into the town of Pripyat. And he's like, scoping out these buildings. Wow, yeah, man. Okay, it's so it's kind of intense, right? Sometimes you're watching it, you're like I'm holding my breath lips breathe. Yeah. Cuz you're like, in a radiant city and their security guards literally over their knees like sneaking in these apartment buildings, like beat on the roof of an abandoned Soviet era apartment building. How how did he How did he get in? sneakily? Basically, he had. So in the one video, it's like him and a guide, and like some other random dude, I guess. They like have somebody drive them to the edge of the exclusion zone. And then they just walk in, through like, super secret back ways, avoiding like, the red forest areas, and like certain known hotspots, where the radiation spikes like through the Meet the roof, right? They had a Geiger counter with them, right. And so they turn it on once, I'll be like, nope, nope, not here. We got to go. Do it would just be like screaming. And it would be like, you registering these stupid high numbers. But then, you know, they're over to some other place. It's like, this is the same radiation that it was in like Kiev, so it's fine. I guess like, Wow, that's so it's, it is wild. Like, I think I have the first I guess this is what I watched the Chernobyl and first because I was like, what? Yeah, because again, that's just infinitely fascinating thing. Like, abandoned things are interesting, right? And so that what got me and then like the freight train hopping was like a bonus. It was like, that's just


nuts. Right? Like, that's crazy. Just like, Yeah, I'm just gonna go hop a train and cross the German border illegally on a freight train.

Brandon  47:07

Yeah, I could. Well, that's a plan. What's this? What's, what is sheis? Background? Do you know? Like, no, all of his videos he is masked? Right? Probably because a lot of the activity is illegal. Right. Yeah, so like, I don't really know anything else about him. I know. He's like a younger guy. He also does like music. Right. But that cuz he there's a couple things on there that but that's I don't really know. Anything else about it. I haven't looked into anything else. Like, specifically, he has watched his videos of him like, and his early videos are weird, because it's like, you can tell it's just like something he started doing in the city he lived in because this is like him like walking across a rooftop. Sure. And it's like a residential area. And again, this is like, Northern European city saw the building's like jam close together. So he like shimmies up on some drain pipe or like an actual service ladder. And he's just like, on the roof walking around, do to do you know, parkour thing about? And then it's like, escalates to like, Oh, that's a really tall building. That's a radio tower. That's an abandoned factory. Like, yeah, that's the way I guess. I guess at some point, yeah, you do kind of have to just start because you can't

Collin  48:36

be a bit boring to always explore the same kind of places, and you kind of run out of them after a little while. So you got to sit up again. Yeah. broaden your horizons, right? Yeah. Like, oh,

Brandon  48:48

what's in here? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's cool. Radiation was a big, big escalation. Right. Like, you know. Yeah, I've been watching that. It's a It's nuts. But it's also in the sea. Fascinating. Because like I said, I get that urge to be like, yeah, what's over there? Right. I wonder what that is. Like, you want to check it out? You know what I mean? Like that urge to explore my look at what's going on over there. Sometimes you like really want to go in there but like, my brain goes, No, don't go in there. You're gonna be where his is like, Yeah, I'm going by anyway. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, like, my brain is screaming at me. Don't do that. And he's like, Yeah, it'll be fine. So do Yeah, I

Collin  49:46

definitely think that that is a Yeah, I have that same sense. I love going into old buildings and, or just walking around even. And just trying like, just trying doors right? Like, what like I Need to see is this door lock? Is this door unlocked? I'm gonna say open the door if it's unlocked, but you know, at least don't Oh,

Brandon  50:08

yeah, no, I do that too. Like if you're in a building, and you're like, Huh, what's this? I want to see, right? Like I do that like I'm like, Huh? What's this? What's over there? Like? Yeah, I definitely do that. Do the same thing. So sometimes if it opens, I'll like peek in. Really? Oh, look, it's not gonna rummage or anything but you know me. Yeah, normally. Normally it's like a closet, but like sometimes like, Oh, that's cool. I want to it's in there. Right? So just imagine doing that in an abandoned steel mill. Hmm. right or not? Ah, I think that'd be cool. Right? I like you know, fill in the things like, yeah, so it's almost like it's really weird because it's like the way that he behaves. It's basically like a real life like, video game. Right? You're playing like a big giant open world video game. You can literally just go over there and do stuff. Right? Because you go what is that building? I don't know. I'm gonna go in it. Boom. But he just doesn't like real life lot. It's crazy. Yeah. So what he does and it's just like, Oh, hey, yeah, I found like this video was called the found hundreds of vehicles in abandoned. Like, Soviet thing, right? There's just like in the thumbnail is just like a ton of buses and vans just did this warehouse. Yeah. Okay. Oh my God. It's not. Yeah, it's wild. So, yeah, that's what I've been doing. This week. This is the thing I've been watching. And what's the name of it is a YouTube channel again, is just it's this is named shy, but it spelled s h. I e, y. O is shy Chernobyl. Yep. There you go. That's it. You're adding it to the show notes. as well. Yeah. So yeah. So I've been doing just endlessly fascinated by this. Ah, this guy and him being like, I'm just gonna go check this out. I'm gonna go


check. Cuz I told this to Susan. I was like, yeah, get that urgent. I understand. Like, I want to go like explore buildings. And she's like, What? Why? Wow, wait

Brandon  52:36

a minute. We need to talk. Now, cuz sometimes you see, like a old random warehouse or whatever. Anyway. Yeah. I wonder what's in that. Right. I wish I could go in there. Yeah, no, there's there's several, I mean, abandoned buildings here. That I would love to go into. There's one in downtown that they're completely renovating and rehabbing, like whole cloth. That I think it'd be so cool to go rummage around in and yes, I'll say ramen, because yeah, I would love your grandmother taught you well. Yeah.


Exactly. But they're cordoned off and they're owned by somebody else. I'm not gonna go snooping around, especially with GoPro or whatever.

Brandon  53:23

Yeah. But yeah, I mean, I did that we were gone. The other day. We are going to Thanksgiving is Susan's nephew's house right and dark Google Maps took us like the straightest way possible. So like we went on these like random farm roads are like what? Why are we here? Right. But one of the things we pass was this like, it was like some it looked like some kind of like old like, corner Country Store thing. And it was just like completely boarded up. And my first thought literally was oh, I wanted to go in and they're so bad.


Or Yeah, right. Like they leave behind. Yeah, I want to see what's in that I just want to see what's in there. It's like oh, man, that'd be so cool to be in there.

Brandon  54:08

Right like I understand that right right. I get it because I have that same urge sometimes I just don't do it because I'm too scared I guess. I guess that's really what it boils down to because I'm afraid the police coming right you know Yeah, I mean that's a pretty good pretty good motivating factor for


one of the reasons is I have no longer fast so like that would I don't know you've got the you've got the miscreant bicycle now so you really


I mean, that's true. The bicycle obviously. Yeah, but yeah, but you obviously can't take that because it's literally the only one in town very easily identifiable. That's a problem. No,

Brandon  54:57

that is their point. Point. that may they may figure that one out sooner rather than later. Yeah, sure.

Collin  55:09

Yeah. So you should check one of those out. Collin, I want to see you, I want you to watch what in the graph of my heart rate for my watch as I'm watching as I'm

Brandon  55:19

yo, okay, for real, the, it's exacerbated when he's like, really up high on a building. He will like, jump up and he'll stand like, right on the edge. Right. But so that's bad enough as it is, but the fact that he's wearing a GoPro on his head, that wide angle lens of the GoPro really exaggerates the angle, right. And so sometimes you're like, No, no.


You're watching it like, Oh, that's really cool. Wow, that's really neat. Yeah, no, don't do that. Right. Just because the the angle of the lens shoots, like it makes it look like he's really leaning over the edge when I don't think he probably is. All the time, but like, sometimes it really looks like he's like.

Brandon  56:07

Yeah. Yeah, I don't. I don't like those those really super wide angle shot. Some of those GoPros they just get. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, they're fine for like, close up action, which is what they're designed for it right. But when you're like, 100 feet on top of a building, and it's looking down. It's like


no boy. No. How about No, nevermind. Yeah, no, no. Yeah. Want to see want to hear reaction to that? Like be interesting.

Brandon  56:43

Okay. i That's my, my to do list.

Collin  56:50

Yeah, we'll see what happens. Yes. Oh, wonderful. Yeah, I'll do that. I'll probably need to do that. Oh, I forgot if I'm gonna do that, after my Friday interviews, or at light, or before I'm interviewing, interviewing, doing phone interviews for people for the position. Yeah, I have six scheduled for Friday. Okay, I think I think I'm gonna do it before they get me pumped up. So I can really,

Brandon  57:18

I don't know. Maybe you want to do it after if they go badly. You want to do it after so that you can like, unwind and just like let your brain go somewhere else horrifying of watching a dude on top of a building in Chernobyl, right? No, I think I need to come in with a sort of manic energy to the interview and really throw people off if I'm like, so. What if? Yeah, right. Like okay. Yes. Really? With your like, nervous, angsty scared. The Hyper Energy like I'm sure that would just be wonderful for the people being interviewed. They're gonna be like, Oh, this guy's great and totally normal and wonder.


Door to like an open rooftop. Like, that's not something that you would open right? Like really? Like, listen, you wouldn't open that door right? We

Brandon  58:09

don't offer doors oh, oh, man. I had Oh, I was taking care of a 12 year old Chihuahua named Will you IDI named Wilbur is his mom was very nervous. Leave him alone. Understandably so. Family and except she had a camera in the living room and was actively texting me about thing. While I was there, I was watching me with a dog. And this is an uncomfortable feeling to say. Yeah, right. Like not something that I was like, Oh, this makes me feel good. This is a good feeling that I have right now. And I really appreciate everything that's happening. And it was definitely one of those times where I talked to myself a lot whenever I'm in people's homes. Guessing case they do have cameras so they can know where they're like is calling. Opening every cabinet door in that way they can listen to the sound of me going aware would be the spoons work with Wilbur if you were here. If you were loose spoon, where would you be because I just want to give context. I don't know but it's it's what I was he tried to steal out of my cabinet. Exactly. To this time, I was even more like talking about like, oh Okay, we're gonna stand up, we're going to go outside for a little bit and go to the bathroom, that type of

Collin  1:00:06

Briley. Let go, like, was really playing up conversation, so I'm sure she totally thought that I was just like, just that insane because of the amount of talking I was doing and being like, after that they were gonna go do this and blah, blah, blah. Ah, but she texts me about something like, oh yeah, he doesn't usually like this or whatever. And then I would just respond to verbally because I'm not texting back to you because you're watching. Like, yeah, right here. Hear me?

Brandon  1:00:38

It's just weird. That's crazy, man. Like, I can imagine, like, knowing somebody staring at you while you're wandering, I tried to be their dog. That's actively. Yeah, that's. And that's gonna be, you know, pretty natural. But also, it's weird. And Ross,


you're like, careful, don't touch anything. Don't knock over the candlesticks don't like,

Collin  1:01:09

Yeah, but also, like a 12 year old Chihuahua, not the most active dog in the world. And he's a little nervous and a little scared of me. So, and probably super grumpy because he's a Chihuahua, Chihuahua. There's not a lot for me to do with him. Um, he wills out and he would like to be immediately in the turnaround and walk back inside with like, a little stretch to stretch it. Like, everything that I did was like, I'm gonna walk very purposefully and a little bit slower than I normally do to eat up time.

Brandon  1:01:49

Perfect. Yeah. See, there you go. It's Oh, but just that the whole. Looking behind closed door, things reminded me of the Oh, yeah, I was watched for literal hours at a time this past weekend. That's crazy. Now, that's a little. That's a little intense, man. Like, what? Yes, like the owner having separation anxiety, not the dog. Right. Like, straight up. It. That's what it was

Collin  1:02:21

where she was, and she even admitted, so she was like, Yeah, I guess I didn't realize how much I miss him being away from him and whatever. Because this is the first time like, she'd had them all through through college. And then she got married. And now they're going to have their first kid. And they were traveling all the way across the country to go see family for Thanksgiving. And so she's like, really nervous about leaving him. And she's used to travel with him, but it just didn't really work out this time. And he's older and she wants


Yeah, home and stuff. He probably is not into traveling. Now these older dogs like nope, stay in here. Get out.

Brandon  1:02:55

And happy. But like I said, so it's like, I get it. Like, this is the first time you have been away from him in four years or more. So. Yeah, big deal. But also, like, come on. Calm down. It's fine. Fine. Outro. Man, I think she had it on motion detection. So it should just get pinged of like, she wasn't like actively just sitting there staring at him all the time. Yeah. But like when you came in, it was like being like, Oh, hey, there's somebody and then she would just start watching it. Like it was like, Oh, my favorite shows on? What's the petsitter doing with my dog? Oh, he don't we? I think I've just said I'm going to I'll watch it. I'll watch that show afterwards. Because I think that'll I'll need to explore a new type of insanity after talking with some of these people. Yeah. The one definitely save the one for there's one called like, train hopping across Europe, or they go to like five or six different countries. And like the I think it's the Italian Austrian border. There. They get caught. Right. And they just have to run. Like, there's, there's there's three of them. There's three dudes, right? And they're in this train car. And they're trying to like sneak out but they got spotted. Right. And they're like, radioed the yard ahead. And they so they're like, alright, what am I gonna get out what? A dude sees them. And they're just like, Rod and they just like bolt. And there's like a chase. They have to like escape from the rail yard. They go up and like run up this mountain and hide in the forest. Get away. Evil Jason. Oh,


what's the plan? Like? You're in a different country? Sure, this would be let's be real. You're right. This definitely needs to be after So I can say that yeah the tension the tension and some of them will destroy you so you need to go to before the interview via wound. Oh good.


Yeah Good point. Okay well that sounds like a lot yeah


all right well, I think we'll need to my throat is about to give out full force and without me acting into the microphone press this time


I mean that's that's great. All right. Sounds good. Well like Oh, I think it's gonna find really and all sudden, it's like everything is fine until it wasn't right like we will we will in this show. As we began talking about my alright. Yes. Love guys, and do this again. All right, love you. Bye