chunks of water

Is math useful? Depends on who you ask. Collin experienced a bathroom fire. Brandon has opinions on “brooch”. Aaron counted 27 game balls. The boys dive into how weird 6th grade is. Mostly because of the random things you learn about. All this happens on a ski lift. Yep.

  • Collin didn’t have to write 

  • Useful math?

  • A bathroom on fire

  • Hand rake update 

  • Human hay rake 

  • How do you say “brooch”?

  • Spectrophotometer…zoology…psychrometer…chronometer

  • Aaron’s baseball saga…

  • 27 game balls

  • Covered in spiders

  • Chunks of water 

  • Random kids in the classroom

  • Zoom segue 

  • Spontaneous human combustion

  • Bermuda Triangle 

  • 6th grade is weird

  • Snakes in toilet seats 

  • Chupacabra

  • Someone shot it

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talking, people, math, scoop, softball, baseball, rake, weird, triangle, bermuda triangle, remember, balls, play, leaves, true, algebra, guess, buy, find, sixth grade


Collin, Aaron, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to oh Brother, a podcast of three brothers, trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Cullen. And Aaron, on this week's show chunks of water Hello. Hello, hello. I was worried there was something was broken? No, I was just trying to close tabs and unmute and push buttons all at same time. And I was like, Alright, got it. Multitasking is hard, you know. So, try. It's a Wednesday night. And for our petting side of life. Every Thursday, we try and release a relevant blog post about pet care or about random stuff. And this is the second week where I have not had frantically come up with something. Because I have people now who write for it. It's a missing gasp Oh, my gosh, I just had to open up Google Docs, literally copy and paste it find an image and boom, it's scheduled for tomorrow. And I'm like, this is worth the price of admission. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. I know. I know. Oh, man, but it's

Brandon  01:55

a really that's my, my Wednesday, when for the days. I didn't have to do something. Always a bonus. Right? Like, oh, oh. Great. So usually on Wednesdays, when we're really getting ready to sit down to record, I'm frantically trying to like, pound out the last paragraph or two of something obscure about some weird topic have come up. I've got to

Collin  02:25

try and get out there. So you know, it's all right. It's fine.

Brandon  02:35

Delegation of tasks. How exciting. It's been. It's been wonderful. I'm very excited. I'm not complaining at all. Yeah, I've met a class again today was wonderful. Oh, let me back in. Go. What did you teach today? I taught. I taught. I taught geometry, algebra one. And again, ah, so ye old Advanced Math. Yeah, it's a very vague, very vague, bad class description. I might add. I know. I was kind of asking the students about it, because there's an advanced math. And then there's like, they also offer like algebra one and Algebra Two. And all advanced math is it's just college algebra. Like that. They're even using the same book for advanced math as college algebra.

Collin  03:46

They just aren't getting college. Which was like, early, early, there's some way to get college credits. Last, because you're not like the see, well, you have to pay for it. Right? That's the difference. But

Brandon  04:03

normally, what they do is they say, here's the college algebra. And then like, if the kids pay for it, then they get college credit. And if they don't, then they don't, but it's like the same class.

Collin  04:17

Well, but that's like, the teacher has to be in order to do that the

Brandon  04:21

teacher has to be dual certified. Now that's true, I suppose. Through university, so if they don't have that, they can't do that. Now that's true. We did that with like a chemistry class and a math or physics class. That Rogersville

Collin  04:38

and I think I did the English one English one and English. Where they have to take that that's on the teacher to go get certain Yeah, we are city. So actually, this class is just the first point. So half of them are going up. Again, half meaning two are going to the one To the Community College here in town to take the college credit version. And then the other two are saying

Brandon  05:08

just because they weren't sure if they wanted it or like, because it's kind of a risk, you know, to take that and possibly have an early is bad grades. So they're, no, it was, it was really good. I forgot just how much I love algebra. So it was very fun, useful math. That's when, unfortunately, algebra, high level algebra is not even high level algebra, but like, algebra is when math becomes useful. And you can do stuff with it. But the problem is, generally, most kids have had to sit through


eight years of math being super unusable. And then they get there. And they're like, burn out and don't want to look at it and are done because they've had eight years of nobody telling them how useful math


like, like the standard answers, like, you go shopping, like, you don't really need math to go shopping, like, oh, no, but I'll tell you, whenever we were doing.

Brandon  06:26

In the Advanced Math, we were doing linear any, like, oh, there we go. I was like, I were like, oh, hold up. Here's an example that like, you will do you, if you move at least one time in your life, you will do a linear inequality. And they were like, what? Like, it is, you know, it gives you the standard rate to rent the van. And then if you go over on mileage, it's like 20 cents a mile or whatever ridiculous thing it is. And you have to figure out either A, how much it's gonna cost you because you know, your miles or B, you have a budget to you have to know how many miles you can drive on your budget. And I and they were like, Oh my goodness. Like, yeah, right, boom. That is important. Like, the standard answer of, well, you need to know math. So you can like, calculate the sale price of something like no, that's what I need to know how to use a calculator for. Right? That is the math that I can just calculate, right? Because my elementary math teachers did not expect me to be carrying a cell phone in my pocket that just like, everywhere I go that I can like, calculate math with like, boom, done, Gautam. Like, literally one of the most powerful computers in the world in your pocket. Yeah, nobody felt that coming to it. Like what do you mean, I got to calculate a percent. I gotta hit this button right here. Boom, done. I don't care about percentages done. Irrelevant. Something new, please. But unfortunately, you have to learn the mathematical thinking process. Mm hmm. Right. Because the mathematical thinking process is very important in algebra. Right? Everyone's favorite. I have quadratic equations. Right? I love a good quadratic equation. I love graphing parabolas. Very exciting. Quadratic Functions. Also sneaky, because you don't find out other ways that they're useful until you take economics class. Oh, yeah. And you're doing like graphing stuff. And you're finding like areas under graphing curves. And you're like, wait, this Hold on? Why didn't I already tell you about this? For me, it was taking like a population biology class. And then seeing like, all this stuff, return and just being like, oh, like, hey, like, like, I'll just totally stole all that from economic economics and economics,


common economists. There we go. Why can nobody say economists today? It was hard. We

Brandon  09:02

totally stole it from those people. But it applies those same rules, principles, and like it explains a lot of the same stuff. Like population biology. Yeah. Well, you do the same thing in other social sciences with like, when you take like geography when you're talking about like human geography and population densities and stuff like that. It's the same thing. It's the same math you're going when you look at those are like the population pyramid charts, and you're doing like percentages, and like defining the areas and comparing the stuff. It's all that like, point. Yeah, on and you're doing like correlation coefficients, trying to figure out if these two events are related, like the possibility and like the percentage chance that they're actually relating. And you're like,

Collin  09:42

yeah, yeah. All stat is is it's just using algebra and using the app. And then so it's kind of weird because I have a, I taught advanced math out called delta. I went to geometry and then algebra one in the geometry like we were, today we were coming V Converse Pythagorean theorem. And that.

Brandon  10:07

Look, guys, this is just how math is going to work just for a little bit where you're going to stake that things are true assume that they are and then work. And they were not happy with many of that with math proofs work, you have to make several assumptions and

Collin  10:23

say, this is true. Anyway. That's what I told them. I was like, Look, we're going to learn, like, like, we're like applying the Pythagorean Theorem to right triangles, and we'd say, assuming that it's a right triangle, and then we're going to prove the theorem. And then because we know their assumptions of like angles and stuff, like, that's what we're doing, we're starting with the assumption that it is a right triangle, we now have to prove it using these things. And it was, of course, like the very first example, the the textbook use of triangle that was very obviously, not a right triangle, of course, so you can look at it and go, No, it wasn't because of the length of the sides. Yeah, the Pythagorean Theorem

Brandon  11:08

worked out. So it was in the Oh, God. It was like, Look, I know, I know, we're just gonna have to place a little bit of faith in this. And I wish they wouldn't have started off with this example. But here we are. That's true.


You got to start out with really ease into the really bizarre ones, right? Like, no,

Brandon  11:29

because everything else was like, like you could tell everything else was like, you could tell they had a projection of like, we're going to start with really simple thing. Like one of the things that we're working on is doing like finding the least common denominator, so that you can add fractions or whatever, right? So it's like, oh, yeah, like so it's it was like a sixth graders favorite way to add was a one over four plus one over two. Technically, we can't add these together. It's just like, then you start adding like numbers or letters and stuff. And it was like, Yeah, progression. And this one was like, obviously not writing GoTriangle. But it is. Have fun. Why do you do this to the math? Why are you so strange? I know. I know. The guy was like, like, this doesn't make any sense. I was like, yes, yes. We're working on this process. We got to remember so then it was like, taking them way back to congruent these all this other stuff. And it was like, oh, yeah, there we go. Really enjoyed it. But that was that was oh, and the school. The girls bathroom caught on fire. We had to evacuate. I'm smoking in the girls bathroom. I take it no, no most bathrooms don't just like spontaneously come on. I we've talked about this. Something I should have. I was way more afraid of in my youth than actually panned out to be spontaneous human combustion. Dude, I know. Okay, that will table that for like five minutes because that though the, the the furnace had a little bit of electrical wire burning in so was dumping smoke into the the girl bathroom.


Sure it wasn't girls smoking in the bathroom. Because they know. I mean, they always cause they're gonna claim know what person's gonna be like, Were you smoking in the bathroom? Yeah, totally, bro. Like, no.

Brandon  13:28

So it's not his words. He did today with the bathroom on fire. Which was fine. It was, was it it will made for an enjoyable time because it was weird because it's like, there was no fire. There was just smoke, but no smoke alarms were going off yet. So everyone's just kind of like in a malaise of like, oh, I guess I need to go and wait, wait, wait, let me get my back. Just like oh, I'll go in a minute. Fine. Yeah. So there was it all worked out. And they say the cops did come the police department didn't or the fire department didn't come


within like a janitor. Put it out. That's that's backwards. That's exactly backwards from how this is supposed to work. No, no. Fire Department needs to come to the fires. No, they

Brandon  14:28

had to arrest the smokers heater the heater. Yeah, right. Sure that it was not abiding by the laws, either. Maybe they also thought someone was smoking in the bathroom. Like, like hold a minute. I know I have other things to be doing but I have to go arrest these sixth graders for smoking. Yes, get them obvious. Oh, so good. Good. Oh, sorry. I've just got all the updates today. I'm at all right, we have like what else we can talk about. That's what are our listeners in you will remember as well we have had an ongoing discussion of these weird like, hand rake slash scoop.

Collin  15:20

Oh no, not the Android Cafe though. No. Entreprise. I'm Aaron, he bought some Hendrix. No, no, no, none. None of my money was spent on. However, I was out raking one day. And I get to do these days. Literally every day every one of our clients pulled in to pick up her dog. She went

Brandon  15:48

I have the most useful thing that I need. I said, What is it? And she said, I you've probably never heard of them, but they're the most wonderful thing. I use them all the time.


You knew immediately what she was talking about, didn't you? Obviously. Are those handbrakes and she was like, yes, they are. Oh, no, until I have a pair of bright yellow don't lose them and leaves clearly. green or brown. Brown and are gonna be the worst. Why would you do that? The festive autumn no color dad regs like Bert orange. never see them again, yellow. Don't find him until spring.

Brandon  16:40

Sales are very seasonal. It turns out they continue to lose. lose it forever. And there's like these massive like these moose of scoops. Like if you remember when you like I don't know if you ever did this but the trashcan lid that had the little metal book on the top of it. Give a sledge like oh stop, right? We know and stomp

Collin  17:01

wood. Yes, high school drumline High School drums I was there. You This is basically what these things are like they're not quite as big as a trashcan lid. But what makes these things even more like a little bit more diabolical.

Brandon  17:16

It has one edge where your your fingers are pointing to like your fingers don't touch this because these things are huge saucers. It just had like, two and a half inch long like spikes and teeth like like an X. Ray Are you sure she did not give you like an early Middle Ages round shield is that I think that might be she gave you like a targe I think is what she's done. What I have, I have to like make like slightly like a diminutive sized ones for each and like is upon them. And they've got like edges


but like the rake teeth, I still I still want you to try swimming with them to see if they


can swim fast, definitely need to. Um, I will just have to do a wait, you can wait till the pool gets warmer for that part.

Collin  18:11

But it will be harder to feather these so that you're you know, slicing through the air and water and

Brandon  18:15

natural. But I there's a habit have you used them. I have not had a chance to look at them yet. Mostly I am waiting for my gumballs to accumulate a little bit more. So that I can use these, like, one time this year. And then


yes, because we need the world needs to know the products update about how they actually function. Because

Brandon  18:45

here's my like, I feel like they're so like they're so serious. I don't want to get out there and just have like a little tiny pile of gumballs. Like I feel like this is like this is a mountain size of gumballs where I can come out and like or scoop these and really feel these thorough, thorough product testing, right? You don't want to you don't want to press test their products on like


a square meter of yarn. Yeah, exactly. The listeners definitely don't want that they want to know, they

Brandon  19:19

know so anyway, so that they're currently sitting on top of my washer and dryer, my dryer specifically.


We say it's not convenient for them to be on top of the washing machine but I mean I know people have front load washing machines now but I'm not fancy and I've had the same washing machine for a long time. So now here's my prediction and Aaron I want to know what you think about this um Collin is going to be having these mitts upon his hands to scoop leaves, right. Cullen the extraordinarily tall human Who is going to have to spend the whole time bending all the way over to the ground to scoop up leaves with these mittens, so Erin, how long before his back just

Aaron  20:12

breaks? I gave it about like a week.

Brandon  20:19

I also kind of, like have this mental image in my head of Ahlen looking like the Creature from the Black Lagoon


on lanky and that's kind of what I what I look like, just like, in there keeping, like, out of breath.

Brandon  20:40

Oh, that's, that's my honor now. Alright, so we're gonna create a thumbnail for the episodes. My, my question is, procedurally, Windows important. When do I When do I start using these? Because they're kind of cumbersome. Right, so I have to still get out of a rake. Because these are for like, scooping the pile.


Yeah, I mean, you can't rake with them. You know? Or can you call in and I counted, it's literally like a bear. Just like, rake the leaves up in front of you. Right? Like,


so here's what you need to kind of like, be on your knees shuffling forward, and then scooping all the leaves into a

Brandon  21:25

line in front of you. Right? Pulling it both die. Me. Yes, exactly. No, no, you're just walking forward and you're like straddling the leaf pile and you're just like, you're putting your arms out to the side and scooping the ball towards the middle. Like like a human. Hey, rake. Yeah. Great. Oh, it's a volleyball knee pads. Right? So that when you're playing volleyball with Lily, you can be repaired, you can just like, Shuffle Along. Just like scooped him together. It just becomes one of those things where it's like, it's now another tool to you know, like, like, bring out into the yard. And I don't know like how does one have to hold open the leaf bag when they have their hands in mitts? I mean, like attached to a scooping devices be now you're thinking because now it's like okay, if I'm doing this by myself, and no one's holding the bag because let's be honest, nobody's gonna want to be seen with me in the front yard while I'm wearing Megan is not coming outside that is 100% confirmed. I have to now like i don't know I'm like great. I'm gonna have to get like like a toy for my toy here and like get one of those special like, shoots that you can buy like a plastic chute to insert into the paper bag or the leaves. I don't think you should get like a stick to hold it open right like wedges stick in there so it like stays with you. Oh yeah. But that may probably probably be better than my idea of like pay now got to go get a leaf chute to put in my leaf bag like and use my head is a terrible


idea for a one time we rigging experiment. You don't want to buy things gone now.

Brandon  23:08

Oh man, I just when she showed up she I was unfortunately I wasn't even there. When she ended up dropping them off. I was checking out the dog So Megan had to accept these I'm sure like that. She loved it. What did she say to you when you came back home? She said she said that uh you have something over here these are like our it's my lifelong dream. No, two weeks ago I'm fulfilled I am I am whole now. So yes anyway the long roundabout way to say it's been an eventful week. So sounds very eventful. Winter is going to be even more eventful when your spine is shattered from nailing down so far as scooping things up with


oh so I know I know you can't really top top that week so far but now

Brandon  24:18

I absolutely cannot. That is true. 100% true. Not that you want to I mean I can I can pass these around. I can ship these it like the Brotherhood of the traveling hand leaf rake. We can make this okay oh no. Find what else you can do with him like all the other exciting pieces for me know where I'm gonna be with these things. I'll be the worst. No mean terrible. So so heavy No. for shaping and forming an igloo.

Aaron  24:51

So, but among the loose hands you ever one of those little around things ever go out into the smell so Like little automatic no Remember though, there we go. It's true


now what you do is you give one until early and one to Noah. And then say whoever piles up the most snow gets a prize. Go. Good point in the face is on is is oh oh man. So before we get to cons other weird topic, I have a remembrance of my of something I have remembered another word

Brandon  25:40

that I hear people say wrongly. Okay. So speaking of a long list of things we'll be talking about another word that I have heard in the past. I just thought about this last week is the word brooch. Like the jewelry piece? Ooh, I have heard people pronounce that as a bruise. And I was like, What? What are you talking about? fled. But yes, so I have heard people pronounce that as a breach. And I brought this up to Susan. She had the same reaction it why? But it is essential to broach wrote like the, the jewelry thing that you were right. But I have heard on occasion people refer to that as a breach. Okay, yes. Because English makes no sense. And if you have never heard anybody else say it. It could because it's double O Right. Like, it should be breached. It's brewed poot poop. Shoots a tooth. Like, there should be a lot out there. It is. Not.

Collin  27:01

Yes. So there you go. That's this just brings to mind another word.

Brandon  27:10

It doesn't. This isn't a word that most people say. But a spectrophotometer. That is definitely not a word that most people say. It is.

Collin  27:21

It is most certainly like basically three words backto photo meter. And I remember it was teaching people how to use one of these.

Brandon  27:33

And that's like, every student says backto photo. Which has been wrong, but it's not like Not quite. Oh, the other one. Oh, this is probably a little more relatable zoology. Oh, yes. Right. Now zoo ology, didn't you? No. No, no, no, it says zoo right there. There's no Zoo. And so it turns out and again, turns out this whole like, brooch, Joe? Anyway, I guess that's because you're not saying Zoo. Lalaji right. It is, Zo. Z. Oh, and then ology. All right. That's all the O's Matt? Yes. Yes, I did that. I was pronouncing it the beginning of the year talking about branches in science. And I said zoology, and all the kids went on record scratch. They that it was like doing the soldier, you know? I don't understand it then from it. And they were like Okay. Little batty. But again, it's hard to you know, sciency words. It's not common, right? It's hard to because I ordered some psych parameters, right? Like, no. And so I brought them to me, and they're like, here's your thing. Like I, you. Yes. That's fine. Yeah, so yeah, that's not a word that we encounter in our daily lives. There we go. Sort of psychrometer is like, they don't just have that. Um, but again, on another side note, I do love to mispronounce thermometer as thermo meter. Because see, why not. It's just kind of fun to just really lay into the meter part. Yeah. Thermo meter. What's the other one? The the words matter. Right. That's what I say. chronometer Right. It's like it's a watch but like, yes, a chronometer, right. That's what it sounds like when you read it. It looks like it should say chronometer. Like, what is that? Oh, I think tells time chronometer wristwatch. Yeah, yeah, pretty much right. Aaron, last week. Last we spoke, you were inventorying all of the baseballs in your county. How many of you how many do you have? You find more basis. Not many balls, like everything with with the baseball program. But not though. We have no baseball or guns we have we have 27 field like game baseballs and then cornucopia of miscellaneous


space Spaceballs. But we're doing things like how many jerseys do we have? How much dance do we have?

Aaron  31:02

And so for baseball, it is a smorgasbord of things. Like we have one pair of jerseys, or ones now a series of jerseys. And then we had like another one,

Brandon  31:16

like sleeveless that are like really, really old. And then we have one that like, all different colors are orange, like sweet.

Aaron  31:25

And then sends I'm going to be commonly the assistant softball coach. We're starting to do all that stuff, too. We had our first meeting on Monday. And just getting set up like alright, what are we all need for softball and actually taking a first glance at our equipment. And the previous softball coach knew nothing of softball, they he had no background knowledge, had no idea how to play it. They just kind of showed up. He threw a little buddy, and then they went out. And so

Brandon  32:09

we're actually had a meeting, and are the girls that we had? Right? You guys are real coaches, right? Yes. But

Aaron  32:20

why do you have to ask that they're like, You have no idea what we didn't do. And so is interesting to see, like, how much interest it has in something and like having, you know, high school kids, like run into your classroom and start asking you like a bazillion questions that are like, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on that we just had a meeting, you got to figure out like we have. So like, you haven't finished, like how much we have in the budget. But figure out like, what all do we need equipment wise. There's a lot of new rule changes with baseball bats, we gotta get some certified with a US only Aloe back now. Instead of different kinds of variations. So they have all the approved. And the same thing with the catcher's equipment last time. And then so it was awful. Yeah, we have one bucket of balls. And not all of them are involved. So it's a


we're gonna have to think a lot of money, especially just on equipment. The field looks nice. So

Brandon  33:30

when there we go. Well, I was just I was, I was going to ask, I am not a

Aaron  33:37

big baseball or softball specialist, but 27 baseball's does not feel like to me. That's like you maybe two games worth of baseball, because you use like 1,000,000,001 That's like a doubleheader on a good day. So yeah, cuz now that you ever are born up and down to my school, but you can also kind of see like, where our, like our field is, like, we like we're in the middle of the field. And they're just words are out. So any moment there's a fly ball, and guess what that's going wood, then we have to go on a scavenger hunt for that mall. If we lose it, so we had to go get your game balls, and just buy whatever we get while you're at to scavenge around. But the other big thing of ordering stuff, especially at this stage, is going to take a really long time. Oh, yeah, it's gonna take forever to get here. As Asians and I we can possibly get something like, what if we ordered it now? It's going to come in like, maybe like, right at the start of like season? Yeah,

Brandon  34:55

I mean, so you can use your 27 for the first game and But there's also things like we need, we need to have. We need certain kinds of bats, we need that protector.

Aaron  35:11

Everything else we can kind of manage. But so we have we need, we could probably get away Jersey wise, but I dug out the I think I sent column snap that yesterday it's not I'm gonna be doing that tomorrow of actually getting into the equipment and actually seeing legitimately like, what do we have? What is what is actually allowed to use? And yeah, it was was rough. I'll probably put it in our little group here of like, I had to feel this good, but everything else, or just poverty and fighters? And it's like, yes. Oh, no.


So yeah, it's good to have a priority list at least right? Yeah,

Aaron  35:54

and see what's up with like, Alright, what do we actually need? What can we afford? And what can we either borrow or temporarily use or get discounted somewhere? That is kind of fun being like, Alright, here's, you know, if anyone's listened to any of my complaint throughout this entire box knows, I don't do math very well. At all, like I on purpose, went out of my way to not do math, my fire collegiate career. So, I was like, alright, what I watched my supervisors off one day, it's like, what will get me to not do math and history of that. And so it's kind of interesting to sit down there and like, budget out like with my superintendent, with our head coach. And like, some of the seniors like, Alright, what do we have? And like, I already have this is gonna cause this like, when you're ready to do for this then like that kind of fun? Like, oh, look at us like budgeting and then we realize like, oh, I need to do this. So I just like a certain brand of stocks will be ordered for like a team stock, which is like 20 or 30 with like, a special logo design, like 800 bucks. So and that's just Oh


yeah. Because because I have to have our will like you don't have to have our logo but we're like, Oh, what if we get this has like a little like, logo?

Brandon  37:26

Yeah, no, I'll just get the striping for wantI like 20 pairs of orange black. It is 800

Aaron  37:37

That's true. I forgot I probably need multiple using these people anymore. So we're gonna try to switch around to a different provider. Be like for socks. Okay. Um, help. So we're gonna be doing a wahana fundraising coming up. We're doing we're gonna be doing some incense concession stand duties with local mistakes basketball, and university also basketball. Footwear. We go in and do some sad duty and they we get a portion of from that we're going to do I can't record a solve. It's like a deal with restaurants where like, if you go in and you say you're from school, they like a certain percentage of what table may go to like

Brandon  38:28

do this school and so one of us might be standing up I think we're doing like Texas Roadhouse, water. And so any listeners and so on. might literally just be kidding, like outside the door and be like, hey, just say you're coming. Come and meet here. I have an interesting Aaron How much are autographs all day? There we go. If Yeah, no, nothing. Right now they do. It is tiring. I am tired. It'll be terrible.

Aaron  39:00

I mean, I'm always screaming at them, but the fans? It was like interesting because we had we had our first meeting. And it's like, Alright, hey, you know, throughout the day, dum dum, stop my because the high schoolers I have no idea who they are. It's not my middle schoolers. And so my you know, just stopped by my Vikash and say hi. And like we left the meeting and I turn around and then there's like 12 of them like in my classroom like that's not at all what I meant.


Oh, you told us come see you and I was like no like throughout the day like when you're going to class later. We just hide in here and like go get the car. So I'm still I'm still learning their names.

Aaron  39:46

Where we made barely have enough for junior high. I think I mean, we need nine. The field at best. instead. we're getting we're getting some some kittens in like thick or whatever. So we're getting there. But this might be the first time we might have like the school has actually had a junior high team. Yeah, we're talking like, thing what they've done last year, their coach had no idea about softball or paired, like the grass was session. deplorable condition. They're like trees growing in the dugout. For shade, it's fine. It's It's vastly different compared to like, what the baseball program was, because I think I'm in here that the previous baseball coach was like, just independently wealthy, you would just buy whatever, like for them. And so the baseball team had like, good stuff, but it was all like mismatched and didn't really like, go together. They have a lot of like, ads and all this. And everything and then but soccer. Whose elementary school kid last closet is there? So

Brandon  41:03

that's what I'm doing tomorrow. So that's why I was like, we might need to help me put in a good mood tomorrow.

Aaron  41:11

I'm going to come home all disgruntled and sad. For all that I see. So. But yeah, I mean, it's, it's gonna be a lot more relaxing than football season. especially dealing with the coach that I was with. And softball is a lot. Like it's hands on. Like, it's pretty much like, I'm gonna go stand on the base. I'm gonna let the kids the athletes and you know, I don't have to hoot and holler if I don't want to, but it's like it's less stressful. Anyways, that's what it was one of my other school I'm like, Oh, this is easy. I can do this all day long. So I'm excited. I might put a knot to Denny's you guys come down there would be

Brandon  41:56

far secluded here. Yes. All the time that I have. Yes. Because I'm also teaching things you remember

Aaron  42:07

You are wonderful facility that that does not have locker rooms nor concession stands or bathroom. Or stadium lights. So all of our games both played at life. Really? You're really making a sound appealing. What's up point is fighters. Which our listener


for school. Important guy scale? Oh, let me get my Oh, yes. I mean, let me get some Sarah McLaughlin playing in the background here.

Aaron  42:39

We have there's a dog kennel next door thing. Oh, man. Just if you're listening

Brandon  42:49

to podcasts, and you'd like to donate to help for Coach need. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Yeah, I'm in my way. Very exciting, though. All the balls and softness and the confusing of where are it's really strange to me that you would have that few softballs baseball is to play games, because I don't know a lot about the sports but I do know that. You have to have like 27,000 balls to play.


Apparently, you can't just use the same one. The whole game that's illegal. So it's your dirty?

Aaron  43:34

Yeah. Switch down. We've already I've already designated one of my junior high kids to be to be buffer retriever. Yeah, I'll be golden retriever Award and a Golden perceiver award. He's like wait, he's like to do it. I was like, you get to retreat ball. Oh,


yeah. Go run. Retrieve like a future talking. There's literally like rain for us. Yeah.

Brandon  44:07

He he's gonna be like on the where like long Hansen Blockly sir. So bring your chainsaw. These are the softballs they're the Lisa softballs are like brightly colored baseballs like Nope. You might even find some extra ones in there for practice. Practice right like oh, hey, we I sent you in for one you came up with for you get award for


you know if you go into the woods and like oh, look at all these other ones. They're in the water. Yeah, right. Like you don't actually have to golf balls if you play strategically. You just get extra ones. That might be the admission fees or all the other teams that play they have to bring at least Oh, baseball's get in,

Brandon  44:50

like a canned food drive. Yeah. Or like, you know, you get


reduced write rates on tickets for like parents if you bring a softball Even like we don't we don't have you don't have a ticket spam people just walk in whenever they want to. I mean set up a table and then the economy I'm getting we're gonna we're just gonna buy chunks of water and just start selling out the game so


chunks of water ice pallets of art what else I think it was being okay term right a chunk


northerners we have to pull the water yeah water and you have a cold water

Aaron  45:35

yeah I would you put water damage that's ever there's a desk full of water what I got them on your desk full of water

Brandon  45:52

I've seen like full of water state of

Aaron  45:55

Ohio we have a job to run or hate draw water draw so

Brandon  46:02

we can like it as you put like ice in it and it's like cold but like water just in a hammock is just like why water is heavy metal break your hammock. So as someone who's broken hands before I can tell you allegedly allegedly broke in the hammock in a hypothetical. hypothetical situation six is the man for breaks by mental you know, science people, it's fine. It's fine. Yeah, the thing that you're saying about kid random kid coming in your classroom, this happens a lot. It's nothing more than where we're going. And I think they probably think I'm insane. Because people just come in and start talking to me. And I just turn around and I look at them. And I'm like, what? Because they come in and I have no context at all for what they're speaking about. Or I'm sort of staring at them. Like, trying to remember the last conversation with I had with them, which could have been up to two hours ago. And I'm just like,


Huh, what are you talking about? Hold on, slow down a little bit here.

Aaron  47:15

I've lost my last book. Yeah, my fit. My favorite thing is when when those students come in, and they're just like, all hyped up, especially if they come in from the gym. And they're like, Oh, hold on, hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. What? Yeah, like, just like, start in the middle in the middle of like the sentence. Like, what do you think are always my favorite or, like, we get to meet like, little little kids for the first time. And they always bring up things. They're like, how old are you? Like, oh, I'm older than you like, oh, that's what I say to you. I got a brother. That's nine. Like, okay. Let me have chocolate milk. Mike, what is happening? I'm saving. Accommodation I had with a fourth grader. Like last week. We had a little meeting stuff and they came in. They're like, Oh, are you and I was like I'm older than your buddy. Like, oh, I've got a brother. That's nine. I'm like, yep. And he's like, my mom will let me have talked. No, I was like, come on. Kid.

Brandon  48:19

Anyone cool. This is why I don't teach fourth grade. Because they don't make any sense. They're weird. Right? People think security is weird. No, no. I know. I'm super. I know, I'm super approachable. But y'all like also, it also. I like the thing too. Isn't kids adorable? Like, no, he's not getting weight right now. Yeah.


I like when you're sitting there having a conversation with a student, and then another student will just walk up to you start speaking to you. And you're like,

Aaron  48:51

dude, I'm not I don't work on third graders with managing appropriateness. They all springs up back to me, and I might not have never learned what one other time means. He doesn't

Brandon  49:03

know that. Raising your hand is literally the signal for me to come to you. You don't have to come back here. I've, I believe that I'll just be sitting there. Yeah, I'll just be sitting there talking somebody and someone will come up and they'll stand like, abnormally close to me and start speaking, but like step in front of somebody else and start talking like I was talking to them. But that's cool, I guess. Yeah. Well, socially unaware of how conversations work. That's neat. I'm glad that we had this. But it made it to sixth grade without having any social skills. This is very intriguing.


I'm really confident about that. Yeah, I'm really glad that you talked to so few people in your life that you don't understand how this works. I don't.


In a bizarre segue of all segues, my zoom window has now changed to a ski lift Did I don't know what happened? And I don't know why.

Brandon  50:03

But I think it's a lot more approachable. Apparently. I was down here looking at the views because I was like, Oh, how do I make people I was kind of changing? There are you could Would you rather be in a? In a I don't know what this is


not understand what was happening in my life. And I was like, why are we what the heck is that? It's like a weird podium thing. But like we could be on a unlike a news. I think that's why that's false. We can't We can't do that. It's not a factual program, where

Brandon  50:44

we could be like the photos in like a boardroom. Yeah. Here's another one where you're like photos on a wall to guess there's like Harry Potter, where they're talking for those of you not able to see this is so bizarre, I understand. This. Zoom now has what's they have three different kinds of views. They have a speaker view, where the one speaking is obviously highlighted, they have a gallery view where everybody is viewable at the same time, and then they have immersive view, which is not immersive at all, but it blows the speaker's heads in various scenarios. I'm not quite sure what this appears to be a lecture hall. That's the lecture hall. Looks like the Missouri State lecture hall. Another lecture hall. Wow, very creative, guys. Ah, that's atrocious.

Collin  51:35

It is it. Are you on the floor? I don't know. I guess I think because I'm a classroom. Also, we could be a fireside chat, but only with two of us visible.

Brandon  51:48

So that's super unhelpful. And then I don't know what this one is. This year's is a lot of fun. Sorry. This is this is a lot of something creepy one Halloween bass. There's


like cobwebs. And then there's this one. Oh, man. I should have been playing spot where they wrote zoom

Brandon  52:06

right here. It's on a pumpkin house. Exciting. Yeah, so I can I don't know what this one is. I thought I broke something by Oh, no. Cullen is just hitting tonight. I'm hitting buttons. I'm sorry. I'm middling. Oh, it didn't like that one. No, I don't know what this one is. Well, it says I bought it. Oh, well, I'm gonna go back to stomp. Everyone key lift. Yes. I don't know. Go back to the ski lift. Okay, let's see. I think we're gonna have to do when we do video we're gonna be on the ski lift. Oh, good. Nobody said I have to be and are going to be very Oh, everyone turn their cameras in 321. No. Yeah.


No, that's okay. Okay, sorry. That was a zoom. Was very that was a very bizarre I did not understand what was happening in my life. At this particular moment.

Brandon  53:11

Yeah. A sec. You said you back actually, that's another word really? For the list. Right? Like?


Because that's a big one. Right? Like, what is this? I don't understand. Exactly. So Colin Collin. Yeah. At what age were you when you first learned of spontaneous human combustion?

Brandon  53:44

Oh my gosh. This is really hard to to pinpoint. I will say we had to have had satellite, because I'm pretty sure it was on like a Discovery Channel.

Collin  54:05

Episode. Okay. Of like, weird ways people had done and

Aaron  54:15

or maybe it was like, maybe like 101 way, or


kind of thing was, that was a show, but I don't know if that shows that old? I don't know. I don't know if it is or not.

Brandon  54:27

I don't think it is. But it was on the sunlight special of like, like mysterious disappearances are mysterious. It was around the same time where there was a lot of also, there was three things. I remember a period of my life where I saw a lot of material about the Bermuda Triangle about quicksand and spontaneous human combustion. The trifecta of terror things that I was way more terrified of, and I was prepped mentally are a much different adulthood than I actually. Let's just be very real. I must have been. Gosh, I mean, I was it was younger than I was sixth grader younger. Probably watching that, and I remember. I mean, I can almost picture this episode of like, Jonathan went to bed. And when he woke up, you know, like he woke up and saw beaut blue Flint, but what I remember specifically is a blue flame coming out of a person's belly button. And they were like telling the story. People have like, witnessed this or like, someone survived it one time. And they had the experts trying to figure out like, how it happened and like buildup of gases or whatever in them showing the crime scenes of like a burned bed of somebody, you know, who was in there. And I think it doesn't believe me when I talk about this. So she, she didn't have the same exposure. So I don't know what it was, like trauma, probably just like, three months of programming, where they just played this one thing over and over again. And then it disappeared. But I just can't I yeah, that's, that's my memory of it. And it was, I feel like I was pretty young. It was I do seem to recall. It being on like, TV shows. Yeah, like more than one. Like I saw it on a show like that, like more than one time. It wasn't like a weird, like, abnormal thing. Right? Like, oh, I've never seen a show like this before. It's like, No, I've seen like four of these. And I don't

Collin  56:41

know why. For sure. Like all slightly different or, you know, whatever. I yeah, just very trying to figure out

Brandon  56:56

oh, oh my God. Tell me okay, I'm gonna send this over. I don't know if this now scary time.

Collin  57:02

I'm probably too big. No. to a guy named Joe nickel.


Nickel This guy seems vaguely vaguely anywhere. Remember, Alan, nice to get you anywhere. It's totally fine. Now. I don't know. I don't understand this. It's fine

Brandon  57:28

crowdsource internet. So yeah, I it was definitely this how the internet should be. But it definitely had to have been after we had satellite because the only way we would have seen these kind of like practico Yeah, these are not on like in DC, right? Yeah, on ABC Nightline or whatever. So NBC that lines? But whatever. I don't know. Yeah. I feel like because, but it was also weird because I don't have memories of them to also talking about like, aliens. Or like, it is very, very specifically, nothing but Bermuda Triangle, disappearances, human combustion. Or, okay, think back to these programming. That's all I had. And maybe that's just because it's all like, really freaked me out. Mysterious is different disappearances of planes and whatever. And then, like, people bursting into flames out of the ordinary, I guess it's well, traumatizing to young child. I mean, yes, I can see where that would be. But I I just, yeah, they're, they're very specific. And they were very much presented in a like, here's the story. Here's what happened. Here are the eyewitnesses. There you go. And we don't know if it's real or not. Now I do I do. I do have a similar experience with like, the Bermuda Triangle thing. Okay. Right. That was something that was supposed to be very young and being like,


wow, like, you know what I mean, like, it's one of the things that I still like, I will watch shows about the beauty of triangle like it was on it was like on Discovery Channel or his region or something. Like, why like, Yep, we're watching this right now. Okay, here we go. I mean, like,

Brandon  59:08

I do have that, that strange fascination with that. And that's one I feel like, it's, I feel like it's very common for this stuff to sort of, like show up in your life. Like it just sort of like, you don't know about it at all. And then magically, when you're in like, fifth or sixth grade, it just like appears in your life. Right? And I feel like that's how it happened with me like to write it was like, tada, like when you're a little bit younger. You've heard about like, weird things like Bigfoot or whatever. We've talked about that for like the Loch Ness Monster, right? Yeah. And then like, I do have a very specific memory of like me and my friends being like obsessed with the Loch Ness monster, and like, going to the school library in elementary school, and like, there was something For some reason, more than one book about the Loch Ness Monster in an elementary school library,


it probably because this is again, a common occurrence that happens a lot. And we would like check them out and like read them and like talk to each other about them. And like,

Brandon  1:00:13

we had all these theories about this monster, right, like, perfect. You know, as you do as a young adult, for sure. But yeah, I feel like somewhere around like fifth or sixth grade, you just like, for some reason. The world is obviously like, Oh, hey, here's what's really weird. Like, what? Like, I never, I never had the quicksand thing, but it was never a thing that I encountered, like ever. And like, I saw it in like Princess Bride and was like, yeah, that's funny. Alright, anyway. Like the breather triangle, for sure. And I do also remember the the spontaneous combustion thing. And I feel like it showed up around the same time in my life. I like fifth or sixth grade. And just like, that's when I first heard about it. Also, like, extrasensory perception, and like telepathy, right? That was another phenomenon that I just like, heard about, for the first time when I was in sixth grade. I was like, weirdly fascinated by it again, our cool library had more than one book about this, for some reason. People have questions, I guess. So. I mean, yeah, I guess when you have a pre internet, right, you have to have books on literally everything. So we're gonna have it there. Like, we would read me, my friend, we like read the encyclopedia stuff that we could find or like, no. Real early internet, we could like get on my library websites, and like, check out articles and stuff from like, newspapers or whatever about it. And we would like do that. And like, read books about like, ESP. Right, like, yeah, it was one of the things that like, grabbed my imagination as a sixth grader, and I just like, went with it, you know, but again, it's one of those like, really bizarre, niche, like things that normal human beings don't talk about in their daily life. But when you're in sixth grade, somehow, like 12 year old brain is tuned into the universe in a different way. And you just like, sort of become exposed to like, really weird stuff. At least that's how I happen to me like, it's like, oh, yeah, ESP and telepathy and the rear triangle and on tissue and combustion on like that two year period of like, that's like the first time I've heard about it. And then like, you hear about it, you talk about it forever. And then like, nobody else talks about it. So then you panic, because you're 12. And you know, nonstandard nothing's going on. Like,

Collin  1:02:41

why is nobody else worried about this? What is going on here? Yes. Yeah, I wonder if that is because, yeah, around that fifth, sixth grade timeline, use it the first time, at least in school where you start branching out into the world, as far as like, or like research projects, or that's true, I guess, maybe like this, like, curriculum very deliberately starts, at least a lot of cases starts poke, pointing you outwards, or whatever, first, a little bit, to start doing these things. And it's probably just,

Brandon  1:03:20

I don't know that information is so captivating. to that to that mind. Because it is weird. It's like so new. You're like, wait,

Collin  1:03:31

what? Why is there what he told me? Yeah, then. And it's all it's also, I will say, like the Bermuda Triangle stuff. It's always it's, it's tangental to a lot of things. Like if you Google, like, if you're Googling things about ocean, it's going to come up. If you Google things about airplanes, it's going to come up ships or column ration like this was pre Google. But I'm saying like, but they had things like, before Netscape even man, my favorite we go to we go to EBSCO host as I think one of the search engines that we would use. I still have that one. You can still do oh, there we go. of like getting access to publications, but like, it was all even then you had a lot of connections made between these articles? Yes, yes. And you could kind of already then go down these rabbit holes of finding references or little things that are mentioned or cited.

Brandon  1:04:29

And obviously, you're going to be like, because it seems like that just stuck out to you. So well, and like early internet, right? It's just like, chat rooms and forums. So it's like, the wild west of like, some random dude, typing furiously about like, this. His uncle knows a new guy. That was something happened to him in the theater triangle, and you're like reading that off the internet. You're like, whoa, what? That's great. Right? Exactly. It's kind of like this. Like, very raw, first hand account, which again, is talking about a little bit of what made some of the marketing around before the Blair Witch Yeah, so, so real, because that kind of thing was being shared that time. That's what you saw a lot of those places. So I think that's one of the things again, where it just, it just is so captivating because it's so way out of left field of life again, like I've lived all my years. And it no one told me about this already play planes disappearing. What is why exactly? He said, like, why is it more? Why aren't more people panicking? Yeah. Or it's like, and again, it's one of those things where, like, you know, the other the other part of that is like, you are discovering it for the first time, but like, all these other people already


know about it. Right? So you're like, Whoa, what do you mean? Like, oh, yeah, you didn't know about that? You're like, No, I had no idea,

Brandon  1:06:03

right? So it's like, it's new to you. And that's the other reason that you, like, get so engrossed in it, because it's not necessarily new to everybody else, but is new to you. So like, you get sort of enthralled and enamored with this, like new thing that you learned, right? Yeah. And again, if you're like me, you have a very active imagination as a young child, your brain goes like in this spiral mode, where like, all this crazy stuff going on? Oh, yeah. Because then again, about that same time you're developing personal agency, again, you're looking more outward, you're learning about how things aren't always held out. As they have been, right, there's now progression and changes over time. So there's definitely a lot of self awareness and place a sense of place and not purpose, but position in kind of the universe where things start getting a lot bigger. And that's where a lot of that weirdness comes out to where it's kind of Yeah, I think it really just takes you off guard as you when you find those kinds of topics.

Aaron  1:07:15

Yeah. And did you share in that experience at all, or were you just like, now? I can definitely tell I know what columns talking about with called human combustion, like, because I heard watching things like that, and seeing like, the black outline of those bodies, and like the whole Yeah, isn't it just like disappearing? And like is, you know, when's the last time you want to read an article about it happening? I'm like, this is the thing that happened, right? Like, it's not just not just us. So I've never seen things like that. Um, the Remita triangle, I remember being fascinated like, that thing that in our little friend group that's like, you know, there's that one kid that like, love dinosaurs. And then there's like, that one kid that like, you know, I'm gonna meet your fire man, like, all the talk about and then there's that one thing, it's like, dude, I'm gonna solve the root of triangle. So and that was you kids in my little group, and, and just just being fascinated with that. And then there was something else that I remember reading about, or like, watching on TV and I can't remember what the there's a one time I talked on here about my housemates, you know, crawl up through the toilet seat. Oh, yes. And so like to see like, super paranoid about using the restroom because it's like, is this a common thing that happens just like snakes just like all their willy nilly. And so

Brandon  1:08:59

I think there's like a bunch of like, random things like that. Those are the main ones that I think about.

Aaron  1:09:07

If you like, the joopa, copra was also another like big one. Oh. one's like, adult, like, attacks or something like Did he recovers and Rogersville Missouri, like back straight up and ever sitting out sitting out? Like in one of the fields with my friend Tyler. And like, Dude, are we gonna shoot the duvet cover? Supposed to cover goodbye? Like us, like trying to hunt it? And so I remember hearing about that all the time. Like,

Brandon  1:09:42

oh, like Monster Hunter, or monster quest on your channel. Dude, that's a good story. That was like, straight up thing of you know, the super conference gonna come out and it's pulled in Missouri and we're gonna catch it and all kinds of other stuff. So


no, that's a good one I forgot about because that was like Alright, so that was I, I do have just a mirror that was like literally like national news

Brandon  1:10:05

stuff. Like, like, stories about it, like Chupacabra things. And you're like, wait, okay, hold up. Because like I was like you you know you read about it and like the you read about it here you read about it there see a show about his regional and then like one day like watching the news and on the news you're like, oh, wait,


pull up. What? Hold on, stop the presses a minute, please. Excuse you. Wait, you mean to tell me this is on the news? Or to Revelation I did member having as a child is like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what?

Brandon  1:10:47

Yeah, that's a good one. I forgot. I forgot about that. Yeah, that was another thing around that time where I remember having similar conversations that like, of like, I'm going to hunted but like of Yo, like, what the heck is this thing? Right? Like


about that? Yeah. And I forgot about that one. That's crazy. It was it being on the news that blew my brain up a little bit.


I was not. I was not expecting that. Like, just chilling out. Watch the news. Like oh, yeah, Chupacabra siding in Texas. You

Brandon  1:11:23

like? Yeah. Oh, well, hold on. Wait a minute. Yeah. Yeah. What do you mean, I wasn't expecting that at all? Oh, man. Oh my gosh, you're no, you're right. Especially these. I'm gonna send you this. Oh, no, no, you're too macabre. Um, I was gonna say Didn't somebody shoot one? And back in the early 2000s. A Ranger claimed he did shoot one. And I remember this picture, sir. Yes. Yo. What a tagline. First of all, why? Under the headline here? Oh, yeah. But I wouldn't put something like that in my freezer. was a beautiful article. This is called this is from my San Antonio. And it says remembering the time of Bexar County man shot and killed a tube macabre looking at his property. And it is what's beautiful about this is it was written in July of 2021 referencing an event that happened in 2004.


Wow, is that really what this was? I love this very much. This is most definitely just like a mangy dog or coyotes. Yo, like that's like 100%

Brandon  1:12:59

not actually describing this. This exact phenomenon that we're talking about right now. Your 2004 was paid for low res denim check the song? Yeah, by Usher and DreamWorks second foray into the ochre cinema. It was also big year for the proliferation of the legend of the macabre. Ah, so, um, anyway, you can you were saying like, Oh, it was in the news and stuff. And I was like, oh, yeah, I had to go hunt that down. That's a thing. Oh, that's crazy. Yeah, I do remember this patriot. Wild. Yeah. It's, it's, it's weird. How things can we see that a lot. Like, where kind of society gets caught up in these random? I don't know if we call them distractions of, of this phenomenon that happened, like the other one that I was trying to think of? Was, was several years ago, but like, remember when there were stories of like, people dressed in clown costumes that were chasing after people? Oh, yeah. Yes. Like, like, that was weird. Like, that was definitely something that happened in my lifetime where people want to be chased down by somebody in a clown costume. Like,


you never who you know who never saw one single clown person ever. Yeah, that was me. Stories about it. Right? And so it's kind of sad, like, every behind every dumpster in every parking lot in America,

Brandon  1:14:40

but that was that was also on the news of like, they were legitimately covering like, people citizens around the country being terrorized by random people costumes.


Yeah. i Yeah, it's just some Juggalos man, it's fine. They're friendly. I

Brandon  1:14:58

promise. It's okay. They're not They're normally nice and normally. Yeah Ah, yeah, that's another one. Sometime Well, sometime on this show, we're gonna have to do the the retrospective the old brother retrospective of the y2k phenomenon because I want to know I wanted to I want to hear about that from your guy's point of view at some point not today obviously because we're about done but I want I think since we are a at heart and nostalgia driven show, I feel like


coming up on you know, that time right it's like this because the idea right, you need to think about it a little bit like


it's almost sick that 20 to 22nd anniversary of the y2k Scare, right boom. So maybe we'll put that on the topic list for at some point but I think we should talk about because I want to I want to know the retrospective of your remembrance and thoughts about taking a national phenomenon


gripped the country for months yeah


right yeah


yeah that maybe that we may need to change the check that the tagline of the above the podcast to over other Hey retrospect Yes. I mean, some weeks other weeks you know, it's whatever summaries we're gonna watch the Bollywood movie. Other weeks of record. Yes. Some weeks you watch half a Bollywood movie Excuse me? And we're talking about like the mall so like you know, it's good good to good to be


broad spectrum right you know? Never know. But I think try not to die from spontaneous combustion moving to space. That's true. Where my brooch? Yes, your cheap recover brush. But new merch coming soon? How weird man. Yeah, it could be like a pin because I don't think anyone was actual broaches. But yeah, right. I'll put on my hat. I'll work on the handbrake review. Okay. I mean, I'm mildly interested. As is everyone as is everyone involved? I mostly just want to know how many Tylenol you had to take very your back after bending down at par and awkwardly tried to scoop up leaves and how much how much ibuprofen has been consumed. The ratio of leaves that make it in bag versus not Yeah. Yes. Begin much to look forward to or sure indeed. Enjoy the rest of the evening. All right. Love you guys. Love you.

