alero of theseus

In what must have been a Thanksgiving induced mania…we recorded an episode. Collin has more leaves than he can deal with. Aaron is in search of a new car, and get’s some amazing advice. Brandon doesn’t want a house, or other things. Having consumed way more pie than we should have earlier in the week, we bring you our top 5 Holiday Pies. Enjoy.

  • Plasma duck 

  • Leaf bags

  • Product invention time!

  • Push version of sweep bag

  • Hand rakes

  • You have become a frog

  • Yard talk

  • Aaron got his car fixed!

  • And mowing lawns 

  • Alero of Theseus 

  • Car talk 

  • Why NOT buy a 1960’s Land rover?

  • 4 wisemen?

  • Brandon’s internet! 

  • Blowing the clouds away

  • Aaron and Concession stands 

  • Aaron house buying

  • Brandon doesn't want a house

  • Consumption from Collin’s office

  • Reviewing for a quiz

  • Pleistocene 

  • Build a Ford Bronco

  • Top 5 Favorite Holiday Pies!!

  • Anti-establishment pie

    • Brandon

      • 5- Strawberry - rhubarb pie

      • 4- Banana cream pie 

      • 3- Cherry Pie 

      • 2- Lemon Meringue 

      • 1- French silk chocolate pie 

    • Collin

      • 5- pot pie 

      • 4- Pumpkin pie with whip 

      • 3- Apple crumble pie 

      • 2- Key Lime Pie 

      • 1- Peanut butter pie 

    • Aaron

      • 5- Pecan pie 

      • 4- cranberry pie (mixed berry)

      • 3- cherry crumble pie 

      • 2- French silk pie 

      • 1- hot Apple pie with ice cream

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pie, aaron, nice, buy, car, people, house, true, yard, number, eat, weird, money, big, bronco, week, seat, hand, good, happy


Aaron, Brandon


Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Cullen and Aaron, on this week's show Alero of Theseus?


Why thank you. You're welcome. And because of our recording schedule, nobody will know what it actually is.


It's a mystery Oh, that's great. All right. Oh, I don't have anything to do that down. Like to talk forever. A couple days, boom, well, but I didn't take notes that


fair. But it'll be fine. It'll pre title. If it matters at the end of it.


Like it, there's, there's literally no way that could ever happen. I mean, unless you cheat because you have the ultimate.

Brandon  01:55

That's our I couldn't Well, I could just, I could title it something and then just work it into cap conversation casually and you have no idea.


Like, plasma doc like three times. That was weird here. Sure. We're trying to know what's going on there. Understand this weekend

Brandon  02:11

and that was good. Yeah, it is it. So I have some my art it's, it's a bit it's a bit of seen. And I've already right. I've already filled. Your have 930 gallon bags filled with leaves have been taken away from my house. And I still have probably about another nine go. I mean, some say it is false. It is false. What is so odd about that is that the city is done for the year taking away things for free. But not free, but you pay $5 a month, and they'll come by your house every other week to pick up yard waste. Which is Yeah, yeah. It's amazing. Now, there are sometimes like during the summer where I don't use it, but I definitely get my money's worth in the ball. I mean, yeah. So they are done for the year, they have done their last cleanup, as they will resume in Ark. I still have all these leaves, so I can take them to the compost and place that down for free. Which is fine, which is great. I have nine bags that I'm going to have to take there. Good night do that effectively. That's true. I guess it'd be cool to Lady was like, Oh, well, why don't just take them there. And I was like, Yeah, I don't have that much time in a day. But I guess Megan's like, just like every week. We're just gonna I'm just have to find like 45 minutes to just take two bags. Meditate.


Yeah, just take a bag here. Bag there, right. It's fine. It'll be okay. Maybe by March is below because I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I see like one or a couple of weeks, however many you can fit in the back of the Jeep. Right? Just go for it be fine. But I had more

Brandon  04:23

that I needed to get picked up. I says myself not gonna do it today, because it's really windy. And I mean, that's true. literally the worst day. super windy. I was like, I'm not gonna wait. I'm gonna I'm just gonna wait. And Megan said, that's fine. Not gonna rain for like, a week. I was like, sweet. And then I got a notification about rain tonight. Maybe it'll just be like a lovely little bit of red like be fine. I hope it's just a wee bit of rain because there's nothing like right now. It's nice because I can rake a bunch of leaves, and they're all crisp and crunchy. And so I can fit a lot of leaves into a bag. But once they get wet, you can't compress them anymore, right? You can't break them down. They're just soggy leaf. Now I can basically turn them into powder and dust by grind them up enough with my hand or my foot in the bag or use the brake. Press them down. Once I get wet can't do that. So it kind of limits the efficiency


out of my life highly too much as you say, This is ridiculous. You don't put this much thought into the yard waste and how you manage it most effectively. I don't I don't have yard waste.

Brandon  05:51

So well then. I see all the people not all people but I see people around who have this big like the zero turn with like leaf capture things on the back. And I'm like, huh, I don't need one of those. One of those would mow my yard in 13 seconds. is true. It would be I wonder I wouldn't be nice to just have them like scoot around a little bit. Like I believe that my I'm sure I'm sure you could get like a go you know that? Okay, so here we go. New product invention time. Are you ready? So they make those things that you pull behind the tractor that are like just basically a sweep yet. It looks like the street sweeper and it just wings it into a bag that has just need like, remember? Yeah, you just need like a push one of those. Oh, yeah, just push version of. Yeah. Yeah. I couldn't tell you. But I mean, logistically. It's sort of difficult to be large.


Right? Cuz you have to push it in front of you. Have to be pretty wide. Yeah. Boom. Sorry, Brandon. I mean, I figured it had been I just yeah, like I don't know how it would be literally possible for it to not. Yeah, do that. This is this is expensive, I thought.

Brandon  07:39

I mean, luxury yacht items are very offensive. But when I don't know what's a luxury luxury yard item featureless hand rakes Have you seen these? I mean, I hate to break it. Every week I've ever used his handheld. No, no. So I don't know. No. I am. You are giving you these are these are hand


Aaron. Have you ever used a rake with anything other than your hand? I'm confused here help me. I don't understand what I was talking about. I've seen the ones that go on like crackers that like oh, like like a hay rake. Maybe check your text channel. I don't I don't even want to open this.

Brandon  08:33

They are they're like gloves that go over your hands. And but they're solid plastic leaf scooping you've ever


seen. This is without doubt the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in my entire life. What on earth can you imagine? You went outside and you saw your neighbor with this eye on their hand eye listeners?


It looks like giant imagine you have like in phibian hands right you have like become

Brandon  09:13

a frog. Right? I don't this is the silliest thing. But first of all, well I guess their mind. I was like these people are working in their yard in the fall in a short sleeve shirt but then again it was rather warm today likely to appear. I will also say these product shots. They are heavy weight this way to what smiling going on. That's sure I've never done yard work and smiled at the same time. These things I just never think has happened. Or this is there'll be links in the show notes this one obviously but these are called guard ease relief leaf scoops, ergonomic large handheld rake or fast leaf and lawn graph removal. Even though one of their product shots does show them scoop Picking up children's toys?


Look, I mean, when you have hands that big, you just scoop up everything, right?

Brandon  10:10

Just like I would be finding uses for these business owners, right? Anyway, this this right here, this this product is just this is the reason why you see other articles that are like lawns and they're stupid. Right? That's basically right. This is what happened. This is why this is why the lawn is the most watered crop in the United States. You know that, you know that. Get out of here? Yeah, it's it's really sad. Because I think about that how much like i There's a guy in Springville that re wilded his front yard. He turned it into a native prairie. Yes. I watched that guy's yard. Yeah. Which he was like, he was like, which I watched this. He did a presentation about this. But he's like, Hey, tell the city I was going to do this. And I don't recommend you go that route. Because they work. It's fine. It's fine. Please, because he was having to do like controlled burns on his yard to get the grass. It's okay. It's fine. I for 1am all for having yard that I don't like, here's the thing. I don't like messy and overgrown yards. If you're going to do that. Turn it into a prairie. Turn it into a pollinator garden, do something else with it, just letting it go. I'm at that bothers me I'd rather be useful for something other than just looking like dunk. I'd like to see these useful. bugs live their habitat for snakes. Except it's all still when even when it gets overgrown. It's still all mono cultured, nice, the wrong grasses. But that's the problem is as the problem is, you've got to get those native prairie grasses in there or get the forbs get to get make it useful. Not just you know trash, so I've thought I like the ones that are like wildflower, right. It's like a whole bunch of flowers and slightly. Ah, hey, go. And I'm I like our friend our front yard is there's no grass there. It's basically like weeds with like, tons of clover in the summer, which I absolutely love that love seeing all the bees and other pollinators out there in the clover. It makes me happy. And it also is like super low maintenance because I don't know this over doesn't ever get like tall. Yeah, it grows to a height. It is a done and it is I really like it now like if you look at the one next door who's all like manicured like bright green and lush and like carpet, you're like, Oh, that looks different. I like her. Anyway, this has been a long talk with one person who has a yard and two people yelled at you, right, you're right, the the sorry. I'll go back into this. The European early European style of yard by the mayor yard that was developed around that time, right it first, it's annoying how much that has stuck around and how little it helps like unproductive it is not that everything has to be productive in the sense of making things because I'm all for just like setting land aside and not touching it right and just having it there to exist to be beautiful. It is something though to think like you said right? Like it's the most watered crop in the world. What happens if they just planted some tomatoes? They're like what why is that so bad? Why can't we have tomatoes planted in your front yard? That would be nice. Like even complains about not having a garden? Lawn? Yeah, but tomatoes don't look nice. Right? Tomato plants are


hideous. I know. Right? They're just like, a weird vine.

Brandon  14:21

You know what I mean? Like? So I don't I personally don't understand.


The yard. Like fascination is never I don't know, I've never understood that. It confuses me greatly.

Brandon  14:40

I don't know. I don't know why. It's a thing that people obsess with. And like, freak out over. I don't I don't get it. It's one of the many things that people do that I just go what? Why? Why are you doing Yeah, I In my defense, I will just say the reason I do pick up the leaves and I rake them. I don't, I don't use a leaf blower and I don't have any machines doing it. I'm writing it by hand. But the reason I do it is just genuinely the volume of leaves that falls on my house again, I'm talking about I live on, like, my yard. I have more square footage in my house than I do yard. Okay, let's just put that into perspective. And I picked up I'm going to pick up 1930 gallon bags of of leaves from that over the course of three three or four weeks. It it is it can cover our cars if I don't do something with the like this from like, managing IT perspective like like, JR that's true. I guess. You just need to see kind of plant different trees. That's you have the wrong trees. Maybe I will tell that to the 70 year old Sycamore next door I let it


know Yeah, darn Sycamore. We doing? Doing being so big with your giant leaves of doom right out of here.

Brandon  16:09

But we did plant a plant or borrow out front. So little tiny tweak stick thing. Right. Planted that and I was like, Well, someone will have fun with that. And 100 years, but whatever. It'll be a tree eventually. Eventually. Yeah. That's what we're going for here. I was thinking about that with the trees the long game right as can be. No. I mean, let's see those crazy people. They


like transplant. Like, I'm just gonna translate this 75 foot oak into my yard like, what's? No. What are you doing? That'd be too much. Way too much. I think about that with like, all the beautiful parks around

Brandon  17:06

our city and Springfield and where you guys are to have like, their huge trees there. And like, kind of the burden of the parks department to be like, yeah, the trees are what makes our park beautiful. But knowing like every year, like it's another year that that we won't be there in future. So like, having to constantly be planting trees as you know, in 100 more years,


it's going to look completely different with Wow, yeah. So I think about that when I see somebody playing a tree

Brandon  17:41

like but I mean, how is your week off? Been so far?


I'm actually running around a lot. As far as getting like, if you ever get to the car. Oh, that yesterday. And I had to do some other shopping stuff.

Brandon  18:13

I guess to get a sense more, but that didn't happen. So it's been nice to actually get time to work on things relax, clean the house desperately needed to clean


Yes, nothing, nothing really fancy. Definitely talk to a Kotlin and feel the work. I've been learning how to do like

Aaron  18:38

and stuff like that at my school. I'm guessing that and so having to do not lawn maintenance, but like Oh, I bet I can know that. And then like oh, this is actual like an Oklahoma field that needs all of this different kind of lawn care and I wonder if the city will let me burn off half this brass. So


that's kind of what I've been contending with nice get your car picked up. That's good. Yes, thankfully. Nice.

Aaron  19:12

Do we know what was wrong with you this time? Yeah, alternator? Oh, no. So it was kind of it was kind of super. I was actually on my way to get the oil change anyway, but I had a little I had miscalculated how much oil I had in it. So that might have been a factor but the main issue was was the ultimate completely killed my better every year I when it gets cold. I always have issues with the battery or the alternator. I don't know what it is or why it happens. But it's always one one of those two things that will always happen. This is the first time I've actually had a major issue with it with it literally shutting my car off on driving. So



Brandon  20:03

Yeah doesn't mean it's just gone all the way did because it's got a it's just dummies it's just draining only battery


so anything it's fixed so that should be good this is annoying that you've had to fix everything the same time it's pretty much yeah we're are looking at vehicles for hastily this time because yeah this is the I pretty much I'm almost not me entirely

Aaron  20:43

rebuild the entire engine but I there's been something major done for this vehicle every

Brandon  20:51

you know I've pretty much built rebuilt this car from the ground up unfortunately. You're so you're saying it's the Alero of Theseus





Brandon  21:04

so just following your dad's footsteps of just completely rebuilding building I mean at this point you have a you have a new car so I don't know why you're trying to replace it I mean


maybe took such great MacBook Air of it and then I tried to kind of replicate the same thing and that's like kind of right so

Brandon  21:26

I mean if is getting up there right it's it's a 2001 or 404 179,000 or something like that on


it Oh yeah. And again so mad and hopefully gonna get out there and make it make it so you can find something new and exciting

Brandon  22:03

I will continue to send you land rovers and that's okay, that's the job that I will provide here. Help me find a reliable wait nevermind. I'll


I will. And I suppose in continuing with sending Aaron completely useless vehicle information.

Brandon  22:20

I'll send him like random Chinese electric vehicles or


mopeds. Oh, yeah, yeah, the Super Cub. Yes. This random electric shocks you can buy off Alibaba AliExpress. For like,

Brandon  22:40

no dollars. I wonder if this actually even moves? Ah, I don't know. Oh, man. I still think I still think you need to get that. Oh, that Mitsubishi that I sent over. That was a while ago, that was ago that thing. I I've made that very strange person. Sometimes I don't really know what to say about Come on. When I said I just said Look at this. And then I found it again. I said Look at this. And that's the text that I sent along when I said the photo. So I mean, obviously, huge impact on my life. Obviously you just like to look at it. That's what I'm gathering here. Just look at it. You snorkle got orange. No, no, nine


MushiShi. Yes, yes. And Aaron to buy an older car than the one that he currently has. What a great idea. How helpful. Wow, I think what solid consumer advice. Aaron, I know that your old car is struggling here is a car that's older than the one that you have.

Brandon  23:58

And it's an older Mitsubishi so spoilers that transmission is broken. Like that's what comes pre broken that way you will it won't break on you. When you buy it. You just know that is. That is not better. That is that is the opposite of better. Some might call that worse. Let's go through cars. Oh no, Aaron, I'm sorry. This is about to be Cullen being unhelpful for X number of minutes. No, here's, like Aaron. Here's the 1978 Dodge van. It's beautiful. It's brown, and also brown and orange. Here's a here's a 2015 Nissan LEAF for you. And Assad What follow xe 9019 98 Lexus LX 470 1987 Oh, we're going wrong. No one wants that. No one wants a Lexus. No,


nobody wants that car.

Brandon  25:16

That car is an 802 1986 Landrover defender. Boom hard top sending it to you right now. But this is coca consumer advice you really can't get anywhere else. Not that you want this consumer.


Worse worst consumer advice ever? Yes. What about gas prices currently unstable? I know a 1986 Landrover

Brandon  25:48

how perfect what a 2016 or miles a gallon. The 500 E. It's the all electric version of the five.


Oh, no. No, Aaron. Aaron. Seriously. You have I don't think any of us can fit in a fee of 500 I

Brandon  26:06

can't. I'm just I just haven't saved. Here's an Oh, it's sold. I'm sorry, but you need to find this. It's a 1989 Mitsubishi Montero. That's disgusting. But it's all pincher bought it out. It's got like Who on earth? Put a snorkel on a Montero. Who did that?


That no, that is the most aspirational, ridiculous thing. That person never even drove it through a mud puddle. Right. They're just like, hey, snorkels are cool. Oh, it makes

Brandon  26:46

and then they like what did they where's that car? Where's it listed? Where do they live? It's in Springfield. Yeah, tell you a lot. Know what?


You know you don't need in Springfield, Missouri. A snorkel. Right? But you drive it to places where you do need a snorkel? Oh,

Brandon  27:05

lichen. I guess somewhere close to Springfield in the springtime. I guess we do get back some serious flooding issues over there. But D Okay, even better. That's what it is. Their driveway just like floods and they're like, I know. I know. NorCal normal. I'm not going to be these these are right, man. Seriously, man. This keeps getting better. I am so happy we have this conversation. Aaron. I'm very upset that there are now like 75 text messages on my phone and I'm just like the world's ugliest cars like I don't know. 1960 Landrover series to 30,000 original miles on it. $26,000 flew daily driver 26 Yeah.


You know, you know, you can buy a brand new Ford Maverick for that money. Yeah, but it's not a not a 1960 Yeah, but it is a brand new Ford Maverick electric hybrid eyes pickup thing that is actually really cool.

Brandon  28:14

Well, and it's like, Aaron, let me know if you get like the massive option package for like that much money. Well, come on. Wait, Aaron. Let me know if you would want to see any saved Lexus LS 475. Seven, or Toyota Ford Motors within a 500 mile radius.


I'm wondering if if Megan had turned off your oh, what's the word? declined your internet privileges for the day? Looking up?

Brandon  28:48

Oh, no, I can't save any more cars. Like I spend my time doing is out of magazines. Old school. I know. I didn't know. I'm sure Facebook is like desperately trying to pick up an algorithm to send me cars to look at and it's just like so confused because it's like, oh, here's also 2015 Tesla Model p 85. D and right next to the 2019 60 Landrover


I think this is good this is this is choice if you need any help. Oh, I'm gonna


go what is

Brandon  29:30

the silliest thing ever? What is going on? called police but in all seriousness, I will actually send you the link to my art and you need this. You need a Honda Accord. Basically what I've learned is all of my searching was like Oh, I really need something that like four doors with a lot of room that is super mega reliable and is kind of fun to drive. By Buying a Honda Accord I read this read it's kind of sporty. Oh, now in red and now I go oh my gosh weird thing most other so many use car markets are awful and terrible these days. Also weird. We moved from your talk Car Talk Oh no. i The number of cars for sale in town immediately in my search search radius that have a salvage title is immense. It's huge. And I don't know if that that that's weird. Why did they do like the number of cars where I'm like oh wow like that's a that's nice like up I would buy a 2016 Honda Accord whatever for that price. And then and then it's like salvage title, salvage title that was titled salvage title. And I know salvage title means everything from like, like total crumpling and demolition of a car. And going from there to like, you can quote unquote total a car by damaging your fender and then having that replaced, so like the scale is weird, but it turns me off because like I don't you don't know the history, like you know how it was repaired. But like, it's a lot of cars here in town. And I kind of think that done because a those cars are always cheaper. And trail, they know the market here is very price to two things. And so they're always looking for cheap objects. And that's a cheap option. But it is it's shot. And I've been looking at cars here for a very long time. They've just, they're everywhere in the market. Insane. That is very strange. I don't know, I can't really think of a reason why that would be right. Like that seems like a weird thing to just have a whole lot of right? Like I don't fully understand the goings on here. I don't think what that could mean is that the demand for cars is so massive. I can it was even like this like a year ago. But like the demand for cars is just so big, that it's worth their time to fix those damages. Now, that's what I was thinking like or there are people that are because the market is so like there is such a demand that that may be there are people who are like buying cars that are quote, salvage titles and just like repairing them and selling them, right that could be the thing to like, it's worth it's worth it to do that right now. Because there's a demand for them.


Whereas other times, maybe would it do that? Because it wouldn't be able to give me enough money out of it to justify

Brandon  33:31

all that work. I don't know. It's just weird. It's always something to keep in mind. Aaron I don't know if you need an oh do you need a 220 21 Massey Ferguson five 711 global mid range tracker I don't think you're making a board so you don't even have names putting words together No no, it's vague. Yeah, always check title make sure it's clean. You look at the car and you're like wow that price looks really good for those mileage probably because very very damaged


fair enough All right. Excuse me. So then anything else this week exciting Cullen other than apparently just scour Facebook marketplace for everything with wheels attached in some way shape or form.

Brandon  34:42

It's a very tasteful collection. I will have you know. Yes, it's a collection. I don't know where it is. Now, I really have the kids had each had a On Thanksgiving feast at their schools, so we attended those, which was fun.


Like by themselves in the house, like, one of them ate over there. The other one ate another room. It was great. It

Brandon  35:14

was fine. It was great. Yeah, we all enjoyed the quiet. And the, of course, whenever I say, and we had to go to a feast, I'm reminded of the dinner from the Grinch Stole Christmas feast on who putting a rare who rose is something that could at least be a space space. So I had to say that a lot of time between Monday now, because we went to two feasts, and the kids were kind of tired of that.


Which is fine. I can I can't imagine that they would do that.

Brandon  36:05

But, um, no, that's pretty much been it is the kids have been out of school. I mean, know is Monday and Tuesday and then is out of school, Wednesday, Thursday, the week, Lillian just goes three days a week, so she was out of school. So she had half day on Wednesday, that day, and school first week, so we get to spend a lot more time been, oh, the fun, the park, Christmas lights, they turned on those drive through. This was like, it's nothing like what you guys have by you, Brandon. But they are trying. Through our should be on Yeah, should be on soon, too. That's usually they don't turn on until Black Friday. But they have to be testing them and running them each night and looking for things. And it's literally 30 seconds from our house on a car. So we pretty much go every night. Just scope it out, you know. But so that's always that's fine. I enjoy it. And I cannot rave enough about the parks department here in town. And the amount of work that they have done just in the last three years has just been been immense. And a lot, they've really poured a lot into all the parks, a lot of renovation improvement. And the definitely also shows in the Christmas lights. And that, to me is a very good sign for the health of a city when something like the parks department is able to do the amount of work that they're able to do anything, right, like to buy anything to grow their, their workforce to do new events, to Yeah, you know, like that, that really good. Because that's kind of one of those like, why do we need epi Yeah, right? For the best department. Like they're true. Pretty underfunded chronically a lot of times, I'm sure, you know, obviously, they would say, Oh, we could use more money, every department would want more money. But whatever they're doing with the money that they have, has been really good. And I really, really appreciate that. Because again, that tells you like, overall, budgets are healthy because they're able to spend money on new Christmas lights. And yes, in new seating areas and platforms, things like that. So that's been it's a reminder every year this time you're like, oh, yeah, more. Yeah, they did a thing. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. How? The real question though, is how many wise men do they have at their 13 cents? The important question. Interestingly, none there are no Ah, yeah, yeah, no, no, no. Wrong answer. No. They spent their money to buy a massive Oh my gosh. It's like a reindeer. No. I mean, they got several new ones this year. Have a brand new Christmas tree. And one of them is like an elf with a list that flashes between naughty or nice. And then but nice. Yeah, yeah. The I think one of the churches here in town does come up and in December set up an activity and I don't have to count twice. As you guys famously. Yes,


have a word for it is the cry dancing. Which it makes me so happy. I love it so much. It's my favorite thing about

Brandon  39:57

an alternate ending for sure. The best the only appropriate answer for how many wow so very soon I will be going to see the famous for Wiseman display. Yeah. Now I'm what I'm always wondering like, is this? They get the Four Horsemen confused with the Wiseman and somebody just like ordered an extra one or I don't really know well because one of them's a duplicate, right? I think they were just like, I think people were donating money to the display. And they just like, bought another thing and then they were like, oh, oh no. Sometimes they try to like hide it. But they like still put it out, which is hilarious. Like they've been they just they still put it out there. That makes me really happy. But they like move it to the other side or like, put it like behind the shepherd, right? Yeah, that tells me that the first year, it was a total accident, because they probably have a backup one or two in case something happens. So the first year that they put it out, didn't mean to, but it created so much buzz, and it kind of became endeared. I hope. This is my hope this is my backdoor that I have. And that the people in the parks department just continue to set it out because it's funny and kind of an inside joke with everybody in town


how have you had to do any concession stands yet? Um Let's see here. So we had, we had the junior high tournaments about a week or two ago. And

Aaron  41:58

I don't know to raise money for for sixth grade stuff, but it wasn't too bad. I had one too many, or many sixth graders in there. So it's a little chaotic. But we at least know for next know for next time at least. Yeah, it wasn't too bad. We I think we only have one other tournament we're doing. But the other games that we will be doing our boys and girls just high school games. So there's only two games instead of like that 12 or whatever that we had the last one all day. So the the other game should be a lot quicker. I mean, I'll still they don't start to like five however, so some of those days I'll have to just hang out in town. Stay in classroom because there's no point in me driving all the way up here and then driving back to get stuff done. So here next month we have to and then January we have one basketball season. sort of be over. And the baseball season will start in February and March.

Brandon  43:13

So yeah, point a lot coming up. Yeah, right now just kind of nice to one school gets out and I don't have to wait around for anything. I can just come straight home and be home at a decent time. So so we die but in two months just get re acclimated and then it'll be the heart of it. Oh, one February rolls around unfortunately. No, I am. I am curious to know because didn't get talked. What? What kind of house are you looking for? And what house is Shelby?


Well, it's one that distance wise is the main thing for me anyways. And then

Aaron  44:16

whatever one one that doesn't have like a whole heap of a lot of maintenance that we have to do. I'm not very handy at all I don't know if it just meeting oil to buy an apartment for a long chunk of my adult life of not having to worry about like oh, this is broken. I can talk to the inactive like, oh, I have to take this now. So I am okay with a little bit newer houses, but I know those will probably be a little bit more expensive but older houses do look really nice. But for me the main factor is distance. And is it anything You know, or not, because unfortunate, unfortunately there, there's a lot of parts that we look at Tulsa that are, oh, here's a really nice house for a really good price and oh, look at everything around it. And so that's kind of the, what I don't really want to deal with. So that's kind of the big two factors that I have fans everywhere, like, fans in every room, so it's all or whatever. So

Brandon  45:32

do you guys like more open or close for plans? Are you? I'm pretty sure you're all about that. Greek Revival architecture.


So for, ah, there's a few that we really found that are kind of more of that. Opening, not really a lot to it. Co Op. But there's one or two that are that are too sore one that we found that we're like, oh, this is, this is a really nice. Another big factor for me. And for Shelley. are bad backyard is their fence do I have to put in the fence. And then our day, one of the houses that we found, like looks really nice, but like it was like you're out. Here's a concrete slab for parking. Oh is behind? It's in the back. You're like, Oh, man. So

Aaron  46:34

if there's adequate enough to how those two vehicles and have a backyard? Well, we don't have to worry about it. Like, as far as like backyard maintenance, like, I wasn't really you know, having to put up a fence having to, you know, go through and we'd eat everything or or whatever, though. Those are some kind of big factors for me right now, right now. Other than that, I there's, you know, the houses that we found, price wise, are, are the ones that are kind of the kicker, like, oh, man, this would look really good. But oh is over $200,000. So

Brandon  47:20

we can't afford that. So

Aaron  47:25

those are those are kind of the, there's there's always one or two that we find. And then it's like, oh, man, oh, man. It's like, really offensive. So we don't we were like, we're still looking.


We're still Yeah, it's it, the progress has slowed a little bit, we are going to wait till the housing market gets a little bit settled at the end of the new year. Or at least that's what other keeps saying. Like, oh, yeah, just just wait until you know, after after the year, whenever everything gets settled, and so that way, they'll hopefully the just a lot of new houses appear on the market.

Aaron  48:16

But we're we got to get an agent. We got to keep you know, whatever options we have. But at the same time, I don't know how long I'll be at my job. So we can't can't move to super crazy. But there's there's a lot of neat little towns in near or around Tulsa. So we have often discussed finding the right. Sure. If you Yeah, if you haven't

Brandon  48:42

already, I'm just pro tip here is get with an agent and have them put you on a mailing list, an email mailing list, sound alerts of multiple times a day. Don't rely on Zillow. Because yeah, below, it is never update. Especially if you're trying to buy a house fast. There's always a delay in those listings. So they may delay might not pick it up until sometimes a day or more later. Ah, yeah, getting with an agent and getting on their mailing list will help you because they will just set up an automatic and it will send it to you. You tell them like I want this number of beds, this number of baths, this number of square footage, this price range, and anything that hits the market with an X radius that you're willing to go to. They'll send

Aaron  49:35

it to you. Ah, okay. Yeah, yeah, that's our that was our next that was a find a


realtor and be like, hey, please help us. Because ever everyone that we talked to was like you had a realtor, make them worth their money. They will help you out tremendously and are like, Oh, okay, yeah, and we just never knew Once again, that's kind of waiting around for the market, shift and hopefully see what else what other new things pop up.

Brandon  50:09

And also pro tip, no matter how good the realtor, you will tell them you that your budget, and they will raise it by about 15 to 20% of the house, which is dangerous. Because then you're always looking at houses that are more expensive because this happened us. We was that, oh, you know, we want this to be in our price range. And she literally basically just, like added 25% on above to capture some of those just in case, right? It was like, no, if you send me anything above this price range, I'm gonna I'm gonna look at because don't because you just find yourself kind of like stair stepping your way up, like, oh, well, that was really nice. Then you just find yourself looking at $14 million mansions like, Well, this has gone awry.


Yeah. That that's what happens when you get paid based on the percentage of the value of the house.

Brandon  51:06

Yeah, once you set that budget, even though you're pre approved for a certain amount, never buy a house for that pre approval rate, because that is way too much. You want to back that off by about 25 or more percent. And that's your actual budget and figure out what that price is for your mortgage. And then it just say no to anything immediately that over that, because you'll just end up getting it right. So


yeah, that's, that's kind of that's kind of the big thing that we're looking at is prices. Definitely in between, like,



Aaron  51:44

170, maybe at best, you know, any already winning thing like way under, like we find a house, like Oh, it doesn't have the prices listed. And then we find it like, oh, it's only 300,000. Cool. So yeah, we're slowly it'll be a learning curve or before we get there. Yeah. Yeah,

Brandon  52:03

I'll tell you, Megan and I were pre approved for like $220,000 An ounce we bought was 133. So it's like no, not even getting close to that. Oh, I'm sorry, Brian, you came back in the middle of we moved from yard talk our talk to house talk. And we kind of missed out on the Wiseman talk. And no worries. It's all good. I just decided to turn off right, like cloud does that it does that randomly. So far? It has avoided doing it on recording day, which is good, but so I just caught me today. It's like and out. Licks blue. Um, but I don't


want to do that. I wanna


right. So yeah, anyway, no worries. Okay. I just am perfectly happy to still live in an apartment like, yeah. Really?

Brandon  53:09

Long in a house? No, no. There's part of me that just like, Yeah, I like it here. I don't have to deal with anything. Well, especially since you guys partly, like, manage and oversee some of the stuff to like, but that also helped a lot. But yeah, I just don't really have a desire. I don't know. That's another thing that doesn't, that other people really like? And like, want to do that. I'm just like, yeah. Well, for me, I know one of the things when we bought this, people were like, now you can do whatever you want. Because you're To which I responded. That is one of the most terrifying statements anyone could ever make. It seems like a weird thing. Like, why would that? I don't understand why that would be the driving force behind. Like, I understand. There's other reasons why people want houses. And I completely, like it makes sense to me. I know why people like that. And everybody needs their own thing. And everybody's situation is different. And they want different things and blah, blah. So that, like I understand that. That is a thing that people like but if the only driving force of buying a house is now I can do whatever I want to the house. That's weird. Right? Like, yeah, what did you want to do? That was so outlandish that you had to buy a house to like, What are you talking about? Well, it's things like, I don't know, like, you want to change The wall, you know, a lot apartments won't let you paint. Or like, I don't know, it's like, sometimes I do kind of get the itch to turn my office into a walk in master bath from the from the bedroom, just because like, that'd be kind of fun. But then it's like, also, this is mine, and I'm paying money on it. I don't want to ruin it, or something so, so wonderfully, that it can't be undone and actually begin to devalue the house, right? So it's true. I'm just I'm, I genuinely and truthfully, utterly terrified to touch or modify anything in the house in any major way other than, like, replacing appliances and redoing the floor. It's like, I don't even I'm terrified to paint isn't the I don't know, like plus the number. Yeah. I feel like perhaps part of my trepidation comes from the fact that I have exactly zero of the skills necessary to do things like that. So like, if I wanted to change a room into a bathroom, let's just pretend that's something I wanted. I am going to have to pay somebody else to do that. Because I can do none of the things associated with that task. Uh huh. I could use zero of them. Yeah. So like, I mean, I could paint the room when it's done. Boom, look at that. But that's it. That's all I can do. And so I don't have the desire to do that. Right, like, constructing things. It's not a particular part of my personality that just like needs to happen. Like I like tinkering with things, right, like, small scale. You don't mean, but like, the thought of like, renovating a room is like,


No, it doesn't sound appealing. It's, it's so far out of my depth.

Brandon  57:09

Yeah. Same. And that's what keeps me back from a lot of those big things of like, yeah, if I wanted to do that, like, Sure, that would quit. And that would theoretically increase the value of an extra bathroom, beloved, more bathrooms and houses. I always get, like, I was laughing at the listing for a house that's like, this is a three bed five bath, like, I'm sorry, what? Why, but it's like, in order for me to do a lot of baths, I would have to spend, like $15,000 I'm just throwing that out there to do the total Reno. And I'm like, why? I don't want to do that. Is not not worth it to me to have that. So I'll just keep on living the way. It's fine.


Yeah, I think also a part of me. Here's amounts of money like that and goes, no matter what want anything to do with anything that cost that much money? No, thank you.

Brandon  58:05

I just obscene the amount of things that are like, Oh, this broke. Well, how many zeros can I add to this? Or like, we were in a weird phase was like everything costs $1,000 to fix and now it's like, Oh, you want to look at painting something? We'll just start adding with 2000. And it's like, no, wait, no, stop. Anyway. Exciting. Oh, so things like that come up with like, yeah, I I do enjoy it. My big. So the two things that I would do, if like money were no object. I think I would genuinely I would take because our office shares a wall with our bedroom. And I would blow out that wall and I would turn the office into the master ensuite. Then I would go downstairs into the basement into the coal chute, I would remove the coal and I would in the coal bed and I would take that cold it because the Colden is almost the same size. It's actually larger than my office. Now, I would renovate that, the colbyn to make that my office in the bass.


And that's that sounds like something that is more feasible to be able to do.

Brandon  59:21

Right? Yeah. Like, you can shovel coal. That's fine. You got it. I can wash right and I'm not looking to insulate anything. The big the one tricky part is it would require a Shaylee office but it'd be a little cold, but I like that But secondly, it requires quite a bit of electrical work because there are no outlets in the basement. Ah, so it would be figuring out how to do that. Yep, about can't do that. No, exactly. No, exactly. It's just a point like nevermind, add an outlet. No thank you hold powered generator. There you go. Shovel the coal in there gets better. least a day supply that day's supply of heat and electricity after that does pack it up? Um, I do think that'd be kind of cool because I don't know the bin like it's it's just wood slapped. Um, and it has a door that, you know, I think Megan's very hilarious. And if then if then I would actually go up into the attic and create a third story in the attic because I have the space in the attic to create a third story. Just like a Rube up there


that's insane. I know, I know, you have one place, it's way too cold. And one room, it's way too hot all the time.

Brandon  1:00:49

And I could just I could just I could just, you know, migrate between the two, depending on the season. Put a pipe between it right you get some convection, right? Brings actually the the the base of the actually do that because the base of the fireplace sits where it catches all the ash sits in the basement. And so I could just clean all that out and just literally create a Yeah.


Or I'm gonna die of black bone. I don't know. Yes. Well, you had his office, but Well, wasn't quite the same after that assumption. Like he somehow contracted a 1920s disease. It was so weird. I don't understand what's going disease from when his house was built. It's all fit, right?


Yes. Come back together. Oh, oh, yeah. Oh yeah. Many cricket. But yeah, I don't think anybody's ever called consumption fun. That's not what's happened.

Brandon  1:02:05

You are you are you done destroying things. Now? Have you guys officially moved on from that? Part of your Oh, yeah. Yeah, we got to move on. From there. We're done with our earthquake thing. So that means we have the odd predicament of we had to finish up our last little bit of things on Monday and Tuesday. And then I was like, Alright, guys. So here's what this means. When you come back from this, we have to start reviewing for a little quiz over this section, right? Oh, no. Now, it'll be like, we'll do that. Because like a study guide is a thing. So it'll be like a whole actual thing was like he didn't realize that he will have a quiz and your feature when you come back, so just be ready. Know that that's happening. Try not to forget literally everything while you're gone. Yeah. So they'll do that. And then, so yeah, that was that was a weird that getting having it Monday episode. Jealous of Aaron right now is the bum. Who did it? Oh, yeah, I get a whole week off mirror. Or just trying to do stuff on like, Monday, Tuesday. That is? Yeah, mildly constructive. It's just it's just impossible. Like Sure. Yeah, when you're staring down the barrel of a break.


Immediately. You have five days off and then like, You got to come back and like, try to do more stuff. It's like, oh, yeah, well, um, you know, stuff

Brandon  1:03:40

Tada. So, that'll be there have been practicing my cuneiform writing, because that will be something that we do soon. So I found some clay. It's like Pleistocene stuff. plasticine, whatever. It's time, right? Uh huh. It's a geologic time. Some Yeah. plasticine stuff. And I made some little squared off some popsicle sticks, right? Like you do. So I've got some little steak styluses stylee right away. Sure To do that, so I've been practicing my cuneiform lettering very exciting.


So do some of that with the kids will be fun times whenever I find whatever do that so that'd be one of the things that we do. We come back we also have to do laws who the law like the Hammurabi code stuff, they love that that survey right? Because they all end with shall be put to death. Like Wait, whoa, Why


Yeah, tents. Yeah, man not mess around like so during the summer that some Mesopotamia things finish up and then


you know, good times come on that's Mesopotamia things as well as well documented. So yeah, just kind of trying to figure out like, this week was weird. It's like what can I actually do with these two days? It will not just be a complete waste of time. So

Brandon  1:05:37

yeah. Aaron, I have found a car for you. Oh, no, real quick, sorry. popped up, just popped up. The I remember, this car pops up a lot. And I don't know why this is. Yeah, but gee, I wow. There's a confidence inspiring. There's a there's a distinctive moment in top gear where this car is featured, as in James May, is in downtown London racing. Something trying to park and it's the 2008 Mercedes Benz dl 550. He constantly complains of how big and unruly but yeah


I don't know what he was raised in perfect fit for Oklahoma. Right. It's lots of room there space a bound. Space up down. Anyway. I just always buy those older

Brandon  1:06:34

sorry. Seven theater. You got room for like, your air air and wanted room for like football gear? Like room for all of it. Theater? Yeah, it was those SUVs like the not not to bring it back up again. But like the Lexus, LX 470 or 570, or even the Land Cruisers or a seven seater. So they've got the five normal ones, and then they got the removable seat in the back. Ah, go there. Not the one I thought okay, so I figured seven because I know some cars have like, they have the back bench seat. Yeah. And then like the middle row is like just two captains chairs. And then the front is two captains chairs again. No. So that's mostly for you see that a lot. So the Volvo XC 90 has that. A lot of the like, Chevy Suburbans or tacos will have that, or most Yeah, you see those in like minivans. But most of the a lot of the other European model SUVs, they have the five in front of the middle seat, the bench. And then the back seats are foldaway cap chairs. But they're not fold either fold down into the floor. Or in the five or the cruisers Yeah, they fold up into the wall, which does cut into your cargo space. But in the 2007 model of the five of the 470s or the cruisers, you can remove them entirely, giving you a lot of space. But 2008 and newer van you have to store them in your garage, giving you less space in there. It has two humongous car seats. But we also have you ever lifted a car seat? Tell me tell me this riddle me this was last time you picked up a car seat. Yeah, but these are actual seat in the car. But they're not like the driver's seat where they're like, fully electronic, a


million pounds, right? That's how much a seat in your car weighs one million pounds. You want to be lifting those two of those out and then putting them somewhere in your garage where you just have like, two random seats outside of your car. Now, here's a problem. Right now you have two seats in your garage, you have two seats that potentially you're going to get eaten by something, mouse, your cat lays out them dog chews it up. And now you have a seat that is more ruined than the rest of the interior of your car.

Brandon  1:09:10

I think actually it'd be probably be more, but then okay, so then you leave them in the back and you never use them. And so they are these like pristine back seats, and the rest of your seat car


crash, though. It's gonna be there and they don't buy a car with too many seats that you don't need. Or they'll just be weird. Aaron sitting here going there with a truck. Please stop. That's true. We all know that's the answer. So I don't even know there's there's a neat little explorer that we looked at. We were looking at these and highway miles. Not as gigantic as a small truck is super expensive. A large truck is even more expensive. So I mean, yes, it is offering an f150 Yes, yes by. There's a little Ford Explorer that we saw and it's like Oh, this is actually not terrible. So excellent. We all know Aaron has been looking at all that new Broncos that came out. We know he's a Bronco booziest we know for just backout with the Broncos. What I look at them that's like, Ah, are you aware? Yes squared when I take the top off? No. Get out? No, that was decent gas mileage to hard pass. Thank you. So I eat miles a gallon. Get out of here. See, like, they look cool, but it's just one of the things that's like, I wouldn't ever buy for myself, no matter. Like, if I had all the money in the world. And like I look at it. I'm like, Hey, not for me. Say that, but in two years, when they're cheaper, you're gonna be way below if they ever get below 12,000 Then we'll scoop it up. Yeah, no, no, yeah. Which in 10 years, the value of it was only 25. Like, oh, it's true. Thank you. Yeah.

Brandon  1:11:18

Well, and that's the Bronco is weird because there you have the Broncos sport and then the actual Bronco the one you want in it. I don't know. I just it's a weird distinction to have. Because then the actual Bronco. It goes, it goes insanely expensive. It's just for a bronco. I don't I don't like the name. Right? No, it is a Bronco evokes many things in people. And they go, Oh, yes, I must have I must have that. Again. They're all people that are like, slightly older than us. Right that. Like when the Bronco was like the big thing, they all either had one. Or their parents had one and now they're like, oh my gosh, yes. The Bronco. I must have it. And so like it's just a bunch of like 45 year old dudes driving Broncos. That's what the is still. Yeah, it's true. Yeah, cuz then you got to get the building. It's the people that are too young to buy Corvettes. Right? Because we everyone knows that you have to be over 62 and a Corvette, right? That's just the law. And then like, all the people younger than that are right in the right age range to be like, yes, a bronco. Perfect. Exactly what I want. Yeah, you gotta get bored or anyway, I don't know go never go build right. Anyway I figure to actually make this somewhat holiday themed. Oh, I think the best way to end this episode is based on our experience this weekend. And we all know that our father goes overboard buying pie Cullen and Aaron we need top five favorite holiday pies. Boom. So we need to end the episode on there we go. Like this definitive list. Oh brother top five holiday pie edition. What are your favorite pies? To celebrate? Okay, the holiday season. Okay, this is intriguing. Is it? Is it to two different things there? Is it? Are they holiday pies? Are they pies to celebrate the holiday season? Because that is any any one because I feel like any pie can be co opted to celebrate anything. And I am not I am not ranking I'm not limiting my list to specifically like Thanksgiving pies because that's only like three and I don't really like any of them. So we're gonna fine. I do think we must also state that the reason this is also a big deal is because you are a pie aficionado, as opposed to something like cake. Or that assortment or desserts. That's true. I think my favorite guy don't like cake as well. Now again, if someone says hey, Brandon, do you want to eat this cake? I'm


gonna say yes. Obviously the right answer is there's very few circumstances where I would not do that. But

Brandon  1:14:39

I like pie better. Rice my favorite. I like it more. So I want you I want to hear top five favorite pies just in general. Right because again, there's there's no rules with thanksgiving, right? I am a firm believer. I'm very anti traditional Thanksgiving fair. Okay, don't like trick If you don't like stuffing, like green bean casserole, right? So I feel that if you are celebrating, you can eat whatever pie you want. You have to be told that it has to be a certain type of pie for a certain type of season. Eat whatever pie makes you happy. Holidays are about being happy. And if whatever pie you need to do that, eat that pie.


Okay, okay, so write your book. run for office. Get off. Get off your soapbox. I just want pie for everyone right? To break out of the shell, man, your pie shell pie crust, huh? So let's try to be my anti establishment coming out in pie form.

Brandon  1:15:46

Right, like get out of here. Nice. Establishment pie number one favorite pie? Pie. Okay, I think I've got this. Okay, I don't know who wasn't first. I'll go first. Okay, I think number five on my list out of like pies that I want. Yeah, right. I have a very strange affinity for strawberry rhubarb pie. I don't know why. I've no idea what it comes from. But I like it. A and I don't always want that one. Right there. So I feel like that one has to go further down on the list. Because I like it. But like, not always. No. Yeah. So I'm gonna go number five. Strawberry Rhubarb. Um, I'll go next with my number five. My number five is a Popeye bite me on unexpected turn of events. I enjoy a high quality pie. Or meal. Also, I think depending on what's in it, you have it. Fold. I've had cold pot pies before are pretty good. Not like they were served originally served hot. But then you eat them cold. Like leftovers. Right. And for celebrating, we didn't say we had to celebrate with a dessert. We're celebrating with food, though.


Did say whatever kind of pie you want. It's true. I don't have is that a quiche? Right with a sneak peek before All right, so not gonna lie. Not the biggest like pie person. There's maybe like

Brandon  1:17:51

two that I could be like, oh, yeah, for sure. Um, but I have to go with like,

Aaron  1:18:01

and I don't even like the big fan of this. This is just the one that's like, Oh, sweet. I can have like a like a slice or two. And that'd be like pecan pie. I I'm not a pie kind of sphere by any means. I is usually not my go to and less, which I think we can all share the top two and top one spot but con pie for me. I mean, it's it's a go to it, man. Just something that's gonna have to have been like, I will have a pot a slicer, that is the only option.


I like it. I see number four. And I think another four. We're gonna go with a slight Dark Horse pie here. This is again, this is one that like not always looking for this one. But when you have a good one. It's like just super delicious. And that's gonna go ahead and be a banana cream pie. Right? Ooh, I really like that one. It's like you don't come across it just super often. Right? You know, and sometimes they're not good depending on where you get it but like, you get a good banana cream pie. It's just like really nice and exciting. So butter your banana cream pie

Brandon  1:19:23

number two, okay. This okay. This is gonna be is probably more seasonal. But one that I will eat if present. But I will I will go ahead. I do enjoy a good pumpkin pie with I can't eat a lot of it. But it's definitely one of those like, it's served cold. And I'll have like one maybe a slice. I'm good. I'm trying to come up with the number four. And I honestly couldn't think of that many. I'm the hero Hold on. Oh, roll Yeah, if I need help with the pies, I don't know what other there are like the three that I like. Answer I just got by play cranberry. Ah, grandpa. Yeah. Cranberry, or like any berry pie of some sort. As far as like it's dessert. It is we go to feasible or not your choice. But a very


very good. Hi. Oh, yeah. Thank you. Any any any of those time? Is it because I couldn't think of another one? Possibly. But if there's one to like, go somewhere like oh, you're cranberry. No. Go for it. If you can, or if you want to. And you can't you can't really complain. Unless you accidentally grab Megan. the wrong spot.


But they're okay. The mixed berry. The mean it will not die. He was just he was so happy about that. You could tell.


I could tell she was pleased as punch right? It was so happy. Um, yes. Okay, we're gonna wait see if conference and experience list?


No, I would I would be murdered in my sleep now having trouble with my number three here? Because trying to decide where to put this one I don't really know. Kinda want to put it here. I'm gonna go ahead and put. Yeah, you know, I'm just gonna go here. I'm


gonna throw my fruit pie. And right here at number three. Just this is just how I'm feeling today. Right list subject to change, obviously, you know, but I think I'm gonna go ahead and throw in the cherry pie right here. Right, classic fruit bearing. I'm thinking about fruit pie, right. And like, Oh, yes. Nice fruit pie.

Brandon  1:22:40

I think cherry pie really like cherry pie. Susan does not really know why. But she's not a big fan. But I like I like a nice cherry pie, as well. So I think that's a good one. Yeah, to throw in at number three is kind of a nice middle of the road. Hi. Yeah, for the number three on my list. Interesting because I had a very similar tactic, although it's not going to carry pie. And I'm doing a slight variation here. Not on cherry pie. On apple pie. Not apple pie. But apple crumble. Hi. Oh, because I like that twist. I think just normal apple pie. gets a bit boring. And, again, there's a lot of crust, because apples aren't as for me, they're not as exciting as like a cherry or whatever. But at the crumble on top. As we all know the streusel is what makes the muffin. So true. So too, it makes the five that make pie. And it's you know, I don't you don't see a lot of apple crumble pies that are mostly just straight up traditional apple pies, which I will eat, but I will definitely prefer a crumble of apple crumble from mind number three. Live in getting tough.


How do you feel about no one jumped the gun here. Look at Eric. Let's hear his first question. Well, I was gonna go with the cherry crumble pie because I'm looking at picture right now. Like, oh, I didn't want to do that. Yeah, I mean like it same thing with the berries. Like just the mixture of like, sweet and like, just solid taste like that. That to me. That's good,

Brandon  1:24:31

too. You're going with the cherry crumble. Yeah, okay. Okay. Number three,


or whatever. I don't know. I have. Okay, follow up question for Collin. Collin. Aaron, you can chime in to where do you stand on the phenomenon of putting cheese atop your


apple pie. I've never tried to. Is it cheddar cheese either because it looks so distressing. Yeah.

Brandon  1:24:58

It is quite disturbing. And when I say quite, I mean like, to the utmost disturbing. Where I can't, I don't understand it. It really, really upsets me. And I will. Yeah, I don't think I'll ever be able to bring myself to do that. I don't, I don't understand. It's something. Things that people do that I don't understand or don't get hurt. We'll never do put cheese on my pie.


It's a good piece of pie. Why would you put cheese on it? No. I'm the same way. I've never actually tried it because I've seen it and gone like,

Brandon  1:25:32

no. So I just wondered, Aaron, your thoughts on this? I think people do like, I think it's breaches. But I've never seen people


like these shavings. I've seen like straight up like, cheddar cheese and or like Kraft Singles. Oh, yeah. No, never. Never. Yes. Okay. We're on the same page here. Thank you. Alright. On to number two. I'm gonna have it go ahead and throw down with some lemon Marang pie. Number two. Oh, man. All right. citrusy. Goodness, right. Plus Marang. Yo, what's up? It's really fantastic. Really, like something very, I don't know. It's really weird. It's like, refreshing almost sometimes like the lemon meringue pie.

Brandon  1:26:31

It's like very light. Very just like, I'm so good. Even though you have to put like 12,000 pounds of sugar in it to make it like murrini. And to sort of balance out the lemon. So it doesn't like just blow your face off with but I really like lemon meringue pie. So that's gonna be my number two for today. Oh, dang. We are really synched up here admired how just slightly off we are. I don't like lemon barang I think I've just because of the amount you typically with lemon Marang but like, the lemon part is like three centimeters tall. And then the Marang are there like a million? Yes. I don't like the too much the Marang it's no good. 14 feet of that. So now because that balance is so off. I actually as well as evidenced by this weekend. That's true. I really like a lime pie. Ah, yes, he lime pie is one that you talked about being freshing like that's something you can have. Let's really whenever I whenever you want to have key lime pie. It just and I got good memories about it. And it's something that I always enjoy. It will I will that we're moving away from the like, this note five to one of like, eating when it's available versus like actively seeking out. Yeah,


like I want it right like Yeah. What? Yes, that is how my list is progressing as well. Like, I could enjoy this and I like everyone's while to like I need this pie right now. Why don't I have it? Aaron number two. This is kind of gonna be interchangeable with number one. I'm just trying to think of which of how am i i think I'm gonna I'm just gonna go ahead and go with

Aaron  1:28:31

it. If you ask me this tomorrow, like after Thanksgiving, depending on if show if you know how much of a Shelby family actually have I might give you a different answer. But I'm going to go with with my more of a specialty pie that I feel like I can either have it like whenever but also for like holidays and that's for itself by


I think we all can agree it can be very easily my number one but number one is special to me anyways, so I'm just going to go with it with PrincipaI just simply by again I can go along with that vibe so well but my number one is actually going to be French so choco pie it's literally my favorite. I like it so much. I don't know why. I just really enjoy the truck. Cleaning goodness of the French OPI. Yeah, so it's my favorite. I love it. Some had some today actually. So that's as evidenced

Brandon  1:29:37

by every single one of Brandon's birthdays for the past. Oh, I don't know. All of the years.


I don't like cake. I want pie for my birthday, man. That's what I want to juggle by forever thing. That is my favorite. So that is definitely my number one on the list. Oh definitely the rest of the list pretty subject to you. Ah, that one's pretty solid

Brandon  1:30:01

concrete cement at the top but I agree with Aaron right the rest of the list subject to change as always, right. But this is my firm number one, like of all time, okay. So there's mine him this this one, okay so my number one is one that is not very common and but every single time that it is available, I will get it. I will absolutely get it. And it merges my love of peanut butter and chocolate. Yes, I am talking about peanut butter pie. Oh man, that is a rare beast. You never hear right? It's like you never find it except for like weird like, church cookout or like somebody makes one with a jello recipe or something? Yeah, it's not like a high flute pie. It's not one that you get at like most restaurants unless it's like a weird roadside diner. Like a diner. Yeah, everybody dietary dietary food. But my goodness. Like, I love I love peanut butter. So much. I love chocolate. And so we can put those together in like a pie. And what I'm also realizing is like, it also has the same consistency as like a French silk pie. So yeah, it's kind of in that same realm to where it's like a like not not not not a moose, but it's like the whip anyway. Yes. i It's one of those words like if that's yeah.


Okay, right. And Aaron Aaron number one so this one's probably a classic all around. When we think of America you think of this Hi. This is also kind of like the pie that you can make it homemade. And if you can do it like little like zig zaggy like frosting on top like it automatically is amazing. I'm talking about Apple Pie it's also only fire that I can actually eat like with ice cream. I mean it has to be like hot like the full the hot picture.

Aaron  1:32:17

Kelby made some like homemade, like, a month or two ago and it was so good. Every every event that I go to and it's like a party, or if like there's some sort of event and people like oh yeah, we get desserts. My first question is always gonna be what what kind of pies you have and if they say like oh, we got pumpkin. Oh, we got


boys in basketball. Oh, hey, but we got apple that already sold you don't need to tell me anymore. It's It's always my go to. It's also although my go to at McDonald's whenever the decor machine is broken. And they have those little lights. So why things? That is that is always my go to because it's just like, Man, I can eat. I can eat your way around. It's one of those times where like people like oh, what are you eating? Pumpkin? I'm like, no matter who you talk to, it's like Oh, man. Oh, that apple. So it's everyone's everyone. You know?


It's there. It's your favorite. It's your number one draft choice is out nice. Okay, well, these are the only options out there I think more of these popular. Good or pies in the world. Always bet. That's true. More pie is good pie. I would vote for you if you ran on the platform for more pies. All right.


All right. Bring it out. pie for ticket. Yes. All right. So listeners let us know your favorite pies. Right Do you love Do you love Huckleberry Pie? Are you a blueberry enthusiast? Right or others that may or may not have made this list like right now there's a contact form Oh brother Contact throw it on the Instagram right? I survey boom okay. Okay, perfect. Well you