Wonka bars

School is in session. PLUS, you're official 2021 Missouri State Fair boots on the ground report. You don't want to miss this. Or you do. Whatever. Aaron's Chromebooks have ARRIVED and he explains some of the differences with 8-man football. Words are spoken. Brandon has more words for Klondike. Main topic? Watch a Sci-Fi film!!

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movie, watch, people, film, buy, thought, world, sci fi, candy bars, field, thinking, talk, klondike bar, week, guess, day, true, happen, bar, sci fi films


Collin, Aaron

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast three brothers, trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Collin. And Aaron. On this week's show. Wonka bars. Hello. Hello.


Oh, not too much. Just dealing with the last few days before school starts, you know? Oh, yeah. excitement.

Collin  00:41

Yeah, you're in the final, final lead up says on Tuesday, so yeah, pretty much only you know, cool hummingbirds or raccoons I


guess. Definitely no raccoons. that's by far the best though. I think we probably need those. No mucking up the works, you know?



Collin  01:11

I don't think they'd appreciate that. You know? Where are you? Are you doing? We went to the fair. course, for support.


And we went yesterday, which was fine. There was hardly anybody there.

Collin  01:35

But they apparently was insanely packed on the way to the pool. Megan saw getting the kids into the pool that I didn't get go. I was dealing with dogs, but they saw that the parking was just utterly insane. And then when we were when we were there yesterday, are going to talk to some of the vendors like attendance was and what they like. And they were like, Yeah, not very many people today. They said it was really down. It was also sanely hot up here. Like with the humidity, it was 99 degrees. And there was no shade anywhere. Oh, yeah. But no, it was good. We got to see lots of


rafters and walls. One of the exhibits that I wasn't expecting to like as much was the Dalia club.

Collin  02:27

I don't know if I'm pronouncing that right at some club based around a flower. And there was like a basically a Horticultural Society. And they did they judge people's plant, all around the state. And then they brought clippings of those to show off. That was really neat to see all this variety of plants and plant clippings and trees that they had assembled. And they even had some arrangements where people had made little nice diagram ramas but little arrangements of different plants in like a bucket or on a showing like a little waterfall or things like that. And I really enjoyed that. It was super cool. That doesn't sound super enjoyable. Sure, but it really I was I wasn't expecting that. We did not do the butter cow. Or we're on that ferry ride Ferris wheel. And then we went to try and find some other rides that the kids could enjoy because they've never written anything. Because the favourites are death traps as discussed last week. And so they have like a carousel or something relatively. That was the last one we rode was the carousel ride also wrote had them ride one of these things where there were four, like monster truck you sat in. And then they just kind of ran around this same track and this little circle not fast at all. But since their monster trucks they were kind of like going over objects. So you kind of tilted. Okay, I think, yeah, but like the wheels returned and you're like you're sitting on like, basically like a Power Wheels, big Power Wheels car. But they were all beat. They liked that. But then they didn't like it because it was pretty clingy and metallicky as the big objects were coming up and down or moving loud noises. Goodbye, man. So we kind of worked our way a little bit further towards the kids area. And they have this little roller coaster. That's like really simple. It's shaped like a worm. You'd go up. It kind of stays on the top level where it comes around comes adjusting these Little Dipper goes booga booga booga booga. Yeah, and then and then it kind of falls a little bit, but the kids didn't mind the fall. It was the hard right turn that with that one might Also be the clanging clanging noise because those things usually like bone rattling like. So when we ask them what they didn't like about it, they they didn't say the clang he they did say it was the it was the hard right turn. That was the one that they. But then we went and relaxed and rode the carousel, which was nice to have like, Do they still have like those like pony ride things? Remember those? Like, I don't know, this is this is old school, but they had like ponies and they were on like a kind of like a carousel but like actual horses and just sort of walked around in a circle. No, no, they did not have they did not have that. I could not see they probably don't do those things in like big fairs. because it'd be a lot of kids and those poor horses would be like, no, can't make it.

Aaron  05:55

Right. No, I yeah, I

Collin  05:56

did not see a I didn't do live live animals there. did go to the for the best the kids area for like the other animals to talk about farm animals, which was really fun. It kind of came all concentrated. And then we had a sheep. We did see sheep and goat manga and a pig. Course Lillian spheric. Her part was the cat was like, like, naturally, naturally?


Sure. The one animal that you can see on a normal basis, I suppose. Exactly.

Collin  06:34

And then we went over salt fish, fish department aquariums, and then that is just right next to where they put all the tractor equipment, then that was a lot of fun for Noah to go around and see all the trackers, climbing them telling us you know, this is really funny, because he knows a lot about them and their parts and the makeup of them and things and what they're used for. And we were like, wow, like, you know a lot. How do you know so much Noah and he was like, my brain? Good job. rides, got faces painted, and then came home. So it was good. Go. I don't know, Fair Food, no corndog funnel cake. No, we did get a funnel cake. Sorry, I left that out in the report or you get off final cake. And we're in we got those little, you know, they've got their little huts and trailers all over the place for the food. And we just wanted this random one because it's like, well, this is the closest and it says it sells. It sells both funnel cakes and lemonade that were good. We go up and I look at the guy that we're buying it from is one of our clients. We said his dog like all the time. And I was like, Hi. What are you doing here? Selling funnel cakes. Read the sign on. And then I was like, Hmm, I don't actually know what you do for a living. So like, Do you own this thing? Or like, are you working here? Or like, what's this relationship? Because I have no idea what you actually do. Otherwise?


I think he's a teacher. And then he's doing this for the summer thing. Yeah, I have no idea. But I was just like, Oh, hi. Like, this is weird.

Collin  08:31

But that was really good. It's really good. Like I said there was there like, nobody there. Like there was no lines for anything. People were just I don't know if it was just hot or if it was weird because it was a Thursday. I know a lot of people showed up pay for it. Oh, that's your that's your fair report from the airport one. Missouri fair, fair. Fair, fair. Who's you go? Yep. We didn't go into any of the like barns. They've got the swine barn and the cattle barn and all those things. We can go. Oh, no, they're very excited about all the upgrades they did to the swine barn this year. A million dollars or $2 million. Yeah. It's kind of funny. I don't know. Like, it just shows you like it's it's just I forget how many anchors I said with last time, but they did a year they spent the down down year to do $8 million with an upgrade. Uh huh. And from what I saw, I don't know. Which tells me it was all like, probably like electrical circuits and water lines. Yeah, like structural for built like interior building structures like, hey, this roof is falling down. Oh, no, exactly. That's totally my thought. Because I was like, there's no new buildings and nothing's like, painted or anything so. Hmm. Okay. Well, whatever. Final deer. Yeah. And why we were when we left. So they've got they've got tractors that pull little carriages that you can write on if you're going for peace. And oh, yeah, we wrote one for the parking lot up to the gate. And then we walked in. And then the loop that we did, took us to the furthest side of the, of the park of the fairgrounds. So we decided, of course, we were going to ride the tram thing back, over hopped on. And they're just outward facing bench seats with a little walkway in the middle. And that's where the attendant walks. And she came over, she tapped me on the shoulder and she was like, it's 50 cents a person. And I was like, Oh, so I handed her $1. And I said no change. And I guess Megan had already paid him a wind up where I needed to pay for three people there like me and the kids. And, and I didn't have 50 cents. So I just hand her $2 and I was like, please, please don't give me change. I don't want to I don't want I'm done with the day. I don't want to add anything extra to my pockets, and nothing. And she was just like, oh, okay, okay. Don't but don't pester somebody else the next ride, right? Just whatever. I don't care. I don't want change in my pocket. But no, I I prove I think I think we're I think we're may try and go back tomorrow. After like three, or whatever. It's I think it's free entry. Oh, nice to get in. So a little bit, maybe, yes, it'll cool down a little bit. And that's what we did two years ago. And there was even less people in there than we saw two days ago. So hopefully, it'll be they'll have the whole place for ourselves. Though, which was the last day tomorrow? Yeah, tomorrow's the last day. I couldn't imagine being on the fairgrounds with as many people as I saw, as we've seen cars parked in the parking lot. I just that would be hopefully not enjoyable for me was very unfun. Right, like just the the crush of people becomes very off putting. Yeah, at least for me. I was like, I guess if you're going there to do like the drunken karaoke bars off the main drag or if you're there to go to a concert or something like sure, maybe you want more people but for me there enjoy it with like, kids like I don't want Yeah, I don't want anybody less evil for your terribly irrelevant man's from 25 years ago. No, no, I forgot I forgot who headlined last night anyway. Well, I looked that up what's what's new air man Aaron. How are you? You surviving?


What did you guys start podcasting tonight? Like 35 seconds before you joined? Yeah, hi. Okay.

Collin  13:07

I was watching it and then like Collins are talking in the little thing went to three so yes.


Oh, no, not a whole lot of finished first. The the first real week of school. You're still alive. It's good. We had

Aaron  13:22

our first scrimmage last night? Yeah, a little bit a little bit of a struggle. It was also like 100 and like in degrees or something like it's very hot. Yeah. I didn't get home about like, midnight, because I spent like a whole day at school and we had practice and we had field set up wash field painting. And then we had the scrimmage which lasted forever.

Collin  13:50

And then

Aaron  13:52

button got my car worked on today. I was carlist because I showed up and I was like I'll just need an oil change and possibly possibly my AC looked at and no be a problem and then they're like it'll be four hours I was like

Collin  14:06


Aaron  14:10

That's I've just been kind of grading papers kind of just doing lesson plan things. I got to go down tomorrow we're going to try to watch quote unquote game film. Like tomorrow like afternoon so we'll see how that goes. But that's kind of really about really about it about as far as my week goes like we had a test Friday.

Collin  14:32

Are you here to give a test man what a what a hardcore teacher you are

Aaron  14:36

pretty, pretty big. It was easy.

Collin  14:41

It was

Aaron  14:43

finally got Chromebooks into my classroom which was definitely needed to teach keyboarding but yeah, other than that, you know, I always been pretty, pretty chill. My body is very sore. Is it tired? Yeah, I'm also very sunburned, like I look at me. And I'm like, Wow, really tan. And then like, I told my arm, like a smidge and the sunlight hits it and like I'm burned. So yeah. I being out in the sun. More is kind of nice, but my skin's not liking it right now.

Collin  15:16

Or, you know, sometimes I don't realize until I like look in the mirror. And you see it from that ugly. Oh, that's Yeah, and Oh, yeah. Oh, dear. Okay.

Aaron  15:24

Yeah. So that's my body trying to adjust to actual, like, life outside. Because before I didn't really have to worry about that. Because it was either like, Oh, I'm in an office typing or Oh, I go outside for like a little. And then yeah, now I'm back. Like I'd say 20 minutes. Yeah, but like, three hours outside at a time like, Oh, yes, this sunblock. Why wear long sleeve? is why I wear long sleeve shirts like Eggo the whole year round. So.


So how are you? How is the adjustment to eight? Person football? How's that? for ya?

Collin  16:12


Aaron  16:16

it's different. Like, it is it is much faster pace. It is. Like what like with 11 man or normal football? Like, it's it's fast paced, but it's very kind of like, what's the worth of Matic? Like, it's very, like, there's a quarter like a rhythm to it. Like, it's kind of more ease, like, he can sit back and like, watch it and be able to see everything with a football. Yes. Even though it's like, you know, there's not that many people, it still can go by super quickly. And so, like, you don't have to take so long to set up you can, you know, use the, you know, open spaces of the fields create all these angles. And and all of that, except,

Collin  17:03

there would be more open space with.

Aaron  17:06

Yes, but the field the field is smaller, like it's more narrow.

Collin  17:11

Yeah. Is it shorter as an 11? minute? New? Okay.

Aaron  17:17

I don't know. I think Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's not shorter. It's, it's more narrow. I think it's like 45, I think, I don't remember I just remember painting the lines. And that's about it. also gave me a huge respect of like, you know, going to our school, like, we actually had people to come and paint the fields. Um, I didn't really have to worry about that too much at the school I was at before, but this one, it's like, well, here's a can go pain. Like, we have a little like, push sprayer thingy. But that's like, oh, wow, I have a newfound respect for people who do this, like, every week, or, you know, maintenance crews in general, because I'm just trying to paint the line on a field and it's impossible, unless you have like, you know, a whole crew. And they gave me kind of a whole new perspective of, of definitely being patient. And, you know, I'm gonna be out of here out here for a while painting this, this field.

Collin  18:15

Give a little Rolly thing, those rollers can't do that. You just Yes,

Aaron  18:19

thankfully, we have one of those but we have to we have to stretch out the we have to measure the lines, we have to stretch and stake down a thin like, looks like twine kind of like across the field. And that's what like what we follow also has like it before that it hasn't rained in several days, or like a week or two or several and then decided to rain right when we are starting to paint and but our field is slowly dying. Because again, it has been 110 degrees. But like coaching wise, I mean for the scrimmage like we're just trying to get trying to see where people fit in how are we going to look would do things for this certain look it that we had, there was three schools us and the two others. And we just kind of did like our defense against their offenses just back to back and then we switch it up and do like there wasn't scoring it was just trying to see like how well we could develop players in certain positions. And so it lasted for about six to nine ish. And then afterwards, we had to pick up the fields and talk to parents and do all that kind of stuff. And then yeah, I didn't leave until about like

Collin  19:33


Aaron  19:35

So yeah, I haven't haven't hadn't done a late night like that in a long time. So my body just kind of was like oh, and bed so but it's it's it's fun. I love being out there. I love talking with the kids and the players and the parents and the it also kind of gave me a perspective of if I'm not coaching and I see some of my like sixth graders and just hearing the content Like from like the back, like Stadium on like, just not away, please and focus on there supporting the school. This is good. I'm gonna I'm gonna have to have a talk with my kids one day. I was like when coach fundraisers coaching especially if we're not winning. You don't

Collin  20:20

talk to him. You have to yell. really loudly. Yell suggestions? dive left, right.

Aaron  20:28

I'll be up in the press box for majority of the time because I don't like people. Though I don't have to. But yeah, I was up there trying to get the camera stuff. I looked up and there's like 12 of my sixth graders. Like Ah,


Hey guys, what's up?

Collin  20:45


Aaron  20:46

yeah, Coach Marquez was gonna have to have a talk with his kids on

Collin  20:49

in their defense. Where else are they? What are they supposed to do in small town llama? Exactly. Come and watch the final game. So yeah. They I'm envisioning lots and lots of interesting lots of pistol offense. Is this accurate? real fast. Action pistol style? Yeah. Hey,

Aaron  21:11

we get that more a lot kind of more like Oh, what is it called? by government? He totally mixed up. Caution. run past kind of things. More run. Yeah, option pass. Like we got we got a lot of athletes. Power. I guess we don't we don't have the size to do that.

Collin  21:36

No wishbone. No.

Aaron  21:39

You can only have three players in the backfield. And so it goes the wishbone that's 75 plays in the backfield so and so yeah, we don't we don't have the size to just, you know, go toe to toe and just run like at us constantly. We're gonna have to spread you out and get those wings T and get those lands also No, not big enough for that. So like it's really funny talking with like these other like eight man schools, like there's a school that's out in the panhandle. And they're like, Yeah, we did all this. And then we talked to an eight man school that's like, south of Tulsa. awais. And they're like, yeah, our smallest Lyman's like six, six. And we're like, oh, we have a lineman. That's like, five, like seven. So Fine. Block low. So good. Going down. It was it was you know, emotionally, there's a lot of frustration among players in and so trying to get acclimated to a new program, a thing where there's actually coaches who know what they're doing. The school hasn't had that in a long time. And so and yeah, I mean, there's just a lot. Like, I am tired. So I was I was definitely fine with staying home for the entire weekend. But I had to go down there Monday and watch film that one of my middle schoolers filmed, so there might not even be anything on it. So we'll see what happens.

Collin  23:10

But there might have like, filming, like one play that girl over there, and then like, the highway, and then like the play again, like

Aaron  23:22

so we shall we shall see what what entails I am. I'm interested to see. But I'm also totally okay with getting that text message early in the morning. Like, hey, just don't worry. Don't bother coming down. Are you sure? Man?


I wish but okay. Oh, no. Okay, send me some pictures into my

Aaron  23:45

book. And that's been that's been my week. Not a whole lot. It's there's not a whole lot and then boom, crazy. And now just

Collin  23:53

right now at least. That's probably gonna be my week. Next week. Right? Yeah, like, it was this week. We had we had open house on Thursday. So it was just like, long. Yeah, it'd be a long day. I had work in service working classrooms all day long. And then like, Oh, you just have to stay here because it's open house later. So I was saying so I sat forever and I watched 700,000 training videos which are varying degrees of useful and then like, I did a lot of file organization. Cuz I was down to like, little things like I could do this. So I was doing some file organizing like, because I am a serial Pilar of things right I organized definitely like I was gonna put it this pile. Yeah, so like sort of hanging file folder like some of my first unit stuff like separated out on my sheets and my little logs and my lab experiments last Like, oh, gotcha. So now I have the paper copies ready. Easily accessible, hopefully easily find them all for the first unit Anyway, after that I was like slam him in here. It's fine. So my first my first units are good after that, still in a pile, but after smaller pie that's all you can do sometimes. It's fine. I did have here's a segwaying from what we do this week into weird things that don't make any sense. Right? So mini rant before we move on to other things later. I was thinking this this thought came about because we had like, fou de Bry they they they actually bought us food this year for our lighting service days, which is exciting. Because normally like we're gonna provide lunch for two days that's it rest of it whatever star we don't care get on here. Anyway, the last day they had a is actually kind of cool. They had like a one of the local guys bringing food truck down. And just like you could just go buy food be get food, and then the school paid for everything at the end. So I was pretty. I was pretty rad. Anyway, one of the dessert options Was this the school bought they had like ice cream and stuff inside. And they had Klondike bars. And I got to thinking that the slogan for the Klondike bar is the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life. Right. Yeah. And so the commercials they do this like they they present this to you like the Klondike bar is the be all end all of ice cream bars, international listeners, if you are unfamiliar with Klondike bar, it's basically ice cream with a chocolate candy shell on the outside. Nothing very exciting. I mean, let's just be Yeah, flavor of ice cream changes. But the standard Klondike bar is like vanilla ice cream with chocolate shell on it. Yep. They're not very big, either. No, no. But they're I mean, they're fine. They have different flavors. Now they have like the Reese's Peanut Butter one and like the mint chocolate, the mint one and like other things, right? Like heat borrow stuff. Like, one of the commercials I have right now is like what would you do for a Klondike bar and the dude like shaves his eyebrow for a Klondike bar.


And I had the sudden realization. Dude, these things cost 50 cents. What are you doing?

Collin  28:07

Oh, we're gonna do this. I do this crazy thing. Yeah, 50 cents. 50 cents. That's how much they cost. Yeah, just like what would you do for a Klondike bar? Me personally, I would just go to the store and buy one I would. The cost of this dessert is not worth this like grandiose thing. Like, oh, man, I would like jump off this ledge like it costs. What are you doing with your life? Oh, I know that that is like a huge part of like, Oh my gosh, I could never have this klonda 5050 you're like, so we can add this to the things that will never sponsor a segment of the show. But I just was thinking about this for a couple the past few days. It was like this is like the jingles really catchy. But like, the actual, it doesn't make any sense. When you think about getting to brass tacks. You're talking about something that's 50 sounds like you wouldn't say the same thing about like, I don't know, like a gumball. From a gumball machine. You're like, wow, what would you do for dares? Like it probably does. Yeah. Like other like, it's just basically like, you like what would you do for this bag of m&ms, like, buy it? Yeah, I don't like


I don't know.

Collin  29:42

Really, really putting a lot out there and not leaving room to go anywhere. Because what are you going to do with something that's like $1 like? Yeah, right. Some of the other some of the other ice cream sandwiches you can buy are like they do cost $1 like unobtainable. So never I guess I'll say both eyebrows. Okay. Yeah. Like, what extreme thing would you do for that? Like, Oh, no. I just, I just kind of sat down. I was thinking about this because I didn't have a lot to do today while I was watching my training videos most like


ridiculous Why

Collin  30:21

haven't I saw that commercial of the dude's like, I'd shave my eyebrow and as I keep watching man, I would. Yeah, okay. low, low, low standards. Yes, board. You just really love ice cream bars? Like I don't know. Yeah, yeah. You don't know ice cream bars are life man. You don't know. That's true. I don't think I don't think Klondike bars would probably rate in my they're probably not even my third favorite ice cream bar. If I had to think about this for a while so I don't Oh, man. third favorite. You got coming soon. I don't think about that one. We can just do third favorite candy bars to what no show notes for later. We got a man top five candy bars coming soon. That's it. You know, now that I don't like shop in the store. But it's a thing that I don't buy ever. Yeah. Right. Because like, that's like the ultimate impulse buy. Is the candy bar. Yes. You know, like, generally, I don't go on a mission to procure a candy bar. It's just like the thing that's there because they are 50 cents, right? It's just like, Oh, yeah, just get that sweet wine. Yeah, it's sequential to the most of your day. It's just Yeah, like, I'm already buying all this other stuff. I'll grab this to eat it later, you know, after lunch or something. But like, now that we buy our groceries like, we do the pickup thing and stuff and I don't go to inside the store very much. Yeah. Like that is not something that I actually buy. Sorry, you missed out on that. Yeah, yeah. No, I'm now swing through how to make a trip to the store. So I can think about my top five candy bars. Tanks. I'm doing research. That's true.

Aaron  32:26

Very important.

Collin  32:31

Standing in the aisle, sir. What are you doing? research led me to my thoughts. It says one of them and then sitting down and like writing notes in your journal. I don't think I would probably be that in depth with that, particularly.

Aaron  32:54

Billy Blanca is an inspiration. How dare you?

Collin  32:57

Yeah. That's it. You're not in a majority of candy and chocolate factory. That's why Yeah, the weird thing about Willy Wonka's chocolate factory is the majority of the candy that they talk about. And it's produced in that is not chocolate. He's got chocolate river, though. Yeah, but like the Wonka bar is the only chocolate candy he produces the rest of it is like the gobstopper and the gum and these are all not chocolate based candies. Obviously, obviously the bar is what is carrying everything. Now. I feel like that's probably true. But like a lot of the other stuff showcasing they're just definitely not chocolate based. And so I feel like chocolate factory a bit misleading. The river of chocolate does sort of do that. But that's only for like mixing a chocolate now, but are there other kinds of what we did letter to them? So are there other? I don't actually know. I don't really like that movie. So I don't really know. But like, Are there multiple kinds of Wonka bar? Is there a Just one? Um, do we know? I have no idea. I don't either. I don't know that's really inconsequential to the plot of the movie. But like just thinking about these things. Like is there more listeners if you are an expert on Willy Wonka chocolate factory? Please let us know if wonca made more than just one type of bar. I don't know because I don't recall I feel like he did. I feel something is telling me that there were multiple kinds but I don't remember. I don't know. I mean, I know it's gonna be hard to search for this because they for a while they do. I mean they do have Wonka bars in the that you can go by. Yeah, real world isn't the ultimate crossover event. Yeah. So I don't know how you I don't know. I think we find it interesting to search because he had never actually picked him up to as a brand to them produce. But I don't know. Yeah, but they only make also confusingly Can you can't buy a walker bar in real life can you know you could have told me? I've only ever seen gobstoppers Oh, oh available now they stopped selling ups are I'm doing my research on live on air which is what a fun thing to do. They stopped selling them back in 2010 so it's been it's been it's been 11 years. Okay. Yeah. Oh, so you're right here. Okay, Wonka was said to have invented over 200 kinds of Wonka bars. Okay. That's Grandpa Joe is telling that in the story. Okay. They didn't see. I don't remember that. Okay. And they've started production with the real world bars shortly after the 2005 film. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Charlie? Yes, yes. How do you have 200 different candy bars? It's just a chocolate bar as well. They'd have names like like Whipple scrumptious fudge, mellow delight nutty crunch surprise. dazzle caramel like these get a little preachy, preachy. Oh nutty bar Edible Garden eureka moment happy go lucky making Wow. Anyway, lots of different varieties that you'd come up with when you just throw words into a jumble one poster boys out there, but like logistically, I don't know if you could come up with like 200 different times a challenge for that goes from one factory from one factory, right? Like, worldwide, there are 200 different types of chocolate bar, but a lot of them are just like milk chocolate, they just made by different companies. Right? So I guess the formulation would be slightly different. You know? Because like a Cadbury taste different than a Hershey tastes different than a Mars bar. Apparently, we need to go take a trip to the UK and Australia to get access to currently sold Wonka bars because they are sold in those markets. But not okay. Interesting. Trip trip trip.


Very interesting.

Collin  37:34

Add that to the topic list, traveled to Australia and eat a Wonka bar. Yes, I think maybe that might be a bit of a stretch just for that one thing. Although I will admit that's one of my biggest regrets from when I was in Australia. Like I didn't just go into like a grocery store. Yeah, right. Now, like, after I got back I was like, I should have done just to like see, like, what's going on in there? tried to buy some exciting something, right? What's the like in here? Even just to see like the different like, brand of like Advil stuff? Yeah. Know what when I had to travel to Quebec for some training many years ago at this point. And I had as a while ago now a while ago, and I had to get an Airbnb and I had to like stock up on food for the week. And I did have to go to a grocery store. And I was like, that last assignment in French to where you have to go grocery shopping is really paying off right now. True. I am really digging this. And I actually did send an email to miss Chanel Roden telling her. I did. I did. I was like, Hey, this is going to be very odd. But many aspects of my life have led me to where I currently am. And I


want to say thank you for

Collin  39:00

thank you for making me grocery shopping French, because I'm going to go grocery shopping in French. It was, it was marvelous. I did send an email, and she responded, and it was great. Whatever. But


yeah, that was That's hilarious. Yeah, I was like, wow, who would have who would have thunk? All these years of trading have paid off.

Collin  39:27

That's true. I did that I had to do that. When we went to Manitoba because there was a section in Manitoba where things were in French. Were just like, wandering around. I was like, What? Oh, okay. Okay. I wasn't expecting that. But all right. Yeah. I read a plaque. It's very exciting. I can practice now. probably couldn't do it today. That was much, much closer to the time I had taken. Yes. How quickly all that sort of flips away. That's true. Practice up. Okay, that's the challenge travel


to hold here. Read signs in French. There we go.

Collin  40:13

There's actually on the fairgrounds, there's actually a French boxcar that was donated, that was used in World War One and World War Two. That was then because I guess after World War Two, France, gifted each state of the United States a commemorative train car that was filled with gifts and presents to each state. Yes. I had no idea about this. Didn't didn't didn't didn't learn that. Yeah. And while and not all of them are currently still in existence. And like most people, nobody knows where all of like, what was the what were the what the gifts were, or were they always inside this thing? Because they all went to politicians and, you know, crap. And they just disappointed seven wheels of cheese. You know, what was in there? Yeah, maybe? I mean, that could be what it was. And so it's interesting. Yeah, cuz there's one on the fairgrounds and they have a whole society that's kind of like built up around it that maintain it, keep it painted. And tell the story about it. Yeah. And how it was moved. It was moved in Jeff city for a long time. Before they were like, put up the fairgrounds. Up there. I mean, it does seem like a more natural home for it. Yeah, the State Fairgrounds, I guess. But they brought it out there and did have its undergone like two or three renovations on it. And there's room for it at the State Fairgrounds. Yeah, the hundreds of acres that are Yeah. That's crazy sits out in the it's it's under a covered pavilion, I think. Yeah, under a covered Pavilion. And you just go up and see it and touch it. And it's sitting on tracks that they've cut out and set there for you to view it. And it's it's kind of cool. It's really neat. Oh,


yeah. A lot of people do that. That's crazy. French listeners, help us hear what tells me to figure out

Collin  42:22

how did this happen? Then? What was in these train cars? international mysteries abound. We must know. I'm so confused. I know. It's very it's very interesting. I want to know what was in these cars. And so French French listening friends, or other historian. People out there if you have heard of this, or know where we can learn about it. Back want to know what is inside the mysterious French train car? Yeah. It's exciting. challenge to solve this mystery. Do you busy? Yeah, I thought it was. It says this is quite the segue that we've come from. I think it was probably dive into your listeners expect it only is patented. patented. patent pending. I guess. That's true. Yes. main topic challenge was watch a sci fi film. Yes. Now, first of all, I thought about this as well. Do you pronounce it? genre or genre? genre? Soft G. Okay. Soft g i know a lot of people say with the hard j sound. I've heard that before. They are wrong. They are wrong. I just want to know, I guess I think you get that from scientific naming. You didn't say genre? Or genre? Or? You don't say? I can't even imagine how you would say that one. Anyway. Yes. But like I just thought about that call back. Yeah. Oh, yes. Oh, man. I had I had a word that will come to accompany we can keep going. that fit that discussion. We had a fair enough. Go. Yeah, yes. I just thought that was called back to that. Watch sci fi So again, I guess traditionally, we start with the what is your experience with the sci fi genre? Do you like it? Because it's something you're into or No. What do you think Colin? I, I owe it I am probably more of a fan of fantasy films where there's just like magic, as opposed to sci fi. And I think that's typically because most of the sci fi, it takes a lot for me to be drawn in to go Okay, that's believable when there's no like hand wavy, like magic. So I tend to get taken out of out of the movie more quickly, because I'm like, wow, I don't know how that works. Or like, Oh, I don't know, but I tend to be more critical of them. But, um, you know, I think of movies like, I don't know, if I like, you know, like, Back to the Future. Like, I really enjoyed those movies. But I feel like there's any time travel movies are probably a really big sucker for because that's, you know, those are pretty sci fi at that point. But, yeah, I don't really, I don't feel like they're a genre of movie that I intentionally seek out most of the time, I feel like they tend to just happen upon me. Where I watch them. versus a odo like I this is, this is something that I can really, really hone in on.

Aaron  46:21

I think part of that is, well the air and gophers. Aaron, what about you? So for for me like I don't know if it just like you know, mean playing a bunch of random video games growing up. So size of the science fiction always became easier to me. Although it kind of had like a weird little note aspect to it, because there was like the sci fi channel, but they always aired like some sort of like B rated movie that was like, oh, shark tapas versus shark Gator. And like, they were just kind of throw that out there. So it was kind of tainted for me for a little bit. Because like, when I thought it was sci fi, I always thought of, like, those kind of movies. But then I'd watch some sort of sciency or futuristic movie, and it just wouldn't like click that that would be like, it's like in the same genre, or like the same kind of like classification as like, you know, shark, NATO, or things like that. So for me, it kind of, you know, especially like, when I was younger, I was just watching a movie, just to watch the movie, like, Oh, they got lasers, and this and that. And it never really hit me until I got older, of like, actually understanding like, what conceptually I was watching. So it took a while for me to watch like, or to get my head wrapped around some of those films. Um, is that something that I typically seek out? May, I'm kind of in the same boat, as Collin as like, the fantasy films, or things like that always, like, have my attention. But like, the kid in me will always be like, ooh, Star Wars. So hence why I went and watched the new the new three series like, by myself, like three separate times in movie theater, so Okay, yeah, yeah,

Collin  48:13

yeah, no, I definitely agree with kind of both of you. I was thinking about this question for myself. And I feel like this is for the reasoning behind it, for me is a couple of reasons. Number one, there are definitely different levels of sci fi movies, right. But there are movies that sort of really tackle those deep sci fi themes about like humanity and like, the world and all that stuff, you know. And then there's other movies that just sort of happen in a sci fi setting. Right. And so like, you know, there's kind of levels, a lot of sci fi movies really take themselves very seriously. In that first category, right? And a lot of them are bad, right? They just get up not good. And I think that's the other problem, right? A lot of a lot of sci fi movies get made. And, you know, you watch them and you're like, That movie was terrible, either, because they were just a setting and there was like, no plot at all, you know, which is like, Oh, look at these effects. You're like that is or they like, lean really heavy. And they think they're being like really deep, but they're just like, flame like, yeah, yeah. What's, you know, they don't tackle those themes. Well, and I feel like that's kind of the problem that sci fi movies delve into, you know, they, they just, they just not, they just don't come out good. And they are in a lot of them. The ones that like have the seams they're very like, they can't He just very like dark. They're not like happy movies. You know? Yeah. And, and, you know, leaning into what you said about Back to the Future. This week, I had read about the the guy that was originally supposed to play Marty McFly. Number one, his name was now he, he, uh, he was dropped from the movie because he was reading that character much more seriously. Right? He was adding a level of gravitas to the role that the studio didn't really want to deal with. Right? Because at the end of the first movie, the end of that is really playing like Marty's. And this is a thing I thought about before. I was like, Marty's life is not completely different. And he has he lives in a world where his childhood doesn't exist for Yeah. Right? Because his family is completely different. And so his upbringing is different. And so the person that he should be in the person that he is, are not the same. And so he has a lot to deal with. But the movie, there's like, anyway, this is fun. I could dock right.

Aaron  51:04

I will, I will say that there's a neat little like docu series on Netflix called the movies that made us and they talked about that whole kind of like, behind the scenes stuff of Back to the Future. And it shows some of like, the original cuts of that movie of the person that's supposed to fly. And I was like, Oh,

Collin  51:22

yeah, I would have not liked this movie. Yeah, it was a lot. He was taking it a lot more in a serious direction, because he was thinking about those things, which is things I thought about to write, you know, but they don't really touch on that. So a lot of times they can be serious. And if you're not in the mood for like a serious thinking movie, like some cipher movies are not for you. Sometimes you just want to like watch a sci fi movie that's like, oh, there's like you said here, and this thing's lasers. And there's cool things happening. And they're like, upper car. Why is it have a car? Who cares? It's cool. Let's go. Right, right. Right. Yeah. Yeah, right. This is very this broad category. And a lot of times they just get done bad. You know? Yeah. Like the execution on film is just like, What? You know. So yeah, that's kind of what I saw. There's some movies that I like, and a lot of them are like, the variety where it's like estates movie, those like the, like, big heavy themed ones. And then there's a couple that like, sort of dip their toe into like, what it means to be human. Right. That's like the big crux of a lot of sci fi. And, like I said, can be done in varying degrees of good. So I will say we are so who wants to start off with the sci fi extravaganza? I'll go and I'll go, I'll go. Okay, so this was triggered by him and his, his take on AI last week. Oh, my gosh. Ah, well, in sticking with good old Steven Spielberg's directing. I watched a 2000 tos Minority Report. Did I steal anybody else's up? No, I, Oh, I forgot to text each other this way. I was sorry.


No, I

Collin  53:27

can't remember if I actually ever saw this movie. Or not. But I know that it gets really good. Because I've seen so many since then, where I'm like, wait, Is it this one? Or is this like, I kept on thinking this was from like, many scenes, it's like, oh, and the thing with the robots are coming. And I was like, Oh, no, wait, that's iRobot. And that was with iRobot. Yeah. I just for whatever reason, I kept thinking like so. Because at some point, right, he would watch them one time and they just so I don't know if I ever watched this before. But yeah, I I really liked this one. Because it's very much like I can old school. I knew war film, where you've got the the detective who's got to try and solve the mystery, right? And it's kind of dark. And it's kind of, you know, setting this kind of cyberpunk to a little bit that goes in with it. So I like that part that it's it's kind of a detective story underneath all of the futuristic takes, that it's going on. I think it's also very prescient, given many of the surveillance initiatives and things that have tried to come up over the years. And I think it's, again, you talked about one of the themes that tend to come up in sci fi films is this kind of, is it a utopia or Yeah, Or your dystopian. dystopia? Exactly. And I feel like this one, this one, what I liked about this one is as you watch it, you really feel like it's a society that's kind of on the verge of trying to decide which way it's going to go. And with the, with the precogs, that are functioning of trying to figure out who's going to determine who's going to have crime next. It's because I the part that I love, again, there's lots of this, because it's like, also like tech startup to have, like the precogs are just in Washington, DC right now. And they're trying to do an initiative to take it nationwide. So you can feel like this is just about to be released upon all of the population. And so do we want to go down that road? Is that something that we feel like is useful? And you find that the people who are working in there, who are the detectives, like our Tom Cruise, they're even being duped about the the legitimacy of many things going on. And of like, it's called Minority Report, because of the three precogs. One doesn't always like most, a lot of times, one will not agree with the other other two. And that's called the Minority Report. And that gets deleted from the system. And nobody sees that, and you only see the majority. And so you feel like it's there always. Right. And that's why it's always so good. So it does, it does Delve with a lot of these questions. I don't think I mean, I think a little bit directly, but with the like, okay, so you stop them from doing the crime. But how do you how would you prosecute somebody for a pre crime whenever they didn't actually do it? If they didn't do anything, they just thought about it, and you saw it into the future? And then you stop them from doing it. So how is that an actual crime. And given the level of surveillance and things that go on like that, you can kind of see how this is still very relevant in 2021. And then I liked a lot of the plot twists of it, too. And again, you didn't have to set belief off to the side some now and then, because when they developed this film, Spielberg like locked away, I was like, 10 or 15 people apparently in a room for three day weekend, to talk about the future of like, okay, because he wants to say, Yeah, I want he wanted to make it seem real, like, they weren't just pulling things out of thin air, because you do feel like that in sci fi. There's how quickly they get dated, right. And I think that's another thing why I, I tend to not like them, because unless they're like 2000 years in the future, if they're like this one, where it's like 50 years in the future, you go, Oh, well, that was a swing and a miss. Like the one thing that I that get did take me out of this was just knowing how common things like facial recognition are these days on your phone or on apps and things like that, like that is nowhere existed in this film at all. And you can kind of see how like, well, if they did have that, how that would solve a lot of different things. But it was just interesting to see how they kind of presented some of that technology. Oh, and one of my favorite part about this not my favorite part, but like, like, the, like the personalized ads, as he's walking through the store, trying to run away. It's funny, he's trying to evade the cops. And as he's running through the mall, they keep showing these personalized ads. They're like, Hi, john. Hi, john. Oh, man, I feel that Google on Google or YouTube or Facebook, it's like, you can't go anywhere. They're like, Hi, we know your history, know who you are. And we're which ad experience I just laughed at that because I like given how the internet is these days. That's exactly how you feel as you browse, you're just like, stop following me. It's not that you're trying to evade the cops or anything, but it's just very, I related to that very, very deeply. You know, towards the end, it gets a little like, unnecessarily like kind of a got you but they do pull pull some tricks to advance the plot forward. As far as you know, the who done it and who's the ultimate bad guy? spoilers it's the the guy who's in charge of the pre crime with the leading the precogs thing because he's got a vested interest in making this succeed. So he's trying to get rid of everybody that way. But, you know, that's kind of and in a more utopia, like everyone lives happily ever after. And, you know, john gets back with his wife and they're gonna have a kid and things and so I like how it is wrapped up a little bit. But I really enjoyed it again, I think just because there's so many topics that we're still dealing with as far as security and tracking and the that that side of technology so I really enjoyed it a lot. It's got Tom Cruise in it, so you know, he's gonna run he's gonna jump he's gonna be it's gonna be actually good. If He's gonna, he's gonna run. It kept me. So I think that tiny running like, very heightened very dramatic. There was one scene where he's like, he's standing next to somebody and he's like towering over them and I just kept thinking like, How tall is that box? How tall is that? You say? Yeah, are two five foot five? We'll probably get pulled from the internet for saying that, but no, it's fine. I think it was a good mixture of the action with just enough action with the new AR aspect with the, with the sci fi, nature of it setting, but the setting gives each one of those gives the action gives the Noir. Its its purpose, as its delving deeper into trying to reconcile with some of these issues. As they as they play out. I I really enjoyed it. Right now and he's five minutes look it up. So sorry, Tom, cut you down there? Well, it's good. I'm glad I might need to rewatch that movie, then because I have a distinct memory of watching it in a theater and not liking it. But that was a long, I thought when it first came out. And you were kind of talking about it. And I didn't really remember all of the things that happen. So like,


I want I remembered a couple of things. I was like, Oh, yeah. And then you'd say something like, what? I don't remember that at all.

Collin  1:01:26

I didn't really give a good breakdown of what the actual film was. But that's fine. Cuz I watched it. And then I read a lot of reviews and things about it. And most of the big takeaways were like, you know, most people remember like, Tom, Tom Cruise, waving his hands around to interact with the thing. Right? And they Yeah, that Yeah, I remember that scene. And they remember like the precogs who were in like, the watery milk or whatever. But like, they don't I think if you watch it from a like, it's a detective again, like it's it's a it's a it's sci fi. But there are it's a detective movie set set with this the sci fi thoughts and, and setting right that you have to that you're grappling with as you're trying to work through the the detective story. Yeah, nice. All right. I don't remember as much of the detective part. And I do like detective things. So maybe that would make it a little better. Yeah, we'll have to check that one out again, and see how it goes on. rewatch that many years later. And not remembering anything fake. So there you go. Well, Aaron, what about you?

Aaron  1:02:43

Well, so I kind of before all of this, I made kind of like a list of like, you know, sci fi movies that I've that I've seen over the years. And then I googled and got like the 100 like Top List of like sci fi films, and most of the films that I had on my list, or on this list that made me very happy. The problem was that some of the movies that I wanted to watch were like, science fiction, he like there's like, like a hint of science fiction that was kind of like there that like made it classified as science fiction. And then I kind of like went down the rabbit hole. So I started with 1999, deep blue sea now. And so. So when I was younger, all I knew was that there's an underwater facility, and that there's really smart sharks, but I didn't know until I was much older that the the the scientists were trying to find a cure for Alzheimer's by using like, enhanced shark brains, but that kind of like glass, or like all the whole thing's coming down. And oh, here's shark here smart sharks. It's like it, it was the science fiction was there. But not like enough for me. And so that somehow transformed into another under the sea twist of the 1989 the Abyss which again, when I was younger, all I saw was Ed Harris swimming. Some weird things happen. There's like earthquakes, there's navy seals, and then boom, there's aliens. I didn't realize that, you know, it was like the Navy trying to get like a nuclear submarine that just so happens to be sung by, like these alien creatures that like are in the like in the ocean. And that that interaction between, you know, the human aspect of it, and then you know, the aliens coming in. So that's kind of what I I picked. After watching deep blue sea, and I was like, there's got to be something else like this UI And then looking at my list, I was like, oh, there's there's a lot of other movies that I have seen. And I know would have also been very good movies to add on here. Or at least that I could have watched I didn't have time. So it's it's kind of it's you know what the Abyss there's that human aspect that you know, oh, it feels very 1980s 1990s and like, Oh, this is here's this and oh, here's all this human asked technology, and then boom, there's aliens. So there's that twist of the more like, unknown than anything because it's the abyss of the not knowing impulse kind of like that, that that suspense field, you know, in the claustrophobic tight spaces under, you know, the ocean that I always like, when I was younger watching it, I always got like, that thrill from that excitement. And then there's like, oh, there's aliens. Kind of entered. So that's the movie I picked. And I'll kind of go over my list later once you're done. Brandon with with all of them, because like, I'll rattle them off. And then I'll let you guys kind of think of where you think they feel. No, again, there's that I made a small list. And then when I googled them, I put more on my list. Like I'll have a good one to go without a bigger one would have been cool too. So.

Collin  1:06:23

Okay, cool. Nice. Yeah, the most distinctive part me remember is when he like, he's in that gel stuff. Right? Oh, freestate. Like, oh, me like it's all in his lungs as to oh my gosh, I yeah, I forgot

Aaron  1:06:39

to and I was like, I will, I will say the scene where they put the the rat in that gel thing. Like still to this day. Oh, yeah. The thing though. And then like when he's in contact with aliens for the first time and he like, he takes his helmet off. And there's just that that sense of relief. And, you know, curiosity, these things and and everything I was I even I was like, Oh, that's a weird feeling. I don't know if like, yeah, so.


Yeah, that's a good move. That's a good choice. Yeah. Alright. So I watched. I wanted to watch a movie that I had never seen before.

Collin  1:07:20

Like, I have watched the button. I looked at some lists on the internet. And it's like, I've seen a lot of these. So I want to watch one I've never seen, so I watched. Was it 20? teens Ex Machina? Okay, right? Yeah, or 2014. Maybe I watched this movie. This is kind of in keeping with that artificial intelligence kind of fee. Pretty heavy sci fi stuff, right? So basically, the brief rundown of this movie is it's not very long, which is one of the best things about this movie. There's a guy who he's like an employee at a tech company. Right? Think like this world's made up Google, basically. And he wins a weekend to stay with the newest mysterious recluse CEO, owner, inventor, computer whiz of this company, right? What's the prize? The weekend is actually a Turing test for an AI that this guy's invented. Oh, nice. Yeah, so it's a surprise Turing test in his mountainous compound, like weird supervillain hideaway thing in the in thing and so yeah. That's the basic thing of this movie. So it's one of those movies where it's like, there's basically four people in this movie. And it all takes place in this house. So it's kind of all about this Turing test. So he has invented this AI. And he brings this guy in because he wants to do the Turing test. So a Turing test, if you don't know is basically where you sit. And you try to determine if what you are talking to is an artificial intelligence or real person. Right? And if you cannot tell, then it passes. Right. That's how it works. And this movie is basically the worst Turing test of all time. Oh, no. Yeah, I did not like this movie at all. I'm apparently in the minority because the reviews are like really strong, right? They're all like, Oh, this movie is great, has very high scores. I did not like it. As much as I thought it It sounds like a great idea. But when you start watching it, you're like it's being too critical, but like the testing part I was like, This is the worst test ever is not a blind test. He goes, Hey, you're talking to a robot? What? Yeah, you're like, it should be a true test should be a blind test. Right? You should basically be sitting on one side of a screen by yourself and just talking, oh, that should be a. And you should also be like, talking to people, things like an AI and like, people, right? To try to discern patterns is a terrible test. He tells him, it's a robot, he makes the robot like hyper feminized. Right. So he's, like, blinded by the femininity of the robot, which is bizarre. He like, does a lot of things to like, manipulate the emotions. So like, there's TV, but he like accidentally finds like, quote, unquote, accidentally finds the closed circuit television channel. So he can like, watch this AI construct in her body, like wandering around. So he's like, basically being emotionally manipulated. And yeah. So there's a lot of that. And it's like, they tried to explain it away. He's like, Well, yeah, I did that. Because this, like, That's stupid. That that? No, you did this because you thought to make a better movie. Like, it's really pulled me out of it a lot. Right? Like, the plot was just like, Dude, what the heck. And basically, like, you can kind of see the ending coming from like, 12 miles away. Right? Like, oh, gee, I wonder how this movie will end? Oh, no, what's going to happen? And basically, he like gave the robot a directive, right? Like her goal is to like, try to escape, right? It's kind of what they're doing. So she's trying to use all these manipulation setting, let's get the guy to let her out. So it's a very, it's a terrible test, scientifically is the worst test ever. Right? It's awful. They do briefly touch on some of those things. Like, you know, if if it's successful, or he has to do something, he has to like, reformat her. And so like, is that killing her? If she actually alive? Is that just disguise emotions, putting things on it? Like, they touch on that stuff? But like, not enough? Not enough? In a good way? anyway? Yeah, I mean, it's very, like, I don't know, they went into very, like arty direction, right? So like, the inside of the build is like, very austere. And like, the lighting is like, gray, you know, the soundtrack is like, cynthy. So it's like, whatever. Just a little much. And I didn't, it was just, it was a bad test. I couldn't get over a bad test. This was like, they have a really good opportunity to focus on some of these like humanity characteristics, and they blew it with a stupid test. Like they they mess it up with the setup, I think. And so I did not like that movie. I was apparently in the minority report. Cuz this movie gets very positive views online, like rotten tomatoes scores very high. Other review things very high. I did not like it. Mostly because I called the ending, like at the beginning. Right? Like, what basically after they set up, and like, there's some things that happen, you're like, now, I know how this is gonna end. So then it's like really kind of boring, and kind of a slog to get to the end of the movie to be like, oh, look how right I was. Ah, that's amazing. Yeah. So that I feel like they tried a little too hard for me. So, yeah, somebody here your mileage may vary with x Maki, no, but I thought I was gonna like it when I remember. Like, when it came out, I remember thinking it would be interesting. Quality agency in a theater class good. would have been like, disappointing. So however, to go along with Aaron's thing, I have two movies to recommend to you in this vein that for me are better. Right? Number one, I think they're better because there is more action. And then so you can get more invested in the characters because like, these dudes in this house, like I literally don't care about them. Like,

Aaron  1:14:40

can I guess one of your I'm not invested.

Collin  1:14:43

I'm not invested in it at all. So I'm like, this is boring. I don't even like this guy. So this movie is terrible. You're gonna guess Aaron? Yes. All right. Yes. Blade Runner. No good. Yeah.

Aaron  1:14:54

Go on.

Collin  1:14:58

That is a good one. But for as long as this like humanity thing you could do Blade Runner. That's a good one. He's the new Blade Runner. Good. I haven't seen that one. Make sure he's okay. Well, who knows, I might like it because he has higher views. And I didn't like it at all. So one movie that I would suggest, if you like this, like, what does it mean to be human? Am I really human? Like, what makes you real kind of thing? Is 2005 the island with you and McGregor? Right? Okay, this movie is very interesting. It's a lot more actually. Right? The setup for that movie is they're living in this like utopian world, and they think they're gonna win a trip to an island. Actually, it turns out they're clones. And when they get a trip to the island, they're taken away and they get pulled in their organs are harvested for the person who they're a clone of. What's that? Oh, Mike. Yeah. Yeah. And so you're in McGregor, and Scarlett Johansen in this movie, they escape, they get out, they figure out what's happening, and they break out of this place. And they're like, really, because they've been told this lie of Oh, the world was destroyed in a nuclear apocalypse. And you're living in this underground bunker, safe in this perfect society. And the trip to the island is like, you know, it's the only one of the only places on earth where you can be above ground, and it's nice and safe, and you win the quote, lottery, and you get to go there. But they're actually clones. And if they're the people that they are clones of need a medical procedure, the organs are taken from these clones. So they have this fight about, you know, it's got this struggle about like, well, we're, we're people, right? We have lives, and we have thoughts and feelings, too. And just because we're clones doesn't mean that we're disposable. Right? So this is whole kind of thing. And if not more, actually, there's lots of escape and drama and intrigue, because they like find you and McGregor's guy, like the pink person has a clone of the app, and there's a whole thing with him. So that movie is really kind of, it's more interesting. It's a more interesting kind of thought process on that. Right? Yeah. Like where you think about it. And you handle these things in a slightly more fun way. You know, it's, we're actually, but it is kind of this, like, what is humanity? type of situation? And what is life worth and all that stuff. Another movie that I like, a lot, and then a lot of people like this movie, I think is that movie Chappie? Yeah, right? where it's like, he's a police robot, right? But he gets like, the card for like consciousness or whatever. And he becomes like sentience. And then there's this whole situation with how to deal with that. And it kind of really touches on a lot of like nature versus nurture kind of stuff. And yeah, because he spends time with the police. And he spends time with like, some criminals. And like, if you're going to create something like this, you have to be responsible for how it develops. And you have to think about these kinds of things about what you do after it's made. And so it's a it's pretty cool. It is a little extra, because the dates from like South Africa, so the Diana would people are in this movie. And they are very strange. They're criminals, aren't they? Yeah. And they're extraordinarily extra. They fit in really good in this like, sort of pseudo futuristic world because their fashion cycle, what happened? So some people don't like to move because of them. Because they're, like, weird, but but, um, I kind of like how that movie goes and, and handles the stuff. I think it's interesting. So yeah, I recommend either the island or Chappie instead of x mokena. There's my hot take for today.

Aaron  1:19:11

Okay. Also that so that kind of ties in weirdly to with Chafee, because the one that I one of the movies that I had on my list is actually district nine.

Collin  1:19:26

Ah, the other is the same director, right?

Aaron  1:19:29

Yes, yeah, from also South Africa, where they kind of have to put, you know, aliens come to earth, and they have to kind of like, put them in their own little kind of like ghettos or, you know, their own kind of district. And it's kind of like that, it starts off as that. Yeah, documentary s thing and then you kind of follow the guy and it's like, it kind of just throws you into like an immediate clash of what you know, like today modern, and then like, boom, here's just the US aliens and they're trying to survive in our, you know, society. In our lives so that you know, when you when you said Chappie, I was like, okay, that's number three on my list.

Collin  1:20:05

So yeah, I like it because it talks a lot about like human behavior. And yeah, is it learned? Or is it programmed? And how do you do these things? I like it a lot. It's got a bad score online, but I think it's better. When you don't like the highly reviewed ones, but you do like the poorly reviewed ones is the problem is the problem with you know, getting the highly reviewed, one is boring. And you can literally, if you watch this movie, I don't know, I was sitting there wanting to begin the first, you know, 20 minutes, because the first like 12 minutes, they kind of do the whole like thing, and the problem shows up and everything. It's very formulaic in that way. But like, you get into some details, and you're like, I know how this is gonna end. Like, yeah, there's no doubt at all. I think that's the problem again, with the, with the sci fi, it when they, when they, when they take themselves too seriously, they really try and inhabit the world, when they don't have that magical aspect that's brought in sometimes with the fantasy. If they don't get it, right, it's going to ruin the story or you're going to predict it or because you know, you're going to be able to reason it out. Well, I think that's kind of why I like watching fantasy films, because when they just hand wave and go magic, you're like, I don't know what's gonna happen. Oh, my gosh, but, but if they're like, This follows all the same rules of physics and logic and expectations of the world you're currently living in. We're just 50 years in the future. Ooh, you're like, Oh, well, yeah. Okay. Yeah. And I think that's why I like Chappie, more, because he's basically, he's caught born. And he's sort of, like, puzzling out this functioning in the human world with his consciousness. Yeah. And he's dealing with all these things. And like, he's discovering emotions, and like, stuff like that. Whereas in Ex Machina, it's just like this cold machine like manipulating to get a thing they want. And it's like, it's boring, right? It's not, it doesn't have that kind of like wonderment or like, it takes this thing that should be like really interesting. And it makes it boring. And they test badly. That's the other thing. I think I also got really stuck on the fact that it's set up on the basis of a test, a scientific test, and it's the worst test ever. And I really couldn't get past that. Yeah, again, this is like, you know, what a Turing test is, there's logic behind how it should or shouldn't be conducted. When you see that not playing out on the screen, all of a sudden, you're like, wait a minute, there's, this is just done for plot purposes now. And that, yeah, and they tried to slough it off, like, throw all these technical terms at you that like, nobody knows what they mean, right? Like, Oh, I thought this or I but what algorithm like you're just making things up to fill this out? Like it's a mercifully short movie, right? It's like an hour 40 Oh, geez, that's like nothing. So it's like, boom, yeah. Maybe like our 35 because a lot of its credit to the until it's just like,


tell you, I would recommend this other two movies to Aaron, what else is on this list of yours?

Aaron  1:23:27

All right, so I'm just gonna go down. It's stop and comment if you wish. So as as as listed the Abyss people see district nine. So I had the original predator. But I'm kind of in most of these are kind of from like the 1980s like the 1990s of the of that partial, like suspense. sci fi. You know, you know, the predator was was there. Um, I don't remember ever like seeing this this movie, but I remember just when I was younger, trying to watch it with you, Brandon and never like fully understanding it. But this popped in my head once I found like the Google list. Um, but the 12 monkeys with

Collin  1:24:19

Bruce Well, yeah, is it Bruce Willis? I think I don't think you watch it with me. cuz I've not even tried. I've seen that movie. Yeah, so but I remember once I was like,

Aaron  1:24:33

the guy time traveling.

Collin  1:24:35

Yeah. Aren't you think looper looper with personal

Aaron  1:24:40

resources also in that film, but I know. I did. 95 Yeah, I'm avatar of kind of, you know, space. You know, new world. You know, sci fi. Um, this was one that I had on my list because I was thinking of like, animated ones, but I really liked Wally. When that came out, Oh, God, like what the world could be one day. I'm obviously Blade Runner. Because even when I was younger, all I saw was Harrison Ford shooting at people and then like it like in the rain and that's it. And then when I was in that movie so good. Oh, and then when I got older, understanding that you know, this they call they call it synthetics, or something like that. Yeah. And they're like, you know, I am, you know, you know, I've seen things you people wouldn't even believe in like, the tears. So Blade Runner. Um, I was never a fan of the Planet of the Apes series. Like, I didn't like the like, I didn't like the Mark Wahlberg one, then then oh, no, that was terrible new ones like, but, um, I didn't like the original. Close Encounters of the Third time, was another movie that I never understood until I was older. But for some reason, out of all the jingles and ring tones that I've ever heard, I can always get the hair dude or their part. Like, just like it's always there. Terminator, the alien series, The like the first day of Donaldson Back to the Future, the Star Wars 2001 A Space Odyssey. I have never seen that movie in its entirety. Something very austere, says, it's almost been like me. Then bored. Yeah,

Collin  1:26:42

that's fair. That's a good. That's a good summary.

Aaron  1:26:46

The first the first one that was kind of like, on my list was the matrix. And because, you know, made it Oh, we actually ended with like, the world like, I don't know, I'm the new movie that came out this year. It's either on Netflix or Amazon. I can't remember what it's called the tomorrow war with Chris Pratt. Live people from the future coming back to our time, and being like, hey, there's a war Major ferruccio we're gonna send you forward in time to fight it. And then there's a whole big following. And then the last, the last movie that I had on my list, because I'm, I'm excited for the new release. Because I tried reading the book. I did, I tried with all my heart with all my little little heart. And then I have the older movie. And I'm like, wow, I'm going to start this and then like, 10 minutes and I'm like, I have no idea what's going on. Um, is Dune so I thought you're gonna say that? Because like I watch it and then all I get is that there's a big worm thing and then and I'm like, What is happening? So yeah, that's another movie that's what kind of Collins talked about before like, where they just take science fiction just kind of like throw an extra face and like look at a ramp it up to a level this sci fi and look at this googly goo good turns you into a floating cheese monster. And just like how and it's true. comprehend all the others.

Collin  1:28:17

Yeah. That's funny. So again, I don't know what

Aaron  1:28:20

Patrick Stewart you know, put them in as many scenes as you want. I'm still not gonna comprehend what's going on. So yes, so that was even though I've seen I have started Dune with the intention of like, taking notes, and watching it. I've just been like, I'm just gonna sit back and play on my phone. I have no idea what's happening.

Collin  1:28:38

Yeah, I feel the same way about that movie. I watched it once. And I think I was like 12 or 13 Yeah, and I was like, I have no idea what is going on also movie I seem to remember it's like seven hours long I don't think that's accurate but ever said felt so long.

Aaron  1:28:59

It was it was quite long so

Collin  1:29:04

looping back. Haha pun intended, again to what Collin said earlier, he will talk about a convoluted movie series. And that would be the Terminator. Like that movie starts to make no sense with it's like weird time travel. skip around the The what? What? Oh, my God. Like the first two movies you like, okay, Terminator, Terminator two, like, Okay, I got this. And then like t three. Like, what? What? And then I've stopped wanting them because I was like, I have no idea what's going on? Yeah, like now we're just drawing them out to make movies like it doesn't make sense. And trying to fit them in the timeline and like doing a lot of retconning and things like that. Well, while I enjoy the one off time traveling movie, like I really do, I guess, I guess the site time. I really enjoyed the book. What was that time traveler What was that actually by HG Wells? I need a movie for another time machine Time Machine. Yes. The Time Machine. Yeah, I enjoyed that. That book. The movie with that book is really good. Movies horrendous and awful. And I hate every moment of it. But I didn't they didn't do that one. Well, no, that was a no, I really like the one off time travel. If you're going to do three again, I think the really only good time travel, multiple film has been back the future. I think because while it plays a role, it's not like, oh, man, could you imagine if What if I tried to answer any questions like, there's broader things are going on with like, it's kind of just a movie with time travel attached to it, which I really enjoy. Time Travel movies are really hard to get right. Almost impossible, one might say, given that we don't know. So.

Aaron  1:30:53

I have. I have an amendment to my list. Okay. Hitchhiker's Guide to the No, no, sorry. Sorry, I had to throw it in there for forgot my pen ran out of ink. So I was like, yeah,

Collin  1:31:09

so that's the movie that's like, it's kind of fun to watch. But I've definitely what not one of the bullets like super into that movie. Like it's fine. But I'm not like, there's some people that are like, really love those. That those stories in that movie.


And I'm like, that's fine. Like little brothers feelings that much. But okay, that's right. You can like you're allowed to like it. That's okay.

Collin  1:31:45

Well, I enjoyed I enjoyed this challenge. Again, it's one of the things I don't intentionally seek out sci fi films in general. So it was good to step out and do try something potentially a little bit different. Appreciate That's true. But very good. I enjoyed that a lot. So lots of lots more things. Thanks to watch. And that's all I got. Right. Sounds good to me, folks. Keep surviving. Keep driving, driving, driving. Now right. Bye.