mistaken identity

Do you have auto-pilot routines you’re involved in? We do. Are you scrimmaging? Aaron is. Are you a business who needs help with people pronouncing your name correctly? Have you encountered annoying business books? This episode is for you.

  • Brandon survived the first week of school

  • Auto pilot our routines

  • Brandon planned!

  • Grether’s Pastilles

  • Weird commercials

  • Company names we don’t know how to pronounce!

  • Aaron is scrimmaging

  • It’s also still rather hot

  • Car corner!

  • Coolant issues

  • No decorations…..YET

  • Collin is switching banks...and it’s awful!  

  • He’s also attacking his yard!

  • A case of mistaken identity 

  • He tried reading a business book, and knows why he never read them before

  • Dog barking break!!

  • Annoying business books

  • And business practices 

  • High School Reading List Challenge

    • NOT the Great Gatsby

Check out our other episodes: ohbrotherpodcast.com

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book, week, coolant, bank, true, tiller, watering, check, business, backyard, year, read, cough drop, aaron, long, recess, nice, literally, life, talk


Collin, Aaron, Brandon


Welcome to Oh, brother, the podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your host, Brandon, Collin. And Aaron. This week show mistaken identity. Hello.



Collin  00:28

first week of school is now over. You survived, I presume? Somehow? Yes.


So yeah, that's a little rough. Lots of new things to talk about and do and go over. And then there's always something I forget. And you have to talk about that later.

Brandon  00:53

Oh, and also another thing.

Collin  00:57

Yeah. Especially with like, the setting expectations, because you're like, we forgot to talk about recess. Oh, well, dang it. Well, here it is recess time. Yeah, Whoopsie.

Brandon  01:12

They'll figure it out. It's fine. So yeah, you've got some time to work out those kinks. Right. Like, well,

Collin  01:17

I just like some of the little stuff like, where, when do we like, you know, how do we might have to go inside from recess? Or, you know, where are we how do we go to the lunchroom? Like, you know, these kind of things? Oh, yeah, definitely is ironing out a bunch of that stuff. Yeah. Because it's just sort of easier to do it. And then like,

Brandon  01:39

right now, even if you're expecting meritocracies of each one of those, I mean, yeah. Like, you're not really gonna fully understand this process until,

Collin  01:49

yeah, especially processes like that, that you just do so much that like, you kind of just do them. And you don't really think about how, right you just do it. And so when someone like asks you to explain how you do it, you're like, well, just see, first you do this, right. So you kind of have to think about real hard. Yeah. Whereas you just once you're doing it, you're just like going through the motions and doing it like, Oh, okay.

Brandon  02:17

So that's a good point. How often, that kind of scenario comes up in life, I think, just in general.

Collin  02:27

Yeah, I yeah, I'd say quite often.

Brandon  02:30

I mean, we see it a lot. Whenever we ask a pet parent, like, okay, walk me through your routine. And all of a sudden, you see all of their gears grind to a halt as they are trying to take everything into account. They do or even just remember what they do, because they have no idea, right? If no, explain, please, little tiny things that they just quote unquote, just do. And that I'm asking them to please write this down. And we're gonna make an SRP for you. And like, Oh, yeah,

Collin  03:01

yeah. Well, you just sort of autopilot through it, especially something like pet routines, because you just do it every single day. Yeah. And so you just kind of do it. And when you really start to think about, it's hard to think about, and that's like, how teaching is to write, you know, like, I always forget, like, Oh, yeah, I have to do this now. Because, especially like leading up to the school year. You know, I'm not thinking about those things. But then like, when I'm in the classroom, there's things that I'm doing that I'm like, Oh, yeah, I do this too. And oh, yeah, there's this thing,

Brandon  03:36

is it? Well, it's kinda like, so many of them are very contextual, of like, you only do them in that room. Only do them at that time of day. And when you're out of that routine, all of a sudden, yeah, you're like, Oh, yeah.

Collin  03:53

Yeah, it's really hard. It's definitely difficult to make the switch. In my brain, it takes a little bit from like, you know, just being at home, doing like, at home things. And then, like, all the little things that happen in my classroom on a daily basis, you know, and even when you get there the first time, like, it's sometimes it's not until there's kids in the room that you're like, right, this is what happens. Got it. Like, there's something in my brain that light turns on, and it's like, yes, this is what you do now, like, Ah, okay. I might, that might just be a me problem, right? Like,

Brandon  04:38

that sounds like sounds like a common problem. I'll bet you I'll say it is. I'll say, Alright.

Collin  04:44

Well, this year, this year, I did plan ahead. In one key aspect of my life. It's very important because this year before school started,

Brandon  05:03


Collin  05:04

bought some throat lozenges. Like, the ones for like that, like I had to Google because I didn't want like a cough drop. Right? I was looking for like, ones that, you know, they're like speakers and like seeing people use, right. So I got some random ones I found on a list. Because normally the first week of school, my voice is just wrecked. Because I go from not talking at all, to talking very loudly for most of the day. Really good point. Yeah. In like this. I have like a big loud presenting voice. And so it's usually the first week of school. My voice is like, no, it's completely random. And God. So this year, I experimented with some lozenges. I planned ahead.

Brandon  06:07

What I thought about what lozenges Did you stumble upon?

Collin  06:12

You don't mind? You would ask me that question. Now that they're not in my possession. Hold on. Let me just look up my Amazon order. Okay. My they're in my backpack, which is in the hallway, but my shoes. Fair enough. So I had those, but I, here we go. They are called. grandmother's pasties. I think to pronounce this name. grandmother's pasties?

Brandon  06:45

Yes. Sugar Free

Collin  06:46

for throat and voice. Hmm. With glycerin and fruit juice. Look at that original formula handmade in Switzerland. So hashtag not sponsored by gregorys papeles. Oh, I hope I'm saying your name. Right. But they have worked pretty well. With this week. Very interesting. Okay, so there you go. They're like, they're kind of they're weird, because they're like a gummy. But you like, Don't chew them? You know? Because I like I said, Imagine a super hard gummy bear. Like, you know, whenever you were younger, and you thought to yourself, at the ice cream bar? Yes. I am gonna put gummy bears in my frozen yogurt every time. And then you tried to eat one and you were like, this is a terrible idea. This is the worst decision I've ever made. Why would anybody actually do that? Yeah. Yeah. So they're like, they're like really kind of hard. But they're, you're not supposed to like chew them. You're just kind of leaving your mouth, right? Yeah. But it's not like a hard like a cough drop. It's like, it's like somewhere between like a hauls like super industrial strength brick, cough drop. And like a gummy bear. So somewhere in there, these things were pretty good. I have the black current ones. The black current flavoring, which is good. I don't really know what black current is, but it tastes pretty good. No idea. Tastes good, though. Like, it's very mild tasting. It's not like, like, like strong or overpowering. So pretty good. But, yeah, so I tried that this year. Good job, and worked out pretty good. So if you two need a lozenge for voice and throat,

Brandon  08:46

check out

Collin  08:48

grifters past links, links and show notes and hashtag not sponsored yet yet.

Brandon  08:55

Bring them up that way. Whenever we send out the sponsor, email, we can say look, we've already talked about you on the show you're in.

Collin  09:02

Yes, that's true. Just cut this part out right here. So it's fine.

Brandon  09:08

Send them the timestamp of when we talk about brothers pass bills. Perfect. They'll maybe they'll forgive us. Or if they have a pronunciation. Every company I believe needs to have a pronunciation paid on their website so that you can avoid this exact scenario. Because how wonderful would i

Collin  09:32

i agree wholeheartedly with this because that happens a lot right? You like and then you feel you know you're always like self conscious when you go if you if you do go to a store and like ask for something, right? I know that's like out of left field nowadays like asking for help in a store. You might not get it in a lot of stores. They'll just be like, Bro, I don't know. I just got here Yo, like yeah, you know how to say it. As a can confusing, so that wouldn't be good. I think every brand

Brandon  10:04

should do that, at least for like on an FAQ page or something because it comes up. It's not an uncommon event to go, Oh, do they want not just how do you pronounce that? But how do they want me to pronounce it? Well, that's true, right? How does the company pronounce their name? Right? How,

Collin  10:25

what is your name called? And that's really good. As you know, some companies have like, odd names, right? They're like, they're mashups of several words or names, you know, right.

Brandon  10:38


Collin  10:39

or they're like, you know, German or something. And you're like, I don't, I don't really pronounce German very well. Can you help me? Yeah. This is a good idea.

Brandon  10:50

And you're like, why do you draw? He has to just be nice. Like, what is Mike and like, why is it Nike? anyway? It's an example of something because it's Greek. Well, man, yeah, but but just on upon first glance.

Collin  11:06

might know that is true. That is true. If you don't know that's true, that's one you don't think about. Right? Let what they tell you in the commercials, right? Yeah, it's like the what the commercials job is. Right? They say the name. Although that used to be that a lot of times, right, you've ventured into those commercials, and they like there's a commercial. And you're just like, I don't know what that is. Or just like, the name of and text like, face. Could you say that name for? Yeah,

Brandon  11:38

yeah. There's the Help button. There's more info, because you're right. Like,

Collin  11:43

you take Nike for granted, because you've literally heard it your whole entire life. You know, but if you just saw for the first time, you might think it's like nyck

Brandon  11:54

took a point. I think about that.

Collin  11:57

Or in Back to the Future three ni K, what is that?

Brandon  12:02

Exactly? The points proven. Only part of our Oh, brother ventures where we put together part of our advertising, not just our broader campaign to make advertisement better, but also to make them more accessible. Yes,

Collin  12:17

that's one of our mission statements.

Brandon  12:19

Yeah, and where you can hire IRS to come in, and we will review your ads, and we'll give you some pointers, and we'll make them better for you. And we'll also, yes, a little FAQ on how to pronounce the name of your little company.

Collin  12:35

We'll just record ourselves saying you can use that and the soundbite on your web page. You know, like on Google and you put a little dictionary thing and it just like says the name right you can just have Aaron's name be like yes, it's pronounced you know, whatever it is. I don't know.

Brandon  12:53

I this is this is a service that I think more companies don't know they need to work.

Collin  12:59

Right? Like this idea is great. So be on the lookout for the featured recurring segment. company names we don't know how to pronounce Okay, that's gonna be good. Do you have recurring bit here? I'm just go nicely into our little advertisement corner, where we talk about things that confuse us, like Klondike bars and back.

Brandon  13:40

Oh, yeah. Yeah, I think there's there's just, there's literally

Collin  13:48

If nothing else, it's more content for us. So Oh, no, how terrible.

Brandon  13:54

To a third hour anyway.

Collin  13:57

We'll just have to edit out.

Brandon  14:00

Separately released on air, man, uh, how are things off in the West?


Ah, not

Aaron  14:13

too bad. Just had our second scrimmage Thursday. Got a first game? Next Friday. And, you know, we had said, we were gonna go out and adventure today, but paleness and the fact that we didn't get up until like, 10. We're like, you know what, let's just kind of stay around town today. So that's kind of what Hubbard told me myself did yeah, it was Thursday. I didn't get home to that like midnight, because the place we went to was about like an hour away from my school. And so we had to drive there and then drive back and then I had to drive an hour home. So I was, I was pretty, pretty late for me. And then school was chosen. This Friday was definitely chill. I just had the kids in Britain, new presentations. And then yeah, we did kind of some errands around here. And then tomorrow, I got to go back down there to my school. We're going to do game film in new preparation stuff for this week. Am I happy to drive an hour down? On a Sunday? No, but I'll go down there, I'll work on some lesson stuff, get some stuff in the gradebook, and then it'll pretty much just need me vibin. working on stuff, doing film things and getting the kids prepared for the next week. So other than that, that's kind of it. That's been the crux of my entire week in a nutshell.

Collin  15:52

Nice. But yeah, that's kind of my week, sort of blasted by as well. sort of just like, ah, do all the things no, get organized. And then today, I was like, sit there when there's like, a repurpose faire in town today or whatever, like whole thing downtown and Susan's like, you want to go and I was like,

Brandon  16:13


Collin  16:16

I'm really tired. And it's still hot outside. And yeah, I'm good. I just gonna be like

Aaron  16:26

I did have so I had last week or twos issue with the car. And it not having the fuel pump. And then we're obviously I get home one night, and my engine like the whatever light it was came on. And it's like, oh, that's the coolant light. And I was like, dope. Awesome. So I'm just, I'm just totally getting along. I get home and my car is like slowly shutting down. Because it's like, yeah, it's too hot. Like not too hot. I was like, well, golly, gee, willikers This isn't fun. And so I go out and get some more cool and stuff. And then like, I would like get some stuff replaced. And then we do throughout the week, and it's just like, more draining and then it's like, well, it's not supposed to do that. And I go, Oh, is that like, Tuesday? I'm just kind of back and forth and just kind of like it maintaining, like, why is this thing not wanting to hold? And then I take it to AutoZone and they're like, Oh yes, the the coolant hose like you see this massive hole in it. And I'm like, sorry. What?

Collin  17:47


Aaron  17:50

yeah, sure enough they you know, I was expecting crack on how long is it? How much is this gonna take cost me and all blondes I go tell you I was for like three bucks. I was like, Oh,

Collin  18:03

yeah, yeah. So I got that fixed for the entire more cooling cuz you have to drain it out to put the hose.

Aaron  18:10

Yeah, so that was that was my Monday and Tuesday of just combating that But yeah, I was like, Oh, well what else is happening? But it yeah, it did that was not fun of seeing that thing pop up and they want to pop up. Open up the hood. It was lovely. Yes. That cool. It's now is amazing. No, it's not. Yeah,

Collin  18:32

like the burning ones. Yeah. So we got

Aaron  18:38

that that popped up. And then like the top part of the car installation was like there's like a little burnt hole from where the coolant had like, bursted out. And so Oh, under the hood part. Yeah. Yeah, like on the underneath of the hood. So yeah, that might have to get that replaced. But yeah, my car still smells smells of coolant or some pools coagulated in some areas.

Collin  19:03

Yeah, we got stuck in that one time when when we had that similar car, right. We got we we got long coolant and I put coolant in and I could not get that stupid coolant line bled out enough. Right. It was just some air pocket stuck in there some I could not get it to undo and it would like at one point it like, pulled a vacuum on the overflow tank. And it just like siphoned all the coolant back out of the car again onto the ground. I was like, Oh, nice. Oh my gosh, it was awful. Wow, it was so terrible. Like I'd seek professional assistance just to like get that stupid error but I could not get I tried to tried and tried and tried and I just couldn't do it right. So I had all my goodness So yeah, it all happened. But I'll happen why we were in Arizona. And right. We're after our car exploded. Yeah.

Brandon  20:26

Yeah, I had to mess with the coolant hose a couple times on the old Jeep. Because the rubber had started to started to go bad right where it connected back up. And so, yeah, I just I cut it short and I was trying to stuff it back on and that create a whole one problem that was like, oh, maybe I had not done that. Or maybe I should have just I came and bought a new hose. Probably yes. Made it actually, you know, work well.

Collin  20:55

But now I'm mad at Aaron because I can legitimately smell that. Right like that. That that hose. Hot smell like I could smell that. I have a smell memory of that. Yeah, man. That's okay. I'm glad you got your got your stuff sorted out because that's.

Aaron  21:22

That's awesome. Yeah, that's not what I wanted on. Like, I just got this thing sort of kind of fixed. Like, come on, though.

Brandon  21:29

Yeah. But at least it was a simple one. Right? Yeah,

Aaron  21:34

it's true. We'll see. We'll see. We'll probably do next. Next Next.

Collin  21:39

accelerated by Thanksgiving so dang hot. The end of month here like, yes. 12,000 degrees in August, forever, or by? So hopefully, maybe that will go away at some point. That would be nice. Yeah, I think we have a cooldown coming up soon. Maybe we'll see September's the lie. in the Midwest listeners. September is the biggest liar. In the world, right. You get through August. You're like, ah, summer is winding down. And there's always a couple weeks in September. It's like, yeah, it's a little cooler. It's winding down. And then like in the middle of September. It's like, just kidding. Play. I'm 95. Like, what is the? No, no. So I don't like it. Makes me grumpy.

Brandon  22:38

But it's the official start to fall. The pumpkin spice lattes are already out.

Collin  22:44

Yes, they are. college football was on the television today. Yes. Susan was very ecstatic. She watched all game days. mornings. And footballs afternoon. So pretty cool.

Brandon  22:58

How many fall decorations? Do you have out? Ready?

Collin  23:01

Do I have out? Well? None yet?

Brandon  23:04

How many? How many? How many fall decorations are out currently? In your?

Collin  23:10

In my house? None yet? It's still it is still a little hot. Right? Yeah, bear. And it's still technically August. So. Right? Yes. Wait, this is one of those things that Susan and I have a differing viewpoints on. Right. It's like, how the seasons are categorized. You know, I mean, like, I've just, I think about them, like very, like astrologically like the actual like the solstice and stuff like that, you know? She has it in her mind, like very differently of like, you know, June, July, August, our summer, September, October, November, our fall, December, like, you know what I mean? Like the traditional, like, the school calendar method, right? Like she has it that that's how her she has sorted in her mind through that. And so we like jokingly argue about that sometimes, especially around like when our seasons do not overlap anymore. Like it's still summer she's like, No, it's not. It's full. Yeah, yeah, no, I just I just think it's funny. I gave her grief about it. Because it's huge

Brandon  24:55

quartering away in the heat. I decided Yeah, lots of stuff going on this week. First, we decided that we're finally going to switch banks. Which, Oh, is it? What a tremendous undertaking that is? So, because I'm not throwing anybody under the bus, because every business we were with a bank, that was like, you know, or America or whatever, right, like, you know, their, their, their, their, their name rain with make of America. And anyway, they have decided that they are yet again changing up their tier of what you get when we first and this is a bag that Megan I have been with, for as long as we've been married, going on 10 years now. It's been our one bank account, or every every literally everything. And yeah,

Collin  26:07

they have I know, I've had the same bank, I've had the same bank since I was 17. joint.

Brandon  26:14

Yeah, we just when we got married, we threw everything together. And that's been our bank. And we went in and I, over the years, they've changed the different tiers of like, if you have this much money in there, you get this, or if you have this kind of deposit, you get this, if this, or this, and they've slowly whittled away to now where it's like, if you want a cashier's check, that's like $20. And if you want we our tier, they put us into the tier of like, because our chicken count doesn't meet like we don't have like $5,000 in there on a daily basis. Like it's a daily app, right? Yeah, we don't get checks. We cannot write checks from our account at all. At all. They were just like, if you have basic, it's called the checklist checking account. I'm like, not what those words don't. We didn't meet the minimum requirements. And I wasn't going to sign up for the ridiculous reward. We're not even to have designers sign up with rewards of like, you had to go use it there was like, Lowe's has 10% off that if you use your bank, your bank of america account, you can get 10% off, but you had to use their reward in order today, like with them, otherwise, they started charging you monthly fees. I was like, I can't write test wild. I don't get free debit card replacement. If it gets lost or stolen? I Dang, at risk of paying a monthly fee. Why are we with these people? Right? This is ridiculous. So yeah, I have been slowly trying to track down every corner of everything, where this where this number is. And it is everywhere. Every Oh, that was the other thing. Because we didn't we weren't going to have quote unquote, checks. I couldn't use an AC h payment method or like Bill, and whatever. Where you enter your routing and checking account information to pay like all because you

Collin  28:26

don't have it as I don't Oh,

Brandon  28:29

no, that's so weird. So now

Collin  28:32

like my bank, if you do that, they will just autumn you can just be like, hey, do this and they automatically send a check to wherever you want. I like if it's a place that doesn't have like, the pace, it doesn't do online stuff to like three places that you still can do that. Like they will like just issue a check directly from the bank and mail it.

Brandon  28:51

Exactly, exactly. But, and I do this in a couple of places to avoid. Because even if we pay with a debit card, they have a processing fee. Use a debit card. So I'm trying to avoid Yes, several couple utility places like paying with a debit card, we still have a card processing fee of that two guys

Collin  29:12

guide is 2021 You don't need a card processing fee. Stop it. That's just made up bunk. Right?

Brandon  29:20

The convenience fee like the convenience of me like money.

Collin  29:25

Yeah, in 2004 I could buy that right.

Brandon  29:28

Maybe, you know, I mean, like where it was less where there was hassle, like there was more intermediate steps wasn't as common. So to avoid those in a couple places, I've been using this AC h payment method, but I can't do that anymore. Like Like our like our utilities for the house are gonna get like if I didn't push this over are going to get like an off and on. Ridiculous. Yeah, I've just been I have a super long list of things that are either on auto draft or on periodic payment or are nected to other things that are like paying this bill or that bill or whatever it is just like it's driving me insane. And I knew I'm gonna forget something, which is fine. It's usually, you know, the ones that I'm really searching for at this point. They're, they're inconsequential. I'll get an email. They're like your payment method is out of date or doesn't work. I'll go in and change it. Yeah, we find. And it's fine. Yeah. I just, I don't much bags do we don't have to unless they're being awful. Like, Bank of America? Yeah. Or whatever. That's crazy. Yeah.

Collin  30:34

I mean, I don't I don't, I don't know. I don't use my bank in that way. So like, the bank I use is like, bid just fine. It's very sufficient for what I want. Like, just put my money in there. And I could use my debit card. And that's it. Like, I haven't. I have been personally just checklist by choice for like, a long time, like, five years? Because I ran out and was like, I don't need these. Well, I'll tell you this. What really? I mean, that's just me. Because again, I don't like we Yeah, we

Brandon  31:10

I still have almost all the original ones. Well, we've moved since then. But, um, I mean, we moved three years ago here. And they we had at that time, we still got the basic text for freeze, though I got those with the do. We still have them? I think we've used like five. But here's the reason that I really needed to sweat. Lilian school does not have an online payment option. And they don't take Ah, they only

Collin  31:39

really check eyes. You can just get a little reader to put in an iPad, man. Come on, and leave it if food trucks can figure this out. Schools can figure it out. Come on, guys. What are you doing, though? What's the matter with you?

Brandon  31:53

I literally ripping apart our entire, like financial infrastructure. So that I can write checks so that my daughter can go to school.

Collin  32:06

I was mildly inconveniences week because my new debit card showed up. And I have like three things. I have to change the number and now. Oh, yes. You know, like, I'm like, Oh, I have I have to go to like PayPal. And here and like change my number in like four places. But Collin. I can't. I was all excited. Because I live in the future now. And my bank card showed up. And I

Brandon  32:36

don't know if

Collin  32:37

some listeners might know this, like a long time ago used to have to like, either go into the bank and have them run your debit card. So that would like work now. Or you had to like go to the


ATM. It use it, you know the colocation and

Collin  32:54

use it and it would like update the pin number and all that stuff. I went to my bank app and went update, boom. And it's done. It works now. I was like, This is great. I had to go anywhere. I do have to remember, I do have to remember where like, what is my cart? Like, where do I have to go look at like my payment history to be like, okay, I paid this. And this. Right? Yeah, well, no. And

Brandon  33:27

like, I gotta figure out, I was doing that list of like, Okay, let's go through the payment history. But also I've got

Collin  33:34

our Can I can just look at my bank balance and be like, Oh, look, here's like my, you know, the little thing that they get that was on my app, because look at all the places it's gone to, like

Brandon  33:45

I have, I have some things that only come that only occur, like once a year. Or maybe like, Oh, that's true. Like, like for like, like website domains like I purchased. Some of those are like a three year rotation. So now that's true. And we also have it laid


out like my prime subscription, right? That's like a once a year thing, right? And so

Brandon  34:03

I've got to make sure. And I've also got it loaded up every year inexplicably, our business accounts so that I can, you know, pay ourselves from our business and stuff. So yes, that would be useful to get that. So I'm like, I'm doing it. I'm in some weird mode, where I've got these two bank accounts now and one just exists to catch all of the bills that I know I'm going to forget. And I'm trying to shunt everything over to the new one and start using that and it don't like having to, it's too much for me, and I just had that last straw where I was like, okay, like I've just got to do this. I'm gonna rip off this band aid and dive in. And it's been fun. But if fun is not the word for that. So to get out my frustrations I have been attacking our yard oh no where

Aaron  35:00

Full on dad mode, it's time for the

Brandon  35:02

yard where our grass is just like died. And

Collin  35:10

you are your father son look at your look at you go

Brandon  35:13

I've been so frustrated by this we've been watering, fertilize, did all this stuff is just hasn't taken off. It's just been this slow really bad death of Finally, you know what, you don't actually need to happen. I needed till the entire backyard and I need to collect I need to air raid it needs to and then I need to go in I'm going to reseed I'm going to water on top of that it's gonna be awesome. But with a pretty small backyard. But I didn't want to go I am not going to buy a tiller. Right? That's ridiculous. You can rent one. Surely, you can. But they get really expensive. Like, you can rent one for like four hours or $30. And I'm like, Well, like I don't, I don't know what's going to come up. So I'm going to need to rent it for like a couple days, just to make sure I don't have any issues. And then at that point, I'm like spending over $100 or whatever for this thing. So the thing about my frustrations on the bank issue, I bought a manual tiller

Collin  36:21

otherwise known as a garden hoe, right? I think.

Brandon  36:25

No, no, it's the ones where you plunge it down. It's got the four times that stick out in the bottom and then you twist it back and forth. And you rotate it Oh my gosh.

Aaron  36:36

Oh, yeah.

Collin  36:38

I was waiting for calling back so I rented an ox and I can't I just went over to the State Fairgrounds and I asked to borrow an ox Jim and I went off feudal England on it just

Brandon  36:56

shut up.


You should Yeah, you

Collin  37:03

should have done this last week when the Pharaoh was there. Got over there like Hey, can I rent your pigs for like a night and just let the pigs go walk literally let them go hog in the backyard right and just

Brandon  37:17

totally boom done. And I perfect. And I'm really really glad I didn't go with the the motorized tiller because I have found that three inches below the surface of many spots of my yard is a green rock mesh like oh, that they placed under knee like a landscape mesh really landscape it's not a thick mesh but it's it's like a like a porous like it's like a fishing net like a mano filled I

Collin  37:53

know you're talking about that yeah

Brandon  37:55

lay down like three inches below the surface. That would have totally destroyed my rented tiller. We have

Collin  38:04

just made a go kart out of it sorted fine.

Brandon  38:06

Exactly. A bite from you. My daughter likes to go fast anyway. We'll be fine. Perfect. But yeah, so I have the whole yard under vast sections of it. Mostly ports closer to the house where I think they were where they were shaping the slope away from the house probably Yeah, they laid this down and then put more dirt and grass on top of it

Collin  38:33

saw and on top of nav and

Brandon  38:35

I am I'm quickly discovering why the grass is not surviving in the high traffic area because the soil has an insanely high clay content. That's surprising in Missouri I guess that's where where I am. I mean this stuff was like compacted concrete this time of year because it was so even though I'm watering dry almost on a daily basis.

Collin  39:01

Well it doesn't

Brandon  39:02

matter. Once we once clay is compacted like it's not going anywhere. So yeah, he's been there we went. I took I took Noah with me to Lowe's to get the hand tiller and grass seed a couple other stuff. And while we're getting the hand tiller, he found the kids version of a rake shovel. Well of course if I am digging and playing your backyard, you can take a blank backyard. So

Collin  39:34

I did these eight no no sign up. I want to actually put you to work. Here's the real rake and shovel. So no more play time buddy. It's time to get to work.

Brandon  39:46

You're the one doing the work. I'm going to be over here just messing around. It's been that's been a lot of fun. We go out there and you know we pluck away at it in the morning in the evening is worth a little cooler and Really fun cuz he gets out there and, and I tell him cuz the ground is pretty hard right now but I have I haven't been watering while I've been doing this because I don't really want to mess everything up. So I don't have mud pit in your backyard? No, no, I will do I will watch them once this is all in. But basically I said like, Hey, I'm gonna be going in this path and you can come behind me in with your shovel either you can dig around and play in the turned soil now and then use your rake to rake it all back in so it's nice and level. And that's what we've been doing. Like, that's how we've been. I've been going and busting it all up and turning it over. And then he comes behind me plays and digs in it and then breaks the back and all nice and neatly, like Oh, thanks, buddy. That's hilarious. That's really good. But it's been Oh man. It's been really hot, though. I've been having to make sure I'm not out there. When it's when it's like mega bad.

Collin  41:02

Go full dad mode and forget water exists and just like be outside.

Brandon  41:11

Yeah, and just be like, didn't come in and be like, Oh, I have like a fever and my head hurt. And then achy. Oh, I

Collin  41:18

don't get I wonder what why.

Brandon  41:25

But yeah, I've been finding some cool like, really, really old, old nails. You know, they're really big ones. I've been finding those in the backyard too. So interesting. And yeah,

Collin  41:40

like a veritable treasure trove.

Brandon  41:42

Exactly. Back be right. Nothing pending some tree roots, which is a little interesting, because we don't have any freeze very close to us. Any more any more. Exactly. Exactly of like. That's like when we went to our basement flooded. And they were like we've got tree root. But they said they had we had trees growing in. And it was like prop throwing. Where? What and when? But okay, true. Here we go. You know, they go quite far. I know. his neighbor's tree. Exactly. I'm sure it is it just funny being like, Oh, hello. trying to be nice. But no, that's been fun. I've enjoyed it. hands have not I have thoroughly destroyed


frickin forget to buy some work gloves, maybe a little sojourn to the department store.

Brandon  42:49

But when you start sweating Do you wear them by to work gloves? And then you're also doing a twisting pulling motion. Different work looks pretty different. And he did one. Yes, exactly. Perfect. That's been my week. Pitching banks. That's a multi week process. And

Collin  43:21

that's not an exciting task.

Brandon  43:22

digging up our yard. And, oh, today Today, we were we were swimming and at the pool. And obviously the ball. I don't know. Why is it that? You know, we're swimming pool.

Collin  43:36

You could have been in the lake. You could have gone to the creek, right. We do live in Missouri. You could go down to the creek there and go for a swim or you know,

Brandon  43:47

we weren't we were at the pool. And this lady walks up. She goes Oh Hi, Dr. Woolery. And I said, huh, he said Dr. Woolery, and I was like, No, hi. I'm calling. Just go. Oh, I'm so sorry. You look just like him. And I was like, I find I looked up this documentary. If look just like him You mean wears glasses as jet black curly hair in his in his 60s. Me? Me all over.

Collin  44:25

Maybe she forgot her glasses. Maybe they're at the bottom of the pool.

Brandon  44:29

To be like, did some guy tell you he was not doing well? Because I think

Collin  44:36

she gets some guy's money. Maybe he has been lied to. All that some guy for a doctor's visit? And he's like, Oh, yeah. I'm Dr. Woolery. Sure. All right, you man. There's a blonde order stuff right here. Done.


Yeah, I haven't done anything else. It's been, I think at my school it remembering what I did, trying to get ahead on some of my

Collin  45:16

reading, right, it's been reading random things about that, like is relevant for my classes, you know, to get my brain in school mode. Oh, like random stuff like that sort of jar my head back into? Oh yes, you teach science and history. So let's read this thing and this

Brandon  45:38

I've been reading I've been trying to get into more put this off as long as I could but trying to read more like business e book and the more I read them the more I understand why I never read them before I was right I do it. I, I I we asked, I've asked people of like, okay, like, what do you what do you some of your favorite, and man people throughout a lot of favorite and kind of pick up a theme. And I'm like, Okay, I'm going to start these couple here. And they're all the same. It's all the same for, like, here's my life. It's like a, like a weight loss journey. Like, here's my life before I cared about my life. And then I had this major life changing event. And now, from that event, I learned these three principles. And I will spend the rest of the 17 chapters talking about these three principles. Which should only take three chapters because there are three principles, but I won't. And then step aside. Yeah, you subdivide a book. And what they do is they like, either either they tell the principal, and then they tell you a story that is 120% made up? Or they tell you the 100% 20 story that's made up and then extract the principal from it, because nobody does it. This story makes no set. What what No, nobody thinks like this. There's nothing like, why, why isn't there like a case study and like a case of lying? Like, this is not? Like I don't, I don't, they're really hard for me to parse through. And it's one of those things of like, the skill that I have learned, like learned when you're reading a book like this, like, I'm going to read the title. I don't understand the headline, the title, I'm going to read until I do and then I'm going to jump to the next chapter. I don't have time for your made up stories.

Collin  47:45

Yeah, no, I watched the TED Talk. Right? They'll be some kind of thing where there's a dude, just watch that you can watch. You can speed it up, right? You can speed it up to like, one and a half times. And just kind of like, blast through it. like five minutes back Hampton. Yeah, I got it. I got all the information I need.

Brandon  48:05

No, I know, it's like one of those things where you're like, oh, wow, like I can really tell you, your your editor came back to you and was just being like, stretch it, stretch. It really all these words, and you don't need but okay. Yeah.

Collin  48:27

There's like, yeah, I can't get behind those kind of things. There's, there's books like that for teaching as well. Right. And I had to read at least one for college. And I was like, This is the worst thing I've ever read in my life. It's so bad. Even though like, a lot of times, if you're looking for information, right? They do that thing, like recipes do whether it's like, it's actually hidden in a list of blog posts, right, and you accidentally end up on a teacher blog. And I cannot begin to describe to you how weird teacher blogs are. It's so odd. They don't make any sense. What our teacher and I don't even know what you're talking about. What if he's, what is his style? So it's frustrating, because it's like, I want this one piece of information. And you won't give it to me because you're going to tell me all about like, this defining moment in your childhood. I don't care about I just want to know about some like structure thing. It's all I want to know. I don't care. I don't care about that. What type of recess and third grade not relevant to my life. Okay, sorry, but well, so many times. It's like, I know that sounds weird of me being a podcast. So sometimes we'll talk about that one time at recess in third grade, but this show is for entertainment purposes. We're not, we're not we're not writing a book out of these, although I know he's coming soon now.

Brandon  50:13

I don't know like, I don't believe this. I don't believe the story that they tell whether like there was a reason in the rock hit my skin. And I realized that in business when the shin is like, you're like, No, no, but no three year old thinks of that like, No,

Collin  50:26

you don't. That's because Collin has first hand knowledge of being at recess and having the rock dig into his shin and knee. Like that, that he's calling you out? Yeah, because he knows what that's like.

Brandon  50:38

You don't need Yeah, like, no, I What did I think of that? Oh, pain, blood run. Like, it was pretty simple. I didn't have any other life changing. variances from that was no epiphanies. Right? No, like, number of times, he read it. And they're like, they're presenting something that like this. And then I came down from the mountain with the three principles that will make everybody happy and blah, blah, blah. Again, like, you're just now I

Collin  51:09

was they were playing King of the Mountain.

Brandon  51:13

Like, these same principles have been around for hundreds of years, and you just change the wording on them a little bit. And, like, not adding anything to this. You're just trying to make it your own, and pitch it to something new anyway. Great.

Collin  51:31

Well, yeah, that's the other thing too, right? They sound that. At some point, things like that become about the author. Yeah. Right. You're buying into the author's persona. And it's not really it becomes less about the principles and more about them, you know, and this is in any, any not just business, the business ones are very prominent in this. But it happens in other other books too, right? In this like, self help categories? Where they do it do it does come sometimes all the time. There are good ones out there, obviously, I've heard I don't read them. But people tell me like that, you know, becomes about the author. It's like, oh, the author is the inspirational figure now. And it's not about like, what they're telling you it's like about them and venerating them a little bit. It's like this weird, like, ego trip thing.

Brandon  52:27

Oh, it's like the document a day where they're like, we're the the filmmakers, like, I set out to learn about this part of history that nobody knows about. And like 30 minutes into that like, and along the way, I learned these things about myself, and I made it about yourself. That's ridiculous.

Collin  52:45

Oh, I see. You've been watching us even watching history, YouTube channels that happens sometimes on their

Brandon  52:53

top out, we like come on, really, you don't need help. Like, I don't care. Like, this is gonna sound harsh, but I don't care about you. I'm watching this because I want to learn about clothing, or I'm reading this book, I learned about this thing. And I've also learned that you can tell the quality of the book based off of a how many books that author has written. Like that business person written in where this is book 17, right? Yes. Yes. It's ridiculous. The number of them were that like, oh, sorry, I have a dog barking Just a moment.

Collin  53:29

Okay, Aaron, have you have any experience with a kind of these books? Have you read them? I know people that do.


theories on about?

Aaron  53:40

Sorry, I was eating dinner. That's fair. So as far as like financial Look, I've never like, really bothered with him. I've never just been like, Oh, I need to learn more about this. Um, a lot of those books that I have,

Brandon  53:57

are kind of more of like the coaching.

Aaron  54:01

Like, the psychological, the emotional aspect to coaching. And, like, one of them is definitely like, and this is what this person said to me, and it changed my life. And it's like that, that's, that's I was having, that. That right there is what happened. And it's like, it makes it like, very difficult to like, fully grasp it because one book was written by he was a baseball coach at Texas for like, ever won several national championships. And it's pretty much like, you know, the goals that he set for his team and it's like, you know, flashback to this and like, that was lesson I learned and I'm just like, yeah, I can get behind that. But then I have another book and it's about like, what is it called, like relentless optimism in sports, and driving, you know, that mindset of you know, everything that you can do with as is possible in the right way, and looking at things differently, and it's like, Yeah, that's great. But it's from like a minor league, you know, player's perspective. And you know, he's already like mentally and emotionally checked out. And that's like, that didn't happen to you really my guy. So that's what makes it like a little bit, just kind of more, like tedious than anything. And that's why sometimes I just, I just don't, I kind of just turn it off and just let it let it go. But yeah, as far as like financial books, I've never, ever really gotten into them. Like, oh, I need to learn more about this than just been handed like, YouTube gets all my answer.

Collin  55:40

It's true. Yeah, I think that's true. I do have a book about like this. I don't know why I have it. I think Susan guided me for somewhere. But I read a book that wants to and it was it's kind of Yeah, it's hard to know. It's like the balance of like, Oh, yeah, here's what all my life experience has taught me. And then like, this is made up dribble. And I can't tell it's hard to discern sometimes, but I don't remember when it's on my bookshelf somewhere. But I think Am I behind something? I can't see it right now. Right? No, it is. Yeah.

Brandon  56:12

I mean, I, I've also tried to see like, what else is this author selling? Like? Do they have additional courses? Do they have other things that they've written on this topic, that they're not going to go as in depth on in this particular book, and I'm going to end up, you know, they have this funnel. I've known I've picked up on that a lot. number of authors who are in the business world, we're like, sure, I've written five books about this. And it's all meant to draw you into their, like three day intensive course, which is drawn into the like, the week long, intensive course, which is long into like the week long getaway that then, you know, whatever, and you're like, I see what you're doing here. I'm never sounds fishy, right? Right. No, yeah. 100%. And I can, it's to the point now, because we, you know, we interview, I talked to a lot of coaches and other people, and it's like, I can smell this. Now. We're like, Oh, my God, you're actually not going to give any information. And you're just going to talk about your upcoming course, your other book that talks about this or your other webinars, that is this other thing like it's your burns your book that's coming out next month. Exactly. I can't stand it. And it really, really makes me just don't have don't have annoying and crappy business practices. And just be be nice.

Collin  57:35

Right? That's why you should hire us as you're

Brandon  57:40

wrapped around. wrapped around typo, there we go. You are looking or help your business and marketing and getting it off the ground, you can actually head on over to Brother podcast.com forward slash contact contact. There's a picture of three telephones because there's three of us on this podcast. It's true that you can click a one button with one button, you click email, open your email, app of choice, and you can let us know how we can help your services and your business.

Collin  58:13

or, or, or if you have any other commercials or advertising that you find it annoying, and you want us to be made aware of. So that we can talk about

Brandon  58:27

it, just record it. Yeah.

Collin  58:32

We're going to critique them. We'll take your suggestions.


If you have any other topic suggestions that we haven't talked about yet. Boom, we'll add it to our literally page in length of other topics that we had to

Collin  58:45

share. It will find all I heard this, this this this this today, this episode. That's the word I'm looking for. Yeah. Is that at some point in the future? Not anytime soon. Because I know everyone's very busy currently. But we need to do some kind of book challenge. It's the only media challenge that we haven't done yet. Yeah, well, one of the ones we haven't done yet, like TV and movies and music. They've done the books. That's a longer commitment, though. So right depends Aladdin for a few your time, we got to think of some kind of book challenge to come up with. Yeah, I don't have a topic that will pencil that in for in the future. Not like tomorrow,

Brandon  59:22

like a reading habit. And why we love reading as possible, broader topic, but I do think currently,

Collin  59:30

yeah, we haven't talked about that in a while. So we might hit back up again. And, and we think about some kind of like, book related thing that we could do. Because I know I know everyone's like super busy right now. So like, definitely not a good time for Aaron to be doing a book reading challenge. So we'll push this down the road.

Brandon  59:50

Like, like a kind of like a book club, where we came and like discussed that chapter, the two chapters that we're supposed to read. All that's true. We could do It's like, okay, every week we have a small reading assignment. There was not like, yeah, read this.

Collin  1:00:05

Yeah, that's true that would be better than the whole entire book at one time, as

Brandon  1:00:08

long as it's whatever Aaron's was from the Chinese history for the last 17,000 years or what? Yes,

Collin  1:00:14

the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Kunhardt one. Say that it's off the table. I know you're at what workshop, this workshop this off here, but Okay, I think we should do something like that at some point might be fun. Might not be we don't know. We'll find out.

Brandon  1:00:32

Really, really? I really agree. And I think we, if we start with meat, we may start have to start with something that we're all I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, there's so many things that you start with something we're already familiar with. And then talk about, like, not having read it or something in a long time. Or, oh, completely. Oh, that's true. You know, like, obviously, I'm


thinking we could read something off the high school like the high school reading. Like, what is this? Oh my gosh, yeah. High School. High School reading list challenge. Oh, if it's The Great Gatsby,

Aaron  1:01:06

I'm leaving the green light anymore. I am not reading about The Great Gatsby. I just find it's fine. I mean, it's so much I hate it. Well,

Collin  1:01:28

I could see where you're coming from because literally no one in that book is likable at all. Every single character is terrible. So I cannot even be mad at you for saying because it's true. They're all jerks.


Okay, I'm digging this fine. Nope, it gets me fine. We'll take the Three Kingdoms whatever. And but other than that, every book read histories of it. Like this. Alright.

Collin  1:02:05

In so we'll put that in the on the list for a future which is we'll start investigating the high school reading list and see what we can come up with. I like this. Good, that'd be really good. Sweet. Okay,


well, guys, wonderful rest of your evening and I hope good rescue week and we'll be back already. Love you guys.