when I say chili...

We come to you live from the center of yet another manhunt. It’s Brandon’s turn. Collin actually attempts to look at a car to buy, it’s not gone well. We break into a general discussion of problems with TV shows for streaming and why editing and constraints are good for creativity.

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episode, constraints, people, watch, drive, springfield, minutes, feel, car, year, week, hours, streaming, escaped, season, honda accord, volkswagen, problem, website, movie


Collin, Brandon

Brandon  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Colin and Aaron. On this week's show when I say chili high a whole new all that much. No epicenter of manhunt action ensues you know very exciting stuff going on. Another oh brother episode coming to you live from manhunt central this is yeah. All right. Just my turn. They go on facts abound. Yeah. So what happened with right, so I don't even remember what Hold on. Let me pull this back up because I don't I forgot what day we're on now of this shenanigans. But yeah, there were three people that escaped from the county jail. Pretty cool. Yeah, exciting. So three dudes escape from the jail last week, at some point, right, the fun couple of fun facts surrounding this. Fun fact corner. Corner, number one. Number one, they're not exactly sure when they escaped. Right? They apparently watched Escape from Alcatraz because what they did was they cut a hole in the ceiling of wherever they were got into some sort of storage closet. And then got out from there. Wow. But uh, but nobody knows what time this happened. Because the day they escaped, there were only two people on staff at the jail. Oh. And apparently, according to the article that I read about it standard protocol for the jail is that either two people, like stay together. Right? This makes sense to me. Right? Does, there's apparently like an intake area with like, the front, I guess. And then there's the back bit where the inmates are. Okay. And so they were busy doing a lot of like processing and intake stuff or something. Details unclear. And so they were both in the front for a very long amounts of time. And, like, they don't go back to the back to check by themselves, you know, as one. Yeah. This again, makes sense to me. But they did not do that. And so they're not sure exactly. When they escaped. That's fun. Reports are released, that there was a truck stolen nearby. And then like yesterday, that truck was found in like, somewhere in Kansas. So there's that, hey, they don't really think they're all together because I don't think they like knew each other. Or at least they all three didn't know each other. Right. So from what the reports say. So I got really, okay, so. So it's interesting that they teamed up that quickly, do they? What were they all in for? Do they know? Yeah. It's like let me see here. I don't want to get this wrong. Pull my article back up here. We have control possession of controlled substance and your unlawful use of weapon. A second one was theft. And the third one is unlawful possession of firearm unlawful use of weapon and resisting stop. So yeah, so they are somewhere somewhere, okay. Somewhere. So the US marshals are actually taking over the case now. Oh, that's exciting. That's so Tommy Lee Jones is coming. Right. He is doing all the investigating. Yes, people Some people already didn't really like our sheriff. Now. I can imagine. Oh, no. People already dealt. He's he's kind of like, not a great dude from what I hear. He come up for election. I don't actually know the answer to that question. He's not a great dude. Many people don't like him. I saw some interesting screenshots of text messages from him on Facebook the other day to female staff members. I'm just gonna leave it there. Cuz I don't. Yeah. Family Show, so we are out there. Wow. Yeah.



Brandon  05:53

cool. Well, hopefully, I them. Sue. And yeah. Believed to not be in the immediate area, as you know, shocking. These sounds Sure. They ran away, but they don't really know. Where they could be. So Oh, there. Are they are they from the area originally? I think so. Okay. Well, at least one of them is I'm pretty sure. But I don't know about the rest of them. And one of them has a last name. That sounds very familiar to me. But I don't know why. Oh, well. I mean, I don't know this person. Right. But like, I don't know if I've met a relative or like, I don't really undecided. I still don't know why. I just know. I've heard the name. So it might not even be like I don't know. I don't know why. Mysterious mysteries. Yeah, that's all the new and exciting stuff. To the rain. Yeah. It's very exciting. To not join the man. I take it, ya know, just hanging out not doing that feels like something I should not qualified for. Things such as this. And so yeah, I can recommend. Yeah, recommend. Good one. Yeah. So what do you been up to? Hopefully less exciting than that? Oh, lots of less exciting than that. Awesome. Good. Good. I'm glad.

Collin  07:46

Since we last spoke, coming up on Oh, gosh. Go. What haven't I? Yeah. Ah, yeah. And we been going to the pool more, which has been nice, because the pools are kind of open and then quickly, like, shut down because they're so cold. So that was very not fun, or was like, oh, yeah, like, Hey, I have a big kick off everything. And then I was like, tomorrow's a high 73. And then the next next day is the high of like, me. And then another high like, he was like, well, it's warm enough to go and like sit by the pool, but not to be in it, because it's really cold. And so the private pool was open a couple of days, all the public pools were closed. They just would not even they didn't even accept patrons. They were just like, nope, nope, go away.

Brandon  08:36

So we're off to a rocky start for the summer swim season. Um, but that that's been good though. I would did I attended I attended an international Corgi Day event in Springfield. Is this also a part of the Queen's Jubilee? Because this is this? No. I mean, renowned Corgi fan. Right. So I thought maybe there was a tie in. No, no suffer her platinum. Apparently it's something that's done every year to celebrate corgis. This is the first one that was done in Springfield, and I guess it sorry, the third one that they've done. Obviously, for the last two years, it's been a little they've had three international Corgi days in Springfield, Missouri. Yeah. Yeah. I Springfield's so secret hotbed of these,

Collin  09:33

I will tell you this, I'll tell you this. The organizer, it's been growing every year, and this year is gonna be the biggest event that they've had the date, which is awesome. And they invited us to come out and just have a presence and we were like, do you want us to sponsor or anything like help you defer some of the costs like that's something we can do and they were just like, No, we just really love putting this on. And so you know, super ties everybody here so we had my staff bake some treats and we hit it output bags and cookie treat cookie bag goodie bags everybody just talked about to people. And there were some like 36 porkies there from across southwest Missouri and also Jeff City and Columbia.

Brandon  10:19

Yeah, International. Well, no, it's a like, regional or regional Corgi festival. No, no, it's international Corgi day. Oh, national Corgi festival. Day where? Okay, so celebration of International Corgi day. Yes. With the southern Missouri regional. Exactly. Celebration. Yeah, yes. Okay. Today. I was very misunderstood. Yeah. No, we were not flying people in from Uzbekistan. Yeah. from Prague. Prague. Monaco.

Collin  10:57

Yeah. No. But it was I thought it was pretty good reach, right. I mean, it's Spring Hill, and people are driving in from, you know, two, three hours in the surrounding area to come to this one event, or an hour in the morning. So that was that was kind of interesting. Get in touch with them. What did they do there? Oh, we just got to watch 36 corgis run around and play together.

Brandon  11:22

That's it. Yes, this feels slightly. lackluster. anticlimactic? Yes. Yeah, they were they were originally going to have it in a park. But then the city of Springfield caught wind of them and said, Okay, that's fine. You want to have it in a park, you need to submit a permit for this event. And they went, Oh, okay, we'll submit a permit for this event to Springfield said, oh, you can't because we already have a permitted event going on in the same park that day. And we don't have to event in the same park. That's like 75. Parks just like get a different one. So then they went to other parks. And they were like, well, at this park, you can't have that many dogs in this park. They had this requirement. This park that's over the limit of number of people that you could have gathered in this park. Yeah. And so they were like, Well, are we going to be able to have this event and so they ended up having having it out? A business stepped up. It's called bartered, just like a rave, like a warehouse downtown. Pretty much, pretty much yeah. Doggy rave. A business who does talky play days and has an open yard or running and playing and stuff, they actually said, hey, we'll waive the fee for people to come. Because usually it's a, I think it's like 1213 bucks to come in and let your dog play around in the area. Makes sense? And they said, Okay, we'll waive that. We'll just help you guys do that. So we just all showed up. And they had originally told us that there were going to be like, other businesses there. So I was kind of excited about networking with some other businesses and saying hi to them, and we were the only company to show up and pass out other stuff for the for the attendees. So I was like, you know, I'm glad we did it. It wasn't, you know, right up our alley as far as like what we do, but it was still good to have conversations and I had several people come up that approached me who lived in like Joplin. I talked to a handful of people from Joplin, Jeff City and Columbia who are like, you out that are I was like, no, no, no, sorry. I don't know. But I was like as like, hey, so but it's something you know, when you start looking for somebody, please call me. And I will give you a list of questions. And I'll talk you through how to find a good person and someone who's trustworthy. Alright, fair.

Collin  13:56

And they were like, are you serious? And I was like, yeah, like, there's, what am I? There's no, I'm not competing with anybody three hours away. What are you talking about? Like, I'm not even know. So anyway, so that's kind of me. And I was just like, you know, call me hit me up whenever you get that point. And I'm happy to talk to you about what to look for. And other than that, it was good event. And rainy. And then everybody this week has been wanting to, to travel. It was kind of funny on last Friday.

Brandon  14:30

Yes, on Friday, somebody picked up their dog from us, and they're like, hey, next week, I'm gonna let you know if I need to drop my dog off. And let's parse that. It's Friday. That's not how that works. Next week, is in one day, 48 hours, like yes, just like in 48 hours, you're going to let me know if you need me in 48 hours. And they were very kind in 36 hours they contacted me letting me know that they needed me in 48 hours. And I was like, Okay. This really stack, but it's been good. And so making sure the kids are actually that dads this week. They left on Sunday to go enjoy outside time they're out there swimming in the pond. All right living in the pond, which apparently is holding water. They went out they flagged several weeks ago dead kids out to put flags around the perimeter of the pond where the water's edge was and they've been tracking it over time. So go and today I day I was really exciting. I cleaned our upstairs carpets. It's just been hot and a madhouse out here. Oh, man, what a wonderful time that is. Indeed always think it's going to take a lot shorter amount of time. And then it never never, it always takes for ever to get it done. And then I realized, like, our upstairs is mahoosive. And there's so much carpet everywhere. It's carpet everywhere. And I didn't even do I didn't even move like beds and dressers. I just was just like I'm just going to do it's gonna do the high traffic areas, right? Well, I have kids, like every place is the highest and that's all all location. So I just did everything in space. What he ended up doing was like, fine, fine, you know what, I'm just gonna do it all. And so, I've been doing that. And then about it. You know,

Collin  17:03

I think anything else in the last week was my big week with the ABS Carnac car. And true. Gotta say, Teresa said he was going to call me to see if I was injured to win the secondary prize. He did not call me though. either. I may. Lie, or B.

Brandon  17:25

Did it win? Yeah. Probably a, you know, it's still it's everybody. I think there was no prize. Well, I feel like I feel like they're like, oh, there's totally a prize. Like, what is it? It's a suprise. Like, no, there's no, no prize. I mean, it's been what it's been. It's been coming up in a week, I have probably replayed the entirety of my conversation with Turay coming up on Oh, three times a day, ever since then. Trying desperately trying to figure out where the lies start and where the truth stop, because a salesman, and I can I question everything when I'm talking to any sort of salesman, especially car salesman. I don't believe anything come out of their mouth. Probably not a good thing to say. I mean, like, they have an agenda. And I'm just like, he said he was oh, he was like a kid. Does he really have kids? Why would he live on having kids? Well, you know what? I'm just like, everything I've been parsing and digging in. Live is he just trying to fake a connection to me? Right, was he he told me he's from Cincinnati. I don't know that was that he was jumped in a corner. Why would he lie about being jumped in the IDI? So this is where my brain then? And I actually did. Really? Who knows? Who knows where he's brought it? I mean, you could have just asked him how do you eat chili? And then boom, you would know immediately just see the sweat building up on his brow? Yeah, like, oh, take a phone call. Here's the real test. Yeah, how do you tell if somebody's really from Cincinnati? When I say the word chili, what does that mean to you? So who knows? Chili what? Gotcha this whole thing is a sham you sit on a throne of lies it's yeah, that's what I've been thrown out of spaghetti. Why daddy Oh nice. Yeah, and then I did actually have to go I've been because we are we actually are in the market for a new car to replace the the Accord, which we're going to play replace with a cord going to become those people. Anyway, I was like Can I, dad, because you have become well. So see the thing is, is I would replace our 2006 accord with another 2006 accord. And just, you know, literally dad, and that's exactly yeah. No, I'm actually looking at jumping a decade. I was like, What can I get for the car? That's 10 years newer, right? Like, that's, that's what, that's what that's what normal people do. They say I have a 2006 accord. What about a 2016? Accord? Dad would be like, What about Tito's


for though?

Brandon  20:33

No, I think that's it. Yeah. What about a 1996 accord anyway? Yeah. So I

Collin  20:41

was like, you know, I should probably because I've driven a couple, but it's been a while. And I haven't been able to see we know what's a little bit newer versus I patch it or like to drive some age range there. And so I started to call dealerships in our town, right, I'm not driving an hour and a half do this. Like, that's just nothing. I mean, you also have a business in Springfield. So you're going to be there too. It's going to be in Springfield, but I figured I'd go out. I'd start here as well, just to see, it was fair, because then Megan could go and drive it with me a lot easier, blah, blah, true. And I ran into something that I have not run into before. And that is really, really annoying. Okay, I called I got on the website of for three or four others. Okay, so I got into a Ford car dealership website here in town.

Brandon  21:33

And I was looking, I was scrolling and I was like, Wow, this one has quite a few. Let me call them and just see if I need to set up an appointment to do the test drive. Or if I just need to show up, or bla bla bla, I say, hey, you know, show up and do a test drive. And they're like, oh, what? Do you have a card? Mine is actually I do, I was on your website. It's this, you know, it's this Honda Accord. It's the 2.0, not the 1.5. And it's the sport model. And it's got this thing this thing I saw it applied like my tester, and she was like, oh, that's from one of our to one of our sister dealerships. Would you like us? If you if you want that one, you know, we can talk about setting up you know, the payments and stuff and have it delivered to you? And I was like wait, I was like I was on your website? Like it said like dealership name dash Sedalia, and she said, Oh, it's just has everybody's on there. And I was like, How do I know what you have? Or don't have? Oh, well, you have to call us or come by the lot. I was like, come on down. Did you know. And I call three other places. And they all have that same thing, where you're on the website, and you cannot decipher? Is this local inventory? Or is this inventory that you have access to through your network of dealership? It is? I think, yes. All that, right. indecipherable. And they were like, well, that's what when you want we can get you that one. And I was like, I don't know if that's the one I want, because I haven't driven it yet. And she was like, Oh, well. I guess once you drive it, you can let us know we can get you this one. I was like that's the whole like, like, oh, like he needed experience to get the job. But to get the job you need experience to get the experience to get I guess it was one of those things in my head of like, Wait, yeah, me the car, but you won't get me the car unless I'm buying it. But I'm not gonna buy it until I can test drive it but I'm not going to I can't test drive it and listen to you. So I was just like, so what do we do? And she was like, I can call you if we get something like that in locally and I was like, happy. Great. And I called three other places. And that was the exact same thing. What they were like, Oh, if that's when you want. Yeah, come on down. We'll get it delivered for you. And I was like, the one place actually just has their local inventory all listed on their website, and I called them to like triple quadruple check. And even there was even another one where I called and I was like, hey, they're like hey, what color are you looking at? I was like, this is going to be weird, but I was looking at one of your other cars and in the background. I saw a picture of this record. I didn't see that on your website. Do you do you have that it was like in the background of the lot big like maybe it's not listed Oh my gosh. So moral of the story is there is no Honda Accord in my town at a dealership at all. None there's no zero to drive or buy or otherwise


I really I really am

Brandon  24:54

going to have to start you know boy because then I'm going to Springfield to to dry. I've been there, which I didn't want to have to do, but you know? And then I guess, just, but then they're like, well then I don't want to buy. Like, I don't wanna go test drive a car and come back and like order a car sight unseen and have it delivered, especially if it's used right? Like I wouldn't want to drive the car that being delivered to me. I don't want to because it's not the same and you don't know and anyway, so I started having I was like, I'm not going to do that. Like I'm not gonna come back. I'm like, Yes. What did me that random one for eight from eight hours away? Bring it here, please. No, I'm not yet to be less picky, I feel right. It's not a court. It's like the most common sedan in all of the world. Really, necessarily, how to say and five best selling cars. Well, this is not Honda Civic. Tesla Model three Nissan Altima, Hyundai Hyundai Elantra Mercedes A class. Kia K five doesn't even get a picture on this list. Volkswagen, Acura Toyota, BMW, Mercedes, BMW, none of these say Honda Accord. Just I just want you to know I am on motor. Well, I don't know I'm on this one. This is these are the 606 new cars are bestsellers, six new at the six. Six models that came out in 2022 that are the best selling of them to like of the 2020 Okay, I found that list is okay. Okay, there's an accordion that one. Yeah. Like it always sells a bunch. Like it's extremely popular. It's right up. Again. All of every single one of these cars is like exactly the same. I can't spell No, I can't stand the Toyota Camry front end that nose looks pinched in like a like it's picking this out to look at it when you're driving it but I have to know I know that it's there. That's fine. Exactly. Nothing you. But anyway, so that I was like well, maybe I'll go with a civic, but they don't have any civics either. And that doesn't have as much rear legroom as the court and then I back to hell problems again trying you know, and whatever. Fine, I'll be PSA. So anyway, yeah, here's the best selling cars of all time, top 10 best selling cars of all time. Any Top 10 Top 10 of all time, as rated by auto guide.com. Number one is Toyota Corolla. Hey, that makes sense. And there's the Ford F series. Not a car, or whatever. Definitely not a car. Definitely not a car. Weirdly, here, this has been the number three is Volkswagen Golf. Then, unfortunately, and very sadly, here. Number four is the Volkswagen Beetle of all time. Of course. It's the best car of all time. What did you expect? It's unfortunate. Okay. Then there's the Ford Escort Honda Civic. Number seven comes in as the Honda Accord. Then Ford Model T, then Volkswagen pissant. That is sad. The Ford Model T has sold more. It's number eight on the car still. That's because whenever they were selling Ford Model T's nobody had a car period. So your market was infinite. But to put this into perspective, the Ford Model T sold 16 point 5 million. Yes. million versions of it. That Volkswagen Prasad has sold 15 and a half million, a full million more for the Model D which ended made in checks calendar. Many years. Yeah. But again, nobody had a car at the time. So that one's get gets artificially inflated. That's right. I feel like that's crazy. That's still that high on the list. Right? Yes, exactly. This one anyway. So it's not like I'm trying to what you need is a Model T. That's apparently that's what we've determined here. Oh my gosh. So it's not like I'm trying to find some esoteric thing, which by the way, will I do go down those roads when I watch those old Top Gear shows of when they list those cars? Because I'm like, Hmm, this came out in 2011. What kind of when they're talking about some of those like humdrum, especially they're doing like hot hatches or things like that. I'm like, oh, yeah, I find one like that. And I actually, when we were in Dallas, I actually live check truly I did find a a Volkswagen Oh Now what was it is the thing 1974 No, you know Oh god this name just oh no Harmon yeah the weird one fatal I saw the VO Lord Good gravy bout I found a face fate on for sale with the W 12 and genetic which later went to power. Everyone's favorite. Bugatti, right like that was the first time that they put that w 12 In GMR. Then they like changed a bunch of stuff out of it. But without a W 12 A 2004 w 12 Volkswagen Fei Todd. I was like, No, this is a very, very, very bad joke makes me so happy. Your insurance would love that quote right there. Oh, no. Yes, they would not. So the search continues. And like I said, I will entertain a Civic. Only if it's a type bar though, because I saw James May love all the type of cars I once watched Fast and Furious. And I know the actual artist. Actually I can hand on heart in in a very truthful manner. It sincerely say I have never watched the Fast The Furious movie Challenge accepted. Get Colin to watch. Fast and Furious. I know that doesn't mean I haven't seen like the memes. And I know like family is important. I know. That's a big theme that didn't really show up till like later. But other than that, I don't know. I sort of stuck. It's one of the I have seen them. I stopped actively watching them after. Like, the first once. It was like, Okay, this is kind of funny. And then it's like, no, we're gonna like, we're international thieves now. Like, wait, what? How does that got? A little intense? Because making sense. I mean, I guess technically they were always thieves. Right? Spoilers, but no, like it's like, less of a thing. Like the other like, Yeah, but it's mostly about racing. And later it's like no, it's only about thieving. Is this a heist movie? Actually certainly. Turns out the Fast and Furious actually just heist movies. Okay. added to the list when we go back and watch our Yeah, I thought about it whenever we did the highest one. But I was like, no. Don't want to watch those ones. Because like five, like, it's like when it gets like five or something. That's when they turn into those like, this is not good. I don't understand what's happening. Look, this may be the understatement of the year. But this is this is not. Yeah. Oh, well, because I also thought about the Hachinohe like a Volkswagen Golf. Like I thought about that. Because I think that'd be kind of fun. But then getting it like service and stuff. It was like, Well, again, this is a problem for 25 years ago, like I don't think except, except, like where we currently live. No, like there's no like, Honda dealer right at all around us. I have to drive two hours away to find one. That's annoying. And I don't want to do that. So I think about now I guess I don't know. Like, you could still get up just go down the road like mechanic guy can like, fix the majority of the problems that you're going to have on your right lazily. I'm not that concerned. But like, Oh, my fuses out. Okay. Got it. Right, so yeah, but anyway, the car shirt continues. All right, for a very long time it's interesting to me how and I know this is just because the way everything we've been extremely service is moving into this like, what what is a TV show? Right? Like, no longer 30 minutes like, you can make them however long you want. It's a Yeah. Now movie. This is something that Yeah, well, I'll bring it up. Now. We'll talk about this kind of in general now. And then we can get more into detail later, but like, I it's right. I feel like sometimes they they don't do that. Right, even though like Not every single one of your episodes needs to be the same length anymore. They still sort of do that, broadly, right? There may be a few minutes discrepancy here and there. But like, I feel that they just sometimes try to cram. This is not exclusive with the Wheel of Time, this is other things I have watched as well. They sort of like cram stuff in there until they feel like a stopping point. And then like, they just like, go for it. Right. And now, the problem I have with this is this might just be a me thing. Right? So because maybe this is because I lived a very large part of my life before streaming was invented with television shows. Right on, like, actual TV, you know? A television episode, right? Like you were talking about the time slot is an hour. Right? But the show isn't an hour, because you have to account for commercials and all that stuff. So usually, you're hitting like 45 minutes. Right? And if it's a 30 minute show, it's like 22, something like that, right? So you're kind of sitting around 45 minutes ish for somewhere between 45 to 50 minutes of show, right? Now, when you and that, like the when you take that idea, right? But then you say no, no, now I get the full hour, sometimes it's an hour and like, six minutes or whatever. Now your pacing is wrong, sometimes. Right? They think I can fill this hole I have 15 extra minutes. I didn't really need it though. Right? Like, I feel like sometimes it would be better spent, like you could still make them 15 minutes and have like nine episodes, right? Sort of eight you know what I'm saying? Like that I feel like sometimes it throws the pacing of an episode off. Because they're like, the directors or whoever is like Ha, I have as much time as I want. Like they're not constrained by any sort of time. And so that's sometimes bad. Right? Because like, very rarely, right? You always get this like, part where you're like, right? It doesn't matter what I've watched, right? It's like basically anything that I watch online, where the format or the show was created for streaming, I feel like this happens to me, where they'll these be there'll be about five minutes and episode where like, I didn't need that. Why is this here? Like it really throws off your pacing? of kind of what's going on? Whenever you have this and I feel like because there is no constraint there is no like I need 47 minutes of arable stuff, right? Oh, you get you can get into these episodes, not every single episode, right? Obviously, some are better than others, just depending on the what it's about and the story they're trying to tell that time or whatever. But like there are very often episodes where you like you'll get to a part in the middle. It's just draggy. You know, it's like, Why is this here? What was the goal? I'm I don't understand the goal. Right? And because I think about shows like that, because I'm a weirdo. Like, like, how is this progressing the plot? What are you doing? Like, right? Ah, well, I think I think of that and kind of a good example for me that happened was when Top Gear got off BBC and turned into Grand Tour right in the shackles were removed. Money was thrown at them. There was that first season was not Oh, man, there were no constraints. There was no need for editing. Like it was just they lost their way. And I think I think a lot about too and just in terms of writing, like how critical

Collin  39:32

you have an eye you have to take if you have that front column in like the New York Times where it's like you must hit this exact word count in order to for Oh yeah, in this spot. Oh, that's that's Yeah, you can't go over it worse is in the frame, right versus somebody who's like write a book. I don't know. However many pages I get that is much from in my mind is much harder to edit. It's not it's not easy. It's not harder to write. I can fill pages and pages pages with words, you know, all day long, but editing that, because then all of a sudden I stopped being able to determine what actually is super important right now versus what should go what's advancing this? What's keeping this back? does this all fit in? And and the TV shows in this context because this is eight hours, right? And I go, even as a movie, right? Like, there's no way I say there's no way that would make an eight hour movie. And then I think it all the Lord of the Rings trilogy is yeah, like, spread out. And they were still editing for time because they knew no one person is going to sit in the movie theater, like they still had some constraints on it, because they're like, I can't make somebody sit in this movie for it for eight straight hours and watch this. So I have to have some limitations here from the human body. While we're streaming services, they don't care, right, you're pausing it, you're moving it, you're at your own home, you're renting it over the course of a day that they don't have concern over that. And so that constraint moves out. And then at that point, it's only up to the writers and the editors to constrain themselves based on what they think is necessary for the for that story to be told in that time slot. It doesn't always like you said, it hits sometimes. And then other times, you're like,

Brandon  41:18

Ha, that was unnecessary. And it kind of takes you out. To me, it takes me out of the experience. Whenever you're watching something and you're like doing you do start to question like, What is this? Why is here in the minimum? Yeah, and I feel like anything that goes on too long. Right? Plus, like, even if you are like, let's say it's something that you're like, super into, right? And you're like super emotionally invested into it. Right? You get tired. Right? Like you get exhausted from going on this like emotional journey. You know, I mean, like, It exhausts you physically. Right? And emotionally, right? And so you need to break now at home. Yeah, you can just pause it, you can this is why I don't binge things. Like I can't do that. Number one. As previously discussed, my attention span is not the longest. So I just like watching an episode to go do something else, right? It's longer. So I really want to do is I'll just do like, one at a time. Maybe two, I have been known to watch two episodes of things. But like, even as pushing it, sometimes it's gotta be like real good. But like in everything, you get that way, right? This is why I don't like baseball, right? Because there is no end. You know what I mean? Like, it's just infinite, whatever. Any sort of live event does this, right? Like, you know, they think like, oh, the one thing that comes to mind is like wrestling shows, right? Sometimes you're like, what, what are these matches that you're just doing this to fill time because you have this much time? These are dumb and stupid, and no one cares, right? And other times they're like really good or interesting. You know? Same thing with anything else. And so when you do that with a television show, and you're like, well, he's like, more is more like No, no, what isn't? Right, like? I don't know, like, that's how I feel sometimes. Like, that's just kind of the thing that one of the things that stood out to me and again, the reason that I watched this initially it was number one, I forgot about it. And I didn't, because again, this full disclosure for the future teaser episode here. I have never read any Wheel of Time thing at all. And I have really no foundation to base most opinions on. I'm just going strictly on what I was given in this show. But I sort of wanted to see like, well, what does an Amazon fantasy production look like? Because I do want to see the Lord of the Rings one, because that is a property that I do care about. And I wanted to see like, Alright, what's, uh, give me a general idea of what's going to happen, right? I want to know, like, I know is that the same people are not the same thing, but it's what is it? Like what's, what's it like? Like, what's the, you know, something similar? What might I be looking forward to? You know what I mean? So, I know it's definitely not like, really that useful of an indicator but I'm just kind of curious to see like, what would this big budget fantasy thing look like on a streaming platform? You know, blam this so that's one reason why but yeah, the episode length some of the episodes you're like okay, like whatever I was my first thoughts I had about it. Yeah, I think I think it's a chronic problem in this new era of adapting with the writers and directors adapting to kind of that no constraint and trying and I don't envy them at all going. Is this something I tell in 45 minutes? Is this something I tell him two hours? Is this something I tell over the course of eight hours? Right to get to cover all the same? Yeah. Well, I think that's too that's where you need to be having conversations with producers, executive producers, right, like, not just the director, because they need to be going, alright. Look, this is, you know, because I, I'm not going to be interested in the show. If they're like, Yo, I got seven episodes that are an hour and 45 minutes, like, no, sorry. I don't think so, buddy. That's not, that's not what I'm gonna do here. I can't deal with that nonsense. So I think, yeah, I think the no constraints thing is interesting. And I don't know, maybe it's just, I don't really watch a lot of, like, made for streaming stuff. I've seen a few things, right, the Amazons made and some other stuff, but like, it's very interesting to be like, Nah, yeah, this episode 65 minutes? Like? Why? Like, most of them on the show are around 60. Right? It'd be like, 5761 59, right, whatever. But like, I still feel like, even that extra, like seven minutes is sometimes like, what was that for? Yeah. What do you make me more invested in this character or these things? By having seven more minutes? No. Then what was it for? Well, as I'm trying to think of other like, in the situation of something else, that it may be another platform that didn't quite have as many constraints but still did was something like The Sopranos, right on the HBO, on HBO, where it had that full hour, right. And each, each episode ran for like, roughly, I think, like 15 minutes or something. Yeah. And but I haven't seen not all of those. But I think, I don't know if this is not just a nostalgia thing. And obviously sopranos is highly rated among everybody in whatever, blah, blah, blah. But that to me thinking back and thinking back about what those episodes, they seem to have a higher hit rate of success for each episode. Versus what I've been finding with more of a modern streaming area. Streaming arena. And I guess that's because these were still aired one at a time, right of like, Yeah, true. It's told and not. It's not planned to be released all back back. Yeah. And I mean, it's good. It's some shows have done it badly. Right Thinking, but I'm not thinking about like sitcoms, because those just don't matter. Right? They don't really have. Well, I mean, like, it's different, because it's like, it's a 30 minute show. It's kind of like, it's just like a thing that happened in an episode, but they're not necessarily like, supposed to be viewed chronologically. Because like, you can just sort of sit down and watch them like whenever, right if you if there's reruns of Seinfeld on, they don't put them in order. They're just like, here's some Seinfeld. Yeah, like friends, right? Like, here's a cup. Here's some episodes of friends. And it's just like random episodes, and it doesn't matter. You don't I mean, we have talked about this before. I think this sounds familiar. But like, they can be viewed and whatever. It doesn't really matter. We're in episode like a TV show, like a show. I used to watch a lot was burned. Notice. I like that show. Oh, yeah. It's kind of Eve it has these elements of like, you know, there is an overarching story for the whole season. But like, there's little subplots that happen in each episode to make them like interesting. So it's like more than one thing happening. Right, you know, yeah. And so like, you're kind of you're advancing us. You're we have a whole episode. That's like a small story. But like, the whole season is a story in and of itself. Right. Another show that I thought was really good at doing that was the show Longmeyer that was on all right. I really like that show a lot. Right? Like it was like the season was like a story. And like the whole season was a story. And then like every episode, like did a little something else to kind of advanced that story. Right? And so, there was like, maybe they were doing something specific that episode. And then like, it turns out, you know, there's revelations about the whole longer story. And I think that sort of that kind of format, at least for me, like really helps drive plot and it doesn't make it feel boring, because there's always something happening. And even those, like quiet conversations you're having, not actually, but like, they're still driving something like a character relationship or, or something like that. When you get to something like Wheel of Time, when they they just go, all eight episodes are one story arc. Yeah. And like, every episode is only working to drive that story arc. Like, there's gonna be, there's gonna be some downtime, right? There are, there are of course, like smaller little stories, but they seem kind of like, not important, or like, they're just sort of like, I don't know, if they're not like executed as well, because some of them are like a three to three episode arc or whatever. It's still kind of like a long payoff, right? It's not like, in a single episode, they're working towards this and doing this thing, right. It's just like, I'm just going to tell you the story of all my first whole like, story chunk. And we're going to split that story chunk into eight parts. Yeah, yeah, that's where you go. Where you go, there must have been something to cut out. Right? Yeah. Right, like they used to, but then you start to go, Well, if I cut something out of the story, I don't get it evenly divided across time. Right? Well, that's true. And then like, and then right, because you're doing the long story like, well, if I cut this out, like, well, this revelation in like, three episodes not mean as much, you know? Yep. So it's like, and that's, I think it's that it's the style that they're telling it in, right. The stylistic choice of that is interesting. And that's happened with other episodes and other shows that I've watched that are built for streaming. Right, I think they kind of think about things like chess, I have, you know, here's my 10 episodes. And the story that I'm going to tell is going to be 10 episodes long, and then just sort of break that into pieces. They just, like cut that 10 hours into our trunks and get done. That's, I think that's why sometimes your pacing feels weird, right? It's just kind of like, Oh, this one's over. Or like, when is this one gonna be over? Right? It's like, you get you kind of get this unevenness. Right, how it flows? You know, and the Wheel of Time is definitely guilty of that. But it's not the only streaming show that has been guilty of that. Right? Yeah, even like, there's another one Amazon does i that i forgot other seasons came out for but it's called Hana. Right? I mentioned this before. And it's like, a spy show. Right? So it's, like, all intense. And there's all this like crazy stuff happening. But that show does the same thing where it's like, the story is 10 episodes long. In 10 parts anyway, guys, because like some of the episodes will be like, Whoa, it's over already in other ones are like, Wait, When is this gonna be over? Why is this taking so long? I think yeah, I think part of that you're right. And I don't know if that's the the ambitiousness of the project as you're right, like Wheel of Time has. Its ambitious, right? Any many volumes of vice 14 is right. Like, it's too many. It's too if you're trying to retell that, I guess it's kind of going. Are you trying to retell this as close to the materials possible that you're never going to be done making? But I guess they're going great. We have content for our streaming service. And that's where it Oh, man. So here's where the discussion comes in. We've had previous discussions about like, the end user is not the one making the decision, the higher ups are making the decision to spend the money, right, because we spend the money in this context, if you have a higher ups going make stretch the content because we need content for our streaming service. So people will stick around on our streaming service so we can make money. You go, sweet, shackles off eight, eight hours long for this first season to you know, move everything forward. At that point, you stopped going make the best content and you just go make more content. And that's a different decision model. Yeah, well, and I think Get like you said earlier, it does make a difference that they plan to really they just release them all at once. Boom. Like when season one came out, they were like, Alright, here's season one, Blab. All eight episodes. Done. Right? And then whenever Season Two comes out, I think next year, maybe there'll be like, here's eight to 10 more Blap. Yep. You know, instead of like a, you know, when they HBO did it with Game of Thrones, because it was on HBO, they would be like, one episode. Next week. The next one, that right? You kind of get this spread out, you have to do things differently. Because people are not going to watch them back to back to back. Right? It's like, physically impossible to do that when you really sit on television. Like, there are other concessions made, right? Like we'll have time gives you the like, previously on, you know, they do the thing, but like, whatever. But like, yeah, it's it, that format is different, as well. Because like you could, I guess just sit and watch them all in one day. I don't. I can't imagine. Doesn't sound fun at all, but like, not what it is. But like anything like I Why would you do? So I think yeah, those concessions are weird. And they make things. Odd, right? And it's just I don't know if it's just because I'm an old man. And not used to the formatting. If it's because the formatting is not good. Right? Like, I don't know where I am on this thing, right? Because I felt that way. And you know, you feel that way in movies sometimes. Or you just like, you know, this movie is like two and a half hours long. You're sitting there watching it going. Why did nothing you're doing is driving the plot, right? Or you've read a book that's like that. You reading a book. And there's a few chapters or you just like, what, what is this? Why is this here? Right? Famously, all the Moby Dick chapters that are about whale anatomy, or half of a Picture of Dorian Gray, right? Can't stand Oscar Wilde get out. He's like, you're right. It's not it's not a it's not a complaint against this medium of, of streaming services, making these things it happens in every medium where Yeah, it does happen in every medium, right? Movies, other television because there's other television shows that have been bad. That's why they were all for a season. And then you didn't see him anymore. Right? Like they went away, because no one watched him because they were bad. Books. Comic books, like you can write bad anything. Exactly. It's just kind of have a higher hit, the more the medium throws off constraints. I think that's both practical and self imposed. The more I feel as though the more likely you are to get a higher hit rate of misses. Because yeah, I think I think constraints are I, I'm one of those weird people that I think I think constraints are good for creative people. I don't think that having no constraints on a project. And the constraints may be the purpose of the project, right? That's, that's sometimes enough going on, you know, an artist going, I only want to paint in pastels, or I only want to draw circles to make this or whatever. Like, that's still exploring creativity with a self imposed constraint and purpose. Yeah. But that that pushes them forward. And when you just sit down and go, I'm nothing here, you know, nothing. Nothing's imposed. There's no time limit. There's no budget. There's no creativity purpose to this. I'm just going to try and make something you go. I don't know. Yeah, with all due respect. Many people are not Picasso. And I don't think I'm not sure there's many television writers out there. Going. Yes, I want to put these constraints upon myself, in order to really flex my creativity. I don't think you're doing that. No, and I could be wrong. Maybe there's somebody out there. Well, on the whole, I don't think that some of those constraints could be from again, they don't have to be self imposed. They could be top down have going on. I think it'd be better if they were selling. I think it would, yes, I'm just saying that sometimes they are. They aren't I think it's important to have some constraints in your life because as evidenced by some of the things we've talked about here already. It doesn't doesn't quite add up. Yeah, I don't know. It's just that's one of the that's one of the things that really stood out to me. At first was just like the link length of time. Sometimes it just felt like too much. Right? And again, the you know, sometimes you could tell what they're doing. They're going for like the slow burn opening. And then like, sometimes that backfires not in this show necessarily, but like other ship, well, this one a little bit, because you're like, oh, so there's like a revelation and you the viewer, like, Yeah, I know. Because you drag it out to LA. You didn't make it in the timing against the timing thing. And I think I think there's a timing problem with this series. Right. I just feel like that's part of it. Some of the problems I have, that we'll discuss next time. My might be making some we'll have to fans I agree. Yeah, once again, I disagree with the Internet. I disagree. The Internet part two. Actually, well, they're mine. I'll say that. Okay, well, yeah. We'll, we'll save that for a time. I'm, yeah. Be prepared for angry letters. Okay, well, I to get you up right here to here. We prepare you for next week. I'll give you the brief outline. That's going around in my head right now. Right. fantasy tropes. Okay, number one. Just the series in general. My thoughts on acting, and other things. Right. Then I have I have I have some questions about your larger opinion. I think we've talked about this a little bit before too, but like, books versus movies, thoughts? Because that's what the internet's romant about. Right. So your thoughts on multimedia projects? And your opinions on how they have been handled. Do you care? Like whatever so. Okay. It's real mad. Right. Big section of the internet. Real mad. Yeah. Again, that goes to some other things. Identity. childhood


love. Right. Things needed not being as great as you think they are. Right? They all we don't know.

Brandon  1:02:33

Okay, yeah. Well, I will say that for that. I have started watching. I know. Now granted my track record of starting and finishing things for the show is not good. I still have not finished the Bollywood movie. But I made it 15 minutes into the first episode. And their current of what did you watch? Out of real time? We'll have time. Yeah. Ah, I said to myself, I says what brands watching this we're going to talk about, I should at least be exposed to some of this. And I made it 15 Then I want your thoughts on how it looks. Okay. Um, but yeah, that's that. That was mostly the reason of me starting like, well, you know, that was one reason you want to look to see how they handle this kind of thing. So yeah, we'll we'll do a deep dive next time. Yeah, I want just if you watch any more look at how it visually looks. Tell me if you have any problems with it. Because I do. Oh, man. Wait, wait. Just spoiler alert. Okay, find out what it is next time. Okay, well, you have a good rest of your love you