wedding planning

Collin should have just started an HR company. Brandon definitely, for sure, wants to get into NFTs. Aaron’s Baseball field stuff is going well. He also got engaged! SO let the wedding planning commence. Brandon attended a conference. PLUS… the long awaited hand rake review is here.  

  • HR business 

  • Gary Vee….

  • NFT for oh brother

  • MSCHF and Warhol

  • Aaron says the Baseball field is coming together well

  • Ooooh and proposed to Shelby 

  • She did say yes

  • Wedding planning!

  • Brandon went to a concert

  • Post Modern Jukebox

  • Mildly stomp-esque

  • Collin reviews his hand rakes 

  • 6/10 

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original, people, venue, bags, thought, gumballs, literally, songs, big, fine, postmodern jukebox, aaron, talking, fun, hands, raking, rake, understand, nice, money


Collin, Aaron, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers, trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Cullen, and Aaron, on this week's show, wedding planning.

Brandon  00:19

If I had to start it all over again, I would just found an HR company where employed where businesses, small, medium sized businesses would hire you to handle all their HR issues.

Collin Funkhouser  00:34

And just make gobs of money for people's awful mistakes and live a happy life.

Brandon  00:45

Wow, no one's better better today. Are they answering? No. Yeah. Turns out when you hire people, you have HR stuff. And then it's, it's trying to be compliant and stuff, and learning all of those things.

Collin  01:05

Yeah, I will say thankfully, they have taken a quote unquote, HR manager position, and just turned it into like, a monthly subscription, where you get access to like, a HR person that you can reach out to any questions and they like, review your documents for your, for your company. And make sure you're not being like, just totally awful. They'll have to be a little awful, but not totally. And it's actually a really nice.


That's crazy. I did not know that such a thing existed. Yeah, I know. I mean, I'm not surprised really now that I think about it. But like, yeah, would not have been of course, I'm not again, I'm not very business he.

Brandon  01:49

So like, these are things that I don't Yeah, no, I, I didn't know either, really about it. And then the company that handles are over HR and stuff, or Sarovar. Payroll has, like these all these tools for like, onboarding, and you can link it to all these different apps and things. And then they're like, oh, yeah, we also offer HR. And I was like, what? Tell me more. And it's great. They've got like this big library of documents that they that it's they're just big templates, and they'll auto plug all of your business information into them when you download them. So you can just, you know, have all this stuff on hand to use so that you're being compliant to word I've been using a lot today. Am I compliant? You've already used it like 12 times, and we've been recording for like, a minute. So I know by now. So there we go. So I have lots of buttons to click which obviously, I mean, I love I love I could look at here's like, Ooh, there's a drop down here. Look, I can look at federal laws at a glance. What at a glance federal laws.


Wow, just Just what I always wanted. I know that helped me. As I say, you need to get step away from them and use don't go near those things.

Brandon  03:22

Oh, man, yeah, that's good stuff. These are things that I don't understand. It. Like I've mentioned several times in the past, I'm sure. Every time at the beginning of the school year when our like, person lady has to stand up there and talk about this kind of thing. I'm just like, I just sort of stare at her. Like, I don't understand. Literally any of the words that you just said to me. So I don't know. i Yeah, like, like any questions like I know, we're gonna go with no cuz. Yeah, I immediately start looking for the translator. Because usually when somebody from HR or like benefits is there, I'm like, there. No, nevermind, I'm out. I think you're not going to be able to use word that makes sense to me. Oh, yeah, the eyes word. The the worst one is this. There's a lady that comes from like, I don't really know, like the outside some sort of outside agency that we contract through. I think it has to do with like, retirement stroke investments. Yes. And she will come and she will say words and she'll be like, she's talking. And I

Collin  04:43

actually have no idea what she's saying. Right? She's like saying all this stuff and like, she's like, Yeah, but you know, if you do this, blah, blah, but then this way, blah, blah. I'm like

Brandon  04:55

I don't know what any of those words are. Yeah, yeah. It just gets, it just gets worse when they talk about certain things. And yeah, the outside. People that come in that are contracted through or even worse, because they literally their entire job is just to go from business to business or place of employment to place of employment and give the same presentation and pass out the same forms and then say any questions, and you're like, No, these words have become meaningless to you. It's losses. A lot of fun. Yeah, right. I mean, like, Yes, I think it's one of those things where like, they deal with that stuff, like day in and day out. And so they know exactly what they're talking about. But I don't know. Right? And because I


don't do things like that, that doesn't interest me. I don't care. I don't, I don't have any interest in any of that world at all.

Collin  05:51

And, like, I just, I have a hard time understanding it. And I kind of tune out and zone out. And I understand some of it's important, right, but like, not enough to me to matter at this current juncture, right. Like, I don't care what you're talking about, right? Like,


you know, all these POA they always call these like people like oh, well, whoever Who's that? I was talking about the other day. Who's the like the big famous guy that's all over the internet. Oh, that Gary Vee idiot. He's always like, you know, do this. These are the things that you do. Blah, blah. I'm like, Sir, sir, you have millions of dollars to shave off. Okay, like, me? I'm throwing shade at the Wii Meister? The Yeah, I don't care about Chuck spinner.

Brandon  06:39

I don't know what his name is. I don't know. Whatever. I don't care. He's all blabber on about like, if t this interview, hot market like, dude, these aren't real things. Calm down. But like you if you want to spend all your money on pretend online things, that's fine. It doesn't matter. It's made up. Sure. Go for it. I don't care if somebody can make some money on it. Cool. I don't care. I'm not. I don't. I mean, obviously, you pay attention to him. Because, you know, this is like, all the time on. Like, he's just like, I don't know what it's happened. But he'll just like, show up on my newsfeed like, what did I accidentally click on to see your face go away?


Right? You're needing you're needing that. Right? Your need. I'm not trying the universe is trying to tell you like one of my friends is talking about this stuff the other day talking about like investing in stocks, aka by wire I don't.

Brandon  07:30

But again, again, I say these things. I say all these things fully aware that many of the things that I find interesting, no one cares about either. Mm hmm. Right. So I am aware, I want I want the listeners to know I'm not just a grumpy old man. I mean, I am that but I am also a self aware, GRUMPY MAN. Because I know that I'm not interested in that stuff. But I know that you are also not interested in like, I don't know. Guitar fuzz circuit typology. I know that you are not interested in that and don't want to hear me discuss with you the distance between two three and four transistor circuit diagrams, that is not of interest to you. Right? You don't care. And I, I, I accept that. And that's fine. You know, it's right. Like we're like, I know, you don't want to have a conversation about like, I don't know, the evolution of cuneiform writing. Like, I know, you're not interested in any of that. So like,

Collin  08:45

cool, but like, yeah, it's people hit those certain, those certain level of interests at different times. Right? And they solve them in different ways. Like, I know, people who, like we're like, Ooh, I need to save for the future. So they like dive in and learn everything they can they basically become like, like, like, semi professional day traders, right? Where like, that's like, they manage everything themselves. Like that's one way and then there are people who are like, yeah, there's just somebody like or like you know, like I have a fun through my company or you know, for as a teacher, like, that's where things go and I don't really have to worry about it and they go like you're interested in it just enough to like start and then you put it on autopilot. Like okay, well, anyway,

Brandon  09:32

yeah. Mine isn't even that much. I like sign this paper so we can start this thing like, okay, whatever.


Fine, whatever. Okay. Like I again, I fully understand that some that like, not everybody has the same interest, which

Brandon  09:51

is good, right? And world would be very boring. If everybody talked about the same thing out there. So like, I get it


Right, but also I don't stand up here and like try to shove my wish stag throat right so go away I don't want to hear

Brandon  10:10

no, I think I'm hearing that we got to gotta get gotta get some NF TS for the old brother. I don't know what we


don't even know what those letters actually stand for. So get on, get a blockchain and do some stuff guys are

Brandon  10:26

no harsh words that I've heard. You know whenever you say blockchain the first thing that comes to my mind is actually block and tackle from moving logs and stuff right as the first day but you know it is it is a decision you can make guess Aaron Aaron what what are NF T's look like for our own brother store?

Aaron  10:55

I have no idea what NF T's are. I mean, either. No, I have no business savvy I the same thing with Grant every time there's a guy that's on there that talks about like, you know, if you want to get better, and you got to maximize this? I don't. I don't know who you are. I don't know where he came from. Why? Why are you so angry? So I just leave it alone. Do this.


That literally means nothing. And if people are like, oh, you know, teach financial literacy class, like what, but there's no. So I don't I don't know what any of those are. I'm so sorry. I

Aaron  11:31

can't acronym scare me. So Aaron, I

Brandon  11:34

don't think anybody actually knows what it is. That's what I've from the little that I've read about it when it shows up in articles or thing like, like ads before videos?


I don't think anybody knows. No one is sure. Like that? No, they say words. But I'm going. That sounds made up.

Collin  11:54

Because it is most like yeah, the best I can understand is imagine that we were a piece of art that was sold that you could verify its legitimacy. And its entire history of transactions with it. So that you could actually still make multiple copies of them. But they were each individually marked in the digital world.

Brandon  12:26

Alright, so why do we care about that? Well, because why is that important? We have those same things in the

Collin Funkhouser  12:33

physical world, right? Like we have some Remington firearms that have the serial numbers like 00 21, and 00 22 00 23. Those are physical objects. In the digital world, if somebody sends me a photo of a Rembrandt, I can just copy and paste that and distributed that all over the internet. Now imagine Rembrandt made it in like word paint, but then locked it into an NF T, which made that we could confirm that that was the original, and then trace it over time. And then they also have links, links to them. This is the this is the part that

Brandon  13:12

I do like that. Each time it's sold, you can actually set it up. So that the originator the person who the original artist gets a kick back from every transaction that that every time it passes hands 10% or whatever, immediately goes to the original owner. But why? I think it's a way because like, I mean, like yeah, if you if you like is that just because I need more control of my stuff. If I read a book, right physical paper book, and I sell it, and then like, somebody buys it, and then they resell it. I don't deserve that money. I already sold the book. Sure. Right. Like it's, it's, it's, it seems weird to me that basically you're generating infinite money, right? Because if I make a pretend online poster, right, and then I sell it, and then you buy it and you didn't use sell it to someone else for some reason, Chris, first of all, I don't know why you would how that would even work. That seems dumb to me. But like, why would I I don't deserve any more money because already sold at once. Right? I can't Why would you make profit off of selling a thing over and over and over again? Yeah, I think same, the same one thing? Yeah. Right. That doesn't make any sense. Yeah. Why should you be able to do that? Well, I think I think I think it's that's just one use of it. I can definitely see in a realm where digital makes things infinitely copyable it is one way to wrest control back and if we set aside the finances for a moment, it at least allows things to identified as this is the original, this is unique thing. And when you think back to like, the one thing, I think for the artists and creators, that's where I really see a lot of the benefit for them to go, No, this is a copy, right? Yes. But here's what I'm saying. Yeah. If you are so concerned about that, why are you working in a medium that is infinitely copyable? Well, because that's, that's where the audience is. That's where the money potentially, right? Like, like, if I wanted to, if I was an artist, sure, I could go out and I could run a print of 1000 vinyls, and then those are originals, right, you're not going to be able to really copy those. But that's not really what the market is. So it's trying to take that physical, tangible aspect, which in a sense, to me kind of defeats the whole aspect of a digital world that I can copy paste it a billion times. But from a crater from an economic standpoint, I understand the drive to do that. Of like, so I'm looking at I'm looking at my wall right here. Okay. I have a Picasso painting hanging on my wall. Yeah, right. Clearly not an original Picasso painting. Right? It's a poster. It is a copy of an original work. But why is that bad? Yeah. Why does Pablo Picasso estate deserve part of the $12 that I paid for that poster?

Collin  16:34

Because he made it originally. Now, right, the

Brandon  16:38

original print has a number. And for some, for some archaic reason, we have assigned artificially high value to that original work. Correct. There's no reason that that painting is worth more other than we have assigned it cultural significance. And we have artificially inflated the value of that piece. Right? This painting this poster I have. It's bigger than the original work. Right? But it retains a lot of the same elements of characteristics. It's just not the original. And does that mean that is actually less value? Because Pablo Picasso didn't breathe on it? In my eyes? No. But I know that in the rest of the world's eyes. Absolutely. Yes. Right. Like you were talking about, like the Remington thing, like, oh, this gun was this is number one. Right? That's not to me. This is just to me personally. That is not important. It doesn't matter. I can write and I know that I


apparently in the minority here, right. Gary Vee would be spitting and throwing things at me, right? Just cursing me profanely for being a moron, I imagined.

Brandon  17:56

But like, oh, it's, it's the only reason that these things are worth money is because we artificially assign them value. Right? Just because you're a digital artist that made a painting. Mm hmm. It doesn't, it doesn't mean it's good. It doesn't mean that it has the value, right? There's no value intrinsically in a painted piece of canvas. There's no value intrinsically in a piece of digital art. Right? We had to assign it that value. Yeah. And there's lots of other like, cultural sociological reasons that go into it. But ultimately, it's worthless. Right, it's just it's made up. We've, we've assigned it this value. So I don't understand. Continuing continuing to like artificially inflate things and like coming up with really, really convoluted reasons why this piece of art is worth money, right? Like, oh, there's only one like, okay, cool. There's only one


of my sketches I drew in my middle school margins notebook, but nobody cares. Right? It's not important. Just because there's one have something doesn't mean it's good or useful, right? So this just does that whole world and other things I don't understand like, why, why do we just be like, Oh, no, this word a lot of money. Who said, the person that made it? I don't really think I should take their word for how much it's worth.

Collin  19:32

Because I think they might be lying to me, I think. Yeah. And that and that is that is hard, because there are people who will say, right, like, originality actually means something like they're like, like originality, knowing which one's real. Which one's not.

Brandon  19:51

In in a world of copies, I think it's important like we do spend a lot of time discerning

Collin  19:58

I guess I guess to you your rebuttal to that would be like, well, to what end? Like why does it matter whether this painting was by Michelangelo? Or not? Do you like the painting or not move on? Yeah. And this kind of gets to something. I don't know if you saw this piece come out.

Brandon  20:15

It's the so there's all these prankster artists out there Banksy is one of them. You know, he shredded his artwork. That was the auction. I like so funny. And then it like totally backfired it or did it? Like will we ever Yeah, right. That conspiracy theory of like, oh, yeah, now it's worth this one. Because it's not performance art, bro. Dude. Yeah, no, this is an artist called mischief. M S C, H F, they bought an original Andy Warhol painting, made an egg literally an exact replica of it made 999 exact replicas of it using a not not just a photocopy process, but an actual drawing process, you know, where it traces on one side and uses the other, shuffled them into a deck and is auctioning them off.


And see again, now your bot now that the value of this is not the art,

Brandon  21:16

it's the performance? Yeah, right. Now, apparently that has some value. Yeah. And basically, he's saying like, the other robot generated fakes. And he's selling them for 250 bucks apiece, and one of them might be held, right. There's a there's a one in 1000 chance. And

Collin  21:40

I thought that was a very interesting kind of take on kind of backlash against what we're talking about here of like, no, let's preserve preserve the originals. And we only want originals. And meanwhile, mischief is overhearing like, what if we made it more confusing? Wouldn't that be fun?

Brandon  21:58

Well, not only that, like what? You know, I mean, to me again, like if if there's only one in the whole world,


right. And you're paying for the exclusivity of being the owner of the one thing, right.

Brandon  22:16

Like, to me, that kind of defeats the whole purpose of again, we're just talking about art, right? That piece of art was of art anyway, because it's for people to see it. Yeah. Right. And like to experience an emotion from it.

Collin  22:33

You know, and so I feel like


that, it, that emotional response, and that emotional connection, and the thought provoking nature of pieces of art

Brandon  22:45

are not they don't only show up when you look at the original,


right, if you look at have a mild obsession with Goya, right, so let's talk about Goya minute, if you look at


the Black Paintings, okay. They are distressing. And they will make you like critically examine lots of things. You don't have to see the original

Brandon  23:15

ones. Right? You can look at a picture online of Saturn devouring his son and be like, Yeah, I don't like this. Right? You don't you don't have to do that. And I know this is a bad example because he painted that like without people wanting to see it. But like it's a visceral response to something in his life that he painted. And when you look at it, it comes across very abruptly. And it doesn't matter if you're looking at the original on the


wall or a photo on the internet. Right? You look

Brandon  23:55

at this one I have that blue man that Picasso blue man, and I'm here I think it's what's called probably saying the wrong name. Sorry, because it's easiest. I really like this painting. Right? Like, I just really like it's you know, it's a lot to me on certain level and you can kind of see that it's the guy he's very forlorn. Everything is blue raises the blue period costume clearly. Where like, the whole thing is blue. It's very depressing. It's very dour. The look on his face is very sad. Right and the only warm colors in the entire painting are the guitar he's holding. Right? Everything else is cool, pale, sad. Our colors except for the wood on the guitar is a light brown. And so the you are kind of understanding that the only warmth and affection that this man has comes from that instrument. Right? And this says a lot of things but I don't need to see the brushstrokes of the original Picasso to understand that. Sure. You know what I mean? Like So I feel like it's just, to me, it's silly. Like, ultimately, it's silly to like, I don't understand exclusivity. Right. Like, I'm the only one that has this, like, cool. I guess. I don't. That's not something I understand the feeling about.


Like, it's not something I've ever wanted for my life. Like, I have like one of the 50. Like,

Brandon  25:29

cool, like, doesn't matter. Are you gonna use it or not? Like, yeah, the thing is gonna be useful to your life. Could you? I mean, if you drive enjoyment out of that, that's fine. You too, you go for it. But like, that is just a psychological aspect that I don't really follow along with that. Well, I kind of like, don't get the point. Right. I mean, you like what you like, you want cool stuff. You want cool stuff, you know? Yeah. Like, do I care that that one weird NFT the ape thing like sold for the wrong amount of money? Because people don't understand how decimal points work. Now, kind of funny, but like it's not like, who said that was worth that much money? Exactly. Who said? Yeah. Some random dude.

Aaron  26:15

Like, the artist, again, don't trust artists when they talk about how much things worth? Because the average? Totally, that's $2 million. Obviously, clearly, what are you talking about? Yeah, every Everyone knows that. This is a you know, it's all fake money fake. It's not real. That's true. That is also true. Aaron, any, any, any updates that you want to? You know, share, or talk about, ah baseball fields coming together for a fundraiser or for softball. And then as the week of, Oh, you just sort of, say testing and so we got this week. And then lastly is Friday. And then we got Christmas break. So yeah.


Nice. Nice to meet in fts. Yeah, that's that's the only thing in your life that he wants listeners know that. Okay. All right. That's cool.

Aaron  27:25

He didn't take a hike up some steps yep, yep. Yep. When wouldn't propose Saturday, shall we? What up super Huska. had practice of emergency heal. And then her mom her mother was. And so because it was our two year anniversary Tuesday. But didn't have I didn't have the ring yet. Because I so I took I took meanies rain. And I took her grandmother, her great grandmother's bad get her ring. I put them together. And so my mind was like, oh, ring down will take about a week or two. And the guy's like, no, about four to six weeks. So it kind of fell moderately. He's like, Well, you know if your your anniversary is seven. I'll have it done. Oh, whatever the Tuesday was, yeah. Like I'll have it done by like the eighth or the ninth. And they're conveniently having to have it done on the last Thursday, which was I guess it was a night. It kind of planned out because she had stuff at her school. She had to stay late for I had stuff at my school. I'd stay late for it. I'd like oh, let's just celebrate our anniversary over the weekend. It's fine. Ha ha ha. Nice. Oh, shucks, mom. Because I just I wanted someone there to take pictures of it. And so, I mean, her mom was a ruined surprise. And she like because I was I wasn't gonna tell her where we were going. I just wanted to be like, oh, let's get up early, go on a trip. And so the original plan was to go to a place called bluestem falls, which is outside of Alaska, but it was too cold. And so I was like, Alright, fine. Let's just go do something else. And they're her mom's like, why don't we do? Why don't we just have breakfast, and then we kind of go from there. We, we did that. So one of their, um, I had, I had meanies old remarks, her rings them and so has a little note that he wrote to me in it. And so I had that but the problem is, especially when it's cold and you have to wear like joggers. Very noticeable. So I keep like moving this gigantic box around in my pockets. Someone's completely oblivious. Thankfully, you saw, we're going to go there and in the few hours and then how are no real anniversary like afternoon like, I'll just go up there and have breakfast with a mom no big deal. So we go there, go to the merchant deal. Shop around for a little bit. And then we go for a walk and I kind of planned it with her mom, like I look, there's some stairs that lead up to the courthouse. They're about to get to the overlook is on a hill that overlooks city, beautiful. That's kind of where one of our first true dates were. And plus, I credit a Husker during my time with DHS. That's kind of where we got reconnected because I did training in Oklahoma City. And if it wasn't for that job, and pasta, I don't think I would have ever re met Shelby. So we're gonna be stairs. But Shelby in her wonderful sweetness, just like, takes off up the stairs. And I was like, Oh, we're running. Off. And if you guys have come down, there's this other downtown for Huska where they actually shot a lot of the scenes for the kill of the flower Moon there. AirStep Lee had like up a hill, and there's a road and then it goes up another hill to a courthouse. So it's kind of like a two big hill. So me there are a lot of stairs. And so I'm thinking she's just going to go to the first time so good enough, fine. No, she takes off, like Rocky Balboa up there are having to like truck after her. And we kind of planned it or like, you know, like we're gonna say a code word. And blah, blah, blah. But but the problem is when we both got to the top, her mother myself, Shelby was up there like looking around. We were both like, gasping for air. And so I was like, this heavy. You see that over there? The good old like, Hey, what's that over there? Right? And she turned and thankfully her mother had less than ready. And it just, it just happened. And she turned around. And I don't know if you guys can see the video. Yeah, of it. Yeah, we did. We were the first reaction was with epic but it and people were like, this is like I said chubby held the ring. He's like, Oh, and like she said something in that she like takes the ring. And some people are like well, have you asked her? I'm like, technically I did. Because I was like, Well, you were married me afterwards, but I was just gasping for air time it's like show me and then she was with me. So she she said yeah, I think it's funny given the video you hear her say thank you. Did you like take the ring? Then she says yes. Yeah. We rejoice the merriment he was not expecting that rain. He was actually expecting like her grandmother's rain for her great grandma's rainy because her mom told her that she was getting resized and so like oh you know do the COVID we have to wait longer and so she she was being a little nosy she almost ruined surprise like a weekend and fans had been in the ring. I started taking it out and thing it's pretty and just looking at it like that so I had to hide it like seven times because you nosy


and then like the night before she was all like when is it gonna happen? I don't know. Another very

Aaron  34:06

Penny there. You're fine. And he thought I was gonna propose on Christmas. Oh, and my actual original plan was to do and when we did the family pictures. However, miscalculation on timewise I didn't have the ring like at all like it was still like he put it all together. So I was like, Sure. Wait, so I just had like contingency plan. Plan. And so yeah, we call it we called everybody in called you guys. All Dad. You're getting breakfast somewhere near the diner stuff in the background, but he's happy face I FaceTime. I'll guarantee emeritus. They were super stoked, which we're actually going to see this weekend. And because they'd never met her, so we're gonna go go do the Family Tour. thing. So yeah, it was it. You know, he is very excited. I'm very excited. We're already planning things and looking at wedding venues. And he's already got stuff for bridesmaids. And I'm like, Whoa, I don't know if I have that many friends. So I just have to start pulling people that I need out the street to be like, Hey, here's the invite back. So thing so so yeah. So and we're going to look at venues when we come back, and city. Oh, yeah, we're looking at the stuffing in Oklahoma. Then you eyes. Something, but yeah, it was it was very wonderful moment. That's the most best decision I've ever made.


Right. Am I saying that just because she'll be looking at me. Yes.

Brandon  36:10

Aaron blink twice?

Aaron  36:12

No. I think the venue, procurement is probably the weirdest, most stressful thing in the history of the universe. Right. Like that's that's a that's a fun, fun time. Yeah. So I mean, there's, there's there's different options that we're looking at. We're having having price. Autos, but there's, there's a lot of things that we're just looking at, as like, was was really pretty or oh, this place was really good food. Our biggest thing that we both agreed on is like we're going to have good food regardless. So that's our that's our number one thing at the moment. Like, I don't care about where it is, as long as there's good food, I'll be will be happy.

Brandon  37:04

So yeah, you have to go pick out cakes that you won't eat. That's fun.


I love that. It's inconvenient because so we started planning this stuff. What is the start of baseball and softball season? So I'm like, Oh, no.

Aaron  37:23

So I'll be helping. I'll be on FaceTime a lot on a school doing stuff but I will I will be he's also looking at me now will be helping facilitate any decision making that is decided endorsed elected


for the betterment of our wedding. Yes, I helped a lot by staying out of the way.

Aaron  37:46

Tell pray to going out of the way so it's true.

Brandon  37:52

So Susan was just like, You know what? Nevermind. I'll do this and like this is yeah, okay. If you just do, yeah. Oh, Shelly. Shelby has an Excel sheet in use. Later. Yeah. Yeah, the deciding factor in our venue? Was the lady was like, Yeah, we have chefs in the kitchen and we take everything and I was like,

Aaron  38:23

done. Okay. That's probably what we we look at is that it's, it's all all inclusive.

Brandon  38:32

It was, it was more expensive, but I did not care. It was worth it. Just like okay, all we had to do was like find the person to bake the cake was like,

Aaron  38:38

done. Okay, what am I got? It might have a context or photos and make making by the way, there you go. See? Again, guys, I'm printing out the calls with them. So but yeah, that the other big thing that we talked about is, as we're both coffee drinkers, we were thinking about having like a little coffee bar there. And it food is the way we're thinking about getting like a food truck. Like a little taco truck or something. We thought about getting like a little coffee car because you can rent those but we're also just gonna possibly just give us 1000 copies. There are people who like iced coffees and lattes because we there was one day we went to the same coffee place like was this like,

Brandon  39:24

are you getting married at breakfast time? This was happening. Isn't am wedding. I am Oh dear. I don't know. I will require obviously you must have the the official Oh brother. A breakfast item of the egg Sam Yeah. Would you the egg egg cart. What type of Aaron Aaron, you've got their chef behind there you've got the coffee bar you have the egg BB and they have three things they have scrambled over easy and sandwich and said


Do you like your sandwich bro? a caterer serve brunch that might be about as long as they have eggs because we are taking an egg picture anyway, just so you know. It can be unofficial with a phone. Okay, not the official wedding photographer, but you can actually go sit in the other room. Bring Shelby over here. We need to plan this out. Yeah, okay,

Aaron  40:21

we got this. Enjoy. I mean, I knew I wanted to be in at least a two year timeframe. Because like, I felt like that was like a good amount of time. It was like, having this built up plan all the time. But like my plan had been put to the side because like, well, crap, I don't necessarily have a rain. I'm like, Oh, well, I'm gonna do it in fall, like a while all the leaves are dead. And like I had I had like, between here and here, and her mother really, really helped me out with like taking the rain, because they'd be like, oh, so what kind of flirt baguettes Do you want? Oh? What? Ordering bread on the side. Okay, so you're like, oh, it's like, Oh, what if we do or who do a white gold? What is placed on the side like, Oh, right. So that he helped me kind of pick out because you knew she knew the color. I knew the size. And the lady that we worked with was just like, he came up with all these amazing things that we that we use. And she she had a blast, and she would text me pictures off and on. And she she was more hype than like we were or when whatever for the rain. So she she was wonderful to work with. There's a place in Owosso that I forgot. But this place has it's really fancy but they have these dogs that just like walk around. They're like older dogs. And they're really sweet. And that's partially why I use them because it's close and they have dogs. what's up what's up. John Kohler and John Kohler was oh, by the way, shout out. Yeah, so they have these really cool dogs. They have a really old Doxon he is so sweet.

Brandon  42:24

That my baby the decision of why bothering but yeah, so that was those are fun. Or those are weekend excursion. And it was it was a blast.

Aaron  42:39

Very exciting. She says she cannot wait to be your old sister in law. Oh, yeah.

Brandon  42:46

Lovely. Whoo. And my little more enthusiasm to that. Come on. Give us some credit show. Yeah, come on, man. Everybody Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Ray So now the venue hunting need to go 75 different places, and they're all slightly not right. And


I guess I see she has she has a spreadsheet and I thought she was joking. But she showed me

Aaron  43:26

why why would you think so there's, it's, it's a mixture of like, Alright, so there's a video in Springfield that she looked at. And she she thinks it's gorgeous. Like, trying to find like the happy medium between like her family traveling and our family traveling. It's more likely going to be possibly here in Oklahoma because there's so many that are just significantly cheaper, but offer more. I told her we're probably going to be a baller on a budget for a while. And so just to get just get some things acclimated and get set up. But we're, yeah, we're looking at one. Wherever it's 22nd is we're going to one that's like, near a lake. More also, we're not I guess we're looking at having it not in like typical like wedding even, like during the spring or summer. It'll mostly kind of be like, fall. Ish, or winter,


but it's December maybe. I'm sorry, December is a good month to get paid. I've heard I've heard that. It's a good time. January's a good one to man. Awesome winter weddings. Oh, no,

Aaron  44:41

this man. About that. She's like, What did what did your oldest brother? Get them? Like

Brandon  44:50

an emergency. Like, we thought about Holland and made like, January and you're like, oh my gosh, I know. Hey, it'll be fine. We'll be right don't worry about it. February. Yeah, I'm loving for February. Even worse weather


obviously might be where it is because a lot of the venues are significant, like the prices drop in February. I'll be like, perfect.

Brandon  45:15

So if the winter has been anything like this, we're like, oh, man, it's winter. It's 65 degrees. Oh, like, first out, I would like to cast your mind back a year ago. I know when it when December was like, Nah, December was like 60 takes five degrees. And then January came. And then February came


snowpocalypse 2020 I didn't I didn't go to work for two weeks because it was so much snow outside my house. So there's a there's a venue that has a has a like, like several $1,000 off in March, but has like this coming March into like, do you think we can get planned in like three months? Like,


no, absolutely not. No, no, fine. So she's like, but we do get it super cheap. And

Aaron  46:14

I was like, No, it'll give them like, Let's enjoy this all of a sudden Russians things so yeah, I don't want to do that. It was yeah, it was. It was pretty awesome experience. I had no idea what I was doing. I just found myself on one the chatroom were almost dropping a box down the stairs. Now. There's a got caught my jacket and I was pulling it and I was still trying to keep her distracted. I was just like pulling it and then like her box, but these boxes just like hard to open. Like fidget fidget, fidget, fidget fidget got it. And here it is. So gasping for breath. But in the most in, in between our


air intakes. Hmm. To say yes. So a cap that takes you back to

Aaron  47:13

your mother. Your mother said I can't if I have to lose your receipts I can't take back.

Brandon  47:21

Wow. Dang. Encouragement insights courier will say it's encouraging words. Yeah, yeah, that's right, man. COURAGING Oh. I'm interested to know more about these spreadsheets. If I may, for a moment, what are in the columns? What do we how are we what are we categorizing wedding venues? Or

Aaron  47:48

venues? What are we talking about? Like what was in the column? What are the categories? Alright, so So venue, yes, look like location? Guest list number catering, flowers, flowers, if it provided or not? Food provided or not? Everything else. It takes provided or not. And then like entertainment. Yeah, like, the whole whole shebang of things if they provide, like their contact information, website, email, phone number, all that stuff. And so she can just pull it up willy nilly. She had a final this weekend. So she had a lot of free time. Sure.

Brandon  48:31

I didn't see here anything in there about bounce houses. So you might want to look into that

Collin  48:36

trough or the early No, obviously.

Aaron  48:44

It needs to be rated a little bit higher. Wait. Like, like, like my ways sorry. But yeah, so things like that. But there's how many around here? Yeah. Sorry. And there's Yeah, so one one very, and then there's like 16 here. It goes on. But it shows him on his thoughts on not the one of the very

Brandon  49:24

I mean, that makes sense. Because you live in

Aaron  49:26

Canada. Yeah. It would make most sense to how to get paid Where do you live naked? Living in Missouri. Here without true, you guys in the parking lot and then afterwards, we just come in here and party. Okay. We're super, super low. Like well, people. That ain't egg party. Egg party. Yeah. eyes that. I mean, schools almost done. Got my observation done today. Most of our teachers are pretty high for me, like teachers who are just do something stupid like that. I was like, hey, now I didn't know I was gonna be observed today. And we had two days of state testing. And I was like, Yeah, we're gonna put on a movie and I'll get it set up and then we'll walk in, I was like, um, we're walking in millinery on self isolation, and how the effect and the mental effects of bullying during the holidays as a the social impact on on a community, and my students were really confused or critical started laughing like, are you watching the Grinch? I'm like, we are playing a movie. I got really good scores. But yeah, that was my week's been very interesting. At least.

Brandon  51:01

You know, good times. can be fun time. And do anything new. The next thing I tried to survive the last week of sixth graders, always challenging. So making it Yeah. Oh, yeah. Did you do anything cool. Wow. Actually, no. Last.


Wait. Saturday. Saturday? Yes. Saturday. We went to a concert.

Brandon  51:48

Yes. Tell me. How. How were how was okay. Yes. I saw Susan post photo. Looks like a lot of fun. How was that? Yeah, it was awesome. Right? So we went to see the postmodern jukebox tour in Springfield at the glorious theater. Right? Awesome. So postmodern jukebox is a it's a YouTube channel, right? So it started by this guy, Scott Bradley. And he started he started doing it like forever ago. And he's, he's like, he's been on YouTube for like, a million years now. And he like, he's like a piano player guy. He does stuff. And he does vintage inspired covers of modern pop songs. Right, so he'll do them in like, 1920s Ragtime style, or like 1970 Sol, right? And they just like he does. They do covers of like modern songs. But these like really crazy vintage styles. And their videos are like sick, right, like the musicianship and the singing is like, it's off the chart. Sucks. So good. So we went to their live show in Springfield. And holy cow. It was awesome. Did they? Did they have similar performance? Or how was it staged cuz I was much more high energy, right? So they had four different singers. Okay, so they had, they had the head of bass player, guitar player, piano player, drummer, and then trombone player and a guy that played wins. He played an assortment of saxophone, clarinet and flute. Right. And so they did all their musical numbers that way. Oh, and oh, wait, no. And there's the tap dancing guy.


Dude. Like tap dancing has literally never been so cool as this guy.

Brandon  53:55

That's awesome. They had a they have so they have four singers. So they have three ladies and a guy. And they just sort of like rotated out. Right? So they like one lady would come out and sing their song and then like, and then the next time it would be another lady. And sometimes they would come out together. Sometimes it was all of them, right? And then the dude come out and say like, there's like rotated out that way. Like, each singer was like saying, like certain songs, you know? And they like, they would switch out and there was like, literally costume changes for the singers like every single time they're on stage. But yeah, it was crazy. Like the Spangler Enos of dresses was like, literally blinding at one point.


So they would always they would switch up costumes for whatever song it was right? Like, you know, all that kind of stuff. And so I was cool, though,

Brandon  54:47

was really fun. It was like a very high energy. Lots of excitement. So I went with Susan and a couple of our friends from school. Right. We went with the history teacher and the high school choir director went and told me Eat Yeah. fun guys fun so we all went and the four of us went down there and we ate like Firstbeat what's known as because obviously it's like right there like okay well I mean to do I want delicious Italian food yes yes I do and then went to the they're there it's pretty nice it was really fun so it was like the sound was like really good in there like their sound engineer people were like just off the chart right like really good seven mins tap dancing guy is a fool like just like craziness like they they just had like this thing on stages like this big square just like hardwood. Yeah and he would come out and he would like dance to the songs a couple of times or like sometimes like part of the rhythm of the song was like him right


it's like he's like part of the rhythm section its employment. And then there was like a feature thing where he did like it was like a feature

Brandon  56:00

of just him and his dancing abilities which are


wow wow shocking, right like go ahead and do that. Like they were like he did one of them was like a Mario medley It was hilarious. Like really? Yeah, awesome. Super Mario, like medley of like all the songs like the baddest Castle like the Yoshi eyelid like the main theme I

Brandon  56:31

guess Larry's where again, like part of the rhythm of the song is his tap dancing. Yeah, which is mildly crazy. Yeah, it makes it really, you know, just really super unique. And rather stomp stomp ask I guess Yeah, little little flair added flair there. Yeah, I was crazy. It was really good. And like, again, like the musicianship is just like top tier guys like really good in the singer are just, yeah, you could like feel there was one lady. I don't remember her name was down, but like, you could basically feel her voice like punching you in the chest. Like if we were sitting in the balcony, so Oh, my. Oh my gosh. And probably the biggest surprise of all standing there. I come out of the bathroom. I walk into the main hallway in the glories, you


know to go upstairs and I'm standing there am staring at this dude. And all of a sudden I'm like, I know that guy. Holy cow. It was Bluto. That college with his family. Walk in it. Oh my god. Crazy. It was absolutely hysterical. Of course he would be there. I think he's very real. Like nach like, yes. But yeah, right. Yeah. So obviously this guy had us like we used to play music together. We

Brandon  58:14

played in the jazz band together college. Yeah. Right. And so he was standing there with his wife and his two kids. And I was like, what?


And she was like, Oh my God, it was hysterical. That's cool. It was I called him I like yelled Bluto out through the hallway. And like, it's not his real name. Obviously,

Brandon  58:36

the listeners says his moniker. We call them that because he literally looks like Bluto from Popeye.


He is an enormous man. But he was like, his kids started laughing. And he turned around real quick, because he was like, What? What? What,


why does that? Yeah. Because like, people don't you know, I don't think he probably goes by that name anymore. And so


he was like, whoa. So what? Yeah, so you get a chance to get caught up? Or was it kind of like, Oh, we got to move on.

Brandon  59:13

Just a little bit, because we're going to go inside. But yeah, he's doing stuff. He's teaching his daughter how to play saxophone. And I was like, Oh, yeah. He was like, yes, it's a little stressful but you know, it's doing the dad thing or I run his kids all around everywhere. everything right? His wife is still working at her job that she's like a pharmacist or whatever, so Oh, cool. Yeah. So yeah, that's pretty sweet. That was pretty random encounter of the highest order. All the College Music buddy showed up at postmodern jukebox lobby. Anything so that was hilarious. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's really cool. And I think what's kind of neat is kind of you guys had that same interest in Yeah, that musical style and then you kind of been out of contact a little bit and then you reconnect like, Oh, hey, yeah, yeah, but again, that's why when you said blue, I was like, Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I would get more I know. Like, I was like everybody else had started to go upstairs when I had this realization. So Susan's likes coming back down the stairs. She was like, What are you doing? And I was like, blood was here. She's like, What? Were so she got to meet him, because she's never actually met him before. So she met him. And we would talk to them a little bit. And he made fun of me, obviously, like you do. And then


classic musicianship like ribbing. He's like, Yeah, I went to the sixth grade band concert the other day thought of you I was like, Haha Oh, you got to do that. I guess by now you got it. I was like, well, at least my music is never been written up in the papers being terrible. So like, if we got bad reviews he once played that star spangled banner, slightly all on Jimi Hendrix. And some dude wrote like a really angry op ed paper about like, how horrible it was in my shell. Terribly unAmerican?


Yeah. I thought it was good. So like, I don't know if I was no good renditions. Oh,

Brandon  1:01:33

exactly. Is it is? So yeah, that was my excitement for the week. Random, old friends sighting in downtown. Ooh, that's pretty cool. That's fun time. But the show was great. Right? It was really good. So if you're not listening to postmodern jukebox, already, you should be on Spotify. I have a YouTube channel. I have all these sorts of videos on there. You can see all the performances and all the different stuff. Right? Lots of guest musicians and different people singing songs and stuff. It's really good. The arrangements are great.


Right? So highly recommend. Post majuba can't watch them in person. Definitely be listened to their stuff.

Brandon  1:02:24

Good. Lincoln. shownotes. Yeah, there we go. Oh, but oh, well, uh, I don't you guys. Aaron, you said you had power that you lost for a little bit. But you guys are all saved. So now.

Aaron  1:02:50

So not not power here. So we actually lost power three times out of school today. It was really windy, and it was dark. And then it'd be really sunny but and windy. But it'd be dark again and windy. So we'd lost, like, but it was like the first time was like a flicker. But it was like often maybe like a minute and back on. And then later at the end of the day, we lost power again. Got it back on and we lost our index, and then it came back on and then we were fine. So nothing here in town here yet. But today, sporadically. Due to when in starting conditions.


We did lose power. Yes. Yeah, we were under a wind advisory. Most of the day we had like 30 plus miles an hour away

Brandon  1:03:40

all day at Kansas City. Apparently, they had. So one of our clients, his he and his wife are taking flight lessons. And she was supposed to fly today. Not a day for that who they had to cancel it. They had 60 mile an hour winds

Collin  1:03:59

60 And I looked to make and I was like I feel like we're in Lubbock. Again. We're just like, oh, it's mildly breezy. And it's 40 And you're like, what's this? I am terrified us but yeah, not a breeze. No, it's been bad all day to day. I had I had several drop ins going into people's houses and letting the dogs out in the backyard and I'd have to like get outside in the backyard really quick. Shut the door. Make sure the fence was still there. And

Brandon  1:04:26

then let the dog out there was like this is a day where I let him out and then I look in the front yard and see the dog running down the street. I go oh yeah, the fence must be fences gone. Yeah. So so we'll see. We'll see but yeah, thankfully they've blown through and we didn't have any major stores but I think we make it another round here. There was supposed to have something about an hour of points that radar but it looks Less than it did. Like, it looks like like less together. Yeah, sort of. So I kept getting good. I kept doing updates on others about like, it's coming. And then it was like, it's Val be ready, then it was kind of like your mind. Yeah, let's try to cool down just a little bit. Finally. It's a warm today. Oh, it would have been a lot nicer if I Oh, I'm sorry to save this for the very last of the show. But last week, the reason I brought bring this this just like, hit my brain, because it's all of the wind. Had lots of gumballs in my yard. Oh, oh, oh, yes, I almost forgot. And I am upset because prior to today, I had a perfectly clean, beautiful looking yard. Thanks to some head rakes. And let me tell you, I am going to have to find obviously a photo to send to you guys to see this, um, that Megan took of me using them. Because it's magical. It is magical. I I mean, I appreciated it. I don't know about Megan of but. So, I need to get I need to figure out these things. Um, these, these, uh, these again, they are kind of they're big discs that you put your hand in the back and they've got these teeth on them. And they allow you to bend down and scoop up with your hands. You can pick up the look kind


of like big scary catcher's mitts. Right? It's gonna remind me of the way the shape they're like big,

Collin  1:06:59

broad, like, Yeah, well, I'm gonna send these to you these. These. These are different. They look a little different. I wish I had a close up of these, but they're basically like just big saucers that you put on your hands and kind of like, make your hands wide. Right. And then at the end, they've got kind of teeth so you can rake things towards you. But the teeth. So first thing let's go with build construction.

Brandon  1:07:22

Awful. These are not good. They look. They look smaller than I thought they would.


Yeah, they look like trash can lids that you just put on your hand? Yeah, but like they look too small. They look they don't they don't even look like the size of a dinner plate.

Brandon  1:07:40

These things look tiny. This is exactly these are probably. I don't know. I mean, they're probably 18 inches across. Maybe 20. Yeah, I mean, because my hands. Yeah, they're probably no, you're right. They're probably say 12. I think about 12. Eight.

Collin  1:07:57

Yeah, they look 12 inches across. They look to some they're not they're not 18. Sorry, sorry, they're probably 12 Why do I have random picture show you they're probably 12 inches across, it's much, which doesn't sound that much. But that when you go when you have the paper bag there, or when you have a bag, if the if you're if these are too large, you can't then dump these into the bag. Right. And that was something that I actually struggled with was that the bag opening was kind of the same, it was wasn't enough to really make it comfortable to drop these in easily. So you kind of had to funnel them down with your hands. But Bill construction, these, these are these whatever these are,

Brandon  1:08:42

because this is not the prescribed giant plastic leaf bag. See that's well, but if you want the city to take them, or if you want to do deal to just jump out of your car and hook them into the city compost pile, you use paper bags, I mean, that's true, I suppose which is what I want. So I could just dump them out of the bag, just like yeah, but then

Collin  1:09:03

it's a lot more handling, I just really want to grow them. And then right away, oh, these are very thin, which was something that I kept running into was when I'm reaching down to pick up these gumballs I felt like I was having to kind of bend the plastic with my fingers and I was having to put a little bit a lot more attention on my hands and I originally thought that I would have to kind of mold these to shape them because they were so thin and kind of give them a little bit more rigidity with my hands. I probably overthinking this when I was doing this, but the rakes themselves again, like tiny you can't see in this photo because they're covered with and the blisters obviously can't see because they're covered with gumballs and because listeners can't see them because this is a podcast and not a video cast. But they're so thin that they can't really rake hard and something that I have learned about my raking style is I am I'm an aggressive rancor, I've broken one rake and I have been to the metal handle of another one. And so when I'm raking, we're raking we're really getting everything out of there.

Brandon  1:10:12

So if you go down but once you get the full once you get the big pile that it's kind of nice to just kind of get the last little bit of whatever's at the end with a little tines but they're so spaced apart that you can't really get the fine stuff to add to the

Collin  1:10:28

to the back. So the really really the one plus for these is that when you are scooping up I filled 330 gallon bags of nothing but gumballs nothing but gumballs ah and I have my yard looks like I have not raked it since before I took this photo because of the gumball machine that sits above my house so I have to go fill out probably another three of just nothing but gumballs anyway when you're doing this with your normal hands or with gloves you can only pick up so much in the dents and gumballs are so voluminous but you only get like seven in your normal hands and so it is nice you can really tear through large piles with these and you don't have to worry about getting stuck or poked with anything which is something that I also appreciated because and this picture that you can probably see there's a Burberry bush which is those evil devil thorn bushes things that we used to have on the house where every time to have wood trim you couldn't run around that corner that was closest to the tree all the red ones Yeah, the red ones. Yeah. Where they're covered in thorns where if you lose one stripe thing you'll step on it literally in then you'll have a massive splinter in your heel. Oh yeah, right so um, best I can do is I trim those and I try and clean them up everything but there are strays right and so anytime I'm raking the yard I will guaranteed find one of those even though I rake my yard apparently 1000 times a year that's what I learned from this ad oh my god so bad. But it's like these do again help you not have to poke and get stuck because even with gloves, it can stick through stitches or whatever and gloves again you're not really increasing your rate of being able to scoop so I'm a little disappointed in their construction quality because they just don't feel solid enough to where you could really grab a big pile of and keep them together without them warping but in the protecting your hands and allowing you to

Brandon  1:12:32

scoop up piles like this I will say that since I'm usually scooping piles with my hands anyway I was already bending down

Collin  1:12:39

these I didn't have to bend down as often because you're taking bigger chunks out of a pile so it was kind of a you know when when I guess but mostly Noah use these and it was a lot of fun. So he would he would take one and set it flat on the ground and then pile a bunch of gumballs on top of it and then take the other one and put it on top and then lift both of them and then delicate serving tray like a serving tray exactly like a serving tray.

Brandon  1:13:10

So that's what that's called a close thing. I would I will probably give these particular ones to me the the

Collin  1:13:21

build quality again I keep harping on that but it is kind of a big deal on those those knock it down to probably a six out of 10 but the usefulness is what gives it the six and not any lower because they were genuinely helpful. I think if they were better quality build I would be better to recommend


Okay, so engineering question what should they be made out of to make the superior at picking up things? Should they just be thicker plastic or should they be like aluminum?

Collin  1:13:50

What should they be made out of? I think either a thicker plastic carbon fiber I don't know what Yes exactly. No, I think I think they were I think if they were still plastic maybe thicker but you could add ribbing on the backs of them Oh or rigid I think okay because just adding some more structure to him because right now these are perfectly smooth and perfectly flat so you can just warp them and deform God wiggle them around. If you added that structure that backing to make them more I think that alone would without getting with the thickness issue just adding that structure would really be beneficial for these Okay, so they can't flex and you can actually like yes push things together yes that would be that would be good because again because they flex I was worried about them deforming and then me losing stuff or them you know the the surface air being smaller so I would take my fingers and kind of push against the plastic as it was warping as I was scooping stuff. And that just kind of the tires your hands out after a while. Yeah, true.

Brandon  1:14:56

Ah, there we go. So ribbing Go. Yep, six out of 10 needs. Yeah. So that's the, that's the Hendrick review. I am finally glad to have done that. And we'll use them again once we have to get up tomorrow and rake in saying all of these have been blown down again, because it'll be severe windstorm today. So that the space between my house and my neighbor's house is like two driveways with third little less. It is just a wind tunnel where all the leaves get funneled in and pushed up against my gate. And I literally have like, three feet of just now brand new leaves against my gate that I have to come in and dig out and put in bags. So I'm doing leaves on that side and all gumballs in the front. So what you're saying is leap forward, Okay, God,

Collin  1:15:56

14 and a half, I will say that we do go to the compost, the city compost, which is 15 minutes from my house, not too out of the way. But I can only fit three of these yard waste bags in my jeep at a time. So I have

Brandon  1:16:12

I have a deer at 18 of these bags. And I had one that I had filled and I was like oh my gosh, I get this taken before I take that back. I need to go rake my yard. Well,


I filled three other bags, something I had four bags, I was like, I can't fit. So I head up to 18 and then I took three so I still have quite a few bags that I need to go cohosh one day a lot. And what's annoying is

Collin  1:16:39

that we you know, the service that we pay for for the city is extra five bucks a month, and they'll come and literally take anything away.

Brandon  1:16:45

They stop it at the end of November. And they don't pick it up. Oh


no. Yeah, which is when I need it they know that that's why they like it. They think they know

Brandon  1:16:59

that. Don't resume it until like March. And I'm like I'm not storing 18 bags of


leaks in for you well just out of spite I store my in my garage. It's so all of our

Brandon  1:17:16

I do want to put them outside because they just gonna rot in the bags are gonna run through and they're blown away and oh, by the way, get knocked over. Whatever. So it's like, I'm just gonna line my walls with a good with wood leaf bags. Hmm. You put in the coal chute just up to my eyeballs and leaves. Oh, I know. The actual answer to this is get a a gas powered lawnmower right can just mulch them in place and not have to worry about this and have it auto bag and do blah, blah, blah. I love not having to put gas in my lawnmower. And using an electric reading say it's so nice. It's so quiet. I can do yard work at any time of day when they're not electric we'd up electric leaf option there is there is they obviously bigger and bulkier. But there is there is an electric option. You know again but but you know, plus with that is my yard is tiny. So I don't really need a last year. Yeah, that's the biggest thing with these is like, Oh, you get a battery powered one you can do seven feet. Checkmate minus six. So we're clear. I can't turn it around. Good. So I think that that's probably an option. Right now. I'm still enjoying the real mower plus raking to address the yard issues. I think though, like leaves are so bad. So anyway, my leaf Syrah continues. We are taking one step at a time. So thanks, you just cut the tree down. And then you went yeah. No. Trees. Different tree. Not a gumball tree. We do have we did plan to Baroque. So in 100 years, it'll be fine. Yes, my short time away. That's right. That's funny. Yes, so Well, thank you for that important consumer update Consumer Update. I haven't yet found the link to these things. I don't know where my client purchased them. So if I find that will be in the show notes. So you can go and revel in these


and see what other people are saying. Right? Yes, so you may not sleep at ease knowing Oh, Okay a few. That was worried. US Oh plate but anyway So try not to get blown away and give it a shot. And we'll, we'll do the scans next time. All right. Love you guys.