annual poultry budget

Brandon scored an amazing gift from his White Elephant exchange. Collin has some ideas for unhappy Hallmark movie endings. Collin hired someone else. Then, the discussion you didn’t know you needed, who buys fancy poultry? We pick out our favorites and are blown away by the pricing of these things. Who KNEW??

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ducks, buy, people, pheasant, pond, house, dogs, poultry, crane, ducklings, week, movie, waterfowl, birds, person, weird, christmas, crazy, mutant, true


Collin, Brandon

Brandon  00:04

Welcome to Oh brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon Cullen and Aaron on this week's show annual poetry budget hello I think we should probably start again. Mee Mee Mee Mee Hello. Hello and in one here we go. Yes. Nationals obviously. thing what has really been great haven't done a thing it's been marvelous. Ah, yes oh, you've just been had nothing to do and all day to do it. Yeah, I did some laundry. I was my big my big to do today it's like oh man. Laundry. Yep, it's great. The guy he watched like a Christmas movie earlier. Oh, Mark. No, no, like a real one like, Christmas Carol. Right lighting. Wow. Like, for real Christmas movie not like the weird Hallmark variety that I've been actually watching for months now. And I just happen to to come out and not have been involved. There's all kind of the same movie and I get confused. And I don't understand what's going on. And I just you know, I heard that the reason people like, Hallmark movies. I don't know I said, Oh, Hallmark. It was very contemptuous. Why why people like Hallmark movies, is because they know what they're going to get, you know exactly. Basically what's going to happen. You don't have to worry about screening content, or anything if you're with family members, wherever there's just kind of like vanilla ice cream where there is true. And yet, almost every week, my mother in law make some sort of comment about like, well, I just hope this one is happy. But there's literally not another option. Like they're like, there isn't like, there isn't one where they're just like, alright, well, I guess it didn't work by and then they just like, and then they all died. Well, anyway. That'd be great. Yeah, just like a truck accident. I don't know. Like, are they just like, yep, you're right. And they just like, go back to the city they lived in and like, that's it like. And they never did see each other again. And like nobody came. Nobody came running back at the end. They're just like, Yeah, you know what, that wouldn't have been the right move for me. Yeah, yeah, it was a fun weekend away. They were cute, but I'll just text them I guess. Like, I don't need to go like rushing. You know what I mean? Like, Oh, yeah. Yeah. Or, like, the whole the whole relationship doesn't like go through the whole thing. And like two days, it's just like, oh, yeah, they're kind of cool. Maybe I'll talk to him later. And there's and like, see, you know how this kind of goes or, you know, put or maybe like, Let's slow this down a little bit and add some traveling to do like, No, I actually have a business meeting. I have to do this thing or like I actually have another appointment that I have to meet like, I got a I got a doctor's appointment, man. Like, they were just like, Yo, I'd love to stay but my I got to get this cavity filled tomorrow, bro. I got I can't be messing around here. I got I can't get back to Fort or Tom is like I'd race back to get her but game start. I'm gonna. Yeah.


Basketball though, right? Like,

Brandon  04:24

like, what? Like, imagine that like an imagine that somebody's like, actually keeping the responsibility they already had like, yeah, no, I legitimately have to go this business like, thing. Like sorry, like, exactly, yeah, like, I'm not really financially responsible of me to just be like, Yeah, you know what, I will quit my job right now. Wait, what? Yeah, hold on. At least two weeks notice and I got a slot Have a think about my cat, right? Like a cat a D this kid my insurance changed over, you know, like that pretty much or the the they actually like fall in love like halfway through the movie and then the second half is just like the logistical challenges of like actually moving to Colorado, right. Okay which set of dishware to keep? Yes. Oh man. Yeah. Oh that's that's it that's where they have the big fight is like, no listen your your dish towels are hot trash and we're throwing them away. They're like, Listen, my grandma gave me these towels. How dare you insult my family like that? Ah, yes. What do you what do you mean, you know, like my design aesthetic, right? Like she actually sees the first of all, I'd like to point out that none of these movies accurately represent what man's house looks like. Let's just be real guys. Fun. We know, we know if I was in charge of decorating my house. Uh huh. It would look entirely different. Like, wow, bad. So you see, so like, that's, that's what they're like, Ah, I mean, I do have one room in my house. I'm responsible decorating. And yeah, it's very, you know, nobody comes in here. It's like, yeah. I mean, because not everybody have a giant pirate flag hanging on their wall. Is that another thing people do? Understand? Ooh. You know, man, good. No, not great. It's lovely. Yeah, so like, he like actually brings this stuff over and he like, puts it out. And she goes, oh, oh, no, like, that's your vase. You put your plant in. In the end, so it's no better yet. The movie just starts with that the kissing part at the end that like falling out. You don't even get to see the backstory. Just the logistical challenges of the person moving to a new state. And then like discovering each other's actual personalities as they get to live with them and not just like weird No, it would be really good. Yeah. To see all that. Oh, no, no, they met at Christmas. We catch up with them next Christmas as they're debating on which family they're going to see the day. Oh, scheduling the new holiday


with the family. Oh my gosh. Like what do you mean? We don't have enough time to go to my grandma's? I always go to my grandma's like Yeah, but I always go to my room. Oh, we've got to split our dad. Well, how would you feel about going to your family that we before? No. How can we go to your family that we before like well, because aunt Jenny will only be here like

Brandon  08:00

yeah, that's the real drama. This is that's again, they just kind of go off into the sunset like well, I guess they never have any fights and it's like no, no, they met at Christmas. But you know there's a lot this is loving Yes. I like just call it movie series next Christmas. And it's just like the sequels weekend catching back up with your with your with your family favorites or whatever. Yeah, turns out they don't even really like horses. There's annoying and stupid and smell bad after they've been cleaning horse stalls for like a whole year they're like, this is stupid. It was fine. But oh, that horse doesn't like be paid me three times bid me It fit me this morning yes, this is this is exactly what I am so full of holiday cheer. And lovely Yeah, run those when those are the ones you can run in July right build up. Yeah. Yeah, well again, I think no, there's just so many because then you could play into just so many so many additional. Like, you can be flipping the the tropes of Hallmark kind of on their head and still have a lot of the same themes but they just play out differently. Oh, yes, it'd be great ah, well yeah, well good. I'm glad I had you been getting caught up on all your Christmas fun. Yeah, no, I was at we did that. So we did today really was do like, just hang out. That's all we're doing this week. Really? I had to go to doctor yesterday, just like an appointment because I haven't been to the doctor. like 7000 years, so they're like, Hey, you have to come in if you want us to be your doctor, okay? Apparently, we can't just like not go back like, No, but I'm feeling fine. I don't care. You have to come to the doctor, just to like, say hello. Like, just like, Okay, how's it going to work? It's not that we don't believe you, but also don't believe you. Do kind of stuff. Yeah. So it was just that like, Hey, you haven't been to the doctor in a long time. And if you want to be on the list of patients, you have to come in. Okay, fine. So, here's just the old check in like, Hey, guys, how's it going? Very exciting stuff yesterday, took about 20 minutes and so Oh, that's nice. That's always like, look, I don't have to do anything. And the safe now. Yeah, well, no, I mean, and plus, my appointment was at like, 1030 in the morning. Oh, so like, it was like, boom, done. Like they went in. They did the thing. I drew some blood just for funsies. And then like, it was met with the lady the photo or the physician's assistant lady or whatever.


She's cool. So I was like,

Brandon  11:29

Hey, what's going on? Here? Go? Hello. Yeah, is your will keep giving you medicine. Thanks. Okay. Bye. Good. So yeah, not nothing too egregious. I survived. The dreaded work holiday party last week. We did. I did. So that's good. Is this the one with the white elephant gift? Yes. mostly useless gift exchange at the White I can. What did you get? I believe I ended up with a box of Toy Story four party decorations. Yeah. So there's like a tablecloth, and I think maybe some napkins possibly peanuts to hang up like a little banner thing. He So basically, what that means is I have my white elephant gift for next Jaeger here. Because it's small enough, or just captured the box. I stuck it in my cabinet. And next year, I'm just going to take it out and wrap it and give it back. And that will love it. Master move into that habit. What I mean literally everyone saw that coming because I was like Oh, yes. This is the exact gift that proves my point of like, why even bother? Like, can we just have snacks? Like, is it legal? Like can't what? Why can't we just have snacks, like can be jovial with snacks. I said that's all I really good. That's all I want. I don't want to participate in this terrible useless activity where I have to waste like, an hour and a half of my life waiting for 50 people to go through that did you out or they play the white elephant? I guess that's always did you get a chance to steal or Yeah, they did the traditional draw number. Yes. And then after you have drawn said number, you go in order but you do the thing where it's like okay, you can either steal something somebody already has or pick a new president off the table. Yes. Nice. Yeah. And then there's usually some like after a president has stolen X number of times it is like quote dead right he can't do it anymore. Yeah. It's usually like twice because the third person that I went to usually they freeze it there. Oh, I guess what they did? I didn't pay attention. I was just like sitting there. I'm like one of the last numbers is dissolvable i Why did you steal? No steal? They actually don't care. Humorous part is that the President I brought got stolen like a billion times and got frozen and all I did was grab a box of Kleenex is out of my closet. Rapid. Ooh, again. Elementary School. hot commodity. Kleenex less. That's right. Wait. So I was really being the most helpful person. Actually. You know what? Yeah, you brought you actually brought a lot of value. The job. Yeah, I brought a gift somebody actually wanted. Look at that. Chalk how this works people useful to utilitarian, someone's not going to be stuck keeping it forever, right they're going to use it if they get rid of it best, best gift for office party, right? You don't want another dumb coffee cup that you don't actually want or like whatever other weird things people had their ridiculous so that means do that is a half day on Friday goo. That was miserable, like half days, especially two half days, like day before, like the last day of Christmas break. It's literally just like terrible. So we watched home alone, as because we were encouraged to have a holiday party. So home alone. Boom, there we go. That is a holiday. We just sat and watch movies and there were like, treats. So even better. We go covered all the bases for festivities. and such. So yeah, that was the that's just about the only thing I've actually been too bad.


No, it's been great.

Collin  17:01

Kind of in a weird low in between, like, for whatever reason, last week, this previous weekend was absolutely intense and insane with dogs, then we're kind of in the middle like Tuesday through Thursday, things are not very bad. Then Friday. Friday is gonna be insane, though, right? Friday is no bueno. And basically, the the 24th through January 5,

Brandon  17:24

it's not Oh,

Collin  17:29

just, I can go on my calendar. And the way I have my calendar set up the top bar is everything that's a full day event. And then you can look down you can see things by the hour. And oh, yeah, I can literally scroll on my all day events

Brandon  17:45

based off of like, things that were Oh no, no. Scrolling is bad. That's my schedule. No, nobody wants that. Oh, no, thankfully. Yeah. And it really doesn't even get that intense until Sunday. I think a lot of people are are it seems like the majority of people are doing Christmas Christmas at home. And then the next day immediately are like, Ah

Collin  18:21

well, I what I mean, no, I mean, we have we have one dog yeah, here for two and a half weeks. And another dog or just just to get it gets

Brandon  18:34

heard and he doesn't get up until Oh, that's insane, man. Like, holy cow. Oh, yeah. Yeah, but most people most of these dogs are here for a solid week. Monday to Sunday. Yep, that's what most of the dogs are Sunday.

Collin  18:51

Wow. Oh, and then this year, thankfully and one of the reasons one of the ways we're trying to grow here in Thalia is by increasing our drop it in walks. Those customers. Yeah, well, they came out in force for Christmas. So

Brandon  19:13

I mean, you Yeah. Nice. But also they won't be in your house. But then you have to go all the places so yeah. So we're trying to get a little intense.

Collin  19:29

So but Oh, well. It's all good. It's all good hire you got. We've been busy with a bunch of stuff. I actually interviewed somebody to work here in town. Oh, that's it. Oh, exciting. Get this.

Brandon  19:45

This is this is the person who who were very interested in hiring. He graduated in 2017. From high school. He's like, early. Immediately after graduating high school, he moved to LA ready to work? Where he was he in a Hallmark movie. And then, whenever he was asked that, he was like, oh, man, um, and

Collin  20:18

he's like, Oh, it's really expensive to live in Colorado. I want to be closer to home where I can, because he's from Kansas City. I want to live. But I don't want to live in where it's really expensive to live. So he moved to a town smaller than the one I live in, bought a house. He bought, okay, bought a historic building on Main Street, moved into it, and is renovating it so that he can turn it into a rental property and live upstairs.

Brandon  20:51

Well, there you go. I mean, and even better. Even better, how he is currently, I don't understand how this person's finances work. And I don't ask him any questions, but currently the only job that he has is he sells mandarin ducks. What he raises rare breeds of dogs sells. To whom? Who is buying ducks? I don't know. But it's I don't see any parks. Is that where all the ducks come from? It just like chillin in the pond. Right? You got a buyer from some dude. Got a duck hatch the hutch on the roof of his building downtown. I don't know. I have no idea. I have no idea. But he's like, he's like, obviously doing I don't know if he's doing okay. Or he comes from so. Right. But it's just like, okay, but it's it's kind of weird. I don't know. It reminded me if you've ever watched the he'll like house hunters on the TV show. Yeah. Where he's like, I'm an artist, and I paint toothpicks blue. And she's like, I have an interpretive dancer who worked? Yeah, like the meme. Right? Like, yeah, our budget 2.4 million. You're like, yeah, like, What? What? Any real jobs. I guess this is how you This is like, step one to buying a ghost town though. Right? That's how it starts. You know, I mean,


maybe you build up,

Brandon  22:18

you got to build up they saw Okay, step one. gotta buy a historic building K check. It's, it's one of those or it's, it's the storefront on the ground level. And then the apartment is up upstairs. And so he's, he's living in the living quarters upstairs. But he hasn't touched downstairs yet. And that's just his plan is to like to do that sell dogs to walk dog. Hey, you know, whatever you got to do to I was like, no. Okay, cool. But the reason that we're very interested in him is he was a groomer for a year. So not only, like, if there's one thing that you know, about boomers is like, they know dog body language. Really? Well. Yeah. Cuz they don't want to get their face. Yes. Right. Like, so you have the you have a lot

Collin  23:14

of impetus to learn that. And so he is he knows body language of dogs really well. And he's also interested in still continuing to groom. So it may be an additional service

Brandon  23:30

to booking in home Grooms and nail trim. Because we we actually hold across a lady who her entire business started by her offering just nail trim in people's homes. That was the only service you offer. No pets today. Wow. Nothing. That's all. She did just nails. I mean, I know that people don't like to trim their pets nails, especially cats, right? Nobody nobody wants to do that. So like, if that's a service you like, Yo, I'm good at that. Oh, no. And that's what I'm forever. Well, cuz she was a vet tech, but she was like, this job is really awful. That techs job is really awful. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Like, it's really bad. And she was like, What do I What do I do? And

Collin  24:16

I, she's like, I can do this thing. So I'll that's the only thing that I'll do. And she was like, really crazy busy with it. And then she started at other services. And we just we've gotten several requests for that kind of thing. Like, Oh, could you bathe my dog while I'm gone? Or could you trim there? No, he just stuff. So it's like, you know, what, if I have just a groom kit, in a box or bag, like in a bag, like a duffel bag or organized? Yeah, yeah, that they just he comes and picks up and goes for his like, and then brings it back at the end of the day. I mean, yeah, like, ah, absolutely.

Brandon  25:00

It only bad it's like a little backpack, right? Because we're not offering professional like, I mean, he is a certified, he did training. So it is quote unquote professional grooming, but we're not doing like, show cuts or things like that. But yeah, you know, no.

Collin  25:17

So I'm kinda like, you know what, that may be an interesting thing to try and least offer to expand stuff. Because I have so many people who are interested in mobile grooming, and I don't know a thing about mobile grooming, or I don't know, think about grooming, but I know it's an increasingly big

Brandon  25:38

deal. So, yeah, we there's a lady here in town that does mobile grooming, and she has like a little, like one of those like small horse trailer things. That's what looks like. And she'll just like walk up to your house. She throws an extension cord out and says plug this in somewhere. And she'll just do it right there. And then she's off. Good to go. Like, it's wild man. Like, she's got the whole she got like in the sink and little table in there. And like all this stuff. It's crazy. Like, yeah, yeah, no. I know. I know, a couple of people who do who have vans and stuff where they get it. Oh, yeah. Oh, you better, right. Yeah, it's a lot more expensive. Well, it would be more expensive, because then you're only that's the only thing that thing could do. Yeah, right. Whereas the trailer option is like, Okay, well, I'm gonna go drive somewhere. I'm gonna leave the trailer here at my house, right? You have to, like, drive the grooming van to the store. Exactly. So there's, there's pros and cons. And I think what we'll start off with, I would probably start off with at least just doing the rooms in the person's house. Of when you can buy like portable room tables, and things like that. Just kind of see, I think at first just gonna offer Neil for him and go from there as an extra service for people and see how that how that goes. So

Collin  27:07

that that was pretty exciting today, I wish we're still gonna make a final decision because he does live in a small town that's like 20 or 30 minutes away. But I do have some concerns about travel and like availability, right? Yeah, schedule and stuff. Because it's like, if I've got to drop in six, eight. Like, that's an early day. Yeah, that's true. And then if the next one isn't until 12, like, that's a weird day. What are you gonna do? So? Yeah, we're, but I presented all that same stuff to her.

Brandon  27:46

And to, to the, to the person and he was like, yeah, no, that sounds really good. That's not a problem at all. Because he's a single 20 something year old. Dude, who sells dogs is renovating a house or? Yeah, I mean, I whatever. I really want the update on it. Who buys these ducks? That's what who is buying mandarin ducks? They're great talks. I don't know. Oh, yeah, they have like the big crest right. And they have like all the crazy colors right? That's I'm thinking the right one. Yeah, it's weird that I know more about ducks than cats. So I'm just gonna throw that out there. But um, that's yeah, I don't really know why. I know why. I know what Amanda duck is but I I know. And so yeah, I want I want to know who is buying that? Because like, what do you what do you do with a mandarin? Duck? Right? Like what do you do with a duck first of all, like hey, I don't think so. Probably not from fancy ducks. Right? Like if you just wanted eggs, you would just get like a normal like wood duck. Right? Like corn or I guess just like a white like bottle bottle. Yeah. I don't know what I don't know what he was a duck. Right? Like like where things are expensive. Whoa. Okay. I mean they're really cool looking. Right like what you didn't go to map Mallard Lane combined. Can I purely poultry. What is happening purely and I buy a Muscovy duck. Those are the really weird looking ones that are always in the party has them on sale. Poultry, surely poultry. What my search history man. What ads am I going to get now? Oh my gosh. You can have them. Is this an oh it's a pair. A male female juvenile pair is $230. For the Mandarin, yes. That's for a pair I guess That's a male I mean, so yeah, but it's still that's over $115 A duck. Yeah, right. That's insane. Oh, ah, that's juvenile Mallard Lane farms seems to have a little bit better pricing. Nope. Their manager, their manager. Wow. They are out of stock on white Mandarin. Their major in pairs Run $300 Oh, my goodness. So


Doc's almost.

Brandon  30:32

Yeah, so the question still remains what? Like, why do you buy Why does a person buy a duck? Right? Because these are clearly not like these are not ducks to eat. Right? You're not buying a $300 duck for these are like collected people are collecting these. I guarantee you they are collecting these and putting them in their little like, Koi pond, their house so they have like a pond. Right? So some guy. We're just gonna imagine some dude, this is clearly this has got to be a dude buying this right? Let's just be real. They have built a giant pond on their property. Right? And they want ducks in it. Uh huh. And so they are populating their pond with these ridiculous ducks. That's crazy. That's the only that's like more than one person. Like I'm thinking right now. There is a purse. There's a house on the way to work that has a big pond like this and they do have ducks. Ah, and I wonder if they do have one of those like Muscovy ducks. Right. Also the City Park has them does the city by the ducks for their park? Well, I think I think you'd have to see if they're just like an wood duck. Oh, is that we don't have way because we have ducks on our pond in the park. Yes. They probably they were also Yeah, cuz they're like there's there is like a Muscovy duck. I just know that because those ducks are weird looking. Right. And some other ones they buy they buy the duck So cities are buying these ducks. Yes. To further pond. This is This is the weirdest now I've never actually thought about this before. This is the weirdest stinking thing. Like why? You? Because


it is you don't have an annual poultry budgets.

Brandon  32:30

Yes. To replace the ducks. Like if they just like die off or if they get like they escape? Because they just like chillin out there. Also you think about in the winter? Do they have to like I was them? House them? They probably do because I don't think they're out right now. No. And I bet you they


there's a guy on staff whose job it is to feed the ducks in

Brandon  32:53

the building of feed their Muscovy duck. I wonder if they're in I wonder if they keep them in that building in the park. I don't have to go all like shy mode here. Like that YouTube guy wanted to go exploring all these random buildings in the park and be like,


are their ducks in here? That's all you could have like a TV with a tinfoil hat like that. Got the ducks in a building.

Brandon  33:14

Keeping ducks in there are gonna gotta you know. Look out for that video though, brother. It's definitely not me and that ski mask creeping out the GoPro my head like no. peeking in the building. tractors. Okay. groundskeeping listen for the ducks like No, yeah, I am because you can. You can't because Gary, because he did. He has Lake and they have Park. They have vital pond. What do people expect to see? instead? Pond thing? So they probably I mean, yeah, there's Yeah, I mean, ours does have fish because little kids are allowed to fish. They're like kids under X age. I think it's 10 or 12 or under are allowed to fish in the city park pond. Because it's big. It's not like a little thing, right? It's like a big old pond. Yeah. And you're allowed to fish there. If you are of a certain age, like under a certain age. You can fish. Yeah, for free. Yeah. So because I know our pond to they have to stock the pond as well. Yeah, our pond here. Actually, they stay in the wintertime. They stock it with a rate they stuck it with trout. Trout fishing. Really? Yeah, it's just awful. Wow. And if you catch them and eat them, then I'm like, Ah, you probably got to pay for that one. You can get a by Stanford that one. Oh, yeah. You have to go get a meal. Yeah. Because it's it's managed, by the way. Yeah. And but anyway, yeah.

Collin  34:44

So it's a partnership they have. Yeah. Like people come in and they expect to see things. And so what do you do? You buy ducks. You buy fish, and you clip the wings of the duck but they don't fly away? Yeah, you cook their flight feathers, right feathers and fly Wherever you are, yeah. And then then you just have talks that you watch after.

Brandon  35:06

It's crazy. And I yeah, I guarantee this is the logistical thing I've never actually thought through to completion before. And the fact that this exists, is kind of bonkers. Right? Like, it's weird to think that. Did they just do that? Just like, we have to have these? Yeah. As soon as I saw the price of the mandarin ducks, it was like, Okay, this is, this isn't just somebody going and buying it for duck egg. This is somebody like that is collecting or manicuring Yeah. But, um, but no, no, no, that's like a good term, right? Because you're manicuring that outdoor space, right? You've built this like pond slash, miniature link on your property. And you want to have things there. I don't want to settle for like, curate, yeah. But they're like, I want to look a certain way and do a certain thing. So I'm going to get a little bit of every one of these exotic,


could you imagine?

Brandon  36:14

I know, for a fact that there is someplace probably more than one place in the country right now. Where there's two dudes who have like a, like, opposite each other. They can like see each other's houses, like neighbors, right? possibly live across the road from each other. And they are just buying the most. They're like in an arms race for the most ostentatious duck to put on there.


Right, they're out they're gonna have a

Brandon  36:49

long war wars. They're out there trying to figure out the best, most exotic now they probably also have lawn worse. Let's not take this escalated into exotic duck species, right? Sure. This way, like how far it's escalated. They've got the lawn mowers kind of locked and loaded and they've Yeah, incrementally doing that. They have like a little garden area that was shut up like put in a pond and then someone showed up with a duck the next day and it was odd Yeah, they were like what I don't want to get ducks right and then they have like now they're going full blown like


duck show mode where like oh yes, well, this mandarin duck you can see the coloration is just much more vibrant than his duck right

Brandon  37:32

oh man my my youtube channel recommendations is about to be utterly just gets about to be terrible, right? This is this is what happens right? You search like this a little bit and then I've clicked on a video how to make $2,000 a month with $25 Well, I don't know. I don't know. My kidneys go. Well, you know, I guess this is a lot more exciting this picture in Duck land as a lump. I had no idea man. I didn't know I didn't know that. Like all these different types of ducks were just a thing. Right. People either Miss ducklings, they're much cheaper right? Oh, hatchery choice runner ducklings, you can get like a duck mystery box. Just getting that purity poultry comm thing. You can just get like a myth. It's only $9.42 Oh, and you can have mystery ducks. Okay. Right. I'm looking to see how many how many do you Oh my goodness. You can also buy a red golden pheasant for $75 I'm just saying those are pretty Yeah. Oh, recommendation of the day. Go to early Oh, jumbo Pekin ducks. Jumbo any call and I think the natural extension to this is what what duck Are you buying? Okay, so actually, I just came across this board. I don't know what this duck is but it is green. It Cayuga duck. Just holy cow. That's insane. Why really need a bright green duck? Okay, it's like iridescent green and blue. It's kind of like if a peacock feather was turned into a duck It would look like that. Oh, yeah, that's crazy. Yeah, no, that's their only like, only 942. I mean that again for the duckling. Yeah, that's crazy. And it does ducklings plural. Right? And again, I don't know how many that is. It appears that it might be a very large number. Be careful when you can get the Quack Pack. Are you serious? What is this? It's called the Quack Pack. They start at $9. And you get your most popular duckling List of 10 or more. Are you kidding me right now? Oh, that's Oh my gosh, I just saw That's hysterical. Select breed, you can get your chi yoga. Right? They're not available because ducklings apparently hatch from February to November. This is something I've learned today. Okay, so gotta wait just a few more months, though. And you can start right it'd be better to get into the spring anyway. You know? Chocolate Renner ducklings. I have never seen a duck that is that brown because I got to see what else there No. Oh, wow. Okay. Premium waterfowl. I'm clicking on this. Okay. Okay, Australian here. This is the cheap one. The the white mute swans are $1,800 Oh, if you would like a Whooper Swan that is $11,000 You're joking. No, no, no. Black neck swans. $6,700. Cost Korova swans $6,700 Buick swan. So is this Are you under? Where are you poultry? I'm under waterfowl. waterfowl. Waterfowl swans over on the right. That first little blue adult birds. Yeah, that first okay. Yeah. All right. I was at all right. I was still at poultry. In the premium waterfowl selection. And there you can I was like, Man, you can get a whatever a buff dewlap African goose is. Those are 50 bucks. They look pretty sick. But yeah, these are crazy. Okay, hold on it adult birds. Did you just go to water? What? Yeah, waterfowl and then one these are crazy. No. Which is a peacock. I've never thought about this. Oh, neither can be expensive. I mean, 1000 1000 Wow. So a hacker. White the white towels are $1,600 the typical one that you see think of that is that's only 425 bucks. You know, on a better note, if you would like a partridge for your pear tree as a check our Partridge egg for like five bucks. Oh, flight ready Partridge 35 $35 Hey, go. So if you need all the Hungarian one though, that's apparently the one you want. It's sold out. And $124 pretty lovely. But who is buying African sacred itis? I mean, that is the set. Okay, so okay, we found the use for ducks. Right? What the heck does one do with a partridge or a dem was L crane. Like, like, that is also true. Like what does? I mean? Like I know people have peacocks, right? They just like roam around their farm and make like horrible noises. But right like these. I've seen these on farms. Right? I don't know what. Yeah, guinea fowl grouse because they have like eggs and stuff. Although these grouse are very expensive. Creator prairie chicken. Yes. Perfect. attackee Yeah, what does one do with a damsel crane? Yeah, right. Like, it's just beyond me who's like, who just wakes up in the morning and just like a crane? No, no, no, not that crane. You know, East African Crowned Crane. Yeah, just for funsies I mean, I guess like our zoos buying these. Not enough to be sold out though. Right? Like, unless they only do like one hatch. You know, they only have to have one or two brood going. I mean, that's true. Probably not a giant demand for them. Still, right? Like, no, that's the that's what's confusing to me. Actually, who is after this? Who's after it? Yeah, it's got to be who is buying a lady Amhurst pheasant? Or, or for rich people at La with their mansions, you know with their sprawling Browns who are like, you know, I don't know or like, they're just like, Yo, you know what I need in my life a yellow golden pheasant. Some puppies are who's like, I got I got bins. I got the palatial palace. I've got my grill loose, or swag. Dollars. Okay to those. That's great. I would not think that. Like I mean, I know geese are like that's a lot of money for geese. Yeah, they're even like curvy. Right? Why don't you try for like the world's grumpies animal the tufted Roman geese is that's a lace like a payment this crazy ah, absolutely scene is brought to you by purely poultry purely poultry. For all your poultry needs. Use the discount code. Matt knows what you do with your bridges. Yeah, right. Yeah, I want to know listeners do you or a perhaps a neighbor of yours? Or someone near you have a strange waterfowl around like, what do you think the best answer for this is? Right. Because I guess could you imagine a city park spending 230 bucks? I don't know Rosie build the potsherd duck just for their pond. Right. What does that meeting look like? How does that how does that budget meeting go? Well, they're like No, no, listen here. Revenue has been through the roof. What you got? Like all right, listen. What ducks like yeah, we've got this extra money. Right we've got this windfall or whatever. We got a you know, like, whose job is it to go duck shopping? We got to use it or lose it. And yeah, right. Like we got these new federal funds come in. I know. Green winged TEALS. Blam. Perfect. Some of these larger fall live like 20 to 30 years. Oh, yeah, this is not I mean, that's I mean, that's a good reason why you should buy them right eggs good are if your white faced whistling duck is going to live for you know, 1520 years. Why would you not buy that? Yes. Right. Looks cool. Children will love it. You know what spewed the crane is probably going to be a bit harder SL. Right? But you can Ammar can you go oh look, if we amortize this over the next 10 years. It's only 100 bucks a year for this $1,000 dock. Like it's true. Yes, true. But then you got to think about like do they have insurance on these for when like some idiot like hit it with a truck or something like oh, you know what that goes under? B should probably not be talking about this dad will buy more pheasants? Because clearly you can buy an extra large ring that pheasant chicks right here for $5. And so like maybe we shouldn't even remember the boxes. Those would come in and there's just like a billion little Yeah, that would come pouring out of that right like that's what? That's his. That's his blindness. It's just dad who's like, hey, you know, be funny. Let's have some pheasants. I want the villain. You know, I want a melanistic mutant. Just to say that I have a mute. That's horrid man. Like what in the world? Is that? Like? You've got mutants on man. I mean, I didn't. I mean, I think I knew but I didn't actually know that there was like this many pheasants? Like, listen to the history of the melanistic mute. Oh, please, enlighten us. This first sentence is just beautiful. Most experts agree that first mutants originated in Europe at least 100 years ago. Period. Opening to an X Men movie that really is X Men six. Right? It's like seven the Middle Ages, right. Teens 1870s London mutant movie. Be great. This is just the Oh, brought me joy really has I think the reason the gentleman that I was interviewing today got into ducks is because he was trying to

Collin  49:57

train his duck hunting. And one of the things that he said is you had to desensitize the dog to ducks. So that it didn't get so excited that it just like obliterated any duck got.

Brandon  50:11

Oh, okay, so it has to have. Okay, that sort of makes sense. It's like, yeah, where he was like, Yeah, you have to make sure that it doesn't like, like ducks are in a novelty anymore. We're just like, Doc, and I mean, yes, I can see could because like, dogs a hunt. Ducks are like Labradors. And some of them are like, anything like, let's play with it. Yeah, so he started getting he started. He got into dogs originally for that. And then he probably just had like mallards, and yeah, and then while he was on purely poultry, he was like, Oh lady impulse impulse bought. I guarantee you and then he was like, Oh, I actually bought a mating pair. Now I've got bees there's a whole picture that I ornamental pheasant. How did I get here? I don't even know. Oh, man. I know. I saw that picture. It's crazy. Like what? Great August pheasant for $31. Yeah. What do you do with them? So okay, yeah, that's it. That's kind of what what do you do with a pheasant? Like, have it on your country down? Because I feel like the actual market for this is like, landed nobles in like, yes. England, right. Like, out of like a states, right? Like this is these are the people actually buying this because who else is gonna buy a $3,000? pheasant? Yeah, I'm talking about literally no one. Well, okay. Or again, like a zoo. Like exotic animal paradise. Right. That's you. Yes, all

Collin  52:00

those all those little rinky dink like, exotic zoo down this road next to this hot they do all have cranes. Praying actly in no time you see that now we know know that person paid $3,000 That one.

Brandon  52:18

That's not that's also something I had never thought about valuing. Right look the valuation of a bird. Yeah. You know, like, like, that's kind of weird to think about. You know, like, yes, this bird is worth this much money. It can't do anything. It's purely because it looks cool. Right? Like because there's no reason to have a crane. Like you're not well, you're not buying like a guard crane. Right? You're not? You don't know. I need to manage these fish stocks. My pond better get a crane. Right? Like could we just go fishing? Haha, I'm getting to know by crane. What do you daft? Let's get we're getting crane. Yeah, gotta get crane man. Come on. That's where it's at. Like that's a very odd, right, like, just to think about it. Because like, there's like 20 billion species of bird. Right? Why is that species worth more money? I guess just because it looks the coolest. Of course. This is the long history of bird birding in general. Right? Like kind of how it's always been like, oh, that's why there aren't some birds anymore. Well, yeah, some of them are very tasty for being why they're just like cool looking. So like, Oh, yeah. I saw this YouTube video a while back. It was called birds I'd never met. And Weren't you? Yeah, I might have as well guys. Kind of interesting because it was I think it's like the Atlas pro guy. Maybe it might have been him. Yeah, he was talking about all the birds that lived in his area that don't exist anymore. Because they were hunted to extinction. I think is a fascinating, fascinating topic. It really is. We could do a spin off. Birds we never met in Missouri. Featuring the ivory billed woodpecker


for is all right.

Brandon  54:33

As the launch our free your expedition to go in. holds true to the boot heel. Right hanging out. Oh, yeah, this is a weird, weird, very confusing things that we're using. Have you gotten the chance to watch the new Grand Tour special. I have not. But that is I forgot about it until like this morning and was like, Oh yeah, I forgot about it until last night. I watched it. And yeah, I'm interested to hear your thoughts. Okay. I'll have to do that for next time. Yeah. Because yeah, I wrote it this morning. I was like, oh, yeah, like this afternoon, I guess. Because I saw thinking about it and was like, like, I saw. I think it reminded me that it was on I was like, oh, yeah, that came out. Didn't it? Have the same thing where originally it was like, Oh, sweet. That's coming out. Kind of like super excited for that market. Mm. I think December then. forgot about it. Yeah. So Yeah. In the brush to Christmas break. I sort of like lost track of it. Now it's, uh, yeah. Well, back to beard again. My I'm not really like the last one. The Scotland D one was good. But well, it's another it's another all lockdown one. Right. So yeah, I think that's probably going to hurt it slightly. I think the fact that it's another one. Yeah. Is what is what? I imagine they're probably quite upset because they have had to cancel at least two other things. Right? Because they were going to go to Russia, like at the beginning of all this nonsense, and they had to cancel that. And then they were going to go somewhere else, I think and they had to cancel that one too. So they're like, me mean, obviously, we feel that like see how that would be quite obnoxious and horrid, right? Because if we tried to, like, film a show, you know, it's about traveling. And, you know, touring places. Makes it a bit difficult to do all of that. Yes. If you cannot travel anywhere. Yes. Are there any ducks? Oh, ah, no. Okay. Missed opportunity. Yeah, I feel like like, I think it could have could have done gonna have to add this to the list of questions to ask people right. Third favorite ice cream. I take your eggs. Your favorite duck? Right like a very weird gathering of people to be perfect. It's gonna go on the list. That's the list. I'm adding that to think oh, ah. Well keep an eye out on ducks. Were and busy week ahead. Yeah, I might watch it tomorrow because like I said, tomorrow's


not really a lot going

Brandon  57:58

on you know? Yes. Because yeah, we don't have anything we have Christmas. That's Saturday. Yes. That's it. I think we might have some people we're gonna have some friends come over on a Monday. Question mark. Thank you is Monday I think that's the final decision day for like a little hanging out eating have less Susan but some sort of like board game murder mystery thingy. Nice. No, when do that? Hang on to that. Sounds kind of cool. So get my gorilla combed out


hold book right in

Brandon  58:47

my face every Monday so I will report on the hell well that way. Next week, yes, I do have friends. Yes. They might come to my house. I mean, people that right okay. Yeah, we may have to get creative on reporting time next Okay, fair enough. Yeah. It's all good. Yeah. I mean, I'm not doing anything at all next week. So like I just not Monday night so like I guess I am doing something every three and a half hours based on my last visit, is it anyway maybe we'll get through person. Okay, well, you enjoy evening Next time. All righty sounds good.