We once were "wisemen"

This one goes off the rails pretty quickly. We fawn over Top Gear, lament cheap car challenges, and get an update on Aaron's date!

  • Brandon restrung his guitar

  • Tuning is gloriously not exciting 

  • Trying 10s...just to see

  • Collin edits shows!

  • Aaron sleuths in OK

  • De-Christmasing has begun!

  • The Grand Tour

  • PT Boats 

  • That Pedal Show - Mick and Dan

  • Oh brother cheap…….challenge

    • EDC!

      • light

      • writing

      • Cutting

      • Power

      • paper

      • Tool

  • Aaron’s Date!

    • It’s great!

  • We once were “Wisemen”

  • Aaron, the thespian 

  • Aaron knows someone famous!! 

  • Tophats are right out! 

  • Not really top hatty 

  • Chuck-a-versary! 

    • One eyed pirate dog!

    • Couch sitting dog








How are you?


I'm good. Okay.


Well, we'll wait for Brandon to get back. Okay.


I just got the I just got a stack so I was like, Ah Oh, is he back?


Yes. Oh yeah.




So there we go.


Todd Ah yes. Hello. Hello is what is new a lot


today sitting around did some


restrung my guitar I was the today's events on money. That was it. mess with that a little bit and then adjust some more stuff not quite right but yeah did that so All I got accomplished today restringing that thing cleanable bit so


since nice


yeah, it's always fun the part where you have to like sit around like the tuning back afterwards is always the the part that's just gloriously exciting. I'm gonna turn it oh no way. Oh my god. Oh no waiting. Okay. Drag him out. Try again Nope. So I changed I changed the string gauge so I had to like adjust a little trim arm thing and missile a bunch of


says la so when you say okay so gage isn't that just the thickness of it? Yeah. Okay, so does that how does that change? Did you keep it in the same? Did you tune it back the same?


Yeah, it's different. It went up. Yeah. But it's only like it's not big. I didn't enjoy I didn't like jump huge. I went from like a nine to 42 Good 10 to 46. So I think the first was 94 to 10 now and up to 10 to 46. Just because it's a little less it's a little tighter a little like this more, like first ever


right? I guess that help with your style of playing.


I helps because I'm very ham fisted and right and I'm like a rabbit kind of hard sometimes. So all the nines it like pulls it around a little bit you like and I really want that so I'm trying to see how they work out. Let's see what's up and go back on to but I had to do some adjusting because it was all it's all like Oh, hey, wait.


That's interesting. That's it's the whole guitar string gauge thing is interesting because my immediate thought is whenever you change the gauge, you're going to change the the tuning of it, but you can kind of approximate it and just have a slightly different. Yeah, well,


yeah, people do do that. Like those guys that played Like, like some of those like, like metal guys, right? They put on gigantic strings but then they tune it way down. Right? So instead of the bottom string being he they'll drop that thing down to see Hmm. or lower right some people I know some bands that dropped that sucker down to like a


What the heck


my goodness do it yeah, it's way down now. So they put on like massive strings and then just like down to like way down to a which is below but you know whatever it's like baritone territory like you But surely every whatever they do that but they put on like huge strings because you need like you can't drop 10s down that low or they'll just be like waving around. like actual yarn just like Yeah. Yeah.


Okay. Yeah. I did nothing nearly as exciting today.


Oh, no, that was exciting. But I


know I was. Well, I was. I was editing shows today.


They saw that 75 showed up.


Yeah, I went. I went and worked at a coffee shop this morning and got all hours done and caught up. Oh, okay. You weren't serving coffee


shop. Okay, I was okay. I was like, don't you say? I worked. I worked in a coffee shop. I was like you. You made people express. Oh, this morning. That's


Sorry, can I went in I Took my computer to work within the building on that just happened to be a coffee shop and edited. And then I came home. I came home and spent the time working on the other show. Doing intros and outros recording those today and trying to get caught up with that. Well, we have, we have interviews out until June now. Hey. Yeah, it's every other week. So, but yeah,


we've got we're booked out till June now. Some.


Yeah, that's exciting. Yeah. Yeah. So I was shocked by that when I started looking at when I started placing them on the weeks. I was like, Oh, well, that's


Oh, this goes very far. Very


long time. You go. Sweet. Yeah. So


that's exciting. Yeah.


Aaron excitement I


Go I got back at like seven on investigation so I really nothing new to me Yeah,


sleuthing about in northern Oklahoma. You


know, it was, it was it was easy just to talk to a lot of people like okay, okay. Oh really did


love talking to people though?


That's debatable, but it wasn't bad. Like everyone was really nice, but I was just like, Oh, this is really great. It's seven o'clock so


I'm hungry.


Yeah, that was


that was that was my fortuitous adventuring today. Main people were still on Christmas break. So there's like five people in the office. out of five usual like 30 and so it was it was interesting to like oh wow there's no one here and then about noon I was like, there's no one here No, it was fun but it was I was ready to go true whenever the that final clock hit, but then I was like, Hey, you got to talk to these people. Like But why?


Yeah, I've also been trying to stay out of the way today because Susan has commenced operation D Christmas slightly earlier this year because are some of the lights in the tree have gone out? And so she was like, Well, I guess I'm just taking down now that so


light up trees.


Just one light that was me. One of the whole strands was like nope, I'm done now. And so she usually leaves it up till the route January, so about another week or so, but she's like the light bulb. Throughout


coming can't do it


so yes i've been saying either way and randomly like coming to assist which he yells at me Hey bring me this whatever


what is the screwdriver? I don't know where do you put it?


Wherever you put it last yeah so that's about it


yardie Christmas saying will begin tomorrow morning.


We are not far behind. We don't have as much as you guys do. I would imagine that fair.


But yeah, start small Yeah. You also have small children that will break it. Oh my. Like,


we just have Chuck


would just like sit on the couch and look at it and be like Yep. Is it time for supper yet? No small dog. It is not time remember? Yes. Are you sure Whole. Yeah, he does ask you that. Are you sure though?


We didn't put out very many Christmas ornaments this year. And yet shockingly, there are because they were all broken last year real mostly, but like there was just something missing. And I don't know where they have gone off to you. So I am


I'm very confused wonder it's really No.


Well she claims to not so that's I don't believe her


sounds suspicious right there.


She also never knew where the flyswatter was. Well saying that's true as


Who knows? But


yeah, my gosh,


you're crazy.




Do you guys do your homework from last time


Did you get homework?


Yeah, we had to watch a bunch of stuff. Oh,


what what time that I have and what were we supposed to watch? Yeah. Oh, I got halfway through that episode, actually. Okay, go see that. That was the big that was a big important one. This was one that was a big one. You got it about 50% completed. I'll turn it in late again.


Okay, that's fine. Where did you get to?




They're buying supplies. Oh no, they actually got to the bigger part of the lake part of the river. So they're actually like, legitimately showing off what they bought.


Like, Oh,


yeah. So


and then and then I had to go. I was actually watching it out at work. If I'm being completely honest. But I had it. I had my headphones in, and I was listening to it while I was typing all this stuff, and I'll be able to catch it up a little bit. But then I had to go talk to people and I was like, but grand tour, but I'm not done. I'm not done back. Um, so yeah, that's that's the part that I got to. Okay.


Fair. Yeah.


I will say.


I don't know. Like,


there's part of me that was like, about the whole thing, just because it was like, I don't know, it was okay. It was good. It was shenanigan me, but it was mostly just like them. Like there were no like, there was like hardly any of them doing anything together, which made it kind of like, less interesting. Right? Well, because that's always where the shenanigans happen, right? Because they were all like, 7000 miles. part in


it was kind of like, Oh


yeah, it was good. But like,


I don't know, I thought it was watching like James may go in like point two knots is a little bit


like okay, well that's that was the that was the weird part it was kind of like I felt like it was a little split in what it was trying to be of like the the documentary style of the boat in Vietnam and Vietnam War and the other aspect of them being a ho hum funny excursion.


Yeah and it would have made sense like if they would have done some more of that like, with like, the other boats. But it was basically just PT boat. Yeah, it was cool. Yeah, there was a couple Miami Vice jokes. Not really indicative of the Scarab. Right? That's a little more in depth than that, I suppose.




And he right it does have to do with where they were, like location wise, right like, Oh, this is a culturally important boat of this place done PT boat thing. Yeah, I mean, we guess Oh, but like


I think it was just because it was they were so vastly different of, of ability of crafts that they had. Like one was essentially basically was designed for exactly what they were doing and cost $100,000 to recreate and was the purpose built then these others usually what was funny with the other kind of ones whenever they brought in different vehicles was that various ones would shine or just, you know, they had different strengths. I think it was true such I think beard Mix and match.


I think the fact that they were books. Yeah, it was sort of clear that all three of them were like a Yeah, boat. Sure, whatever. Whereas like, whenever is the car thing? It's like, Oh, hey, this we want we are looking for like a four wheel drive. You know something for like the, the one when they went through the jungle in South America right or special?


Yeah, that one. Yeah.


Or, you know, the motorcycle one in Vietnam, the them you know, or like the Africa one like we want this sedan, you know, I mean, yeah. But because they didn't really make any sort of delineation about the type of boat. Yes. Right. They're just like, yeah, boat.


I can get in boat.


Yeah. And that's a bit too broad. To make it interesting. Yeah, you know, because usually you're right. There are like three of us similar type of thing. which kind of makes it funnier and more interesting because it Mine's better because this or mines better your stocks because this because they just got boat. I mean, my little had like a canoe. Right? Like, yeah, that's technically a boat. I wasn't very focused, I think. I think that's where it sort of was lacking.


Yes. Now the documentary stuff i thought was great. And I really hope they lead into that this season whenever they keep making these. I don't know what their release schedule is. It's not every other week because it's not out yet


today. I don't know how many It's weird. I don't even know how many they're actually making.


Yeah, cuz I mean, it's all the description says the first of a season full of, of specials or something like that.


Yeah, but I know that there's only supposed to be like a very small number. It's not gonna be like, you know, well, well. Yeah, it's gonna be like is it going to be for the Yeah, I


like what we saw with Google, but I just don't care. So keep checking week, bear but yeah, no, it's very visually stunning and very I like the history components of it.


Yeah, I just don't care about boats though. It was it was kind of cool but like, I don't really need to know that much about the PC boat. Like I think we sort of oversold the PT boats importance in the Vietnam War. No offense to anybody who might be listening, knows about PT bones, but like, I don't like it. Yeah. Maybe that's because my only knowledge about PT boats was basically Apocalypse Now. Right. He went on one up there with Laurence Fishburne, and McHale's Navy. That's kind of all I have.




I mean, in that aspect, it's like, oh, it's cool, because it was like a big thing. And it's important, but like, right. Yeah. Like, I don't know, I just not. I really wasn't all that interested in the history of the PT boat, I guess. So. Yeah.


You know, and


it kind of fit in with some of the, what they had been doing previously with some of their shows of, there's only like one of these left or the Forgotten history of something, you know, that they would bring up every now and then for a short clip in the middle of a larger show. Yeah, but yeah, they tried to expand that around the bow. It just kinda was that one.


They did that one time about Lance's was way cooler, in my opinion. Well, for sure. That was and also because i think i think it's kind of hard to because the format is different before they could do like That thing about the PG boat would have been like, just 20 minutes of the show. Yes. Yes. And then they would have been doing other things. So trying to stick that in there, while in the middle of a giant, like, challenge thing was kind of weird. Right? Yeah, it was just kind of like, Oh, that's a it's weird that you tried to do it like, I mean, I get it, because that's what you used to do all the time, but it doesn't really fit in this special format as much. Right? Nobody? Yeah. Weird. It was it was it got me. It got me thinking. I mean, I watched it and then I've I've gone back and watched some of the,


the old Top Gear not the not the old old Top Gear, but the the May human Clarkson era. And it just, you can just that through line that you continue to see and all that they try and do I just man, I'm I missed. I missed them on top gear, because


that's true. I haven't actually watched that show since they went off because I think I tried to watch one of them and I was like,


Yeah, yeah, it's just, it was other things like, okay, when I said I like Top Gear when I actually meant one thing I like when these three people are on it, and when they're not, I don't like it anymore.


But I like that because there was a American Top here, right? Oh, I want some of that. I want it. I only again, I watched that one. But it was only the challenging ones. Because he was kind of it was still kind of entertaining because they're like, oh, here's my giant car. But you know, they were all very, they weren't as good in my opinion. Yeah, fine. There's Australia. I never I'd never seen that. Like standalone.


Yeah, it was. Yeah, I just it got me thinking about Yeah, what I what I think I really didn't appreciate at the time was how, when they were on top gear and they were under BBC, just how much smaller of a budget they had and how much it showed and what they could do you know, where was like you have $1,000 to go buy a car, and we're going to do a whole thing. Just how much more


Yeah, those are my favorite ones.


And now, I want more Amazon


car challenge. Amazon cheap car challenge. Yeah, that's what everyone wants.


It just we need changes around two


colonies round two of the van van.


Obviously, I don't know brand new crap. Just you have a brand new fresh spot. The cheap van challenge for cheap bands. Everybody wants the cheap like this, this episode this one when they were you know, this would have been so much more funny. Yep, they were given out challenge cheap boat challenge. Come on


how hundred thousand dollar PT boat? Yeah no beard scarab.


Right, because they all would have gotten something like James May, it would have been way funnier here.


Yes, it would just they would have they would have painted each other's boats. I've seen colors. Yes, they would have renamed it even worse


right so it's yeah i agree that would have been better boat challenge or at least a budget not like unlimited budget


like which is all they have which is it's just unlimited at this point yeah, comparatively where it's just you know i want i want just some more constraints placed on them because man I just even I go back I can I can barely watch the first anything from the first see And of the Grand Tour, because it's just like, Oh, you guys were just really floundering with what to do with all this money.


Yes. In that celebrity thing was annoying. I hated that.


sort of coming on. Shut up, James.


But yeah, it's, but I think


it does speak to just kind of entertainment because to bring this back to guitars for one second, the past two weeks I've been watching. So one of the things I do when I spend my day on YouTube is I watch guitar related YouTube things because there's thousands of them and you can watch them interesting stuff. But there's a channel called that pedal show. Okay, okay. Yeah, they're from the UK. I'm making Dan right to their anyway, last week, and this week, they did that. Right. They did the pedal. They did the Guitar Rig challenge where last week was like the goal last week was as cheap as possible, right? Like, it was that one, like you have an extremely tight, limited budget. And you have to, like, do all this stuff. And this week's the one that came out today, it's the 27th for those of you listening, it was like, unlimited dream rig giving her like, yeah, that was cool. Like, it sounded neat, but it wasn't as entertaining as the as cheap as humanly possible. Challenge one did that last week. You know, it was like, I don't know.


I think


you go into a pawn shop and try to buy some random guitar. Or like, you know, that will work in your thing, or today. He was like, Oh, yeah, this is a 1961 Fender Stratocaster some let me borrow like,


one right? Would it for me, what it kind of does is it forces you to Not editorialize but to to make like you have to make sacrifices, and it really starts to show like, what was the one thing you were super focused on to get this challenge done? Like, what were you willing to sacrifice everything else it makes you It forces you to make a decision. Versus Of course I'll just you know, anybody with tons of money can get anything they want. Yeah, it kind of stops being fun of like, yeah, the Stratocaster like,


Why, what, what is worse? I mean not of course because there's, like, all vintage guitar sound great. True is categorically false, but like that's the mythos, right? They're all wonderful, because all the bad ones have been thrown away. And that's really kind of what's happened. But, like, that's the thing, right? Like when you have, you know, finger stratocasters that old crap those things go for 15 bucks. thousand dollars. Yeah. Yeah. So when you're spending that much money on guitar, or like you're when your amplifier costs like four grand well yeah better sound good. Otherwise we have a serious problem but when you buy when you buy a guitar for like 50 bucks and you had to try to make it sound more interesting, right? It's more like oh there's more of an element of of intrigue to the whole thing. So like I just like those better like yeah so I don't know. But yeah like the cheap car challenges used to be good like the one where they bottled up British sports cars.


Is that what wait is? Is that was that when they were there? Well, there's a couple of them there's one where they went to the well there's one that went to the auction it where they bought the British cars Oh


yeah. No, I wasn't think about that one.


But you were you thinking where they went and they ended up in like the the 50s. The 60s and the 70s are saying like the




Yeah, Austin Princess and the MG. They had an mg the rope the The Princess and the rover or something. Yeah,


something like that. I remember. Yeah, that one that was more interesting because they're like, oh, here's $7 I spent on this car. And like, right that was funny because you knew that Jeremy was gonna buy the car that whatever car had the biggest engine for that small amount? Or like, May was gonna buy something. It's like, Oh, this one is practical. And Hamilton, you show up something really bizarre. Like Yes,


whatever. I could find whatever. Like, sure. It


was the coolest looking


or the the teenager car challenge. Remember? Yeah. where's where's like, he spent all his money just to get you know, Clarkson were like, because it has a turbo on it like that was his one editorial decision that he made was a turbo cost will max out the cost. You know it Who cares? station wagon. This is true.


Turbo, my friend had one of those of all those




Yeah, well, it wasn't this it was the sedan version. Okay. And it was definitely, you know, the turbo didn't really do anything. You couldn't even hear it. It was just there. It didn't say turbo. I saw it. I looked in the hood said that's the turbo. But it was so low boost that it was only really like, help with like the initial acceleration because the car weighed 200 million pounds. Yeah, like that's what


it was for therefore, but it's marketing and it's badge and again, it's like, you knew he was gonna go for that. And then I just the I guess that I made this decision because of this. This thing like true. versus just Well, I had I didn't have a budget, so I just bought this car. I


Yeah, I agree. Good. Just like oh yeah, I have millions of dollars. I just buy this thing. And it's like, I know it sort of puts it out of touch because you're like, well, I could never buy that thing. Yeah, because I don't have any money.


I don't have. I have zero I have exactly zero dollars. Yeah, because I have less than zero.


You're like, oh, man, was not kind of not worth watching. She's like flaunting at that point. Hmm. I don't know.


The real question is now I guess


it's the old brother cheap. Blank challenge.




cheap. cheap. What?


Okay, what are we? What are we going for here?


We have to do a challenge now. Okay. Well, what is it though? brainstorm live. Here it is big bands. fans to pancha always help for cheaper cheaper


cheaper okay so


yeah like I Oh brother equals like negligible amounts of money


cheaper man challenge free okay free man challenge steal a man


yeah we know you want a van okay but we get we can't steal one night we'll have to workshop will have to work what figure it's the cheap what what do we have to buy cheap and then like prove that ours is the best cheap and I'm talking like cheap legging like a cheap pen challenge will be awarded points for cheapness


on that, can we just let's get back to this that absurd scoreboard that was so much fun. I love telling Michael ward. Oh, it's so much fun. I love to add in all the contract See that was involved in stupidity but man that was good.


Yeah, the you've just lost 875 points for coming. Yeah.


Last exactly how many points I had? Yeah. Yeah imagine that amazing.


Aaron, do you have any ideas for our cheap challenge?


Cheap flashlight


utilitarian and yet readily available for no money?




I was I was at one of the gas stations in town I saw was really cheap. Like,


like all key change. Nice.


Yeah, I'm just like, well, that's $5 Why is that $5 for one time use kind of things.


Yeah. Oh, what if what if we expect ban on that slightly and do like. So, you know that like EDC stuff, we like get around like useful things. What if it's something to do with that? That way you can have the flashlight in there because that's a thing that people have in their EDC is there. For those of you don't know EDC stands for everyday carry. And it is a very intriguing small corner of the internet. They will just talk about what's in their pockets all the time. It came like it's very excuse very excuse quickly because it's like, oh, here's my tool belt. Here's my screwdriver. And then it goes very quickly into here is my concealed carry gun. You're like Whoa, I didn't want here's my


here's my backup gun like whoa, okay.


So I like I like this. I like we're going here. How do we make a


flashlight pen knife.


What else do you have to carry around what are useful things that you need during the day investigator man who is out on the town out and about how how do you need in the field? I meant to say on the field otherwise it was dumb. Went out in the field daily job.


And I said the wrong thing okay. I don't know.


Uh huh some sort


of some sort of low Oh lights are out. That's why I'm just thinking. Go ahead. The one thing that actually really helps like weirdly is one of those like portable chargers


Oh, true treasure. Oh, I am I blow our cheapness but


you're right you can you can get some like, like super cheap off Amazon. It's true. Like, I you're not gonna find like any like, less than 10 but mean definitely less than 21. I mean, that might be cheap ask but I know that was Just like I have an old one, but it's so old, it doesn't power enough for my phone. Because I was like, oh man, I'm gonna totally use this. And I remember I had my phone plugged in and I was like, at 60% and then when I got back with it's still on it was like 59% I'm like, I'm weird or power. Your


phone charged the battery. That's not much.


Yeah, like that. Like, I don't know, something like that. Okay,


maybe power. Mikels? What I'm trying to think of again, sorry, no, let me see here. We need Okay. Get notebooks. Well, I was I was saying I found a here's a So I was thinking I like the light source thing. Like Yeah, right. Light is good. Some sort of cutting utensil


is a knife.


Yeah, right. Cutting, cutting, cutting. Cutting. You tell him to cut.




cutting a thing. That's what's going on my list cutting thing.


A pen writing


utensil, right.


Okay, pat you said power source.


I didn't know that some sort of tool maybe some like tools of some kind. Hey


ultimately what we're gonna have to do, right is a I have a link again to just


do we need notebook like paper?


Yeah, I think so. I think a paper paper of some sort. Okay. Says getting good some like a bag. Do we do it say bag Doing same Dang. Like or just like, like, organizer or something like that. I don't know. flask lighter? No, I think this is pretty good because we've but ultimately we have to so I've got flashlight I've light writing cutting power paper tool. We've got to decide which one of these we want to do for our,


for our,


of the do we choose of these? Or do each of us choose one and didn't do it? Or do we all choose light?


Oh, I was gonna say based off that list, let's just say you have to pick will come up with a master list and say you have to pick like X number of them. Like you don't have to get all of them. Right. You could get a certain number. Sure. Like, you know if there's no let's pretend we came up with 10 things you have to get like six out of 10 or something like that. You're Carrie thing, and then you have to explain your choices and why you're the winner. Okay, and then we could do a follow up. I guess we could, like, actually carry them for a week and see if we actually use any of it. We're like, yeah, I bought the wrong thing, because I never use this at all.


Yeah. Okay. I like this. I like this idea. I do like that. Oh, well, workshop this a little bit.


Well, that's fair. But yeah, there we go.


Like this. Okay. Cool. So this is gonna be Stay tuned for who knows when that will come out for the show.


Yeah, can't be had to be a little bit because I don't know better word for the week. So I'm not going anywhere to carry anything.


It's probably going to be like, a month out.


That's fine. That's fine.


Because we'll have to think about it. And then we'll have to get them all and we'll have to use them and we'll have to schedule a time to review and so anyway,


yes, I like this plan, though. And we think about this plan.


I like it. Sweet.


Okay, I read this post it note. So


nailed it. Now also a


question about well, we'll worry about that later. Well ask questions later follow up questions to come soon. Okay.


Okay, cool. Sounds good.


Is it gonna be dumb? It's gonna be


so many questions in my house about what's going on.


It's fine. Don't you already have those anyway? So many.


So nice. Okay.


Moving right into the hot follow up, Aaron, how was your date?


Which one? I mean all of them. Also, by the way, the candle is a success. You tell her Thank you. Boom. So I walked out earlier. It was like, man, it smells good out here. And Susan was like, yeah, it's the one that Aaron was told to get from me. So we're there you go. You need to tell her. It was toys, victorious choice. Excellent job. And thank you.


Well, it was it was good choice. I even liked the smell. I I tried to find it in it's for those of you listening it's like mahogany teak wood. And it is it's it's amazing smelling candle. But there's only limited places where they sell it. And so I was at Walmart, one of the only places here in bartlesville. And I was looking at know the candle section. And this couple came up and just very aggressively just engage me in conversation. Like this lady's like, sweetheart, what are you looking for? Like, oh, a candle. And she's like, what like What smell and I'm like mahogany teak looks like Oh sweetie, you need to try this. And like her husband was like behind her in He's like, yep, no, you will love that smell. I don't like okay. Really weird. I've only owned one candle in my life. So I don't know what I'm doing. And she's like, Oh my gosh, you need to try this and then like, I I bought a candle myself because I was so terrified. What do I have? Can you come and see here? Yeah, it is. It's so it's actually fascinating because it's candle but it has one of those wooden wicks Yeah. crackles like a fire.


All those are awesome. We have one of those. Yeah,


what away pagels humidor? Is that what it


was like cigars, right.


And so


those also make great ASMR videos. I know Collin will love to listen to the Woodward camp. tabbing ASMR videos anyway, Aaron continue.


But yeah, no so that's and like she was like directing me and like, throat like shoving candles into my face and she's like, No honey, you will love this. Wait, no, your girl will love this. You will


you will love it like she knows.


Her husband was like, just standing behind her like hyping her up and he's like, nope, she's right. You will love it. And I was like, Oh, okay. And then you can only get it at bath and body works, apparently so I had to make a pilgrimage over there and get it but it's a it's a unique smell. It's also like, it's not an overpowering smell. candle. Nice. It's very subtle.


My house smells very pungent.


You walk out.


What is that smell? Good. Yeah,


so so it's very like, yeah, it's it's a very it's a very Nice well, but I'm trying to remember what date you're referring to, but I got Christmas.


No, you have it on at least one date, possibly two or more. Nobody really knows. I mean, he knows he, you know, he was there. We want you, we left it off and about what how it was going


so well you guys keep making fun of me. So she's actually here over Christmas and we actually watched the Top Gear Christmas special or they try to find the baby Jesus.


really special.


Because I was like, What? This is like, you want to watch a Christmas theme thing because you know she had her family actually lives around here. And so she was up for a few hours and she's like, Yeah, sure. And I was like, top here Christmas special. That was the only thing


he does Christmas. He just


No actually like that.


I mean things are good, I guess.


Excellent, great. Okay. Good. The mystery. We can all rest easy now. I appreciate it. Thanks. Okay. It Down checking it off the list.


It's great.


The side note, the saddest The only part about the top go Top Gear Christmas special is there is an incorrect number of wisemen right? As we all know according to the Christmas light display here in the town where I live, right correct number of Wiseman is for for


I still don't understand how they managed to get out but it makes me know.


I love the four wise men they needed they needed a guest to go with them. also brought summer we didn't talk first. Yeah, me too, Steve.


That got me thinking like a few days ago, like, whenever we would play in our Christmas specials, or like our special programs,


no. Special.


You know what I meant?


I like it.


So funny. I liked your church.


And because I was talking to me about it, and and she's like, oh, you're in like church like Christmas programs, what were you and I'm like, well, we are three wise men. Were the three wise men. Were the three wise men and three wise men again. And then I played an innkeeper and column played Joseph. But me. My resume for acting is wise men predominantly. Yes. And I don't think we ever really had a choice in picking there was three of us. And they were like you. Look, do this. Yeah, I just, just I just remember it all. I don't really remember doing anything else for any of those Christmas programs except for like, we were given like the same outfit every single year, in the same order at the like the same part. And I was like, well, we're, this is Broadway material that we're doing here, just literally us doing the same thing every single year. We do a new part. Definitely Broadway out.


Right? We didn't have to worry about lines because wisemen don't speak. They're probably like,


don't let them talk.


Exactly. Looking back, it was more like, Hey, we obviously need to involve them to be nice, but how do we make sure that they don't actually say anything?


And we're all married anyway. I'm pretty sure so I don't think anybody talked. Yeah.


Right. That's about it now. Good point.


I was just I was just reminiscing to our acting days. The other day and we were talking about about, you know, things we did for Christmas and I was like, we're all a troupe of actors, really, since we're a troupe of wise men.




That's why some things we throw.


And that was it. I didn't actually anything else. I was in the eighth grade play. I played the pizza delivery guy. It was it, an acting career over.


I was the eighth grade play, and I played the great great great grandson of Sherlock Holmes or something like that


or something. I don't


have not what I was there because that was not the eighth grade teacher. Her name was I forgot her name.


I wasn't it wasn't tall.


My teachers name was Mrs. Wiseman.


That might have been a yes. This is why it's been was there. I'm going Wiseman.


Yes. I was reading a seizure. Me, Aaron is the master that's been a bunch of continuing roles. We've touched on his greatest role Sasha the dancing Russian once before, but that's not the only role that he was in


such illustrious roles included, but are not limited to.


I thought you thought you knew or thought we're going to ramble off some.


Totally, pretty much I just play the memorized man.


You can keep kinky


I was the pastor. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Right into which I was going to use the colloquial term of which Brandon use when he was in college. I mean,


this is a family show, so maybe not Yeah, maybe not.


I did remember that you were a preacher, but I didn't remember what that was for.


And that was that I was in some eighth grade play also, but I was dead for most of it. There was some murder mystery thing. One of my friends wrote and directed his own play when we were in eighth grade. And I got tagged along and that somehow Zak Starkey listening What the heck was that man? I think I think was supposed to be like a drama over like, early American gangsters. And I remember I had cut out like a tommy gun out of cardboard and I I was like walking the halls with it to class and the principles like um, Mr Funkhouser was like how about I don't know. I don't know what it is, sir I'm just I was just told to make one he's like alright carry on


I wasn't that


Fiddler on the Roof


that's really all I can remember. Because like I didn't really do any do any plays in college like any Oh, yeah. Like I just didn't really have time nor was interested in anything that popped up. Then it kind of like at a point in high school. I was like, I'm not having fun with this. Like I have to be like I really did. I was in this called the the fallen save, or is also called the drunkard and it wasn't a musical It was just a play, we acted, but we didn't use microphones. And it was just kind of. Yeah. And so it was, it was long. And it was pretty dumb. And the audience couldn't hear what we were saying. Because again, we didn't have microphones and we were high school kids and we didn't know how to project.




yeah, like I remember doing that and I remember getting home and like two in the morning for like a play. It was like, which is, you know, you got to be committed, but I was like, No, I'm not sure it is. A Yeah, without dancing


at 18 that's where a lot of the time gets taken up is like the choreography for stuff. He's like walking around and blocking a scene. So


yeah, and then can we can we go? Yeah, I like I. I don't remember. I didn't really do a whole lot because there are some plays that like they did like they did play called Pirates of Penzance already. It is. Oh yeah. like, Nah, that's doesn't really sound fun.


Like a super famous one. Like everybody does pirates at some point ever since it was written in like, for like the 40s


Yeah, they did random things like that, which was like, Yeah, I mean, that's kind of cool. But that's, I don't really feel like being a pirate for, you know, three weekends elsewhere. I remember I tried out for something for Beauty and the Beast and like, I didn't get the part. And I was like, yeah, that's okay. I just didn't, I just didn't do anything. And they're like, this part. I was like, No, because I think I tried to like Lumiere or something. I was gonna say Lumi or bust. And yeah, it was pretty much it was pretty much that I was like,


the best character and beating the beast.


Oh, yeah. Give it to the person that doesn't like Disney stuff. Now. That's cool. That's all right. I'll just go find my doesn't have a doesn't have a pretend for Jackson at all. Yeah,


Yeah, sounds great. Awesome. Fine.


And so yeah, those are really the only place I remember. I'm sure there is something that I'm repressing down to my memory banks for some reason.


Still more than me in me. I'm still with


spoon. Indeed.


There was I remember I helped out with


program plays at any Oh, like I remember. I helped with the stage production of the King and I had any Oh, and that was really fun. But I was just like, No, that's okay. I'll help build stuff and paint things. I was mostly conscripted against my will. But the Point is, I


think we're gonna have a


old Is it a theater party? And then practice and we won't get home till like five in the morning and I was like, No, that's okay. I'm good


that it happened to me once when I was at Crowder for the Seven Brides because my friend was he was in like when he was in the intro the theater class or whatever and, or one of his, like, extra things. And they were supposed to help build the sets. And like nobody showed up. So I got this call. I mean afternoon. I need help come here. So I walked over to the theater building and help build that. Have you guys saw that? Did you come to see that thing? Because I played it in Yeah, we did. And it was that giant square thing, right? Yeah, it was all the sets and just spun spun. Oh, yeah. On the on the caster wheels enormous square. Then they would just whatever scene they needed they would just spin it around. And I helped build the doors and something else on that because nobody was there a day and a half. They've been helped so bad I was in the pit orchestra for that the jazz band the pit orchestra played some weird music for the head and that was fine but it was


on the side stage not the not front and center.


Oh, cuz it Carter didn't have like an actual likes. Like it wasn't just like on the floor stage, wasn't it?


I mean, it was a stage technically, like it wasn't an elevated stage. There's one this is you right? It is different. It's like a the auditorium seating slopes up. But the front is the bottom is just a big flat thing but there is curtains and they're like a huge backstage.


Yeah, okay, there


is like a demarcated floor area. That's like stage floor. Right. And then but it does just come down and meet at the front. So there's not like an elevated stage. But it is it it does still have its own stage area with big curtains and then there's the all the lights and stuff above it. So, I mean, technically a stage is looks a little different than like your traditional stage setting that which is fine, but


yeah, doesn't remember any owes was huge.


Yeah, it was because we went there for your choir concert.


Yes, we did choir and then we did a band concert called Ragnarok which we that's kind of like our big end of the year show for band. And that was always like a big production. Like we put a lot of time and effort into that and like that was fun. But like we we tried to make it you know, add choreography and certain things which was really cool. But yeah, like that was that was time consuming. Yeah, right. I know we had our we had our choir performances. There. Also


Yeah, cuz I remember going at least to some choir performances, and remember that it's pretty nice big time there. So


yeah and that's what and that's what kind of sold me on going there which also turns out I can't remember her name I'll probably think of it later. But one of our the one of the theater teachers at Ennio was totally an extra in the movie office space and like she's like a credited in it on IMDB and also in like the main credits because she helped with someone like the acting stuff for the movie and she was like to go back in the scene where they having like the birthday cake and the person the lady that brings the cake out that is totally her. Really, if you think back that far, I'm pretty sure that is. Yeah, no, she's totally in the movie. Sweet There you go.


And you do


true. Yeah, yeah, we I remember we had to.


We had to paint the stage like bright red for the King and I. And I was like we're painting this entire stage, which was black. Mind you.


Yeah, we're painting or it's supposed to be we're painting


red. Yeah, just for this one play and they're like, yeah, I'm like,


Okay, yeah, sacrifice for your art. So me and


some theaters have their back wall is just like to be painted. Yeah, that's what I know. Like, we did everything. Oh, no, I know what you mean. But like, some theaters, do they like paint the back wall? They're like, no, here's our backdrop. We're just gonna paint this. And then we'll bring out another set if we need it. But like, we'll just going to paint the wall and they do they paint it for everyone and they're like, either paint over it and eventually, they go through and Strip a bunch of it off, because it probably gets like, you know, 18 inches thick full of paint. To paint is like, drips down like oh no, something wrong is happening to change.


Yeah. The coolest thing that I kind of did an amnio again was conscripted and forcefully. We did a fundraiser for the winter guard. And the way we did it is that we put on a haunted house production. And like we took, we took some Chandru


that you did this, and


we took the band room and like hung up like these massive tarps that was kind of like a maze that people had to walk through and we we raised a lot of money doing that. And I remember that was that was a big deal and I got to put my whatever acting skills I had in the demented clown that I was, which I didn't realize how much people were terrified of.


When I was in college. I was like, very much. It's a weird phobia. Just clowns. But I didn't know that either. Until, like, a couple years not I mean, because I would know, I knew a few people that were like, just scared of clowns. And I was like, That's weird. And then, like, over the years, like, I just met more and more people that are scared of them. It's like, yeah, I mean, they're not cool. They're annoying. they bother you. Yeah. But like I I don't understand. I don't I don't get it. But you know, phobias are not rational, rational. That's fair. But yeah, I agree. I didn't know that that many people were like afraid of clowns, the only like, I just don't like them because they're annoying because they bother you when you're like marching and Christian prayed but just say that you maybe you're in Carthage, he's walking in afraid empathetically some dumb clown just like won't leave you alone. Like, follows you. If that were to happen, let's just say you've heard about it possibly happening at one point in time then then what you do to gain retribution after many blocks of this is you just blow your trumpet super loud in his face. And he leaves you alone, because you probably can't hear anything. But still, like Yeah, and I was so annoying. I wouldn't go away. That's why clowns follow you around because they think they're funny. They're like


it must be exactly why


such a weird face paint in your gums you


get drunk drunk with power.


Yeah, so I don't know. I don't know. wigs and fluffy give you that much ultimate power queens of Europe that was not part of their garb so I wouldn't traditionally


saying, we all know people with a mustache get drunk with power. So pretty.


Traditionally having mustaches


I'm equating that adorning your face with, with extra curricular items such as a mustache with that of face paint and a red nose and fluffy shoes,


very offended by the being the only one that has a mustache to be stereotyped in this way.


I'm not I'm


not some kind of weird snidely whiplash.


Exactly what somebody would say.


don't own a top hat.


Yeah, yeah, yet. Don't tell me it's not on a wish list.


I mean, there's so impractical like I can't You can't drive in one. Right? You can't like, get your carriage out. Yeah, I guess Oh, then you there's a big incentive down. Can't they take up less space? You walk around they're very it's very hard to bounce them on your head. Right. So cool looking so impractical, though. So no, no top ads for me.


Okay, fine. Be that way


top hats, mostly mostly because I don't have anything else that you can wear a top hat with.


I don't think these days it matters. It doesn't matter.


jeans and in the winters here. Basically just like a sweatshirt. Yeah, not really. Hop, Hattie. Right. I feel like I feel like an important ingredient. If you're going to wear a top hat. I feel like it's imperative that you also have a vest. I just feel like they go together.


Well, I think well obviously I think that goes without saying you're totally right.


And I don't have a vest either. So they go. Top Hat. Not happening.


Fine, fine. No top hat will move on. Moving on. Not top Patty. Moving up. Okay. Fine.


Thank you.


Editing make time. Gosh, neither coffee.


No, I was on tea this afternoon.


Somebody go, here's your problem. I know.


Right after this, I'm gonna go get some more coffee. No, no, no. I go to sleep be good. Maybe


we we just got done doing a several day drop in visits for this dog. Her name was Izzy. Her name is Izzy. She's still alive, as far as I know, as a fellow. Anyway, anyway, that's awkward. Yes. Now she's a bulldog. And she's she's old. She's 10 or 11. And she's losing the control of her back legs, and they want us to go over. We're going over four times a day at seven, noon, five and 930 at night. And they have one of those ring doorbells. So the always see when you Oh yeah,


coming up. So


I told Megan I was like I was I was kind of like, mugging for the camera. Every time I'd walk up I'd have a real smile and on Christmas I was waved at it. They're like Merry Christmas. So I'm kind of glad that that's over. I don't have to go late at night anymore. Very nice.


You get Yeah, Chuck is getting pretty old too. So he's he has that same problem. He has trouble walking around some do gotta go outside a lot more. Yeah, just cuz he's. He's pretty old boy. He's about


15 now. My goodness is Yeah. yesterday. Yesterday was the chuck aversary day. All right. For when we adopted him. Yeah. So you go


How many years ago? No. Yeah 10 years? No 11 years ago. Oh my gosh. And he was about they said he was probably around four when we got him. So Wow, boom


That's insane. Yeah, I know. Crazy


long time ago, man. Yeah,


I know I can't even what was I doing 12 years ago 11 years ago. I don't I don't even know


Yeah, I don't know I was living in my that was before we got I was married. So that was a year before I got married. So you're I was living over there another apartment. Doing things over there. I'm still working it fo not long ago.


Painting windows Yeah. Oh yay my life. I guess I was. I was still was I was still at Missouri State. Yeah, I think so. Yeah. I haven't graduated yet. So it was Junior into senior year. That's when you guys you guys got married? Senior year?


Yeah, I was. I was a junior in high school. Yeah.


Cuz you got Yeah. How times have changed. I know. Chuck still loves sitting on a couch though. So how, how things got changed. Indeed. couch sitting dog. We're talking about the the day because he went first got him. He came home and he would like he would hide under the Christmas tree because we still had it. Because you got him the day after Christmas. We adopted him for my shelter. And he would like he was still like traumatized because he'll for every Anyone else out there listening to this? He has one eye. And he's the one I hope pirate dog. So he got his eye bit bitten out by some other dogs in the kennel that he was in. It's some sort of like, puppy mill thing terribly just like dumped him off at the shelter like so he would like hide under the tree. Like wouldn't come out and he would eat which is weird now we think about it because like, right now like 630 he starts barking like we're gonna be like,


yo, where's the food Come on.


So he was like, Hi did not come out ever. He didn't want to be touched and he didn't want to waste it by him. And now he's like, lays on you. Like Hello. Like when Susan sit down the couch. He just like jumps on her lap jumps like pops on her like pillow. He gets over there. We're staying here now.


Time to sit on the couch with a dog time you are not leaving me


Like you can pet me if you want hello


you could pet me and by me and by that I mean that me yeah and you time


sweet yes you spend all day you're sitting on the couch monkey does so you know celebrated glorious fashion


as he should be


right there's a lot loud noise


sorry I had him off drifting off to sleep.


That's fair. Okay


yeah yeah next week's gonna be really weird back to work and I haven't been It's not even a full week. So I get Wednesday I get I get Wednesday off next week. So, why come? Because it's New Year's. Oh,


right. Okay.


So just when I'm not at school, I have an absolutely no idea what we mean. What does that stand?


Yeah. So he's so I'll Uh, yeah, so be weird because I've been I took this whole week off, and then we'll be back for two days, and I'll be off. I'm actually gonna take Thursday off too, so I'll be gone for two days. I'll come back on Friday. It'll be it'll be bizarre.


taken off Thursday, just because just cuz I want to sounds good.


Why not? That's fair. You got days. Go for it. Yes.


Big zactly I got two days. So That


I just don't do that because it's really a pain in the butt to leave sub plans. So man, well,


yeah, that is a bit different.


Because, man, you gotta like come with things to do because you can't like do normal stuff. Yeah. So now that but I'm sorry because I don't have to go back to the week after that anyway so


yeah, time off. Nice true.


I'll be bored by then I'll be like well I've got all my laundry clean things. What now? I was like Okay, time to go back and do something so


I don't know.


Yeah see if your rocks are still there or if they hopefully she better not to move my rock


Go check on him for go back. Make sure


just to make sure


wherever they


put tracker in them


it's true. Hopefully you like thermo outside. left a note. Please don't move them. I still need these.


He must be talking about something other than all these stupid rocks.


there for science. They're not stupid. It's fine.


Yeah, I might have to go back Wednesday just to make sure I have things ready for Monday. But I don't know. I haven't decided yet for one day.


Yeah, you can always


figure that out. We'll see. be playing the EDC challenge miles I'm I do actually. She's a researcher. This


bullet lined out? Yes, or sure it's gonna be great.


I love it. I'm very excited about it


will send you pictures of our own stuff so you can put it somewhere else we can all see all the ridiculousness that will happen, huh?


Yes, ridiculousness will ensue. Indeed.


There we go. Yeah.




yeah, I get it. That's




Oh my god. All right. Right. Well, you guys, enjoy your evening. And looking forward to seeing what Brandon comes up with. I'm a little scared. If I


actually once you devise the challenges, it's just it's what I'm concerned about what what the how we're actually going to be testing is where is going to be, you just have to carry it around for a week. Right? Just use it.


Like if you don't use the thing that'll be don't find yourself using it daily go. That's why it would be good to like choose a list and like pick a certain number from the list like what do you think is most important to your specific? Like, line of work? And like what you're going to be doing all the


time? We have but then how do you compare? Is it just the total package that we're comparing of like this better? Me? Are we comparing cheap knife to cheap knife?


Uh, I think for that it would be better to be like, this was what I needed for my stuff. Right? Okay. I gotcha. Because and then if you happen to get that, then we can talk about it. Right so if you pics knife, and everyone else did that, too. Then we can talk about how Why is the best, right? Maybe we'll start maybe we'll pick maybe we'll start Certain things like you must have this. Okay? Right. And then the other. Yeah, we must include like, three of these and then you get to pick the other two or whatever. I like


that. Okay.


Okay, that way we have something to compare. And then you can still go with the secondary comparison of, Oh, I This was good for me because what Aaron needs in his day of sleeping is losing Thank you different than what I need different from what you need out, you know, talking to streams and whatever. So there needs to be some level of adaptability first work in to be useful, right. Otherwise, it would be a whole bunch stuff that I don't need to all be like, well, dang it.


pointless. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. No, I like that.


Alright, sweet. Okay, get on that.


You do. You do that. It will break The first challenge the challenge of many more to come we're working with the fans don't worry we'll get okay okay if I have faith


yeah I don't know


20 bucks I can drop on this I don't know about van and then it'd be a build up




collaborative a collaborative effort right yes


we need to be doing


a road trip special in singular man


oh no that would be


that would be so bad so excellent. Cheap band challenge and road trip didn't have to be far


go to Cape Girardeau


yes perfect. So you said you want to go there? Yeah, there we go. Road Trip to Cape Girardeau in the cheap man.


pitch. We could pitch our our Hallmark script To the people who


organize a town hall meeting.


We go say


hello my money comes in, right you get that?


Amazing okay. Okay, well small steps, small steps, small steps.


carry things in your pocket challenge. Step one. Okay, got it. Okay.


And break. Okay, cool. You guys have a good night everybody

Keywords: cheap, pt boat, challenge, boat, week, people, pain, remember, top gear, Christmas, play, buy, candle, weird, big, smell, listening