It was a SEA

Rocks, hogs, and we give ourselves homework. And a story of near death on ice.

  • Pay no attention to the rocks behind the table! It’s all for science. 

  • It was a SEA!

  • More hog fun!! 

  • Collin goes on a work-life-balance rant

  • Feral hogs in Battle of the Five Armies 

  • Homework: 

    • James May in FoodTribe Youtube

    • The Grand Tour

  • James May: The Reassembler




Hello, yes,


fine. Are you sure? Maybe I don't know. Okay. Fair.


All right. Hello. Hello.


What's going on?


Pizza. Hurry. And I don't have to go to work tomorrow because it's now Christmas break.


Oh freaking jerk. Nice. It's fine.


Aaron has to work tomorrow. But it's I it's done. I have I work tomorrow and I'm gonna get like two days off and then have to go back to work. So I'm like why do we Why do we have to work tomorrow? Can we just Not over tomorrow. But


it's a fair question, I suppose. But, you know,


it's like whenever we like in high school, we'd have like a break or something and we would come back on like a Friday. It's like what's the point like, Why? Why am I here? Yeah, they


don't do that anymore because that's a terrible idea.


Yeah. And so that's what I kind of feel like what's going on for this?


True I do feel bad panda cuz I might I have a giant mess in half of my classroom. Oh, no, well, not mess, per se. But they always try to like come and sweep the floors and clean the floors up all nice and everything. And I have a giant section of my classroom devoted to rock samples currently. Oh




Just ignore everything behind this table.


attention to the man behind the curtain. Yeah, right.


Yeah. Oh, let's see.


I think it'll be fine. She might not be too happy with me, but


it's for science. So it's fine.


It's all on a tarp though, right?


Well, it's not a piece of big, like butcher paper stuff. Oh yeah. Oh that put it on. Now I could write on it so I have all the people who like who whatever group two belongs to the group data yeah guys wrote their names on it so they could remember where there's were




so you know, but she might be a little distracted me cuz there's a huge part of my classroom not like you not huge but it's it's large it's about eight feet long


proportionately though, how much is it taking up compared to the rest of the room?


I mean, not very much merge quite long. So like it's fine.


Do you have Do you have carpet or do you have tile in your room? I Oh, oh.


Yeah. See? It's okay. I swept up a bunch of it. I got off, you know, so it's fine.


Yeah, they


were worried about.


Yeah. So yeah, we didn't get quite done because of all the other weird goings on. That was happening like the last week because we didn't have school Monday and Tuesday, because of all snow. We're not snow. Well, it was icy down here. And so that got us. Like, we didn't get quite done with all that stuff. So we just, you know, like, okay, timeout. We made observations and stuff. Recorded observations about are we cleaned him up and did like sample recordings like Oh, hey, it's got this color. And I can see that this one has fossils, and this one has some layering and stuff like that so we can come back and have something to look at when we come back. But to remind ourselves, What on earth we were doing,


but in the meantime, it's all on the floor.


Gotcha. Nice. Yeah. So yeah, that's all I was doing last week. Was that breaking rocks over when the hammer found the hammer? Not cause it was like, ooh,


hello. Did you did you happen to hide it in a Bible? I did not know.


And I had no other way around. I had a chisel and I had to borrow a hammer. Ah, that's what happened. The custodian guy can be like, hey,


I need a hammer.


Yeah, like an old one. Like, right he's like the ones he's like the ones that use all time and he has like the other ones. So I took one of the other ones. You know the thing I put some carpet squares down and took like a lid. Turn the lid over, but so it would catch all the debris that flew everywhere when I was whacking it with a hammer. God put our goggles on you ready? Go. Bam. Anytime you pull out the goggles, kids know it's getting real. So they're like, oh, okay, now serious.


Well, good. Glad you had the kids enjoyed it.


Yeah, they seem to be into it. So


we'll see. So are so you're pretty much just looking at what rocks are in the area or just


yeah, we're trying to tie in. So we're at the final point of the geology unit. Which I discussed before it was like this big long, just huge long thing. But the in part is a the rock cycle and stuff. Right so we we are tying that into Missouri geology as we're going so we are going to kind of I try to identify what type of rocks we can find here. Right some of them are, you know, mostly it's going to be limestone some sandstone. We did find a pretty beautiful piece of conglomerate though. I'm not gonna lie. But just that kind of basic stuff just to kind of be like, Hey, this is sedimentary rock. Why is there so much sedimentary rock? Right? We'll kind of go into that. Like, it was a sea spoilery nose was I see?


No, like


three Pangea. We're talking See, was it the Mississippian Pennsylvanian in that area in that


era of the


sea boom.




So you know, that's what we're tying it into. Bringing it all back to that and then we'll be done. We'll move on to whatever is next. I think whether probably for more physical Earth Science evenings, yeah. Whether


getting to erosion and how,


yeah, because then we'll have some like, things to look back on. Hey, remember when we saw that erosion outside when we went there, remember that?


That thing?


Yeah. Yeah, we can go back and look at our little river things outside Hello, Creek area. And check out all that we did find some sweet, sweet sediment. Right? We're out digging. I was like looking at this sediment in this little because there's a little creek thing that runs it's like basically, headwater area was not always flowing. But it's like the drainage and you can definitely see where it goes down to like it ends up in little flat Creek eventually. But there's cut. We were walking down there, one of my groups was digging out by that. And I was like, Oh, look at all this exciting sentiment that we've discovered. A couple of more like, yeah. Exciting, right, like, that's,


that's one word for it.


I thought it was cool. So I'm going to go back and get some in like a little sample jar or something so we can have it. Yeah.


Nice. Yeah.


So not too exciting, but snow days, slash nice days. Sort of threw a damper into the plans of the last week of school so it was like a quarter we gonna do now I've got two and a half days release. So


yeah, I'm sure that was kind of weird to come back and just feel like you're making up time.


Yeah. So we found things do but have you had to go? What do you been doing with your stuff? anything exciting? You haven't gotten to hunt hogs I see so this is good.


No, no, we haven't had to do that yet. Although, man. I can I can read you off some of the job titles.


Oh, no. It's real. I don't know if I'm ready for this.


It's real bad.


I don't I don't know if this is allowed by the department. But


this is pretty funny.


Let me see where these are. confidential do not disseminate.




okay, it's fine. It's got to be okay. I don't know, some sort of like NDA, right. Like, I don't know if that's how that works or not. Anyway.


So, Below is


a government agency, it's available information.


Below is a brief description of the knowledge, skills and abilities and duties needed by participating staff. first job Scouter slash Bader slash Trapper one. Oh no 100 this knowledge, skills and abilities, ability to remember. Let's everybody just take a moment and remember where this is going to be happening. Mark Twain, National Forest, okay. We've all been there in the Ozarks. Exactly. flat terrain. Easy to rain


to run a train sex through. Easy to run anything through.


Especially remembering that this is going to be winter and summer so starting starting January 15 ready for this? Oh no ability to walk up to five miles per day in steep terrain, safely operate a four by four truck with trailer safely operate ATV, UTV operate GPS, use topo maps and aerial photos to navigate, keep accurate records lift and carry 70 pounds, work long hours in adverse weather conditions. Your duties scout 2000 acres per week established in mind. That's your job duty is to scout to how to establish and monitor bait sites, record and map barrel hog occupancy and numbers, setup traps, dispatch hogs and dispose of carcasses. A couple things on this I get tired walking up the stairs, carrying my Two children and you know, I'm somehow going to be expected to carry 70 pounds and walk five miles in Mark Twain. I don't


that's not a feat that many people are gonna be able to do it especially 70 pounds. What are you carrying that 70 pounds? I don't.


So I don't know if the 70 pounds is a pack. They have like bait and cameras and your gun and been almost past food and water. Or if it's going to be a one time thing of loading and unloading the trailer with its supplies and stuff.


That would be better but traveling around in the woods with 70 pounds of gear all day. No.


Terrible. There are two people groups in the department that are already fit for this. Those are the national nationally certified foresters. Yeah. wildfires. They do anyway. northern Alaska. And then there are the the conservation agents who have to maintain a certain level of physical fitness, the rest of us


just kind of


out. So, I don't know how that's gonna work. That's gonna be fun, though. Five miles a day in the middle of the Mark Twain National Forest. I don't know how your you know, what happens if you get lost? I mean when you get lost when you get lost?


Yeah, I am having a hard time thinking two things. I don't know if this is going to be worse in January or July. See? See.


My only thing is, is that the tick prevalence is most much zero. However, snow and ice, probably very likely.


Yeah. And especially in the northern parts of the National Forest up in where Yeah,


yeah. So And this is where it always


it always randomly snows either in like northern Missouri or like northern Arkansas.




like that very, like the southern border Missouri, where the where it's very foresty. So, oh, that's where the hogs are too. That's exciting.


So, so that's what I'm trying to judge of like, do I sign up to it? Do I attempt to go for position in the winter because at least it'll be cooler. Yeah, hiking. But then it's like, No, no, once it gets March, it's just going to rain. It's just going to rain. It's gonna be humid. Hot into secondary question. Not as serious.


Um, I need someone to explain to me the difference between an ATV and a UTV I don't know what that is. Because you said that and I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what that means. You TV.


All Terrain Vehicle versus a utility task vehicle. doors. Oh, four wheeler. Yeah, TV like the side by side writing like, like,


like the like a gator amo yeah or whatever those other things are with the tailgates. Yes. And they look weird. They look like golf carts. But like on steroids.


Yes. Okay. Let's get Thanks. Okay. Thank you figuring things out. Thanks Google. So


like, do you So do you have to sign up for each? Or do they literally be like, hey, you're going to go do this?


Well, so what's your question? So here's the thing is, feral hogs is going on the same time as pwd. So if you're not involved with CW D, basically, if you've already signed up and you're heavily involved with CW Do you have to sign up and be involved in feral Hawk stuff?




So it's not really optional? Yeah, at that


point. So also, do I know that that was just the first job on the list? But do you get to like, sign up for a job? Or just a rotation?


So and also, also good question, because I'm unsure because some of these that we'll get to, are going to require certain, like, things that need to be vetted, that you can do. And so, so I, I don't know if it's like you apply for something, but like I volunteer to, but I want to apply for these four or five positions. And then you get selected for one. I don't know how that's going to work because it some of these just can't be. Anybody can sign up for


here, right? See ya. I'm really trying very hard to steer clear from the obvious joke about


the Bader, so let's just move on. Anyway.


Yeah. So my other part my other thing is about that position is it says dispatch hogs and you dispatch hogs with


a call them. Oh, what you meant like you are Yes, your board operator if you plug in a little


bit we're talking about University of Arkansas called hog.


So, sorry, maroon, and use wave, your little hot you do your hot call and they come running at you.


I think. I think the closer you get to Arkansas border, the more Maroon that you have to wear at that point. And we'll probably get hooked up with some of them about you know, the sweet call all that fun stuff.


Okay, well, we'll keep this read a conflict of interest the Missouri Department of Conservation wearing University of Arkansas apparel


to help you hunt hogs better. Okay, so as long as it's ever we can do.


Okay, so it's a it's a coordinated efforts.


second position leader 50 positions, your knowledge skills and abilities, organizational skills, team leadership skills, presentation skills, knowledge of GPS, GIS ability to learn all facets of hog trapping and teach others. Sounds like that kind of ability to troubleshoot equipment problems and Repair and Replace as necessary safety, safety, conscious ability to meet short deadlines, ability to evaluate performance, supervise and motivate team members that you know, okay, I'll read through this then we'll do commentary duty, stationed at lodging facility, lodging facility, support and supervise staff provide staff orientation, serve as equipment technician, provide equipment to staff inventory repair, etc. Compile data from daily scouting and kill reports. Download GPS store information for transfer to Data Manager, provide for quality control service on site safety officer and serve as lodging facilitating lodging facility manager.


So, so hang on a hotel room, use a hammer, and have a hard hat. You're gonna


be a dorm mom is right here in horray, you're an RA. You're also the repair guy, and you're the first aid officer. And just that, that job is also going to suck because,


you know, be honest, none of these are going to be good. These are gonna be fun.


None of these, you know, someone's gonna go, Oh, I want to be a leader. You know, the one thing that put this into that really stuck out to me was ability to meet short deadlines. I don't want that on my case. You know, like, have all of this stuff to me in three hours. Like that's just that's not fun.


That doesn't sound fun. Yeah.


Okay, so that's that requires 50 positions. Now the next one, the GIS, map specialist for positions, skilled with ArcMap duties, create an update maps of all territories documented area scout in hogs killed, etc. This is the job that I would love


to get all the forestry dudes that already do that job anyway. Just have like, all they do is look at an update maps all day, they're gonna be like, hey, you do that because this is what you do, like okay.


Yeah, right. So there's only four of those for the entire state thing. So like, he doesn't get snapped up fast. But what I'm saying is, you know, can anybody volunteer for that? Are they are they going to be like, Okay, fine. You you sign up for that will teach you how to use your Yes. Or they're going to go this person is really have any GIS skills?


Yeah, they're gonna go this person already does that. So


What that's what's going to be most unfortunate. The second one is kinda like this. It's the data manager. So there were two of those positions. That sounds terrible. You have to have access to a collector app, which is something we can go into later. Knowledge of Excel Whoo, duties, inter hog kills into the app, create an update a spreadsheet of acreage, scouted occupancy, number of Hawk seen number of hawks killed, etc. You like the data?


Major data? Yeah. colinear. You're like, you'd be like, Penelope on criminal minds. Just say, we'll call you and then you just enter all the stuff in the computer. And then you'd be like, Oh, hey, no one's got it this region yet go over


there. Exactly. I told you they go. Now. Now that the plus from those previous two positions, the GIS and then the data manager is you don't have to go anywhere. Exactly. As a matter of fact, I am 100% confident that they would let you do that from your own. Which is why I wanted you up so bad.


Yeah, that would mean Yeah. You just, like have access to a spreadsheet. Okay.


Right. Yeah. And just update it throughout the day. I'll do that house today. So that's why I kind of want those.


You're doing it all wrong. You have to hope for the field jobs. And then because they'll be like, Oh, this person wants to feel job. Let's get him the office job. And then when you get it to be like, Oh, no, I get to the office job. fiddle.


Playing Nope. Nope. I'm going for whatever.


state organizations that's they don't other other situations. You are exactly correct that that does that sometimes. But because yeah, if you say things like, I don't want that. They're like, you have that now. Oh, but I think with state jobs that, no, you're like, Okay, here.


You must go for what you want. Otherwise, it I have been I have been saving the best job for last note. Again, it's very rare. There are only three positions of these truck driver for hauling corn. Your ksat Hall with a vehicle, your duties haul corn to storage locations from the grave.


Wow. All right.


That's a job. So


you go from anywhere. Just


drive a truck around.


Yes, yes, yes.


So yeah, but no, it's not gonna be like a truck. It's gonna be like a truck because you're getting my grain elevator. You're gonna need some sort of like CDL class license, operate whatever vehicle they're going to make you drive out. You're not gonna get to drive a transit van. You're getting some sort of terrible, like old 18 Wheeler. Maybe they'll be Some really old one it'll be from 1987 and won't work all the way I ended


up you're on truck drivers I think


I want to road in one I want to see that's all I got. I didn't write very far. But I wrote in one there you go.


So anyway, those are the four positions or five so


what's the ones replace the fuel pump on one?


Yeah, which is it broke. I was working in the sawmill


and so we had to go like


super fix this one because it got there was a whole the few lines so I got air in the fuel. I need a diesel which is like the worst thing ever. So it stopped pumping into we had to go fix it. Hey, there you go. That's my 18 Wheeler story. Okay, continue. I don't I don't know


that that's, that's more experienced than I am in with him at all. So Um, they said so green it like it is it is now. Okay, we're gonna take a step out of the timeline for all of our listeners here. It isn't like it's December 22. Right? It's the operations are supposed to start January 15. That's boots on the ground. No, no signup has been sent out. No training. Anything has been made available. Excellent. And I'm like, this is amazing. Oh, but the thing was, they did confirm that you would be one week on, on call on duty, doing whatever these jobs are you doing? Two weeks off? And then you repeat that five times?


Oh, what,


wait, say that one more times. So.


So let's say tomorrow I start. I would work, possibly seven days in a row doing is definitely seven days, seven days. Then they give you two weeks. off, but the two weeks aren't really off the two weeks back to your normal, right, your normal job. So you try and pick up wherever you left off. And then you have to shut everything down after those two weeks, and you go back to working the seven days for whatever job that you're on right now. And then you get two weeks back to your normal job. And then one week hog hunting, and then two weeks normal job and then one week hog hunting for five times you repeat that one week on counting to expect your normal job. And


what happened after the five times


you so so they're starting now because they're trying to get in it. Get to it before the next hunting season. And then they're going to stop, think, think and then


spring turkey season.


Yeah. And then they'll start back up. next spring. Yeah, in the summer, and then they'll go in the spring. Something like that. I'm not sure your house is gonna work out.


Yeah. Cuz I was thinking like, if you do that, that's what you that five times it's 15 weeks. Yeah, so that's only? Well, that's not even four months. Right. So. So what happens in April? Well, once you get to the end of the cycle, like, is there? Is there like a let's just because that that's not enough? I'm assuming that is not enough positions to cover everybody can say to Missouri Yes. No Like what? What let's pretend you get picked for the first round. How long until you get picked again?


Yes So this is the question. That is very good question. And we're thinking that if you get stuck in a crew leader in a GIS or data manager position, you are that forever. If you get the crew if as me, if you get the crew later, you're more likely to be on an every other every other cycle kind of thing. The worst possible scenario would be is if you sign up for this, you just get stuck with it. And you do spring, summer. Calling. Spring, summer, spring, summer, spring summer all summer. Oh, yeah. Forever. Like that'd be the worst. That's true. We don't think that they would have a whole separate crew for summer. All crew all new crew leaders all new Joe? Yes, I'll do that. They might just lie,


right would make sense. But then that would make sense that you will get like, okay, you're the spring people. You're or let's just hear the January through March people. year though. Whatever. If they stopped doing I don't remember in turkey season. Yeah, like, but it's over by May. Right. So you're the May through July people.


Yeah, right. Yeah, you're the August through the being October, which is when deer starts. I think so. Yeah. So they wouldn't be hunting. We would not be doing it in the in the winter. Because winter would see WD stuff.


Yeah, so Well, I mean up until like, you could split the summer up from whenever until whenever it is the new season. I don't I don't know when deer season begins. Yeah. It's fall ish, I guess. I don't know. But like, because gunning season was what the beginning of October or November.


November? Well, it depends because there's like, youth and then there's black pass,


but you would stop it at the beginning of whatever that is. Yeah. Oh, isn't there a bow first and there's a bow? Yeah, yes. And this is like a black powder in youth. So we'll just say October. Yeah. So


yeah, it's a logistic nightmare and accountant. nightmare if you start having to three separate teams that you have on rotation. So, and then again managing the whole the whole CWT thing is a whole separate incident command structure as opposed to feral hog. So yeah, it gets complicated real fast.


Ah, good thing they have a solid point.


Oh, no.


So how long were they wanting to do this? forever?


Ah, okay. It's a nice, that's a nice attainable goal. Just forever. Just do it.


Yeah, until they all run away to Illinois. Exactly. Oh, darn. To join their brethren up there. Problem


with no light


In date in mind, it's hard to sort of schedule things like this to be effective. Right? Just have like to question mark, right? even, like, even even like a


not to sound too Stalinist here, but some sort of five year plan in this in this, right, just to say, for the first x years, we'll just say five years because I already did. This is the plan to be reevaluated at the end of five years. I mean, this is what Stalin did. And now I'm not saying that we should base our lives on Joseph Stalin. Okay, I'm not saying


I'm saying good ideas.


All I'm saying is maybe our mustaches but nothing else. We should wait, we need to have, we need to have some kind of like, okay, for this X amount of time we're going to do this and then we'll We're going to see where we are. And then we're going to reevaluate, and we're going to make a new five year plan. I didn't


we didn't make their quota. That's, that's not. That's why that's why I said no,


not the Stalin thing. No. I'm sure that in their minds,


don't think about it too much.


I'm sure that in their minds, it's a, we're just gonna be adaptive, and we're just going to change from time to time and we're just gonna be like, that's not communicated at all. But


if you're going to set up an organizational structure, you're going to need to bus you, you need to say like, for the first three years, here is our plan.


Yes, right.


And then it like two and a half years, you sit down and you go, how has the plan been going? Right? I mean, you can do it before that. But like at two and a half years, basically you go okay. Because like at the end of the first year, you say how is plan working? Okay, let's keep doing These things. And then like that two and a half year mark, you're saying, okay, for the next three years, what are our goals? And how we're going to do that?


I yeah. And right now, I mean, part of the problem, part of the problem is, is like, nobody knows exactly what the population is even in Missouri. And nobody knows exactly where they are and all this stuff. So I'm pretty sure just the first year is just going to be like a data gathering like where are they numbers estimation, all that like habitat usage kind of thing, so that they can put in a better formulate a plan going forward.


So but if, if nobody knows anything, why is it like the end times? Why is it like the apocalyptic thing that's happening if we don't even know?


Well, so you can see the damage was done. Without without knowing, you can just say this doing a lot. And then when someone says how many pigs are out there we can go. We don't know. But there's a lot because they're doing X amount of damage. So just getting it a rough population estimate is probably in their game plan. I mean, I haven't seen anything like that come out of you know exactly that. But


anyway, so I'm


pretty sure it's just gonna that first years is going to be figuring out figuring it all out is when it's the first year is going to be it's really gonna suck.




Are the Only having people like in Missouri Department conservation do this? Like, is it only internal or?


Oh, yes, and there's for a couple reasons.


One, because they're already paying me


They are self insured. So if you bring in an outside entity, the liability has to be taken off of that person. So if you keep it in house, it keeps all liability. And


I wonder what I wonder what hog goring insurance premiums are


not going to look into that.

That's all be fun. Anyway. And then the other part about it is optics that you're communicating to the citizens if necessary part of conservation who is mandated by the Missouri constitution to manage and take care of fish, forest, forest and wildlife, if they start outsourcing those duties. Such a big thing that doesn't look good on the department and the department


and its its economic stimulation. We are creating jobs in Missouri boom, look that those are buzzwords people say.


But what needs to be what needs to happen is so so right i mean right now people with bachelor's Master's PhDs are going to be out there doing GPS points on feral hog feces we covered this previous yeah with with the department genuinely needs to do is they need to hire people know they need to strip all of the hourly labor away from everybody and say, all the for right now the hourly labor that you used to have is you no longer have that position. It's a feral hog position and hire people fresh out of college or juniors in college and have them go out and do this. Again.


Pretty sure is it that last week. Aaron did say that last week




to hire interns.


Yeah, you did. What I'm saying is is is is just to do that Take away the hourly labor that department is already using and generating and in and because they can't just create new positions out of thin air,


so, but it would require that people do it all the time. People send out the funding for that. That's the problem. So I understand what you're saying. can just be like, Hey, we need more people. But yes, it's a can we pay for that? Yes.


Yeah. And so, it so anyway, yeah. So that that's just genuine what they need to do, but it you can also see how if they did that, and Joe Schmo intern fresh out of college are still in college get stopped by a hog Dogger. And, you know, like that, that just doesn't look good politically. Yeah, somebody, oh, they're just, they don't care. They're just in these kids out there to do this and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You know, that that would that would be




meat for that kind of story that somebody want to tell. So it's, I don't envy that position. But I don't want to be hunting hogs, so that's probably another reason.


Really not excited about this.


And I just don't want to be gone. I just want to be gone for a week at a time it just ah. Anyway.




mostly that's, that's the annoying bit right


now, we'll see if in 20


some days 23 days they figure it out.


I'm I'm sure somebody whose job already said must meet short deadlines is fiercely working late right now.


They're already on Christmas break. Oh, that's how There's


no the people that are being tasked with this definitely do not have a Christmas break.


Well, that's unfortunately the higher up, the higher up you are in an organization, the more break you get. I know it's that's how it works, right? I mean, that's like Congress just goes like, they can be in the middle of the most important thing. Everything like, oh, peace out. It's Thanksgiving by and the other but the thing, the law. What about the law? No. Okay. Well, it happens on time. They just go there. No, you know, they're not basically it's exact same as when you punch that time clock. Can you go? Nope, I'm sorry. It's five o'clock now. Goodbye. They have the same sort of mentality. It's just longer, right.




Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's just gets me thinking about that whole,


quote, unquote, work life balance and just the big mess. That actually is. I had somebody asked me about that today, like, how do you? How do you manage to have a work life balance? Like a First off, there's no such thing. You know, secondly, I purposely chose my job. So that I, because they gave a lot of time and they're really flexible, and it was a kind of job that didn't follow me home, so that when I was home, I could be home. And I, you know, anyway, I just, I, it really annoys me when people talk about having that because you're constantly, there's no such thing as balance. Whenever you only have a set number of hours in a day. You're always stealing from something to do what you want to do or do what you don't want to be doing. Right. Like it's, you have to invest time somewhere. It's got to come from somewhere. I just see that as a, as a big pitfall. It's not a 50 50 kind of thing.


I don't know. I do all my school work at school. And that's it. I don't ever like. So you can say like, I guess you when you talk about like actual time, it's like I think about it all the time, right. But I don't like to do stuff. Right? Like, I'm not bringing papers home to grade them. No, no, not me. No, thank you. Again, I'll work at it. Sometimes it takes me longer, but I'm not bringing home. So like that's kind of how I see it because I'm like, yeah, I'm not. I could but know. When I'm at work, I'm working. Yeah, I'm not doing anything else. I am solely focused on everything that's happening right now. And then when I go home, I'm like, Yeah, no, not doing it. Now. I will like think about it. And all that kind of plan stuff in my head, but I'm not like actually, like Florida. Bloom sitting on couch like watching TV. I'm like, okay, I should do that


later. Column needs to take a hog home with him and classify it as Colin is working from home or calling. Yes,




So instead of watching dogs calling you're gonna be watching hogs for Hawks. hawks visiting okay I


like it. I mean backyard blushes


charged neighborhood children to write it Coby can keep the dog


the Haagen


yeah track Yeah. Yeah, he's such a such a vicious he's such a vicious little guy hunting dire. Oh, wait a minute. He perfect for it. You can have him. I'm sure you could design a wagon that a hog can pull so you can you know, Ryan and I can go and parades. Gina. That's a very excellent parade thing.


It is being pulled by feral hog Nazi The Hobbit The Battle of the Five Armies rodian


le Colleen was on


the dude in the flesh was on the hog.


Yeah. Yep.


might not work out too well.


Maybe great.


Tell your supervisors to listen to our podcast and they'll be like welcome.


In my mind, I've just combined that scene from the Battle of Five Armies with his character from boondock saints and it's just so great. I just enjoying this right now. Yeah. And then Willem Dafoe was there afterwards. One guy was six guns. What are you an idiot?


add it to my to watch.


I wasn't a long time because I watched it a lot. And then I'm just kind of like, Yeah, no, I need to not do that now.


Movie need let's move on consequence. Consequently, I haven't seen it a long time so


maybe maybe I need to rewatch her you know, over break here.


I will be down there. Monday night so if you need to have a little Christmas boondock Saints


great gift because it's a Christmas movie. Kinda


speaking. Speaking of things.


Did you guys watch


the new grand tour? No.


I did. Okay, well, no, no spoilers. No spoilers. Well, one spoiler there on both


Yeah, I see I see little thing things on like Instagram, and then like boat racing and I'm like boating.


So you got to as soon as you have time that's we got to talk about that because it was ridiculous. You have to watch it again. Just so I can. I'm ready. I may have it. Okay, so let's be real. I've watched like four times last week. I only watch it the ones


Oh, no, it just gets better.


Have you? Have you watched any of the food tribe stuff? That's on YouTube? No. So it's like a spin off of the drive tribe things? Know? Right. But it's like food tribe. Mostly. The one that you need to watch is James May cooking weird 70s food


in that.


Okay. Food, right. So maybe he'll like make. He's like, Oh yes. These are like the sandwiches. Like my mom used to make and it's like an egg sandwich. It's like bread and salad, cream and egg. He's like, no. Okay. Okay, and it's just me making sandwiches. And it's really funny.


Okay, it's a homework homework for next week. Homework next week, everybody. Watch that? James main food tribe on YouTube and grand tour.


Okay, I'll watch it again. Okay, have you ever watched the reassembly? Have you ever seen those?




no. Oh my gosh. Okay, they're on YouTube somewhere. They're from an old like BBC show, and it's called James made the reassembly and it's just him putting something together.


Oh, wait, it's like,


it's like a record player. And one of them is like, a motorcycle.


Like, weight train. But it's like the record player is 100% completely disassembled, laying on a table. Yeah, and he just goes around. It talks about stuff. It like puts it together. And it's so weird and yet satisfying, like the same time. Like, I don't know why I'm talking about like, how this is the best screwdriver and it's like, because it's the Japanese standard screwdriver and it's not exactly like a Phillips head screwdriver because one thinks it's a Phillips head But no, it's in fact a Japanese standard screwdriver. And that's why people's bolts get on the screws get all messed up me Like what?


What? What, what does happen a nice,


okay. Yeah, that's it seems really familiar. I think I may have seen that But okay,


there's a few of them. I don't remember. The two seasons I think maybe, but there's there's a few. I think there's one where there's like a Christmas train. So there you go. That one's for Yeah, that one. Did you


having it so much homework?


Oh my god. I was thinking about this morning or this afternoon when I was making sandwich. I just started giggling to myself in the kitchen and Susan was like, What are you doing? He's like, don't worry about it. It's fine.


Okay. Yes.


But yes, Aaron, you will like the boating. It's very notable.


Oh, because I tried to get amazon prime to work on my TV, but it just wouldn't like and so I Yeah, I was gonna watch it on my phone but yeah, I was in there trying to mess with it and I couldn't remember like my password and stuff and then I wouldn't let me do any of the upload sounds like hell just watching my phone later. I just do it on my phone because I can't


be bothered.


I just


for some reason it doesn't like my computer. It's like no, it's like real jumpy. Practice. It's Oh my God, my graphics cards like my like, it'll like not play right practice. But I just watch my phone.


It is excellent.


I'm sorry, go ahead.


Oh, no, I'll probably end up doing that. After we get done talking. I'll probably just


put it on and


go to go to bed.


Yeah, because I'm lazy and, like reclined my couch and then I put a book on the little arm thing and just like set my phone on that so it pops it up, right. Yep, there we go. And let's leave it that way. So I have the whole holding.


Holding it. Jeez, could you even imagine that?


Yeah, you want to hold your phone for an hour. Come on now.


Took you took your arms in and get a little T rex with it right before your face.


Now that hurts my shoulder can do that. I said on the thing is on the arm and I'm like Yep, there we go. Falling down. Or like


anything like that. So yeah. Nice.


So yes. Good stuff.


Hey, nice.




you living this?


Me? Yeah, you caught


the death. You sound very like you sound very like


oh my gosh.


So a


quick another here's another fun story and then we'll wrap up I I had to go down to West Plains last week and it all know why that's I'm going to give a presentation on Monday morning to we're rolling out some things The fisheries manager biologists and they're in across the state and they wanted us to come down and present it to them and tell them about it. Fine. I don't know if you remember what happened on Sunday and Monday, Tuesday of last week. Sunday, we're all hanging out. And the my coworker texts me says icing everywhere. He said, he said, if we don't leave now we're not going. And so I was like, Well, I'm leaving now. So


I threw my bag together.


That's the exact opposite of my response. My response would have been,


well, I guess we're not going Oh.


That's what Megan wanted me to say.




I got in trouble later.


But I was like, Okay, let's go Megan or your boss, Megan. Yeah.


So I was like, let's go so I packed real quick and Megan dropped me off at work at 845 in the morning. We weren't supposed to leave. We weren't originally planning on leaving until like 12 or one, but the storm was like hitting. And so I got in the truck and basically fishtailed my way down south like I was going through Lincoln, basically sideways.


Time board. Oh, he was on Sunday, Sunday, Sunday at 9am. It was. It was


bad like it was because it didn't it didn't start down here until like Sunday. It was later because they didn't call off school until Monday morning at like 430.




So luckily, Susan is the district communications person. So they call her at 430 in the morning


that I'm sure you do.


Monday was much better because they canceled school like nighttime, like oh, yeah, okay. like eight o'clock at night. They're like, no, it's still bad here. Okay.


Yeah. So like, We're going down and it It hit a lot harder and faster up here than we were expecting. Yeah, it's on the radar, just like it was. It was it was. Yeah, it was basically, it was so black. It was so dark was black at that point. I make it down to Warsaw, I pick up my coworker. We continue down and it kind of like peers often it's raining a little bit just the rest of the time. Yeah. And the temperature dropping behind us constantly. We're getting to West Plains. We didn't eat lunch because we were like, We just need to go We must get down there. That's fair. Yo, stop. Stop. We get down there. We go to colons are eating colds loses power. The whole town loses power for a minute. Oh, really? Yeah, really. And the power goes back on, but it's only like they said half the power to which I responded. which happened why? And they didn't have an answer. But the city basically said we only have half power. And okay, let's city So the power that the city had, or the power that cold cold was getting the power that went to their exhaust fan fumes or hoods. Those are working, but they they use wood to make all of their food or most of it. So all of a sudden, just huge plumes. So they have to open all the doors and windows. It's cold outside. We were cold for three hours. Yeah, we get to our hotel. They also only have quote unquote, half power.


I don't know but like I don't understand how that works. Because I understand like the city having half power, because like you have different lines come from different places because that happens here. Right? Like sometimes half the city will have power the other half does not. But not a building. I don't understand how a building is have the power


the doors The North sock is getting 100 volts in outlets and my room had power the South outlets did not. That's a weird, that's terrific on the first floor. He messed up on the in the first floor the North Wing had power the South Wing did not on the second floor, it was reversed. And then third floor it was reversed again.


What the heck was it was like playing What are


you doing? I had your power good situation.


Never seen this. I was just like, what? Like what it was, it was it was bizarre. So we survived the night and we start looking up the weather and we're like, it's gonna be real. It's kind of real Columbus Monday. We may be stick we may be staying may staying here Monday. We we finished with our presentation. It's like 12 and we noticed that there's a break in the weather and we're like, we're going for it. So we We bust out of West Plains. And we were charging north. And I'm updating the the modar weather app and the traveler app looking at road condition. And all of a sudden, I noticed that there's like this line where north of 60 is well below freezing south of 60 is not and 60 is just this line that was kind of holding around 3032 Yeah, we get into see more. And this truck passes us it's a brand new Ford whatever pulling a trailer with a classic Impala on it. And they blast past us for like, good luck buddy. And we come up we go through a little bridge and he is literally spinning in front of us. jackknives and slides off into the ditch him my coworker Paula. I know my coworker and I were like Maybe we should go back to Chris planes. We'll just keep going. We'll make it through Rogers see more? Yeah, no, I was just like, so we make it into rogersville. Springfield, make it to Springfield. And we had to make we had to at that point we were like, We either need to pull over now, or head north. And I'm looking, we're looking at the radars. And I'm like, I don't think it's going to snow. Like there's no snow. But what we didn't expect and what just popped up popped up over the course of 30 minutes. So by the time we made the turn and started heading north and Springfield, a little band of freezing rain drizzle started in just just held with us the entire way north.


We got some of that down here. We really constantly in


it, we we were crossing over sunshine on 65. And in the right lane, there were six cars that had been in an actual accident, and we got over into the left lane, but the left lane had not been bladed at all. And we only we immediately lose control and narrowly Miss hitting two cars. And we make it through that. And we're like, next hotel we're stopping. Well, the next hotel isn't wasn't until buffalo.


Not on that. I'm 65 there's none.


Buffalo is also where it goes from four lanes to two lanes. And we were like, so we pulled over that night. We're like, not moving another inch. woke up the next morning and it was like freezing fog don't travel. I was like No.

Yeah, so we barely made it back.


Yeah, wow. And I've been sick. Now why you were in trouble that Megan Listen.


Yes. Yeah, because what turned into just like a one night was a two night and like three really long days. So


that was fun.

Keyword: hog, positions, job, duties, people, week, feral hog, plan, long, nice, missouri, coworker, fine, nothingnesses, ability, pull, snow, point, happened, work