we blame the British

We've finally diagnosed where a vast majority of our sense of humor came from... British TV. After we parse that revelation, it's time for a bus update from Aaron and a review of the latest episode of The Ground Tour. Spoiler: meh.

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drive, watched, dinosaurs, car, weird, feel, people, eat, grand tour, fun, hilarious, true, guess, bird, cavalier, thinking, fever dream, kids, served, episode


Collin, Aaron, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your host, Brandon, Cullen and Aaron.


On this week's show, we blame the British Hello. Oh, boy. I don't know. I don't know. I am trying to wrack my brain for where this is coming from. But I have the sound of somebody going blue.


And I don't know what that's from. So I apologize. Isn't it Seinfeld? Is the thinking of other Perry's Oh no, I'm thinking of Norbit movies. Or Eddie Murphy. Or Hitler. Eddie Murphy. No, that's Tyler Perry's. It's also the Southpark parody of Tyler Perry. That's where I know that phrase from

Brandon  01:10

Yeah. not know where this is from. Don't think it's either of those. But not Seinfeld. Like, Lou No no, also Mrs. Doubtfire. But know that this is, this is just a quick this is just like a very more subdued like, blue.


thing, right. I'm confused. I don't know. Let's see other things where people talk weird. Oh, what that was a show called. Are you being served? Is it that? One? Maybe it could be it could be that one. Actually. I don't know. I haven't actually thought about that show in forever until just right now. And then I was like, Oh, hey,

Brandon  02:02

I think I have some copies of it. A version of that of that TV show. Do you really hidden away? someplace? X? Yes, hold on. Let me see stashed away. Check my archives. Hold on. I think I have. Why are Yep. Are you being served? There's a movie I has there. I have the 1977 hour and 35 minute runtime. Are you being served the movie with all of the original cast? I I did not. No such thing existed. I just remember watching it on TV at Mimi's house. He be at Mimi's house. I really know. I don't know what channel. It was on. PBS PBS. Yeah. Because I feel like that's a PBS thing. It was there was a British hour or whatever. Because then there was Mrs. Mrs. Booking whatever that right what show was that?

Collin  03:09

Ah, comedy it was called. It was called keeping up appearances. Yes, giving

Brandon  03:13

appearances. There we go. And so good. Why this was on PBS. were randomly on the weekend, I guess I imagined. Right. Because otherwise we wouldn't have been at Mimi's house probably. Oh yeah. And it's been those were airing on PBS for a consistently long amount of time because we watched them like a lot. So yeah, it wasn't like a one time. No, no, that's the thing. I don't know. Docking is whatever, but I've definitely definitely weird. Yeah, that's like thinking about now like, why was that on there? I don't I don't have any idea. Yeah. I mean, we watched it. So did something.


I mean, yes. Get more things that can point back to my childhood and blame for why the wasted that's true. That thing is so those those shows right there. That's a good example of one of the things happens to me sometimes,

Brandon  04:33

like, because I'm old man now, obviously. Right? I think I think about things like oh man, when I was a kid, I love that. Like, would I still like it? Or? Oh yeah, no, I mean, most of the time the answer is generally guess cuz I really haven't changed like that much in my taste of things, right. Like,


I listen to a lot of the same music I listen to like, all that kind of stuff, but like, sure, we had

Brandon  04:59

random TV shows I just like high wonder. I mean, again, the answer is usually yes. Right? Because like, if we think about things like I watched Monty Python, the Holy Grail, like the first time when I was 12, or 13, and I still love that movie, so that hasn't changed. That's for that hasn't changed at all. Oh my god. Yeah. I mean, it's right. Are You Being Served is right in the era? Because it's from the 70s 80s? Yeah. Weird British comedy. Yes. Wonderful British comedy. So it is. It is 100%. But I, I would, yeah, I agree. That it's definitely that thing. It's like such a weird random thing. And it's I think it's probably weird, if any. Oh, oh, hello. He sort of internalized some of that British comedic humor, like dry wit sarcasm, like spitting back at you, but like,


deadpan face like I do. That is definitely something I have internalized as part of myself.

Brandon  06:16

I'm sorry. I feel like yeah, I feel like you're right. I think I feel I can blame. Are you being served for some of that? Like those witty snappy comebacks? They have all that show all the


time. Hmm. Yeah, I could probably. Yeah. Yeah. Now that we're thinking about this out loud. Oh, dear. Yes. I can probably play my mic. We're like, Oh, this is the way that I Okay. This makes sense. Oh, no.

Brandon  06:42

Yeah, that's the fall of realization. Oh, dear. So we, we we blame a British comedy. It's all good, though. Like one that I've seen. That's not a sketch show by Monty Python is Mark You Being Served and


keeping up appearances. I already almost forgot what that shows. See how much damage is done right to the ledger? What's crazy is I in my brain, they're from the same era. And that's only because we watch them back to back at the same time.

Brandon  07:24

But keeping up appearances was was like 30 years, it was like 20 years. On from Are You Being Served? It came out in the 70s. And keeping up appearances was in the early 90s. Was it? Yeah. All right. Part of that is British television. Vision. aesthetic is like the same. Yes. Right. You can't tell. They were probably shot with the same BBC camera because it was the same one. They were like didn't even have to do anything different. They're like, Oh, yeah, let's use this one is fine. Whatever. Like. Yeah, for my memory. I would agree. They looked similar. I would not pay big, keeping appearances as a 90s television show. I know. Perhaps it's because it's so far removed from American 90s television shows that we're all like, bright colored. And strange. And like, it does have a 70s like aesthetic though. Yeah, so I will I will give you this. keeping up appearances was a 1990. It wasn't came out in 1990. At the same time, okay. Well, that's basically the ad still, so that's fine. Well, at the same time in the US, we had the dinosaurs. We had my gosh, what a fever dream. What a fever dream that show is it's So more on that in a minute. Keep going. We have a full house. Boy Meets World. Golden Girls by left Boy Meets World. Seinfeld, Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Family Matters. I mean, all of these that obviously like I have family matters was so good. Anyway, yes. So those are us. 908 What's the nanny? Oh, man, that is an underrated show. I used to like that show. By Fran Drescher was hilarious. I think I'm like the only one. But like I like that show is funny. Oh, so it was a definitely a different, different aesthetic. That's, that's for sure. That is Yeah. 100% Can we talk about can we circle back to dinosaurs here for just a minute, can we? Because should we, man, I just want to say that show occupies a place in my brain where, like, I sometimes don't believe it was real.


Right. Like, it's so weird. I feel like, like out there like, sometimes I'm like, did that really? Was that really a show? Did that really happen? I don't know. I feel like Erin trying to explain to explain Bunnicula bunny, bunny, bunny to to show me there. But I mean, thank you for. Yeah. All right of x or he was trying to explain raka doodle crafts abrakadoodle as he tried to explain minikube money or however Yes,

Brandon  10:40

he did. Anyway, just Bunnicula Bunnicula Yes, thank you. Whatever, money but at that, no, it really, because it's like, everything in the world was exactly like, a normal sitcom. Except there were dinosaurs. All

Collin  11:01

right. And then like, I'm trying to think if there was really very many like dinosaurs specific comedy things.


No, it was like, a very if you go back, like, I didn't catch a lot of

Brandon  11:15

this when I was younger. Right. But I have seen clips of it now. And it's extremely like satirical. Yeah. But it's I think it's very underrated Lee so I don't think people enough people giving love to dinosaurs for like, the comedy that it was giving, like, the satirical level of comedy was like making fun of like modern culture and stuff. Yeah. But they were dying. There were times. I just, it's stupid baby. Oh. Oh. Yeah. There's really not a lot that I can really go in and talk about this because it there are, it is just like a normal sitcom. Like, I write me a lot of roseanne if Roseanne I mean, yeah, kinda, I like kind of had that same feeling, I guess. I don't know. I mean, except it was it was again. They were dinosaurs. And I. And I think it's important for listeners to know who are just sitting here going. What it was like, since it was the 90s this was this was like people in like dinosaur like suits. Like, yeah, it was not animated. It was not like, computer generated. No, no, these were big actors. If these suits that, like the mouse would move, like they basically saw the Ninja Turtles movie. And we're like,

Collin  12:46

Yo, what about dinosaurs though? I think that's whatever. They saw Raphael. And we're like, hey, hear me out. What if?

Brandon  12:59

What if we had a show about using this technology, but they were dinosaurs at night? The dad like worked in a factory. And like, there was teenagers and stuff like I don't know. Yeah, exactly. That's the whole thing of like, again, like he said, If he described it perfectly, it feels exactly like a fever dream because it was kind of like, yeah, everything was the exact same but dinosaurs. You have Disney Plus, you can check this out like right now. It is on Disney plus, yes. Oh, no. Oh, oh, yes. Oh, I forgot about the grandma. Yo. All right. This is nuts. This is the more pictures I look at the more fever dream. I'm remembering. And it's really weird. Like, I don't know. Well also add that they I think they also had some of those were animatronics. I mean, yeah. So so which means like, must have been crazy expensive. For that time, too. Oh, yeah. Right. Like oh, man. Yeah, all these there's like crazy puppets and like, all kinds of stuff. According to this list, it remains relevant. So I don't know that. Oh,


yes. That's what it says. Okay. Interesting, you know, perspective relevant. I guess that's at the end. If I remember correctly, that show the ending of the show is like the darkest thing

Brandon  14:49

ever. I don't remember. I don't remember that. I don't remember. Yeah. It's like the it's like the comments coming Yeah. And there's


like a mass extinction event. Yeah, it's like oh, like slowly turned like the comet hits or whatever and it like slowly like turning to an ice age. And

Brandon  15:11

it's like, wait. It's the show and everybody dying. Oh my god. No, you're right. Right. shortlived. That was four seasons. Wonder why


I mean, this rain that's how I guess. Yes. Literally Ah, yeah, it's good. Good show the entire cast dies they go

Brandon  15:40

all the fields, literally Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh man I I haven't thought about that show very, very tight


you know, if you have Disney plus you can watch it anyway maybe get again, time so looking at these pictures from dinosaurs and find out

Brandon  16:15

again, click away click away pretty good How you been here? Oh, not bad this week then a little off and on. I haven't driven a bus yet I'm still waiting to be approved by the state.

Aaron  16:35

Because I have to submit all my stuff to them. And they say is the one that approves me, or tells me not I can't drive. But I've been bus route, or the bus route that I'm going to be on, which we're going to do in rotation. And I didn't realize that our school districts spread out so far, because about 90% of the roads are like dirt roads, or gravel. And so it's it's the longest bus route that I'll be doing. And is like the one with like the most like backing out in the middle of the road just turn around. And so I wrote it yesterday or today. I think I'm running running it tomorrow, but I might be doing softball instead. There's Yeah, it's I sent a picture of the map. I was driven, or Aaron that was? Yeah,

Brandon  17:33

you beat me to it. I was going to say Erin sent me a picture of the most useless

Aaron  17:40

hand drawn map. Is it like on a napkin? It's like, Oh, here. So it's just lines with numbers. There maybe out of all of these angles of line, there's maybe like two road names that are on there. Um, and you have to know like, where to start? Because it doesn't tell you where to start? Because there's no number one. No, I had to like I was sitting there trying to turn it. And I didn't have it yesterday. So I was completely lost. But I had it today. And it kind of made a little more sense because I actually like, wrote like kids names like this, it gets dropped off here. But like, there's the highway and then like you take like a left going down and there's like all these stops that are just like scattered on this one highway and you backtrack, drop it off. And then you go down like a dirt road like seems like 20 miles into another. It's just like I'll sit there looking at it. I'm like, How does this work? Because it's like, when I first was set in a zero set. But now that I kind of looked at you know that I looked at it like while I was I was writing along with the other co said that has given the room or like it made a little bit more sense. But like Okay, so this is you put there's no identical landmark identifiable landmarks. There's like no identifiable lights, or minor roads. There's no like, oh, at this distance, it's all just like, act mark and we're just like, oh, there's so I version I wrote. Like, here's a field. There's a house there. That's where I know when to drop this kid off or oh, this mailbox that like this color. That's where I dropped this kid off. And so I was completely lost like the some of the kids which I will never go back to teaching elementary school kids because i i content with my kids now, because some of those elements, elementary kids, it's just a whole volume of craziness. But even even the elementary kids realize how much You go up here and then you turn my house. I'm like, Oh, sweet. Okay, writing that down. Our our school district is not. It's clearly not financially well off.


The bus is very janky. And it's because of these dirt or gravel roads, which like, if you even

Aaron  20:26

go like 30 miles they get to oblivion. Yeah. So the parking brake, AV works. Ask who knows? Um, but yeah, they don't they don't give you like a lift, or like, Oh, hey, by the way, this is on your bus today. It's like, we stand by just appeared. And we're driving and like associations up like, I'm, you've missed my house. And they coaches like, I have never seen you on this bus before. Like, and I've been driving this thing for two weeks. And I've been here for two weeks. And he's like, Oh, no, but you missed my house. And so we had to go back around, and then back into like, some random person driveway and then there to get off and then drive thru. And then another kid would come up and like, he missed my house. Like, I haven't seen you never been here.


They're like, yeah, so and so. Like, only, like ride the bus, like one time a week.

Aaron  21:24

And it's just like, so I'm just gonna stop at every single staff. But even the kids like as, as the little ones are paying more attention. They're like, blah, blah is not here today. Go to your driving room. And so, but like, yeah, if, like, if the kids didn't speak up, or if they didn't say anything, we would have no idea cuz he's like, I have never seen that talent before. Like, Oh, sweet. Wow. Because you gotta remember our school growing up, like, we had like the permit. Like, if you were to write home to somebody the weekend like, Hey, I'm doing this season, I had no cat house, like, yeah, they call home within the home and, you know, dad, or mom or whoever would would call the schools who would write like a permission slip or get like a little piece slip and you give that to your boss driver, like, Hey, this is how you know that I exist. We don't do that. And so coaches face like I've never been born. So there is the right itself. If your note you're doing it back in now, it's about an hour. So it's not like too terrible. But it's, it's all like

Brandon  22:43

backroads. And up, here's the highway, I have to stop in the middle of the highway, or I've turned around in the middle of the highway, and then just hope for the best. It's a lot of that. It's been so cold. We haven't had practice, like diligent practice. So last week, I practiced like in the gym with no balls,

Aaron  23:04

which they had a home game with a native speaker, who's on a basketball court, which really didn't make sense. But that's a softball and baseball season are starting off this slow crawl.

Brandon  23:17

And then we toured wedding venues last week, or last weekend.

Aaron  23:24

I am pretty I think we found one.

Brandon  23:27

I'm pretty sure it's the one that I send you guys a video of

Aaron  23:32

we're just working on a date for wedding activities by I think I think that's the one that we're we're gonna pick for prettiness and price wise, but cool. All in all that's been my

Brandon  23:49

mixture of that. Since last time we spoke. I am so tired.

Aaron  23:57

It's holiday to school. I just, I'm just burnt out. I still done for this week.


I'm ready for it to be Friday. Sadness makes it hard. But I'm imagining the lovely weather. It's just really helpful. Do you have any signs of heat in your life at all?

Aaron  24:17

Yesterday was like, do super nice. Like, temperature wise and like, oh, this would be a perfect day for practice. Oh, I had to drive a bus. No. So we don't have the whole server is down. But the whole server is down for the entire school so teachers can't get access to their computers. Whoa, no. And so we have to use Chromebooks. And even then it doesn't do any good because I'm in completely different classroom and I can't get set up for my projector or my smart board. Eat wise. I keep pestering the superintendent with a 100% or he's already tired of me asking but I'm like I just I just thought of this They said, or to him. They're like, yeah, we'll get like the part where or like we had we had, or we had ordered. They have to, like, physically make it. And so, like, it'll be here like this February, like

Brandon  25:23

we awesome. So February either it's gonna be cold or it's already gonna be warming up.

Aaron  25:32

Like last year, it'll be like negative 20. So it'll be just in time. Yeah, so I'm making it work. In my makeshift class, we're now which used to be an old classroom, but that person moved to a different part of the school. And so it was a storage unit, or a storage classroom. Because we're actually down to teachers, I guess down we're now we're down three. But yes, I've been a makeshift for classroom with a bunch of random tables in VMO scattered mixture of tears I've ever seen. And the only way I can do anything is via a tiny Chromebook and a whiteboard. So this is one of them Iraq with for like, since we got back from Chris

Brandon  26:26

I have not shown a way like we still done stuff like online. And like, far as like me like, Guys, let's look at this video on this condo board up and do that. It's it's in Italy as far as as far as my being acquire, then so yeah. Also, that's another reason why tired because it's like at the dealers again. It's just, it's heartbreaking because I get that.


I have that. Like, you know, an hour drive to school. And I'm like, oh, man, I'm gonna work on this. I'm gonna do this. It is awesome. And then like, the closer I get to school, I'm like

Aaron  27:17

okay. The other classroom isn't gonna be that I got to get a bus. Yeah, and they just want it Yeah, so it's by the time I get to school and like, some of my wrong like, I'm gonna be on 40 So there's go in there my stuff down. Just wait for kids. If I can't do anything else is awesome. I'm having fun.

Brandon  27:43

I can, I can tell not not having heat is kind of a kind of a mood killer. For


for sure, man. Last week, last week, one of the days I'm here was like the high was 20. So like it was cold in my room with a heater, not trying to play, but like,

Brandon  28:13

so cold that my car alarm went off.

Aaron  28:19

I went out super early in the morning to help put antifreeze and coolant stuff until the scar and I was like, Oh, I'm gonna put it back in my thing. And then like, I look at my car wrong. It's like, no, it's nine degrees. And I felt so bad. Because it's five o'clock in the morning. And I am just out. I'm just in front of my car with the hood open, just like sounding like a very disappointed parents like advising their child like what are you doing? What are you doing? This is five o'clock in the morning. Give me IgM people are asleep. And finally it's shut off. But I was fuming like I couldn't. I didn't have to wear a jacket. I was that hot and just like okay, so every ever since then. I've always took the temperature. I've always got my stuff ready for like I need to sprint out there. I know my car alarm by now to unplug the battery if I have to. I got all my tools set up. Like my car. No. Okay, we're good. No, yeah, no, he was a car that wants to be like nine degrees


Yeah, I'm fine. That's crazy. That's weird. I've never heard of that do event ever. Yeah, it's it's not. It's always done it like I'm not gonna say another word if it happened tonight.

Brandon  29:44

Out the window, but supposed to be slightly warmer than nine. So typically, it's happened on wood. Like maybe like once, like, what has been like super super cold. Yeah, I don't know how to fix that instead of completely unplugging my battery right after that I will pull my face heater in my office a little bit.



Brandon  30:26

Oh, yeah. Ah, things up here have been pretty, pretty low. Which I'm still I'm still good slower bad slow. I mean good slow as in like, okay. Yeah, I mean, Lillian has definitely adjusted to having an employee a lot faster than I have i

Collin  30:50

Why does why does this not surprise me like even a little bit? Because so one of the things that we've done with our staff is we've got, hey, I'm this, this position, you could work seven days a week, Transics, five days a year, you're on end, which is not totally not healthy, and not the expectation. So you need to tell us when you want time off, and like what day like what's one day you absolutely do not want to work. And then what's a couple other days we only want to work like morning or evening or something like that. Staff member up here took off Friday. Totally fine. I did inform him that sometimes Fridays are the busiest days, so we may shuffle that around.

Brandon  31:33

He's cool with that. So, Thursday, I have to we're getting ready and tongue Lilya and I'm like, okay, like, I gotta get some dropins tomorrow, and she looks at me and she goes, didn't you hire for that? Was like, very astute. Yes. It did indeed. Hire for that. Anyway. Fine. So fine. It's going, going? Well, we're enjoying that found out a weird thing, where I said, Hey, hire? Oh, cuz he was like, I'm gonna go to the shop cuz I gotta get a new belt system for my car. I was like, Ooh, that sounds awful. And he was like, it's fine.

Collin  32:20

And I was like, I said, I've had to do it before. I said, really on this on the same car. And he said, Oh, no, that was my last one. i He said his very first car that he got was a 2006 Chrysler minivan. He learned how to fix it from bumper to bumper. And he said I'm only buying 2006 Chrysler minivans because I know exactly how to fix them.

Brandon  32:49

What to plan? Like, be like, I know how to fix it. I have two other ones in my driveway that I use for parts. Oh, no. And I can Oh, no, that's like, he's like, I this is the one that I know how to fake. And I'm done. Like, okay, okay, that you do what? Great. Good job that's I mean, you know, that's the thing people do they like, maybe not like that extreme of like, I'm only buying 2006 minivans for some reason. Like, they people do become like maniacally devoted to like, a type of car. Right? Like, or a brand even because I know my friend's dad when I was a kid like Volkswagen guy. Right, folks like guys are like this. Like, yeah, because all Volkswagen engines in from that period are the same. So like, if you can rebuild the Volkswagen engine who's like, yeah, I just got like nine Volkswagens. You know, whatever, like, Uh huh. It's the worst. The worst people are the same too loudly. The Corps fair people. Oh my gosh, they're the worst about this. Like, yes, I have 57 Corvairs. Like there's none. Anywhere. You can't ever find them because some dude has 50 of them in his barn. Because this is fair. That's fair. Yeah. Yeah, it was just very weird how he was just like, I learned how to fix that one. And he's like, I hate fixing cars. And I figured I don't want to have to learn how to fix any other one. This is what it is. Okay, I see what you've done it with your life. No, I mean, more on board with this. I wasn't that's a commitment. Right. That's like,

Collin  34:57

I was like, yeah, yeah. It's great to do you like I wasn't complaining or anything, it was just like, I don't know very many adults who have thought through that kind of like,

Brandon  35:13

ah, like, trying to rid themselves of like mental burden and load in their life and trying to like, simplify down to that level of, of daily tasks. Last year, I know like zero, so like, that's, yeah, like, he's just like, No, this is the one. And I just find a point again. That's true. I, you know, I hear about people that are like that do that for other reasons. Riley, he sort of like you end up liking and like my friend's dad with the Volkswagens. He's like, it's like, um, I just have like, several, right? And there's other things people do that with, like, I know, like, in the guitar universe, there's like, you know, people like, oh, I only play like, Stratocasters. Yeah, right. It's not necessarily because like,


I only know how to fix Stratocaster, but like, like, I only use this thing, right? It's one thing that I use forever. But I

Brandon  36:08

don't know anybody who's like, Look, I am gonna simplify my life because I know how to work on this one thing only, so I'm only going to purchase that. Exactly. Again, I'm like, I don't even have that kind of thing in my life. Right? Oh, no, I don't either. And I'm like, okay, like, again, like, sweet, like I and I feel like that really does a lot of again, it's finding these things and going, what am I willing to do to have XYZ? Or how can I, like, I'm tired. I guess it's kind of like the same way for people who are like, I hate picking out clothes in the morning. So I'm just going to have all the same clothes in my closet. So that I don't ever have to think about it. Well, that's true, I suppose. Right? Like the Einstein method, right? Like, I just have, like, 55, like, you know, six in the same


shirt. Just get put it on. Right? He was notorious for doing that. Yeah. Like,

Brandon  37:14

I just have this shirt. Only, like, I don't care. Yeah, exactly. Or I know, Steve Jobs was another one that basically did that where he was like, I haven't one black butter and I have blue jeans. I do anything else, right? That's true. That is true. I am rather guilty of having many T shirts in my closet that I don't wear on a regular way. Because I've been like, Oh, that's cool. I should buy it. And then when it's time to go to work, or go somewhere. I'm like, I'm gonna wear this one. Right? Like, I'm gonna wear the same Jaws t shirt forever, because I like it. And it's really comfortable. Just it's hard to say, you know, to go against that, that's for sure. Cuz I know. I like this fits. Yeah, it does. But I need to Okay. I don't need I'm off. I'm on board for that, too. Yeah, it's just like, Yeah, I know. I don't know. I guess I haven't found anything that burdens me that greatly. Or, like, I need to solve it in such a drastic fashion. Right? Or maybe. Maybe it's also that I don't have something else that I need to devote so much time to that any dish shave from someplace else. Cuz I feel like that's the other thing too, right? Like, oh, cuz like, you know, Einstein famously is like, I'm so busy doing other things. I literally don't have time to think about what clothes I'm going to wear. I'm just need to put on clothes. Right? That's all so just blab. Right? So like, you know, like your dude, you know, his his like, well, I have I'm doing all this other stuff. Probably raising exotic duck species. That are I don't need to think about mechanics. I don't need to worry about that. I can just I know exactly where this thing is like he's go figure and be done with it. Boom. I don't have to be without car for any length of time because I could be like, fixed. Okay, let's go by. So, I mean, it makes sense. She's a very monkish devotion to such a thing. Yeah, and something that again, I now he's got me thinking about like, PA, what do I think I can do in my life? Like, I don't I haven't come up with anything quite yet. But yeah, I think it's a very interesting way to approach that. Again, kind of like this berry. Missing narrow focus, but that's not in a bad way. I think just like laser focused. Yeah, that's better. Yeah. Like, I have this goal, everything else that doesn't relate to that goal. And progress me forward. You know, anything lateral movements or anything I don't care about. I don't care about right. Dhaka, I don't want that. Okay. That's, I see that I do that and people. So let's do this. So that was a, this is interesting. I learned that it got me thinking about stuff. I just think it's weird that his laser focus is a 2006 minivan, right? Like that's like, like, seemingly by accident. Like, I'm gonna laser focus on this thing, just because it happened to be the thing that I had at the time. And so I'm just gonna stick with that forever, right? He's, but he's laser focused, isn't his laser focus is on like, he doesn't want to work on cars, but he doesn't want to have to learn a new car. So, so yeah, he's laser focused on learning in knowing one car. Yeah, right. Like, but like, just sort of by accident, like, well, I have this one. So like, right, that'd be like if I only drove 1989 Chevrolet Cavaliers because it's the first car I had. Okay, so right. That's like, I just so happened to have that car. And then so I'm just gonna only buy that car forever. Right? Yeah. I, I I'm now starting to wonder if this thing is not more common. Then. I've I've been maybe sheltered. But I will also say real quick. I'm not gonna lie. I was thinking about the Cavalier the other day.

Collin  41:29

Why on earth would you do that? Well, okay. Because I'm the, it was because Megan's first car was a Chevy Cobalt, which is the DisArt. True. The Cavalier. I really like. The end it actually. They still make it in. They're still made in in Mexico is interesting. The Cavalier Are they really straight? Yeah. Strong in Osco. I learned the other day go give this up. But mostly because they did a they briefly did a partnership with Toyota. There's a Toyota Cavalier out there, too. Mmm. Interesting. Yeah. Anyway. And then they stopped that, but I was thinking about this because Megan had a Chevy Cobalt, and that's the successor to Cavalier. And I was just reminiscing about driving that and I had a brief minute where I was kind of going down the road of looking at Cavalier wagons. And


I forgot that was the thing that existed actually, the very, very unfortunate thing that did in fact, this.

Brandon  42:47

The 80s ones are sweet. It's just like one giant rectangle. Yes. Right. Oh, like it's the most ad thing ever. Like, would you like to drive a square


square? Yes. Well, do we have a car for you? Like, would you like it to be slightly less square than a Volvo?

Brandon  43:04

Haha, we were done. Yeah, we can have this for you. Anyway, I was thinking about that. And I was also thinking about how you had to turn off the the heater or the AC to make it a little extra boost. I never had had to do that. I don't know what Mimi was talking about. I never once did that. Ever. Well, you just sometimes I like never turned it on. Because like it wasn't hot enough. But like,


I think it's probably because you've probably kept your foot into it a little bit. I mean, that is true. You have to keep going. So anyway, I appreciate that actually, I think it was me thinking about this in the context of the challenge of watching the latest Grand

Brandon  43:55

Tour is nice. I actually remember this time. Look at that. Aaron, did you get a chance to watch the latest Grand Tour?

Aaron  44:05

Negative i i have not been home except for like a small fraction this week. So I haven't got a chance to watch anything. So I'm going to take notes and interject with commentary as we progress. Sounds good.

Brandon  44:21

Yeah, no worries. Bus routes. All right. This one i i watched this one I am always i Okay, so I obviously have a big love for grand grand tour and top year old top you're not old off your butt off you're like really old timey. That's weird. So I was very interested to see what this was because it was yet another lockdown episode. And I had a lot of high hopes for this. I don't think I'm going to spoil this too much by saying I think my main takeaway from this was I was a, I wasn't, I was let down by this one being very big word on it. I didn't quite didn't quite live up to my expectations or a grand tour. And I'm very curious what your, your perspective was? No, I did sort of feel like it was just like, it felt like just an episode that they would do randomly. You don't mean? Yeah. I mean, I understand the limitations, right. The whole thing. Part of it looked like it was filmed on Jeremy's farm.


Right. Like, like, it's, I think, like a big part of this was like, part of it was just like Wales. So it was like, I think it was on his actual farm. Like, it's

Brandon  45:47

what it felt like. Yeah. So I understand, like, they filmed this, why Britain was in like, hard mode locked down. You know, so England was like, crunch time. The whole United Kingdom was like, under extreme lockdown when that was being filmed. So like, Yeah, but it did just feel like an epic episode. Right. It didn't feel like a special, you know, I mean, like, was what they're the rest of them have, especially coming after the last one, because I really liked the Scotland one. Oh, yeah. We I was really good. So this was just kind of like, okay, there's a shortest was only an hour, right? I think. So it just felt like a normal episode. Like that they would do this, especially the, the, like, the, maybe like the second season of the grand tour. You know, they felt like it would just be there. That's what it felt like. Yeah, it's like a random episode.


Just in there, kind of I thought, I just felt like, Okay, it's alright. It's pretty good. There's good parts of it, don't you? I mean, there was parts that were funny. There are parts that are good, but like the whole thing as a whole was just kind of like,

Brandon  47:03

okay, yeah. Okay. So the premise of this one was, they tried to figure out why branch cars have never really caught on. It makes the whole premises really weird. There was one my favorite whenever Jeremy Clarkson was driving in he was in the Citron Safari. And I was like,


oh, like, when he said most of the has been turned into motorhomes. Yeah, that was hilarious.

Brandon  47:31

I died. Okay, I had to pause it. I was laughing so hard that it could I just, it was so funny. And then but I really wish that James would have said something similar about his Aventine. Because that's that wasn't the convertible. No, that's the one where they stripped it down to try and make it go faster. Oh, yeah, they're putting the tires in the brakes. And they kept sending it around laps to try and figure out how much you could eke out by by. I forget what the premise was, but they just kept adding absurd things to it to try and get to go faster around their track. Yes. Okay. I couldn't remember it. Was that or that? I thought it was because they had a similar looking thing when they made like the van convertible thing. That was like the biggest failure of all time. It was awful. Yeah, like, but, but that one didn't have those disgusting doors. That's true. That's true. Those doors are hideous. Um, yeah. So I, I kind of wish they would have definitely that. But for me, the entire episode was like, it was. The best part was when he said, most of them have made motor home. And I just, I couldn't not stop laughing that that was. That is seriously one of my favorite episodes of top. That was pretty funny. Oh, my gosh, it's so ridiculous. But I felt like the premise was pretty good with it. Except it just, it didn't quite stick.

Collin  49:02

And I think one of those was the when they're talking about car culture and how they care for cars or don't in France, that was hilarious, right up until they just took them off roading. I really wish they would have spent more time

Brandon  49:17

following them in the cars, because it was one of those where they kind of like, disappeared for a while and you hear funny noises and then they show up at the top of the hill. And it's like, oh, yeah, it's like, yeah, I think it was more on like how to instead of being a joke, like, Hey, can you actually eat your car up there? Right, that would have been kind of good. Yeah, that's true. Like, that's where I thought they were going of like, this is like they used to do like, this is a challenge. We're gonna buy three weird cars and we're gonna do this thing with them. It didn't quite have that same feeling for me.

Collin  49:48

But there was also just so much else going on in this.

Brandon  49:51

So too. Well, they crammed it down. They had just kind of had to eat in there. So yeah, I kind of thought that they were like, Okay, I kind of get But it was bouncing that line because sometimes I do that those kind of like cutaway things just like a joke, right, like the part where Jerry's thing was like just rolling down the hill. Yeah. You know, like, it's funny, like, okay, whatever, like Kevin's car shows up at the top with like, no back wheels. You know, it's kind of funny, I guess, play for the laugh. But yeah, I did have to look up was wondering, did you know why dames had his head covered while he was at the dinner? No, I was gonna ask you if you do that, because I was like, I was getting ready to ask why. Why did James have a detail on his head? Yes. Was he ill? Because I know he was sick, right? Was he like ill at that time? Because like, absolutely were towel, or was he like really mad at Clarkson? For some reason? No, because he did something stupid. Like, it was because I heard he got mad at during this filming. At some point. He was like really mad about something? I think so. I did hear that. But I did. But I think is, is in what I what I what I heard was that it's actually a call back to what French citizens used to do when they ate a particular dish that was actually outlawed.

Collin  51:15

It was a time they used to eat this bird. And basically used to like, lightly cook it, and then put it on a plate. And they would eat it by sticking the whole bird in their mouth and then ripping out the parts. And so, but it was delicious. And everybody loved it. But it was kind of like a, like a shameful thing to do. So they would cover their head so that nobody saw them how they ate.

Brandon  51:39

Which is the world's most obscure reference. Okay. I guess as they were making fun of all the French stuff, right? Like all the weird like, I guess we're just gonna drink wine in elementary school. Ah, like all that stuff. It was a weird reference that I did not understand. Okay,

Collin  51:57

French viewers would have gotten Because apparently, like, they used to raise these birds and basically like, caged darkness. And then it would trick them into over eating. And so they'd be really super fatty. And then oh, like they do with the duck? livers. Yes. And then all apparently, when space was limited, the dog, the birds would be purposely blinded, and it would cause the same thing on them. And then they would like literally drown them in a particular brandy while they're still alive. Like dunk them in brandy. And then pluck them, roast them and then serve them. And so like everybody loved


everybody. They were so delicious. But there was shameful to be watched doing this. And so yeah, I mean, yes, I now understand why you should be ashamed of that. That's off. That's ridiculous.

Brandon  52:47

Up here. So apparently was customary to do that. And now this kind of this. This is a it's outlawed in France. So you can't make this dish anymore. And I


mean, I feel like that's good. That's that's kind of a horrible thing to do to birds. Let's just be real.

Collin  53:04

So that, because I watched this whole thing, and I thought the same thing I was like, Is he like doing some weird like, like, on air strike here? Is he something going on? But now it was just because he only did it while he sat down to eat. But he was doing this thing of like, Oh, we're people. We're weird. And you see this? So I'm gonna do it.

Brandon  53:23

Yeah, that's true. I didn't know he was like, angry and like, didn't want to talk to them. Right. But then he like made noises like he had food in his mouth at one point. So I guess that was just part of the gag that I didn't understand. Yeah. Because apparently was a very involved process of eating it. A very messy thing, too. So anyway, I mean, eating bird is very tricky. Right? Like any type of game bird that you eat, is like it's the messiest thing ever. Right? Like, the smaller the bird, the more difficult it is, because there's like a little bit of meat 12,000 bones like, you know, I mean, like to make it work. Yeah. So don't make sense. Anyway, I, I enjoyed it overall, I just thought it was wasn't quite because, again, it had all these elements were when they are doing the, you know, the deep dives in in history, or what they've done in a couple other times on

Collin  54:27

on the Grand Tour, right where they were doing

Brandon  54:31

Oh, who was it where they were doing the biography of the Amman racer? Oh, yeah. Yeah, right. Like, I love that. The old takia one where they did the the lancea episode. Yeah, right. Exactly. Like this kind of had all these little pieces of element of that, that I enjoyed it, but I didn't feel like they quite didn't quite land. For me, overall. Especially, you know, the whole Last year


thing of them launching it with a tribute chez Paco. Yeah. I mean, that was kind of funny, but like, like, not strictly necessary. Right.

Brandon  55:10

You know, I mean, actually, it was definitely felt like a what, like, the whole time I was watching this. I could tell that some that the producers were sitting here going direct that stretches


to add a little bit more. Yeah, I kind of felt like that. And you could tell they're kind of frustrated in some parts of like having to do this, you know? Yeah. So that makes sense. Yeah, I know. Like,

Brandon  55:35

they could have stretched it with the driving up the hill thing. Right. Why did they stretch it there? Why did they not stretch it in like, the parking thing? Right of the structure was like showing a couple more random of the old cars, the old car segment where they had all those really weird, like old car things. Yeah, like the airplane car deal. That was all like what that was, that was really fun. Or the one that was the wheelbase was different on different sides


of like, there was like, bent like, why is it like that? I have no idea. I wanted

Brandon  56:07

more of that. A lot more of that. Yeah. Cuz I did that once before with a and on the talk here. We'll talk to you they did it with a was it the shirt like the Soviet German cars like East German cars or whatever? And they had? Yeah, yeah. They had cars of Western communism or whatever. Yeah. Oh, that was the one made of cotton. Yeah, that that one. That was hilarious. Yeah, cuz he ended it with a min. Right. Was that the min? Or maybe? Maybe? I don't remember. Exactly. But yeah. Anyway, so yes. That was interesting. Because I do have those like, those moments of like sincerity, right? When it's like, actually like already, and they have this crazy weird camera angles that they're like, really known for, you know? Yeah. And like, the music and the narration and all that stuff. Like, there's a couple of parts and there's like, Okay, that's good. And then like, the rest of just like, yeah, so I think overall, like, like, it wasn't bad. By any stretch. You know, I mean, like, it doesn't, it wasn't bad. There has been worse episodes, especially in the Grand Tour. There's been way worse episodes, the grand tour. That's stupid episodes, like the first season when they're like in the do the military training thing. That was the dumbest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. Like Like, that's just bad. So this It wasn't bad at all. It was just kind of like, Yeah, okay. It was good. It was fun, I guess. But it wasn't like super exciting. You know, I feel like they could have done more with Yeah, like you said, with the challenge thing or something? Like, I don't know, they were just really playing up the silliness, which is fine was kind of the point. They were really just trying to, like, make fun of the French I guess, in that very, in that most British pastime of making fun of the French, right? It's like, their favorite thing to do. Pretty much. Enjoy. Right? I think like their favorite thing. They still bring up like, I think this is before they still bring up in like casual conversation like, well, you remember Agincourt? Like, no, nobody remembers that hundreds of years ago. Stop it. Like, companies a little hung up on that. Yeah. Right. Like, if you ever did at bagels, why do you? Like that's what we're, that's where we're hanging our hat on. Okay. Yeah, like that was 1415. Okay, move on. We've got you've got to move on here. So, overall, I again, like like you like, Okay, I probably watched again, maybe, maybe not, but I was just, I always have, I hope and I watched them. And maybe we, I mean, because the some of the ones in this, like, have been really good. You know, the ones where they again, they they're hampered when they can't they can't go on the trip. Right? Sure. Like the trip is. Those have always been the best ones. Like, no matter what, you know what I mean? Like the classic like Top Gear style road trip thing. Are there there's the best episodes in general, like ever, except for a few scattered ones like the van Olympics one and all that stuff, right? That's still one of my favorite ones ever. But you know, so I felt like because they


didn't get to do anything like that because they were so hampered because the constraints had to be put on them. They

Brandon  59:55

were like, Okay, well, we're just gonna make this work like the right Same drivers like here's a producer. Here's a random French girl that works for us and oh yeah, Abby's back. Like, alright, cool. Abby's back. That's fun. But like, that was good to see. Yeah, I love that they were definitely like, well, we don't have access to because usually they would have been like, and this random person but like it was secretly like a rally driver who's really good, you know, like they would have pulled Yeah, exactly. And then this really was legitimately like,


I mean, you did good office guy and French girl. Good job. But like, you could tell that that was very much a. Okay, this

Brandon  1:00:35

was supposed to be written differently. Yeah, right, like, so. You know, but it was in for whatever that what they had to work with. It was pretty good. And now that I understand them, tower thing makes it funnier. I was like, changed from arkiv.


Only Jas, may we come up with a reference so obscure that literally no one watching would understand what he was doing?

Brandon  1:01:02

Exactly. Like, what? What is this? Yeah. So yeah, I was very perplexed by that for the entire thing. At first I was like, well, maybe they're going to put the fact that they never even like hinted at it made it even more ridiculous. And I did appreciate that. It was definitely like, it's not on the nose, pointing this out. It's just like, literally him at the same table as it was you and now that I know that it's a joke that actually makes it funnier. The fact that they didn't acknowledge Him in October that one time like yes, James. He's like, over over. I'm like, oh, yeah, okay. Anyway, like,


exactly, yeah. Are you like, Oh, no. I said I I'll probably watch it again. But I was just I was curious. Your thoughts?

Brandon  1:01:51

Yeah. I mean, yeah, I think my final thoughts are like, I liked it is okay. It was fine. Like, they have made better ones. They have made worse ones. So it's just very like in the middle. Perfect. Perfect. Yes. Well, at least it wasn't a boat. I really kind of boarded the boat one. Vietnam, like it was a cool idea for it. Like I don't want to watch boats anymore. This is weird. Especially because they were so unevenly matched and like literally everything yeah, that motorcycle one was much better. Oh, yeah. That's like my, one of my favorite ones of all time. Like the motorcycle one. Good. I think that or the South Park one. Those are probably my favorite ones ever. So and that may be okay, well what we need to add that the list of five buying a motorcycle driving across Missouri No, just kidding. I am doing my best to send you all vehicles that I find in the area that are suitable for such thing. Listeners for reference. Cullen now that he has hired an employee he has even more free time on his hands. So the amount of Facebook marketplace vehicle screenshots that I get on my phone has increased exponentially it's the most ridiculous thing in the world. He's like, what about this guy's hilarious and it's like a 1937 Studebaker truck like what what are you doing? What does it even for what's happening in the thing is, is that I'm not even searching that far away. To find these. Okay, like all of these are pretty much within like an hour's drive of where I was ridiculous like the 1986 Suzuki four by four mini track Come on. That is amazing. Now you do need I mean, we do have an ongoing fascination with key trucks and key vans. Okay, I'm not gonna lie. They're hilarious. And I I like so badly want to just drive one. I don't want to own one. I think that would be hard. I don't know if I would fit in one. Right? I don't think so. But I want to drive one.


I want to drive a key truck. Like real bad. I know I would only be driving at like 40 miles an hour. That's kind of the top

Brandon  1:04:19

speed of some of them. But like I did watch a video the other day of a guy who has a van the one of the key van things and he was like camping in a snowstorm


it's like a camper key van think it was hysterical. Like wow yeah, I don't know if I can actually lay down inside that right.

Brandon  1:04:40

I think I'm too tall but you definitely couldn't. Right. Like sitting up like excitedly but like I I really want to know what it's like to drive one, especially the trucks. Like the little flatbed truck things. Yeah, man Like the Suzuki is like the How to makes one think Honda has one too. Maybe I think they all do. But like, man, like I really, really want to drive one theme really cool. Like, part of me really does just want one because like, I could just drive that to work. How great would that be? Just drive back


keep track of four by fours or you can get there in the snow. And yeah, I mean, start my bike and little back thing. Go down to the park or whatever

Brandon  1:05:31

he just felt like really, man. Right? Really like true. Listening to crane, you can have great glory. But don't need a crane. That's the exact opposite of a key track. key trick is a tiny, little bitty trick. I seem to be hilarious. Like I really I really want to drive one. So


the quest continues. But I will say I sent you I sent you like to oh no, no, I just want to mostly what I want to do is meet someone that owns one and be like, Hey, can I drive that? That's good. That's really what I want to do. Like, I know. You're not saying I want to actually spend $5,000 to find one. No,

Brandon  1:06:15

no, no, no, no, I don't. Yes. I don't want to spend $5,000 to be like, Ah, I don't like this


Well, that was something a little too late now at this point. Like I guess it's mistakes were made. I don't know. Well anyway, this will just sit over here now. Yeah, cuz you

Brandon  1:06:35

can buy them like because their work trucks they will you can buy them from Japan. And then you just like for like no dollars. Yeah. And then this, it's you just pay for the shipping, which is many dollars. Because you ship it. I mean, imagine right now it's even worse, right? Oh, by they'll just like won't even try but ship it to your house. I was like that's worship it somewhere near you for you to get. But at that point, you can't drive it first. Because it's in Japan right now in an auction house. And you have to Yeah. And then you haven't shipped to you. So, but that is a thing you can do. I read that somewhere. Some guy said he did that. I was like, whoa, okay, he's been in the auction because they were a work truck. It was an old work truck. They just sold it for like no dollars. So that he shipped to do that. So they're like, Alright, hey, go. Cullen. You can have it shipped direct. As they go, Oh, work on this challenge. No, no, that's me. Okay. It definitely will get there in a week, though. That's that's for sure. Okay. Ah, well, we will we'll wrap it up there. Or are

Aaron  1:08:03

indeed, Rest up. Aaron, for many. Exciting school thing. What are you learning that class for you? What are you teaching? So I am geography we're, we're doing country in Canada in sixth grade geography. And we're doing Middle East in seventh grade geography. And we're doing other than effects of in through the American Revolution right now. I have no idea what we're doing. I have keyboarding. But I'm kind of using that for my sixth graders to kind of like use technology for other classes. So it's not really like a morning. It's more like computer application,

Brandon  1:08:50

if you will. So that's handy, though. That's cool. Yeah.

Aaron  1:08:54

So it shows that our biggest thing is learning how to properly use you know, become a and like, format. Essay. It's got a sixth graders this he said the word essay is completely shut off. So we're slowly we've we've been slowly putting more and more typing skills together. So hopefully,

Brandon  1:09:19

they'll there'll be all the good stuff, the bigger Kanay Are you will you please teach your sixth graders about we've been making Google Slides presentations to make more of a contrast between their background color and their stupid font color. Because today, today I had some way they put up on the board and I was like at my desk going

Aaron  1:09:41

What? What does it say? It's like dark yellow with light yellow. Why did you do this? We had a whole day yesterday where your peer editing partners were supposed to fix this. They let you down. They lied to you told it was fine. I can't read that at all. Wrong Probably there was like, some kid was like, Oh, yes. Here's my dark gray background with my black letters. Oh, what are you doing? You know, we haven't we haven't done that or anything yet, but it's, it's like trying to use, but the biggest thing now is like put that on your list. They'll come up with an idea, but then they won't like it a lot of it is just like dead instances. And it's like, Oh, guys, no, you have to like, because they're we're talking about Canada, and they're like, there's a lot of mountains in Canada. It's like, Mike.

Brandon  1:10:40

positions. What? What kind of stuff are we talking about? So we're learning to add more thing?


Details. I like it. Yeah. The Canadian Rockies extend for x miles and reach an elevation of x feet. Right. There are many towns in the mountains that cater to tourism, such as Banff and Canmore.

Aaron  1:11:06

Yeah, we're going to do on a what is it called? A travel pamphlet here and a little bit because we see like, Oh, hey, this is all the things that we're going to look at celebrities have standards. And kind of take it a little bit bit at a time.

Brandon  1:11:26

Nice. I have a somewhere I have an outline. I made my kids do a dream vacation. Like they have to do though the vacation planning like I don't make them do all they're like find the airplane lodge on quietly like, find like it how to Google things in a town like investigate this town? What would you do with their like, what hotel would you stay at? What restaurants would you eat at? And yeah, places. So that's kind of fun. So like, it's actually so that's another thing you could do. Like, you can do like a travel brochure, like make people want to come here. Right? And then another thing you could do is like, hey, what if you were going to some other place? What would you do? If you went there and tell us about it? Okay, nice. I like that. Actually. It's fun. Because they can you know, and I don't make them be like real specific. Like, hey, I picked this hotel because, like, you know, dream vacation, unlimited budget, stay wherever you want. I don't care. So they get some like crazy hotels, like I'm staying here. Because it's sweet. Like, that's reason enough for me. Just tell me the name. Yeah. Okay. So it's kind of fun. We so we start putting things like talking about the weather in this area. Right? Because you have to know what kind of clothes to pack. Right. And all that stuff like.


So notes and writing them down now. Yeah, I will. Tomorrow, text me tomorrow, I will email you my

Brandon  1:12:52

outline for that. Yes, please. Don't mind. Yeah, I will try to find my outline. I'll email it to you. And you can tweak it whenever you want. But I make it make a presentation like a slideshow, they have to get up and show the class. Oh, yeah. Interesting. Okay. Like that. It's fun. They kind of like it after a while. The first time you they make the make presentations. They really don't like it. They really hate it very much.

Aaron  1:13:24

Driving doing presentations is like pulling teeth. Well understand? Well, to see that.

Brandon  1:13:29

The first one they hate it, but like we just did one today. And they were like all over it. They're like, Oh, yeah. All right. Let's go like, because we've done it a few times. Now. You know, we do it several times throughout the year. So like, by the second or third time, they're like, Oh, this isn't too bad. This is fine. And a lot of them are really nervous to get up in front of class. Right? Yeah, but I tell them. So part of my classroom, part of your grade for presenting is how well you listen. So if you're being real loud and disruptive and being a jerk, you get points taken off your presentation. That's a good one. Oh, I like that. Yeah. And that that gets them that shuts them down. And then all the other kids feel better, because they're like, Oh, no one's gonna be like, saying dumb things or commenting because it's it kind of relaxes them a little bit. So that's it. That's something for me that I think that'll be really fun to have. Yeah, I will. And you can, you know, change up, whatever. But that's, uh, that was fun. I do that my geography thing. It's like the end of my geography because we only do it like first quarter. And then we go to our stuff. So like, that's like, the last thing I do is that. Yeah, I'll see that tomorrow. It's, it's fun. They like it. When I'm explaining it,

Aaron  1:14:51

they're like, oh my gosh, that's terrible. I think when they're doing it, they're like, oh, wait, okay, this is fun. I like interesting because I was My my seventh graders, they're a little bit more hard struck, but my six years love doing little presentations and things. And if I can kind of do the same thing for both classes, I think that'll make it easier since I'm now technically teaching four separate subjects. Because yeah, you want to streamline Yeah, so I kind of want to make it orderly the same, and maybe you can like, same grading scale and all that. So that I think I'll be, I think I'll be i. Yeah,

Brandon  1:15:31

cuz you could do that, like the same. They could both be doing a presentation, but like, slightly different things. Maybe, you know, like, yeah. Or if you wanted to, you could like assign them an area like, Oh, hey, what if you were going here? Or make them pick from if you wanted to narrow it down? Like you could make a pick from a list? You know? Yeah, have easily Google Places, you know, like,


so they're not like, oh, random place, I think that'll be the Soviet a big thing for

Brandon  1:16:00

my seventh graders is to come up with, you know, regions in all, especially you in the Middle East. And there's like, so many


places to choose from. It's like, oh, well, not these many, many people, especially this age, learn about this. So if I if I can just get them bottled up with the thing, then have them create their own? I think that'll be much easier. Yeah. And yeah, that way you can curate it right. So he like, you know, the places you'll find a lot of info about, like, not like Oman. Right. Not really. No one's gonna go vacation there. Right. But like, yeah, you know. Yeah. Dubai, Bahrain, those places like okay, cool. We got that. Okay, that'd be pretty. Yeah, that'd be that'd be a lot easier than Oh, hey, hey, you've never heard of by? Yeah. Yeah. So if you just gave like the shortlist, and then again, like, it's not cuz in my class, I tell him like to like, what if we do the same one? Like, oh, no, we hear good information twice. Oh, how terrible. Oh, wow. Whatever will we do? Like, okay, it'll be different. Right? Like, you're going to present it differently. You will probably give me slightly different information about stuff. So we're going to learn more. So yeah, go for it. You know, okay. So don't let them like they did the same way as me like, yeah.


So you still had to work to find all the information so


it's fine. And hearing things more than once makes us remember better.


So this is Boom. Oh, yeah. Yeah, so I will find that tomorrow. I'll try to remember that. Thank you. You're welcome. Cool guys well, that's been teacher time with Aaron and Brandon yes well, you guys enjoy the rest. We'll do this again. Oh, yeah. Love you guys.