cut the sweet

Collin has lots of homework for his website. Brandon reports that ‘Are You Being Served’ is still funny. Aaron is wrecking buses and talking about the weather, and he’s all out of weather. We dive into the Olympics and the weird world of Cricket. We have no idea what we’re talking about. 

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coasters, watch, website, coffee, nice, bus route, literally, kids, pbs, served, week, weird, bus, snow, talking, big, episode, fun, aaron, house


Collin, Aaron, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your host, Brandon, Cullen. And Aaron, on this week's show, cut the sweet if you really want to feel bad about yourself, have a little bit of pride in a website, and then sit down with an SEO expert to pick it up.

Brandon  00:35

Wow, that doesn't sound like any fun whatsoever. Normal people say hello, but okay. I mean, yeah, what happened? How's it going? Yeah, no, we're changing plans. We're just diving right into middle of conversation to make it small is just apparently exhausted from Search Engine Optimization. Did I get it right this time? Very good. Hey, I remember the thing. area, gall did a thing. No, I. So we have a website and stuff and was like, Hey, we're now moving business locations for the marketing stuff. And kind of like, we needed to have a good website. That's one that we I built. And I've maintained and tried to do little stuff on. And we sat down. And so I was like, oh, you know, I've done stuff to it. And I said that with some of this lady who is extremely nice, and really appreciate her in all her hard work. And she gave all of this for free, which is amazing. But I have several pages of notes. So it's just one of those things where I'm like, Oh, I really do have to pay attention to header tag. And I'd have to remap these pages. And I've got to do more internal linking. And I've got to do now. Okay. That sounds positively horrid. Let's be honest here. I mean, it's one of those things of like, she was like,

Collin  02:11

you know, I chose a web hosting for the website, that that was extremely easy to use, not very nitpicky, and very WYSIWYG, what you see is what you Get, like drag and drop, like things that I

Brandon  02:27

have not heard anybody use that phrase in quite a long time. Early 2000s. But it's very much that of like, I'm not doing any programming. I'm not doing any HTML, I'm not in PHP, 7.4, whatever the crap that is, I did this because I was like, I'm gonna be the one maintaining this, I have to be able to do all these things. So it's not as flexible as some of the stuff. But yeah, but you don't have to. Isn't it weird to think about? How brilliant really, like 20 years ago, you had to know HTML or Java to do any of that. Yeah. And like in order to make the website, you're basically just typing lines of code and thing and being like, maybe that's what I want. Exactly. I don't I can't tell you how to make up box in on a website because there's balls. So that's why old internet looks like wonky, because it's real bad. For colors, and it's gray and like, very not just some dancing hamsters on it, right? It's fine. Everything's fine. You know what? That is? Indeed, what my website needs. I need some dancing hamsters, and I need some monkey monkeys that needs to be punched. Those that dancy hamster website is still active, I think. Yeah. Somebody recreated it. And it is active. And you could link to it just as a joke. Like. Because it is it still exists. I found it a few months ago, because I was curious. I was like, shocked at hamster dot dance. Yeah. Okay. Somebody recreated the thing. I love because reasons. But is there. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I remember. We like geo cities was a big thing around that time Angel Fire. Another one Meyer. Yeah, was for building websites. So it's really, really has come a long way of like this democratization and commoditization of a lot of this stuff, where you don't have to know these things. So I again wish she was telling me to do certain things. It's kind of like look, I Yeah, if I could do that it's a great idea. I because because the what Squarespace does, is that not all websites, but everybody like that's you listener are currently using a Squarespace website. My brother, anyway.

Collin  05:04

But it's very template based. And so like some templates have some features that others don't. And there's no way to add features to certain certain templates, you have to tear it all down and reuse the other. Oh, interesting. Which, yeah, so it's not like a total free for all. You have to use or not use certain things and make these judgment calls of what you want to, like what you deem is important.

Brandon  05:35

Well, that's mildly annoying if you have an existing website. And then you like, let's say your business adds more cities or expand, just hypothetically, and you need other features. Basically, that means you have to dismantle the one who had and then to repeat it back together inside a different template. It doesn't mean you need different features, which is that's mildly annoying. Like, it does in fact, mean that, or let's say you built a website, based off of templates that no longer exist anymore. Oh, yes. Yeah, there's no like, update tool. So that's how convenient, that's what I'm doing with the other one. So that's fun, not blue. Have Yes, of like, I want these features for the because the new template and they're like, Ah, you have to upgrade the whole thing. So I'm having to slow process. Anyway. That's why I was on the phone with with her for an hour and Megan for over an hour. Oh, wow. It was really good. It's all good stuff. But it's just yeah, that's just a lot of time to be talking about. That kind of thing. Yeah. Were you just kind of fun odd segue. But the thing that I learned this week, is that in the 90s, when you had to be a professional to make a website, and you had to know HTML and Java, that is how Heaven's Gate earned a lot of their money because a lot of their members were computer programmers. And they did freelance website design and building for companies and other people. And that is how they earned money for their cult. Oh, fun fact. Yeah. Um, well, that is certainly off that. We learned. We're talking about the 90s. It's a natural segue can't talk about the 90s. And talking about weird cults, specifically Heaven's Gate. So there you go. And wow, that that's the learn that watch the thing this week. And they mentioned that I was like, Oh, wow. Yeah. Kind of capitalize on the the demand and again, yeah, if you just have a bunch of Yeah, house people, and he's like, Okay, well, this is how we, we earn money is really weird. Yeah. They all like they would teach each other how to do it. And so like, a lot of them did it and they made really good money doing that to finance their cultish ways. Yes. Huh. Huh. Oh, it really love for them to hear. Oh, yeah. I mean, for them it did. I guess. That's what they wanted. Right. This is very dark of me. But could you imagine having a website that was built by them and like you need to support like the next. Do you got wrong voicemail? I wonder why. Ah, something on the news. Totally not connected. Obviously. It's fine. Anyway. Yes. Okay. Well, that's Yeah. fresh on my mind because we literally just did that hour ago. So I go. Well, speaking of updates from things that you I have an update for you. Okay. About last week's episode. Okay. This week. I have done much research. Oh, oh, you've prepared and I have come to inform you that yes, indeed. Are You Being Served is still funny. There you go. We received her to here first. When doing extensive research this past week, I discovered that there are many episodes that are just on YouTube. And they you can watch them and it has been kind of funny cuz it wasn't clicking on random ones. So it is kind of like watching them when they're on PBS because it's just like, random episodes here and there. Whatever is on. Yeah, I discovered I also found the movie. It's not it's not really very good mostly because Are You Being Served has five jokes. That's it they're the same five for 10 seasons. Oh, now here is an interesting phenomenon in the movie number one the movie is very jarring because like the cinematic camera quality is so like, like it's such a shock to you from seeing, like, it's so different from the television show angles and camera quality, that it's very like it's disjointed at first, because you're like, I don't I just What am I look like? What am I looking at? My brain doesn't understand this. But I feel like this phenomenon highlights why binge watching can have be negative. Okay, right. Because a show like this. It is funny, and the jokes are funny. And the timing is hilarious, right? But like, it's the same five jokes forever. So if you're watching the show, like weekly, or just like every once in a while. It's hysterical. Right? I bet if you sat down, I didn't do this. But I bet if you sat down and you watched every single episode back to back to back to back to back, you'd be like, this isn't really very funny. It's all right. But the fact that it used to be on television like weekly, and then like, go off for whatever, and then they would come back with the next series. You know, I bet it was much more enjoyable that way. No, that makes total sense. So I think there are some there are definitely that means there's probably other shows where like the binging phenomenon is like terribly bad. Like the worst idea. Because it would just like, kind of ruin the thing, you know? Yeah. Well, it's kind of like, I don't know, um, I really enjoy the show house. Oh, yeah, that's a pretty good example of like, if each episode kind of has the same story arc, and like, kind of say, like, to formula, right? There is big, there are some different ones that they throw in there. Like, whoa, what the heck, by and large. It's pretty formulaic with what's going to happen and how it's going to end like they will mentioned Ganbare at some point, it's always on a fat chart. It always there's always a circle on it, or an arrow. Absolutely. To one time, it actually was gamma ray, and they didn't guess it at the beginning. That's how I knew it was it actually was actually, it wasn't the first thing that yet.

Collin  13:11

But yeah, I think that is that's a good point of, of how differently TV shows like that have to be produced. Now, knowing that the binge phenomenon is very real, or maybe the I don't know, like, do you think a TV producer would sit down and go, Okay, how is this going to screen? When they watch this back, back, back, back back back? In? Because I kind of you see a lot of modern one that kind of are really just a really long movie? Because it is more continuous? Yeah. And I feel like,

Brandon  13:45

I think that shows that are made for specifically for online platforms. I do think about that. Right. So when you watch a show that Amazon has made, or that like was produced by Netflix or something, like, I feel like those shows tend to to think about that more. You're right, it does feel like the whole season is like a story. And it kind of has these arcs that go between every episode as as we're like, television shows. Not necessarily right, like show they're pretty for television, like law and order, right. Law and order. Like there are these like, done right pick the show has been on for like 7000 years. They do have these like weird threads that last all season. But every episode is like a story. You know, I know it's slightly different because it's like a police drama, but house is kind of like that. And I get depends on the style of show you what I mean because like, Are You Being Served as like a sketch? It's just kind of like a little comedy show, you know? So like, every episode there is kind of like a thing that happens. You know, there's like an event In every episode is about that one event. And there's like no overarching story. Yeah, but because it's comedies, just the same five jokes just show up in the same thing. But there is also another strange phenomenon that I uncovered. While watching this on YouTube. I was reading through the comments. And literally every comment is somebody being like, oh my gosh, I just love watching this show with my grandma. And it was on PBS all of a sudden. I have not even joking. Hundreds of these hundreds of these comments of, of people that did it experience to show exactly how we experience oh my gosh, okay, well, look, we're part of it. We don't have a phenomenon apparent. Yeah. So it's like this secret cultural phenomenon that I didn't know existed. Until I started reading these comments, and I was like, Wait, they're like, oh, yeah, we used to, like, literally, I saw somebody right. Maybe it was you? I don't know. They're like, Oh, man. Yeah, I remember used to just sit on the couch and watch this with my grandma on the weekends like looking No, slightly behind you to see. Yeah, like that. Oh, my gosh. Wow. So yeah. It's really awesome. The more those comments I read, I was just like, Wow. This is crazy. I was not I was not expecting to uncover this. No cultural phenomenon. That is, are you being observed reruns on the weekends on PBS with the grandparent, like literally? I, and I wonder, okay, there seems this was my initial reaction to it. Okay. It's hard to process of like, okay. Wow. Like, I mean, I guess that. Oh, like, okay,

Collin  17:20

that is something, I guess. I mean, it really was one of the things of like, PBS station, obviously, is for a certain target demographic, and that time of night, I guess. I don't even know if that was. I mean, my my big question, I guess, for a while was always like, is this a show that? Like, This couldn't have been a show that maybe watched in the 70s? Oh, no,

Brandon  17:46

because it would only have been on British television. Exactly. So it so so I guess it was just more of a hey, look at this, this show that is kind of capturing the 70s Yeah, but it was British. 70s It wasn't even. Yeah, us so well, they do talk about some things, right? I've seen some actuals I talked about like the gas crisis, right? And all this stuff and like there's also this like, underlying thing that you didn't really notice when you're younger about like, how incredibly stupid the managerial structure is. Right? Like it's a big satire on that right like all the like, oh, excuse me, are you free? Like they're just like standing in the corner like oh, yes, I am. Yes, of course. Like you know, like this is like having to report to your senior who has to go report to Captain peacock who has to go report to Mr. rumbled or whatever. Like that's the devastate account of peacocks literal job is like, completely useless. He just sort of stands. There it goes. Oh, yes. Ladies is over there. Is menswear is over there. And you can clearly see that it's like his chakras useless. Yeah, no, I get Yeah, this interesting, man. Yeah, I haven't. I haven't gone back and watched those in a little while. I used to watch these what because you like, Whoa, there's some stuff that jumps out to you like that. It's like, wasn't as apparent like the weird crude humor was there when you're a kid now? Yeah. But like, the like the really strange like satirical nature of the like, business, managerial structuring and just how redundant and idiotic it is. Hmm. is like, when you're older, you're like, ah, especially if you've worked in a few jobs now and especially if it's like a retail job, you're gonna be like, oh, oh, dear. Yes. This is silly, isn't it? This is very real. all too real. Probably. Yes. Oh, yeah. This has been a a week of revelations here. So

Collin  19:54

yeah, I wonder if that was it. Again, like they enjoyed the that kind of commentary that and then the nostalgia for that time period. And yeah, what does it but even maybe, I don't know, even maybe some of the the retail shops would have been like to have it, you know that that level of customer service and kind of the stereotype of who worked there and yeah,

Brandon  20:20

and just yeah, it might have been something or it could have been simply like, Oh, hey, we can air this show for no money. Because it the rights costs no dollars. So we're just gonna go with this. Right? That could also be 100%. Sure. That's exactly why PBS had the head the repercussions. I'm still trying to figure out why on earth so many people watched it. Yeah, I don't know. Right. I think, you know, I think part of it was that time, right? We remember that was the that was back in the days that we have five channels. Uh huh. That's it. And it was running opposite. Like, if my memory serves correctly, it would have been at the same time as like the news organizations. So if you don't wanna watch the news, bam. You know, I mean, like, if you are a kid, who doesn't want to watch the nightly news on the weekend, right, right. You watch that? You know, I feel like if you're running opposite that stuff, right? It's gonna be like, Okay, well, we could watch this instead of like, the, you know, NBC Nightly News or whatever. I don't care about that. I want to watch this. Like, because I'm imagining it was on like, seven or something, right? Like seven or eight, maybe? I don't really know. Don't have any TV gags from 1996 laying around. Actually, you know what I'm might come to think of it. I do have one in my desk at dad's house. Yo, see? I'm gonna have to see if I had it. Because there's something on the cover that Mimi, I think it was a Beatles thing. That PBS was doing a Beatle special. But I think she gave it to me. And I think I just stuck in a drawer. That's what I do. And I think it's still there. Okay, investigating that I have make a note of that. But yeah, like, I think part of it too, would be if it was running against that stuff on the weekend. You know, you watch this shows, like the earlier shows. And then when it comes to the news, you just like flip over to another channel doesn't have a news on because you don't want to watch the news as a child with your grandparents on the couch on Saturday. So that can be part of as well. But like, Yeah, I had that. That sort of that same realization of like, whoa, like this is a really weirdly specific, apparently fairly widely shared experience. QA, I wasn't really prepared to uncover, right, just the fact that like, so many people had that same experience. Yeah. Not just that they watched it, or were aware of it. But like in the very real context of like, grandma, yes, I watched this when I spent a weekend at my grandmother's house like I feel like we need to start a online community for us. I think this is what I feel like that might be a thing these happen. So let this be the opening salvo in that like, Hey, guys, if you watched Are You Being Served with your grandparents? on PBS on Saturdays? Let us know because I want to hear from you. That's exciting. Well, I don't know. Very exciting. Interesting, right? Just yeah. Aaron, what kind of memories do you have from watching those? And I think more importantly, what's the community's tagline

Aaron  24:12

so I I never really, like I just remember I remember watching that show. But I think the one thing I could never wrap my head around was like, was this one of those shows that was like

Brandon  24:27

one of the calls I go linear base. So that's like, it follows like, a pattern or like

Aaron  24:36

a story driven narrative. But as I got, as I got older in Washington, those episodes I was like, Oh, this is literally just all random. Like none of this makes sense. So that kind of helped me like piece it together. I was little I didn't understand any of the humor or anything behind it like that. Some old person laughing or we oh, it was funny because Mimi laughed and I was like, oh, Okay, so therefore I should laugh for you guys are laughing so I liked it. I had I could not tell you the the rhyme reason or the function of the other show with Mrs. Bucket and everything like that I

Brandon  25:16

didn't research. Yeah, I couldn't I couldn't see that one when I was little so I remember watching him I

Aaron  25:26

distinctly remember asking like, Hey, is after dinner we're gonna do what are we going to watch are being served. And I never asked that when I was at home. Because we had like other channels, but like when we were at Metis like, Hey, is our thing, sir coming on. And my grandma's you only had seven channels five, and it wasn't the five. There wasn't there wasn't a whole lot was. But it was like, Hey, is already being served coming on. I really, really wouldn't mind watching that. And I'm like, why am I saying that? Why? Why is this show This show doesn't make any sense. But it was it was fun to watch. So I enjoyed it. From what little I could understand, which was not a lot.

Brandon  26:07

Some of the context is definitely lost on your younger like I said, like the when they're talking about like


the board, the board of directors or I was up in the board room. Oh, next, like, Oh,

Brandon  26:18

I just love the boardroom. Like, that's weird. Yeah. When I was like, 10, I was like, what? I don't know what that means. Now, I'm like, that's silly. Why? Why do you? Well, that is a fascinating research. shocking revelation. Revelations, bringing only the news here. I did. I, I here's it. Here's another random question. I don't know. If you're done with your revelations. I think that might be it. Yes. From Heaven's gates. Are you being served? I think yes. Jump here, just like the 90s. More, more and I don't know that more or less, but a question that I have is this is just me. Okay. So the, the idea concept practice of having coffee. After dinner. We talked about that on the show. Not like, in a specific context, we have mentioned that you drink coffee. 24/7 And that's about it.

Aaron  27:33

I have I have drinking coffee. Like, way in the afternoon. Like I've made it before. I've made Starbucks run when I got home from work. I'm like I don't everyone shout out buddy coffee. Definitely had those moments. So if you're not,

Collin  27:48

no, but I mean, like in the in the growing up. Dad would get a coffee at the at the end of dinner when we were like, eating out. Right. And he was with the with the with dessert, right? Do you get you'd eat dinner? You'd get a coffee? get dinner?

Brandon  28:04

Yeah, I remember. I don't talk. And he would I remember him doing this like at lunchtime. He'd like to go to like MC salties or something. Cut the sweet right. And he take the ice cream from Yeah, I don't understand that practice, or that. Mimi was also very big about like, you'd have dinner and then she'd say, Does anybody want coffee? was sitting down? Is that what where I, that practice of doing that? Is that a Midwestern thing is? No, I think that's much older than that. I feel like I feel like that's a when you read 19th century British literature that shows up a lot. Right? It's a thing that shows up there. And like households, the thing they do now, I don't know why they do that. Exactly. But that is a thing. And so it's a very old I mean, old you know, whatever. It's older kind of thing to do that. I don't know why coffee I think part of is the bitterness right to sort of calm, calm the stomach right or whatever. And are generally evening coffees are much more dark roasted because they don't have high levels of caffeine in them. The darker the roast. Sort of burns it out. Right. So that might be part of it. I have never understood the cutting the sweet phenomenon Susan says that her mother says that. I'm like, Can I have another cookie please? So I don't really understand. I don't know what they're talking about. Right? Cuz she'll always be like, Oh, yes, I need this cracker. something salty, like wants more pie. What are you talking about? Like I understand. Sure I will cut the sweet with more sweet it was Yeah. But I did think about that. The other day because I did do that my we had some friends over Kona last weekend, I guess. So like, hang out we had, it was like my friend's birthday. So we like had dinner and like hung out or whatever watch movie or whatever. But I did make coffee like after supper cuz I was like, oh, that sounds good right now. Like I didn't really want to cut any sweet particularly but it was late and I was really tired. I was like having a mix of that because I want to watch this movie. So it's a interesting practice. I've talked about that with Megan before. And it was very foreign to her as to that concept with an idea of what, what that was like, why people would do that. And I had I had suspicions that it was a carryover from from across the pond, or at least the mindset of, of how you conduct entertaining. Yes, that's true. This says drinking coffee after a meal will help with digestion. Oh, when I did a quick Google here just right now. Okay. Oh, yes, that's what that might be the thing. Health benefits, help with digestion. I keep getting a lot of that. I don't know if that's true. Or for those things. It's just like, people just say, you know, I mean, like, I don't know what kind of research has actually been done. Yeah. Or is it just like, oh, no, yes. Dad helps aid the digestion. Don't you know? Sorry. That's what happens when you watch so many episodes. Are You Being Served in a week? You say? You start saying things like lovely on accident? You don't mean to? Yeah. Huh? Okay. Well, does not give me any origins, but it does. This does seem to be the Mayas, the answers here. Okay. Oh, this is also blaming Italians. You know, what? Talion coffee culture? Yeah, they don't get enough thrown at them. I mean, they have kind of a history of having stuff thrown at them. So maybe we'll hear clearly, I guess. Which is the Italian coffee culture in general. Not like it's all the Italians, but like that, like, it's, it's good. I mean, wanted it to be. Hello, Italy. We're not doing things fine. Oh, how are you? So they go. There's literally no Yeah, cuz I don't generally drink it. But I don't usually like think about it. You know what I mean? Like, it was never something that I like thought about doing. I just sort of make it in the morning. And then like Aaron said, I just drink it. Throughout the day, we've talked about my very palling coffee habit of when I come home from work, there's still coffee in the coffee pot from the morning. So I throw that stuff in the microwave and just write


is very appalling

Brandon  33:10

to all the coffee aficionados out there. But yo, you know, can't waste it. Don't don't throw it away, I'm just gonna dump it out, right. I'll blame that also on your grandmother, that that is 100% My grandmother's fault because she used to do that all the time. And then forget that the coffee cup was in the microwave and go for a second cup and then go to warm that up in the microwave and find the first cup


only to find the first cup was still in there. Yes.

Brandon  33:37

As yet. I have not done that now, saying that. I'll probably do it tomorrow, but I have not quite done that yet. I do often times like I will heat it up. And I'll put it on the counter. And they're like, I'll walk out of the kitchen, go do something and then I'll come back in my room and sit down and it'd be like, Wait, it's on the counter in the kitchen. Like leave it in. I get because I like talk to Susan or like ask her something right and then like I'll just walk off and leave it sitting on the counter. And then I'll come in here and sit down and I like go to grab it like what oh, it's not here. Thing is like quite a lot when I gather from our office and I'll have to take something downstairs to the kitchen and then that workdays, the office Yeah, so I reached to the towards the coaster where it should be like what? Oh, hum. out there. It has made me quite a wonderful coaster of a post note, which she has written.

Collin  34:41

I love dad and then in all capital letters. Coffee goes here, dad. Very important. Coffee. No coasters are important. Right.

Brandon  34:54

Other Oh, speaking of coasters, other sense memory that I had the other day. We were an Applebee's. Eating. And that all this is memories right there. That's the stuff after church. The coasters, the little paper coated paper ones, they pass that they used to give you that would sit there that would stick to the bottom of the glass cup. So when you pick it up, it would still be sharing the net to peel it off and stick it down and then would like go through with water condensation.

Collin  35:26

I was they didn't we didn't. They didn't give us. It's been a couple years since we've been there. They didn't give us any of the paper posters, their little napkin posters. And I was very thankful because those were

Brandon  35:37

always demand coasters. Give me my buzzer back. No, no, I was like, good because those those were totally useless. And not didn't get the table wet. Did they know they did their job? They sacrifice it That's true. Mind you that everyone's while they stick in there. Like they'll startled me because I like fall off my cup. My water my water glass. Not like my coffee, but like the cool. Oh, okay. Aaron, do you have heat? And have you been startled by any coasters falling this week? Do you use coasters? What are your thoughts on coasters?

Aaron  36:29

Yeah, you are have coasters. Definitely in my bachelor time period. before the age of Shelby. I had these little like, rubber coasters. That Mimi got me on college that I like, they're all like these different colors. And like, man, these coasters is so cool. I'm always gonna use them. And then weirdly, we don't use them anymore.

Brandon  36:51

But I use I use coasters.

Aaron  36:55

I have one here in my office I'm using. I have some of those bigger metal, water things that they don't eat. So we appoint them using Kosar, but at the same time, it's nice to have the like, excuse me to use my coaster quick. So that's kind of nice. But I has coasters and yes, I do have heat in my classroom. Hey, I got this last week before the big breeze coming out, but I annoyed we annoyingly didn't have internet or the ability to print anything for like a day and the for IT people or back and forth from our little quandary of a school. So it people thank you for dealing with that. We greatly appreciate it. The FFC was able to actually get into my classroom for the first time ever. That was really nice. Yeah, everything's kind of back on track. Thankfully.

Brandon  38:00

Good news. I'm very glad that you're not frozen to death. hunched over computer. My students were also very thrilled that we were so glad to be back in my room, yay. Speaking of the Big Freeze, how much snow is everybody expected to get? No count? Oh, the Google? I don't know. I've known a lot. But I do know that we don't have school tomorrow. Meaning they're nice. Yeah. Mostly ours was because it was supposed to start turning to freezing rain around five o'clock this morning. And so we are actually forecasted to have about a quarter inch of ice, which is not very exciting. Um, yeah. So I don't know how that work. I'm interested to see how that pans out because it was 60 degrees today. But the temperature is going down. Like it's just scheduled to go down. Only right. The wind has shifted it looks like from so this morning. It was blowing like pretty hard out of the south. Right now it is 11 miles an hour north northeast. So that cold air is driving down now boy. Yeah. Yeah. Down, down, down, down, down. And it's gonna just keep going down till Thursday. It's gonna be Yeah, I'm really nervous about it. We are forecasted to get to up to 18 inches of snow. Bye. Bye Thursday night. That's not fun. Mine says four to 10 you go. Hey, we are in a way About It says it's still a quarter inch of ice. So ours our star number has gone from like, basically, we're right on the border of like, we don't know what's happening. So like, it depends very much on how fast the coal there moves through, I guess because ours is basically been like, it's anywhere between four and 12. Yeah. Well, you know, yeah. Yeah, we've

Collin  40:23

been, we were nine to 16 for a while than we were 12 to 18. And now I think for somewhere, but like, 14 is the max lazily, like tonight that we're forecasted to get three to five inches tomorrow morning, three to five and then tomorrow night, another three to five.

Brandon  40:44

CRS is supposed to start again. The other thing too is ours was supposed to be like freezing rain ice in the morning and then switch to snow. About it's not supposed to snow here till about 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. So it's icy and then snowed if we would have been at school, we would have been stuck at school. Like that wasn't me. I'll be very exciting. Oh, well, even. Even just this afternoon from the time I left our house to go pick up Noah the temperature drop two and a half. Yeah. Yeah. After like our temperature, our the wind started switching around like five it went from about 58 to like 40 like real quick, like that 40 But like right now it's it's already this after a few. Let's see. Yeah, three o'clock today. It was about 60 degrees right now. It's 44 Wow. So weird dropped 20 degrees or so? Yeah. In five hours. So that's not fun. Yeah, no. So yeah, we'll see. We'll see how much we got. I've got to go more. I've got to put some salt and keep walkable the funds but yeah, I told I told the kids that regardless, their their homework is take a picture of how much snow you actually get your yard. That's our science homework we compare? Yes. They were like, I was like, you will have homework for me. And they're like, What is it you have to use your iPad to take a picture of how much snow ends up at your house and they're like, oh, okay, I can do that. Yes. scan them a little bit. Give me like what was like yeah, snow measuring. Like oh, okay. Ah love it. So be interesting to see if anyone actually listen. It'd be funny. We're talking about weather right now. So you know it's perfect timing really? Yes. Or again one of the bonuses of teaching weather in the third quarter is that in Missouri you get all of it you can can see all the excitement this at all times. So you know go from Nice and warm. cold rain ice to snow freezing yeah So Aaron what has been going down in Oklahoma? How are other things on there got the heat update what else has been going on? He in baseball season starting off similar

Aaron  44:03

practices are very interesting. Fun kids never actually played before. So we're going to deal with a lot of that softball slowpitch softball season just taken off

Brandon  44:18

that's exciting. Drove first US Route last week to moderate success in some way shape, or form.

Aaron  44:29

It was a it was very interesting. bus route. I sent a picture to Collin. So on my bus route, or the one that I've been learning to drive is

Brandon  44:43

I'm glad you accepted it's your bus route forever now.

Aaron  44:47

It will be off and on with it. It's so the route itself is it's just weird, like very windy and no back road here backward there. Like 90% dirt, like obviously. Yeah, that part's not surprising. And so it's also just weird because like seven places where you have like turn around that is like, yes turn around, like, in the middle of like the highway, which doesn't make sense. And so on I, I had it Friday was day one, and it wasn't too bad. Like I had a lot of the kids helping me that bus route is just wild because it has the majority of like elementary kids of course.

Brandon  45:35

And so is there just loud and it's very difficult on our buses, because due to the quality of the dirt roads, it has literally shaken our, our buses, like almost pieces. So they say it's pretty washboard it isn't it, it's just like,

Aaron  45:56

the like so, so bad that like we had the parking brake fix at the beginning of the year. However, it is now broken like four separate times.

Brandon  46:09

So like, having to stop and like, especially when you back into it in our little tiny parking lot of a bus parking lot.

Aaron  46:19

There's these little like concrete benches, you literally have the back of the bus into until it is good enough. Not gonna move and it's like, Oh, no. Okay.

Brandon  46:32

So day one of me driving by myself.

Aaron  46:39

That was probably it's like the largest buses, it's like, at least a mile Tasker bus, which, like, I've driven before, but like with confines kids. And on a highway. There's one part and like I was I was doing good. Oh, man, this kid like, hey, or who's this kid, and I was killing it. And then I had to get to a turnaround. And what they typically did is that they would turn into this dirt road, off the highway, back into the highway, and then turn around. I was like, Nah, sounds that sounds slightly unsafe. Very. And so I'm like, Man, I don't need to do that. And so I'm looking like I'll just, I'll just turn around here. I'm in that part was successful. However, I didn't see one part of the ditch. And I just mow the bus, like in the back of the ditch. Like I was just backing up and just stop. Oh, I am. And like, not like a lot of like, kids screen or anything. It was just like a weird silence. And I was like, Bill,

Brandon  47:49

Bill would be so proud right now. That's just exactly what.

Aaron  47:53

And just just the round of laughter for most of the little kids of the high schoolers. I was like, Man That didn't count and nowhere and isolated. Like, coach really got a hold of that one. I was like, Yeah, I'm just keeping you guys safe. And when I was pulling off, one of the kids was like, there's a blackening in the road. I was like, I'm sure it's fine. Yesterday, yesterday, same bus route, doing much better in the backing of the out route options and everything. And so we get to the exact same turn of like, Hey, I'm not going to hit that part of this again. I'm actually going to go here and turn around. Much more smooth hit.

Brandon  48:38

Wire there. Mudflap Oh, that's me. That's my Oh, no. Yeah, I it was a nice little. Didn't notice be it had a nice little. I mean, like, the the back part was just bent out like enough that you could be like, That's a that was that was not not very nice.

Aaron  49:08

And so that was yesterday. And so today, I was like, oh, you know, I'm going to do this now. Or this route without a map is gonna be fine. And they're like, Oh, you're going to do a different restaurant today. Because this person is going to be gone. Like I just learned this bus route and you're destroying and well, that's what's probably gonna happen is that the guy that's been driving it the past like 14 years is gonna come back. You're like, why am I bust droid?

Brandon  49:38

crazy kid. Um, this this bus route that I've driven today is it has less kids. But the mileage between like, two kids is like there's in a 30 mile stretch. If there's like two children

Aaron  50:01

Wow, that's good. So it's just like, oh boy. So I rode with the band teacher, who is, he's a wonderful guy, but he's very crazy. And he was just blasting down these dirt roads. And he's like, Oh, here's the south here that goes here. Oh, here's the stuff here that goes here, but they're not. I haven't seen this in three months. I don't know if they'll be either. And I've only got to drive his bus route, like, twice next week, if we have school. But he's gonna be gone for a band as a band competition. So that'll be kind of nice. But he was just taking me on. And it was vastly different compared to like the craziness of his last bus onto this on his bus because it was just like, quiet. The kids were like, listening. I was actually really, really nice.

Brandon  50:59

It was just a nice change to see. Yeah. So I'm going to be doing a completely different route.

Aaron  51:07

And they're like, Well, you may have to do morning. I'm like, Nope, I drive. I had to get up or be down here just in time. Like, oh, yeah, it's probably not a good idea. I might go up. So

Brandon  51:20

thankfully, I will not have to do a morning route. But for sure eight afternoon route, like once or twice. I told you they were gonna try to make you do I told you

Aaron  51:31

know, he, he forgot that I was. I was so far away. And I was like, No, this is not happening. Like, oh, boy. Boy, not I was like, you really have faraway island? Oh, yeah. You look pretty far. I'm like, Yeah, I do live far. I'm not coming in early. Probably. Good idea.

Brandon  51:51

So I mean, I think I think in Oklahoma, the term far means something different. Right? Like, if you saw somebody I live far, they're really thinking like, Oh, that's pretty close, actually like that. So yeah, it was.

Aaron  52:10

There's a lot of work for baseball and softball, so it was just a little bit frustrating, where they're like, Hey, you also have to learn this completely new route. Good luck. And you might drive tomorrow. I was like, oh, no, we're at a school tomorrow.

Brandon  52:24

And I waited. Oh, Dawn, how sad is kind of nice to get to get the kind of little space. But I was not, not thrilled. Just just to get a whole new route.

Aaron  52:37

Our facilities makes it difficult, because we don't have indoor facilities for practice. And we have we've been canceling a lot of practices, like really want to get the stuff in, but we can't because all the coaches driving super bus routes. And it's just It's just frustrating. But I didn't have internet this morning, which made a variable frustrating. At finally got it in the afternoon. But we're only talking about in geography. We're talking about Canada. So I of course, showed clips from the Great Canadian documentary stadium, Megan. And I had the had the kids watch hockey videos and older in the Canadian national anthem. So we have a test on Friday. And it's going to be

Brandon  53:25

if we have a school that is I mean, yeah, it's Yeah.


Texting test next week.

Brandon  53:32

That's exactly that's Yeah. Weather weather permitting, permitting that yeah, that's all that's all been going down on this and it's quite a lot. I'm also slightly upset that you didn't show them any curling videos. We didn't get that far. Because it's that's come on now. They need to know about currently that's important. Especially because surprised the Winter Olympics start this week. What the heck when did that happen is that yeah. There's you know, there's there's a lot of other there's a lot of other stuff going on in the world these days. Now, I guess that's why we need to talk about curling. That's important. Well, looks like we need to when are they airing curling and maybe we'll do a live broadcast. Currently watch along fine. Oh, yes, I could have you finally. Oh, okay. So I'm gonna say we can finally talk about like, the rules. I'll look at this on the homepage. Let's stick to the photo that says a brilliant curling store. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Perfect. Oh, it's great to hear. But so many No, you know, it's about so. So listeners Be on the lookout for our top five favorite winter Olympic events coming soon are coming in a few weeks or next week. That's fancy as for the how much we get to watch after a member some of the big events, I only can think of two right now that I like to watch. So Oh wait 3/3 series I went to I went to the Winter Olympics website to grab the URL to throw the show notes. And I just texted you what greeted me, which tells you just how thrilling these will be. But on the note of weird sports that have odd rules. I'm so excited for curling. Megan, my kids today, mostly to go grocery shopping. But also we went to a trampoline park for the first time, which was overwhelming. Are you still alive? How? How is your knees? My knees? Okay, did you bounce? Or did you just watch the children bail? I just watched children didn't make it. There was a lot like really little kids there. And you know how uncoordinated colonists he would have killed them. I would have made their choice. Let's do they sign the waiver. They knew it was coming back. Yeah. Yeah. A gangly man comes flying toward their face. Is Megan a secret trampoline nest. She does like he's just like the nice. But I will say then, after we went to, we did our trampolining. We then found the closest Indian restaurant to go get non and as as, as one does, as one does. And what did they have on it playing on the TV screen behind it was a cricket. Cricket? Yes. Yeah. And said, Dad, what are they doing? And I responded with literally nobody knows cricket. And, and I did recall, the one time during the Indian special on Top Gear where they explain some of the rules of cricket. I was like actually, I can explain a little bit of this, but not very. So it was fun to sit there and talk about the wicked, the wicked, and the shape of the pitch and all these things. And I thought that was pretty, pretty fun to watch them. The kids were absolutely enthralled. And it was doable as they ate their little houses. Because that game is crazy. It makes Yeah, you're right. It doesn't really there's also two versions because one game can last literal days. Yes. And the other one is shorter Yeah, it's yeah, they have Yeah, what was the what was the difference within what the format of those are called? I don't remember either. But there is like the long version, which is just


it's so long.

Brandon  58:25

Yeah. Like it's bad. It's bad long. Anyway, but other ones are better. So no, I that was good. Anyway, the whole curling thing reminded me of like, Oh, yeah. I like to watch curling cricket. I mean, it's not something that you find just like on a TV though, very often do you ever have to seek that one out? That's not a that's not one that just like jumps out and gets you like oh, hey, did you see the the Cricut No, no, it did not had to search it out. Find it. They had I mean, obviously in the Indian restaurant because like it's one of the best sports the most love sports in all of India. So with field hockey interestingly, all sides what was funny is that had giant not don't like but they had a frame saying that when in doubt, order chicken tikka masala with garlic naan and I only saw this after I had ordered chicken tikka masala with garlic No. Me You know it's not wrong and I was like it when he served it. Like I brought it. I was like look, I didn't I did not realize I was literally framed in your in your, in your restaurant here and he was like, what? Like over there. He wasn't paying attention. He's like, What are you talking about? Like what do you just eat? Stop would you quit already had an ordered dog in row? Anyway, that that's kind of I was trying to find I forgot the theme I was going to say if you go all the way back to the this is only half over episode, I watched a movie about cricket. So you could watch that movie with my girl Randy Mahaki who's amazing. They have all kinds of cricket stuff in there. I was trying to find the name of it and I don't remember. Okay,

Collin  1:00:49

so while you search for that, it will say that cricket COMM The forums, they come in one of them's called Test cricket. I guess that's like the the one like the big game, he likes the highest whatever, whatever. That's the one that has had the longest that has the long games and I think one of them was like eight days or something or not. Yeah,

Brandon  1:01:14

it's ridiculously long like which I don't know how you how that functions. I don't Yeah, it's because that the out rule is weird like you just bad until everybody is like like the way that they do batting and like the way that they count like quote unquote, outs


is weird.

Brandon  1:01:39

Like it's really hard to find that you know, like, so that's uh I don't remember exactly how they do that it's really weird. Ah, here we go do to do Oh, yes, of course. You watch like five for that I watched like five one that's why I'm having trouble remembering which one it was because I can't like like we don't Darbar is it? No, it is still doable Deepa. Yes, toboa diba. Were Yes, it is where Ronnie Harkey like, is a really super awesome cricketer, but she's a woman so she like disguises herself as a man to play cricket. But then she starts falling in love with the coach. Dun dun dun. hilarity ensues. Much cricket is played. There you go. Literally all the quickening. Oh, there we go. Sorry. I was like not gonna be satisfied. So good time we found it. We found it. I was like I'm in the Google Sheet. I can search for something here. Give me a word. I was on the website searching the thing, or using the Find feature on the brother website where you can search topics and find episodes from days gone by quickly and easily. Like I just did take a lamb brought to you by Squarespace. Wait Well, I hope you all survive your winter Apocalypse on Nancy. I hope that power stays on. That's really what I'm worried about with the ice. Because ice likes to blow up the powerlines. That makes me sad. That concern until I saw it literally five, five of those cable trucks cable paradox with the lift bucket sitting in a parking lot. And I was like, Oh, yeah. Oh, double, double bad. For Missouri. I was talking to a guy at work today. He was telling me that the mode is definitely short staffed. And so they are not able to do on as many roads as like pretreat roads like they normally do. Because they're way short on drivers. They're like all sick and you know, they're short staffed anyway, like everybody else in the roads might not get clean. Which is fun, exciting. But yeah, the ice is the problem. The ice is the gross thing. Luckily. Coincidentally, I live on the correct side of town because my side of town has all of the industry, including a very large company that developed banking software and they also service banking software and their power gets turned on first. And so we're About the same side of town as them. So that's like handy, right? So if the power goes out there's goes first right? All the other like we have all the manufacturing is down on the side of town. So like their power comes next. And we're all on the same like section of the thing so like they work down here first usually so knock on wood knock on wood and I mean unless this pole like right outside my house goes which that would be bad let's not do that yeah I know right shouldn't put that out there knock on


knocking yeah

Brandon  1:05:43

so that's that's the only positive right generally our power is not off for super long amounts of time. The cities and the pack company is pretty good about that kind of stuff. So we'll see hopefully that remains true. Yeah, and hopefully it doesn't ice that much off. It's not a quarter inch of ice that's gross. That's not pleasant. Not okay. No because that much ice with snow on top of it's just like horrid Well, Aaron had fun doing donut in in the bus all promises videos ago. And yeah, powers. Yeah, yes. Good. Okay, well, love you guys. Love you.

