Ugh Sansa

On this weeks episode we continue discussing the effects of the global pandemic. PLUS, a brief intro to another, amazing, podcast. Brandon does a deep dive into the books he’s been reading. PLUS PLUS, how do you build a pyramid?

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people, read, book, egypt, watch, aaron, weird, dragons, big, happening, pyramids, talking, phantom menace, tomb, put, alexander, movie, county, brandon, week


Collin Funkhouser, Brandon



Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out. It's your host, Brandon, Collin and Aaron



on this week's show.


Brandon  00:30

Hello, saying



I think it depends on what industry they're in.



So you don't think there are very many 22 year old kennel owners out there






They're probably more old. Older people in the



I don't know. Maybe.



Or do you ask?


Brandon  01:13

I don't know. I've never owned a dog kennel. Oh, sorry. Hi, Brandon. Oh,



Megan was asking me some questions. I


Brandon  01:22

was just like I think I want this podcast. I don't


Collin Funkhouser  01:29

hold on. I'm like, this is the show. This is okay. Go with it. Go with it. And it's your opinion on age demographics across pet care in the pet care industry. Well,


Brandon  01:41

all of the people that we take our dog to are actually very young. Right so they not necessarily can we don't kennel our dog because he is far too old to be going and staying in kennel. Right. But the people that cut his hair and all that stuff, they are very young. So I think it's coming down. Right? It's kind of weird. It's kind of it seems to be very broad because the other lady that we took him used to take him to is quite old right now very well. She's probably almost 60. So, you know, it's a very wide age demographic.



Yes, very good. very insightful. Thank you. Brandon said Brandon says it's a wide demographic.



He didn't really answer the question. And basically, I'm kidding.


Brandon  02:33

I can speak from my experience. I know where we take our dog. evette is like, around. I know he's probably late 40s, early 50s. Maybe?



I don't know. I got



no, it's a



I think when most people think of like dog walker, they tend to think younger.


Brandon  03:05

This word,



but as saying, when I think more of a facility owner, if you own a dog kennel and a dog run and you do boarding like in in a facility I use my brain just goes to


Brandon  03:22

probably the person's older. But that could be completely I think that's fine, because you need capital for that you need to have had, like a lot of stuff to get it there. Right. Right. I think I think that's why I think that but I don't know, I don't know if there's been any. I'm sure we could talk to some big



pet corporations and they have all that data.


Brandon  03:53

Yeah, but I'm sure I think about places around here. Only boarding place I can think of there's a vet's office that does it. Like a vet slash, they have that service. I don't know anything about them because that's not the vet that we take, Chuck to



know. I think people at the vet place are very young.


Brandon  04:23

The vets here they're in mid 40s 50s. I think that's about what his vet is. I think I'm bad. I'm not real sure. I know his. But



yes, interesting.


Brandon  04:40

Aaron appears to be on his way. Yeah, I just get rid of text to cool. loading up. So stall for time was cut this part out.



No, that was all gonna cut that and paste it in our upcoming


Brandon  04:55

kitchen confessional corner. where that goes. All right. So On gold.



Oh, man.



Been a week.


Brandon  05:11

Yes. apparently been very hard to tell what days what now I'm in that part of my life. I'm like, Huh, what? I don't know where I am. What time is it? Where am I? What's happening?



Yeah, and I don't know like, still it's it's making I continue to talk about this just how weird it is of how unchanged relatively our life in our house is at the moment. Well, yeah, I mean that's it with me, you know I I'm still going to work every day. Yeah, it's close to the public, but I'm still going yeah and we still have a Client that's dropping off dogs couple times a week and kids can't really? Yeah. Wow. Okay. Of course she's the CEO of the Regional Hospital here and her husband is a mucky muck at one of the banks so





Brandon  06:19

Yeah. Susan is essential as well since she I think we talked about before but she's she works in the central office. Yeah he's one of the people that has to go since the the work day Hello. Welcome daddy. Now that Good morning. Morning definitely not morning listeners still in full you could be we don't record in the morning me crazy. Why not? Aaron? Yes. Hello. How are you? Ah, I'm good. I'm good. I got set up here. My computer was just being like, Oh, you want to open this and that's cute. That's why I always try to like open it as soon as he sends it or like 20 minutes before to make sure it can like yeah, I had this open like an hour ago. Ha to sit here waiting. And



like I finally got, you know, things loaded. I was like, Oh, sweet. I started clicking on stuff and a little windows tab opened up and was like, hey, do you want to do this? Like No,


Brandon  07:40

no, I don't want to do that's why I knew something was wrong a couple weeks ago when I tried to open it and it was like, No, no, no, man. It was like and die. Well, no, no, go back. I don't want to Internet today. But I wanted to stop it. Oh yeah, that whole conversation of like,



What on earth is this would be in feel like if this was 30 years ago?


Brandon  08:10

Oh, by the kind of global scale. Oh dear. Yeah. Well,



for those of you listening, we are still in the


Brandon  08:21

pandemic of COVID-19 is April the fourth? This so again, feature listeners This is our audio log for



whenever someone's scaring the wastelands Yeah, we find this.


Brandon  08:35

You put this in your PIP boy. I mean listen to it.



Like oh, what was life like before? Before the bomb?


Brandon  08:43

Yeah, yeah.



Oh there's a quest that comes out of this Heck yeah,


Brandon  08:47

yeah, you might get a side quest so keep listening you're looking



for the show? Oh yeah


Brandon  08:58

yeah that's what we were just talking about before you shut up Cuz Oh, Mikey Parsons decided to get on the bandwagon and issue a stay at home order. Again, interestingly, time because I have already been staying home for several weeks, because the county told me to. And most of the restaurants here have been doing that for several weeks, because the city told them to. And so we we weren't. We weren't I mean, I think the



I'm going to Sorry, I'm going to



go off screen here. Megan, when did the county come out with a like a stay at home thing, or did they ever? Oh, yeah. So the city came out with what's called a civil emergency, which is very confusing, was very poorly written in at one point so that they were going to increase the air makeup in buildings.


Brandon  10:01

What does that mean? That's not just the court case, the composition of air that are gonna open a window



in all of the public buildings,


Brandon  10:15

there you go. You know, Walmart doesn't have windows, right? Well, yeah, I know. Anyway, so I was here. Yeah, it's been that way to, like, our, our city's been doing that stuff. And then now we've got to figure out how that meshes with what the governor finally decided to do after the county has been doing it for several weeks. Right. So that mean, not a lot is changing. Some of the stores are just being more strict about the because it's a lot of the stuff that he wrote into the thing has to do with building occupancy, like percentage of occupancy for Yeah, for those essential businesses like Walmart or whatever. Yep. So you can't like they can only have X number of people. Physically in the store. Yeah. So ah yes a Walmart I look for them to be like, Yo, this whole section of parking lot is now officially curbside pickup. Oh, they're gonna they're gonna have to as another the trainees started doing it this week never done it before they're like hey we're doing now by the way huh? So we tried that one too. Got some because we've been we've been also doing the shopping for Susan's mom because she's you know she's elderly and so we've been doing that shopping for her getting her groceries and everything she doesn't like it she's like I just want to know



80 years old you ain't going nowhere.



You are not Yeah, so



again, isn't Walmart here was a had was queuing people back and only letting in one party A couple people at a time as people would walk out.


Brandon  12:02

That's what this one's starting to do because of Yes, the governor's order thing, right? So beforehand it was still like oh, we're opening more lanes they had already done the one way foot traffic thing and all that to try to make people make sure that they're spread apart in their thing by Yeah, like put tape arrows on the floor. You know, this is a one way I'll do you have to like sneak around through so you can't so you're not like crossing bumping into people and everything. I always thought I was stupid like that in first place, but I mean, it should be cuz what shouldn't happen basically, if somebody comes in they stop their huge cart just right exactly in the middle of the aisle, and leave it there because that's what happens. This one more time you feel personally attacked right now you should be that's you. So when I go shopping now, this Is this is again when I used to go shopping under normal circumstances, right? I'm all about Olden time in the olden days. Back in 2019 when I could go to the store. Yeah, it was all about speed. Right? I'm going fast gotta go. So I'm, I'm not taking a cart. if I can help it right I might get a basket. It's only one though. I don't want ya. encumbrance.



I will say that the one part about it that is a little frustrating. I can I can understand this, but they're limiting.



Several of the stores here in town have said no kids allowed.


Brandon  13:47

So well. Yeah, I mean, that does make sense if you're if you have to limit bodies in the store. Yeah, I can. Yeah. However, single moms and parents.



You can't drop them off. anywhere because you're not


Brandon  14:01




Yeah, yes. And you're not supposed to drop them off at someone else's house or something. So yeah, I, I feel like that is while well intentioned, put some people in Yeah.


Brandon  14:13

Right. Yes. Yes. Like, what do you do? How do you do that? Yeah, I get it. I get it. I just, I just think of whatever. Well, that's the hard part about the fact that the county and the city have been doing this for weeks now. And then the governor's like, Oh, yeah, cuz now that means people that have not been working for for three weeks. can't work for another three weeks. Right. And so that really puts them on the backfoot of, oh, okay, what I do with my kids when I do this on my mobile Ah, like, Huh, no.



Yeah, can we just say that his end date is completely insane. 24th weirdly when the winds The National peak is supposed to be in


Brandon  15:03

May. Well, I think it was just trying to



think he's kicking the can down the road on that he is coming out, like Virginia, whatever came out was like June 10.


Brandon  15:15

Yeah, you got a sale?



Like, that's probably not the best decision either. So I can understand it just it's very weird. Like it's on a Friday, I don't think


Brandon  15:23

well, that is that. Yeah, the ending on the Friday is weird. But again, that is kind of that will push this date down. See what happens with the numbers. I mean, it's really kind of all you can do, because you can't put like, I mean, realistically, this is an extremely long, extended situation, right? I really realistically can't just be like August. Like that's not helpful to anybody. Right? So you've got to kind of figure out, like especially so just take Missouri as an example. You like the state down Then after that, you say, Okay, well, Dallas County, you're good, right? We'll can release some stuff there. We can release like, you know, random counties, and other counties have to be watchable, like hub counties like Greene County might have to be longer, but is where another one like I don't know, pertaining county or whatever, can kind of open back up. But it is weird. We talked before about just how much people move about even like a little bit. Right. So even to my town, not that big. Something like 12,000 people live here. Right. Susan was telling me that he was reading that something like 4000 people come here every day. Just from neighboring communities to either work or shop, or do soft or whatever, 4000 people come here, just like in the course of a day. Sure. Like it's not even a bigger town. So it's like, I mean, in the grand scheme of things 12 to whatever those are old census numbers, so it was somewhere between 12 and 15,000 people we can roughly estimate because it has grown. But 4000 people a day come from the surrounding area into this place swelling in the population during daytime. So like, it is very rural surrounding area. Mm hmm. Right. There's a lot of manufacturing jobs here. Like a lot, right? Lots of industry and they're closing down. They don't know what to do with all our stuff. Treiber is like donating food left and right because they have No one to sell it to is right there like huge dairy processing cheese manufacturer industry, and they can't get rid of their stuff. Right now. They're donating all over the place. they donate to local restaurants. They're giving it to schools. There's like, yeah, we've got inventory and it's going to go bad. because no one's ordering it. And we got to get rid of it. So, right. There's been some weird consequences of this. Yeah.



Well, I you know, the talking about just how much people are out and moving around. It's it is it's, it's just, it's mind boggling when you think about just the number of people I mean today. I went out to get lunch with through drive thru from a local place and just like it was bumper to bumper the entire way.



There are traffic has definitely dropped off. I



know in our cars our traffic our our traffic has not granted we're at that big intersection of two pretty major highways. And it's just I was just blown away by the number of people


Brandon  19:18

out and about today. It was insane. Yeah, it's weird not counting judgment or disapproval or, or



anything on those people because obviously I was driving around. I was just shocked by the number of people.


Brandon  19:33

Right. What I mean. Yeah. Because that again, Governor's order isn't going to fix on Monday. So we'll see her that looks like then. Yeah, but again, people still gotta do stuff, right. Like we're talking about Susan is still essential. She still got to go to work. You know, so well. Yeah, we're, I was at work on Thursday. Like we came in because we we came in and we did a bunch of stuff. On the lat last week, the school let they they were like, okay, these people can come in on Monday. These people can come in on Tuesday. Right? They had like a rotating schedule thing going on. Sure. Yeah. And we were supposed to come up with work packets and things to send home for all the kids that don't have internet right? Kind of dispersed them out starting this coming week. So we had to go in and get all that printed off and packaged up and all that stuff. So we had her in there was weird, but



we've been we've been breaking it down not by essential positions, but essential duties, to keep things running.






in that way, because we It was crazy. They do daily phone calls all the big mucky mucks of the department, and they had a phone call at three o'clock on A Friday. And of course, the governor's announcement came out at five, five. Yeah.


Brandon  21:03

And which was I was like, this is great, great timing, Mikey.



So at five, I texted my supervisor and I was like, so did you guys talk about this on the phone call? And she was like, Ah, no, we didn't think he was going to be doing that.


Brandon  21:21

He didn't think he's gonna be doing that. I know, except for that map that they showed on the on ky three. On Wednesday. It was like all the states that have not issued an order and it was like four and one of them was Missouri like, Oh, we



all get a state issue. Yeah, other seats would not issued one we were the we were we had the highest number of cases.


Brandon  21:43

Yeah. Cuz Yeah. One of them was like South Dakota, North Dakota, South Dakota. I love I love the Corn Palace. Everyone. Everyone loves the Corn Palace. Everyone, everyone here he doesn't know what I'm talking about. Please Google the Corn Palace. See ya But, right? I mean, population density of like, four per makes sense. I mean, it makes sense for them to not have done it yet. Right? Absolutely. But when you are when you have two major hubs, like population hubs in your state, that their cases are rising exponentially kind of got to do something right. St. Louis and Kansas City, like there's like, blew up pretty good. And green counties has been steadily pretty good too. So to Springfield's a third largest city. So you know, kind of got to do something about that. Yeah, again, I get why South Dakota hasn't that makes sense to me. But yes, reserve got do something because that's just ridiculous. Yeah, I don't know. Like, so I texted her that and she was like, I don't know this we'll have to wait and find out. I was like, okay, cool, good. Good. There's no no play. My favorite answer during this time of crisis has been the Well, we'll see. Like, what, but But what are you doing? Like all this weird stuff they keep talking about like, yep, it could get bad. Like, are we doing anything about it? No would you do but like, well, that's not that's not how



we all get to be pirates now. So that's pretty amazing pirates and ninjas with our face masks and bendy I mean, we can be all sorts of stuff.


Brandon  23:39

I mean, very excited about it. That's another weird situation. Right? Like, as far as I can understand. The only reason that they were not telling people to wear face mask is because we physically don't have face masks. 100% right. Yes. So yes, that's a great. That's a great position to be in, like, hey, should you wear it? Like all the big people yelling and shouting each other on the news? Whether or not it's relevant or Good idea. It basically boils down to a supply. We don't have any. Right. And if you tell people to wear them, you are now decreasing the supply for medical professionals even more. Yeah. Which makes sense, right? They need them. Obviously, right first, but like, even the people like well, could we work cloth face masks, they're like, well, I guess. Why would you want Yeah, put something. Do it anyway. What do you like? Wait, like, better than nothing, I guess. Right, like



so. Yeah.


Brandon  24:52

It's just very, very awful. The fact that they like, for some reason, we're like, oh, yeah, we actually don't Have any medical equipment Whoopsie Daisy, wait a minute, and it's what



got just years and years of neglect, they were going back through and the reports back in, you know, 2009 2010 2012 you know, 2016 saying these are we need to do something about these. We need to bump up the stocks we need to read, you know, replace some of these stuff. And consistently they weren't. It wasn't they weren't, you know, no attention for the past 20 years was paid. It was paid to this.


Brandon  25:32

Yeah, I think Bill Gates gave a TED talk about this, like four or five years ago, like basically this exact situation. He just sort of outlined all the stuff that would happen if we weren't ready. Huh? What was he and



people didn't see this coming. It's just, you know,


Brandon  25:50

for those you know, we'll deal with it later.



Yeah, we'll do


Brandon  25:54

all this other stuff. Everybody's everybody said we'll deal with it later. And here We aren't, here we are later. And dealing with it. Again, I think it's I think we've mentioned this before, too, but also, it's a symptom of the on demand culture that we have had ourselves in where hospitals don't hold the stock of these things. Right? They just go, they just click it. Oh, it's coming from India in two days. Except for now, when you can't have those supply lines out, because planes are going, right, these things are out where your supply lines are down. Yeah, then.



Yeah, it is problem.



Right. The the shortness of the supply lines is both good and bad. Yeah, that it's it's but it has led to this mentality of Well, I don't want to keep a whole lot on on stock because I don't want to have to manage that as I don't want to pay to store it.


Brandon  26:59

Oh, yeah. Well Not let's not dance around the issue is that I don't want to pay the overhead to have it on hand. Right? That's all it comes down to. Yeah. So it always comes down to race that. Yeah,



I just, I, I feel so bad for countries in Central and South America and in Africa who are even in a worse spot than where we are. Oh, yeah. Reading reports coming out of Ecuador. Where here's where they are, you know, how we were the United States was like, man's $2.2 trillion enough. Their governor was there, the government was like, Okay, we'll pass a $25 million bill. And most of that is going to go to buy refrigerated storage units that we place outside hospitals for you to place your body.


Brandon  27:47

Yeah, yeah, that's where they are. Yeah, they are. And that's really like, yeah, that's for like, keto. Right. The size of that city is unbelievable. livable. So that's just like,



yeah, that's, that's not it. That was their stimulus package. It was not this is for more ventilators. It was Yeah. We bought refrigerated cargo, metal cargo containers, and we're going to place them outside on the outside of hospitals so that you whenever the person dies in your house, you can just bring them in, throw them in there. And



we'll be okay.


Brandon  28:25

It was like, What? Yeah, I haven't read this crazy. Oh my gosh. Anyway about like Central Africa, right? Like,



the bike going, going, Hey, hey, people in central Central Africa. Remember how when Ebola broke out? And the United States and Europe and China came to our aid? They're not going to do that?


Brandon  28:53

Because they can't. Yeah.



Nope. Nobody is coming to anybody. He's aid right now. I just can't. Because you, rightfully so everyone's so focused internally that there's nothing to be spread around.


Brandon  29:11

Yeah. Which is bizarre. That's just so backwards and how it has been functioning, right? Like, oh, hey, we have surplus. We have this here, blah, blah. That's the global economy functions that way, whatever. Now, it's all just like that.



All right. Well, in the long term implications of that has as people who were champion globalization and more interconnectedness, start going, ooh, maybe we don't do that. I mean, China is already to the place where they've regressed about 40 years, 60 years in their initiatives to how open they are to allowing imports or exporting stuff, and trying to I mean, they are still closed off their borders. To travelers, and are turning back into the kind of secluded country that they once were to stop the spread,


Brandon  30:09

right? Yeah. But I don't think that will. The political ambitions of China far outweigh that mild inconvenience. That I don't think in the long term, it will really matter that much for them,



right for them for them, but I think I think every nation is now starting to look and go, okay. What What did we what what manufacturing did we have overseas? Okay, how can we bring that back in? And how can we just as a contingency plan, because this is really showing those weaknesses?


Brandon  30:46

Yeah. No, because again, we're not clamoring for t shirts. No, I will. Bring back key key stuff you know, like like



aspirin, but the problem is that medicines Yeah, that's


Brandon  31:06

fair. That's all well and good except for now because of the broken way that the United States economic system works if you bring back aspirin production and put it in New Mexico, wherever your bottle of aspirin now cost you $27 not for



now we're gonna national, we're gonna No, you're fine. No, no, yeah. To us, the government will take care of producing that and they'll tell them within us to be you know, define in


Brandon  31:43

an ideal situation. Yes. That could be fine.



There is an urgency thing that the President can enact that causes companies and corporations to make essential items.


Brandon  31:59

Yes. he's refusing to do it you know except for like it no he only enacted it for like a GM for some reason he's



like you do this now.



Like he did it for three m to make the masks and he said he said make everything and keep it in in he told them what to do and then they were like, we're not gonna do



yeah but he didn't do it for like we didn't know


Brandon  32:22

yeah well so he didn't like sign the order he hasn't he hasn't signed the executive order the the basically the wartime production acting, right. I'm pretty sure he has he just hasn't done anything. Yeah, maybe he did. Cuz I read about something that he could do. I mean, yeah, cuz like, I know that he like was like, yo, GM make these big leaders and they're like, Oh, we don't have to do that. Like why would you want like,



so they had to spit. You know, they spent a lot of time. I think they are but that has been the Long time like figuring out how to how to tool up their stuff to Yeah, they were working with the the actual manufacturer of one of the ventilators yeah to retool.


Brandon  33:10

But like, yeah, that you know, again, he wasted time and then there they had to do you know, two weeks probably of like, oh, okay, how do we do that? And then like, the other three m thing but three m already makes those masks. Right. He was and he basically just said you can't export those and they're like, but why? That's our job. They bought them from us. So we're gonna export these like, no. Cuz Yeah, 3am already makes that stuff they already make a lot. I think he told them to make more of them. Yes. Like Aaron said, I think make more.



But it's very weird.


Brandon  33:55

And just very sort of like haphazard and sort of like oh, This Oh, maybe that oh, maybe this What are you doing? Zero direction. Earth






fun going on what are you doing for fun Aaron so yeah run errands for me uh, somebody on and go be funny.


Brandon  34:27

Have you spent this week at home? Yeah,



I've been mostly just doing typing a few investigations I went on. I got a chance to go to some parks here in bartlesville Shelby went to go adventure do some walking. that's really about it. There's not a whole lot, a whole lot to do like everything's, you know, think closed down.



But I had a doozy of a case that I spent all day on and all day Friday, so I essentially still have to go to the office, everyone. Once in a while to email things or fax things to people.



That's as Brandon Kinta test I got about a book. And so then yeah, I've been watching up on on Netflix shows. Who shows we're watching the we're doing a Star Wars marathon right now.






are on the Phantom Menace, which when I was younger, I was like, oh, man, this is so cool. But now I'm just like, I get why people hate it. That's why


Brandon  35:38

I actually I like that one better than my own. The second one. Yeah, right. That was the second one the clone the clone war Attack of the Clones or whatever. No, that's the No, no, that's the second one. The second one. Yeah, I like it better than that one.



Yeah. You're comparing them to those that trilogy not to like everything else, right. I mean,


Brandon  36:01

Out of the first out of the original Okay, so out of the prequel trilogy



I think


Brandon  36:09

I haven't seen them in a while but I think Phantom Menace is definitely better. I definitely did not like Attack of the Clones. And then like I like that the is it The Revenge of the Sith? Is that the third one? Yes, I did. I definitely don't like that one. That was just like kind of boring.



So I remember you know when when this one The Phantom Menace came out you know all the hype that came with it I you know, remember me me taking us to go see it. And the other one but I remember going like to midnight to I think it was a Springfield eight with one of my friends and his dad. And we got to sit in line when it when the third one came out. And so like definitely when I was younger, but now I'm just like, I get it like he will kind of you know,


Brandon  36:58

now again, it is on it. As the kind of enjoyed is the is young very young African a good actor No. Was he directed? Well? Absolutely not. Yeah, right. You can't really put that on the small child. I think this the first one really the only reason I think I like it the most is because the I don't care what anybody says the pod racing thing is cool. pod racing is cool. Like it's really ridiculous and just like random in that movie, but it looks cool, right? It's like the only time that you see anything in the universe that's like fun.



Anything else is just so dark


Brandon  37:43

for like a recreation until the last trilogy when they were on that weird gambling planet and there was the weird like, the horse race thing. Yeah, like,



but that now that I like understand a lot of the the lore in Canon and legends



With like, now like watching these these movies now is a little bit more enjoyable now that I kind of understand the whole picture. Like when I was like nine with this first one was like, oh, man, Senate briefings and oh, trade deal.


Brandon  38:17

No, no, but that that's really that's, you know that a lot of people were like, Oh, that's dumb. Why would we put that like, that's exactly how someone would take over us in it exactly how it happened. Right, right. That's exactly how like Julius Caesar became the ruler of Rome. emergency power placement. And then he, like, basically got rid of the other two people, right? He's like, no, I need the big power. And then he didn't give it back. That's exactly what happened to this movie. So yes, since right



there, but when I was younger, I didn't understand that. But now that I understand more about it, I go. Oh, that's kind of a neat way.



Yeah. It's interesting, right? When I was a little older but when it came out but it was still kind of cool the second part the end of that movie for now, just forget about it. That's the best. The whole duel with the Darth Maul that is the greatest that makes it yeah entirely the whole that the end of the movie makes up for a lot of the underwater stuff a lot of the weird like gun gun stuff and like the battle droid weirdness like nah. Darth Maul


Brandon  39:25

gun. Yeah that whole Tony park in that duel oh my gosh, it's so good. Plus, does that duel the fate song? Oh, oh, I will I will go ahead and say with with john Williams doing this, the music whenever you watch like this movie and then you think about Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. The music is the exact same. I haven't seen any Jen's a long time.



But when if you do Make sure you pause it and jump over to Phantom Menace real quick because john Williams music is in what john was using is very recognizable. Yeah, right. Oh, hey, that's totally



like the the music when in the third one when



Indiana is in Germany, then there's that there's music, the marching music and then there are the music world on the motorcycle, and then you jump to this and they're walking around in the blue and like, Is that is


Brandon  40:31

that anything? What you should this is again, this is not a hot take. I've definitely not the first person to say this. Have you ever listened to Gustaf Holtz is the planets orchestra pulling it up on YouTube right now. It's very long. There's been several movements, eight, seven movements. Oh, Jeepers, how many planets? Well, it's not all of them because doesn't have earth it doesn't have Pluto. Right. So what is written recycling planets like Gustaf holds



the planets


Brandon  41:06

because there's a Mars Mars is very good. Jupiter. Oh,



yeah, right. The way nine minutes.


Brandon  41:13

Yeah. Again, it's a it's a big if you have to listen to it in parts, but there's little sections so like section one is like Mars the bringer of war. It's based off the astrological symbols not necessarily a thing, but there should be seven movements, because Earth isn't on earth is not represented in astrological astrology. And Pluto isn't because it was written before that before they knew that. So I think they're seven. Listen to those movements. And you will go What? Star Wars are you? Right? Because you can definitely tell that Steven Spielberg listened to that. And it was like john, make this is basically what happened right? They did that right look like do this. Or George Lucas was like this make this guy's uses music john make me this and so like especially the Mars movement, you'll go Hello Darth Vader Hello Empire our there's a couple parts in there that are like, Whoa like little tags or something that are definitely like, oh God, or like some of the other ones like the Jupiter it's like very it's like a jovial bringer of laughter or something and it's like oh, look at mean sound time I'll save it on my phone. Yeah, listen to that because it definitely harkens to some of that use go wow



be I mean other than,



other than that it's been I rewatch Are we rewatch the tiger King series? because why not?


Brandon  43:04

And then I finished that. The other show called the kingdom. All right, which is dope. I mean, that's that's kind of been the only thing keeping our minds off the issue. Yes. I mean, that's, that's really about it for me.



Brandon you were supposed to give us an update someone's was gives a update on Carnival row.


Brandon  43:31

Well that was me. I definitely only watch one more episode of that cuz I was had to go to work on Thursday and I was reading a bunch this week. So I feel pretty good though. I kind of it's getting more interesting, right? There's there's been some developments that you're like, Oh, I can't. My attention span is such that I cannot sit down and watch multiple episodes back to back. Right. You're not not a binge eater. I can't do that. It's Not that it isn't good, nor is it not that it's like binge worthy. It's that my attention span physically cannot handle that. I'm incapable of doing it. If I'm devoting all of my attention to watching the show. I can't. Right. So like, because all of this other things I want to do them in the background I had them on for noise while I'm like cleaning stuff or like playing a video game or something. I'll watch stuff on YouTube or whatever, but I'm not like watching it. Right if I'm like watching it, I can only watch an episode of time. Hmm, like I usually have to like when I was watching the marvelous Mrs. Mazal. Which you should definitely watch that she was hilarious on Amazon. Yeah. That shows good. I think I talked about that before too, if for nothing else other than the set design and like the art doesn't Oh my in the costuming. Yeah, it's okay. But like, I would watch an episode. I'd have to do something else and then come back. A couple hours and watch another one. Because I can't like sit down and watch back to back to back to back to back. Because I can't. I just can't do that. I my brain is like, Nope, I gotta do something else now. Let's go. But it's getting good. There. Yeah, definitely some development. There was one episode where they like did like a back end type thing. Like, oh, man, I don't want a backstory, blah, blah. And then sort of at the end, I was like, oh, okay, I see. I got why you gave me this. All right, fine.



I understand this makes a lot more sense. Now. I get it.


Brandon  45:37

So it gives you the backstory of how they the two characters met initially in the fairy land, place. Right? And why it was a big deal and all that stuff. So it's good. I like it. I just gotta watch another one tomorrow. I have been reading Also, I've been reading Book Review corner, the review corner. So first of all, a little heavy reading, if you will. I've been reading the Oxford history of ancient Egypt. Oh, yeah. So it's a very, it's a very dense, extraordinarily academic tome about the complete history of Egypt.



Wow, it sounds actually really cool though.


Brandon  46:29

It is really cool. But oh my gosh, that's, that's, that's kind of



one of the books that I got. It talks about


Brandon  46:39

the three. It has Edward Kaiser vilhelm and



Tsar Nicholas.



Yeah, and that that book is like it's a slog, because I'm like, oh, man, this is really cool, man. Like and boy,


Brandon  46:56

weirdly, that's exactly like the book that I have, but it Different and by different person. Yeah, they're confusing the way



that I got today that actually started reading. It's called the everlasting flower. And it's the history of Korea. Yeah. And it's actually kind of an enjoyable read. It's actually like, not, not like you're trying to walk through mud like, Oh, it's


Brandon  47:22

gonna be a little muddy. Yeah, this one is a little muddy. This one like every once in a while talks about references, like archeological dig layers. And in the beginning, I talked a lot about pottery. Right? Lots of pottery discussion, guys, as we know apart as Yes, as we know. Pottery is very important in dating how cultural moved in prehistoric times. Right? So when we're talking about the nakota period, pre Old Kingdom we we've got to deal with Pottery which is difficult. I did just finish this section on the Armada period in the late New Kingdom is very interesting. Right? That part is the good part. Right? I'm getting ready for Egypt in the outside world, and then the third Intermediate Period. So we're getting close to the end here. But the Armando period and if you don't know the Armada period is when basically Amenhotep weight was his name. He changed his name to Rocky Mountain, and sort of up ended the whole religious structure of Egypt.



For clarity. This isn't the one Brandon Frazier fought, right?


Brandon  48:41

No, no, no, this isn't it was a motif. His name was emoto. But he's based off of the guy that built the first step pyramid of Joseph rock. Okay, right. But this is Amenhotep the fourth Yeah. He basically decided I think This this book because it's very academic give some backstory about how this occurred. It's a little not, it's a little less out of nowhere than general media would have you believe. But basically, he was like, yo, you know, all these Egyptian gods we have Nana, sun disc, bro. We are now worshipping the sun disc. And he changed his name. And he moved the capital away from Memphis into a brand new city to build the middle of the desert. And basically stopped worshipping all Gods except for the sun disc. And he became the idol to worship instead. Instead of previously, every town every major city in Egypt sort of had their own God. Right. So like, even though there were lots of different ones, like if you were from Adios, right, that was sort of like, oh, Cyrus's Hangout, right? If you're at Memphis was like TAs place to hang out, right? So they all had these like cult centers. And he's basically not now Just kidding. It's only me now by and so he sort of updated the whole thing. Based on he sort of took what was sort of happening already to like an extreme right and like, cut out everything. And then the ramifications after that. Because this was King Tut's father, most likely, and after tut came to power, reverted everything back. And then just sort of the fallout from that for the nation through the rest of the new kingdom is very, very interesting to see how that transpired and eventually led to the decentralization of power from the religious center away from the Pharaoh and into the hands of the priests, which sort of like to that schism right in between The two power centers because the Pharaoh was no longer like the representation of the god Horus. He was just sort of like just another dude that prayed to Horus instead. So it was really weird like the D deification, I guess if you want to say of the pharaoh is very weird. Celebrate Matt. Again, it's a very heavy column. But the



the the thing with this book is i was i was focused on like European history for so long, I can pretty much like, cover like a map in my head. But since this is kind of like a new field for me, thankfully, this book has a map at the front and they talk about like, Oh, these people moved over this river and I'm like, oh, f where's that at? The key I have to do more than I keep looking at my map. Like, bring up a map or like my phone or something and figure out why the heck When I talk about



I'm also having problem pronouncing names. That's really hard.


Brandon  52:05

Well, same, because Egypt is like, why there's so many consonants? What's happening? Why do you say this super long word? It's 17 E's and I don't really.



Ah, my two books that I'm working through are channelized rivers, perspectives for environmental management and geomorphology and river management.


Brandon  52:28

Yeah. Oh, that doesn't sound like light reading either. Although I am reading a book for sure. Hold on. Let me find it. Okay, hold on. All right. I have another one. I have been reading a little bit. I haven't got I've gotten far enough in that I realized I kind of like it. Though, basically, right when I was told that I wasn't going to go back to work anymore. I was like, Well, I better get a book. So I bought something on Amazon before Amazon basically shut down to all non essential supplies. So not only is Amazon currently but I bought this is called the Priory of the orange tree. Oh, so this is like a fantasy monster right this is like an 800 page behemoth of like a fantasy book and pretty cool right? It is a buy if you're gonna look this up listeners by Samantha Shannon. Okay. And basically it's one it's a very like it's so far it started out with a very well trodden fantasy trope of Oh no, the dragons are returning. Let's be honest, that never gets old That's true. There's a reason why live you white. Good. Now we put it in there. But it's definitely the dragons are returning. And there's sort of like it's set in these different kingdoms, right? The only problem that I've encountered with this book so far is it does that thing where it switches back and forth between several different characters over Game of Thrones, you know, kind of Game of Thrones II. It's not necessarily per chapter. Sometimes it's like internally, like, I'll just break and switch to someone else. So far, there's like four major people we're switching between. And I find one of them far more interesting than the other three. Oh, like, it'll get to this part where by this last guy, I'm like, Hey, I really care about him right now. Again, that might be because his part of the story is just sort of like, still very much developed. He's still like a tree. Traveling to where he's like he's just now got to where he's been trying to go. Right. Oh, like it's been a bit he's been a bit boring. Yeah, all I've gotten for him is his backstory, why he's there. Why he was sent on this mission, right with this other guy, all that stuff like whatever. And then this other lady seems like training to become a dragon writer which does sound cool but her story has not progressed very far either.



So you're like okay


Brandon  55:32

that's gonna be neat probably but right now it's been a lot of like, waiting around to see if she made it there's another guy his was just like reminiscing about the past whatever the other ladies where all the action is. She's in like the Queen's court and she's like there to protect the queen, but she's like undercover and like all stuff. Like,



like, yo, she's the most interesting one. Why are we not? Why can't we have more of her One more this girl


Brandon  56:03

about we just stay on this one. Yeah. And she was, that's where all the action is happening really. Cuz that's where all the that's where the action is currently not just give away too much the book case anyone wants to read Priory of the orange tree which you definitely should. But like that's where the action currently is happening. All the good stuff is happening with EAD. I guess it's how you say your name. It's written EA D. So I've been going with EAD. Sure, because there's one thing that fantasy novels also make you do is go, Ah, what's your name? Why don't you say that? I wonder? So, it's one it's one of those names where you go, Oh, I hope I never have to say this name out loud. Yeah, I just did fail. So yeah, so it's a big old thing, but it's pretty, like, easy to read. Right. It's like written very well, and it's like really good and stuff. But like, I haven't been reading it because I've been reading this Egypt book that's want to get through it first and still playing Assassin's Creed origins, which is why, you know, it's in Egypt that reading by Egypt is doing the theme there. Every once in a while I read a little bit of this one. Keep up on that, because I wonder more about what he doing. She's most every once a while. She's, she does all the cool stuff. Like the other ones are like, okay, that's probably be cool later. And they'll either probably gonna meet somehow, or like right now I just want to know what she's doing. Really, totally gonna pay off. Right? Yeah. Cuz you're like, um, they've already planted some seeds where you're like, wait a minute, hold on. I got it. Like this might be happening like this is a thing that's gonna come back later. So there's a way that some of these people are going to meet eventually, probably which will be good. But right now.



I'm like, I just want her Okay, she's, she's the interesting one.


Brandon  58:10

So that's okay. Yeah. It just makes it hard because I did that same thing in Game of Thrones where I'd get to a character and be like, ah, Sansa that I was



like reading like a tyrian chapter and then like, oh man, that was epic. Santa


Brandon  58:28

Santa go. Well, and also one of my favorite characters to follow in the game of thrones books is Arya because she is doing just the weirdest stuff. I think like oh, here's brand like Bran. Oh, I was carrying him again. Oh man. Porter is carrying him there in the tower basement. It's raining again, like man, like they're still going nowhere. Got it. Going like I really just want to read john deere neighs and Arya de la tarea. I guess I can't all be winners. I know. But then sometimes in game, you get some exciting, like the chapters, like I didn't ever want to read about. friggin Jamie Lannister ever until he took that big trip with Brienne of tarth. And I was like, No, I want to read about only this right now. Okay, what else are they doing? Please tell me more. Yeah, that was a good part. I like the whole thing. They'd be like, Oh, I mean, that's good. Because it makes you want to read more. But again, you get some of those chapters like Santa. What?



Yeah, I might have skipped chapter two. Because I was like, so into it. I was like, inner monologue sans complaining the whole time. I get it.


Brandon  59:57

Also, like she was just stuck with all the really not cool bits. Like little finger






don't boy


Brandon  60:08

and then there was just like no Aria chapters like forever. But I want to come back to something about one of those whole books there's no tyrian because it's only in the other one like no zero tyrian in this giant 700 page book. How did you do that? I understand you have 14 characters you can try to keep me up with here George But come on, on theory or Definitely not. Also I don't ever Aaron's gonna like the chapters with Aaron's favorite dude in there either. He's always me. It's my favorite dude. What's his name? I lost it. With the red woman. All the all the nonsense.



I had a woman Oh



the one true king does Yeah What's in it? Yeah Stan, I like Stan



well it we we always made a joke with my friends every time we would read a chapter. It was because it through all the books It was like someone would say something and then Stannis responsibility grinds teeth like



character arc.



Like in his breath he had stood cold lead a corner with his arm behind


Brandon  61:22

his back I was like ah Boy, that's the one trying to stand his breath in. Yeah, for the night I can full of tears. I even had like my bedroom, hanging proudly.



With the stag in the hardest tag in the in the flames. Yes.


Brandon  61:42

I'm actually wearing my Game of Thrones pajama pants right now. So I also have that on my but that's



true fan.


Brandon  61:51

Oh my goodness. Don't you know that the night is dark and full of terror.



It is known.


Brandon  61:58

It is known. I say that all All the time because that is the weird level that I'm at because I Susan knows. So you don't nothing john. I'm like a day now. I also say what other sales remember there's another quote from the book. I say a lot too, but I forgot what it was for now. Yeah, reading fans think about dragons coming back. There's some pretty heavy books. We want to miss one of them is physically heavy. And one of them is just like strange inquiry, but do you remember the movie? Dungeons and Dragons that totally Timothy irons in it to me is a movie. Yeah, that's on the Wayans brothers. That movie too. Yes. We were like else dude. Yeah, he says dragons and the first thought was rain of fire. Rain. Not brave a dragon heart dragon heart. Definitely. Dungeons and Dragons look like that movie sucked. I enjoyed it. It was not good. That's definitely true. I've been watching a Dungeons and Dragons playthrough on YouTube as well. I've been doing that. Wow. What? Which one, then playing that they're playing the waterdeep Dragon heist. Okay. fivey their bite man. This guy that I watched I watched his let's play sometimes just again, it's like noise to have in the background after weight. So it's just normally like some weird video game stuff or whatever. But Like I will have it on when I'm playing the parts of Assassin's Creed where I have to go and like just kill four captains over and over again. Like go find the treasure and I'm like, I'm just running around doing like errands. I'll put that on here me one of his friends are playing, playing that type of watching that too. It's been pretty funny. I love all the random stuff that happens in those are like, I'm gonna do this the DM is like okay. I remember that because when I used to play in high school, and that's how it always happened. Like, what if I do this and they just like



no, no, but what



Do the reading Tiger King? No, no, no.



No Aaron enough enough.



We need to really watch to see the progression of Aaron's mullet over the next couple weeks for yourself right now.



That's the only character I'm just like, but everything else like there's like one person on here that's like,



Ah, that guy actually makes the sense.


Brandon  65:40

Hey, I just keep seeing more, more and more memes and I'm like, What the heck is going on? I know when you're gonna say I'm gonna have to start doing this video to monitor Aaron so we can make sure that he starts showing up with like weird vest and



mullet. We can pull the plug



in If I just watch one episode you will be captivated like everyone else.



So far my streak of of not watching extremely popular things is basically 100%. So I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and continue to bat for that.


Brandon  66:18

And that's my thing. Don't steal my thing. To this day I have never seen Titanic that's a good one. No, look at that. Surprise, surprise Susan has allowed that in the house. I mean, she watches it. Oh, she likes him. It's a beautiful picture that you just said the breathy flag I love their bread, the wealth and the knowledge of a girl I like it. Um Yeah, what else I've been watching. I'm chapter 30. On good How you doing?



I hate those. I too.


Brandon  67:04

What is dead may never die? Shut up the



Oh, you haven't seen you haven't seen the actual TV series when it ended?


Brandon  67:12

No. So okay, I didn't watch that because I want the George ending when I want. I don't want the I don't want the television ending. I don't want the television interpretation of what George wanted, or what they just decided to in the show as I want the George experience. So I'm waiting for that. I stopped reading I stopped watching after season three, I look. That's what I watched. I watched season three, it was like nope, I'm done. Because that's basically when they caught up with the where the books were at almost. So yeah, now. They weren't quite there with everybody. But I was like, nope. I'm only watching two here because I want to read when the winter That's what I want. At this point, I'm going to be like, what was going on? I don't really want to reread these books either because they're kind of enormous. And I yeah, I'm not really doing anything else currently, but like, I don't really want to do that. Now, it's I thought about picking them up again. But I started reading



this book and then I have a little pile of books that I've just kind of been picked up here and there, read a few pages and then stop there


Brandon  68:36

was like a Game of Thrones. It's so exhausting and taxing right now. It was so good though. They are really good. Okay, yeah, I have this big. I have a big pile. Yeah, my pile is increasing. But some of them I'm like, nigger don't really want to read this. I'll move on. Down the pile. Yeah, a little bit. Again, I keep buying more. There's a couple that I really want to read. I'm just not in the mood for them currently. There's a couple that I could probably get through pretty fast. So I might read some of those. We'll keep checking in to keep you moving through them then, okay. Okay. Okay. I know you've been doing good on this Egypt one, like even the it's very dense, but this the, like, little subsections aren't too long. So you can read a couple pages, and then we kind of done right and like, so they're like, I open it like there's this little part. It's called Ramses the third and the 20th dynasty. It's not super long. It's only you know, three pages. And then we get to Ramsay's the four, which is another page and a half. So you can kind of read it in sections. And kind of read a couple sections, put it down, digest what the heck you just read.



Which is kind of what kind of what you have to do, right? You have to


Brandon  70:16

read some stop process. What on earth is going on? Continue, then continue a little bit later. I'm gonna try to find some more text to go with it that are a little I've read a couple lighter versions, like I have it there. my bookshelf as well currently is not helpful. But this is trying to get a more complete picture about what's going on. That we can teach a little better. And read some articles to I've sent some to my kids. Like I sent them a thing about how Egyptians dressed on our Google Classroom thing and like put some questions with it. They answered that So, you know, kind of sending stuff here and they're like, hey, check this out. Oh, hey, look at this. So it's really professional development is really what it is. That's what's happening right now. Gotcha. Yeah, code all your time. Pr. Professional. Yeah. Professional Development. That video I watched today about pyramids. Definitely professional development totally. Also, if you are going to watch a video about pyramids on youtube I invite you to look at the comments set. Oh, no, no, no. I can't let that go. Don't



don't don't courage people that Oh, it's so awful.



How many rabbit conspiracy theories were thrown around all of them. All of them.


Brandon  72:03

Don't you know that the pyramids are clearly built with power tools? Obviously?





Brandon  72:16

yes. Perfect, is great. So on that note, on that note, I will tell you that



that Walmart will do home deliveries even if you have alcohol in the cart. So that may encourage you to continue.


Brandon  72:38

They just so bad, they're just so like, there's so many people that are just like, Well, obviously it was nice, like but maybe obviously, like, literally no one knows how to do it. You know, because it's there's all this controversy about how do you build a pyramid, right because nobody really knows. And, like my favorite are the people that comment like, well, there's tons of sources that tell you tons. Really geometry, would you elaborate? They never, they never do. No. Now there's obviously tons.



Like, well, I mean,


Brandon  73:25

and also, there are sources that like mentioned pyramids, or like things that were written by people that build pyramids, but it's like, blank was here, right, like, carved on a stone inside of here. Or Harada just mentioned something that someone told him about how you built a pyramid. But again, that was at least what 2000 years after they were built.



Oh, speculation, you know,


Brandon  74:00

Little bit. So yeah, we you know, and Harada is also taken with a grain of salt with a lot of things that he wrote down. But it was turned out to be mostly okay. But you know, some of it's like what we talked also, have you read any of the stuff about Alexander the Great recently? No. All right, man. Okay, so first of all, possibly found the tomb vaccine. Really?



Yes. Because I know it was mobile and ever all after factionalized split up. Everyone wanted to get their hands on it so.


Brandon  74:52

So apparently there's been a person, this lady who I think is lady who's been searching for it forever. She claimed to have found it in the 80s. Right, but because of the whole, like, Macedonia, Greek situation, right where like Macedonia and Greece are fighting over the border, like northern Macedonia thing to hold a geopolitical situation, they were like, hey, let's not do that, because he was Macedonian, all this stuff. So apparently, the original tomb is is located by Siwa the Oasis slash Oracle site. Okay. west of the Nile there. So is the C one oasis in the desert. The allegedly body brought to Alexandria after that. Right? Because it was moved around and you said is mobile? Yeah, the theory that I read the other day, I thought was interesting is that the body There is currently in the tomb of St. Mark's Cathedral in Italy is actually Alexander the Great. Ah, because they think that the Venetian people that found they miss, like identified St. Mark the body of the st mark or whatever was actually Alexander the body they found that claim to be St. Mark was Alexander the Great insight that I read the other day, was that the body in the tomb of St. Mark beedrill is actually Alexander the Great. Oh, that's dope. Yeah, it's crazy. Like, oh boy.



This was this was found in the 80s. And just now, Rebecca Well, the


Brandon  76:48

the lady found the tomb tomb and but they were like they put a stop on her permanent or dia. I think it's been coming to light recently. I think she's done some more digging. To confirm that the place NCR was the original tomb, and that's how they tracked it. Like they think they went from there to Alexandria. But the place where like they, the St. Mark, the body of St. Mark came through Asia, right? To go to the cathedral. That's where they claim to find the body of St. Mark. And so I think that it's actually Alexander. It's been a few days since I read this. So I have to brush up on some details here but even Republic up interesting. I did not hear about this. Yeah. It's, it's a very weird, right. Like, they they postulate that Oh, hey, that body right there in that saintly tomb could actually be Alexander. Ah, so we'll see what's done with that information. If anything, if anything pops up Very, very interesting. I read up on that because they're they think they did a she's done a bunch of excavation over there see why I think is obscene. And there's a lot of stuff in that tomb. There's some stuff on the walls. It's like, yo, basically, she was like, I'm almost certain that this has got to be the original tomb. This right here. And so there's that but the body could be the body of St. Mark. And Dennis. I think that is actually an example. Which is mind blowing. Right? Yeah. Wow, that'd be that'd be crazy. I don't know how you corroborate this. Exactly.



You know, but


Brandon  78:48

it would be interesting if that actually came to be true. That would be reading. I've been reading about that to this little saga. There's not a lot going on with it. Right now, right but I did that showed up on my new thing. I was like, Wait, what? Excuse you. Yeah, Aaron, you might want to do a little reading about that time. We'll talk later about that because it's Yeah, that's definitely



like a


Brandon  79:21

super interesting development that I thought was like, wait, cuz that's been a big thing like the he just sort of disappeared, right? Yeah. Like they knew where he was for a while. And then they're like, man, he's gone now. Because Yeah, he they, they wanted his body near them. They were moving around Egypt. The ptolemies. Were moving it around, and it wasn't Alexandria for a while and just sort of disappeared. Yeah, it just sort of went away.



They like I lost it. I guess it's kind of what everyone said. But Cuz I watched the video about Alexander's tomb and yeah, it was, it was this massive like, part almost. And yeah, like they just paraded around Egypt and I was like oh well we're the actual ones the true descendants look at us



boom and



yeah that was oh yeah why and where Alexander's body into


Brandon  80:31

it yeah that's so trippy that's so cool that actually DNA it and feel like yeah I don't know how your DNA that but like yeah, if the body in St. Marks is actually Alexander that would be a really crazy thing. Oh yeah, yeah I can find the article that I read earlier.



Well sounds like we all have some serious health work before next call on how to build a pyramid and then


Brandon  81:07




the body and say mark is st mark or not.


Brandon  81:11

There we go solve that. I mean what else are we doing? You know other other Egyptian mysteries Kate readers, in case your listeners case you are curious. The other great mystery of ancient Egypt is what the heck is Seth? supposed to be anyway? Right? All the gods have very clearly identifiable animal heads on them, right? Like Cyrus is a falcon chorus is also a horse is a Falcon, right like tof is Ibis. So back is a crocodile. A new bass is a jackal Seth is a question mark. Things like a really weird like raw, clearly a falcon also, like, Cyrus has his very own, like, you know, he's got his own thing or his will have animal associated with him now think about it. ISIS is the bird thing that is like this thing. And it's often just referred to as the stuffed animal. animal. Because there's not nobody actually has a clear idea of what in the world is. And a lot of people are just like, Oh, it's an amalgamation of several animals put together, which doesn't make any sense to me because none of the other gods do that. Zero of them. Like they are all very clearly a thing. Right like segment is clearly like a lion. Right? Some of the like, clearly an alligator or a crocodile or Hippo and then there's like this one, it's like well, so I thought I always thought he was like a dog or something. That's what they say. They say Park dog, but like they Don't a lot of times it's just referred to as the set animal. He's a Dingo Dingo no dingoes in Africa. They say dog like part. It's almost like Park dog park. You know, but it can't be jackal because there's already jackal. And the jackal of a new bus looks way different. It's got this like weird, like droopy nose thing. Like what the heck. So some postulate that it could be a dog, kind of like they ran out of ideas. Yeah, but it's like a it's a What is it? It is. Yeah, it's either. Some people say that it could be an animal that actually is extinct. And so we don't know what it is. Ah, okay. So very interesting. So I was thinking about that today. I was just looking at some stuff. So I was like, What the heck? What are you? It looks like, like, to me my interpretation of the drawings. His face looks like a giraffe. right but it doesn't make any sense that they would not add like



no other more resembling character the other site yeah characteristics of giraffe. Yeah there's no like neck right he does have these like big squared off things on top of his head which kind of looks like draft boards which are very drafty right. And he's got his face just looks really bizarre, which looks Drafi like, but


Brandon  84:31

that's I mean none of the other gods or goddesses it's just the head that is on there. Right for toss is a skinny Nick, is it to Ibis bird. So I mean, draft is one of Campbell is another one that I hear thrown around a lot, which makes sense because he's like the God of the desert. So you can clearly Campbell is like the first thing that comes to mind because he's the one God associated with being out in the desert. Like literally what else are you gonna say? camel, camel, but like taste does look more drafty. Oh, more things to think about while you're sitting and pondering in the shower, run through your list of African desert northern African desert animals as well as be from Northern Africa because all these other animals occur within Egypt, which is also a problem because giraffes are not. Right? Unless be some sort of ancient giraffe ancestor was living in Northern Africa long ago that no longer exists because current draft ranges are not their northern African desert. Right? is not where they go even 200 years ago When dress weren't like, severely endangered, not really in Egypt. So that puts a small problem on my hypothesis, because you would think it would have to be an animal that was familiar to Egyptians. Especially Old Kingdom and before because these gods sort of just appeared like, fully formed in the Old Kingdom. So there has to be, like, pre. We're talking like 2000 BC, right. So, okay, okay, so we've got 2500 easy. We



can all spend this next week. Where can you go? That's a good good. It's some good some homework, everybody.


Brandon  86:52

Try to watch some more. I'll try to watch something else. I don't know.



Okay, well We'll



get this this I'll start taking notes and watching some four and a half hour long YouTube conspiracy videos to get caught up. Oh yeah, just watch.


Brandon  87:09

It literally could be anything about pyramids. It doesn't have to be a conspiracy video. Like the one I was watching was like it was just a video about pyramids. It was it. Yeah, it was like a normal there was Egyptologists on there there was people talking about how you can carve like legitimate theories about how you can cut rock with bronze. Right. One big theory is like you put you have the big prevailing theory currently, I have policies I should I should speak correctly hypothesis currently, is that you have a big copper salt. That is toothless. And you just put sand under it and just run it back and forth and all the silica in the sand is hard enough that it Slowly abrade through the granite



and just cut it.


Brandon  88:05

You'd have to put the sand in there. And just ahead in abundance, oh yes. Not a shortage of that. They had copper, their copper alloys found Egypt actually contain some arsenic and some other stuff, they make it a harder copper alloy. So that it naturally advantage because the copper was slightly harder than like a pure copper. Mm hmm. And so, if you just put in like they've done it, people do it now. They're like, hey, look, I cut this block with this. Like, would it take a long time? Yeah. But like, what else are they doing? Right? Like you have a couple thousand people sawing on granite blocks. Yep, it's good.



Let's let her rip.


Brandon  88:55

Let her know. But clearly power tools, obviously



Sounds I mean,



it's me otherwise.


Brandon  89:08

The ramp theory is another one. You should you should watch videos about the ramp theories, how they got the blocks up there. Yeah. Those are actually really good and interesting. And they're like, no, it's impossible, but don't say impossible. It's like the archery thing. The ongoing archery saga, which is still happening, by the way, in case you're curious.



I don't think that'll be it will never be.



He put out a response video the other day that I watched some of it was like an hour and a half long.



like Yo,



well add that to my watch list.



We'll we'll compare notes next time.