Trucks and toilette paper

On this weeks episode, we discuss why messy desks are far superior to clean ones, Collin’s car troubles, how much we suck at bartering AND a last minute distraction regarding a certain co-hosts desk lights…

  • Don’t trust a clean desk

  • The Steve Irwin of Dogs

  • Aaron moved!

  • He’s fancy now

  • Collin’s car fun!

  • Bartering

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people, moving, buy, nice, desk, person, sell, driving, fine, big, binder, watch, literally, money, paper, aaron, car, week, missed, lights


Collin, Aaron, Brandon



Welcome to Oh,


Collin  00:07

brother, a podcast of three brothers.



Trying to figure it all out with your hosts,


Collin  00:11

Brandon, Colin and Aaron.



On this week's


Collin  00:16

show, trucks and toilet paper. Hello. Hello.



How's it going?


Brandon  00:28

Oh, you know, pretty good, I think. Oh,



so I can't think






Hold on. I


Brandon  00:47

think Aaron cannot say the same. That's not the sounds that fine people make. Right?



Don't know. I do know I'm finer



than anyone could ever be fine.



I am wonderful. There's my charger. All right, in the game. Hello.


Collin  01:10

crevasse did you have to squeeze through to get to that.


Aaron  01:15

So I'm in the process of moving in, in stuff organized, just put my desk together putting all the little nooks and crannies here and trying to make it like somewhat aesthetically, you know, easy and convenient. And so also it would be really cool idea if I put my chargers like behind my desk and then got lost in the other cords. So I am in the game now.


Brandon  01:44

That's always the balance right of how nice does it look versus functional is my workspace. right because mine was is not it's not pretty?


Aaron  02:05

Yeah, mines mines actually not too bad. It's just, you know, some of the wires underneath it. Like I have my work laptop going across one way I have my personal laptop charger going the other way. I have this little light thing that's going the opposite direction. And I somehow managed to get my phone charger.



up through something so


Brandon  02:29

bad. It looks relatively decent.


Aaron  02:34

But I just had to get down and get and get everything first.


Brandon  02:39

That's fair. That's fair. Yeah. Like, you see those pictures that people post online and stuff about like, oh, here's my new my new, like, you know, work area. And it's like really clean and tidy. There's nothing there. Yeah, I'm always like, but you're not like are you working? Like, wait, look like you do anything?


Aaron  03:03



Brandon  03:04

No? Yeah, no. 100% say, Okay, I live by the axiom of stuff. Yeah, I live by the motto. You can't trust a person with a clean desk. Because that means they're not doing anything. Right. So like. Yeah,


Aaron  03:21

well, I have I haven't worked. I haven't sprawled my paperwork out yet. And there's there's a lot. So I'm sure by Monday, my desk will just be



covered in paperwork and pins in


Brandon  03:38

all sorts of manner of random things. Yeah. Monday will be will be different story. So my desk at school looks like it looks just like an utter disaster. There's It's fine. It's fine. Don't worry. This is mostly functional. I know what things are. Mostly. Probably. As long as you know, I think that's Yeah, it's fine.



There's a system here. As long as we're stuff that that's all that really matter. Yeah.


Brandon  04:06

I almost always know where stuff's at. So it's mine. But


Collin  04:10

it's consistently variable hit rate, but it's okay.


Brandon  04:16

But yeah, I mean, it's okay. It's fine. Don't worry. It's fine analysis graded. It's okay. No worries. It's fine. Keep turning things in. Until Yeah. So that's that's basically been my week is, is Uh, oh, yeah. Got to make sure I'm just trying to make sure I stay I have this really bad habit of like, the kids turn stuff in. And I'm like, sweet is turned in as pilot. Yeah. And then that's kind of where always, like, if I'm not careful, I have like this monster pile of like, stuff like, Oh, wait. There's one more step here. That needs to be done. Got to do. So I've been going through. I am 100% caught up on all immigrating stuff. Ah, nice, except for like the few people that I'm missing things from. So there we go. I had a really like, ginormous list in the middle of this week of like missing things. Half of them were magnitude to the backboard in the room because they didn't have names on them. So I wrote a big sign that says help were lost, and then just stuck all the papers on there. And very slowly, they realize, Oh, those are mine. Yeah. Nice. So I got a call, and I even passed them back. Because I also do the same thing where I like grade them. And then I just pile them up when I'm grading them in a different pile. I'm like, Ah, I'm done.



Oh, wait.


Brandon  05:58

To get it back. Well, as it turns out, there's another step they want them back. And they want to see how they've been doing it, see, and then we can put them in our binders so that we have like evidence of our work and all that stuff for our learning binder. So I have a real bad habit I have. That's the that's the real bad one that I've had to work on. Last year, I focused on that all because, like, really good about getting it graded and getting it in there. Get back to you, though. Yes. Yeah. So either, I piled them up for a little while. And then one day, I'm like, I need assistance, passing these back volunteers. And sixth grade is all about volunteering to pass out papers. So that's fine. Yeah. And other times, it was just like a singular thing, like a big thing. On paper, because we do other stuff on like, digitally. So I don't have to worry about that. I press this back, because they already have. But I'll just whatever class I have, I'll just lay them all on the floor in the back, say there's a paper, go find it, then go back and get it.


Collin  07:14

I remember doing, like trying to get it all caught up. And just, I couldn't be bothered to pass it out. So I just big make big stacks on a side table and go papers over there. If there's anything left, I'm throwing it away.


Brandon  07:30

And they didn't like that. So it would be nice, but I can't do that because I know you have there will be some that are like different. Alright. But yeah, no, that need to go in your binder though. Okay. Okay. We need to have evidence of our stuff and our learning binder. So let's do that.



He will prove things.


Brandon  07:56

When you just had a thought I should probably move our learning target sheet from our first unit that we're done with I should have that move that in the back of that binder. So we don't get it confused with the new one that we just gone a minute to think about doing that. Anyway. Okay, that was your, uh,


Collin  08:17

you know, mine has been really good. have been very heavily doing podcast stuff. So, it's been that's been consuming a lot of time.


Brandon  08:31

I've been doing many so this is different from normal Holly's.


Collin  08:36

Yeah, I think it's just been more focused been doing like, like really concerted effort to get in interviews and doing other other associated stuff. So it's been a heavy podcast week which has been good which has been good. I'm currently recording on assignment from a house in in town sitting a chiweenie


Brandon  09:00

Nick Jr. What a chiweenie Oh, dear. That's it. Oh, to


Collin  09:13

know Wiener dogs sounds scary like it's well, you know, they typically






but he



he's he's he's okay.


Collin  09:28

Is there typically much better when the owner is not around which is hard to convince the owner of


Brandon  09:35

but it's fair like those are both dogs are just like, I'm going to bite you now. Like well


Collin  09:43

Oh, no, I mean, I I have sat some that have been so bad that I in order to get them out of their kennel or to go outside and had to pick them up with oven mitts and the towel.



Ah, ah ah yeah



Yeah, how often does it happen?


Collin  10:03

Not very, there was one in Texas every time. I think, I think her name was Daisy, Daisy. And if Megan's listening to this at a later time, she'll be angry because I got it wrong. But she was, she was terrible dog. She was really, really bad. And we had to go over and do drop ins for her. So we just come in every, you know, three times a day and let her out. And I had to use oven mitts to get her to grab her to get her out because she would back herself into a corner and she wouldn't come out.


Brandon  10:37

So yeah, yeah, that was


Collin  10:40

and then started doing the towel because the towel really calms them because they can't see and it was. That's a tactic we've used a couple times to take inspiration from Steve Irwin.



Yes. Real Crikey. And then throw it on his face.


Collin  10:56

And they are like, I'm safe now. And you're like as


Brandon  11:01

a say, yeah. I like Aaron. I like to envision Collin doing all this, but narrating it like Steve Irwin. Like out loud. Like there's a camera looking at the


Aaron  11:09

camera in Yeah,


Brandon  11:11

like looking at where the camera would be. Good on all key short shorts. And it's getting really close. We know your dog gets on it. Yeah, we know you're wearing this T shirt anyway, so don't pretend like that's a new thing. But like, for sure. Yeah. crocky Look at this one.



Yeah, pod.


Aaron  11:38

Yeah, like I can definitely very much see that. With Gollum doing that with she's angry because I have my face and her face. Right?





Brandon  11:54

If he wasn't doing it before, he's definitely going to do it now. Let's just be honest, this is just


Collin  11:58

to entertain just to entertain the home homeowners that have you know, that have indoor camera like


Brandon  12:04




Maybe like what


Brandon  12:08

you're doing? Yeah.






Yes. I like it.



Oh, man, is that show? Yeah,


Aaron  12:24

that was so that that was the only show that because you know how like when Netflix first started I don't know if it's like this now. But I wouldn't it like first started doing streaming. You could like email requests to have like, put on Netflix. And that was the only time I ever wrote Netflix. I was like, Hey, you know, the Crocodile Hunter is actually really popular. Do you think you could? I don't know. stream that for a while maybe.


Brandon  12:52

response back? I actually watched it. It's on like Animal Planet randomly. Just like, here it is. What? I was watching it one morning before work got up. And I was like, while I was sitting on the couch. eating my well, mostly drinking my breakfast coffee. sitting there watching it before like, mentally preparing like, Okay, I'm going to need to be dressed later. So it's gonna sit here for a while. It's really hard to find stuff on TV at you know, six o'clock in the morning that you want to like us need something on TV? I do. I like need something on. There's got to be good. But when the crocodile Haha, How exciting is this? Yes, excellent. dope. Aaron. How's the move? I was very tired out from the hefting and the hauling of the stuff.


Aaron  14:01

Yes, there's been there's been much hefting so


Brandon  14:05

last, what was it Saturday


Aaron  14:12

my friend Michael came up from Oklahoma City. And now granted I originally had like five of my friends that were going to show up in you know, move everything and all got a u haul at all do we'll get this bus quickly. They all they all found


Brandon  14:28

other things to do, didn't they? It was just


Aaron  14:30

it was just hit Michael myself.


Brandon  14:32

Yeah. That's accurate.


Aaron  14:34

She'll be Witten did some pre packing and some stuff at her house, better at her mom's house and got all her stuff. But as far as like, like all the big stuff in our apartment, it was Michael myself and then I drove down here, you know, per family and myself and then like one other. One of my other friends showed up right at the tail end.



Good stuff. And so we've been slowly throughout the week, we've been putting one or two things here, there. But today, we moved a lot of the big stuff around, got the stuff organized, did some shopping for the new place.


Brandon  15:14

But, um,


Aaron  15:18

that we did, we did a lot of work, especially today, today was a lot of work of just getting stuff, you know, done and clean and certified. And so hopefully, by



a week or two, we'll get everything all



situated to where it needs to be. But there's still a few boxes Don't be close. But



other than that, it's, it's a lot better



than the place I was living.



Right, like bigger by



Yeah, so it is


Aaron  15:54

both so it is a bigger apartment, and it is in a much better location. Because we moved from a a town that was more older person oriented, to a much more accommodating city.



Kind of, you know, with more stuff to do with, you know, bigger, more, you know,


Aaron  16:22

you know, locations and, you know, and you know, should be able to shop for kind of what we need instead of having to, like, well, if, you know, if we need something, we need to drive an hour or whatever, now, it's like, oh, just like right around the corner. So



it's nice,


Aaron  16:37

yeah, it's nice, you know, we, you know, live a very nice, you know, community area.


Brandon  16:45

So, yeah, I it was,



it was a good pic I was very happy with.





Aaron  16:55

I got a little corner of my office all situated. And then tomorrow, we're gonna be doing some more, some more unpacking and more moving things around. And it's stuff like that. So it's, it's definitely different than what I you know, moving in and out of, you know, college dorm or a college. You don't


Collin  17:18

want to take my


Aaron  17:21

job. So let me take my one or two bags of whatever and then like, Oh, yeah, that's true. move off to you know, whatever, and have like, you know, buy some more stuff, and then actually moving moving, like, legitimately moving like a completely, you know, to a different city and just, you know, like, Oh, I have a lot more stuff than I anticipated. I did. I don't know where this,


Brandon  17:45

you know, stuff came from, and


Aaron  17:49

then just kind of the daunting realization of like, Oh, I have to move all this. Why? And, you know, dad's dad was, you know, our father was, you know, super supportive. But I remember him telling me like, Well, when I moved to college, I had two duffel bags of my little Ford Mustang. Like he, I think that I know.


Brandon  18:13



Aaron  18:15

I had like, a Jeep full in his truck of when I moved out of college.


Brandon  18:21

And then I started adult, but me too, in my dorm room, somehow, the stuff like when I went down, at the beginning of the year, when I came home at the end of year, I had way more things, I don't really know how that happened.



Right? And so



and then


Aaron  18:41

moving out of, you know, especially when I graduated from OSU, and moving into the wonderful family that has me for a little bit because I was, you know, porteus I was like, Oh, I actually don't own like one lick of furniture. And so then I'm like, Oh, yes, I have all of the furniture and then it's like, oh, I have to move all of that furniture and then all the stuff with it. So it was it was definitely a challenge. But it was definitely, you know, that once once everyone left and we got the door closed, and you know, we actually looked at our everything the light touched was our kingdom. It was very, like, it was very humbling and very like, Ah,


Brandon  19:25

this is this is ours now so


Aaron  19:29

that was a very rewarding feeling. And I know the Shelby is also very relieved to be finally moved in. But now he's gonna do all the little things and get done with that. So it's it's it's been an experience. I am I am of the tired but I found I found the Starbucks I found the Buffalo Wild Wings.


Brandon  19:54

Though I am iron and needs literally nothing else. He's good.


Aaron  20:00

I went watch football today. Oh, and the vintage stock, I found a vintage stock.


Brandon  20:04

It was still around like, yeah, they are new.


Aaron  20:08

So I did that I did stuff. And then I put my desk together, which I'll take a picture here in a little bit after my phone, get on charging. And then I put up last week after being on the phone with our father for over like an hour of trying to hook up and fix the dryer to be able to function from a three prong hookup to a four prong hookup which


Brandon  20:38

Oh, you had to replace the plug.


Aaron  20:40

Yeah, as I didn't go in and it's a it's a significantly older dryer. And so, you know, in you know, for those listeners out there, our Father is an electrical engineer. The terminology that father used to what? I don't know what those words are. So what is the problem hookup? That's reverse look like I don't Father, I don't define reverse. When you're looking at it. What does it look like? I'm looking at a lot of things. I don't know. So um, I got gray. I got my re I got the washer, I got the dryer hooked up the washer was


Brandon  21:21

easy. The the dryer plugs I've changed from the old one. So


Aaron  21:29

I felt I felt very accomplished after I hooked it up and nothing caught fire. And this is good news piece. And then I got the bedroom. Looking snazzy. We got her bathroom prettified we got my bathroom. looking awesome. And then there's just you know, we're working on the kitchen. And now we're working on, you know, our little office space that has like extra clothes. I'm trying to find a bookshelf for all of my thousands of books that I have. But no, it is it is because I think my apartment that I lived in in bartlesville was like 730 square feet. Like, one one bedroom, one bath, tiny kitchen. And I was like, This is what I'm going to need for the rest of my life. And then you know, life happens and like, Oh, this is actually significantly tinier than what's what I thought was, you know, accommodating. So it's a very, it's a very nice apartment. It's very, it's very homey. There's there's lots of windows, which are convenient for all of our plants that she has. And it does suck that there is it's on the second floor. So moving was kind of hindered, but so yeah, it's actually you know, it's a really, it's a really neat little community over here. I live that I live in I'm living in a gated place as a key



thing to get in.


Brandon  23:03

So swanky.



Yeah, super fan.



Feel boozy?


Aaron  23:13

Yeah, that doesn't help. You know, I pulled my car and there's someone that's driving like 2020 you know, Dodge Ram. And I'm like, Oh,


Brandon  23:22

Hello, sir. It's fine. The next step? It's fine. Don't worry about


Collin  23:24

Yeah. Ram. So


Aaron  23:27

yeah, it's not gonna last long. But no, it's it's very, we've met a few of our neighbors there. They're interesting. They're actually like, they actually like talk to, you know, talk to you. And they're like, they're very friendly. My first experience I had with my neighbor in bartlesville. I pull up, I'm living there for like three days, and I just pull up after work one day, and this guy just like comes out and knocks my window and he's like, Hey, can I use your phone? I need to call my mom. I was like,



Uh, what? And then that's


Aaron  24:06

that same sound like tennis. at like, 10 o'clock. He knocks on my door again, asked me if I could help him with his phone. So he called his mom again on my tick. Okay, and then like, the next night, I saw flashing red lights. I was like, What is going on? And then like, the guy was being like, wheeled away in a stretcher. Like, oh, where am I living? But no people here are you know, they're actually no like, Oh, hey, you know, talk to you. We do have a family that lives above us. That's that's, that's a significant change of every morning like seven



o'clock. You know, your



feet have three children. Just



like that.


Aaron  25:01

But besides that, I mean, it's very, it's I just got Wi Fi Friday. So what should have been hooked up on Wednesday, but I'm not holding a grudge against anybody?


Brandon  25:15

Right? That's what people are gonna say. Yeah. So


Aaron  25:22

they were, they were also very accommodating. And like, they actually very helpful because they're originally they're like, Oh, well, we missed Wednesday. How about next Tuesday? I was like, No, no, no, no.


Brandon  25:34

Yeah, about noon. Oh, but then they're


Aaron  25:36

like, oh, how about like, Oh, we can do Friday? And I'm like, Oh, yes, that is mucho better. And then I was on the phone with a very nice lady. That was really helpful for about an hour. And then the guy showed


Brandon  25:50

up. Friday


Aaron  25:54

was here for like, 10 minutes. And then he laughed. And then I've had a Wi Fi sense. So I cannot complain. But I think just the whole process of what do you what do you mean, my services was disconnected?



Well, I don't get


Aaron  26:09

it just says your services weren't completed. So we were we missed your appointment



when your meetings by appointment.


Aaron  26:16

So everything, all the water under the bridge. I have moved up and or moved on and matured and from this learning.


Brandon  26:27

I don't need more than ever. Yeah, right. That's what does


Aaron  26:32

actually happen. Oh, they'll go my great book of grudges for the rest of my life. They're the only ones that work in the area. So yay, my next, my internet overlords for the next several years.


Brandon  26:46

Yeah, that's the annoying part. Right? When there's like the one main one. Yeah. And there's one of those in our area to like the main people, but like, they're not really very good. And everybody that I've like, like most people use them, but kind of just by default, because yeah. And there was service isn't very excellent. So every once in a while, we don't have them, right? Because we're just like, well, we have internet. It's not great. But it's fairly reliable. And like, I don't really want to switch to this other one. That's like, I hear like, by friends that have it or like, you know, yeah. And so everyone's Well, these jackwagon it's just like, come and knock on my door. Like, oh, yeah, we see that. You don't have our services. Can we ask why? Like, would it go away? What are you doing here? Yeah. This is not a good impression to make man. If you want me to show up in my house and bother me about it. Jesus going, what are you doing? The last time I talked to the guy like cordially, or the first time it happened, the last time it happened. The guy was like, Well, can I ask about your upload speeds? And I was like, Nope. No, well, well, what about? He's like, something about what you pay a month. And I was like, nope. Like stared at him. Go away. Why are you bothering?



Oh, yeah. I love that.


Collin  28:22

When they're like, well, how many devices do you have in the house? What do you typically do? And I'm like, stop asking me questions.


Brandon  28:30

This is actually what I want. Because I leave I do stuff with them. Do things. And also stuff.


Aaron  28:40

Yeah, because the one place they're like, Oh, do you want to, you know, have the bundle thing? I was like, No, I don't need to. Oh, yeah, that's another


Brandon  28:47

thing. Yeah. They're like, Oh, we got a bundle with a home phone and TV. Like, I don't have TV. It's like, what you could save my life. I don't have TV stuff.


Collin  28:59

Well, or, or when they're like, they're like, oh, or they're like, Oh, this is like, internet. 50 bucks. But you know, it's 40 if you bundle it with TV, and I'm like, how much is the TV? And they're like, yeah, it's like, $50 thing, like,



so I'm not saving any money. I'm actually spending more money. Why would that? See how this works?


Collin  29:20

I can't put the internet's cheaper. And like,


Brandon  29:23

that's doesn't make any sense. Yeah, but I'm still spending now I'm spending like $80 or $90. That's right. It would have just been 50 you see good math. It doesn't doesn't work, buddy. Like Yes, it just it have to be and they're always like, Oh, well, ours isn't like it's like cable or whatever. Like, and like well, you know, like the the news at the with the weather gets bad phone finding you know, and it's okay. It's like, we got to watch the weather. It's like, out fine. I'm not gonna write again. This satellite, like maybe that was like so my experience with the satellite internet is like, yeah, or the satellite just TV. Like, it's like super mega stormy. It goes out now. Like, it's fine. I don't care. Yeah. It's never like, Oh my gosh, my life is incomplete because now I cannot watch this 20 minutes of television. Right like everyone, so it's always inconvenient. Like, it's something you want to watch. But do you get over it and move on with your life? Yes, fine. So that kind of


Aaron  30:34

Yeah, so guess what, when I first lived in bartlesville, like it was, like, I called the people once they're there the next day? You know, and like, and like that was it? So it was a little bit different to be like, Oh, well, we could be at this day and like, you do not? You don't know. It, I guess I guess you don't know who I am. Which is fine. But I'm, I'm kind of a big deal. Because the other plays into like, really quickly. And they're like, I won't be there Wednesday, like, okay. So it was that was different. I was, you know, a little perturbed. But you know, they're not used to me yet. So, whatever.



But yeah, it was just


Aaron  31:17

it. Thankfully, I was able to use the, the service or the hotspot off my work bone. But even then, it was just like, I don't want to do that. Exactly.


Brandon  31:29

We and that's like, you know, that's, that's always fine for a little while.


Aaron  31:37

So it was it was definitely a new ordeal. But the guy that worked, my thing was, you know, super, you know, super great. He was here for like a little bit. And then he was out the door. And I was like, Oh, that's it. Like, I felt like I could have done that myself. But thank you. And then yeah, everything's been everything's been fine. Everything's been in groovy sense, which I am super happy about because yeah, I was miserable for the first few days. But because we all the books that we had were not packed yet or are unpacked. And so it was just like, what do we what do


Brandon  32:22

we try to do to scare each other? I guess? Yeah. For me, but



other than you know, it was?


Aaron  32:31

We got that situated finally. And then we've been in Rolling good sense. Other than


Brandon  32:53

sitting houses doing anything else, as we call it, other than pod casting, casting pods?


Collin  33:00

Right. Yeah, the casting of pods? No,


Brandon  33:04

I took like a mold of you doing a mold that what happens? use like a sand mold, maybe report and



break it out? Yep. Yeah.


Collin  33:15

No, we took the the Jeep into the shop, because it's making this noise. Where if, if somebody in the household were to have a heavy foot, let's say as an example, and this person were to accelerate at a brisk pace, and then very quickly take their foot off of





Collin  33:41

accelerator, while you know, it's still up in the high revs. And you did that? The dude here a quick, very fast, very faint, not even that, not even that aggressive, even when you would do that, and it would do it pretty repeatedly. And so this is concerning. So we took it in. And unfortunately, the story ends with a guy a person telling me, Well, I didn't get I didn't recreate it. So why don't you come and drive it like you do? And we'll make it. Like, okay, if you need to hear this, okay. So you know, I get it, and I stomp on it. And it I pass a little bit and they foot hard to the floor. And then very quickly, you know, like when you crest the hill and you're like, oh, there's a cop like that fast? That kind of thing. And it just it just didn't make it at all. Not even one horse that was like horse horse. Of course. So he was like,


Brandon  34:42

it's not, you know,


Collin  34:44

it's because it's so infrequent. It's obviously not like grinding itself to bits while you're driving it. I was like as far as we know, I guess like Who knows?


Brandon  34:54

What okay. And


Collin  34:59

yeah, So it's just one of the things that gets frustrating. Like, I just wish, like I, I just wish it was a little bit. I hate having to wait for it to get worse before I can get it fixed. Right? Yeah.


Brandon  35:10

Well, I mean, boys problem. here's, here's the problem with that particular train of thought like a it's set like let's pretend I know what I'm talking about for just a moment. I'm gonna say transmission, right? clutch flywheel area, and right no matter what happens, you got to take that thing out anyway. So like, that's not, that's not a pretty right cause. Right, like, so whether, whether it's a little bit of broken or a lot of it broken the cost for digging down the transmission and looking at it's kind of the same. Exactly.


Collin  35:50

If it's torque converter, if it's the clutch if it's something in there, right, yeah. You're not looking at a inexpensive labor?


Brandon  36:00

Because that's probably where that sound is coming from. If it's like when you take off the rebel quick, it's probably, yeah, torque clutch flywheel area of the transmission.


Collin  36:11

Yeah. Because Yeah, they were, you know, he had fun does it? Does it stutter when you accelerate? I was like, No, no, he's like, does it you know, used to ask me all these questions like, no, it drives perfectly fine. It's just this one instance, when it's way up in the ribs. And you take it off real quick. It just sounds like you know, when you're driving a standard, and you missed the shift up, yeah. Or you know, you missed that shift. And yet,


Brandon  36:37

you gotta glide over. Yeah. And it's just real fast. Maybe. Here's an idea. Maybe don't drive it that way. Well, see, yeah, I know. you slow down. We're not living in Texas anymore. You don't have to go 100 miles an hour everywhere. Well, okay. But the rest of the traffic in where you live is like 70 years old anyway, they're not in a hurry. Hey, you don't have to go that road. And tractors. You don't have to go that fast to pass a tractor. Okay, wait, I mean, please tell you.


Collin  37:19

Well, and this was this one was. But there are instances where you do need to, you know, breed, you need to pass or you do need to get up and go. And so anyway,


Brandon  37:29

yes, that's fair. But you don't need to be like an 8000 RPMs. And then like, rip your foot off the gas, like what it should be able to handle that it's not a button. That's fair. But it's also not a button, it's not a ON or OFF button, right. Regardless, these middle areas, it should



be taking care to be making the noise.


Brandon  37:49



Collin  37:50

it is therefore needing to be fixed. And I think and, and even there's one morning where it was cold. And I did it. And I didn't even have to do it as aggressive as I was trying to get it to do it that one time where it was just I had accelerated pulled out into traffic. And it's 40 here in town, and I accelerate up to 40. And then I took my foot off the gas and it made that sound so see. And it wasn't even where I was like 40 as fast as I can. It was like Okay, here we go, whatever. Hey, if you have the nice, big engine, you need to use it right? You can't just


Brandon  38:30

walk around. Did you check the transmission fluid?


Collin  38:33

Yes, it does have all fluids. Okay, okay.


Brandon  38:38

Are you missing some? Because like, exactly, that could be like a


Collin  38:43

Yeah, so it doesn't have all of that. Oh, and then on top of that, I'm apparently in the 3.2 liter V six 3.2 v six engine that Jeep puts in their, their vehicles. There's a known like


Brandon  39:03

coolant housing leak that happens.





Collin  39:10

where the oil gets cooled down a pipe, or the hose that shunts oil out to be cooled, cracks it over time. And that has to be replaced, which



is a


Collin  39:28

very costly thing as well. Like, like, Oh, good. So they're doing a double. They're doing a dye tracing right now to make sure that that's where it is. And so I'm driving it for another two weeks, and then we'll take it in and they're gonna look to see where it's going. Coming from to verify it. That's what needs to be done. So things on top of the car, things underneath the car, all sorts of fun stuff that this has been an interesting week.


Brandon  39:59

Oh, Does that sound good at all? No. It's a PLA theater like bone in for that. Like? Yeah, it's,


Collin  40:12

it's the coolest housing just sits. I think it's it's kind of towards the back of the engine. So you have to pull off a lot of things on top to get back to it. Oh, yeah, where it was like we're the part it's one of the things of kind of like the transmissions thing was like the part itself is like $100. But it is also six hours of labor


Brandon  40:33

costs like seven five things to


Collin  40:38

right. So the hundred dollar part costs $600 to install, and then


Brandon  40:44

you're like, Okay, yeah, great.


Collin  40:49

So we'll see, hopefully, it's just a little O ring or something like that.



It probably won't be.


Brandon  40:55

Yeah, I mean, if it's not, the name cracking issue, means they're plastic they used to cheap and it's effect effect degrades too fast. Yes.


Collin  41:06

Yeah. And what always annoys me about this is, and this is goes for a lot of things of when something like this is known to be defective. What do the manufacturers do? Do they supply a better replacement part? No. What do they do they replace it with the same part that they know is defective. They just give you and you're like, What? Why would you? Like


Brandon  41:32

mass manufacture like thousands of them? So



ladies got exactly this. Exactly.


Brandon  41:40

Dude, that


Collin  41:41

and they just go? Well, you know it this is just it just restart the clock. Like this.


Brandon  41:47

Yeah, no good for another five years go. Yeah, hold on


Collin  41:52

to that idea.


Brandon  41:57

But yes, but that's that's the it's the world that you live in. That's the disposable world that we have made for ourselves, right? There's no such thing as durable good anymore. Really? Oh, my God, think about my, like, well, durable, is like, five years? For another one? Because?


Collin  42:23

Well, yeah. And that's like, that's one of the big problems with that I have right now with buying like an electric car. Because they are so short lived. Right? They're not they don't have an expectancy of a norm of a of a traditional



ice engine.


Brandon  42:42

Where Well, yeah. And, well, the enemy. This is one of those things where, like, if you are making like, hundreds of thousands of dollars a year it matter, you can buy it right? When you're me. And you make like 10s of dollars a year.



Literally all of the like,


Brandon  43:01

my T shirt. That's it. That's what it ends up dollars. You can't, you can't that's not a responsible thing to buy.



It's gonna be


Brandon  43:15

in like, five to seven years. Like that's a terrible idea. Yeah,


Collin  43:22

no, yeah. No, it is it is because you start going like,



Yeah, what's that? That's my pr,


Collin  43:28

pr, you know, it's my annual cost to get this and maintain it. Ah,


Brandon  43:33

well, and plus a car is like the worst investment you can make anyway, because they just they only depreciate exactly right? No, no, no, we're sure it'll be fine with my car later. But like, yeah, only down in value, like immediately. Like, this is like it, you sign the paper, it's now worth 15% less than it was


Collin  43:57

even on used vehicles, right? You buy a used vehicle and say, okay, don't take that initial hit, but it's still your turn. It's one of the reasons to not finance it as much as you can. Because you're driving a depreciating value that you finance a fixture. It's like, Oh, no. But you know, but for some reason, cars, you know, I was, did you know that the the average purchase price of a pickup truck is now somewhere around like $50,000


Brandon  44:31

for pickup truck. That's crazy to me. Like that's not Well, I mean, again, we've talked about this before, like, some pickup trucks are not like there's status to car, right? Like, oh, yeah, a lot of people that drive now are not the, you know, builders in the branch or whatever. It's like, I mean, those people will do Other firm like, boy, your guy who like trucks and like Doctor guy do also like grandpa had a truck. Right? And he wants a truck now,


Collin  45:12

like, but once it to feel like that's


Brandon  45:15

if I can. Yeah, doesn't do like truck things I've just I haven't been I've been in a truck that goes through a pond. And like, literally I'm not lying like through a tree like, there was a big tree in the way and this dude just ran it over. Right not a big tree but like, tree. He was like, I didn't go in there and make a path to this thing from afar, whatever. Drove drove truck speed into it. Blam. Nope. Can't do that. No, this is extreme chance. I've never seen anybody do that before. I've never said they need to go. I'm gonna hit the true purpose. Like, what we're doing Why? Why?





Collin  46:04

But yeah, I just, it's just an example of the increasing cost of many of these goods. But the,


Brandon  46:13

um, but they're not sticking around for


Collin  46:17

it. Let's say they stick around for the same amount of time. It's still costing you more


Brandon  46:21

to have that some of that isn't what some of that with the truck thing is like, inflated costs, like, Oh, yeah, a lot of it is is this thing's a need to cost this much money.


Collin  46:32

No, they don't need this. Hold the technology and the leather and the Yeah,


Brandon  46:36

they put it in there so they can charge you for it. We talked about this before, but like, yeah, add on there. Like, nobody need that. But okay. So you have to pay for it like button. But


Collin  46:53

yes, yeah. This, this is one of the charts that I was


Brandon  46:58

reading about.


Collin  47:00

Yeah, it goes up to like, it has a trim level that goes up to like $72,000.


Brandon  47:06

And it's got heated, heated, heated front


Collin  47:09

split, heated front and rear seats. So like the back seats are also heated, but can be you know, need to do this different. Yeah. All this stuff. And I was like,



why would you But okay, but but people buy those, you know, and, and I'm like, proud for $70,000. You You went and bought a





Brandon  47:35

Okay. I mean, that's true. Things. Other things, all the other stuff. Yeah. But I guarantee you


Collin  47:44

it's not, you know, that trim level is not any more robust than the base trim level.


Brandon  47:53



Collin  47:54

right. So it's just, it's interesting that, as you look around, yeah, the cost of goods keeps going up. But they're not sticking around longer. I think, on average, since they were


Brandon  48:04

10 years ago. Well, I mean, a part of that is the like, it comes from the inflated price margin. Right, a lot of these good is thought it would still be possible for them to produce any low cost, and then to consumer a less for them, how the people making them are only interested in maximizing profit margin. It's literally the only thing that's important. Nothing else is important. Right? How much money can i wring out of this thing? when people buy it? It's not a knock, like you said about the broken part earlier. They fix it, but then they would lose or they wouldn't make as much money and that is not acceptable. Right? Because the only thing that matters is how much money can make on thing. That's literally it. There's no consideration at all. Which is just super annoying. It's like, just why why do you have to suck so bad?


Collin  49:18

Yeah, and it's not just it's not a knock against any one particular company. There are a company in the business of making money and whatever. Yeah, because she has to do that. Right. Whether it's trucks or toilet paper, right. There's they're gonna make money off of it. Yeah.


Brandon  49:34

Yeah. Yeah. Another question that we have featured white like it, could that be the number one priority? right is the follow up question to that because it's what it is. to be that good. You know, make things that are not terrible or Make an interesting product me, like, so then. Yeah. 17 of the same thing. Yay.



That's what I wanted.


Brandon  50:13



Collin  50:15

hey, speaking of products, wallet update, it is. Oh, a little over a week or so into it. Yes. Yeah, I have I received my driver's license already.


Brandon  50:31

It's so thin. Gone. Literally. He's hoping somebody finds it in his mailbox again. right out. Yeah. lost it.



But I will say


Collin  50:46

that one of the features about this one was that it had that little pole Tabby thing to you know, get the


Brandon  50:53

Oh yeah. I don't. I have


Collin  50:57

very, I'm very, I have serious concerns about the longevity of this reel. We're gonna, I don't think I'm gonna I don't think that little pull tab you think is gonna be there and in five years, mostly because it's,



it's less time than that.


Collin  51:15

Yeah, it's a single strand of leather that's doubled over at the top to give you a little lip lip to pull on. Yeah, but what that what that does is it creates a crease point in the leather. Right. So it full it keeps folding over on itself and getting pushed down which is going to crack and weaken the leather right at that one single spot. And it's just gonna, it's gonna wear down over time, it's gonna it's gonna break off and then they're not gonna be able to do the cool thing. And the way this is stitched because it is just a single piece of leather that's been folded over in half. I can't put my thumb at the bottom and push up to push the cards out because that is a solid. That's it's a double stitched side side of the leather.


Brandon  52:02

Very, very stiff.



So that's interesting, but I did I do


Brandon  52:11



Collin  52:12

functioning as a sleeve and a place to store my cards. It's fine. It's going to be fine.


Brandon  52:21

It just never came out again. That's the question you can't you can't if you like this problem he was yesterday I had the flu shot time so the people came and I was like I didn't fill out my paper the way because there's places because again before forms comes out yeah I can't perform I don't understand the information that you want me name got address got all these numbers I wish there's my credit 17 years on that I don't know what genre gave him my was like here I just had to take a prescription or a little card and handed it to the lady big enough but I but I was I was struggling to get out of the wallet that's what you brought this up struggling to get it I accidentally handed her mom didn't I was like boy you don't want that that one will not I will not help you at all so yes if


Collin  53:28

you if you hold it a width wise between your index in your in your thumb and you squeeze you can poop it out you know it can't squeeze it and then reach it with your other hand and pull the card out. God I have I got rid of even more stuff so now I just have my driver's license debit card my three insurance cards boaters and what's frustrating is that you can't i can't digitize those because some places want to take it like scan it they need it is so infuriating. So it's like sure I'll have my you carry around


Brandon  54:07

Hold on. You carry around your voter registration card. No, no my boater Oh boater.



Oh no, no, no,


Brandon  54:18

your driver's license do need that they need


Collin  54:21

a registration card and I throw it right out. I shred it and I throw it away. I don't keep those so yeah,


Brandon  54:27

so I had somewhere to tie in a pile and that's all I have



my voter and


Brandon  54:32

why I carry that.


Collin  54:34

So yes, I have my driver's license, my debit card,


Brandon  54:37

three insurance cards,


Collin  54:39

my boater and my P card for work. And that's, that's what I have in my in my wallet.


Brandon  54:47



Collin  54:49

it is and the other thing is to because of some things that I do for work, I do need to make sure I have my voters license on me for work to


Brandon  54:59

start, you know Voting is you're around water at your job revolves around water. So like, you know, who kind of


Collin  55:09

that's that's what I have everything in my wallet. And yeah, it's it's gonna it's gonna work out because basically you my principles work I just need a like a protective sleeve this with that bill


Brandon  55:22

so we'll go


Collin  55:24

yeah that's that's wallet update haha


Brandon  55:27

nice very nice this is the this is the scientific questioning unit right the beginning that we're done with that oh boy that's kind of how I introduced it it was like you do this kind of thing all the time you shop. I guess that's the kind of thing I tried to make like we buy stuff, right? You ask yourself these questions now some of you just go Oh, it's blue and I like blue. And sometimes that's okay, we really like shoes. That's this fine, right? Not butter? Like what if when you're buying your like your binder for class? What was one of the things that you needed to think about? Again, coloring on there? I can't I can't measure the balloons. I mean, technically you can. I don't want to do that with them. But like, yeah, I can measure color spectrum values but like you know, other What else can you measure? And like, think about until we like Oh yeah. sighs in that kind of stuff. Like oh, yeah, I do that that was that was our lead into scientific questions. You buy things that's how it works but actually made the point about water bottles because we all we have we put we all have drinking fountains out, you know, and out but we replayed it I tell you about this. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, play a drinking fountain with the spigot deal and talked about buying one of those. But I actually like made we're talking about my water bottle and now they all did I need a new one. So I might have to buy one just to placate them. Also, I bought a new one because the I have this kind of like Snapple is in here. I'm a backpack until it's like Living Dangerously. One day I'm nothing my backpack down and my balls gonna go and go. Nice. Everything's gonna go. So I have to do that shot for a new water bottle soon. Like it's really funny. Keep asking me, you know? This if you were listening that day, geez, we called it


Collin  57:54

right. Do you listen to this intently on everything for everything else?


Brandon  57:59

No, the answer is no. on that one for some reason. A lash not. So now.



We all think I needed to


Collin  58:11

calm down. Nice. So



speaking right now.



Me? Yeah, you



know, we were


Aaron  58:38

we're trying to get come up with the coffee table idea.



Or, and nice. He



the boss came in and showed it to me and so


Aaron  58:52

that's a good horror. 1041 Okay, yes. Okay. So we'll be doing we're just getting a coffee table and



a few other things and


Brandon  59:07

that complicated feeling a coffee tables, right? Like, on the one hand, or super D or like them on the other hand, sometimes they're just in the way and I don't



also like


Brandon  59:24

know how to


Aaron  59:26

handle that I have now is that like it's big, but it's not like anything like overly cumbersome like me. It's actually quite like I one person can easily like pick it up and like Yeah. But I think for kind of the aesthetic of the room and just for kind of simplicity sakes, just kind of downsizing the coffee table because it like this one's huge. It looks like it's made out of like oak. Like Like a good big oak table. But it's actually like, like really light, which, that was a big thing of why I got it in the first place. But it was just she just came in and said, How about this one? I was like, Oh, actually, that looks really cool. So,


Brandon  1:00:17

yeah, sounds like ours, because it's below when the top pops off the it's like full of storage and things. reality. But like, also, it's really big. divergence like, this is why this is the name again. But I don't know. I like it by having him around. Nice. But yeah, I'm just like, why are you here guy? Ain't now it's his honor to take a gander at, at some.



At some things. Just see how it looked. And


Aaron  1:00:56

yeah, Facebook Mark market has been super helpful lately. And so



we've been looking at some stuff on that.


Brandon  1:01:09

Let me go here to deals on internet to meet some person in a woman parking lot. My oh my gosh.


Collin  1:01:23

No, I always feel like just doing like, very illicit things. When you're like, what have you? Are you driving? This is what I'm driving. I'll be in a green shirt. Like, you know, here's like, it's like, it's feels so like, Why? What am I doing? Like, I'm gonna meet you at the summit at the Walgreens at the corner. You know, I'm facing east on a black car. God.


Brandon  1:01:46

I'm so bad. really thought about that before? But yeah, right, I guess.


Collin  1:01:56

Yeah. And then and then here's the awkward part when you're sitting there and they're like, I'm in a silver Honda here. Like, okay, cool.


Brandon  1:02:03

Until you're like 75. So Honda is here.



Trying to make eye contact with every single one of them.


Brandon  1:02:10

Are you the one Are you the one?



Oh my gosh.


Collin  1:02:20

And then gets a you pull up and you're like, oh, they're over there. So I'm gonna get out. I'm gonna watch.


Brandon  1:02:26

You have to like,



how do you approach a car that's sitting there that is like, like,



you can see that they're staring at their phone. How do you approach their car without totally freaking them out? So


Brandon  1:02:39

like the message message, you're saying, say I'm here and watch them look up.


Collin  1:02:45

That's fine. I'll do this like weird Securitas route around to get in front of their car. So I'm not coming from the back. Even like, trying to catch their attention with a slight weird arm twitch or whatever.


Brandon  1:03:02

You know, like, look at me. Hi, are you and then they always scan through the parking lot? To be as conspicuous as frolicking arms waving, like blue confetti? Yeah, that's true. Well, that's what he says, we just put, like, How lucky I'll be the one fucking and then I'll be skipping through a merry Yes, I'll be skipping Park, you know, they'll immediately focus on you first. And even


Collin  1:03:41

then, when you get up to there, many people will batch them so that there'll be like, I'll be there at 1030. But they'll tell everybody that they're buying something from that day that they'll be there at 1030. And so they look at you, and they'll be like, are



you for the blanket? And I'm like,



No, I for the Jenga set. They're like, Oh, yeah, that's cool.


Brandon  1:04:07

I mean, that makes sense. by it. I don't ever do. Yes. So like, I don't suit is the one that does that. She's all you know, I'm selling, buying this from this person. Like, I never thought about some like, selling multiple things at once. Never really, to me. It makes sense. But like I never thought


Collin  1:04:28

it's just it's just one of those like, it's a it's a it's a very weird and awkward interaction


Brandon  1:04:35

to have with people. So this is what it is. Cuz it's like how do I how do I not tell the person very much informed about myself by while all the taking our money, you guys. I just wouldn't really we invite


Collin  1:05:02

And which is why there's a it's an antique store,


Brandon  1:05:07



Collin  1:05:09

its slash car sales. business that that offers pickup. So they have dedicated a whole room to their business with it's got tubs and lots and lots of shelves. Basically you tell the person that you're you're buying or selling from, if you're selling it to, Hey, I'll leave it at this shop, you can go and pick it up whenever in the shop, you go and you tell the shop owner, my name is Collin, this is what I'm dropping off, this is who it's for. And they'll give you piece of paper to write a note and you go put it on the shelf. When the person comes up, they'll grab that and they'll quote unquote, check out will they'll hand the money to the shop owner, and they'll put it in your little envelope. And then every so often you come in and they hand you in town full of cash that you've accrued from selling all that stuff. And they don't take a cut or anything of it. It's very interesting. And the reason they started it really is


Brandon  1:06:12

Yeah, and the reinvigorating percentage of it.


Collin  1:06:15

I did too. And so I asked, I was like, why do you offer this service? And it was because Why do you not just take money out of my office? Like, why don't you write? Well, and the reason why is that she said that she had a very good friend that worked at the Tyson factory here. That worked the third shift. And he was a black man. And he was like, nobody wants to meet me after I'm done with my shift to go to sell things because it's pitch black or the middle of the night, basically. Right? And so it's up to 30 money. Yeah, but but that's, you know, so that's okay. What is


Brandon  1:06:50

that by? during the morning?


Collin  1:06:53

You know, he was like, he couldn't meet anybody. And the people who did, it didn't feel safe meeting this black guy and in a parking lot. So he was like, I guess I'll just, you know, do something. And so they're like, well, you just leave your stuff here. And we'll come pick it up. And then she had another friend who had a, an autistic kid who couldn't be left alone and had to have all the supervision. And she had a hard time selling and getting rid of stuff. And because


Brandon  1:07:21

the child it's called child with autism, first of all, it's good. Our person for which correct? Sorry, yeah. All right,


Collin  1:07:29

there we go. So she had a child with autism. And, you know, I'll just edit all that out. She she had, it was difficult taking her her child into public because he had certain triggers and certain things like that. So it made it hard for her. And yet, she was trying to sell things and make some extra money on the side. So this business was also like, Okay, well, you can, you know, I'm already doing it for this other person, you just leave it here. And it's kind of spiraled out of control. I don't know what to say. But it's, she provides it for people who need it. And it's really neat.


Brandon  1:08:03

It's really weird. It's really weird, because it's like, it's a really 1840 solution to a modern problem. Right? Like, you drop all the paper, the key thing, and then they just fix the thing with the paper. Well, what? That's



right. Like how somebody steps this process?


Collin  1:08:27

Okay. Whatever, right?


Brandon  1:08:31

Makes sense. But like, yeah, it's a very old timey solution, which then works so interesting. So there's


Aaron  1:08:41

my friend's sister up in Washington,


Brandon  1:08:46

but she had an pitchvision as well, she's new.


Aaron  1:08:49

So she so she does this thing where



it's grant, they are a little bit more on the


Brandon  1:09:00

hippie ish





Aaron  1:09:02

that the, the, the hippyish side, if I suppose. And so what she did, like, what, what she does is that she'll go out and like, go to Goodwill or something,


Brandon  1:09:17



Aaron  1:09:19

one of those places like that, and she'll clean up the clothes, she'll like, make them look, you know, rustic, whatever, and then she'll turn around and sell them. Like for a shirt that she buys for like three bucks, she'll turn around and sell it for like 60 bucks. But she would do that online. Then what she did, what she'd been doing recently is that there's these stores and people that either like make clothes or sell a certain product or whatever.


Brandon  1:09:47



Aaron  1:09:50

they'll put like a little thing in there


Brandon  1:09:53




they will have them


Aaron  1:09:58

it is basically like a little Like clothing store that people will go in and like, oh this person makes or that, you know, no person Why will make or have like these clothes or whatever. And so they'll have like a little section of the store like for you know, person y or whatever, and people will go in and they'll shop at it like, you know, a normal clothing store.


Brandon  1:10:22

But the store


Aaron  1:10:24

will get like a little, a little percentage of that. And then the rest of the money that the person spends on the clothing will go to the person why and that's how she's like, that's like a side gig where she just had like, all these clothes that she just finds make them look, no, no hipster or something like that. And then she'll just sell it in her in her little corner of the store. And people will come in and out. They'll buy you know her clothes. And you know, once a month, she'll get a check of all the stuff that she makes for that month. And then it's off for the next month. And she'll post pictures on like Instagram or something or Facebook, and it's like, oh, I I got this for three bucks. And I turned around and I'm selling it for 75. And like,


Brandon  1:11:12

what was it that that thing that people do? And it's terrifying. But there's people that that's all they do is like, buy things and then like, resell them on the web like their deal's off. Yeah. It's crazy.


Aaron  1:11:34

Dark Magic is what it is because,


Brandon  1:11:36

like, I get anything, and then they're like, Oh, this day, I'm gonna try this. I'm just gonna straight up trade for this deal. I'm gonna sell this other thing and then make a trade on that thing. And like, I have no new. It's very confusing.


Aaron  1:11:52

Yeah, so it's just terrifying to watch. You know, her do her like do like the stuff that she does. Because it's like, oh, look, I bought this on, on I went to, you know, this store and got this and now I'm turning around and selling it and I'm like, I don't want number one. That's a lot of work. Number two. That's just, yeah, it's a whole different art and different thing that she does. It's a little side business that she's had for years. And it's just what she does.


Brandon  1:12:22

I think you hit the nail on the head. Definitely an art form to being able to like wheel and deal fashion. Yeah, that I mean, I don't possess that. Like, you know, like, pay this beer. But that's like the people that are doing that like part of it. Is that like the making of that deal? You know, the like, this is like as much money like that's cool. How about this much be though? Like that weird back and forth? That happens? Outside you settle on nice. In I am crazy. Right? I'm not there because I don't and I'm like no, it's not because I don't do it. Right. Like ever. It's one of the things like it's it in some situations like expected, but in other situations like hypertensive to do



it is I can't really read


Brandon  1:13:24

the room. You know, we need locations


Collin  1:13:28

and and I think to some extent it's cultural for some people and in certain situations is expected obviously like flea markets or trade shows.


Brandon  1:13:37

Like when you're doing when you're buying stuff online, that's that's the time like you're not when you're like, you know, like us for SolidWorks but like,


Collin  1:13:47

right next to Macy's


Brandon  1:13:52

Riley's Oh I know you said this is what the oil costs but what about if what follows all right yes and I know you said fishing the Treasury cost this much money but but it's right I'll give you this money and trade you this.



I have for neighborhood chickens that need to find a good Oh, ah. You like them?


Brandon  1:14:21

I can offer you an exchange a


Aaron  1:14:28

Yeah, I don't have the art of haggling down like I've watched people do it. And I was like, how Like what? What sorcery are you doing because this gently does look like sorcery doing that.


Brandon  1:14:43

Like it's the highest craft skill that I'm not possessed like that's it Yeah, that's tough. I yeah, I don't do that. Yep. Okay, go. Here's my



Oh, are


Collin  1:14:58

you know, we sell stuff every You know, a lot. And people try and barter and I just, I get that deer in the headlight look when they're like, no, like, it's $5. And the guys like we were, we were trying to sell some trees that we got, we got too many of them to put around our house. And we were just trying to sell for literally what we got out what we paid for them. I told them, I told us like, this is what we paid for. We want that out of them. And it was like, you know, six $7 for this tree? And he was like,


Brandon  1:15:27

No, and I'm just like, No. Nope, see, that's messed up. See, that's that's the first bomb. Right? You wanted to get $7 out of them. So by the art of haggling, you should have priced at 12 rational man when he says, yo, how about how about like, eight? Okay.


Collin  1:15:54

It's so that's what we do. We take whatever we bought whenever we're trying to sell. And like if we're just trying to get what we want out of it. Or if we know that it's valuable, we'll mark it up. 15 20% so that whenever we do, quote, unquote, haggle down, we're like, oh, gosh, you got it.


Brandon  1:16:12

And yeah, I feel I feel bad doing that. But at the same time, I mean, but I mean, do you have to kind of ice with the especially and it's like, because that is a place where hacking is kind of acceptable. Right? Right. So it's really hard to like, Yo, I want you know, 20 bucks for this. You can't I sit at 20 bucks, because especially want to get rid of it. After you pick wait around and hold on to it for longer and hold out for somebody that'll pay $20 or you buy it like 30 and then the first person that gets pretty close to 20. Like, sold.





Brandon  1:16:52

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I'm making the someone's like, how about every 20? Okay, you got


Collin  1:16:59

to get rid of this.


Brandon  1:17:02

class, you still have to be like, Okay, well, 2590 you still have that opportunity? And then like, I don't know, then you can get 20 to 50. And how about that? 20 to 50.



No, I don't I don't at that point. I'm like,


Brandon  1:17:24

I understand how it works in theory. And practice though. God just rubbish. Like, I can't execute.


Collin  1:17:32

Right? I just,


Brandon  1:17:34

that's also into like, like, yeah, sure, whatever.


Collin  1:17:39

Like, okay, you want to


Brandon  1:17:43

know, yeah.



I'll pay.


Brandon  1:17:48

Like I just don't care.


Collin  1:17:53

Oh, probably bleeds into way more in my life that I run a bit comfortable going into it right now.



Say enough introspection for today. So anyway, you


Collin  1:18:16

guys have a good rest of your evening.


Brandon  1:18:22

as well. Right. Watch out for the small dog and she doesn't bite your toes.


Collin  1:18:35

Very suspiciously. Very cool.


Brandon  1:18:41

Well, you send that now. Here. Yeah, the office was having



my phone was ringing so I was like, okay, maybe.


Collin  1:18:55

Do you have some?



I have little pucks


Brandon  1:18:59

underneath my desk just tech.





Brandon  1:19:05

We, we


Aaron  1:19:08

shed a little Star Wars theme. We have a Star Wars theme in my bathroom, which is pretty do and so we got these lights this time, you know, lightsaber colors. And so I just put up and then the the red thing on my desk is little glass panel that my when I coached my football seniors signed and there's like a little red LED that sticks underneath it and you put it up on something, you click the button it goes through. So


Collin  1:19:38

Alright, so for our listeners, Eric has sent us a corner desk with a blue, green and red lights blasting in different directions. I have written a raid around it.


Brandon  1:19:54

It's also talking about this trade war is mainly


Aaron  1:19:58

Okay, okay, Aaron. Why don't you First of all, every Shut up. Yeah.



I don't know what it is


Collin  1:20:10

what it looks like, I don't know what actually no, here's the thing.


Aaron  1:20:15

Do not Do not listen to take class. I'm gonna I'm in chemistry three. We're gonna use our indoor voices and our theory. Our hearing say it's listening time so it may appear to be an orange camouflage chair.


Collin  1:20:33

We can't really sure what we're seeing or da


Aaron  1:20:38

call in. Yes, you just don't know art. So my other


Brandon  1:20:43

classes read like hard, right? I really confused.


Aaron  1:20:47

Well, it's the only thing I have a fair my, my friend who was a manager at at Woods gave it to me long ago, and I've just been stuck with it since and it's actually really comfortable. I stuck with it. That I love it so much. It just so I'm like, I look my things like Ah, yes. My my little office and then oh my god. Yeah, orange. Oh, yeah, that's mine. So, yes, this is my little setup. As of the moment. I got pictures. I have little nerd stuff. I have my diploma. I have my Oh, which by the way. I just received my certification from the Oklahoma State Department of Education. For I am the proved to be certified for Social Studies education through alternative placement program here in Oklahoma. What Hey, so I got I got that hung up. She had this my little workstation. It's better than working on the floor at the coffee table. But yeah, so. Hey,


Brandon  1:21:44

hey, I take offense to that. Wow.


Collin  1:21:47

Wow. That's aggressive.


Brandon  1:21:51

tracer Funko Pop can just, I find at your desk. Hey, I'm gonna floor Damn.


Aaron  1:22:04

They didn't have my little Reinhardt thing. So I got I got her. Um, that's fair.



Yeah, no, this is Yeah. So whenever I,


Aaron  1:22:11

whenever I was working at my other place. It was I was on my, my couch. And on my coffee table, or sitting on the floor at my coffee table, so I didn't actually have like a true like workspace at home. Um, and so one thing that I told myself when I was moving, I was like, Well, you know, we're going to be moving into in, you know, a significantly larger place. I'm actually going to, you know, take the time and get a desk and so I bought this off Amazon. And for some reason, I thought it was like, I don't know why I had the fear. But I thought it was like a glass top desk.



And I was like, ah, I got to carry that


Aaron  1:22:55

and put that thing together.


Brandon  1:22:57

But mostly, we're gonna clean them. Yeah, for me, thankfully, it took


Aaron  1:23:04

I put it together. Flights within like 30 minutes. It took me longer to get it through the freaking door. But


Brandon  1:23:15

I got it hooked up.


Aaron  1:23:16

I got it set up in my little corner.



Toby's desk isn't the off the corner.


Aaron  1:23:23

Yeah, so this is gonna be our workspace and I got my work laptop and I got my personal laptop set up. So I ordered a gaming keyboard and a gaming mouse just to have a little bit of


Collin  1:23:37

even more lights and click even more


Brandon  1:23:39

lights. I



really liked that aesthetic. Don't worry just, um, but really cuz your desk.






Yes, now. It's called Art. rude. He said


Brandon  1:23:53

he didn't like it. That was an act


Collin  1:23:56

now. He's embracing it now. He's all for it though.


Aaron  1:23:59

Now I that's that's an old me.


Brandon  1:24:02

And he really wants to like really like the mechanical keyboard.



Yeah, that moving forward with my wife makes me a better


Collin  1:24:14

person. So what more lights and clinky clinky things going around.


Brandon  1:24:19

You said okay. All the things. He's okay. Okay, he's more right with the new internet. That's what he wants. So getting



in a rainbow apparently play Reinhardt in a rainbow.



Hey, fine. You know,


Brandon  1:24:36

he's got a Blue Shield. It's okay. It's all safe.


Collin  1:24:41

Literally doesn't go. You just you send that right. We're wrapping up but I like the one. A lot of explaining. We good


Aaron  1:24:59

go with the phone. Column that's all you need. Okay


Brandon  1:25:09

again Bye bye