It's called real life

The boys aren’t fashionable and have a terrible time shopping. if you’re a business owner, listen in to our top tips to not be awful. AND, we agree on a new challenge for ourselves.

  • Collin's shopping experience

  • shoe buying

  • Aaron is learning about the sounds

  • AND playing Among us 

  • Lost in Owasso 

  • Not a fashionable boy

  • Brandon is proctoring an exam

  • So yay! 

  • Chuck got a haircut

  • Bad business management 

  • You've been to a gas station, right?

  • Auditioning 

  • It's called real life

  • **Music Challenge** 

  • Aaron - rock-a-billy

  • Collin - classical 

  • Brandon - stoner rock 

  • Review genre 5 artists

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fine, aaron, buy, week, shoes, called, boot, dog, store, thought, wearing, fun, shopping, understand, people, bad, shirt, hiking boots, gas, worry


Collin, Aaron, Brandon



Welcome to Oh,


Collin  00:07

brother, the podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Collin



and Aaron.


Collin  00:15

On this week's show. It's called real life. Hello.





Brandon  00:28

What's up



and close this thing. Okay. Why not?



Sitting on green couch in the basement?


Collin  00:45

So I got


Brandon  00:48

excellent. Lovely choice. I'm not muted, okay. Nope, you're not Hello. I had that moment too, because it started me out. I needed to get it first. I unmuted my microphone. It was like, Hey, wait a minute.



What a moron


Brandon  01:12

huh? now looks in the bottom corner. muted. There you go.



To die. Nailed it.



So yes.


Brandon  01:25

How was the day at father's?


Collin  01:28

I was was kind of busy. We spent the morning so minutes spent the morning trying to find some winter shoes for the kids. You know, winter, Winter is coming at all times. And so getting prepared for that. That is allegedly.


Brandon  01:49

I have not had


Collin  01:52

I realized this day, I have not had to go into a store to purchase any item of clothing for anybody in seven years. And I don't like it.



Wow, really?


Brandon  02:12

Not. I thought I was bad. I thought it was me.



I'm not like I'm not going to Collin. coals to go



in buy a shirt, or pants.


Brandon  02:29

I have. And I am not a fan of well, I definitely haven't been in several months. I'm tell you that. I don't know.


Collin  02:38

I tried. I may, Megan will listen back to this. And she'll be like no moron, you. But like I remember we used like Megan and I did that. We'd go shopping when we were first married. But now like it's been it's been a hot minute. And I was just like, I was really overwhelmed. Walking into the store because I wasn't buying anything from me was just buying something was buying something for the kids kids boots. And all of a sudden it was like, Oh, well, I need to see these three or four options side by side. Oh, you can't do that. Because they you can't do that in the physical world. Like I can't pull up multiple tabs, you know, and look at these and read reveal No,


Brandon  03:21

but you can hold you can hold multiple shoes in your hand at the same time. That's the thing. That's the other thing that you can do is say, Aha, now I have several shoes in hand simultaneously. And I cannot do this without so I don't see it, but I'm very confused.


Collin  03:40

Well, no, but here, okay. But what are the what is the size range of this shoe compared to this shoe? What what's the availability of those like I went in I was like, I want to see the size range in this boot and this boot. And so you know, had to go ask somebody like, what what size does this boot? Go for? Yeah, but two kids. Okay, what Tell me without Okay. Now, what is this one now? What's this one? And it was


Brandon  04:10

just a very big the biggest one you can find on the shelf. You have to look at the shelf and go the biggest number I can see is this one. Aha, this must be the biggest size I can get today. Exactly. Oh my gosh, that was


Collin  04:25

the other thing. That was the other thing today. How many places did we go to today? 1234. I went to four shops in town looking for shoes. Did any of them have any boot that would have satisfied me in a shoe size for my children? No. And I was like that's it like this is ridiculous. We need to get out of here. Like because because you know it's like oh, like we went to basspro Kohl's famous footwear and D double You were something like that here in town. All shoe stores and I have no idea what that is. But okay, anyway. Yeah. And it was like, Oh, you mean it's too early in the season for you to start stocking? Like winter is kind of shoes.



Oh, okay. Kind of is only fall.


Collin  05:18

So, but it's like, I want to buy them.





Brandon  05:26

That's true.



It was, you know, it's just like I there's a certain level of when you go


Brandon  05:32

Go ahead. No, you're fine. I think that there's there's a certain level when you go physical shopping, like there's a certain amount of settling that you'd have to deal with. Yeah, this is fine. This is what I'm this is good enough for right now. Right? It's like, even even back in the day when like, they had, like, stores actually had more things in them that I feel like they do now. Because part of the problem is, Susan was lamenting the same exact thing. The other day she went. She took a day off earlier this week, because she has like 7000 hours of comp time. So she went, she went out. And it's a thing. It's like, there's like, just like, there was like nothing there that I wanted. And I just had to get like this pair of pants because it was all there was. So you know?


Collin  06:26

Yeah, that's definitely part of it, too. Since there's, since the department stores aren't having to stock like everything a small town or village is going to need for at all times like, right, like they're not going to have that and they've got size restrictions and things like that. But it was also like, okay, I can't buy winter, but Lillian also broke her flip flops. So let me buy some flip flops. Oh, it's also now too late in the season now to buy flip flops.


Brandon  06:55

It's true for that. It was true.



It was I was Yeah. And so when we were at Kohl's You know, it was like


Brandon  07:07

I used to work here array. And


Collin  07:12

I just I did



got you used to work there. Yeah. Whoa, he's to work. Yeah, shoe boy.


Collin  07:21

That's right in the shoes. And so yeah, like,


Brandon  07:27

I know, that was a long time ago. I


Collin  07:31

was. And crazy enough. The store manager is still there. I saw him walk around.



Well, really? Yeah.


Collin  07:40

Yeah, I saw him walk around. He's the guy that after the store flooded because the roof drain broke and passed a massive waterfall in the middle of the store, soaking tons and tons of things. He was in the back, like bending metal bars over his back because he was so ticked off. He was just,


Brandon  08:05

I walked into the back. And


Collin  08:06

as he was scanning and throwing stuff away, he took a big metal bar that the clothes are hung on and just put across his back and throw it in the bin. And he'd be like, oh, gosh, what's next? He was terrifying. Anyway, um, so he's still like, wow,


Brandon  08:22

yeah, that's mildly scary. It was it was you know, and I mean,


Collin  08:25

I was in high school at the time, and I was just like, haha, Okay,



anyway, I'm reading.


Collin  08:34

But, you know, it's like, so yeah, it was just trying to find, trying to envision the kind of shoe and then I knew what I wanted. Obviously, didn't find it at four stores. And I was like, okay, like, I we need to go and rethink this approach. But yeah, I was really trying to think about when the last time I went to a store to buy a physical good, like clothing.





Collin  09:04

I like we've never gone into any store for any of the kit for the kids. So it's been at least five years. And I haven't gone and gotten close. It's been probably seven, seven years since going actual shopping at a store for something


Brandon  09:21

that's not



Yeah. So


Brandon  09:27

yeah, definitely. No, I'm definitely not a such a discerning shopper. Like I kind of go in and go I need a shirt. And then I look at them and go, not one. Okay, let's go like that. I don't know. I have less criteria. Apparently. I've been calling does for that. Now. Mostly. I'm just really, really curious about what what criteria for children's boot do you have that cannot be met by any store handspring Well, so here's a here's the pleading to have your two of your former employers do.


Collin  10:08

My people. Well, so here's the problem when you think. So I am trying to get them a winter boot. I'm not trying to get them a snow boot. I'm not trying to get them a hiking boot. I'm trying so snow boots in my mind are like the cloth literally all there is I


Brandon  10:27

don't really know what that's literally all there is, I don't know what they're talking about is your problem you have to hire


Aaron  10:36

buying thicker saw,


Brandon  10:38

I think that might be his answer. Plus a Chrysler tennis shoes all year round. So I don't really understand what's happening.


Collin  10:46

Right, but you're also not a kid that wants to go play in the snow. Um, but I don't want to I also don't want to buy three, see if we could go and buy a snowshoe a tennis shoe. And then like a slightly warmer shoe and make that the winter thing. Yes, three pairs of shoes. That's way too many socks. So and socks, right? And in some thicker socks? Sure. Um, but it's like the hiking boots. don't really go small enough to really fit that to fit them well. And



well, that's fair.


Collin  11:23

brightens I get them. So then you start looking at like a but then once you but most the time when you go searching for these boots, you see a lot of like snow boots, which is the kind of boots that you know, we would wear we'd go when we were younger, where it's kind of got that. Like, I don't know, like vinyl wrapping or whatever. It's kind of,


Brandon  11:42

you know, like, they really make installation on the upper bottoms like rubber.


Collin  11:47

Yeah, yeah. And then I'm, I'm looking more for something that's like, kind of like a mix between like a rain boot. And hiking boots like Sorrell makes these or Sperry makes these words the kind of the rubber bottom but like the leather up on top that is laced, but it's also waterproof. Anyway, it's ridiculous. And


Brandon  12:12

we found that the main boot from LL Bean, that's like, that's a yes. Va boot. Right. That's their, like, staple catalog option. Yes, yes. So


Collin  12:22

yeah, exactly. That's what I'm thinking of. I found a version of that. Oh, and then most of the time, whenever you look for boots for girls, young girls, they're like an OG variety. And we're not doing that. And so I was like, we need more utility in our home. That's Australia's finest export. Export. Okay, that that in the youth that never made it anywhere anyway. It's like an outdated. Thank you. I know. It's so sad. I wish be so nice. Anyway, so. So like, I found I found something that I was like, Okay, this will work. Show me, you know, your sizes. And they have like, a size five. And that was it. And I was like really in there like, Oh, yeah. And of course, you know, they keep everything out there. Like most things most people do. So I was like, Well, okay, we've wasted our time here, because there's no size available. And the only way you know if there's going to come back to you, they're gonna call you or if you keep showing back up just to see, though.


Brandon  13:25

That's true. To be fair, many, many retailer are currently experiencing major inventory problems due to transportation issues.



fault fault event, a layered on top of


Collin  13:44

this is not a slam against any of the finest admonishments that I visited today. This is merely describing the limitations of which a physical location like that has placed on it. Versus the, you know, I'm sure if I gone to their website the


Brandon  14:01

same way cuz you still can't keep so still availability problems online. Right, sure. But you


Collin  14:07

know, from where and things like warehouse,


Brandon  14:10

no, that's true, but they still will be like, if you were common enough, she's like, I wear a size 12 shoe. Right? That always out. Always because it's like a super common shoe size. Right? That's like a women's What? Like, six, seven? Never, never. They don't exist. Everybody. sighs and they just grab him up. So there's that too. But yeah, it's, it's also hard because with, especially, specifically shoes, right? The one major benefit of of physically shopping for footwear, is you kind of gotta put the shoe on. Right like That's kind of it because, you know, there's a lot of there's a lot of right, that's how it works. And so sometimes you buy one online, you're like, oh my, what is this? This is not kinda like we talked about earlier is why basically only buy Adidas tennis shoes, because I don't want to run the gamut of like, This shoe is way too narrow and my foot is going to explode. Right? I can't deal with this. Because I'm not gonna send it back. That's just too much hassle. I don't deal with that. And, yeah, that takes forever. And yeah, no,


Collin  15:39

I understand. I just say that, especially with shoes. But also there, you know, I know what they're wearing, what size they're wearing right now. And they're only going to wear this for a season. Right? So it's also it's also like, why am I putting this much effort into this when they're probably that's also the point. I'm only going to be wearing this seven times. Between now and March.


Brandon  16:08

Whenever, yeah, can we



also that good point.


Brandon  16:17

So I think you just actually shot yourself in the foot better because you get a visa or dev ematic is it gonna outgrow it in like six months.



And he's gonna start all over again. I know.


Collin  16:31

But that's part of it. So that's what we that's what we did this morning. And we came back and ran around and then spent some time going through some candlesticks if you could believe that.


Brandon  16:44

Can also is very confused by that because I have already done that apparently. Because I have like five in my house right now. So I don't I don't know what happened. Because I definitely thought I definitely thought we already did that. Because I definitely already have it on the shelves.



We did.


Brandon  17:04

We did. Okay. I just making sure


Collin  17:07



Brandon  17:08

do you have? I was like am I am I the only crazy one here?


Aaron  17:14

I'm pretty sure I do. I said we're still in the process of unpacking. I'm sure I have candlesticks around here because I definitely distinctly remember know you're the kind of guy go take this candlestick. Okay.


Collin  17:29

This needs to be this needs to be communicated to upper management. Because, you know. Anyway, I


Brandon  17:36

thought we did the last time we had that conversation. I came home I looked at my shelf and I went wait. They're definitely teapots and candlesticks already on my shelf already. What are you talking about? Belletti I was very confused. No. Well, it's fine. That's


Collin  17:57

That's fine. And the kids played around outside a lot, which was fun. And so


Brandon  18:03

choose nice today. It was really nice.


Collin  18:08

Very nice outside. Excellent.


Brandon  18:19

Aaron, have you had you had this much excitement in your life is becoming just utterly insane by shopping. I was about to ask. If If so close to the mic, man. Jeez, Louise. Killer. Don't worry.


Aaron  18:38

Um, if Collin visited Academy sports, because the Academy here in a waso is already starting to put some that's about granted. It's more like, Oh, we need room. throw this out there black. So the academy and prefill not bad. take a gander. Fabulous. We need to um, no work has been all the crazy. I'm on call this week. So I've already dealt with a few crazy stuff today. But apartments are looking a lot nicer. I don't know why. It's just dawned on me that like once a week, I realized that I'm super close to the train tracks. And I'm actually not that far from the Tulsa airport. So I hear those more than our upstairs neighbors that has to have three kids. Those be sitting there and I was like, why is there a plane so close to my Oh, that's why. And so it takes me a little bit to be like,


Brandon  19:48

Wait, where am I? What noises can be can be where she couldn't live next to dirt racetrack.



Hey, yeah, that's fun.



There we


Aaron  20:03

are noticing and learning all the sounds I had a had a little panic attack today but that was related to work and working. I can't talk about it.



But the I have



my desk shelves get her desk


Aaron  20:24

things are things are rolling things are good. I still have still trying to look for bookshelf, bookshelves. We're all sorry.



In concerns of, you know, copious amounts of books,


Brandon  20:37

indeed. But


Aaron  20:39

other than that, I mean that's, it's I'm exhausted from work. I even documented and type stuff up today. You know, I'm technically off but I'm also on call. Yeah, but I was like, I just got to get I just got to get the stuff. We do it yeah, yeah. And so it's it's done, but I can't remember I talked about last time but getting all the teacher certification stuff squared away Yeah. Hopefully soon and so hopefully be back in the saddle with doing the teacher stuff because it is 1000 times mucho funner than what I'm doing currently. So



but other than that, I just I'm just hired it's


Aaron  21:29

you know, got the I got to go watch some college football today. That was fun. OSU one. Oh, you lost k state one


Brandon  21:36

that was awesome. Megan


Aaron  21:39

and then that's kind of really been better. That's been my week has been me literally driving






in there then.


Aaron  21:53

And then my God, I'm gonna go sit back and I'm gonna type this. What's that? No, I have to go back out there. Okay, so there's a lot of there's a lot of that stuff but I mean, other than that, everything's everything's smoothed out everything's going on



what else what else do I got



that's really about it.


Aaron  22:16

Nothing really new development wise on this end I don't have the fun exciting excursion that Colin did put me other than that, I mean, that's kind of been it it's been kind of no work heavy this last week and then that's probably gonna be more heavy this week. And then after that, I'll it you know, after this week, everything will be a lot more better or and so I have been playing some games with my friends this game called it's not sponsored but



it's called among us. Oh, nice.


Aaron  22:59

It's I have been rockin to that and then sometimes I just get completely it's basically you're on a team and there's people that call them pastors that try to you know fort your you know victory



and so


Aaron  23:17

I just played a game before I got on here and it's all I'm just playing on my phone to make it a little bit easier but I I played with my friend the other day online and I was like what you're really good at this game and then it turns out surprise not but it's it's it's fun that's been then you know try to plan something especially coming up and go go adventure somewhere and



just kind of


Aaron  23:48

just kind of explore a lot so I got lost the other day because I was like I know where I'm going and it surprised that in it it's other than that I mean it's gone pretty well



like I said work is just


Aaron  24:06

work right now and it's it's draining but I'm I'm getting through thankfully



Logan you making it


Aaron  24:15

but other than that no no new developments yet that is


Brandon  24:22

that's good too. Sometimes knew too much right?



even it out. And I wish but



ah yeah, no, that's all that's all Aaron's got down here in Oklahoma. Nice.






yet to talk to you with Colin Beck and


Aaron  24:43

going into stores being up in bartlesville. Yeah, I either we go somewhere for shopping or we ordered whatever it is off Amazon. And so it's kind of either or, but there's a lot of places bartlesville that weren't like, a lot of times, like the full retail store and either just be kind of like, like, there's a place called Dunham's up there, which is basically a lower version of Academy. And so I've been shopping at places like this for, you know, what, two years and then going to an actual, like Academy or an actual, like, hidden forth or something. It's like, oh,


Brandon  25:26

oh, there's other thing. Oh, okay. Hello.


Aaron  25:30

Yeah, stepping in foot inside of a store and actually doing like, you know, apartment shopping is definitely is definitely experienced, especially moving to a significantly bigger city than where I was at previously. So it was a it was a whole new world to read, to re immerse myself in and it was fun, but I was just like, Oh, I can actually do this here. Oh, I can. Oh, there's Oh, they have all this stuff.


Collin  25:59

Not not to the place. You never knew.


Brandon  26:04

I was gonna say that.


Aaron  26:06

But you're welcome. Yeah. So it's, it's been it's been fun stuff like that recently.


Brandon  26:12

Yeah, I've never actually I don't actually ever like to go in the store anyway. So like, you know, it's really not that like, I don't buy too many things. I'm not very fashionable person. So like, Oh, don't sell yourself go to the store to buy clothing. I don't I don't I don't wear that refreshable boy. So I just go around. Like what shirt this one? Yeah, this one's fine. Okay, can I teach in this shirt? Yes, it can. Alright, fine. Nailed it. Got it. So



dual purpose shirt. Awesome.


Brandon  26:56

The Yeah, I don't care. I just sometimes I like the random stores because like, Oh, this is just some random thing. And it's usually cheaper. So like, I don't care like actually like to go buy shirts at race brothers. Because I have like sweet pearls. Not Western shirts in there. Oh, yeah.



I love that as my favorite.


Brandon  27:28

So weird. I was like a lot of the why, you know? Whatever



it was, were those the teacher? Yeah. Heck yeah.


Collin  27:44

I wouldn't be


Brandon  27:45

wearing my jeans on Friday. Or like they they? Were I have played where we Takis? Fine. boom, done. So what about you? Anything interesting? How's the? How's this? Oh, no, man. Okay, so far. We did. I finished up all my stuff. Friday. I couldn't have a teacher in service day Monday. Hooray. Meeting day. My favorite day. So fun to meet all day. I love it. Oh, wait, no. But then. Then Tuesday, Tuesday through Thursday? It's Surprise, surprise. It's testing time. Oh, oh, already? So like, because we didn't do testing in the spring? Because we didn't have school in the spring? Yeah, right. We are. We are basically right now going to do the fifth grade map test in the beginning of sixth grade. Now. The State of Missouri has said you don't have to do this, if you don't want to. It's called the like, Mo leap or something really dumb like that. Of course they like to, they like to get things done names. I'm sure that stands for something. I don't care. But it's basically data only. Right? There's no real scores attached or anything. It's not. Yeah, it's no No, it doesn't. It's not tied to your school review and all that stuff like the the real map test is, but it's like, there actually is time going to give you like a breakdown of like skill by skill question by question of the data that the students score on the test. Oh, interesting. So that basically we can go Okay, this is all the stuff that we either, you know, I don't know how accurate is going to be because we have been Whereas cool for like seven months, right, but like, this is all the stuff that we were that we missed, right in the spring or that they lag behind in. So now we can kind of use this to kind of help catch up. And then you know, where this is the stuff they missed. This is stuff that we don't have so much so that we could show them the grade below us and say this is what the students are going to be expected to be doing. So you've got to get them from what they ever missed in fourth grade to this kind of area at the end of fifth grade to be able to take this test again. So right, you know, that'd be fun. So we just decided, like, we have this big two week testing window, but we were just kind of like, let's just do it next week, I guess. So we're just sure just, we've been telling the kids we've been getting ready, like Tuesday cabanne. But because the fifth grades, we have to do three, because the fifth grade has three tests. Blah. So we're gonna test Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, this week. All right. So that's basically my week right there. That's it until I got all done. I did anything except for proctoring tests, my absolute favorite thing to do stand there. Look at them. Why they why they take a test? No, it's terrible. But that's the plan for this week. Yeah, they were very excited about it. When they found out they had to do that. But we were also like, but it's not for real, though. Because like we don't, we're not like counting it. And you don't have to worry about your actual score. Okay, it's fine. We just it's for science. I told him it's for science. We're taking the test for science. It's fine. We teach data collection.


Collin  32:08

You'd be like, no, it's not real. So you know, don't worry too much about it. But also, yeah, please, but


Brandon  32:14

I also need you to actually try to take it seriously. Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah. So most of them once I was like, it's only for it's like, mostly for the school. Right? They're like, as long as I tell them, like you're not getting graded on this. They're like, okay, it's fine. Okay, whatever. Makes sense. Cool. Cool. Yeah, so that's, uh, I don't know about cool. But that is this week.



So yeah.


Brandon  32:48

A new girl started got Tuesday was gonna be like, Hey, he's up to sit here now. That'll be fun. Surprise, surprise you to sit here literally all day duty thing. Oh. Because you won't be at the computer to dig the desert. up like, gosh. So it's gonna be a little bit rough. Like, I can go to the library and like smelly stuff. I mean. So yeah, that's, yeah, it's gonna be interesting. But mostly, the important thing that happened this week happened on


Collin  33:40



Brandon  33:42

And, and I want to highlight this specifically towards Collin. Because this this occurred in his



industry, right.


Brandon  33:53

We took we check all ceferino tear cat time for chuckster. Right. So, gotta go. Gotta go the dog groomers? Yeah. Okay, so we've been taking them to this, like local, like, small, you know, locally owned place. Pretty cool. They're nice. I guess Susan knows them from way back or whatever. But like, I guess recently, they've, they've decided that, that the best thing to do would be to like, complain online about all their customers. And like, make a big fuss about how hard their job is. Right? And how tough it is to be them. Like, oh, it's just so hard, blah, blah, blah. So like, all this like really bizarre junk, like out of nowhere, like, well, we're just so busy that you need to make sure that you schedule your appointments like a month in advance. First of all, But no. And then they're like, if you don't, if you don't, you know, cancel in a time that we think is appropriate. We're gonna charge you a cancellation fee. That's how it's worded. What we feel is appropriate. There's no like day, right? There's not like two days. One day, like how long is appropriate for you? Apparently, in your mood, it's a week, because you're being super annoying, right? So Susan took him out there Friday morning. Normally, what happens is taken out there. And they have a little boarding thing in the back, right? So they can just keep him and other dogs too. Right. And then they do them out. They bathe him and cut his hair. And then they put them in a little kennel until we can get him because it takes they have lots of other dogs. So it takes a while, you know? Yeah. But they were like, yeah, he'll be day one. But we're closing it to today. Huh? Just because they felt like it. Right? Normally, they close at four o'clock. Their business hours stay nine to four, or there are eight to four or whatever, other operating hours. But they're just like, now we just felt like closing early today. So you got to come get him. Like, well, we can't. Can't do that. Right. She's like, I can't I can't do that. Then. So she called up there. And was like, Look, I'm gonna have to just come get him. And and because we can't deal with this. And she's like, well, she got real short with a real quick. Well, he's, he's already been bathed. What do you can do to come get him now? And she was like, Yeah, I am. I'll pay for the bath. But that's it.


Collin  36:51

Oh my gosh.


Brandon  36:52

So like, I just very, very confused by the fact that if you're a very small business that operates on like word of mouth, basically, in a fairly small town, right? It's pretty good sized, like complaining about how difficult it is to do your job. They're not really, really the best marketing strategy, right? At least complain on on your like on your business Facebook page, about like, how hard your job is. And like how hard all your customers are making your life. Oh my god. It's a really interesting marketing strategy that I haven't thought about before. Maybe if I'm super mean, and hateful to everybody. They'll want to come to me more.



No, no, no, don't worry. It's fine.


Brandon  37:50

So yeah, that's so yeah. Rhea.


Collin  37:56

Oh, so you did you take your plates, right?


Brandon  38:02

No, we actually went to Amazon and bought dog clippers tonight. Go done. Because they've been like the last two times. It's been like just a whole big thing like em. gagnaire came in share big cat came here like, yo, now that's first real. That's there's Avi maybe if you could, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's not my fault that you are terrible at running your business. Okay, if you can't schedule your clients appropriately, and you can do this, right. Don't take it out on me with your bad attitude. garbage. Okay, yeah, that's good. Maybe you like dogs? And maybe you're okay, grooming dogs. Maybe you suck at scheduling. Okay, not my fault. Yeah, I understand lots of dogs need haircut. But you got to be able to say, No, I can't do it this day. This is what normal people do. Right? This


Collin  38:58

works. Right? You say you say no, I'm so today. They're not. But that's, you know, I've seen a lot of a lot of grooming places operate like that, where it's kind of like, first come first serve for drop off, even if you have an appointment of like, they'll just take whoever comes in that day, and see if they can fit them in. And then but yeah, you got to manage it. Better.


Brandon  39:23

And, and also, yeah, because then you do get behind and then you get stressed out. Yeah. And then yes, again, complaining in public about how hard your job is to your customers. It's just a really, really strange take it


Collin  39:42

is and you know, and I understand I understand from when, you know, when we talk to people, one of the biggest things that I hear you know, when I I'll ask people like what is the one thing you wish more people understood about what you do? And generally what they'll say is that it's really hard and a lot of people don't I understand how difficult things are. And I get that. So I hear that, but you don't turn to your clients and reprimand them for making your life hard whenever you made your life hard by by being a bad business manager. That's, that's not what you



Yeah. And I pray.


Brandon  40:19

Yeah, and I can I can understand, like, like I can deal with an employee, like having a bad attitude, right? I understand that girl at Subway doesn't really want to make my sandwich, right? I know that high school employee at Subway is like, because the one here and in town, there's always that one person and she's always like, on the phone at work, and you're like, I understand that you're 17. And you really could care less whether I have a sandwich or not. Yeah, I understand that. Right? It's probably you don't want to be working. Because you're going to get paid no matter what. So you'll care. But if you're the owner of the business, something to like, actively say, You make my life so hard. It is so terrible. like, Yo, what's


Collin  41:06

up like, you started this business? Like you got into this? Uh, how about Yeah, it just it comes across on? I don't know, it's just bad on so many levels. That I don't I don't understand that at all. It really is. So yeah.


Brandon  41:22

Yeah, I feel like I was pretty bad. Insulation policy


Collin  41:27

thing. I know, I know, people I know, pet sitters and stuff who they they have a it's their cancellation policy is you can cancel, you don't get any money back. Regardless, if you cancel a year in advance or three days in advance, you don't get any money back. But to have it be so like, if it's not if we deem it inappropriate. We if we didn't have appropriate?


Brandon  41:55

Yeah, that's just a part. It's like, I'm sorry, what? Like, that's not okay. That's the part I had a big problem with. That's the part I had a big problem with. It was like, Wait, you're gonna what you're not gonna put plus, if you're gonna have like, yeah, you're gonna have a big cancellation fee. But you're not going to give me a window of time. Right? I could understand if you're like, you need to cancel it within like 24 hours of your appointment. Right? That's reasonable. That makes sense to me. I say, okay, because that's the time that you could have used for somebody else, right? I get it. You don't want to be put in a jam when you've turned clients away? And then like, an hour before, you're supposed to get someone like yeah, I can't come today. Like what but I could I could have filled your spot already. Right? That makes sense. But to say the words what we think is appropriate. like wait a minute, is that like a week?


Collin  42:54

Like what is that? All that all? That means? Honestly, that


Brandon  42:57

means you're gonna charge everybody a fee, are you you're gonna charge literally everyone. What that means, though, that means you have no you are not have not set a date.


Collin  43:07

That just means if they like you or not, that's what


Brandon  43:09

it means. Whatever mood they're in. Whatever mood they're in at that current moment, right? If they're having a particularly grumpy day, they woke up grumpy. Every single person's getting charged a cancellation fee. Right? It was like Monday morning and they had a really good weekend. And just like, oh, that's fine. No worries, no big deal, then by Thursday, but I hate all of you. You're all boys money. Yeah, for existing like


Collin  43:36

ah, and one of the key things to set in good policies and procedures is having them consistent and enforceable and the the whenever we feel like it is neither consistent nor enforceable.


Brandon  43:49

Nor enforceable. Oh, it's so bad. Yeah. So So yeah, we're gonna we bought some dog groomers little Shiri things. So we're gonna give it a shot. Chuck's gonna get an ugly haircut, but it's fine. So



he's fine.


Brandon  44:12

We'll see how it goes. I think because yeah, like after they're the other lady, other only other lady that has like a mega old and she's like, She's also booked a lot and can't ever get in there. So like, whatever. So apparently, it's just too much of a hassle to get your dog's haircut.


Collin  44:31

I understand. You're so demanding.


Aaron  44:33

You guys remember when they? Yeah, they used to take candy to get her haircut. Yeah, it's one of the largest dogs in the world. And



oh, and


Brandon  44:48

when we were children, we had a Newfoundland. Yeah. And they would cut her hair. And her name was candy. She was very large, black, Newfoundland and They would cut her hair but not the hair upon her head. nor her tail


Collin  45:06

tail. Yep. So they shaved her down


Brandon  45:09

there was this huge dog isn't like there's a massive dog who's basically shaved, except for the hair on her head was just like so poofy. And then it's no wonder she did it like going. No. Oh gosh, do you remember? I've never seen a dog be embarrassed before. But


Collin  45:32

do you remember when they cut her with the shears?


Brandon  45:38

I did not. Oh,


Collin  45:40

yeah, they cut. They cut her with this year's and they didn't like staple her. It was that bad for that one. Yeah, but


Brandon  45:47

what the heck were we putting away? I think the shears are they using? I think they were shaving her head shoulders. Good.


Collin  45:55

Great. I don't know. And she moved and they like went into into her and cut her up in the belly on the bellies where they were where she was real soft.


Brandon  46:06

But yeah, I mean, shave sheep without the guard. They just like grab it and go back and that's fine. So I got a stroke. I don't know. But she was she didn't want to be there. She was probably squirming a bit. Yes. She's a very large dog. So imagine a squirming giant Newfoundlanders bra. Yeah, not. not the easiest thing to do. So I could see why that would happen. But I do not remember that happening now. Yeah, we'll hope we don't do that with chuckles he doesn't really matter too much. Because he's gonna be like, really scared. But probably the same thing when you give him a bath. He just sort of sits there. Like looks horrified like No. Why? Why are you doing? Yeah, mom? I don't want to be here. Ah, no. He's not not pleased. Never is he always looks just like a bismal. Like, no, don't want to do a little Yeah. I love it. Yes. So try that. Just because literally, apparently no one can cut our dog's hair. You know? That was one of the advance check. Everybody should be fine. The learning curve for everybody?


Collin  47:31

Yeah, remember when ours opened up in our area? It was like a three or four week that they were just booked solid. Because everybody was trying to get their dog groomed. And this is after? Yeah, we've got on lockdown. It was it was tough getting cobian. And by the time we got a man, I was like, Well, yeah, but I don't know if you do this. We're like, it's like apologizing to the groomer. Like, I'm so sorry. I know. It's been forever, you know, lockdown and COVID. And she was like, Yeah, I get it. Give me your dog. And he's like, we just, you know, just kept explaining and going on and on to like, you know, we really tried. We tried to get it earlier. We were gonna get him cut before locked down. But then we locked out and she was like, Yeah, okay, could please give me your dog. So you get out the door. I was like, but let me tell you more.



No, not calling over explaining things never. I,


Collin  48:28

I used to ride my bike into work when I went into work. And one time. Now we just I don't go into work anymore. Just work from home. And anyway, fair. And I forget Oh, no. My boss was like, hey, the lock on the gate will freeze in the winter. So make sure you have like a lighter or something in your backpack. And I was like, Yes or whatever. And so when the lock froze the first time and I couldn't get in to thaw out the lock, because it'll get the it's a there's a combination lock. But when the humidity was high enough, it would freeze inside the lock and you just couldn't turn the combo to get it unlocked. So you'd have to sit there and warm it up with your hands. She was like, yeah, so just bring a lighter? Well, I'd have a lighter and it was like six in the morning because I was trying to get into early that day. It was frozen solid. And the grounds worker came by. And I'd only been working there for like three months. And all he sees is I'm on the inside of the gate that's supposed to be locked to everybody. But I'm trying to get through and I'm wearing full bike gear with like my lights in my bright neon yellow, and he's just staring at me and I'm like, ah,



Hi, I'm Collin. And I'm trying to get through the gate.


Brandon  50:01

You're so highly visible that he was pretty certain you weren't burglary of a burglar outfit, right?


Collin  50:11

The first thing you know, I wasn't like, Hi. I work here, blah, blah. I was just like, Hi.


Brandon  50:17

I'm calling. I need to get through this. But Why though?


Collin  50:24

I know. And then put a pause. I was like, Oh, you know, I work I work over there with the department. Do you know, you know these people because I work with them and I certainly name drop people and he's just like,


Brandon  50:40

so panicked. Like, I have no idea we talking about



it well in awkward situations.


Brandon  50:53

That's right. Well, I do that too. Before I've done that before. Like, you just like, say the wrong thing out of nowhere. Like I was at the post, I was one time. And they asked me who I was getting my name. And then after like, 30 seconds like, Oh, you need my address, right? I'm at the post office. Okay, anyway. Like 30 seconds of this like really angry lady looking at me like, What? She's what literally every other place where they ask you who you are was like, and what I had forgotten it was I had to go pick up like a box. Right. And I had yeah, I forgot the little slip, they leave. Yeah. You know, I left that at home on accident. And it's much easier to just take that you just hand it to them. You don't have to say anything. They just leave and come back in and give you something like sign in the go better that way. Don't forget to slip more or less.


Aaron  51:47

Yeah, I asked her. I went to a gas station. And I just walked in. I was like, hey, gas. And he just looked at me like, oh, what pumping on I was like, Oh, no, thanks. I just looked at him. And he looked at me and I was like,


Brandon  52:01

Oh, yeah,


Aaron  52:03

start over. Something. I'm in which and I was like, I don't know. And so I had to leave. And come back in. I was like, Oh, I'm on this pump. And he's like, you know, did not look before and I'm like, No, I've got gas before. And I was like trying to explain like, no, I can pump gas myself. But I was like, I would walk in and just have like this awkward like explanation of like, no, like, you know, gas stations, right? Like, I've been to many of them. And I just like, you know, he's like, how much do you need? I was like, oh, like 15, please. And then I just kind of like, hung my head in shame, and go walk out there and walked out of the gas station. But it's like, oh, what pump? I was like, Oh, no things.



No, that wasn't


Aaron  52:52

me. And I was like, and I kind of I think out of like, felt I was like, I'm excuse me like



I'm needing gas. And I was like, Oh,


Aaron  53:04

you need something? I don't have let me. Yeah, it was not one of my proudest moments. But I've learned from it and I have grown and I've moved on


Brandon  53:18

imagine that's what it's like if Susan's mom ever tried to get her own gas, because literally she doesn't get her own gas. Still, ever. Never. I don't think she's gotten gas by herself since they stopped full service gas. Yeah. She doesn't do it. I teach her about a lot. Just like it. What do you think? shocking. I can't imagine why he doesn't do it. Yeah, she's like, You guys gotta go. Would you go get me some gas? Like, really? Come on. But


Aaron  53:59

I remember I was with Mimi one time. And she just pulled up at a pump and just like, turned and looked over at me. I was like, What? She's like, you're on that side. But, but it's your car. Yeah, but you're the grandson. You're on that side. I was like,


Brandon  54:19

it was cold, wasn't it? That was really,


Aaron  54:22

but if you if you always want the good, classic, gas pumping story, our Father will pull out a gas pump with the truck running. And he'll just leave the door open and like go inside the pay while he's pumping. And I'll be sitting there like


Brandon  54:41

that it's cold is wrong on so many levels. Number one the door slightly ajar


Collin  54:45

so it's going to get ding ding ding ding ding.


Brandon  54:48

Slightly jar. It's open. It's wide open.


Aaron  54:52

It is it is it is Gandalf going mo wrong My God. It's every time He's done it. He's done it like when it's cold like we were up in, we're in Marshfield.



And he just



go home and pop out real quick. And it was 40 degrees outside raining.



Like, dad.


Aaron  55:15

Oh, no, it's okay. I know your heater doesn't work that great. I'll just sit here


Brandon  55:20

in front, so I think it's really weird. They're like, of all the really weird things that bother him. Right? They're like, annoy him to his core. that awful dinging noise the car makes when the doors open your keys are in it is not one of them. It just leave it open for ever. I don't think I just completely oblivious to the most awful noise that man has ever created. I just hate that noise so much. Well, it was like it was specifically dictated to you I always close it before bed. Yes, yes. And they did a good job. I'm not saying that. That wasn't the key. Yeah. So that's a good point. It's important to realize that's exactly why it sounds like that. But but but that doesn't bother him like. Yeah, like, the littlest things in the world will send him into orbit. And in that awful sound. He's just like me when I was on my phone somewhere doing this,


Aaron  56:23

because I didn't document it. Because I think Shall we didn't believe me. And I went home one time, and he did it. I was like, you see what I've had to live with my entire life.


Brandon  56:33

Father just does this randomly. The sound is so bad. I can't deal with it. He brought that desert out here does. And we heard the garage and just talking for a little bit. And he just left the truck open. The door is open. It's just digging away. And I just walked outside and I closed it and then I came back as I talked to her. I was like I can't I can't deal with it. I get



too much.


Brandon  57:01

This is bad.


Aaron  57:09

I have the feeling that dead nose. He does it when he leaves his door open. But like because I mentioned to him one time I was like dad, you know it's cold. You could close it sometimes. Oh yeah.



Then every time.


Brandon  57:27

Father's for speed. Doesn't want to waste time opening the door again. Here's one here. Here's another time. Ah, this is I don't know if this happens often or that you take pictures of it. That's the weird bit. Does it? Just like


Aaron  57:48

okay, so there's one picture. Let me send that out here. I have evidence now.





Aaron  57:56

It's just like, Oh, it's cold outside. His son's in the car. There's no way he'll just


Brandon  58:02

oh, okay, dad. Oh, okay. Just leave the doors open. Now. Are we okay way of reminding you that you should have been wearing a coat probably


Aaron  58:16

the side.


Brandon  58:36

Understood to worry about that when you're inside. Sure. Aaron. Aaron forgot to mention that at all these all these situations. He was wearing shorts in a hoodie. And it was 40 degrees. And the dad asked him


Collin  58:57

Hey, do you want to wear a coat? Do you need an actual coat?



And it was fine. No, no, it's fine.


Aaron  59:05

I'm fine. I'm comfy. It's comfy. I'm aerodynamic. My father was gonna leave the cooler


Brandon  59:13

40 degrees. I'll show you Nicole. Got



the dead Why?


Aaron  59:27

It's somewhere I haven't somewhere. I believe I have proof.



Here. Let me just do this. screenshot it and call that good.



exploiting the snap. That's all right. Well need evidence. Oh






Hold on oh my fingers



anyway while we wait just



bam deed tastes justice






Wow, I'm not gonna oh baby


Brandon  1:00:16

haha okay before the game yo laughed at me yes it did it's fine oh yeah that was just the


Aaron  1:00:26

there was another time where dad had like gotten out of his car to get gas and then but that was no that picture I send you all was a while ago



a long time ago but I am


Brandon  1:00:50

does look a little cold outside Oh definitely snow on the roof of my house no that's someone else's house that looks like my house well they


Collin  1:01:04

didn't you know they they drink regularly drive by


Aaron  1:01:09

yeah we're outside of your house right now sunrise



never knew


Brandon  1:01:20

can help me help Shannon with her homework that was come for you choose your turn tags



What is her?


Brandon  1:01:34

Earlier she was doing intro to education things. She had the science quiz yesterday. vocab days the vocab, vocab worksheet days the best day though, it's my favorite.



Doesn't sound like so much fun.


Brandon  1:01:54

It's really fun. It's really funny to be around for I guess is what I should be as much homework today. So what a great thanks. Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you. So here is a 100% accurate representation of what happened about two weeks ago. Maybe we can half ago. embellishment. She was auditioning? No, no, this is 100% accurate. She she auditioned for a part in a play. Right? The first play at at school here. You know, because she does want to be in a theater department. So stay tuned for part scape home direct quotes, things like it was the worst audition I've ever done. Oh, it was just so bad. There's no way I'm gonna even let me be in this one. They're probably gonna kick me out of the theater department. I wonder if they're gonna give me my scholarship. This is just the worst thing that's ever happened to me. Yeah.



Two days later. Guys, guys, I believe.


Brandon  1:03:26

Nice. So there we go. That's the other.



Congratulations, Shana.


Collin  1:03:34

Did you tell her it was like a sympathy? Like they did the empathy? Of course.


Brandon  1:03:42

No, I didn't. I didn't. Well, I might have mentioned that part. But now because she auditioned for like some other character like the side one. And it's like, apparently, it was she was more suited to the lead drill. So she's playing the lead role in this play that I can't remember the name of it's called something like, turn off the morning news or something like that. It's very weird, satirical. strange thing. But, you know, it sounds like am I funny? So, we'll see. Yeah. She's been doing lots of play practice. She has been going good. So that's good, too. So, okay, so yeah, the other day she was like, man, it is pretty good. Kind of increase the workload even more, but because she was like, man, guys, it always is hard. And I was like, honestly. Yes. And she's like, wow. Yeah, I didn't know what you want. I was like, it's just the truth. Yeah, it's just like, I'm just tired all the time was like, Yes. Yeah, that's normal. It's fine. Yeah. If I don't have to worry about it, let's go. Welcome. How's it going? Excuse me. So yeah, that was the other exciting news. I have forgot to say that last week. But that's very exciting. There we go. Very good. Very good. So I think it sounds like it's going really well. The practice has been going good. So according to her, she was the most prepared at the last one. I cannot confirm nor deny if that was actually true. But according to her, that's what that was the key. So that's, that's good. Yeah.



It's all the new stuff. Got it? Was it?



dog groomer? And,


Collin  1:06:17

hey, do you wanna be interviewed on a podcast now?


Brandon  1:06:22

Yeah, no, thanks. Okay, fine. I think this is the movie. And I think



it's kind of the ouchie. Part Two, ah,





Brandon  1:06:38

That you have to redo that interview for how not to be a business owner by a pet owner. You can we can schedule something here. You can, you know, you can just we can just clip that segment from this one. Just drop it in the



interview. Yeah.





Collin  1:06:57

So tell us about your plans for this upcoming challenge. You've created document? What are the rules with this? What are you thinking?


Brandon  1:07:06

Oh, yeah. Yeah, so I was thinking, it's incomplete. Obviously, I didn't know how many bizarre sub genres you want to be put on this list. So I stopped at something like 30. But you can also add to it later if you want to. But I thought it'd be fun. But it's fine. Don't worry about it. I just number them. It's like a numbered list. So I thought it would be funny. Slash amusing, if we like, picked a number of random or use like a random number thing. And got assigned a genre to explore a, right. So whatever it is, you could find to like five or whatever, like probably just artists or something, not necessarily like individual songs, maybe good, you could, whatever. But just that would be the genre that you could explore. for that next time. We talked about it. See if it's all about see if it was something that you like to see if you're like, Oh, no, this is awful. Why? Or if it's broad enough, trying to find something within that category that you did like, right. So I think there's something like 30 I'm not sure. Okay, my last count. Yeah, I'm glad I got on there. But I thought that would just be fun. And also, it would be something that we could like, do more than once, right? Because you can add to the list. Do it again later. Yeah, we could just mark on there who did what already, so you didn't repeat it. But like, because I didn't know we've done a little bit of that already. And that was fun. The other thing we've done like this are fun. So I thought it'd be cool to like, just give us some exploit because you are our unofficial theme of exploring things that we don't know about. Right? That's kind of



like that.



I'm all for it.


Collin  1:09:14

So yeah, if you want to cool.


Brandon  1:09:16

Yeah. All right.



Yeah. I don't know if you want to do that. Do the do the drawing right now. So we can do it for next week.


Brandon  1:09:24

Um, we can do that. Do you wanna do it for next week? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Let me find a number. generator. Random. Wait, yes. Not just like one other sees. Three. Great count go away. No, no, not him. Now Ah, all right. I have to edit this down slightly. No, I don't edit for content. Would you Oh, you probably can't pull it up right now. That's true. Okay, here we go. Minimum one maximum. There's 31. I think I just looked okay. Okay, so all right, Who wants to go first? Oh, wait, I should I open up my list? Okay, good going first, who wants to be to be the first button push? Oh, can ready?


Aaron  1:10:24



Brandon  1:10:26

Hello, Aaron, you have been selected.


Aaron  1:10:31

I'll only get my notes. Hold on, hold on. Okay, so walk me through what is happening again?


Brandon  1:10:38

Okay, I want to give you a musical genre category. Okay. Okay, you are going to explore this category in the coming week and come up with five artists that you


Collin  1:10:54

like, Can I can I add to this? Or


Brandon  1:10:57

can I found enjoyable? Yes, please. Um, but this is on the fly thing go for what would you like to add?


Collin  1:11:03

Okay. Do you guys use Spotify?



No. Okay.


Aaron  1:11:11

I have an access to it. But


Collin  1:11:13

well, because I was thinking if there'll be some way to make like a playlist


Brandon  1:11:17

to share. might be kind of cool. But we can we could possibly work on that. I'm doing it. You use Spotify?


Collin  1:11:25

Yeah. Well, I for some music. Yeah.


Brandon  1:11:27

That's a little bit. Okay. All right. Well, we could maybe Wait, maybe we could work something up for that. Just adjust it. So let's see general works up that. Okay. Aaron is rockabilly. Ah, boom. rockabilly, Aaron,


Aaron  1:11:49

I think already knows people. That's good.


Brandon  1:11:53

That's fine. Some of these might you might be more familiar with than others. Yeah. So that's fine. rockabilly, Aaron. Perfect. All right, Connie, next. Yeah, that's fine. Okay. Colin, you have classical.



Oh, okay.


Brandon  1:12:23

Okay. Classical music. Perfect. It's a big one. There you go. There's a big one. That's the fee you have some freedom there to move around. Okay. And I have selected 29 which is karma. The one I put on there because I thought it'd be funny. stoner rock. All right. The Goddess. Okay. Okay. Karma got me. I was like, that would be hilarious. Boom.





Collin  1:13:06

okay. So the homework, the homework challenge for next week. All right. Is is review this genre. And come back and report back with five.


Brandon  1:13:16

Yes. Okay. I was it five artists? Yes. Five too much. You want three? No, no


Collin  1:13:21

artist is fine. I've already.


Brandon  1:13:23

Yeah. I've already just five. I think artists is by better than songs. Yeah, right. I think a little more. That way too much. Be a bit much



to four to eight. Like what this one song is the best like a.


Aaron  1:13:40

So so we're doing five artists? Yes, yes.


Brandon  1:13:43

Now if you while in your exploration of rockabilly, find a song that you particularly love. You can of course, mention that. But if you just leave like five is that you're like, Oh, this one's kind of cool.



That's let us let us know.



And then we're back.



There we go. Okay.


Brandon  1:14:11

So yeah, I think artists like I think artists would be good just because it's, it's a little more broad. It's not as like, in depth is like, Oh, this this one song or like this one album is like the one No, now you've got that's a little Yeah, that's a little much. So.


Collin  1:14:29

Okay, this is very exciting. Okay, so next week, we'll do that.


Brandon  1:14:33

Or five john. I've already right. rockville area. I mean, I mean, Aaron and I'll probably do it. I don't know if Colin will choose homework. I still haven't watched my movie. So I could do this. I mean, he can listen to music while doing other things. So I think that's good for him. I think that's another bonus for this particular Can't you can multitask again. Yeah, I


Collin  1:15:04

still have an hour and 45 minutes left on that movie, so it's fine.



He's got this.


Brandon  1:15:13

So listeners next week you'll hear Aaron and my take on.



And on that bombshell,



we'll say well



I'm already in my studio. What are you what are you talking about? Well,


Collin  1:15:43

good evening. I



love you guys.