Spilled Science

Aaron is packing, Brandon spilled science, and Collin has a new wallet. We breakdown the weird world of buying online and what your clothes say about you.

  • Aaron is packing 

  • Napkin hoarding 

  • Spilled Science

  • Sound of a penny

  • Collin goes canoeing

  • Signaling right help


  • Learning math

  • Hating Romeo and Juliet 

  • Collin’s new wallet

  • Brandon rejects the lanyard lifestyle

  • Online shopping….

  • Collin replaced his five fingers

  • Brandon bought a pair of white tennis shoes

  • Grumpy old man territory

  • Aaron is traditionally a sport sunglasses person 

  • Changing is hard, so it’s easiest to change if you change from the outside in

  • Tour de France Corner!!

  • Brandon’s least favorite cyclist - Mark Cavendish

  • MLB Corner!! 

  • Last sporting note?

  • WWE wrestling?

Check out our other episodes: ohbrotherpodcast.com

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buy, people, wear, wallet, weird, sunglasses, called, shoes, talking, math, big, baseball, napkin, day, wins, dude, cares, long, nice, fine


Collin, Aaron, Brandon


Collin  00:05

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your hosts Brandon Collins, and here on this week's show, spilled science.









How are you? What are you? are you whispering?



Am I whispering?


Collin  00:50

Not again.


Aaron  00:53

Why? No, no boy. No what?



No, you're fine. You're fine.


Aaron  00:56

Okay, so what am I doing now?



Is that better? You're fine. You're fine. I was just being silly.



I'm so funny. I'm so funny.



Okay, I'm



sorry, we're kind of in





Aaron  01:14

chaotic phase of cleaning and packing. We're gonna move this weekend. Fun. And then I just got my little corner on my bed here. For I'm also going to be doing some typing for some cases, a little. A little bit. Not really behind, but I just kinda want to get I got a lot on my plate in a decent


Brandon  01:37

as well.



I hope so. So


Brandon  01:45

hello, is Brendan. Yes. He's not some random nefarious individual. Just me. Individual. Very known. Individual.





Brandon  02:04

unknown quantity of an affair it is. Not here. This ASMR paper wrestling episode that was happening now.


Collin  02:21

Welcome, welcome. Thank you for joining.


Aaron  02:23

I'll take a picture of what's uh, what is transpiring in my



life at the moment.


Brandon  02:31

Now, I heard you say you're working too, so no worries. Yeah. Oh,


Collin  02:36

dad, that didn't sound good. I was a horrible noise. We've each brought different caliber of paper. I'm really looking forward to.



Yeah. in mind, here we go.


Brandon  02:52

We can start with a napkin. That'd be fun. They have a napkin? I have like, my little work area here. Yeah, I just have a stash of fast food napkins, like anytime we order, like takeout or whatever. I just think you know, sometimes they give you like a million. And other times they give you zero. So I just have all the extra ones I just have in this little pile right here in the corner, just in case in case you need a tie for emergencies. Sometimes you have a snack and you're like, Oh, I have made a mess. Things have gone wrong. I now have a napkin. For other times you're eating some takeout. And I'm like, you know, whatever. And you're like they have given me a napkin. This is clearly not gonna be sufficient for the job at hand. So yeah, backup napkins. Yeah.


Collin  03:48

One of the piece of advices one of the one of the piece pieces of advice. I got my like piece of advices that's better of advices I say something No, but say instead of saying he's still hungry. He says Daddy, I am still more hungry.


Brandon  04:06

Still more Hey, can I go just wanting you to know that he's like super hungry. Still more.


Collin  04:13

I go home, so I don't correct them because it's cute. Anyway, bear one of the that's fair pieces of advice that I got but for being apparent was like yeah, you know how to use to hoard those napkins from places. Now you're gonna do it on like 10 x mode because you will never have enough you thought you were always short of napkins. Now just imagine.


Brandon  04:37

That's true. Here be some in the in table in the living room, or some in the car like the glovebox or whatever. Yeah. never know when you're gonna make a mess. Especially if you're me, because that time is just at any moment. Me saving time Here it is. Bam.



Is it right now? Yes.


Brandon  05:05

Yes, maybe it is. Yeah. So yeah. Cool. Yeah that today we so we spilled some science.



Oh, oh spill Daisy filled science like wet spilled science.


Brandon  05:20

It was some water with the Skittle dissolving in it. Oh, yeah. Right. So it's kind of our like, my first little 20 minute like, unit is about just like the first couple weeks like getting used to science class. There's just a few little experiments, and nothing very exciting yet. But, uh, excuse me. We did the, like, we're talking about like, hype, like questioning and drawing conclusions. That's our big focus, right? With a little dab of like, which variable is which one? And what's the hypothesis kind of that, you know, methodology in there. But today was a dissolving Skittles in water, like hot versus cold, basically, like, what's your hypothesis and writing a good conclusion that has your data in it? You know, so we did microadventure water, and I had one cup that was hot, and one that was cold, and they just drop their Skittles in their head to time it is not the most exciting experiment. But there's lots of good points. And you know, to pass the time, a lot of them took like, years or short videos of their experiment happening for our like, observation, practice, right? So weaker engage that way. So there's that bad. average time in hot water. Yeah. Anytime, anywhere between 10 to 15 minutes. Right, depending on the water temperature, right. Some classes the water got a little bit hotter. Right, but we're talking like 160 ish degree. Water. Fahrenheit is Fahrenheit. International listeners. Sorry.



to alienate everyone else.


Brandon  07:22

Yeah. So I wrote down the Celsius to today to to show but I forgot what it was. Okay. Let's see, I need to divide by two, right? No, I subtract 30. Right, and divide by two. So that gives me What? 60 degrees Celsius, right? Something very odd. Maybe like 50 degrees. 60. Might be a little high. Well, we do that. Luckily, we only spilled our cold science. So that's good.


Collin  07:54

We avoid it. It's a little safer, I guess.


Brandon  07:57

Yes. Luckily, we only spilled the cold cup. But yeah, only one not bad. So unscathed. perfectly round. That's it. Tomorrow is a quiz day. Like end of unit quiz. It's a real short unit. So it's a real short quiz, and then move on to something new. and exciting. Whoo. But the big experiment that they really like is we do the penny one. Not the traditional penny of that. You might be familiar with that. How many drops of water fit on a penny per surface tension? Right? Oh, no. This one's better. This is can you tell the age of a penny based on the sound? Okay, yeah. So before pennies made pre 1982 are 98% copper. Yeah. pennies made post 1982 or something like 97% zinc, right. Yeah. So they actually there is a dramatic difference in sound. Yeah, what can you bounce them off the table? So we do it blindfolded. Right. We do some testing here. And then they have to close their eyes. And they their partner drops it and they have to listen for it. It's pretty fun. They really liked it. They were really surprised that it sounded different. But again, the results on that one are really interesting because the kids either get like, four, right? Or nine. That's kind of like it's really weird that very few kids get like six five or six interest rate. Yeah, it's either like you get four right or you get greater than Seven. Like that's it, isn't it? It's an interesting distribution. It's really weird. Like almost nobody gets like, five or six. They they're like, nail it, or they miss them all.



It's so weird.


Brandon  10:19

What is happening? Either the room was just too loud. Maybe they're like, Oh, that's one variable, the, maybe your neighbors sound like that. Or sometimes they get mixed up in the test, like, they mix up, which means the alternative was a new one. So there might be starting with faulty sensory assumptions, but it's really funny how it's like, they're they're like, really good, or that's not so good. That's nice. Right? It's really interesting. But But I don't care about what they got. The important part I tell them is the conclusion, right? Mm hmm. Can you can you? Mm hmm. Yes or no? Tell you have data now. I don't care that you couldn't do it. Tell me No. Because? And then reference your trial. That's all I want.


Collin  11:14

To but that's not the fun part of science.


Brandon  11:17

No, no. Yes. Being right. And shoving anyone's face. That's definitely the


Collin  11:20

the part. That's everyone's favorite.


Brandon  11:27

That was one of our quizzes. It's like good scientists. It was like, What do you do? You get the answer you don't want and one of the one of the possible choices was lie.



Yeah. There you go. Like No, not that one. Like That's right. That's right. We don't care.


Brandon  11:46

Especially in sixth grade science. We literally don't care if we're wrong. Great. We'd love being wrong. There's a life lesson in here. Oh.



Don't Don't tell them. They're also they're not


Brandon  12:03

easy. But we're, we're right. We like being wrong. We learned something new. But they do freak out right sixth grade where they start freaking out about stuff. Like, Oh, my gosh, I don't know what this is. Mm hmm. So I try to tell them sometimes, like, Is it okay, if you don't know all these answers? Yes. Yeah. Because we just started this. Yeah, yesterday. I don't expect you to know everything. Right now. Gosh, like, if you already knew all of it, I wouldn't bother telling you that. We could just do something else. But you don't. But you. I know.


Collin  12:38

Even I struggle with that. To this day, right? Where I go to someplace to learn. And I don't either immediately know most of the answers or I don't immediately get it. I get turned off from that. And I start having a bad time. Like I have to that's a fight that I have to do. Example that was actually yesterday. We tried to complete a canoe training that was rained out because 1000





Collin  13:10

ago. Yeah. Last year. Yeah. And the before times, we had no boat. Yes,


Brandon  13:13

there were four times down on the curve when it was just rainy only right? That's the only thing we worried about.


Collin  13:19

Where we were down on the current river and it got rained out because the water kept like eight feet or whatever. Yes.


Brandon  13:26

So right there was a dude, it was like it donate. Fine.


Collin  13:30

Yeah, if we were like, yes, like, so anyway, they rescheduled a callback to a very old episode.



I think the first remote recording episode, if I remember was,


Brandon  13:42

yeah. All right. You were in a president's name? Yes. Yes. Remember, Van Buren D baby. Yes. Do I want to say Zachary Taylor. For some reason. I was like,


Collin  13:54

my brain. Jackson. I was like, check. Jackson. It was the other guy. Anyway, so they were scheduled for yesterday. We'll mark that on. On the on the name. And so we're down by the I don't know if you remember that in a row. Take out put in his


Brandon  14:14

words, a negative there.


Collin  14:16

It's fine. I did. I don't I didn't get way upstream of that. And we showed up. And remember, this is the only interaction I have with this group of people is from this thing, and we show up. And they're like, we're gonna do a little bit of an intro and then we're going to hand around a bag. Take one piece of paper out. Written on that is a skill that you have to teach the rest of us.


Brandon  14:39

Ooh, jigsaw. Very nice.


Collin  14:41

Yeah. And so the official teacher term for that


Brandon  14:45

as JSON.


Collin  14:47

very creepy. I didn't I don't think I needed to know that.


Brandon  14:51

And like jigsaw puzzle, not jigsaw like, saw, like, sure. Till one o'clock or whatever. Sorry, it is hate me. Sorry. Hate me.


Collin  15:03

It's one of Megan's favorites.


Brandon  15:05

Sorry, Megan. It's like.


Collin  15:07

So by first my gut reaction to that was a I don't want to do that, because that's stupid. just teach me Show me again. I can be it was what if I don't know, the skill that they asked me to teach?



Exactly right? I have


Collin  15:22

to learn and practice it, I have to learn it. So it was like, What if I don't know. And they handed me something? And it was like, cargo storage and carrying. And I was like,



well, this, just throw it in there.


Collin  15:34

This means something to me. But what does it mean to you? So I cornered one of the people. And I was like, so I have this thing. This is what I think it means. Is that what you want? And they were like, No, no, we're not talking about storing things in the canoe. I was like,


Brandon  15:52

What? Why would What? No,


Collin  15:54

they were like, We just want you to show how to carry it. Carry a canoe with two or more people or by yourself. And that's called portaging. Or ditching the word you're looking for is


Brandon  16:05

for storage. Or potage if you just put feelings feeling French that day, you know,


Collin  16:13

right. And then they wanted me to show how to tie it on a new trailer. And I was like, Oh, okay. But for that first brief moment where I didn't understand the instructions in front of me, I was,


Brandon  16:25

I was basically panicking. Well, I mean, that is fair, because those are rubbish instructions, right? cargo and storage. I get, I would think, like, how do I balance my junk in the canoe, so I don't tip it over. Right? Great. How do I distribute things? You know, left and right versus forward and backwards. I mean, four and a half sorry, boat people. She's


Collin  16:46

just sitting everybody


Brandon  16:48

after I am I'm getting I'm sorry. port and starboard Vega. Correct. Literally all the people. I know, all the boating enthusiasts.


Collin  17:06

So anyway, it was a great, it was a lot of fun. Um, you know, they were like, we've got three takeouts that we can hit once a mile and a half ones, five ones, eight miles down.


Brandon  17:16

Eight Miles go. Well, the thing is, is that we had a huge storm like barreling towards


Collin  17:22

that, yeah, motivation, paddling, they were like, We are gonna get on the water. And we're thankfully, at the one at the mile and a half take out, we kind of pulled together just to make sure everyone was with us. And we're doing some skills. And this MDC agent was standing on the bank, like staring at us, and he was like, Hey, guys.



We were like,


Collin  17:46

Hi, we're one of you, and



bear with you.


Collin  17:53

And he was like, you know, came over and he was like, Where are you guys headed? And our leader. We're like, Oh, it's another like seven miles. And he's like, you're not making that. And he pulled up the radar. It was like, 45 minutes away. We're like, We're going here. We're going right here. We're going. So yeah. So we pulled out. And it was, by the time we got everything up, loaded, got people van around underground, and made it back to the original parking space. It was dumping water on a so rain is fine. Was it lightning? Well, there was thunder. And so the rule is, oh, yeah, unders, get off the water for 30 minutes, and you weigh some. And


Brandon  18:35

so what does it mean? That technically means there's lightning somewhere?


Collin  18:37

Yeah. So but yeah,


Brandon  18:40

that is a good point. Because like I, you have to be cognizant of that the direction giving, you have to remember that. Your directions might only make sense to you. Right? Right. So I've made sure to tell my kids all the time to like, Listen, listen. I told him the first day of school, I have a problem. Sometimes, I'm saying words. And I know what I mean. That doesn't mean that you're gonna know what I'm talking about. So at any point, when we're talking about stuff, if your response is, what the heck are you saying was from gather, then let raise your hand be like, Yo, what? And then we'll back up from there. Because I do that I get on a roll. And I get excited. And I'll say words. And like, you can watch their faces of dives. Half of them will just be like awesome,


Collin  19:39

right? Yeah,


Brandon  19:40

I did that last year. I typed up this big thing as like, oh yeah. Here's my directions. Here we go. And they all got it and went Oh, what the heck is this? Really do over I retyped them with their input. I was like, how can we fix this? But it's just I think it's important that you know to like, it's the other way around, like, you've got to be open to knowing, like, some people aren't going to know what I'm talking about. And you have to be open to listening to that and going, Okay, let's try this instead. Because my directions are bad. I told them, like I told my kids sometimes, sometimes I give bad directions. But it's just because I think about things in different ways sometimes. And it might not be the same way you do it. So he's gonna tell me if you're confused. I thought this whole, like, a couple weeks of school, we've been practicing the secret signal, right? Like, like, if only I tell them really metal dramatically today was like, Oh, if only there was a way to ask for my teachers help. Ah, there must be some signal, I could give some way to know. Because all of them, they're like, I don't know what to do. It'll just like sit there. Right? Like, this. This book is not quite so much last year, they would just be like, I don't know. I better quit. They're like, right.


Collin  21:15

But that is a real attitude. That is even even in some adults, people who are just like, I don't understand. So


Brandon  21:23



Collin  21:24

that's why quit, go off and do their thing. And you're like, you know, you could ask, right?


Brandon  21:29

Yeah, well, I mean, let's be real, let's think about when we went to school. Okay, I do this very intentionally. Because there were experiences when I was in school, where that was the only option, like my teacher was going to help me. Right? I had teachers like that we all had teachers that like, or kind of garbage, you know, and they would just be like, like, I don't get this. They're like, try again, like, Oh, great. Cool. Thanks. That's so helpful. For my personal favorite, I can totally do algebra like that. Just Just get it next time. Did I know,



I just stare at this piece of paper harder. And I'll just magically know, math,



like, explicit, it was,



I'm not gonna say the teacher's name. But that was I was gonna avoid that as well.


Collin  22:20

But there's definitely a math teacher where





Collin  22:24

I asked a lot of questions in that class, I really like math, but it takes me a lot to get to it. And he got to the point where very disparagingly at the end of a sentence, most of the time, he would look at me and go, do you have any questions now?



And so I just shut down in that class and was like, Well, yeah, why would you do anything?


Brandon  22:47

Why would you feel like you would want to be a part of that classroom environment? If that's going to be the response?


Aaron  22:55

And that's, that's kind of where a lot of classes that I had, because, yeah, the thing I joke about with being a history major was so I didn't have to take math. But all joking aside, I have one class I had to take for I needed to graduate, I was conveniently a math class. And,


Brandon  23:11

of course,


Aaron  23:12

I knew in high school. I was accidentally enrolled in like an upper division math class. And I just did not understand anything. And the teacher was like, why don't you get this? Why don't you get this, it's, you know, everyone else is getting it. And then, you know, three weeks later, like, I have a D in the class. And then they're like, Oh, hey, by the way, we put you in the wrong class, and then just having to come into a different environment for the teachers like, Oh, no, it's okay. Let's actually work on this. And it's just like, I don't I like Collins. Like I asked so many questions. I stayed after class, but she's like, Oh, I just don't understand why you don't get it. I was like, What do you mean, I don't you don't understand why I don't even know why I don't get it.


Brandon  23:57

That's the most unhelpful response you could get. And then, and then when I get it more,


Aaron  24:02

like me, it was my brain just completely shut off from math. And I've just been turned off of it ever since. Like, math is the one thing I will go out of my way to not do just because I've had those experiences. Where the Why don't you get this? I don't know. I'm in high school. I'm a junior. I don't know why you're yelling


Brandon  24:22

at me. I'm sorry, man. Yeah, and I think that's really unfortunate. Like, Matt suffers from several problems. In my opinion. I haven't taught math in a few years. So I haven't thought about this like super hard lately, because like, you know, when you're teaching ancient history, we just talked about math. We just say math was invented. We don't really go into detail there. But when I taught like, yeah, ta and now it's here. But when I taught like fifth grade math, right, we've talked a lot about like, these kind of things in math. One problem math suffers from is that it was historically been taught by just like rote memorization. Mm hmm. Right. And that skill is not unuseful. Right. Don't get me wrong, that is a very useful thing to have, especially when you're doing upper level math. Like, you just have to know. Like your timetables. Right. Yeah, I mean, when you're done that, that is an important part of it. But I think math, unfortunately, doesn't really get interesting. Until like, high level algebra. Right? Yeah. And then all of a sudden, you go, Whoa, you could do that. Like, all of a sudden, now, math does like crazy stuff. And it's like, interesting, like, calculus is really I don't even I'm not good at calculus. Like, I can kind of grasp the concepts that are happening. Right, right. Like, these are now this is now like, Oh, this is like, actually doing stuff. Right? And explaining things. And math is getting interesting. But it doesn't get that like the skill floor for interesting. Math is like super high. Oh, yeah. And I think a secondary problem, like in elementary school, right? where I live, is No, nobody decides to become an elementary school teacher to teach math. Right? It's just kind of like that other thing that you have to teach. People teach elementary to be like, Oh, I love reading, writing. And we could do cool Writers Workshop stuff. And we could do some science experiments. And we'll do all this like fun things. And like, nobody goes, Oh, man, I want to I want to teach math and third graders. Right, you know, and so likely, nobody, yes. And nobody ever so you guys, people that are like, I love elementary kids and stuff. And I also have to teach math to like, that's like the last thing that they're really into. And so, like, just from experience, like if you're not like into it, for me, this is only for me. I know other people are different. Like if for me, like if I'm not like into it. I really have a hard time teaching it. Right? That's like when I when I taught poetry. I was like, Oh, I had to work really hard to make that unit. Interesting. Again, I like some poetry, but it's like, not fifth grade poetry. No, I don't think Emily Dickinson is cool. That doesn't really translate down to 13 year olds today even early.


Aaron  27:49

I will. I will say a quick side note though. I can't remember what grade it was. It was definitely English in high school. Mrs. shrivers class was absolutely obsessed with Romeo and Juliet and William Shakespeare in general. And he was teacher we had we had to read Shakespeare. And every day what I walked him in the class, my friend, Joshua, when if you're listening Wow, wow, what a shout out. They'd be like, Oh, hey, who do you like who wants to? Who wants to read the part of you know, Juliet, who wants to read them every single day? I get in there and Joshua be like, Oh, hey, Aaron wants to read Romeo again. And so I got picked playing Romeo out of the entire play. And we try to read like every single day. So there's a special feature in my heart for Romeo and Juliet because I had to read as Romeo to like six different Duke Juliet's in a span of like, two weeks, whatever that we read it. So it's a special hatred in my heart.


Brandon  28:50

That Romeo and Juliet for other reasons, but yeah, number one, it's kind of boring. It's not the best Shakespeare work. Number two, the basic plot of Romeo and Juliet is as follows. Oh, no, my crucio I'll never love another woman again. That woman broke my heart. Oh, a lady. That's opening scene. That is the opening scene of Romeo and Juliet when they're at the party. Yeah, and that like 15 like come on get very uncomfortable right now. Yes. Okay. Like I love you so much. I'll kill myself like you've known her three days. Stop it. Isn't there's a fairly decent job of capturing that irrationality of


Aaron  29:43

what exactly, I think


Collin  30:01

I found my wallet. Hey, I should say my wallet found me. We went to the park and park and we came back from the park and we're in our living room also magnet looks out at our


Brandon  30:21

mailbox and goes Collin


Collin  30:24

your wallets on the mailbox. And I go I look over and my wallet is clipped to relax. Wow, I over I grab it. It was a it was a is a is a money clip wallet with the with just a slide where you just slide in your cards does a little pouch. A very simple. We had one of those metal clip had completely busted and half broken broken off. And all of the cards look like they had been like folded in half style and then run over. And so everything had was folded. creased really well. But everything was there. Everything was everything. I didn't miss a single thing. Very nice.


Brandon  31:14

Yeah, except for it's been run over by a truck. Like


Collin  31:18

I had to throw away the the wallet because it's just functionally Yeah, useful anymore. That made me sad. And I was able to keep several of the cards and things like that. But I have a new driver's ID and a new debit card coming in. But that was crazy. That's crazy, like weird. Where did this go? I still I still have no idea. I cannot pinpoint where on earth. It could have possibly gone somewhere


Brandon  31:44

where there's lots of heavy machinery traffic apparently it's much the heck I don't know. But anyway, so that was to buy a new one now buy a new wallet.


Collin  31:57

I have already done this. Oh, okay. Hold on. I did not. I think I have described how I have been so hesitant to replace this wallet. And I tried many times it was on my list if we roll back the tape to our Oh, yes. everyday carry thing where I considered getting a new wallet. But I was like, No, there's no way


Brandon  32:25

I see a cheap one. That's a little rough.


Collin  32:26

Okay, it's a it's a bit Yeah, it is. So I went with as minimalistic as I possibly could that still had a nice feel to it. Yeah, I went with just a simple leather sleeve. Oh, only holds you can hold between two in like eight cards. That's it. There's no clips. And guys, it's just a leather sleeve. And I love this thing so much it disappears, disappears into my pocket. It's got like an exposed pocket on the front. So if you could put if you want to put your driver's license in that so it wasn't buttoned up with everything else, which is what I'll


Brandon  33:07

probably do. It's not bad. But I would put my school ID in there because that way that's the reason I don't I haven't gotten one yet because I have like mine is basically like yours except for there's another flap on the other side that just closes over the money clip. Sure. And in the money clip since I never carry cash I have clipped by Lady. I just flip it out and pay for my lunch that way.


Collin  33:29

But yeah, I didn't want a money clip. I didn't want any extra flap. I was like, I don't want a single I don't want extra pocket. Because I just wanted all the cards to slide in right next to each other so they don't move. Well. That's true and anymore. I have like four.


Brandon  33:44

Right? That's kind of all I have. Anyway, I like my my insurance cards and like my school card. And that's it. That's exactly what


Aaron  33:53

I'm does. I went on this weird kick for a little while where I had those really long like cowboy wallets yes or no. So and so I have like three of them. But I was like, you know, I kind of need something a little bit more smaller. So I ordered one off of Amazon and it's one of those sand proof wallets. Oh yeah. Yeah, if you can, like scan it, but it's actually like really nice leather actually like Yeah, I just have my little stuff in there and it doesn't Yeah,


Collin  34:20

it's it's kind of cool. There's a problem when you when you look for minimalist wallets or small wallets a lot more layered a lot more like titanium. I think I don't want that in my life are fewer things that I would like in my pocket than a titanium dagger. Right effect. Yeah, I want this to be soft. I want to be able to play with it. I cut it open. And I didn't want it rigid and I didn't I just didn't want anything else. And so it was like that one, this one and another one. And it was kind of nice. I don't know how good this is. But if you look at one of these third pictures, there's a little tab at the top. Yeah. And you pull that and it brings All the cards from the center sleeve up.



Oh, so you have to like spread apart the leather and stuff, right?


Collin  35:07

Or what I was doing with my old one is I was pushing from the bottom and so had this nice where power. Yeah, were gripping the sides and then pushing at the top. My old one like that,


Brandon  35:17

I would just like turn it over and like whack it on my hand and kind of go out a little bit. Exactly. So I


Collin  35:23

don't know how I don't know how robust this mechanism is. But it's cool, right? I


Brandon  35:29

will see how it goes. But


Collin  35:30

never again, I really wanted something that had a very good feel to it. I wanted a nice, soft, soft leather. It's very nice leather. It's true. Just got these simple, very simple


Brandon  35:42

blue. And that would solve my problem too. I have been I've been like all I don't. there's part of me that I like this one because like I said, you can put my school thing there and I could just get my lunch because I don't want to go just like full blown teacher and buy a lanyard to hang my badge on. Don't just know, I just can't do it. Like I thought about it. I was like I can't because like my friend wears wine and she has her keys on it. But I want my keys on my neck. It's annoying. I don't want to in my way Friday. I just I just did it. It's traumatic.


Aaron  36:17

It's so i i did live with us. We have little state badges that either. Most people have like on lanyard. My supervisor has one where it's like little thing that's attached attached to his hip, which is actually kind of cool, although like pull out Zippy thing. Kind of Yes. Um, I recently got a little bit more definitive lanyard thing. And it actually has a little cover case for my ID Yeah, I've seen those two


Brandon  36:47

back. I don't I can scan my lunch card through the plastic thing.


Aaron  36:52

Oh, thankfully, mine doesn't have a scanner, but it hasn't has a little pocket on the back. So I have my cards because usually I use a book that I would take notes on on the ground, but now I'm like, hey, look here, take this back. And then be on my way. So I got that it's a little bit more professional looking. It's a little crisper. And then when people ask me for my ID I've been like, Oh, well Here it is.


Brandon  37:15

Bam. That's true. That's not bad. Yeah, cuz usually I don't like what my keys with me because most of the day they're just sitting on my desk. I just take them when I go to like recess. So I can you know, get back into building Am I be useful? And they would Yeah, well, I blocked out I'll just get locked out again. No, because I'd be locked outside with a whole bunch of kids like, Oh, no. Find the door that's open. Right? Go to the office and be like, Knock knock. Hello. But yeah, that was Yes. That's something I've been thinking about too is do wallet because mine is just like, it's like it's fine. But that's kind of where it stops. It's just It's fine. Yeah, yeah, but I just don't I'm getting to the point like college saying like, I just don't want things in my pocket. Like it well and and annoys me.



I'm a front pocket carry for my


Brandon  38:14

wall. That is important, too. I it is important to this conversation that I have carried a front pocket Wallet for



ever. Yeah,


Brandon  38:23

my grandma called me when I was in high school. We learned last year or last couple weeks ago that I had been out of high school for a very long time. A minute so I mean, we're talking like 20 years a front pocket wallet carry here. Okay. is depressing. Is that number is good gravy. Like Yeah, I'd like 20 years it's doing that. So I can't even like I don't get anything my back pockets because you know?



Right? So I


Collin  38:52

appreciate this because that's what it is. You can't it's literally a folded piece of leather stitching on two of the sides. Right? It's all it is. It's kind


Brandon  39:02

of nice, isn't it? It's kind of the same as another one I've been looking at. And but I haven't bought because I'm just like,


Collin  39:07

I just again I was I just pulled the trigger on this one because I have many many tabs open reading reviews. Looking at these. That's true. It was like I just I need one. I just need to pull the trigger. I just need to get Yes. I wasn't exactly happy with the price because I thought it was quite expensive. That's true. What was it Megan was like


Brandon  39:29

it's how much I was like we're gonna try this. That's the only weird thing like most like a minimalist wallets are expensive.


Collin  39:38

Like Wait. Why do you get a trifold Wallet for like $9


Brandon  39:43

Yeah, like here's a minimus wallet 75 bucks. That's what was what


Collin  39:50

it was. It was a metal slab came with a an elastic band. Oh yeah. I see. hards on either side of the center. That's ridiculous fine, and put this band around it. And it was it was like $70. And going.



How nice. Is that elastic? Cuz that's like


Brandon  40:19

I see, I've been looking at some that are similar to that they weren't the leather ones. I found I found some that were made out of recycled fire hose. And I was like,


Collin  40:28

Yes. That's kind of cool.


Brandon  40:30

Yeah, I'm kind of into that. I don't know if it's like, I don't know, the idea is appealing. So I don't know. We'll see how it goes. I don't know if I will or not. But this brings me to something that I was going to mention today. Oh, about online shopping in general. Right? There are, do you find because this is what I find. And you tell me if you agree, or you think I'm insane. I'm insane. So you don't have to superbooth me, but there are some things. Like for the most part, like I like online shopping, because I just can't be bothered to go to a store. Sometimes I just don't care. But there are some things that I want to buy that I'm like, buying this online is the worst. Like I can't, because the way that I shop I'm very like barozzi. And I do like what you're talking about, like, I want to see like four or five different things. And like the tab like Reno is like, it's just so annoying. Yeah, don't like it. There's some things I'm like, it affects the way that I shop online. Because, like, I just bought some more pants, right? And I was just like, well, I'm gonna buy these online. Because, you know, I don't want to go to a store for a long time this year. I couldn't go to a store anyway. So that's kind of what brought on this thought. Like, literally wasn't possible. Yeah. So I just like, well, these are exactly like a pair of pants. I already own buying those. Mm hmm.


Collin  42:00

Right, nothing. You're not gonna go to get anything too new.


Brandon  42:04

It's like this. Yeah, because some people are like, I'll just send it back. No, I can't. That's that's another step that I can't deal with. I don't think I've ever returned anything in my life. Like, I've never bought something and then gone like automa take this back, because I put so much like, if I'm gonna buy it. If I've already put enough thought into buying it, I was keeping it. Yeah, we've come too far. Right? It's impulse buy things but like on a small scale, it's like, oh, this candy. I don't need that. But like,


Collin  42:35

I mean, I have friends who December 26 is known as return day. Ya know, they go out and they they spend all day returning things that they got and like, exchanging and I just I like, great. I this this shirt I will literally never wear but it's going in the closet just in case I ever need a shirt.


Brandon  43:01

Sometimes you need like an extra shirt that you don't care if you're like if you messed up.


Collin  43:04

Yeah, right. 100% but like this wallet thing, might if I would have had my druthers I would have been I would have gone to a couple different shops and held them put my cards in them. Put it in my pocket. Like done that kind of thing. That's it backflips. That's back. Let's see it like okay, it's secure. Got Parker. And it's been fine. I would have loved that. But now I'm not gonna do that. I'm not. And we're running to this. This is the one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever gotten to stay on this podcast. And that's a lie. I got it. This bar is really high. We need to replace Kobe's comfort pillow and we don't know what we're gonna do about it.



Oh, so


Collin  43:47

we have chewed a hole in it? Well, some dogs that came over played with it to reflect stuffing came out. So Kobe has been sans comfort pillow for like, five days now. And how's he coping? Well, we have another pillow. That's kind of okay, but it's not the same. And so we've we found when we found this last one that if the threads were too long on it, so we'd like to get ones that kind of look furry and a little fuzzy. But if they're too long, he doesn't do it. He just kind of licks it, he won't nurse on it. But if they're short, he doesn't like it. He'll just walk away from it. So like because he can't hold it in his mouth. Right? So we have to go and like tangibly touch Dec clothes at the store on our fingers. Because there's we can't see that through pictures. No. Literally nobody is measuring the pile length. They should shag decorative pillows and telling you how long


Brandon  44:45

this was 1974 they would be okay. That


Collin  44:48

would be but we don't have that. And so we you talked about not being able to buy things online or just it changes how you shopper Yeah, all the things. They're just some things no matter how good it gets, no matter how many times roans Amazon is able to get into your neighborhood to drop things off. There are some things that you're just going to be better


Brandon  45:06

if I can person. I mean, and that's like, that's why I only buy one brand of shoe. Right? Number one, I like them. Right? I get different styles of it. I don't like I haven't wanted the same, like exact style of shoe forever, but I wear Adidas tennis shoes. That's it. Because I know exactly how they're going to fit me. It doesn't really matter what style or what color or whatever. Like, there are certain things about how they're made that fit my foot really good as I buy, but in my mind, like oh, this is it, this will be fine. Buy it. Right. Like, like, I don't worry about it. But like if you're trying to like, venture out and buy something new. Like it's really hard for me to do that, like on the internet because it's like, well, I don't know for no for like this like because it actually especially shoes shoes are hard anyway, like clothing in general is like, complex, right? Like,


Collin  46:08

that's like, Well, yeah, you took each I just I actually had to replace a pair of five fingers recently because I wore them out into saying all kinds of ways into the day. No kidding. Great. It's just, but it was like that. I have worn those now. Pretty much every day. I've worn a pair of those pretty much every day for the past seven years. Eight years. Yeah, I'm not gonna go try and find something different at this point. I just so I'm worried that the one style that I like it's it was one of the first ones that they came out with. It's they're like, yeah, it's like, it's the holding on. They've taken this whole brain in weird directions. This one's been like the one that's still hanging on. So at some point, I'm gonna have to buy like 12 of these. Yeah,


Brandon  46:55

I like a tie very. I find it weird. The fiber and five toes has gone in a weird direction. Like



I I'm not kidding you. This time around.


Collin  47:07

I was so good. They have this new like, like Canva Canvas one. And why? Yeah, it's made out of this weird like Canvas material. I want that shoe. so bad. Because



it kind of it kind of well, they kind of look like


Collin  47:23

like Toms. That style of like, Oh, yeah, and Sandy think that's what it is. But it's a Vibram Five Finger. And I was like



that would be perfect. Is it called Five Finger or five toe? I finger. I always thought was toe


Collin  47:34

because it's on your foot? No, but there's no Vibram Five Fingers.


Brandon  47:37

Okay. I mean, you would know, but I always thought it was toes. Nope. Because you know, there are toes and a shoe.


Collin  47:45

Yeah, I know. Yes. And but they still they call it by finger for your foot because it's like a glove. That's all.



Okay. Okay.


Collin  47:52

So anyway, great. Like I was I was really tempted to swing away from the ones that I normally get. But I'd like No, I just not this time. Not this time, we'll see. Because I still like to run and work out and do that kind of stuff. And um, but yeah, cuz they've got like weird like leisure ones you can wear and I guess you could get


Brandon  48:09

two pairs. Yeah, but they're kind of also expensive, too. I mean, that's true. But like, yeah, you don't have to buy them at the same time. Download. Yeah, I think that's why I'm saying like, you could buy a new one of the normal one. And then like, in a couple months, buy the other like, right, that's what I'm saying. Like, right? You don't have to buy like you have to buy two right now. That's crazy. I have no


Collin  48:31

more money. Right? Because, yeah, they've got like boot style. And they've got like a high like almost a high ankle. They don't they don't cover the ankle, because that's also their whole thing of like, you have to have free range of your foot. But like,


Brandon  48:44

there's like it's like a knee high like mid calf. Like, what? Better? Yeah, next season. Excellent. That's the winter shoe.


Collin  49:03

So anyway, yeah, it's like, I'm not gonna try and find I just love that style so much. I'm not gonna try and find something new. And I know that's kind of, because I know it's gonna work, right? I know, I know. It's gonna work and I'm not gonna be adventurous on that because I literally wear those every single day. It's I yeah, I have a pair of shoe that I wear and it's those and my tacos, but it's like, like those. Those are all I wear. So it's like, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna risk it. Yeah, I mean,


Brandon  49:31

that's similar. I don't buy the exact same Adidas tissue by like, Yes No, well, let's do this. Yeah, my cuz my like my, the front of my foot by like, toe box, whatever is wide. Right. Yeah. And like other brands of shoes are not. And so it's very uncomfortable. Like, I wear Adidas because they are wider, just in general. Right? So I like them. I just buy whatever, whatever one does matter. Like This one or this one, but it's the same brand. So the brand and the pattern is similar enough that I don't mind. I did become very bold. However, I decided for the first time in Well, I don't really we don't need to get to the number of years, but I bought a pair of white tennis shoes boom was up



to chew juice.


Brandon  50:26

Because I wanted them. I bought, I have to ask, What? What, what tennis shoes? Well, they're just Adidas tennis shoes. They're white gum sold. Adidas, okay. And I was like, well, because I needed some new as my other ones are like tearing. So I was like, I'm gonna buy these white ones. Now I didn't they were on sale. So I actually bought two pairs of Adidas tennis shoes for like, no money. But one of them. The other one's just all black. So apparently, I was like, I have not owned white tennis shoes. Since I was in the second



grade. And why why was that?


Brandon  51:12

Because when I was a second grade, I was a dirty little mongrel. And as second graders or want to be as the girls want to do, they were white for all of 45 seconds, and then they turned brown, but figure, Middleton give a shot. I look cool. I get



so 48 seconds. Boom. Hey, I've won them.


Brandon  51:34

like three days of school and they're still white. So Oh, yeah. Oh, yes. No on it. But that's one of those weird things to like, go with the shopping thing, like, because now I'm officially a grumpy old man territory, I've realized and like getting like, fat and some other stuff. Just like picking up some clothes that I like, I need to know the pair jeans because mine like a ripped and so my knees ripped down and my older ones. Like, I've worn the same style of like x thing for such a long time.



That like


Brandon  52:14

do you like at this point? I know. Like nobody actually cares. Like if you it's one of those, like self conscious things, too. Like, you're the only one that knows that. So if you do something different, like no one cares. But like part of like, I don't know, like sunglasses. Right? Something arbitrary like that. I've worn aviator style sunglasses. for ever. Yeah. for ever. Right? So like, not like the big ones like the smaller like the rectangular ones. Yeah, but like I've worn those style sunglasses in some incarnation for ever. So like, if you're buying sunglasses, you go you have this thought in your mind like, well, do I buy more? Or do I buy like this other one? Like, like, I don't know what to do this club style sunglass. Right? What do you do? up too far out there? Like and again? No, I this is only a year the only sticky there's no one else cares. Like all of my friends are not gonna go. Whoa, you change. No one cares. No, Susan probably will be like, what the heck, but?



And that's fine. She's supposed to. Yeah,


Brandon  53:26

she says about everything I do. But like she goes, why? No, I'm just kidding. I get it.


Collin  53:32

No, the sunglass is a great example. I warned the more circle rec rec circled ones not the full circle with a big huge ones. Yeah. The four for a while too. And I go and I look at like, oh, I've got a new pair of sunglasses now.


Brandon  53:52

Well, I think I brought this up because I need to add the minor so scratched. Yep, yeah. And you go Okay, I'm gonna walk up to the big rack of everything you're like, which is the only acceptable place to buy sunglasses because I suffer from the infamous sunglass Curse of if I pay $10 for them they last me for years if I pay like $40 for them they break tomorrow



I'm sorry Go ahead.


Aaron  54:18

Oh no. So I so I kind of when I've been getting out of my comfort zone.


Brandon  54:23

Oh Aaron is traditionally a sport sunglasses guy. Yeah, no case you're curious listeners know your


Aaron  54:30

So previously, whenever I was coaching baseball, it had to be like $25 baseball sunglasses off of Amazon or whatever.


Brandon  54:37

I A while back under support and peer pressure from a certain



unit to get other.


Aaron  54:51

I had spent $139


Brandon  54:55

Oh, yo, yo, go please.


Aaron  54:58

And I have I still have the case. I still have the little sleeve thing going



last year.


Aaron  55:06

And I have every time they come off my head they go straight. I have also gone a little out of out of unorthodoxy of purchasing Under Armour shoes I never have owned Under Armour except for when he bought me Under Armour cleats for like two games my senior year and I was like, Oh,





Aaron  55:30

Um, I even bought this recently. So it two weeks ago, we last week we actually we went down to Broken Bow did some adventuring. And then the week before that, or two weeks before that we went to a Husker and did some touristy shopping and stuff. And I spent like 60 bucks on a pair of shoes called dudes.


Brandon  55:57

They are kind of like


Aaron  55:59

I got them at a it was called Osage outfitter. And it was kind of like they're not one of the shoes called, there's a there's a certain pair that was like all leather. Twisted X's is what they're called. But this is kind of like a more fabric focused brand of shoes. That's like 65 bucks. And they are super comfortable. And I've been wearing them. But normally traditionally I was looked at them been like, well, I don't really need those. But again with some you know, support arm twisting. I kind of like know what, you know, I don't I don't buy shoes that often or at all. I still rock my Oh, what do they call my TiVo is that I had for like, Oh, wow. Yeah, nine years, essentially. I still have those and some other shoes. But I've kind of branched out a little bit outside of my comfort zone. And my dudes are pretty are like, really comfortable. Don't think about too much.



But they are Hey, my dude.


Brandon  57:17

He talks to his feed now.





Aaron  57:23

yeah, so they're just nothing that I put on to go either to the store or run out do something. I don't wear them when I go out and do like investigation so I usually wear like a boots.





Aaron  57:37

I I kind of you know, recently have been out and shopped outside of my my norm, so to speak.


Brandon  57:46

Yeah, that's interesting.


Aaron  57:48

Is it I just remember, you know, in the car with with their family. It's like, oh, Aaron need to get some better sunglasses like with these are cool sunglasses like, oh, man, you get some oakleys Fine, I'll get some Oh, please. I went on to buy and I put my phone away. And I'm like,


Brandon  58:03

Wait, what? Yeah. And that's what Well, that's one of those things like, you know, like the cost benefit of the brand buying like, for me, that's not where I'm spending money. But for someone who's out driving around all day by sunglasses. That's a probably a good thing. That makes sense, right? That's for me inside literally all day long. In a classroom. I don't I don't need that. But it is like Aaron said, it is weird when you're like that final push of like, I'm gonna do this now. And it's like a big breakthrough for you. Right? Like, oh, it's gonna be so awesome. And like literally no one cares. That's the other day it like, I think in about like a, I don't know, was it like 10 years or so ago, I switched up my hat game. Right? I started wearing like those flat brim hats. Like a long time ago, because I was just like, baseball had boring and I don't like it. And they're dumb. And they look weird, and I'm sick of it. So I was like, What am I gonna do? I need to wear hat all the time. Because it's like conditioned from my youth that I just must. And when I feel I feel this I feel super awkward. Like without one this is that point right? Like I'm gonna do this


Collin  59:23

now but then that's a big question of Am i



hat person? Oh


Collin  59:29

we do that with each with each thing. Yes. The amount of like, Am I a this person? Am Yeah. Am I choco person am I is that I


Brandon  59:38

am not a sandal individual communicate what I want communicated about me like is that no, that's a good point. Right? It's like a it's an outward expression of you. Right. And I you know, I think about it. Sometimes there's a good quote from a movie. It's definitely Steve Martin was like, you know, he's talking about something else, but he's like, you know, Changing is hard. So it's easiest if you change from outside in. Right? So sometimes those little steps come with like, a different clothing option. Right? Because it's now you expressing something outwardly different. Right? And it's difficult. Like if you're like me, and it just like curmudgeonly worn like Levi's jeans for your whole entire life, like, do I buy other pants? No answer's no currently, but like, like, you know, even at work, like, I just wear tennis shoes to work. That's it. That's all I do. I don't wear anything else. tennis shoes only. And, you know, that is like, kind of my vibe, right? Like, not some other people do that in school. Not everybody. Other people wear like, fancy shoes or like, normal people shoes. I don't know. I wear tennis shoes, because I'm not you know, that's how I am. So that's like the presentation of me is this tennis shoe like that says something. I don't know exactly what part of it is. These are comfortable. But the rest of it is like it doesn't say something about your personality. We're just like, casual tissue, right? Like they're not dirty or clean. But like it just it says something like you Yeah, I am. I had this kind of image. Because like I I'm talking about footwear, there are definitely certain things I am not. I am not a sandal wearing individual. Right? No. I own a pair of sandals because Mimi made me buy them like a long time ago. I have them in my closet. I don't ever wear them. Never. I can't I cannot do sandals. And I cannot do like boots. Yeah, no, I do. I have a Yeah, I don't really have I have like a like, some kind of boots. But I only wear it because it's like a dress issue. So if I have to like dress up for like parenthood or whatever, because anyone have that instead? Like cowboy boots? No. I can't. No.



I can't do that.


Collin  1:02:21

Well, I was just thinking of like the difference of in the schoolrooms school setting thinking back to again those many many years ago. What somebody who wore Adidas or fans communicated versus somebody who bore Doc Martens. Yeah. Like Like even then there was this very big differentiation and what was meant to be communicated to people Stroh and that does things like that do carry forward, because yet, right, if you were to, if you were still a doc, if you were a Doc Martin person, you know, never happened. But yeah, it happened. But Right. Right. That that is meant to communicate something very different than


Brandon  1:03:01

Yeah, an Adidas person. It's like a more formal ish, right? type of thing. But you take yourself,


Collin  1:03:08

to me, it always meant like, a you take yourself very seriously. Yeah. Right. You know, and this is a very serious occasion.


Brandon  1:03:17

Yeah. Because like when I have other shoes, I have like some like leather shoes. They're like, my, quote unquote, dress shoes. Right? If I'm talking about like that, yeah, the way like sometimes tennis shoes are not appropriate for you know, certain events, like if I go to a wedding,



I guess.


Brandon  1:03:37

Right. Something else,


Collin  1:03:38

but yeah, but you notice when you wear something different, you feel different to so that quote that you said, you know, it's very apt in that if we want to elicit changes or or responses or even feel different. Put on a dress shirt, right? You will feel different about yourself as a day as opposed to whatever you were wearing before it even if it is just for that day, right? It's It's weird. It's this weird manifestation of this change in our mental mindset from this physical in the physical world around us and how easily we can change that with these weird, simple actions.


Brandon  1:04:20

Yeah, it's kind of bizarre. Because like, that's, you know, how you because a lot of times people dress like, how do I feel today? Yeah, what I want what am I going to wear? Because like some days, you know, especially like the wintertime, you know, when you're teaching, right? Like, I want to wear this button up shirt. But I just want to wear this sweater. Like that's kind of mood on my head right now. I'm feeling today like this gray sweater with boom, tie,


Collin  1:04:52

right? But that's a real thing to have. There are people who wake up and go, how do I want to feel today? Am I am I this person? Today, am I that person? Yeah, sure. Most of us just get up and put on clothes. I feel. I don't know, most of us. I know I do. I just get up. And I try and wear like the same thing as much as possible and just ignore it completely. But there are still days where I go, okay, like, Yeah, I like the way this makes this shirt makes me


Brandon  1:05:21

Well again, my choice is 10 b colors, because I do have a lot of like, just button up shirts. Yeah. Or let's be honest, some of them are pearl snap shirts, because those are just the coolest, but like, count out. Ha, like, I swear that that's what I wear all the time. Yeah, because it's dressy enough for work to casually. And I'd have to tuck it in most of the time. So that's nice, because that's annoying. And some days that's too much like a handful of polo shirts. Some days like navs where this man's fine. And here is a black polo shirt done.



really helps. Yes.


Aaron  1:06:26

Why colonies thinking of that I will say all day today it was about


Brandon  1:06:32

what is it?


Aaron  1:06:34

Like 50s 60s just cold weather wise, at night pulled out by


Brandon  1:06:42

all of my bike.


Aaron  1:06:45

Like long sleeves, little pullover stuff that I just love to wear. Yeah. And then but apparently the rest of the week. It's like, highs of like 80s and I love cold weather. I love hunting season. So I have I have I just have like a lot of like long sleeve just like little pullover stuff. Either. There'd be like Hawaii, or like, medium, medium, medium or thicker ones.


Brandon  1:07:10

I see that. That's a that's something I was thinking about this weekend when I'm talking about online shopping. I need something like that, too. Because, like in my classroom because I keep it rather chilly in there. Because number one, when you have to wear the mask in the classroom all day, it's you know, you don't want to be hot. The timer to sixth graders just smell bad. So like, do that. But um, like most the time, it's fine. And like Wednesdays, we're just supposed to wear like the school t shirt, you know? And it's kind of you know, kind of awkward like I think it's weird but whatever. That's the whole school wears the same t shirt it's like a unity here we're all together thing which is cool. But like my room is very cold and my desk is like why am I off? Am I planning on eating lunch whatever my desk is right under the air vent yeah it gets so caught by some kind of like light thing I don't want to pull over because that's annoying to take on and off. I wanted like a zip front one and I can't find one I don't know online like



what it


Brandon  1:08:18

what the one wood that I want is because I can't tell you can't tell the weight you know because like Eric's talking about he's got like the real lightened Yeah, or like a big heavy one. Then online you can always tell that and so actually they're my best today doing some papers and I was like


Collin  1:08:41

yeah, just get frustrated you're like well yeah,


Brandon  1:08:44

like right now


Aaron  1:08:51

but that's but that's kind of kind of the stuff that I have like I was you know made like that with that we're moving but I you know got all my stuff out so call me like this. I can wear this and I looked at the temperature and like to be



80 degrees come



Friday and get



so close.


Brandon  1:09:10

Again. September is a lie right?



Oh crap.


Brandon  1:09:23

I think tomorrow supposed to be in the 70s knows my weather thing. Yeah. 76 Oh, yeah. Otherwise known as indoor recess day looks like here from this weather forecast.



Indoor oxy don't like indoor recess. It's not fun.


Brandon  1:09:48

So yeah. Yeah, that's another thing that made me think about that was like I need to buy I want not need. I would like to purchase something like this. But looking at them online, like But what but how do I, I can't browse this online that will look at a rack of a bunch of and go this one. Right? Yeah. It's hard to tell.


Aaron  1:10:15

That was definitely when I got really into duck hunting. About a few years back where I was looking at inexpensive versions of waders and members. I was like, I don't need to go into a store. I can just share a pot shop online but looking at it and you know, I don't want to ask him like a little Customer Review thing and like it is thick. How thick is this? Yeah.


Brandon  1:10:38

Yeah, cuz there's some things you don't actually think about to ask, even if there is a customer as most online doesn't have a customer service. Except for the place I bought my guitar. They have like insane customer service, which is it throws me off guard every time they just like randomly call me up and ask How's it going? Like, what? What? But yeah, yeah. So they have sales representatives that like, keep in touch with you. Just randomly this call? Yep. Hey, man, how's it going? I think so. Working out. Cool. Got anything else on your list? We can help you out. You got any questions? Like, you can literally just call them up and ask them about things. So you don't have to pull open like 75,000 tabs. That's creepy. Just call them. And I'll just let's talk to you. Forever. I just talk to you about stuff has gone. Like, Oh, I see that you're interested in this or, you know, did that work out? If you're looking for stuff to go with that? You know? There's Yeah, like my dude, he just called me up sometimes. Hey, man, what's up? What's going on? Just talk to you for a little bit. He's like, Alright, cool. See you later. But like, at first it really kind of like, threw me off. I was like, dude, I bought a guitar cable. Are you calling me? Did you throw me off too? But like, because that's just not something that you used to anymore? is that happening? Right? So if you want to buy things called Sweetwater right, not sponsored but good gravy Bell, just like I was hanging out. I don't know if I should say his name online. But uh, yeah, my dude there, you know, guitar Dee's guitar guy.


Collin  1:12:18

Not the same thing as Aaron's dudes. That's true.


Brandon  1:12:26

They're like, you know, depends on what you want. Like, if you want to buy like audio equipment stuff. They have like, you know, three or four people. That's just all that they know and talk about. Mm hmm. Is that they can tell you stuff.



Yeah. Which is what you,


Collin  1:12:40

which is who you want to be talking to. Right. Yeah. Do you want calling you going? Yeah. Anything else? Yeah.


Brandon  1:12:46

Because he's all like, yeah, this is my he told me about like his guitar collection. He's like, I've been playing guitar for this long. This is kind of music I play. So if you got questions about that, specifically, I can help you out. Or, you know, I know some other questions I can get back to you. And I know he'll email you. Or like, call you up randomly later. Oh, hey, dude, I found answer your question. Like what? Okay, cool.





Brandon  1:13:11

Yeah, it's kind of awesome. So there's another that's one of those things that it's helpful, but it does. If you're not, you know, you're not used to that anymore. Like, so kind of does surprise you. Just calls you up, like, yo, right? Ah, do you think about the other thing you're gonna say?


Collin  1:13:34

I did not. I was trying to think back. There's something I was gonna say. No.


Brandon  1:13:43

Yes. No, I think it's really weird. This year is a very well. One of the things it's very weird this year. There we go. It is just now Tour de France time.



So I was gonna say, Yes, right. It's so weird how it is just crazy.


Brandon  1:14:02

Now, and I can't watch it. Because normally I really like to watch it. Yeah, for several reasons. This year. Tim EOS is like not there. So I want to watch that. Which is I want to see somebody else win the dang tour.


Collin  1:14:17

It's so weird. Not having that presence.


Brandon  1:14:22

Yeah, road. It's really a free for all because I watched it over the weekend. Insane. And like there's just it's cool cuz like, one on one go time. I was like, four or five dudes going like, oh, there's not at seven teams guy dudes just like sitting there. being really annoying. And never doing anything ever. Never attacking and just and riding a bike. It's so awful. Like, yeah,


Collin  1:14:54

it's crazy. It really is gone back to but I remember the discussions about past several years have been where the get the GC guys out and have them just frickin see what they can


Brandon  1:15:07

do yeah that's why a lot of the rule changes they made have been to like go that way because I love the race organizers like this is I think they kind of felt like all the audience like this is really boring to watch Yeah, so like they brought back time bonuses and all these places and all that stuff you know?


Collin  1:15:24

Yeah. Which is really helped and then and then to see people doing a lot more than one on one people out


Brandon  1:15:31

Yeah. To see pretty boss rawicz be like get attacked now bye bye now they're not be like seven teams guy dude, just like slowly follow him right to do.


Collin  1:15:44

Yep, keeping the pace that's all they do. Just Yeah, boring. Yep.


Brandon  1:15:49

Now, the other the other problem today. Did you hear about today's controversy around my boy my favorite but now again, I will say like, I sound like Deaf have double standard because I hate when teams guy wins all the time. But I definitely love what Peter soglin wins. How could you not love when he wins because he's like the greatest. So did you hear about today though as right? So this is why here's why I say Okay, first of all, cyclists on the Tour de France. You are the most famous most well paid person that no one has ever heard of. Okay, I just want you to know that. No cares. That you Yes, you're like oh pewter so I read some tweets today for some people. You put my career in danger you should have braked by boat around about venerate, first of all, if you don't want to get barged, go back to cyclocross. Shut up. Get out. Okay, go down the hill on some mud. Talk about it. Second of all, f like so Peter went between the boards and this guy. Yeah, that was that. And he just like didn't hit the boards. And then like he shoved him he's gonna take his penalty out. Okay. I want us to cast our mind back to my least favorite cyclist in the history of cycling. Okay, do we need to vote on this? No, there's no vote. I have a least favorite cyclist in the history of cycling. Okay. And his name he can know what's his name is Mark Cavendish. This man is terrible. Right? Like he's such a smart alec. Anyway. I like it for lots of reasons. But he comes from a school like, old like the old style sprinting right. Big Huge lead out. Right. Really bargy? sprint finishes.


Collin  1:17:51

Yeah, the guy right. Because there because because his was basically the sprinters were so honed on sprinting, that when it came to the mountain stage, you just never heard of them again. Yeah, they were and that's,


Brandon  1:18:04

that's I mean, that's how it is this year, like this year? Yes. Like two days ago. Where was Caleb you would know where that's where 75 miles off the bat. But even more so even worse, like him old old these older guys not like older but like they've been around like just even like five years ago? Six years ago? Yeah. Big League. outsprinting. Andre Greipel, right, these big, fast, right. But they used to have this huge lead out train, right? Yes. Where there's like, five dudes leading you to the line. And it was just, it was the most insane thing. Right? You have like four or five teams with five dude lead outs? Holy. What? Yeah, it was very chaotic and bumpy and bargy. Right. So Mark Cavendish won many races by leaning his head on people and shoving him out of his way. Yeah, but so when he does that, it's beautiful. It's the art of sprinting. Right. Peter soglin touches one dude with his elbow. He should be banned. He's so dangerous from sports. It's I can't believe but what? What are you talking about? The old man in me is like, Listen up, buddy. If you can't be touched on your bike, get out. Right. Get out. I know it's dangerous. You could fall break your little collarbone. Okay, I understand this. But come on. Like, get out of here. So that really annoys me that like, this year, there's no lead outs. It's just like this big, free for all disaster. And they can't they're like really confused that people bump into each other. like of course there's no organization whatsoever. There is no teams like leading people out. being in charge doing that stuff. Like Okay, toast is Bo g suit dangerous book. Like I read a lot A lot of stuff from retired cyclists that were like, why are you crying? Yeah. Did you crash? No, you're fine. Get out. Like ride your bike go away. Yep. Well, yeah.


Collin  1:20:14

I can't off if you're gonna be up, because that was the thing. Like, if you're going to be up with the sprinters be prepared for a contact sport. That's Yeah, that and


Brandon  1:20:25

even others. But the other problem is some of the other sprinters like, I can't believe he almost touched me. Like, what? What you can't? Like, yeah. Do you see how many people are on the road right now we talking about and happens all the time. He gets, you know, he's a big dude. And he's a big name. So he gets like, singled out immediately. And he wins all the time. So people like him, which again, I know, I'm double standard, because I love peterside. He's awesome. Team Peter all the way. But like, you know, I get it. Sometimes other guys are good. But he's they're like good sprinters. He's a very good all around because he wins all those intermediate points. And he gets over some middle mountains. And he takes these points, right. He's just like, really consistent and really good. Yeah, but these other people like, like, I don't understand what sport you think you're in. If you're like, what do you think you do? Because I have seen some certifications in the past that are like, it looks like a fight like. And again, I have actually seen my cat dish, leaning his head into somebody's chest and like pushing them out of the way. And the announcers just applauding him and how great it is like, and again, he did that. But if anybody did to him, he was like, okay, blue. They're so dangerous.



Shut up, Mark, going.


Brandon  1:21:47

Five years, I'm not liking him. But yes, that's what the other thing too. But it's just weird that it's so late. It's so bizarre. Feels I normally really like to watch it. I don't know why. I don't watch any other cycle.


Collin  1:22:01

It's the one. It's, you know, I think part of it is, is just



when you think about


Collin  1:22:07

what they're doing every single day, for three weeks. And yeah, rest days, right. Like, just notice.


Brandon  1:22:15

Yeah, it's basically three weeks with just in Well, I guess four weeks with some rest days.


Collin  1:22:18

Right. But just how insane. That is. I think what they're doing Oh, yeah. And the level of like, it's not just like, imagine if the Super Bowl they played all day for?


Brandon  1:22:32

Yeah, right. It's like, if they wrote 160 to 168 kilometers.





Collin  1:22:40

And we're expected to perform the exact same tomorrow.


Brandon  1:22:45

Yeah, it's so crazy. It's amazing. It's awesome.


Collin  1:22:51

Yeah, it feels weird this time of year. And, and also because the fact that the, the rest of the cycling season is so compressed that there's overlap, like, what was the AP?


Brandon  1:23:01

Right? It's really weird. I don't know. Because a


Collin  1:23:03

lot of the I don't like a lot of the GC guys would go on and do the euro and the Vuelta and those things. Yeah. But


Brandon  1:23:09

I think it's a well done set. Yeah, the world is at the end. It's zero tour. belta. Right. Yeah.


Collin  1:23:14

But like, there's some overlap, possibly with depending on if delays happen and things like that. So it's like, I don't


Brandon  1:23:21

like that, because World Championships got weirded out. And they didn't do a lot of those spring classic races, you know, like Perry Ruby, and a lot of those bad mood weird, but some and it's bizarre. Yeah. So it's really weird. Season. But Oh, yeah. The fact that it's in September is bizarre, because you like no cycling in France on Bastille Day. That's just weird.


Collin  1:23:49

But what was that? They talked about? You know, they're trying to do this bubble.


Brandon  1:23:52

Kind of like the


Collin  1:23:55

base baseball over here. Right? Where the people? Yes. Like, over 700 people involved in the bar. Over here. You're the president of UCI for the


Brandon  1:24:07

tour director, director.


Collin  1:24:08

Yeah, Director got it. But but they were talking about just yesterday. Yeah, that came out yesterday. They're talking about simple things just like if the massage team if one of them comes down with him. You can't unless you have back home. misuse. in quarantine. You can't just swap in somebody.


Brandon  1:24:31

Oh, yeah. So it's like, all these people are out now that we've reached day 10. They can't they're the plan for this year is if if if the effects are good. They're stopping it. Yeah. So whatever happens now. They can just pull the plug and whoever's in yellow when they pull the plug. They win.


Collin  1:24:54

Yeah. Which is insane. It's crazy.


Brandon  1:24:57

But yeah, they had some people test positive No writers, no writers yet, but a couple people from I think it was like yesterday, it was like four or five people. Yeah. Just ancillary people. But there's a certain number to like if a certain number of people on that are affiliated with a team. That team gets yanked.



Yeah. Which is nuts, which


Brandon  1:25:26

is insane. Which makes sense. But like, holy cow, that's like


Collin  1:25:31

that. Could you imagine?


Brandon  1:25:33

Right? Yeah. Everything going here any us and bam, bye.


Collin  1:25:40

Sorry. It was just weird. It was interesting to think about that. If like your support staff are there who you rely on who you


Brandon  1:25:47

need. Hundreds of people all that stuff.


Collin  1:25:52

You can't just swap those in like you used to. So yeah, people are they have backups on backups of basically going, Hey, you're you're the backup cook. So you need to go sit your house for two weeks. Yeah.


Brandon  1:26:03

It's pretty crazy. It is. It's in so yeah, but now. Yeah. So now at our benchmark of any day, if they because they're testing like all the time testing, test, riders testing, staff testing, blah, blah. But if they get to a certain number, I don't remember what that X number is. But there is a number where tour is done. Goodbye. Organizers yank the plug. It's over. And yeah, whoever is in lead wins. Yeah.


Aaron  1:26:35

Well, yeah. So I know I'm not the cyclist is person ever that's prevalent about everything. But


Brandon  1:26:43

I also agree that Julian athletes penalty for that extra snack bar was ridiculous, and he should not have been Doc, that time. I love Julian actually.


Aaron  1:26:52

But if you if you want to look into kind of the whole virus, and a sports on YouTube, there's a baseball pitcher by the name of Trevor Bauer. And it's called baseball season with COVID. And he has pretty much vlogs, weekly, of the player's outlook on the virus and kind of how everything has kind of transpired all the stuff that they have to do. So if you want I mean, they're his videos are like 15 minutes long. And it just it just kind of a neat little look, I think it's under his channel called momentum. Where if you ever just need to take a gander or just kind of want to see what you know, with with, you know, mainstream sports is like kind of behind the scenes. That's kind of a thing that I watch, you know, weekly, just kind of see what sports is going on how is kind of dealing with the outbreak and stuff like that. So and he goes through testing, he goes through the process that he has to do even before he goes to the stadium. Out traveling and you know, yeah, staying at certain hotels kind of works. It's just an interesting outlook since he has this camera with him all the time.


Brandon  1:28:09

So I don't follow baseball at all, as we know. What is the baseball season look like this year? anyway? I know like hockey is like, Hey, guys, what's the playoffs? Hi.



It's kind of a


Aaron  1:28:23

I can't remember the games that it's limited to. But it's it's also kind of a weird vibe of them just kind of going off to what happens because there's been some teams like the Cardinals, for example, that had to postpone several games, because some of their players and staff tested positive. So they had they had a quarantine for about, you know, two weeks, which shouldn't be like four games or something.


Brandon  1:28:49

Well, the normal baseball season, that's literally 14 games like


Aaron  1:28:52

so. And so it's kind of going off of win percentage. And okay,


Brandon  1:28:59

kind of with always do that


Aaron  1:29:01

with World Series pretty much coming up because they had to accelerate the CIA. I know they cut it down.


Brandon  1:29:08

I don't know if it was like, because I know, like I said, hockey's like we're just doing it's basically playoffs. Here's all the teams. It's just a tournament, go. I don't know how baseball was doing it. Exactly.


Aaron  1:29:20

Sort of sort of the same, but they kind of wanted to get those


Brandon  1:29:25

percentages and then taking from there


Aaron  1:29:27

that makes it Yeah, that's kind of what it is. But then it kind of breaks down to Well, one of those teams that had to postpone several games, but still had good win percentages, even though they didn't have to play that many games. So are they are they in it? Are they not in it? And in Trevor's vlogs he kind of talks about that as a player perspective, because he's like, Look, we don't even know how this is gonna work. We're just kind of going off. Yeah. And need to know basis and then he had teams sitting out from The the social justice issues which he takes a look into Yeah. And so it's it's it's a neat look coming from an inside perspective, which is not seen a lot and it's just you know, he he's a weird person, Trevor Bauer is but he's you know, he's a really good pitcher he's just a weird individual but it's just kind of fun.


Brandon  1:30:24

That's cool. Yeah yeah, cuz I heard some other sports doing some bizarre things to kind of mitigate it, but I didn't hear about baseball Really? Because I don't like I said, I don't follow baseball. Most of the time. All I ever hear about basketball and then being weird and doing strange things. And who knows? I don't battle. They're confusing and I don't they have lots of issues currently happenings I'd stay away from Alan.


Collin  1:30:55

Anyway. Well,


Brandon  1:30:58

that's just LeBron James crying about things. Shut up abroad. No cares. Go away. Also don't like LeBron James for the record. That's it for a multitude of reasons. Take


Collin  1:31:09

Take notes, next episode, our favorite people anywhere.


Brandon  1:31:17

This is also not a new phenomenon. This has been for like ever buying. Yes. Obviously, oh, yeah. Last sporting note.





Brandon  1:31:30

Have you seen that perfect Shana, right? Because she is a wrestling enthusiast. Right? Have you seen that new WWE wrestling? What they've done now? No. Yo, it's crazy. They have converted an arena. Right? They have filled it with LED screens. And it's all fans watching at home from webcams watching live, and they're broadcasting them on these screens in the arena. That that's kind of wild with the NBA, you know, no, no, because they're doing that little like,


Aaron  1:32:15

little bubble thing that's all down in Disney World where they built a basketball stadium and they put these screens around it, and you get pay to be a quote unquote fan on TV. on TV.


Brandon  1:32:29

Yeah, it's similar to that. Because before they had just like, they were in their own building, and they just had other wrestlers and staff. Not mean, because they already there, right? Yeah, but they have built this crazy thing that has it's like that it's like screens on screens. Like what we're saying it's kind of nuts


Collin  1:32:53

so that he can you apply to be to what I think


Brandon  1:32:56

you have to apply to be on there. They've had some problems. Some say it was a dude that like wore his Klan outfit. And one of the things that got caught on camera. Yeah. At home, decided to do that. So they banned him forever. They're going to the monitoring process. And like random like another wrestler from another company was on there like last week, and people are like, is that? Is that kosher? Is that allowed? Like do



what's contract say about that? I don't know.


Brandon  1:33:37

He can be a fan Kansas. I guess so. But I think some people were like, Well, that was weird. I don't know. Like, Oh, hi. Just another step into Bizarro land. That is that is that is 2020 as a whole? That's true.


Collin  1:34:00

Sure. Okay, so got a challenge for next week. Apply for love this. This is gonna be a good one


Aaron  1:34:10

for you. I mean, for baseball stadiums you can pay to have like a life size cardboard cutout and


Brandon  1:34:18

that's what reminded me of this bring that up because I saw that baseball just had cardboard cutouts of people at the standard look, that looks that looks weird. Like, yeah, I remember them playing me like hockey just as like covered the seats. And it's just like, a gray tarp or something. He's like, okay, whatever. But like baseball, like that's a nerving there's it looks like the old like PlayStation games, right? Like the Madden crowd.


Aaron  1:34:50

on ESPN was talking about that they were like, it's better if we fall in like the old ncaa football games and just


Brandon  1:34:58

plaster like a madman at 98 right that's what it looks like


Collin  1:35:02

flat 2d lies everywhere right? That would not be nighttime


Brandon  1:35:10

like imagine after the lights are off like walking around there with the cardboard that's still in the state you know lights just run away you can guess what the last guy out does the guy that's the guy the team is like closing up they're like our guys


Collin  1:35:29

ready to


Brandon  1:35:32

go Don't look back to the


Collin  1:35:34

old me running up from the basement



like sign me



run out the door. Cuz no thing


Brandon  1:35:46

Oh my gosh. That's what they do. Pillow yellow security jackets just running down the stick. Screaming Oh, we just got to get to the tunnel. You can't see him anymore so they don't have to run far. We don't have to run all the way to them.


Collin  1:36:08

If they had eyesight you just have to get out


Brandon  1:36:10

of there. Break line of sight right brake line of sight. be fine.


Collin  1:36:24

Love you guys.