Top 5 Rock Groups

Can we select our top 5 rocks groups of all time? Let's find out. Also, this was definitely recorded in one sitting, why would you ask?

- Collin is using satellite internet. So hang in there

- Brandon isn't sure about summer school

- Aaron is typing and talking

- Dad bought a trailer

- Collin did some cleaning

- Aaron is playing the remastered Final Fantasy VII

- Collin spaces out as Brandon and Aaron talk about video games

- Sure, we've seen Stomp...and David Copperfield

- We google stuff! 

- We don't go to Branson... and don't ride the Ducks. Too soon?

- Ozark Mountain Ducks

Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame

- Aaron's Picks

5: linkin park

4: green day

3: black sabbath

2: tenacious D 

1: Ninja Sex Pary

- Brandon's Picks

5: Lynyrd skynyrd 

4: zz top 

3: Rancid

2: Social distortion

1: Mastadon 

Bring out your dead: 

Led Zepplin

The Black Keys

The Beatles

Elephant Gym

Mdou Moctar

Mary Spender

Rob Scallon

Nita Strauss

- Collin's Picks

5: the hex girls

4: josie and the pussycats

3: The Beets

2: schoolhouse Rock!

1: Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem

Bring out your dead: 

Check out our other episodes:

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band, songs, rock, people, listen, play, called, number, list, album, talking, big, game, music, true, aaron, fun, videos, rock band, guitar


Collin, Aaron, Brandon



Welcome to


Collin  00:08

a podcast, three brothers trying to figure it all out with your host,



Brandon, Collin. And Aaron



on this week's show,



rock group challenge. Hello.



Hello. Yes,



yes. Okay, let's



let's see how this goes.


Brandon  00:44

Now I'm curious what are you? What do you What have you done?


Collin  00:49

Oh, no, I'm no I'm, we were down here dad's


Brandon  00:58

four to four Today, okay oh yeah, I was into the spider no



no no no no no



no no spiders no elk.


Collin  01:20

What it what it was was basically Megan and Megan and kids needed a something different.


Aaron  01:31

So we're here we're here. How are you? How are you? That's fair. You Hey, good to hear thunder in the background. Sorry you guys got some good stuff outside the storm like right this second. I mean I do. I think they're past Oklahoma but now but it's been raining off and on all day like it was like really nice and pretty and then just like dark and then For free again and then like nothing but rain and then it just kind of eased up. So just, it's it's off dark, but it's not raining. It was raining here earlier. It's been raining kind of off and on like lightly all day but now it's like thunder storming, right? It's a big front line just moving through. So yeah, sorry. nice segue. Collin. Good job. I



would go. It was kind of it wasn't really intentional, but I was like,



Oh, I can do this.


Collin  02:40

I would have made that joke anyway. If we're just real if we're just being real. I know. I know. But it's a good segue. So as long as you are not broadcasting live from a top to windmill to try to get signal. We're going to go



Yeah, no, I'm in the I'm in the basement as close to the router as possible. I'm on the floor. We're good. Ah. hunched over the little magazine.



magazine rack thing.


Brandon  03:08

I bring the old school desk over there that'll help. Yeah, yeah, this will a little school desk over there or I don't know, sit on the couch. It's right there.



That might be well, but but I have to get the mic close to me. Right. So that's the thing


Brandon  03:21

is true. Shout. I





Brandon  03:30

you guys had a good week.



I mean, sure.


Brandon  03:39

Yeah. All right. Sitting around.



Doing Yeah, is ringing me is really


Brandon  03:52

boring. So did some work. Passive stuff for kids to do. gonna do some more of that this weekend, so I'll have it sent out. It'll be we're going back in on next week, Friday going on Thursday for round two of paper handouts to be disseminated to children through the drive thru. So Oh,



yeah, I was gonna say, What? What guidance did deci give you on summer school? Or have you heard anything?


Brandon  04:27

None? Oh, no, I've heard anything about summer school. I just have the end of the school year. And even the superintendent is still trying to figure out what nor that means because I got an email from her. The this week it's Sunday at some point could have been yesterday. Hard to know for sure. I got a bunch of emails this week from them. So about that. They're not real sure about what that means for summer school. Still don't know. So



There's, there's talk here in Oklahoma with schools of, you know, ending the school year.


Brandon  05:07

Like, you know, doing the online stuff, but also starting next year off like this also. So, yeah, I've heard some people talking like that. But I don't know when we really hadn't even thought that far ahead. So, so far, I still I still wasn't sure. Well, and I don't I haven't read the whole thing that he said in Missouri, but like he just said, the school year. Like I think I brought it before, like, does that mean like, the, like, what we were planning to go school year or is that mean? Like, where the fiscal school year ends at like the end of June or whenever, where's the actual fiscal year is over in May. But the does, quote unquote fiscal financial paperwork school year is June the end of June at some point so I don't really know what it's so it depends on what he means by that if he means there then no summer school I don't know if we'll do some like online he summers keep doing stuff online through summer school. I don't know why we couldn't just do that. That doesn't seem like a problem right? Like I already do it it's oh whatever but we'll see what they assign so I have not just had to go back in and do more paper. I think I'm gonna do some videos, because by classes a lot of like, talking. So this like typing stuff is kind of getting old. So I think I'm gonna try to do some like, real short like five 510 minute like little reminder videos or talking about something sciency or something like that. review that they can then like, leave comments on or something. Just mix it up a little bit. I might give that shot. If I can find a suitable topic to discuss. I'll go back through all my stuff. And look, I might try that too. So yeah, that's about it. I've been nice.



Air man, what about you?


Aaron  07:29

Oh, kind of the same. Literally just typing that's all typing and talking to people on the phone. Like that's, you know, it's that's kind of really the whole department thing right now of, you know, we have field workers. And then we have to be on the phone with those field workers. And so it's just pretty much as documenting and calling people you know, a week or two later to doing follow up stuff and, you know, calling people and asking you, how's the family blah, blah. And then just documenting I have typed about the same equivalent I feel of when I was in college you know, doing history and just typing all those those papers and I think I've typed either the same or more. It's just a non stop typing basically and I'm sorry and I'm calling people and you got to talk in a cool table and I did yes it's true. You to the wonderful girlfriend foundation and girlfriend Family Foundation for donating you're finding all your girlfriends tiny tables. Mine now the the wonderful people at the Celli search Facebook and work in found table for Aaron foundation. Well, hey, all right. So



yeah, it's really nice. I really, really like it.



Sweet day.


Brandon  09:00

Calling other than traverse pointing yourself into the middle of nowhere, I don't care



about it on


Brandon  09:13

the car I think really, I mean, since we've last



talked, I went on a cleaning binge



in our house as far as just like getting rid of stuff. And it was amazing how much I was able to throw away like we have two pretty big trash bins. One is supposed to be for recycling but as we discussed on a previous episode that has been halted because of the pandemic



so that people could is hand in hand sorted anyway.



Now, you can now fill both of them with trash. And so I did what



it was. It was things like,



Oh, I'm really hanging on to it. A lot of boxes I don't think I need to hold on to this many boxes or if I'm saving some, some, some, like many many yards of baling twine that I probably don't need or


Brandon  10:13

that's important the father would be mad at you for throwing that away.



I know so when he listens to this he'll be very disappointed and he'll probably send me a package






of his baling twine stock so that I can



replace it keep true keep my voice


Brandon  10:35

it's true. But yeah, other than that that was brought it down here. Yeah, I would have stored it for you. I got to worry.



Putting the barn Yeah, yeah, I mean dad dad does have more storage now. He does have a horse trailer. So


Brandon  10:56

yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. By the way. But there is no one headline there is a horse trailer. Yeah. Say yeah, I was gonna say he doesn't have a horse again does he? Like no no there there is no horse. Yes. But but no yeah, I rolled up. I mean you do need a trailer before you can get the that's the literal cart before the cart before the horse



is a


Brandon  11:30

horse trailer so



he always wanted he's always wanted a covered trailer and kind of a work platform. So this allows him to haul things in a covered fashion and also he's gonna build like, like a work shed or whatever in it that he can transport from place to place. I don't know where he's working but it will be able to do that


Brandon  11:55

or turn into a tiny home all right. Yeah. Oh no.



Cuz I was like so you're gonna, you know, DIY this and make this like a travel things like well I was thinking about it


Brandon  12:10

could potentially be a traveling camper traveling



I don't know


Brandon  12:26

how, like a long one like one of the big now is it's just a it's a two horse trailer. It's all the real like one yeah one of those little short ones. Okay, I think it takes me the medium sized one the big you know?



Well, there we go


Brandon  12:43

trailering it up. Honestly tonight



test it out. See how it works?



Oh no.



All wrong yes


Brandon  13:05

Oh, good. I can't think of anything else I've done this week. Then low. Yeah. Oh, yep. Oh, did get this kind of off topic but I shall be got me the Final Fantasy seven remake? No No There we go. They had the remastered medieval game. Yes. And I was like, man, like just like bring back Daniel Fortescue from the corner and it was the final fantasy seven I was like, Oh, that's pretty and then Joey got it for me. Ah, so notice what I'll be spending most my time tomorrow. Either complaining rambling Brandon of me this guy because I've never dined what you gotta do? I first started playing because i would i would mimic Brandon and watch when he would play in the back. I can do that and then like, not even getting out of the city. So grinding forever to the game is grinding for life much grinding always everything about trying to buy a new one too because I don't know and then I don't know what I want. So the problem I have right now is like I kind of want the video game to sit here with that i got i can't buy that for Xbox. It's nothing I can do. So I'm like oh, I kind of want to play anyone just get do maternal and called good. Never like doom. There's never a doom. Do fan get the Metro series Metro Exodus is amazing. Oh, yeah, that's what you need. Yeah. Again, no, right now is the time to be playing apocalyptic scenario. lead into





Brandon  15:02

Tell me to play Dying Light again. I was like, yeah. With hardcore. True. Yeah. Nearly a zombie fan either. Just kind of like Nick Norris.



I really like that game like I never played any of the Dead Rising games. But dynamite is just fun.


Brandon  15:27

Yeah, I've never played one well. Okay, I take that back. The only really zombie game I've ever enjoyed. Is that Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare. Okay, yeah, that's the only that's, I like that one. I don't like that was kind of like, it's not really into that kind of like john rrah like, Man, I'm really not really into it. It's not really my thing. So No keep looking. See what I can come up with. But see if there's anything I've missed. Yeah. So now because I've been playing, replaying the Assassin's Creed origins, right, remember the part now where it's like, just run around and finish up the last little things. I'm like, oh, okay, well, dang it. I'm almost over now. What am I gonna do next? I was gonna play or read pick up the Witcher series or Witcher three, but also like, Metro Exodus sounds like a really? No, it just sounds like needed and true. It's also one of the only game that's ever kind of like, psyched me out during you know, or just playing a game because I'm not into like horror games or anything but it is on the Oregon by any means, but it's just like irini turn like the music off and just put your headphones In and you're walking through the underground Metro of Moscow and there's just a creature chasing you. It's it's kind of creepy. So I I really liked that aspect. But I finished that recently and



I was like, What am I gonna do now and then


Brandon  17:18

it's a good choice to this game. I was always I really enjoyed Final Fantasy eight. But I think Final Fantasy nine was when I really kind of got got into the series, because most like seven and eight was just me just watching you play. And then me play Oh, Steve and then getting upset, so much junk in the game. So, so it was definitely nine for me anyways, that really kind of got me into the Final Fantasy series and then I played 10 and then I didn't do anything after that. I only play about halfway through 10. And then for some reason I just stopped. Why? these are these are games like me. I've never been any Final Fantasy game. And so this is this will be, you know? Oh, I never be met evil either. So that'd be future list. But that game was I remember the internet gaming hard. Yeah, again, so I will have your own me. I wasn't very good at platform games like that. So really, it's not really platform, but there's some levels where you have to be very precise and you're jumping and I was not what you call, you know, strategic or tactical puzzlingly? Yeah. So it's just fun. I really like that game. It was good. No, no.



You game fans out there. You know that sound? Oh, that's a good one.


Brandon  18:59

Yeah. I need something else. I don't know why. I haven't decided what it is. I need to replace something I have already. I don't really mean. Yes, but I don't have a cowbell here.



Amongst all of your other



band parents.


Brandon  19:23

They're gonna Dad's not in my house. There's not I do have one of those little gal dolls in my closet at school. Much like an actual cowbell. Oh yeah. I don't know. It's in my cars isn't my science closet? I don't know why. There's all kinds of weird stuff in there is there's one of my science classes. I was gonna say it's like there's definitely some dad's house just scattered. I don't know. I don't have I don't have any percussion based things. Here. Have drumsticks that was all drums overseas stomp you don't you don't need as true as world as your orchestra assures go by a sink. And a trash can be good to go. I didn't want to brew, didn't we see stomp when they came to Springfield one year was that I remember seeing stomp, yes. Okay. We need okay. Yeah, I was reminiscing that I was like, I watch a show and they reference stomp and I was like, I can't remember Actually, I saw them. Yeah, we did. There was a thing, but there was a thing. The thing that I remember the most is they had like a big like wall. That was basically like it would look like a chain link fence maybe and they said stuff hanging on it. And they had like, Oh, you held halfway down the wall. And there was just like junk all over this wall. And they were like swinging back and fourth on the road. Playing on all the pots as they swung back and forth. It was so cool. I was like, no They did like the broom the the you know the classic like broom thing. And then somebody was wearing a sink like a marching drum. Okay, and they were playing maybe two people they were playing a sink like it looks like I said a quads or quince right like they're wearing it like that and it was just a sink



that sounds right



right wait



that's a sink


Brandon  21:32

yes we also saw David Copperfield there didn't we? Also yes. Okay little little things flashbacking in my memory and I remember being freaked out by the the ghosts or ghosts something we flew out the room and I remember being scared about that because I was little I don't remember why that happened. But I do you remember that happening? I don't remember it was we saw him twice. Didn't we meet twice maybe took us down. We also Branson, Branson to see him. Yep. Yeah. That one theater. That's the white one. Remember the movie? theater? Present theater. what's called is that mall? No, no, that's an that's Andy Williams senior. The big one. Oh, I don't know. I also saw Mannheim steamroller in that theater. Boom. You go there's another random thing he was like well,





Brandon  22:40

is a very very mean thing to guess. Like, all right, Susan went to that was a Susan. Let's go. I don't know what that thing called though.



This one


Brandon  23:01

Question mark.



Again, the part of that show where



everyone raves we be Google.


Brandon  23:12

When Google stuff is it a grand country music call? I don't know.



Here's one thing that like whenever I talk to people that are, you know, not from the area of Branson, and in because I've never been to sticks the dixie stampede. Like that is one thing I haven't never been to. I have successfully made it this long without going and do those things. I'm kind of proud. I get flabbergasted and like, you haven't been to DC CMP like no, like, I'm from there. Like I I it's not like me.


Brandon  23:46

Like, like, it's interesting. Yeah, but it's just not really not really that interesting. I don't really care. But it's like one of the things like I'm sure if you live by a place like you just don't care about it. Yeah. Like people like Oh, man. You want to go to silver dollar city? No, no absolutely not. Do not want to go there ever again in my entire life. Unless it's Christmas and Mimi kidnaps you to go No, I didn't want to go then done like, over it. But it's one of those things where like people that don't like whenever you literally anywhere you go in the US anywhere I've been Anyway, you have that conversation people, but where are you from? You just say, Oh, um, you just say oh, I live down by Bass Pro Shop and Branson and they go, Oh my gosh, I'm so great. Like, they know exactly a part of this misery that your friend so they and they say that I bet you go to Bass Pro all the time. No, actually, I don't know.



You in that place?



shockingly. Shockingly, no.


Brandon  24:55

Bet you always go to Branson.



know if I always you need never If I can help you



I haven't been on there and


Brandon  25:11

last time I was even remotely there Susan sister lives there. We went there for Christmas this year but the year before that last time I've been a long time. A long time. I don't there's nothing there that I really want to do. We're see pay for mostly people from that area. They always ask me that's like, like, oh man, where should we go? If we go to vacation like man, I don't, I don't know. Chabot, Branson Bell like that's that's all Yeah, man. I don't know what you want for me. If you like putt, putt, golf, and go kart tracks. Boy Are you in the right place. feeling really slow. a ventriloquist dog should rent a bed. Oh, yeah, you like ventriloquist dogs? And I mean, who doesn't? Know what is he still doing that? He's been doing that for like 20 years if he's still. Yeah, well, I would say you know, go read the duck. You won't too soon. No.



No, the only thing I would say would be like, banging on either the Ozark Mountain ducks. Those are the things you need to go see. But those are gone ducks. Yeah. Well, what yours is have a baseball hat in 2000. Is it the year? 2000. Yeah, well.



Oh, that's the show notes. Oh, my gosh.


Brandon  26:54

And then I drove by. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So one of the boyscout basically balls got from them. Yes. Dad has a bunch somewhere too. Yes, he does.



Really? Really? No, I've been throwing them each other all day long. Yes. Yeah, we were. We were here for literally 47 seconds and I heard a loud playing and bang and I ran into the kitchen and they were throwing around. Not


Brandon  27:25

doing not alerting. Perfect. Yep, perfect. mean not the victim blaming everything but when you just leave them on a ball on the counter like



well, we have a child to do. You just gotta lay in there. Since this thing round, I can palm it and it can be thrown. So why not? Why? I have a younger brother, perfect for throwing weirdly, I mean, man. Okay, we have gathered here because of a challenge that we set forth last time. And it was that each of us were to go and pick. I think we said our five favorite or was a favorite or most influential, or what we thought was best I forget.


Brandon  28:53

Either and or both was favorite because it kind of encompasses everything right? Okay. Okay, cool. Receiving This is a to note, at least if you're me, like this list changes, like literally anytime you ask me. So this is today's answer. Yeah, I kinda I have like, made do. And then I kept like scrolling through today of like, I like only a few songs of these people really only like a few songs of these people. Yeah, I had that problem too. Like, I was like, I like, wait, cuz I was like, Oh, I like them. But then I realized what I really meant was like, I like three of their songs. Like, should send me they should make the list. They might they'll probably be in some of those are in the honorable mentions slot. Right. But like, yeah, I had that. I will talk more about that in a minute. But like, yeah, I had the same thing as like, Oh, I love Wait, oh. What I really mean to say is I like these four songs. Right? And I only listen to these four so well, I



know that makes it hard to but I think that's why the the favorite thing helps because if it's your most frequently it's on you, if it's on your most frequently listened to like that, that becomes a favorite. And that kind of


Brandon  30:09

helps decide I think a little bit. But yeah, that's true. But other dilemma was the categorization of rock band. Yeah. Right. So well. I had a Google helped me with this because it's like, rock band. And then there's like, all the different sub rock things on like, there's alternative rock countin. And so I struggled with that. I would say alternative rock. Yes. Some other ones. Maybe they have so much their own category that I also did not put them on the list because they're too much into a different category, like firmly ensconced into a subcategory. I was like,



I don't think I can justify putting them here. And then when you look at Google, and then it gives you a bunch of list of things and you look like oh, I've never heard of these, these bands before. Like I've heard of that band or never heard of that band before. So


Brandon  31:08

that's the other hard thing to write like. The other thing that you will discover if you google like rock bands, is that there's not new ones. The ongoing debate debate on the internet that you see is like, is rock dead, like rain? No, but also, kinda, but also is not a popular form of music. Today, it's not the popular thing. There are new people playing like, quote unquote rock band songs, and I've talked about one of them here a little bit, but like, it's not like the popular genre that is all over the place. You kind of have to hunt for them. Yeah, it makes it hard to find like new ones. That's why a lot of the ones on my list They're not new. Right? I try to at least get a mix of them of the least somewhat moderately new. And some ones that have, you know, definitely been around for a while, or at least some big name ones. Yeah. I yeah. And again, this is the list for today. And it could change right after the podcast and that's true. Cuz I'm sure the second this gets over. I'll be like, Oh, yeah, I forgot to like this. I did I like I'd be like, oh, oh, this one. Oh, yeah. So we do Part Two later of sub genres. This might be Yeah, we're gonna fans in general instead of That's true. So welcome to the first episode of the ongoing series,



as we just become more and more esoteric part one no I have. So I figured the way we would do this is we would do Kind of a silly a draft but just go round robin and throw it our picks starting at number five and going to number one just for discussion and the draft is going on right now. That's true.



Okay, um,


Brandon  33:18

you want to save honorable mentions for the end like ones that didn't make the list?



Yeah, yeah, that's I figure and then we'll just do a bring out your dead count.



So, yeah.



So I have here an app



to flip a coin because I don't own one, though.


Brandon  33:38

coin. I don't. I don't have a column they call



all the all the coin, gum and restaurants. Okay, that's true. I don't I don't currently have one. accessible to me. Okay, have I have a digital coin on my iPhone?


Brandon  33:57

In dad's basement? There's probably not



Like how to not want to dance? Did you have to download an app just to get a coin? Well, so it's not





Brandon  34:09

I got 27 I thought the four would be more useful. Yeah, you're right.



Or we can do that and you guys just decide which one to use. go first. I'll go last.



Aaron's going first, ah, Aaron says,


Brandon  34:28

Hello. Just give me one. Okay, so



yeah, we're Yeah, started started. Sure. We're just going I'm



so so for me, this is not. So five to three aren't really in any particular order. Just because I can't usually think of anything. And so the one band and again, it's this more kind of alternative rock slash hip hop or whatever. So to me, and if this causes an outrage in the comment section, you know, Soviet


Brandon  35:01

But to me, it was, it was Lincoln Park.



Oh, interesting, interesting choice. Right? So it's, you know, it's kind of a mix. And there's a lot of songs on there to me that like a granted this is like I heard one song and I think it was like, numb and then I heard encore and like those are the best song ever. But that was like my middle school brain talking. And so but those songs that definitely stuck with me, and then things like, you know, castle glass over the times, things like that. And so to me, it was kind of like one of the, like, the first bands that are like, granted, you know, having an older brother Brandon being, you know, you know, to giant briefcase CD cases. And so, you know, being around music was never a new thing, but to me it was kind of like the first band that like, I listened to that I was not a linkin park guy. Yeah. And so and so for me it was kind of like in as long kind of the thing that I bonded with some of my friends over in middle school of like, oh, like, Oh, you like linkin park? Yeah, like, you know, song X, Y and Z and they're like, oh like this song and so you know it that was kind of like the first band. Granted like beforehand it was just like me listening to individual songs of people. I didn't really listen to bands I just like yeah, songs. And so Linkin Park was kind of the first ones I was like, Oh, well, okay, I can I can listen to them. You know, like, Oh, these people make these songs like okay, so it linkin park to me, I guess will be definitely in my top five or at least mine number five. So


Brandon  36:41

go sweet. Yeah. Okay, I think for my number five. I'm looking at my list here and I'm kinda want to write these down to know Yeah, but yeah, quick, quick note here. ones that I like listen to the most



What? Oh, sorry,



I did this just a programmatic thing of a mix you guys give me send me your list when we're done so I can get those uploaded, people can go listen to them.



Okay, yeah. I


Brandon  37:18

think though, out of I put a I just wrote down a lot of bands that I like or that I thought were kind of like good and influential stuff. But then I, some of them I like I like them, but I don't like listened to them a lot. Right? You know, I mean, so that this man made it to number five partially just because I listened to it the other day. It was just recently on my mind, but it's definitely Leonard Skinner. And I'll tell you why. It's because it's a little out of left field. We're going way back Hear in the Time Machine, but like when you listen to a Leonard Skinner album, like, all of the songs are good. Like all of them. Here's like, oh, man, this song is cool. This song is catchy. This sounds fun, right? And that's all like, guitar roofie because there's, you know, 7000 guitar players in that band, or three, whatever. But like, it's really like, fun to listen to, you know what I mean? And, you know, like, all the songs not just like Sweet Home Alabama, cuz I really kind of don't mean much, but like, all the other ones are just like fun to listen to. And again, I think they've just all my mind because I listened to them literally the other day, was like, Oh, yeah, it's just fun to listen to enjoyable. Like, all the songs are good. You can listen to the whole album straight through and like, enjoy yourself and you're like, Oh, yeah, my bad, right? I put them on my list over some other ones. Just because, again, personally We listened to them. I remembered when I was a kid, like that's one of the ones you're like, oh, man, this is cool. Like, I'll let you know what I mean. So I put them on my number five. Okay. Good.



Um, so for my number five, I, this this list was interesting for me to put together for many reasons, but this one stood out to me because, uh, you know, they, mostly because I don't know how to even introduce this, but imagine people trying to solve a mystery. And they stumbled upon a group of eco goth witches, but they're also a band. Yes, that's right. I'm talking about the hex girls from Scooby Doo. And what I really liked good


Brandon  40:02

x girl from Scooby Doo okay



first released it's mostly because they started in obscurity as a band they were you know they first came out in a direct to release video Scooby Doo and the witches ghost but they stood the test of time and we're still producing songs up until 2010 and and some things after that so you know it's kind of that it's more grunge I guess if you really think about it, but I think that I you know, their, their, their self titled song hex girls, and then they followed up another one Earth wind, fire and air, I think really just brought a lot together and then you know, they're they're adjacent to Scooby Doo so how could you not like them? Okay, Aaron



All right. All right.








Brandon  41:12

that would kind of threw me off. I'm so small children. Okay.



So this so this one This one was kind of more of, again this is kind of more of I don't know if it technically counts and you can correct me if I'm wrong. Again I kind of have like, number two two a two a oh no me for more like not influential, but just kind of fun to me like this is kind of one that I you know, always turn up the radio is is Green Day. All right. Okay, so, um, more more. More importantly, this kind of more came from, like being in college because we used to play a lot of Not a lot but some of their songs in our Stan tunes like holiday is a song that's always embedded in my in my brain because he always played it super up tempo. And so it to me it was always just kind of like a fun thing. Not really like, oh implement Green Day was my you know, like first love kind of things and so it's not really rock but it kind of is kind of more punk rock I mean really punk rock so punk rock and so it was kind of a toss up between some of the other ones but it to me like Green Day is just one of the ones that if it's on the radio like, Hey, I can dig this. It's there


Brandon  42:51

I think the next one here Next to sort of kind of go together so they can they're not, you know, they'll necessarily be in in this order. But I'm gonna go with ZZ Top. Right? As it's that real blues based, like Texas blues thing going on has really like all the guitar parts in the songs, right especially several of them, they're usually in other bands like really fun. And you can listen to like any ZZ Top song and be like, Oh, yeah, but you know, the belt like my head's in Mississippi. They're just like that real galley like, disgusting like blues guitar sound like like that down to kind of that just guitar riffing thing. I really like that one. So they're gonna go at four. For now.



We're gonna get back to the action in just a little bit. I did want to remind you to check out iTunes Google podcasts and Spotify. Make sure you are subscribed there so you never miss a new episode. Also, check out our website, old brother for in depth links, show notes and full



transcripts. Let's get back to my number four.



I have a I have a theme and you are going to witness my theme. Okay, so we'll wait till the end for this unveiling. I mean, if I'm just being perfectly honest, my theme will probably be unveiled. You'll probably catch on pretty quickly by the time I tell you my number for one year. So with breakout hits like inside, outside, upside down and Road Runner, and one of the groups that I have on here that really transcended a lot of different mediums is Josie and the Pussycats from art the Archie Comics



Yeah, so



not only did they branch out from comics, but they got their own live action movie in 2001, which was a terrible movie, but they still, you know, rock on to this day, all the way, you know, still still hanging in there from the 60s. So, and they solve mysteries. So we have a cartoon show. Yeah, that's what was there


Brandon  45:23

was a card. Oh, yeah. Yeah.



Yeah. So, so yeah, my number four comes rockin and Josie and the Pussycats. Oh, dear.


Brandon  45:33

Okay. Well, Aaron. Aaron, I believe it's time for number three. Hello. This three pack Right. Yeah. All right. Well, it's the third pick the 2020 podcasting draft. Aaron selects. Oh, no. Ah, Yeah screw it I'll go Black Sabbath oh



no that'll be it's it's kind of you know that's my wild color pick now mostly with with the oz Meister you know just being on Ronnie James Dio Craig the all the original original satisfy Yeah, yes. Yeah. Um, and kind of have him branching out


Brandon  46:30

lots of



you know, I had like a playlist of like songs that I was going to list out but I don't know where my notes are. But one infamous influential song from that, you know, from Black Sabbath it now what people might think of this completely differently, but for me, it was definitely playing on frickin Guitar Hero, war pigs. Just playing it in my friend's basement, it's like No, dude, we got to get to 100% on this and then just like the eight minutes of this song, just playing it over and over and over again. So that's always been, you know, always stuck in my head, but I always just like, it's always kind of one of the things a song of Papa like, whatever the thing is Black Sabbath. And then and then the oz Mr. Ozzy friggin in the noon his own things. So, and then he's kind of doing some more modern esque things with, you know, collaborations with artists and I you know, he all strung out on all of the things but he still has that. That awesome Ozzy voice


Brandon  47:44

right. controversially? I decided a couple months ago that I do not like Black Sabbath at all. Oh, no. Okay. I was listening. I was listening to that. whole album The whole first like album. I think it's one of those things where you like, I like some of their songs but when all of my disk kind of bridges to my next topic because or my next pick just because I picked the ones that made my list where songs were like bands, I can listen to any of their songs. Yeah, and I like a lot of their songs not just the ones that are popular the ones that are on the radio, and so like with Black Sabbath, there are three and then the rest of them when I listen to them, I go



I like I didn't like that. I never really realized kind of how not how dark they were, especially especially when I was younger. I just never put two and two together like kind of how like, Oh, that's that songs very creepy or that song and so you know, with especially with warpage He's the only one I can literally name off the top of my head but I just think since they've been trying of bands that are banned that I've always thought of kind of off and on. They're not. They're not like the most influential. And I kind of struggled with having them on there because now I think it was like a toss up between like, the cranberries or somebody else. Good choice. And so I wouldn't say that like it just for me, like, musically like their influences more felt like down the line a little bit because I like a lot of bands that were inspired by Black Sabbath. Yeah, I just don't necessarily love Black Sabbath Black Sabbath, right. Yeah, gotcha. Huh.


Brandon  49:37

Whereas things I've been thinking about lately, I gotcha. I gotcha. But good. Number three, three. Okay. Yes. So my number I again, like I said, I've been trying to pick ones that I like the majority, if not like, all of their stuff, right. And so was hard because I have some bands on here where I was like that I was they didn't fit my theme of I need to like a large amount of their work. Mm hmm. And so I have a couple bands here that we'll talk about some of them later. And I was like, Oh, I really like them. But like, one album or a couple songs, right and so I did put them on here. So for number three I went a little since Aaron's okayed straying from the strictly rock and roll path by some of his choices. I feel okay, in saying that my number three pick is going to be rancid. Because I love rancid I love again, a lot of their albums I really like the second self titled black one that a lot of not a lot of people like right it's cool because they made They're like a punk band. Right. But they kind of have a lot of crossover appeal because a lot of their stuff is leaning Poppy. Right, but not like all the way because they never were real big on the radio, at least in the Midwest here. Obviously, they're huge on like the West Coast or the frontman stuff, but they're just like, it's just so dang catchy and just like it and it's just really fun music and Matt Freeman, the bass player is a monster and I love that. But like, they made like the I really love the second self titled album, which a lot of people don't like, because they're like, Oh, it's too different. But after they made and outcome, the wolves, which is a great album, my favorite one. A lot of people were like, Oh, it's too soft, blah, blah. They're like, All right. Okay, fine, lamb Black Album, and it's awesome. So that's not like hardcore punk or anything. It's not like some weird like New York hardcore or something. But it's like, it's different. It's more like aggressive in school. So They change up a little bit, but they're still they're just fun to listen to. It's really like Branson and again, it's because they can listen to like, lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of trains and songs. And he's like you said, listen to this, like the whole album. It's like Chris, like that's my number three. Number three. My number three. Oh, boy. Oh, animated band is this. Hey, so I'm banned from tattooing. It's not



mine. Anyway, we'll get back to that one.



No, so this one I actually I have I have memories of listening to this one. Growing up Saturday morning, cartoons since we might as well just go ahead and throw this out there.






you guys may remember may remember Doug And the main Okay, so, so his favorite band in that they were called the beats. And they were obviously a knockoff of The Beatles but they kind of took it and turned it and made it kind of an indie punk rock kind of thing. And I don't know there was just that was really fun because it was as a kid being able to, to watch somebody be a fan of somebody. And then it was neat because then they inspired him to to write his own his own song called banging on the trash can. If you guys don't remember that one.



But yeah, no, it's a it's a it that though. That one not that, you know, good, good, hard up. 90s nostalgia.



Alright, there we go.


Brandon  53:49

Oh, it's back to me. Back to you. For number two. Okay, so, musically, wires. I think I talked about this in



part one of this Cuz I it took me a long time to actually start listening to and following bands you know I maybe listen to like a song here and there and you know a song or just like a song from this thing but with with my number two spot. This is kind of like the first band I listened to that I was like, Oh, this is Oh, this is edgy music Oh, this is interesting, which is not my personality at all, but it just to me was, you know, was just interesting to listen to was Tenacious D and so, you know, jack black in general. I was always been a huge fan of Kyle gash. I've enjoyed listening to him, like in random movies. But you know, it was always kind of more of that comical rock star and then you know, School of Rock came out and just kind of emphasize the joy that I had of remaining be listened to the band more. And so that for me and it's also kind of a one of the first bands that a lot of my friends down here can't like, if we were together and something pops up, we can always kind of sing some of their songs or anything like that. So it to me, it was always just one of those those fun bands that I actually truly started to, like, listen to, you know, and to me, there was never like any, you know, I can always listen to any of their music and have it be one of the most popular or one of the more popular. And I'm like, Oh, it's an extra day. Cool. I think it's important, right? If that's another reason things made my list was like, if very often, I'm like, Yeah, well, let's do that. Like that goes on here. Right? Yeah. It should be fun, too. It's not all about like, that's why there's other bands again, like did it make my list because they they would have been on there if this was a more academic list. Yeah, like Oh, yes. Like influential music would be slightly different, maybe like these ones just like, when I listen to this, because I like it. It's like the whole genre of rock nights. In general, it's very wide. It's very wide. There's different kind of sub genres off of it, but I just never really, truly listened to rock rock music. And so that's why my list was always kind of a little bit more on the Warped side and a little bit more of the, you know, like, is that rock? Yeah, that's close enough. And so again, like, I never truly listened to, like, one particular band, you know, because a lot of times I get like the the CD or the soundtrack or something, and I play song one and I skipped a song like four and then I'd skip the song like, 12. Then they go, Well, I'm done. But like, yeah, Tenacious D and then my first one, I could, you know, literally, let it play on one and then just go off and not have to worry about skipping any.


Brandon  56:57

Yeah, that's important because again, this is Trying to listen to a lot of this stuff is good. makes it fun. Just to still, let's see, okay, this one's hard. Okay. Because these last two, it kind of depends on the day that you asked me



to be right.


Brandon  57:21

So I've been going back and forth all week. I think I'm gonna go number two social distortion. Right? So it's another they're a little punk age. right but they kind of they're very, a lot of the other stuff is like, other early stuff is like real punky because Mike ness was in like a punk band when he was like young, right? But it's a lot more like their last one. It's a lot more like rock oriented, kind of it's kind of, I don't know, it's still got that punk edge to it, but it's kind of more rock solid, but it's just like, I just really like it. I know. There's something about this. sound that they go for. It's just like really feeling like listen to a lot of their stuff because I have a lot of like slower songs, right? He's very lyrical, even though like I think I said before, I'm not always like super interested in the lyrics, right? That's another thing or like it's the music and the rhythms and stuff that kind of pulled me in first. And lyrics are kind of second. So if I haven't said that, that's kind of another reason it helps explain this list. Like I don't like a guy that I play guitar with a lot. Like he's all about the lyrics. Right? He's all about like, Oh, I don't like that song because I don't like what they're saying. And I'm like, there's worse What? Because I really like the rhythms and the music and the tones and stuff is kind of what pulls me in right the soundscape is what I'm attracted to, like, first and foremost, really. And then lyrics are kind of like, Oh, yeah, those are good too.



But like,


Brandon  58:56

it's, that's I really like the sounds of social disorder. Right, just kind of the guitar tones in general kind of like a mix of like kind of like old school rock and like punk edge is kind of truly appealing or like it. They've been around for a lot longer than I anticipated.



They've also been around for a long time,


Brandon  59:16

right? their first album came out was at 91.



No social distortion. Yeah, punk rock band was formed in 1978. Oh, yeah. Okay, right. Now, I don't know when they're first I just read that when


Brandon  59:30

their first albums like their first big album came out in. I think it was 91. I really like some of their well my favorite album came out in it was later but distortion spelling RB. That's kind of when he like started it. And that's kind of when it was still a little bit like punky right? And then it's kind of morphed over time into other Yeah 78 There we go. I like it. I like it though. That's really cool. There's a bunch of random ones. Yeah. Yeah. 92 and the is the one of the first albums I listened to. And then the one that came out 96 I really like that one. So yeah, the last ones. I don't think I've ever listened to them. Well, yeah, yeah, I have. I think about this. But the last one came out in 2011. Right. So they're still going around. Yeah, they're still rocking out. Right there. I saw interview with him. And he was like, yeah, we're still like writing stuff. And you know, hearing when we get stuff, we'll make another one like, Well, alright, okay. Sounds good to me. So they're very sporadic. They're, he's chill. He's kinda. He's kind of an interesting dude to like, talk about stuff. You're like, Oh, okay. interesting guy. So I think I'm gonna put them number two just because I've liked him for a long time. It's interesting, I like them. So there we go. Yeah, there's my number two social distortion. Okay. I will look into the more



I am, quite frankly shocked that nobody has taken my number two pick so


Brandon  61:21

I'm not sure



I'm drafting this in for the collective good that it has done for humanity, especially people of our generation in both in education and exposure to different things. And while I'm not necessarily rock I it does have rock in the title. So you know, what helps me? Rock



You said influential and I was like, Oh, you too and I was asked. No


Brandon  62:00

No, I do not see my theme anyway I do



because some television



but like, really if you think back about



exposure to music and especially, you know, they had these three four minute long, short, actively music videos how every high schooler ever has passed their constitution test exact



name somebody else who is how, you know like



having Miss Potter yell at you, but yeah, right no



and and because



they you know i think i think they had one of their albums redone by some alternate rocks or you know rock bands kind of refreshing the music and made it a little bit more modern but you didn't you mentioned how music was primary and like words for a second Very well Schoolhouse Rock is all about the words obviously. But it's



it's one of those things of like if you go back and like in



really listen to it just shows how music can be both enjoyable but also get get messages across and memorable ones at that. So


Brandon  63:18

there we go. Why number two, Schoolhouse Rock? There we go a tip off the block.



Hey, are we doing let's let's do it we're doing honorable mention our will mentions or in the no one number one and then do about what was left off. So so so do give a recap of your previous for number one, and then we'll do we'll go back around after everybody gives their number one and kind of give our honorable mentions.


Brandon  63:50

Okay, so I originally picked Linkin Park. And then I think I picked Green Day. But yeah, I think I was gonna you know, it was Kind of an offshoot between like them or like,



you know, you did like red, like Red Hot Chili Peppers or something. So, and then I picked Black Sabbath and then Tenacious D. So my number one pick is the kind of more of a modern esque rock band, you know, it kind of started in 2009 it's, it's kind of comedy rock it. I had to look up Wikipedia the other day. And it Shelby's judging me from the corner. But it's in like the, like synth pop or like the like techno rock of a lot of these songs that they play again, it's one of those other bands that I could listen to every single song there they do. A lot of them actually deal with a lot of, you know, things that people deal with growing up or things that people people have to you know, experience. Just kind of the awkwardness of life. And it's what's called ninja sex party.



They are



this guy named Dan avedon. And he has a friend named ninja Brian. And they have a stroke stru of people that in their band that dress up in different things. It's not like the extensive like guar kind of like dressing up, but like a honorable mention glory. come back to that in a minute. And so, like, they just have a lot of different unique songs. Like there's one song that's basically kind of like me called Danny don't, you know, they have other songs of like, I don't know what we're talking about the experience of going on an awkward date and not paying attention. And so you're just kind of sitting there awkwardly, but in the end, they have they have like a really cool song that came out recently. Um, it was Name eludes me, but it's about like a 12 minute long song. And it's like yeah, we've been wanting to do this for ever. So we did on Moog and they also do a lot of cover songs. Like that's one of the other big things that Dan avedon, you know, growing up in New York, he was just kind of like, well, people told me that I wasn't gonna, like not like I was told I would never be good at singing. And so I was like, you know, I'm gonna start a band, and he's widely popular, especially in like Europe. And like the, they always draw big crowds. And again, it's one of those things that like, I can listen to for long durations of time, and they post videos, you know, still upcoming videos or music that just being released, like on YouTube, and I watch them there and download them. So it they're, they're fun to me. And so that's my number one pick. There we go.



Uh, I am gonna go


Brandon  67:06

a very different direction. For number one. Again, this is a band that I listen to a lot. I've liked a lot of their stuff.



Now, who are your previous? Oh


Brandon  67:18

yeah. Oh yeah previously for number five was Lynyrd Skynyrd. Number four ZZ Top number three was rancid. Number two is social distortion. So now this last man while rock is usually in like a part of the sub categorizations that you could list them in. They're definitely a heavier band, kind of leaning away a little more like metal he probably in a lot of stuff, but they still bring that rock element in there quite a bit. Which is why they're on the list. This is a van that is interesting because just about every album that they put out is different. Like, some people like that, some people don't, right. They're like, Oh, I want this and they're like, yeah, we made that already. We're making this now. That's kind of their general response, which I appreciate. Because if you want more of that other album, but it's right there, you can just listen to it. It's already made it for you. There it is. Look at that. Just listen to it again, because it's good. They're definitely rockin they're a little bit insane. Oh, no, my number one pick is definitely mastodon. Oh, man. I love mastodon. So they're definitely quite a heavy band. Right, but they definitely take an interesting approach because they have like three days. Different people seeing randomly, right? Like, they often put out thematic albums so they're a little proggy sometimes, right? And like every one of their albums is different. When you listen to them, they take like a completely different approach. Some of them are themed differently some of them are a lot more like melodic and the last one drummer brown or whatever did a lot more singing on it, which is cool because sings really good definitely very interesting group people. It really hilarious and weird and awesome musicians again, so like the music that these guys put out is just intense, right? They have lots of different guitar sounds and a different tempos changing up around through they're kind of making a lot more interesting, a lot more textured. Right, I think. I read an interview, and he was the drummer. Brian dollar was like Yeah, our general approach is we're a studio band first. So we're always looking for interesting sounds. And wow, what kind of sounds can we add to make it sound cool? And then we figure out how to play it live later. Right? We're not worried about that right now. We want to know we want to right now in the studio, what sounds the best. And then we have to try to figure out later. How can we reproduce that sound? So there's a there's a big sound to them. That's really cool. So I like mastodon. Okay. Oh, mastodon, mastodon. It was one of their albums is inspired by Moby Dick, which is awesome. So there you go. Okay, well,



ah, I am for mine rejiggering something here. I I think I'm going to do a shift a slight break away from my theme leading up to this. Oh, but it's


Brandon  71:08

still a recap first, and then I'm gonna guess Hey



typing Okay, all right. Okay, so my, my lead up to this started off I think pretty strong with the hex girls leading into Josie and the Pussycats, then the beats. then number two, number two and number one, I mean I could really flop these back and forth. Number two. Number two is Schoolhouse Rock. And, and while I you know that one is is really hard to beat just because I mean it's got rock in the name. This next one. I mean when we think of when I think of rock bands, I tend to think like yeah, lead guitarist, but I also think that a good rock band has a really strong I know, I know and I already don't, you don't know, you know, I know in the ranks of like Neil Peart Keith Moon Dave Grohl Copeland star. I'm gonna throw animal in there. I know. I'm picking for number nine number one Dr. teeth and the electric mayhem Muppet Show,


Brandon  72:11

I knew it.



And yes, they're kind of a house house band, but they're more than at the core. They're a rock band, and they're based on all sorts of personalities and they jam and they rock out with real live rock musicians and jazz performers too. So I think you know, when you think of genre jumping, but driven by those drums You know, it really is all you know, I think it's it's pretty much rock in a nutshell. You can't get much better than Dr. teeth in the electric ma'am. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it.


Brandon  72:53

Just wanted to say There we go.



So, well, fine. Okay, so we have completed our top five round out. And there we go. I think we can go back through and just do a quick breakdown of you know, if you want to expand on anything, or if you want to just do your brain after dead, so I


Brandon  73:18

didn't really want to expand I think pretty much good, but I did want to add some other stuff we're talking about any other things that you didn't put on the list maybe so Aaron, do you have didn't make the list? Oh,



well as my, I try to keep it minimalistic as possible and then, you know, just kind of need dig isn't Yeah, my problem was I couldn't come up with, you know, a good set of songs for numerous bands because again, I didn't listen to full albums. So for, for me, like it was, you know, there was at least one or two songs that were very kind of influential, and kind of, you know, especially, you know, one of them was Listen to them when I was younger listening to them now it's like oh wow this actually had a lot more you know deeper meaning so things like you know the cranberries in and bands kind of like that the other band that I was kind of thinking along those lines was Red Hot Chili Peppers because that was some of the the first MTV Music videos I ever really really watched was you know, Red Hot Red Hot Chili Peppers. You know, Muse was another another band that now I didn't really know about until I got to college. And we did a whole kind of marching band show based around Muse and knights as adonia is just super awesome in general. And you know the very traditional Guns and Roses and then AC DC you know, listening to thunderstruck at you know, football games every every home football game, you know, it was guaranteed. It is guaranteed someone up there in the in the pressbox was gonna be playing thunderstruck. And so yeah, my and my list wasn't you know, too extravagant, you know, except for the who he the Mongolian music that you guys oh man. Yeah, so I I listen to a lot of them and so they would have made my list but you know, they were like literally a week or two of me actually finding out they existed so I didn't really count them but



so yeah some of those bands



that just like



impacted me in some way not like fully with like a whole album that maybe one or two songs here and there that was like Oh, that's a really good song. Oh, that's a really good band and then I just never continued to listen to them. So yeah, it bands like that that either, you know, like a song of theirs would pop on the radio and I would turn it up and then sing it or listen to it. But my list wasn't too extreme. Navigating by any means, unfortunately, something rock was just a very unique genre for me, because I I look, I like rock. But I, you know, influentially wise, there's not a lot of bands that are like, oh, rock where there's a lot of songs that I truly enjoy. There's not just one band that I'm like, I'm gonna listen to except for like, my number one and number two. Yeah. So that was that was kind of, for me on that.


Brandon  76:35

Yeah, I agree with that last statement, because like, it kind of depends, right? Like, especially when you think rock, the definition changes so much. And it's so broad, you know, because rock in the 60s does not sound like rock in the 80s. Yeah, right. There's like a very specific connotation sometimes to like rock music, right? So you can break it down like 60s Rock Band, has a very distinct sound, right? Whereas 80s rock has its own distinct sound. So it kind of depends on what you like or what you're in the mood for, you know, that kind of thing. But there's the there are these super distinct things even with just in the category not even talking about like sub genres and all that crazy stuff. So it can be tricky. But yeah, I, I left off a couple bands that are like, influential to me personally, like when I was younger, and I just don't really listen to them anymore. The first one has got to be like the Beatles right now cuz I like the Beatles, right? I was a kid I was like obsessed with the Beatles like unhealthily, except, you know, obsessed with the Beatles not unhealthily, but like a lot. And I don't really listen to them any more. But I think they were a pretty big influence since like the start about My musical journey, right? If you say like that, and another one is definitely Led Zeppelin because I used to listen to them a lot, specifically Led Zeppelin for I think that's one that mom had on record. And I just did that a lot when I was a kid too. They kind of definitely drove my appreciation for like, heavier sounding music. But again, that's not a band that I'm always like, oh, man, I want to listen to a ton of Led Zeppelin. Right? It's like, a little bit right there. And I'm good. A lot of times I played on the radio and I'm like, Okay. I really like this Led Zeppelin song, but all right, whatever. And they do have a tendency to go on a little too long. You know? Can't you can stop now. That's fine. Also, I left off Red Hot Chili Peppers, kinda like Eric was saying like I really love chili peppers but I love like five Red House remember song. Thank you. That needs to be on my list. Also, in what Aaron's talking about, there's a number of things that I just wanted to mention briefly talking about, like, things that inspire me are things that I found like recently or like new things that are happening in like rock landscape. Right. And some of these are specifically to artists. But I just thought it was worth mentioning. Like one band that I've really liked listening to a lot recently, they're not really traditionally rock, but it's a band called elephant gym. And they're like a three piece band from Taiwan. And they're kind of like this, like math, prog rocky band thing. They're super awesome. Fantastic. It's so good. I really like them. Also, there's another guy. If I pronounced this wrong, I'm sorry. His name is him do matar. is a guitarist from like Saharan Africa. I think he's toric. There's like a movement of like toric dudes that play guitar in North Africa. And it's kind of awesome. There's a whole bunch of them, but he's my favorite one that I listened to so far. Is what YouTube does do people get stuck in these things, listening to dudes playing guitar from Northern Africa. And he's amazing, right? So it's kind of like Tiger like a nomadic people. And that kind of inspired by like 60s guitar stuff, and Jimi Hendrix all this stuff. So they have this very distinct, interesting style. It's just really cool. I really like it. And I'm not like, blasting the car. But everyone's on one. Like, oh, boy, that guy. He's cool,





Brandon  80:57

Like, there's a lot of people on YouTube Specifically that like, that's just kind of where they got famous kinda like Aaron was talking about with his number one, right? It's it comes from online. That's not what's that radio isn't really driving the rock stuff anymore, or music in general a lot. So it's like online stuff is really pushing it. So there's like some online guitar people that are just really fun to listen to, like, you know, I put on here like Rob scallon. They listen to his songs, they're crazy. They're very like instrumental and they can be really weird and silly, and he does all kinds of stuff and like people like Mary spender, right? She's like a singer songwriter, kind of like rock inspire. She's inspired by like, Dire Straits and john mayer kind of stuff, right? But she's also like, super awesome. That's like a whole nother thing, right? It's like online stuff. And I wanted to if you have not heard of this last person



you need to like in hurry.


Brandon  82:00

Who hasn't, but there's this lady. And she's just like, then all over the place in the last couple years, and she's like a rock and guitar monster. Her name is Nita Strauss. You heard of this lady. She's currently the touring guitar player for Alice Cooper. And she's amazing, right? So she has like solo stuff to like instrumental rock solo album thing. It's pretty awesome. So lastly, honorable mention, Nita. Boom. Okay. I think she's fantastic.



I will need



you guys to send me your list. I tried to capture some of that, most of that. But I didn't catch nearly all five minutes


Brandon  82:50

off. I don't know why this just popped in my head but another band that I guess would have made my honorable mention list and kind of what Brandon was talking about. With mastadon as you know, very big production stuff, sticks. Oh, yeah, yeah, that was another big production. Like I really I had a CD of them. And then when I actually started to learn more about it, they're like, Oh, they like, instead of like a music video here and there, they would literally put on like, full Broadway productions of their stuff. And I was like, Ah, well, that's interesting, but a lot of the stuff that now plays on the radio now or comes up from the sticks. I'm like, Oh, well, it's actually kind of cool, though. Yeah, you don't ever think about them in the historic song. And you go, Oh, I like the song. Yeah, pretty good. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Speaking of big production, that reminds me nightwish I know, we've talked about them before. I think I might have missed them before. But nightwish is also another band. It's like, Oh my god, these guys are amazing. They just come up with a new album, too, which is why I just wanted that but like, they are so theatrical. And so over the top and crazy and that singer lady Oh my God. grief, goosebumps listen to her. Oh my goodness. So there's another good one. Good.



Well, obviously, my theme when I tried to pick was rock bands from TV or movies. Yes. Right. It might have been obvious for those of you who weren't. It's kind of what I was going. And I don't know, I just kind of I wanted to make this a little bit different for me to kind of just explore some of these I hadn't revisited in a while. So I had to actually do some sleuthing. First I was like, Well, let me just like, I know when I think of, because I had, I wanted to do like, an animated thing. But if you search if you like, look into those, you start going into more of like, I don't know, like death clock or those kind of things. And those are actual, those are really, the gorilla. So so by the way, so if I were actually doing drafting an actual virtual band, it would be guerrillas would be my number one like just flat out seriously but I wanted to make you know anyway so the other ones that I didn't get didn't quite make my list and mostly just because of exposure to them so I think the first one and this is just because I have very vague memories of watching them on MTV and the dark Daria mystic spiral. Oh my gosh. Daria. Holy cow. So let's go way way back there was there was just so much tied up in that show. And then to have the band which they didn't actually ever really played that much music but they just kind of embodied a kind of runs you know, band you like



it. What? Sorry, shut up.



I'm really concerned.



But and then in other one, Timmy Timmy in the Lords of the underworld is another one that didn't quite make my list mostly just because again I don't they're there I have watched episodes with him in it but I don't quite have the same feelings and emotion to them as I do these other ones and then yeah if I were actually going to be drafting in a virtual band it'd be gorillas because I mean come on so absolutely grilling Colin Colin saying virtually either be your more cartoony but I couldn't think of the band's name but the band you guys seen the movie Scott Pilgrim vs the world? No, ah, never mind but I know the movie I know he's talking about Yeah, there's there's a band and there's a a battle of the bands. And I just saw that scene before. Yeah. But you said virtually and I was like what movie band elses there.


Brandon  86:58

Scott Pilgrim because I actually really like that movie that was, it was one of those random movies that are like, Oh, that's actually really cool. Another band that I just remembered was on my list but I don't think I said for honorable mentions was the black keys. Or like them, they're they're kind of like, they're very blues Rocky and their guitar playing is super awesome. So sure is another one just like the guitar tone alone makes my list for like, really cool, but again, I'm like, Okay, let's do a couple of like key songs and I'm done now. I'm done. Sure.



Just I was typing Melissa send us like, Oh, I forgot to say okay.



Well, yeah, no, I think that was a quite the tour de force of tastes definitely diverse. diverse. Let's no one ever say we did not present a diverse





Brandon  87:59

of is true.



Oh, yes.



Well, sweet that went. That was that was a very easy thing to record. I'm so happy. Yeah. Yeah.



Definitely not done in two parts. It's fine. No, no, there's



no way. No way anybody would be able to tell. I don't even know why you'd say that.


Brandon  88:40

True. It's fine. Oh, my goodness. So here we go. He's fine. Yes. The top five ish bands have right now currently






Very good. What do you guys have going on?



this coming week? Oh,



you know, nothing


Brandon  89:13

Oh no, just you know, hanging out nothing. Yep. And you know I gotta go to school tomorrow to do some stuff. Decent paperwork. Right and all that. So just a little bit clean up my room a little bit I think they want it to be I think come into the floors and make sure my stuff picked up off the floor. Which probably not so clean my desk off you grow something like that. I see that.



White so disgusting. Clean desk. No



no, no, I am. Yeah, I operate.


Brandon  89:55

You guys know this or not, but it's really not how I work. I gotta go do that stuff tomorrow. Do you like just into your paperwork things and doing more stuff to send home and all that I got to turn into just a bunch of random junk turn in classroom I bad things and all that. So that's the plan for tomorrow be busy. Well for a while I'll be busy and I'll be like, Yeah, but now I want to go home and I can see okay.






so sorry. Yes.


Brandon  90:38

That's all I got. I got that tomorrow and then that's about it for the foreseeable future. Guess what, you guys did you get guidance on summer school or how's that were? No, they were supposed to have a first meeting about it today. Oh, okay. And I have not heard anything. So inconclusive.



I see okay, yes.


Brandon  91:07

So I don't know, to be determined. And even if they do, there's no guarantee that it'll be like that I would be a part of it anyway, it might just be like normal summer school where it's like, you know, all voluntary and just a small number of people are coming and all that. So even if they do have summer school, I probably won't have summer school. I got a call, I gotta get in touch with the seventh grade science teacher at some point, because a couple months ago, she was like, yeah, towards the end of the year, we need to really have a meeting so we can talk about like, curriculum because it's this was my first year of sixth grade science. Mm hmm. Like just you know, what kind of because before, like last year, there wasn't really a whole lot of sixth grade science happening. So, like it was sort of unclear about what subject matter the sixth grade was going to cover. And so she's wanting to know like, what I did what I was doing so she can kind of like, know what to take out or add to the stuff that she did. Because if it's like the same, she didn't want to do it, he can, you know, so I need to email her at some point and be like, hey, you still want to talk about that? Cuz I mean, I didn't do it yet, because I have. I don't know if anybody out there has ever looked at the state curriculum standards on the internet, but they are a pain in the butt to read online, so I have printouts but they're in my desk at school. Oh, if I need them, I'm going to get them tomorrow. So I can call her and talk to her about it and so I can have something to look at while talking. Like, oh yeah, I did these ones and I did these standards and we talked about this stuff, you know, just gets a basis because otherwise I'll be like, you know the one about the thing. Right other thing, there was some rocks in there somewhere and some. So I gotta do that I'm gonna get in touch with her and see what's up. But that's basically all I got sitting at home staring or the television, you know, whatever. Interestingly, fun fact, les Stroud survivorman is starting to put director commentaries of survivorman episodes on YouTube on his YouTube channel, where he just sitting, watching the episodes and talking about the behind the scenes stuff. He's just like filming them in his living room. So I've been watching those when they come out. They come out every couple days and they're so awesome. I used to love that show.



So I've been watching those two if you'd stayed watching survivorman online. Good.


Brandon  94:10

That's all I got. Aaron for you. Ah, well, I had a an interview today



for the head baseball coaching position at coffeyville. In Kansas, Kansas. Yeah, which is about 40 minutes from where I am to jaunt over the border. Yeah. So it's just a we hop. So head that today with awesome, they're talking to them and like so what would I be teaching? They're like, Oh, well, how about high school English? I'm like, I don't know. I mean, I so I did that today. And then I


Brandon  94:51

had a couple couple other emails for some schools, you know, with only trying to get back into the old teaching gig.





Brandon  95:03

I'm trying to now I'm settling on that get get stuff organized for that, you know, have a great support system and getting the tools for that.



Now, shall we is pushing really hard for me to get back in the saddle with that, and she's been super awesome with it. And I know you guys have as well. And then just copious amounts of typing. That's the the state has implemented that this what we're doing now might be a full time thing where there's field workers and then there's typers. Non division of labor. Yeah. All. Yeah, basically. So, because the biggest thing is that they're with DHS. Is that the trend to retain workers as well? I mean, that is their chronic problem. Yeah, they're trying. They're thinking about going to four days a week. They're only thinking about doing you know, these kinds of things and,


Brandon  96:02

and because a lot of times with DHS, you know, people come right out of college into this field. And then they're like, Oh, this is actually



not fun. And so, you know, we get a lot of drop off from that. And then there's, you know, weirdos like me that try to go back into teaching and leave. And so it's a very high turnover rate, especially in larger cities, Tulsa and Oklahoma City just get, you know, they they literally hire people in bulk. And then no, by the end of the month or two, maybe a fraction of those people will still be there. And so, they, they, they try to, you know, they're trying to come up with new different ways and new different methods to keep people which is, which is fine. Like, I totally understand it, but also kind of at the same time, it's like, well, I mean, his job It's never gonna be perfect for people because you still have to deal with,


Brandon  97:03

you know, some very interesting clientele. And so it's kind of nice to be able to, you know,



sit at home and type, but it's also kind of, you know, I just hate the uncertainty of, well, can I go to the office? No. Okay. Well, can I go do this? No one knows cool. So that's you know, it's it's it's a very Limbo state with things and it's just not it's not the system that I in of course, there was no way to kind of see how the state would react to something like this, but there was absolutely no plan put into place like, we I remember we had a Skype meeting, like on a Monday and then by Wednesday, they're like everything we talked about. Yeah, we're not doing that. I'm like, guy.


Brandon  97:55

So that's, that's everything on on my end, as of as of the moment



Man calling.


Brandon  98:06

Oh, ah, yeah, not a whole lot here. The apparently state offices are supposed to be opening back up by Monday. Yes, exactly. You



unclear, of course, waiting for further directives. I'm so still trying to figure out all what that means for us because like I said, I really don't know. And yeah, really annoying.



Which is, you know, whatever it is what it is, but


Brandon  98:43

so, that's, I mean,



that's really where we are is just kind of waiting to see what they, what they tell us what they want us to be doing or not doing or doing more of, or doing less of, I guess


Brandon  99:03

So, yeah, it's all fun stuff, I guess. Yeah, it's something so



that's all I got.


Brandon  99:28

All right, sounds good.



Love you guys. love you bye