S.O.P. for Pizza

Collin is setting up radio wires to talk to tug boats. Brandon is getting concerning cards. Aaron pulled out the PS4. The boys discuss the ever fascinating murder hornets, UFOs, and Dan Aykroyd. You know, the usual stuff.

  • Collin is on a different computer

  • Gun talk

  • Peter Pan Inspired house with radio wires

  • Not being an Ewok

  • Aaron pulled out the PS4 - Final Fantasy VII

  • The wild milk cartons 

  • Brandon is cleaning out lockers

  • His attention span is still really short

  • His boss gave him a card

  • It’s going to be hot by june

  • Spring break is a lie

  • Joe Rogen and Dan Aykroyd - https://www.jrepodcast.com/episode/joe-rogan-experience-1351-dan-aykroyd/

  • Collin’s Cats!

  • Forrest Whitaker is in Panic Room

  • Attack caterpillars

  • Murder hornets! 

  • Killer moths too!

  • Government confirms UFOs, seriously

  • Challenge - find some good news!! 

  • Something not murder hornets! 

  • Update on the radio range! 

  • New ad that annoys Brandon?

    • Dominos? 

  • SOP for how pizza works

Check out our other episodes: ohbrotherpodcast.com

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milk cartons, pizza, weird, long, house, week, aaron, gun, read, thought, murder, shotguns, talk, tomorrow, radio, cats, caterpillar, cameras, megan, kid


Collin, Aaron, Brandon



Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your host, Brandon, Collin and Aaron on this week's show SLP for pizza Hello. Hello. Hi. Hello. Hi, I switch to Megan's computer because we are do that because we are back at dad's helping him put up a wire for one of his radios. And I naturally Of course grab my laptop and microphones and all that stuff. I think I'm here and realize I had left my job. charger for my laptop at home. So, ah ah that is a slight problem. So I am I was like well I'll just use Megan's computer since we brought hers and it didn't have zoom installed on it so that's what I was doing for the past eight minutes. And and I also cannot connect my microphone to it either because it does not have USB, a ports a USB B port whenever it has USB C ports on it. And so I am having to use my headphones with the mic in it. You know, whatever works just fine. So if I don't have the rich, smooth dulcet tones that you're used to that's why Why? Because you're unprepared. Guess what? Yes. Yeah. I mean, adapting and overcoming. That's what I mean. No. You wouldn't have to adapt to overcome if you would have been prepared in the first place. So, I mean, I wasn't going to say that. You did. Okay. So yes, that is what we have. So how big is this wire that you need to be there to put it off? ensure unsure we will see tomorrow. Apparently he's installing a second tower. And it's the Yeah, it's the kind where he basically needs to find two trees somewhat in line with his current tower. With it start with his new tower in St. Louis. Between between them. And I was like, ah, for your towers on the barn. There aren't a lot of trees in that corner. How? We're not going into like the East pasture our weed. He was like, No, no don't mean they're gonna be like, but I'm not so sure.



I mean it's still like one feet away at least. I mean the closest trees probably 2025 feet away.



Yeah on either side, right. Well, yeah, yeah, so Oh, we'll see. We'll see. We're supposed to do this tomorrow, but it's all supposed to rain and be windy. By a lot. So this was a rain tomorrow. I that's my ice cold there's a breeze watch tonight. Maybe you know maybe. Maybe I didn't. I thought I was supposed to see hey, in Missouri needs it's gonna freeze tree. I don't know. I didn't. All I saw was the freeze.



Okay. I was like, wait, wait, what? Yeah,



Now you might be right. I don't know. I only looked at that temperature. Not anything else. So chilly drinking your wire. This thing? Well we listeners if you're slightly confused our our dad is a bit of a long wave radio enthusiast. So he has a thing in the barn, which which he can talk to people. Apparently he wants. Apparently they're not far away enough and he needs a big Well, I mean if you're only able to talk to tugboat operators in the Gulf while you're in Missouri, Are you really a long way radio operator? I mean, really? Can you really do that? Yes. Yeah. Unclear night. Wow, really? I didn't know. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. When he doesn't have at least last with his last setup when he was saying that he He could pick them up and he could talk back to them a little bit. So there you go, which I don't know I kind of want to be on the radio traffic for a tugboat operator because they don't like very interesting people. Yeah, I don't know what that is right same thing. Yes. Not far enough. No more power. Oh, bigger power amplifier. We need in a bigger antenna signal. Well, I think I think our through the antenna Yeah. Well, so probably different frequencies span my head go further. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know the radio broadcaster, so I don't know. But no, make them happy. So, anyway, find out tomorrow. See how far away you can talk on The radio. Sure, awesome question. I don't know how I don't know how this first initial calls take place. When you get it installed. You're just like, hey, how far away are you? And then just wait to see who responds. Or like, I don't know. Do you just like listen, try to pick up on geography clues. Like, huh? I wonder, right? I don't. I don't imagine, imagine you're just a tugboat operator going about your business, trying to figure out trying to get channel depths, and all of a sudden, faintly on the radio. You hear some dude be like, Hey, where are you at? What? Right? Yeah, yeah, you're just like, Okay. Okay, sure. What's going on? I don't know. I'm sure there's some sort of etiquette and decorum of which I am unaware. So it's probably Oh, A 100 and a half percent. Yes that there's some way to get in conversation. Mm hmm. stuff and things. So go find out you can tell us all about it next time. All y'all how it all works. Do whatever I will report back. Ah there we go. Yeah, I mean, needs to know.



You see pictures of this apparatus tomorrow to you by the way, I'm sure. I'm just just saying you do my best.



Stay on the hospital. Number one, y'all. So yeah, yes. Please do not fall. He just called you down there because he wanted someone to climb up high and treated me by you know what we're gonna find out. You Take this and go way up in this job. Wait, what? Yeah, it's gonna it's gonna weekend we, uh, we got in. We got in yesterday last night and it rained. And the kids and I were out walking around and I the fun thing to do is obviously walk around the house while it's raining and check the downspouts. So we were doing that. And one of them wasn't. Oh, yeah. What'd you do? Wasn't spouting down? No, it was not it was not spouting down downward enough. So dad went out and he's like, Oh, I gotta Polish for this.



As as an apartment dweller as an apartment dweller who's not responsible for my own roof. What I do not do is go outside and check the downspouts in a thunderstorm.



Not really thundering. It was a nice rain anyway. The puddle No, it was



here. It was lightning city yesterday down here. So I'm not about to go.



Well, well, it got better because the the cutter in question was up on the second story on the back. And so he has a



he has an extendable pole with a metal hook on it



to get up and close out so we're out there in the rain and this guy I'm sorry, this huge extendable pole with this metal hook up on top this way up in the air and waving it around back. Safety third guys safety food right if you're curious, I believe I believe that's a micro quote. We did get it. We did get it cleaned out though. We're all good. And then make today Megan Megan shots and gun. been busy. What went Oh, I know. Shock shock me and Megan thing to do is not really is I'm very shocked by this. Yeah, yeah, no well see I meet wanting to be of some interest some or thing to be more comfortable around guns. And so we went out and she shouted out you're buying some, aren't you? That's why, you know, you say we're gonna talk online some now what we need to do is make a field Aaron San Collin has been gun shopping and then call it a shopping shot a 410 Today we're restarted and then Shawn, you started to do 12 games. Come on. Yeah. You know, for somebody or someone who's like I think I've held one gun for 10 years ago, and I didn't like it. You don't i don't start with we started she did. With the 12 gauge, the 12 gauge, right? And then and then she did she shot a 20 gauge and that's where we ended with today. But But yeah, no she was she was getting it. She was enjoying it. What's on the menu for tomorrow? Yeah, I you know when dad said Oh, let me check my arsenal. I was a little scared.



Oh god



you should be that's a terrifying sentence. I'm looking around I don't know. Anything down here that'll locked away. That's thing safety. At least third. So they're probably Yeah, no, they're they're all locked away with separated for those things. Lock the children's come now locked. Yeah. Yeah. And separated from their ammo. At least one of them. Yeah. Yeah. So we were practicing Let's not lie to the people. Right if I go say milk carton did not survive. You're curious. All right, the Greek yogurt various milk cartons. Yes. The Greek yogurt tub did so we will we'll try again tomorrow. Always milk cartons always trying to sneak up on you. So Aaron, what do you think college shopping for? We think based on these? Oh, this statement here I think Colin's going for a small caliber rifle. Oh yeah. You think that's why they started with shotgun Are you think he's gonna buy?



Well no it could be well,



so what do you think he's just trying to ease are into it he's actually very like some tactical pistol



Collins than the UMP 45 very small caliber, but like he's already bought one so his next purchase is going to be your shotgun. Honey this gun



to me like they have to be together because they're related.



I think you might be onto something aired because that is the way the dad would do it. He's already bought it and he's just trying to convince his wife that it's a good idea. Right so Colin has already bought something no backdoor way. Oh wait, I forgot. I forgot Huh? Oh no no, right right after after like the order shift it's like all the time right. Now, I thought I had more time. Oh I mean I have looked at we have looked at Mossberg you know some of those kind of shotguns but also part of it is like when I think Mossberg I. I have two thoughts in my head when it comes to the Mossberg shotguns. I either think tactical entry. Yeah. Or duck hunting. That's kind of the only two things. Right like a normal one that I've ever seen. No, I think calling to the Well, I mean Duck Dynasty doesn't look that bad of a show like but we'll see they have shotguns so we should get shotguns Well, I think part of it too is is no I haven't bought anything but it i mean i there are guns in this house that dad has dead belong that are mine or I you know or gifts or whatever that I would like to have in our house now. Just because and so one of the one I want to make sure is that anything in the house She will have to she will know a know how to use and be be comfortable around so that she's not constantly worried that it's going to the guns are going to jump off the shelf and chase her children down kind of thing as they want to do as they do, that's how they that's how they defend you from the milk carton. I'm the opposite way I have this one in the closet and I keep forgetting to take it back to dad's house because I don't want it really. And so it's like here, and I'm like, Oh yeah, because I used it like Long time ago, I've had it here for like years and I'm like, Oh yeah, I stick back. I forget because it's locked up and put away and everything. That's the I have no use for that. Like, I don't know am I gonna do that? Nothing? What what one was that? Kinda was that a big browning 12 gauge in my closet? Yeah. Hey, brownie Express cool thing something enormous weighs about a million pounds. But you know, it's neat from like an engineering perspective. Like I really have a use for it. Because as as we have discussed earlier, not really counting enthusiasm. So like I have no purpose to have it in my house. Sure. Well, nothing is just sort of sitting. It's pretty unwieldy to like, it's not a it's also extraordinarily unwieldy. Yeah. Definitely not a quick Let me grab the old man. Let me prepare. Oh, yeah, I'm not worried about that. I don't need anything like, home defense. I'm not super worried about that. My next door neighbor's Sheriff knock on the wall. Hey. Hey, go to my current situation. I'm not super worried about that particular aspect of firearm ownership, so I really need it now But it's nice that you have actually not bought first and asked second. Good. Yeah, I know. I know. I know. I know. Dude, though, you can't just be like Oh, oh, where'd this guitar come from? I have no idea. Oh man, how'd that get in my ass? woopsie not doesn't go over super well, when I have honestly guys asking or just, you know, having a conversation first generally good plan. But that's me. Oh, we're discussing Where did this come from? I don't remember that time we talked about guitars like last week. Yeah. After that. I didn't say you were gonna buy anything. That's why you That's why you just bring it up every once in a while. Plus, with guitars at least. Sometimes she'll be like, Oh, that one looks really cool. Mm hmm All right, taking a mental note of that. Thank you if that's in there, too, it helps out in the long run right? Yeah, yeah. casually bringing up hey, we think about this DVD. She doesn't actually care. I just do it to be a dork sometimes, but like it's funny though. So, Colin is going scaling in a tree and building some sort of weird Peter Pan inspired Playhouse with radio wires, Aaron radio. I'm definitely not being an attorney. Walk scampering into trees. Um, I you know, just mostly just been working I kind of had an early day to day or just like, you know what I'm done. My supervisors like yeah just go ahead and log off like sweet because it was it was a slog it kind of day No it's it's pretty much me here for the weekend Shelby is is often venturing with family and friends so I'm just like, oh, what do I do? The weekend? Oh no. And so I have pulled out the ps4. Final Fantasy seven right I do a final fantasy seven. So I will be question answers.



Yeah, I'll also be seeking haircut assistance from something because my hair is quite long. But that's that's all I've got. I went so bad. I am not I'm not gonna go out and venture. I'm just gonna say Sit back and relax. We put up a bird feeder over by our door. However, I've just noticed that it just discovered



a trespasser of squirrel.



Say. So I had to fend one off away from my barn swallow family. They have some eggs up there that they just lay it to stare down with the squirrel, which is a lot more, a lot more. You know, less squirrel acting. It was like actually standing up the ground. I was like, Oh, you're tougher than I thought. Oh, God. Oh, no. So



I had to kind of just scare off the squirrel. So I'm just kind of waiting for to come back. But yeah, that's that's all I've gotten going on. Do you need a squirrel defense? Yeah, I know. I definitely know on the other spectrum of that is have several Firearms here. I'm not I'm not as you know, exaggerated as father with you know, a rifle by the door another rifle by that rifle by the door they're all kind of secure but I do have one or two that are kind of scary scattered here and there. But only in my bedroom area. I can grab easily just in case I live in a weird part of bartlesville like we're not in the city but we're kind of in the city But literally, like all around me is field and woods. And so the wild milk cartons Yeah, so I don't I don't have you know, we it's a very weird area over here but we do have some some things but yeah, I am also in the same boat. I have a bartlesville police officer living Right across the for me, so I'll be like, oh, excuse me help. Yeah, I am prepared as well. Oh man.



Yeah, so squirrel defense system,



defense, your gaming doing a lot I've caught up on a lot of reading so probably spend some time after we get done with this tonight just reading some got like 12 books that I'm just slowly narrowing down but I saw a million I sort of took a break I kind of got tired because I was reading like a lot because you know, I didn't have anything else to do really. And so I was kind of like, Okay, I think my spurt came in when I read a whole bunch for like a couple weeks and I'm like now like, okay, break, not really reading a whole lot of anything. probably in the next two weeks or so be reading a lot more again, because that's just how it goes. The span is short even in lockdown mode so it's crazy how it works. I know weird. We got to go in Sorry, guys. I said I have to go into work Monday. Do some locker cleaning out apparently. I have to help take all the sixth graders stuff out of their lockers put in bags so they can come get them. Oh, they actual for real last day of school should be next Wednesday. So they have to do that. I have my room all done but there's about 12 million binders. in there, so hopefully they haven't stopped doing it in my room because I need to go get them. Put them in their bags for their lockers take these binders out of here. No it's too much. You'll need them for next year. Trust me take them back. Right? Wait. Oh, get rid of the cell. I gotta go do that. find that out today via some weird group text with the teachers and the principal. Okay. See you Monday. Like Wait, but I mean, what? What, what what? So we also apparently it's Teacher Appreciation Week this week. I was unaware. Oh, you know, because I've been at home. And so the principal showed up in my house like a card and like a little bag of cookies. I was like, What? I didn't do it. I said, I know. No one opened the door. I thought it was gonna be the mailman or something. I was like



What are you doing?



Like it wasn't me. I'm okay with bad news and you need to tell me right now. I was like, Oh no, yeah, open the doors of my boss's name. They're like, ah, hi. This is not what it looks like. You're not supposed to be work right. That's what we talked about. It's close.






I thought you said



so. Yeah, I was like, oh, as I know as Teacher Appreciation weekend's like, Oh, really? Okay. I'll meet the guests again. Yeah. With my weirdness for the day, I gotta go do that. Doing some sort of have last minute organised some sort of parade for the seniors, like tomorrow night in town, they're going to meet at the school. And they talked to the police department, and they're gonna, like, lead him around. There's gonna be like, a little caravan parade thing through town. And like, you know, wave and stuff. So that's barely tomorrow night. At some point. I don't really know what time this is happening. And so, there's that. But yeah, so it's happening this weekend, I think. Yes, that is tomorrow. That's this sort of like, there's other things like they thought about this. This week on like, Wednesday. They like oh yeah, we should do that okay okay let's see oh yeah three makes shift but you know see how it goes see what's what can take long towns like five feet long so it's like drive down the main road okay we're done now like a four lane Creek around it yeah right just down the main street okay done thankfully yeah cuz they're supposed to like drive by and people come out just like the house and wave and then go back inside So yeah, I don't know how it's gonna work out we'll see. It'll be a thing. They they push back graduation till June something. Oh, I don't remember what they exactly They're trying to figure out where and how that's going to work. It's talking about doing an out on the baseball field. Like have it like outside the can spread everybody out and use like the baseball pa thingy. You just put everybody like seats in the outfield, you know. So bad. Yeah. drive through graduation ceremony very hot by June. Yeah, well, they thought about that, too. That was another option. They're thinking about just doing in the parking lot. And just having everybody drive up. You know, like, so I don't really know which one they've decided on. I think they're leaning towards a baseball field. But I don't know. We'll see how that goes. He's way be hot by June. So that's gonna be fine. Was he about him putting on that? And I have to surprise go to work on Monday to clean out sixth grade lockers to hear gross. Who knows what? malleable like pop tart ribbons and how long has it been since they were in them? Um, if you'd rather not think about that Oh, yeah, what was it March I guess? Yeah. How much? Yeah, sometime in March. You have access to gloves and Lysol and just trash bags, right.



Do a lot of Lysol



plane throwers. If it's gonna go one of two ways it's gonna be either there's like nothing in there. Or or it's like jammed full of just like everything like socks. And believe me There's my pain I'm out for boy went to spring break and they we don't have a spring break. Oh that's a that's a myth. I don't think Spring Break actually exists. I've never been to a school that has a spring break. So I don't know what this like week spring break is everyone talks about because I'm only ever because when I was going to school we got the 240 weekends, which were never 40 weeks because it always snowed every time right? I don't know why they do that. Like oh you're gonna have to four day weekends No I am not Do not lie to me. Something is gonna happen. School be canceled one day. Never snows anymore. But like the one time it snows it snows so they take one of those things went from breaking why busy So there's always there's always like, Easter is always one of them. And then there's one a couple of weeks before that. Yeah, that's always and never you never actually get it. But that's when it's supposed to be. So I think spring break is a lie. I don't believe it's a conspiracy, right? Oh, yeah. added to the list.



Okay, it's breakout conspiracy corner. Aaron, what else? You got spring breaks. What do you got? What's on your



own? I don't think I have the creative capacity at the moment for something like that. I don't think we have the time. Right.



Yeah, I'm also on battery power. So yeah, anyway.



Gotta keep it a little short. Yeah Allah doesn't have time to talk about all the Sasquatch and JFK and all that stuff



oh and



yeah we'll do a special 18 multi part series on conservative perspectives on conspiracy theories me write that down. All right, we'll do the next challenge find the most find the craziest conspiracy theory. Oh, okay anyway oh dear. Oh no private browser private browser on VPN goodness Yeah, I don't want those YouTube video recommendations. Oh my goodness. Oh, I was a bad Oh, we got a weird one. So I know Yeah, yeah. Your your recommendations from that. Oh, not to compromise any upset here but we got it because I keep watching this Joe. Rogan clips, I guess. Wow. Yeah, that's like the start. Oh my gosh, it is. No. Oh my gosh, he he had he had on Did you did you watch his interview with Ilan musk this week? No. Okay, well, Ilan no like, like a psychic, like, total mental break this week, the couple days before his daughter was supposed to be born, where he was like, I saw what he named his kid. Right? Yeah, so that's his brain space was and and he was like, he was tweeting like, Tesla stock is your favorite airplane? Uh huh. And he was also saying like, he was also tweeting out how to this is just a few days before his kids supposed to be born and he's like, I'm selling all of my possessions. selling all my houses, you know? I'm gonna take this jazz break to ask you to go check us out on Instagram and Twitter. You'll find posts there throughout the week as well as our website. Oh brother podcast.com to find full transcripts, I know that sometimes don't read the best, but they can be fun to follow along with and links to all the stuff and ideas and things that we threw out during the show. It's all on the website. So give us a follow rating review wherever you're listening to podcasts right now. It really helps us out. Let's jump back in.



That's it. I want to hear about your problems or your answer was I want to sell all of my house



On one house. Okay, Elena apartment. Shut your face.



Pretty, pretty bad.






yeah, I don't know what's up with that. That's, uh, I watched. I watched today I was listening to it while I was doing something else. Right. And it was a good interview. It was like Penn jillette was on there for a couple months. Oh, it's very, very weird, though. But yeah, that's where it starts. And then I think you watch one of those and then your YouTube recommendations just go insane. Like, I know what is happening. What was all this words come from? Yeah. Like, Oh, no. Oh, no. I knew if you want to laugh, listen to the one with Dan Aykroyd. Oh my gosh. It's talking about like, ghosts, aliens and crystal skulls. Oh, they just go danik words a crazy person. Right. Dan Aykroyd is just Dan Aykroyd from Ghostbusters two that's just what he is now. Yeah. Yep. Joe Rogan episode. Oh one. There we go. All right. Yeah. What's that one? It's added to that there mean most the time is actually not bad. Well, kinda like listen to some of them, because most of them are just like normal dudes randomly but every once in a while he'll just go off on some weird thing like Wait, what? What? Yeah, yeah you're like Joe No, no. Like Yeah, so yeah, whatever but like some of them are pretty good. Anyway we were saying something about this week Oh, not worth it have too many y's in them. Ackroyd? Goodness. Yes, that's true too. Oh, anyway, yeah, but let's read reading the description of why Elon Musk's kids names that. It's like, What are you talking about? Right? It just doesn't doesn't make any any sense. I guess when you're a board billionaire at the SEC. I mean, end of the kid's name, be inspired by the precursor to the xr 71 Blackbird because that's your favorite plane is a weird thing to make someone's name. Yeah. And also, I don't think the name complies with California regulations about how names work. So they're all held just by California. What I mean that's true. Ah, oh, not gonna say we still no clear clue about how to pronounce it. But you know, that's cool. Yeah, no, no I think he pronounces it on the Joe Rogan podcast. Is that but or maybe you just describing anyway? Yeah, I don't know I I read an article about oh they were describing how to pronounce it and I left the article even more confused I was like, Okay as a teacher, I hope that kid has a nickname. Like, you know, just because I don't know what he's gonna have to call I think, yeah, I think I'll have to just be called Kai is what his nickname is gonna have to be? Because it starts with that symbol, right? Yeah, he starts with the Greek letters calm Maybe, maybe just looks like the letter X. So if you don't know it the first step that's the Greek letter pi, which is C, right? was firstly of Christ that's going to be sent of chi to ca ch. Right? So maybe, I don't know. We'll see. Probably not Yeah, it's like what I read this thing on some of the articles like what I don't like explaining it and like breaking down the parts. I was like that doesn't make it more clear. does not know how words work right? Oh, I think he knows how electricity and batteries work and not you know he does. alphabets alphabet, no letters. No Patients Absolutely. I mean, that's true. That's true. Little some knowledge is patient knows how to put a Tesla into orbit. And that's pretty much pretty much the basics. Sure. Yeah. No, just a little little hobby of launching cars in the space time. Fine. Whatever. Oh, so we we installed some cameras around our house this week. They tell you No, I'm fine. I tell you about the sure huddle on our back deck. Yes. You sent me a picture. Yes. Is this why is this why you buying guns now? Yeah, a little bit.



No, no, absolutely accurate in cameras. Yeah. Bye. I know all the guns no no the gun the gun things actually been in the works for a while again because there's stuff here at the house that I would like our house just to have



these not these things are not related. I think it sounds related. Anyway, Aaron they're related. Aaron we got let me tell you about these Kim trails real quick. Oh, no. Oh, no. No, so we got that we weren't doing that today. It's always there. You cannot know. We we got him out. And it's been it's been fun to watch. Basically all the cats in the neighborhood. All the cameras come oximeters house. That's pretty. That's right. I know. It is. You know, we we were like what kind of, is it? What is coming? settings on them and you can say, give me an alert when it detects motion. And we quickly turn that off because of everything going on around our house. Like, you know, cars driving by wind blowing leaves all this stuff, all the world's all



the men cars,



mostly the the hordes, the hordes and hordes and milk cartons and patrolled our area or our streets, midnight. But it's mostly the cats like I I would never have guessed not just how frequently we are visited by cat. But the number of unique individual cats that come by our house. I think I've been able to count seven, seven different distinct cats that wander around her house. Sounds like when it sounds like when they talk about like on Shark Week, right? At least seven distinct individuals returned to the island you distinguished by the marks on their on their pectoral fins and tails. The Sharks have identifying marks that make them identical, viable by scientists, please. How's it with the cats? He's just sitting there watching it. He's like, Oh, yes, there's he's named them all like this Tim. Oh, he's back again. I've got a little chart with like, tally marks on it. Like either time by them. Yeah, like the time spent on Dortch, right, he's got a little dog here, this whole table set out like I I could probably dark them and tag them that'd be kind of cool. And just don't dark the neighborhood cats don't do that kind of bloke gun or you can start doing some power. Some market cap some capture market release a study going on seeing how broad their ranges just the neighborhood like all of these wonderful peas out there have ideas like bear populations my neighborhood get a fine mark this off my list I want to see this I want to see this table of time spent on the sale, right frequency of visits. Time visits me






We also got I know I tell you should tell the listeners about the water bottle incident because oh, they're already confused. So sorry. They are not in on the group text exam. Sorry guys. Here's a Do not call him explain weirdness Yeah. So yeah, they don't need to be in all this group tech. That would be terrifying. But, so what has happened was, uh, I guess was it Tuesday? Last week sometime we I walked out on my front porch on my back porch at six in the mornings like Coby out. I looked over to the left and leaning against our house on my deck was the three quarters full water bottle of a brand that I've never seen before. And we don't use water bottles like disposable water bottles in our house. And I was immediately freaked out and went back inside and talked to Megan about it and so we were like Did someone they throw it from the alley but like that's a pretty good throw. And it landed just perfectly to be and it wasn't wedged because I went moved it later. It was was it wedge like someone through it it was just gently set there leaned against and each neighbor on either side of us was had stuff messed with. So we were there was a water break so they were very conscientious creepers and just wanting to hydrate, they hydrated throughout their prowling so that I guess that speaks about who they are. And then because of that, we talked to the neighbors and somebody Oh yeah, I didn't know if I told you guys this. neighbors who had planters out in the alley and by their garage, and somebody came by and stole their planters with like an olive tree and an avocado that was growing and a couple other stuff. But that's the big, big old planter like big like you stealth mode steel a giant plant with a tree in it. Right. That's crazy. Yeah. So weird meth addicts wandering around I guess the whole tree right? Oh, I've always wanted one of the i what i don't know though. Yeah, because of that we we we had talked about getting cameras for a while when we first moved in and then decided against it and it just wasn't. I don't know. I don't like her feeling of having them up. But this and a couple other things that neighborhood are finally like, okay, like, just need to have these up or these kind of events. So I've been getting but man I'll tell you what, it's really nice to know when my patio set umbrella moves in the breeze. I am so thankful for that. I get this alert. You don't want to blown away, right? You know, this is all the alert says motion in back and you're like, Alright, this is it. Oh gosh. Open up the app. hurriedly scroll to that setting, push the button, let it play. A little piece of fabric would have like he's gonna have that thing where you like open the closet and there's just like a wall of monitors. Right? Like his logic was read movies. It was like eight, black and white monitors just like all the cameras all over the house. Yeah, they're kind of fun to play with Jennifer Lopez movie, right that it. Oh my gosh. What some? Oh, yeah. Right. Yeah. There's two that I get confused a lot. I was thinking of the Panic Room. Yeah, panic room. Yeah. That's not Jayla, though. Is it? No, I'm thinking of enough. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I got those two movies. I got no not made me know. One no one wants to think about that movie. literally no one Least of all JLo probably wants to. Yeah. Yeah, Drew, who's in panic room. How did I get a degree that made me IMDb phone's charging, like literally feet away and have to lean to get it right. While you do that, there's other other cameras. Yeah. We recently acquired a butterfly kit, which is the OD Foster. Jodie Foster Whitaker, sorry for the silence of the sheep's yes for Forrest Whitaker is definitely in there also with Kristen Stewart and Jared Leto. Let us see a bad guy. Yes. No, sorry. Sorry, not sorry. All these movies that are kind of at the same premise are running through my head right now. I'm trying to I can't remember who's in what. They're all kind of the same. Like that weird Bruce Willis movie hostage? Yeah. Anyway, Anyway, yeah, no so we acquired Yeah, you acquired What? Oh, we acquired a butterfly kit. And so we Yes, yeah, we of course we got it and then the next day we I'm not gonna lie.



Horse. I just home sad on the counter moving in the back. Well, that's no good.



Lillian had said that they were going to be sad because they missed us and they were wanting us to come home to explain to her a little bit about Caterpillar his motivations in life



And that we hadn't had them long enough to know they



don't care about you, right? Oh, there's that but whenever you sent me that weird time lapse video thing. Yeah, I thought they were leeches from how they were moving around in there. They look like they look like leeches and I was like what? Why do you What on earth are you doing? The new leech kid. Just what is that? Oh, yeah, jars leeches on the counter. Uh, you know, the prepper starter kit, Colloidal Silver jar of leeches. It's pretty much everyone's doing these days. They're testing the open back up, like all the preppers in the world. They're like, open the government like, wait, this is what you wanted. This is the thing you've been waiting your whole life for. sign saying No, you can't. Give me home we



misunderstood literally everything you've devoted your life world officially



does not make sense. You know? I can't the world, the world makes no sense anymore. I give up. I give up trying to understand. I try to understand people's motivations and what they're thinking. I can't do it anymore. It doesn't make any sense at all. I'm just like are you talking about? Yeah, so we've enjoyed watching them on our camera. We had a camera that we use inside to watch the kids while they're sleeping. So you can see when they are awake or when they need help. And so we've been able to watch him. Watch our our Caterpillar friends. mosey about Caterpillar, you know, as they do slinking about garden cats are guarding the house. Most nefarious water bottles and the milk cartons you know if you can't have attacked Caterpillar caterpillars What can you have? I mean why even try right? I mean man he will guard dogs missing out on a caterpillar oh I gotta say no no no just wrong right man I must be wrong it's true attack insects the wave of the future man yeah yeah well with with the murder on it it's true All right guys last thing the death moths of death and like really man this year just can't get any better right death mods got the government releasing UFO videos like Keep Can we just stop please? can we can we just not need a break? Okay. That's like, Yeah, no, totally. It's like how how messed up was the world in May when the government released footage being like, yes, this is a UFO and nobody talks about it. Nobody talks about it. Yeah. That's why they did it. Right. That's why they did it then. Everyone else was busy. I remember seeing that I just like, oh my god, this is amazing. I can't wait to hear more about this has been nothing, literally. Nothing. What What about remember what they talked about? UFOs? No, nobody. Okay, cool. Nope, no, it's murder Hornets. Right. Oh, and the last thing that I literally just read about yesterday and I can't remember the name of it. MMA fan. For too long to probably mothra like, Oh, no,



no, I knew I know it was going. Hey, there was there was quite a radioactive spill over in Japan a couple of years ago.



I mean, oh, yes, but that's not all I'm saying is



when Godzilla shows up, don't be surprised. Yeah, I can't wait for the rest of May. Normally we noticed a UFO thing. No, I'm done. Okay. Yes, I imagine the insect thing I can't help but casting my mind back Many many years to the Africanized bee invasion of the American Southwest. Right How Yeah, how this is gonna be literally the worst thing that's ever happened. They're gonna swarm the country and take over everything what and then it just like never will probably be fine but still, like, just mixed in with all the other headlines like what? No, not that to like. Right? Like oh yeah I can't wait to leave. I said I'm not worried about the murder Hornets we've already got Africanized bee here, bees here. That one's like, yeah, until they hybridize that's like, Oh, no, African murder Hornets. No. No bees and Hornets can hybridize probably no, they can't. They can't. They're too far apart. But never know. Right? This is going. Why not? Yeah. 2020 and tricky, tricky lit. Can't wait for all these like the 12 something. Wait. No. Even terrible. Murder horns. Wendy's literally has no beef. Like, what the heck? Oh yeah, why? That'll lady's real mad now. Like, right. Where's the? There's no I'm sorry. It's gone. Sorry. Great. Oh, well, maybe that'll be your assignment. Find some good news next week. Okay, okay. Yes, yes, there we go. That's our challenge challenge challenge for next week. challenge for next week. Find some good news and report back. Okay, looking for that, that's fine. Go for it. Find some good news whether it's something that makes you happy whether it's something you enjoyed or something that is just genuinely like uplifting something. Good news report back next week. Okay, something completely random. And



something not murder. Please leave



something not something with not with murder in this article title would be great. That would be one piece. Yeah, please. Yes. That's the only only guiding principle I'm writing here is like not murder Hornet. Okay, we're good. Okay.



Well, perfect. All right.



You guys go. You're excited you would enjoy the rest of your evening then. And give it a shot here. Yeah, shell game time done yeah Andy booth that make that ps4 work worth money. But you know, and so Aaron and I will enjoy the creature comforts of technology. My column is in the woods. Radio wire. I am



right, talking to tugboat captains in Alabama are excited about this. I mean,



yeah, I gotta also also we need to update on the range, right? That's what we need. Really. That's what everyone's really interested in knowing how much further does the radio go after you string up this crazy answer? tenant system. Hey, man, there's so much me like a full on. Like, I just need to I need to bring dad on next week. Oh, we need a special guest. Special guys. Dad Tell us about your bs radio in I can get him all Yeah.



That would be really cool. It would be literally impossible I



don't think so. But



that Zoo with his long way. I will do some thinking I'm not sure there's a way you can at least get a statement right tomorrow. So you can do some reporting right? written flirting? You know I'm trying to there is a piece of equipment. Yeah, I'm trying to get Megan to go along with the travel recording equipment. We won't have to rely on computers do it and we can just record directly to this thing. And they use it for field recordings and that kind of stuff, though. I don't have it but I like the little zoom microphone things or whatever. Exactly like that. Like the Tascam thing or whatever.



No. Zoom. Yeah, no, the zoom series.



Something exactly like zoom h6 Black Edition. Something exactly like that. Yeah. Yeah. Hypothetically. Something Exactly. That one. That one, you know, in that general category of that one item that's on sale right now. On sale. Oh, there we go. There we go. Anyway, that'd be very nice to not have to worry about computers. But anyway, enjoy your unless you're doing here. Unless you're doing your stuff online and then it's gonna be useless and not helpful at all. Oh, there's that. Well, well, but he also acts as a built in microphone so you can't forget it or whatever. 20 hour recording battery life, you're good to go without a charger, boom, boom, nailed it. But they also act as a XLR in interface, USB interface. So instead of plugging the you can plug the XLR cables into the device and then run a USB cable from the device to your computer. So you can record multiple, multiple microphones at the same time into your recording program on your laptop. So that's another reason why I like it. Hang out. That's dope. Something I guess



that's something toy shopping with Colin Here we go. Yeah.



Cameras we got recorders we got guns. This is going downhill This is gonna get black. This episode's gonna get blacklisted Oh no. Okay. Oh dear. No, it's just like Consumer Reports right it's bringing here the valuable report helping you do your tough decisions. Right? Exactly right. We talk about ads enough on here if it's right in it's fine. This is pretty new ad that annoys me. Oh, it is. Before we go. There's been there's another commercial on TV. It's been bugging me recently with all the insanity, right? dominoes. dominoes. What on earth are you doing? Okay? Their new ad is like your pizza goes direct. directly from our oven to the box and we don't touch it. Yes. What is the pizza? Yes, it is that a thing that you just started doing? Have you been in Manhattan in fondling my pizza this whole time? And I don't know what you're discussing what is that? How is that a selling point? We don't put our greasy hands all over your food. Like that's exactly what you're supposed to do. You're just telling me in your commercial a thing that you were supposed to be doing the whole time. Okay, and now it's like a selling point. Like oh my gosh, it's illusionary we don't put our nasty hands all over your food. Yes, that's exactly right. Why are you not doing that before? I'm very concerned. Now. This is previous to this. We had



our and then like licking it like



right We we had 14 employees lined up to touch, sniff lick and taste your pizza before we put it in the box to ensure quality. There was that before. Before quarantine, we all touched your pizza before we send it to you like right. We stopped and asked a random stranger, someone that a pizza restaurant. Yeah, like as someone that used to work in a pizza restaurant, that's standard operating procedure, right for how pizza works. You take it out of the oven, you cut it, and then you slide it in the box. There's no such thing ever. Like, just like, tip it in there. And he like slides in boom done. It's in their box. Ah, like, what are you doing? What is this? How is your selling point? We don't touch your food. What What the heck, man? know you're trying to be reassuring, but it makes you really question what you were doing before. Right? You want this in your commercial now, really thinking back to all those Domino's Pizza like he's had, and I'm just really questioning like, like, this is why no one liked Domino's, right? That's why you had to have this whole ad campaign. We're reinventing ourselves. It's because you were touching the pizza, wasn't it? That's right. Let's just be real here. That's why no one liked it. Oh, oh. happy news. Next time I saw that piece. I'm like, Yeah, I saw that first time a couple weeks ago was like, What the heck? Yes. happy news next time. No murder. No pizza touching, please. And then






Hey, reporting back to you in the field. Gonna make all feel all the all the videos next week guys bye