more base number systems

Our very first special guest! Collin was literally SO brave. Aaron is tired. More from Brandon’s “ads that annoy me” corner. Main topic? Discussion around some of our favorite music.


  • Top 5 BEST (not favorite) Rock Artists of all time




listen, song, music, called, play, band, weird, week, game, goldfinger, punk, buy, genre, rock, talking, remember, sub genre, ads, people, album


Collin, Brandon


Collin  00:05

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast. Three brothers trying to figure it all out



with your host,



Brandon, Collin and Darrin.



On this week's show.



More bass number systems



Hello. Hello



Hello. What's up? Oh hey



things and stuff



good old things and stuff good old gonna like all the stuff and only some of the things



okay let me just sat down



Yes, everyone is on recording. Our first our first guest. Hey, can I make a comment? Always brother was very brave and just did his first Instagram Live was



trendy. Wow.



We talked for a whole seven minutes 714



Hey, Oh right.


Brandon  01:32

Okay, so, so context for your inaugural Instagram Live run.



What were you grabbing about Colin?



Oh, we were just doing a weekly review of our week for the pet sitter podcast.



Hazard professional podcast. Very nice.



We released four episodes this week



and needed to do a recap of what those were. And everybody



knows if they could see


Brandon  02:06

what we've been talking about. That's a lot of a lot. It is a lot every time I look at my phone, it's like, being like what? Hey, wait, you doing another one? really blame my wife.



you listening?



Thank you for listening.



Bye bye. Bye.



Now let's make this a four person podcast. No way. So, yes, if you're on if you're on the Grahams, you can go see that live. Oh, more.



I record it's recorded now. point in time.



Used to be live. Used to be live call recordings. They just used to be live broadcast.



Yes. Excellent.



So Yeah, that's about all the excitement I have



more than me and not done



when got gas today. Hey, that's about that's about it



the extent of my excitement



Aaron, what about your excitement?



Is that a case that I've been trying to find these people for about three weeks. And then another case popped up. And the person that went out there to find them literally found them within like, an hour and I was like, really? Dang. So, I mean, just typing and then that happened. I mean, other than that, Not not really a whole lot of anything really happened happened. I



still can't go and venture anywhere still can't



do any of that stuff. Yes, that's true. Lots of



sitting on a couch.



And doing



although we do we do have another installment of why ads annoy Brandon? Yes. So during this time I've been playing just like random mindless games on the phone. Why like watching TV or whatever, you know, just to wile away the hours. And we've noticed a bit of trend on the ads that you get when you're playing mobile games. Specifically ads for other mobile games are pretty bad. They're pretty bad. And the thing that really annoys me about them the very most is how they are trying to make you download their game. Because they show you someone playing the game badly.



Oh, right, like dying. That's



that's the hook. Right? They specifically a lot of these like, like puzzle II game type of things I guess I don't know. I haven't downloaded them their ads aren't really working, but it's like, up like some sort of puzzle solving, casual game game kind of situation, right? And it's like, it will show people just solving the puzzle the wrong way and failing in an attempt for you to be like, ah, I can do that and then like, download it and do it correctly. Right I think that's the goal.



But seeing these like all the time, like



this is driving me crazy. I can't



If listeners like the kind of this kind of talk, they can go back and listen to episode prescribed at home to you more about our is a follow up, follow up in ADS don't have a lot to do right now. So I've been watching a lot of television and seeing a lot of ads and playing these like games on the phone, which because every news report that I see talks about is talking about how ad revenue is just it's basically zero for everybody right now. Well, that's odd. I mean, because ads are in media. I mean, I get people aren't buying this stuff, perhaps because they're busy buying things like you know, food, right? stuff. So that that might be



that part. Like when you see the ad on television.



You're like, well, that's I can't buy that right now. So maybe that's where they count some of that from. But it has been weird to see the two types of ads on TV. Right? There's the one that's like, Hey, we're all in this together. And we care about you. burger. Burger King. No you don't. You just want me to buy your Whopper. Okay, stop summit. Right? This is the this is the Hey, we want you to feel better by buying our product. Ad right? Right. That's the one. The second one is the one that's like completely just ignoring everything. It's like, Oh, go adventure in a jeep. You're like, I can't. I can't though. Not allowed. I'm not allowed to do that. Right? Oh man. He had all his makeup and self care commercials of like, you deserve this. Take some time for yourself. Oh, I got a time right now time. Oh yeah. No one will get to see me right now. Talking about Here's their face wash like I don't care. No, no what is CB right? I'm just really going for the rustic Hagrid.



Yeah, what's really going on right now?



Right I'm just really fully enveloping like embracing the hermit look right now. So like I don't care about No, I don't mean you're weird like stuff when you go out I'm not going out shopping. It's really weird because I really cute, very strange contrasting advertisements on TV because I was watching they read it they did another psych marathon the other day, I was watching some of that guy and that shows the best. And I was just sitting watching it but you watch this as you like, but these are very, very one sided or the other. Right? Like no, like completely normal. Like, hey, go out do this like I know. Okay? Or like While you're at home by this I can see who brought who bought their ad spots in advance. Yes. So it's very that's been my big observation of the week. Just pretty home. Playing Sudoku on the phone or watching television. I see ads that annoy me.



That's been good.



trying the challenge mode of playing the Sudoku with hexadecimal. That's fun. Oh my god, what? I think more Sudoku puzzles need different base number systems. make them more exciting. More base, right? Yeah, this one is definitely there's one is definitely hexadecimal. is awesome. It's a big like, 16 basics square thing. Yeah. Quite a lot. Yeah. So you can play the play in hexadecimal. It's fun to play in other bases, right? base 12. I think that's a different definition of cool. It's cool. Gosnell. Right is that we based was called thousand decimal, I don't know.



It's 12. It's 12 is good. So



like base 12.



I think base to be a very small puzzle.



You hate yourself you like base 60. Right. It's something that's self loathing. You really have a lot of time to devote to that. We were just saying we weren't going anywhere. That's true. Just sit there. Doing nothing this done Oh, that's what the like, really just like melancholy sort of hit me this week, right? I've just like



I just






can't bring myself to do anything at all. Even the small little things that have been doing like






why bother? Yeah, right like I could do it later. It's not like I'm pressed for time. So it's been that weird week where you just find out kind of get that like, blah



and it's a little rough. So



yeah, well that's



that's as this as the extensions keep coming. That's really where everybody's finding of going. Okay, I was mentally prepared for two weeks or three weeks. Yeah, I got that. I got that. And then,






Yeah, right. This is like, I can't even really remember what week I'm on of not being at school. Right? That's kind of where I'm at.



So it's like, oh,



yeah, no, it is I, I'm right. I'm right there with you just seeing it stretch on and on. You just start going. Okay. Well, this is what this should be. Yeah. Five weeks. Yeah. Right. I think if I'm looking at my calendar correctly, roughly roughly five weeks of sitting at home.



Blah. So



Yeah, a couple weeks you good, but like, you're talking about the day, right? It's like one of the things like normally when you're at home, you're off or whatever you're like, oh man, I'm just gonna go do this. Like, absent mindedly like, go do thing. Like, go to X store, right? Go, whatever now you're like well, nope I'll just sit here some more. Be here. Yeah. As the bar just like



maybe you can start branching out to some new music since you guys that some of our listeners also like listening to bands such as the weekend and Yeah, see, that's me. that's a that's a person. And this is I know that you're not really using the bandwidth himself. That's a band. I mean, he's like a rapper the weekends, I can rap on it. I know that you are trying to flex your cool points by being on the gram. But apparently, you're not really up with the C music lingo he has. And you would know that Sam hunt just released a new album. I don't know. So that's why that was popular right now. Genuinely. I'm reading through these and they're like, I don't need any, you know, people, any of these people are scrolling. And I'm going Nope, I have no idea. Now, to be fair. If I went through the list of things that I have listened to recently, you would also say that because it's just really obscure and bizarre. But that's so like, these are in a good way. Not mean that's not even it doesn't necessarily because some of us have I like this too, is really Weird. isn't good or bad is not really relevant. It's just is weird. So I'm like Sam Han is a country dude. Right? He's like a country guy. So I mean, if you don't listen to country music, which I don't I just happen to know who that I just happened to see something online that his album finally came out after like 20,000 years. He's the body like a background guy. If you've heard that song, that's him. Ah, so he finally released a second album after a long time. I don't know if it's good or not. Because again, I don't listen to country music anymore. Really? It's not really a thing. I've done it a long time. Fourth and Fifth grade. Big country music time for me. Where does he go with it? Where does he go with the body like a background? Does he follow it up with like, filled with potholes and listening I every time it's on the radio cheyna likes it. She thinks it's funny. I asked those questions like, like have you ever been on a background Does that mean that they're, you're ashamed of her because like, it's the back way that nobody goes, I gotta understand, so that



nobody cares for it. And it's like,



that's the big song he's famous for. Okay. I think the metaphor that he's going for is like he says something like worn I don't know. He He says, I believe it's, it's in reference to like a back road that you yourself have traveled a lot because I believe one of the lines that he says is, I know every curve like the back of my hand, right? So he's trying to reference that you're like that. It's like a good thing. Right? Like a familiar



something I don't really know.



I don't happen to think that he pulls it off particularly well, but that's just not my style of music. Again, I haven't listened to any country music being here. Since since Brooks and Dunn. Really? I was kind of my last. So that tells you how out of the loop I am I'm cutting music



that was kind of it. So



yeah, no, I'm done.



But I'm reading these lyrics and these just I yeah, no, this is not Yes. I think he's never been on a back road in his life. Okay. I mean, probably not probably not for a long time, right because again, I think of the back road like the random Becker's my friend's house, not well maintained. Right. Pull out and I like his lines there was every inches a mile and like, that's not a really flattering thing to say.



Yeah, that's, that's a little tough anyway.



Okay, well, yeah, know who any of those people are. Cool. Yeah, that's fine. But again, if I was like, Hey, I told you that I can't actually have a listen to music this week. Really? Taking a break from my music listening, cuz again, I was like I could do it later, whatever. But if I had to tell you, if I told you the last five things I was into, you'd be like, what? Sure. So the people who really have a rough this week are the NASA astronauts returning. Yeah. That's, uh, after being in orbit for many, many months coming down to earth. It's way different. Yeah, like if I was I'm like, yo, can I just like, stay here? Can you send me some? Send me around another time just to more than relax, coach. Send me some food now. I'll keep doing stuff. I'm good. I'm good guys. Yeah, That's gonna be weird be weird adjustment. Yeah, cuz you know they're like Oh man, I can't wait to come down and see every night Oh, I can't wait to come home and spend weeks in this room just on the ground now I can't even do fun no gravity things going the bathrooms gonna be much improved probably but because that space is just a weird undertaking all kinds of extra stuff right like what? Extra hazards. Write these on earth your bath. Your waist doesn't just like floating away. No no come back. I wanted JK






of space um, have you seen the new high resolution photos from Apollo 13? No, they meet them See if I can send this to you guys. What they did was






they went and






a lot of the images that were taken so long in high definition. Yes, yeah in high definition. So a lot of the things they can eat that we that we, we know. Let me see if I can reprocess and Apollo 13 is a very important movie for the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game, so I didn't know that well.






Oh, man, I need to find these what they did. What they did was they reprocessed I saw the headline somewhere, but



I didn't read it.



Yeah, I'm gonna This is gonna drive me insane. I'm gonna try. I'm gonna try to look for this. Oh, yes, here. They are. What he did. Was he stacked? multiple frames. It's unworldly here, I'm going to send this to you guys in our super secret text channel.



Yeah, called texting as



per secret because no one else is on it. I mean, yeah, that's true. He except for the NSA, high NSA. He super processed these old grainy photos by stacking multiple versions on top of one another to create a composite image and then digitized it. And it is insane. One of the ones that's really cool is he took this processed image of the Apollo 13 service module that shows the damage from the outside and he reprocesses it and it's in color, like super shiny and looks exactly like you would expect it to see like if you want them to Oh yeah. Yeah, scroll through these, like these are photos that were taken a while up there. And were reprocessed. I mean, these just, it's a little better than 16 millimeter it's, it's unnerving how crisp they are like, just because you we are not used to seeing them like this right? We're used to seeing the Apollo 13 has kind of grainy grainy and, you know, black and white or whatever. And what a lot of these photos and now these, they're just,



they're just creepy.



It's kind of



not necessarily a uncanny valley but kind of is to me just because they're so not what I'm used to visualizing for these. But anyway, really cool stuff. I'll include a link to that in the show notes. It's pretty neat.



On the wonderful photography



but new site peda pixel.



Sure. Okay.



So Rudy's play with a tape player when Jack's trying to sleep back there. Come on, Jim. What are you doing? Stress, trying to sleep. He was not feeling well, if you recall in the movie, and we're here playing with the tape player. He was he was very sick you know ridiculous. That's cool though. Yeah, I had it's one of those things like I saw the headline somewhere and I was like, I should read that and then got distracted and did it.



Whoops. He got I



got a little off track.



Yeah, I've



almost forgotten about that till just now. So cool.






Okay, well



You okay? Yeah, drop my phone on my foot.



It's not exactly my blend, and then



Whoopsie Daisy.



So, Colin, since you're being all Jedi Jedi, I think we should tell the people what type of music You have been listening to lately. That will be really short here. Let me pull up my most recent playlist.



Let's see what I have.



Oh the number one track is a big Smith and family from A to Z hillbilly songs kids playlist



and listen to that with his kids.






And then I have been listening to my my reading playlist music that I listened to while I'm reading includes so it's mostly music without words. Okay I will say cuz Howdy. I can't listen to stuff I read it drives me crazy. So I listened to I listened to some some podcasts while listen while reading just depending on what it is. Yeah, yeah, like background noise it gets a really great one is an artist called Tyco. t y ch Oh, really, really neat. Then there's one called time cop 1983. And if you can think of the music from like, a cop movie in 1983 that's kind of what that music is. What so it's synth wave music, right? Yes, it is. Yeah. And so that's, that's what I was gonna mention that later, but that's what I've been listening to too. Sometimes. Cuz I like to I listen to that at work a lot. Because there's no words or anything like that. So it's not like in the way some bothering so I've also listened to some of that stuff that simply stuff is really cool. Really, I really like it. And then there's also a, a check it out. There's a sub genre of synth wave. And realize that statement is very odd. And this one's for you. It's called wait for it. Waiting Soviet wave. And it's like, it's like synth music based on like, music that came from like Soviet Russia, I guess. There's lots of like weird things in there. It sounds it's super awesome. Actually, it's a lot more like it's less bacey than like, normal simple wave. It's like a lot. What's driving? Because a lot of sun wave is like that real hard like bacey banner, you know, it doesn't really have that it's a little different. But yes, I recommend check out some Soviet with lots of Soviet wave playlists on YouTube. If you're curious, just check that out. Cuz I don't actually have to. I had to look up the I can't remember which one I like a lot, but I'll send you my favorite one later, I can find. So also on this playlist is dead mouse, but instead of the assets of five to five tips, also the soundtrack to Monument Valley the game by Stafford baller again,



wonderful video game soundtracks. very underrated.



Yes, yes. 100% which is I have several of them on here. for video games, I don't know. Again, I like them when we're studying at school and stuff. Yeah. play them Stardew Valley. When is good? Yes. Yeah, as I say, that's what I have one here. What is this one? This is called the



destiny. Destiny two.



Also good. The soundtrack from Celeste is really good. Mm hmm. Like that one.



That's what that's what that's



what I've been listening to. There we go. All right.



minds a lot more. Other than weird Soviet wave music too much awesome. You don't even it's great. I was listening to a lot of well actually I was on YouTube right and I got that this thing just shut up my feed of the Goldfinger. I was like what? Man I haven't listened to Goldfinger in like 12,000 years, right. Yeah. And I watched their their quarantine videos from their from their of their songs and stuff. Oh, Gosh, I forgot how much I like Goldfinger. I was do a lot of mice. Yeah, that video that I sent you. Yes, that was amazing. I don't know if you ever listened to Goldfinger at all ever, but I did. And as a guest, I guess where I listened to Goldfinger as probably Tony Hawk Pro Skater like everyone else. You it was that music while you play Tony Hawk skate for my car. It's a boy. Sorry about that. Yeah, but like, that was definitely a band that I hadn't thought about since I was in high school. And I saw that I was like, yeah, that their quarantine videos have been really cool. Yeah, fun to watch your bedroom. When is the best one ever? Listen to nothing like a million times. But also in that video. I don't know if you know this, but the guy that's playing bass there is actually the bass player for



another band that I haven't thought about.



In around about 15 years. I was like oh my gosh. Having done all the Well, as Mike Herrera Can I was like, God looks really familiar. Oh my gosh, it's my career. So I watched that. I may listen to a lot of like, early, late 90s, early 2000s punk music like because also, I saw that Matt Freeman is the bass player for rancid has been doing bass bunker videos from his house where he just liked doing play along to his old songs. Those rants it's Oh my god. Oh my god, that was a raisin for every other. I love raising them at Warped Tour. It was great. I met Lars. Like, I walked by him He's like, Hey, what's up? So I met him I count I'm I'm at large Fredrickson. There we go. My one story I know from Warped Tour. We were walking by each other and he was like, Sup man.



Big ones Mohawk and everything is great. But



it let's do it like a weird punk music. Back in the day, because I was just like, Oh my gosh, this is awesome. Yeah, again, comfort food music for you. Yeah, I think that's really what it is. Right? Is that weird? comfort food music that I used to do a lot because I noticed when I was going through my rather ambitious plan, I'm trying to listen to my music collection sporadically. Yeah, there's a lot of stuff that I have that I'm like



I really like this.



Like, I did I buy this. Oh, never mind because I back in the day. That's the other thing you did to you like, Bob, you're like, oh, man, I'm gonna get that one song. And so you have to like buy the CD. Right? Because it's so you get a hold of it. You're like, oh, the rest of this is very disappointing. I don't like



not allow us at all.



I've been I was doing that for a while, I kind of slowed down there because I was just like, I got to a point and my thing is like, I don't like these. So I'm gonna take a break.



Hey, just gonna pop in here real



quick. Have you checked out our website lately? It's old brother You'll find extensive show notes, some full transcripts, and tons and tons of links for every single episode. Also, make sure you're following us on Instagram and Twitter. We are old brother podcast on both those platforms. We would really appreciate if you could go and leave a review on iTunes, Google podcasts and Spotify. I guess there's some more music that we need to listen to here. So we'll do that and get back to the show.






music wise



Yes, it was kind of a weird oh yeah I don't really like



you know I so sometimes whenever I'm



typing because that's pretty much all I've really been doing is typing and calling people so it kind of feels like in the back in college typing up college papers and like I just wrote like a 20 page da summary the other day and I was like college as a is. So sometimes I'll put on some of like the there's one channel kind of like the gaming music but it's like the The Legend of Zelda. Oh, that one's drive. And I'll put that on cadence



of Hyrule soundtrack is really good.



But I usually like to put on like the, like the two hour long videos. Yeah, just like just listen to it. Because usually get done. Or sometimes I'll watch like people like playing a game like streaming on Twitch or on YouTube. So I'll watch those kind of with what Brian was talking about with the Russian soundtrack. I'm actually going through and playing some of my older games like the Metro series.



Oh, yeah. And



they actually have some really cool soundtracks that I'll just sometimes put on and listen to and I'll just put my headphones on and



Jam Jam.






I don't know if I can really say the name out loud. But one band that you know I really kind of like, follow. Know the guy. So the guy comes from a YouTube channel called Game Grumps.



And he has he has two bands.



One is kind of like, the more serious you know actual, you know, any It's something that he's been wanting to do since he was like a kid has actually been in a band and so he has two of them and one is kind of like the more



serious more like



you know actual music music and then there's like his other other band is more like the goofy kind of not serious






And so I listened to them every once in a while and sometimes the bullet the music on YouTube and I'm just like, Oh, damn, I have to watch it as as soon as possible. Because I just sent you a link for you all the YouTube video. The second song on that list is my favorite one. Okay, hold on this to my let me find a it's the one that's don't leave. That's the one like that one the best one. But I think this is a gummy boy, I suppose is that what that is the rest of these are In Russian, so I'd have no choice in that one. That's a good one. My favorite one and I will tell you



kind of the the atmosphere



video. I'm scared now because I don't



know what's about to happen. So a lot of them are really scared. So one of them it's not that bad it's just kind of awkward to talk about because a lot of the music last time we lead up to something we went to war with another country My goodness.



Wow, cool, dark.



And so yeah, I just can't I just like their music and it's there. I mean, they're goofy. They're silly. A little bit on the inappropriate side sometimes but it just kind of that weird humor but they he also is a part of a YouTube channel that him and a guy in his friend basically just commentate and play video games that have been around for like, seven, eight years. And so he just lost People when I was a kid told me I am not good at singing. And he's like, I really want to join a band and his friends like, Holden do it. He's like, Ooh, okay, and so then he started a band but then then the occasional you know, Star Wars movie here and they're kind of things what else we've watched but yeah, music wise, I don't I don't really follow a band. It is kind of you know what Collin was talking about earlier with you know, I don't know who these people are before all this would happen or you know, all this stuff happened. You know, they, a lot of times the radio would be like, blah blah blahs come into the okay arena. Okay, energy arena guy, but who is that and then they play a song.



That's like, that's, that's who plays that.



I'm extremely out of tune with the youth of the world. What your niche is right? Cuz like my lane for like musical tastes is way different, right? I like weird punk rock music and like power metal right? For some like that's what I like to listen to so I like to listen to I really do a lot of social distortion also cuz I love Mike ness so much. That'd be awesome.



But also like



I like that like punk kind of stuff, but I like



oh and like Dropkick Murphys obviously, listen now, who doesn't love junkie Murphy?



Oh, I had a little trip down memory lane.



So sometimes that happens is that someone will say a word and then I'll automatically just start singing off of that word that's mostly related to some sort of known music. I don't know. I can't remember what we were talking about. But I was I was with Shelby, who was looking at me shaking your head. And he's like, wow, the sun. Like she said something about the sun. I was like, Oh, it's a massive and then she like looked at me with that look. And I was like, Okay, let me explain. And so



he's bringing up some They Might Be Giants



like we did and then we also bought a birdhouse for the Bansal



that we have



your soul in your soul. Yeah. And it's weird. She keeps giving me weird look. Welcome to my lives by like, literally all time, right there do that same thing happens to me. I say things to us and goes. Yeah, so yeah, we had some They Might Be Giants, reminiscing. Yeah. And then I might make a listen to Dr. worm here in a little bit. Yes.



You got to listen to the Istanbul song.



That's the most Oh, I've been singing that constant. Okay,



that's good. Even on Constantinople II. Yeah. Ah.



Again, we'll



get it. Hey.



It was great.



Oh, sorry. Oh no you can. I was gonna go I was gonna finish my power metal thing where I was like, I like Dream Theater



a lot like Dream Theater and



a couple new bands I discovered recently well new to me, I guess is unleash the archers like a Canadian power metal band and the girl that sings it is like super amazing.



And then there's another one called



frozen crown. I think they're Italian maybe I don't remember.



But they're really cool too. So



they're check them out because I like the power metal stuff because it has like, singing, right? Like, I like the heavy guitar, the riff and the soloing but I like this singing. I'm not really into like shouting like this. grappling and that no, not really into that. So like, Okay. There was They have a Dream Theater has an epic website when you first pull it up that is very unnerving. Everything about the dream series epic. Okay, I still just really like that Metropolitan or Metropolis part two. It's like my favorite Dream Theater thing ever. Like there is old album, but the whole thing is just like, fantastic. Everyone. There was a band that used to not listen to I would listen to like a song here and there just because it's really cool, but it's called fun. And it's like a Norwegian.



What's the word?



Celtic, like,



rock band,



like Yeah. And so I can't remember. I think it was someone I met in college. And it was like, I think the conversation was Dude, you should like really listen to this and I was like, okay, just whatever you do to stop talking to me. And so I there that name has been stuck in my head for so Long and I haven't listened to like any of their music but I was like, What weird interesting band that I used to listen to a song or two and yet FA you in it's called on. And it's like this weird Nordic fame. Yeah. And what you should listen to is I think it's called paragraph listening. So is it Hi long that we're looking for? Yes. Ah hi long, hai. Ji they definitely sing in like medieval German and it's like



they all they dress up and like



it looks like late migration period clothing like the lady singer always wears like deer antlers except folk music. Yeah, from Northern Europe. They're amazing. Have you listened to that? sometime? It's just so stiff. It's lots of drumming, and a lot of like her singing and like yes, it's it's really good though, like, so it's definitely way left field. Also Aaron before I forget, there's a band called sabaton. And they are like a power metal band. But they sing about like, historical things like they have a saga about like the sinking of the Bismarck. And it's so awesome. Send me a link to this admin. No, that's Gordon Lightfoot. But sabotages like a power metal band and they definitely sing about, like weird historical things. That's like their thing. Like, definitely, I did listen to a song about the sinking of the Bismarck. And it's great. And the video is like really bizarre, because they're like on a boat and everything but it's I'll have to I'll find one free TV in a minute. So I before I forgot, I just want to throw that out there. I'm sorry. That way when I first started teaching I remember talking to Brandon about kind of having like background music while the kids work that like didn't have any lyrics or anything. So the kids couldn't get distracted. And I was sitting there and like I had, I think I literally pulled up like the soundtrack of Skyrim. And I had it playing excellent. And some of the kids one of my like, one class, like, absolutely loved it, like it was a coolest thing in the world. And then I had another class that was like, Oh, I asked, like, like, like making requests. And I was like, man, I am not a DJ. I don't take requests. And so what I did, would you like to listen to electronic music or classical though? So I stepped outside to talk to a teacher when I came back. One of them had gotten onto my computer, and like, changed it to some like,



I was like, Oh, really, okay.



This is how we're gonna play it. So I may or may not know other teachers were there may or may not have put on Mongolian throat chanting music. That was really Like the three hour version, and I believe that the entire class so on that note, have you ever listened to a band called the HU HQ? I'm looking at it now. They're like a they sing. Mongol it's like Mongolian metal. They like play traditional Mongolian instruments. Mongolian band. Oh and they like they're amazing though song. Wolf Totem. Oh, that video rad so good. Yeah, well cuz I because I played that and they're like mantra Funkhouser and I was like what you get for touching my stuff? like he'll know better and weirdly enough, I didn't have a problem with the rest of the year. That's so strange. But yeah, it was like a recording of some guy literally standing on top of a mountain. Like with his like Hawk, like in the background video. Like he was like playing the ones that called that stringed instrument. Yeah, it was just



Yeah, I'm just seeing it. Just like,



this is the three hour loop guys, you asked for this. And then my other classes like, Oh, this looks really cool. And then we had like 10 minutes left at the end and we talked about Mongolian culture and



Mongolian history history.



Afterwards I was like this. This is learning right here. I turned the groans from the other class as they learned their lesson the hard way.



I do I will listen to a



whoops, that's not what I want to do.



Like the lo fi hip hop stuff, I listen at some times in class because it doesn't have words. So it's uh, it's cool. Meanwhile, the other most played thing of mine is pop punk essentials. Yeah. What's up?



Forgot about yellowcard



weirdly, it's weird. It's weird to see this next. Cuz they it includes like, yellow card operation IV lit panic disco



operation. I'm so good.



Ramones offspring EFI obviously Green Day, My Chemical Romance



books. So what I meant to do



all those Oh, I



accidentally said that to you and Susan, that's gonna be really confusing. Yeah.



She's gonna be like What the?



Like, please.



Aaron, I have a call and there we go. Do you guys remember watching Celtic Thunder videos with Mimi? at her house? Remember that What? No Thunder be solid Thunder world famous Irish show. Yeah, I don't recall that at all. See



I don't think



oh, we're sort of talking about things like that. And I was like, Oh, hey, that was a band or music group, I should say music. Yeah. Looking at my, so I have a different subsection of YouTube that I have saved for music videos I like or just music, and I'm just ever on YouTube. I just click on it. And I have a weird playlist. Same I have over like 400 songs.






Sometimes he's got to, you can't remember that flamenco video that you liked. Right? And you need to put it next to your Italian power metal music. That's what you got to do. I will give you your Yeah, it is creature. eclectic. It makes me happy. I will give you a random just sent a YouTube video that said sabotage, sabotage. I will give you one guess of how I read sabotage in my head. I don't know. Seven sabotage. No, beastie boy. There you go.



I do



metrical intergalactic.



I did not even try to make that sound in my head. That is just how



my brain just read it read



I remember watching that music video with Brandon that intergalactic song, but I couldn't remember the words Beastie Boys, and intergalactic. And so I was at school and I was like in middle school, and I was trying to describe that song but there's no way to describe the music video. There is no suits. My days not and I was like, Oh, you know what's the



character character character? They're like,



yeah, we have no idea what you're talking about, like, you



know, it's like really cool guys.



That song haunts me. Every time pops on the radio is like this is this






me I'm making a disambiguation between sabotage and sabotage. And yes,






Also, Aaron, if you're listening, interested in listening to traditional language, in metal music, there's a band called alien weaponry from New Zealand. They definitely sing in Maori. And it's



really great.



It's like mentally, but they're definitely singing in mountains.



There's, there's a song I like I don't know why I have it saved, but it's just like a song that it just kind of, is not empty. It just kind of like it's just one of the songs that like makes me happy. Like every time I listen to it, and I can find it and I'll send it to you guys but it's just like a Why don't have the song saved again and then I play it I'm like as is why.



And then



I have a there's a people that I follow that they do like Disney songs, but they do them in like, metal versions of them. So there's like the bells and notre Dom song and like the metal version, and it's just like, oh, that's really cool. All right. Come on, if you want some Celine Dion pop, punk. There's a band called The bomb pops. They're like So Cal like, punk rock bad. They're very like, pop. Poppy. Right? They're pretty cool.



I think they just came out with the album to begin



I listen to bad wolves zombie version Heck yeah.



There's also



listen to Oh, in the fall



I only in the fall Really? I like to listen to some neck romantics because Sure. I mean my psychobilly music is kind of for Halloween I like it randomly but I do like the neck romantics idealist that around Halloween time a lot. I just be like no I need this right now I need this. I need this



term I remember



what one of their Yeah, their album which one? They have lots of every time I bought one back in the day people would look at me really weird is that there's definitely one called dead girl. Don't cry. Yeah. And you buy it at a store and people go. What?



It's a joke. It's, it can't be on purpose.



Right? Yeah.



So I I must make a confession. Oh, Colin, this is directed to you know, years ago, I asked you for assistance helping me burn a CD. I told you it was a Christian rock band called The 10 commandments when it was actually Tenacious D.






lie about that. So I just I just had the word tin, and Collins like, Oh, what's this? And I was like, Oh, it's 10 commandments. It's at 10 kitchen. Gosh, and it was totally jack black. So just airing out some you know my past



love you.



I'll be right back.



He's scared him away. He's running.



I it was just one of the things I just remembered now and I was like, cuz I didn't know how to burn CDs. And there was not like one person that I followed when I was younger, like an actual like band band. And so I would just ask them to help me like burn songs. And so I had like, several CDs, a mixtape, if you will, of just songs that I like, because I didn't have like the one artist that I was like, Whoa, this is the person. I just like certain songs. And I have a hard time being like Oh man, I love this person. Like, who and how they play that one song you like, Oh, that's who that is. I do have that problem with the names sometimes, right? Because I'd be like, uh, you know, the one



because I used to listen to like albums, just like



the whole thing. I can't I can't always remember the name of the song. Because it's like, you know, the one that's always after this one. Just because I was used to listening to everything in order, you know? So it's really looking at the back of the CD case is because when I when he had the extra ones are like when your friends burn them for you. I mean, that wouldn't do that. That's elite make off site backups, obviously. You're like, I don't know what the songs are because i can't






i don't think i got stuck at



a restaurant one time because This old guy was sitting next to me and he was like, like, we were just talking and I just want to eat my food and leave. And he started bringing up like, old 80s like rock bands and things like that. And like yeah, I know them but I'm not like a die hard, Stan. And he was like bringing up his phone and like pulling up music videos and making me listen to like the eight minute live version of certain songs and he's like, No, man, this band for sissies you need to listen to this and like I just, I just,



I just want to go



like I don't know, nor do I care about some like Whitesnake songs I don't man is not Whitesnake as well is Def Leppard. Like I don't, again, zero cares given. And I remember the rule in the car was in Brandon's car if you couldn't name the song or the artist you couldn't sing along.



Oh, I was just doing that to help you.



This also brings up a good memory, one that we all must share. Do you remember when we were on vacation?



Both of you guys



did not bring your music selection. And so we had mine. I believe we brought this up once before. Yes,



ma'am. Yes.



But I was retelling the story and how for some reason we didn't like my Michael Jackson CD. And so I had to find the the cowboy Classic Collection by the gas station. No, we bought the gift store at



a hotel.



As perfect Where are we in like, Montana?



Perfect, perfect, perfect for cowboy songs. But I thought I thought I remember where I had the CD. And then with a much heavy heart. I remember that my big case of CDs that had well over 50 CDs and it was taken out of my jeep when I was in Stillwater. Yeah And I remember that being on page like two or three in bright yellow TV and I was like,



ah, if only I had it today






Side note now that Collin is back, I will tell you Christian bans not all just like calm. Sorry the worst model the worst mosh pit I've ever been in. Was it I went to a Zeo concert. I see Oh, yeah, okay. They used to be they used to consider themselves I think they sort of like not drop the labeling themselves that more recently, but back in the day, they did consider themselves a Christian metal core band.



And that was a disgusting



man I I wouldn't say



for the most painful thing. Even more painful than the warp tour, where the suicide machines definitely were orchestrating some sort of terrible monster. Bit. It was awful. I stayed out of that one. But, and I played around. I went to winter jam in Tulsa. And it kind of felt like being at a trance a beer Trans Siberian orchestra concert, because there was like so much fire and pyrotechnics at this. Who was it skillet concert basically.



Oh yeah.



What is happening there is way too much fire for this.



This is not at all what I was expecting.



said no one at a TransSiberian or ever. Yeah, like I believe you need more fire. More fire. That's what they say.



Well I hear I think I think I need to come up with a challenge for this I think we need to all pick a genre and then rank our top five bands or albums out of that genre of that genre. Okay. Okay.



Ready that?



What are the situations again? You just have to pick a genre any genre that you want? You can I think, Well, I think which I think would make it interesting if we should be assigned a genre. No, I think we all agree on one. Oh, and then we bring our okay works. Can we agree on genre after this conversation, that is listeners will look back and at the show notes and say no, we cannot say not possible. They'd be like best song of a decade. Now we can do. We will loosely define genre we won't go very specific. We won't go like hyper specific like Soviet wave, like extraordinarily niche or psychobilly. Right like these terms that we've been bantering about.



What if



we do that?



We post rock. Also, if you want some nice instrumental music, I can recommend some post rock bands because it's really cool stuff.



Like shoegaze like post rock.



You just love ambient guitar noises for hours.



Yeah, they go exploring textures and tambor over traditional rock sound structures. Cool. Yeah, yes,



yes. Yes. It's kind of cool.



Silent Island is a good one. As a good band, or album we'll stick with we'll stick with parent genres not okay. Good idea. Good play. A parent, parent job. I'm done with that. Okay, so anyone have an option that want to throw out there? No is that I think we should do the the thing that Susan and I do when we're trying to decide where to eat Which one should we definitely not do?



Okay, I might be more useful to start with like nah Which way should we eliminate and say which one should we not do? We should probably not do electronic dance. Okay there Reggae Reggae okay, because they would just be Bob Marley only like I don't know anybody else to to know Martel's that pressure one song is really shouldn't do. They also did a reggae version of Take me home country roads. Okay to to the Martel's. It's very excellent. I think people can see who's going



to win this contest



or week. Taking yes no or we the three of us have to agree on a musical genre. And then that each of us will go back into our little hovels and pick five or so best examples of that are ones that we liked the most. Probably no dubstep or tech now. No house music can we just say no house music? I mean, I think I should probably just I think we should just go ahead and x off like, hip hop slash rap. Rap although Wu Tang for life. Okay, there we go.



I heard Insane Clown Posse No, no.



Probably no ska. I mean skulls kind of a punk sub genre it is. Okay. So I could no psychedelic music or trap music. Okay. So parent genre is what we have to deal with. Okay. See, you said parents genres and you're automatically weeding out all the sub genres which I know sorry, interesting choice you've made anyway. So we have one of the big ones that we need to identify the big we have like, Okay rock rock, electronic country



classical. Yeah,



yeah, this jazz count is classical or jazz is



okay. Just something



you could do



or rap I guess Rob Turn it up. Oh yes true I guess alternative that's its own dad on the phone. Yeah. Nothing. Okay, so first I sorry, I should have said the first challenge is we have to decide what is a parent genre?



what genre



see what rock VRC rock? I think so jazz, new age. Sure. We could just get rid of that one now we're done. Okay, I'm trying to think of also like the music channels on the old Dish Network. Yeah, right where you got a lot. Yes.



So this one let's see, I've got



Google tells me, Google gives me 800,000 things here. Some of these are probably because like hardcore punk, and Punk would be like, mixed together. Right? Metal would just be one genre. Because there's 100,000 different ones. Musical Theater. This is the first one I'll do. Here is



folk music. There we go.



indie rock, pop. Rocky. Yeah. Country. rap. Blue like jazz blues? Yeah. Disco, disco. EDM in a punk is its own. Yeah, punk. Done. And then I would listen to that. Listen to the comments fight about that's not folk music No. Yeah. Okay. So, I mean, I'm kind of leaning towards just listening, looking over at all of our conversations. Just we talked, I think most of ours were camped out under under a sub genre of rock. Yeah, I would say so. Or indie means a little. I mean, indeed. I mean, I think indie rock is still a rock. It's still kind of rock, right? Yeah. So I think we'll just have to rock. Yeah. I have to ask for clarification. Do you know like, Hey, what do you think Does this count? No, no, I say I say what you go for And you have to defend why you think Oh no. Okay, that's okay to rock music.



Yes. Not a Splinter Cell of like



punk rock music. No. Okay.



Challenge challenge



x. Okay.



So this is your this is your, your top five, top top five.



Now he's just like favorite in general.



So So here you'll have to keep distinguish between best and favorite. Yeah, I don't know. That's where I want to go. Um, I would say I would say best. Best Do you think okay best is Oh, so we really want to fight Okay, that's what yeah, we really want people to shout at us on the internet. Like, yeah, what are you? That's wrong. Best IE not favorite. Okay. Now, here's where it gets. What do you want, as is Is it out albums? Are we ranking albums artists?



Or artists? I think probably.



Okay. of all I think that's my that's probably better, right? Yeah, I think so. It'd be better. And then you can like, have a specific album or song exam, like why is your example but I don't think you should have to pick like, maybe too much like this one song Hold on. Okay, we're gonna go and listen and come up with our top five, best not rocking rock artist, rock player of all time. And if you want to, I think that'd be good. We could make Spotify playlists, or each of those and we could include links to those in next week's show. There we go. Boom, boom, done.



My text me the rules again because I didn't get off So



I'll say one more time. By by next by next.



By next recording, pick your five best, not favorite rock artists of all time and make a Spotify playlist that exemplifies that. We can share that between each other in the show. Done. Okay,



we got to drop the ball again.



Just listen.






text me that lets



you let me be myself.



So he has it to refer to over the week. Sure.



Yeah, it's all about that



he couldn't be bothered to listen and you have Ask way too much.



I know as much



Okay, cool. This is very exciting. Very good. Yeah. Well, I got homework I have homework to do and challenge Yeah. Okay artist is gonna be hard narrowed down to five, five k



will endeavor go and we'll go round robin



So yeah, I think in so come with your top buy but have like your runner ups too. So we can kind of talk maybe of who we know a couple that didn't make the list. Okay, that makes it and then we can see how we rank them and if we have any overlap sounds good. I can go forth and conquer. Great. Yeah. Great. Okay. You guys enjoy the rest of your evening then. Right rocking out. Rock is it worth it? Can we be good if we if it goes well, we could do this recurring with different genres. Yes. No doubt I'm very excited. I'm very excited about this. We could do one day it will be it will be an extremely niche sub genre.



Most rock the



top name the top five post rock albums between 1992 and






Yes, in the European continent, you know.



euro dance hits your 1997



over going places



boys, Balkan folk