time elongated itself
Did you have a jammed week? We did! Brandon felt the time-space continuum expand before his eyes. Aaron had breakfast for dinner. And Collin got pulled over. Main topic? We read the first chapter of the Outsiders.
Collin forgot the month
PD day for Brandon!
Two new FFA People - Feeding America
Time elongated itself
Aaron having breakfast for dinner
45d BAD
Homecoming for Aaron
An bleacher… a bleach
Brandon is officially a cyclist!
He got yelled at!
Collin got pulled over
The Outsiders Ch. 1
Read ch 2 & 3.
Brandon research Paul Newman
Come up with our Greaser Nicknames
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book, people, road, written, chapter, read, cars, week, pulled, turn, class, happening, aaron, year, weird, baseball field, movie, nickname, moving, called
Collin, Aaron, Brandon
Collin 00:04
Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Collin. And Aaron. On this week's show time elongated itself. Captain William present. Yes. Your note. I did. Talking to make it. They had to write down a date. I started writing pause. I was like, What month is it?
Brandon 00:50
You know, this is a normal behavior. It's fine.
He's like, are you okay? I'm like, you know.
Brandon 00:58
I never know what the date actually is. I always have to like, even like in the middle the week the kids will ask me what's today's date? Like? I don't know.
Collin 01:07
Yeah, I forgot it was timber. Like a big deal.
Brandon 01:12
I mean, it's almost October so it's like, right at the transition. II know, it's, it's fine. It's alright. Doesn't matter. It's just, what month is it? Who knows? Time is a meaningless construct. Like it's
Collin 01:35
a flat Circle. Circle.
Brandon 01:39
That's, it's just made up anyway.
It's real. Yeah, what? What's new with you? Oh,
Brandon 01:55
not too much Really? Been this kind of during school staff. We had a PD day yesterday. But like, No, no, no. ministration forgot to plan things for us to do. So solid. We just kind of like met with our learning team. So three hours. It was so awful. Oh my god. It was so boring.
Collin 02:27
Oh, no,
Brandon 02:28
it's terrible.
Just not so fun. It was so bad.
Brandon 02:33
So I more day, like the most useless thing I've ever done in my life. Once I find a way to
Collin 02:49
hanging out,
Brandon 02:50
I mean, like literally, Yeah, pretty much. We're just putting some standards in the spreadsheet. And sitting there.
Collin 03:01
That was kewanee were you bonding with people?
Brandon 03:04
I mean, I technically I suppose that was happening, but like it wasn't. It was awful. So we did that. Today was weird, because we had like a thing. thing one of the hours. So it's really annoying because like, whenever there's a thing during like, one of the class periods, I can't like do anything. Right? Because then we get all wonky. And we're like, quiz tune. So we can't like you know, do so we just did some like bonus review things today. So it's all right. But through our day off pretty hardcore. So we just kind of like chillin today to like, a good lip review kind of did some stuff and they're like, Alright, well that's it. That's all we got.
Well, yeah.
Brandon 04:16
So here's all right. It was like the Feeding America presentation that the FFA does every year. So like, we have like two new FFA people. So it was different to what this felt very like, what's that? So okay, so the Feeding America thing, it's basically like, they take their kids out, and they show them around and they're like, this is a tractor. This is how it like and then they take them through all the process of like things how it can farm your food, and then like this is a chicken It's your future. Right? Like, Uh huh. calf. That's gonna be a hamburger when it got right. Like that kind of stuff. Okay.
Collin 05:12
I gotcha.
Brandon 05:13
So it's kind of awkward, like, but you know, the FFA kids are the ones that are doing it. They're putting on, you know. So like, they're trying, but you know, they're high school kids. So they're doing their best out there. And it just felt like it. I felt like they overly ambitious in their plans today. So like, have lots of different stations set up. But not a lot of time to do them.
Collin 05:46
Oh, that was like, oh, here's
Brandon 05:48
a big blow up. Right switch, like, but we didn't even like we just got okay whenever, like,
Collin 05:55
Brandon 05:57
If you know, and so I feel like, it might be beneficial for them. have less stations that are just more interesting. I don't really know. But it's whatever. I'm not in charge of that. So I just go may say here, elementary children. Here are some cows today. Also, kind of wicked sisters are kind of just like, whatever. Might okay.
Collin 06:32
Yeah, I'm sure they're not the most like Uber impressed of all
Brandon 06:36
time. It's another like to think they do every year. Here in Spain. You've seen it like five times. Oh, already. Like, the pay here? Like here's the chicken. Yeah, I know. Whatever. Like. Yeah, I mean, so another thing that might benefit is if we did it, like first aid. Third grade, fifth grade. Right, dude, like every other year thing, I guess, kindergarten in first grade. Put together. Yeah, right. Or it's at least different. Or it's been long enough. They're like, Oh, yeah. Right. But you see every year it's like, Man, you know what I mean? Yeah. No, so. So yeah, that's basically it today, and this week, so a lot happening doing quiz in Science Time. Because already done with first thing. So get ready for that just trying to navigate the waters of being sixth graders, you know, like you do. So that's really about it. Nice. Redo anything, we went on an adventure this weekend, a small adventure, we'd like to take a trip to the tea store, right? Just because. tooled around, see how it was a little sparse this time. I'm not going to lie, little slim pickins in there. When you're sad. It's like, Oh, that's not cool is the cool stuff. There's all the cool stuff that
Collin 08:24
you think had been already picked over, or where they just run in low on fly?
Brandon 08:29
Maybe right might have been just time. That's the exciting part about the antique store slash thrift store, right? It's like, just a mystery, what's going to be in there. You know, like, it's always very exciting. But sometimes you'll get these weeds like little times where people have bought a lot of stuff. And people have been shopping a lot there. And so a lot of the stuff is really picked over and there's just like, right and left. And the all the vendors and whatever haven't like brought in new stuff, or whatever. So, right? You get these weird, kind of tacky, radically where there's just like, not really anything that's like, cool. So he was one of those times I feel like, you know, wasn't just like, secret, like the last time we went. There was like, lots of cool stuff. This time. None cool stuff.
Collin 09:33
Brandon 09:35
yeah. So, you know, right? It was just, we haven't been in a long time and when you go out and do something, so we did that. Nothing super exciting, but that's what we did.
tidings on
Brandon 09:51
Sunday, Saturday or Sunday. I don't remember which day it was.
Yeah, that's pretty much it. Thanks. Monday. Yeah.
Yeah, we'll go Sunday.
Collin 10:05
there if we need to get this on the record.
Brandon 10:07
Yeah, I don't actually remember the whole Monday being such a long, boring day. It really sort of skewed my sense.
Collin 10:14
It's a three day weekend for you apparently.
Brandon 10:17
Yeah. All right. Well, my Monday, I've just like, endless meeting is like, time elongated itself, right. stretched on towards infinity made everything seem much longer. So anything that happened before Monday, it's really hard to like, he felt like it was so long ago.
Collin 10:39
A year ago. I don't really know. No idea.
Brandon 10:42
I just for perspective, it's currently Tuesday. Right? See how my week is going? I'm right there with you. For sure.
Yeah, man,
Aaron 11:03
what was our meeting dinner? Hello.
Collin 11:08
So dinner, what do you make?
Aaron 11:11
avocado toast with a eggs. got bacon. And so bracha on top of
Brandon 11:22
this is Susan approved right here is this man. She's very proud of you love
Aaron 11:26
when she cooks breakfast for dinner. It is so good. Yeah. So last week, we were all virtual. Right? And so it was it was way different. Because we had the Kansas State game last Saturday or Yeah, two Saturdays ago. And then boom, virtual. Nobody knows. So we're sitting there doing our stuff. And we we also had parent teacher conferences, technically, um, but again, I sent all my emails out, okay, none of your kids are failing. You guys are fine. You don't need to come to me unless you don't want to. But since we're virtual, it was we had to be in a room until about like seven or eight.
Aaron 12:13
until like, then they said, you know, the alcohol to go home. And they're doing stuff on Thursday, getting ready for cable see a Monday and I was like, but like, Oh, we don't want to when we have a week we have, we don't have school, and I like, flat. So I had to sleep in Friday, and then come down here to go down to the school and get stuff ready for our game. Which, if you saw my text message, we got 45. Like bad. Again. If you are in 8 million football, if there is a point spread of 45 points, the game is over. It was 21 to zero with three minutes into the first quarter. Oh, yeah. Good. Really good. Well, we did it, we really beat ourselves. They didn't really do anything that special. They're just really fast. And we just made a lot of mistakes. And they, you know, took the opportunity and scored and so that was last week we went hiking Saturday, a very short game film on Sunday. Because the game was so short. It was over by halftime. And we did this week of Saturday's Tuesday. Monday it was it was hectic because I have a lot of kids who didn't have internet turning stuff in I had kids who did have internet turning stuff in online to get that organized. And then of course, I had the kids who did nothing. No, so trying to get that organized. And then two days, we had to start doing preparation for homecoming, which is next week. And since I had the sponsor of the eighth or the sixth grade class, I had to get my little sixth graders together and they had a vote on a on a student body president and and offices. And you know, like hey, you know, whatever you do outside of school, you know, get with a parent, the float if you want to. We have to do fundraisers for or we have to do sporting event concessions. Because that's the money we use for our prom when you guys get to be seniors, so make accountants and so be off with you know, tomorrow we have data meetings after school. Thursday don't really have anything and then Friday we go play a really good team. So that'll be interesting. visitor day in over a month that we had just given She'll so that's what I'm looking for.
right yes go
Aaron 15:10
so it's I think I'm being evaluated feature wise this week by my principal but it's mostly because they want to make sure that we are getting our written lesson plans down so they can see it and just see how kind of our class flow is and then that should be what we do pretty much all day tomorrow after school at least it hasn't rained down here so our football field looks atrocious
Brandon 15:37
Are you saying you're gonna play away last week in hard that ground
Aaron 15:43
to you'd be very proud of her father would be very proud of me because I went to go help the old baseball coach and it was the new softball coach myself they'll be the head coach next year he dirt in from New Mexico it's called lava rock. It is so pretty and I thought we're just gonna go look at it and then they're out and then he's like no, we got to go know the outfield on those softball and baseball fields so for three hours I went mode and on a tractor and I move dirt. So you know did you actually drink water? No comment but
Brandon 16:26
alright so exactly like our father perfect. So no hat no water. No sunscreen.
Aaron 16:33
I had sunscreen. all right good. Our baseball field and softball field if you guys are bored enough to come down to one of our baseball you say
Brandon 16:41
they're now made of obsidian because
Aaron 16:44
well it's it's it's it's a part of soil that's still broken down that it helps absorb it and it maintains its its prettiness for like a really long time so you don't have to renew it. I mean there's a little expensive but it's going to look so good on the infield. Our baseball and softball field don't have ballpark lights. We don't have a locker room and we don't have bathrooms nor do we have a concession stand
Brandon 17:10
does everybody just like park their trucks and now field and turn the headlights on?
Collin 17:14
I was hoping somebody climbed a ladder. And she was just like a
Brandon 17:17
spotlight. Yeah.
Aaron 17:20
So we have like an bleacher. That's it. So yeah, I didn't I didn't know because when you come into town, you see the park or the football field is and you see these really nice lights and you see these really nice, you know facility and
Brandon 17:41
you're like, oh, there's a baseball field. net is not
Aaron 17:45
that is where the youth play baseball ad and Oh, wow. Really? Oh dear. It's it's a like they have concessions. They have the little bathroom thing. They have like field lines. Because I guess a long time ago. The reason we can't do anything to our football facilities because it sits on city land. And the city's like no darlin, you can't do anything with it. And so I guess, several years ago, some baseball dads were like, fine, we're gonna go build a baseball park. And so they just bought some land. And they just put a softball field and a baseball field and put some dugouts and a fence around it. And they're like, Alright, here we go. And that's where my school has been playing. So I went out there and like, I got all excited because I never saw it before. And I was like, oh, neat. So yeah, basically, it's gonna be fun. And that is all I'm gonna say on that matter. Finally, virtual stuff. I got a lot of lesson planning and grading done. So last week was kind of helpful, but it was weird. Not having like any kids in my class.
Brandon 18:57
Yeah, yeah. Oh, oh, all right. I forgot In other news. Collin will appreciate this. Especially. I am now I'm officially a cyclist. I've determined officially because I was yelled at by a dude in a car. Yeah.
Collin 19:29
Nice. It was
Brandon 19:30
like some incomprehensible nonsense, like yelling from some sort of crazy redneck man in a car. But he was shouting. I don't really know what he said. He might have called me fat, but he was plasticized, and I am. That's what he said. There we go. Vishal cyclists here. Reporting in from being heckled by some random dude. In a car that will be at least four pillars, so
Collin 20:04
that's exactly how you know. Yeah, it's good. I will say that a bicycle is slimming. So you do tend to look larger on a bicycle. So he may it's true. Right, but also people are shirks. So what were you doing? Did you? Did you blast through a four way stop? We take up too much of the road, did you? I was weaving back and forth was just
Brandon 20:27
riding on this road here. I know I have on the road, right? And that would be on a road. Yes. I was just writing. I was like, turning right? To go down this dead end little thing where I go down and then also because I haven't been writing very far from a house, I've been sort of building up like stamina. So I just go like across the road and like behind lows over here, right? There's a stripper road over there. Alright, so to ride back and forth and around and there's like a, some kind of warehouse thing over there. I don't know what it is. I imagine it's farming related. But I don't really know. So there's just this road that leads to that. And on the weekends, it's empty. Right, because they're not working over there. Like I just right down to that road turnaround down by the truck Bay where all the semis dock to load and unload whatever this mystery warehouse has in it. And then I come back right cuz it's like a nice straight flat area with no cars on it. So like you can just hammer down there for a little bit and then just spin around and then come back. And I was getting ready to turn that way and the other car was turning left and they just like shouted something and drove off. Cool. Good. Good job well, so I was being I was existing on the road and so therefore need to be shattered. Yeah,
Collin 22:06
well, I realize just you saying that um, you sent me a text about requesting for input about a helmet and I have completely that was like a what? Sorry, a complete Yeah, probably. Yeah. For that, so hope sorry.
Aaron 22:26
No, but yeah, legit question real quick, legit question. So if you are doing of the cycling, or whatever, you cultists call it. Um, if there is a sidewalk next to the road. What is the location of your where your bike needs to be on the road? On the road? Yeah, sidewalks.
Brandon 22:50
pedestrian? Yeah, yeah.
Aaron 22:54
Okay, when I ride my bike, I used to ride my bike to campus like I would ride on the sidewalk to campus and I've heard varying degrees because it's like, like I always knew it was partially on the road. I never wanted to be that cyclists dude that was just like blocking up traffic and coming home there's parts around Tulsa that are very bikeable and here recently there's been a lot of people starting training for the Iron Man stuff oh yeah. Or just the the the Triton cycling stuff and there's there's just times where I just see like, a lot of people and then like if the cars behind them and so I know like that for those kinds of people training but just for the you know, piddly bang I'm going to just write down the road real quick and get a drink from the gas station. Well what does protocol here
Brandon 23:48
it does depend on like where you are cuz some some cities will be like no we want all the bikes on this path right and it's like a sidewalk area you know, but generally like you can ride your bike on the sidewalk and guess but generally it's the road is better because you're moving so much faster than pedestrians right so people like walking around like you're moving faster than them potentially right so you want to be out of their way like in like city like or a more like urban area like the cars there's lots of room to go around you so like you just are supposed to ride close to the edge of the road as a safe unless you're like in really downtown area and travels moving really slow you can take up the whole road doesn't matter boom here I am in the middle of the road get over it like but yeah, he's gonna be on the road because you are potentially going so much faster than the people walking right around here. There's like no sidewalks with darting away so like it doesn't but yeah Generally on the road I was just like on this little side road over here. Again, not going like far afield cuz I'm still my legs like what are you doing? Stop it but forget Yes. Just want to go out there heckled by traffic most people don't like don't pay attention they're just like whatever man
Collin 25:27
I guess just wait wait to get a skullcap thrown at your head that
Brandon 25:32
would be fun. Yes. is waiting but not yet I side roads behind lows Probably not.
Collin 25:43
Well welcome to the club guy and
Brandon 25:46
in the afternoon if you go over there at night probably there's lots because there's lots of like broken bottles and stuff on the side of the road over there. So definitely don't want to go riding over the air like oh, in the evening, right?
Collin 26:00
Yeah, that's a protest of daylight hour. Right?
Brandon 26:03
Yeah, right. There's a sort of shenanigans are happening over there in the middle of the night.
Collin 26:09
I joined an interesting club this week. I was pulled over by a cop. Oh, I said I did I got pulled over. So I was driving down a road. And I rode T's into a highway turns into a highway. Okay, it through through the middle of town. I made a right turn. But I made the right turn. I turned and I moved into the left lane to light there. And
Brandon 26:41
so you you turned right turn right. Oh, and then you went all the way over into the old Naughty Boy, you.
Collin 26:48
You I just did this. I let me preface this by saying it was 9pm at night time, and I was on my way to go let a dog out to go pee. And there is nobody on the road. This is not a defense of what I did. Because right technically what I did was incorrect. Yeah, here are the events also, technically, literally, I cannot explain to
Brandon 27:14
you how many times I see it happen during the course of a day. Exactly like all day, every day. Anytime they're the intersection that happens.
Collin 27:23
Yeah, exactly. So I make this turn with Not a soul on the road. And when I say Not a soul, it is nighttime with streetlights along the highway. And I do not see headlights. I do not see anybody else. Again, not an excuse. What I fail to see was that directly across from me on the other side of the street was BB cop. He lit up my butt. Like it was going out of style. And I was like oh no a cop. Let me get pulled over. Let me pull over and get out of his way. And then he followed me into the right lane and that was I yes, I am getting pulled over.
Brandon 28:02
It is I who is after. Haha.
Collin 28:06
Well, I pulled in. I'm like, I genuinely I was so confused about why I was even pulled over for speeding. I turned What's going on? Like, why
Brandon 28:16
are they do the thing? Do you got any idea why I pulled you over? No.
Collin 28:22
He just walked up and he said, Well, I pulled you over because whenever you made that turn, and apparently, when I made the right turn, my left tire touched the center turn lane or something. Anyway, Officer Lyle had a lot to tell me about what I have done and why it was
wrong. And then he asked, Where are you headed? And I was like, I'm going to go let out a dog to go pee.
Collin 28:55
And he was like, I'm sorry, what? And I was like my wife and I wrote a funky bunch pet care for all your pet sitting needs your shirt. Let's make it as she said, Did you point to your shirt? I was like, No, because the number one rule whenever you get pulled over by a cop is to not move. Let your hands on the steering wheel at all times. You get a sudden movement or hands like anyway, so I just like I kind of gave him a spiel about like our business like like, and we go over multiple times a day and we let them go pee while the owners are traveling and it's a great way to like Hagen was like did you hand him a business card? Do you have a dog sir? Here's the funny part is that he does have a he does have a dog and he he took it to a boarding facility and it kind of here bitten off by another dog was like oh my gosh, that's terrible. That's exactly why we feel like dogs do best in their own home in their own environment and where they can be loved on by pet sitters who come over Because I can pull a
Brandon 30:04
sales pitch in to get out of a ticket man that's
Collin 30:08
always closing always because
Brandon 30:11
where he is and
Collin 30:13
he was like okay well I'm gonna need your license and in China What
Aaron 30:16
did he say? Amen be like okay
Collin 30:21
well then he asked for my license and insurance and and walked back to this car and was there for an obscene amount of time like I know internet connections are slow around here but like seriously what do you what do you find
Aaron 30:58
of how much of how much we actually like had like resource wise that rogersville like I come to like here and I'm like, Oh no,
Brandon 31:09
okay No, I'm just kidding. So I just gonna stay back and hide so sounds good good plan anyway.
Collin 31:16
Hello back to Collin after getting pulled over like nothing happened I'll talk and he says you know don't pull people over to make him mad or angry I pull people over to keep them safe which point he takes his flashlight in transit in my backseat that I see you've got two little car seats back there. Move you pulled while you're driving could endanger yourself and the two of those that are in with you not to mention other people who are out on the road.
Brandon 31:45
Or any dogs cats or other pets you're transporting at this time?
Collin 31:48
Yes, sir. Yes, sir. He goes additionally, because of your attitude, being respectful I can tell that you are you know, not a hoodlum not a bit bass? Yeah. Like you're you you're taking this seriously and blah blah blah and you're being receptive so I'm gonna let you off the verbal warning this time. But yes, thank you very much like what I'm going to do like I don't know so I reached out my hand and I shook it I was like, thanks. Have a good night like really awkward. I didn't know how to close that. Like, how do you close out an interaction with a police officer? I don't know. I say he shook his hand.
Aaron 32:23
He said you say thank you. You appreciate them what they do and wish them to be safe. If you roll up the window and then burn out
Collin 32:33
the story Aaron Tell me more about your interactions with cops and police officers
Aaron 32:39
well not my minor always the good action because I worked with law enforcement for like, and mine are always like, I like you take you take those those roles from Texas. Roadhouse, and you butter I muttered up tops. It's like, oh, man, I just appreciate what y'all do. And man out well, if you ever see that little gold car over there, y'all just make sure you don't you know, a little bit like alpha. Well, we'll keep an eye on Yeah, and I mean, there's been times eating through buscot late at night just trying to get somewhere and they've recognized me and they've just like, oh, flash your headlights. And I'm like, haha, slow down a little bit earlier, hang off again. So I go on. I did
Collin 33:20
get pulled over on a street that I had never turned on before. to, like, pitch black at nighttime. The last thing I want to do is like illuminate the interior with cars and pull up an app on my phone, then try and figure out
Brandon 33:38
No, it's fine. Perfect.
Collin 33:41
But I ended up going down the correct way down a one way street. Then dead ended and a one way street to a different direction. I did not want to go but if I was quick, I could do a quick U turn to get back going in the proper directions. So a Jeepers looked over my shoulder to make sure that officer Elia was not behind me that the U turn and then what am I?
Brandon 34:07
Oh, my goodness, not suspicious at all. Everything's fine.
Collin 34:12
It's fine. I know you literally just pulled me over. I waited 100 years, your turn is fine. Just keep going my business. But he was out in force for the next like three days. It was a dead. Like I saw like tons of people pulled over time at night. So he was really like, I get this quote is up. I guess it's
Brandon 34:30
serious about traffic turning.
Collin 34:34
But anyway, enough of that. We have a main topic today that I think we should probably transition to relatively soon.
Brandon 34:44
Oh, it's fine. Yes, yes, you're probably right.
Collin 34:49
of have. We were tasked with reading the first chapter. The Outsiders and
I have notes. Oh, wow, that column. Did you read it?
Collin 35:06
I did read it. Not really. But I did clip some, some reading on a digital format. And I had a clip some quotes and stuff that I thought kind of really set the tone or at least helped me understand what we were reading. So I did finish chapter one. Do you get a chance to finish it? Yes, it did. Okay. Aaron, you read that one
Aaron 35:35
very briefly. That's what I am like, I either have like 45 minutes to read my plan, period, or like to listen to it. I'm like, a half a half. Yeah, it's good enough to put it over there. Like, wait, what am I talking about?
Brandon 35:50
So now I say okay, for the first chapter of your career,
I should have enough.
Collin 35:57
Skin? Yeah. No, I don't know. I don't know what how you want to delete out this first chapter of of the outsiders, if you just have some basic thoughts or just want to walk through the progression of it? Or what, oh,
Brandon 36:13
we could walk through a little bit of a, this gives thoughts on the way to kind of a straight forward, right. Like, my initial reaction to this chapter was like, This is the death of exposition dump. Oh, yeah. Right. Like, the whole thing is like, here it is, like, it's just like vomiting exposition that you like, there's so much detail about like stuff. You're like, I don't care what why are you telling me all about what color the gang members eyes are? Weird? Like, is that arratia? that important? Like, is that gonna happen? Is that gonna be important later? Or like, are you just telling me this stuff?
Collin 36:59
Yeah, and carry the descriptions of all the characters and attitudes in the relation of the urbane character here. To each of them? Was Yeah, it was just like, Oh, okay. Okay, I understand this, I think. Yeah, it was it was definitely like, trying very hard to set the scene. And these are our main players.
Brandon 37:23
Yeah, and I did. I did try that. Now. This is gonna sound a little a little harsh. Okay. Miss Hinton, I'm not like ragging on everything. But like, last week, I did mention that this book was written by like a 1516 year old person. first chapter makes that abundantly clear to me. Right? Like, I'm not I'm not like hating or anything like that. But and I know that like, at the time, because this book was written and published in 67. So that means it was written before that, because it was published her freshman year of high school, college. So like, this, she would have been writing this 6465 ish, right? That's when she was writing this book. At the time, this is also very, like, this pretty standard stuff. You know, I mean, yeah. And if she was in high school, and if she was reading Aaron's favorite book, The Great Gatsby, she, there's, you can definitely feel that influence. Like already, here. I mean, like, high school reading, just exposition dumping on the page everywhere. Like, I'm not saying that's a bad thing. Because that a lot of books do that. This isn't by no means like an abnormality. Like, is very just like it is. Yeah, you know. And so I feel like, I feel like it it makes sense with the perspective, like the point of view of the story. You know, it kind of makes sense, because it's like, first person, but it's like, it's like a narration from that. He's like, telling about it from the future. You know, I mean, he's, like, relate, he's like, he's talking to you now. And like telling you about what happened in the past. Yeah. That's kind of the narration style is happening right here. It's what kind of makes sense, right? It's very like conversational. It's like he is telling you the story. Right? He's just like relating it to you like you're hanging out at the park or whatever. He's just like telling you this stuff. Because it does kind of come like some of the stuff just comes like out of nowhere, like, Oh yeah, here's this random fact about this dude, like, well, but okay.
Collin 39:47
I'm trying to either take a note of that or just blog that back into my brain somewhere of like, what of this is important versus foreshadowing a verse is is just kind of King During World building here, yeah, it's kind
Brandon 40:02
of hard to know. And just by just reading the first chapter in isolation, yeah, it's a little hard to know, like, all the all the gang members that you're like, they just show up, you know? Like, is any of this information going to show up again? rise is important. Yeah. Like, or are you just kind of giving me a brief glimpse of the character and then like, we're gonna move on, right, right.
Collin 40:27
Yeah, that was something in my head to the entire thing. But I definitely got the if who's supposed to, I started reading this book again. Many years on, but you can definitely see these tones of, of why I feel like this book may connect with a lot of young people because the main character here in this first chapter, goes way out of his way to explain to us that he's not like everybody else. He's a loner, he's not like them but he's around them and kind of like in their culture but he's totally different and nobody understands that nobody really gets him and there's like it's like that he says, you know, so I'm not like them and nobody in our gang digs movies books that we I do for a while there I thought it was the only person in the whole world
that did so I loaned it though okay yeah
Brandon 41:21
he literally says I learned it yeah that's the like yeah yeah Yes, I did. I did catch that like it really felt very like yes I'm very sorry the story here I am. Blam Do you think about what you thought you got read anything to add to that?
Aaron 41:45
I mean, it was kind of like I forgot I've definitely read this book before I forgot kind of the obscure the names of people. But it was kind of what you guys are talking about. Like it was a lot of just like, Hey, here's every information that you will need for the remainder of the book so you don't have to like backtrack or you know learn about anybody else like you don't want to keep your baby like he everything up at the forefront. Um I to me, I'll try to get the picture but my problem was like since I've seen the movie, like everything kind of reverted back to that visually for me and so like it was kind of hard to actually kind of make that separation where my notes at worship net I kind of I definitely remember I thought it was a little bit more like brighter and like not as like grungy or like everything is dark and sad they're kind of kind of feeling and just kind of how like everybody is or acts all the time but I for me like it's yeah it's definitely kind of written in that you know teenybopper stage were really cool and I'm really cool there. So that's kind of how I saw it and kind of reading it and understanding like who this person is and why they're talking about this and kind of literally build everything and just cram stuff down your throat made it a little bit like less enjoyable but I think the more I read and actually like get into it I think that's kind of where I'll start like actually enjoying it
Brandon 43:29
But yeah, I know again the first chapter is a hard one right because like first chapters are like the most difficult thing to write you know? As it is like okay, I have the whole seat everywhere and I have to do all this stuff and we have to letting does he have to do these like very certain things so like it's it's very difficult kind of sometimes it's just hard to get the first chapter right and so yeah, I get I that's why I was I didn't mean to be super hard on it, but like, you know, Dave is just like, vai this and all these random details and like you know,
Collin 44:22
so I haven't seen the movie or anything I don't know I don't know why I'm reading this first chapter obviously I'm trying to ping on two names and so i i i'm curious when it when is soda pop when is soda what's going to what terrible thing is going to befall him? Cuz Wasn't he Yeah, right. That's in chapter one. And Darrell. Isn't? Darryl Dara? Dara? I'm trying to remember everything that no, don't spoil it for me.
Aaron 44:56
I'm trying to remember it. I'm like, I don't remember what happened
Collin 44:58
is what's his brother's? What's this? oldest brothers dairy dairy Yeah. Yeah. Obviously when I was reading this I was like okay, especially at the end where it's like dairy really loves you and he's just doing this for the best of you and he's like, No, he's not he doesn't Yeah, right. Okay, well, Toad has got great things on the horizon and he wants to get married soon so you aren't going to be live so
Brandon 45:19
he's definitely gonna die right my my 20 2021 brain has to say he is dying and I don't know if that's true or not, but he could be they talked about how he likes to like drag cars and the car crash that's what's gonna happen.
Collin 45:36
He gets drunk on just plain living and he understands everybody okay, yes you are the You're the one or the other one Oh, several people never grow up at all he's like the Peter Pan of this of this so far of like he's just yelled at heart and everybody he gets everybody happy. Yeah, yeah dad for sure. He's gonna get married it's Andrew The one thing standing between the relationship between our main character and his older brother. Okay, yeah okay, let's be real
Brandon 46:11
Yeah, so yeah that was a little heavy handed I was like I don't know like I get I have no I
did like to like
Brandon 46:21
some that's like the tragedy is gonna be around him yes again could be wrong but I have Yeah, I don't know.
Collin 46:31
I What did you think of the other gang members
Brandon 46:38
mean other random run nickname that I can't keep straight yet because I have no, no no.
Collin 46:47
There was that it was it was so weird. How that was just as you said, like, like I really need a flowchart.
Brandon 47:01
Also, I feel the thing the other thing that like this is just a side detail but right like you've got like Dally and to bid and soda pop and ponyboy and Johnny Johnny doesn't get a nickname he's just Johnny that's it like well it's big Johnny last and least wow ouch man that's harsh. So last and least he does get a nickname like surely that
Collin 47:26
again that won't play into this at all of his his position
Brandon 47:32
was the like for example about what was going to happen you know in the in the this situation right he was their frame of reference for the whole thing listeners who haven't read this book this is my first chapter summary vaguely main character movie house walks Home Alone gets jumped by yells friendly gang members come save him there hope reference during that half he's thinking about Johnny jumped and then did not was not able to be saved by people and so got roughed up like hardcore. So he's sort of the frame of reference here. Right? That he's comparing himself to keep saying like, I don't want to be like Johnny I don't want to be like Danny so that's a little that might be some foreshadowing right there. Right. Like
Collin 48:33
I was obviously like, Okay, if john, for me in 2021 brain here going okay, if Johnny is the one that's always on the outs and isn't really accepted. What what backstabbing thing is he going to do that's going to get totally off kilter is what I call That's true. Oh, I will say that I really appreciated this one. I did appreciate this little piece of character development with Dalli, the like really hardcore guy. When it says Dally even though he could get into a good fight sometimes had no specific thing to hate morale, Glen gang, only socialist, and you can't win against them, no matter how hard you try, because they've got all the breaks, and even whipping them isn't good enough to change that back. Maybe that was why Dallas or Dally was so bitter. I really don't know. I thought that was a really interesting point to make about somebody who needs something to rage against that has the you can do something you can win against it. Okay, if I do enough, then I'll finally win this and to know that this is, again, really putting this in the socio economic frame of like, No, it's just people have things you don't and there's nothing you can do to change that. That's the world that we're living in. And with a frame of reference, we're coming from
Brandon 49:55
a broad structure that's being painted so far. It's very like classism Right, like even the even the small bit of characters that you got, right they, the clothes they're wearing, I had to look up what a modrest shirt was gonna wear. I didn't know what I was not familiar with that term. Turns out it's just a plaid shirt, but like, but you know, yeah, cotton plaid shirt. It's like, fancier, because, you know, they probably boys wearing like a T shirt and jeans, you know, the cars they drive, driving a Corvair. Right? That's not a cheap card to buy, right? It's a Corvair and something else was it Mustangs? So these are like, not inexpensive cars at the time. Yeah. Whereas the degreasers, or whatever cars they have, they're just like old random cars that they hire out or whatever. So again, it's sort of saying, like, Oh, they can afford to buy new and I just buy whatever, it's cheap, and then make it more interesting, but like, so you are setting that up? Really? Well, they kind of already
Collin 51:17
specifically said, Oh, other places have gay. We don't have any of that. We just have the notion. We just have the social standing like he specifically says, Yeah, places fight gangs. And when turf wars, we don't have that. We just have people who have things don't over knock. And I love the whole thing of like, also like that, but we're not the hood. We're not we're not those guys.
Brandon 51:40
Yes. Yeah, that was kind of a weird like, wait, that was a weird little aside that I didn't really, again, I think I might be missing some of the context here. But like, I feel like that. That's like, they just like straight up criminals. Yeah, right. So it was like, creases are just sort of like your lower like your blue collar families. Like poor middle class or like lower class people. Whereas those are just they just stripped? Because even they they the girl in the science class mentioned that when he whipped out his knife, yeah. Talking about he has some sort of weird tangent about being science class. Like, this weird thing. Is the knife in science class. No, good. Yeah. Yeah. So you watch the Switchblade out and the girl comments like Oh, you are a hood. Like what like okay. Yeah, so I thought that whole part was kind of lost me a little bit you know, when they like after after he got jumped and they went went home that he sort of like, while he's doing his homework and sort of dozing off. Like he goes on his weird side tangent about like, this other stuff. And like, watch me talking about
Collin 53:10
it definitely did feel like a dream sequence in a book, because it was totally like, Oh, I wonder what the other girls are like and wonder what they react and how they do things if Oh, well, but they're their boys probably don't get arrested like ours. This is just like this weird like stream of conscious. Yeah, interest. But you can see, it was very interesting for me to have this boy painted of like, I wonder what this upper classes like. But all but in the same stroke simultaneously being like, but I'm not those who are beneath, like, still suffering from that same kind of classes. ideas of, of where people stand and how they're viewed by the world of while he's bemoaning the socialists, how they view him his same reaction towards that towards hood. Yeah, was pretty apparent to me. Yeah,
Brandon 54:04
that was the weird part was like, oh, man, I can't believe he looked down on that. Now like, I look like it was a really weird, exactly, yes. When I found it, it's when he starts. He's like, dozing off reading great expectations. And he just starts going to this weird tangent like, Oh, yeah. You know, like Pip. And then Dylan said, he goes, once I'm in biology class, I had to dissect a word be like, wait, wait.
Collin 54:30
Yeah, it'll be interesting. What? Again, this is only chapter one. It was what like 10 pages? I
Brandon 54:38
don't remember. Yeah, like the very logs have
Collin 54:42
of how the right a for me the writing style, how that progresses. And if it is continually in this vein, of again, it's like, oh, this is for middle schoolers written by a middle schooler, whoever, whatever this person was when they were like, you can definitely tell high school, high school. Okay, I definitely get like this kind of writing. How VPS to like high schoolers brain?
Brandon 55:06
Yeah. Right. But again, I'm not throwing shade because let's be fair, have I ever written anything? even remotely? That's good? Absolutely not. So like, I'm not coming at this from like, Oh my gosh, I could do better because I cannot. Alright, I just want put that out there for any listeners who might be like, Oh my gosh, I can't believe your track. No, no, I am truly aware. I am fully aware that this is far better than anything I have ever written. So I swear. That's I'm only coming in from like a literary like critiquing analysis point of view, from having read lots of other stuff. So that's that's the only section I'm trying to give my honest opinion.
Collin 55:50
Yeah, and I think same. I absolutely. I think, again, it's, we've talked about this before on the podcast about books that were written in a new style that took us a while to understand or Yeah, different than we were used to. This is very, this is written in a different style than I am used to. So that is something that is gonna be interesting to see how that progresses, of course of the book, to see if it is different, or if it gets different, better, or maybe not better, but if it you know, whatever, I don't know. But yeah, it was very interesting.
Brandon 56:32
Oh, yeah, no, I agree. It's, it's very much that like that perspective, like, generally I don't, I don't have a history of reading books with protagonists who are 15, or whatever. Yeah, right. This kid, How old's pony? I don't remember it said in there somewhere. 1414. Yeah. Like, I don't have a lot of experience reading books where the protagonists are 14 years old, even when I was 14 years old. But like I said, last week, a little bit, I wasn't reading that kind of book. Right off the top of my head books. I've read with people that young his characters are like
Treasure Island.
Brandon 57:11
The Jungle Book, looking at my bookshelf here, Lord of the Flies, a different book, too. That's a very different book, but other protagonists are younger. That might be about it, that I can think of off the top of my head. Yeah. I had to read a book for a middle school literature class called the beaded moccasins. That's about a young girl, that book is not good. Okay, but I didn't, I was forced to read that one. So that one doesn't count. So that's that that's really kind of, it's outside of my wheelhouse. You know, most protagonists, most book protagonists are older, even if they're lacking their 20s. Right. So I would say that's, it's hard. I feel like it's going to be in that perspective, it's going to be slightly hard for me to make connections with that, like, even I was once 14, and, you know, weird, but like, just that perspective on the novel is, is something it is different, you know, because I've read other things that are, you know, told from the perspective narrative, looking back on the past, that's breath, delay comment. But yeah, the age? Also, I'm not really thinking, not a lot of books set in this particular time period. Right? In my wheelhouse. Right, because I'm imagining it's not explicitly stated anywhere in here, I don't think but I'm pretty sure we're meant to assume this is sort of, like contemporary with when it was written yet, you know, it's very much of its time of its place. So it is kind of a book about the mid 60s. You know, that is, you know, mid 60s, middle America, kind of, you know, also just not super familiar with a lot of that stuff. I mean, from like movies, right? But, yeah, that's kind of it too. So that being familiar with that time period is also going to be
slightly interesting.
Collin 59:46
Yeah, I feel like I'm going to be googling a lot of things to get a reference.
Brandon 59:50
Yeah, I will see like, I'm also interested to see how much because that was a very tumultuous time. in American history by, does that play a role here anywhere? Or is it just like, is this story just sort of insular? Is this happening out in the community? Only? Or does the broader? Yeah, how big is the world? Is the world just wherever this sets? Again, I think it's we're supposed to assume that it sort of is written based on her kind of life experiences. So like, is this book just about mid 60s? Tulsa, Oklahoma? Or is there a broader sort of perspective here, gonna show up somewhere? I don't know. Even even if it's like, indirect, or subtly, you know what I mean, not like, super in your face, I'm imagining it's not super in your face, if it's in there, you know, but just sort of those general cultural phenomenons of the time, if they show up in here in some form. So I'm going to be able to look out for that. I think that will be interesting to see if that informs, kind of that might help me to get more into the book, too. If I think about it in that kind of, if I put myself in that frame of reference, I think it might benefit me. Just me personally. Sure. I might think about that going forward, at least try to be kind of in that frame of mind. As I read it, and try to connect and understand the character. Yeah, I think that that setting is going to be beneficial. For just me personally.
Collin 1:01:37
I think it'll just be a little hard because it's going to be reliant upon what? How much she was aware of at that time. That's true. The story, right, is that that's going to be a different, a different thing.
Brandon 1:01:54
For sure. But I again, I don't think it's going to be like super, I could be wrong. But like, I imagine it's not gonna be super heavy handed. You know? Yeah, I agree. We just got some subtlety already at the beginning, right, we got Corvair Mustang. Paul Newman, right. That's a very, kind of mid 60. Ask, you know what I mean, so we're already kind of painting that we're starting to paint that picture. So we have some of those cultural touchstones. I'm curious about what Portman Newman movie ponyboy would have been seeing. I have to see if I could figure out what that might have been. Right. Because even making movie since like the late 50s, I think so there's definitely some some chances here. So I got to try to determine what Paul Newman movie. It's most likely the one that ponyboy saw immediately preceding the evidence of chapter one.
Collin 1:03:03
Okay, that's your super flu thing that you have
Brandon 1:03:06
super sleuthing. Okay. Next, next one, too. Alright, so next time, I'm going to just read chapter two. Are we going to read chapter two? And three? What's the plan moving forward? Aaron, thoughts on plan moving forward, busiest man.
Aaron 1:03:23
I think I think we're able to do like chapter two. And three, because they're not. They're not that long, right?
Brandon 1:03:31
I really this one was like 15 pages maybe? Yeah.
Aaron 1:03:34
So I think I'll do it too. chapters.
Collin 1:03:43
Chapters two and three next time
Brandon 1:03:44
that way we don't we, the listeners might not want this to be like a 12. There's 12 different chapters in the book. It's not like
Collin 1:03:52
a 12 part series.
Brandon 1:03:53
Yeah, right. We might we could make it a little smaller.
Collin 1:03:57
But it's been at least it'll be at least 13 because we've already done like a pre show. Last true. Wrap Up show we're
Brandon 1:04:05
fine. Fine, except, we'll experiment we'll do two or three this week. We'll see how it goes. And then we'll go from there.
Agreed. Agreed.
Brandon 1:04:16
I can make sure we don't like because I know Aaron is the busy one currently. So as long as you got some time to do that. Don't be like read rest of the book. Yeah, cuz I know your schedule is hectic. So. So make sure it's all good for you. Yeah. Two and Three. Got it, and determine what movie he was. He might have been seeing. Yeah. All right.
Collin 1:04:43
Very good. Go for it. And we'll catch up next time guys.
Brandon 1:04:49
All right.
Collin 1:04:50
Oh, also think of what your greaser nickname would be. Crazy.
Brandon 1:04:58
Okay, side challenge. come up with your own grease or nickname I like it. No, this is gonna be hilarious.
Collin 1:05:09
Okay, great. Aaron you are you volunteered? Yeah.
Brandon 1:05:14
Okay. Love you guys.