This is Only Half Over

Aaron is excited about Halo. Brandon’s coffee sock update. Collin has dogs. Main topic? Oh Brother goes to Bollywood!

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movie, film, remember, watch, good, big, indian cinema, aaron, pretty, bollywood, action, india, find, called, started, indian, girl, bit, weird, playing


Collin, Aaron, Brandon


Welcome to



Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Collin and Aaron.



On this week's show, this is only half over.



Nice. You go Ha. Thanks, Michelle. Rhoden? perfection



what was the other one?



is a no. Yeah, it's Yeah, I was gonna say to get to



it When I was searching for but I also I just have this, this the mental image. I don't know if you remember the way she taught? Yes. Animated. helps you remember? I remember I just Yeah, no. Well, exactly. That's exactly what happened was. I remember the face and her hand you know she held up her hands going



on See that? Yeah, I remember it all set up. Yeah. Come see comsa or sabarimala. Right. I remember that lesson very well. Yeah. Oh,



good stuff.



It does things randomly, just stuck in there.



But it's all Yeah, yeah. And then that moment where I was like, wait a minute, what do I say? And my brain just hit her motions. And I didn't even I didn't even have to think of the words I just knew. Oh, my gosh, it was



it was actually Monday. pioneer in whole brain teaching look at that didn't even know. Yeah, whole brain. No, that is a good good stuff. I've only heard about it in the last several years, so maybe it was around back then. Maybe she was a pioneer in the field. We don't know. We don't how could we? How could we possibly know? No idea.



But no way straight ever finding out unfortunate I guess you could say you could listen to her. She



just disappeared. Okay.



Our first guest I want to go.



Who are you again?



Why are you doing this to me and why? I'd like to think I'm a memorable type of person, but I definitely graduated like almost 15 years ago now from high school. So, and I would have had her I would have had her at least 15 years ago because I didn't take her into my senior year. I think it was a



maybe I did. I don't remember.



I didn't want it to. I don't know if I started sophomore or junior. Yes. I started Junior. don't finish. don't recall. So I don't remember if it was.



Yeah. You say on that you say French one in print two. Like there was a friend. I think there



was actually not. I think it was like an unofficial class. It was like I always that's what that's what I remember.



You had to sign up for like one of her Spanish classes or it was like French or Yeah,



it was like



signed up for French again, but she gave you more stuff and you helped her teach? Yes, I think because there was a girl that was in French three than I remember. But there wasn't many. But yeah, it was like that. But I I feel like I might done it sophomore, junior. That sounds right. But I don't know for sure. Either way, just about 15 years ago now, boy



did it go.



It was not talking about that anymore. Talk about something else. Terrible. Yeah. There were. Well, I got on here a little bit. Just make sure it was early on. I know I was expecting I was like, oh, I'll throw it open. If I hadn't, I'd usually I do that and I just sit around and wait with the little thing that says your meeting will start soon. And then boom, there goes.



Yeah, no, I, I jumped on it too. I was like, Well, I'm just sitting here. I might as well



Oh, Now that's the test. Does Aaron listen to these two? We'll find out soon.



I was instructed, I think I texted you this I was instructed by NOAA that I needed to record on Saturday so that they could listen to it on Monday when they go to school.



No, he didn't tell me that.



Oh, yeah,



yeah, he was like, he was like you need to record Oh, brother



on Saturday. So we mess with them. Like, oh, we can't record some Monday night. Tuesday. Oh, yeah. No, that's true. He is. Oh, he isn't good. Enough for it. Yeah, teasing. Probably. No, for messing.



Yeah. No, I tried to do like so. Yeah, he's on Yeah. Three. Yeah. So Teresa.



Yeah, right. I tried this month. Okay, September. I couldn't remember if it was August yet. September. It's July. Yeah.



I've been sitting in my room for like four months. It just like, all looks the same in here. I know, right? Wait, is it? Yes. Split blurs day?



No, I tried to tease them a little bit because he came to me and says his toe was really hurting. And I don't I don't read them



at all.



But I was like, Oh, no, what are we going to do? I said, like, what do we need to do about it? And he was like, do we need to use like band aid? And I was like, or cut it off? Yeah, probably not enough for that. Yeah.



I tell that to my sixth graders all the time. No, that's just my go to. Because like I'm bleeding. I'll say, Well, first of all, how we just sitting at our desks, what will happen? Yeah, how did that even like my fingers bleeding? Like, why are we doing but that is generally my next one's like, well, we could cut it off. It was especially good when I taught fifth grade after we learned about the Civil War, right? There's like, well, we have to cut it off. literally no other option is right.



This is a go to we only cut off



Hello, air man. Howdy howdy. Oh, you sound far away. Oh, there we go. Except to get close to the microphone. Oh, Carrie, shout across the room today, my bad I guess and then step by step back though. I am using different headphones this time so I don't know if that'll help or hinder or help you anyway. Can you hear better? Should I use my laptop? I've just been using my phone for the last several recordings so I haven't even got my mic thing out anymore. It's kind of stuffed in a corner. So I might try to pull that out next time but I was like, Oh, I got these headphones. I need try and we'll see how they do. Go math.



How's your week been so far?






actually not too bad way. Finished Hamilton. Ah, and on Disney plus Oh my gosh. A lot of a lot of emotions, a lot of a lot of emotion. Like, knew what was gonna happen, but just the way he kind of played out. It's like, Oh, that feels. Okay, that darn Aaron Burr. So the guy got to watch that. And then today, the Xbox or Microsoft released a lot of the new trailers for someone. Oh, yeah, I knew, though. The big thing was I watched the live stream version of the halo infinite. Yeah, released trailer and first gameplay. Okay, and I didn't let's say I just didn't work for about an hour and a half. And so that that was a good that was good thing today because throughout the weekend last week, the halo Twitter account had been like, posting things. It's like four days left, three days left. And so just kind of did a little countdown building up the anticipation. Yeah. Oh, that's not that.



I could remember when that was supposed to be.



I thought I saw something today. I was like, Oh, I should watch that. I want something else instead. But it's, it's not the game itself is actually granted. This is someone that love the Halo series. You could say, hey, by the PayPal Bank of all, but it was kind of ours, Howard. Because they again, they live streamed in and they had these two random YouTube Gaming people that are just obnoxious, and their commentary, or making commentary over by like, whole thing was playing and, you know, it'd be like a really cool like, fight scene and people they'd be like, Oh, well It's really



cool, like over the whole audio.



That's the, if you look at the live chat, the whole thing it was like, mute them, mute them. I cannot confirm or deny that I commented as well. But it was that day. I was like I don't I'm not here for you and your Master Chief. Just yes you if that's a weird a, you know, if you're there for them, you would watch their channels or whatever. Right? Yeah. So I I waited a little bit and then someone uploaded the first you know, nine minutes of gameplay and I just watched that later. Now without commentary, it was actually nice. So yeah, that was that was a really cool thing that happened today and got some work done. And some other stuff minor things accomplished, but that was that was kind of the highlight of my my day. And then watch the finish Hamilton and then watch. The other thing that we will get into here later. Again, brought up a lot of emotions. But yeah, other than that, that's pretty, pretty laid back. I start on cold next week, so I'm not too thrilled. But okay, remembering from what everyone says the last few weeks have been quiet for after hours. So that'll just mean it will be quiet for me. True. Does anybody else remember that milk commercial with Aaron Burr. Remember that? I remember this. So what? So let me take you back to the mid 90s. There was one of those Got Milk commercials was about Alexander Hamilton. Right. So there was like a guy working in museum eating cookies. Okay, and there was like a radio show and it was like who? If you can answer this question, you win a prize. Cool. Shot Alexander Hamilton. But he's got his mouth full of cookies. So he just saw Aaron Burr, but he can't because his mouth is so full cookie. And he goes over and he's like, Oh, he's calling on the phone. And he's like, trying to pour him some milk at the same time. And, oh, no, he's out of milk.



And he loses the contest because the person on the radio can't understand him. And it's like,



I remember I did not read this. It's very sad. Really.



I love it. So I remember this.



It's super old. It's one of the guys it's one of the rain. Check. Particular super, super skinny. It's the guy. It's one of the dudes from a twister. That's who it is. That's okay. Are there? Oh, well, yeah. That's that's how I remember who shot Alexander Hamilton built commercial boilers for the end of Hamilton, by the way. Yeah, gee, I haven't seen it. I just historical fact. Amber shoots it. They go Is it? Yes, that's it. That's historical thing did happen.






Well, I have been, I've been ordered mandated, if you will, by my wife to tell you about the updated continual use of the coffee sock apparatus. Right, so coffee sock last time, if you remember, it was I just started using it. So it was to be determined if it was actually any useful, or of any use or not, right? I've been mandated by my wife tell you that it's amazing. This is her words. She loves it very much. It does impart some sort of smoothness to the coffee. I don't know if it's because the filter sticker or if it retains flavor because it's cloth. I don't really know the answer. Why, but it does seem to have like a mellower overall smoother flavor to whatever coffees you put in there instead. So there you go. Coffee sock updates. Yes. Pretty good. So we'll see how the cleaning goes. I should probably be this weekend. Well, that was that was my next question. Wasn't even cleaning. I just been rinsing them. So I used one the first week. And then I switched to the other one for this week. And then I'm going to just you're supposed to like boil down clean them. Every Couple weeks or whatever. So I'm just gonna do that this weekend, and then just rotate them like that. I think that's the plan. I don't know how well I'll stick to that plan, or how long that will last. But that's kind of what you supposed to do. I think so. We'll see. I'm going to try that this weekend is the cleaning filter. You're supposed to boil it in some water again. Oh, to go. That was mandated. But I must update. I know everyone is just waiting with bated breath to know how the coffee sucker Other than that, I think he's been pretty uneventful when he got a haircut. I mean, sure. Oh, nice. They went a little ham. My hair is very short right now. How was it really like, Oh, dear, what's going on here? No. There's a different lady. The other lady is like not available. My girl was not written not available. Oh, no. That is, even though my text message confirmed says it was gonna be with her. No, no doot doot so I got some other lady. She's very nice. But my hair is much too short. Nice. So it's fine. I got two weeks I got to get back to work so God forbid she did. She did though we'll be fine. trim my beard some for me because my beard trimmers are broken. So good job on that. I was good. It was like Oh, hey. All right. So should you get there? Here's a little too short though. Susan says she likes it. I'm like, whatever. So you look Yeah, right. I haven't had a haircut. Like for real since like winter. Okay. Like in March, I was starting to be like, I should probably think about going to get a haircut. And as we know, the world ending, and so I was like, Well, I'm just staying at my house forever. I don't really need to worry about here. But since I had to go back to work in a couple weeks, I'm like, Oh, I gotta do that again be like Yeah, all right, man. I would have liked my boss. Look at what in the world. Yeah. What is that? This is fine. Okay, don't worry. Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I'm okay. My quarantine here. Don't worry about it. Other than that, I went to the dentist. Always a pleasurable experience. Oh you're good at lying? Yes, yes. No, I mean, so like, right.



Going to the like the



act of sitting there with your mouth, open your head crane back like I always have a headache when I leave the dentist because you To sit in such a weird, like, way, you know, but yeah, my lady, that's the dental hygienists that I see. It's like, amazing. She's a fantastic person. So like, all the people in the office are really nice. You know what I mean? So it's like a like, the reason that I don't like to go to the news is because many of them, right, they're pretty bad. They're fantastic people. Okay, could the lady that does my big, famous lady, she's great. She's amazing. Right? joking. We're laughing no Malka and stuff. People are walking in looking at us like what is going on? Why is he so loud in there? I'm sorry, I can't help it. But just the way you have to like sit, you know, your neck like jam back and mouth. Open became homeless like, Oh, my head hurts. But she was like jamming on my teeth, you know, kind of thing. Like, I told her, I was like it's very I never realized before. How much of my oral hygiene routine is dependent on like, me going to work? Right? Because the whole routine of get up at some breakfast, brush your teeth, get dressed, you know, do your thing leave when you don't go anywhere that you got morning in the morning, dental hygiene regimen kind of gets like thrown out the window a little bit. And she said the same thing. Oral hygienist said the same thing. There were days when she was like, it was like two o'clock in the afternoon. She was like



Oh, no.



Oh, that's good. I told her like I was like, Yo, I'm I'm sorry, but like, I told her that it's like, it's very dependent on it's not me doing stuff, apparently. Yeah. Is what you're about to see. Yeah, I was like, it wasn't that bad. She's like drinking coffee stains. Oh, yeah. Well, I mean, I've just been sitting at home forever. She's like, Okay, fair 90% of my Well, I mean, yeah, it's fair. I mean, be honest, me the 90, but a large part of it. Let me tell you about this coffee sock. I mean, No, I'm just kidding. We're talking about many other things. Oh, no, we're talking about many other degrees. Okay, good. Yeah. So she's fun. She's enjoyable person. The other some of the people in there really nice too. So it was good. Yeah. Oh, my week hasn't been a fun. We've been insanely busy with dogs.



Each. I'm serious. I go back and listen to the Yes, go back and listen to all the episodes. And I think the past three or four weeks. It has been nothing but me saying this is the busiest week we've Then this is the busiest It started with the fourth of july july has literally been in. Like today today alone we had 12 dogs passing through our



house. That's why



and an eight of them are staying overnight. I have I have on my right side I have a male Husky on my left side. I have a female Husky between my legs. I have a chihuahua



in the kitchen, our two boxers a lab and a basset hound.



And Coby



Field Marshal Coby mustering the troops as we as we learn as we have learned,



Kobe is a real all star of the pet sitting business that he's he's the true workhorse, the true team member of all things, the doxon awkwardly hair like so yeah I mean, today was just literally insane. we bumped up to that many dogs and have.



Yeah, it's just been, but this whole week has been like that this whole week and even over the last weekend, this weekend's gonna be crazy busy. And it's because like July was



busy last year,



but this will be this July will be even busier for us. And it's because everyone spent the first half of the year cooped up not traveling. they canceled all their plans.



Yeah, right. And now all of our people all of our clients are taking like



not just one week long vacation, but like two



got a better out there right now. It's actually worse than it was in the spring. They're all trying to travel now. Yeah, should we tell them that, you know, you know,



we we before they travel, we we meet them on our doorstep and we take their dogs in and then after we travel, I meet them at their car and I hand them there. Hi, there we go.



faceshield Tyvek suit. Like, you go. Just about,



they ask you some people will ask, you know, do you want to face shield? Do you want me to stand here? let me stand there, blah, blah and we're like, yes, but actually just a minute on the dog on the dog front. Just about I heard that



there's some noise out there. Yes. Anyway, Aaron side note. He reminded me when I was working in summer school, one of my friends one day referred to me as Mr. funkytown. And I stopped and looked at her and was like, that's my brother's name. Not me. It was it was a very weird moment. I was like, No, that's wrong. That's not me. That's



that's Aaron.



Say you're a nickname. Sorry.



I was gonna say, and then we've had a slight water leak in our upstairs upstairs in our tub upstairs and our faucet



into the tub or in the wall, okay in the tub.



Okay, it's just, it's just coming out in the starting out real little, and I would like



to find a small please.



I should probably get on that. But in the course the annoying thing was that it was hot water. It was leaking out wasn't Oh, no, that's worse. I know you feel even better. You know, you're like, I'm losing water



and electricity for this.



Like, what is causing me double? So I think



we plus we've been so busy with dogs like I just haven't had an open time where I can schedule a plumber to come in and fix it. And I was really trying to get this to like Tuesday or Thursday of next week like I was really trying to do then because yeah, you start tailing off. But, you know, I mean it was to the point where it's filling up a bucket in a matter of just a couple minutes. Yo, yo, coming out, it was coming out. I was like it's not



leaking. It's just still on. That's what that's No. It's not a leak today. It was like it's pouring. So



I was calling plumbers and they're like, well, we can't make it out till next week. And I was like, well, that would have been fine yesterday, but not today. So I had actually my boss's husband is a handyman, plumber, Carpenter electrician kind of guy. He came out today and he was like, Oh, great, this will be fine. This is a newer one. So we're just gonna take this these two screws and this thing and we'll just slide out the cartridge and we'll put it back in.



I was like, awesome. Isn't that the little? Is it that old knob? The guy goes like left and right to turn on the shower?



Yeah, this is the center pivot. Yeah, our own handle, right. Yeah. And so he was like, great. He's like because what I really don't want to do is drill through your wall to get into the backside. And I was like me too, because I have a small closet. That Are they shelving unit with doors and stuff that they have bolted to the backside of the wall so those showerhead wall storage thing and then there's a space and that's where the toilet is. And so I was like yeah cuz I've got this thing attached to the wall so we won't do that but we're drilling suck. Well, oh, an hour later. He has sawed off the handle, because there'll be a little the little screw that's just supposed to be lightly held their head like, sealed shut,



he could get the handle off. He has interesting the board



is hidden. Okay, he has bought out the two original screw holes because those were so corroded that they had fused as one piece. He got off the faceplate. And then when he was like, there's just this one little ring here that I need to turn and then we can take this off. And I was like sweet, literally whatever you have to do. Well, he started cranking on that thing. And cranking on it burn cranking on it. No, he did. brakes. He was like, he actually came to me. And he was like, I can't get this off. And I can't turn it any harder. Otherwise I have no because then I'm going to write that I normally will be without water. And I was like, please don't do that. Please don't do that. Let's not good idea. So he was like, you know what this means? And I was like, I'll start taking stuff out of the closet. I moved everything out. And he and then he was like, Look, I'm going to go, and this time was like, almost five o'clock. Oh my






Yeah. Cuz he came in late because I called him and I was like, Look, boy, yeah, you either need to you need to be here either. Because he's like, yeah, I'm available any time I was like, Okay, well, when I say anytime, I actually mean anytime before noon, or after 230 because my kids are sleeping.



And it's our upstairs bathroom. So he showed up after the kids were awake. And they can help. Yeah,



get him in there. No, that'd be sleeping. Sleep out. He's like, I'll come out he goes. I'll show up. First thing tomorrow. Morning, and we'll get this thing, the storage unit shell thing he was like, I'm pretty sure there's just four, maybe five screws that are having this attached to the wall, then we'll have to move it out like muscle it



out of the bathroom. And then he'll hack into my wall. Just cut



out the whole thing, and then replace it. And we'll shuffle the storage thing back and be ready to go.



So that's fun. Yeah, that



was real fun. We don't have we currently



don't have the water on because



anywhere he was, right, the whole house was without our



well because there's no shutoff valve at



Oh, he



typically typically there are not shutoff valves at each one of those points. Well, no, right.



It's not like at the sink or at the toilet. Yeah. Where they put shutoff valve there. In my mind.



Why wouldn't you do that? This is something that gets replaced is meant to be replaced. Why do they not install Shut off out there. Please tell me. I don't know. I don't know. I guess it doesn't make?



Well, partially, I think the reason is they're inside the wall and hard to access. Right. Sure. So to get to the shutoff valve you, you would have to cut a hole in the wall. Sometimes, right, right, right, or just I don't know,



but like it. I think there's a solution here.



I think there should be Yeah, I agree. So I agree. So we because after after he was really hammering on it, and everything like it is really, really leaking now. And I was like, Yeah,



I cannot have that.



So at seven, I shut it off tonight. And I'll turn it back on tomorrow morning for our morning ablutions and whatever and



then I'll shut it back off. But I was just like, Oh my



gosh, is nobody want and because tomorrow, I was supposed to go into work so I could do a live webinar. In our demo poor my work team to show them some online learning tools. And so unfortunately, Megan is gonna have to be here helping him with all that because I can't get out of that.



Yeah, I bet she's excited. She is she's,



yeah, you talk about blissful, blissful marriage. And



you know, oh, plumping is definitely a rare thing, right? Yeah, favorite.



Yeah. Yeah, no. In other in actually happier news. You guys can check the super secret channel.



Super Secret channel. It's a text message. We can just say text message. Oh, that is fancy. Okay, fine. Okay, looking at me to watch this like right now. While we're What? Watch what this video you just sent me From where? No to YouTube video yeah, we have a YouTube channel. Oh wait. Oh, Ted ah Hey, surprise. There we go surprise. haha so as we go



as I was, I was waiting for the gentleman to finish



hacking away at my bathtub.



I was like well I've got some time here that I need to be ready to you know I can't be doing a whole lot right now so I



entered our information in there you go well surprise there you go It sounds like something earlier huh go you should totally channel this wow yes I believe it was bandied about before but there was never like a thing so there we go there we go daughter Erin in the comment section



there we go okay I will say I will say I literally know nothing about YouTube optimization or anything like that.



So what about this operation screams optimized?



I think every I think all of you know the listeners,



literally literally, everything there we go perfect.



Literally everything would see that that is in our DNA.



Our middle name, because there's this YouTube channel that talks about that. So Oh, well.



No, I don't I don't have time for that.



If you look, I think if you look at my YouTube watch hours, like



for as long as I've had an account with a Gmail account, you can look at that and I don't think you can. I'm just saying hypothetically, it would probably be about three. Like I don't mind would be about three.



Figured I just don't A lot of times, I would like



turn it on. And it's like, because I don't have TV in this little front room. Like, if I'm working on stuff or doing other things, sometimes I just turn it on to have some Yeah,



that's been something right. And I



know, I know many I know many people who use that or it's like, it's their radio, it's their TV. It's their podcast platform. Like that's just it, they use it for everything



I don't.



And, and so, what we're going to be uploading are just basically long, full, audio, Graham's long, full



audio videos of our



podcasts with a static background and audio waveforms bouncing as we tell them to go. That's what we're doing right now. Fine.



If you guys want to, you know, get some Logitech webcams and some ring lights, we can really blow it, you know, we can really lean into it, but okay, I'm not ready for that. But wait, yeah, we'll put that on the pinboard for future endeavors. There we go. Let's get some, you know, some red cameras and really just dive right with that on the list of things. Here upgrade options. There, you can let them we can livestream it. Right We have special livestream session. You



know we can I can do that right now. I can click a button. I can click on live, go live



on Facebook. Here we go, dude. I mean, that's okay. Sure. Whatever.



Megan, I talked about that of like, would we ever do like a live thing I get No, no, you don't understand. Like we record for an hour and a half and I edited it down to 20 minutes.



But we totally could do one on here because Colin doesn't edit anything. He's just like, I'll just put a music break here and one there. Okay, that's it.



I try and so I do try and edit out very long spaces. I also



tried this tree but it's very few and far between. Because it's usually like At the very end of the episode, that'd be one. That's like, right before we're like, okay, guess we're done now that pause that part where we all collectively realize, Oh, it's been an hour.



Okay. I should probably cut this sorry.



Yeah, I do try and place the music breaks between like big topic shifts. I don't always hit them, right. But that's usually my goal of like, where does the conversation shift to a new topic



Also, sometimes it can be hard to tell. So that's it what you know,



which is which is why I take try and take extensive notes and then even then I'm like, like, wait, what, like looking here, here. Here are my notes for last week. Colin has



grounds in his coffee, Brandon's coffee, sock, coffee techniques, and eating Mediterranean. Aaron likes the food. Aaron is trying new things. This could have been an email, Oklahoma tribal lands, lack of understanding of modern history of Native Americans. Remember the treaties when oil pipelines come around science. Global caviar market top corner the stupid tomato and Lord of the Rings.



True just go lick some salt






And then Twitter hack. Oh yeah, see? See things I've heard that perfect sense obviously. All of that I do that too because you put him in that Google doc and sometimes I look at it on like later in the week, you know, like Saturday or Sunday or something. Yeah. And I do the same thing go what we did. So it's fine.






no problems.



Well, I believe that is the transition now. To it is The challenge that was laid down this week, so did you all watch your Indian cinema? Yes, Yes, it did.






define watch like what? Hi. I'm not gonna lie. I did not do very well on this challenge. Oh my god. I did. I did not finish my movie not even close. Oh yeah. The one I picked was



three hours long. It turns out all right, and



yeah, I was gonna mention that. I was gonna miss it. So we'll start off we'll start off there, sir. There. Forget to call the bailing. Yeah, so I thought this would be kind of fun because this is a market that I don't know anything about. Okay. The Indian cinema market is like one it's that one of the top three movies markets in the world, right? Usually by revenue, it's it's some order of the US, China and India. Right. But India pumps out like 1800 films a year, something like that. It's something big number I read today. It's enormous, right? I've seen none of them. Zero. So before we got into this, I wanted to ask a question. A brief brief overview do Do you have any prior experience with any other foreign film markets that you have seen or, or at least dabbled in? before? I'll go, I went on a kick in French films, okay for a while.



where I'd go and try and find some pretty obscure ones



and make it even and I even went and saw one or two theaters when they were on really small release.



I liked them.



I liked the tone that most of those had released. Maybe they're just the ones that were self selecting for the US market. I will say that



that's Yeah, that's, that's hard. Right. True. But



yeah, I always I always appreciated those.



I always I always enjoy those. So I think that's, that's a market that I've



looked into not not extensively. I



dabbled, right because I mean, yeah. Just curious. What about this? Was that the only one French films? Yes. Okay. Aaron, um, I mean, there's a few like, for some reason, I got into like Japanese films. For like a little bit when I was in college. What kind of, I mean, they were like, there was a, me there was the classics of the like, 19 like 50s Japanese films. And then I got into I can't even remember some of the directors, but it was the Corolla, like the big famous Samurai like seven. I watched that one when I was when I was younger to good. Then there was, what was it? There was some like, you know, Japanese new war kind of films. That was like, you know, you know, there's some like Japanese like detective things. And then yes, I got into those a little bit. And then I watched some like Thai films. But I think it was just because of those are like the martial arts films. And then yeah, I got into there was a Swedish director that did like, you know, he always had to have like, Swedish actors and in, you know, Scandinavian film sets and stuff like that, but I can't think of who that is. But I watched him like For like a summer like I binge watched some of his movies, and then I was like, No, I'm done. But other than that, that's other been. There has been a few of those times where I've seen again, in the bowels of face tube of, you know, like click on a video and just like scroll, scroll scroll and then always for some reason there's always been like a scene from a Bollywood film, again with like, no contacts, like nothing and it's like, here's a Bollywood scene. So I was kind of befuddled by those and like, what am I watching? What is this kind of thing? So there's been a few times where I've watched a lot of those, but again, they were only just like themes at a time. Okay, yeah, that's what nice so I have watched. I have definitely dabbled in some like French New Wave cinema from the late 50s and early 60s. Little bit a little if you want some just depressing movies. There you go. Yeah to watch like the 400 blows or something like that just be like, I'm sad. On an existential. Yeah. And I don't know why. So I watch some of those. And some other like more modern French films, a lot of the ones that I watch are like action movie oriented. So like that's kind of my gateway into a lot of these markets is like action movies. Everyone's favorite French language film, also is a brotherhood of the wolf. Clearly Yeah. Everyone loves that one. It's a good one.



Or the one the one I distinctly remember it's probably one of the more recent ones I've seen is a more love story. Ya know, is really good. A couple in their 80s going through kind of the last period of their life. And it is is really is really tough to walk, walk, watch about dogs Kind of this just this very gloomy kind of atmosphere as this older husband and his older wife struggle with dementia and these these kind of last last few moments that they have together and their last remaining years. That was one of the first movies



that Megan watch right after we got married. It was not a good time for that. Not really yeah, so like I'm familiar with some like lupus on the first action director right seemed like Leon the professional, like in French, right? With genre No, and some of those in district b 13. My favorite French action movies, movies, read a movies fantastic. So that I like english movies sound like weird English comedies. Like I don't really get all of them. Seems like we're supposed to I don't think anybody actually gets them maybe. Except for like Monty Python like that. Um, outside of that other markets. Definitely. Have a strong fondness for spaghetti westerns. Yes. So like even outside of Sergio Leone, the famous dollars trilogy right, some other I have watched lots of other really bizarre Italian western movies. They can get really weird. All right, Lee Van Cleef is always amazing, no matter what. But some of the movies are like, excuse me What's happening? Right. So, like Django, that's a really good one. And then another famous one, like, lots of really good movies there. And then as far as like Asian cinema, it's mostly centered around China. So I've seen lots of Chinese movies but they're not like recent Chinese releases. A lot of them are older and a lot of them tend to be like period dramas. Yeah, it's a big thing to China right so like, I what I don't like I mean, obviously Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon everyone's favorite but so Hong Kong will change Cinema and then specifically sub genre, like Hong Kong action movies from like usually the late 80s, early 90s like john woo Chow Yun Fat Jackie Chan, several Hong those guys. Does that Hong Kong cinema. I love it. Oh, I love that stuff so much. Like there's like martial arts or action movies that come out of Hong Kong, those directors and actors. Those are my favorite action movies, like ever. They're just so good. And there was a slew I just love a few movies that kind of with the period pieces with China, one of the movies I've really enjoyed. It's like four hours long, but it's called redcliff. And kind of talking about the creation of like the Chinese fleet, like through the rivers and stuff. Oh, yeah. And then there was a Netflix series that I watched and it's called the Empire the kingdom, but it's about Korean history when the Mongols invaded Korea, but it has a zombie twist to it. Yeah, he talked about Korea and I really got into like Korean like films and Korean directors I couldn't find much with the resources I had. But yeah, I think I've only seen like one Korean film yeah my list but like I have I do have a pretty good DVD collection of like, Chinese movies. I don't know if there's still I don't know where it's called dragon dynasty used to just there was a company called dragon dicey used to like release them in these click kinda like the Criterion Collection, but for like, Chinese cinema, right? So there's like all these like jetley movies and like, there's really good, right? It's like I've seen like a bunch of IP mines and everyone's like, lots of The older some of the older like the 70s kung fu movies, right? Those are pretty excellent to like, or like the early Jackie Chan stuff like snaking crane or like snake an eagle shadow or whatever like some of that like really weird stuff or the original Drunken Master. And then of course, the legend of Drunken Master, which is just one of those guilty movies you like this movie's not good. I don't care. I love it so much. And a whole bunch of other random ones like seven swordsman, and there's one really interesting one about like, supernaturals I don't know. I don't know. There's one that's like a play on Romeo and Juliet, but it's a weird and so anyway. And then, like Aaron said, a very small subset of Thai movies, but those are mostly starring Tony jauh. The martial artists and are named on boktai warrior. And so again, minor action movie four oriented but there are some other dramas and period pieces in there. I've seen too so I have some experience. But again, there's this gaping hole that is Indian cinema. But I have never seen except for like Aaron said, like I saw one scene one time and I was like, what is happening going on here? Right. I was just curious because I know that Amazon had recently got a whole bunch of them to put on there. So I wanted to watch them. And I want to start by saying this. I never realized this before. But in my opinion, Amazon is definitely not a friendly place if you just want to browse around and look for random things. Okay, it's, it's awful. Okay, it is not built for looking for stuff randomly. It is built in my opinion for you already knowing what you want to watch and keying it in and find it. write the book. Why do you say that? Well, because the browsing experience is not pleasurable. Partially because the foreign film section in Amazon is like, hidden. It's like buried. So if you just want to browse the foreign section, right, if you're interested in any of these four movies, or you want to a lot of them are Indian, but there are other ones on there, too. If you just want to, like, look around, you can barely even find it. It's like, but you have to scroll for days. And even on that little thing that's like, oh, here's these types like action Western, but the foreign film section isn't even there. It's somewhere else used to go all the way down to the bottom like forever, right? Try to find it. And you I believe, I don't know why there's not like at the top where it's like categories, movies. Okay. I don't know why there's not another button right there. It just goes most popular or Western comedy. drama foreign. Why is that button not exist? What in the world is the matter with you? Like why? Oh, if you're interested in finding the foreign film section on Amazon, just to look around it is good luck finding it. That's because I didn't look up first, right? I didn't look up like, you know, best Indian language films on Amazon and then like find one and then type it in. I just went to browse and look around and it took me forever to find them. So Well,



yeah, and on that,



like they don't even have I don't believe at least I didn't find it a way of breaking out for sub



genre. So you go to Bollywood. Even then, no, bollywood is one of the sub genres it's like action comedy drama bollywood, which is weird because like it Bollywood. Bollywood just means I learned this Bollywood is only specific to films coming out of Mumbai. Ah, my film industry, right? So that the Hindi there's like a different centers of cinema all over India. Right? The biggest one is the Bollywood in Mumbai Ah, but there's like the Tamil language films and all these other ones from kind of all like films come out of New Delhi or cut over on the other coast. So like kind of a spread out. So I learned this week that Bollywood is very, it's one very specific area of the film. Most likely in the Hindi language, because there's other other ones are in different languages. Because there's like 20 bazillion languages spoken.



Right. So, so that the the search just there Immediately lumps everything to from India. It's got to be Bollywood. Right. That's what that's what they do. And and you can't break it out by more specifics or even the genres within that you cannot get the romances, comedies action. Yeah, you have to like the mouse over



them to see what that movie is. You know? Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, that search function is a rough Amazon. What are you doing? ads terrible. You need to be able to refine your search more than once.



Maybe you can. Maybe I messed up,



maybe you can click More than one of those buttons. Maybe you can click like Bollywood and drama. At the same time. I could have done it wrong. That's always a possibility. Remember, I could have always messed up. That's definitely thing that can happen. But yeah, searching on there is hard, unless you know what you want to watch. Already. So one caveat there listeners If you just want to browse around, Trixie, but do I have some suggestions for you, if you just want to type in so well,



so well, so on the on that I'm curious, what was what was your all's modus operandi going in to try and find



a movie? What did you do? So I just wanted to find, I wanted to find something that was like, that looks kind of familiar. Right? So I was thinking like, okay, I also want it to be kind of like a, an action II kind of movie because that's my gateway. Right? You do a lot of these other things have been like action movies. So I wanted to find like, something that was also kind of an action movie to kind of, give me something familiar. So I would already have a starting point. Right? That's what I was kind of looking for. And there's lots of those on there. But that's what I was looking for. Just



about you



So I



I basically mine was I wanted to, I was trying to go for truly random and finding, but then I was like, Well, I don't know what that is though because yeah, right because I have no I have no basis and a lot of the stuff on like the main list. We don't some of those are older, some of those from the, from the 70s. And I was like, Oh,



I did not pick any old ones.



So I ruled those out just because well, I don't, I don't want to be. I don't want to watch something that's just completely



Yeah, like, my realm of understanding or whatever. So I basically hit the main list, let it load for a while and then scrolled really quickly on my phone and put my thumb down randomly and picked whatever that one was.



Nice. Yes, about you, Aaron. But I knew kind of with somebody The things that I've seen or read about there's, you know, when they say like, Over the Top Bollywood films, they're like, extremely like, over the top. And with my first Bollywood film, I didn't want anything like that. Because I didn't want to attain it, I wanted something more calm, a little more kind of



kind of laid back. But



every film that I had, was just like, you know, we're not over the top, but our way surprise. So I kind of had to play around with some of the ideas. I kind of went back to some of my old, old faithful of, you know, something that's a little bit slower. Something that's definitely you know, a period piece of some sort. So that way I can kind of, you know, put history to action, and then just see how it kind of interpreted and I was I wasn't disappointed with my pic. I was still like love, I think bye It was, it was it was a good pick. Apparently the reviews and critics did not think so. But yeah, it's what do they know? And I mean, yeah, I for me again Yeah, it was it was right. You're the critic now what am i comfortable with? What? You know, how can I, you know, slowly get myself involved in something like this and then just kind of go from there. See what happens. Yeah, that's, that's similar to what I did. I wanted to like,



kind of dip my toe in, like have one foot in the new but one foot in something sort of familiar. So I have a



referee. Right? So I wasn't just totally like, what's happening? What's going on? Right? So I didn't want to pick like, you know, like a romance or something cuz I don't watch those anyway. So I have nothing to compare a Hindi movie to. Really, right. Like, I don't have a strong base to be like, Oh, this is like this. You know, I have nothing to compare it to. So it'd be bad. So I picked some like action movies to start with. spoilers. I watched at least four of these things. Cuz, man I got in. I'll just say that right now I'm in. So good. Oh my god. So I thought I'll share the rest of those later. But yeah, I started with the one. And then I went from there. I was like, okay, okay, okay, let me try this. So I went in all I mean, again, you guys are doing stuff. I'm not doing anything right now. A little more time on my hands to watch these. Colin did bring up another point though. Some of these are scary, because the runtime on some of these movies is rigged. It seems to me. They're just so lost. Right? I mean, a lot of these are two and a half hour plus movies. Not all of them. I found a couple shorter ones. But like some of them are like all my what



mine was mine was two hours and 48 minutes long. The first When I watched was definitely two hours in 38 minutes. I wrote that down specifically because I was like, Why?



Why? Why?



How long? How long was mine?



Oh, yeah, so I said I set aside some time to watch. And then when I saw that I was like,



No, like, I Oh, I goofed. Yeah, that one of the movies I definitely like pause it for a while and went and did some other stuff, like, made some lunch, get some laundry, walk the dog. And I came back and watch it later, but I was like, oh my gosh.



So who wants to go first? Ah, looks like me. Here we go. I'll go with my first one. And I'll come back around. Okay,



fair minds shorts. So I



strew maybe college again. first



column. Well actually, I don't I don't have the information pulled up. So



okay, I'm not sure I will. I will. Sorry.



Okay, so mine was called panipat ta in I pa T. And then, like I saw that one I'll go through, I'll kind of go through the movie itself and then is historically wise This is a movie supposed to be about the 1761 Afghan invasion of Arabia at the time was called Hindustan. Yes. And so that's what the movie is about. It's two hours and 51 minutes it came out in 2019 and has a 43% on Rotten Tomatoes, which is actually no too bad. Um, there are it's it's a very colorful and very vibrant movie like you know, it's you know, like Indian Culture and it's like, oh, it's very bright. There are three random songs. One at the 16 minute mark, the second song is at the 47 minute mark. And then the third and final song is at the I think it's two hour. Oh, it's the it's one hour and 44 minutes, we finally get the third song.



Basically, it's about this.



This guy who they the Hindu army, it's all in Hindi, by the way. So trying to remember the names of some characters is a little wanton, but it kind of it starts after the Mughal Empire Falls in the Martha Empire's kind of on the rise. And there's big battle one at the beginning. It's not It's not like an over the top like fantasy, kind of period film. It's actually like oh, you know, trying to Do a justice but that was a lot of the criticism of the film. It's like well, it's making light of one of the most important things or time periods of you know, Indian history. And so this guy wins the battle. He's favorited over some of the other generals some people are jealous. He's like the cousin of the Emperor or something. Um, his name in the movie is shodoshima Ryo bull. Who is played by Indian actor Rs, one poor. And it there's a weird love interest kind of thing. And the Emperor his wife, who I call what's called Laurie ism. If you ever watch or read any of the Walking Dead series, Laurie, the wife of a brick is always like, man, I want to mess things up because I can and the Emperor his wife is kind of like man I want to mess things up because plot reasons and plot so it kind of goes through and it's like oh we need a no collect taxes and like oh no they're mad at us for collecting taxes and then some of the smaller kingdoms in Hindustan go to the the Emperor have have in the movie they called it Afghanistan but historically wise, it's called the Durrani Empire. And they're like, help us and he's like, okay, I'll do this. But it's, it's a very typical like, well, that's clearly the bad guy, kind of person. But his introduction to the movie is like him trying like someone trying to assassinate him. And it's very, like, there's a lot of things that you think you expect, but you don't expect it. And the next like, good chunk of the film is, you know, No them oh we need this person to join our side. He won't join us. Oh look he totally joined us and then see your second song 40 minutes deep doo doo doo oh we have a problem oh look the problem solved another song doo doo doo and then it takes like a weird like it's kind of all fun and delightful throughout the whole film there you know winning supports the guys marching north. They captured Delhi from the Afghan army a bunch of people have betrayed and then historically Why is they have this battle at this this town called pendapat and it's like building up that I call wow you know he was gonna win. No everyone dies And it's just like that's it all the all these people that you've been with this entire film, that they're the good guy and like his cousins and the other generals, and it's like, oh, wow, this is a very historic moment. And then now people start dying. Yeah. And then a surprise last stand movie. Only battle in this entire three hour long movie. There's no other fighting. It's politics, politics. He won't join. I'll make him join Oh, look, he joined and then song and dance song and dance. It me like it's it's very, you know, cinematically, you know, given with the resources. It's actually it looks really appealing, and then just, boom, everyone dies. And that like the Afghan army like wins, but you know, it's like, you are courageous and I Arrow, you do all this and so I'm just going to leave now. And it's like, What? What? It's it's definitely a movie that if I didn't have to, you know if I know with this challenge, if I just found it on on I think I watched it on Netflix, I, I would have been like, okay, I would have sat down to watch this anyway and I would have been hooked. And then you know, you you kind of get emotionally drawn into it with like, Oh, I'm gonna bring my wife on campaign like,



Well, why did you do that?



And then oh, that's the reason why you did this. And then boom, everyone dies. And then it just kind of ends it and then I spent like another hour trying to look at the historical significance of it. The Martha Empire, the Mughal Empire on glein Ahmad Shah abdali, which is the Afghan emperor who is actually a very big historical figure in Middle Eastern culture. He plays a big part In all this and you know, even though the, you know, India does lose the fight, it's actually apparently supposed to be one of the big growth of India. And then I found out that there's two other battles fought the same place back in like the 1500s. And so it made research even more confusing. from some of the critics, it does say, three out of five throws light on an important chapter of Indian history. With the battle scenes, another person says three to five stars. The film was great effort by the director and deserves to be watched for some impeccable performances and adrenaline pumping action. Which some of the fight scenes are a little over the top like the guy at the end like Dual Wield Spears, and like jumps off an elephant and like, Ah, so it's like, Whoa, that's so a little little hectic. Yeah, it's I enjoyed it. Shelby enjoyed it. Some of her comments at the end was oh, this is BS. I'm wanting to throw a pillow at TV kind of thing like well why did everyone die in the last song is very like upbeat and cheerful and you're just like the what? And then kind of reading back through the history as like oh this the history is a little darker so I kind of understand why they made it a little bit more delightful and cheerful and then yeah, they had to throw some of the the Bollywood themes in it to where you know oh, here's a song and dance and die. Here's another song and dance because the reasons I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you guys ever did you know he ever have three to four hours to waste. I would definitely recommend watching this film because it's It's very, it's very cliche, movie wise. Apparently it did not do well at the box office. It had a budget of I don't know what crore are. cr o r e or the. Yeah, I don't either. So it hadn't had 92 I don't know if that's like million core, but it only made like 49 point 29 at the box office. So it it was technically a box office block. But I mean, everything that I read was like, I mean, now, not a bad movie. Not great, but it's not bad. A lot of that stuff to it. It kind of it's like the US box office, like sometimes the movies. It's okay. But something else came out at the same Yeah. And everyone went to see that instead. I don't know like no, and that was a movie that came out and during that as well but of just kind of You know, everyone went to go see that instead of this, but that Yeah, sometimes it happens like it. You know, cuz there's some like us movies that were technically box office flops, but they're actually really good and people are like, Yeah, but they just all went to go watch something else. Yeah, something else instead. So, um, but yeah, I really from all the stuff that I that I read it was very you know, historically wise it was very, you know, definitely not action wise historically accurate but it was it was just a neat little. A neat little film is pretty it's pretty cool. It's pretty neat. So I'll give it out of five stars. I'll give it a neat. So a neat, alright, neat edify I like it. Well, I'm gonna do some of mine and then we'll jump to Colin and I'll come back and round up some other recommendations that I have for you, but fine. So the first one that I want Oh, real quick. I don't mean to. I'm gonna let you finish but



Aaron mentioned the box office thing. Yeah, I am staggered at the sheer exponential difference between us box office expenditure on not not expenditure, but not a box office but like, amount spent on movies to to Bollywood films. Oh, yeah. If you just look at like the the number one, I looked this up I had to look this up because I wasn't sure. But um, or was it?



Like the most expensive us film was like?



It was pretty recent, like 340 $9 million to



make. And the number one most expensive film coming out of the indian movie market was only like 49 million. Oh, yeah. Yeah, they're some of them. You can tell that. Yeah, it's cheaper.



And that's not that's not a drag on Oh, it's also just How overinflated the US market. Because



sometimes I bought that. Sometimes I watch us movies, and they're like, Oh, this movie spent this much money and I go, where? Where did they spend it?



Right, exactly. I think this is just a more general comment of it that just triggered that. Remember that in my brain when Aaron was talking about boxing and stuff of like, right, like so much more money is spent, but I don't think it's that much more.



Yeah, there's a law of diminishing returns, right? Like if you spend like x more million dollars, you're not getting a x time better move. Yeah. Right. Like, that's not that's a good point to bring up. Sorry. I'll let you guys fine. That's a good point. I'm glad you interjected that I really That was good. That is something I would like to say too, because there were times these movies where they would talk about like money, or they we're talking about other things. And you have that moment of I don't know. Yeah. What I still don't know about how much money these are and some things but anyway, so the firt Like I said, I wanted to watch like an action movie. So I just scroll down and the first one on the list. Basically, the tagline was something like this. A police officer goes on to chase to hunt down and long dreaded gangster to fulfill his own secret agenda. So I was like, okay, yes, I know. Yeah. And that's how I watched Darbar.



And let me tell you, what the actual heck is this movie? Okay, for some clarification that I'm just going to go ahead and start with I looked up after, because I was like, what this movie basically seems to have, the main actor is a guy named rajdhani. Again, I'm sorry if I mispronounce any of these You're going to pronounce I'm going to mispronounce all of them, let's just assume. But the main character is a guy named Johnny. And he is apparently like, a big deal. Right? He's like a hyper, famous actor. All right. This is a Tamil language movie, by the way. He's like a huge actor. He's been a huge actor for you guys. Almost 70 years old. Okay. Basically, this movie was made for fans of him. Ah, I think because this movie, let's face it. It's not good. All right, this movie is not I would not call this movie good at all. I read later that oftentimes, a typical feature of indie movies is they often have these big tone changes like Aaron was talking about. Sometimes it can be like really upbeat. Other times it can be very dour. Oftentimes There's a reason for this shit this movie, there's no reason at all, like challenges I wrote in my notes. I actually wrote what the heck is the tone of this movie? Because just like randomly, it's like different. What was happening? What's going on? Why? Why are you doing? So like, it's about this guy. He's a cop. He's a policeman. And he gets he gets into Mumbai to help like clean up crime. Okay, clearly, in this directors eyes, all the crime in all of Mumbai is just one guy. Okay, so all drugs, and all like, whether it was before all drugs in all like human trafficking is one person. So clearly, you just have to bus that guy. And then all crime is solved. you've solved all all done. Perfect. Right? That's nice. That's the world that makes another point. That's the fantasy world this movie lives in. He, like, also apparently, what's happened in this movie, one of the reasons I was so confused, is we start out, it does that thing where you start out on a timeline. And then at some point, you go back in time, and you play everything else. So that's a, there's no, there's zero indication of when that moment where you jump back in time happens. Like none. So they're talking about this stuff. And then like, all of a sudden, we're doing the thing and this person's there and I'm like, What? But you said, What? What? No, no sense, right? This movie has a couple song numbers that come out of absolutely nowhere. Yes. And all of the song and like the dancing is all about, like, this guy. How awesome he is. That's kind of what it is. Right? He's like a super cop in the movie, to the songs about like, how incredibly bad to the bone he is and like how amazing upgraded hair is, how stylish she is, how strong he is. That's what the song is about. Like shows up. This This movie has a target audience of this guy. And his fans again, his name is Johnny. He's a very charismatic though. Like, he leans into it. And you could tell he's a pretty good actor. But the movie is written badly. Yeah. Oh no. Right. It's not his fault that this movie is not good because he is care. He is hard carrying this thing, man. You can tell he's going for it. Dudes almost 70 he's playing a guy that's like in his mid 40s. Right? He's rocking it. He's You know, there's he's like hyper cheesy, like slow mo action scenes where he's like stabbing dudes and like, moonwalking over and then like punching somebody in the face. It's hilarious, right? But the writing is bad. There's whole storylines that just sort of like disappear. And you're like, but what if that was a huge thing, and you don't hear about it anymore. Because like he's in like, he's like, he's what he's like into this girl, right? But she's like, way younger than him. There's like a whole thing where his family or her family is, like, concerned because he's, you know, I think in movie terms, he's, you know, I don't know how old he's supposed to be in his late 40s I guess. So. She might be in her late 20s I'm not real sure. So there's, you know, a pretty good age gap and they're worried and he's a cop and then like, it just stops. Like, she just kind of goes away. You don't hear from her anymore. Like, what? What the heck's going on? What happened? Lily the thing? Yeah, what happened?



There's a whole thing about like, he's super bad to the bone, but he's, like, really nervous to talk to this girl cuz she's all pretty, you know? And he's like, he, like,



stutter so badly. She thinks she's speaking Urdu. And that's the joke. She's like, Oh, I'm sorry. You don't speak Urdu. And he's like, no. Cuz he's stammering because she's so gorgeous that he can't speak to her. And it's, so that's a pretty funny spot, right? Like, sure. But, like, that whole thing just goes away. Later when we get to like the main bad guy we figure out who the main bad guys we just go after him like all the way and you're like but what happened to the lady? And then the other thing and then the the cop I don't what is happening because it does the whole thing where the key goes like rogue is this tragedy happens he goes all crazy and the cops are all like the higher ups like you're pulled off before us, buddy. But all the other cops are like your bed your gun kinda all the other cops are like we're with you, sir. We believe in you. And he comes out with his hair all done his shades on he like stretched out of the thing you know? After he has his like, empowering moment where he does this thing. I don't wanna spoil it too much. But case anybody does want to watch this bizarre creation comes out to save the day. Right? So it's, yeah, this movies two and a half I wrote. At one point I have underlined in my notes. This is only half Yeah, and here's what the heck is the tone? In my summary notes here, yeah, it's way too long. All this time with this this we since we have this unresolved plotline, this love interest this movie could have been about 45 minutes shorter probably,






if we were like focused because like the songs and stuff are cool, but they really serve no purpose because we don't even get a resolution to this whole thing. But basically what I read was it's, it's about him being a big famous actor, and people that like him will definitely like this movie, because he is on for this whole movie on right pandering to his fame and he has got it. He's apparently this is the first movie where he's had his shirt off in years. He's like doing a train as a training montage because they do that thing where you're like, Well sir, if you can pass this test will reinstate you into the board. Sure, so it's like training montage. He's like lifting weights in the gym, you know? And lots of lots of these tropes from American movies definitely translate to Indian cinema because they're they're like hardcore. You're like what? But there's some times where like, all of a sudden this random this guy who thinks the bad guy just like calls up his daughter, and he's talking to her you like, but why are you? How do you have the What do you what's, what in the world is happening? How does this work? I don't understand. It was a very confusing movie. Also, side note, one thing that something triggered in my brain, right, I have knowledge of this from somewhere. I don't know from where it has come but this movie came out in January of this year. That's important to this. At some point in the past, I remember reading an article about Indian cinema being concerned about all the smoking in the movies, right? I do that. Yes.



And so like this is you're not you're not wrong. Hmm.



I've read something about that, that this, this movie triggered that in my brain. Because at the beginning, there's a big thing. Like before the pre credit start, there's a big thing, right? Like, smoking is bad for you cause cancer, blah, blah. It's reading the child's voice to really get you. Every time someone in this movie is smoking, that warning pops in the bottom of the left corner of the screen. Seriously, yeah. Every time somebody is smoking on screen, this little thing in the bottom corner flashes up and the first time like, anytime there's a cigarette on screen. So the first time I saw I was like, What the heck was that? Because it was just like a panning shot. I didn't even notice it. I was like, What was that? The next couple scenes are a couple minutes later, you go back and it's a conversation between two people in one of them is smoking a cigar and the whole time that guy is on screen in the bottom left hand corner is a little is that little logo like the smoking is bad logo is on screen in the bottom left like boom and then when that's off screen it goes away and when it comes back boom it's there again. So it's very wow I thought that was kind of neat right it's interesting because that's how they're doing that but I I seem to remember hearing about that at some point and then I think my brain like forgot it. I put that in my mind but when I saw that it triggered that memory but I had to read something like that and I was so yeah anyway Darbar I don't know. Don't watch Darbar. It's weird. It's silly. It doesn't make a lot of sense. And it's just it's really not written particularly well, right? However, if you want to watch a Hindi action movie with cops in it, you should definitely definitely watch mardaani Okay, I had to watch something else I watched that and I was like that can't be this can't be this can't be what it's all about. This movie is ridiculous. I don't understand it if I was Darbar Like what? So I looked up something else, right? To watch this movie I the second movie I watched was what's shorter, like an hour and 15 minutes or something? Ah, this movie is fantastic. Right? This movie I'll be brief here. But the tagline is a police officer search for a missing teenage girl leads her to the depraved world of child trafficking. Oh my gosh, that is and mouse game between the officer and the mafia kingpin Yeah, movies like movies definitely right at 18 plus, so don't watch with the kids. But that people this movie is great. I think like, taken man on fire vibes. Right? Okay. But then the head police inspector is a lady. This is my new international film crush by the way her name is Ronnie mojari he is amazing, right? He is so good in this movie. It's so fantastic. She's the head police inspector. And the girl that goes missing is like a street kid but it's her friends with her niece. And she has this connection with this girl. And she kind of like is taking her under her wing and she looks after her. He keeps track of her and stuff. You know, and then she goes missing. She gets kidnapped, kidnapping and child trafficking big themes in Indian cinema. By the way, I've noticed So she goes like, she starts leading the investigation to go all out to find this girl. Because she knows what's happened to her. Right? She knows she's been kidnapped to be trafficked, and all this stuff. And this movie is great. It's It's so good, right? She's such she's so bad to the bone in this movie by tracking these people down the way that she has these phone calls with the bad guy because he's like, you're not gonna find me or kill you. But she's like, try punk. See what you like, all right. It's very good. Right? highly, highly recommend mardaani there's a sequel, which I'm going to be watching later. But like right, they they try to do stuff like they try to like, shame her husband, right to try to because they know the syndicate knows that she's taking it real hyper seriously. So they like try to shame him in a weird thing that I only vaguely understood because There's a whole scene where like the crowds, you know, when there's like big groups of mob rule kind of takes over, you hear about that stuff and at some times where they do that, and I don't really understand the context or anything. So that seems very weird. But he's like a doctor and they like shame him publicly. They like spread lies about him to discredit and dishonor him. But she kind of goes, kind of off the beaten path. She goes rogue a little bit to try to find these girls and she was in there her search for finding this one girl. She ends up finding like tons of them that have been trafficked to these like I've seen in taken where they're like auctioning off the girls and the boat. Yeah. Basically that, right? It's that kind of party and there's like high level ministers and people in the government that are there, she infiltrates it. Yo Yo, movies. You want to watch an Indian and Action Movie mardaani is the one to watch one. Plus again, Ronnie mihari. Man, she's great. Love this lady



is amazing.



So good. Okay, there's my, my small foray. I got two more recommendations for you coming up. I'll be sure I'll be brief with them though.



Okay, well, mine will also be short. Mine was robbed Nevada de Jodi, which translates to a match made by God. I made it past the second panning shot before I realized just how long this was and how little time I actually had to watch this. And I press pause. So I will say the opening 30 seconds was awesome and very pretty. And I realized that I was gonna have a hard time connecting with this because it was it was painting shots of like, this is where you are. This is where the story is taking place in my head. There was like, I have no idea where any of these things are or what those words say, though it was in that in that case it was very much like watching



like a like a fiction film



of like this is just a made up place yeah because I don't have I don't have any connection to this building it looks really important this shot looks like it was shot during a like a religious pilgrimage. So obviously this means something to some people but i i don't and so I didn't get into this movie. Really the main characters did step off of the train. And then I was like I do I don't I need I need to dedicate more time to this thing currently have a lot of my schedule.






I will say that the I did go and read the this plot summary afterwards. arranged marriage because of certain circumstances. Beautiful lady. Not so good looking guys. She's very outgoing. He's very not. She gets bored of being a housewife. So she wants to go do these dancing lessons. And she realized that her husband realizes that she's attracted to like these big, gregarious, outgoing, strong looking men. So almost like a superhero. He puts on a facade and becomes a different character. And does all this dancing kind of in disguise. Yeah. And she falls more in love with him. And then she starts reminiscing about towards the end of it, that's, you know, all those escapades. Yeah. And then towards the end of it, she starts realizing that she actually does love her husband, because he's strong and quiet ways. And so the final dance competition where they're supposed to dance together, he shows up as her husband and not as the character. He's been playing the whole film. And you know, right, right, so he shows up as who she wants to be. Because on the side, he realizes that he needs to be true to himself, and that he just needs to be him. Kind of like they both arrive at the same conclusion



and live happily ever after. Night. Okay, okay. All right. So



I will say again, the big takeaway for me was just how much work I was going to have to do because I had no connection to anything that they were showing me. Yeah. And and I was worried about not being able to enjoy it in that in that context. Because it did seem like they were setting up like, like, again, those big panning shots where movies will do of like, you are in New York. Look, everything looks this looks like New York. Yeah, that's true shops that look like New York. And here we're gonna zoom in on this train station that you know, really well that's



also having to some of the movies I watched, they'd be like, this is Mumbai. Like, this is New Delhi like okay, I'll take your word for it cuz I don't know. Exactly. There was some shots that I was like, Oh, that's a monument that I pretty sure I should I've seen before. So That makes some sense. But like, yeah, there's some any like minor things like that you're like, go No.



Right and and again it made it of just going okay like there is obviously



I'm going to be I'm going to watch this I am going I promise I'm going to finish this I'm going to do this challenge



or I'm going to enjoy it on one level knowing full well that there are



thousands of years of history that I'm not going to be able to enjoy this movie on. Just you know, not to say that the movie is about that history, but all the history leads up



to just in 2008 right, so



it's fair. Yeah, pretty good. Well, if if you don't want that one common lightning round I got I got some more for you. I did watch one briefly. I watched it. It's called Siddharth. This movie is gut wrenching. This is about another apparently child kidnapping. huge problem again, India, like mardaani the hole in credits was talking about it. This movie is all about a kid that gets kidnapped in his dad. Trying to find Oh, I saw that cuz I thought something Oh, watch that movie some Kleenex is ready it's it's rough, right? It's very rough it's good it's good but you're like oh my gosh cuz it's all about this like poor family he lives in Germany where they live right now. I didn't write this one down but he's me yeah this poor family and their son goes missing and they it's just the dad kind of having this crisis of like oh man maybe why was not a good parent at all because I was only you know you know I did with my son but I never told him I loved him I was missing and I What can I do to find him and I can't travel because I had no money and all that. Oh Yo, yo that was rough. So if you want like a hard drama, watch that one. If, however, Do you want to connect with Hindi? bollywood movies through sports? I got a couple more for him. Right. Okay. I watched one today. Actually. It's called Chak de India. Yo, this movie is excellent. It's about this guy. His name the guy in the movie. His name is Kabir Khan. He was the captain of the men's field hockey team. Thanks there's movies about field hockey. So you could learn about field hockey that's interesting. You get to watch a lot of it they lose like the World Cup final and everybody blames him



partially because they lose the World Cup final in midfield hockey to Pakistan



ah. Oh.



So everyone blames him right. Because that history is relatively recent India Pakistan. It No no, not, not. Right. So they lose Pakistan. He is disgraced. He leaves the team cut to seven years later, they need someone to coach the Indian National Women's field hockey team. And no one will do it out steps. Kabir Khan. He wants to redeem himself in his disgrace to his country that he loves everyone. Everyone blamed him for like selling out to Pakistan like being bribed, like, Oh, you just, you know, you should go to Pakistan then because no, you're a traitor to India, because we you lost them on purpose. He wants to redeem himself. Right, yeah. And he kind of gets this group of ragtag people from the best field hockey players from all over India. And he's got to try to get them to come together as a team, because they're all very like state oriented and they just very proud of their town, and they really care about India. So he's trying To teach them to become a team to be, you know, unite under the Indian flag and try to be like a team, right? So it has these like Mighty Ducks vibes. Not quite as funny as that. There are some pretty hilarious parts in this movie. But it deals with not only that kind of discrimination against like Pakistan, it's it's a women's field hockey team. So automatically, no one believes in them because they're just girls and in India. Women have a little rough, right? Historically, women who don't mind don't have the same you know, rights and stuff is made a lot of areas so people are like, they're just girls. No one cares about women's field hockey, blah. That's dumb, right? Plus, you know, you've got just all these people trying to become teammates together and overcome all this stuff. And it's it's really Good, right? They're trying to make it to the women's finals in Australia. That's their goal. So they try this whole, like, sports movie thing. A lot of the sports movie tropes are they're like, trying to overcome and work together. There's like this one girl who just like, refuses, she's like, No, you just suck. You'll never be my coach. You know, you love Pakistan more than you love anybody here but luck. So there's that one holdout girl, and he like, kind of makes a connection with her later in the end. And this, this whole thing about how these girls try to work together and, or don't work together all the time and animosity between each other and how to overcome that and how they see women's roles in society and everything like that. These movies are really good. It's a little long ish. But if you want to watch a sports movie, you should definitely watch that. It's pretty good. Okay, and then the last one. Oh, that's exciting. It was good. It's really good. Right? It's like a really good like sports really intense and if Shot really well, and it's really great. And it's like if you want a bit of a lighthearted sports movie, maybe a sports, romantic comedy. Well, then you could watch double a TV ba. which is fantastic. This is about the tagline. Here. A feisty cricket expert enters the men's cricket team to play an IQ match. However, she is in a predicament when she falls for the handsome cricket coach. Ah, so this girl is like an awesome cricketer. Right? But they won't let her try out for this team. So she she's actually she's like part of a like a variety show. She does like cricket batting and like singing and dancing and stuff. So she dresses up as a man and tries out for the team. Right? But then, like, there's this whole dichotomy Like, when she's not dressed up as a man in the coach guy who comes from London, to be with his dad tricks him to come back home so he can win this match because they need. It sounds like a really good cricketer. Yeah. But he's in England, he's living England. So that gets him to come home. And captain, this team, and they kind of like, have all tryouts and gets people to come in and everything and she wants to try out but then they meet, like, off the field when she's like, woman that they kinda like hit it off and have this relationship. So these awkward things where she's like, playing to people, right? She's pretending to be her own brother, when she doesn't actually have a brother. But she when she dresses up as a man, she claims it Oh, no, no, I'm her brother, you know? Yeah. So there's polarity and high jinks. Also, again, the girl in this movie, Ronnie mahadji. My favorite new Indian actress is, you know, she's back again. Ladies gentlemen, being amazing. This movie definitely has more of those classic balls. Would things like, there are singing and dancing numbers? But in this movie, they make sense. Like, when they start doing it, you're like, oh, they're at a party, and now they're dancing. Or this is a performance in the circus thing. And they're singing and dancing. And it makes sense. And I like it. So now there's like context for why this is happening. It's not just out of the blue like a darbari. Like, what? Just went to a what's what's, so this one, it makes sense. There's good stuff. There's polarity. In those situations, where she's like, Oh, no, like, cuz they, you know, she's talking to him as a man. He's like, I need to talk to your sister right now. And he's like, I don't know where she is that classic comedy when you're playing to people, all right. So this one's really good. You should watch that one. If you want a light hearted comedy right with some sports with some cricket thrown in for drama. Plus, Ronnie Mahajan. Obviously you want her because she's great. So they go lightning round recommendations, if you want to watch some of them. I liked it. It was very interesting. Again, it was like big and bold and colorful. And there's lots of that scene. But again, it made sense. It was context. It didn't just come out of the blue and hit you over the head. Like what? Plus you had the anchor of the some of those classic like sports movie tropes are still there. Like you have to overcome adversity. Like oh, I have to do this. Lots of other like very strong Indian patriotism in this movie, like snuck in there randomly. Because they were they were again playing Pakistan, but it wasn't like, near as serious as that feel poppy was a little more lighthearted. Like the Pakistani guy and the Indian guy were like friends, and they're like, Oh, we should have a match with our teams and, you know, blah, blah. And they did. It wasn't like there was no it was pretty good. Yeah, I am gonna force you. I'll send you I'll take those actual names. Yes, actually, if you could just text me the link to the Wikipedia that'd be even better. Okay, I'll do that later. I'll do that when we're done. But there we go. My lightning round recommendations for some sports movies. If you're interested in sports more, so like this in talk de India if you want some more serious and doable Deepa if you want some Romance, Comedy silliness Your cricket movie. They got awesome. There we go. There's all my like I said I would probably want to tell them tomorrow



though, that's great. Yeah, no and I'm,



I'm fine. I just you know, it just I needed I need some prep time I need some prep a lot, a lot. Yeah,



that's true. And that's why I look for something that was familiar. Because I didn't want to end up with like that situation where I went. But it's a little bit later, right? Cuz now some of these things are starting to make more sense after I've seen like five of them.



You start picking up those tropes, you start picking up on the cinematic history and some of those and I'm sure by the 20th one, you'll be



even even more so. It's just fun to watch something that's just like so different. Because again, not even though there's some a lot of stuff is similar, right? Some of the situations are similar, just a it's just the way some of its handled is different. It's just interesting and fun. It's just fun to watch something new and different. So I enjoyed it. I thought it was great. Again, hard to find on Amazon because they hide it. So it Yeah, it's funny to hopefully they'll they start surfacing those



all all all foreign films from all the different markets a little bit better in putting them into their own genres and



subcategories to get that buried, even if they made the foreign film thing. Step one, right?



Yes, I was saddled with



that for a start. Step two and three is put them in actual categories. Put start putting them on which ones were award winning for their markets, and that kind of thing to like that



That's really nice to know. Yeah. I forgot to mention that mardaani did win several awards really awesome. ago I don't remember which ones I looked it up they won a couple. So am I my new favorite person Ronnie there is that she's won lots of wards to fantasies very good actress to watch anything she's in. Right they go. It's got her and it was it done. Nailed it all right. I really will work on coming up with another challenge. Air Aaron content challenge right now. Later. Uh, yeah, I was gonna say it's like, I gotta go. No, I like this is really fun. I really enjoyed it. And you know, not just because I came up with it was my idea, but isn't really fun to watch these and I really enjoyed them. So Probably gonna keep it up for at least a little bit. Yeah. Get some more in there and then just have it. So I have kind of a list of things I'm ever looking for some time on the weekend later something like oh, I can watch.



Awesome. Well, yeah, we'll look forward to I mean, future reviews






stuff so well, I think



I think after our marathon of a show here, we should probably also close it down. Sounds good. Well, love you guys. Love you. Love you. Bye