there’s chicken involved

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Brandon went to Walmart. Collin almost loses a prairie dog.

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prairie dog, walmart, hmong, lady, fine, susan, cool, talking, happening, good, city, missouri, cat, walk, employees, arkansas, burrow, memorial day, couch, airlift


Brandon, Collin

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast where we try to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon. And Colin. On this week show. There's chicken involved. Hi.

Brandon  00:18

Oh boy.

Collin  00:20

How's it going? Pretty good. Yeah. survived another school year. And you were Yes.

Brandon  00:28

Did your home free deed? This week has all been all about laundry and cleaning.

Collin  00:36

Oh, no. Oh, getting caught up.

Brandon  00:38

Yes, yes, yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I've got everything on. That's what I'm working on. Just doing random loads of laundry as just like stuff. It was just about and then getting things calm down. Yeah, that's pretty much it. Susan has to work this week. But that's it. She has to want more because of the library. But yeah, okay.


And then it's, I've

Brandon  01:07

been able to work at my own slow pace without being judged. She's a very like, once she starts cleaning will not stop until it's finished. Right, but I'm very much like, how we clean this thing.

Collin  01:20

Okay, I'm done for a while. Well, I'm gonna clean up this little spot. Okay, I'm done. I took a break. You can go for Yeah, like,

Brandon  01:31

but yeah, my attention span is not long enough to clean things for a long amount of time. So like, Oh, I'll do like a load of laundry and like, clean up this area. Yeah. Done now. We're gonna like, yeah, she would have had all of this done in like a single day. Take me like three. It's fine. It's okay. Don't worry

Collin  01:53

about it. It's your you're racing against no one. You are.

Brandon  01:57

Exactly. Exactly. Everything's fine. So not in a hurry. Don't have anything else to do. Right. Right.

Collin  02:07

Yes, except for

Brandon  02:08

made an afternoon recording. Ladies and gentlemen. This is I almost forgot to make tea for myself. Because we were so Ah, oh. Oh,

Collin  02:17

good. Catch. See, the thing is, is that usually I have my evenings free. But I can only have evenings free whenever I have people to work for me in the evenings. That's fair. And it's

Brandon  02:32

like holiday weekend. I am. So like, big? No, this is fine with me now. For like yesterday, we'll get to that later. It's like the one day I haven't been

Collin  02:46

taught works all the time. Ladies, gentlemen.

Brandon  02:48

I was like, Yeah, I'm free every day. Every single one is. What about this day? Like, oh, that's the one day

Collin  02:55

I actually know. When I went when I said every day it was actually every day, but that one?

Brandon  03:02

Price, but it's fine. No, it's fine.

Collin  03:04

It's fine. It's fine. No, so I am, I am filling in or hiring for an evening person. So that means I get that. But also, I am still training my morning person. So that means I get variable very sleepy. Me. Of course, it's all happening over like a Yeah, a holiday weekend. So we have visits that start at 6am. And yeah, we have visits that go until 10pm. So I'm, I've been both up on either sides of that. So hopefully, yeah. One more week, the person we hired is going very, very well. So I am going to probably excuse myself gonna

Brandon  03:48

knock on the table for you here just gonna go. We're gonna, you know,

Collin  03:56

they're doing fantastic. So I think I will be able to excuse myself from the training program sooner rather than later. So nice. That's good. That's good, then we can focus on hiring an evening person. So when both sides I'm gonna shoot through weirdly

Brandon  04:15

where the for those listeners who are our international friends wondering what the heck are we recording this right before Memorial Day? Right? Yeah, Memorial Day, which is I always forget to add it to like the big summer holiday in the US, right? It's the official kickoff of the summer season. Woohoo.

Collin  04:35

Weirdly. Right?

Brandon  04:37

This is a holiday that's slightly confusing. Because half of the people that I've talked to you, all their plans for Memorial Day involve like going to the lake going down with their family, like doing stuff with their friends. The other half are talking about decorating people's graves at the cemetery because that's what moral is actually about. Let's have a very weird little bit of a whiplash, a little bit of a whiplash, right which is a bit strange, right? Talking to like Susan's mom. And then like, my other friends from work, it's like very different plans so that's that's what we're talking about here. That's very odd. Very odd holiday. Right? We have very weird holidays here. Memorial Day is one like people just in this part of Missouri. It's like holiday.

Collin  05:31

Right? I feel like that's what it's for.

Brandon  05:33

In the in the old Ozarks. Memorial Day is code for time to go to the lake. Because like even this week, driving around you see people it's got two boats out there already ready to go. Right? see so many boats driving down the road on trailers not driving. I've been pulled down the road I should say. That would be real awkward. Who knows?

Collin  05:57

But yes, it is is you see them they they are emerging from their cocoon of either a storage facility or a garage to be washed it

Brandon  06:12

I've seen him at the carwash, right? People be home in the carwash made new, get the cobwebs off. You see people with a mountain the driveway, right you have the classic, the classic southwest Missouri, right, what you'll see you'll see a boat in the driveway. And because they're tinkering with the motor, because it's been off all winter, there will be a boat in the driveway. And the end the Prop will be submerged in a trash can full of water. That's usually something like that is happening because of course marine engines. You must have water flowing through them for them to not explode, and so on are cool. Yeah, especially the outboard ones, right. And so that's how they're also this is a good safety thing because you don't want a propeller just whirling around next to your shins without anything around it. So having it in a bucket also safe for your lower extremities. Right. That's a bonus. But yeah, you'll see that a lot. That's what you're seeing this week. People with boats in the driveway. Trash cans with garden hose shoved in very southern Missouri experience. This is

Collin  07:25

it's a sight to behold is what it is. It's it's quite wonderful. So yeah,

Brandon  07:33

that's a very confusing major holiday right now. Memorial Day.

Collin  07:38

Right. So yeah, that's

Brandon  07:42

also that we've decided that our celebration, Memorial Day is going to find all the food trucks in town. That's gonna be our that's how we're celebrating with snacks. Right? I feel like that's, I think that's good. Very

Collin  07:59

important. I don't think you should discount that at all.



Brandon  08:04

I haven't been in the Filipino food truck. And while I feel like it's a good time to go visit, see what's up. Right, finally. Yeah. Oh, update update last week. Prusa based update. Right, there we go. So we did go. We did go. Apparently, it was quite a big hit, because they were quite busy.

Collin  08:26

And they were delicious. You know, it was so good.

Brandon  08:30

We didn't have a lot of time. Because unfortunately, we did have to go to a funeral. But we did learn because so we just like stopped in for a quick bite. And we just got like one and then like a

Collin  08:42

red thing. Right?

Brandon  08:43

So we learned a couple things. Number one, the pet pieces are very delicious. The second thing we learned is we definitely need more than one.

Collin  08:51

Okay, that's a very, very important piece of information to know.

Brandon  08:56

Well Susan had never had on before. So this was like a very, it's very factfinding focus mission here. Like to see how it's going. But yes, it was really good. It had like the pork beans and cheese one. Right. So if you don't know what a Pepsi is, it's a it's like what's kind of like it's like a little sandwich. Right? Basically, it's like a you know, so it's like a flatbread. So you know that flatbread sandwiches like gordita Mexico, you have the flatbread cooked, and then you cut it open and then you stuff it with things. Right? This is like a Middle Eastern thing and like Mexican thing maybe that the Prusa is you get all the stuff and then you put it in the dough

Collin  09:42

and then you bake it together. Right. So this gives it a very different textural quality, but it is stinking good. They're very delicious.

Brandon  09:55

So, mission successful. They're doing some other sort of sandwich this weekend. So oh no, we're might have to go back for lunch. Oh, no. I know. I know. I feel so bad for you having to now. Your sacrifice really appreciated.

Collin  10:15


Brandon  10:20

So yeah, that's the other that's the other part of the Memorial Day dining plan, right.

Collin  10:29

Whatever this sandwich is called, I don't remember the name. Some other Salvadorian thing. There's chicken involved? I think so. This is good. I'm fine with this. Oh, yeah. That's the plan for the weekend is eating random stuff. That's maybe not not truly random. Hopefully. No, no, there's

Brandon  10:54

we're forming a plan of attack. They're slowly coming together. Slow.

Collin  11:03

Slow. Yeah. Yes.

Brandon  11:05

So yeah, my week has been pretty boring. Except for yesterday, we had a bit of a

Collin  11:11

gap. So yesterday, you had quite the adventure. I'm clearing my desk. I'm ready. I'm, I want to know, what what why what?

Brandon  11:25

Well, so like, we sort of it really was kind of interesting, because we actually didn't really know what was happening. Right? Like, we were kind of just like, unsure of the whole plan, really, in general. But basically, what happened? So Rewind a few months ago, our school hosted the multicultural fair, celebrating student diversity at our school. Right. So one of the groups that participated became inspired by this. And we're going to do like more stuff. Right? So they are they worked on like a thing or whatever. And so this was the like this. I don't they have an official name, which I can't remember from talking to the director, lady yesterday. But it's like a southwest Missouri like this, like regions like Hmong population. Right? So they have like a group. And there's like kids that like, get together and they do stuff. And it's about like preserving traditional and cultural heritage and language and things like this. Right.

Collin  12:35

So they've been doing that kind of stuff. Actually. Hold on,

Brandon  12:42

let me make sure I get this right here.

Collin  12:45

They actually went to, like, the Missouri Governor this year, and they got

Brandon  13:01

Missouri to participate in like National Hmong Heritage Day, which is May 14. Right. So they, they went there this year, had a big thing at the Capitol. Right. Some backstory on why this is important, right. So why may 14, you may ask, why? May 14? Because I asked this question, right. So if we rewind, way, far back, let's say, the 1970s. The Hmong people of Laos, were sort of involved in a little thing you may have heard of called the Vietnam War. Right? So the Hmong people stop me if you've heard this before. The Hmong people were working with the American government and the CIA to help monitor like the whole Chi Minh Trail and Vietcong operations into like Laos. Yeah. So they were fighting alongside the American government after America pulled out of the Vietnam War. They also evacuated and airlifted a lot of Hmong people out of Laos. Uh huh. Right. Have you ever heard this before? Well, yes. So yeah, unfortunately, this playbook is the same. But so they did that. And on May 14, was the last Air flight, the last airlift out of Laos into Thailand. Wow. represent anything like the end of that, pulling them out? So that if you've ever wondered why there are so many Hmong people in the US, because they were brought here by the US Army, in some cases, for their help in the Vietnam War, fighting the North Vietnamese right in the Viet Cong. So while that's crazy, so may 14 is like the Hmong American heritage day or whatever. because that was the last airlift out of last. Okay. It's crazy, right? So this group did that thing. Okay. They're planning on having a more local celebration next year, is what the lady said. But so one of the some of our students were just like, hey, we're doing a thing.

Collin  15:19

We want you guys to come. Because Susan was in charge of the festival thing, right? And we're like, Okay, sure. And then that's all she said for a while. Right? So like,

Brandon  15:35

she just was like, Hey, we're doing a wide group is going and we're doing like a performance. That's what they said. So come to find out what they were performing for, like, the annual Walmart AAPI celebration thing. Right? May is American, Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Right. What's up, homies? How's it going? So Walmart apparently does like a gigantic thing. Like it's like a big thing for them to do. Right. And so this was like a whole deal. Like, at Walmart. So I ended up at Walmart, corporate headquarters. Right? Because she told us where it was. And it was like, this is the Walmart home office. What

Collin  16:33

the heck.

Brandon  16:36

Like one of the lady, the lady that's like, the one of the sponsors of the group product. She works for Walmart. Right. And so that's how this was all tied together. Because like everybody at this was like Walmart employees, and they're celebrating, like, diversity in the Walmart organization. Right. So we're just cool, right? And so they had all this stuff to do other things. It was a very weird mix of like, strange corporate stuff. And like Asian heritage fun, right? So it was little bit. It's a little bit strange. Right? So yeah, so we had to go got like a name badge. We had to meet the lady outside, we got named badged up, we got buzzed through the door, right. We got to go through the Walmart corporate headquarters, and we went to the Sam Walton like auditorium thing. When I say auditorium, it's like auditorium stroke television studio. Right. There's like a huge sound booth like massive cameras. So this was like live streamed and recorded like for Walmart. stuff. So like, it was a lie. It was like employees coming in and out and stuff. And then there's like, dudes with these big cameras and they have like cameras mounted on the wall. And they have these massive like projected displays on like, all it was weird, because like, they had like five projector screens, but it was on on three different walls. Right. So there's like the main wall. And then it's also projecting out on the side, you know, on the left and right wall from center, so that you can see it because of the way it's set up. It's like the front is like a U shape. We have all these tables and stuff and like a big you. And then the auditors behind that looks like the seats. So we had to go sit down in the very front with the Hmong delegation which was kind of wild. I sat by the lady's husband mean hung out with him. He's cool guy. And so they had this whole big, like presentation about all this stuff. I have notes here about what I actually looked at. Actually, I just took pictures actually Susan took pictures and I had her send them to me so I could remember what they're talking about.

Collin  18:53

Perfect. Yeah. But we had they had all kinds of stuff like they first of all

Brandon  19:04

I'm not spoiling any secrets here but did you know there's a Walmart cheer

Collin  19:06


Brandon  19:11

There's a Walmart cheer to hit more and more people note now. I stood there next to the lady's husband we're like what


not expecting this it was not it was not what I was trying to happen to intense.

Brandon  19:30

Yeah, yeah. So anyway, they did that they had it like they did the like welcome thing they had a like an intro like opening remarks from like the new diversity chair lady, but she was actually had to let zoom in from India because that's where she is right now. Whoa. Oh, exciting. Yeah. So we got zoomed in from the lady from India. And then they had like I like the MC dude, who was when he was like the voice of Walmart radio, which I also didn't know, was the thing. Some of that's like an internal thing if that's like, what's actually playing at the stores? Right? I don't know what that is. But that's a thing, apparently. Okay. Right as a thing. And then they just had like, they did like a weird balance between like performative stuff, and like interviewee things with Asian American and Pacific Islander employees slash associates slash people that sell stuff at Walmart. Right? So like, hey, the first one was like this, these people that are from like the Mariana Islands, right? And they did like a little song that they I don't know if they wrote it or whatever. But they did like the singing and stuff visually cool.

Collin  20:58

Then there was an interview with how this picture is blurry. I can't read it, people. Green something right

Brandon  21:10

there. These Indian dudes that started this company that makes compostable cookware, cutlery and, like, paper

Collin  21:19

plates. That is now for sale at Walmart.

Brandon  21:23

Which, when they set it, and they put it on the screen, Susan, I were like, we have some of those at home. Because we bought them for Mother's Day. Because her whole family came over here for Mother's Day.

Collin  21:33

Oh, that's so cool. And so we're like, what? Well, we have this, right? What that that was weird.

Brandon  21:41

So that interview was kinda like awkward, because like, the dudes, I think they had just gotten there, because their travel had been a little bit delayed from all the weather and stuff.

Collin  21:52

Oh, sure. Right. So they're like, oh, you know, blah, blah, blah.

Brandon  22:00

They had like, gotten there, like 10 minutes before this started. And all of a sudden, they're doing like an interview segment with this lady.

Collin  22:08

It was a little bit like, stilted, you know, but

Brandon  22:13

they were talking about their company and like, what it's like working, and they work with their dad. Right? And so they're talking about that and like the dynamics of like, cultural things and some of the culture and inspiration that they drew upon for like, you know, because their dad was really into like, biodegradable stuff, because he apparently works for like,

Collin  22:34

the company that

Brandon  22:35

one of the first people to import like styrofoam and stuff into India. Right. Oh, and then after a few years, he was like, Oh, wait, no, this is bad. Everyone's just throwing it on the side of the road. Oh, no. So he like, started doing research into like, Biochemical Engineering for like biodegradable stuff was, yeah, yeah, that's. Well, that's crazy. Yeah, it's pretty nuts. So they started the company with him. And that's they do that. So they were there, which is cool. They did ask them what their favorite Bollywood movie was. And I almost wanted to like shout out it's chakra in the right.

Collin  23:17

I also want to do hachi, right. I know, someone who's watched half of one. Yeah,

Brandon  23:23

I got a chuckle out of that. I started laughing to myself. They don't ask me what my favorite movie was. But I have an answer. Right or anything with running Mohawks unit because she's great.

Collin  23:40

And then they had like,

Brandon  23:43

they had the they actually had some lady from India, and her daughter did like some dancing stuff. Some like tradition. I don't remember what region they're from. Sorry. I'm sorry. And the slide again, it's not this picture is not very great.

Collin  24:00

But they did that. So they came out.

Brandon  24:03

And they did an interview with some lady that had this picture. Her name is Jean Gao. She's Chinese. And she is like, started like a food company. Right? That is now in their stuff is now available in Walmart. So they talked to her about like, that process and everything. It was kind of interesting, because she talked about how she moved around a lot as she was a kid and then like, so she just changed her name to Ginni because nobody could say Jintao. And so it wasn't till she was older, and she moved back to China a few years that she like, reconnected with her Chineseness you know, so that story was pretty cool. Right? And then they had she talked about her products and stuff, and they had free samples of which I have haven't tasted it yet, but it's in like, lay them on the table and like everybody can have one so we're like



Brandon  25:00

And then the Hmong group that we were with, like, did their little deal. It was like, dance slash fashion show situation, right with like their traditional dress, things that they were and like, some dancing stuff and they have these like really cool flute thing that they were using.

Collin  25:23

And then there was the finale. The finale, right? Hold on your hats. Apparently.

Brandon  25:38

Cuz I don't watch a lot of TV. I was, I was unaware of this, but the finale was singing by a dude named Roland Abant, who was a sort of like a finalist on America's Got Talent. Right? He's like, Oh, Pino, dude. So they had him come in there. And he sang a bunch songs. Everyone like freaked out because apparently everyone at Walmart watches America's Got Talent. And so like taking selfies with him and everything. It was my Okay, he's very good singer. He's very good singer. He was there. So if that means anything to you, we saw I saw Roland Bob live in there go.

Collin  26:17

That happened.

Brandon  26:23

Yeah, that was what I did yesterday. Right. And so yeah, I got, yes. That through this whole thing. It's like an hour and a half. Maybe it was pretty cool. It was neat. Right? There's also a Sam's Club chair, in case you're curious. That's also a thing.


I you know, I


am very

Collin  26:40

confused. I this is like the rallying cry, I

Brandon  26:44

guess. Yeah. It's like a corporate rah rah. Like,

Collin  26:47

let's go thing right? Oh, did you did you jot it down? Did you have

Brandon  26:54

I do not have the the the foresight to like, video this, but I probably get in trouble for like corporate espionage or something. But like, just know that Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I know that. It's a thing that's going on. I'm on Yeah, it's there. Yeah, that's and then they had like a big thing at the end, like everybody was taking pictures. And it was really cool to see like, you know, a lot of people you could see like, like, the employees associates, like they were representing the thing. We're very happy about it. It was really cool. Because like, you could see, like, several people, like a lot of people were coming down to take pictures with all the people that were there, like after it was over. Right. It was like a big mixer thing. And then had like some food stuff, but we had to go. Because we weren't like employees. So we had to like be ready to leave. But it's all good. It's all good. It's all good.

Collin  27:56

So how many other people were I mean, you said it was it was kind of a come and go thing for most of that. Yeah, there

Brandon  28:01

was a lot of employees there. Right. Like, every time I turned around, there would be like at the beginning, right. It wasn't a whole lot. And then like it was in I would say there's there was definitely over 100 people

Collin  28:12

in there. Right. My for most of the time.

Brandon  28:19

I don't know exactly how many more, but there were definitely over 100 people in there. And then there was some people coming and going, like randomly so probably, you know, closer to 150 people at some point plus live streamed to who knows how many people right, like in recorded for Walmart Enos,

Collin  28:40

you know. But yeah,

Brandon  28:45

it was kind of intense.

Collin  28:46

It was a little weird, like,

Brandon  28:49

walk through Walmart, home office, corporate things, and everyone was like, oh, have you ever been here before? Like,

Collin  28:53

no. Why would this not like,

Brandon  28:57

I'm here now. Still trying to process the fact that this is where I am currently like,

Collin  29:05

yeah. Yeah,

Brandon  29:09

we dressed up in our best.

Collin  29:11

Like corporate II.

Brandon  29:14

Camouflage, right? If polos and pants like oh, we look like we belong here.

Collin  29:20

Nice. Well done. Yeah. Camouflage.

Brandon  29:23


Collin  29:26

The misspelled name on the

Brandon  29:28

mask misspelled name on the nametag. That's how you know it's

Collin  29:31

good. Yeah, I was gonna I'm gonna text you that you needed to, like, steal a thing of, you know, it's still a pen or something. So you could say that it wasn't you, Cynthia? Oh, yeah, it was your fake identity. Now,

Brandon  29:44

this is not me. Not my name. spelled wrong. But to be fair, everybody spells my last name wrong. So


I have three buddy Edie. Sorry, buddy. I just was just doing a little bit of research because I was I was trying to figure out what the answer to this one It's okay, do you?

Collin  30:03

It is, as always, the gap between number one and number two is not even close. So this data is from earlier this year. The number one employer in the United States is it's the federal government. Okay, they have 3 million people. Gotcha. Okay. Coca Cola. The the number one employer of private, like private corporation, kind of an number employer is Walmart, with two with 2.1 million people. It's not stupidly huge. Number two is Amazon with 1.5. Okay, so like, there's this huge gulf between Walmart 2.1, and then Amazon's are there one and a half million? That's insane. Alright, but I just it's hard to wrap my brain around that, that size of entity. And I think

Brandon  31:07

I may or may get the numbers slightly wrong, but some 30% of that, according to Walmart, are Asian American Pacific Islanders. Whoa, yeah. I think over 30% is what they said. Ah, like, yeah, that's a lot.

Collin  31:28

It is. And knowing that there's just like, yeah, I I, I, it's one of those things that like, you know, they're big, because you see stores on every corner, but then like, to put in the context of like, 2.12 point 2 million people like that million stuff.

Brandon  31:45

Is bigger than many major US cities. Yes. Right. Like that's, that's the staggering part about this, right?

Collin  31:57

Like that. It's that you can have a company that has more people than that. A

Brandon  32:07

city right. Let's

Collin  32:08

see. Alright, kid. No, I got it for you. Ready? You guys? Top five largest cities in the United States. Number one, New York. 8.3 million people. Number two, Los Angeles with 3.8. Chicago 2.6. Houston. 2.3. Phoenix, one point x. This

Brandon  32:27

is Walmart has more people than Phoenix fifth base. And

Collin  32:31

some of these numbers that I'm looking at that maybe even more up to date are saying it's Houston sighs it's they employ Houston.

Brandon  32:39

He says the fourth largest city United States. Right. This is yeah, it's not just bigger than some US cities. Right. When people think about US cities like Dallas, Texas, like giants. Okay, I know. Dallas has taken me like five cities in one but still Dallas. 1.2 million people. Yeah. That's like, Walmart employees double that. What?

Collin  33:09

My gosh, to have and what are you doing? It's just it's so much.

Brandon  33:18

And very staggering, right. Like, it's

Collin  33:21

yeah. So so to know that like, and they have their their company priorities and the things that they do so it's cool to see a company of that size. It's literally the largest private employer in the United States. Yeah. You know, host host events like this and have that come out and do that. Do it live too, right. I mean, obviously, you know, they can't do this for every single store or whatever. So but that they invited people out and that they the general, I don't know, what do you guys consider general public or use special, super inviting? Oh, we were we were

Brandon  33:51

guests of the Hmong delegation, right. Like the general public is not allowed in the building. Sure. Right. Again, name badges. Security. Yeah. Right. Like, everything. We had to have a person with us. You know, we had an escort to the whole thing. Yeah. I mean, it was the lady that was with the Hmong people, but so it was like, it was fine. She was like there anyway, but she was really sweet. She was really cool.

Collin  34:21

But, yeah, we had to it was, yeah, it was nuts. Like,

Brandon  34:26

it's absolutely insane. Apparently, they're consolidating their world headquarters is by the way, because the there's like when I looked on the map, to figure out where the heck we were going. There's like just a billion buildings. Right. So they are building a new like campus thing. And we drove by it's, it's gigantic.

Collin  34:48

Well, and you know, it's crazy because you think of how much growth Walmart's experienced of like, I could see it have like over the past 50 years of oh, we'll just do the building. Do this building. We'll have them over there and not having one big plan for how to put corporate together. But that's clear.

Brandon  35:07

We did get to walk by the after the main entrance we went through, we did walk by, like the vendor conference rooms. That's like pre security. There's like front desk security, right? But then like, there's, they have this huge hallway. And it's just like us rooms like the study rooms at colleges. They're just like glass and add tables in them. Yeah, you know, I'm talking about, like, the library has some here. So it's just like a huge hallway of that. And that's where they meet with vendors, and stuff, right? And then like, hey, the employee only security's like behind that part. So we got to see like the vendor. There's like all these like mini conference rooms, with tables and chairs. And it's like a check. It's a long hallway. And that's where they meet with their vendors. And like, all that stuff. It was crazy.

Collin  35:57

Bringing, we didn't miss an opportunity, right? I thought after we got home, I was like, dang it. Who did I need to talk to you? To be like, Yo,

Brandon  36:08

why does my walk warm? Or have bad produce? Can you? You were so close. I know. I didn't think about it until I was back home. You know, I was like, Yo, who can I speak with? Here's my store number and pull it up on the app here at Libya. Uh huh. Let me hit you up. Why is it produce so bad here? What's up? Why? Can't be telling me that the neighboring town Walmart is better. That's not allowed. No one's No, no, no. So

Collin  36:33

they can't We can't have that. That's not what we do here. point of pride here. We are for principle here. We have to be better than them and you are not here.

Brandon  36:42

Clearly, the rest of the town's better than them are Walmart needs to not be terrible with that guys.

Collin  36:48

Shining Star step up. Step up. Dedicate some attention over here. Ah, yeah, think of think of the meetings that you could have had in there. Think of it all the opinions you could have shared. I really am literally

Brandon  37:00

dropped the ball there. Sorry. Everyone got messed up.

Collin  37:06

Okay, it's fine. No, no, no. Yeah, it was really cool. Right? It

Brandon  37:12

was really nice, too. Because the girl that invited us her dad was also there. And he was like, really happy that we made it down and we're able to come and stuff. So Oh, yeah. That was just really cool. It was really neat. Right? Really neat thing. Like they were happy that we were there like the kids that from school. So sure. Yeah. It was just a really neat, really random experience. Right? Just being like,

Collin  37:34

what is happening right now? Oh, yeah. But it's what also those things have have. I think about this a lot of times of like, knowing when to say yes to things as they come up in like, this is definitely one of those things of if you had not said yes, but you Oh, yeah, judgment, but a judge, Judge mercilessly, lawyer for aperture.

Brandon  38:02

One of the funny parts was to we got we got home, right, we had taken a picture with the coordinator lady, right. And she had put it on Facebook, and on the Facebook of the like, Mom group thing. And we got home. And Susan saw that because she added her and all that, you know, did all the adding of the friendzone. And one of the people that replied to it commented on the post was the girl that we met down at the restaurant. Right? At that time. It was her right who was also long pregnant, right? And she called me she's like, how are you guys everywhere? What was happening? Like, Susan, how are you all over the place? What is going on? Right? Yep, you're famous. Look at this spam.

Collin  38:54

How you are transporting yourself? About?


About everywhere.

Collin  39:00

Yeah, it was really funny. Well, that's cool. And that's a really neat experience for the kids to to be part of that. Right. And, yeah. And yeah, we

Brandon  39:11

talked to the lady for a long time. And she's like, super nice, right. We may get we have Tanaka watt here that we're gonna see. She remembers, but we may have wrangled an invite to Hmong new year next year, so we'll see how that goes. Right. Yeah, so z, z, z. We'll see if that actually happens or not. I'm not going to get to my hopes up too much there but one down, what would that what would that look like? No idea. Oh, that's even better, you know, be as surprised.

Collin  39:53

Sounds like all these adventures of just like, I don't know what I'm walking into. Yeah, that's pretty much how it goes.

Brandon  39:58

We'll see. Like this. randomly showing up places getting invited me to things weird, right? Okay, well sure, why not?

Collin  40:07

Just yeah, say yes

Brandon  40:09

to it. Yeah, I mean, especially with like this would like to get stuff like you show up one time and then there's gonna keep fighting back. So sure that's cool, right i mean I'm cool that I'm okay yeah, right like this I don't hear complaints I definitely don't have any complaints it makes for some long days right? Sure. Have a refrigerator full of cheese in your announcements. This can be tiring but it's alright for that

Collin  40:36

stay hydrated

Brandon  40:37

stay hydrated man yeah yeah, that was my big adventure to Arkansas. Really big adventure. Yeah. So yeah, that was my big The only thing I've done this week other than my laundry which is also very important I'm sure society thanks me. Oh, I know Susan does.

Collin  41:08

Yeah, I would recommend it big time. Yeah, time. No. Well. That is very nice. We have not done I have not done anything is nearly exciting about as that not able to watch

Brandon  41:29

No, no sorry. We fix it with the great Dania the day.

Collin  41:32

Oh, that callow. Is that is that was that was with Yeah, I

Brandon  41:36

don't know. Big giant to lag white. Great game. He's like, Oh, my gosh, look at this. He was very enthusiastic about seeing your pictures.

Collin  41:47

Yeah. I mean, I mean, I I still my, my favorite new pet that we've been taking care of has been the prairie dog. most

Brandon  41:57

random thing in the world. It's so you know, so.

Collin  42:03

Weird. It's so rare to but I will say because of of my tendencies. I have seen there are actually a lot of prairie dog accounts on social media. It's a thing. Yeah. So look up. If you look up Poppy, the prairie dog. It's a really famous one. Because the guy comes in he goes puppy, and the prairie dog stands up and kind of this is like, like,

Brandon  42:26

a little howl or a learning thing or whatever. It's, it's adorable. It's really cute.

Collin  42:32

That's kind of his whole shtick. So you can learn about property, the prairie dog, and he also rescues prairie dogs and stuff, too. So I actually see from people who buy them and go, Oh, my gosh, I can't have this prairie dog because it's destroying my house or those kinds of things. So that Yeah,

Brandon  42:48

I mean, people want prairie dogs that you need a prey dog rescue?

Collin  42:51

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because turns out, they're not for everybody. They're highly shocking,

Brandon  42:56

darling. Animal is not for everyone who can't Yeah, they

Collin  43:00

need to be highly socialized and have someone to play with it. Because if you don't dig it really mean, like, really? Like, they become not okay with anyone else. And you can't do anything with them. And then they what do you do then? Like, how do you so people get in over their heads, they don't provide them enough with enrichment or the substrate to burrow in, or the puzzles or things like that, like they need stuff to do all the time. And if you're not willing to commit to that kind of thing, like they kind of take over your life, like, kind of a lot, a lot of people who I know doing some research about this, a lot of them will just dedicate like, This bedroom is prairie dog bedroom. And and there we go. Yeah, because they need like room to burrow. They like to stand on top of tall things, right? Because they don't because

Brandon  43:45

they're not tall.

Collin  43:49

She needs to provide them tall things, but also like they can get into air vents and burrow underneath things and like get into carpet. So people will tear up carpet and put down hard floors. And then they'll put stuff in, they'll put baby gates and lay pins and towers, and it just picking the really spiral. And so I was doing the main street with the lady and I was like, so why that? Why the prairie dog? And she said, Well, I don't know if you've seen these, but they're on social media. And I was like that in my head. I was like, That is not what I wanted to. But she's actually going through, she actually was hiring us so that she could have a socialized prairie dog so that her prairie dog could get used to people coming in. So she's actually trying to do stuff for that. But yeah, I mean, she I had to look up because I actually know that if you're in Montana or Colorado or Wyoming or Kansas or there's a couple other states where it is illegal to own a prairie dog. Yeah. Because the whole black like thing that, you know, just a small little detail. So I was like Like, well, I saw, I looked at the city ordinances for this person lives and I was reading through it, and I came away from it. Like, you can own a prairie dog. And then Megan read it. And she was like, I don't think you can own a prairie dog.

Brandon  45:12

So I was like, Oh, yeah.

Collin  45:15

So I don't own the brand. So it's fine. Like, well, but but because of our insurance, if it's illegal to own it, like it, like burrows into my face, like the insurance will go tough. noogies sorry. That's fair. Yeah. So. So I've kind of I do do due diligence and all that stuff. So I, I called the animal control officer. And he was like,

Brandon  45:46

hypothetically, if a person were to own a prairie dog, well, yes.

Collin  45:51

So how legal is that? I didn't snitch and be like so and so at 38 East?

Brandon  46:01

Street, they definitely don't have a very

Collin  46:05

what I said, what I was just hey, I just myself, you know, we weren't a pet se company. I know very dogs are very popular on social media, and was curious, are they legal to own in the city? And there's a long pause. And he goes, I've never been asked that question. And I was like, oh, so what do you think? And he went, I'm gonna go ahead and tell you that it's okay. But I'm gonna go talk with our general counsel, and see what their interpretation is. And I'll get back to you. And I'm sure that was just lovely. to the, to the General Counsel for the city. Go, Hey, I heard on the street asked me about prairie dogs. I know you're dealing with like, city why, you know, with like, lawsuits and the city initiatives, and you're being brought in all these high level things. But can we talk prairie dogs for a little bit? Yeah. Like, we just need to do that. And he came back and he was like, yeah, yeah, we think we're okay, you're in the clear, you should be in the clear that no problems there. And still, I was like, that didn't engender a lot of like, big confidence for me that this was holy, okay. But no, we, we dove right in. And, and he's little little hero is, is been doing really well. You open up the cage, and he will jump up onto your shoulder and climb up on top of your head. And then you walk him from there on your head over to this big play pin area that they've set aside. And then he can jump down and play in the playpen. Because I had told her the owner. I know Hiro loves you. I'm worried about him disappearing into your couch and me never getting him back out.


And sure.

Collin  47:55

Like, that's a really good point. And she's she was like, plus, we should probably get a place where we can put him that we don't have to worry about him. You know, like, running out a door. I was like, that'd be really good. Really good.

Brandon  48:10

Digging outside, it's just over like, oh, well, he's gone now.

Collin  48:14

Exactly. Where to right. That's yeah, it's not happening. So yeah, they have this playpen, his treats that you give him our dog kibble. He loves these and will do anything for dog kibble. So okay, this came into play. This was very important. As the second time I went over there, I should mention that the baby gated play pin area is situated in between the snuck in between the couch and the wall. So as I was bending down from my great heights, I caught down halfway, and I felt him shift over to my, to my shoulder that was closest to the couch. And I tried to I tried to pivot away, but too late. He launched himself on the couch and scurried away. And I was like, oh, it's happening. The thing that I said was gonna happen. It's all gone. It's all gone wrong. So I


kind of do a little like,

Collin  49:26

thing, get out. And I'm watching him. He's watching me a scurry underneath the couch and then help jump up. But they really like to be on top of things. Right. So where he wants to be is on top of the couch, but he doesn't want me to get him. So what I did was I had this blanket that was draped over the couch. And so I made a trail of dog kibble from the couch cushion, and then just put it like up on the blanket then up on top. And I was gonna wrap them up in the blanket and put them in his kennel. But what he did was he went is he? He burrowed in to climb up the blanket. He didn't come up on the outside. He went in between the fold. So he was actually inside the blanket. So I just said, thank you. I will, we'll take you a little bundle of fur inside the blanket. Yep. And whisks you away. Nice. Yes. Yes. And he was, he was really funny. They call me got me. It was, it was rather rather disappointed in everything, so it was a Yeah, so that's been that's been the fun one. I've trained somebody who has never taken care of a guinea pig. And I'm like, Yeah, that's fair. guinea pigs are kind of weird.

Brandon  50:47

I'm kind of Yeah,

Collin  50:48

I'm I. I'm not a I'm not a I'm not. Look, I I love all the animals. My job tube. guinea pigs still freaking me out?

Brandon  50:59

I don't know. I don't know. Not so weird little faces is coming at you. Right? Like,

Collin  51:07

Well, I think it maybe maybe this one too. It's not. I mean, it's a rodent. It's a prey animal. And they're never going to try almond soothing, but like this one. This one will go through like, well, the way rodents Twitch is very unnerving. And especially when it's the size of a guinea pig, we feel like scratching its bite and rebuy it by its head and all sudden it switches out of whatever I don't know. Isn't

Brandon  51:31

the size because you did have lots of small rodentia Yeah, a younger man. Yes.

Collin  51:38

I think it is the size you can just

Brandon  51:41

sit there huge. It's just

Collin  51:44

being grown in like all I know. Same thing with the prairie dog I think is gonna get big like and I That's true. They do get

Brandon  51:51

large. Right? Not as large as of course the world's largest prey dog, which I of course seen course, as a denizen of the Midwest. It's concrete statue, by the way, but

Collin  52:01

it's still but say don't give it a listen. I

Brandon  52:04

don't want people to get the wrong idea. Too excited. Yeah. Yes,

Collin  52:09

no, it's not that big. But it is like this thing is like there's some heft to this. You know, if you pick up a gerbil or hamster you're like, oh, look, look how cute it is. But like, once you feel it's kind of like how I there feel very solid, right? There's not a whole lot of mush to them. relate this to the top like some cats cat. Some cats are very like, malleable. There's not a whole kind of like, are just very squishy. And then other cats are nothing but like solid muscle. And both those cats kind of freak me out the solid muscle cats where you're just like, oh,


I Oh.

Collin  52:48

I had to give insulin shots to to one of those cats recently, and I'm just used to malleable squishy, mushy cats. And this one you touch and it's just like, blood.

Brandon  53:01

Like just go though this is actually just a tiger. Oh, no, I

Collin  53:04

know. Exactly. And I think that's where my brain just has it has this cat envisioning like it overpowering my grip to sly sink its claws into my thumb. Like that's, that's what my brain immediately does. When you touch this kind of cat. You just go this is stronger than me. It's like there's this cat wants to I'm gonna be really,

Brandon  53:29

I mean, let's be that's any cat. Really. The other ones are just doing a better job of lulling you into a false sense of security, right? No, that

Collin  53:36

is just like, oh, no, I totally won't harm you. Yeah, where will I? Right? It's like that. Right? And that's a very fair point of, of it's there. Just you know, the little tiny beasts are better at obscuring it, but I know but when it's like so apparent. Oh my gosh, I Ooh, scary. So that's that's fair right there. You know, never know what they're up to anyway, you know, lurking them out sneaking

Brandon  54:12

or laying joyfully on the couch one of those one of those two extremes is happening at any moment. Right.


I had that thought the other day. Other days. The other week I was searching for a cat in a house and it was kind of dark and I was using my flashlight like looking underneath beds and like in between sofas it's the sort

Brandon  54:33

of COP TV show is to turn the lights on my guy like law and order like we're gonna sleep this whole

Collin  54:39

house without ever turning on the lights no no all lights come on Where are you available lights were on but it was really close of like we're just like I was sweeping the house with my flashlight I


had this vision of like you in the dark dark looking for like for I shine? Yeah, no. Yeah, well, it was like, just like with a lot more episodes like weird stuff. rings, door flies open flashlights everywhere. Uh huh.

Collin  55:03

But so imagine that like it was in one of these homes it was it's a ranch so there's no light like there's no light in this home all the tiny and the lights on the ceiling are there they're very soft to begin with, and then the nine inches of dust on top of them all of a sudden you're like, I cannot see. So I'm walking through looking for my flashlight. And I'm realized like I'm looking for a smile a small wild jungle animal inside this home. Like I am. I'm trying to find this wild creature as I'm like snooping I'm looking for like flashes of movements I'm looking for I shopping I'm looking at like channel

Brandon  55:44

your inner Stever when like

Collin  55:48

very much as I was walking around being you know, narrating to myself and for the cameras watching me what was going on because yeah, yeah. Cat yesterday who came in?


They came I could hear this. It's a very, very well fed cat. And I came into the garage door, and I couldn't hear it. thundering down the hall.

Collin  56:18

thundering wondering as it was like, What's it like to get to me? And I was like, Oh, he's excited Somebody's here. He came around the corner screeched to a halt and like slid past the doorway. So if you imagine I'm watching a doorway and I hear the thundering his head gets around the doorframe, looks at me, slams on the brake, but continues his forward momentum so that he goes past the door outside of my view. Creek creeps around the corner all of a sudden, it's real low, and there's just bawling like you are expected to sign here. So I was just like, Hey, buddy, I took a photo and then like wily coyote or in those things the feet were moving but he's on he's on hardwood floors Yeah. And so he's now trying to get away from me but he's also going nowhere and finally caught traction and bolted off in the whole thing was like less than 20 seconds of him like

Brandon  57:25

don't worry guy still I still have the food. It's okay. You can I didn't back.

Collin  57:31

So when he heard that was one of those. When he saw me, he was like, I don't like you. And then whenever he heard me rustling around the food I heard like, too late Okay, waiting for me too quick to judge Jain. I apologize. Please, please accept my deepest apologies, my assumptions cancer. Either that I was about to turn into a hostage situation and he'd be like, put the food down and walk away. But maybe that one bad might be actually what I think would be happening. So it's fair.

Brandon  58:05

He never can't quite tell. No.

Collin  58:09

So that's that. That was my yesterday with with visits,

Brandon  58:17

so adventurous in its own exciting way, you know, that's, you know,

Collin  58:24

trying to stay out of

Brandon  58:26

the stalking path of a small tiny house Tiger is important, you know? Yeah.

Collin  58:30

It's important to not fall victim to them when they know you don't want to use me yep. Cup. So we're preparing for some, some possible travel or not. I don't know. We were asked to come speak at a conference in Florida. In Oh, in August. Oh, uh huh. Ah, which I don't know if you noticed or not, it's kinda close to me coming up on this and so we

Brandon  59:22

are in it's only still may I you know,

Collin  59:27

I like buying tickets and hotels and rental I'd like all of a sudden is like, alright, we're trying to be like, Oh, who goes who doesn't go to we all go through all of a sudden it's, it's really hard to. And so, also with the rash of people working and not working for us, it also makes it hard to predict In the future, whether I will be able to vote that's true, right? So, but also I'm like, I feel like we should kind of like, commit. And then like, worse comes to worse, we'll have some credits on an account with an airline that we'll use later, I guess I don't know. But like, because if we, if we don't commit, and then we do go, we can go like, it'd be worse. I feel like it'd be way worse that if we commit, and then we can't go we have to cancel. Like, I feel like that's kind of like already what I'm expecting to happen. And that if we do go just be some, like miracle of miracles that we're that we're able to be, but I would rather be in the position of like, No, we have everything. It's all set up. We're not scrambling to pay for plane tickets that are five times as costly now, because I have to buy them for two weeks from now and all this stuff. And that's true. And we'll just go so I don't I still, that's that has been major stressed by being perfectly honest of like, I feel like that'd be fine. But also,

Brandon  1:01:03

what part of Florida like is it like a good part or the Naples? No. Okay. So bad. No, could be worse. Could be like Orlando,

Collin  1:01:13

right. See that? Yeah. And at first, I was like, Oh, well, because we've never, I mean, we've only flown a couple places. And we've never rented a car once we've gotten there. And I was hoping we could get by with at this time. But the airport that we fly into is over an hour away from Naples, because we have to actually fly into Fort Myers, which is an hour north. I'm like, I like I don't want to get like an Uber to drive an hour.

Brandon  1:01:46

You know, that's quite far.

Collin  1:01:50

Awesome. Gonna have to do that twice. And I actually did look it up. And it was like, oh, for the cost of jet jet. And that's just an Uber from Fort Myers to Naples, and then from Naples back. That's that's two days of a rental car, basically. I mean, yeah. Not to mention any other Ubers that we would need to get to just move around, because it's not a very walkable part of the state. So it was like, Oh, I

Brandon  1:02:16

can't imagine. I've never been to Naples, Florida, but like, I can't imagine it's just a super walkable.

Collin  1:02:24

area. Oh,


no, especially where the conference is being held. It's like, oh, it's it's one of those going, Oh, it's up beautiful location, near nothing.

Brandon  1:02:39

If it's in like a conference center, it will be near nothing. It'll be like on the edge of town. Right. Like, away from everything. It might look cool outside, but like

Collin  1:02:56

it would be like a road. Right? Like you don't want to be walking around Florida in August anyway.

Brandon  1:03:04

Right? It'll only be like 105 degrees.

Collin  1:03:07

Oh, I know. I don't know. Yeah, that's I don't even if the even if we can get a hotel within a 10 minute walk. It's like I that will kill me. I will genuinely dead.

Brandon  1:03:23

Don't want to walk back. Yeah, but most of us cities outside of cities in the Northeast are not actually very walkable anyway.

Collin  1:03:30

So like, if the city was built after what?

Brandon  1:03:41

The team 30? You can't walk around?

Collin  1:03:46

No. So this is our latest thing. And then of course, the way I might my brain is like, I'm already like, wow, what bags are we going to take? And how are we going to pack them? And what would that look like? How are we going to? So I'm trying not to get too far ahead of myself and just be like, generally, could we? Because I know we've also got the family vacation coming up to here in what a month or so. Two months? Yeah. July right. Yeah. So in a month. Two months, two months? Two? Yeah. Yeah. Of like, well, I got to, you know, also be ready and able to go to that. So if we're committed to that. It's just a month or two after that. Maybe we'll be fine.

Brandon  1:04:33

I don't know. I mean, there will be a little bit of time in between those two things. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Your system is different, though. Because you have like, employees and things that are that are the like, Crux to whether or not this will actually be a functional ability. Right. Exactly.

Collin  1:04:51

And so as we always say, like, it's fine until it isn't like I can tell I can't. But I guess that's kind of the mindset You just need to continue to keep up like yeah, I will just I'm gonna say yes, but always know that it might turn to a note.

Brandon  1:05:09

I've been freaking out over family vacation for completely different reasons because I found where this place is

Collin  1:05:13

and us. Ah, Nowhere. Nowhere. So

Brandon  1:05:17


Collin  1:05:22

Yeah, yeah. Make make. We committed to this then. Yeah, I think Megan did the same thing. She was just like, what's the name of this place?

Brandon  1:05:30

I just did that last week because I was like, Ah, it's like a think about that now. Right?

Collin  1:05:34

Yeah, you got some space on your on your flight. And then she started looking it up. And there was just this really long pause. She realized and she was like, Ah, okay. Well, that's, that's a thing. Yeah, it'll be interesting. I think there's a couple. I think there's at least one restaurant maybe two. There's one

Brandon  1:06:04

well that I found so far. There's one, but I don't think it's I think it's only open on the weekend. I think it's just like a little thing. The problem is

Collin  1:06:16

everything else is on the other side of the lake. And you can't get there. Right.

Brandon  1:06:27

Yeah, we take the ferry. Isn't this near the ferry? Yeah, but the ferry ferry stops operation at like six o'clock. Yeah. Well, we just get to eat it for like it. Yeah, I mean, a lunch I guess. But like, that's this is the this is the thing, right? Lunch. It's not very far away from like, other stuff on the southern part in Arkansas. Right. There's other stuff within, like, 15 miles of there. So it's like not real far, right? Like, if you went to go like a day jaunt somewhere and just like check out something or whatever. It's like, not real far away. But like, you have to be back by that deadline, because you can not get like hours to get

Collin  1:07:11

your straight in at that point. You

Brandon  1:07:14

missed the last one. Yeah, he can't be making the last second Crazy, right as though good. It will not work.


Yeah, it's gonna be

Collin  1:07:26

I was just right. The Fairy all the time. I'm excited about that.

Brandon  1:07:28

I mean, I mean, it's fine. But like, I think we'll have I do think

Collin  1:07:33

we will have access to to a boat so we can always just go boating across again. On a pontoon boat. We can go. Yes. Yeah,

Brandon  1:07:43

I don't. Yes. So I was like, Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh. Oh. It's my only problem was like, Where are you gonna get? Yeah. Oh, no, I need food bring

Collin  1:07:58

color. Will


be passionate. Yeah, that's the other thing.

Collin  1:08:02

So then there's a place to buy food there.

Brandon  1:08:05

So we have to bring it from somewhere. So we have to meal plan at least a week in advance.

Collin  1:08:11

Right for for what? 11 people we're just doing pasta. Okay, that's all just making pasta.

Brandon  1:08:19

I mean, that's fine. But like

Collin  1:08:23

you're gonna still need stuff. Like, yeah. sandwiches in your future. I think that's what I feel like that's yes. This is what I this is what I envision as well. Lots of sandwiches. Sure.

Brandon  1:08:42

And live podcast recording maybe on a deck who knows I'm very excited on a pontoon boat. Actually. Maybe look, I'm not saying maybe. Yeah, maybe I'd say that it might be a podcast episode recorded live from pontoon boat but there might be

Collin  1:08:58

January feel like we're going to be podcasting from a pontoon boat. Maybe we'll have maybe it'll stay it'll be docked but we won't be out in the middle lake but I know it may be out in the middle of Lake. floating. Floating. trolling us. That's that's a word right? If you haven't yet. Yeah. I saw the other day we were at pro bass and they have these new looking

Brandon  1:09:19

at fishing stuff. Are you going to go fishing on this adventure?

Collin  1:09:23

Well, what we did what we did need were children's life vests because they're not those are not something that we own. So Bear. So we have we had some from a lake trip that we had gone to a house three years ago. You're probably outgrown the vest. Yes, they have. Yes, they have. They are beyond them on their arm like her. Yep, exactly. So we just needed larger ones. And while we were there I was looking at it's right next to the trolling motors. And they have these now that uh, Have you pull up to your spot, and you hit a button, and it takes a GPS pin, and then the motor takes over the rest and the motor will come hell or high water keep you at that spot all on its own. While you're there while I was like, like what? It was like, yeah, it just does everything for you. It adjusts for the waves and the wind and the current and all this stuff. It will just hold you right at that spot and keep your boat there and add Oh, and that system was $6,000 by the way, says insane $1,000 for a GPS troll. I I just stood a Gog at this like know where white hats. Okay, big time right there for us. Yeah. That is. That's crazy.

Brandon  1:10:59

Wow, I can't even I've only been fishing from a boat, like, four times in my life anyway. So I can't imagine what a person could possibly need that for. Oh, exactly. Like, I don't I don't think I've fished. I don't think I have actually fished in the last


15 years maybe.

Brandon  1:11:25

Right? This seems like an appropriate time span

Collin  1:11:29

of no fishing. So

Brandon  1:11:34

if there is I am going to have to go to my local Walmart and see if they have any. I'm surely in southwest Missouri, you can fly fishing tackle. That's what you can do. But that'll be

Collin  1:11:44

good. I have to I can't remember. Yeah. And then we'll have to get fishing licenses. That's true. All the problem. Well, are we on the Missouri or Arkansas side? Well,

Brandon  1:11:55

yeah, but I mean, that. Yeah, the problem would be? I don't know. Right? Because it's on the border. Now sometimes. Sometimes. If you have a like Missouri fishing license, yes, you can. If you just go to like a marina or something, you can buy some sort of like, by state thing. Uh huh. Right. And you don't have to buy like a out of state fishing license. Yeah,

Collin  1:12:26

they kind of, it's kind of like the, I buy a business license for the big city. And then I can go to the surrounding cities, and they recognize it. But sometimes I still need to put my name on a piece of paper so that they know

Brandon  1:12:39

what I'm sorry, this place is in Arkansas. So okay. But it's like feet into Arkansas, or whatever. But So may we have to investigate that because I don't even feel that trouble. If I can actually even do it legally. And I don't want to get arrested by the Arkansas conservation department. That'd be horrible.

Collin  1:12:56

So I don't. Yes. Yeah.


I should probably just call the place and ask them because I'm sure that's true. They will know that I'm pretty sure the lakes around here will do that type of thing. You can just pay like a small fee instead of having to pay like the day are out of state licensing.

Collin  1:13:16

Well, we have work to do on that homework to do homework.

Brandon  1:13:19

First of all, is fishing even gonna happen. Secondly, how?

Collin  1:13:24

Well I know we have we have kids fishing poles. So I know at least the kids are gonna want to I

Brandon  1:13:28

mean, I have some in a closet. So I have grown up fishing poles.

Collin  1:13:33

We have who have the fly rod do have fly fishing. I think I just realized what we actually need. And

Brandon  1:13:43

I'm pretty sure you can catch a bluegill on that so I can catch it. Literally everything so

Collin  1:13:51

I can catch a tree branch too. So I think either way, I'm all the tree branches. That I think we're that I think what we've just done, we've turned this into a fly fishing camp. I'm very excited. Okay.

Brandon  1:14:04

Bring the other ones maybe if I can get them out, just in case backup, right

Collin  1:14:15

well, we have a we'll have work to do on that. Indeed. And I think to close this out here unless there's anything else you know,

Brandon  1:14:23

we just need to finalize the book too. And dream ties.

Collin  1:14:27

Yes. Okay. Well, we will we will text with that started because your summer has started. We've only been doing it in jest so yes, no actually needs it for realsies this time. Yeah.

Brandon  1:14:40

What do you actually want it? Yes.

Collin  1:14:42

Not just just not just joke about this. Yeah. Yeah, fine. Other than that, I have nothing. Okay, well, I will close this out. With an IQ. They'll run okay. Eons we've and spin times we'll turn and legends reborn destinies entwine. As we talked about the terrible Wheel of Time last time, yes, I should do that it was the year that are Clarkson's farm and I went with because I thought maybe you did a bit harsh, but maybe not harsh enough. So

Brandon  1:15:23

I still haven't watched anything. i This week I finished up watching. I started watching reach group Season Two earlier, and I didn't have time I finished that. So now I have I didn't want to start another thing. So I finished that. I felt like it would be annoying to try to catch up. Yes, that's hard. Yeah. I don't know if I want to attack it. So maybe.

Collin  1:15:51

Now we have a summer ahead of us. And we realize that book this week, okay. Okay. Very good. Love you. Love you. Bye