DMV with 6th graders

Collin has an apology. Will Brandon survive this week? Both agree the Wheel of Time is terrible.

Collin’s Haiku

  • Green blades, morning dew,

  • Swings echo on public greens,

  • Par for all to chase.

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alabama, good, watch, hard, talking, songs, movie, weird, big, haiku, true, remember, sixth graders, week, great, fair, bad, thinking, turn, fantasy


Brandon, Collin

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast where we try to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon. And Colin, on this week show DMV with sixth graders. Hi. Oh, boy, I want to apologize to you and our listeners. Because last episode, we ended on an amazing update of sorts about an orangutan medicating himself. And I didn't do haiku.

Brandon  00:40

I mean, so I wasn't gonna bring that up, but did shortchange us. I know it was a hectic week. So I didn't know. We only had to reschedule our recording, like, seven times. So

Collin  00:54

Oh, ah, it's fine. It's fine. So I am going to start this episode with a haiku as in raw, and then we're going to end the

Brandon  01:09

book in it.

Collin  01:11

So anyway. Here we have green blades. Morning do swings echo on public greens. par for all to chase. So damn it. Yeah, so that's a callback to the not last episode, but the previous episode, because I got to keep the theme coming up. Anyway, who knows what we'll end with.

Brandon  01:44

As very good. I like it.

Collin  01:46

So any how the storm has been if you've been evading them, I hope Yeah,

Brandon  01:51

just a little bit of teensy rain here and there and nothing too cataclysmic, which is good news for you. Oh, that I need to be done with that, please. We have a have that there

Collin  02:04

have a farmer friend who has been farming for coming up on? Well, I mean, he's been involved with it for almost 20 years now. They This is the latest in the season that they have been without having any crops in the ground. They have because of ours. We've had so much consistent rain, they can't get out in the fields to plant. And so it because it's like every week, it's just been a torrential downpour of like two inches here three inches there five inches, like everything's over flooded, flooding in like just soggy. And so he has 2000 acres 1200 of that is corn and 800 is a soybean and is all sitting on planted right now. My good days. Apparently, he has until like, next week, a plant. Lay it all. Well. Otherwise, they can't file an insurance claim. And then they can't get any income for the year. Oh, oh, no at all. So Oh, no. Yes. So kind of like next week, whether it's ready or not. They just have like, we just just have to do this. Just have to do this. So yes, I That's crazy. I know. Right? I know. I thought that was I was like this is the latest ever. And he was like, yeah. Latest reverse bikes. Oh, yeah. So yeah, hopefully that happens. But yeah, we got so much rain yesterday. It was just raining on and off all day long. Yeah, I was out on a dog walk. I was on an hour long dog walk. And I arrived just as it finished raining. And I was I checked the radar. And I was like, Oh, we've got plenty of time. And so I started off on our thing. And what I do is I walk really really really far in one direction and that the halfway point I turn around and I come back and I hear and I had 30 minutes into my walk in one direction. And I felt a little drip on my head. I was like, ah ha and then I turned and it was one of those where you just I like looked over. And then my phone I looked over to the to the west and my phone popped up and it was like rain starting soon. And I was like I'm sorry, what? Look and then you could just see the wall of rain. Even as it oh houses disappear one row at a time, and then you could hear it. And I was like, well we're in this. So

Brandon  05:13

here we got a lot to do now about it right? Surprise, huh? Oh man, so I

Collin  05:22

want to be five minute walk back.


Just boring rate, I

Collin  05:30

mean, it would stop it would slack off a little bit and then just torrentially come back down even harder. And my shoes are full of water. Like I was totally unprepared for this. I had to finish my I mean, I can deal with like a wet shirt and pants and I will say I did have on a rain jacket. Because as I had arrived, it was kind of finishing up. So it's like, oh, I'll just have this on and then blah, blah. So I did have that. However, that's you know, that range Jack? That's definitely good. Yeah, but like rain jackets aren't perfect. And the rain jacket just covers my shoulders and my body, not my pants. And so I can deal with wet shorts, but I cannot tolerate our wet shoes. I cannot abide this. Wearing shoes.

Brandon  06:19

This is the real part.

Collin  06:23

So because I've been having to walk so much I've been having to wear real shoes recently, because for various reasons have been shackled, you know, into the world of normies. So my shoes, were thinking were inverted boats and just so much water in them. And so I had to finish out the rest of my visits wearing flip flops, which is totally not professional but also Yeah, but also it's bucketing down rains bucketing rain, so much water in my shoes that was like, this is close. Yeah, I got to. So that was fun. It was a good way to read, you know, freshen up myself yesterday. And just yeah,

Brandon  07:04

that's it that Monday morning here. Right? Like Monday. Yeah. Because Monday I had to go. We're changing our square. We're changing, like


insurance provider. Something. Right. And so I had to go to this meeting with a dude to like, talk about whatever

Brandon  07:30

these words are. Right? Yeah, these are all of course, words that I don't understand. Sure, sure. And so luckily, luckily, the saving grace was they let Susan and I do it together. Ah, since you know, we might as well be there anyway. And so I she handled most of this because I was really unfamiliar with many of the things that he was talking about. Because like, I don't know what these words mean. But that's what I do know that like when I left I was going I was like, I'm gonna go back out this way and drop something off here. And then it just like bucketed down outside. Oh, just kidding. I'm gonna not go out to the dumpster right now. Luckily, that was the day we're talking about flooding in water stuff. So that really worked out good. That was a good


look over here check that out. And exhibit a if I were to look out the window. If you would look to your right, you will notice notice as Yes Look Look all that water indeed


supposed to be drying out now. So that will be nice. That's been a really like, cool and wet. Spring. Yeah. He really has. Yes, that El Nino. Do

Brandon  09:06

that to you know,


throw stuff off. It does indeed. Okay, so breaking news. Oh, okay. Breaking news. I have. I have tabs on my kind of never close. And one of those is most state Oh,


oh, yes. And I just clicked on that. And they have an artist on on August 17. Finally. Well, hey, so there we go. Just to let's

Collin  09:49

work our way up to this. Okay, so August 8 is the forerunner farewell tour.

Brandon  09:54

That's ongoing forever. Farewell Tour. never ends. Yes, that's okay, though. Hello

Collin  10:00

people like foreigner. So it's yes. August 9 is Warren ciders with white florists. Mr. Mark, cool. Great August 10 as the Goo Goo Dolls with the friend, right, so that's pretty cool.

Brandon  10:13

I only remember the one Gu got WLC from that


city of angels

Brandon  10:18

movie with Nicolas Cage. I mean, as long as I can remember, really much.

Collin  10:25

And then August 16. Is luda with DAX off? That's right. ludicrous. And I gotta be honest with you. I'm kind of disappointed that this was not on our list However, I'm not gonna lie. The reason I didn't pick these people is because I didn't think they were still alive. Oh, no. Always awkward. The rumors of my death greatly exaggerated. August 17. Alabama is coming to play. Oh,

Brandon  11:01

go there. Roll on 18 Wheeler, right is with


with a with a TBA special guest. Okay, so Harley, so I will still have to continue to look into this. Saga Continues. Ah. Oh, and they are there. So, man. So anyway, here we go. The only

Brandon  11:27

three awkward because the only time I think I ever actually listened to Alabama on purpose was when memes would play the Christmas. Right? Yes, Alabama. Hi. Is that Is that real? Is that exactly exist? I didn't

Collin  11:48

know I absolutely yeah, it's read. Yes. The

Brandon  11:53

cover with the old letter. Yeah, there it is. Chris missing Dixie. This is the only actual Alabama album. I know for a fact I've listened to. Now that would be real awkward to play probably at a summer county


festival. I'm sure strange happen. So I mean,

Brandon  12:15

that's true. Probably at a fair if we're honest. But

Collin  12:22

of course, okay. Yes.

Brandon  12:26

I had to double check some things here. I had to

Collin  12:30

google other Alabama songs.

Brandon  12:33

And I just received a text from the other room. I'm gonna just read this to you. I need you to stop your disparaging talk about Alabama. Angry face emoji. This is one of the

Collin  12:47

oh, okay, sorry.

Brandon  12:49

Not not disparaging. I just don't remember Alabama song. That's all this happening. Oh, dear. Please don't harm me. Just kidding. Yes. I had to. I don't remember them because there's the Alabama is band that I am exposed


to only from the radio. Yeah,

Brandon  13:08

right. My exploration into the music of Alabama has never really progressed further than

Collin  13:13

that. And so

Brandon  13:19

and so I don't, I can't remember. Because like, I know, I know, some of the song. But I don't know the names. I know. So a lot

Collin  13:29

less of these than I thought so far. I have Dixieland delight. Yeah. I have boron,

Brandon  13:34

obviously. Yeah. And

Collin  13:37

then if you're going to play in Texas, yeah,

Brandon  13:40

you do have to have a fiddle in the band. That's what I learned that the lead guitar is hot but not for Louisiana man. Absolutely. Right. They they are very discerning and very particular.

Collin  13:51


Brandon  13:54

and of course you have to roll on 18 Wheeler roll on as the follow up text that I received states

Collin  14:04

Okay, fair. Okay. So we do know some of these however, their discography is quite extensive.

Brandon  14:11

Yeah, it is. I know. Yeah. That it's quite big. But I just don't know. Oh, what song is that she keeps texting me Alabama lyrics now and this is rather hilarious. Sorry.


But okay, just just talk

Brandon  14:30

to you about Yeah, it's just one of those like the my radio it's radio exposure. Right. So the big songs that I know the big songs are on the radio and also the Christmas album.

Collin  14:43

Very interesting. Kind of weird, right. The music

Brandon  14:51

667 actual songs and the Christmas album. This is the Alabama Greatest Hits.


I may have the is somewhere in my brain? Somewhere? Yes, I'm well, and it's one of those. If Yeah, I mean, they went through a string of several number ones in the early 80s. So all any just scrolling around a lot, you scroll and scroll and scroll, scroll. That's going to be fun. True. So, hear that. So what we will do is, we will do what we always do during the season, because they rank the music so loud, we can hear it from our house. And we'll just sit on our front porch. Yeah.

Brandon  15:42

And enjoy the Dixieland delight right.


Now I'm really now I'm really like, what? Now we have the complete set, although we don't know who their special guest is. Oh, I am thinking what? What's going to be the song list for the East? What's that look like? On the Christmas album? No. Way, you know, it'd be fun.

Brandon  16:13

That's also true. The setlist is a bit weird. I don't know what I mean, he's basically at the fair. You just got to play like the hit songs. Right? Maybe a couple beside favorites. But you're not like you're not digging out like super deep, obscure cuts. For the fair, right. Like, this is from our first ever demo. Right? You're

Collin  16:41

right, and you're not bringing out your brand new song that year. Right. Or, like, you're not, that's not what we're you're doing. You're, you're just Yeah.

Brandon  16:53

Yeah, I mean, maybe, maybe. So. Yeah. Okay. So I think there's two different approaches, because no offense, other guys that we the people on this list who I don't actually know who they are,


they will probably be doing

Brandon  17:10

newer stuff. Right. So I'm assuming they have at least some sort of following. So they may be playing there may be a couple songs that people know and then they will probably dig in and, like be working on newer stuff. Right? They use it as like a test. Right? But like,

Collin  17:28

Alabama's not doing that.

Brandon  17:30

Right? Ludas just gonna play the big stuff. Probably. You know, Florida is definitely not ripping up any new material.

Collin  17:42

No, a brand new song. Wait, hold on. Yeah, I'd be very, very confused if that actually happened. Yeah.

Brandon  17:54

So yeah, it's it's gonna be I think it's gonna be probably,


I've only ever been to one. Think,

Brandon  18:04

let me double check my memory banks here. But I'm pretty sure I've only ever been to one fair concert. And that's kind of how it went. Right? Just the big name songs.


And then that's it right. So the I think that's how it goes.

Brandon  18:23

But again, I have a very limited data set, some say, inconsequential dataset of one day.

Collin  18:32

rather hard to really bring in a strong case here. Frankly, that is true.


That's true.

Brandon  18:38

I did only see I've only been there's only one name that could draw me to the Ozark Empire fair. To sit in the grandstands or concert

Collin  18:51

in that man

Brandon  18:53

was Charlie Daniels.

Collin  19:02

makes less sense. I was it I was the only one. Like,

Brandon  19:12

I think all of our friends were like, Hey, I think the tickets were not expensive at all.


And we're just like, Yeah, sure. Why not? What's the worst that could happen? Right? Yeah,

Brandon  19:25

it was fine. We sat up in the grandstands


was this Charlie Daniels band.

Brandon  19:29

It was good as I don't remember. That sounds great. Yeah, it sounds really good. So that's my one fair grandstanding.

Collin  19:41

Fantastic. It's a bit odd.

Brandon  19:43

It's a bit of a one out of left field. Right as


Barry. Yeah. How can you not go see? Devin went down to Georgia live. I mean, it's a pretty I feel like this a good crowd saw It is part of our, our discussion when we were putting together our original predictions of who they were going to pick up, like, I know like you, that's a great song just to have a whole crowd belting out at the top of your

Brandon  20:12

lungs. And obviously, that was the closer, right? Yeah, because he did that. I mean, that's the one you save for the end. Because he has a couple of other songs that I knew, but as not like a huge Charlie Daniels fan.

Collin  20:24


Brandon  20:28

I, you know, I knew some of them, but like, that's the one that like, everybody in the whole world knows that. So that's when you close if you go close with the big gun, right, just a big heavy hitter. That'll be the interesting, Alabama picks for their clients. Right now. Right, I'll get predictions from the Alabama expert, the resident Alabama expert.

Collin  20:58

Maybe all you know, that's what we need. We need to see see Susan's list of what she was




Maybe I'll let me see how it goes. But I think this is great.

Brandon  21:17

It's great. I'm glad that we finally have at least almost closure. Oh my

Collin  21:22

gosh, it's so frustrating.

Brandon  21:23

That has been continuing


for a very long time. It's just really stretching this out here.

Brandon  21:32

But they do firmly fall in basically the category that we laid out. Right? They Yep, again, I just I just forgot about Alabama. Until Susan Bell.

Collin  21:41

I I distinctly remember, look, I mean, I did okay, I weirdly did quite a bit of research on each one of these. And I did not think like I remember looking at Alabama, and I didn't even give it a second thought because I was like oh, well they're not I mean anyway next so I feel terrible sorry Alabama, did it

Brandon  22:15

Oh, yeah. I can brandy can remember the name as a guy.

Collin  22:25

This This also has me I just clicked on their on their webs on their page for the their listing, there's a button that said to listen, and it took me over to their YouTube channel. And for some reason, now, I am looking at random channels to which I had subscribed at one point in time. And, man, it's amazing to see how like a When did I subscribe to these channels, but being Oh, yeah. Now many of them are just not doing anything.

Brandon  23:06

That is true anymore. But to go back through there and kind of


dump out some things. Right? Yeah, that's a tab that I often forget about. Over there. Because you just like oh, I look at the whatever. And then. Yeah, got it. I


gotta I gotta purge them as well. Because people you know, they stop and will not help.


Yeah, anyway,


I am pretty sure at some point, subscribe. Because this is this is how who I am. I found the Yeah. The Indian food review channel that plays in one of our favorite Indian restaurants.

Brandon  23:54

Right a little scribe.


But, you know, what if it's okay, it's fine. Oh, I'm really okay. Yeah, sorry. This is a big QA. very confused by some of these. Some of these have changed.

Brandon  24:15

Let's change the name. Yeah. Well,

Collin  24:16

oh, that changed the name or I'm scrolling. I'm going. i One of the things that I saw was, there's no way I subscribe to this channel. And then I look and I've just had a quick scroll down when I clicked on it. And I'm like, I go, Oh, that's because like, a year ago, they changed the purpose of the channel. And they like pivoted to something else. Oh, yeah. Right, where they're like, oh, originally we're gonna do minimalism. And now they're like, We do look in product reviews or something or something. Yeah. Okay, yeah, I'm very, because I I don't use YouTube Very often like I use it as a, when I'm doing a research thing of I'm looking for information or I'm trying to find a really obscure, let's be honest, like late 90s, early 2000s reference and I need to obviously, take a clip of that. Or if I want to look at the review of a new grenadier and see is it really worth $70,000 To a land cruiser, you know, then I will look at that one. Obviously, we're doing deep, very important research in my busy days, but I don't like Yeah, yeah. That's crazy.

Brandon  25:38

I use it all the time. I do.


I've used it a lot for like, I don't

Brandon  25:44

know, just like random other entertainment value. Right? That's when I watched a lot of people that do that kind of stuff. Like IRL idolize mostly.

Collin  25:53

It's like,

Brandon  25:57

I watch a lot of like, video game stuff on there. Some cooking things, right, and watch some of that stuff.


That's pretty much

Brandon  26:05

it. Recently, I have been watching way too much of those, like flat Earth debunk things, which is bad for my mental health because those people are ridiculous. And but also, but also,


it's kind of good to be like, what what I do that's pretty.

Brandon  26:26

That's pretty much it. I watch this several channels that I watch the like, where's guy? A couple of them are like,

Collin  26:36

I want like,

Brandon  26:37

music review channels, right? Just because I like the dude. And it's entertaining. Right? Mostly, it's mostly just taught in the shadows. Actually, that's fair. Well, like some of the other ones like the train hopping, dude. Right? And why watch him? Because that's just entertaining stuff. So whenever he puts stuff on our watch, because the big ones but mostly just the entertainment of it, that's what I this waste time on. That that's basically what I use it for. But you can also use it to listen to the old brother podcast just by the way.

Collin  27:15

deed it is there. Nice. Oh, seamlessly. Nice. And I blended it right in. So all right, so that's, uh, yeah, been, we've been been doing, you know, I did a there's a thing called one of us. The sad thing that happened is, we used to go to this thing called 1 Million Cups type of talk about this thing. Yes, you did. The pop up in different towns, and they're, they're supported by the Kauffman Foundation, whatever, whatever, whatever. So pretty great opportunity to get small business owners talking in front of people in the community. And it's really cool and stuff. And we've been trying really hard to get more involved in this and go back to it and like, show up. So we can ask questions. And, you know, just see people what they're talking about and things and be connected, and you know, what we're supposed to do or whatever. And we attended one back in February, and then they're like, we're going to take a pause in next month. Right? We're just going to take a pause for one month just to see make sure everything's fine. Oh, and then at the end of that month, they were like, effective immediately. We're never holding these schemes. was like we were trying so hard to go. Was it us? All your emails,

Brandon  28:57

they're like, stop, right?

Collin  29:04

Now, just like,


oh, I

Collin  29:09

would encourage people like when we would find a person who was like just starting out in their business, or like just wanting to do something cool. Or they were trying to do a fundraiser or they were trying to whatever it was like, oh, go talk to these people. They are always looking for people to come speak. They always they're so desperate, they had us come back twice. Like I'm telling you, like, just go. And I can't say that anymore. And I feel really bad for the people who have sent over there like really heavily through January and February. So it's pretty disappointed by that. And it's just one of those things of you know, it's kind of it kind of makes me feel like those those restaurants that you see in town and or this businesses or that person and you're like, Oh yeah, I needed Oh, see, they're I need to go try their food or I need to go do whatever and then they're gone. They go to business and you're like, oh man shot that. Why? Why did I never got to try their food? Like Well, maybe if we would have tried it a little bit earlier they would have gotten out of I don't know like I hate to major interruption right now podcast I am so sorry. I is right. I am at I'm at dad's and I on on his back deck, just because I'm in the living room just popped up and stared straight into the bathroom. No, not a turkey or a deer. Oh, my gosh. That is unexpected. Very, very unexpected. Just as I pull up my photo to take a picture at dashed away so anyway, there is a cat on premises apparently. Wow. Shocking. That's why lurking, lurking as they do, what's their wants to do from afar? Anyway, I just was thinking about the 1 Million Cups thing was like, ah, like, that's quite sad, because it's another opportunity now that's gone. And I I've tried to reach out to the organizers and stuff, but they have been returning my emails. So I think it's just like, really, really dead. Yeah, kind of sounds that way. That's unfortunate. I guess it but if

Brandon  31:34

well, it's unfortunately, if only you were getting things out of it. That's


well, right. Yeah. And that's the thing of apparently, like I was talking with some people who had been there for as long as it had been out of they originally had started out and it was widely attended, right. There was lots of peep things going on. There was it was cool. Most of these, most of these presentations were where they were out there, most of them would have supposed to have one presentation. And it's supposed to keep the whole meeting really, really short. And but you're supposed to do it every single week. Which is what not most of the 1 Million Cups do. Like if you look at other organizations around the different cities, they do one presentation, one one company presents, and you're really only there for like an hour, or for like 45 minutes max, from start to finish. Because your talk is actually only like 10 minutes long. Yeah, the rest is like networking before, then there's a thing and then there's questions afterwards. Yeah. Well, they started out doing that. And then there's then they condensed it to where they were doing it every other week. Then they condense it to they were doing it once a week, or once a month for like an hour and a half. And they did two presentations that day. And that and so that. So eight years ago, when they started this thing, that's what they were doing. They every week, they had an a business, and I'm now on their YouTube channel. I'm scrolling through. And I'm looking at all these people who are talking. I'm like, Oh, I know them. Oh my gosh, oh, wow. What this is crazy. And so, but then they just ran out of steam. And I guess people stopped attending and then what can you do? Right? Yeah, you can't keep presenting or doing something for no one. So yeah, it's sad. Yeah, that's true. But it's hard if you don't if you're not growing the

Brandon  33:50

different people that are coming. Right? Yeah. Like, if it's just the same people all the time, you'll be like, Well, I don't really need to go because I've already I've already heard this, right. Like that, that starts happening. And so it's like, kind of weird, like, you know, what, am I am I getting anything out of it? Because like,

Collin  34:15

it's all just

Brandon  34:18

the same thing over and over again. And do you know then people won't come and they'll start petering out. And then this is the whole thing. So like, it makes it makes sense. But like, the reason why that happened is kind of bad, right? Because it means there's not like growth in that area. Yeah. Because

Collin  34:37

I'm, I'm looking at I'm also scrolling through these businesses. And that number of like, I'm just the very first video was posted eight years ago. Now I'm just scrolling up even businesses that were presenting Six years ago. Most of these are not in this is most of them are not around anymore, like so. That's the other aspect of this to have a It is hard because if you if you are focused on doing presentations for small businesses, it means that that small business has to be able to get out and be there. And that's really hard to to get them because they're busy working right, like so. Then yeah. And then people are like, Oh, I don't want to or blah, blah and other things. So I, I get it, I understand, but it's also, it's also hard. It's also frustrating, because, yeah, yeah. Anyway, so. Oh, there's an there's an annoying video of somebody on it was that I talked for 22 minutes.

Brandon  35:51

10 minutes. Just curious.


I now. Anyway, so that's sad, mom. Ah, yes. Oh, yeah. So Megan said, Well, if you really, really miss it that much, why don't you do something? You know? Like, it sounds like, well, that's something that's the right one. And yeah,


I don't miss it that much. I just

Collin  36:20

have a look. I just don't have I have no time. I'm true.

Brandon  36:33

Maybe they didn't have time either.


I was. Yeah. No. Sorry.

Brandon  36:44

Ah, well, we were trying to wind down the school year. I don't think I'm going to survive the rest of this week. Oh, it's been good. It's not gone. Well, it's all gone wrong. Everything's gone wrong. Oh, no. I'm just ready.


Don't don't think I can make it. Me boy. What's going on? Well, Monday

Brandon  37:04

was fine. Because we did like normal things. Right. Yesterday, we had our big


field trip. Right? Big long day field trip. And it was just kind of not great.

Brandon  37:19

Oh, right. We had like, we, we got to go ice skating. Right. Big ice skating.


Yeah, it's ever we have people like dying left, right

Brandon  37:30

and center. Right. Like, I have no idea why. But they like broke. Bad. And so we had like all kinds of weird accident. So we ate it really hard, like, busted their face open? Oh, like, there's like, there's like a visiting like, never happens ever. And like, it's just, it was just a very stressful time of dealing with like, injured people. Right. And like,


the whole thing was just a not great experience

Brandon  38:04

on my end of the thing, right? I hope the kids had fun. But like, for my first idea, it was just a whole long day of like, zero.

Collin  38:14

Well, yeah, cuz that all of a sudden, like, that's, I mean, so it's like, yeah, like, obviously, you don't want kids to get hurt or anything like that. Like, that's never good. And so we've got like, the fallout from that. But then also like, there's paperwork. And then there's like, there's Yeah, like, it never quite ends after. After that, you know, so.

Brandon  38:35

So that was a whole deal. And then today was so that was like a whole big long day. Right yesterday. And now today, we have field day.

Collin  38:50

Oh, and why was that so fun?

Brandon  38:51

Hello, everyone, because it's Field Day is


just like, the longest day ever. It's just like, outside in field. All the time, as the name suggests. So Right. And

Brandon  39:09

like Chad, I understand there's a lot of constraints happening. Right at this time, like we've been doing it in like the city park of where I live, instead of where this is. Number one, it's bigger. There's more room that we can have at the school. There's actually shade which is nice because they use just have it on the baseball field. And that

Collin  39:31

sucks. Because my delicate

Brandon  39:33

skin does not deal with that. But it's also nice because


like, if we get done, we can just go inside. Right? You can just like you can just leave. Yeah, okay.

Brandon  39:46

We can go inside and like if you can get finished with your thing. You can just go inside,


right at the park, far away from the school. Like we have a lot of other problems. Right,

Brandon  40:00

because of when it is this year, they wouldn't they couldn't have any. Like, there's basically so the elementary PE coach puts it all on, right? And this year, there was no other people helping him. Right? For various reasons. It was just him. Right. So like, the moving parts of field day, were not great. And again, this is not really his fault, because he's very handcuffed in this right. So I have no, not like blaming him for this. This is not this is not what this is. Sure, this was sort of a structural failure all around. To where everything is like didn't really work. Right. Right. And there's a lot of confusion about like, when we rotate, right, then the thing that makes me the angriest is there's some people that are just like, oh, no, we're just gonna stay at this station. Like,

Collin  40:55

no, like, what

Brandon  40:56

are you doing? Like it was our turn to be there's like a place where it has like a park that has like swings and like the jungle gym and stuff like that. And that's one of the rotations. Right. So when it was our turn to be there, like, other grade levels, were just like, now we're gonna be here. Uh huh.


It's not. No, that's not. Why would you do that?

Brandon  41:20

Why, especially, why would you see that you have very tiny children. Right? And these are sixth graders. And you're just gonna be like, yeah, we're just gonna play here, like, Well,


are you? Insane? Like, what are you doing?

Brandon  41:42

I don't know why they do this. But this happened last year, too. Not quite as bad. But they just like they got they got off the schedule, right? The schedule is shaky enough as it is, right. And then these people decide to go all Cavalier and they go off schedule. So it's like, throws everything? Uh, huh. We don't really require a lot of structure in my life, if you tell me to follow a thing.


And then like, it feels like sometimes.

Brandon  42:16

I know, this is not accurate. But from my perception, right? I want to make that clear as well. This is how I feel. Not necessarily the reality of the situation.

Collin  42:27

Right? I am aware of this fact. That's why

Brandon  42:29

it feels like like, I'm the only one attempting to follow thing. What else just do whatever it's like, well, what's the even the point of this? Plague? Why are we existing in this space? When we're supposed to be doing? Like, there's not very many directions? It's like five directions? Less maybe. And we can't follow them. Why is it this is something I had to yell at my own children for? Why are you also doing it? fellow teacher? What is the matter with you?

Collin  43:05

It makes it seem like you're the crazy person, doesn't it? You are the one who's ruining everything. And you're the one who's just making it all miserable for everybody. And it's like, no, no, I did this is not what was agreed upon, like I what is going on here right now. Yeah. Yes. It's true. It's crazy. Absolutely crazy.

Brandon  43:31

But whatever we made it through, like the worst part was like at the end, like, again, the rotations got messed up. So in the end, there was just this very long amount of time where we didn't have anything to do. And this is not a situation that you can put a sixth grader in. And it will it will not end successfully. No,

Collin  43:52

right. No, this is very bad. So we've

Brandon  43:55

had forever. And so the way that we have currently dealing with like, the, like the transportation thing got all screwed up. And so basically what had happened is they took like,


like, they staggered us arriving there. Right. But like,

Brandon  44:14

they didn't take into it to see it feels like they didn't take into account this, they had to also do that for us to leave.


So like everyone is done. And we're just there. And it feels

Brandon  44:26

like we waited way too long. And then they're like, Okay, we'll start leaving now. Well, the amount of buses and drivers that we had was insufficient to cover the entire student body that was still there. So they had to take all those younger grades back and then turn around and come back and get us so we had to wait there an extra 30 minutes or more. Just


waiting. Right? So

Brandon  44:56

it's sitting around waiting In all the kids are done, right? They're all done. And it was like this. How long road trip? Could they be like that time? Is it? What time is it? What time are we leaving? And I just have to look at it be like, I have no idea. You can ask me all you want, but I have no I have no clue when we're leaving. Like what time we're going home.


Oh, no, I don't know. Oh, no, no, we're just here.

Brandon  45:22

We're just here this field forever. That's just how it's gonna be now.

Collin  45:26

Could you live? Start building a fire? Yeah, let's build the HUD

Brandon  45:31

survivor on this thing, because we're just we use live here now. Oh, no, that's

Collin  45:36

all terrible. Why would they do that? Yeah. I don't know. It's horrible. It was terrible. It was just like the worst. Sitting around forever. Waiting for nothing to happen. Right. It's like, imagine

Brandon  46:00

the Divi but sixth graders, right? It was like,

Collin  46:06

I'd rather not. But anyway


it was just I was so miserable. Like,


the kids are pretty miserable. As teachers were definitely miserable. Like, everyone was like,

Brandon  46:25

Can we go now? Yeah. There's nothing to do. We just have to send so of course, because they're trying to entertain themselves and be ridiculous. And like we had all these kids playing in the playground. So he broke the dang arm. Oh, they really know why. Right after


the nurse left. Oh, my gosh, yeah. I just

Brandon  46:49

carnage everywhere. Right? And this is just like this is surely because they were trying to entertain themselves. And they also can't do they have no she'll write zero. So there's like go all the time. And then they're just trying to do whatever and then we just get like way too hype. And then we just have an accident because we're waiting.


Right? If we had been gone, right, if the

Brandon  47:16

transportation system would have been functional, and we would be back at school at the time when they said we're supposed to be back. None of this would have happened.


If bracket Yeah. Supposedly part like, oh, no, that's a complete, complete failure. In all things. They're like, Yeah, that's really bad. But yeah.

Brandon  47:46

They're these two insane days this week. And then

Collin  47:50

I had two more days left. And

Brandon  47:52

for some reason, they said that we don't need half days anymore. So Friday, for some unholy reason is not a half day.

Collin  48:01

Why? What? Oh, yeah.

Brandon  48:02

Wow, full day school, baby. We're going to be there all day. For some reason that I can't fathom boot.

Collin  48:12

Boot. Kick off some.

Brandon  48:15

I don't know, guys ridiculously not going to make it through that. So there's all kinds of weird stuff happening there. I got this email. And all it said is I don't it just says it's like vaguely references the fact that there's going to be some sort of obstacle race, but the teachers are doing it. And I was like,


No, I don't think so. Because you didn't schedule a half day.

Brandon  48:48

I now have to do some, like crazy shenanigans to entertain the students. No, no, I can do that in my classroom. Thank you very much.

Collin  48:57

I don't know what else he's gonna be doing. Right? Like,


I mean, I don't need to be doing whatever terrible thing that is. No, that's bad. Like, no.

Collin  49:10

So I just, I just

Brandon  49:12

want to not do


that saying, wow.

Brandon  49:21

I'm so grumpy about like, the whole situation. So


to win wins, you're on your own for last Friday, this Friday. Right. Okay. Okay. So, I mean, yeah, that's, that's not good. That's, that's terrible. It is quite hard.

Brandon  49:41

And so I don't

Collin  49:45

know, I

Brandon  49:48

will say whatever. I'm just going to be glad it's over, I

Collin  49:53

guess, because we they just can't

Brandon  49:55

let me leave me alone. And I can do things to Make the day go by relatively quietly. It's played out it'd be fine. But now we have spectacle

Collin  50:15

Yes, dance for me one more time. Yeah, you shouldn't feel like you shall entertain.

Brandon  50:22

Yeah. So basically, I've just mentally planning what am I going to watch on Amazon next week? I gotta do some Amazon Prime catching up on that's really what I'm focusing on now. Just kind of put all this badness out of here and figure out what in the world. Very, I love things. I said I was gonna watch him in any time too. So maybe now that I will be done with school for a little while

Collin  50:46

I can actually do that.

Brandon  50:49

I probably won't. Because I always say like, Oh, I'm gonna do that. And then like,

Collin  50:53

next watch something else. Yeah, like, why not?

Brandon  50:58

What's the worst that could have? finally get around to watching James May or May in India?

Collin  51:02


Brandon  51:05

just watch some random lawn or to marathon television? Well, it's gonna be

Collin  51:10

That's a really tough one.

Brandon  51:14

No, I haven't sometimes, you know, like, I gotta you gotta I do want to watch the new Clarkson's farm, because I hear it's quite interesting. Right. And


so they have to watch that at some point. Yeah, I haven't heard any.

Brandon  51:39

History is I want I also know spoilery news. But like I heard there is much

Collin  51:44

controversy. Well, okay, so I did hear.


One thing was that it made a lot of people angry at the local council. So that's all I know. Is that it? It caused quite an uproar about that. So I must say, I could

Collin  52:01

only assume a Clarkson has done or would do to get him in trouble with the authorities and people who make the rules.

Brandon  52:08

Yes. Like that's it sounds like it's all like, the bureaucratic nonsense is just like, unhinged, which it already isn't that show anyway. Oh, weird. It's like this weird peek into just like, how not useful certain things are like, Why is that even a problem? Like what the heck?

Collin  52:31

Absolutely. Yeah, I

Brandon  52:33

heard that parts, like real bad. So. But also, I hear that a lot of farming, people are really happy that people are getting to see just how nonsensically ridiculous.

Collin  52:48

I mean, that was my, one of my takeaways from his season one of the one it was at the last episode, where he sat down and kind of tallied up what his year was, like, ya know, and granted, again, some of this, you always have to remember to think about what's the what's the point that he is trying to drive home here, Clarkson, because he doesn't just come in and he acts the bumbling buffoon, but it's all calculated, right? And he's got a storyline that he's going to make fit. And so Oh, sure. Did he need to waste the money, like making the pond? No. But the reason he did that was so that they could get into the talking of talking about the endangered species and the wetland delineation. And like the inspections that were required for that, like, he made it, he made it a contrived of like, yeah, I want to fish and I'll do that to make this fishing thing. But like, farmers build ponds all of the time, right? Like that's just something that they do. So he contrive the scenario to get to the point to talk about the regulation and the surveys that need to be done and all the paperwork. And at the end when he's breaking down, what he had to spend the man hours required to do that the equipment, everything and then the take home like, right, that's, that's so eye opening for people who probably never never even think about that kind of thing. Oh, yeah. Like it's a mess. And so it'll be I do want to watch that and see just sort of how bad it is rightly. So that's on the list for sure. That'll be a good one. Yeah. Everyone else

Brandon  54:45

on my list? Oh, I also want to I haven't also, I also have not decided do I want to attempt


to watch the second season of The Wheel of Time, right. Oh, God bless you know, I

Brandon  54:59

don't know Oh, if I can't I don't know if I can do it. Cuz I really struggled finishing the first season. It


was real bad. Yeah. So I don't know. I don't know if I'm going to

Brandon  55:14

I don't know if I want to try. That's what I


I don't know if I want to give it like one episode or not. So I'm on the fence about that one. That's where

Brandon  55:28

I'm really at because like, I've got really excited. Like, I'm only mildly curious. And I don't know if I'm curious enough to subjugate myself to that much.


Can be a bit of watching things because it was just so bad.

Brandon  55:45

The end of this first season was just like so boring.

Collin  55:49

That I don't know if I want to do it. Right. I'm sorry Rosamund Pike. No offense, but like, man. But also it's terrible to his first season was really bad. It was just

Brandon  56:05

not great. Right? I don't know. It wasn't even bad and like a fun way. Right. Not like, it wasn't bad. And like a warrior's of virtue. Bad. Right? Where it's like, it's bad, but also, hilariously can't be to look at. Right. So it's like, it's like, it is bad, but like, you're still gonna watch it, give it up, because there's still some enjoyment to be had. Right?

Collin  56:38

So, I don't know.

Brandon  56:40

I don't know why. I know. We've,


we've tired about this relatively frequently. But like, I don't know why.

Brandon  56:51

The fantasy genre has so much trouble doing this kind of thing. Right? Like, they just struggle so hard. With, like, the genre, outside of book form, even though the book form sometimes is also really bad. Like, there's just something about the fantasy genre that like, it's apparently just so hard to do. Good. Uh, huh. Right, like, in all of the subcategories, like high fantasy, like, dark fantasy, whatever, like

Collin  57:26

it's just, there's

Brandon  57:28

something about it. And I don't know exactly what it is. Maybe it's the world building. Maybe everybody just like, everybody got casted, like, we got to try really hard. You know? Because, like, the, the pillars that like really hold it up are like really good. You don't mean, but then there's just like, so much


junk in there. Right? Well, I think I think that is a, you know, honestly, it could be a part of them going, Oh, well, I've got to you know, I've got to make my own mark on this. Or I've got to do my I've got I can't make this like anything. Everything's you know, something else. But it's like, no, like, there's just follow the format. Please just follow the format. No, no, like, there's something about

Brandon  58:28

I don't know, there's also this weird thing, where like, when you look at the movie, like you can just look at it. You can just look at the trailer and be like, no. Right? Because like, bad Fantasy has a look.


You know what I mean? Like, there's just something about how it looks.

Brandon  58:52

How the costuming is just like, yeah,


weird. You know, right. And so you're you think you're getting like, you know, I don't know they, for every,

Brandon  59:07

for every like Princess Bride, there's a call the Conqueror is waiting in the wings to be like, Oh, God, what is that? Why? Why would you do that? Like there's, there's just like, you can look at how it's I don't know if it's how it's filmed anywhere. It's like the costuming is just like weird. You know, like the it's like very like the look is just looks like wrong. You're gonna mean like, you don't talk about like, yeah, look at like the I didn't watch this, but like the one of the newest Robinhood movies that came out. Right? I don't remember which one this was was not the 2018 Robin Hood. Right. So if you just Google 2018 Robin Hood, and you've look At the costumes, you're just gonna go your first response to this is no.


Right? Yes, looks wrong. And I don't really know how to explain it.

Brandon  1:00:16

It just doesn't look correct. He's

Collin  1:00:18

wearing one of those puffy coats that you can buy from like a J. Crew magazine. Let's just start. It's first and foremost, if you look at him, What even is that?

Brandon  1:00:28

I mean, yeah, I mean, other than like, why that's not a costume that belongs in any time period. Specifically, not one associated so strongly with Robin Hood. Like,


yeah, like, it looks so


clean. Yeah. And like weird. Where even if you watch like,


I don't know, any other good. Like, the costuming is like different. Right? Like,

Brandon  1:00:57

it looks good. Because I get the vibe. I get the bad costume vibe with

Collin  1:01:03

the real time.

Brandon  1:01:04

It gives me bad costume vibe. Right? Here.

Collin  1:01:08

I will. I'll try and explain this. The movie? Okay, go way back here to another terrible movie Van Helsing. Yes. It's the exact same thing of it. It's just like, they're trying so hard for a look that they forget to try and make it be believable. Or to draw you into that world. And it ends up completely taking you out. And it's, it's it was one of those of like, okay, sure. He's wearing the kind of cool coat and he's got a bow and arrow. Okay, but like, also, that's weird. Like, it looks so new. And it looks so like some of these shots. It's like, where's these? These look like they were taking the off of the Mission Impossible film set like these are just not what I expected. And then this one is obviously a stab at the Game of Thrones photo like this. It's yeah, everything just looks. There's no world they're like, absolutely the that's that's the big problem is because everything is so new and so shiny and so unblemished. It's like, oh, well, you literally just unpack this from it's from the packing peanuts this morning. And put them on somebody in the eye. It shows. Yeah, it just looks. Yeah,

Brandon  1:02:30

I don't I don't know how to explain this. I'm gonna have to do a better job of like, trying to understand. What about this specifically bothers me. But like, it's just like, it's either. It's either it does look just like too clean. Like, it's just like, that was something that was weird about. I think I remarked on it. When I watched the Wheel of Time was like, everything looks like brand new.


Yeah. And it's weird, right? Whereas, like,

Brandon  1:02:58

if you take the pinnacle of high fantasy movies, of course, Lord of the Rings truly. Like, it's like a very lived in environment. Right? It's a very, like, you know, like, realistic depiction of stuff. Right? Whereas the other one is not. So that that's part of it, I guess, maybe, but like, also, like, sometimes it's just the design where you're like, Oh, we're gonna make like a statement with the design. And then you're like, Oh, your foot. Yeah. Yeah. Gay, gay. You didn't think about anything else. Did you? Like you had a look in mind? And you went only for that. And then it's just like so far? Like, from something that would be like, actually believable that it's like, weird,

Collin  1:03:48

right? Like, it just doesn't make sense. Right. Right. Well, and I think that may be where, like, modern sensibilities for simple things. Like, how should a jacket fit? And going? Well, this is how we tailor cut a jacket to a modern day person. And we'll make it look kind of old timey. And we'll throw it in there. Going. Yeah, but they didn't like they didn't do the level of tailoring on a lot of this stuff. And I'm not the kind of stickler for like, oh, the period piece doesn't look like it's from the period like, right, yeah. But you can tell that these things were designed and storyboarded to with and to within an inch of their life. And it just it just doesn't look believable. Of of that. Yeah, I'm just looking at more of these pictures. So

Brandon  1:04:39

yeah, no, I think that's one good way to think about it. Right. It's just there's just something about it that just feels wrong. And like and I don't know why, but yeah, that's the it's just so hard to make a fantasy movie that's like, interesting and like actually good, right? Because sometimes, a lot of times I was it's like, you watch them and you go, Oh, that could have been good. Right? But just for some reason we went too far in some other way, or we didn't do something else instead, right? It's just like, it's just like the balance is just like really hard.

Collin  1:05:15

Right? And really strange. And I know

Brandon  1:05:18

that a lot of it is like, you feel like you have to do a lot of world building because you like my fantasy world is like unique, right? And so I have to put in all these things that are unique about it. So you either get, you get a lot, you get bogged down a lot with a whole bunch of exposition, right, which is, of course, the bane of all fantasy writers. Oh, yes, that exposition is there's way too much. Right? But then if you don't do any, you're just like, it was just like a normal book.


That but there's like a goblin. So I mean, there's that. But like,

Brandon  1:05:56

if you can strike the balance, then it like, it turns out really good. Right, but like, I don't know, it's just such a weirdly difficult thing.


To accomplish. That it makes me distressed, because I am a fan of this genre, right. But like,

Brandon  1:06:15

I really don't engage with it very much at all, because it's just it's so hard to distinguish what is going to be good from like, the just like, kind of mediocre? And then like bad, right? Like, the kind of mediocre bad is like very intermingled together. And then like the things that are good, they're so great, right? But then like everything else is kind of like,

Collin  1:06:42

mess. Right? Now, you're really right, and it is they are so hit and miss. And that's what makes it so hard to get into it of knowing going. Oh, man, I I can see all the potential here. But also, I can see the big downfall and that risk reward really doesn't it tends to not pay off. Very much.

Brandon  1:07:13

Yes. Right. Yeah, I agree. And it's just, it's like all the media, right? It's like, oh, except for video games, video games are the only ones that do pretty good. A lot of times, there's also trash in there. Don't get me wrong, but like, those are good, but you have a longer form to deal with. Right? Like, a lot of this was like movies. Like I said that gray or satellite fantasy TV shows that I can think of is up my head. So maybe they just are too afraid of that one. But like books, comics is


a minefield right? To the minefield. Absolutely.

Brandon  1:07:50

By the way, I do get frustrated since a general fan, like I want to engage. But then also I don't, because I don't want to like waste my time. I

Collin  1:08:00

don't want to be disappointed. Like yeah, try

Brandon  1:08:03

it again.

Collin  1:08:05


Brandon  1:08:07

free token again, I guess as I do.


Hey, yeah, we're out on that. We are reading through the fellowship as our bedtime story right now. Yes. Good stuff. Good. We just got to Lothlorien spoiler alert. They go to Lothlorien. Oh, yes. Yes, indeed. Spoilers. Sorry. Didn't mean to just throw that out there. All right. Go the I think I have to fact check this,

Brandon  1:08:42

but I'm pretty sure the War of the Russia


animated movie comes out this winter. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Brandon  1:08:53

I think that's true. Because I think I heard a rumor, rumor I read a rumor. I rather the rumor that I don't know how widely this is going to be happening. But

Collin  1:09:09

that they're

Brandon  1:09:13

going to be re releasing the extended edition Lord of the Rings trilogy into movie theaters this summer.


to gear up for the Werther here movie. Okay, if that's true. I am going to say that necessitate a

Brandon  1:09:33

watch I Yeah, because it is in fact true. And I hope that my local movie theater does partake in this particular thing because that sounds like something needs to have fun. Oh, absolutely. It does.


I will go I will make That's an important thing. Right. That will add, I will actually add,

Brandon  1:10:07

to think because that the, I think,

Collin  1:10:09

again, I'm pretty sure

Brandon  1:10:14

that Lord of the Rings Return of the King is the only movie that I've seen in theaters multiple times. Because I usually,

Collin  1:10:22

I usually don't claim, once

Brandon  1:10:24

I go once I watch it, I don't go back. Oh, right. Like I watch a movie and then like, it was good.


I don't like rewatch them. Well, here. Well, that's that's what I think I was. I, I can't think of one that I did go and see. So in the movie theater, I think maybe a Harry Potter movie. Well, okay. Yeah. But like, I don't know if I did that. So I'm pretty sure. As of this moment, that

Brandon  1:10:59

I can recall, the Return of the King is the only movie I know, for a fact. I have seen the movie theaters, while multiple times on purpose. Yeah. Yes. So there may be a movie that like, I don't think so. Because usually we used to go the dollar movies, right? Yeah. And like, we were just like, it was go see whatever. And I don't think we ever like purposely sought out a movie that we've already seen.

Collin  1:11:27

That doesn't sound like thing that we did. So I think

Brandon  1:11:30

I mean, I could be mistaken misremembering, because that was a long time ago now. That it may be the only one that I've seen before. So I may just add the rest of them. If if they show


up, they'll be

Brandon  1:11:46

I hope that's true. And I hope this comes to a theater near me because

Collin  1:11:51

I want to do that. Yes, that'd be a lot of fun.

Brandon  1:11:56

Because I love those movies very much.

Collin  1:11:58

But also,

Brandon  1:12:00

those there are I think we've talked about this before, there are certain things that are like it's like, washing them in the movie theater is just like better, because the director like very clearly this is where he meant for you to see it. Yeah, right. This is where they meant for it to be seen.

Collin  1:12:18

Right. And so watching at home is all fine and dandy. But some movies. It's like, important that you see. Yes. Because that's that was their, you know, that was the canvas that they originally had in mind. Like they didn't have, you know, four inch phone screen of like gas. This is what my masterpiece will be viewed upon. Like, yeah. Yeah, they think okay, well, maybe. Yeah, sure. Somebody may view it there. But like, this is the kind of I think of it. That's the canonical viewing version. Oh, yeah. That's a good way to put it.

Brandon  1:12:58

And so yeah, it's just better that way. And sometimes, like, I think, people that like if you did see it in theater, like you have a different perspective on it. Right. Yeah. Then when he's watched it at home? You know, I think that that it's important. I don't know. I think this is why I don't hate the Hobbit movies quite as much as some of the people do, because I did go watch them in like, the giant IMAX theater. Yeah. And it was super rad in IMAX.


They're very, very epic. That's so like, you know,

Brandon  1:13:37

that helps. That adds to it right when it's like that. So

Collin  1:13:43

it's hard not to, you know, it's hard not to be blown away by the visual effects and the sound and everything like that, like it really is makes an impact.

Brandon  1:13:53

Yeah, why the visual effects are designed to be seen that way. So sometimes when you see them in other places, they look kind of wonky, and they don't look quite as wonky. In iMac, right. But the frame rate and all that stuff people talking about like it's not quite so bad in IMAX, you know, but then you can only see it there. A little bit. And then you aren't you do have to watch it at home. The rest of time. Right. So kids feet go into the IMAX all time. No, that's hard. Yeah, the IMAX in the backyard. Like throw it out there, then that is all I got really

Collin  1:14:37

well, lots of viewing options this summer, then let's look that's true of last true

Brandon  1:14:42

plus. As soon as we decide on a book, I guess I should do that too.

Collin  1:14:45

I guess that we should. We should get on that. Yeah,

Brandon  1:14:49

it's almost summer. Finally do some reading thing. So okay. We need to make a concerted effort to think about that. Yes, then that's what we're doing. So You may or may not have Amazon Prime reviews for you. I

Collin  1:15:05

look forward to them this. These

Brandon  1:15:08

points. Yeah, we'll see how that goes. See I'm motivated even next week to do anything. If the rest of this week continues the way it started. Yeah. Not be able to. Yeah,

Collin  1:15:22

if you just breathe a week, you know, breathe one week. Yes. Okay.

Brandon  1:15:30

Maybe it's a mindless line or two marathons just be like, ah,


right exist? Yes. I just I just absorbed. That's true. So, but yeah,

Brandon  1:15:43

well see how that goes. And we'll see if I can survive the rest this week. That's the important part.

Collin  1:15:50

But I have

Brandon  1:15:51

a haiku to leave you with if you have nothing else to


add today. Okay.

Collin  1:15:55

Okay. Well, yes, that is fine. Yes, indeed. Indeed. I'm ready for the Haiku. All right. If you have something else we were talking about. No, no, no, no. All right. You're good. All right. This haiku.

Brandon  1:16:07

I wrote today waiting for nothing. Noise growing ever louder. All day in a field actually wrote this ad Field Day.

Collin  1:16:32

Sounds like well, one child was breaking their arm

Brandon  1:16:37

before that, before that, okay. This is after like the 50th time somebody asked me what time it was. And when were we going home? I was like, I thought about Gandalf my vlog. I stream at a flat and time. Every day was a life age of man. That's what was going through my head. Man. I've never been so relatable. kids ask me how long until we leave I think somebody asked me and I was just like, What is time? Anyway? A fleeting collection of moments. unknowable. I didn't like what he was like, Don't worry about it.

Collin  1:17:36

Anyway, I'm gonna keep walking over here. Over here. Teachers

Brandon  1:17:39

officially gone crazy. Yeah. That's what I was thinking about. I was thinking back get off today.

Collin  1:17:47

That's fair. That's, that's that's a fair thing. That's good. Good thing to think about anyway. Okay. Well, hopefully in your wizardly ways you can make it through the rest of the week and cover and fight try. Go into fight your Balrog another day. Okay. Yes. I read Yeah. Maybe we'll just read that book. I don't know what's it's Yeah. Okay. Well, we'll talk about what's Alright. Alright. Okay. Love you. Bye bye.