context of Hee Haw

Collin considers what beat to clap on. Brandon asks about corn. We give an opinion on the cultural identity of the mid-west.

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people, casseroles, midwest, weird, jimmy dean, talking, clapping, music, happened, corn, church, big, listen, park, clap, wisconsin, steak, feel, window, ohio


Brandon, Collin


Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast where we try to figure it all out as your hosts, Brandon. And Colin,

Collin  00:14

on this week's show context of he Hall. Welcome. Yes. Sorry. You are interrupting my watching of the Peak Mountain and l hertz encore finale of Wolfcamp 1979. So I'll just sorry.

Brandon  00:32

I mean, could just wait, it's you're done. And I guess I don't

Collin  00:36

know now it's fine. That you're scheduled the meeting. I didn't schedule the meeting, I did not know that I was going to stumble across this piece.

Brandon  00:50

I mean, how could you know that such amazingness awaited for you? I know. I know.

Collin  00:56

I know. My friend Kyle. Today it was his wedding anniversary and that his wedding? I had played strangers on the shore. The clarinet so he sent me. Pete mountains version with what I had tried to imitate very poorly. 14 years ago. Ah, well, really? Yeah, they got married 14 years. So I had wished him a happy anniversary and blah, blah. And he said, Yeah, and he sent me that recording. So I've been list. I started listening to that at 9am this morning. Then I just been kind of digging a little bit deeper and deeper throughout this. And then right before we were supposed to jump on, I clicked on the Encore finale, it was crap. 1979 So failing Oh, definitely. Definitely has me thinking about never forget Mr. chanin talking about you know, kind of the one three versus the two four. Kind of that's a kind of you can separate people out having tooth in those two camps. Generally, when it comes to keeping a beat. Ah, yes, that's fair. That's so I don't know what that holds politically. But maybe we should that's maybe that's across cross sectional. We should start looking into more get

Brandon  02:17

some people need to listen to more music because they can't clap properly. Think that?

Collin  02:22

Well, I was because I've heard some really terrible clapping along with music. And I'm like, Yeah, some people just don't have no beat at all. But then other times people definitely clap on one and three. And it sounds so wrong. Like to me like I just, it really hurts me whenever I hear the one and three clapping. That's true.

Brandon  02:45

All right. Yeah. Because especially in a musical style, where it is clearly supposed to be on like, two four. Right? Like,

Collin  02:54

yeah, where it's like, no, no, they're on beat. But it's the wrong beat.


And that, yeah,

Collin  03:01

really what I'm angry about today,


is there secretly, is there secretly somewhere

Brandon  03:06

a musical genre that emphasizes the one and the three?

Collin  03:12

That I don't know about?

Brandon  03:14

And that everyone else listens to? Oh, like, is there some secret like, if I, I would I have as a person, Google this


what music?

Collin  03:27

is, I don't know.


Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. I'm gonna Okay, I'm gonna go ahead. So I'm gonna stick it to I'm going to take a stab at


this. I'm going to say

Collin  03:34

like, marches that,

Brandon  03:40

that, that, that that that'll end up that's one in 3213 beat. So are you telling me that all these people just like have only watched the music man? I got it. Like,


maybe listen to Polka polka music Polka maybe? Hey, what about polka music?

Brandon  04:01

Maybe? Yeah, okay. Okay. According to the very accurate internet source that is read it. This says yes, polka music of people. So all the people that grew up watching Lauren's Well, ah, on one in three, right, so Oh, all the Germanic influence in the Midwest. Oh, no. Droid clapping, because the whole beat Sherman from the I'm just I'm adding the Lawrence Welk Show because that's only that's the only place I can think of where a large number of people would be exposed to it and music. right like

Collin  04:46

so maybe that's it. Oh, this is good. Yeah, no, I definitely I think that that is a big process, but it's like modern music even like modern music. There's no beat you don't clap. So yeah, kind of not in important, but yeah, we've really moved away as a country from from one in three, at least here in the Midwest. Yeah.

Brandon  05:09

Is very like two fours like this. This person says they this is their opinion, I believe. Clapping on the two and four is more funky. Right? So for like straight beat rhythms.



Collin  05:23

I bet. I bet. I bet gospel music claps on one and three hymns? Yes. Right. Well, I

Brandon  05:30

mean, yeah, you're not hymns, but like, but yeah, so yeah, but like, again, derivations of that? Yeah, I bet. I wonder if they do? Like, one, three? Because again, that would be the cross section of the Midwest, right? Gospel music. And growing up in a church where clapping was not allowed.


This is yeah, this I don't know. I have. We can have. Yeah, I

Brandon  05:57

have no anecdotal evidence to support this theory at all. No. I recently


told somebody we were allowed to clap exactly one time a year. And it was after the Christmas cantata. Yeah, it's true. When the Quartet people Yeah, yeah. The quarter. Yes, true. That's true.

Collin  06:12

Other than that, nine? Yeah.

Brandon  06:15

The first time I went to a church with somebody, because you know, every once awhile people is like, Hey, you got to go to church with me? And you're like, okay, whatever. Again, maybe that's a Midwest thing. Tell us other regions of the country and or other countries. Do you hear random friends just say things like, Hey, you want to come to church with me on Sunday? Because that happens here? All the time. But like, you go, right. And then it's there's like, a giant culture shock.

Collin  06:43

Because people are like, clapping. Right? And you're like, What? What, what happened?


What happened here? Right, what's going on?


Don't they know? Why are this why is this happening? Yeah,


like, it's weird.

Collin  07:00

It's a weird thing. Right? Like, it's confusing.

Brandon  07:04

You don't know what's happening. Right? I imagine that's what people would say if they went to our church when we were little, right. Like, for context listeners, we grew up in the Presbyterian Church. Right? So very serious. No funny business. Raised. No. And so the first time I saw somebody, like, waving their hands in the air, I was like, What is going on right now? Apparently, is a very normal thing. But not for me. I was I was, uh, taken aback.

Collin  07:37

And shocked. Horrified, I tell you.

Brandon  07:42

Yeah. Now the story that I like to tell is one of my friends has happened to me once I think it was in college, right? He, you know, he was like, Hey, you want to go to the church? I was like, Yeah, sure, whatever.



Brandon  07:54

I did not know. And he did not inform me that he was Pentecostal. Right. So this is a very big culture shock coming from a church

Collin  08:09

where you're sitting,

Brandon  08:11

reciting things from a book together, right? Going to a Pentecostal church where there's like, shouting, and people like, jumping. That does that's like rare, but like, still, it's like a

Collin  08:25

it's very, I was like, the ultimate surprise.

Brandon  08:33

It's very, it's very shocking, very says, is, right. You know, you get, you don't like realize this, because, you know, these are normal things for other people. So they like don't bring it up in conversation, right? They're like, oh, so so it was, you know, standing and does nothing to people because that's like normal to them. Right. So when you come from an outside perspective, it's like, well,

Collin  08:57

what's going on? Right? Well, it's quite disconcerting to because you're like, What do I do? When do I do that? What's the like? Do you have to sit here?

Brandon  09:08

Don't move. It's hard to find words. Order, right? Yeah. Yeah, because it's like I don't understand. I don't understand fully understood what's happening right now. So

Collin  09:20

I'm just gonna sit here quietly. I'll just wait until somebody tells me to do something different. Yeah,

Brandon  09:30

I'll wait till the handshaking part, which was another actual cultural shock phenomenon for me and shaking in the middle of the


service, right, like turn around and say good morning to your neighbor.

Brandon  09:43

Like I did that already. When I came in Wait, yeah.

Collin  09:47

Like I don't What do you mean clean went to did go to a church that was like that, and I'm very much the we're gonna go find your seat. We're gonna sit we're gonna get ready. We're gonna do our stuff. And yes, the like Some are shocking, new, and you're just like, I'm gonna stare down at my feet right now you're like, oh, no, no, I'm definitely not new. It's gonna be right down here. Tie my shoe right now. Yeah, like, Oh,


let me just crawl into this thing.

Brandon  10:15

I can't. I don't know. Yeah, it's, it's, it's it's still weirds me out a little bit, right? Just because it was like, I just don't like to do that. Because I don't know. 100% But like I or, or the other. Problem is, right. This has happened to me before. It's a real life story. Oh, you go. You go and you're supposed to be handshaking time. And then some random old lady goes, Oh, it's so good to see you and just like bear hugs you and you're like, Ah, I was not emotionally prepared for this

Collin  11:02

and you're like, are you doing? And here I shall be forevermore. Okay. Yeah. Like, Oh, no. Nice knowing you, everybody. I'll just be here. being attacked. It's all fine.

Brandon  11:16

doesn't happen very often, but it has have been passing you know, I have no idea what to do.


You just kind of have to stand there and take it don't Yeah, for sure.

Brandon  11:26

Yeah. Yeah, that's weird. Crap. Well, no stranger hug.


This is really,

Collin  11:30

this is my life now. Yeah.

Brandon  11:32

It's unsettling. Weird. Right. So like, Yeah, I think go. But I bet I bet that is clapping influence. I think we've solved that problem. That's good.


What a recap of that we got him say a Polka.

Collin  12:00

Ah, what's the other one?

Brandon  12:01

Yeah, no, it wasn't just him as a Polka.


Gospel music, gospel music gospel. There's something there.

Collin  12:09

But, but But again, that's

Brandon  12:12

treading dangerous waters, because some of the gospel music like the leads into bluegrass music. Well, I think we're not one in three. Right. Like, it's

Collin  12:20

definitely not. No, no, I think there's obviously a lot of qualifications around that. Because yes, like, Southern southern gospel, especially out of black, you know, the black churches that are struck by churches and stuff, like, definitely not one in three kind of coughing. Yeah. So I think you have to draw that line. A little bit differently.


But yeah,

Collin  12:45

because a lot of like you said, a lot of that blues didn't come out of the gospel. World. Yeah. And you if you if you clap on one of the three there, you get kicked out I'm sure. Yeah, I think that's right out. No more for you. My friend, well, I

Brandon  13:02

had this my friends, right. They used to have a bluegrass band. And they said that that was like people clapping along is the most distracting thing was for them. It was I don't know if it's for everybody. Because it would like mess them up when they clap wrong.


Oh, well, yeah.

Brandon  13:19

There's like, when you're counting, right if you're like counting along and doing stuff, like nobody's clapping on one.

Collin  13:29

No, I'm just listening to I mean, listening to Pete found and stuff and remembering you know, Dixie jazz and that kind of thing of it gets very complicated very quickly of as the artists and the performers like, you play around with time signatures very easily. And you don't always stick to the rigid 1234 Like you depending on what you are doing as a soloist. So, yeah, if someone is sitting there really hard clapping on one and three, I can imagine it would definitely throw you off and you're trying to do something not one and three and then you just have this overpowering. logic to


break. No, I don't let


me let people listen to waltzing I don't know. I don't know is that a marches?


Marches was the other one that oh, yeah, marches? Yes, that's a word.

Brandon  14:23

Are you telling me a lot of people just sitting around Listen to John Philip Sousa, John. Yeah.


What else? Go Jeff beats Mayer, but it was seven to six problem bones.

Brandon  14:38

Yeah, Music Man has an even wider cultural influence and I give her credit for and I quote The Music Man all the time. Anytime someone says the word Indiana boom,


boom. There it is.

Collin  14:52

Man, John. Thanks.

Brandon  14:53

So it says the word parade. Yep.


trombones bear 7670

Collin  14:59

Since obviously yeah every time I look at a photo of John Philip Sousa, they have that one over the internet research page has the photo of him yeah, it just man if he does just does not scream he does not if he doesn't visually live up to his name of the march King in this photo, it's


like, there's no other way like, gosh,

Collin  15:22

is that the one of him wearing the like? What would have to

Brandon  15:28

define the marching band outfit right like weird military coat thing? Yes.

Collin  15:31

That's metal been some like emblems on his breast there. And some Fillory around his collar and the little hat thing. How much? Yes, that thing is

Brandon  15:42

looking very crushed it in this picture like I don't know.


Very passionate. It's, it's it's

Collin  15:48

Yeah. Giving some deep vibes there. My goodness. Right.

Brandon  15:57

I mean, I guess the case ons go rolling along is one three. So if you're in the army, maybe you clap on one.

Collin  16:06

Oh, okay. So military, we're adding our broaden this out quite a bit. Now. Actually. Yeah.

Brandon  16:13

There's more cultural influence here than ever actually stopped to think about? Is there a reason people clap on and three, I just always blatantly assume that they don't know how to clap. But

Collin  16:23

I could have, I was thinking about this as I was rocking out to as I was driving around taking care of pets this morning of like, Dixie of like, I'm, I'm doing the two and four. But I just I remember how hard that was for a lot of people. Back in band. Now when in Jasmine, it wasn't hard for those. Because that's just what we all played. That's what we did. But like, hidden there's like, 12 people in Jasmine. Yeah, there's a lot to coordinate, but even that, like concerts and stuff. Yeah. Like, the one in three is just so pervasive. And it's, I think I need to figure out what an example of Well, I mean, there's just lots of examples of this of like, is it wrong? Because it's different or is it wrong because they like didn't really not like definitionally their athletes or anything wrong with tapping on one three, because as we already discussed, but like blah, blah, blah, but like, it just sounds so weird to me, I guess it's just a it's kind of a personality or personal kind of connection thing, right? That's

Brandon  17:25

true, or I guess just like a deep seated like, musical genre from childhood. Right, again, something like that. Because, like, if you listen to any Count Basie at all, it's very clearly not one in three. Yeah, just even right now. It's like, 100% 100% not wondering.

Collin  17:44

You know, or like the Duke. Right? There's an X dead's just not one and three.

Brandon  17:53

You know, and so, but if you don't listen to that kind of music,

Collin  17:58

and you are Lawrence welcome it up. Right. Or whatever else. It may be. That's it. No. Like, I don't know. I can't

Brandon  18:13

like searching my brain. And I can't think of examples of other like really niche music genres off top my head. Like, like examples of the songs from them, right? That I'm thinking like, Oh, those are maybe like, what kind of music was on Hee ha. It's like, oh, Roy Clark, country music.

Collin  18:35

But it's pretty boot stompin to for stuff, right. So I don't know.

Brandon  18:45

Just thinking of other cultural touchstones. And he Ha, for a very long time would have been the other one. Right, Lawrence. Welcome. And then of course, he

Collin  18:54

He ha. Interesting. Yeah. Yeah. How long was that show on the air if it feels like, forever? Yeah, but I don't actually know. The answer to that question. Oh, I found it 19 Well, okay, so basically forever 1951 to 1982. Ah,


so that ended just as the early 80s In the early 80s.

Brandon  19:30

The Senate ran to 19 and


Oh hey, we have a just wrapping


Oh, no, that was something. Oh, no, in

Brandon  19:49

I think that's No, I think it ran. I think it was 1982 and then I think it from 82 to 93. It was in a different studio. It was produced in a different location. Oh,


interesting. Okay, so

Brandon  20:01

I think that's what I said overall 1969 to 1993 So big one plus plus reruns well occation for Yeah, yeah. So basically fun other things, because I remember it. Being on television in a great grandma house in Iowa. I think that was my first exposure to hear. It's not really a Missouri thing, or at least it wasn't on the channels that I ever witnessed.

Collin  20:29

Yeah, but Iowa

Brandon  20:31

hot dog was there he was.

Collin  20:35

I remember this for our

Brandon  20:48

younger listeners, and our international friends who have completely lost the plot here, first of all,

Collin  20:55

I don't blame you. Second of all,

Brandon  20:57

he's Yeah, he ha It's like it's like a variety show. There was on television right from like a fictional very rural place, apparently cornfield country. Um, but it was like, there have lots of like different characters and like little skits and lots of music. Led by the powerhouse that is of course Roy Clark and Buck Owens, Roy, Buck, very, very, extremely underrated musicians. I feel like I feel like nobody especially now I think back then they did but like now 2024 The people are sleeping on really clicking Bucko go like

Collin  21:41

yeah man I really those variety shows I mean cuz it was also in the same vein of like The Carol Burnett Show and like yeah and share and Dean Martin that kind of stuff.


Yeah, the old the old go

Brandon  21:54

way back the Jimmy Dean show. Remember the Jimmy now I've only ever seen obviously reread the GMD chokes exactly Black and White country western variety show? Sorry, yes. That GBT the sausage guy. The sausage guy has also a country western singer. Back

Collin  22:13

in the day. Ah, and fun fact about the Jimmy Dean show. First.

Brandon  22:21

I believe well, they may not first but like maybe first. That's where Rolf The Muppet. got his start? Why he was on the Jimmy Dean show.


Oh yeah, he

Brandon  22:34

would play piano singing songs was brought them up at the piano playing time. Oh, it was on the Jimmy Dore show. It was like a recurring guest yeah

Collin  22:45

that's right we're


back for the day.

Collin  22:54

I always kind of thought he Hall was like the Prairie Home Companion kind of thing right where it's definitely like because like Priyanka Pena tries to set it like, in other place, right on the radio, like, here is the setting that all of these stuff takes place in. Yeah. And then you get Hee Ha, out there. So papa Rolf I, that's I didn't know that.

Brandon  23:17

Yeah, dropping bombs today. Look at that. Muppet knowledge they got up it off. Yeah, first of all, it just confuses me all the time. That Jimmy Dean, the saucers guy and Gibidi country restaurant singer and variety show host

Collin  23:33

are the same person. Yeah. Still to this day, I don't believe it. And I'm like, you'll see that in the story and be like, Huh,


that's weird.

Collin  23:45

There's another Jimmy Dean that does the does the country music singer. Like


no, no, that same guy hi

Brandon  24:02

yeah, same guy.

Collin  24:06

Just got on to Oh, this is this is intense having an adding a link about Ross and the Jimmy Dean show. They go now that go apparently also right? I feel like for like, sidenote here

Brandon  24:29

thinking about Hee ha right? Because again, very maybe it's because of the context in which I watched Hee ha. Right? The backdrop of Hee ha they're always in a cornfield. Right. And then so you think you're given like really strong.

Collin  24:47

Like, again, I watched it in Iowa. great grandmother's house. Corn, literally outside the window. Right. But then

Brandon  24:57

to think about it's like based in Tennessee really is Tennessee people It's very weird, right? Even though Tennessee is the 16th largest corn producer state,

Collin  25:09

apparently. According to this less well corn acreage

Brandon  25:17

in the United States.


Ah, see, that's what you got to.

Collin  25:20

That's how they get you. Yeah. But still

Brandon  25:26

155 million bushels, produced in 2003.

Collin  25:32

So it's nothing to

Brandon  25:34

this. There's just kind of, again, kind of confused me. Right. It goes along with my, when I was in New York, and I watched that Broadway musical about corn. Right? They were all speaking with a very strong southern accent. Maybe they were in Tennessee. Maybe that's the secret. Maybe that's where they were supposed to be. I think I think that because they were all like Farmery. Corn everywhere. So again, I'm thinking like Nebraska. Right? Why? Oh, I mean, yeah. Because when you think corn, you should probably think Nebraska. You should probably I think that that's

Collin  26:09

right. Or Illinois. According to this. I want Illinois, top producing states. But also, Nebraska, Kansas? Indiana. Indiana, maybe? Yeah. Top 10. Well, that's

Brandon  26:36

only nine. Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, Minnesota, Indiana, South Dakota, obviously corn palace. Tayo. Speaking in there. Is that why Ohio is a Midwestern state because they produce corn. It? Ah, is that why they live inside the top 10 largest corn producers in the

Collin  26:56

US? That's going to be a big corn lobby thing.

Brandon  26:59

I feel like I feel like there's been an exchange of dollars for that. I feel like because all these other states like wheat when we talk about the Midwest, he's off firmly ensconced in there. Right. Kansas, Missouri, Wisconsin, South Dakota a little bit. At least. It's definitely the eastern half 100%. I,

Collin  27:21

I wanted to side note, just being squarely in the center of the United States. Midwest means a lot of different things to us. I was listening to a news report on the radio and I forget what they said something about the well being in the Midwest from Wisconsin. I really want I was like


I no longer trust you as a new source.

Brandon  27:48

Yeah, but I mean, in Wisconsin, Wisconsin, definitely Midwestern, right.

Collin  27:52

Come up with the cheese curd. I mean, come on. Yeah, it's not as offensive as Ohio. I'll


just say that. But yeah,

Brandon  28:01

I definitely mean like, like, I understand where you're coming from here. Right?

Collin  28:06

Well, like

Brandon  28:10

all of the memes about what it means to be Midwestern.

Collin  28:13

They definitely occur. Just in Wisconsin,

Brandon  28:17

right? Just like it's like all of those memes like plus ice fishing, boom. That's what Wisconsin is.

Collin  28:24

That's what they do have one on that. And I want to I want to I did just ask a Midwest goodbye. Do

Brandon  28:34

me slap and then sit for 40 more minutes

Collin  28:37

talking. So I asked the I asked an AI bot. What is considered Midwest, see if we can definitively do this. I'm gonna go down this list. Okay, number one, it's a put your nose in the center that find an atlas? Find an atlas. Everything that you can see No, now, it's just definitively coming out here. It says number one. Now I don't think these are in a ranked order said nobody get offended here. But number one, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa. Okay, these are in alphabetical order. There we go. Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

Brandon  29:21

I think those are the ones that most often get cited. Yes. Right. Yep. And they

Collin  29:26

say they are they're located well, here's what they say. These are generally located in the central part of the country. North and South Dakota hello and are known for their agricultural productivity, manufacturing and distinct cultural identity. And I think what we know for that it's corn and flannels. Well, so. Also, right. casseroles


Oh, right. Right. Right.

Collin  29:59

I feel like that It's an important that's an important distinction. Culinary Lee in the Midwest, right?

Brandon  30:07

How many casseroles Do you see?

Collin  30:10

Yeah, and we are talking about that in North Dakota. There's


a bunch. Yeah, we're

Collin  30:14

not just talking about sheer volume of casserole. We're talking about varieties and also how many things have been turned into a casserole. Okay,

Brandon  30:22

how about this? Here's the other test. Do you know what Funeral Potatoes are?

Collin  30:27

No. Okay. Look when we when we do our nationwide study of this will be a great, man. What a weird dish. Oh, Chase. Okay. Is true. True.

Brandon  30:44

I I really liked your house. These are what these are better name?


Yeah, they're not good. times.

Collin  30:53

It's not good branding. But they aren't good. Uh huh.


Does your casserole have tater tots in

Brandon  31:01

it? Bonus points. If that's the case, because with


cornflakes, what if we had corn? Potatoes more particularly?

Collin  31:13

True. That's, that's the, like,

Brandon  31:19

I know, I'll talk about this year if you want to get but like when school starts, right, one of the local churches always makes a big lunch for all the teachers and go out there and we eat everything and talk to the community and hang out whatever. But like, the people at the church make the food. So you are confronted with this like, array

Collin  31:38

of church potluck foods.

Brandon  31:41

And you have to decide, like by looking at them, like which one of these potato casseroles am I going to be eating right now?


Which one of these big beans is

Brandon  31:50

the baked beans? Why are there six green bean casserole?

Collin  31:56

And they're all How did they find such variety there? It's all look different to that's the weird part. They aren't there. Yeah, how does, man very crappy? Yeah. Yeah. That's important right now.

Brandon  32:12

Yeah, in the tour. I feel like it's

Collin  32:17

hard to find, like, you know, casseroles at like a diner. We could just ask people, right, like,

Brandon  32:28

do you know, like, when you're in Ohio be like, Do you know what a Scotch roux is? And then you just stare them? If they're like, Oh, yeah. Like, Oh,

Collin  32:37

okay. Still here. You're in. You're still here, still here from scratch? And unfortunately, I think some people have been I mean, here's the other thing as some people have been brought up, culturally, Midwest, they might not know that it's called a Scotch Roo. That's true. Right? So they may have to have some photos. So maybe you ask them they say I don't know. Did you pull out your little lineup of desserts and casseroles and you say circle however many you recognize. Right? And that's you can actually just do.

Brandon  33:10

Like, what's your picture survey?

Collin  33:13

Yes. A picture survey. I think that'd be way more because that's how people look at the potluck right on the table. They are they don't they're not labeled you don't you don't know what it Catherine brought. You have no idea. You just know. It looks like this. So that way you could maybe I think as we will have to work with them. Good friends at 530 or whoever on this. Really? Yes down.

Brandon  33:36

Like, I think Colin airily. There's a connection here. And Ohio does have the buckeyes, right,


which are just chocolate peanut butter balls. That used to come all the way now just that's Midwest tea. And right like that. Pretty much screams Midwest. So

Brandon  33:55

still know about the chilies situation. But you know, that's fine. That's,


that's okay. What I will say, I will say, heartache for the day. Sorry, Texas. But I do like beans, my chili. So I'm right. Unless you're gonna put on a hot dog. Then no beans, then no beans. But like if you're just going to eat a bowl of chili.

Brandon  34:22

You want the beans in there? It gives them more substance.

Collin  34:24

Why not have chili to me is the like, how many things can we put in this? Like? Like, it's just there's no reason not to have everything in a chili is true. Different kinds of beans, different kinds of meats. I think we even had one that was like, Well, this one has. This one has beef and turkey and it also has tofu in it. Why not? Why not?

Brandon  34:48

Yeah, it goes in the crock pot. Man. That's point that's like the whole thing. That's also another important thing. How is there a crock pot involved in

Collin  34:59

this So, in the preparation of this, right, how percentage wise for your for your meals? How what percent of them are made? In the morning before you go to work?

Brandon  35:09

I knew that you know, there are some there is some carryover with the South in the crock pot area. But like there, what are you putting in the crock pot? Yeah, I


think you can disambiguate those two given by Yes. What goes in the crock pot? Yeah. And other items along.

Collin  35:22

I think that's important. Yeah, that's, that's,


well, this survey is coming up together nicely, I


think. So get rid of

Collin  35:33

all this together. I was we were we were messaged this morning by a person who was intentionally going to hire for not hiring. But they had sent this message I had said, Sorry, I'm responding to you so late. I didn't realize you fussy texted me. Can I get an interview for tomorrow?


And you you are

Collin  36:05

have your finger on the pulse of culture and young children off? Is that a phrase that people say? If not one that I

Brandon  36:14

have heard? Oh, four. Okay. I interviewed say weird stuff. So like,

Collin  36:22

I don't know. I don't have time. It. I stared at this. And for the life of me, I don't know what the AutoCorrect was correcting. Or what they were trying to say I can only imagine that they were actually trying to say fussy texting as a way of like, you are being very particular about this. You are you are being you told me three o'clock. Like that kind of thing. I don't know, though. I just this just threw me for a whole loop. I haven't every now and then in my life where I'm like, I'm in my lane. I'm doing things and then something just crashes down into me. It makes me go. Oh, what's going on? Is this a thing? Like, I want to ask myself? Is this a thing? That's what I know. I mean, I would real trouble. Yeah, I don't I don't know. I've never heard this before. So must be either a new thing or something that 12 year olds don't say.

Brandon  37:25

But tutorials do like to say sentences that don't make any sense.

Collin  37:30

At all. So like, Well, yeah. So there's that. But that's weird. Let's see testing. And now I'm like, Can I start using that? I

Brandon  37:47

don't think it's a real thing. I don't think you should try to make it a thing.

Collin  37:49

I don't know. Because I don't think it's real. I refuse to

Brandon  37:53

I refuse to believe that.

Collin  38:01

Yeah, and I'm also fine. I won't I won't continue to Google search it with quotes.

Brandon  38:07

No, not in there. Yeah, I actually had to have said something weird. Like

Collin  38:15

maybe they did, like, auto autocorrects some things. You know, maybe that's what happened. I don't know. This goes hand in hand with my, my other response that I got this week. So we turned down quite a few people to apply to the job because of various reasons. But many people will say well, not but but some people take it very well. Other people do not. And it's not the first time we've had physical threats against us for a decision. But we certainly had a very creative one from somebody. They, we sent them the rejection thing, and they sent us four emails. The first one to send an email all it said was just bra. So it said okay, I said two seconds. I was like, What even is this? Other one said I can't and then the one said the last one says I hope all the dogs bite you Well

Brandon  39:36

that sounds more like languages I'm familiar with at least this is actual sentences and things that I've heard said but that is a very creative,

Collin  39:45

creative. I just just stared, and it was sitting in quick succession to write they typed up bra, enter. What you know, I was just watching these come in and then that last one like that Okay, that's a good one. Guys. I'm just still hiring you. Right? I'm still hiring you. But also,

Brandon  40:07

like it wasn't before. Yeah, definitely.

Collin  40:10

Really, really hiring you for wit? That's for sure. Yeah.

Brandon  40:17

Everything's your texts like that. It'll just be like, one thing. And then another thing and another thing and it was like, bam, bam bam way. Instead of just typing out everything all at once, it'll be. It's separate.

Collin  40:34

But yeah, I short messages like. So this is this is this is what I do this is how my brain functions I will. And it's a little bit of my ADHD where I don't I don't believe think through everything before I do something. And so like, I'll have a thought it just goes boom, right out. And then Oh, right. If I would have, if I would have actually thought about this for 13 More milliseconds, I would have had these other five things that I want to say about this topic. So just here they come in quick succession as as they come to my brain instead of sitting there and going. Okay, how would I respond to that? Well, this is what I would say. And then I would do, oh, here's a fully fledged thought. It's just like, No, here's my brain thinking in real time, have fun. And then I get a call from Megan, and she goes, Stop texting me three words. So that's why I have to use, I use a separate notes app. And that's where I write my texts first. And then I put them into text channels. I can control this just a little treat them first, right? Yes. Well, and it's like, I'm just gonna, this is where I can dump everything. And then I can come back and send it but sort of conglomerated

Brandon  42:00

together. Yes. It makes sense. That makes sense. This, this would alleviate, write more. It will segue into things that annoyed me this week. Right? Yeah. Well, this would alleviate the problem that I have. When I read. Like, you scroll to your Google feed you like looking at news and stuff. And then you like, you'll see a headline, and

Collin  42:25

you'll just be like, What? What, what, when

Brandon  42:29

you like read the article, you're like, oh, and read this, you open it up, and you read it. And then like the first like, tag and thing, like there's stuff in there. And the sentences don't. It's like wrong. Like, it's not like syntactically correct. More. There's like, the other in there. Or they permit they omit the, they're just like, add, and go to like,

Collin  42:53

why it's like, because

Brandon  42:59

they don't know, because there's not apparently an actual editing process anymore, right? You don't go, you don't type something and then have somebody look at it, you just like type it and then like, submit it to national news organization, like even like, you know, if we're just like website, insert website name here, of whatever. It's just like, those are, that's not a sentence, man. Like, I just can't. What is happening right now? Why is this? We told you that this was okay. To send out. Like, what, in what? In what universe? Is this recycled content that you're borrowing from another website? Anyway, so groundbreaking and important that you have to get it out in Tucson?

Collin  43:47

Oh, it's summer.


actually reading the thing that you just wrote?

Collin  43:58

Well, if coming from a news organization makes it all the more most more terrible, because if it was somebody on x, or a Facebook post by person, you'd go, Huh, okay, weird. There's an extra word there. But when it is a news organization of some repute, you're like, yeah, like he's happy. I thought they pay people for this. Like, there's no, I know, people are increasingly shoestring budgets, but like, they didn't catch it. That's not usually like

Brandon  44:31

the news. Sometimes it is, but it's often not the news organization directly. Right. So it's not like CNN, or like Fox or whatever. It's like,

Collin  44:40

it's like the Yahoo or like, the ad writers who sometimes write rewrite it or do something like that. Yeah. They're it's, it's a lot of sometimes it's the

Brandon  44:56

bigger ones but more often, it will be like the RE ecycler people who like Yahoo saw a thing on like NBC, and then like, oh, then they're gonna like,

Collin  45:11

hype it up and make it flashy for the internet. Right? And then

Brandon  45:18

they're either gonna, like, make it way too long or not important. Or they're gonna do the intro. It's like 75,000 years long, you're like, just tell me the thing, hate you right now stop. Or it's like, the something in the heading or the tagline, right? The like subheading thing.

Collin  45:44

It's just like, not quite correct. You're saying?


What? I don't understand.

Collin  45:54

Right? Well, you can definitely tell somebody read it. But then you feel like that person read the article. And then did they have to mime and interpretive dance the meaning of the article to the person who is actually writing the headline to go on this posting board? Because that's what it feels like you just go something was lost, something was lost. And there's an extra word in here like?

Brandon  46:19

Well, and if you re aggregating, right, and you're trying to you're trying to steal clicks away

Collin  46:27

if someone is searching for the thing, right?

Brandon  46:30

So if it's like a new thing that happened, right? Oftentimes, it's not new things. So it's just like some random weird thing, but whatever. But like if you're trying to steal the clicks away. So you're trying to like shoot it out, like, as fast as humanly possible. Sure, right. Just like skip the looking at it is just the amount of times that I've seen that on my Google feed this week. We've had more time to look at it, you know, sitting at home, doing random housework, whatever. Like, just the amount of times that I've seen it. It's just annoyed me beyond belief, like it's so dumb. I just it just drives me crazy. So that was small things that annoyed me this week. Exactly.


Oh, as it

Collin  47:25

turns out, poorly written headlines. Crazy. Yeah. Who would have guessed? Who would have guessed? It's


probably my turn next, of course. But

Collin  47:42

ah, yeah. Well, hopefully you're going no, no,

Brandon  47:49

I think we've been up to this week is we have changed our walking location. Oh, deciding what season is coming into actually going to the real life Park.


That real thing churning out in a bath. Oh, now are you? Are you driving to the park to then walk? Are

Collin  48:12

you walking to the park to the walk?

Brandon  48:14

We drove to the park today? Well, we drove to the park anyway, because it's just like, it's, I mean, we could walk there. But again, because this is the Midwest, there is not actually a very easily accessible walking route to right. Not easily traversable you'd have to walk down a road like semi trucks everywhere.

Collin  48:39

So there's that but sort of

Brandon  48:42

doing this week going to the park. It's because we have time, we don't have to like rush around and try to get in some walking exercise and whatever. So kids park today in between getting tired eating tires on the on the old car to get two new tires.


So yay.

Collin  48:59

That's not that's fine.

Brandon  49:05

But you know, that's fun. Having tires. So we're gonna go okay, it's it's expensive. Sidenote

Collin  49:15

on that, driving our Honda to places on my home the other day, I'm driving outside my interesting window, like shoots down about four inches on stops. That happened to us once in our old car. Yeah. In it stays right there. And then it very slowly starts to go down and down and down. And I'm using the button to try and like put that it's not rolling up. And then it shoots down just a little bit more. And when I go reach to grind, grab it with my hand to hold it. It shoots out the rest of the way. Just teasing you and there it still is. It's because we have to, we have ticketed to get the door panel off to replace something in there about that so that we can have a window that rolls up. Are we good? Hopefully, it's just the track thing. Or

Brandon  50:16

sometimes there's like a plastic bolt that goes through the window that holds it on the track and the plastic bolt will like break. Right? And then the window just goes no see later, right? Because it happened to us when we were driving down the road. And it just like went all the way down, just like foam, like scared the heck out of me, right? Because I was like, it's just gone.


Cold Outside too, if

Brandon  50:45

I remember correctly, so that was exciting. But that's not even ours, the bolt that holds it into the track.

Collin  50:53

It's literally at least on our car, right?

Brandon  50:57

I'm acknowledging my anecdotal evidence, internet. But the other thing that annoys me about the internet is how antidotal evidence is factually true in all cases. So actually, for me, by my truth, I am acknowledging anecdotal evidence they go, I'm being a responsible citizen of the unit like that.

Collin  51:16

The bolt like broke in half, or something, just

Brandon  51:19

because it was plastic, and it was old. And just like how it vibrates in there. Yeah, just like broke off. And so there was nothing that caused the window to like, slide out of the track thing or whatever. And it just like gone

Collin  51:31

down. That's, that's what I'm hoping is what's happened to us with this. And it's not like, it's not a

Brandon  51:38

like, motor failure thing. So that's my hope. Because if it just came, because like, the way sometimes that the windows attached to the attached to attract thing, and then that track thing attaches to the moving mechanism, in a strange way. So if something if one of those little bolts in there comes out, comes out, or backs out or breaks or something, the window can't be supported up there and it just will thump down. So hopefully, hopefully, hopefully, that'll be what is there. Luckily, it hasn't been raining at all. Oh, wait. Oh.

Collin  52:17

I was the one day where there was like rain all around me back then. And then I was just like, Okay, please don't. Please don't stand up. And thankfully, yeah, I had no rain, but my goodness, I was like, it'd be really nice to roll up my window right now. It was very loud. Another hour to go. Ah, your your, your path at the at the park. You've been you've been conned. You've been? You've been shanghaied your way over there. To walk? How How does it compare to your other walking paths a lot Hillier.


But there are a lot more trees

Collin  52:56

to tell. That's nice. Yes, that's handy. So shade is good. Right?

Brandon  53:07

A lot more exciting animal wildlife as well. Right? Instead of just like random cat.

Collin  53:15

There are.

Brandon  53:16

We saw about 50 bajillion turtles in that pond thing today.

Collin  53:21

So I don't

Brandon  53:24

really know why that pond has so many turtles in it. I don't know if people like find turtles. And then they go, Oh, I this turtle is a safe place to go. I'll put him in the park.


Oh, no. Oh, no.


I don't know if that's true or not. I probably are a lot of turtles. And that's definitely something to do. And some of them are baby turtles today.

Brandon  53:49

So also turtles are having babies. So that's another piece and then why would you leave the park pond?

Collin  53:55

Right? Because it's very nice to put some cool geese in there every now and then. So Drew,

Brandon  54:03

let's see ducks in their day. That's weird. Not yet. But yeah,

Collin  54:09

there was a lot of turtles. And on we went over the weekend, and they

Brandon  54:16

the why is right next to the park. So the pool is open. So there are people out there but there was also people. It's also fishing availability. Now you can fish in the park pond, if you are sub 15 years old. You're allowed to catch and release fishing there.

Collin  54:31

So there's some people out on the weekend doing that as well.


I was like oh, that's gonna be Colin in a month and a half. Look at them right there.

Collin  54:42

Yeah, yeah, I did. I did put it in an inquiry to her father, because apparently he is going he's taking a pre trip to go to this place is what Susan said, to scout it out. And I said, Well, while you're down there or I have a question that you can ask them. And he was like, oh, yeah,


what I said,

Collin  55:04

What kind of fishing license do we need to get? Preliminary search is first you must have a Missouri fishing license and then you get a White River something something permit. That's like an extra thing there. That makes sense. That makes sense. But I'm pretty sure that most of the time I just want to ride a ferry back and cross each day. I just want to watch the ferry back across. Okay, they go so I want to be on the ferry going back and forth each day. That's what that's what I said. You're gonna ride the ferry. Oh, yes. Right. That's really all I want to do is just ride the ferry. No,

Brandon  55:47

we have to go. We have to make a pilgrimage. That's what we have to go. We have to go to ludie. We must. We must look at to find it a after all these years. All of them. You lay eyes on it.


Say hi, car fist.

Collin  56:07

There it is. Ah. Yeah.


I thought that doesn't sound great.

Brandon  56:17

Like I've been Yeah, no, it's fine. Don't worry about it. But that's the other thing that must happen. We have to actually discover

Collin  56:27

its location. Uh huh. Sure.

Brandon  56:30

All these years of not really knowing where it was. I mean,


it's surprisingly kind of a long ways away from wherever to be like, do we did you

Collin  56:37

not? Do you know, this? Is not that for sure. It's fine. But I forgive you. Right, right. What else? time on the water. Bar. It's okay. Isn't it? Okay, it's 20 minutes away. See? Mine? Almost 16 miles. That's insane.

Brandon  57:07

It would be again, because it's Missouri Lake distance to it would be actually physically closer than that.

Collin  57:13

Yeah, like as a crow spy. It's it's literally two miles apart. Like but yeah, but you

Brandon  57:18

have to drive around to get there because, you know, Lake lake.

Collin  57:25

And not circular or oval leg but like, dammed river dammed River. Looks like a big water dragon or something. I mean, yeah, it's to look cool, but look funky. Yeah. Yeah, this is gonna be this good. Time. To be fun.

Brandon  57:48

It'd be Yes, probably maybe. We'll need to work out to carpooling. And when all that else, like, that's true. Logistics, and things like that. So. But that brings me to my other topic that I was talking about. I was talking about seasoning today because I was, you know, distressed about the food situation, right. Sure. And what I'm going to eat, because, you know, this is what I worry about.

Collin  58:21

Totally, and.

Brandon  58:24

And we were talking as we were walking in the park the other day.

Collin  58:29

That that I don't think right?

Brandon  58:38

Like, we're talking about out food and stuff like that. And I don't know, I think I've mentioned on here before, but I have been lied to a lot. And I think this is the reason why I don't like to eat steak at all. Right? I've been gaslit into this because there has been a gigantic number of times my life where people have been like, oh, this this you gotta meet let me you know, I'm gonna make steak. It's really good. I make steak really good. And I

Collin  59:02

eat it and it's not good at all. And so now

Brandon  59:09

after all these years being lied to like, it is not even a food did I will consider eating like, I don't even think about it as like an option to interesting, right? I'm talking about like, just like traditional like steak on grill bam. Sure sure not like in stuff right because I do next to Hicks sandwiches or steak burritos or whatever. But like when people like cook steak for you. Like I

Collin  59:42

don't ever want it

Brandon  59:44

because I've been lied to so much.

Collin  59:47

So at this point, you're just you just say no, that risk is not worth it. I

Brandon  59:52

think I've just I've just written it off. Right? As not,

Collin  59:56

is not a thing because Don't

Brandon  1:00:03

it's just not. It's always disappointing. Right? I've had so not always maybe, but like, the amount of times that it has been disappointing is

Collin  1:00:14

so high that I


just don't want to participate anymore.

Collin  1:00:23

I am I'm a non. I'm a non combatant in this I am just like out done. It was like, No, I don't care. I don't want it near me at all. Get out of here in

Brandon  1:00:37

return talking about this. Today, we're talking about food, right? Because we're talking about she was gonna call that to you to be like, What did you eat? Like,

Collin  1:00:44

what her question was?

Brandon  1:00:46

What kind of food making capabilities to possess? Right because like, what are we gonna do? Brandon's gonna starve to death? Legos gonna

Collin  1:01:00

have to make fish?

Brandon  1:01:02

I have to catch him first. Which not likely, and my kids so Oh, I don't know how to record these things. I


know. It's heavy, heavy, heavy. Ready for it? Before he's been he has been itching to be fishing. All summer. So he's very much looking forward to this

Collin  1:01:29

Oh, did I lose you granddad? Way back. Hi. I lost you. Okay. Yeah, it

Brandon  1:01:56

said my microphone stopped working. Oh, I think my little plug wiggled out. Oh, I think that's what happened. I was like, oh, oh, no, I just said microphone. No longer connected.

Collin  1:02:12

Back plug. No, no, I was saying that. No, has been looking forward to fishing all summer. So he's very excited about this. Right. But you you're you're stressed about this because I take it that there are mostly steak places in this area. Well, there's mostly nothing in this area. Mostly nothing. We

Brandon  1:02:30

were just talking about, like types of food that you grill. Oh,


grass to grill. Grill.

Brandon  1:02:35

And then we started talking about that. And like, it just sort of came up in that conversation. I see. Yeah, that's where it came from. Right. It generated from that conversation. Okay. That makes sense.


Of, of this is a food item that is that shall not be brought or applied? Yeah, because it's a lie. What it is, like, I'm sure a lot of


people out there have been like, No, bro, I

Brandon  1:03:03

make great. I'm sure you do. I'm sure. It's fine. I just don't really want to eat it. Because what I hear the other day,

Collin  1:03:10

I said, Yeah, I love that for you like to know that I can use that in a lot of sales scenarios.


Again. I love that sort

Collin  1:03:26

of point. Oh, that's yeah. Okay, well, I guess we do need to, in addition to many other things, we do need to sit down and put together start planning a menu list through these things. Yes, that's what that's what Susan was talking about. So hello little time but I'm very disappointed to find out that the Google Maps are turned off they're capturing while they were on the ferry process. Take you could take 125 Right up until he gets the driver gets on ferry.


And then he turns off the camera so

Brandon  1:04:26

you'll have to add one of those photos fears. Right to thing right. Yeah, you you will it'll be it'll just have your name on it. You know, click on it and you know that shows the photosphere of the little blue dots.

Collin  1:04:39

Yes, I can do okay. I'm six I would say about that. Well, ah close out of that closing. Oh, well. Hope Billy, it's a another relaxing rest of your week for you. helps me to go


return the mother in law's car here a little bit.

Collin  1:05:10

So the aforementioned Yes.

Brandon  1:05:15

Yeah, because I didn't know exactly how long was gonna take because they're like Mega busy all the time. Like, we can just leave it here and they're like, yeah, yeah. And then when they have a minute, they can say, triple aim and then just call them and that's just what we do. Or we can just drop it off and you can get to it whenever you want. And they're like, Yeah, wow, what a great idea.

Collin  1:05:37

Let's do they're all about all about that. So yeah, I would be too. Yeah, I we try and do that as much as possible because yeah, we know that it's it's, they're very busy. They don't have a whole lot of time for a whole lot of anything. So the more the more we can get things off of their plate and not make it stressful because I think the last thing that I really want is a really stressed out hurried car mechanic rushing through my repair job.

Brandon  1:06:09

Yes, that is not what you want. Especially when they're like matching tires. Kind of a big important one. stuff Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, we need


that's it on times, indeed.

Brandon  1:06:42

I have forgotten my duty of finishing my Haiku. So I don't have one to end on this. Okay. Well, unfortunately. Okay. I will. I will have it ready to go at the beginning of next time. Well, I can check. Yeah, sorry. My bad I forgot all about it was I forgot it was my turn.

Collin  1:07:02

Random times throughout the week, I will have to open up the document and be like scroll scroll. Oh. Oh, I totally understand. We will. We'll put a placeholder for haiku here for the tune in next week. Yeah.

Brandon  1:07:20

I could a week ago. Okay. My bad disappointing bump.


Okay, love you.


Bye bye.