the other beige

Collin has an upgrade to his recording set-up. Brandon is the bootless wonder and has been a man about town. Collin is exploring Google Search Console. Brandon is afraid of Durian.

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paint, wall, random, buy, walked, fine, episode, bit, room, people, dragonball z, tire shop, exploring, antique store, exciting, library, roll, hilarious, chairs, antique shop


Collin, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Colin, and Aaron. On this week's show, the other beige work mode activate. Oh, my computer just said entering work mode again. Oh. So here I am activating work. I mean, I'm entirely sure what that means. To be honest, I don't know. I don't know what my computer is trying to do. Maybe it's maybe differently different. Yeah, I don't think I think I need to think this is a need to dive into exactly what it's doing. Maybe I don't want that. Maybe not.

Brandon  00:53

I don't know. Some listeners would probably agree and say Does it sound like they're working? I don't know what

Collin  01:05

I don't know. I'm whenever I made an upgrade to the to the to the recording desk. Oh, I did in fact, find a piece of old not old carpet, but of carpet that they replaced. In all the rooms I found a piece of that rolled up in our bathroom cabinet. And so I cut a piece off of it. And now that's my my coaster on my desk. Because I have a glass top. And it's very big. Whenever I go to set down my mini cans of Lacroix.

Brandon  01:42

Oh yes. It's so

Collin  01:45

now I can set them down and like I can't even can't even tell. It's like silent. I set them down gently. No, I can set down aggressively now.

Brandon  01:55

Oh, yeah. Well, I mean, it'll sound gently. Y'all know that you don't set things down. You only set things down aggressively. Only just how

Collin  02:03

you only have full force at all times. Just ah. Yeah. Camilla, Camilla. Mia that install. Yeah, yes.

Brandon  02:12

Obviously. seven episodes powering up

Collin  02:14

with the wind. Yeah, you got a just wind up in history on it.

Brandon  02:18

My favorite part about that? Sorry for the random Dragonball Z engine here. My favorite part about that? Is like, my memory of Dragonball Z, right? As watched on like Cartoon Network. Okay. The only again, there's a whole episode about this books about anime watching. But recap the only anime I basically ever watched as a child was Dragonball Z, some Mobile Suit Gundam. And like, the odd episode of Sailor Moon, that was it. But like, Dragonball Z was hilarious because Goku would like, the first time he ever did anything he would power up for like, it felt like 12 episodes. Right? And then like, he would do this mega thing. And then it would like obliterate a planet, you know? Like decimate everyone. And then the next time he would just like do it again. Like, but it was like yeah, boom done. Like, wait, wait a minute.

Collin  03:22

What is the first one? That's the one that really got? Oh, yeah, that's

Brandon  03:26

what Dragonball taught me is the first time is the only difficult time and then you have to learn another super move. A super mega ultra move. Because even though your super move. decimated your last bow, it is peanuts compared to the newest bow that you shall face. That's

Collin  03:46

always an upgrade I

Brandon  03:47

learned. Yeah. Goku.

Collin  03:49

Yes. Also learn that Dragonball Z is just a tiny sliver of the Dragon Ball averse.

Brandon  03:59

Oh, yeah, I'm probably gonna make people really angry because my only I only know about Dragon Ball Z. That's it?

Collin  04:04

Yeah, that's you know, like a What about the original Dragon Ball and then the Dragon Ball Z and then Dragon Ball GT and then Dragon Ball Super. I mean, come on here.

Brandon  04:17

I know of Dragon Ball Z. Yeah. As though

Collin  04:23

yes. The that episode being the hit the random button. Where we are. Yes. By the way, very interesting

Brandon  04:32

things. And then I said I was gonna watch more and then I didn't see it and it's fine. Yeah, the basketball animated and just draw me in. You know? Tracking really to no one but

Collin  04:53

really not that surprising.

Brandon  04:55

Yeah. Anyway. Are you channeling you're in Are Goku today whilst painting furiously in the house? Is this what you're doing? You oh my gosh up, powering up and then like,

Collin  05:08

rolling a wall at

Brandon  05:09

once. Like

Collin  05:12

I don't understand why why I'm so tired. I mean, one, one I am very, very sick. Well,

Brandon  05:24

ingredient one, right. We found it by the Reno's

Collin  05:28

oh my gosh, it's boy, it's quite interesting. No, I've been having congestion and all sorts of stuff. So that doesn't help. But then the activity of like painting like, it's not that this is not to demean the the painters and the finishers of the world. But I didn't paint for that long. I think that's what I'll say. I did not paint for that long. And I'm like, Oh, my gosh, I'm really tired right now. This is not okay. Yes, I've been painting quite a bit. Ah, yesterday. And today. We are we are painting the rooms and doing our best to not make a mess of things, which is hard.

Brandon  06:16

I mean, that is the biggest challenge of painting. Oh, but you always say that. And then whoopsie? Daisy? Yes. Then you drop a can of paint on the stairs. And it's been there for 20 years.

Collin  06:28

So that's how it works. Right? Yeah. I will say I will say long term view like, okay, let's just this this macro view here. Carpet will be replaced. So that is that's a bonus of that. Like, we know we're going to replace the carpet. That's true.

Brandon  06:46

sort of take some of the tension out of the situation. Yeah. Like if I get a little bit on the crate doesn't matter.

Collin  06:54

I'm going to do exactly, exactly. It's not. It's not the end of the world. It's not. So let's get that does.

Brandon  07:06

That does help quite a bit.

Collin  07:07

But so far, miraculously, I have. I have a lot less faith on me than I think Mimi ever had, like on her glasses alone. I'm

Brandon  07:20

speaking not doing things delicately.

Collin  07:27

Oh my gosh. I mean, I'm so traumatized from that where I'm just like, I'll pay and then I'll be like, Okay, let's go see how bad I'm covered in paint speckled, and then I'll go and they'll look and I go, Oh,

Brandon  07:38

I don't have any.

Collin  07:40

What was she doing? Like how was she painting? Look, I

Brandon  07:43

have so many. Well, I feel like a large part of the time what was actually happening is she was talking whilst holding a paintbrush and listeners if you have a grandmother that you wildly stimulates or gesticulated while speaking this this is this is how you just get paint everywhere. Right? You just talk and you fling your arms about and you get paint everywhere. Oh my gosh.

Collin  08:20

So I'm way I'm doing really well compared to that. But it's been we've been trying to try to like have Megan go ahead of me and get everything taped. And then I come in and do like do the edging and the rolling and it does not help that our rooms are incredibly bold.

Brandon  08:46

Like we have no

Collin  08:49

not bold colors. Upstairs Downstairs everything's like a tan or like a light green or like light whatever. Upstairs Lillian's room is like pink. And the walls are striped pink from the previous owner. Nice.

Brandon  09:04

That is a little hard to paint over. A little tricky.


No is our is like a like a seafoam green. And it's like dark. It's a dark green kind of thing. So like know that. That takes a lot to cover.

Brandon  09:22

And then

Collin  09:26

our bedroom is a deep red. It's a very very rich man. Which is which is getting worse. So you know when when when we are buying paint. It was kind of funny I was this is things that introducing things that colin has never done in his life, um, bought paint from the store for any reason for like the interior stuff. So this is a new experience and I shut up and like we had in Vegas where Really agonized over our picture or quote unquote, colors that we were picking from our Scandinavian minimalism in case you want to know the palette to your to your beige, beige, and your light beige, your other bays and

Brandon  10:15

your whites and your off whites. Touch of gray

Collin  10:21

and then yes, nothing too exciting, exciting, that's gonna, you know, really get the heart pumping. But this was our safe bet that we could do. And I Megan reminded me that these colors were chosen and nigh on a year ago as specifically a right after the rebranding logo, debacle, logo debacle. And I was like, Oh, that's right. I was mentally exhausted from making decisions. And we just went with non offensive ones that we could possibly select.

Brandon  10:57

A you know, it's fine. It's good. You know, it's all right.

Collin  11:02

But I did have some mild panic when she was like, Okay, this is the weekend we're buying paint. And I was like, okay, cool. And then we looked at our color swatches, and my heart started rapidly palpitating. And then I had to be like, No, it's fine. Like we've committed. And we're not I'm not, we're not I'm not going down that corridor anymore. We're just going, just going with this showed up. And I said, I would like a gallon of this. And tuition responded, which kind and I went to the gentleman's name. Very helpful. Yeah. I said, I said, Austin, I gotta be honest with you. I don't know what you're asking right now. He said, Oh, well, you just need to select if you want, like, the Ultra Paint, or the premium paint, or the super excellent paint or whatever, like, because they do different things. Like one's really good at stain resistance. And one's really good at scuff resistance. And one's really good at covering and one has the, the base coat built in and all this stuff. And I was like, Huh, well, this was, this is the decision, not on my nap this morning. So Hmm. Well, let's see here,

Brandon  12:13

I'm thinking of being unprepared.

Collin  12:16

I'm going to do what I usually do here. And I'm going to really focus on the middle price point, and bargain myself down one tear. And so that's what I do. I am strapped, and it specifically, specifically was because we are going to be painting over an undetermined amount of time span for our house. And the middle tier is on sale right now. So it's actually cheaper than the one below it. However, I'm terrified of buying it on sale. And then meeting more needing more on up a little bit. It's gone up. Now it's out of a comfortable price range and everything. And so I was like, oh, like there's just some like predictability here that I'm a little concerned about.

Brandon  12:58

But then you don't want to buy like too much paint, right? Because it was on sale. And then you're like, Ah, dang it. I don't have like a whole half gallon that's just sitting here.

Collin  13:10

Oh, I actually don't like that. Okay, great. This is extremely unhelpful. So I was like, Well, this one I know this one's going to be be here. And so we'll just go with this. And I don't need like, the stain resistance. Like I'm not throwing glasses of wine around. I mean, I have children, but like,

Brandon  13:28

I was gonna say, your daughter, who knows what she's throwing around, right? Like, this could be anything like

Collin  13:37

to date, the only spot on our house that has been drawn upon, is, of course, actually our staircase, where as crayon was held out and walked gently up the stairs, as long as it's done. So, room wise, none of that has happened. So I was like, Okay, I'm pretty comfortable with this.

Brandon  13:56

Because she's old enough now where this is like not as much of a thing. Right? Right. So like you should be,

Collin  14:01

yeah, if they were which, which is again, another important reason here to note that we have waited until our children were like, five and older to go to have like a good plan. They know so because they don't want to repaint with a three year old right could disastrous things why even bother? Right at that point? I said, Okay, I want this one. And he said eggshell or he goes oh, what kind of finish finish? And I said again? I don't know my options. He was like, Oh, do you just go it's how shiny Do you want it? And I was like I'm not not shiny, shiny, not shiny, no muted. It's Scandinavian minimalism. It's going against the whole ethos to make it shiny.

Brandon  14:45

Right? It's good. It's not good point, right? You don't really

Collin  14:51

it's not something that you do. At which point. The aforementioned daughter at the counter now finds the bag of gold flakes that you can draw Oh, yeah, dumped into your

Brandon  15:01

second. No, but we need these.

Collin  15:05

She was like, okay, that's fine if you don't want it shiny, but what about if it shimmered?

Brandon  15:11

Man I? Okay, so first of all, that would be horrible to try to roll on a wall. Oh, flecked that oh my gosh, that would be the worst thing of all time. Right? Like, I know. They have to, I mean, I'm not okay. So like, I'm imagining it's a slightly different, right. It's probably like for texture and like, interesting designs, but for like, actually making things like shininess. Like, they need to be like standing at odd angles, right? And that's how the light reflects off of them. And your that's, that's what you do when you spray it on. Right? So like having like, big ol fat goes like, like rolled on walk with just be they wouldn't go evenly? Maybe hold? Oh, that was terrible. Yeah.


Yeah, I was. I was very disturbed by just that thought of what to look like on a wall. So we didn't to do that. And we handed him the good planning. Yeah, and one thing, I was like, I just wanted to get one gallon. And I just wanted to see again, like, I just want to see what this is like and see how it's gonna roll on and all this stuff. And then we get back and I had been prepping walls and filling little Nick's and stuff. And looking at the baseboard and Megan had been tapings, I was like, Okay, I feel like we're really good to go. Now.

Brandon  16:29

One thing that we have not thought of is that the

Collin  16:35

design in her room is such that it actually looks like wallpaper, because about half the wall down is going around the center of the wall is a thin green stripe. And then below that is alternating light pink, dark pink, light pink, dark pink, and like, inch, inch and a half bands that go all the way around the wall. And then above that is light pink, well, I realized that, oh, all of those were painted on. And so there's actually a slight lip and like texture difference between each band, specifically between the upper half that's light pink to the green line. And then below that. So that interface between the light pink to the green is actually raised slightly because of that extra layer of green paint paint. So I was like, Oh, I have to scrape these

Brandon  17:32

walls. Time to prime it up, man gotta go. So

Collin  17:37

I like I was scraping off like just that edge a little bit. And like finding all the rough spots, and like basically sanding all that,

Brandon  17:46

like scraping is not the right word, right? I feel well.

Collin  17:50

And then and then I could paint right and then I could paint. And then the problem is, is that the color we used is so light and muted that compared to the light pink above it. I couldn't tell if like if I had covered everything, because until I got within like nose distance from the wall tried to go, oh, that there's actually pink that I'm still seeing there. So I have to go back over this. And so because of the colors, and this is now for her room, no as an hour's I have to keep the roller really wet. To to get like a lot of paint down, discovered, like it takes you at a prime the wallet would have been better. Well, and the reason we bought this paint is because the primer wasn't built in it. Which which I originally was just like, Okay, I'll just paint but now I'm like, Oh, right. I'm I'm coding for basically primer and the color. So I do I have to keep this thicker on the wall. And that's hard for me. Just keep anyway, so I've been adapting to that. And we're, we're about done fully with with Lilz. Next thing we need to do is go back and paint all the trim. And I will have to scrape paint off the word for that because there are some nicks and stuff in there that will have to get

Brandon  19:15

in, get taken care of. So that'll be that'll be fun. I think that that will not be fun. But, you know, it'll be a thing that you're going to do. Sure. Yes, yes. That's

Collin  19:37

what I've been doing. It takes about they were like, Oh, how many square foot feet are you? Are you needing and this was for her room. I was like always. It's 354 square feet. And he was great. This one can we'll cover 400 I was like sweet. Well, no. Because because of how we're painting Ah, it's it's about one and a half cans per room is what we're figuring right now.

Brandon  20:06

Oh, wow. So, yeah, it's a lot. Man, you are, you are laying that down thing. That's the whole?

Collin  20:15

Well, it's like, so like, yeah, I just tried to go like sugar, like, you know, do the rolling thing, not splatter or anything, but like, you could see, like, it was very apparent. And then I'm like, Well, maybe Yeah,

Brandon  20:25

well, I mean, over the pink, especially if you're going over with like a light beige. That's just, it's just not gonna work. Right? That's not how that works, right?

Collin  20:33

And so, and I thought about, Okay, do I need to do should I get a different roller? I don't know. Like, the roller is for smooth walls. And it's a good roller. So I'm like, Well, it's,

Brandon  20:44

you know, like, anyway,

Collin  20:46

so yeah,

Brandon  20:47

it's one of those things where it's hard painting over other colors. To back to like, a neutral base is difficult, because sometimes you like, you just have to lay it you have to get some like cheap, not cheap, but like, you have to get like a another color. Like, use it like primer like, just like off white. And just like, kind of slam it over everything to kind of use that like the primer to kind of like mute things down, knock it down a little bit, and then paint over that. It's it's a whole kind of annoying, right? Like, just depends on or you'd have to super, slap it on there. Because like you said, like, colors is bleed through sometimes. Right? Pigments are weird. Pigments interact with each other strangely, when you have a base layer already underneath. Right? And so there, there's just a lot of weird things that there's a very strange interactions that go on with that. Right? And it's, it's just very difficult to like, figure out so it'll be fine. It'll be November.

Collin  21:48

So, yeah, between between that, and it's going well, and it's we're just trying to focus on one, one room at a time. Yeah, between. between that, and I've

Brandon  22:01

been diving into

Collin  22:03

when I'm not painting because I can't really pay too much at nighttime, because the light and everything and go to kids bedrooms and everything, whatever. So what I've been spending my evenings doing, oh, goodness, glad you asked. Is, is Nikon, what

Brandon  22:19

are you spending your evenings doing?

Collin  22:21

Let me tell you about Google Search Council.

Brandon  22:24

Howdy. This is DSU. That really sounds

Collin  22:29

amazing. Oh, it's so good. It can tell you.

Brandon  22:35

Just how you like prep for bed. Like, I'm just going to do a little Google. Boom, bam, like that. So you're doing that?

Collin  22:46

It's pretty much I mean, basically, it was like, okay, because I had a question about how a website that we do is doing. And I was like, Well, let me go. Let me go check to see you basically, is it's a way to look at performance of your website. And we had been talking with someone who was helping us with one of ours was dealing with, like, she asked, like, how long are people spending on your website? Usually? And I was like, Ah, I gotta go look at the freaking ad, you know, statistics. Yeah. So graph, look at the graph and look at the bounce rate, and blah, blah. So while I was digging around in there, I noticed this little tab that says indexing, and I was like, oh, hide, like, I like indexing. I tell it. That's fun. And then I found sitemaps.

Brandon  23:39

Oh, no, like, going bad places very.

Collin  23:45

Like, Oh, no. So then I was like, looking at sitemaps. And it turned out that some of the sitemaps. Like, hadn't been resubmitted in a little bit. And it's supposed to pull them automatically but something something something. So I resubmitted the sitemap and I was like looking at pages and then what? What Google does is Google takes the sitemap, and it goes, Okay, thank you for showing me all of the possible pages for your website. I will periodically with our Googlebot look at this sitemap to see if anything's changed.

Brandon  24:14

But indexing is different. Then,

Collin  24:22

sorry, crawled is different is different than indexing. So crawled is whenever it just goes, Okay, thank you for showing me where the website is. Indexing is whenever the Googlebot actually comes back and goes, what's on this website, this web page. And that's how you can get that content surface when people Google for you. So the crawling is one aspect. The indexing is a whole other thing. Google does not automatically index every page for various reasons. You have to tell it sometimes to go ahead and index it certain pages. And then I was like, hmm,

Brandon  25:04

there's like, over

Collin  25:06

like, they will say, like, 1500 web pages on this website. And I'm like, that's a lot. And it'd be like, you've only indexed 200. I'm like, Well, I want all of them indexed.


Oh, no, right.

Collin  25:21

Right. I don't I don't I do. Do you turn? It turns out? Turns out no, you don't. And?

Brandon  25:29

Well, many. Well, what

Collin  25:30

happens is like for for the Oh, brother podcast, because then I was like, Oh, what are the other places look alike? So I, I'd looked at other other ones. And it turns out that the old brother sitemap was was up to date. But Google currently currently, so it says, not indexed. 1300 have not been indexed. But what have been indexed is 242. And I was like, that's a lot to not be indexed, right? Like, where, what? And I was like, there are five pages on our website, like, where, what are these? What are these other 1371? So what happens is, is when we post an episode, is that like, the episode things? Maybe? Okay, so that's one thing, but that's all of those are accounted in the index of 242. Okay, what what actually this is, is when I post the episode, it gets tagged with keywords. Oh, yeah. And then the key words, act as a new web page for that episode with that keyword.

Brandon  26:44

So those ones where you put like, 17 keywords on there. Yes. Yeah. So. Okay, so that makes sense.

Collin  26:52

I, I don't think I'm going to be putting those keywords in there anymore.

Brandon  26:59

Because I basically wanted to

Collin  27:03

know, like, is that bad? Like, does that hurt a website's functionality for Google?

Brandon  27:10

And the said, Said,

Collin  27:15

which is that no, but you really need to think if, if the tags are helpful, like if that's one way people are navigating, and using your website, like that's one thing, but if you're just throwing tags in there to throw tags in there, don't have them in there, because that does that. It's just wasted. Yeah. webspace that that clogs up, so that was like, I was like, Ah, fine. So

Brandon  27:41

you can just give us a couple dB. Okay, easy. To get rid of it altogether. It's fine.

Collin  27:50

We have so many we have apparently like well, it well, obviously. Well

Brandon  27:53

over 1000 Apparently 1000 Yeah. Look like

Collin  27:56

just the first ones right off the bat. 13th century 90s. That's a good one.

Brandon  28:01

And that one's good. That was important. That's seven episodes. Like,

Collin  28:06

okay, we do also have air brakes album, allergy animated app armor. Basketball game, man, this would be a whole new episode is just a walk through and see like Dazzler. Like some of those are unnecessary. Some of those are pretty good, though. Okay, a Viking ship obviously living here. Yeah, but Zazzle it caught the word Zazzle let's attack.

Brandon  28:30

That's from where? Oh,

Collin  28:34

I don't know. So that's, that's what? That's what I've been. I mean, I'm glad that you're

Brandon  28:46

finding enjoyment out of this. This sounds rather horrifying to me. But as long as it's good. It's working. Right?

Collin  28:54

Apparently, apparently, okay, hold on. Okay, this is this a bit showed up in in Episode No robot arm? January. That's a good one though. 11th 2021

Brandon  29:12

I liked that episode. Actually. Not just saying that because there are episodes and I love all of them. But I do like that one. That was it is

Collin  29:19

it was good when we asked about the relationship between cyberpunk 2077 And Ron Paul's art.

Brandon  29:27

I mean, this is what you're here for folks. This is cutting edge. Oh,

Collin  29:36

man. So anyway, that's yes. That's some a little peek behind the curtain, back end work of page indexing and crawling for websites. And oh, it's there's just so many, too many good. Good things in there. It's not true. It's all awful. Terrible. Oh, no, no, no. Yeah, and then we got to So today it's been a it's no doubt it did not snow where you guys are right now.

Brandon  30:05

We wrote it today. Right it snowed some this morning but not too much right it was not too bad. Yeah, we snowed quite we had probably three to four inches. Kind of where we maxed out at so much bad respectable out of school today. Nice bonus day off a very nice so yeah, that's some pretty good. It was pretty it was pretty gnarly this morning, right? It was pretty. The snow was like really wet in heavy, just kind of like Blair. So it would have been just the slickest thing in the world to try to drive on. Right. Especially for a school bus. So yeah, it was cool today. Blammo Prague. Gotta go back tomorrow, but you know, it's fine. All right. A nice bonus day off in the middle of the week. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah. Hoping for more, but you know how it is. You just got to take what you get.

Collin  31:08

It was also like 40 today. So it wasn't,

Brandon  31:11

I mean, it was a little colder than that down here. It was pretty chilly. So whenever it does snow, it's customary for Susan to drag me out on a walk. Right. So we walked around, and how was it? It was cold and snowy. And I discovered that I do not own a pair of boots anymore. Right. So this was a problem, right? I have a pair of hiking boots that I've had for like 1000 years. Okay, the soles are basically destroyed on them. Yeah. And so I was like, Okay, well, I'll wear my old work boots. Yeah, let's wear those shoes walking around the field and be alright. Yeah, no, this has been sitting in my closet apparently so long that the souls have just like dry rotted out. And they like fell off. Oh my. Oh, my. They just the soles just disintegrated on these things while I was walking outside. So that was fun. So yeah, now I am bootless. Right as where I'm at in my life. I just wonder here. I just wow. Yeah, I was kind of shocked right. Like, I was not expecting work boot soles to just dry right out and then wear them like every once in a while, but like not a lot. I guess I just never really noticed like, I have worn them. Probably like a year and it's been sitting in there. Sure. Yeah. They were just they were they just disintegrated like oh, that's while the Wii I was crazy as So, so yeah, those those are in the bin now. So bootless wonder here so I cannot go any more snow walks because I have the only other shoes. I have our tennis shoes. And I will work out real good. So oh my goodness. Is it today? Fine with little wood area right back here UCL to do your track and the random stuff. And yeah, it's really hilarious because we're in the woods. And the snows like so heavy. Right. It's still on. It was still all on the trees this morning. We were like 10 o'clock this morning. Right? Yeah. So it wasn't exactly warm yet. It maybe it was cold to this morning, I guess. But so we're in the woods, right. And so everyone's you can see the wind would blow. And you could see it coming. Because it would just it was knocking the snow off. Yeah. In this like, you can see the wind moving towards you because the snow was falling off the trees. Oh, that's that's cool. It was kind of awesome. You could just see this notice like, start to fall like, like coming towards you like that is really funny. It was like whoa. Attack of the snow ride. Ron did remind me of the Gears of War like the first one where there's like the razor hail and have to like run away from it. That's what it was like it was but it didn't run in the woods. It's fine. It's fine. Yeah, not this time at least. Yeah, that's pretty much all I did today. Nice. Let's do that. Made some like Spiced Apple Cider. Oh, yeah. In the crock pot. So excellent. been hanging out. Yeah, it's great. It's just, this is our wintry Snow Day tradition. Right. You throw it on in the morning. And then just kind of all day you can just go and scoop some in your cup.

Collin  34:48

Yeah, sounds good to me. I like this idea.

Brandon  34:51

It's a wonderful idea. Train that and highly recommend, right? Yes. Yes, but aren't you During the week, took place last slash Saturday. Don't and so we being inspired by you always going out and exploring town, right is what we did, we decided we're gonna make all day go out on a bit of an adventure, exploring our town going to places that we don't normally go, Oh, those are exciting. So I'll take you through our day here as Brandon Susan's adventures chapter here, we had to start out at the tire shop. However, because we did have a slow leak in the tire. This is most likely due. I don't have any proof of this, but it's most likely due to the fact that our school is just currently an ongoing construction disaster. So I'm gonna blame it on that. By but go to the tire shop. Right and so we just decided we're gonna go in there. We're gonna say, we'll just go in, we'll just leave it and we'll just sit in this tire shop. And, you know, because he was like, yeah, yeah, because they're only open till like noon or something on Saturday. He's like, Yeah, we call them the day before. He's like, Yeah, bring it in. We'll get it. We'll check it out. Probably. So we go in there. And listeners are going to describe to you the very special experience that is just existing in a tire shop in the Midwest. For a little bit. I don't know if you've ever done this, right. You've done this before. Yes. Right. This is how it works. Right? You hidden there. And the people in the tire shop are hysterical. Right are always like it's just like old dudes bantering and each other. Right, this is what happened. You just like it's just dudes bantering at each other. The whole time. It's hysterical. And there was a dude in the shop. Right? And I get he's like, I get I gathered by his demeanor and dress and the things that he was saying that he is some sort of truck driver, right. And so he is in the tire shop. A lot. Right? And so him and the owner, were just like, hammering it up, just like throwing these jabs each other, right? It's like funny, you're gonna mean like, good humor, not like bad, not like me not like, you know, like, yeah, it was hilarious. They were saying that we talked to the guy a little bit. Right. And, and, you know, and he was bantering with the owner guy, and he came out, he was talking to us, whatever. And Susan was like, Yeah, you know, you were in here last time. And I just, I just think you're hilarious. And he goes, he looked at her, and that he did this, like, really dramatic turn to the guy that worked there that he was talking to the owner guy. He's like, did you hear that? I'm hilarious. And he popped his head out of the office without missing a beat. Like, that's because you only think that because you don't have to see him every day of your life. We're just that kind of like, yeah, good stuff was hysterical. Right. It was so hilarious, right? So so that's that's just where we started the day, right? In this. The Midwest tire shop environment can be just the it's a weird place. Right? But it's, it can be humorous, right? And the best part of this whole deal is we were talking to that dude. And then we were talking to the owner and the owner, like, popped his head out of the office goes, Hey, you guys, uh, you guys want hoodies? And we're like, What? What? I mean, yeah, it's definitely an option. Because the trucker guy got one because he was Rasm. He's given all kinds of great. He's like, Yo, I saw you guys were new hoodie. Where's, where's mine? Where's what's going on here? Um, Preferred Customer. Right? And he was just like,

Collin  39:04

cheese. Of course.

Brandon  39:05

I you know, be involved. Ridiculous. Yeah. And then he was like, Hey, you guys want some more like? Yeah. Yeah. So we also got a free tire shop put. I'm currently wearing mine right now. It's excellent. Right? That's a big like, since like a big Yokohama tire logo on the back hashtag not sponsored, but like pretty, pretty rad. Pretty awesome. That's for sure. Yeah, a lot of the kids at school have this hoodie as well. Right? I've seen it around before but yeah, we're at now I have one go. They go in the club. Right. So, welcome. Yes. So from there, we do it. Any good day of exploring has to have in it at least in small Missouri towns and that is you have to go back to the antique shop. Right? You roll the dice say Is this day a day where the antique shop has a lot of good stuff in it? Or is it only trash? There's only one how do you find out sevens baby because it was a lot of great stuff in there.

Collin  40:16

And that's the great thing about those is that you really like there's it's one of those few experiences in life where you just you genuinely don't know until you just show up, right? There's generally

Brandon  40:28

a mystery. Yeah, like what what is in here? Who knows? Like I also think we're going to have to workshop this a little bit but I think there's an official like bingo game that can be made from this because like, there's got to be thrift store like antique stop bingo. We got it. We got to workshop this but we're gonna we'll make cards. Okay, but this this Louis L'Amour books has to be on there. That's God. That's number one. Right? That's one of those. Right now. They're everywhere. It's all over the place. Right? Yeah, so we went there did some exploring and there was some great stuff in there and I wanted to buy way more of it. But I didn't. I I sent you some pictures. Right. That's what I was doing. I was wandering around antique store. random pictures of things. I thought were hilarious. But I did buy they had like, boxes and boxes and boxes of those like plastic student compasses for 75 cents piece. Oh, what? And I was like yes, I'm buying two dozen of these right now. Yeah. I because I have an activity that I have never been able to do because I don't have compasses. I have like one. Right. And I didn't want to buy them because they're like, three or $4 apiece. And that's a lot but 75 cents apiece. Boy howdy. That's doable. Pack. Yeah. Yeah, that's about some of those Beauty by Christmas record. Right. Just you look through all the random records at the store. But you do. Yeah, that sounds good stuff in there. Right. Somebody's trying to sell a kiss a lot. Kiss live album. It's completely water damaged for like $25 serve. But it's kiss. Yeah. You can barely read the cover because it is so water damage. Like I don't know what No, no, not that. Stop it. Okay. It's fine. Like, no, it's no, you can't even play this record is so like warped and malformed. Yeah. Just extra character. Yeah. Yes. And the other thing I bought was a bound. Set of these like, triangle architect rulers. Yeah. So I really need those. No, but the awesome. Yes or no? How to read a scale ruler? Not really. But but it's fine.

Collin  43:12

But do they look really cool? Yeah, bad.

Brandon  43:16

There was two of them. And they have like, part of it has the like, just normal inches and centimeters and stuff. But like, this other one has, like all the weird like scales, like the quarter scale and the eight. And I don't know what I'm doing with this. Right? I could probably call that, like, how do you use this? But I need help. But I got some other like, they're Japanese ones, too. So they're pretty, like sweet. They're just sitting on the shelf. And there was no price tag. And so I believe he called to do the audit. He's like, I don't even know what that is. How much you give him for me. Oh, score? Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah.

Collin  44:03

When I, when I find, find items like that, I always want to know, like, more about the person to have those in that town. Because most of the I know some antique shops will get their stuff. They'll buy online and they'll bring it in, things like that. But a good chunk of those items are from somebody local, right? It was a local person who passed away or sold it

Brandon  44:27

or like yeah, it got passed around somehow and out here. Like,

Collin  44:31

I really like when you find those things. You're like, who, who in my town.

Brandon  44:36

Had that? Yeah, I wanted to know there was like a whole section with like wood carving knives. And I was like, yeah, those are really sick. I want these kinds of because they're actually like good ones. But again, do I know how to use a wood carving knife? No, I do not yet go through. Now when you put it that way.

Collin  44:58

Maybe you can't learn To woodcarver without a set of knives, it's lumps. That is a fair

Brandon  45:03

point. Right? I didn't really think about it that way. But now it's close now, but you know, tomorrow is new day. Ah yeah, that was fun. It's been a good long time in there. Yeah. Coming exploring through the, again, I just have very, like, nostalgic vibes of like going and just being in antique stores, right? Part of it is because of my grandmother, right? Because that's what like, she would just do that for fun, right? Just like, go and see whatever. But even some of my friends when we're in high school, like we would do that to like, to the random ones that were in downtown Springfield that were like, yeah, they're just like, all of a sudden, there's a random antique shop. They're like, what's in there? But But I think that's kind of what it is. It's always that like, what's in there? What could be in there? Right? Because it is such a mystery. And it's kind of like treasure hunting a little bit. Because there's, there's at least one really cool thing in there. Right? You may not be able to buy it. But you could see it and find it right? You'd like we are even something cool in there.

Collin  46:16

You might not need it. But you'll go ha, this is cool. Like that's that always that will happen at least one time, you're totally right of like, it's either something you've never seen before, or you enjoy seeing a lot or is something that you didn't expect. And that's it, it is a whole

Brandon  46:34

experience to go. And that is I mean, that is one thing, like I have at least one cup, maybe two, that when a me and my friends were at some random one somewhere. I don't even know where we were exactly. And we were like, there was two of them. And we're like, dude, these are awesome. Let's each buy one, like, you know, because they were like, no, they're like, $2, right? And it was like, whatever. So I still have it. It's like, I just have that set of Valentine. I don't know, if they still have it. They probably threw it away. But like, I still have mine.

Collin  47:02

And that's what matters. Yeah, I

Brandon  47:04

don't know, if he sizes, you know, whatever. I have mine. And I have that like detachment because I just had that memory like that, like experience of like, do this kind of sweet. Right, like, so. I thought that was fun. That's always fun. We like to go in there every once awhile, and check and see what's going on. Check about all the stuff. So that was part two. And then we went ate lunch. It just like Sonic whatever, because we had a gift card. So that was the last little less exciting. But that is then we made our way to the brand new library. Oh, well. Yeah. So it's done. They I guess I think it's been around for a little while. It's fine. So we went to the new library that they built, right? It's pretty nice. And they're pretty sweet. Right? It's funny, because we were talking to the librarian, because Susan knows her. Right. And so she was sort of distressed by the modern vibe of everything, right? It's like, oh, well, she was like, it's just so. Right. Yeah, open. And that was like, I feel that right. Yes. Words, yes. What? She didn't say she didn't say that. Like, the kids like, love it. She says like, full like, all the time. So that's good. Right? That's that's important, though. Yeah. I was like, Yeah, and if you know, they're coming because they have like a whole section that are like, study rooms. Like in the back corner that like just little rooms that like I don't know, if you like I don't know how you finagle your way in there right? I don't know how you like reserve it or whatever. But like, there's like a study for like a closed off room section. And it's just like it's like a glass wall so you can like see in there so it's like safer than ever but like it's just like a table and two chairs done like just a little thing and there's like a conference room in the back that you can like I guess use I don't know like Yeah, it's really cool like and then there's the youth section is awesome like the seats in there they're rad like I want also this in my classroom little jealous want that but yeah, they have it's really nice in there and she said the best part was like I don't know what she she told me this square footage of like the old building versus what they have now and it's just Oh my It's like stupid way more like than it was in the old one because it was like downtown and like a brick building and it was kind of like, shoved in a corner you know? And like you said the space is astronomical like they you I was walking around looking at and they just have whole bookshelves that are empty. Oh, wow. Yeah. Which is sweet, right like this. And like you need a room for expanding and like the youth section like the little team, like the teen section. There's like, yeah, there's just a cut. There's like a whole bookshelf that's just like, empty. Right? And they have like a kid second back in the back. And they just have I spent a lot of time just going around sitting on things. Right. This was my to add library because I wasn't Susan like renewed her library card and got like the new official card everything is she's been checking books out of like, online, and like, but she got the physical library card, she feels very accomplished now, very, very joyous about this. You might have been hugging it, it's all it's fine. But I was going around, like sitting on stuff, because they have all this seating everywhere. And it's so interesting, right? Like, it's so interesting. Yeah. Things I have. So they have in one section over in the nonfiction like the reference section. They have these little booths. They look like diner booths, but they're only one sided. So it's like a booth seat, like a single booth seat, and then a table and then a wall and then repeat. So it's like a little like, study nook. They are sweet. Oh, like this is amazing. Well, that's cool. I sat in there, I sat on some benches. I sat on, there was another one of those. They had some more of those things like that. But they were like, kind of it was like a chair like an armchair kind of thing. But like the walls, like by the way you rest your arms that go straight up. And so it was kind of like an enclosed thing. But they were on wheels. And they could like go to different. Oh, I was that was also exciting. And then in the back, they just have like, a room with chairs in. Which is just like a little reading room thing. Which is kind of sweet. Right now. It's

Collin  51:58

like sitting chairs reclining. Yeah, they're just like sitting chairs. They don't recline, but

Brandon  52:03

they're just like, big vinyl chairs that you sit in. If it comfortable, I sat in them, checking them out.

Collin  52:12

While I'm looking for your full library does chair review.

Brandon  52:17

Yeah. Yeah, it was pretty great. I liked a lot. The best part about the library, though. So we were sitting there. And as, as you do, you walk in the front door, and they have the they have the official library bulletin board. Right? With all the like random stuff. There's also in the front, there's like a whole like, Community Room thing over to the side. Like there's a whole front area that's like a little thing. There's just like tables and chairs and like desk like, you know, like tables and chairs and like, like a pub chairs and stuff right there. There's out there sitting there. And I don't know, I don't know what that's for. But like, just gathering I guess, then there's like a big old community room over there. With it's huge. And there's like a kitchenette and stuff. So I don't know what you can do with that too. But it's very interesting, right? So they have that. I'm sure that would be useful for stuff. Right? You could do that. Because like the old library, I know some people that you can like rent those out for like, birthday parties, or I don't know, whatever. Like, Yeah, who knows. But we were looking at the library bulletin board, right with all the really strange groups and things that they were doing right. I was looking at it like it was interesting, right? And I walked in the room, walked in the front door, I was cast in there, and I hear Mr. Funkhouser.

Collin  53:43

Slow turn slipped.

Brandon  53:44

Yeah, it's kind of that's always happens like slow turn, like looking around and I look over and two of my former students are standing over there waving furiously at me. They were participating in youth d&d campaigns. They were hosting like a, like a under 18, like d&d campaign. And they were there doing the setup, like making the character stuff. I was like, never been more proud my entire life. I just want you to know that. It's awesome. Good. It was great. Sounds like them for a second, right? Yeah. Well, their moms came when we talked as well. It's hilarious. But yeah, that was the library, explore the library. Doing all that stuff. Oh, the other thing that the librarian said was, they kept the old bookshelf carts. Because they're great. And she was like, now, they asked us if we want to new ads, and I was like, Nah, no, these are the ones right. Fair enough. That's fine. That's great. Yeah, she was like no, keeping the carts. They're really cool. They're like these. They're like, okay. They're like tubes, steel and beige. So you know, I'm looking at, you know, talking about, right. Yeah. Yeah. But they're like real skinny and tall. So they're actually like, they look like they're like four feet tall. But they're real skinny. And they're only there's their you only put looks on one side. So they just will, she said, they will just great. They just sit right next to the shelf, up, throw up the boom done. And they have a whole bunch in the back behind the chair I looked at and there's like a whole rack that just says nonfiction like they haven't labeled. So like all the books go in there and they just don't take them to the session. Oh, interesting. Where they thought yeah, she was like, No, we're keeping these cards. They're great. I love them. I've used them for years and I don't want to get rid of that's very high. They work. Keep up. Yeah, it's a cart to cart. Right. If you like the cart you have there's no there's no reason to get a new cart. Right? Like, if it's still carting, right, it's fine. It's fine. Don't

Collin  56:07

note no reason to get rid of a functional cart.

Brandon  56:09

Yeah, no reason to upset the literal and figurative applecart here by replacing the cart so yeah, that was the library to her. Exciting. And then the final stop. What were you guys must stop. I know you're crazy. I know. one more stop. We finally made it. To the Asian market. Ah, oh. Oh, man. Right. I don't really know what I was hoping for. Exactly. Huh. But this, this is definitely it. Oh.

Collin  56:50

Very good. I was concerned.

Brandon  56:52

Well, don't be right. You know, on TV, when you see like, people are Asian markets and the aisles are way too narrow. And the boxes are all stacked up too high. And it's like kind of dark in there. Because the boxes are stacked so close to the ceiling that the lights can't get all the way down. Yeah, that's exactly what this is like. Yes. And it's like one whole entire wall. It's not very big. Right? It's it's not big at all, which is why the cramped space, right, but there there's definitely like one the whole entire wall of like noodles. I I was just looking at them being like, what do you do with that? Like, right, talking about being out of your depth, right? This is a situation where you go in, and you're looking at things and you have absolutely no idea what they are. Right? No clue. Like, what is this? Oh, no. Because like it's like the Mexican grocery store. Right? Like, things are familiar. Right? I can sort of work out what they are. Some of the things in here. I was like, I have no idea what that is. I don't know. Yeah. It was a huge, right. Not huge, right? But a big ol row of like sauce. Right? All the great sauces are in there. So they have all kinds of exciting things in there. Like random because he's like, what's this? I don't know. That is in Japanese. I have no idea. But

Collin  58:29

that's not a question you should be asking me. Right. I

Brandon  58:31

don't know. Now listeners, listeners. To be fair, the science says Asian market. What we are of course talking about is Southeast Asian market. Right. Lots of based on what I was reading, right? Thailand, Vietnam, China. Japan. That might be it. Those main things that I saw it could discern the difference between there'd be more Yes, absolutely. Yes. small bit of Indian, like random spices in there that a very Indian, right, but like, just like spices for days. Right. random stuff that never seen before. It's all very exciting. So I think I have to go back in there with more of a plan next time, right? A little bit more of an idea. Instead of just being like, what is all this mysterious things?

Collin  59:37

Don't know what any of this is? Yeah.

Brandon  59:40

Very, very cool. But also very, like I lost. I have no reference point for anything I'm seeing.

Collin  59:49

Right? Yeah, we have a European market here. And I very much it's I have that same feeling where it's like, well, what do I Oh, what is that? This looks like a smoked fish. Do I need that? What do I like? It's definitely not one where you could just pop it in and go, Oh, this and this for dinner, right? Because it's like, I don't know what any of this is. So I need Yeah,

Brandon  1:00:13

I need to plant. Although I do know that I need I now need to procure myself. A step bamboo steamer. Right? Oh, because they have like random like frozen, like buttons in there like Chinese like style like soup buns or like pork buns. Yeah, I need those in my life. But you have steam them. Right. And I don't have a steamer. So, and they didn't have any in the store, which I was kind of upset about. But it's fine. It's okay. Next time, you can't have all the food and all the cooking instruments all it's in place. That's feels too much. Yeah, a little bit. They did have a bunch of random pots and some of the pots. I was like, what even? Is this? I don't know. I was like, No, that's a rice cooker. Got it? Right. Don't know what that is.

Collin  1:01:12

Unsure, you're unsure?

Brandon  1:01:16

I'm sure. Right? I mean, you just have like, they do it. They none of this stuff is like labeled. Either. Like they have like a produce section. Right? They have some they have some like coolers and stuff and they're kind of slammed against the wall. I don't I have no idea what any of that stuff is. Right. And you know if you're going there, because you like no, it's perfectly fine. It's like, oh, yeah, this is what I need. Bam. But it's not labeled at all. So I don't even know. I don't even know what I was looking at. Makes it difficult. Does, right. So it's very tricky to be like I need what is this? Right? And so for a long time, I was sort of standing over there like looking at things. Right? Like, huh, I wonder what that is? I wonder what that is?

Collin  1:02:14

A lot of wandering right now a

Brandon  1:02:16

lot of wandering, a lot of confusion. Right? A lot of confused me is store. So listeners if you have recommendations about what I should be buying at the Asian market, let me know. I will attempts to seek it out. Right? We did buy some like random, like noodle packet things. Right? They're like, I remember what they are. A picture of me here. Let's see where they go. But it's like make

Collin  1:02:48

it just like some noodles that you can make. Oh, I have been on a cup of noodles kick the past several weeks. Where like, this is like, ramen isn't like, like those. I have been all I don't know what has been

Brandon  1:03:05

had. They had so much of that in store. It's not even like so many different kinds. So many like strange. Types. I was very excited. I was like, I want to buy all these. No, yes. Don't Don't do that. No, don't do that. Too much. They're Thai, Thai stir fried noodles. With pad thai sauce. See that? Oh, they're just Thai stir fried noodles. So we're just gonna go Alright, well. We're just gonna make these and throw some chicken or something in them and see how it goes. I don't know. Yes,

Collin  1:03:39

that's exactly

Brandon  1:03:40

what you do. Let's just find out there was like $2 So I don't I can not buy that. Yeah. So yeah, it's very exciting and, and importantly, did not buy any because I was scared when in the back in a cooler. There was definitely slides during in there as well. Why

Collin  1:04:06

didn't you not afraid?

Brandon  1:04:09

I was afraid. I lost my nerve. Okay, I not proud of it. But I did. I was like, Oh my gosh, that's so exciting. So close and dapsone the same time. Right? No, all our friends in Singapore are going to suck it up. You Baby. Just do it. Right. Hey, getting there. Alright, hold on. I have a fear. Okay, it's

Collin  1:04:38

just for those who aren't aware of the durian. Does that describe what what that is?

Brandon  1:04:46

I can't fully because I know it's sitting in a in a shelf. Not very far from my house. Right? But it's a fruit. Right? It's like a huge like, it's man. Massive, spiky like a spiky like the I don't know what family it's in, but it's like a huge fruit from Southeast Asia somewhere. And it has the reputation of smelling atrocious. And depending on to you who you talk to you it either tastes amazing. Work horrid. And that kind of there's no middle. Yeah. Right. There's no like, there's no like, oh, I had some durian and it was okay. I've never heard that response from anybody who I've either met that has eaten it any television show I've ever seen anybody eat it on right. Like nothing, right? No, in the middle. no middle ground of like, oh, it was fine. No, no. It's either like, Oh, this is great. Or oh my gosh, I want to die. Why did I put this in my mouth? This is why I became a feud. Right? I didn't or at least cup noodles. And

Collin  1:06:19

yeah, let's start with the $2 noodles. You can work your way up to the durian later.

Brandon  1:06:24

Yeah, I mean, I might just get it. Who knows? Right? I want to know, is that a thing that when you put it on the counter, and the Asian lady at the counter, does this look at you and go, like, shake her head disapprovingly? Or has that interaction go a little further to that too, right. Like, was she not going to be care? Because she's watching TV? Possibly. But don't be surprised for everybody. Right? Listen, I don't want to upset the Auntie's. Okay, that's why I don't wanna do that. So I don't it's very exciting. It was very exciting. Just like the possibilities in there. And again, it was a lot to take in. Because there's, it's like a pretty small building. But it is so full of things. That who knows what I missed, but it was all things await in that

Collin  1:07:23

well, as you know, what? You know, honestly, it's probably also a lot like the the antique store of who knows how much is just like, comes and goes from time to time, like when they are able to get access to the item and when it can get in versus you know, the number of items that they get in. So

Brandon  1:07:41

that's what what's available. I can guarantee you the noodles are there. Oh, yes. Because that wall is jagged. Now if I if I go in again, I'll have to take a picture of the cup noodles for you. Because you'll just die is very excited about so huge, like random, just like random stuff. And it's just like, Oh, what's this? Is this tea? Yes, it is. Why? Okay.

Collin  1:08:06

What's it to know?

Brandon  1:08:07

Like, is this the biggest jar of turmeric I've ever seen in my life? Yes, it is. All right, there we go. Just hanging out in the shop excuse me, it was very cool. I really liked it in there. But again, I did feel very out of my depth because I'm just like, I don't know what this is. Yeah, I kind of want it anyway. But I don't know what to do with it if I have.

Collin  1:08:40

Oh, oh, man. That is if that is just the story of my life. I don't know what is the really Asian

Brandon  1:08:47

markets and antique stores are kind of the same, right? They are very similar through line here. You know,

Collin  1:08:51

they are such great bouts of exploration and newness and possibilities. Right? This druggie mystery. Yeah. And and confusion.

Brandon  1:09:04

Mostly confusion,

Collin  1:09:06

a little bit, a little bit of fear.

Brandon  1:09:07

Maybe definitely some fear. Definitely some fear, though. Well,

Collin  1:09:16

I think that was a I mean, what did you think of your night if your day at the town?

Brandon  1:09:21

Oh, great. It's fun. I was retired at the end was like, Oh my gosh. But yeah, that was fun. I enjoyed it a lot. So yeah, that was the adventure that we check. exploring places where we haven't been for. Maybe we'll do part two, right. To warmer. Yeah, because he was like, oh, we should go downtown. It's like whoa. Not today. kind of done right now.

Collin  1:09:49

I'm tired and it's kind of cooled. So let's Yeah, it's cold

Brandon  1:09:53

and walking around the life. Even though I was sitting on all the chairs to the library and

Collin  1:10:01

except for that, but that was right. I wasn't relaxing. It was for science

Brandon  1:10:05

wasn't relaxing. I was comparing, right. It was a comparative analysis of seating arrangements. So you had to have your wits about you. Okay. Right. Yes, exactly. It wasn't, it wasn't loud. It was present. Right? Scientific comparison is totally different fine.

Collin  1:10:29

But that sounds really cool. getting out and doing that. And I, it's, I think that that kind of exploration of the familiar is, as I've said, familiar, because it's, you know, oh, it's, it's, it's our town, right? Oh, we've lived here for 10 years, 20 years, we've lived here all of our life. Of course, we know what's going on. Or, of course, there's this thing. I think, doing your best to view what you've assumed to know, or that familiar aspect of it. I think that when we, while it's nice to be familiar with things and be comfortable in that, viewing it with a speculative eye or an unfamiliar, I tried to change that, from that perspective going, what, what if I viewed this in a different way. And I still went out and explored and knocked on doors and talked to people. That's, that's, that's something that helps keep you from. I don't know, just just not appreciating what's what's there.

Brandon  1:11:37

Yeah, right. And I, I was kind of thinking about that. While I was doing right. I was thinking about that. And I was thinking about, because that's kind of like the one of we've talked about before the like, underlying themes of the show that we keep going back to you. Right? It's like doing new stuff. Right? Yeah, it's small, like going into a store that you've never been in before. Right, that counts. You know, people think about, like, doing new things is such a huge endeavor. Right? It's so big. Oh, I mean, we can be right. If you set yourself up for that, if you're like, I'm going to learn salsa dancing. Right? That sounds like a big scary thing. Right. But, you know, you could do that if you wanted to. But you could also just go into a new store you never been in before counts as doing something new. You know? And yeah, just kind of those little things. Because like you said, like, I've lived here for a long time, and there are places I've never been. You know, just because you go to the same port place all the time. You stay with what's familiar, you get hurry, you're like, oh, I'll just go there. Like, there's a lot more other things around, you know, just kind of poke your head a little bit. So, kind of sniff them out every once in a while, you know, all the time, you know, that gets exhausting, right? You don't want to do like, new all the time, right? But everyone's wants for kind of fun to just kind of poke your head out and be like, Oh, what if I tried that instead? You know. So it's a good message I can get behind, kind of just kind of exploring, right? And so you start in your own town, right? If you live in a town, small town, you live in a big city, it's a little easier then right? You have more options. But even if you live in a small town in the Midwest, you can still find new experiences. And not that very far from the house, write new things, explore new people to meet new adventures to be had.

Collin  1:13:44

Yeah, and it helps you it helps you appreciate what's around you a lot. A lot. I don't know if you've had that experience, where the the like, the first time you see a store, you go, Hmm, that's new. I should probably check that out. And then the next time you see a store, it's the it's the going out of business sale, or like a class or something or like the news article about how they were at a hardships and things. And it's like, well, dang it. Like I didn't I didn't get an opportunity to conflict. See what was going on? Yeah, and I've definitely

Brandon  1:14:15

guilty of that. I do that all the time. Right. Yes. Yeah. Should do that. ever do right? Like ever? Yeah. Not around to it.

Collin  1:14:26

And that's not saying like, Oh, by me showing up that's going to prevent them from going out of business. But no, it's it's just you taking part in in your local community and seeing the goings on right and it helps you go, man, like and I think part of it like the more you do that, the more you can take a step back and go yeah, there's a lot of cool things here that I didn't like, I really appreciate I know that's what some of that as we've explored different areas I've gone yeah, this community is actually like doing a lot of stuff like they're very busy. He very industrious and like trying new things. And you really see that work ethic and that, that focus on improving for everybody. The more you get to that and helps you go, okay, maybe maybe the the news reports and the doom and gloom and all these things going on, like, sure there are bad things in the world. I am though connected with people who are trying to do something better, whether that's building a business, doing community outreach, helping those in need, or anything else in between, and go. Okay, like, it just gives a lot of surety I guess to myself at times as well.

Brandon  1:15:42

Yeah, it can be fun, right? It's scary, right? You can be there. It's like this, like, Oh, I just, I just want to do the thing that I know about only. Right, because it's expedient. It's faster. It's safe. Right? And safe is good. You like safe? But yeah, I would encourage people to go just try something new. Everyone's all you know, all the time. Because that's like emotionally draining. Right? If that's not like the kind of personality that you have, right, because that can be a factor two as well here. Let's be honest, like, that's, that can be a draining aspect for some things, but it's fun to just kind of go out and yeah, like explore around. Take because I've like I've talked about that before, like with the downtown here. Like, like, I just feel like there's nothing there. That's because I don't go there. You know what I mean? Like, so it could be a little bit one of those like, well, maybe there's something that I want I just haven't tried it out yet. So Right. Maybe we'll do that sometime. You know? Yeah, we're it's warmer. how it goes? Yeah, it wasn't warmer. You'd like walked down that? Like the downtown street? Yeah, cuz we have like downtown strip where there's like all this stuff, you know? Yeah. Maybe that would be

Collin  1:16:57

springtime. Well, yes. You go do that. Try new things. And I will go paint some more of the other beige tomorrow. Go paint. Babies. More babies.

Brandon  1:17:09

More beige. Perfect. Well,

Collin  1:17:16

yes. So lots of rest to get painting beige tomorrow and you gotta go back to school. So

Brandon  1:17:20

try rest that elbow, right. Elbow from painting. I sit down. Make sure you stretch it out. Slowly, right. don't over stretch. Gonna do is slow. That thing where you like, you close your fist and you kind of make slow circles. Right? Stretch out your forearms. You know? That thing? Oh, yeah. Clockwise chemical. Yeah. When you pull your fingertips back a little bit and push them down gently

Collin  1:17:51

stretch on the wall with that. Yeah, yeah. So yeah, big day tomorrow. Got lots full. Love you bye