bookshelf garland

Collin is on the verge of losing his voice and has made a friend. Brandon made stroganoff-like pasta and is uncovering mysteries. 

  • Collin’s voice is saved!

  • gross business practices

  • ad tracking for the L

  • Brandon’s pasta round 2!!

  • more stroganoffy

  • Christmas came down…but not entirely

  • bookshelf garland

  • Sets the new york scene

  • Brandon uncover mystery??

  • Traveling to New York!

  • Extreme light traveling

  • Shiey train hopping 

  • Collin made a friend…

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people, talking, fine, yellow pages, website, travel, business, pack, fun, nice, sounds, important, driving, bit, thinking, christmas decorations, week, cat, walk, sat


Collin, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers, trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Colin, and Aaron. On this week's show, bookshelf garland, it appears that I had forgotten exactly what time I had set this appointment to. Well, I knew what you meant, so it's fine. Okay. I kept looking at this going, I've got time. I've got time. I've got time. And then when I went to go click on the link in the calendar, if I wouldn't think, Oh, I did that wrong.

Brandon  00:46

That's what I figured. So I just assumed that you meant the normal time instead of whatever we were that you put in there. It was like, Oh, well, it already means it's fine. Thank you.

Collin  00:58

Yeah, no problem. Not that this is turning into that kind of show. But I only have a voice today thanks to AI. Boy, howdy yesterday, I man this week, I was bad. So 40. So I do interviews for the for another for the other podcast. And I have been kind of running low on interviews. And so I said to myself, I says, you know, I need to do I need to spend all of my time in January and February like, oh, no, keep slamming it, like, getting ahead. And so what I have, what I have done to myself is I have booked three to four interviews every week out for the next month and a half. In addition,

Brandon  01:51

Crieff man, especially. In addition,

Collin  01:55

yesterday. I, we are in addition to this, we are also heavily interviewing for new positions with our petsitting company, which means tons of phone calls. And then yesterday, I booked three in person interviews yesterday, plus, I had an hour and a half long interview for the other podcast, and I had booked a meeting with another business owner yesterday as well. So from the hours of 9am, to almost seven o'clock, I basically did nonstop talking. This is a this this is a no no idea. This is don't this is not recommend.

Brandon  02:43

Recommend, yeah, do not know,

Collin  02:45

oh my gosh, I was so I was I seriously was just popping those basically nonstop,

Brandon  02:56

all all the day long. So that's

Collin  03:03

the only reason I am upright and functional with my voice today. And then I then I got to try I got sidetracked

Brandon  03:15


Collin  03:17

doing a broken link checker for the websites.

Brandon  03:22

And sounds exciting

Collin  03:25

it is. And this is why it's very exciting. Because

Brandon  03:30

I'm, well, if you have

Collin  03:33

a small, there's a bunch of free tools that will do this for you. And it's really nice. However, they are very limited. And so what the what they want you to do is they is they want you to just click one button and check your entire website. But if you have a lot of pages or a lot of links, this does not work. And so you have to go page by page manually. So me not wanting to pay for this because this is something I don't do like daily, like it's not

Brandon  04:07

every once in a while type of thing, right? If I

Collin  04:10

if I were doing this as a thing, I would definitely be better at that. So I don't Yeah, but I would pay for the tool, basically. But since I since I have not. I am basically doing like one page at a time checking to make sure that the links are not dead. And boy howdy, it's It's shocking. I mean, it's not really when you think about it of like how quickly some things change and all this stuff. So yeah, I'm trying to stay on top of that because they don't like fluorophores day after day, the Foro Oh my gosh. So yeah, especially because they don't tell you just says that the link, but I have the the link embedded in like the word. So the word is hyperlinked, so I had to go in and figure out like, oh, great, which word goes to that hardest? Oh, no. That's, that's not not what I anticipated to be doing. So

Brandon  05:30

does make the webpage more aesthetically pleasing. So


yes. As opposed more functional?

Brandon  05:36


Collin  05:38

yes. A lot more functional. So, I'm having to go in and I go, okay, so that, where would that have gone? If I were using that link on, on just something that has says harness. So

Brandon  05:55

that's my,

Collin  05:59

I, my day has been been spent doing finding broken links. And doing interviews, I will say yesterday with the other quote unquote, business owner that I met with, was, well, so here's the key words of hey, I'd like to get together and talk about how we can help each other and network.

Brandon  06:25

And I was like, huh,

Collin  06:28

either this is this is going to be one of two things either this will be a genuinely nice, nice conversation. Or I'm trying to be sold something.

Brandon  06:36

Yeah. When you hear the red flag word. Let's get together and network. Yeah, that's like a big red flag of like, Huh? selling you something like

Collin  06:53

so guess what? Guess everyone go ahead on the camera three say what it was 123? Salat

Brandon  07:01


Collin  07:02

I was like, Oh, you don't actually partnership to you means I buy what you're selling me? Uh huh. That

Brandon  07:12

that is supposed to be No, no generally how

Collin  07:19

partners functions? Not what a partnership

Brandon  07:25

at all? No, not not generally. You know, Jan really is something else. But what do I know? That's not so angry.



Collin  07:45

voice already wrecked.

Brandon  07:47

I don't waste time with this nonsense. Again. I

Collin  07:49

really. I really watch what's like, Okay, fine.

Brandon  07:56

I'm trying to just get like, Okay, I'm,

Collin  08:04

I'm literally wasting my time right now. Like, I'm really wasting my time right now. And I was at one point he was turned and he was just facing away from me. Looking at the roof typing on his computer to show me another demo of what the software could do. I my eyes started to droop. I was talking. I was like, okay, yeah,

Brandon  08:32

deal with this anymore.

Collin  08:34

Great. It's so great.

Brandon  08:37

I need to go to sleep. Oh, my gosh. So I don't recommend that direction. That doesn't sound very, very exciting. Oh, at all? No. And just one of those.

Collin  08:57

The company was bought the company this this person works for? Bought the yellow pages. So that should tell you a lot. Yes, yeah. They bought out the underlying company or the writer ever to the Yellow Pages. Wow. Yeah. So, you know, that should tell you a lot about what

Brandon  09:28

Yeah, yeah. Well, first of all, I've just I was sort of in shock, because the Yellow Pages is like, the least relevant thing in 2023 that I could possibly think of. Yeah, right. Like, you don't there's a reason they don't have that anymore. Right. Like that's, yes. That's, that's, that's so confusing. That you would need that in like Um, let's say listeners that hold on hold on timeout. Sorry, I just remembered that we have many international listeners, and I'm not sure the protocol for international things. But the yellow pages in the United States friends, is was part of the phonebook. Right? So the big just book of phone numbers that they would give you, right? They used to do this, they would leave phone books on your doorstep. And they'd be in like payphones and stuff. And the yellow pages was the business section. It was like all the businesses of like town. So if you were in like Springfield, and let's say, the yellow pages for Springfield was every business in Springfield, in that part of the book, and then the white pages was the residential section, like other half. So this is why I'm aghast because I haven't thought about phone books in quite a long time.

Collin  10:52

That new phone books are here, basically. Yeah, right, your phone, but and I

Brandon  10:56

get, think of any good reason why you would need a phone book, let alone the Yellow Pages. Like, whenever, you know, 2023 with when, like, all these other things exist, right? Like I don't understand.

Collin  11:14

So well. So the point that somebody what this person's doing is they were handed over all of the old Yellow Pages accounts. And we're basically tasked with converting them over to the new

Brandon  11:28


Collin  11:32

And trying to get them to use the new company's software and the new companies.

Brandon  11:39

Everything. But Google exists, as well, like, what

Collin  11:47

is the point? This is this is the thing and like he showed up? And he was like, Oh, look, here's my one, it was called a website Checker tool that I've printed, I've printed out for you, right? So here's step one, he went and he, quote, unquote, scanned our website and quote, unquote, web presence, and then printed it out in black and white, and pushed the papers across the table and said, I want to talk to you about kind of how things look and what I'm seeing. And then it's all like, Oh, who's doing your website? How Who do you have marketing your staff? Who's making your social media posts and I'm like,

Brandon  12:28

me, me and me. And

Collin  12:31

it's us, right? Yeah. Just like what are you talking about? And his whole shtick is like big man got me down little man can't get ahead like you know little you know, US business owners got to because I think US business owners got to stick together and do what we can and I'm like

Brandon  12:52

your sales rep

Collin  12:53

your sales rep for this business for a multinational like conglomerate for that website, the coding guy oh man small time business owners whoo buddy like roots real pop out there and I'm like immediately turned off and then he's all like once he finds out this Yeah, once he finds out that Megan and I own the business he the script flips to like the whole like, well, you know, like gotta go talk it off talk. Talk it over with the little lady and blah blah blah. You

Brandon  13:40

what man didn't get him with the small business owners stick better switch to misogyny wins him over every time. Ooh,

Collin  13:53

who doesn't love a little misogyny in the morning? That's why it's the little thing 50% of the business Yeah, yes. It's like you know, oh, I just sat like



Collin  14:11

like anyway, so that didn't go over too well and then I just kept you know, I can't I'm looking at this paperwork and I'm like no, this actually makes sense like it's showing things that I know that are like I know that are false like it was saying like you don't have this kind of this XYZ listing claimed and I'm like I literally like the first thing we did we did like I don't know what your where this is pulling from and then he's like and you're not on any of these as I wish oh my gosh, I should go find this piece of paper in just a minute but like the it's really important to be listed on multiple directories so that you get backlinks that tell people that your legitimate business and looks at bills boosts your profile. I'm looking at these, these listings these business listings name names you have never heard of ever, or anything? Like, it's just pages and pages of these names that I am pretty sure. The Yellow Pages and or this company made up? Yes, they made up,

Brandon  15:17

they probably own those donate domains. He's just like you had to register with this to be legit. Okay, us. Yeah. Then this other one which is different us. And then this third one it's totally not us by the way just

Collin  15:31

Yes. And it's all just generic things like biz or whatever and you're like that is lame. Not helpful

Brandon  15:38

to me at all, like,

Collin  15:41

I don't need to be on any of those like, No, I think what what's actually important is that you are on topical, relevant, local directories, that's what you need, not these random trash garbage things that they put on there. And like, oh, all of these are super mega important. And like, gross. Yeah.

Brandon  16:02

Because you have to curate where you're going to be, especially for like your business. You don't need to be showing up and like search results and directory results for like Cleveland, Ohio, that will be just super unhelpful to anybody involved. Right? Like, it's not useful.

Collin  16:19

And it's not relevant. That's the other thing. It's not topical. That's the other thing that I know, having talked to SEO experts, and had them look at my website, the trusted like, industry specific people who work for Google on this kind of stuff. I sat down with them. And they were like, Yeah, you need to be on industry specific, because the tighter the connection between you and the listing that you're on, the better reputation score that you get. So yeah, and the

Brandon  16:51

better. Like, if people search for that thing, it will go there. Like it routed there, right? Yes. Yes. And I'm just like, okay, okay,

Collin  17:05

well, like I probably said, Well, I did the Midwestern goodbye, about 1000 times Nice. Well, the only thing I didn't do was like slap my knee and be like, I did send the right signal. And he's all like, well, I know how it is, as a business owner. And you know, my parents had franchises and Branson and blah, blah, blah. I need to not be here anymore. And I feel really embarrassed. Like, my time is being wasted. And he was like, Well, do you think I could get you on a 30 minute demo call?

Brandon  17:41

Yeah, that's not ready to happen. Right now.

Collin  17:45

That's why I say that phrase all the time. Not right now. But thanks for your time. Just think, oh, my gosh, oh. And this is like contrasted with another person that I had met the previous day about, like, we were interested in some different marketing stuff. And we sat down, and he had some things. And he was like, Well, I don't think any of these can actually help you. So sorry about that. And he, he left. I was like, wow, that was refreshing.

Brandon  18:13

Honesty. Nice,

Collin  18:15

really weird how that was. But he was super. That was another thing of just this brief educational moments of like, Oh, right. Sorry, just


real quick. First guy trying to get me to sign up for his web account. Weird service listings directory crap was like, so I don't know how much you use us. I don't know if you're using text campaigns to boost sales. And I said, No, I hate those.

Collin  18:47

He looked at me and I said, if I get a text from a company that sends that, that I like, visited one time, I had to enter my phone number for whatever, like, I will remove myself from that. And most likely never visit that company again, because it's gross. And he forgot this pretty gross like, I don't like it either. He forgot this line of thinking about halfway through his spiel, and then talking started talking about how boring and old email was, and why texting is a great way to get because it doesn't matter what you do. And when your text when your phone texts. You pick it up, because that's just how we are these days. And I went yeah, and that's really gross. And I block those numbers and delete them. And it was like, Oh, right. Yeah. Well, you don't need to have to turn that feature on. Got to previous previously, the day before. The gentleman was talking about how we could do a print magazine. We could send out direct flyer postcards or we could do

Brandon  19:55


Collin  19:57

web ads. And he got one I'm really excited about the fact that like, you could geo locate AI as my business, I could put a geo location pin on top of my competitors, so that when people walk in and leave there, they start getting fed my ads as they go around

Brandon  20:19

the web. And weird,

Collin  20:25

like, really? You talk about gross marketing techniques, like marketers ruin everything. And I was, like I said, that doesn't make me feel really good. Well, I mean, like, that's what you know, that's what you got to do, and blah, blah, blah. And I was like, No, I don't like that. And then he later brought up he's like, Well, it doesn't look like you have Facebook pixel installed on your website, or these tracking things like that's, that'll help you, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I was like, no, no, no, nope, I don't I don't want any of that. I. If, because here's the thing, like, if you install that stuff, I have my web browser locked down, so that it blocks all that stuff. And I can't physically use certain websites, because they pop up. And they're like, looks like you're blocking eye tracking. You can't use the site unless you disable that. And then I go, Well, I guess I can't use that website move away. And it's like, if I, if I couldn't use my own website, because of how I operate in life, like, I don't feel like I should do that to other people. Right?

Brandon  21:34

That's true. That would be kind of awkward, right? Kind of awkward. And I understand so can't even get on your own website.

Collin  21:42

Like Well, anyway, I guess. It just, it was another exposure to a growth side of of analytics and data tracking, and I understand people use it and it helps benefit. Why would you? Well, if you let the ads track you you'll get more relevant ads and you won't just start seeing irrelevant things. It's like it's but it's, but I don't want to add I think you're missing the point like you think it's, do you think that's a good thing? And I'm saying like, I don't want them to begin with just like as a one on one at all. Just like so. I just smile and nod and go okay, thank you. Yep, it's great. Yeah.

Brandon  22:30

Running away

Collin  22:33

so anyway, all that to say


thank you

Collin  22:40

for keeping me I need to cut that as a sound clip I can interfere can interject it at certain intervals the true

Brandon  22:50

effect to

Collin  22:54

good fully work, okay. So that's with me. Oh, how

Brandon  23:02

have you that? Yeah, that sounds sounds great. Yeah.

Collin  23:07

So sorry. It's pretty

Brandon  23:18

Yeah, I don't really know why not. Not a lot going on here. Really? Right. It's um we had pasta making part two. Yeah, that was fun.

Collin  23:32

Oh, yes. It's you've branched out you didn't, but you didn't do ravioli. This time. She got a little more

Brandon  23:38

adventurous. Well, I mean, actually, I think it got a little more normal, right. I feel like

Collin  23:43

I feel

Brandon  23:46

like this was an odd order to do things and I feel like doing like stuffed ravioli, like pasta as your first foray into possibility is a bit of an odd choice. But you know, that's just how I do things. When

Collin  23:58

people say pasta, they don't judge. They don't really jump to stuffed ravioli. They think? Spaghetti, right? Yeah,

Brandon  24:06

yeah. Right. So I made that this time. That's, um, it was one of my friends birthdays, and they came over and I had dinner and stuff though. I made some pasta. It was alright. Pretty good. I don't think I didn't, so I didn't roll it. quite thin enough. Right. I feel like that's what I did. I got paranoid. I mean, it was so fine. It was just like, they were like fatter and I was like I was complaining I was like yeah, I didn't get him fit enough my friend was like shut up. He's a great What do you oh they like them so that's all the matters I suppose but they weren't like quite thin enough to be like pasta noodles right they give you the ended up slightly more stroganoff he right then. Like pasta II. Like what I was thinking envisioning in my head so I have to get over Like, I think I think when I was rolling the dough out, right, I was sort of like, I got to a stage and and sort of panicked and was like, I don't want to go I don't want I was like afraid of like tearing it right or going to sin. I don't have that, like knowledge of where how to make it thinner, right? Sure, like how far that you can take it with that, and it will be fine. But it's like really quite stretchy. So it would have been fine. But I just sort of panic, I think. And so that's something to think about for next is try to get it rolled out. thinner, in because it was just a little too thick. I think made the new was kind of too fat. And it was like kind of difficult to eat a little bit Other than that, it was fine.

Collin  25:50

Kind of feels like that moment when you're driving to a location where you're not sure about and you just start, you start off with like all the competence of the world and you like I know where the turn is. And then you're like, Wait, did it pass turn? It was like that, how much more to the turn? I don't. Then you kind of just dive in. You're like, oh, wait, next one.

Brandon  26:10

Yes, it was kind of like that, right? Yeah, that's a good analogy, driving to a new place for the first time. Being very unsure of where you're going. Kind of being a little bit, like having a vague idea of how it works, but not all the way there. So there are still some refinements that need to be made. But, you know, on the way it'll be fine. Yeah, that was pretty good. And

Collin  26:38

when you when you Okay, so, talk to me about the cooking process for them. You're what you're, you're cooking them rot, right. You're not letting them dry out or anything. Oh, no.

Brandon  26:47

Yeah. Okay, so I'm gonna pop. Okay, that means they take like, just like, a few minutes, and they're done.

Collin  26:56

Yeah, it's

Brandon  26:58

pretty easy to overcook those. Yes, that's your thing kind of got to like, be careful, because it is a weird, because if Yeah, oh, you see making like dry noodles. So that takes much longer. Right? This is like, three to five minutes. And it's done. Like, so you gotta be like, okay. Just kidding. Let's go. Well, that's a bit. That's a bit of an odd adjustment to write. Because it's not something that I'm used to being done that quick. So, yeah, it's real fast. You just kind of throw him in the den like?

Collin  27:39

And are you are you? What happens after that? Because Are you throwing them into like a warm sauce to finish cooking? Or

Brandon  27:48

this time? We did? Well, this time, it was just like, because she'd already made all the sauce. So yeah, it was sort of like, boiled noodles. And then take them out. Like, get the water out, whatever. And then strain them. Drain it. All that and then yeah, put it back in this sort of mix it in the sauce for like, just a second to get him covered. And they were ready to serve. So basically, it's pretty fast. So it was good. It's fun. Elephants hanging out. It was tough. And making noodles. Yes, I

Collin  28:20

have. I've told the children about this. And they both looked at me extremely quizzically to encourage them and say no, no, this will be fun. We know we will enjoy this. It will all be fine.

Brandon  28:36

I told my other my other friends at work. And she also looked at me extremely quizzically, like what do you mean you've made it? Yeah, she was like, really? Because like thanks for the vote of confidence. Second of all, feeling really great now not necessarily unwarranted mind you, but it's like wow, thanks a lot sort of half joking because like, you know, not renowned for my ability to cook things but Sorry, got my microphone a little twisted up over here. Oh, no. They live was like falling off thing. So yeah, that was really fun. That much to Susan's dismay in order to have company over to the house. The Christmas decorations had finally come down. Sadness, right. much distress. Oh, no. Oh, no.

Collin  29:40

It any are any pieces still up as a as an homage?

Brandon  29:44

Okay, well, so yes, there are some the garland on the bookshelf, right. Sure. Bookshelf garland. And then she put some lights in the kitchen. On top of the cabinet, right, those are still there. Oh yeah. And there's like a like, well, there's like painted wine bottles that has Christmas lights in it. It has a snowman on it. So that is wintry so that's still there. There. Yes. And actually the piece de resistance of the after Christmas decoration decorations the second Christmas tree is still up. However,

Collin  30:36

I need to save her that sentence. The second Christmas tree Okay. Okay. Okay, we can continue.

Brandon  30:47

So it is it has been done. disrobed have all of its Christmas decorations, right. But it is now a winter tree. There are like pine cones. Allah Mimi on there, right? And like some little just like woodland animal decorations. Right? So like some animals. There's a moose on there. Very important. The moose is very important. So it's like, winter season tree. Yes. Yes. It's,

Collin  31:28

it's a very, very key distinction I learned directly from from me meat was the Christmas. But then there's just the more generic winter decorations and still being kind of confused, but it's fine.

Brandon  31:42

Yes. But Susan has embraced this. Right? And so we have the other tree still up. Still has lights on, obviously. Because you know, why would you not do that? So that it's still there still cheeriness just the level is down a bit from before, right. So it's, she's decided that it's too much of a shock transition from all the lights to zero lights. So we now have this intermediate stage where there's just like, some around with

Collin  32:11

some would call it a withdrawal period. But yeah, right. It's

Brandon  32:15

like easing out of it. You know? So that's yes, we had that. That was really good. So that didn't happen. And then for our deals came over because we had to, like, make sure they had place to sit. Right. So they were sitting at a big and then the way so on Christmas decorations. Yeah. Not exactly comfortable, but understood. That's fair. Yeah. So that was pretty much the excitement of the week. Other than that, I had an in service on Monday in which absolutely nothing got accomplished. Nothing's I did 00 things happened. Why nothing? I don't really know. Mostly again, this is one of those like, they were talking about like okay, and stuff. Okay. The real secret is nobody plans anything. That's kind of the real secret and they're not good at planning. Bad they're kind of bad at this little thing. So there was like, a meeting with like the leadership team. Which I am not on. But that's that bullet. We we drew name out of a hat because none of us wanted to do it. Oh, so my the English teacher got drawn. So like, that's probably pretty good because a lot of the stuff they're gonna be talking about like the reading curriculum or whatever, which she does. So I would I would be less than useless in that meeting. So the right person was chosen but that's all they had really scheduled. Was that so I just I didn't have anything else to do. I just was kind of in my room I clean some stuff I was doing like research about like school topics and things right for like to get like ready for other things, but like I didn't really have anything to do at all right? I entered grades for the presentation that I'd already graded. And I was it. Ray that was a start to leak. It was like made this has sort of made this whole week feel like it's very long. It's not a good sign because it's still only January, so that's not great. I don't

Collin  34:58

know I had that I forget who I was talking to, but was like, was was, was Monday was was at MLK Day. And I was like, I was like, yeah, and he goes, Man this week is not moving.

Brandon  35:17

No, it is not. Original it's been a little rough. Right? Although, we did have the wonderful highlight of we got talked about that most wonderful time of year where you explain the process of magnification to sixth graders. Ah, yeah. Everyone's favorite may do you love that very much. Or just look at you go. Oh, why? So that's fun. Trying to explain like, overly complex topics. To sixth graders. Always exciting. Right. Very fun. So, yeah, pretty much fun times. They'll tell you that we've been walking a lot. I tell you this. I think that

Collin  36:18

did I think that did come up in and we discussed how I'm sure. It was a little bit different. Not having the dog to guide you and protect you in the evening. So

Brandon  36:28

yes, okay. Yes. Still going. Today was another hot day. Susan wasn't feeling great and really windy. So like to take off during that sale, right? Have it collapsed and succumb to exhaustion yet? So that's good.

Collin  36:47

Yeah, cuz we actually went on a we did get out for a very short walk today, because the wind was just brutal. And it was super cold and not pleasant to be outside at all. But if trying to go like, okay, like, let's just get outside, just a little bit today was just a little bit outside, run around, have fun, or just go for a quick walk. And we generally do I don't know if you guys do like any. For us, we have a lot of cats in our neighborhood. So before we start, we always say how many cats are we going to see? And obviously Price is Right rules. And so we all get super nice always gets a number. Add. See who gets closest without going over by the end of the walk. That's pretty

Brandon  37:30

good. That's a guy that we don't have that many, right. We're usually guaranteed See, guaranteed see at least one. Yeah, but there are only like three. So usually there's one of them out there. Well,

Collin  37:42

we've we've identified basically all of the houses along our walking path that either have cats on the porches, in the bushes or inside that basket in the window so we can see we got to see checked a couple windows in the houses as we walked by to see is there a cat in there is in there. So there's a lot of places to look and be vigilant for.

Brandon  38:02

Don't surprise you. That's true. Surprise. Cats can be dangerous. We have a cat that likes to go into the storm drains. Oh, it's very confusing. I'll just like leap down there. And I don't know what he's doing. Right like the like this little sewer grate thing on the side of the road. You know this? Yeah, yeah, he just like he just like goes down there. He'll just be sitting there and it just down. So well. That's wild. Yeah, it's weird. He goes out there all the time. He I've never seen him jump out. But I always see him again. So you know, clearly he's getting out somehow. Unless he's teleporting from Magic cat, right? I don't know. But he likes to go down there. I don't know why. I don't know what he's doing. I don't know where he's going I don't know if it's I don't know. I have no idea. Warmer harder. something down there. I don't I don't have any clue.

Collin  39:04

It's probably it's probably warmer.

Brandon  39:06

Warmer. Maybe it's not as windy. Yeah, I don't know if it's warmer. But I mean, I guess it's dry. It might be war. I really don't know. Because it's concrete and stuff down there too. So that's not warmer. That's good. That's cold. Yeah. Yeah, it's not like the the steam and

Collin  39:35

the whatever events. Yeah, York City in Chicago that you see and all the all the movies because that's how I know about that because obviously Hoval harkening back to previous discussion about Yeah, a lot of lot of shots of walking the street with steam pouring out of Vince in the sidewalk.

Brandon  39:56

That's a it's a weird staple. I have movies set in New York. It's almost how you know it's in New York. There's like a manhole with like tons of steam blasting out of it at some point. Right? I don't know if that's just because it's dramatic looking. or what, but or it's just like such a well known thing that happens in New York that they just like we have to put this. It's like part of the New York identity. So you have to put it in a movie.

Collin  40:28

Right, we will get yelled by so many people. If we don't put this in? I don't know. So I'm not sure. I think it's the scene setting aspect of it. Like could get

Brandon  40:40

dramatic, like in a dramatic effect, right? Yes. steam rising up from the manhole. Right. It does look cool in the Ninja Turtles movie. So there's that? Ha. So actually, actually, kind of thinking about it. I guess now's a good time to tell you this. I will be able to uncover part of this mystery myself this summer. Oh, yes. We are going on a trip with the school to New York.


Well, that's awesome.

Brandon  41:18

There you go. So that will be I might be able, I don't know how well you were able to discover this phenomenon in the summer months. Because it might be too hot. But we'll keep an eye out. Presley invents it require you to, to look yeah, that's for sure. Yes. So there's that. Oh, well, that's

Collin  41:41

really nice. So because last last you went, you traveled? A wee bit further? Uh, yeah. Yeah, sure. A couple couple. And so are you. Are you going to be seeing what's the what's on the agenda for

Brandon  42:00

July? Entirely? Sure. Right, to be honest with you. I'm not real sure. I know they are. It's one of those. It's like the educational tour thing. So I think it's a three city deal. I think they're going to I guess we are going to New York, DC Boston, right? I think it's one of those like early American history tour thingy meals, or like the school or whatever. So my friend is like the sponsor and stuff of that whole thing. So I don't even remember how many kids are going right now. But they're going summer. And so we're going to why not? So I'll have more details closer because I don't remember what we're doing. Right. Pretty sure Chinatown in Ellis Island are on the list. I think they were talking about that the other day. So. So immigration history and fake luxury goods. Boom. Got it. Awesome. Truly the American dream, right. There it is.

Collin  43:05

Well, depending on who you ask. And so what I did you did you say what age group is going? What? What

Brandon  43:13

is the high schoolers? High schoolers? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So, so like a ton of them, but they're going so? Well, again, we'll go to

Collin  43:26

somebody a lot of fun. So, Ben, there'll be Yeah, that'll be really interesting. I still, I still have never traveled to New York. You haven't either. So nothing to compare it to. But there'll be quite, quite a lot of fun. Obviously, seeing hopefully you guys got to see like a Broadway show or something. Or probably slightly off. Parallel to Broadway show. Yeah.

Brandon  43:54


Collin  43:56

Broadway adjacent.

Brandon  43:57

Broadway adjacent. I like it. So yeah, I don't I don't actually know. The I guess well, I'll probably find that out a little bit closer to time. It'd be sure. I really thought about it too much. To be honest with you. It's just sort of thought about it right now. Oh, yeah. I'm doing that huh? What are you there? So surprise. Very,

Collin  44:22

so I mean, if you're anything like me, you'll start packing now, too,

Brandon  44:27

because I have me and so I don't even remember what day I leave but I'll probably start packing the day before that day before being when I last get less picture, if I went into Australia, I didn't even have a suitcase big enough until like, three days before we left. So I had to go to Walmart and buy like oh my gosh, you guys I have is like a duffel bag. And I was like that's a little too Mall. So, oops, I got that.

Collin  45:08

You know what, that's one way to do it, that's for sure.

Brandon  45:10

Hey, it's it's how I roll. So, but this time, I think I need something smaller because i It'll be much more crowded area. And I don't like carrying suitcases around. So I have to think about the solution to this problem, right? Because we're being highly mobile in a densely populated area. What I don't want is a big suitcase.

Collin  45:33

I'm sensing date. I think you need to get a a daypack day hiking

Brandon  45:38

pack. Maybe not could be more useful. That's what I'm thinking like a big one. Right now like, oh, no, no. But the Yeah, just one of those

Collin  45:53

little daypacks Yeah, they're they're smaller. They're like, what 2224 liter packs? And you got to do the not that I was looking this up for any particular reason. But oh, there is the 1123456 rules for clothing. You pack one hat? Yeah, yeah. No, like this is this is. Okay. So anyway, here's what you do. Pack, one hat. Two pairs of shoes that are completely different. Obviously, you wear the bulky ones, and pack the thin ones in your pack. Three bottoms. So a combination pick and choose long pants or shorts, for tops match accordingly. five pairs of socks, six pairs of underwear. And that is enough to get you through most for almost a week are a little bit more of everything that you need. So that's to do, and then you pack. Okay, it's fine. And then you have a packing list for depending on where you're going, you can get a poncho and other stuff like that. So double duty double duty items is what you need. It's

Brandon  47:16

that way, why are you looking?

Collin  47:19

I look okay, sometimes. Sometimes it's 11 o'clock at night and you just want to know, how do would I optimize a backpack for extended periods of travel without being bogged down in carrying too many stuff? Because you just have to kind of plan that out sometimes in your head.

Brandon  47:38

Do you? Yes. For when you just like accidentally end up in Tajikistan. And we're like, oh, man, now that I got it, huh?

Collin  47:45

Yeah, when the black vans pull up outside your house and you gotta gotta you gotta bust it. You gotta be able to go on the run. Not run Yeah, go on the run running. It's just an extended exploration like packing and but that's the other thing of like, when you read all these articles, it's at no point in zero points during these conversations, do any of these articles say if you have children

Brandon  48:15

now because they're assuming if you're on the quad? Totally not on the run right? For an extended light you traveling? Yes, yeah. People that do light extended traveling probably don't bring a child because now it is not light traveling anymore

Collin  48:35

yeah, no, it's it's fine. So yes, I was I have you know how to save saved articles but yes, the 123456 rules will get you through like a week

Brandon  48:49

of traveling. We'll see right if you show up to the old brother US tour and you have three shirts I am going to be very cross with you okay as I

Collin  49:03

write it for shirts it's fine I got this look at saved I got the printout

Brandon  49:12

very important very important so

Collin  49:18

um anyway so there's your little tip for the day that's what I spend my I spend my day talking to terrible salespeople and then going What if we just had to go on the run I mean extended travel period for like get away from the

Brandon  49:34


Collin  49:38

it's all making a lot more sense now.

Brandon  49:40

Actually. You're you're like daydreaming of getting away from your location took a like a weird turn it like starts using the term like x Ville but like you know, other than that, it's fine.

Collin  49:56

Yeah, whenever when I started when I started specking out a Um, handheld GPS internet communicators, satellite communicating devices. Yeah, that that took a turn and her probably probably should have been on private browsing for that kind of work. But yeah.

Brandon  50:14

The signal, right, so the alarm goes off.

Collin  50:17

Yeah. All the flags are being watched. Yeah, well, anyway, this is what we would call odd behavior. Yeah.

Brandon  50:32

It's one of those things where like, that all sounds great. Right? It sounds fine. You know, but but like, the reality of the situation is like, this is fine. When you were like, you know, in Boy Scouts. No, and you're like, in the middle of the woods, no cares. Like, everybody smells bad. It's fine. But then like, the second you have to go back into society. And you like, walk into a gas station? And, like, you just know that everyone's smelling you. And it's awkward. Right, so? Uh, huh. That sounds fine. Like, no, it's not. Well, and just I,

Collin  51:13

I know me, I know, people do this, they do this. And I thought they'll do different challenges where they're like, I'm going to only travel with what was it like 33 items, including, like, the backpack kind of stuff? And like, they would go what? Yeah, yeah, that's that's how some people travel and they count. Like, it's not just the computer they have. That's one item. But then like, the charter charger, is another item, and everything counts against it. And they have to, I think

Brandon  51:44

those are the same item. I think those

Collin  51:47

six, so they try and do this really extreme? Can I not just can I do everything a carry on? But can I have a carry on that has slack in it. Basically, I'm not cramming it. Full of stuff. Because if you can always maximize the amount of items, but we

Brandon  52:06

minimalist things. And that

Collin  52:11

doesn't sound appealing. I understand that. I understand the basic principles of a lot of this of going don't pack your shampoos, right, your your your hotel will have shampoos, or Yeah, I'm good, so bad.

Brandon  52:26

Right? It's a kind of trash to your shampoo, right?

Collin  52:30

And then well, then what would a lot of these people do is they'll just went wherever they land, they buy the shampoos there. And then I go, but that seems kind of wasteful. Because then like, I can't use a whole shampoo bottle in a week. Like that's Yeah.

Brandon  52:45

I think you're cheating because now you've added an item to your thing, right? Video game rules determine that you have now exceeded your maximum carry extra. Except right. Now you have to slow walk or decaf and you can't fast travel. So you you can't do that, right. That's not how this works. If you that's, that's cheating, I call shenanigans on that.

Collin  53:13

So they're always looking at different kinds of packs and maximize or minimizing the amount of stuff they have in them. And I read were following a guy who did blogging and just traveled the world like that this non stop going from place to place to place.

Brandon  53:30

And But while that sounds nice,

Collin  53:34

like extended periods of travel, I there is just a part of me that's like Yeah, but I need a home base. Like I need someplace to land. That's still mine. And not just always another hotel like that. That sounds very, very not fun. Yeah, no,

Brandon  53:53

I agree. Because this is awkward. Right. Like my mind can't really go around that too. Well.

Collin  54:04

Yeah, I think the idea of traveling for a month or more, it sounds wonderful. As long as I know that there's going to be an end date. Don't have to be schlepping it that entire time.

Brandon  54:18

Yeah, right. Because that that doesn't Yeah, that's That's odd. You know, it's, it's, I have no mate again, this is me being attached to my stuff, right? Being the maximalist that I am, right, like I need things around. Right, like stuff. It's a comforting, right. What's having a place? It's like, ah, calmness now. Yes. And like a familiarity, like a sense of familiarity, I think is important too. So that would be Yeah, yeah, that was one of those ideas is like sounds great. But then yeah, wait, hold on, we need to we need a stopping point because like, it's some point you just got to do that's my personality to like, alright, what are we done? Can't be done with something I'm not gonna like

Collin  55:20

right? I need an end date to this play. Yeah,

Brandon  55:22

right. Endlessly wandering around is it sounds cool, right? It's very there's almost that like there's a like a romance quality to that kind of thing right because it's like how some movies are right that's how video games operate right you wander around from place to place you know you there's like the mythos of like the backpacking Europe that whole like stick or like the

Collin  55:56

was just glad to say that whole like, over romanticize of like yeah I backpacked across Europe for for the summer and I'm back.

Brandon  56:05

Yeah, are like the that like very there's like this weird, like, romanticized version of like, hobo culture and like the 1930s like hop in the train range just traveling, you know, right. Or my boy shy right from YouTube, right? Just top and freight trains across like, Montenegro or some random place like that. Like

Collin  56:31

I did go down a train hopping. It's so weird, right? I don't understand. I don't have of what Yeah, I went down a rabbit hole of that as well. So man, all things points are adding up terribly right now.

Brandon  56:45

Yeah. But that's the that's the interesting part about like, his videos anyway, shy and his other guy that he goes with her cat, his channel name is gift gas, but it's like, he goes my poison, like, aka like nicknames, right? It's gotta be stealth mode when you're freed up and illegally, crossing borders in Europe. Right? But like, that's the kind of thing they talked about, like they talk about, like, the adventure and the journey and blah, blah. And then it's like, alright, that's kind of your home. Like, yeah, like, it was fun. It was cool to be out there. Right? It was exciting seeing new things or being in like new environments, and then it's time to go home and, like, gotta go home. Gotta go back to the base, and to do the thing, right? Rather, it's to you know, like, just to be in a space that is familiar, or be in a place where you know, things are an environment that's more stable for a while before you go back out again, right? That's kind of seems to be how it is but yeah,

Collin  57:46

restabilized regroup.

Brandon  57:47

Yeah, we heard out regroup before the excellent kind of rest, regroup, recover, and then you know, go again, but like



Brandon  58:00

those are very easy video rabbit holes to fall down. It's very, they go quite you just don't suddenly spiral out of control. It's like, Oh, no. Yeah. And it

Collin  58:15

all started with ha what are some you know how what if I have going no packing light? That sounds like a nice thing. And then Yes, next thing you look up you're on some freight hopping videos for somebody like me all the time. Well, that escalated quite quickly does

Brandon  58:32

does escalate quite quickly that's what that's

Collin  58:38

something that should put the brakes brakes on that

Brandon  58:46

I think that's that also kind of speaks to that like I think that that sort of like fantasy is appealing in modern life the like, disconnecting from like everything right and just like being for a while right I think that's yeah, that's kind of the real romantic part about the whole thing is like you're not tethered really, you're just sort of like away your way from like your all your online for all this other things all these like very draining social and emotional contracts that you have right like just a way

Collin  59:28

you're right it is very it is in some extents and probably for good chunk of them in a very reaction to the hyperconnected always on kind of society always findable. You can make well, you can track Phones Make making the night we can see each other's phones and you can add family members to do that. And everybody always knows where you always are. Yeah, that does get a little oppressive at times going I can all always be connected. I can always do something people can always ping me or fax, you know, get get a hold of me in some way.

Brandon  1:00:06

Yeah, that expectation that you're available. Right? Like, you know, forever, like you said that go back to the beginning when you talked about the texting thing like when somebody texts us answer your phone like, yeah. But like that's a learned response, right? That's not you know, because your brain is always like, Oh, this is important like, Oh, this is an urgent right now, it's, it's not it's somebody trying to sell you XYZ product apparently but like,

Collin  1:00:39

well, it's kind of it manifested in several different ways of the this escapism of get removing yourself from contact and also exhibits it in a lot of ways on a recent trend where people are ditching their smartphones, opting for dumb phone, right going back to flip phones in some extents. And not to they can't be connected, they just physically cannot. And they don't have access to the distractions people don't have access to them in a million ways have I understand that of going Oh, my God, my goodness, people can Facebook message they can Instagram me, they can email me they can text me, they can WhatsApp me, they can Snapchat me they can like all these different

Brandon  1:01:28

tools attached to

Collin  1:01:29

you going. Now you can call me like there's just one way to get me. And that really helps reduce a lot of the anxiety to have Am I missing something? Did something go to trash? Did somebody try and contact me but they have that wrong contact information? Or did I delete it just going all I could stripped away really simplifies? A lot of the the mental burden of trying to keep track of everything too.

Brandon  1:01:55

Yeah, I can see that. Right. I can see how that could be beneficial for some people, right. I think I don't have that problem, because I don't

Collin  1:02:08

do that. And I avoid all phone calls like the plague. But

Brandon  1:02:12

it's definitely like this, like fantasy appeal. I'm like, Ah, no expectation of people calling me or no expectation of me reaching out and having to do things for them. Right? Really, it appeals to the skylight. We were talking about the other day of like the bat like that last time, like the early 90s. Right? If like, there's no expectations of being connected to anything ever, right? Sort of like calling back to that time. Yeah, just a way. And it's fine. It's normal, right? But we've normalized like, being able to, like, talk to or reach out to or communicate in some way to anybody, at any time. So that's, you know, that's definitely overwhelming, right? That is a lot of pressure and burden, right? Because like, I guess I sometimes I just don't want to know, or, like, you have this pressure of like, you're sitting there and like, you know, you're in some one mental space. And then somebody will text you something. And you're like, oh, no, I have to respond, but you're like, not in the mental space that's necessary to respond. So there's this, like, kind of edginess kind of takes over because you like, what you have to drop whatever you're doing and sort of like switch gears and think about that and like, takes you out of whatever you're doing. Right. Which is super annoying. So you know, in that respect, hopping a train sounds great. In actuality, a little less great, but

Collin  1:03:47

Well, yeah, they the that task switching is really is really difficult to really drain

Brandon  1:03:53

on you. Just Holly, it's, I can't ask, it's difficult for me, like that's hard for me to do. Like, it's really tough. I don't like

Collin  1:04:05

to just be like, I need to sit down and it's happened. It does going I need to sit and focus and do some deep work or deep thinking or processing and you get in the flow. You get in a flow and then who knows what can see not just barging in a door. It's some ringing the ping of the email, and it disrupts that and it can be really frustrating.

Brandon  1:04:28

Yeah, that's that gets me a lot. I like that. Right. That happened to me on Monday. was terrible. All right. Everything's fine. Sir, it's uh, yeah.

Collin  1:04:48

I don't think I'm going to ditch the smartphone yet.

Brandon  1:04:54

But yeah, how are you going to take pictures of your train happy experience and you get well,

Collin  1:04:58

so that's what's that That's where this class where this really falls through. Because you there is this other concept of like of unit taskers of buying the best thing to do one thing, which is completely antithetical to

Brandon  1:05:17

the having less things.

Collin  1:05:20

Right? Yes, like, oh, I need to disconnect. So what? Yeah, what happens is and there was a, another blogger that I read a lot of was ditched the smartphone, and he bought, like, the best non smartphone. And he did. And then he got like, a really great camera. And then he had a music player and he had a GPS device, he had all these down like, now you have you have no room in your backpack to carry.

Brandon  1:05:50

Because now, now what you did on accident was take your one thing and turn it into five. So that's, you've done the opposite of what you're telling you to do, buddy. What do you do? Exactly.

Collin  1:06:07

So it just kind of it's like, well, that kind of, you know, falls through the cracks there. I guess we'll just you know, not,

Brandon  1:06:16

I'll do that. I know

Collin  1:06:21

what to do. What to do?

Brandon  1:06:23

Indeed. Who knows? We don't definitely not me, I have no idea.

Collin  1:06:35

And on that bombshell by

Brandon  1:06:43


Collin  1:06:45

before we do go, I was instructed to tell a story on the podcast, quite emphatically. So I will tell story on the fly. Okay,

Brandon  1:06:55

here we go Storytime with Colin

Collin  1:06:59

driving, to driving in the new car and GX in or driving. And this. First off, it's one of those things of where you go. Genuinely genuine in the past four years, I had seen discarded nowhere in our town, nowhere in our town. And now it's like, I have seen more of these almost in where we live then down in Springfield. Like it's saw

Brandon  1:07:28

what a trendsetter. You are.

Collin  1:07:29

I know, I know. So anyway, we're driving. And I know that's a phenomenon of like, Oh, I got a green card and other green cards I wear it well, because your brain now is like is that my pattern matching is really strong. And it's my children are already starting to catch on to this. Because the we're driving in Lilian says, is that our car? I look up ahead. And I'm like, Oh, that's funny. That is stellar cards in front of us that that's a white one. Ours is black. Because that, Ah, man, we see these all over the time. And then like, we're driving out to her school, and which is out of the city a little bit. And I'm like, Yeah, still in front of us. And it's crazy. And then it starts turning. And I'm like, all that's wild. It's turning there too. It's going this way. And then the driver of this vehicle, like really slams on it and they start going really fast. So obviously I'm like, where are they going? And so I've stuck my

Brandon  1:08:32

oh my gosh, they're freaking out that you're chasing them. That's what they're doing. Getting a watch Jason for last night and I'm like,

Collin  1:08:39

Oh my gosh, this other cars following maneuvers. And what makes great is that this is the perfect vehicle to do evasive maneuvers and because you've done the rocket track, and you go through the marsh, and you could be oh yeah, pull off to this. Perfect, perfect for that. Anyway. We're driving and I mean, like I work going I'm like, This is crazy. Who's where's this? Why is this person coming out here and we're following them. We have two in a row isn't they? It's the same model and whatever. And then they turn into their school and I was like, Oh my gosh,

Brandon  1:09:10

he's at her school now. Let's go gonna tell that story on the podcast Thank you really appreciate it

Collin  1:09:38

and then we had to go and figure out who was driving and say hi. And anyway, that's the

Brandon  1:09:42

man how awkward was that? I bet you totally did it make that awkward at all. Never do that. Ever.

Collin  1:09:50

Smooth it over smooth over Did you smooth it over? Just was like Hey, cool. Like what? Like, how you like How'd you like it?

Brandon  1:10:00

I like to imagine you're like standing next to your car and you like slap the hood like so. See, like, do like awkwardly staring at you like

Collin  1:10:14

you'd like to ride me to call Please get inside there was I call it making friend. Oh do you

Brandon  1:10:32

call him talking but that's okay.

Collin  1:10:35

Okay, it's fine.

Brandon  1:10:37

Fine That's hilarious. I like it.

Collin  1:10:45

Do my best and be nice to people that bombshell we go. Yeah, well, we'll leave it there anyway. Love you. Love you. Bye