Six-Gun Showdown

Collin drops a surprise text adventure on them. Howdy partner!

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blackjack, snake, exits, boots, hand, north, bottle, drink, west, cave, examine, aaron, pistol, desert, supplies, game, badge, charisma, map, head


Collin, Aaron, Brandon

Collin  00:05

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast with three brothers trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Collin and Aaron. On this week's show, six gun


show down.


Brother, are you doing pretty good? Good. I think no one told me different today so well,


Joke's on them. Did they


know do they know?


Well, cool. That's it. Everybody's week after Good one. I mean, yeah, I didn't work yesterday. So Well, that was equally enjoyable. I had yesterday off. Wow. That's really nice.

Brandon  00:56

Today. Today is weird because we are doing like


project stuff. So we're like Alright, we're just gonna


you're working right go. Stand here, stand here till someone needs me


to do.


That's good. Yeah.


I was we were supposed to technically be off yesterday but we had a no no heart disease. We had a we had a site visit that between six people's schedules only lined up for yesterday. So we all but that's fine because typically I'm I'm exempt I'm I'm exempt or non exempt something to wear that whenever I do overtime it's only half time so I get paid less whenever I

Collin  01:47

work more.


But when I do when I do that on holidays, I get straight time so I get normal hours count. So


instead of a half like normal people, well yeah, you just get normal well Better than nothing? Yes. Yeah. This is why why I said yes to that. Well, yeah,


that's a good

Brandon  02:14

that's the bad part about being a state employee. They're like, over time doesn't exist. Stop. Over time. What is over time? That deploy that Jedi mind trick mountains on you, like, you don't get over time. Like, I don't get overtime. I don't know. I just found out that like, two weeks ago, you have to document your overtime differently in in for our state, that there is a particular way that you have to document it. And I was like, other than they're not. They did not send the thing out says this. They're like, Oh, no, you're just supposed to know it. I was like, excuse me? Because I've been working. You know, they did not cover that in the 87,000


hours of training you took Yeah, apparently not to do that. Over time, the important one, is there also a weeks of training.

Aaron  03:04

They're also very stingy on. So, you know, with things like with travel planes, like, Oh, yeah, I, I have been fighting for my travel claim for what was at like, five or four months ago. And they still haven't approved it because they don't believe that the place that I went, they're like, Oh, no, this they offer this. We don't think they know it. So I've had to submit it four separate times. I'm on the fourth time, you have to have your supervisor go over with you. And he's like, No, you did everything right. And so when I submitted the game, they're like, No, no, no, this wasn't covered. And I'm like, Oh my gosh, but you may go. I have to call people tomorrow. And apparently I have to be nice about it, which my supervisor told directly and I'm like, how Nice He's like, just pretend to like them. Like that's true. Probably go better now you don't like them? Listen, I've been playing some RPGs. And I know I can tell you that. The charisma, dialogue check. Lots of times get you better than the intimidate dialogue check. So this is, is the life lesson really investing that Christmas dad, ladies and gentlemen. And that's where I think I think I learned that from Fallout New Vegas where my character was just like some dumb brute. And then like people like oh no, you can max out your, you know, charisma in your dialogue tree and I'm like, What, really? And like, everything got so much easier. I'm like, well, it's fun. It's a fun one. I didn't know that though. And so yeah, it makes my life a lot easier. And so that's I've just Guess that's my path or my you know, when people tell me that or asked me to speak at conventions, or high school students that's what I say. It's like just your max out your charisma. max out your charisma and reach for the stars. Yes, you

Brandon  05:25

have been playing outer world it's it's obsidian. It's the same people that made that


so they know Oh, good. Okay.


That charisma. Well speaking of charisma,


you're fresh out of the dunk dunk tank down to a pair of warm leather boots in your pockets. Oh, no. A little hair of the dog that bit you is required. Fortunately, you still have that bottle back home to the west Main Street.

Brandon  05:51

I don't have a piece of paper. Right now. Is that what's happening? Emergency Aaron fine pencil go I don't have the brainpower for this today. It's okay. We'll just die. It's fine.


Hold on.


Where's my backpack?


Give me another Dora the Explorer backpack. When I just say paper, you bring paper to me. Like,


you know somebody the other

Brandon  06:33

day was like a pop tart my locker. It's my been in there for months and one of the other kids naturally was like, yo, can I have that? Yeah, of course. And contrary to stereotyping beliefs, it was totally a girl and she was like no meeting this guy right now.


Well, so looking at the contents of my backpack, I have my my notebook that I use investigations. I got my headphones because I can't stand people in the office. I have Pistol Pete breakevens autobiography. I didn't have a giant bag of cough drops, I have a Fidget Cube. I then I then have the Oklahoma wildlife pocket or folding Pocket Guide to familiar animals. And then have another notebook rattlesnakes and I have only renditions of the Osage stories collected and translated by Francis laughs leash. And then I just have copious amounts of pencils. So that's good news. Old pencil paper pencil paper acquired. I

Brandon  07:37

mean you to find somebody to bring it back because I was not


prepared right now. Okay.


You're fresh out of the drunk tank, down to a pair of worn leather boots and whatever's left in your pockets. A little hair of the dog that bit you is required. Fortunately, you still have that bottle back home West


Okay, so inventory check boots got it could sell those for gold later. Yes. What else we got? We don't know that's it. Who's going first Aaron you me? So okay so we're in a drunk tank yeah examine drunk tank oh there we go


there was a lot more water in there until you got out


wait what you got water all over whenever you need you got out of the drunk tank it's all on the floor now. dunk tank or a drunk tank drunk tank where they


put you in there and wake you up


kind of jumping if you


don't think I'm confused investigate pockets. You find paws old silver shares badge and a copper scent.


Oh yeah. One copper


copper sent like Sent CMT got a penny and a silver share Hello chopper we having a heart attack with


a examine badge, your paws badge. He was a good man who kept the peace in this town until a cattle rustler shot him in the back and took his life


to another story franciene tell me your Lord




all that for all right.


Okay. All right. So we're in the room. Your own lane Street. Oh, they just threw me outside. Yes. Okay. They just threw me out. A exits are north, south, east,


west. Your home is to the west.


Lordy Oh, So let me put here here's a homes west around with some bars. Here's me looking with a question Mike over my head.


Holly West, I suppose


you stagger back to your shack Home sweet home. Pause pistol and holster are here hanging on a hook. There's a broken whiskey bottle on the floor.


Examine pistol.


The firearm is this five piece of steel is there ever was you check the cylinder. It's still loaded for old times sake.




up a pistol. You sling the pistol onto your hip. The belt buckle is tricky. What with your twisted hand shaking so much from your ailment?


Oh, okay.






Yep, that might plane last night sleeping arrangements.


So empty jug on the floor. Okay.


What else was in the room? pistol and holster


on a hook and broken whiskey bottle you picked up you have the toaster hustle and those exits are


East Okay


Okay, so have Gun Will Travel


East you're on Main Street exits are north south east west all right north south more east if we go back we hit home yeah I'm lips that's on a scale that I'm


so I'm on Main Street


that I asked examine Main Street like what all like what shops and things around you see the saloon to your North journal store to your East outskirts of town or further south in your home's back West.


Store outskirts




it's not okay.


Or welcome. For completionists sake I suppose




drinking in public never was versatile but desperate times call for desperate measures so you belly up to the bar. The bartender gives you a polite nod and continues to polish shot glass. One Libby


loon so


be Can I question the barkeep on events of last night. Dialogue open dialogue with silly he wasn't around for that he's getting kind of busy, wants to know what your order is? Well as I have a copper and some boots


exit South


You're on Main Street.


Or north south east, west. Uh, let's head east on general store. muraya Cooper, the proprietor of this establishment takes one look at you and frowns, the usual bottle of whiskey and a can of beans. There are various supplies and sundries here. Not Mariah Carey, whatever. Hey.


Do I have a tab at this store?


Yes. Oh, oh. Oh, there we go. Perfect line of credit. Here we go.




take a look at her. Where's everything you need for traveling through the Badlands. Even spy the old white Stetson. You sold for a bottle of something


Oh, oh no. Oh,


dear. Um,


let's see.


Should we?


I don't know. If I say purchase supplies, put it on my tab. What do I get that? Do I have to be specific? I know. Adventure supply kit. Yes. Yes, I want that. Tab me out. No, no, I want to pay you. She looks at you across the bar and says about that tab, wind up, wind it up and we'll talk.


Yes. Is it a penny by any chance


it's more than you have.


exits are West. We can't rob her Can we?


Probably probably not advisable.


So it's my turn. Yeah. We won't ask if if there's any favors we can do. Is there any work in town? Oh, oh, good. Luck tree.


She's really only concerned about you paying up your tab. Yeah, I


think it's that kind of like is that kind of game. Your things to worry about out here in the West? Find out right.


West, you're on Main Street, right. exits are north south, east west. No money for booze no money for supplies. We have we have a loaded pistol.


There we go. For the land.


you head out on foot with the sun beating down on your Head wishing that you never trade your hat for bottle hooch dang it gonna venture out into the Badlands without food water or fire. Where'd you grow up? New York City? It's our North




looks like back north to me. You're on Main Street


why using my easy my expert


production? I believe we should head north.

Brandon  16:26

Yeah. Errol in that 20 I go there we go.


It never was your style but desperate times call for desperate measures as you build up to the bar. The bartender gives you a polite nod and continues to polish a sock last. What would it be?


Three drink a drink.


Sir sastra real is one cent friend. Oh, you won't get anything more for likes you. Oh, I just so happens that I have in my pocket. one cent. You're right there is a pistol


Move this Sam. There we go. Okay since gone Ah, you pay the man and he slides a bottle of sass


perilla down to


perilla. I'm gonna spell it root beer. That's drink says barillo you now have an empty bottle. The bartender leaned forward and whispers you best Be careful blackjack is still try it mighty sore from when you're Paul brought the law down on him and his gang follow his gaze over to table toward the back of the saloon but


blackjacks mad at us from Paul


no store empty bottle.


You have an empty bottle. So got empty bottle. Okay, there's a man that doesn't like us at the back table. I don't think the store lady will probably trade an empty bottle. She's probably not into recycling. So my turn.


No, it's mine.


approach. nefarious man at the table in the back.


blackjack is idly carving his initials into the tabletop with his trusty bowie knife. As his eyes meet yours, he stands up. Well, well, he says, how the mighty have fallen. Why don't you sit yourself down and play a hand with me and the boys for old times sake. It doesn't look like he's asked. Black but Gee, I wonder what game blackjack is going to be playing? Uno. Uno serious Mr. Uno? Yes.


Kill him with kindness. Sure.


You sit down his blackjack shuffles are rugged a ragged deck of cards. Time to ante up


One bottle


it's gonna have to be more than that.


Dang okay


that's probably gonna have to be the battery now.


By wants that for PC spiteful


author of the badge


blackjack nods as you sit down pause badge, blackjack deals the cards and sets the stakes. If you win, we let you walk away. You now have a hand of cards. Lord, look at


a pair of deuces and a pair of fours.


Oh, turns out black tech is playing poker. Now


again, or the world's worst blackjack. Can I go?


Oh, no, I got it. Right.


I don't know how to Poker two pairs pretty good


let let the


dealer What is it like I don't know what the progress game what the house choice A it's draw there's been so the rules of this game before


I mean might as well


go for it draw


this you discard one card you discard a card and draw another three giving you a full house I just stares at you along while and then grins para ladies he says and shows you two queens. When you reveal your cards he flies into a rage and draws his knife you dirty snake in the grass. chiseling cheap


now now now. Now.


Pull save game


You have to save slots. Holy crap holy to Oh no. Okay, save game. Save arena. Is it still my turn? Yeah, yeah. Oh that doesn't count that counts as an action. No, it's fine


so blackjack mad which I get a knife pulled on us


luckily we have pull gun boots okay


what are you telling me to do?


Andrew down and no pistol you fumble for your pistol to slow flat faster and the draw and hurls his knife into your chest Game Over Good thing we say. Would you like to get a reload, reload blackjack stairs that you would a good long while and grins pair ladies he says and shows you two queens. When you reveal your cards he flies into a rage and draws the knife. You Dirty snake of interest jesslyn




This time, we'll try that charisma dialogue and see if I talked to him and say you're the one deal in the cards. How am I cheating? Not interested in talking blackjack, hurls his knife into your chest and you die game over. Load save


you dirty, stinking cheat.




Throw the bottle Adam.


Yeah, there you go. You smashed the bottle over his cranium. Cold the bowie knife clatters onto the table next to the pot poster. Your shotgun blast from the bar as the bartender attempts to restore Dec decorum. blackjacks Minh scanner one pausing too strong in arm his boss up on the table and carry him outside. Oh, Aaron win. All right. Good job. Good thinking with the bottle Reno One bottle


that's true bottle gone

Brandon  23:07

well, since we won, I'm going to take the contents of the table.


You have a bowie knife and the poster oh and a knife. Yay. Okay, so can I examine poster? blackjack Baker's face scales at you from the front but turning it over reveals a crude map of the desert leading to a cave exits are South poster slash map a Reno okay let's let's stop Hey quick All right. Could we go back to the general store lady? Yes be like hey can we get supplies will pay you back look we got a map. Yes, I think that's what we do. I think we do we go like prospectors style promissory note. We're ready. I owe you. I will pay you back.


Whatever. U IO u


plus my outstanding tab. If you front me supplies for the promise of what I can find at the end of this thing plus giving my hat back. I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today. Exactly. That's what we're doing. Digital store


the proprietors of this establishment takes one look at you and found the usual bottle of whiskey and a can of beans. There are various supplies and sundries here.


No ma'am. I seek adventuring supplies.


Why didn't your tab and we'll talk about those about that tab.


Show. Should we show her the map


to show that we have proof? Yes. Go


when you get to know what you're doing.




Parson claimed they say it's long since straight up If you're foolish enough to walk 10 miles through the desert, I'll give you some supplies in return. I get to share whatever you find. How big of a share? You think it's a pretty good deal. Okay. Dale diorite shakes your hand and gives you a rucksack. Okay. And Pat and hat. hat. We're just wearing boots, a sheriff's badge and a hat. Yes, only.


No, no, no, no.

Brandon  25:33

I know how old Westerners dress. I watched Back to the Future three and I watched him Marty dressed like Clint Eastwood. I know where the air and we're wearing red pants with him to fringy here


fringy shirt and tennis shoes.


All right. I know we have to go west first. You're in. You're on Main Street right first before before we go anywhere. I need to know what is it This rucksack


it contains much needed supplies. Clinton steel,


bed roll, a tin of beans and a full canteen


in a


sleeping bag don't you said that role?


bed roll. What else? Flint steel beans, canteen. Yes. Okay full canteen, canteen full water canteen


the wild animal


alright so examine the we had right south south the game. Hey you head out on town on foot with the sun beating down on your head. This time of day all the critters are sleeping underground. Keep out of the sun and here you are wandering around the desert like darn fool exits are north or west. But I have a hat though. So it's fine, huh? All right, I'm desert. I can go Yeah, West. Sounds like I mean, does the map say I should go? Yeah, exit or north or West? West it is miles out into the desert your heart and soul to see a cluster of creosote bushes as depicted on the map. You sure could use a drink right now?


Oh, yeah. I'm yeah.


I'm examine Bush's. I don't understand. Your exits are south or Bush's Carlin. They're a cluster of creosote bushes. exits are south and I don't know. I means that you were looking around to see if there's anything in The bushes. Oh, no, there's nothing. Okay. Easter itself. Yeah south and east because we just came from the east so we dropped bush


bush it's very it's a sticky bush.


Dick to deserty bush. It's more stick than bush actually. Um, let's see we've been going a very long time if you could recall and it made it a point to say you are thirsty. So one drink from canteen please.


You drink sparingly from the canteen trying to save some for later.


So we have we have jumped in. Now, where do we go. Another couple of hours of walking you arrive at a lonely cactus with two arms jutting from its sides. acti


exits are north or east.


East meander down the length of bone dry arrow, a rainbow a rainbow alert for signs of flax oil array oh yeah royal royal Thank you can do this thing. Royal alert for signs of flash floods. Speaking of which, you sure could use a drink right about now exits are south or west the subtle hints by the attract branded don't think they're probably attract we're gonna we're gonna die in the desert you drink sparingly from the canteen trying to save some later. So I think what's going to happen is is that we're going to run out of water and we're going to be


approached with some sort of,


you know, dilemma. Probably we is something like we have to take a drink of water but fight something at the same time. Bring me south, right you say south and west. Yeah, you see an old pine tree at the head. This might be a good place to make camp. The sun's going down and it gets mighty cold out here in the desert. Ooh, okay, so I'm tree tree. I'm Examine pine tree it's normal pine tree looks like a good place to camp. He hasn't played these games and he doesn't know that you have to look around every corner for like items and boxes and


I well I thought I'm just kidding.


Again in outer worlds you got to find those boxes to get the lock picks and stuff and that's what you need anyway. Okay, so gather firewood


nothing I can do


to build fire you. You have you have wood. Okay, so and I got some firewood and flint and steel. Wood use flint and steel on to make fire. Your hands shake so much that it takes several attempts but you managed to get a fire started after while you no longer feel cold.


So did we lose the Flint steel A one time use thing or half


once in steel.


Okay, but the wood is toast. All right. I guess it's time to cook beans.


You no longer feel hungry. Maybe it's time to get some shut it


means do I keep the can or no? No baby girl says we have to keep me resourcing no right


not sleeping bag


you your feet hurt from walking all day and you just can't get settled.


Oh take off boots. Ah that's much


better. Your feet no longer hurt


stretch out onto your bed roll and fall into an uneasy sleep


move goods your


your eyes are open to the side of the sun rising in the distance looks like you can get a head start of the day and beat the heat.


Um Oh. Oh, yeah, boots.


Yes, do that boots. Check boots out. You care. rattlesnake coiled up asleep inside up


there's a snake in my boot


actually done so


it's a snake there's a snake in my boot literally


how do we get it out


without making a killing? Yeah I don't think I want to know their whole I boots already. My thing could be Fred the snake Brandon


What are your Druid? Speak to animals


we have watcher to get it doesn't want water.


Okay, let's see. He wants to


shake the boot out just knock out the boot.


Yeah but like attack that's how this game work right you like dump it on the ground you like probably like you drop the snake bite onto your foot. It bites you you die like crap. So go ahead and save it just in case or can we go for it? Why not but it's your turn you have you have two remainings you have one remaining saved all right well let's see if this was all for not a night knock the boot over like a mean looking snake falls out and you drop your boot in surprise it close up kisses and rattles its tail.


Oh, he's friendly. Love


don't say shoot the snake. Yeah, we might need to


we could eat it.


How are we going to kill it? We got a we got a buoy knife. What else we got a gun or we could just back away slowly. Let's kind of crawl back in the boot. Now if you grab the boot and back away slowly grab boots back away slowly. It's too close to the snake to get a good


get close enough. Dang it. I'm


I guess we could shoot at the snake to like frightened it


probably can't pick up a rock Can I


pick up What about what about all right are we close to the fire? Can we grab one of the


logs and No.


Dad come get the state. Yes. Do you have a putter and a four iron ore? I think I have. This is probably gonna be like the hardest part of the game. Oh, can I throw the sheriff badge at it?


Oh wait what about the knife throw the knife or the knife.


You hack at the snake and managed to closely separate its head from its body just safe. you bury the head in the ground like a good cowboy. There's a dead rattlesnake here. I guess we can take the snake you in the red rattler To go right and pack up the Rex pack up the rucksack let's go gather Don't forget the bedroll and the and the boots okay put on boot okay he's time to get it moves. exits are leave camp but


leave camp


you consult the map using the Bristlecone shadow like a compass needle exits are north or east


didn't we? We came from the north


yeah cuz Oh because when South East there's a cow skull half buried in the ground and your footprints leading back to the west. Your mouth is awfully dry. Maybe it's time for another drink.


It's our north or west.


Oh, wait North


Whose turn is it? Mine


first of all drink


How do I died


You drink sparingly from canteen just as the last drops hit your tongue. Bear Grylls pee the snake in the hydrate himself.

Brandon  36:11

not talk about that


that was so bad I don't know like




Also crawled inside the cold inside the camel.


like a like a



Brandon  36:28

style. Yeah. Campbell to protect itself. Yeah, they're protected from a dust storm and this hair does genuinely awful Oh what are we doing? What are we at? We have no more water. That's your turn. Oh wait we have no more water Really? I just I took the last drink content is empty.


Empty. Yeah. So it's our directions or north or west. Yeah, if we had West will pretty much Head back. So we need to head north Yeah, yeah. You walk until you reach what looks like to be the rocky bluff to picked it on the map. This must be Parsons clay cave Parsons claim there's a small cave entrance here




it's too risky Tata What do you think?


We came all this way


might as well head inside the cave


the crevasse is small and low to the ground. It'll be a tight squeeze but you can get inside if you crawl on your hands and knees. exits are north south


cave, I can


keep going north.


And why would we do? Well there might be


another Let's go. Let's go north real quick just to North Slope it


out. You climb up on top of the bluff and see the desert stretch on into the distance


was a dead end. It's South okay.


Things are south. Yeah, because that's where the K was. Yeah, so that's just a dead end is just desert up there. And look around you look around. There's something there. There's like any writing dust case room is open for water source for spring but you know, you see what may be a trail but it's too risky to go on right now. Alright, put a question mark there right now. Alright, so you stand at Parsons claim there's a small cave entrance here.


Indoor cave.


Sunlight from outside doesn't do much to illuminate the cramped cave you might see more than a few feet and you can't see more than a few feet in front of you


can light a fire with my friends do


light fire. Doesn't seem to be anything inside the cave to burn partner


probably should have grabbed the wood. Look at


the map and where the map I'm already here


you spark steel and set the map ablaze turning it into a makeshift torch. Yeah, for sure Rio casts just enough light to see the back of the cave or


examine cave.


For here is mostly sand blown in from the desert, you belly crawl toward the back and spy a mound of sand near the far wall.


Let's dig into the mound. You drop the bounce, you drop the burning map to burrow into the sand like a prairie dog and dig up a small patch. Then your fire dies leaving you in the darkness. exits are out. Out. Oh wait.


out. You emerge from the cave blinking in the morning sun. When your vision clears. You can just barely make out a cloud of dust to the north.


Oh, examine patch.


It contains a small fortune in gold nuggets. You're rich


I'm also for almost dead. Because I have people coming at me. I'm holding gold in the middle of a desert.


The dust cloud is approaching from the north. Wait, can we climb back? up the mountain or the bluff? That's where they're coming from. Do you want a trend to examine the dust cloud? Yes. Okay. A buckboard wagon rolls across the desert to the north. So


with a lone driver, lawn driver Oh.


So, so Aaron, here's here's what here's what's up. I got either this is either blackjack coming for vengeance, or store lady coming for her payment, because she really wants to us to pay for those beans. Well, what can we learn? Hide the treasure. like can we hide ourselves? There's not much to hide around in here. I mean, cave kept cave.


Whoo I don't know


doing you go go back in the cave and wait for him to come by then this sounds like it's almost over. I think it's time for final save mode

Brandon  41:23

it'll save you. Yeah. Okay, I'm a little scared


yeah it's a value. All right


so the


bless you thank you


What are you thinking? Oh no


I don't want to just stand there. Can we just go back and hide in the entrance of the cave? Yeah Can we go? Yeah go into the cave in going getting okay


it's too dark to see anything in here you're in a cave


they can't see us anyway Exactly. Stay and continue to hide. You sure could use a drink of water right now. poop on a stick? What if we poop on a stick?

Brandon  42:16

I guess it's time to face our death out.


You look to the north and see a cloud of dust growing larger comes towards you


still get


can we wait for them to get can we wait? I guess


I would have thought with all that they would have been towed by now.


I don't understand. Wait.

Brandon  42:37

We gotta go north. Don't we walk north.


You walk north and hail the driver. He pulls up the reins and holds his wagon. He said he looks down and tips his hat. Top of the mornin to ya he says from the driver's seat. You're a bit far from home. Yeah. Yeah, can I get ride back to town? fancy that never recognized meet another soul in this in hospital. wilderness The name is doc Hensley good sir in the healing arts or my stock and trade you look like you could use my assistance in matters both medicinal and transformative. I'm aboard Wait, wait hold on hold on. Is he gonna charge us or is he gonna be nice to find out? He seems very bored yeah don't travel for a few hours making small talk with the doctor and we agreed to take you back to town seems is not too far out of his way. He's playing open credit here amongst other supplies.


I'm question about




can just say you can always just people to say can I keep emigrate because look, look at it. cloth wrapped dividers separate the crate eight compartments, he told me a small glass vial.


Well, he's holding night he's carrying nitrogen.




he pulled the vial from the crate and shows it to you my fabulous elixir is a remedy for all manner of ailments. Galton tuberculosis to snakebite arthritis and only 10 cents a bottle. Well


we have a small fortune that's true we could just buy the crate


feeling we're probably like someone's gonna get bitten at some point. I mean


it's been snake bitten


you want to just buy one but then then he might see what we have. I know you


might know if we show you might be a good time to check your inventory to see what you have. So my inventory reads as follows

Brandon  44:41

Aaron makes to see if yours matches mine. I have boots


Sheriff badge,


pistol, knife, hat


and then I have rucksack with federal Steel


empty canteen and pouch of gold


we saw the snake thing though. Oh and the snake


maybe he want I forgot to write down snake dead Snake Snake offer to trade him


yes component for this healing concoction Yo Gotti and job Aaron talk Kinsley hands you a vial for you friend


add vile one mystery


no more snakes you just have you have your vile okay yeah


doc drops you off at the outskirts of town and you walk back alone. You're on Main Street we gotta go to store that's when when you reach the center of town you find blackjack Baker and his gang waiting for you under the old Clock Tower scattered guns and rifles are poorly concealed and driven long coats. Well howdy partner says blackjack scenes you got the drop on me there ain't going to happen again.


How many saves we have left? None.


More. No, I saved when I thought I thought the band of dust coming from the north was fart. There was only that far away. Okay, I'm Mainstreet everyone's there. Can we run in? Hi, I don't think so. I think

Brandon  46:39

has you on all sides with guns? Totally. I mean, they totally don't have guns. That's what they're saying. Right? Hey, no guns here. All the guns.




We can't give him the fortune. No, because we have to give store lady the fortunate.

Brandon  46:58

Yeah, more afraid of If we don't if we took more stuff from her without paying, she'll shoot us,


so that's not good. That's true. I'm


like, why is he mad at us again? I know but i think he wants a mystery viral. Oh, offer him offer him a Oh, no way of peace. How about this mystery vial? Because Yeah, we could we could say that this was the treasure we found. Yeah, it was on this miracle cure. Yes Tell him offer vile ain't no good for me I want your blood fight me or all chief now. Nice crowd gathers Mariah watches from her shop window. The clocks hands slowly creep toward noon, as the sun rises over the steeple behind you


thought he might want the viral viral to what do we get? So yeah, I hope and we have to drink it. Bring What? The vile. Why? Because we live in every week because we have a mystery ailment. Right? Every time we've tried to shoot him so far, our hand has been too shaky.


We couldn't barely buckle our belt buckle


whatever hand was shaking so much water for shooting with the wrong hand. That could be it we could be Gene Wilder, but I don't think that's probably it. I think I think that maybe we need to drink the vial to be cured. so that we may go for it.


All right drink file.


You put it to your lips and pause remembering doc chuckling and laughing about how everyone thinks you drink it and that it's actually topical use let On daggit you rub it on your hand you rub the snake oil feeling better about remembering that piece of dialogue earlier and you're shaking hands. It smells foul and your hands tingle with warm your fingers and stiffen your pains quickly dissipate. Oh, snap the clock and slowly creep toward noon the sun rises over the people directly behind you which on the Sunday right above us if it's




wait till new get have hand ready to shoot. The clock begins to strike noon


and you draw


with lightning speed you draw steel or fire before blackjack can even react grunts in surprise and Neil's over dead as a doornail his gang makes himself scarce, making the scene pronto with the crowd erupts and cheers, wherever runs out of her shop to congratulate you on your victory.


There we go. Oh


nice job on the waiting area


I like it I


guess I gotta pay her now. She nods and pockets the handful of golden nuggets You're the man of your word after all teams that had you all wrong Sheriff




she pins the badge on your chest laws back in town your new man hollaby proud the end


this has been six gun showdown I parsley adventure from memento mori


Jeff guys

Brandon  50:44

I was way more stressful than the castle when Yeah.


I just want to say that that wasn't was like much harder.

Brandon  50:56

Not like in a, but it was like a lot more difficult to think about What on earth I'm supposed to do next with this stuff?


I like to die. We didn't die.

Brandon  51:10

You must die admit it, but we did that once. We did close if you


died one time. Yeah. Well, yeah,


no, we died way last time. Oh yeah, yeah, we died once in the saloon


but right after the same so good save there too.


Yeah so you guys weigh less? Yeah you guys did you did everything except that you did die but that was good I


can eat well stressful


no I like that one


pic I thinks


I kind of had it pulled up to the side and I was like I don't know I may we may try and do this then you guys were talking about charisma and stuff and I was like it's a sign that might as well. Yeah. Well.


good segue. Nice, geared me. Oh no.


I'm stuck


Yeah, it was a lot less obvious to like think about what you had to do

Brandon  52:08

tonight Okay, what


it was that one has a lot of vague a lot of little pieces that you have to put get right in order in order to get the whole ball moving.


I like it.


Plus you have check for your snake in your boots. I was really I was really nervous. You guys were gonna do that but i Good job.


It said, you know, he has to take boot off and I was like, Wait a second.

Brandon  52:36

Yeah, the second you made a mistake. I boots. I was like, Oh, no. I didn't really know how to get rid of the snake. But I knew it was gonna be there.


Yeah. We threw a knife at it anyway. Yeah, that was it. Yeah. If you tried to get if you would have tried to shoot it, you would have said like


you're shaky shaky. Yeah,


yeah. I think Here we have the disease and this Yeah, I think perfect. Yeah, so you guys you guys did not die of dehydration which is the other way to die and if you would not have put the vial on


you would have you would have died there because


yeah and if you would not have waited


you would have the sunlight blinds blackjack effectively squint de area and yeah I like it was good pick up on that content yeah I would say I was clever but I was like

Brandon  53:45

to wait for this because I was afraid if we're gonna shoot him and then the people like you shot early. Yeah, well no, I realized that whenever you're like wait from the south and I was like oh cuz I thought it was just waiting. I thought you had to Waiting for the bell to because that's like dramatic Western II. Yeah, you are like why would this Sunday in the south and I was like


I was like wait, shouldn't it be like right above us? I was like yeah


maybe it's winter in the


sun's a little further south so yeah, go beats all right. Yeah, that's good. Yep. And you guys did you guys got everything so




yeah well I won't I won't spring The next one on you don't worry


that means he's gonna do it at some point we're gonna work we'll work up to that we'll we'll talk about


the next one is that one's gonna be like way harder. That one said the know that


the next one


is jungle the jungle one. Yeah, the jungle the jungle one is like insane and I have to do some prep time for that because that one is not I need to get I need to get better at I'm categorizing my the story elements because I was literally just writing like a list of things and with poorly drawn arrows. I was like, Yeah, because I you said burn the map and it's like, Wait, do we have to find a way back now? I was just waiting for us to kind of, um, I figured we got there.


Yeah, we could get back


water because the auroria was dry. Yeah. Yeah, no, the jungle adventure one is hard. And then there's another one called danger town beat down. And it's it's hard just because the world is a lot bigger, bigger. Yeah. That sounds scary. Oh, yeah. No, we'll work on that one. Yeah, that's a little scary. I'm scared now. Anyway, right. Good job, guys. Yeah, in the West, you bet. Red Dead Redemption paid off. Aaron.


Training years of training.

Brandon  56:02

That's what I never know. That's the only problem about the technology I'd never like my instinct is always to like, look everywhere like what what can I gather? I am missing something. Yeah, I


know that's hard because when in the in the massive detailed worlds you guys play, like that's what you can do. Everything has a potentially component to it. And these are then so much more.

Brandon  56:27

Action castle like the first time we went to the tree, we missed the branch. Oh, yeah. Because we weren't thinking like I was thinking like, Oh, well, we got the check and all this stuff. But then I was like, wait, we can take the branch. So now I'm like,


what else is here? What can I take with me but we need

Brandon  56:44

Yeah, in other games, it's like, oh, I there's some random equipment here some ammo or something.


Like here. I'm just like, it's kind of like, Can I use this bush somehow, right? Like what's the mystery here that I have to solve of using this bush to attack a bandit, a black guy named blackjack. He plays poker. It's confusing.


He's confused.


So, yeah. Good. Yeah.


Yeah. So all I'll keep editing stuff and getting it put in the Google Drive. I dropped one in last night.


Yes. But

Brandon  57:32

that would be that long. So


I do. Sometimes I look at these files and I'm like,


we talked for a while. Oh, no. Yeah.

Brandon  57:42

Well, normally it's like, Okay, I see that but that one I was like, What?


I know. That one. That was a long one, but party right there. Yeah, yeah. Well, no, I don't know when we start having to do to partners through

Brandon  57:55

it raining in.


I'll just have a heart out. I'm just I'll just hit in the car.


Mid sentence.


Tune in next week, right?


Yeah, the rest of this


week guys, enjoy the rest of your evening and we'll do this again soon.


All right, good.


Good, good job. 66


Love you guys. Love you