Pant Design Aesthetic

After briefly talking about being professionally developed, a big topic this week: Star Wars vs Star Trek. Don’t @ us. Form over function. We then discuss how the life of 6th grader is incredibly hard and reminisce about Harry Potter midnight releases.

  • Brandon is being developed professionally

  • Aaron is tired

  • Missouri does not celebrate Presidents Day

  • Brandon beat the Jedi fallen order

  • Brandon realizes why he likes Star Wars and NOT Star Trek. Don't @ us

    • Ship and droid design

    • Aesthetic of design choices - dirty space! 

  • Where we decide on form and function 

  • Your weather and dead sea scroll update 

  • They got the red tunics right 

  • The life of a 6th grader is hard

  • Harry Potter midnight release




people, day, star wars, talking, star trek, weird, design, aesthetic, big, true, universe, birthday, fine, functional, movies, roman, pretty, pencil, played, wear




I hear you sound very




now just took me forever to load my computer decided to quit halfway through so




and hello

Brandon  00:42

welcome Yeah, remember how this work Sorry about that. Oh good. No worry guys you're sounding awesome. Alright well that's good news so


yeah I I

Brandon  01:01

recorded that


really long interview and I was like sweet closing out and I need download the file.


It was like oh no, no, no,


you don't get that. I was like


No, no,

Brandon  01:15

it was nice there to tell you that after after word yes okay.


There was no like honestly I don't know what I would have done if at 14 they were like peace out JK, you know I don't know like so true. I'm glad they let me finish it but then it was kind of a well that I need to do something about this then. Yeah.


We just use this because this works.



Brandon  01:52

what's going on? Oh, doesn't have a professional development things tomorrow. Tomorrow, so we have a day off tomorrow and Monday, which was not really a day off just another day without children's. So professional development he things really look at the agenda very much yet. I don't really know what's happening. All it said was for the morning was bring pencil. I was like that's pretty vague. I don't really know. I like that particular instruction. Bring pencil.


Yeah, I don't know what. I don't know why.

Brandon  02:39

I don't like that direction. It's a little.


No, no. It's like,


I don't know.


Mechanical wouldn't just bring a pen and just be like, Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't understand.

Brandon  02:53

I will bring a pen because I have. I have all of the above just laying on my desk randomly. Well, yeah, just grab what you can I don't understand that at all at all, but like, again, the only instruction was to bring writing implement. So I'm like, okay, I mean, I'm assuming we're not doing like some sort of weird pencil related activity. I imagine I have to write something to like, do you don't know that? I mean, I don't. But I really want to bring a pencil would pencils and meetings are problematic because down there and you start writing and all the sudden you have adult pencil and you're like, well, crap, crap. I can't write anymore. And then it's whole thing. meetings in the cafeteria. Definitely no business drivers in the cafeteria. So yeah, and probably that's okay. for that. All I know, is, well, mystery morning. And then I supposed to be doing something with my educator growth. furlan. Yay. educator growth for one Educated growth plan? Oh, yeah. Yeah. So that's the fun thing, where I have to do all the weirdness and write things about me, I guess I don't really know. Yeah. have to redo one because it's like, well, if you've had the same one for the last


couple years, you've had to write a new one. Yeah. But I'm still working on that one. So I'm not


done yet.



Brandon  04:36

means I have to redo my whole thing. It's basically the like, what are you going to work on as a teacher? Like, how are you going to improve your stuff? Right, yeah. And so I've been doing mine about implementing and doing the data, student data folders that we have, right, like how to keep on track of those and stuff but Because I moved grades last year. Yeah, I'm really not on top of that anymore. Like I was doing pretty good in fifth grade one and now it's like, oh, you have to start your student data folders all over again. Oh, she's so yeah, we'll see. Maybe I'll ask her. Hey, you know, but quick question. Quick question. I know you said we had to, but like, check


this out. What if

Brandon  05:35

I What if I didn't know what if I did? I'm redoing I had to redo I had to start everything from scratch everything. So like, any progress I had made into my doing that was like the race. So I've been like making them as we go. I was redoing one. today because it was like, I don't like this one. It's weird. I gotta fix it. Right? So it's like, I do this thing where we have the standard that we're working on, you know them, well, not just them, but like, the main few that I pick for that unit. You know, the educational standard that Missouri says this teach that must do that. Yeah. For every unit, I pick a few that are going to be like the main ones that we focus on. We do other ones like randomly there in there, we talk about stuff that, you know, our unit focuses like these three to four big ones. And we do like a data sheet about it. So we break it down into like, when I say we, I we anymore paint. So sorry. Break it down into the mic. We take that thing that the state of Missouri tells you. It's like this big in consequence. comprehensible sentence that doesn't really make sense. I sort of break it down into student friendly language in the form of like I can, blank, right? So that they can see Oh, this is what I'm supposed to be doing. Uh huh. Sort of interpret that. And then they kind of go about a monitor. Oh, yeah, I know, I can't do this, or Oh, yeah, I'm pretty good at that. And they kind of we check every once a while. And we they have to do a little proof thing. And so like that, so that's, I've been working on that. But I had to start all over with nothing. So I'm a little behind on on that


aspect. So is that all? Is that all due tomorrow, or

Brandon  07:51

no, no, no, no, that's just the thing that I'm my educator plane from last year. I was to be working on that. Uh huh, right. Okay. And so like I just kept it I've for this year, I was like guys want to keep doing this because now I have to start over again. So this as we go, I'm like, adding to it, fixing it. Like creating every unit had to create a new one now because from scratch because they don't exist next year I'll just be able to like this one today Ah yeah, but now we're yanking them from nowhere and creating these as we go so and then that's what like when we do like quizzes and stuff, it's over that stuff. Right so it's kind of a two pronged attack. It's like one it kind of helps the kids know what they're doing, kind of understand why we're talking about this stuff. And to it keeps me on track to make sure that all the stuff we're doing is related to this. Yeah. I go off on like a wild tangents and like, Oh, wait, no, stop.


Right, you're sitting here. You're, you're telling them what the expectations are. And then you're tracking the expectation. Yeah. Looking back and seeing if you

Brandon  09:10

met them. Yeah, pretty much. But again, those didn't exist. So, like, I had to make them all. So that's the stressful part. Like oh, yeah, you're gonna make another one.


Yeah, that's I haven't doing


Yeah, I mean, at least you've already done one one, though. So,

Brandon  09:33

yeah, I mean, I have I have all the units that we've done so far, we have I have one for cam so all the big ones. So basically, what I do is I send a big template sheet I just make a copy of that in in a doc and then erase everything and fill it out for the next one, right. Templates the same all the time. But I have to change stuff around. Sure. Sometimes I reuse the same standards because the standards are very vague. Right? for like, especially like the history ones, it's like, oh, talk about contributions ancient societies made. That's kind of it. So it says basically, and so you can just kind of, you can do that one. Like I did that one a couple minutes ago. When we get to Greek stuff, I'm probably gonna bring that one back out. Kind of a deal for them, right? So you can recycle some here and there, you have to change the wording on the statement to make it match the actual unit. Because I can't say that change the wording to like, I tried to make it specific, like, oh, what contributions is the Greeks makes a little editing here and there every once a while, but mostly creating all from scratch and starting from somewhere so not terrible and yeah, it's is the big process and a chore to do it. Yeah. Actually, when I'm like, No, but I have to grade all this other stuff and do all this planning for what we have to do the next couple weeks. Oh, yeah, I had to do that. And now I have to do this other weird paperwork stuff,


which is what you wanted to spend your time doing. Yeah, we all know, we all know

Brandon  11:22

everyone becomes that's why people become a teacher. It's to do paperwork. I think I think finally the truth comes out. So yeah. Your paperwork chunkies Yeah, no, that's not it. You know. I may have a lot of papers on my desk, but that's not that's all that paperwork. It's just random junk.



Brandon  11:56

this thing. We're still doing Egypt, right. We're Rolling Along doing the job, so we're kind of getting close to the end, starting to wrap it up. So we're doing a investigation about the death of King Tut, ah, dun dun. So it's like one of those things where it's kind of like a it's a very investigative. So it's like it just gives you a whole bunch of facts stuff. And you kind of have to go through and read it, draw conclusions. cite evidence in your reasoning, right? kind of go through all this. And then next week, we're going to write our final paragraph or two, probably two, and then have a class discussion slash share time where everyone can talk about their theories and we can do some arguing and discuss about what we think happened. So I blog it,


obviously it was the mosquito bite on his ear. Yes. Was the disease or infected or something, obviously.

Brandon  12:58

Well, he did have That bone disease. Right? Right left him susceptible to infection. See if he did contract malaria. That could be it. Therefore, Your Honor, my doesn't explain his broken legs. But you know, it's fine.


You won't explain everything or do you just want to come on?

Brandon  13:23

Yeah. That's That's how investigations generally work. You want everything covered in inflation.


So you think No, no, so right.



Brandon  13:41

speaking of investigations, Aaron, how have you been? Yeah, that sounds good. Yeah,


ft sounds amazing. I don't want to talk about him. They're just they're so exhausting. I

Brandon  13:55

so tired and I was here I was out all Day, yesterday and then the day before I was out until about like, eight o'clock, nine o'clock at night


with these people, and so and police, so my last few days are just kind of Bay. And so I took tomorrow off or are chilling time. And then I also don't have work on Monday and I was like, Oh wow, they gave me an extra day and they're like not President's Day. I was like, Oh, yeah, no, that's that's why that's cool. That's what

Brandon  14:28

I should have just told you. Yeah, extra day.


I completely I completely forgot. We got the holidays off. And so I was like, Oh, sweet. They gave me an extra day in there. No. holiday. Oh, no. Yeah, that's cool.


I totally forgot that yesterday was a holiday.


And then I


was like, Oh, I'm going to go in and blah, blah. And it was, yeah, it was a state holiday. It was like Lincoln's birthday or something or present today or something.

Brandon  15:00

Ending Monday. I know, I forgot about until earlier this week. They're like, yeah, we don't school Monday either. It's like what? Why not because it's present as because it's just a break. They built it around there. But like, I was like, Oh,


let me see here. Yeah, no, it's totally it was Lincoln's birthday yesterday. And then I'm a very holiday. Yes it is.

Brandon  15:21

from Missouri. I mean, I should have no, we should celebrate Truman's birthday. We do. Really it made me really yeah made.


I the only reason I know this is because I get those days off.


You have a real good Germans birthday. Oh, yeah. For like no one else in the world gets serious Germans birthday off.


Yeah, no, there are




Yeah, no, I get New Year's Martin Luther King Jr. Lincoln's birthday Washington's Birthday Truman day, Memorial Day. Fourth of July Labor Day, Columbus Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving, the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.

Brandon  16:07

Wait, oh, you know, the reason that we took Washington's Birthday and Lincoln's birthday and combined them to Presidents Day is it so people could only take one day off of work right like do we


have to do not tell? The Missouri State officials?


They don't think they got the memo. They forgot about President only Oklahoma remembers Presidents Day. We


we certainly we still like those who truly bleed red, white and blue. celebrate them independent of each other. Wow.

Brandon  16:45

Wow. Next week. James Buchanan's birthday off.


It's on the ballot.

Brandon  16:52




Brandon  17:12

If we have nothing else about that I haven't revelation you see if this goes anywhere I have discovered after Aaron I beat the Jedi fallen order thing. I still haven't played it yet, by the way. Yes, you should do that. It's pretty good. For every once in a while I was an area in the floor would like not load I did that thing where you're like, oh, and now I'm just falling forever. Neato. Other than that, pretty good. But I realized probably something that I had known all along. But I realized why I prefer Star Wars two Star Trek Oh


realized I realized this I'm shutting off comments and feedback.

Brandon  18:05

This is a personal and personal is a personal taste. It started when I always like the ship design in Star Wars, right? So like any other good Star Wars game this game gives you you have a ship because you have to fly about things. And I enjoy the Star Wars ship design very much is like it right there's something about it that they're they feel very like I don't know, I feel very like homey almost to a certain extent sometimes. A lot of them feel like very lived in spaces that you could imagine yourself in.


Right? Yes, yeah. And I think part of that is is the fact that most of the design for Star Wars is is yet homely or very


getting there getting to that design with our current technology and stuff isn't that big of a leap at least. It's looks like as you mentioned, things were bolted on or there is this very they're more familiar.

Brandon  19:17

Yeah, I mean, that's like people like the Millennium Falcon. Right? It looks like you know, it looks like something that is possible just because of the way it's sort of cobbled together here and there. Got the it looks lived in it. Let's call me I also like the droid design, to be honest, because this game also has a little companion droid that follows you around to dorable. Okay. One is the cutest thing ever. He's great. Love him. So I was thinking about this. And I was thinking about like, why I like Star Wars games. And well, that led me to Star Wars universe things in general. Can why other things like I played Mass Effect really fine, I guess it's another big like space giant RPG and all people really like it. But I love it. It's fine. I don't even think I finished the first one. I was just like me. Well, that's okay. And I realized I was comparing that to Star Trek. I get around to this in a minute. I watch Star Trek, I watch a lot of movies and like, I used to watch the TV shows. And I go, what was it generations, whatever, whatever Picard was in. I watch that when I was a kid would jority everything next generation, right. Next. Yeah, next. We'll get hate mail. If it's wrong. Don't worry. I mean, that's fine. It was fine. It's interesting. Like, I never was like, oh, man, I want to I wish I was on the Starship Enterprise. You know, I realized it's down to the aesthetic of this design choices. And I realized about myself I really like it has a name in sci fi that dirty space aesthetic. I like that that's what I like that kind of everything looks like lived in everything is kind of it looks used. It's kind of like there is backstory to all this stuff. That's why people like went ham over like Boba Fett right the man that speaks none hmm but like you look at his armor and you go Why does his armor look like complete trash was happening? What does this what does all this stuff? Why is it look completely lived in right? Yeah, people like it Let your imagination kind of go Pam but it looks I don't know there's just something about that aesthetic that I like more and I think when I think about the sci fi that I like and just distilling it down to the Star Wars Star Trek It's Star Wars because of the aesthetic choices and design of all this stuff. I think that's why I like it better.


Just because the world at that point, the universe that it's in is, is more realistic and relatable, or does it? Or is it appealing to some sort of other nature desire of that? Because, you know, I

Brandon  22:24

don't know, because I, again, I can't really speak on because I'm not very well versed in the Star Trek universe. Other than that, it's kind of like this. It's I know, it's used to be I think the universe is reflected in the design, because it's more of a like, oh, there's this republic thing or whatever. And the reason that they go into space is because they've solved all problems. And now they can put all their stuff in going to space, which is weird. And they go off and they do stuff. Whereas like, Star Wars is like, everything's bad all the time. So that's not necessarily pleasing. Right? If you're talking about like, man, do you want to live in the Star Wars galaxy?


Maybe Maybe.


Depends on me literally

Brandon  23:15

been fighting wars. Forever, forever. Yeah, right. It's always someone is fighting someone else. People trying to blow up planets all the time. There's all this craziness going on. So it's not nice that's not necessarily appealing, like the universe, but like, the normal like you can't get a grasp on what a normal person does in the Star Trek universe. Right. In the Star Wars universe, there are very clearly like, random normal people doing their thing. And you can kind of like, relate to that better, I guess. Yeah. You know, and I'll say this, if this is an intro, I don't know in Star Wars When you get the design


aesthetic that more closely resembles Star Trek. It's the baddies that have that. Written by that to Empire. The Empire has that very clean very sterile. Very not relatable.

Brandon  24:17

Yeah. Ask him to him personal. Yes. While while the good guys, the or the rest of the people, really everyone else it's not necessarily good or bad but everybody else has that much more that dirty space.


Yeah, that's it so I definitely am with you on this in preferring the Star Wars design aesthetic over Star Trek and I think that it is just when I watch Star Trek and the moving about a ship and all the interior spaces. It's very hard to envision myself there in that design, like you see the chairs that they sit in, and I'm like those don't even comfortable. Yeah. And how there's no you nothing looks utilitarian. It's all it's all after that very clean, very minimalistic, very ultra, you know, you know, fantasy kind of thing, which I have a hard time relating to.

Brandon  25:17

Yeah, I agree because like you look at the chairs on like you said on the enterprise versus even in this game you have this this ship called like the mantis or something. Like you just are in that ship for a little bit you like I could sit on my couch? I could chill there. It'd be cool, right? Right. Yeah, just like oh, cuz you can just sort it. Yeah, I agree. You can sort of imagine yourself in these spaces. Because they just look like people live there. As opposed to like sterile impersonal, empty. Does even extends to like weird things like in the in like a star trek ship. If there's a closed door, I almost never think What's behind that door? In Star Wars that could literally be a cabinet and I like wasn't that right? For some reason. My brains like what's in that cabinet? What's in that little tiny drawer right there? Why? Because it's all like, slammed in there and like barely holding shut you like, What's in there? No, it's in that like, I don't know what it is about my brain it's like, picks up on that, but I just seems to be why. Huh?


Yeah, it's it's again as just at the relatability aspect and yes there is the there's the I'm curious because obviously there's a backstory for that it's kind of like the same feeling I get when I see a late, you know, late model square body f150 there, you know, that is driving down the road and it's just


beat the tarnation out of it.


How did you get like that? Are you the only owner you know, it's repaired. It's, it's, it's it's used it's dilapidated Did all these things are going on, but it still has a purpose. And there's a history to that I have a hard time looking at a crisp white interiors and very smooth lines. And you've never i don't i don't think in Star Trek you would ever seen a, you know, at least a flagship portion of the fleet be repaired and dilapidated. It just seems like as soon as something gets dinged, they're like, well, we have to do with the whole thing.


And here's the brand new one.

Brandon  27:33

Again, there could be aspects of Star Trek this, this shows up. I'm sure they go on some planet at some point, but I'm just not well versed enough in it because this doesn't just grab me and pull me in and out to me. Do you want to watch it? You know, like seven and a lot of the episodes of TV they're just like, on the ship doing stuff, which is fine. But like


I don't know.

Brandon  28:00

Hold me the same way. I think that's why I think it's down to design choice. Or at least at least partially. Sure, right. Yeah, but you see that in you know,


in other universes that you're in as well of, of fans, you know, fantasy novels and things like that of


I'm trying to give a good example here and I'm not really pulling a great one out of my hand for comparison. But


I think what Collins trying to go with that is, you know, everything in Star Wars has a backstory, there is so much deep lore in the Star Wars universe, universe, there's, you know, there's canon, there's, you know, they're all the graphic novels there's most of

Brandon  28:45

us called legends now. Thanks, Disney.


There's, there's all of the animated TV shows, there's, you know, all of those sub stories and thoughts and the thing that's kind of white that is, you know, Lord of the Rings, every thing has backstory everything is so in depth. And you know maybe not so much like the language in Star Wars you know because you know there's literally a whole book series written in Elvish pretty much well yeah but in Lord of Lord of the Rings but like there's so much in depth that can just take you into Star Wars. Yeah I don't really feel that when I you know watch Star Trek however Star Trek Voyager was my favorite mostly cuz Captain Janeway was awesome. And the little Dr. Robot dude what's really cool but yeah, yeah, hologram I can't remember but it was just but I never felt like oh, what's the story behind that person? What's the story behind that person and you also get that like you you get that feeling when they watch like anything Star Wars related from the you know animated series of Clone Wars two Star Wars Rebels to you know the show the Mandalorian which is awesome but you get that with like oh what is that? What is this? Oh I'm curious on this but no now I'm curious on this and so you kind of get that look of your you're comfortable and there's so much more that's going on then you know that's like why is this person here? Why is this person you know wearing this thing like that's confusing Charles


is doing this

Brandon  30:28

that's good point I think it yeah cuz when you talk about people it's that design choice and stuff is also extended to the people and like their clothes design stuff too. Yeah. And just even the design of like yeah, mostly like clothing because like,


like everything that's designed has a purpose. Yeah, in Star Wars because like, you know, the the Mandalorian talks about like the armor is like, you know that every piece of his armor is so significant and has the value in it than just like ooh with a shiny or Oh, this beat up everything has some sort of purpose to it. And I to me that's that's what grasping. And you know, plus there's a lot more Star Wars games than Star Trek. True.

Brandon  31:17

Hashtag The Force Unleashed cool. But like yeah, if you is that the same so I get what you're talking about we we had this discussion now knowing about all those Star Wars expanded books, right? I've read a bunch of them not like a whole bunch but like I read I've read several. Right. And I know a lot more about the lore and stuff now like random things because I have watched some of the TV that cartoon and read stuff and other things right. Yeah. So I was wondering for you then what, like if you cast your mind back to Being a youth and watching either random Star Trek episodes on TV, or watching the Star Wars VHS tapes in the basement. Was there something specific in that context? Like not knowing that any of that other stuff existed yet?


So, I think besides watching with you guys, and I always really liked Star Wars, but I think it was when, like, and yeah, this might get some flack because you know, the the original three will always be my favorite but I think it was one like the first or the prequels came out of actually going to see them in theaters. And, you know, that was becoming a whole new experience for a whole new generation. True and like I remember when

Brandon  32:53

the clones turn to the Sif. Yeah,


I remember going to revenge revenge. Third one, right?

Brandon  33:02

Yeah. First one was Phantom.


Phantom Menace Clone Wars. Yeah. And Attack of the Clones.

Brandon  33:08

Attack of the Clones Revenge of the Sith. Thank you.


Yeah, we're huge Star Wars fans.


Were there the the three that don't exist if we're just being perfectly honest. But


again, I contend

Brandon  33:22

that The Phantom Menace is the best one


of the three if you're going to acknowledge their existence. Phantom Menace is better than the other two. However, as a whole, Derek, I don't know what you're talking about.

Brandon  33:33

Yeah, you say, Oh, yeah, because people say that. They say all the time. Phantom moves is awful. Like, have you seen Do you remember the end of that movie? Yeah, yeah. It's not it was like I


I personally, I don't I didn't mind those movies. Like I I don't


know. Nobody. Like when they came out.


Yeah. When I was little I was like, Wow, this is so cool. And then I was like, oh, charger is not no culturally appropriate that's probably frowned upon what

Brandon  34:03

he's doing but the dual the fates and the Dart lightsaber battle. Yeah,


there's still like epic moments in that I just I think what really solidified me on it was going to see the third one at midnight. There at I think was like a Springfield eight there in Springfield, and just being in the line wrapped around the entire theater. And like, everyone was dressed up and they had like some sort of like fighting game in the lobby that people were playing while before the movie started. And I just like, yeah, whenever the Star Trek movies came out, I was just like, I mean, that doesn't. Like it's cool, but like, that's not that doesn't inspire. Wow, it is a lot less to dress up as in Star Trek.

Brandon  34:46

Yeah, it might. But with my knowledge, I'll asterisk back with with my knowledge of the Star Trek universe. There is a whole lot less to cosplay. That's true. Yeah, I believe that to be true. I think probably probably false but you know


that the TV shows if you go from the TV shows, it seems like there's a lot of creatures on there can be a triple could be


should be not a triple it could be


see all those options

Brandon  35:21

I think there was like back to aracite about with the expanded stuff. So there was I do remember kind of a point when, like,



Brandon  35:32

like in middle school like you because we only had the three first ones, but then like, slowly sort of discovering through your friends and other people you meet like, Oh, wait, there's like books and stuff. It's like more stuff. Because it wasn't like a big giant phenomenon. Like out it was like, it was just sort of out there existing. And some people knew about it. You had to sort of discovered like, on accident, almost kind of and they're like, Oh yeah, I know there. You can get this book here and you like What? Right? And I think maybe because the seeds have been planted because of all those aesthetics and design choices and you get drawn in that way, when I found that out, I was like, no. What I think you slowly start discovering all that other stuff and it just so enthralling, right, right. Ever like, Oh, this happened and then like, Oh, this happened and like, Oh, this happened. So I think that's why, you know, well, why some of that stuff is like, sort of sucks you in because you're like, oh, man, there's all this out there that is possible to consume if I want it, huh. Yeah, well,


it's kind of the end of a big picture that I'm I'm think I'm picking up on here is that getting back to that original comparison, Star Trek does look pretty. But that's not all. All it is, aesthetically, is that it's it's very visually appealing. The Star Wars Though like there's, there's, there's, there's at least a perceived functionality behind it, and a history that you don't get with the thing that just kind of,

Brandon  37:11

yeah. Or they can you pick up on project on that, right? Right?


You can you know, you can project depth on to the dirty space design aesthetic. While it's that's much harder to do at least how we're wired with Star



Brandon  37:30

Do you do you find that because


I'm driving with you, I totally get that have a win. Win a universe is more quote unquote, dirty, you know, like dirty space or dirty fantasy, that kind of stuff. Yeah, like I can project functionality and project depth on that a lot easier than something that just seems very clean and very picturesque. Do you find that similarly in other aspects of your life of the of being drawn to more functionality over just the pure visual




Anybody can jump in on that one. I don't know.

Brandon  38:18

I think there are some things in my life that I have labeled as like, this thing is functional. And there are other things that I have labeled as well. I like how this looks. This is cool, right? Yeah. And I don't know. It seems a bit arbitrary, as I think about it,


right? Like

Brandon  38:39

most clothing items, like pants, I don't really care. But yes, pants. Yes, please. That's what I want. And I require I don't really put any thought into the aesthetic design of my pants. Right? Just I want some Levi's jeans or some doctors wear khaki pant things in school. That's it. That's all I want. Okay. Done. Is it like other stuff? Like? No. Doesn't get that same just like much more interested in it instead of that, like I don't really know where the delineation is because sometimes it's other clothing items like oh no, I need like this shirts are like hat like, Ooh, this hat is nice. really care. You don't need a hat, but I want one. And so I don't really know. I think it's a little more gray area when it comes to like personal possessions. term. Well, at least outside clothing most everything else in my life is like yeah, I think it looks cool. Let's have that. It's really not you know, looking at all this mess around me like


it. No, it's not. It's definitely not a static I could tell you that.

Brandon  39:52

function. Some of this is not functional. Like plus I also am a guitar player. So no guitar player is like, Oh yes. I only care about the functionality met know their lives tell you that


that's true. That was actually the guy that actually would be example of mine and whenever I was wanting to learn the guitar I only wanted to play on a pretty guitar and then yes


so does everybody else does that


they ended up not following it falling you know it didn't falling through and Greedo everyone knows where that stands today you have or less had my guitar last No, he's not

Brandon  40:23

in this room right now the


but even even then, even in middle school, I was going if I don't like the way it works, if I if I don't like the way it looks, I'm not going to touch it. I'm not going to be interested. I need it to to look good. So that I'm drawn to using everyday obviously, there's a lot that was very shallow and

Brandon  40:52

no, that's not bad advice for guitar buying. Like real. Like if you don't like how it looks. You're not gonna like be drawn to it and one try it then then you might as well just put it in the case but the closet because


Sure, except put that one. I genuinely liked the way that guitar looks. Just never played it.

Brandon  41:13

I mean, that's fine. Yeah, I don't really know where that line is personally. Yeah. Yeah, I'm trying to think of specific examples. And like,


you know, we just went through a process of buying a car. And

Brandon  41:31

yeah, like, cars near functional at this point. Because as we had discussed, ad nauseum, like I can't even I don't like driving it off. Yes. And as much as I would like to say that


a design really played a big role in how we navigated that

Brandon  41:55



there were several cars that technically would have been more functional for our family.


They just looked so bad.


I could not get over it.


And I think we found a happy medium between those. And and Megan, it was very much a cars, cars, cars car. What are we doing? I'm like, Yeah, but did you look at it because it's.




I do see that playing out in some other areas as well.


But then, like you said, like jeans, those kind of things. It's like, well, I need these and they need to, they need to have a very specific function. So I think that just as you said, it just depends on exactly how you're wanting to just I guess where your interests lie. If you're really interested in, you're probably going to be more concerned about, you know, one or both of those going into it and then other times it's like well, I just need something it doesn't really matter. So I just let's just get whatever. It may accidentally look pretty to others or whatever or maybe more functional for one thing, but you just kind of go with whatever you need to fill a gap. Avoid at the time. Yeah, that's how we right?

Brandon  43:18

Because you think about some random stuff in here, where it's like, I just got it because it's like, yeah, I need this to work. Yeah. Or sometimes it's a placeholder, right? Like, I need this, I think. So I'll get this one. And then like, if it's truly something like, Oh, yes, I do need that. Then. Okay, then I'll try to find something that's like looks a little bit nicer. It's like something you end up using a lot, you know, or, or you need a little bit more functionality out of it. You need to like upgrade at some point, then you worry about making it look nice to sometimes, like chairs or whatever. Sometimes you just kind of like oh, yeah, well, sometimes it's like Nice, nice. I need this. That's all I need. Right? No. Aaron, do you have any input on design, functionality, aesthetics?


Kind of what you guys are saying it really honestly.


I know, this is kind of a more of a human aspect of it. Um, you know, when I was coaching, I wasn't really looking for anything flashy, you know, as long as you did your job and got the job done. Like, it didn't have to look pretty by any means. And I remember coaching team or coaching against teams that know everything was you know, flashy and, you know, bright and, you know, you know, gimmicky but I was like, I just, I mean, you gotta, you gotta have the, the kiss method, you know, keep it simple to where, you know, you know, it being simplistic, and you know, doesn't have to be Pretty, but it functions that these kids are actually learning something. And that, you know, they're not having to be, you know, overblown with so much stuff, but I, you know, keep it functional, keep it simple, keep it low key, and yeah, it doesn't have to look pretty but hey, the job gets done. That's really kind of the only thing like if someone gave me you know, you know, here's $50,000 pick out of the vehicle, you know, I'm probably more than likely going to pick out a truck more than anything does like the truck. I also live in Oklahoma, so everything's either a lake or a whole


gonna blend in.


So yeah, I mean, where I'm at and kind of the job that I do cars not going to be practical. You know, color is very important. Like, you know, the, you know, the car that I have, we all know that. Apparently it's gold. I found that out. It's set on the little thing. It's like Oldsmobile zero Gold like gold?


I mean, I want my like, ooh car. Maybe but you know,


but or I'll have to sorry. I have to keep it you know, gray or white. You have to keep the tradition.

Brandon  46:12

Yes. But like


yeah, I mean, that's kind of the only reason like something that have four wheel drive and I feel comfortable driving it. I am not really you know, it could hold more than four people all the time. It's just kind of me but long term wise it needs to serve a function


again, again if I mean if someone just like gave me a car. Oh, well, okay. I mean, I guess I can have this be able to have different

Brandon  46:40

Yeah, but I mean, I'm looking at my part man. And I


mean, like shoes, I guess. Yeah, I gave up on style and fashion a long time ago. If you couldn't tell by any the pictures of me I don't. I don't necessarily dress to impress unless I have to.


In Yeah, cuz I just kind of I didn't really care what people thought I was like, Yeah, but I'm comfy. And I like what to wear. Because it's on it. It's comfy.


And so


and also, you know, expensive wise like, I'm not going to go out and buy like a $80 pair of jeans and I can buy some survival pants for like 15 bucks that will last me for 1000 years

Brandon  47:32

that's a fair consideration we talking about personal possessions price does really play a big role. Yeah,


so and think thank goodness for Amazon because if I if I would just type in something and bought the first thing I would be in a lot of trouble but usually has like the like, oh check out these other options. We usually find something a little bit better. DLS but now I mean I just uh, I mean the I can not think of his hats. I'm very picky about hats. As I look at all the hats over my collection right now, it has to be like it has to fit right? It can't look dorky. Like I can have I have to wear it for either a special occasion for any occasion.


Like that, to me is like


weirdly important to like this this hat and it doesn't fit like all this hats weird and I know I gotta try this hat instead. That's really kind of the only thing aspect of my life

Brandon  48:30

that I have to have some sort of, you know, book is imperative to me. But, I mean, pretty much everything else I own has a function. My apartment is not pretty. Like, it has maps everywhere.


It has, it's not. It's not flashy, well then I have like a look behind me and there's Tamriel right there. And then there's D There's a Red Dead Redemption map over there. And as the game thrones map right here, some and then I have you know, USA and then the world map and so like even that has some sort of function of whenever I play video games like Skyrim instead of like clicking to the map option every single time I'd have to look over like now where the heck am I right now?

Brandon  49:25

But yeah, we're talking about that Aaron has made me realize I am 100% aesthetic only because if I look around my room it's complete random nonsense that serves no purpose whatsoever. And I only got it because it looked neat. And so that's all Yeah,


cuz like looking over now. Like there's a doctor who poster and right next to it is an American history timeline poster. That's like, as tall as I am that stretches like the 2000s. I don't have a reason for that was cool.

Brandon  50:03

Yeah, mine mine mine apparently just is aesthetically pleasing things cuz none of this is functional now they look at it. Oh dear. Well


yeah, I fall in line with you guys on that too. I remember when Megan I got married


she is very much


not like that. And that was so bizarre to me as far as what no one wants. Yeah,

Brandon  50:32

it's like a mid century modern house like a house.


Right? Yeah, that's what she wants. She wants to live in a white cube.


And yeah, it has and everything is is exactly what it needs to do and nothing more. And I'm


like, what do we do with all the typewriters?


I have. I have a glass spider. What do we do? Can we put that somewhere Yes,


it's in my office right now with behind me so.


So it's still there. But, but yeah, and so we've, we've had to work through some of that because she sees that stuff and it's it's clutter, right it's what in the world is going on? And I see that like, this makes me happy to visually see this brings me joy to have around yeah yeah.


Yeah but then I think


the house is we were around and like me was very much a making things look nice and having nice things around and things with memories and you know it wasn't it was not cluttered. It was very organized and very neat. But there were there were things on tables and chairs, you know, like it was but that was just part of her design of Oh, I have an Bacchus that I can put out. There's a history behind it and I have, you know, this wool spindle thing that I can put on this thing and all the candlesticks those kind of candlestick holders.


And then dad with his


stetic Yes.


Cause it like we can just be out there. We


love you dad.


You know?

Brandon  52:26

So I definitely see how we all kind of walked away from that going, Okay, this is having this stuff around us. Brings is joyful and happy. Yeah, goodbye. I could get that because there's no reason for me to have random Legos on my shelf. But I do anyway. So like, yeah,


no at my office at work. I have, you know, so for Christmas, you know, down gets us the little Lego stuff and I have a couple of those and and i i put put those out at my office at work no real reason they don't do anything they're just little like you know their little it's a Star Wars little miniature thing like that's cool I like having that around


my coworkers think I'm a little weird but you know


fine yeah


what i what i think this this may be I don't know how this transition would work but but where my brain starts going with this next is you're talking about design around us in another step for that and my brain is things around you or things in the world that you Notice but maybe nobody else does in your life and I don't know if I'm describing that well enough but and I'll go I'll go first of

Brandon  54:16

I don't think


anybody else in my household or even like friends I associate with really notices like the status of somebody baseboards.

Brandon  54:33

You are your father's cow. I was not expecting that to come out of your mouth. conversation was going


I don't know. If that is that mean be it will just cut all this out. I don't know I


there's things like that in your life where you're like, like, I noticed this and only I care about it, but it's important to me kind of stuff. Probably might not be good on the spot question. Yeah, we'll save it for next time we'll save for next time on the back burner. burner. Temporary, but it just thinking about


like, there are everyone in my house knows about it because I probably yell about it really loudly.

Brandon  55:26

I should probably we should probably ask Susan this question. And then she'll just tell us exactly what my things are.


Yeah, no, no. Yeah. Megan would be like, finally you asked me here. Let me pull up my list, but


I've been making up for you.


Okay, anyway, that's fine. That's fine. I just got me curious about that. There's like, design and aesthetic and things that we like or don't like, and, and I don't know, like mine is like a big plently kind of thing. I'm like, does anybody else notice that? I don't know. But like Other things as well. I don't even know but I just thought of that.

Brandon  56:06

Okay, yeah, I don't know man to come back to that one. Anyway. Save that one put on my list. Yeah. Move to the top. There we go anyway. Top Oh, let me No.




yeah, other than that


a whole lot

Brandon  56:31

Aaron he still there? Yeah I'm still here okay things that you you're recording kept bugging in and out and so


I was just kind of like waiting for a question for the longest time and nothing was spoken and so sorry and then they'll just be like my rack then you start talking again

Brandon  56:48

like I don't sorry. So yeah we're still it's cold outside it was not Wasn't today at all. Did you guys get that sign at all? Not for recess? We weren't today? Really? We were talking about Windchill in science. You're like it's negative 39 degrees outside school application today. Gosh, like hey the Windchill this morning when we did it we had the pull up the National Weather Service the chart thing, you know the Windchill chart? Yeah. It was like hey look guys right now it's it feels like three. Uh huh isn't that fun? Look at their Yeah. Yeah. Are we was with the wind up here


by nine o'clock nine o'clock this morning the wind hit Windchill had dropped to negative 13

Brandon  57:50

Oh yeah. And it was and we are house turns out being hundred years old is kinda drafty then please


So it was, yeah, Megan was like, found another one.

Brandon  58:08

Get that coal fire back running up in there and he


needs exactly what I'm thinking.


Still have some in the basement and pull some up. So, anyway.

Brandon  58:22

Oh, right. I was going to mention this. This is good time as any I had an errand moment. This week what I had an errand moment I was watching. I was watching a television program about the Dead Sea Scrolls. And Hold on. Wait for it. I'm ready. They were talking about the scrolls and all this stuff in the possible history of where they came from and all this stuff and kind of what was about and then they start talking about reasons they could Been stashed about, and yada yada they come around to this. They're talking about Roman occupation of Palestine at that time, the Middle East, right. And they showed some Roman people on the screen, right? Like Roman soldiers. And I went What the heck are they wearing? That is not Roman armor.



Brandon  59:34

add that to list of things only you notice. Yeah, well put that on there. Weird at random, not a Roman army. Like they show the clothes with this guy's helmet and I was like, What in the world is that nonsense? Oh, my God. Pulled out what I guess was supposed to be a gladius it looks more like a bowie knife. I don't really know what was happening. I was like, What is going on?


Probably one of those cheap production like History Channel movies. It was the movie, the red

Brandon  60:00

The show the clips look like they came from somewhere else there were only like you know those things that this shows like two and a half seconds of like a clip yeah and that's really it they just needed something functional to like send Roman messages right to your brain like oh you know about a Roman person and like a little skirt being and he has a chest armor and he has a hat and a sword. Yeah, Roman, it's red. And I looked at that and went what what is that is not does not look anything remotely Roman. What is this? Just red tunic. was about the only accurate part.


Oh, that's bad when you know they got that when you're like, wow, these


they got the color, red.

Brandon  60:53

Everything else is wrong. And I was like, I was like, Are you kidding? Susan was like, What are you talking about? I don't even know. This is not what Roman soldiers would wear.


I got you here and I'm looking out


there's a it was a YouTube channel that I was called history buff. And they any takes a historical movies


the animated one right?


Yeah, okay. Yeah. And then they talked about, you know, like the big movies Braveheart. I saw the gladiator things like that. And so like when I watch them now and I'm like, now, my gosh. Yeah, I like watching those little


little things like that. But like,

Brandon  61:47

like I was trying to watch was I think it was Gladiator that came on the other day and I'll just sit there watching. I was like,


I mean,


it's fine. It's fine. Just settle for a little bit. And then they'll be like


no, no, it's it's building and building over time.

Brandon  62:21

Do though, I didn't say things like, What? What is that? Why are you doing this?


It's also like whenever you like you read like actual historical stuff about you know the the period of Braveheart.

Brandon  62:35

And then you watch it in yours like, man. Yeah. But I mean, come on, man. That's one part of history that I've not particularly interested in. So I don't really read anything about that. But like, it's I did similar for other stuff, too. I was I was watching. Oh, because I watched that curse of Oak Island show. Every three or four episodes they bring up the Templars because that's just what you do. Right when you have shows me like what could it be all right blur conspiracy and so they will do the obligatory like. It's like a D shot basically have like some people in armor like riding horses through a field just to be like oh templates, right? As the voiceover plays. Uh huh. And you're looking at them going, what are they wearing? What is my? Why? I know that's not the point of that particular insert of the show. But sure, I'm always like, sad. What does that what does that helmet is not a period out here. What is that by you tapestry? How many nonsense you got going here. understad terrible. So what is this? That Yeah, those are the things there's one thing I noticed that no one else notices is weird, inaccurate, historical quality Hey, but it's important you important this is annoying. Why? come on the show here we clearly had a budget doing all this other stuff. Couldn't get like a couple actual chain mail like reproductions of our movie j Gmail. There's not like


80,000 times to Bay was unfitted mail shirt. nonces get out here. Oh, yeah. And that's where you're like surely. Surely, you know, you could have found one in some backwoods, spare lot, or, you know, bummed it off of some other production going on. But no, okay, fine, whatever.


Get your armor in the right century, and we'll talk

Brandon  64:47

again, I see over there gee. What on earth I don't know. gravy. Yes, it's true. Okay, well, yeah, I will definitely chalk that up to an errand moment. Yes. I liked it. Appreciate. We also had a it was Susan's mom's birthday this week. He's 83 years old. Wow. Yeah. And so, uh, we had a little we had their last bus was today. Yeah. And last night. Yeah, I guess it was last night. Anyway, it's been a weird week. We did want to she did that thing that she does sometimes where she made like the trivia about the year of her birthday. And we had all this like crazy like trivia game think. And I'm cool. I won. It was all like that weird stuff like bring it Problem with me but like, you know what, what is the, you know, popular singers? Yeah, she had to check off a bunch and like what were products that were introduced in that year? 1937 right. Click all those off and like, the last one was the price of stuff. Right? a house or a car or Yeah. Or would violated it prices right style that was closest without going over? Cool.


Let's be honest, the only way to do that the

Brandon  66:38

only way to do it right? Thinking of you, Bob. Yeah. It's very funny. We did GND very good. I know. It's like come on. This is you supposed to know this where you do?



Brandon  67:07

it was doin Tuesday. Yeah, Tuesday, and that was


sorry, I got my days mixed up here. I'll just I'll just delete all those hate mail. Don't worry, it's fine. I'll I'll shield you from that. Dang.

Brandon  67:18

For some reason for day weeks, it's cooler like the weird is like I can't ever wrap my brain around short weeks and how they function. Like what day is it? Where are we? What's happening? Why am I here? Yeah.


Sorry What?

Brandon  67:36

There's there's something about four day weeks that really mess with me. timescale Yeah. Why?


Well, yeah. Well, and I had I had Wednesday office week, and so I have no idea what's going on.

Brandon  67:50

Yeah. Last week was like that, too. Because we had snow. We had a snow day Wednesday. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's really weird. I was like, Oh, I guess okay.


This is what I Doing

Brandon  68:00

so it's really weird to have Wednesday off and then go back to the Friday. Like what the heck? That was weird. All right. Post all my stuff back a day that I thought was gonna do and then it's a good short week too. But no, I'm not ready I'm gonna do today I don't like


Yeah, I just yeah.

Brandon  68:31

These days off and my rate is weird like, I know because it's such a time thing. Right like yeah Have you have to do this in this set amount of time when that time gets altered? It's like a what? Right? Like, how do I now cope with this new timeline That I've been given when you would think it's just like yeah, just move it back a day, but sort of things just sort of get compressed. Whereas you have to try to like squeeze other things in because you weird can move everything back in definitely right though.


They don't they don't like it whenever you do that.

Brandon  69:24

Now why is it not convenient, right? Sometimes? Yeah, well, we're just gonna skip this part because you gotta. It's hard because we do a lot of like, recently, we've been doing a lot of like, project based stuff, right? where it's like, a couple weeks ago we did. You are making a demonstration for us, right the state in class right after make an air pressure demonstration. Right, you have x days. We're doing Oh, yeah, we're doing that King Tut thing history. You have X amount of days. We're starting a new one in science Tuesday about, like, severe weather. You have X days, right? Yeah, Miss days in there. I really like throws off the timeline of how. So. And because I'm still like, is the first year teaching sixth grade, I'm still trying to like, feel out how long these things should actually be taking. So it's kind of like we work on them for a few days. I see where everyone's at. And I'm like, all right, you got two more days where we are. Right. So the best plan, like we kind of take an average where a lot of people are close to done. And if most people are like, about midway, like, Okay, you got eczema, there's always He's like one kid. He's like, been screwing around. Not doing anything. Has nothing done. They have nothing done. That's annoying bit like come on something. Yeah. And then of course, it's also really hard right now because like 70,000 kids are out of school sick, right? Oh gosh, yeah. But like the ravaging sickness. It's been around and so like a lot. Yeah. And so they're like, well, I've gone like I know but you still have to do you want from me? I know. But like, like, but I get an extra day. I'm like, but here's the problem. This project is taking five days. You are gone. One of them. We have this handy recess time where you can come in and work on stuff. Not like we're going outside. Anyway. You get to miss indoor recess. No one likes indoor. He says you don't have to wait till the project is over. to come in and work on it. You come in like one day, you're caught back up and you're done. I've already got it. Where you're like way closer, and you only need like a little bit more time. So I don't feel bad for you, especially when I have other kids that were gone. And did that exact thing without me telling them to do it. So yeah, I know. Right? Like, like, they're like, Hey, can I just come in at recess? work on this in your room? No, yes. Yes. Why would I say no to that? Why?


Yeah, I think Thank you.

Brandon  72:56

Yeah, tell everyone else how to do this right? That's the other weird thing. Like we miss days and people are gone. And it's just like a circus of like, Oh my gosh, where are you? How many days behind? Are you on this? I have no idea because you'd be gone forever.


Well, and that's that,


that would be really hard to have. Once you start missing so many days like that, like, just how do you even


how do you even get caught up as a student at that point?

Brandon  73:31

Yeah, and it's, these kids are struggling already. And it's like, Okay, well, there's only three teachers this year. And we're not exactly like taskmasters. Right? Now, like, we're not exactly like, yo, you can't do anything but you give it right three, like, yeah, you have time to work on it. It's okay. We'll accept it late. We know this stuff. Now you start pushing it then, you know, like, yeah. So, it's supposed to be like a transition year where it's like, okay, kind of, like fifth grade is starting it, because they do stuff a little bit differently than most elementary. Sixth grade is a really a transition year. In seventh grade, it's like, what they are seven classes by, like Middle School land, right? Like, oh, here. So we talked about that we talked about like, Hey, you know, this is gonna stuff you got to deal with later, blah, blah, and some of them are trying to have more like, game be bothered, right because there's like whatever


other stuff to do. Do I have to talk to this person and do strange things I don't know.

Brandon  74:57

The life of a co creator is very hard.


This is

Brandon  75:03

true. Sure. Wait, I tell that to like, Listen, I remember being sick is not fun. I remember not really enjoying it, right?


No, they don't even have Harry Potter to read or any sort of


stuff. I mean, they do.


Yeah, but they're not. They're not coming. They're not contemporaries of it.

Brandon  75:25

Yeah, that's true. That's true.


It's not new. It's still there.

Brandon  75:28

Well, yeah, but there's a new. True. Yeah, that's a good point. I can't



Brandon  75:45

can't think of any books like that that have come out recently. Or kids, or anybody that people have been that excited over. I mean, the last big one was the


Hunger Games. Right That was kind of like middle schooler targeted.



Brandon  76:06

But even that wasn't like, I don't think it wasn't even that wasn't the phenomenon. No. That was the Harry Potter books. Yeah, I think I don't. I don't think ever hear anything like that. I don't think they were storming


the brick and mortar stores.


That's nice. Yeah.


I did that. Yeah.


Did you just a one time or do you do it more than I just did the one time because I forget which one that was for. But yeah, I just did that one time because the thing was is that you would go to the midnight release, and then you'd stay up all night reading it so that the next day, you could come to school and will have already read the book


and talk to people about it.

Brandon  77:00

They hadn't read the book


yet they had not read the book yet so but you could lord it over them


it was a status symbol of your of your really checking your nerd credentials. He wouldn't

Brandon  77:14

lord it over


that's how bad middle school when


Oh my


yeah that's probably where we sleep that one anyway


okay you guys have a good night

Brandon  77:54

bye bye