Coastline of Couches

Working Internet. Show Chickens. Coronavirus corner. Seriously. That's the show.

  • Brandon’s internet working 

  • And and been encourage-yelling 

  • Collin’s saga with earbuds

  • Happy (much) belated 311 day 

  • Brandon’s all about that basketball 

  • And has been busy throwing eggs out the window 

  • Aaron discusses show chickens

  • We have no idea how you “show chickens”

  • Small side note: sequel to super size me

  • Holy Chicken!

  • EDC check in!

    • Brandon jumped ship...hard

      • Thinking of wallet and belt upgrades

    • Aaron - jumped ship

    • Collin - still hanging in there

  • GROOVE RING….what the heck

  • Coronavirus corner - oh boy

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people, chicken, buy, home, left, thinking, week, book, good, read, talking, big, year, weird, colin, school, kids, pretty, flu, work


Collin, Aaron, Brandon





Brandon  00:40

hello. Haha hear you yay How's it going? Well, now that my internet is working marvelous it's going quite well.



Funny how that makes a big difference.


Brandon  00:55

Yeah really does so Your silly silly internet.



Did it ever. I mean, was it just like that the whole night


Brandon  01:08

feeling now is about that way for another hour. And then it was like, Oh, nope I work now like what if?



Why? Oh my gosh that's intense.


Brandon  01:18

Yeah every once in a while they'll just be like no zero no and then



a little while later


Brandon  01:29

it just working in sometimes it's because they're I guess the providers doing like service to something because happens sometimes but every once in a while she's like no, I'm not gonna work today






Why gonna be like that so right


Brandon  01:54

my voice was kind of wrecked Wednesday anyway because I went to the Sixth grade basketball games today. Uh huh. It was a they were really close. So I was being all shouty right.



Like good like not like yelling like Yeah, come on it's good, right? Yeah,



yeah. You were encouraging


Brandon  02:16

Yes. Encouraged yelling. But who was like, oh man, oh boy. Yeah, Tuesday morning as I go or Wednesday morning I mean, it's like teachings gonna be fun first hour now and tell you what. Find me through coffee help. So boom, done, but that was really good and the games are super close. So those boys trying to give me a hard tech meaning by like four points.



I may need to be right back. Sorry. I hear a lot of dogs aggressively getting each other Hold on. Goodbye.


Brandon  03:33

Colin Colin sprinted away to deal with some sort of mysterious dog issue. Hello, how are you? I'm good,


Aaron  03:44

mysterious dog issue. Explain.


Brandon  03:46

I don't know he goes. He just said, uh, I need to be right back. I hear some dogs being aggressive and then ran away. I was just like, Alright, I'll finish telling you about basketball game later. All right. Well, he


Aaron  03:58

ran off. Well, I was I was actually Sitting in the wrong zoom lobby. I was sitting in the one.


Brandon  04:05

Oh, the one from the other day. Yeah. And I was like when my Internet's had to die.


Aaron  04:09

Yeah, I was sitting. I was like, meeting at 830 I'm pretty sure Colin said eight. And I just kind of continued sitting and then we hit eight o'clock. I was like,


Brandon  04:19

Oh, no. Whoops. Yeah, so I don't really know what he's doing. He just ran away. So more questions for Collin.


Aaron  04:33

I thought Colin said that he didn't have any dog any more dog problems?


Brandon  04:38

Well, I think he was talking about that the day with a house that he had to go to the to check up on him or whatever. So we'll see


Aaron  04:49

dogs are being aggressive. That sounds interesting. I'm


Brandon  04:54

curious to see what's going on here.


Collin  04:56




I am indeed



What is


Aaron  05:05

calling sounds out of breath.


Brandon  05:07

The real question is what Where did you just go and what happened?



Well, yeah, well I



figured that



man's over your head will do you know?


Collin  05:21

Well, so we were taking care of some dogs where we were going over really late at night and then coming back really getting early in the morning because the husband was driving into Colombia to be with his wife because she was there and rehab. However


Brandon  05:38

two days ago or didn't yesterday



he was in the the room and the nurse came in and was like, all non essential personnel must leave the building effective immediately. Oh, yeah,


Aaron  05:54

yeah. Oh.



I was like,


Collin  05:58

That really sucks. The Can't be with your wife anymore and I know she's really sad but I'm so thankful I don't have to go over there anymore


Aaron  06:07

so he


Brandon  06:09

Yeah, so listeners backstory it's been a saga time I get this long gone every time every time just about to happen something just bizarre. Yeah. First of all, first of all, Colin How do you only own one pair of headphones? What on earth What is this? How does this occur?


Aaron  06:32

Yeah I at least have like these pair of headphones my work headphones by backup board headphones.



Yeah I have in this room right now. Okay, so four and a half. I have an old pair that's in the closet that one of the ears work. So like here's,


Collin  06:46

here's the thing.



I had three pairs of headphones.


Collin  06:54




one of them was only for my iPhone, which had been The lightning jack on it. I cannot plug that into my laptop because that is an auxiliary jack. So I was like, well I got these other two. Well, a few weeks ago, I had left one pair plugged into my laptop at my desk. And my children had Tarzan with it one from my desk, ripping my laptop


Aaron  07:23

down onto the ground and stripping the earbuds



entirety like, like an inverted snake, like just to skin the snake and just I was left with this husk, like oh, that's not good. So then I was left with two however again, one can only like they can only be used for very specific I really one. Yeah. And then I was like, I got on to the kids. No, I was like, Don't do this. Can't touch this blah, and everything was fine. And then Tarzan showed up again. Jane? Well, depends on whether you ask Tarzan or Jane doing designing for the finger at the other one, right? You're very good at them. And I'm like, I know I know how this works don't don't you point fingers at each other It was so I was left with the only the ones that use lightning lightning jack but I can't use those on my computer. So then we had to order a new one. There were some others and we're all good to go now.


Collin  08:33

And I'm just not going to leave them plugged into my computer at all. That's that's what I've learned is that a man must be detached and left on my desk. They still may get destroyed. At some point. Yes, but


Brandon  08:45

yeah. In a new and exciting. So that was Oh, yeah.



That was Yeah, that was that was a thing one. And then we tried to record again and there was some internet


Brandon  08:59

issues. Yeah, they just decided no, I'm not gonna internet today. And nothing has died. Nothing. Nothing. It was, it was it was dying a slow death as well because it was like, yeah, I'll load this thing eventually. And then we tried to refresh it was like,



done waiting. Wait, wait, hold on Yeah, that's not okay.



And then we were pressed for time because I was having to take care of those dogs and the dogs are no longer in the picture. However, I just had to run because we currently have a great name, a boxer, a black lab, and a


Collin  09:43

bulldog puppy downstairs. And they're all cute. They're all relatively young. So they were playing and all of a sudden, like the tenor of the play changed quite drastically, to like, to violence. Like it was like I need to



immediately Yes. Lots of investigation. For sure.



Yeah. So


Aaron  10:12

I was telling Brandon while like, I got on, I guess right when you left because I was just sitting in the wrong lobby this whole time while you guys are talking because I was the for some reason the the last email that you sent us I was still clicked on that and so I was like, Oh, this one who and I just kept looking at it almost like scheduled for 311 that's today. Oh


Brandon  10:39

no, no, I couldn't make we couldn't say Happy 311 Day which is terrible tree No, happy late 311 day I hope everyone listen to some 311 songs. Good stuff, huh? You know, like



all those three live I


Brandon  10:55

always like sound system. That's my favorite album. So I just listened to that one. Have a well, just on just on that day. And I'm like, oh yeah. 311 so I listened to I listened to the sound system album. Yeah. And sometimes Amber. That's a good one too. That's a good song too, but I'm a



fan of Amber.


Aaron  11:22

I don't know who any of these people are.


Brandon  11:25

So it's like a



very cute. Listen, if you heard


Brandon  11:31

if you heard a song you would remember. Yeah, you go. Oh, it's a very late 90s sounding bam. Very, right. Very late. 90s, early 2005 going on. Lots of especially if you watch the music videos for those. It's the most 1998 thing you've ever seen. It's like Oh, hello. I remember this time in my life. Yeah. 311 just numbers free one



on one. There's Yeah,


Collin  12:05

yeah amber is Amber is the color of your energy. I didn't want to



go on here but you know,


Aaron  12:12

I haven't I haven't pulled up for a liter research or you listen to it now anyway



that's why I have you call on the CEO. Yeah, yeah, I like him No, I just like the


Brandon  12:23

I always I usually always do it about everyone's well like oh yeah, I like this album.



Come Come original anyway. Yeah,


Brandon  12:33

come rich No, it's a good song that video original ouch Wow. jenko jeans, dudes no shirts skateboarding. Weird tie dye



Jake Tim 99 at its finest. Yeah, I think you're trying to say really is.


Aaron  12:49

I don't know you first said that. My first thought was flee. And I'm like, Huh.


Brandon  12:53

The bass player is very reminiscent of flee. Oftentimes no shirt. His name is peanut So he's got this weird name thing going on to a super good bass player, like so there you go. Oh.



So what is what's new? It's been in. It's been forever.


Brandon  13:20

It's been a little Odyssey to get in, as I was calling about the sixth grade basketball season has started, right? Yeah. And so I've been to a couple of games and haven't canceled those yet. A little nuts. Where did he coaching or do you have to go? I just was waiting. The kids are like, Here, come watch us play basketball like, Okay.





Brandon  13:49

my particular brand of fandom is sort of different from the general consensus of all the parents and stuff right like I am very loud, very loud when the kids are like, I was like, Alright, here's the deal. I'm gonna come and I'm gonna try to be on my best behavior, but I am loud at basketball. And they were like, now whatever, it'll be fine. And then we came to school the next day on that Wednesday, and they were like, dang, Mr. Funkhouser? Wait. I told you. I told you to ride. The game on the last game last week. This last week on Tuesday was like super close, right? Really? Like mega close. And I was going nuts. Like, I'm just jumping up screen. Yeah, come on, y'all names and stuff.



They were like, Whoa, no.



Didn't get a call from your principal. Like we had. She was she


Brandon  14:55

was there. She was into it. She was like, That was amazing. I can't help it. I get It carried away and I just can't stop being loud. So right now I do yeah, mostly can't won't stop either but legs up mostly Yeah. Ah one of the parents was like basically like Yo, I want to sit by you next time I was like are you sure cuz Didn't you see those other people move away from in front of me earlier I think they were like oh my gosh my ears I'm out of here. I can't deal with this about so it's been it's been pretty funny. So that's mostly what we've been dealing with is sixth grade basketball time. It's good. Oh, and then we threw our eggs at the window today. Oh yeah. Yeah, shoot container things like that. Yeah, well with our whatever. I want really good. They did a really good job. So it's fun. Here we just had so cardboard and a couple papers. Plastic bags. And some I had some Styrofoam cups that I ripped up and gave them some pieces like you go. And some duct tape. Was it nice? And my windows about I measured it this morning, like dropped a string out the window about 17 and a half feet. So never good. They did a good job.



Anybody just complete anybody's age just completely?


Brandon  16:26

Sure. No, I don't think I had any breaks. What? Oh, yeah, so next time I'm gonna have to give them less stuff because there was less exciting but like even I had the best one was somebody whose thing like fell apart at the very end of the time limit to build. And so they basically just duct tape the egg to the biggest piece of cardboard they could find. And they threw it out the window just right and it just like floated down, like a sale. And then just like flipped over and landed and I was like what



One jealous about the ad.


Brandon  17:04

Yeah, I was like are you kidding me? Like how did that work? What on earth it just like magic itself down there it was crazy. Oh guys pretty good. I only had I put the target like way far away from the window though so I only had one person actually hit the target so I have one actual winner everyone a lot of everyone else's like went pretty straight down or kind of about halfway to the target but I had one group make it to the target. So sweet a win, but everyone else did really good to sounds awesome. That was really fun. So we get to start our so we had to interrupt our regularly scheduled science project to do that today. We've started doing We are talking about, like, we're still talking about, like weather and stuff like that. But we're talking about the water cycle. Right? You know how the water moves through the atmosphere and, you know, falls down is precipitation and goes to the ground and all that stuff. And so they were talking like, a bunch of them kept asking the same question like, oh, man, well, like if the water is dirty, and it goes up into the clouds are the clouds dirty? And I was like, well, only one way to find out really. So I brought I made up three gallons of, quote unquote, dirty water. Mm hmm. And we are now I just brought them in to class and they said, okay, clean it. Boom, there you go. Done. I set them on the desk, and it looks like lake water. Right? It's all like brown arrows looking at what it actually is. Is tap water from my kitchen and various contents of my spice cabinet dumped into there is like some salt, not some cinnamon gives you that really good link color writing some like random sugar. And then for the floating debris, there's some like time and like oregano in there. So we are, we're gonna attempt to see if we can filter out the water. So I like it. That's next week. We're working on that this week, like brainstorming, coming up with a plan, listing materials you're going to need and they can start bringing their materials on Monday. start gathering and then building and we'll see what we come up with. And then they have to present their findings. So basically just kind of a Here's what we did. Here's why we did this. Here's why we picked this and then did it work? Yes or no? Like, what? Some of them, some of them might not work very well. Some of them are gonna work extra good. So like We'll see. We'll see how it goes. So I'm really excited to see what this turns out like. Because I was like, Yeah, they're like, well, how are we going to know if it works like Well, you're gonna drink it. Like what? Yeah, not like a huge slug of it, but you need to taste it and see if it tastes cinnamony still, or if you're if you use up Mel. I like it. So it does Jimmy really good. I think it'll be fun. So we'll see how well it turns out but some good group work and stuff mixed in with our daily scheduled science program. So we will hopefully get some interesting results about it. Susan's recovering from illness as well. That's what we've been doing. Yeah. Yeah, she had the flu last week. So she didn't really go to work at all last week. She's just like back. I've dead now. And so she's been at home. She's home all last week, and she came back to work this week. And she still got that cough though. Hang around. That's the fun thing that is the like the remaining leftover of the flu that's going around school is like a nasty cough that goes with it.


Collin  21:50

So yeah, I think I've had one for like, over a week and a half



hour. Yeah, it just it just is a cough.



That's all it is.


Brandon  21:58

Yeah, Arizona. He had fever and everything too, but mostly just fever and then the cough and then what a lot of kids have had that in school, so fun times, but she's doing a lot better now. She's by she just had an a cough. So, so good. God, she's doing better. Yes. Yay. was another reason last week was like, Oh my goodness, I have to make my own food problem. Alert, alert. Alert.



not gone well. And


Brandon  22:46

kept sending me to Walmart for stuff. And I'd be like, Yeah, I don't know where that is. I was like, uh, it should be over here. But it's not wait. Find me. Yeah, it's like weird place like, oh, there. I don't know where they keep key light. Where's that? Where I have junk is not some random shelf way in the back like oh, okay, meat eating Why are you yeah hiding basically mean not really hiding because it was a whole huge rack of it. Yeah not where I expected it to be so because the nurses school was like get her this right, done. Got it so finding it though, was the problem because I'm rubbish at shopping because I never go I'm like not allowed in the store isn't like you know a child so I know where yeah no I know rarely ever, ever certain few things are like that I go by regularly when she's like, Oh, we need more milk when she's cooking like, Okay, got it. know where that is? Or like we need this vegetable or fruit guess right there the big section. But like, every once in a while, like you need to go get this what it defeats me greatly. And I'm like I don't know where


Collin  24:22

he is where that is in for a while at least I have this vague memory of Walmart, if you could go online in their website would tell you like the where it was located look the aisle and all that stuff.



And maybe maybe that was maybe there was just a fever dream, but that made me wish they wish. But they don't have that anymore. Yeah, they definitely don't have that.


Brandon  24:50

It's hard to even find like on my website, you would think it would be categorized at least by a section. Right? It should like it wouldn't near the store. Like oh, this thing is in This section, right with this like heading that match some sort of like in store, tag that, you know, those things hang on the ceiling or in the aisles that have the little tags that hang off that say, oh, here's the, you know, whatever, like bread or whatever, you know, I mean if it matched with those in any way that would be great. Isn't you would at least be like, Oh, I need to look for this. And so it's like, direction like, relative location, right? Like, oh, it should be somewhere close to this thing. Right? Right. Not just like, process of elimination, like Well, I know it's not in the clothing part. And I know it's not over here. eight sections left. I don't know.


Collin  25:49

somewhere in the middle maybe or not.


Brandon  25:53

Like they move they and they just moved like an hour store anyway, they moved where all the tape is. Right. So for my thing, I was like, need duct tape, stat. Right. But it's not where I bought it last time.



Right? Oh, that's the most in a mood thing.


Collin  26:15

Yeah. Like just wandering around being like, well, I used to feel like you're being gas lit because you're just like, yeah, we'll be here and everything else is the exact same in this location except for the one row where the thing that I'm looking for is not


Brandon  26:30

anymore. Yeah, and last time I definitely bought masking tape in the office supply section. It's not there, spoilers. It is in it's all been coalesced into this adhesive part section thing. There glue there. I don't know probably. Yeah, no. Well, there was gorilla tape. So I imagined it as Gorilla Glue somewhere close by. I was focused on the tape and I sort of disregarded my surroundings came and found a huge section of just a piece of tapes. I was like, Ooh, okay, but it was like way over in the this obscure aisle over in the tools that I never ventured into. Right. It was way over there, which is definitely not where it was last time. So I think last time all the tape was in like the craft thing in the back somewhere like on the side, like right there by them, but they've moved it over to the tool department in our Walmart tool department. Yeah. was like by the bridges and stuff. I don't know. I think my secondary problem I was thinking about this the other day as well. I don't





Brandon  27:49

so this came up because I was I was also like speech shopping. Because I don't want to be in Walmart, obviously. And so I was just like, I was like, Man Shana was at work. I was getting ready to come home. And I was like, man, I don't want to come home and then we didn't really have that much food. So I was like, Well, I'm gonna I don't wanna have to come home and then go out for food again. And then I remembered, wait, you're in a grocery store, you moron. You buy something. Cuz I was getting random junk like, Oh, I gotta get this I get this medicine I get nothing I was buying was food related, really. But then I had that epiphany because I'm very slow some days of, Oh, yeah. This is a grocery store too. You can buy food here. So I ran over to the frozen pizza section. I just grabbed a pizza, right? Come home and make like a hot that'll begin. So if I got the wrong one, because I realized that what I do oftentimes is I don't read the label. I'm looking for the familiar box or whatever. Right? just grabbed one and it was not the one that I want. My God. Because the box was the right it was just a different one. I mean, it was fine. It was still frozen pizza, but it was like the wrong crust and the wrong thing was because I just saw the box with the thing that looked familiar. Like this one. I didn't read the text at all right? And I do this a lot. And it's this. This problem transfers greatly to buying other stuff like books, or albums or something. Because I cannot ever remember for the life of me what the title of the book that I was called. I just remember what the stupid cover looks like. No, no, no, I Google's urgent care. So this is happened last week. I was looking. I was by putting a bunch of books on my cart wish list stuff for like school, and then I was looking at other like, you know, other books to read. And I was like, Oh, what's that one and I can't I have no idea. what's called no click I know what the cover looks like. But no idea. I can't remember the author's name. I can't remember the title of the book.


Collin  30:07

Oh my god.



Oh my gosh.



doomed. I'm doomed forever. Right? You're like the guy that


Collin  30:17

Oh, like the guy is going. I don't remember. I remember the song. But I don't remember the words. And I don't remember. Anything else. It was part of the music. baseline.


Brandon  30:32

Yeah, exactly. I do that too. Sometimes. But yeah, with books. It's it's a big problem. Because it just I was thinking, this is how my brain transferred this because it happened with the pizza. It happens with books all the time, because I was sitting here and I was like, Oh, yeah. What's that? Because I was going through this list and was like, Oh, yeah, there's this one that I want to read a long time ago. Mm hmm. And it's one of those ones that I saw on a store. And then I read the thing and I was like, that looks pretty good. But I didn't buy it because I already had a handful of other stuff. And I should have because Tao I don't know what it was no.





Brandon  31:11

This is why now I take pictures of everything and then try to find it later because I can't. That is seriously, I have no



pro tip to the max. Take all the pictures.


Brandon  31:24

I've been going through my phone, my camera roll, and like getting them out of there and putting them in some sort of like a wish list or something on on either Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Right? Yeah, where where they live? Because actually, I don't ever remember. Like, if I see them in the wild like that. I know. It's like I never see them again. They just I see it once and then they're gone.



disappeared into the midst.


Brandon  31:49

Right? Like just very frustrating. And you're like, you're like what was that book called? net? You never go To find out ever again, it is gone. I don't know how to Google that one book. I think there was pirates in it. And there's a boat on the cover, like, well, you just you're never gonna get in the cover was blue. That one time. Yeah. Yeah. Just doomed. And it can't. I think the real reason I didn't buy this book was it was that it was one of those things where Barnes and Noble had booked, like, two and four have like a four part series. And I'm like, Well, I don't want to buy Book Two. That's, that's not helpful. I've done that before. Yeah, that sucks. But like, I mean, most the time it doesn't really matter, but I don't really enjoy doing that because you're like, Wait, what? I didn't buy it. Because I was like, oh, I'll come back later, and see if they have the first one. Well, the next time I went back they didn't have that zero of them. So



I don't know what it was for now.



Yeah, then you just left there being like, well, I guess that was never


Brandon  33:18

all I got all I have is historical fiction.



Pirates just gone forever. No point.


Brandon  33:25

Yeah, that's that's not helpful at all. I don't



know that was that was an aspirational book. I guess we'll just


Brandon  33:35

forget it. Yeah, I got so many of them my wish list right now. It's fine. I've been trying to stock up on like books that will be useful for my job, right. So I need more books about like, ancient history and earth science. So it's nice to have some stuff to read in there in between. Do you go when you get a little tired like I get Yeah, you can only read so much Greek history and I'm like, Okay, I need to take a break. I've got to read something else real quick. Yeah. So



but alas, it won't be that book whatever was gone last last last. Yep gone forever


Brandon  34:26

so sad so sorry. Yeah, okay





Collin  34:39

air man How about you


Aaron  34:43

Doug I really anything to follow up on that I've not really been doing a whole lot and I haven't had a chance to adventure anywhere. Nothing new has really popped up got it Well, it's weird. So we got a bunch of weird emails today that were a little bit on the cryptic side about, you know, with all this stuff going on. And so, you know, the call from my supervisor. And he's like, do you feel like you want to work from home? I was like, I don't. I mean, I don't know, maybe


Brandon  35:22

it's like, well, how does that work as an interviewer,


Aaron  35:24

right? So we're like, well, so we have the option to be able to work from home, meaning like doing all like the typing and stuff. So try to try to limit you know, the amount of time that we're like, actually in the office around people. And so, that's pretty much what I did for a good half of my day, like a good chunk of it was trying to get all that set up because we have to follow a very different computer system like I just can't log on to the state. database from, from my laptop, you know, using just simple Wi Fi, because it has all the records and things and as to be like secure Connect. Yeah. And so we had to have a play around with that. And so I think I have to go back in the office sometime next week. But they're like, yeah, just for now. Like, you might, you know, just stay at home. And if you get a call, just go out and then go back home. And I'm like, No, like, probably do that. If I'm very intrigued to see how this works and plays out, I don't know exactly what what it would be kind of nice just to, you know, not have to drive 45 minutes to work. That's kind of nice and just, especially if I if I don't have anything to do, but just type as it was true. Weirdly enough, the easiest thing is actually like talking to people, sort of, but the hardest part which takes which is more time consuming. Is the Actual legitimately typing it all up in the database and you know, DEA summaries and court paperwork and you know, different filings and so it's that part's a lot more tedious than you know, you might think it would be, but it's very No, it sounds pretty tedious. Yeah, it's very like, just like just this this looks fine. Like don't spell check it, just just read it and send it off. But you can't do that. And so that part, that's what just makes it more like, just I typed the dang thing. Just get it away from me. I don't want it anymore. Like that's the part that you know, just kind of sucks. Yeah. Now then. I did have I these are the strange stories you don't really hear especially in my field, but I can't tell you the name or where it was at but how to Call Now go out there, you know, nothing turned out to really happen. But I go to these people's house like way out in the boonies like way way out there. And these people basically like live off the grid sort of they you know, have like a giant swimming pool that they use just for water. They have a side business where they train service and rescue dogs. And so like it's like a pretty like it's way out there but it's actually like a really cool kind of thing. And so I was out there because you have to do home assessment make sure it's safe and now just a rundown farmhouse nothing to worrying but then they're like hey, do you want to see our animals my Sure. And so they take me to like all like show me like all their show chickens. And like their show goats. And then like their cat like their Cattle they have. And then like all these other stuff. And then like they show me like all these chickens, and they just start like handing me chickens the hold, which I know, this is kind of like, like, throw it on the ground and runaway. Oh, this is not exactly what I you know, planned my What was that? Like it was like a Monday night. I think it was this like last week. And so like I'm sitting there and these people and like they're showing me all this stuff. And then one of the kids comes out and they're like, oh, the one of the dogs is having puppies. And so we run over there and so they're like, go ahead and get in the pin and started help pull up puppies, like I find and so by this time, it's like 630 at night. And I have my phone flashlight out holding and they're just like handing me like newborn puppies to be like this. And so like one of the Fortunately, this one unfortunately didn't make it. But I was like sitting there, you know, doing the Pat thing and rubbing it and, and stuff like that. But yeah, that was a very strange phone call to my supervisor because we always try to staff and tell you know what, no, yeah meet up and like I got in the car and I was like,



I don't I do I type this I don't,


Aaron  40:21

I don't know how to like explain it to you and he's like, Well did you know tell me what happened and I left there at like 730 it's pitch black out in the middle of puppies out in the middle of you know, Northern Osage County, which is pretty much all prairie. Mind you and so it's over by the windmill turbines. And so it's like pitch black. I'm driving them like a dirt road. And I was on the phone with my supervisor. He's like, so why are you out so late? I was like, I don't I don't know. I can't I smell of chickens. Like I don't. I don't


Brandon  40:57

know. I just tell you that Smell of chickens and puppies.


Aaron  41:02

puppies. Like I had to put one puppy like in my hoodie for a little bit keep them warm.


Brandon  41:09

Oh my goodness.


Aaron  41:10

Yeah, I was just that was a very phone call and then I call my girlfriend after that and I was like, I don't like First of all, I'm alive, but you will not believe the craziness I just went through and then I re explained but yeah, that one was like when I got to the work next day, I just kind of sat at my desk. I'm like, how, like, how do I document that? Like don't even list everything like that'd be super cool my reports but I haven't even finished typing it because there was so much like how I don't know how to. I don't know what to do. That was really kind of only true, exciting thing that's happened recently.


Brandon  41:49

That's pretty that's pretty exciting. All right. I don't know. Get more exciting than that. Bad That's fantastic. I also, I guess I knew this fact. I'm sure I did. But how does one show a chicken? So it's, you'd be surprised. Yeah,



I think it would be there's different reaching out to be.


Brandon  42:18

I know there are different breeds of chickens, but I just never I knew people did that. I've heard that before, but I've never really contemplated what that looks like before.


Aaron  42:29

Well, it's so it's kind of like a I've never seen like, you know, I've seen people show pigs and I've, I've seen people show goats. And so I think it's kind of like that, you know, I don't know if they like walk behind them with a little Yeah, that's what I know. They like hold them. And like they make them flap their wings and stuff like that.


Brandon  42:50

But I didn't know if they because most other things that I've seen or heard about being shown like they do that they like walk with them, right? But like can walk with a chicken, let's just run around all kinds of crazy. So like, us hold it and like,


Aaron  43:07

I don't know, I think a lot of it is. I am Yeah, I'm pretty sure they like, hold the gym eating. Well, you


Brandon  43:16

have to see it walk. I mean, maybe they just like, let it fenced area and just like, bring it in there and let it kind of wander around because you got to see it walk around. Yeah, because that's how like part of the judging is like, for everything else is like, is it does it move? Like is it like, can it walk around? And is it walking correctly in the gate? gate gauge, that's the word I'm thinking of. They go, I just kept I kept thinking of the word per ambulate. And I was like, that's not what judges say.



the wrong word.


Aaron  43:50

It's something. It's something crazy like that. I've never seen it, but they're like, Oh, yeah, he's like, here's our show chickens. Here's our feed chickens that we use. And here's these chickens. Sounds like I don't chickens for days ma'am This is not what I'm here for but I mean cool unique learning opportunity, right? Yeah but yeah, it brought back hoard horrible memories of yeah right having having a half having chickens. Oh


Brandon  44:22

villainous chicken that is there's another chicken to the problem. It's the roosters



and the end the foxes that eat well


Brandon  44:29

yeah no I was talking about the trauma of trying to feed chickens where they're like oh yes I'm gonna attack you in the face now like well I'm just trying to bring you food like trying to kill me right?



Like you must be destroyed.


Brandon  44:43

Yeah, like I'm bringing you cord start to love me. Yeah.






so terrible.


Brandon  44:56

Really are like the A small side note, speaking of chickens. Did you know that Morgan Spurlock made a sequel to supersize me?



Yes, I did not. And I


Brandon  45:16

never asked it. It's I watched it last week. That's why I brought it up because it's about chicken. It's called like, holy chicken. Oh, God, and it's all about. He's well, brief side brief overview. He's trying to investigate whether like the fast food industry is actually healthier now than it was back when he did the first one. And part of it like the new like, the big trend that's been pushing forward is chicken on everything, right? Chicken, this chicken magic in that blah, blah. So basically, he just wants to see if the chicken stuff is better and how it works. So in order to do this, he decides that he going to open up a fast food chicken restaurant and farm his own chickens.



Hey, oh my gosh.


Brandon  46:11

So it's like it's all about like the chicken industry and fast food and marketing and also it's



really fascinating.



It's really good.


Aaron  46:23

It's on Netflix is it?


Brandon  46:24

I saw it. I watched it free on YouTube.



Okay, wait, what's it called?


Brandon  46:29

It's called like holy chicken or something might be called supersize. Me too. I just watch it on youtube for free. He's just everywhere every 12 minutes or whatever. It just showed some ads. But I watched the whole thing free on YouTube. adding it to my list. Yeah, it's it's real good. Like, it's a real good and he's gonna go Yo, what That's pretty awesome. Like it's crazy. Like, I've never seen anybody make a point by buying, like a flock of chickens before, but you know, whatever. It's fine. gotta do what you gotta do. You do have to do what you do. But it's really good. Okay, like, so I will tell you more. We talked about later if you're, if your should not



be a homework watch holy chicken.


Brandon  47:24

Well, it's kind of long so eventually in the future at some point, okay. adding it to our panelist pin out there.


Collin  47:32

Oh, hey, speaking of speaking of homework, uh,



this is our 1234566 week



ish check in our two month check in



how is your everyday carry stuff?


Brandon  47:53

Oh, boy. Yeah, no, I I yeah, not well.



And if you jumped ship,


Brandon  48:01

pretty much I can chapstick and I use the pocket knife. Okay, that's about it. Not a lot, mind you. Right? I do have it around.



So some of it stuck



some of it, most of it,



but not the comb. No,


Brandon  48:19

that was just a novelty really. It was an impulse buy of impulse buys. I have been considering alternatives to things like my wallet and the belt that I wear all the time. But I have not actually done so yet. I've been looking into alternatives to that because I figure I was thinking about like, well, I don't really use this extra stuff. So maybe I should like focus on the stuff that I do use and try to improve that First turn and see how that goes. Because like my belt, I just wear like I abandoned leather belts A long time ago because they just stretch and warp and break and ridiculous. So I have like one of those like nylon, like belts with the weird buckle thing you know. And like it's cool but like it's just some random one that I bought on Amazon for like 15 bucks or something nice. So like this is black. And whenever I wear all the time, like I was thinking about looking into a better something of those as well. So that's the current trend that I'm going on. I haven't actually pulled the trigger on anything yet. But like, that's where I am like thinking about different wallets because I don't like I could go with something smaller than the one I have right now. For my front pocket wallet and something else like belt related because that's That I have all the time. By no matter what, like, Dad scarred me for life. I can't leave the house without a bill. It's not possible. So I can't


Collin  50:11

make it again. Are you wearing? You're wearing shorts? You don't need a belt? Of course you need a belt. You don't know what happened. Will you not need a belt?



You never know when the belt patrol will come for you.


Collin  50:20

Exactly. They're around every corner. They are on every corner. They will they will find you I do. Yes. And you will be left wanting.



Yes. One thing you don't want to be found. No,


Brandon  50:34

no. No way. No. So that's it kinda. And I've been thinking about I've been taking some other random pencils to school with me having around but nice. That's about it. Cool. Aaron?



Yeah, I


Aaron  50:53

I have not followed suit. I mean, I pretty much throw everything in the backpack. When I go out trying to remember what I had, I don't really use the little notebooks anymore. Oh, yeah. I mean I do sometimes but like that's mostly for like, at the office stuff. I don't really use them for like investigations or anything mobile. They're not mobile. Yeah.


Brandon  51:23

Correct. That's my, to a lot of my stuffs like in my desk because I have a notebook in my desk like, right. Yeah.



Colin, well,



yeah, I have continued to


Collin  51:47

take with me all the items. So I still keep the flashlight I still keep the knife and the little tool on the I said I was going to take the tool off of Yeah, that was good at the first thing that left with that. So it I took it off for a while, but then I was like, ah, but then that kind of again, this is the reason why I'd never wanted to open up the EDC door was what if, what if you need a Phillips head screwdriver when you're walking in a field like what if you need that? What What if, and so it's stuck, it's still there. Alas.



And I will tell you, the flashlight has become a total






device because the the button has such a satisfying click on off layer


Collin  52:47

and the top of it. And one of the things that you can do is the tip of it can slide forward and backwards so that you can change the diameter of the beam. So it can be the slide. Yeah, it's slide It's metal on metal kind of like Yeah. And so you can slide it forward like a quarter of an inch but if that and it can be really really narrow and then you slide it back and it becomes real broad and that thing oh my gosh when I'm really not paying attention I am sliding that so it doesn't it's not really as useful as a flashlight as more as a keeping Colin's demon dogs at bay.


Brandon  53:33

God got it but



yeah, so that's that's that



okay. Well good. Yeah, on on that slight note of the thing i i


Brandon  53:50

don't know if i followed up on this, but the I don't know when I buy this damn thing. Like Thanksgiving. I bought that ring, you know? Oh, yeah, yeah. I've ordered my second replacement.


Collin  54:03

Wait your second replay? Yeah,


Brandon  54:05

I've broken two of them. Mike just wiring them around. I want to do anything. And like, these rip. Like this one is just like ripped in half. Like I love the last one I had. It's just like destroyed. Like I just wear it around. I don't even like measure them that much. way less than I measured my older one much. I mean, like the old one I had, I would like flip it inside out and a lot of stuff. But this one, I don't do that. And yeah, I've destroyed to just like wearing them around. Oh, I don't know what's up with that groove ring. But Yo, what the heck. That's I don't know how these people in your commercials that are like chopping wood and doing CrossFit. And then like Don't fight you're fighting. I don't know how there's seemed to last when being in a classroom it makes my life just disintegrate like you're just that intense


Collin  55:09



Brandon  55:10

I don't think that's it. I just teach science so vigorously I there's another one coming in the mail again cuz I mean, the warranty is good. You just send him a picture and be like, yo, it broke and they're like, okay, we'll send you a new one like but dang man that



seems to it do it less than six months excessive



that's not a good


Brandon  55:37

Wow. Not four months really been on for months. I've gone through two



doesn't really track well for future


Brandon  55:48

gonna be a you may start getting some emails is fine. Gabi mom back Give me another one because it broke. I know that. Well, I know. They love emailing you. They do love you man. I didn't know Got rid of that nonsense. I'm gonna wait I don't need four emails from you a day. Oh, my gosh. So I don't know if it's because the one I bought just like the single layered one. I don't know if they got some weeks process for making the single Lucas a lot of the other ones in the picture like double triple layered scenes or the double triple layer. Yeah well I don't know I'm trying to spend $60 on this thing I just wanted one that would be better so



we'll see. We'll see how long this last. This next one lasts. I gotta


Brandon  56:44

see how it goes. But that's where we are with that as well. Okay, and you can check it out because I haven't been wearing it because like it just like, ripped off. I was like, well, I keep forgetting to send them my Thing and Thing. Yeah.



You guys all stocked up on your toilet paper to know never all What? All gone, just all of it.



It's bad.


Aaron  57:12

I didn't really, I didn't really think of anything much of it until I was actually out shopping for food stuff. And also I can pick up like, package just in case because Heaven forbid if I start working from home. Yeah. Yep. For those of you



this will be slightly out of time, but as of this recording metric this day, it's March 13 to march 13. The President has declared a national emergency for the



Covidien 19 coronavirus.


Collin  57:47

Emergency pandemic thing and the world lost their collective mind this week and bought all of the toilet paper Because



reasons, because you need toilet paper for a respiratory infection. Yes, yes.


Brandon  58:10

We talked about that at school today with my kids. And they're like, why are people doing that? And I was like, Well, number one. If people get afraid of things, they just go into, like panic mode. Mm hmm. And it doesn't really make sense. Right? That's fair. It's understandable. But, yo, that like that one specific thing is odd to me. That that's the focus of the you know, like, if you're going to the bathroom that much, you have something else that you need to talk to your doctor about. Right? That's some serious stuff. Right? You know that many bowel movements in a day as bad should probably get that checked out. Yeah,


Collin  58:53

yeah. Well, and I get a you know, part of it the the unknown and the As soon as people start saying, quarantine, yes,


Brandon  59:04

that's a scary word to be able to leave my house. That's a terrifying word. Are you looking at like Italy? like Yo, Italy? I feel for you guys there. Have you?


Collin  59:12

Yeah. But they can still get out


Brandon  59:15

of the grocery store. I mean, in some areas, yes. In other areas. They're like, nope. Yeah.


Collin  59:22

It's like, so whatever, though, but those are gone. All hand sanitizers gone even though it is not really that effective against



lipid based viruses. Well, no, because you need water, ie water and soap, you need water for liquids because they're fat. Yeah, and oil and you know, get rid of that. Water, not, not more oil, not more oil.


Collin  59:50

Get some soap on there doesn't matter. really, genuinely, really doesn't matter what kind of soap just Oh, so I will say that one of the things one of the benefits of this mass Losing people's minds is that the the common cold common flu common flu is seen being seen in record numbers, low numbers this year because people are actually


Brandon  60:12

washing their hands. I ran that that's not the flu this year was bad. Like it was way worse at school than it was last



year. I'm thinking it rip through their eyes like at this point in the eyes. That's fair. That's fifth. Yeah. So So yes, I think I think I know what


Brandon  60:28

elementary school is like a, an outlier


Collin  60:31

of like, it's just wearing blue lipstick. Right. They're looking just globally. And, and for this time of year. It's really, really low prevalence because people are washing their hands now.


Brandon  60:47

That's true. It's all the memes. The memes are great. Like the names so good.



I love watching. I love seeing those.


Brandon  60:57

It's just nice that people are Using memes correctly, and just reminding you that mean police? Well, no, I mean, like. So the definition of a meme is like, It's short for a longer word that I can't remember. But it is a cultural building block. That's why this word is very old. Right? It's not like a new thing. Pretty sure it's a new thing. No, the concept of a cultural building block is is not new. In the way that it is expressed, the format that is undertaken currently is new, new ish, right? But like that the cultural building blocks spread person to person is not. And so using that power for good for once. It's very nice, right? washing hands. So that's interesting. But yes, it's just very weird. It's very weird response I we were talking about today at lunch. y2k came up. Obviously. It's not that bad currently, but it's on the way.



Right. Like, yeah, I mean mass hysteria. It's we have most of my work. We give a workshop twice a year. We have been doing that for the past 1516 years. And I think this is only the second time it's been cancelled. Because the Missouri Department of Health and Human Services or whatever, came down with recommendations, and the department adopted those. And one of those is like any non essential meetings don't have at all


Brandon  62:53

that was another meme that I saw yesterday. I was, I guess we'll find out how many of those emails are meetings could have been emailed. Right? But



like valid, that's good.


Brandon  63:06

Yeah, the definition here an element of culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by non genetic means, especially imitation.



Science. There we go. Anyway. So you're the mean, police is what I know.


Brandon  63:23

It's just a definition definition.



Hmm. I think that's kind of what like lawyers do and police definition. Anyway.



Moving on.


Collin  63:36

So yeah, we're all surviving the great global pandemic of a bad flu currently



by buying hurt labor.


Brandon  63:50

Well, pretty awesome. Well, it's an interesting, it's a I mean, it's a weird kind of stress tests, right? Because you think about like, Oh, yeah. They really are. And you think about like, what would happen if it was like a sub like way more severe? It was nothing now, yes. Again, I am not even about to try to downplay what's happening. Because I think sure that's dangerous, right, dude, the whole like, no, it's fine. Like I know, people


Collin  64:23

I'm not trying to lives it is and it's


Brandon  64:25

very serious. It's serious. And that's unfortunate and, you know, sad about that. On the other hand, it could be something like, way worse. You know, I mean, Mm hmm. Though, like, the stress test. It's not going well.



It is not gone. Well.


Brandon  64:46

Yeah, it's not it's not been pleasant. And so hopefully we can learn something from this whole thing.


Collin  64:55

Well, I think what I think one of the biggest takeaways is just How connected the when we put on people's talk about the global economy? I don't think a lot of people especially in America understand know what that means. What supply chains are Oh, man. Yeah, but like, like, just the when they when they do those panning views of all of the seaports, and there's not a ship there. That's just not there. Oh, that's weird. Why can't I find aspirin today? Oh, aspirin, biggest manufacturer is China. And just just how connected the global economy actually is for every little thing. And that, for me, that's one of the really big takeaways is just it's huge. And and it really shows one chink in the armor and everybody is left scrambling.


Brandon  66:01

Yeah. So I think I think hopefully this becomes some sort of learning moment where we can actually develop like some kind of plan for these things. Some sort of like steps and things to implement to help in case something like, even more serious than this occurs. Right? Right. Like what do you do? Like how? Because the systems clearly are not the current systems that we have clearly cannot handle this stress. Huh? So, like, how do you bolster them? So they can, right? Like, what do you what do you got to put in place to help these be more stable? Is the real question Sorry, my thing was moving on away. That's the weird part right? Hopefully, that can be a thing. Hard to know. Because we look back, just what? How many years? 2004 three with the SARS thing.



Is that 2009?


Brandon  67:19

Was it I thought was earlier than that. No. Was it was a nine. I that was way earlier. No, you're right. You're right. Yeah, it was early 2000s you write three or four maybe 2002 that. Okay, maybe two or three.


Aaron  67:34

Well guess what swine flu was like 2009


Brandon  67:36

Yes. 2009 because that was a big thing too, because that was a same thing, right? It wasn't the same, it was less severe. But that thing spread. Boom. Right? Like Holy cow. Where What? Like, people here had that, you know, middle of nowhere. Boom. Got it. So Just the way that it's the, the, because that's just spread so fast, right? And they're even more connected now than we were in 2003. So people don't i don't think people realize just how much more it is. Because you think, you know, oh, 2002 and three, I wasn't that long ago. I mean, I mean, I mean, historically, no. Culturally, oh, good gravy. That was an eternity ago. You know, I mean, like,


Collin  68:32

especially in places like China.


Brandon  68:34

Yeah. 2000 2002 there was whole entire multi person multi million person cities in China that did not exist. Yeah.


Collin  68:43

Just Right. Yeah. road networks and everything. Just the amount of population growth that they've seen. Yeah. And infrastructure development and and global superpower that they become. That's 20 years. Exactly. Yeah. Yep, that's a that's a huge change. And then, you know, something like this comes along and they shut down manufacturing. So all of a sudden supply gets cut way down. But also, demand gets cut way down globally. nobody's doing anything. Exactly. I saw one of these really cool. They're showing air pollution over China.



I saw that map.



Yeah. Oh my gosh,



it was lazy. It's like this is before they turn


Collin  69:27

the factories off. And this is what the entire country shut down. Yeah. It was weird. That's a weird map. That is really just, it just blows you away to think about that. But then just the rippling effects of saying well, but when they shut down, there were enough boats already on the way over to the US where we're not going to really notice it for a little while. But then there's no more boats.



You're like, it's just a weird like, Yeah,



really just shows


Brandon  70:01

Yeah, so that's weird. Another thought but it went away. similar in that vein, but yeah, it's just like interconnectivity, and just the the amount that people move is staggering. Oh my gosh, that right? Yes. Yes. You don't really think about it on a daily basis that people are just constantly going in motion.


Collin  70:30

everywhere. Everywhere. It was. That was one thing I noticed too negative, like, I think I'm realizing just just how many just conferences are going around all the time, all the time, everything just non stop and people be you know, there's just this just globally, oh, we're going to this or this or this or this or this thing. Yeah, that's just like a hot inside of my world. But yeah, that can travel is the norm in fast people.


Brandon  70:58

I mean, it's for large numbers. And just that, that I know everyone talks about it, you know, that's, that's the other thing that people like you don't realize it because people kind of downplay it like, oh, there's no social interaction. No, you know what? It's insane. Like, though global culture of socially interacting with people is just enormous. Yeah. And normally, this is very positive. Right? But in situations like this, it becomes really hard to break that. Right, because that's the social norm. Well, we are interacting, talking in face to face is a thing, right? Yeah. And it's, it's the desired thing, and it's when we're social creatures. Yes, we really are. We really are social animals. And I think this is good, right? But it comes into direct conflict. With times like this when it's like, yo, you can't shake someone's hand. What, huh? That's like that globally accepted thing to do. Right? It's just a thing people do they only think about it. It's like, boom, high five, boom, chicken. Hey, what's going on? Like, you know, like, just that interaction, that close interaction that people say they don't do ever, but if you really think about it



happens a lot.



Oh, yeah. universalize.


Brandon  72:32

Yeah. Do kind of nuts.



And see, yeah, this is, you know, this, that's part of the



public health aspect is the societal norms, breaking, breaking, breaking them, you know, as much as it's like, just when we were decrying the need for more of them, or strengthening them. Yeah. And how strong they are already and going, nope, you can't do that anymore. You got to actually stay away from People and stay home and not interact and so Yeah, that'll be you know, saying really interesting to see. And so a lot of people really didn't take it all that seriously until sporting events started to get canceled. Oh yeah till this, like these last two weeks really NCAA canceled their their stuff, you know, Major League Baseball said no. no public attending spring training NBA, NBA.


Brandon  73:29

Hockey, right.


Collin  73:31

Yeah, I mean, that's whenever people started to go,


Brandon  73:33

oh, oh,


Collin  73:35

well, yeah. Well, I guess that in when national treasure Tom Hanks and his wife were diagnosed with it. I mean, obviously that's,






that was that was right when people



really started to pay attention like Woody. Yeah.


Brandon  73:51

And so yeah, just like that. Like, oh, maybe we should take this serious now. And we should Do this like yeah,


Collin  74:03

let's let's do that. That would be a good idea.



So it's really weird.


Brandon  74:11

Also my brain today, at some point, I don't know at what point today is occurred. But I sort of projected this situation forward in time, okay. And I was thinking about like, oh, crud, what, what if we did have a Mars colony? And this happened or something has happened, right? Like, then than they did then what happens? Right? If you expand this out 100 years and you're like, not just like, globally interconnected, but like galactically hmm like oh snap like what on earth happens then? Right like What do you do in that situation?


Collin  75:01

Well, you talk about outbreak on the Mars colony or outbreak here on Earth, either one,


Brandon  75:07

right? Like, what the heck? At what point does that just go bananas and just weird things that people don't haven't thought about yet? procedures and stuff for that. Right? We don't even know what to do now. Like, don't even think about it. It's sort of like a lapse in in thought, and oh, well, it's not important. We don't need to do that. Except for turns out extremely. So. I would just sci fi brainstorming right that today to like, yo, that would be even worse.


Collin  75:42

Mm hmm. Well, yeah, I mean, you'd see huge disparity in the haves and the have nots even more so than you already have. Now. That's true. I was was reading you know, the, the number of private jet charters despite as people are, you know, Turns out all those billionaires actually do have bug outs. And they're all going to them right now. And they're taking their private doctors with them and they're taking out staff with them and they're taking no. And some this article I was reading talked about how they are really upper echelon. Basically, they're they're using their money now to live in these these isolated and disinfected proverbial tunnels through society so that they can get in the hired car that just went through a disinfection to drive them right up to their private plane who just went through disinfection to fly to their private house, you know, like, like all along the steps, you know, they can pay to have these things disinfected and free of people. Well, the rest of us don't really have that.


Brandon  76:58

That sounds very familiar to have you ever read math. The Red Death



Note by Edgar Allan Poe. Oh, no. That's it. That's


Brandon  77:06

exactly. Okay. Yeah. This is not a new concept either. That's just it's just said in the midst of a Late Middle Age plague, but it's the same thing. Really? Right. It just


Collin  77:21

and Well, that was one of the things. What was I'm gonna get this wrong. It was I think New York shut down their subway. Oh,


Brandon  77:30

yeah. And that.


Collin  77:32

Yeah. And it's like, whoo. What do you What are you doing? That's kind of how the vast majority of people move through that around.


Brandon  77:44

Yeah. When you have a city that relies on public transportation and you cut away public transportation.


Collin  77:51

Yeah. What do you do? But it's the same, you know, it's the same thing. All these universities closing down and saying, Yeah, that's nuts. Go back. Home, the number of students that are on full rides because of their academics or whatever, that can't afford plane tickets back home.


Brandon  78:13



Collin  78:14

It's It's surprising a lot of these universities, you know?


Brandon  78:19

Yeah, I don't know why it's Yeah, this is another thing. They don't, they're so out of touch with reality they are. This is the thing it's been. It's like, part of it is like, you know, you read stuff like that, and you're like, they don't they have no idea, right, the financial situation that most students do they have no clue.


Collin  78:40

Right? They don't. And, you know, Harvard was one that was the shining example because what a lot of people don't know is the number of full rides that Harvard gives away that they provide to students and they come from all walks, but the good chunk of them come from backgrounds who are who can't afford meals someday? And so they were interviewing this girl and she was just like, I don't know what I'm going to do because there's no really home for me to go back to and, and I can't Yeah. And you know, my mom works. three jobs as a waitress and my dad's in the factory and they don't get time off to come get me. And that's the other thing, right? Yeah.


Brandon  79:25

That's the other thing about this. Just take off work. What? Know what job you have that you could just like, take off work, but the majority of people are like, Yeah, no, I have x hours. To be gone. That's it. Yeah.


Collin  79:43

And then and then what? Yeah, and then what? Yeah. Or people who are hourly. Right. Yeah. They're not even salaried hourly. And they go, just don't show up to work. And do


Brandon  79:55

your waitresses, your Yeah.


Collin  79:58

You know, even you know, even you know, technicians or Yeah, whatever. It's like actually, if they don't they they're not guaranteed anything.


Brandon  80:07

No backbone


Collin  80:09

time off most of the daily life.


Brandon  80:10

Right. Those people out there. Yeah. killing it every day.



Yeah, because being awesome.


Collin  80:16

Yeah. And now Oh, just don't show up you'll be fine. Yeah, no, that's actually no, there's no


Aaron  80:22

nothing else for them. You know,



that's it. And I really just, you know, those kind of social implications for a lot of these easy button approaches, without any they just don't work now and then on the back end for people closing even,


Brandon  80:40

you know, schools like elementary schools and stuff, and they're like, Oh, yeah, just stay home. like, yo, do you know? The number of kids that go to school, where that's where they eat? Oh, yeah, that's it. Done. They that's cool. Too they get two meals a day. Yeah. That's it.


Collin  81:05

And they don't have anything else. No. Well, that's like and so we're like, we'll close it


Brandon  81:09

like a



hold on. Yes. How


Collin  81:14

did you hear about Alabama today? No. All K through 12 schools closed. Yo, all yeah,


Brandon  81:21

that's. Yeah. I mean, all those kids and I, a lot of those kids are not gonna eat now.


Collin  81:28

No. And the politicians have no idea about that. No. You know, they have they have no clue. Those kind of implicate, they haven't been in a school since they graduated from law and they were probably the last


Brandon  81:43

last time Well, most of them and that was probably 58 years ago, too. So like, come on, you know, no,


Collin  81:49

it just, it really breaks my heart to think of those the students are now in those situations. And for the really young ones, the parents who are working full time? And can off?


Brandon  82:02

Or do they do their home alone? Yep. They have a home alone. I mean, that's because that's the reality. Right? Like, like, you're not like that school. For a lot of those kids. That's the safe spot. It's man. Mm hmm. That's it. So, I mean, it sounds like a grandiose solution to be like, Oh, just close it. Like, that's not that's not really gonna work out. Like Yeah, what? Yeah, what are you gonna do with this is a valuable, like place, you know, these kids. And it's a,


Collin  82:38

it's a, it's a social cornerstone of,



of this of the, you know, of the city of the town of the you know, and it is a huge safety net for those students in the area. And you're basically stripping that away and going well We may have a plan. We may not. Yeah. So I know there are a few organizations that are trying to partner with some states to continue, like basically driving meals.


Brandon  83:14

Yeah, I read that today. I don't remember where that was happening. Yeah, sorry. Sorry, but I don't remember exactly where that was. Yeah, I don't either.


Collin  83:24

But just like, Okay, well, but that's not, you know, that's not the state. That's not the federal government that's like just local charities and people


Brandon  83:32

going, Oh, a lot of a lot of kids at school employees like, Alright, well, there we go.


Collin  83:37

Like going home. I can't teach. I can't, I can't, you know, I can't clean the school. I can't, not the bus driver anymore. I still I still have a passion to take care of these students because I see them every day. And those people who are stepping up and



yeah, yeah,



my goodness. Yeah.


Collin  83:56

Record right now, whatever. So we'll see. Oh, man, we'll see. Yeah, a lot of these stuff are for 30 days or, you know, like midnight, basically, the department has had no, no meeting for 30 days. And a lot of these schools are going well, we're going online only for


Brandon  84:16

the foreseeable future. Oh, yeah. Well, maybe that's another problem because like, like ours cool. Online, Jake, you're funny. You think are good damn internet out here. Come on away. They don't. They don't.


Collin  84:31

That's the thing. Well, it's like 30%


Brandon  84:33

of the kid that the internet like,


Collin  84:35

exactly. Just go home and you email them the assignments? Yeah, I'm sorry. You are not very in touch with the vast, you know, with huge swaths of the country.


Brandon  84:48

Yeah, no internet here, man. Come on.


Collin  84:52

Right. It just boils my blood to think that


Brandon  84:57

Aaron how those kids in rural Oklahoma getting Internet how's that working out for now? That they


Aaron  85:03

like yeah, it kind of landed semi on a good time to give them some sort of break and spring break because that's all that's next week is spring break Well, it's true it's like most schools were like Oh thank God I can play with me mean a button. We we have a lot of schools here that go for days anyway the school and so they're kind of accumulated to the point where like okay we can kind of you know stretch this out but yeah like frickin Fairfax Oklahoma there's no tiny school population out there that they have to bus all these kids from you know parents either don't work and or they do work but they have to drive you know an hour to something and like well I got a little kid I can't leave my little kid there. You know and roll Oklahoma with all All this stuff going on? And so it's like bigger schools. Sure. Yeah. Makes sense. Perfect. But like, yeah, I mean, I, that's all I deal with I deal with variables is Yeah. Like, that's that's all weirdly that's enough say that that's the clientele that I have our rule areas where, you know, it's like oh well you can fill that out online well I don't have internet Well, you can go to the office 100 car, I get like all the buildings, but if everything shut down, I don't get my my benefits. Like I have to, you know, walk there sometimes or sometimes drive me and so I rely on public services, you know, that are shut down. And so that's why you know, for I think for my department, I don't think we're going to shut down we just have to, you know, move the office to home, which makes it a little bit tedious because if I get a call, I have to drive either the 30 minutes to my office. And then drive again or just drive straight there in my own car. But I mean, that's, that's doable, but it makes it a little bit difficult to having to figure out, you know, where these people live at. And, you know, it's like, well, you know, I want to be able to help and get your services but and everything shut down. Mm hmm. So, it's like, yeah, it's it's cool to be able to nice to work from home, but it's not enjoying it either way. I can't do what I need to for these kids that need it. Because, you know, unfortunately, the biggest, you know, the biggest thing for the people that I work of is, you know, finances and, you know, that plays a particular role in a lot of things with everything shut down. Anything, you know, it, you know, they're just backpedaling and, or they're, you know, going backwards instead of forward and it's like, well Can't help you because everything shut down so, no Well,






Yeah, no bueno for it.


Brandon  88:10

That's true. That's the other. My pessimistic side came out today too, because I kept reading about like, you know, oh, movie premieres. You know, we're gonna they're not gonna release this movie till 2021. Right? Like, gosh, like, Well, the only reason you're doing that is because no one will go see it now. You're not really doing anyone a favor. You just don't want to lose all your money. Right?



Wait, Oh, wow.


Brandon  88:41

like wow, gee, thank you. Really good. Thanks a lot guys for that big sacrifice you made. No, you just don't.


Aaron  88:51

Gee, thanks for so selfless


Brandon  88:53

to make sure as many people as possible go see what Fast and Furious 37 whatever the heck. I don't even know


Collin  89:01

Yeah, or, or, oh, shucks, all these you know, tech companies are gonna have to delay their products and and they're doing you know, like, uh huh yeah cuz you nobody will be able to buy them.



Yeah, exactly. Great. That's why I feel selfless of you. Yes. Thanks, guys. We'd help out. Do you think?


Collin  89:29

Good ness? Well, we'll keep tabs on that. And



I guess I guess our other challenge is survived coronavirus until next time, indeed.


Brandon  89:48

My biggest challenges I'm supposed to go help Susan's brother and sister in law are moving again on now and so Sunday I think I've been volunteered to go move things. I'm not looking forward to this. I don't like moving things. I'm very lazy. I mean, I don't want to carry heavy things. People always made me carry heavy things.



Because you're good. Well, I mean, you can I mean,


Brandon  90:16

I don't like it makes me sad. face my back really sad. Mostly. It's like, Well, no. Why? Because you're,



you don't remember you got to exercise those muscles. So you got to live back more often?


Brandon  90:31

No, no, I don't want to that's what you gotta well have fun. One of the reasons I became a teacher so I could do less manual labor was really why I decided to do like manual labor. My body didn't like manual labor either. doesn't like it.



Really enjoyed any of this.


Brandon  90:59

Yeah. Though we'll see I'll be biggest challenge about surviving the weekend is how many couches Do I have to carry?



real question means


Collin  91:09

it's always it's always calculus one there's always a there's always a secret couch except for Aaron. It's kind


Aaron  91:13

of Aaron Aaron's cat Yeah, whatever. I don't know it's a couch in it again. I leave here it's staying here.


Brandon  91:23

Exponential gouges right


Aaron  91:24

it's like I don't have to stills like the coastline of Scotland so know how many times you try and count the couches



going around


Brandon  91:34

the coastline problem I like ages get infinitely big huh








Brandon  91:48

the everyone else's like n plus one errands like in squared suckers get out I guess.


Aaron  91:57

You but yeah.



shaped ah


Brandon  92:04

please turn it over it'll be the end. There you go get the other way forget to head upside down. Yeah, hold



out perspective. Yeah, kidding. Right your head right?





Brandon  92:15

No. Oh yeah, yo, yeah, cuz when Caesar was sick less I tried to sleep on my couch like one one day. And I was like, oh bad this couch is old and it's not. No, like it's late. I gotta hurry. Yeah, I busted out the sleeping mat and slept it here on the floor. Huh? It wasn't much better, but at least I could like stretch all the way out. But



it helps.


Brandon  92:49

It was it was the adventure like oh man. Oh, how did I ever do this before?



It's like my



body hurts. Yeah.



Oh man, well



okay, stay safe out there. give a shout out you



will do this again soon.



hopefully hopefully hopefully


Brandon  93:17

hopefully won't be delayed indefinitely late last night would be up high column I know on the high shelf i didn't i there's so there's still short but


Aaron  93:27

I think there's the extend arms I don't know. Like that'll do like no I hate the middle lockbox


Brandon  93:35

Yes. up on top of the show. Here we go like a puzzle box right



yeah about they'll probably know they'll be able to solve it before I could get into it probably don't need to do that to me. It's true.


Brandon  93:50

Let's put them up Higher.



Higher. Higher is the solution.



Yes. solution to pollute higher anyway anyway.


Aaron  93:59

Lucian to public Is dilution


Brandon  94:01

That's true.



Trying to make it rhyme with the problem at hand.


Brandon  94:05

Anyway, we'll work on that workshop that one not that


Aaron  94:08

one comeback. writers room. Ready for more?



Yes Okay



love you guys