shirt stuffed ottoman

Have you heard of the Liver King? Aaron has, and he as a lot to share. Do you live by any tenets in your life? Besides, David, we can’t think of any. Collin visited a drive through vet. Brandon brings you the late breaking fugitive update, and has a new ottoman. He sure does have a new ottoman.

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dog, people, ottoman, shirts, springfield, fine, videos, week, talking, eat, warrior, terriers, chair, closet, walk, nice, aaron, tenants, live, good


Collin, Aaron, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Colin and Aaron. On this week's show, shirt stuffed ottoman. We made it.

Brandon  00:23

Indeed. Oh, boy. Oh boy.

Collin  00:32

Is it a day? Is this is one of those days. Oh, that is

Brandon  00:42

it. That doesn't sound good. Oh no, it's as bad as the next. So whenever listeners in case you're wondering if you ask somebody, how is their day? And the answer with it's a day, that means terrible. That's what that actually means Kingston don't let them lie to you. It means your day is horrendous and they want to go home right now. So like if you ask them that at work, and they're like, go submit a day, that means it's been poured

Aaron  01:13

a bird, right?

Brandon  01:15

That's what that's that's the that's the truth. So little worried about calling now. Am I

Aaron  01:21

right? Or am I wrong here? Sorry, I'm gonna snagging. Yeah.

Brandon  01:29

What are you snacking on? Yes.

Aaron  01:32

Well, so I've done a complete diet change. And it's the first time I've had like, sleep in like a week. So

Collin  01:38

I'm sorry. It's the first time we eat in a

Aaron  01:42

week, but in fact, like something sweet. Oh, sweet. Sweet. I was confused. Aaron, question. Have

Brandon  01:58

you been eating raw liver and bone marrow all week? ls No.

Aaron  02:02

Okay, good. More like a little more protein kind of stuff. You know, not much carbs.

Collin  02:12

Sounds like he's liver and bone marrow a little bit a little bit more protein in there.

Brandon  02:18

That's not what that sounds like. It affects your

Collin  02:23

fridge as much bone marrow out here.

Brandon  02:28

All right. So since Aaron brother Aaron, I knew we cut you off last week a little bit. When you started talking about Lyrica and I apologize for that. Would you I have discovered something that's hilarious. And it just reminded me so I have a bit of a tangent. And would you explain to people who maybe we didn't do a good job last week, who who is

Aaron  02:47

delivering? I'm probably not the best person either. I've only watched him a few times when Toby has ticked off it. So initially, I know he started out as kind of like, a like, word of health, like motivation kind of stuff. And because like his videos, like if he if you're bored, and you scroll, like, all the way down, like his videos from when he started are like, vastly different from what they are now. Is he is a caricature, really, of the kind of like, over the top manifestation of everything that is like, Oh, I'm the ultimate, no, human. Like, I'm the ultimate like, man. And so like, it's kind of interesting to see that. But he's he a healer, he's an alternative health. I guess that's the best way that I can describe it. Where it's like taking a step back and like, Oh, look at what us as mammals and what is human beings have come from, from a long way to where we are now. So, like, it's over the top, like, workout stuff. You know, believe in, you know, the all natural way that human beings, you know, eat meat. And you know, he eats raw liver. So with most of those meals, so that's the Lizard King, I only I don't binge watch his videos. Sometimes we'll pop on and we'll get on little scrolling of like, oh, this is what is older videos used to be like compared to what they are now. So that's probably not the best way to articulate a who or what is but he's got a family who they're all very, like, very healthy individuals. And it's just, it's very interesting content, because it's not like anything that you're expecting. It Watch this man, run with a bunch of, you know, pit bulls or whatever dog it is, while he's, you know, barefoot and has came wrapped around his neck the whole time. That's who, you know, that's what got my attention first and then it was all the, oh, this is what we eat our primal ate, yada, yada, yada. I think that's a good summary.

Brandon  05:29

I think last week, we sort of missed the context here. So thank you. I've only seen some of these random stuff on like YouTube shorts. And it's, it's sad to how Tik Tok works, I think because like, you just scroll a little bit and like, it's just a mystery.


What comes next?

Brandon  05:47

Right, so here I am scrolling through like, mountain bike videos, skateboarding videos. Here's a dude carrying a giant chain around his neck while he's like pulling a truck. And I was like, What's wrong with me? Yeah, I was like, I was very like, what?

Aaron  06:08

Hold on. Now,

Brandon  06:11

I bring this up because I have discovered something that is mildly hilarious. Now I did. I went to his website and he's got he's talks about his the nine his nine tenants. Right?


Have you are

Brandon  06:25

primal this Yeah. I just basically googled it and found it. Right. But he this is the part that got me he has nine tenants

Aaron  06:35

of the primal. Okay. Now, these are

Brandon  06:39

briefly sleep, eat, move, shield on what that means. Connect cold sun, fight and bond. I don't really know what these words mean to him. That's just what's on this list. When I go to his thing, so I haven't done that much research. But

Aaron  06:59

that reminded me of something else.

Brandon  07:07

It made me chuckle because it's a similar type of situation

Aaron  07:11

here. I lost it where to go. Yes. Another person that lived by tenants. Right? And was David and it true, who

Collin  07:32

is the quintessential or the quintessential tenets was just him being so I think that's an Atari.

Aaron  07:41

That's true. But I am of course talking about the Ultimate Warrior. Blam.

Brandon  07:51

You didn't see that coming? Did Yeah,

Collin  07:52

I did. I did not

Aaron  07:54

the ultimate warrior speak to me warriors. Right. So he had

Brandon  08:03

he was the ultimate warrior. If you didn't know about the career arc of the Ultimate Warrior, aka


Mr. Hellwig. Right.

Brandon  08:12

He, he appears to have gone slightly crazy. Later in his life, he wrote some comic books. Do you know this? I did not. That's hilarious. Anyway.

Aaron  08:25

He has the concept of destroyed city. Yes. And that eight tenants of the warrior which our

Brandon  08:37

physical beliefs, mastery, attitude, commitment, association, integrity in wisdom. And I found that they both the both of these people have

Aaron  08:46

tenants to live by. Right?

Brandon  08:51

Path of the warrior is also very much about like, self centeredness. Right. It's kind of like self, it's his own version of self improvement. Right? But it's like tainted with like, you have to look at yourself, because no one else will help you because you know, Hulk Hogan, like screwed him over a bunch of times. So like, there's that it's like, tainted with bitterness in the Warriors, but like, I think Aaron, Aaron said the great word here, the ultimate warriors thing. It's also sort of a caricature of this like, of this person, right? Like the warrior. Is this like weird caricature

Aaron  09:32

of a person and

Brandon  09:37

have the tenants of the warrior and others. And I was reading that he had these that the libertine guy had these tenants that he lived by? And it just reminded me

Aaron  09:47

for some reason, of the Ultimate

Brandon  09:50

Warrior and I just couldn't stop thinking about it. It just started like laughing hysterically, right, both like massively The shredded dudes both talking about, like mastery of the self. One of them rambling on about spaceships in the terrain of testament in Parts Unknown. The other one, eating raw liver that lets

Collin  10:15

you know, pretty much.

Brandon  10:17

I feel like there's more similarities here than I'm comfortable with. And I think maybe deliver King is actually just an Ultimate Warrior fan. This is where I'm going. Liberty King loves the Ultimate Warrior. That's what I think. He is a warrior.

Collin  10:37

He is a warrior. This is true. I just think about the kind of people who

Aaron  10:45

come up with their own tenants. Right like that.

Collin  10:50

That is a different I don't know, who sits down and tries their best to come up with tenants to live their life by and what, what inspires those? I'm trying to think of other people who live by living.

Brandon  11:06

Oh, also, by the way, distributee case, you're curious. Yeah. This is a warrior ism for a truce between destiny and reality. A truce between your destiny and your reality is your district city.

Collin  11:22

You know what is? Is really terrifying. Is I spelled district city correct on the first try?

Brandon  11:30

I mean, it's exactly. Wow, it's very phonetic, right? But like, if you were like me, listeners going. What on earth does that word mean?

Aaron  11:46

It's, it's his, like, spiritual

Brandon  11:54

answer for that, right. I think what the warrior did was he looked at Buddhism and saw they have eight tenants. I should come up with eight also. And that's why you have some that are like, weird, right? That's how you get like, mastery moment of mastery like that.

Collin  12:13

Or they're just kind of like, grasping for straws to fill it. Yeah,

Brandon  12:17

like something. Association, like you ran out of things, didn't you? So as my as my side thoughts after last week's, I was just like, wait a minute, this is too similar. And it's funny to me for some reason, that they, they just reminded me of each other.

Aaron  12:42

You know, I mean, I,

Collin  12:45

I make sense. They do go hand in hand quite well. Maybe. So what the liver King

Brandon  12:50

really needs is face paint.


And some tassels.

Brandon  12:53

I think like, that's what he needs to really complete his look. Well, when people are gonna have the beard though. So maybe, you know,

Collin  13:02

when people do are such character caricatures of of a persona, like, am I going, obviously, I don't know. Maybe he really is just like, exactly like that, and always has been. But I know who that people who go into on YouTube and the internet kind of have a persona that they that they put out there that little bit different than themselves. I wonder how many versions of the early stages he had a pain, right? Was there a moment where he's standing in the bathroom mirror going? Do I leave this on? Do I take it off video I'm about to shoot, because obviously he was pretty committed. He's like, all of my videos will be shirtless. Regardless of where I am in the world. I will be shirtless, and I will have a massive beard. But yeah,

Brandon  13:45

I saw I saw some videos of Larry King and he was like in a store. And I was like, Excuse me, sir. Yeah. Where are your shoes?


What they What are you doing?

Collin  13:55

Yeah, our ancestors didn't wear shoes, obviously.

Brandon  13:59

But they also didn't have no shirt. No shoes, no service sign. You're breaking the two two tenants of shopping.

Collin  14:07

Shopping There we go. But he went now we got three.

Aaron  14:12

But I mean,

Collin  14:15

but they weren't. Those are for people who aren't Oliver king.

Aaron  14:19

Oh, that's true.

Brandon  14:22

So yeah, I just had made that connection this week for I don't really know how I came about this, but like, just one of those like right time things that I made this connection and I needed to share this with everybody because it makes me laugh a lot.

Aaron  14:40

Inside. I mean, these are the kinds of connections that don't get the take the special. Make sure it's true. Load up the spaceships with rocket fuel boys. Were ya out in the cockpit door. Oh,

Brandon  15:02

okay. That's what

Collin  15:04

you don't. Words To Live By.


Yes, I think no

Collin  15:11

one to live by

Aaron  15:14

can sure try Yeah,

Collin  15:23

no, that's maybe I need some maybe I need some rocket fuel from the rocket ship. I think you do get through

Brandon  15:38

what do you been up to date it's made it so draggy that you need rocket three one.

Collin  15:43

I I was in Springfield today. Ah, so doing some in person interviews

Aaron  15:53

or are hiring again?

Collin  15:56

Again it's bad it's it oh dear

Brandon  16:02

Good grief man, it's

Collin  16:04

been it's one of those things where very, very quickly, you get to the point where all it takes is two people out. But what it takes is for people wanting the same time of day,

Aaron  16:21

like a seven at night. If I had three people

Collin  16:25

that wanted that I could start a visit at like 545 Go to that 615 And then I could do 630 to seven and then I could do 715 to 730 and I could stretch it out between them. Okay, yeah, when I get four, all of a sudden, I'm an hour out of each of those time windows on either side, based on travel time. And, and I guess I can no longer accommodate a seven. So you need to have a second person to, to also be doing a seven and another to be in two places at once.

Aaron  17:04

And so our our,

Collin  17:07

we can get mornings covered, but getting evenings covered has been difficult as the way of people scheduled. So I'm hiring now. Or we evenings and weekends, because I can't have people who just work seven days a week. That's no fun. Nobody likes to do that. Though, I need somebody who only does

Aaron  17:27

weekend, which is apparently

Collin  17:32

hard to find people who just want to work weekends, which is okay, I ordered Yeah, right. That's no fun. Nobody's like giving up their weekend. Trying to find somebody who basically like, already has an job and is looking for extra or



Collin  17:50

is the kind of person who's like you know what, I want to work all weekend so that I can go and do other stuff during the week. And I don't have to wait in line to get my Yeah.

Aaron  18:00

I mean, fair. Other people. I'm here for.

Collin  18:06

So that's been that was interesting. I did those two and then oh, and then we I'll leave this in the edit. Billy's from Boy Scouts. You guys remember Logan and Mason Lee again? Colin is going to edit that out. Yeah, okay. Right. If they're probably too young for you.

Aaron  18:27

I don't know. Anyway, they were in Boy Scouts.

Collin  18:32

And I got a phone call from the younger brother. Three weeks ago, I was like, hey, my wife and I started a vet clinic in Springfield. We'd love to do some partnerships together. And I was like,

Brandon  18:45

like, you got it.

Collin  18:47

I'll be right over. And so like a month later, I showed up as one does, because I'm amazing. And I got to sit and I talked with them for an hour about kind of what they're doing. And they're they're the only I think the only drive thru that clinic. It's amazing. Interesting. So they converted an old it's on Glenstone and it's the old like car fi on on Gonzalo Yeah. Okay. So they left the bay there that you could pull cars to do Yeah, that they plan to do edits and swaps and whatever.

Brandon  19:24

When they did, yeah, the stereo installs. Yep, that's

Collin  19:27

still there. So they've

Brandon  19:29

Eeny meeny miny Manik could clarify, yeah, got you

Collin  19:33

into an exam room. And so you eat Oh, they open a garage door, you drive in, they shut the garage door. And they can do all the exams in the car with like, medical equipment off to the side and it's air conditioned in there. And so the pet can like, either never leave their, their car or they can just open the door and walk them right over to a little exam room and like everything's just like right there. And I was like to watch. This is really cool. So I was talking to him I was like how long did it take you to convert a car fie into a vet office and he was like, I don't even really want to tell you the amount of code violations I had to undo. And he said but all all of their ceiling lights were wired with car stereo.


This is a very

Brandon  20:35

unsurprising development. Right? Let's be real.

Collin  20:40

Anytime they need to install new lights in the shop. They should just

Brandon  20:45

daisy chain it together probably Yeah. Yeah.

Collin  20:47

In red electricity to power light bulbs with stereo wire instead of Act.

Aaron  20:53

Cool. Yeah, yes.

Collin  20:57

If he was like, there is no way this was passing expression, inspection, like at all the gut the whole thing and they put, it's really nice. They put really nice, thick, heavy duty rubber floors throughout the entire building.

Aaron  21:14


Collin  21:17

slipping on linoleum and loose flooring can be stressful to dogs, or it can be painful for old dog to have yet. So everything is super grippy. It also because it's rubber, like very sound deadening. So the whole place just has, it still has the sound of a vet clinic, but it's all muffled in just a little bit. It's

Brandon  21:40

kind of sounded better better to test your speakers with. Yeah.

Collin  21:48

So that was that was interesting getting to stop in and getting a tour of that clinic and seeing the drive thru area and everything. Because I, I was it was funny, because I was like, I was seeing like photos and seeing news clippings about all of this. And I didn't know it was like I didn't know. So it was kind of neat to see that. And just, you know, try to get to know him. And he and his wife were just like, Yeah, we were doing all this stuff and then decided we just wanted to change. And so we thought why not? I said, So you wanted to start a vet clinic? And they were like, yeah, it was kind of a leap.

Brandon  22:33

Where they like already

Collin  22:36

vet, she was she was a vet working at another practice. And he he has a degree in in in, like animal science. And he was actually working for the State Health Department

Aaron  22:46

on some stuff. And so

Collin  22:51

so they were just like, hey, let's go do this together. So I was like, Hey, I just sent you a photo in our super secret to dentists weird. So you can see the card for the bay door. Their listeners won't be treated to this. But you can see the car bay door there. And they can drive in. There is a nice little like math and a table where they can either wheel that over to the car, or bring the dog to them. They also have like, nice sitting chairs or owners to sit instead of like hard.

Aaron  23:24

Wooden stools. That's crazy.

Collin  23:28

Yeah, I thought was really neat. And then they just drive on out. But I didn't get a picture of the other side. But there's two bay doors on either side. Yeah, you just drive in and drive out.

Aaron  23:37

Each time starting care. I was like, that's amazing. That's wild, man.

Collin  23:45

So yeah, and then it's just been so hot today. And then I got, I got back. I had to cut that visit short, and drive back and just driving and heat Son makes you super tired. I got back home, I still had to go do another meet and greet the dog who's like, oh, I don't know what to like. He's like super reactive. And his owners are trying to go on vacation. And we've been working with them doing like one or two visits a week for the past couple of weeks. And we're working up to just yeah, like, I but we're like I this is this is some of the most intense sessions I've done. Usually it's just like, Oh, hey, dog, but this dog is he's an American Bully, and not socialized at all. And so Oh. So and he's a big boy. So like my first visit was okay, like, why don't you go to your favorite park. And I'll just be like on a bench. I'll just be like they're there. And so we did that and I greeted the dog and he was super fine with me there. Right? We started walking. I was talking to the owner. I took a lease. We finished the visit, finish the walk. I handed the lease back off. And then I said Okay, the next visit is going to be me coming to your home. But I don't want you to

Aaron  25:09

I don't

Collin  25:10

want I'm not going to come into your house, right? You're going to bring him out to me. I just like to the yard or the porch. In the yard, I want you to bring him out to me. He was a little like Eingang going towards me. So we just walked around the yard a couple of times, I handed him the hitter off and him off. I did a full walk all by myself. And then as we came closer, I said, I'm going to take him into the house and put him back in

Aaron  25:35

his crate. Since we're doing so good right now. But I'm back I walked in and put him in the crate. I was like, Okay, the next visit,

Collin  25:44

I want you to be home, you're going to come out of the home, I'm going to then go into the home to get him out of the crate and go on a walk. Okay, right. And you could tell the owner was like, ah, like, this is what they've been panicking about. Yeah, really nervous about how he's going to do. And the wife came out and I said, where's he located? And it's not a crate with like a little kennel a little walled off area with the wire, fence basic. Okay, like putting a little room like a little room like blocking them off into the corner. Okay, like it'll play pin, the playpen, okay. And I was like, Okay, great. So I walked in, I started seeing his name, I grabbed the leash, collar, sorry, walk around the corner. He was just in the corners stared at me like, I don't on. And I was like, okay, and I don't throw in treats to him. He's super fine. Is one of the few moments where, you know, we always try and figure out how much do I have to handle this animal to get them to do what I need them to do. And unfortunately, these people, they don't have a fenced in backyard. So I have to get the hardest on I've got to get the least I've got to be touching Wrapping Arms Around. Yeah, I told Megan, I was like, I was so nervous. Like I just because I know the owners nervous, I'm trying not to let that impact me, he seems to be doing fine. But also, we always know that that could change in a moment's notice. And this would be a serious like, hospital visit for me if he went after my arm is that big is that powerful. And I get the everything clipped together. And we just go and we're out walking. And it's like, super amazing. So we come back and throw in more treats. He's great. And I came back I was like, Look, the next step is for you to go away for work. And I come over in the middle of the day. And I asked, you know how you're traveling. And she's like, Yeah, we really have never traveled and left them. So I was like, okay, all of those signs that you usually give when your travel, please start doing like now you still have another week and a half, I need you to get all that done now, so that he's not so crazy and worked up as it closer to the day. So get out your suitcases, get out your packs, throw stuff in them and just leave them on the ground or leave them where they're going to be all that stuff, start getting out those signals to him. So he's not so sensitive about it. And I want to come in a couple days after you've got all that stuff out. So the next step will be for them to schedule a couple visits or read over in the middle of the day to take them out. And we'll see how that goes. And that, that 30 minutes come completely wiped me out. I was so I came home and I was just like that I should not have ended my day on that I've just completely exhausted from being hyper vigilant, like trying not to stress out but also massively stressing out on the inside and keeping everything together and watching and it's just one of those blocks where like, he's gonna be fine. But also I need to be on ready to go if something isn't okay. So I came home I was like I am beat from that, from that 30 minutes. And so hopefully, the next time will be even better and we'll just be will be really good with him. It'll be fun.

Aaron  29:20

I hope everybody

Brandon  29:21

plays. I mean, it sounds like it's going fine now. So like

Collin  29:27

Yes. And I I did tell them like they were both super worried about this. Apparently they only have like an uncle who can take care of their dog while they travel time isn't they have to the other one's perfectly fine. But they've only had him be able to do it and there there was there don't want to be stressing him out. So they were upfront and honest about this. And they knew this was going to be a process. I I've told him every single time I've talked to them, interact with them, send them updates of just how much we appreciate that you because they're there, you can tell they're really trying to get set their dog up for success. And that they're worried about how their dogs going to do. So that's been it's been a pleasant to work with somebody like that who's not just like, oh, no, there'll be fine, baby. Anyway, I'm leaving tomorrow. Bye. Bye. That's what we usually get from people.

Brandon  30:24

Yeah, that's true. Well, that's good. It sounds like


I mean, I don't, from what I hear,

Brandon  30:29

there's no indications that it's not going fine.

Collin  30:33

So the only issue of it not going fine

Aaron  30:36

is he reacts to me, okay. Today,

Collin  30:42

I had my staff member they're not react to the presence of my staff member well,

Aaron  30:48

at all.

Collin  30:52

As in, I'm on leash, we're fine. He sees her and he lunges out towards her.

Aaron  30:59

Oh, okay, that's fine. It's not fine.

Brandon  31:03

We've moved back to unfine. Again,

Collin  31:05

totally back to unfined. So that's the other thing of like, okay, so he's doing okay with me. But I can't do all of these visits. So we need to also get him fine with another person very quickly. But not moving too fast. Yeah, overwhelmed and stressed. But also knowing, like, clock is ticking here. And we have to make a determination for them to either, so we can tell them, Look, you're going to have to make alternative arrangements, because this isn't working out for us for this trip. But we'll keep trying, basically. But that's, that's the only thing I have, for whatever reason, I bind. So what we're going to do is in between the clients leaving in us coming over for a midday visit. I'm going to have our my staff meet the owner back when I first met, and I'm going to hope that the dog doesn't also start linking Oh, you are the same person at the house? They probably will. I'm not sure how this interaction is going. I mean, yeah, but but I'm going to be present. And watching see how this goes. But it needs to happen. So everything? Yeah.

Aaron  32:14

Hmm. Interesting. Well, hopefully,

Brandon  32:22

we'll be good. Hopefully you don't get eaten by a giant dog.

Aaron  32:26

That would be bad. You don't want that? Yeah, exactly. And I, these are

Collin  32:37

the things that we like have conversations with and stress out about. And when I tell people like when I'm doing the interviews today, like we literally never know what we're walking into in the house, the dog could have been just fine in the morning, we come over in the afternoon. And it's totally different. We've got to be ready for that. And that's the part that's kind of hard to teach people and get them thinking about because they're used to their dog who is kind of always same, and it's always likes them. And it's always interested in them. And having to be like, Yeah, I know, that's fine. But like, this dog is not your dog. This dog is also alone and maybe scared and fearful, then who knows what happened. Like we may be arriving shortly after the trash truck just drove by. And they hate the trash truck and I walked through the door. Are they going to redirect anything towards me? Are we thinking about that? Like, yeah, these the stress stacking right is very real. And I'm reminded by, I don't know if I told you guys this, but when again, we're coming back to people being on the loose on the podcast. But there was a fugitive that was loose, and he was loose in a particular area of town. And police were out looking for them in this in this neighborhood. And I came over the next morning and these three little shoes had like eaten through drywall and torn down the baby gate. That was locking them into the utility room and we're scattered throughout the house and come to find out SWAT teams were going from house to house banging on banging on the doors Yeah, every window and just terrified these dogs and they were still shaken up in the morning. I couldn't imagine if the dogs had been you know more fearful larger more reactive and I can walk through that door Good morning everybody. Yeah,

Brandon  34:24

but a whole bunch of boxers just like you

Collin  34:27

right and I had I didn't know about any of the banging and stuff until I talked with a neighbor about that and

Aaron  34:36

you know you just don't you just don't know that's true.

Brandon  34:43

That's crazy. Update. That's how you update they have captured all fugitives from the jail out here. All have been apprehended. Hey, go update. Okay, crime update all fugitives have have now encaptured questions. Question. Yes. Where are they found together? No. Okay. Okay. One was in Springfield. Nice as you do. One was somewhere in like Central Arkansas, I believe the other one, Wyoming. So he he

Collin  35:24

really made a break for that

Brandon  35:26

he was not messing around. He was he was going for it.


Oh, wow.

Collin  35:35

That's insane. Now, where are they found with any one else? Or were they alone? No,

Brandon  35:41

I think one of them was found with a girl like a girlfriend. Okay. Right. But I don't. That's the only one I heard about. I think that was the Wyoming one. Ham, they followed a string of stolen vehicles basically, for him. They're like, Oh, look, there's a vehicle here in Kansas. That was dumped. Oh, a few miles away a vehicle was stolen from this. I wonder if these two things are connected. So yeah, that's where and then it was weird. Because like the news was, like, at least some of the news reports were talking about like, they might be together and they're like, very far away from each other. So it was weird to like, I don't know. Some stuff was reading was like, yeah, it was like making it it was like insinuating that they would be traveling together.

Aaron  36:37

Which would be weird. Right, but like,

Brandon  36:40

yeah, not unheard of, I don't suppose but they were not found anywhere near each other so

Aaron  36:49

uh, update all

Collin  36:52

accounted for impacted the political underworld of the area.

Aaron  36:58

I'm not real sure. I'm not paying attention

Brandon  37:03

to politics right now. Because it's an even numbered years. That means we have to elect Senators and stuff here very shortly. And all television commercials are just like, dudes and trucks holding guns right now science really very exciting. Because of the Missouri. That's all my all my political TV show. I know that they were like,

Aaron  37:23

there was something about that

Brandon  37:25

people I've mentioned already, people don't really like the sheriff. Already, cuz he's kind of a jerk. And I don't think this helps that. They were talking about a blonde to like, make repairs to the jail. So hopefully past that, that would be useful. Because they were talking about like, before doing that, right? And people were all like, how do we know they're gonna spend the money here? And what's it gonna do? Blah, blah. And then these three dudes broke out so like, maybe I'm not sure how that's that's gonna play a role in that landscape. I imagine. Right? Like

Aaron  38:08

oh, we need to

Brandon  38:11

do something because there's a big hole in the ceiling here where these

Collin  38:13

guys you know, that's crazy. That's exactly how the ones that escaped here in our county courthouse. There was like a hole in the ceiling and they're holding cell Oh, yeah,

Brandon  38:27

it's a bit weird. reinforced the ceilings?

Collin  38:31

Right at the ceiling?

Brandon  38:32

It's yeah. I mean, you know, it's weird because unlike

Aaron  38:39

so in movies that are reinforced.

Brandon  38:44

That it's because of a plot device right like flooding. Right? Or something like there's a movie. I can't remember what's called it was like the largest like flooded stage movie. Until Titanic came out like the next year. It's really good. Anyway something rain, dark rain. hard rain. Yeah, that's a good movie.

Collin  39:11

I search largest flood stage movie. And hard rain. hard rain.

Brandon  39:18

Yeah, it's got Morgan Freeman in its good movie bank robber. Small Town. Minnie Driver, right? Yeah, good stuff. But there's a thing where he's like locked in the jail cell. And like the dam has broken and they're flooding the tabs and it's it's pretty good. Like, armored car robbery. Just anyway. They're trying to like they lock the cop in the jail cell but it floods and like he's trying to like break out the roof. But it's like, Cage. Rebar over the roof. So like he can't get out the ceiling. You see. So like, I feel like this is a this is only done in the movie for plot points. By sounds like maybe in real life. This is The thing that needs to happen in small Missouri jails because they're just like sheet rock scene

Collin  40:07

I found here they were like pile I'll just There we go.

Brandon  40:12

Apparently jails in Missouri are just like built exactly like a house it's just a street rock ceilings do it attic.

Aaron  40:22

Guys, what are you doing? Come on Well no, no.

Brandon  40:32

So I think that probably going to play some sort of role in

Aaron  40:38

bond issues and

Brandon  40:42

Sheriff's Department funding so we'll see little update corner for good

Collin  41:03

to Aaron. What's What have you been been doing

Aaron  41:07

these days? Other than dietary changes

Collin  41:11

changes? Yes. Eating more liver,


whatever obviously.

Brandon  41:18

You gotta hit those gotta hit those baseballs further for the outfield, right so he's doing he's gonna show up to practice just like ripped like, Hey, guys.

Collin  41:27

Use a weighted bat. He weights his arms. We talking about me? I think my headphones out.

Aaron  41:34

Yeah. Oh, sorry. Fine. We wanted to talk to me about something. So

Brandon  41:40

how shredded you're getting for baseball practice?

Collin  41:43

Yeah, what's that? What else is new?

Aaron  41:46

Um, softball kicks off. Next week, I think due to Oklahoma high school athletics. There's a certain time period where we have to, like, have a good week where we can't do anything. And so we have softball coming up. But I think you're here. What, uh, what are we going to do this week? I haven't. We I haven't gone anywhere. I always take a new car to work everyday because her car doesn't have air conditioning. And so I've just been kind of in around the house, cleaning, getting lucky stuff already planned and ready to go. So that's kind of all I've been doing this week. Nice.

Brandon  42:32

Good. It's good. You've been going like crazy for a long time. So it's nice to have a little, little V break before you have to do it again. Go out in the hot sun.

Aaron  42:43

Yeah, you all saw the hold of the July 15. is Friday. So in Oklahoma is a tradition weirdly to where people have practice at midnight on Thursday, going into Friday. And so we're gonna go have a little midnight practice for about an hour. Like, what we're gonna do, we'll get to that kind of get a little cooler, warmer, but mostly because it's so hot. Okay, fair, and fair. And so a lot of schools do it, or they just kind of go and just be a little kind of like, kind of more team bonding than anything. Is that

Brandon  43:31

the first day that you're allowed to practice? Yes.

Aaron  43:35

Okay. So we'll go we'll go do that. And we want to see what they're all about. And then that was that Friday, and then the next day. I guess that Friday. We are going to up to St. Louis to go to a it was Colonel gamma. And so I'm going to be pulling essentially all nighter in some way shape or form. For this coming up, because I'll be doing also recently get to sleep in the car. Thankfully, that's good. Thank you. I'll go I'll go do the practice. And then I will sleep. I'll go home. Play for however long I can. And then I will wake up and I will go to St Louis. Roll into

Brandon  44:42

the car and continuously.

Aaron  44:44

I will have logged out with to do whatever I can. Is all sudden I was like I hope there's no way we had practice that early. Uber practice on But like why? Like, why do we? Why do you hate me? And so? And, yeah, I'm kind of tired. So I'm a little little discombobulated on some of the words right now. But yeah, that's all all my work all my weeks insofar as I've been relaxing, getting ready for upcoming craziness which you have been doing some house organization. stuff. It's been eventful. We've been doing some readers decorating. Slash,

Brandon  45:53

I don't know, moving stuff around, you know,

Aaron  45:57

we have this, like, dining room area thing. And like, we don't, we didn't want to

Brandon  46:07

get another table. So we were trying to figure out what to do in it. So we're, we made it into like a little sitting area thing. Like, it's going to be, like I said, we got some new bookshelves and put in there. So it's like library slash sitting area. type situation. Oh, so we had one little shelf, we got another one from like school. And like Susan's old office, they were just gonna get rid of it. And she's like, can I buy that from you for like, 30 bucks. And they're like, Yep. All right, sweet. So since she's not gonna be in that office anymore, that isn't anymore. So they're doing that. We got a chair on Facebook marketplace, for like, $20.

Aaron  46:57

Yeah, that's exciting. I think what happened is,

Brandon  47:02

here's my theory, right? Dudes getting married, getting rid of the chair. It's an exceptionally bold pattern chair. And my hypothesis is she doesn't like it. It did not fit, right. I'm guessing I have no proof of this. Oh, so Mr. Guy gave us a chair. Thank you, we appreciate it. But my theory is, she doesn't really like it. So we got it for like 20 bucks. So

Aaron  47:33

that got all set up, go

Brandon  47:38

find a lamp in the closet, or I had a lamp in here in my room, but I have to had two lamps in my room. And I don't mean to laugh. So but we put it out there to go to reading lamp saying, you know, it's fine. It's a library style lamp, you know, like the little ones with the light green. That's like Brown, you know? Like that put out there. And here's the interesting part. We decided to get an ottoman for it for the chair, because it's just chair. Right. So.

Aaron  48:11

But Ottomans are like stupidly expensive.

Brandon  48:17

Like if you want to buy just an ottoman. That's like a thing that costs like, way more money than you think it should.

Aaron  48:24

And so Susan found

Brandon  48:28

these, it's an ottoman where it's like, you buy

Aaron  48:32

just the covering only. And it's like unstuffed and so we stuffed it with like old clothes and stuff from their closets. So like,

Brandon  48:50

this is one of my big problems that I have is like I have all these shirts that I like, don't really want to get rid of because they have some sort of vague sentimental value, but I can't wear them or I don't wear them. And so we stuffed them in

Collin  49:02

often. Oh my gosh.

Brandon  49:04

Sweet. So now we've got this sweet little ottoman thing. It's full of like, old, like old like we got new pillows. So like some of the old pillows like that. We're just gonna throw away just like shoved them in there. You know, like, old T shirts. Some old like random stuff. We just like fill the ottoman and zip it up. Boom. It's a nice brown, like faux leather. Ottoman inside. It's a whole bunch of random junk from the closet. Yeah,


this is genius.

Brandon  49:38

I don't know if my wife is a genius confirmed. There we go. I'll give her all the credit for this one.

Collin  49:43

I'm impressed or like mildly horrified.

Brandon  49:47

Amazing. You know, you're like Ah, now I want one.

Collin  49:50

I don't know how jealous I am of a shirt stuffed ottoman. Hey,

Brandon  49:53

you can't even tell it's fine now just looks like you would if you came over you wouldn't be able to tell that it had rented have t shirts and it's just

Collin  50:01

one of those things that like you find in an antique store and they're like, Oh man, maybe I'll just repulsor this and then 19 Like, really random, mega worn. Shirts fall out after they open the back. Left. what was what? What was happening? Yeah,

Brandon  50:22

well, so the Ottoman to be fit to be clear, this Ottoman has no like wooden structure at all. It's like, just

Collin  50:28

oh, it's like a beanbag. Like a beanbag. Yeah. Okay.

Brandon  50:31

It's like a beanbag style. But it's like made of like, it's on the floor. fake leather. Yeah. So it's like, it looks. It's kind of like a think of beanbag. Right? But it's like much firmer, so you can use it as an ottoman? Uh huh. It's like that. So literally, it just has a zipper. And you just fill

Collin  50:50

it up with whatever is this called a floor. Poof.

Brandon  50:53

I don't know what it's called. Because it was on Amazon for not that much money. I don't think it's called the floor. Poof. I think that's a similar style. I don't know what it's called. I have no idea. Susan is the mastermind behind this genius plan. So floor poo. Yeah, dude, I'm telling you. It's great. But we use it as ottoman. You can just like sit in the chair. 30 feet up on it. Read in the corner. Next to the Harry Potter Lego collection. It's fine. Don't worry about it. Everything's fine. It's all coming together. Yeah, it is. So yeah, we did that. So that's what we were doing. Yesterday are cleaning closets and stuff. And I was like, well, here's a bunch of random T shirts. Lamb.

Aaron  51:41

So I've been reorganizing my

Brandon  51:43

closet, which is mildly horrifying. Because scary in there. And I don't like want to think about it. And

Aaron  51:54

well, you've definitely heard it with other day.

Brandon  51:58

I mean, I just haven't finished it. I've done the majority I sorted socks. As a thing I did.

Collin  52:03

The question will be if you have to get another ottoman? Will you move the sentimental shirts into the new four booth? Or will you just go pull out the the secondary rank shirts and put Why would

Brandon  52:17

I need another ottoman? Oh, like if it goes like if it rips or something? Yeah, if it wraps,

Collin  52:21

or maybe you're like, what the floor booth is doing really well for us. Let's let's bring in a second one.

Brandon  52:28

Well, if you had to bring in a second one, you had to find all new stuffing material?

Collin  52:31

Well, let's do that. All right. Question. are you what are you going to read? The second tier?

Brandon  52:36

It depends if I'm getting it depends on if I'm getting a secondary ottoman. Or if I'm replacing the one that I'd have. As I've only had it for one day. Not really thinking about replacing yet. That would be pretty drastic, something that would have gone terribly wrong in order for replacing already, you know, Fair enough. Fair enough.

Collin  52:57

These are just things just keep it on there and just put a pin on it, you know, later. Yeah,

Brandon  53:02

I'm here. We know, we've discussed previously that I have unfounded sentimental attachments to inanimate objects, right? It's the thing I do, it's the Funkhouser way. And so like,

Aaron  53:19

you know, very strange

Brandon  53:20

things like, Oh, I bought the memes bought me this shirt. And I, you know, like, like, she bought me the shirt a long time ago. So I like, can't wear it because I was very skinny high school boy, right. So like, I honestly want to sell it but like,

Aaron  53:39

I don't really want to throw it away. But like,

Brandon  53:42

I don't want it in my closet. This is the solution. You put it in autumn. So it's still in your possession makes you feel better. Because you haven't thrown it away. You found any purpose for it. Fancy this will I think how this works is right, like, now I'm not looking at it. Eventually, I'll forget it's there. And then like the eventuality of maybe somewhere down the line of throwing it out.

Aaron  54:09

It lessens the blow, right? Like weaning

Collin  54:13

off of this nonsense that I'm dealing with here in my brain, right.

Brandon  54:22

So instead of taking up brain space in my closet, it's being put to good use as a foot rest. So

Collin  54:30

turn it because it would look awkward if you just had a bunch of shirts and like wrapped them together with some Yeah, like a rubber band ball, but

Brandon  54:36

just like shirts, right? It's like a big pile. That would be weird. But now it's stuffed inside a thing you don't know.

Aaron  54:44

You don't know what's made. Yeah. Yes. See, it's been useful, Tandy? Yeah, that's what we've been doing.

Brandon  54:56

That's my grand adventure yesterday. So cleaning up parts of my closet, have to

Aaron  55:03

couple more areas I go through, but I got the majority of it set up. You know, it's good to go

Brandon  55:12

Daigo Susan sent you a picture because you heard me talking. So


there's a four poof I don't know. You.

Brandon  55:23

I didn't look at the name old chair. You see, you see why my hypothesis may be correct. Chair?


Sure. Yeah,

Collin  55:32

that's exactly what happened. They got together. He He's that that made it to the threshold. And there was a

Brandon  55:41

Yeah, I think the fiance was like, Yeah, we're getting married, but you're not bringing that chair into my house.

Collin  55:49

Oh, yeah.


Oh, no.

Collin  55:57

Recession of I know, the I know.

Aaron  56:00

You liked this chair.

Collin  56:03

And he's saying yeah, remember all the member I said, this is the first chair I bought for my first apartment. And

Brandon  56:09

it just didn't make. Yeah, yeah. She's like, Yeah, but no, we're not doing that. And that's how we got a chair for $20 that goes

Aaron  56:26

really well in that corner. I know. Right? I think it's, he's good. Hey. And those

Collin  56:33

cube those we have a cube bookshelf. I love those. So yeah,

Brandon  56:39

that's what they're there. There's a long one and then like the the short roll me for Cuban. Yeah,

Aaron  56:45

yeah, we have. We have. What do I have? I've got a two by five. And I've got a three by four. Ah, house. Which I? Yeah. Which I love so much. Free.

Collin  56:59

Like, yeah, they're very nice storage for not much money. And they were.

Brandon  57:07

Yeah, so we're still getting that kind of sorted out a little bit, but I pretty good there. So.

Aaron  57:16

Yes, that's we've been doing sweet. decorating. Moving things about

Brandon  57:23

putting T shirts in an automatic

Collin  57:26

you know, the usual normal stuff.

Brandon  57:30

100% normal behavior. Everything's fine.

Collin  57:33

Always does.

Brandon  57:34

Yeah, everybody totally always just that.

Aaron  57:38

It's what they do. It's fine. Okay.

Collin  57:45

So are you guys gonna start looking at is this going to turn out? Oh, no, this is gonna start turning into one of those. Like, is it cake videos? Have you ever seen those where they're all Yeah, but it's gonna be like, is it stuffed with T shirt videos? Like it's true. It's a bookshelf or is it secretly stuffed with old T shirts or T shirts? To find out? Oh, no. has a zipper. So it definitely is

Brandon  58:06

definitely is not.

Aaron  58:09

What does it you don't know. Oh, yeah, it's great. It's perfect.

Brandon  58:20

I got a bunch of space in my closet.

Collin  58:23

I bet See, this is what I'm saying. You're gonna be addicted to like, Okay, how many more? How many more Ottomans Can I have in my life?

Brandon  58:29

Sure. I don't have room for a lot more Ottomans as a problem.

Aaron  58:33

Oh yeah,

Brandon  58:38

some of these other shirts in my closet have less sentimental value. So some of them have been earmarked to just go

Aaron  58:46

away because like I don't want them anymore. But so those are still out sitting here. Probably just going to toss them right but like

Brandon  58:59

taking across lines or something I don't know.

Aaron  59:03

We have a friend that has a like a free purpose shop thingy right? So they might end up there but

Brandon  59:15

because those are just like oh yeah, I wear these for work but now

Aaron  59:18

I don't so I look forward to hearing your review of this. I mean,

Brandon  59:32

so if I say Susan satin this morning when she was doing something so she was fine. They go and to get smoothed out a little bit and it starts to like deflate slightly just James more shirts and

Collin  59:45

more stuff than you get then on top of the older ones, so you didn't really slice it up a nice stratified layer of Yeah, or insert of

Aaron  59:56

exactly. You're out but have perfect When compressed overlockers Oh yeah,

Brandon  1:00:02

it's like a geology experiment of like, Look at this.

Collin  1:00:06

This is sedimentary shirt open.



Brandon  1:00:09

Sedimentary flow proof kablam.

Aaron  1:00:15

Man, yes.

Collin  1:00:23

Well, lots of look forward to

Aaron  1:00:26

that. And Aaron, get caught up on the sleep board.

Collin  1:00:32

And I'm going to try not to get fit this next week.

Brandon  1:00:35

That'd be good. Please don't get eaten by dogs. I'd like please now be singers should get one of those attack dog suits. Like they trained German Shepherds with. Right? Or at least just the sleeve? No, like, you should just get one of those.

Collin  1:00:49

Crazy you say that?

Brandon  1:00:50

I bought one on Amazon today.

Aaron  1:00:54

We beginning I mean,

Collin  1:00:56

yeah, so many requests lately. It's been insane. That's why we're trying to hire a lot. Like, I have two staff members, Springfield, I need five. I need nice to make that work. And I need four I need like, I need another person here in town where I think we're gonna hire. We're very close to having three people here locally and then five in town, it would just that's what we need. Oh, holy cow. And even then not everybody, even then I would have people who didn't have a day off sometime. So anyway, I got a phone call from a gentleman who was the first question he asked me was,

Aaron  1:01:29

do you take care of jeopardy?

Collin  1:01:32

And people kind of ask that question. 1.1 person with Did you say?

Brandon  1:01:39

The answer depends on whether or not they actually understand German?


Because I don't

Brandon  1:01:46

know. What's your attack dogs? Okay. Yeah, so

Collin  1:01:49

Exactly. So two kinds of people asked, do you take care of insert name of breed dog breed here, ones who have awful behaved, an ill trained dog? Or be people who are aware that there are sensitivities for certain breeds. So I said, we've taken care of Benny over the years.

Aaron  1:02:10

It shouldn't be a problem. And he said, I have five. What

Collin  1:02:16

I said, like, number doesn't hear me. So I said, I said that. There should be no issue. I said, as long as there's no aggression, or they're not like trained order dogs. I think we're going to be okay. And he paused and he went, Okay, well on that, and I was like, Oh, no.

Brandon  1:02:36

They speak German.

Collin  1:02:38

They speak. He said, he said, I am a dog trainer. And I compete in defensive dog handling and maneuver. He, he trains his German shepherds to run after the guys in the suits and they do competitions for like, takedown and guard and, and all sorts of stuff.

Aaron  1:03:11

And he wants and I was like, Oh, well,

Collin  1:03:19

then my brains running here being like, well, I guess technically it's not like he's he's not training an attack dog. Like, I mean, he

Brandon  1:03:28

is though it is kind of it's just like a canine dog. Like a police dog. That's what they do. Right? Or like an army dog. That's what they're trained for.

Collin  1:03:38

He's training them for that. And then I'm going.

Aaron  1:03:41

So he's not he's not

Collin  1:03:43

training, aggression. It's it's skill sets. You can actually train a dog to bark differently. I mean, yeah, to ward off people. So I'm like, well, sound angry. Dark. Right, exactly. So I just started asking questions. Have you had people come in and care for them before? He said, Oh, yeah,

Aaron  1:04:02

it's that tax.

Collin  1:04:04

I bet I take them to that tax come over care for them all the time. There. I can, I'll give you I'll do the Meet Greet. We'll do a walk you through all their commands. I'll have you do all of them. They'll follow you. Here's my regimented schedule, blah, blah. And the more he's talking, the more I'm going. Yeah, this makes sense. Like, he's a trainer. He's an he's a legitimate he actually told me the name of his company. Yeah, up and all this up. He's not like some guy who's like breeding pits in his backyard. Oh, yeah. Right to protect his house. Like, that's not what he's doing. These are high quality, extremely well trained, efficient, professional dogs.

Brandon  1:04:47

But more importantly, he'll tell you all the things that not say or do. Yes, right. Dad German we're not Yeah, who don't say these things, and then you'll be fine.

Collin  1:04:58

This is what I'm thinking. Now. Now. I was trying to put the pieces together and go, you know, what if I were actually going to work with somebody, I would want to take care of a trainers dog. That good point. Now,

Aaron  1:05:07

I mean, yeah. So because they're, you know,

Brandon  1:05:09

trained, it was just it was just like running amok not like, just like, the Rottweiler that people have chained outside in the junkyard, you know, not like that dog. Not going out, not going over there.

Collin  1:05:23

Exactly, exactly. That that's what I'm concerned about, because people have political guard dogs or whatever. I'm, I'm not doing that. But somebody who's like, Oh,

Aaron  1:05:37

this is a skill that my dogs do to compete. Okay. Sure. I still rather it'd be the doc jumping

Brandon  1:05:47

thing. But you know, like, whatever like,

Collin  1:05:50

or, you know, I know bomb smelling or sniffing or whatever. I talked to some people who do they're called barn hunts. I don't know if you've seen these before.

Brandon  1:06:04

Are they? Is this the Terriers? Are they counting from rats?


Yes. Are they really?

Collin  1:06:08

Yes. Talk to you some context clues. What they do is they, they put rats in these little containers. These are like PVC reinforced mega things. They hide them in a course. And they've got real rats. They've got empty containers. And then they've got containers with the straw bedding and feces of the wrath of it. And the Terriers, the other dogs, whatever, have to go and find the real one,

Aaron  1:06:38

or the all the points. And they set up

Collin  1:06:43

a course and they hide it other under other sense. There's distractions. There's all sorts of stuff going on. And the dog has to give the signal at the right canister. And I watched some of these dogs do this and it was insane. I mean, terriers. Tearing is terrifying. In all of these dogs just went wild. And the poor rats, they're so used to this. They're totally unfazed by this, right? Like it was like, whatever. No, they weren't. These are this lady's pet rats. And she puts on the competition with them like she loves these ratchet doors them. That's weird locate. It has like Belgian Malinois run after them and try and like get them as well like insulin.

Brandon  1:07:34

desensitize them, so they're like, man,

Collin  1:07:36

she does. And so they don't freak out. Whatever. And, yeah.



Brandon  1:07:44

This is like, this sounds like how they do this with coon dogs to like, this is the thing that like Khunde dogs do like blue for the blue ticks and like red phones and the other ones. The black and tans. Right? They do that for those two, but it's like in the in a wood. They just go on to like a kobza trees and they like they either just do it with like live raccoons or like, sometimes they do the state stage or they like plan to move in a tree and they have to find the right tree. Right? Because the dogs get points for like, if the tree has the scent, but no raccoon and like, they get max points if it's the tree with the raccoon in it. I've heard of this existing and so it sounds like this same thing just in smaller scale.

Aaron  1:08:36

The raccoon dog thing. I thought that's why Lt.

Collin  1:08:40

I anyway, I talked to these people. I was fascinated by it. And there they host the national championships in Springfield.

Brandon  1:08:50

There's a of course there's a national champion for this. Why? Am I not surprised? Are you going next year?

Collin  1:08:57

This year is at the fairgrounds and I'm very strongly considering

Brandon  1:09:04

this Isn't that fair? Just turn him loose in the rodeo building. Right? Just like go that'd be

Collin  1:09:12

great. This is something I need in my life. And I think I think I may try and go. But yeah, oh my gosh, you have the national national competition of the people in spring in Springfield. They have they were having one of their regional trials. I mean, people were driving from Illinois, Iowa, Oklahoma, Texas, to come in for these competitions, so that they could work their way up to the the national level

Aaron  1:09:41

in the world. And what's amazing about this is it's

Collin  1:09:49

the owners, I was talking to the owners, they're just a bunch of like, like, older Midwestern ladies who were just like, yeah, got a terrier. I'm here finding rats.

Brandon  1:10:04

What a man, I would just love to be in the room when one of those people tells, like somebody else like church or whatever like that. That's their hobby. I just want to see their face. I imagine it's like the face that I made when you said that this existed just like complete. gasp like mouth agape, like what?

Aaron  1:10:29

You do a lot. I'm sure. I'm sure they were just completely

Collin  1:10:35

unsure of what to say to somebody. Yeah, I was sitting there going, Oh, this is a thing. And okay, tell me more and then watching the dogs do it work through it. How do you explain to somebody like the one thing that I didn't ask and I really wish I would have was, how

Aaron  1:10:55

did you get into this? Yeah,

Brandon  1:10:57

you can ask that when you go to the championships. Yeah, like, what? What's it? What's it called? Like, what do you call it? Like, how did you get into Arnold's terrier ring? Barn hunting? Yeah. Yeah, no, there's

Collin  1:11:13

a legit No, seriously, look up the barn hunt Association. Oh my gosh. Okay. Yeah, no, it's they've got rules. They've got breed classes. They've got all sorts of stuff that you can enter in bar. The

Brandon  1:11:27

first result is barn hunt. Springfield. No. Yes. Like not even joking. What?


Welcome to bar Oh,

Collin  1:11:38

my gosh, they've got rule books. I mean, obviously, it's like, again, this little tiny quarter, a quarter of the world. Joe rules. Yeah, they can have the dogs they can be. They can be blind. They have blind stuff. They can be deaf. They can be in wheel carts, all sorts of things. The dogs can compete with like,

Brandon  1:12:04

ratty wranglers guide on macadam debt.

Aaron  1:12:11

Wow. I

Brandon  1:12:13

see. The picture on the website, too, is hysterical. Like, it looks like the dude is holding one of those things that you put silverware in and a buffet. Right. And the data is just like snarling.


Yeah, yeah. You

Collin  1:12:28

know why word hunt Association comes up with the Springfield because they're based out of Springfield,

Brandon  1:12:34

Bart. I mean, I mean, that makes sense. It's a very centralized place to be, you know, so, so.

Collin  1:12:43

Oh, I know. And they Oh, brother cat calendar. We've got lots of places to travel. We've got the museum in Egypt. We've got some other places, but in October, I think live coverage. Wow. It was like Empire fairgrounds of the barn hunt Nash 2022 barn hunt nationals.

Brandon  1:13:00

Here's what I was wondering. Barn Hunt is open to any dog of any breed or mix who wishes to play the game and can fit through an 18 inch wide by bale height tunnel.

Collin  1:13:13

Oh, because they do obstacles.

Brandon  1:13:15

Yeah, so if your dog can fit into a hay bale tunnel. Boom. In there. Yes. I like the vague term bale height. Right, just like well, you don't have Ehlers Ducha you live in Missouri. You've seen a square bill before?

Collin  1:13:39

Obviously, this is a unit of measure. Everybody has

Brandon  1:13:43

the bale height international heat roughly a foot I would imagine I'm not really sure. Wow.

Collin  1:13:58

teams coming in from all over the all over the country. It's very exciting.

Brandon  1:14:05

Man, this is just shocking. Who knew this existed add this to the list of things that oh brother had no idea existed before today or nothing. Here you go.

Collin  1:14:28

And with with that, with that, I think we'll end on that bombshell.

Brandon  1:14:31

I think so. I gotta digest this. Think about

Collin  1:14:35

get those get those tickets bought.

Brandon  1:14:38

Oh, man. I bet they're going fast.

Collin  1:14:40

I bet I bet I could I have met the president. I'm sure we could get a media booth in media passes.

Brandon  1:14:51

I would die. I would absolutely die.

Collin  1:14:55

I kind of know

Brandon  1:15:00

Oh, we should add it to the fall tour in September. We'll do the steam show. And then

Collin  1:15:11

okay, we've got planning to do folks who was talking soon. Bye