traumatized at the dentist

Collin has, to his great consternation, rearranged his desk. The boys have a great discussion about pet loss and pet grief, and whether Aaron is going to nap before Friday (most likely not) Brandon went to the dentist, and it didn’t go well. Aaron and Brandon (Collin drifts to sleep) discuss playing video games a second..or third time through, and fawn over how amazing Forward Unto Dawn was. We end the show by sharing some, not so brief, thoughts on the new Lord of the Rings trailer. 

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game, halo, play, people, teeth, aaron, big, weird, watch, dentist, dog, nice, halo games, fun, thought, gears, cavity, week, good, real


Collin, Aaron, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out. Is your host, Brandon, Colin and Aaron. On this week's show, traumatised at the dentist. A high is a day is good. I know I said that last time. Did I mean today? It's been a roller coaster. Good, that's fine. Right?

Brandon  00:38

Yeah, we're fine. Are you trying to convince me and Aaron or yourself?

Collin  00:42

Myself and I don't even have my

Brandon  00:46

Oh, no. Shameful

Collin  00:49

Yeah, yeah, no. There was like the most out of everything I

Brandon  00:57

also your eye Legion influence just showed up there in the middle of the show like Oh no.

Collin  01:06

Like the archive oh brother note that won't I won't do anything?

Brandon  01:12

No, because they won't even open. So massive

Aaron  01:17

populated free range that oh, oh,

Collin  01:25

well. So here's, here's, here's what started this. So I am the computer that I use doesn't have very many ports. And so but I require a great many, many. So I had to buy a doc to plug my computer in. So I could access like all the things. And I previously had that sitting behind my box where my microphone is plugged in, it was kind of like obscured behind everything and out of sight out of mind. While I've been needing to plug more and more things into it. And then what finally broke me was the underwater camera that you got, it has a memory card on it. And my doll blame us I see. My doc has a nice little slot or the memory card, but it's hidden behind everything. So I was having to like, crouch down and like aim perfectly to insert but underneath because my computer's on a little riser. It was like way back in this little tunnel. And so I was like, I need to get this upfront. So then it required a whole thing of like, where do I have space for it. So now my, my, my laptop sits on its riser underneath, that's the dock to the right of this on the desk is now my little recording box. And I've got my second monitor over here. And then I've had to put all of my pins and pins and pencils in my little coffee cup way over kind of far over to the right away from me. So that's like they were sitting in the middle. But if I put it in the middle, they obstruct all the little box knobs and buttons doodads mess with recording.

Aaron  03:08

So been quite busy day contrast say? Yes, I'm

Brandon  03:18

sorry for your suffering me. I don't want to say I do important things.

Collin  03:22

But also I did a lot of dusting and rearranging of my


Yes, all the important things

Collin  03:33

and all the important thing. Yes, I spent my time doing that today. Then I also

Aaron  03:41

this is the not a fun conversation.

Collin  03:46

But speaking of emotional roller coasters, I lead off with a good day. I got a call from one of our clients. And we had just finished caring for her dog with a 15 year old golden doodle. That's older, bigger dog. Yeah, she has all of the lumps and bumps and all sorts of stuff. And she's kind of often on all these medications. Well, I don't know if you know this, but older dogs that get those big bumps, you know, under their skin. Yeah, some of those are cancerous to treat. Some of those are just batty and some of them are actually like cysts. Okay, so those are this dog had one basically explode over the Fourth of July weekend. rushed in to surgery, and she's recovering. But all this happened like a week before. Our client is supposed to go away for like a week and a half long vacation.


So oh my goodness.

Collin  04:52

Yeah. So she's got this 15 year old dog with a foot long stapled cut It wound basically down her side where they had to go in and remove all the bits and bobs and everything and. And now obviously, you're in this thing of like a 15 year old dog recovering from a major surgery, she's weak, where she basically we're trying to, we're throwing out everything that we used to do. And now we're doing a whole new care plan for and then halfway through a phone conversation, you know, it gets emotional. Because she's she's now facing a lot of hard decisions that she's never had to think about before. And it's interesting because this lady, she's mid 50s, she's owned dogs, all of her life, but because of various reasons. She's never had to be the one to make the decision to let a dog go. Yeah. And it turned quickly into a very, like, she kept on saying, Sorry, you're not by You're not my therapist. So I don't know what's going on right now. And I was just like, look, it's like, it's okay. Who else you're going to talk to which pet sitter, right? Like we're here. And it was just interesting and emotional to sit and talk with her as she went through that torturous process of reasoning and biting herself to know when the time was. And like, she bet you could tell how terrified she was to pull the plug too early, but also terrified of waiting too long and suffering and just trying to reassure her and it's hard, you know, it's like, look like, I don't want to have this conversation. But you're going to be gone for a week and a half, we need to have a very frank conversation about what this looks like, and what decisions do you want us to make or not make while you are away. And you could tell she had really thought about some of those implications. And we had that conversation and work through that. With her and I had jumped on, I'm trying to pull together some resources and stuff, the center way to think about process. And it was, it was not how I wanted to end my day off. But it was a reminder that that kind of loss and grief, this is very heavy. Sorry to start off the show with this, everybody. Oh, man. But this is supposed to be fun. But grief obviously comes in many different forms. And I hurt people who feel embarrassed, right? By their grief, like you could tell she was she felt uncomfortable grieving, and are kind of like pre grieving. And for the loss of a pet who hasn't been gone who's not gone yet. And she felt like, who was she going to connect with. And so I guess that's to say, listeners, if you are experiencing hurt and turmoil and don't know who to turn to your your favorite comedy podcast, or brother can at least empathize with you. That's true. And you can listen to many hours to help soothe and make you laugh. Think about some things as well.

Brandon  08:22

But at least make you feel better about yourself going as man, these guys are weird.

Collin  08:27

Oh, yeah, that was kind of like a big wall up in the face.

Brandon  08:32

It's hard to with. Like, so the,

Aaron  08:36

the process is weird. Because, like,

Brandon  08:43

about 50% of the people you talk to will be very empathetic, and very understanding and very like, oh my gosh, I know, when I lost my baby, it was above the law. And the other 50% would be like dudes just dog Shut up. Like, that's, that's the other problem that you run into of like, knowing who you can talk to. And like how much they will be able to empathize with you. Because a lot of people will not just be like, whatever, just a dog who cares, like. So that makes the process even more complicated, because that obviously doesn't help you in your grieving process. Right. It's like the least helpful thing to hear. You know, like, well, I

Collin  09:29

guess that's why people why she was probably a little cagey or a little embarrassed to be talking about it. Yes, because she's probably had people pushback or hasn't had a good reception with everything.

Aaron  09:42

And that's kind of why I

Brandon  09:45

you know, I'm the pet guy. Come on. I don't Yeah, I'm fine. I was like, You're gonna talk

Collin  09:51

to somebody like, Hi. But I do it's, it's, it's tough because people quickly move on from that. Right, if you you lose a human loved one, people reach out and they it, it impacts a lot more people, I feel like, where

Brandon  10:10

there's casseroles involved, at least in the Midwest, there's always casseroles, people,

Collin  10:14

people put it, you know, they'll they'll call you the next year, or, you know, they'll kind of remember that stuff. So I've, I've tried to make it a habit of when a client notifies us that someone has passed away, I, I put that in my personal calendar of who it was, and their phone number, because sometimes they won't be a client anymore. And that's why I make a point. Yeah, call them every year on that date. Not to belabor anything, but just to say, hey, you know, I'm thinking to you, I know you know, this, they mean something, and it means something to us still. So wishing you all the best and thinking of them right now. Nothing really big, but to try and because again, I don't want anybody to ever feel alone in that. Like you said, it's very isolating because you don't know who's going to be able to empathize with you or not. And if it's just one small

Aaron  11:06

thing that

Collin  11:08

we do have like a, you know, we remember nothing, nothing big but I feel like that makes a difference. I hope I've motional afternoon, whoever sent that kind of hard to


ask you. Well,

Collin  11:27

so yeah, that's that was our day was like, have you stuff right

Brandon  11:32

in front of a desk reorg and sadness sitting it is?

Collin  11:37

Yeah, even my desk reorg didn't quite boost my

Aaron  11:40

spirits. So that's what my day was ending.

Collin  11:49

About what have you been up to? What have you been watching? Listening? Reading?

Brandon  11:54

Oh, a bunch of stuff. What is that man? Say? Aaron, do you have good news from Oklahoma? How are things different? Have you had a better day than Colin?

Aaron  12:04

Oh, yeah, I'm gonna do bad. Right, good.

Brandon  12:07

Bring us back on track here. And here we go.

Aaron  12:11

This week hasn't really been too crazy for me, because it's been all changed real quick. It's okay, where was I? Yeah, so this week hasn't really been too crazy, because we haven't had an athletic event was held that week in Oklahoma for sports, so I haven't had to do anything. So I've been kind of around the house that actually came down to the FBO to Inez or be in needed for some work stuff so he came down we had lunch and just got focused on you know, talk for a few hours and then we took show me hard to get worked on because it doesn't have AC and you know 1000 degrees so so we want to work on that. And tomorrow start our physicals so it's the last day for her for free period for her vocal my god so a lot of schools do with all of that practice. Oh, yeah. So we're gonna we're gonna go and practice for about like an hour or whatever and so we're gonna do that and then

Collin  13:31

writing this thing absolutely terrible idea. I don't know why

Aaron  13:36

it's not 1000 degrees is I will take that any day.

Brandon  13:40

I mean, the best part is it's not 1000 degrees I guess napping taking a nap beforehand or just staying Yeah, what's the what's the strike

Aaron  13:49

as a band we'll see was talking about feeling but I'll Oh, and then Friday morning. Here's the kicker. What we're actually going to St. Louis Cardinals game and so we're leaving Friday morning whenever whenever I get back so I went you just got to do a quick turnaround of of things so whenever whenever that time does I will be dead asleep in the car while she'll be driving because I will be out it'll be nice. So although in worker practice for a little bit and then yeah, I'll be I'll be mock out because I'll drive home leave for maybe like a little bit and then I'll be done. And then we'll go into a total game. Afternoon game or night game. Yeah.

Brandon  14:50

Oh, nice. Doubleheader.

Aaron  14:56

Been out there. And then in Rolla Oh, drive back Monday. I think there's one more. Yeah. We'll come back. Oh, yeah. What was the weekend up there? And then, yeah. Nice, exciting thing

Brandon  15:24

other than the midnight softball practice, but again, not being 7000 degrees is a pretty big

Aaron  15:31

positive here. My pepper. That's our biggest thing a lot. A lot of schools do it to kind of like take off the season. And stuff themselves. Yeah. Nice.

Brandon  15:45

All right. So you have been doing much better than college. Good job. Aaron weather bring the show back up, buddy

Collin  16:04

yeah, you're gonna have to they're busy, busy person.

Brandon  16:08

Me. Definitely not busy. Because it's summer and I don't have sports deal with. So.

Aaron  16:18

Yeah, I've been

Brandon  16:21

watching cycling, because it's too hot to actually cycle myself. And playing video games whole bunch, going through the back catalogue, replaying some good ones. Right. Nice. That's how I would do it. But yesterday. My traumatic experience from yesterday. Okay. I need to share this because it was horrifying. I had to go to the dentist. Right. And I have right, so I had I had this cavity in my front teeth, like my front two teeth, you know, like, so it's basically like, kind of like a cavity slash just like a soft spires a weird. It's already been filled once before long time ago, but the filling was getting old or whatever. And they needed to redo it. Or, and so it's right to basically, your front two teeth are just like right next to each other. The cavities like in between them.

Aaron  17:16

Oh, yeah. Right. It's awful. So it's like literally the most

Brandon  17:23

uncomfortable cavity I've ever had filled in my entire life. The rest of them were just like, whatever. It's fine for this one. The last time I had it. It was horrible. They had to put like the wedge thing in there. They do what stuff? Not good. My gums are still sore because they had to like shove them up. You know, to get make sure they got it all in.

Aaron  17:44

Yeah. Okay. All right.

Brandon  17:48

So yeah, this is this is horrible. So, so but, but like, if you put your fingers together like your index and middle finger together, that crease that it makes that's basically where my cavity is. Okay, so in order to fix this, they had to drill out the old filling. So it's just like drilled right between there. So it was like half a hole on one tooth and half a hole on the other tooth, right? But I told them the last time I was in the bottom of my front to one of those teeth called your one incisors. Yeah, incisors. Doesn't make sure I got that, right. The bottom is over uneven, because of the way that my bite is. My mouth is like weird, right? And so they're uneven. The last time I had this done, the dentists took it upon themselves to fill that and just smooth out the bottom of my incisors.

Aaron  18:39

Which was horrible, because then my bike didn't close properly. And it broke off in like, two days. Right.

Brandon  18:47

And so I never went back. So I was I was asking them, I was like, You're not

Aaron  18:53

messing with that. Right? Right. You're not doing that. Right. And they were like, no, why was it because it happened before.

Brandon  19:03

It was traumatic. It didn't like it. And the dentist and the dental assistant, like, Lady were like, yeah, no, we're not doing that. And they have to like, because it's on the face of my teeth. Right? They had to like do some smoothing and stuff you know, and some like re contouring after they put this in there to make it so they were like they were just yeah, just to make it so you can't see it, you know? And they were doing that and they wanted to make sure that they weren't doing the bottom so they gave me a mirror and they let me look at my mouth but it was before they had filled my nightmares for the rest of my life. So I was like, How can I angle this so that I don't look at it Oh, my God. So I was looking at myself and there's just this massive hole. I mean, it appeared massive to me. Maybe not the massive size of a tooth, right? Yeah. enormous hole just like Right. On the face of it right in. Looks like you have a fence, you'd like drill a hole in the middle of the fence. Right?


It looks like this big old

Brandon  20:26

massive hole. And I was like, Oh, no.

Collin  20:29

So sorry. Oh my gosh.

Aaron  20:34

Wow. Oh my gosh. It was it was so weird. I

Brandon  20:45

running my time over my teeth right now just thinking about it. Like it's not still there gone? Sure.

Collin  20:49

Right. You feel like you've got to.

Brandon  20:56

So awkward and bizarre.

Collin  21:03

Probably terrifying. Right? Like, yeah, I mean, teeth. Teeth are terrifying anyway, like on a good day. Like they. They're not fun. I don't enjoy them. That was when I taught human anatomy. It was always my least favorite section teach because we had like, they had lots of pictures that people mailed was disgusting. And I just said,

Brandon  21:25

so I thought I thought about asking this lady because she was like, super nice. And she was like telling me about the things that she was doing. Right, which I told her, I appreciate it. Because like I've mentioned before on the show that dentistry is a great mystery to me. Right? Like when I go to the doctor, and they like, speak to me, I can kind of follow along, even though I don't know exactly what they're talking about. Yeah, I can kind of, I have enough background knowledge to kind of like, piece together things, you know. And I know what questions to ask. When I'm in the dentist office. They just start like saying words.

Aaron  21:59

And I'm like, What? What are these mean?

Brandon  22:06

And then they're like, say numbers, you know, because your teeth have numbers, I guess. And I'm like, which one's the I don't know which one that where do you start? Like which side is the one? You know? These are things I don't know.

Collin  22:18

What is good? What is Yeah.

Brandon  22:21

So she was sort of explaining to me some things you're doing so I thought that was really cool. I should have asked her.

Aaron  22:27

Why dentistry?

Brandon  22:32

Because I know we've mentioned this a lot so I won't go into here now but like,

Aaron  22:35

but like, why any listeners who are dentists? Oral Hygiene lists something please let us know what inspired you for this career path because I'm genuinely curious.

Brandon  22:53

Because Haven't you seen holes in people's teeth? I saw my own and it was awful. So like I can't imagine

Aaron  23:00

Yeah. Oh

Brandon  23:04

so in front the front incisor to us so weird. So far. I was like a Bugs Bunny cartoon gone wrong right like

Collin  23:22

owe it because it is so foreign. And I have taken the opportunity to when we take the fourth air dental checkup to ask questions or have the kid ask questions to get the dentist and the hygienist to explain what they're doing. And that's been a really good for the kid because Lilian has had to have a cavity filled, it wasn't a tooth, and the doctor was just like, oh, this is just a bad tooth, which honestly, I didn't know his thing. But he was just like, oh, this dude. Like, you could have just brush this or like soaked it in and Clorox and it just would have it would have always have got cavity and so I I have seen a hole in Lillian's too. And that was not my favorite either. But having him explain the how the all the chemicals and the bonding and like the stuff that they put on there and pack it in and all that like that. That was that was really good because you know I had cavities filled and they were just like, open your mouth shut up. Like Ah, sorry, I'm scared right now.

Brandon  24:38

Yes, I also learned that they have different shades of the because the places I go to they use

Aaron  24:44

the enamel

Brandon  24:45

bonding paste stuff. They don't use the metal anymore, right? They don't do that. And so they were she was explained to me that they have multiple different shades of that. So they can like more closely match your natural teeth color.

Aaron  24:59

And this is not Something that I had

Brandon  25:02

thought about. It makes sense, right? But I had never like taken time to be like, oh, yeah, you would need, like multiple shades of that because always teeth are just different. So like, right? You're gonna slap it like a super pearly white one on my teeth is not going to be to look weird, right? Like it's

Aaron  25:25

not that my TV like grocery thing but like, they're not like, you know, the most perfect pearly whites.

Brandon  25:33

You know what I mean? So like, drink coffee. It's a drink a lot of coffee. Okay, that's what I'm trying to say. Every time I go to the dentist, no, like, you drink a coffee like yeah, like, oh, you're a teacher. Nevermind. Like like, oh, yeah, it's fine.

Collin  25:51

That's interesting. It's like we understand. You're kind of like, I don't know, like, psychologist or whatever, because I've got in and they're circulating with ease, and they'll be like, so.

Aaron  26:03

How's How's business been?

Collin  26:06

I'm like, a little stressful, like, you don't say anyway, because they can see like, like, apparently when I'm stressed, I really brush the right side of my teeth, like really hard. And it hurts the gums and the left side of my teeth. It's like elected or whatever. I have a weird effect when I brush my teeth.

Brandon  26:24

That's very interesting.

Collin  26:26

And my dentist can tell which is, which is terrifying.

Aaron  26:33

That is very peculiar. That's odd.

Collin  26:39

I know. That's why I'm glad. I'm glad you're all mixed up. No holes anymore.

Brandon  26:46

Yeah, no, we're good. So bizarre, it was so uncomfortable. That's like, no,

Collin  26:57

that's interest. I still understand why they would decide to do it before you were it was filled right. Now. Usually, probably anything about it? Yeah. I'm sure they just said oh, hold this before they get started. Yeah, I

Brandon  27:08

think that's, I think they're at a point in time, where they were getting ready to do the filling in this shaping the face. Right. And so they wanted to make, like, before they started that process. They were like, they wanted to make sure about the area that I was concerned about. Yeah. Like before they before they had started going and then be like, Oh,


whoops. Right.

Collin  27:33

It's your fault. That's what that's what

Brandon  27:35

Yeah, apparently.

Collin  27:36

You looked too soon. Ah, how dare you. Oh,

Aaron  27:42

how can we Amir was weird. I was supposed to do with it. Good luck. Yeah, it was really strange. So like

Brandon  27:53

yeah, that was my traumatic experience we have today

Aaron  27:57

my guns are still kind of

Brandon  27:58

sore because they're like

Aaron  28:02

yeah, that's always super uncomfortable well in that area

Brandon  28:09

in the front here, it's like super sensitive anyway. Right? But I told him that the last time we did it like hurt real bad, so like, by the time they like shot me up, I like couldn't feel my nose. So like, oh, yeah, I was I was fine.

Collin  28:25

Gusto everybody with Yeah,

Brandon  28:27

I was like, the dude came back and did his guy came back in there and he was like, he was like, so it feels great now and I was like, Dude, my nose is now and he's like perfect. Let's go we're off like that's a good sign. He was like better to be more numb than less and I was like you that is true. So let's go ahead and get started

Collin  28:47

don't want

Brandon  28:57

so yeah, I was my big

Aaron  29:01

excitement for the week. Yes

Brandon  29:06

Yeah, not fun but big and exciting. So slash traumatic like

Aaron  29:12

Yeah, yeah.

Brandon  29:16

Oh, yeah, that was basically that's basically been my there's something else I was going to mention but I like forgot to write it down. So I don't remember what it was now. So maybe it'll come back later. But that's

Aaron  29:34

yeah, other than that, doing some video game action, playing through some back catalogue stuff. Been like I'm played this one ally. Oh, this is good. playing that. So played so far. We did. But I do. I have just finished Sleeping Dogs. Classic. Great.

Collin  29:56

When you when you I know. We've talked a little bit about replaying video games. I think aspect that we didn't quite touch on last time. Don't mind this tangent. How do you prefer we do these tangents? And Aaron, you can chime into as a as an video game player? How do you prevent yourself from playing the video game the exact same ways?

Aaron  30:25

Depends on the game, I think. Right? Like some of them will have, like,

Brandon  30:34

ways to do it differently, right? Whether it's like, some sort of skill tree base, like you focus your skills in like a certain area. So like, you know, whatever. Other times, it's just like, you can do things in a different order. So it just kind of depends on the game, right? Sometimes a game like that I played to that I also play the replayed Jedi, the Star Wars Jedi fallen order, which is also excellent. Like he's played again, because the story is kind of cool, right? And it's kind of like rewatching a movie, you know, just like play it over. So there are some things you can do. You can use, like different skills, different weapons, if it's a big crazy game, like Skyrim, or something you can do just like insanely different things. Like, just go crazy, but like, kind of just depends on the game you're playing. I

Aaron  31:26

think, Aaron, what do you think I have the hardest time in like Skyrim adjusting, because I'm like, Oh, I'm gonna do this. You know, like, the first time I ever played, it was just like, through, like, you know, two handed or like a shield and a sword or an axe, like, I'm, I'm gonna do this. And like, next time I play, I'm gonna be like, you know, like a magic person. And then I started sucking and I'm like, going back to x. That's true. Yeah. I know, that, like Skyrim was difficult for me, especially cannot fit in the open world. And, you know, that kind of style. I know, when I play more like shooting games, it's a little bit different, not a whole heck of a lot. Because, you know, sometimes it's just, I'm just going to run in gun and, you know, do what I can compare to, like, next time I play, it's like, I'm gonna be a little more accurate on this. And so like, there's usually replay value for some of those, like, first person shooter games, it's a little bit difficult to fully get into after a while. Because it's like, oh, you know, what happened next. And so it's kind of difficult to have a good replay value that way. But it kind of depends on the game and try not to get back into like, oh, you know, the two of us didn't try to branch out like the game I'm playing right now, as I speak. Again, good old classic Warhammer, too, because the full release thing for Warhammer three. The big map comes out in August, like I'm playing a faction I've never played and that's it with unique games like this, like you like to have to be unique or you're not going to play as much and so you have to instead of testing myself with playing something I've never played before being you know, a certain way so yeah, it kind of depends on them. But yes, if I'm if I'm picking up Skyrim right now and I'm going to tell myself I'm going to be true like you know, Sal and bow and arrow you know, give me 30 minutes and I'll be kind of smash people's heads and it was a war axe So

Brandon  33:38

yeah, that's a good point. Some games like some guy like I also

Aaron  33:43

today I just finished like Gears of War for like

Brandon  33:49

you're not really playing that game again. Because to play it differently, you're just playing a good game because it's like fun. You know what I mean? Like you can play harder you can put it on like insane mode, but like I've never been an insane mode guy.


It's a little too too much for me but like

Brandon  34:10

I know for the casual right but like you know games like that it's just like it's fun. Like the action in the gameplay is just kind of fun in so you just want to play it because it's fun. Right so like and again you get some good reap like the going through and I'm also looking at like okay, what games haven't I played for like a while? Right? Like I haven't played gears probably for like,


two years maybe.

Brandon  34:40

I know like during like quarantine time right during that when I first started that I played through them again

Collin  34:46

like all of them

Brandon  34:50

so this time I didn't do that I just played four and I think I'm gonna play five next just because why not? I'm already doing it. So like

Aaron  34:59

like It's just fun.

Brandon  35:01

You know, like, it's just kind of fun to do. Same thing with like Sleeping Dogs. I played that game again, because the story in that game was like my favorite.

Aaron  35:07

Ever it's really good. Like undercover

Brandon  35:12

police officer infiltrating the triad in Hong Kong.


Come on,

Brandon  35:17

how could you not play that again? Like it is. It does a really good job of being like intense, but also like, a lot of the like secrets and like unlockable outfits are basically just outfits from 70s kung fu movies.

Aaron  35:32

So like, they know that like, they.

Brandon  35:37

They know that also, you shouldn't take it too seriously. So it's a really good mix. I played the Star Wars one again, just because he likes Star Wars.


So like, stick around.

Brandon  35:48

I mean, let's just play like, Oh no, I have to fight the stormtroopers with my lightsaber and force powers. Like, you can do a little bit different. Like you can use the Force diff more you can like actually

Aaron  36:06

strategize instead of being like, lightsaber. Whack.

Brandon  36:12

Yeah. But yeah, like Aaron was saying some other games are more like you replay them, because they give you opportunities to do things completely differently. Like with the faction gameplay, like you get skills and abilities to do things that you can't do. And so you may have never done before. So it's like, still new. Oh, interesting. Okay.


I mean, so like,

Brandon  36:36

that's some RPGs. You can do that with classes. But like, Man, I'm just playing with the ones that I like, the kind of like the story and stuff. It's just kind of playing because I haven't played him in a while. I guess it's fun to do that again.


That's what I'm doing right now. So

Brandon  36:56

that's good to listen. And that's it. That's just kind of why I like Oh, yeah. This is a just fun to do. I haven't played a gears game a long time. And it's like, those ones where you play it. And you're like, oh, yeah, I'm playing it. And then you play it like you pick it up. It's like, Oh, yeah. Okay, I


got it. Like,

Brandon  37:12

there's some like instantly recognizable features, although I will say, I was thinking about that today. Like every single Gears of War game is weirdly annoying, because like, they like just decided to randomly put like, the buttons do different things. Like, why when I just wanted to use my Lancer ban it Oh, no, it's gonna be this, but this time? Why would you do that? Why would you not make it the same button? Also, I think in every single game, I may have mentioned this before, too, so. But in every single game, like specifically the Lancer, because I use a gun all the time, because it's like, my favorite, right? Because that's the coolest, but it like holds different amounts of ammo. And like every single game, it's different. Oh, really? Guys,


guys, what are you doing?

Brandon  38:03

It's not like so noticeable to be like, annoying. It's just weird that your ammo capacity changes so vastly, vastly, but enough to be like, that's a different number. Why? Why?

Collin  38:22

Just yeah, just enough to be be annoying and

Brandon  38:25

mildly annoying. Like

Collin  38:31

I was curious about that. I know, the way my brain works, I would be like, well, I played it. But I guess I wasn't thinking of the fact that some game can't play them through different. That was where my brain was stuck. Going. Okay, well, I was thinking more of the trees, the stories that you could play through. But if you don't have that, just pretty basic. Because I know if I did have those options, I'd be like, well, I played it beat it like this last time. So I'll just go ahead and do that again. This time. Yeah.

Brandon  39:07

Well, there are there are again, there are some games that will allow you to deep make, like different decisions, you know, throughout the game, and that affects kind of what happens later on. So you can go through and just like make a different choice a different time. Right? Or like, depending on what you're doing, you know. So yeah, I'm just playing these ones, mostly because the stories are good. I mean, maybe not. Maybe the case of gears like not like stories not really me it's fine, but like, but uh, it's fun. The gameplay is fun. It's interesting, you know? Yeah, shooting alien monsters in the face with giant machine and yeah, I'm fine. And it's just like, it's just fun to play. So, but again, too, I haven't played them in a while. Like it might I get less enjoyment if I like playing a game and then like,

Aaron  40:01

a couple weeks later play it again. Right? Because

Brandon  40:05

it's still so fresh in your mind. But it's not as fun. Because after a while, there'll be parts that I don't remember this like, oh, in the like, as you're going through you kind of going, Oh, yeah. Oh, okay, I forgot about this pirate. Okay, gotta be How do you like, forget some of the things you have to do so like, why wouldn't what's gonna happen next? Because they're like, there's lots of little details that you don't remember. So you kind of, it's never going to be like playing it for the first time. Like you're not going to be like super surprised. But

Aaron  40:36

you'll still, you know,

Brandon  40:39

if you wait long enough, like this login template, it's been probably

Aaron  40:44

a year and a half to two years. Like you're just like,

Brandon  40:49

oh, man, I forgot about that. Oh, yeah. Why am I doing this? Oh, yeah. What happens after that? Oh, yeah. Like, you know, kind of remembering it that way. Sure.

Aaron  40:59

Hi, nice. Like when you watch a movie again, you know, same kind of thing.

Collin  41:05

Aaron, thing on the

Aaron  41:08

video game. Back here.

Collin  41:11

Did you? Did you? Did we talk about the Halo series that came out? Have you had a chance to watch that at all? The TV series? Oh,

Aaron  41:21

yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I was extremely heartbroken. When I watched it. So yeah. We're just starting How to Be nice. Clean. Wants to my understanding, and someone in the comments, please. Correct me a little more often say like, they weren't like original fans, trying to get the Halo series like started but like, several years, like big budget, people have started it. And then they're like, oh, you know, we ran out of money or, like, always do this. And so it's taken. The first video came out and

Brandon  42:12

the other one was, uh, yeah, that's an original Xbox game.

Aaron  42:15

Yeah. And so like, in ever since then. People are kind of like, we always make this like, I think there's like a legit thing. But no one's ever picked it up. And so this series it takes away from kind of like, what made the game so good. The main character masterchief like, never take it off. Like he's, no, that's that's kind of his thing. And like, within like the first like, few minutes of the first episode, but our pop up to be really? Yeah. Like, that's not it at all. They don't follow the source material. Because, you know, there's all this lore and backstory. What the only thing that that pretty much hover is like there's an alien race. Yeah, there's humans check. There's an advanced alien race that we know nothing about. And that's kind of really about it. They don't know they get into a lot of things. And like, yeah, there are some cool visuals of like, the alien CGI was terrible. The acting not the best. It's like they get like a few things. Right? But that's really about it. So good. Shut off. And, and the other big thing is that it came out, like at the same time as the new video game came out, which I have not played yet. But they didn't like tie anything together. It was just like, oh, here, here's the theory. Here's the game fine. Or it's like well, like I kind of want like a little bit more. Like what all is going on. But they don't they don't give you that. So it's just there's there's a comment somewhere that one of the creators like, Oh, we didn't read or playing the game. Right? I'm missing a whole I don't know. But there's so much that you get to like us, but you're not.

Brandon  44:14

And also you can play through the first couple in like, not that long. So like what are you doing?

Aaron  44:21

Yeah, and so I a lot of people didn't really do that. So it turned off a lot of people you know, like the first episode people like Nope, we're done. And that was pretty hard to kind of like take in like but but it's one Halo and then you watch it you're like yeah, I get it. And so that that was that's pretty hard to like to take in and enjoy, especially someone who like grew up playing Halo and watching all the battles and finally getting that that teaser trailer and out Following all the social media on Twitter, and then it comes out and just like it is hard to take an adaption of a video game and turn it into like a movie or TV series because especially with Halo, like there's a game, there's a book, there's like, the animated series that was kind of a thing but wasn't and then you have like, all this war and stuff. And so there's a lot to it, but none of it was utilizing just kind of like, I here's the person in his face to die ever go. And, you know, like, if you're gonna do a justice like you like, yes, a TV series is probably the best thing for all of this quite a lot. So, I, I didn't I couldn't bring myself to watch the whole thing being like, through like a little fan. And so I was pretty broken hearted. I'm not gonna sit there and bash it on like Twitter or something. They know I was deceived.

Brandon  45:54

Do it on a podcasting. Now, that's really upsetting. But you're right, Halo does have some like super interesting lore. Yeah, right. And like, I was never, I've never like, got into it as much as you did. But that games aren't super fun. Right? Yeah. They're really cool. And I was looking at this list. I apparently, I have not played the last two Halo games, I

Aaron  46:19

guess. So maybe that's what I should be doing or no one reached out for. So I think you can get the new one. What are they gonna play for on PC? Which I'm going to get? So I haven't played the whole. Let's just get the Master Chief Collection. So what I should do from I actually have, but it doesn't have. It doesn't have the new one. Well, yeah, but because they're like, what's coming out? You don't get it? Oh, all right. I think I have I don't know. I have

Brandon  46:56

looking at the list of the main Halo games. I have played the first one. The second one, the third one.

Aaron  47:02

I did play ODST. And I think I played that battle there are terrible at it was just weird. It's different. Right?

Brandon  47:10

I didn't play reach,

Aaron  47:11

I think and I played for and then I reach reach was the first game that when I was in college, my roommate myself went to Joplin. And we waited all night for it. At the

Brandon  47:31

at the Gamestop theory, they're in a in Joplin. So that game has a little bit special, special place in my heart. Right. And that's the one with all the other. It's like all the other Spartans. Right. Isn't that one?

Aaron  47:44

Yeah, it takes place before. It mostly plays before the first Halo game. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, that one? I did

Brandon  47:53

play that one. Not as extensively as I played, like, two and three, for sure. Because I played two and three. Yeah. Because I think a lot of people agree that Halo two is just stinking awesome. Like, it's great. So yeah, that's really upsetting that they would. Because yeah, like I said, but even like, the lore that you get from just the games and stuff is like, really?

Aaron  48:22

Cool. Right? It's interesting. And they do a good job of like,

Brandon  48:30

they do that thing that I think is so successful, where they like, tell you like


a little bit. Just enough to where

Brandon  48:37

your imagination starts going insane. And then like in some of the books and stuff they're like, No, yeah, you're right. That does happen. You know what I mean?

Collin  48:47

Yeah, it's not so on the nose, every single time. Yeah,

Brandon  48:53

it's that thing where they're like, Well, yeah, but don't you remember blah. And then that's all they say? Like, yeah. Do you like wait, what? What do you mean that? What are you talking about? And then that's about it. There's a sweet book about it. And you can read all about how

Aaron  49:06

horrible it was, right? Because that's one of the things about the Halo universe is like, nothing goes well. Right? Yeah,

Brandon  49:17

that's kind of like it's kind of the same as like gears, right? Like, if I had to pick a place like a fictional universe to live in, I would not choose either of those two. Right. Like, would you want to live in the Halo universe? No. Like? Would you want to live in the Gears of War universe? Absolutely not. No way.



Brandon  49:40

Yeah, that's upsetting. Cuz I did hear about the TV show, but I've never heard anybody. I was just one of those things. I was like, oh, yeah, that's happening. And then.

Aaron  49:48

Yeah, it a lot of people did not like it. So there's a few things that people are like, oh, you know, it's actually pretty decent. But then there was You don't really like. I just feel like if you're gonna be a person who makes a television show about Halo,

Brandon  50:11

and you comment in public saying things like, you're never actually

Aaron  50:15

played Halo. One person, first of all, how, second of all

Brandon  50:27

like, you can play them like you can still play they felt like, hard to find

Aaron  50:33

Halo games.

Brandon  50:34

You know what I mean? Like,

Collin  50:35

I'm sure the studio who's making the TV show would gladly provide it as portions of your I don't know, research.

Brandon  50:43

So yeah, they made the Master Chief Collection you don't have to, it's not like you have to like hunt down an original Xbox and find an original copy of Halo Combat Evolved, right? You can like


just go online and download

Brandon  50:57

you can even watch. Let's Plays of other people playing it. If you don't want to play it yourself. You can just watch

Aaron  51:05

people playing it. Right? You can do that.

Brandon  51:09

You know, he's going on Twitch. I'm sure he just watched the replay. Or YouTube right? There's definitely hit Let's Plays of Halo games. It's like super popular

Aaron  51:18

still. So you can do that. So you don't even have to actually play it yourself. I would watch a TV show of just like the

Brandon  51:32

gameplay, right? Like if they just use if it wasn't live action if it wasn't if it was just like, engine, like game engine. I would watch that. It'd be fine. But game like game cutscenes but it's just a little glitch. Yeah, I'd watch that

Collin  51:59

and I know that the history of adapting video games into movies. Very rich and well done. Yeah.

Brandon  52:12

See the Mario movie?

Collin  52:16

You know, in my universe. In my universe, the Milo and Otis came out before the TV show. It just was a little bit delayed. And so they had to strip away some of the other stuff. But that's that's a good development of a TV show of a of a of a movie coming from a video game. Oh, his is an example of a movie from

Brandon  52:40

it. He played the Milea notice game have you been watching less places that I don't know. You can find less plays of some really weird video game. Yes, we've talked about this. I didn't know this either till call it brought it up that one time. I was dumbfounded

Aaron  52:58

by it. Can you pop just fight bears?

Collin  53:01

Hold on YouTube right now I'm watching a bound and leap Milo and Otis YouTube video from

Aaron  53:07

Oh, it's

Collin  53:11

okay, well, I will I will have this down. 75 comments on the YouTube video about what?

Aaron  53:17

Yeah, it's fine yeah, I did not know that your game is. I definitely remember us talking about

Brandon  53:31

the Famicom or something like really random so like, it's not like

Collin  53:35

oh, yeah, no, it's not was it was a market?

Brandon  53:38

I don't think anybody else knew about it either. So it's okay.


Yeah, man, that's awful. Ruining Halo. There was that one?

Brandon  53:48

I don't what was that one? That one YouTube series. They made a little short,

Aaron  53:52

painless board that was sort of dawn and that was that was ran and yeah, that was awesome. That was tabled for for real. Before there was the first real attempt at like oh

Brandon  54:12

no, like live actioning Halo right

Aaron  54:15

was actually hit so there was there was also a little like, mini video that came out a few years ago and like, keep like fans reach out because it was so like, good. I gotta I gotta find up with that awkward enough for them a little man who chatting and so he will forward on to dawn or Punisher was for Halo four.

Brandon  54:39

I don't remember but I remember watching those are like, Yo, this is great.

Aaron  54:43

Yeah, so good, great acting. Really good budget because I have like Microsoft and YouTube like, promoting this. Yeah, kind of thing. And so it likes it. People love it. And so it's I Has it back on?

Brandon  55:01

I think I might know that I just thought about it again, because I haven't thought about that lifetime. But that has all the epicness that you need from a halo right?

Aaron  55:08

Need to believe. They're like masterchief is super

Brandon  55:17

mega amazing and is going to save the day because it's sweet does. You know, it's hard sometimes, but

Aaron  55:23

you know? Yeah, exactly. Right. There's just enough to it. But yeah, there's just so much and you're like, Hey, okay,

Brandon  55:33

I can. I think because Microsoft was involved, there was music in there, right? Like, that stuff is so good.

Aaron  55:43

Really, when Halo four like came out and like, I thought it was so fun. But like replay value. Like, yeah, it's fun.

Brandon  55:52

But it's not as fun as to

Aaron  55:55

write real. Like, it's

Brandon  55:57

still got all the stuff. It's a weird, it's got all this other aliens, or whatever. But like, it's not as cool as some of the early ones. Like I love that really well. Yeah. But that meant that music is so amazing. That's one of the things that makes it the best of the score. And that'd be cool. Talking about like, making music making things just like amazing. Like that game has some epic moments. And then you drop that music on top. Dude, you just like cry. It's like the most beautiful thing


I was playing.

Brandon  56:27

This is like, I have the those Forza Horizon games, you know. And like the open world racing video games, I've been playing close here and randomly too, but like, there's always a mission that you can do in there where you're like driving a warthog, because it's like, Microsoft makes it. And so one of the Easter eggs is you can drive a warthog in this game. Like instead of lack of driving a Ford Bronco, you can drive a Warthog. And like there's one of you like racing on the beach, and they start playing the halo music.


He's like, Okay, well, I just wanna play Halo now. Like, would you?

Brandon  57:03

Anyway, I'll be right back. Like, oh, like, I haven't heard this game off. I got to play some plays in dang Halo. Because that music is so good. Oh my gosh. It's like, it just makes it right. Like they the way that they shoot those cinematography is you know, they like, make it like a movie scene. And then they just dropped that score on it.

Aaron  57:27

And it's just like it beautiful.

Brandon  57:31

Added some beautiful cinematic games. Right there. It's great. Yeah, I have to watch Forward Unto Dawn, later write that down so I can

Collin  57:45

note itself up right now. It looks really

Aaron  57:48

It's epic. It's great. Like, five or six episodes

Brandon  57:53

or something like that. Yeah. Something like that. It's not very long. It's just kind of cool. Also saying, Yeah, I might have to buy some Halo, because I have like random old for copies laying around here somewhere. I think I definitely have played Halo to the most. Right. That's why I like it so much. Just played at the most. I played that campaign a whole bunch because it's awesome. And then we played a lot of way to play the remastered version. Oh, yeah. I've heard it's good. I should probably just buy them as Chief Collection.

Aaron  58:34

I think all right, well put that on my list of games the replay was Yeah, do that and then to track down five, and I stopped

Brandon  58:49

playing I was one of those things like other things like five was coming out and I was like, oh, I should get

Aaron  58:56

that. And I'm like, just never did. Anything I forgot about that was me a lot with like, everything. I actually see this movie and then I don't

Brandon  59:08

And then like I should definitely play this game. And then I forget

Aaron  59:15

Yes, maybe during that time, so thank you

Brandon  59:18

for making me remember how awesome Halo is because it

Aaron  59:28

definitely is a fun replay value there lots of memories of playing those

Brandon  59:40

four player matches, right, the deathmatch thing the first time. Like Halo one or two? Maybe.

Aaron  59:48

Oh my gosh. That's fun. He's played those all the time.

Brandon  59:56

And I was bad at it. That's what I remember the most I was awful.

Collin  1:00:01

Most importantly, I was

Brandon  1:00:05

raging and I was like just the worst. So I know I'm bad. You don't have to keep murdering me


why? No.

Collin  1:00:17

No, that was one of the first I don't, I don't, I'm not really familiar with the timeline for those kind of real time group video plays, but that's what I remember seeing a lot of shorts, you know, video clips of the total, like, you know, where someone would get the sniping position and the respond and they would just have you pinned down in that same place like that was pretty early on with that was pretty common. Yeah,

Brandon  1:00:47

yeah, Halo kind of invented a lot of that stuff, right. Yeah. A lot of those terms that you hear people drop in with, like online multiplayer stuff. Now that that kind of comes from the late it's a legacy of Halo, right?

Aaron  1:01:07

That whole like, although Halo, it wasn't, like, online, like multiplayer, like, PvP, player versus player like anything, but it truly was like the biggest. Like, yeah, it truly like created that whole, like, online gaming genre family of people will kind of realize like, Yo, this is, you know, if we want to be competitive on like, the online shooter, like we need to, we need to make it like a halo. And yeah, nothing nothing will make it as crazy you know, heroes up there with like, the online stuff like Call of Duty like those, those lobbies that you have to wait for, like, nothing was as crazy as waiting, waiting for a lobby and just having a game jam, just people just the insane, like, the bulk of your brain is dead, like the whole terminologies that you hear nowadays, like come from Halo, and like the call of duty and like that same timeframe. So yeah, because

Brandon  1:02:05

like, it was like you right? It wasn't like the first big one, you know, people were playing other games, but it was like a much smaller communities,

Aaron  1:02:11

you know, playing like

Brandon  1:02:15

Command and Conquer like, Rainbow Six. Like,


it was a small, like, it

Brandon  1:02:22

was much more nice thing. But then like Halo Interreg polityki. Also that it like exploded. Those those games made this like a hugely popular, inaccessible thing. And then like, yeah, it's kind of like the genesis of the the mass cultural acceptance of that phenomenon. I was like playing, you know? And then so yeah, even Colin knows what camping is, you know what I mean? Like, that's why that's how

Collin  1:02:52

deeply that that's penetrated, for sure. Maybe down to me don't have the terms for it. But I think that you

Brandon  1:03:01

perfectly describe the thing, right? That's, you know, YouTube video, that's

Aaron  1:03:05

for sure. But it's interesting how that video game,

Collin  1:03:16

obviously started in one aspect, and they morphed it into the online group play. And then that kind of took off and moved way past just the game itself. And that's, it's, it's neat, watching those communities form around not just the property or that, you know, the IP, but the, the the experience, and obviously, there's good and toxic aspects that can come from that. How that's just a very natural movement of gameplay and community. Boom, it's something it's a whole different monster.

Brandon  1:03:58

Yeah, and it was like, it was so weirdly popular and influential that like, games would come out. Right? And they'd be like, oh, yeah, there's online multiplayer.

Aaron  1:04:08

You're like some games you like, why? That was

Brandon  1:04:13

good. Because, you know, it's a way to keep people playing your game, right? Because if you buy Halo two, you can not only can play through it by yourself on like, super hard mode. You can also play online with people, you know, it increases the value of your product, you know, but games are coming out and then like online multiplayer, like why is there online multiplayer for Far Cry three? That doesn't make any sense.

Aaron  1:04:39

Why would you do that? So there was

Brandon  1:04:41

a there was a brief moment in time, where like, every single game that came out had online multiplayer. And a great many of those games did not need him. You know, it was just like, he was like a selling point. The developers like we have to have it. So people will buy because it was like expected because the halo Call of Duty thing was so enormous, right? And gears get on and they did a good. They have their own separate coordinate thing, right. But that was like, you have to have it because these games are so popular. So games just come out and like yeah, online multiplayer like, yeah, what it doesn't belong in this game kind of just became the feature list of the had to be checked for games that were coming out of. Well, those games were popular. So our game must have it you can see where, like, obviously, software or games or I'm even thinking of things like hardware like or cars have.

Collin  1:05:35

There's kind of this fad of one thing's popular. So how do we add that? How do we implement that ourselves? Without thinking through? Does this fit? Yeah, what we're trying to

Brandon  1:05:48

do. And so a lot of games came out and they would have it and then we'd be like, bad. And it wouldn't work. Right. And nobody used it. It was not cool. Like it was implemented badly. Like, you know, so that they just, but they had to have it on there. And like, it was so weird. Like, yeah, you're right. They didn't think through the process of is this going to make our product better? It was just a checklist item of we need to have this. But a great many of those games did not in fact, need to have. But even still, there'll be some games that are like, oh, yeah, they'll forget online, Co Op, like no. And, of course, famously, the one game that had this week Co Op and then stopped it was Splinter Cell, and everyone wanted to back and then like now we're not

Aaron  1:07:01

there you go. Yes. That is. Yeah. Yeah, make sure they're useful. Oh, no,

Collin  1:07:19

I think about that. I wear when I mentioned earlier, where we're going through software's, and it's very much a realization of all the software's who've been around for more than five years, all 100% have all of the same features. And there's really hard to differentiate them. Because it just became a oh, well, I guess this is what quote unquote, industry standard looks like, we just have. It just is this what we're going to do. And that's, that's fine. Again, as long as the feature works, but what all of them are finding now and this, see this in cars, or video games or whatever have in construction of like, now, everybody's having to update and move past all of the downside, what you added, and all of the trying to replace the recreate something and everybody's doing at the same time. So there's not right now, there's no real balance, or really understanding of what is expected, because everything that is going to be expected is all 10 years old at this point. And it's not, it doesn't meet people's needs anymore. And so there's there's definitely a real downside and danger. Get caught in. Even in your own personal life. You're like, oh, well, I'm going to do this, because that's what somebody else is doing. Right that that whatever, but like, if you keep doing that, you'll look up and several years and go, Oh, this actually isn't relevant anymore. And I don't have a reason to keep doing this. So maybe, what do I do now and try and figure out how you how you move forward?

Aaron  1:09:09

Yeah, it's a real problem. I'm just like, bandwagon hopping, you know, like, oh, I have to do this because people expect it. Right.

Brandon  1:09:20

But they don't actually because like with a multiplayer thing, right? People don't want to play your online multiplayer. They just want to play Halo. Right? Like, and just because they want to play the Halo multiplayer doesn't mean that they want to play yours. They might play it for a little while. Right? But then all of a sudden your lobbies just gonna shrink. And you're gonna have all these costs of like having servers and stuff and like, you're just gonna have to shut down because nobody's playing it like three people are still playing your game. Right? Because they're all like, No, I want to play Halo. I wanna

Aaron  1:09:52

I want to do the halo v.

Brandon  1:09:57

So, so yeah, it's a weird it's a shame. The weird thing because you know, you want to

Collin  1:10:03

be competitive and you want

Brandon  1:10:04

to be like relevant, but also like, if you can't do it as


good as

Brandon  1:10:11

somebody else, like, people are just gonna do the other person's instead. So like, it's hard. Yeah, as a business, I would imagine it'd be difficult as a consumer. It's different for me to be like, yeah, no, that's bad. Why would you do that?


But that's just on the side, you know?

Collin  1:10:30

So, well, lesson lesson learned. And if your business is struggling with that, call the Old Brother Cardium

Brandon  1:10:40

here Yeah. And don't have online multiplayer unless you need it.

Collin  1:10:43

will advise you through that process. Okay, well, glad we solved the problem. Did next week. We'll tackle another one.

Aaron  1:10:54

Tuesday. Before we go. Oh, have you seen the new

Collin  1:11:01

Lord of the Rings ring a power trailer that came out


last night? Oh,

Brandon  1:11:08

they have a trailer. Apparently this shows what's come out in September. There's a trailer I watched. The trailer is just kind of a it's like a real short, like teaser trailer II kind of thing.

Aaron  1:11:22

But you can kind of see what's up. Looks pretty good in the trailer. Right? I have no idea what's happening, obviously. Looks pretty good. So

Brandon  1:11:38

take a peek at that. See if you can find me more. But there is a trailer

Aaron  1:11:41

for The Ring of Power. Okay, so I will. There might be two trailers.

Collin  1:11:50

Yeah. There's chapter one, chapter two. This is what they do for their stuff. You know, they throw weird, it's really like,

Aaron  1:12:00

but there are trailers out there. So

Collin  1:12:07

watch this. Just read off here in the show notes, but haven't watched it yet.

Aaron  1:12:10

Okay. Okay, good. Hey, we'll

Collin  1:12:17

discuss will the smooth, that's definitely gonna have to be coming up expectations for the power.

Aaron  1:12:26

Don't ruin the lower.

Brandon  1:12:27

Don't be like the halo


movie. Don't do that. We

Collin  1:12:31

all know what's going to happen. But I think we just anyway, what is

Brandon  1:12:34

true. We're gonna manage your expectations for Amazon's the Ring of Power. We're gonna do them poorly. Hopefully it's better than the halo adaptation Forward Unto Dawn is awesome. No, I'm gonna watch that as soon as we're done here okay, yeah, well, I think we'll do

Collin  1:12:59

a full breakdown of that. And in our birth rates

Brandon  1:13:06

too, and then look forward in a couple of months to the elder brother review of the Amazon Lord of the Rings.

Collin  1:13:13

Yes, I am looking forward to that we got a busy fall guys.

Brandon  1:13:19

True. That will be happening eventually. Maybe not in September, but events. Eventually.

Collin  1:13:28

They will not be happening in real time. Yeah.

Brandon  1:13:33

Come back for our hot picks months after the show has been were the only ones doing that. Go there. You know it kind of let it simmer a little bit

Collin  1:13:48

valuable. Six months after the fact. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Just right. Okay, well, we will look forward to that

Brandon  1:13:59

already. Aaron, good luck the rest of the week. You got some busy times coming up. Sleep well. Enjoy all the bat sports. That will give you all update. Right so

Collin  1:14:16

if you need help staying awake. We can do an emergency Oh, brother. Broadcast. With sleepy air to the car on his way back. Yes. Thank you.

Brandon  1:14:33

Morning. I'm heading back to em, you know, well, we got you. We'll make it work.