Pogacar is amazing

July weather is freaking us out. Brandon gives a review of the KC Union Station and the traveling Auschwitz Exhibit..spoilers, it’s amazing. We give our biggest sales pitch to Discovery to hire us as the next Shark Week talent. Aaron has a new JOB. Much rejoicing!! Shelby was decently satisfied by her plant’s health. MAIN TOPIC!!! Watch a Heist Movie. Listen in as we discuss the three we watched and what makes them a heist movie and not one of those boring crime movies.

  • It’s COLD and wet 

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heist movie, movie, shark, heist movies, watched, people, heist, genre, weird, hasty, fun, week, nice, leaving, thought, bit, aaron, steal, good, exhibit


Collin, Aaron


Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Collin. And Aaron. On this week's show, pony char is amazing. Hello, mic.


Aaron  00:39

Um, it's somewhere as my as my sound quality not been very by now. I'm just curious because I know you were using it for a little while. Whenever, whenever we moved here, I hadn't been because I use it in when we lived in bartlesville. I just haven't didn't have like the exact setup yet. And so now that I actually have, like my little desk area, like I could use it, but it just easier setup wise to get like, just my phone and use stuff like that instead of having to utilize my laptop every time, which I still could use but just for simplicity sakes and not much of a headache. I just plugged my phone in. Is it Do I sound bad or is it?


Collin  01:33

No, you sound fine. I think what it comes in is whenever you start like doing other things while recording and then making your own.


Aaron  01:42

What do you What are you picking up?


Collin  01:45

Oh, it tends to be like cliques and stuff. I don't know it. I think it's just where you place your phone. You know, I can you're fine right now. This like,


Aaron  01:56

what about this? Can you hear this?






Anyway, hello. I was all right. Hello. And welcome. Sorry.


Collin  02:11

I was able to close the mic there. All right. All right. All right, for that. too close to the microphone introduction. I apologize. I was like pulling it towards me and speaking and it like hit me in the face. So like Sorry about that. Man. Bad mic technique. T I'm sorry. Let's play it closer to me. And went too far. Man, this has been a weird summer. Been like cold and rainy. We didn't even hit but I think we hit 7080 today. And now it's raining again. 65 wasn't raining again. There. Yeah. Oh, it's raining like torrentially not just like, oh, God's God's love of it. And then yeah, over the weekend, it was like 65 was like legitimately cold for the summer. Wow. Yeah, that's true. That's not especially for July. That's not not your normal Joanne or what it was here today. He did it again. Don't tempt it. Don't not wanting it to I'm just waiting for it happened because I know what Don't. Don't tell it. Don't give it any ideas. Well, that's supposed to rain here later. I guess. I just looked at the radar. Like oh, rain, rain coming your way. Apparently Collins going to share how nice Yeah. You're welcome. Are we that's a lot of rain. My brain. It's like, boy, it's a it's a huge amount of rain. The very large swath of rain. We got rain for the next hour here. Anyway. How's how's everybody's week?



Pretty good. Really? Yeah. We did a little day trip or Reno yesterday. So


Collin  04:23

right. That was interesting. I was out on an adventure. We went to Kansas City. Yeah. So we went to we went to downtown to Union Station to the Auschwitz exhibit they got going on there.



Oh, yeah. Yo. Oh, it's all man. It's so good. Exactly. Good. Happy tour. But well,


Collin  04:49

I'm sure yeah, but it's really good. Yeah, it's really good. We once again, managed to get through museum and then like, had we were ushered out because they're like, we're closing Like, oh, we're not done. We were there for three and a half hours and we were waiting. But we are very slow means Demers. Most



other people probably don't have this problem. But this is something that's happened to us before. So like,


Collin  05:19

is a chronic problem with Susan lie. But yeah, she wanted to go see that thing, apparently traveling thing, apparently a big deal. And so it was really good. I wasn't really a fan of how they set up the exhibit, just like the space, you know, like the way they had it. But again, can't be too grumpy because they had they took an exhibit and they had to, like, stick it in an existing area, you know, so like, you get you get some pass for there. There just was the pacing was weird. And like the way that they had to get it to fit in there, there was lots of weird like bottlenecks, where like, a whole bunch of people would be stuck in this one area. And then like, one room was like this really big, wide room and they had to go through like a little door. And like the all the exhibits, and a lot of the walking tour started like right at the door. So like everyone was like crammed in. So that was weird. But again, that is they had to use the space they had. Right. But it's pretty cool. We wandered around Union Station a little bit. I haven't been there. Since like, I was a very small person that we Yeah, because So from what I can gather, the history of the building is that we're going to tear it down in the early 90s. Right? For the listeners not familiar with Kansas City. It's the giant, like old train station building. So it's like huge, like stone buildings massive, right? And then we're gonna tear it down. And then I guess the city and so people were like, wait, what if? What if? What if we just restore it and do stuff with it? So that's what they did. And I think we went there with Gary, like, once, like after they did after they did it, maybe we must after they kind of like finished it like somewhere in the mid to late 90s. I was there. It's such a pretty. Like it really is. I did not remember that. So we just sort of wandered around that big. The old platform area. It's just like this huge empty hallway. But at the end, they do have a model train museum. If you were unaware, they had like a model train exhibit thing, which is pretty rad. And they have like a train like the Amtrak museum thing. We didn't go to that one. Because we were on other business. But uh so we did that is really cool building now and how they re have redone It is really neat. Things I did not appreciate when I was like, you know, 12. architecturally, from an architectural standpoint, yeah, I was really cool. But the exhibit itself was really awesome. We kind of had that it was it was bad, because we had to like rush through the end part. Which was like, the stuff from the camp. Right. So we kind of had to



we had to rush through that a little bit. Yeah. So that was annoying. But it was really good. And so we did this, we went to the athletes thing was really cool. They had like,


Collin  08:52

you know, just stuff from that people. Some of the belongings, and the way they have it set up is it's really like, wow, Oh, man. And it kind of starts out with like, some of the history and like, Germany at that time. You know, the rise of the Nazi Party. Man kind of just goes chronologically through through that through the liberation of Auschwitz. So, but they have some stuff in there that are like, they have like some of the fences. And you're sort of standing in this dark room next to this giant fence. Like Yeah, heavy. Yeah, it's really like, wow, whoa. Like the first. The very first thing in there is like, a shoe. And, you know, famously that was all that was left over a lot of people. It's just like, they found those like piles of shoes into like, there's just one.



They had it on a little pedestal thing and like this dark Room is illuminated. Red women's shoe on a pedestal just like Ouch.


Collin  10:15

Oh, pretty neat. Yeah, right there. Yeah. And outside. And they had brought in a one of the train cars.


Aaron  10:26

Yeah. So it was really cool. We really


Collin  10:34

like, this is a weird sentence, but we enjoyed the exhibit. Right? That makes sense. Like, if we weren't like, Oh man, this is great. Like, yeah, it was really good. Just that we really, it's weird to say that. Like, it's a sentence that doesn't exactly make sense. But like, we, we enjoyed it. It was really good. So yeah, that's basically what I've been doing. And other than that, on a lighter note. Yeah. To get away from some of the heavy topics here. Uh, I've been watching the world's most disappointing shark, we discovered Why, why did he? So it's really gone downhill over the years, hasn't it? Well, you know, like, a lot of times, it's like, Okay, this one was good. This one's not so good. This one's like, Okay, last year, a bunch of them were like, really good. Weirdly, and so like this year, it's swung in the opposite direction. They have like tons of guest people. But they're like, guest people I don't care about like Brad Paisley. And, yeah, Tiffany haddish. I'd look up who was the Johnny Knoxville in the crew. Were on there. Doing what? Yeah. Johnny Knoxville in the crew things. All the things that you should not be doing with sharks. They were doing? Clearly, surprise. One of them got bent because they try to jump a wakeboard over a bunch of sharks. And they crashed. And they landed in a big pile of like bull sharks. And we're like restricted thing. And Blam got bit right on hand. Who would have thought it was just like, it's really terrible. It's really not interesting. And I think one thing that stands out because they don't have like the normal, maybe they're trying to get away from like, oh, here's all the normal sharp people that we have on the show. Every single show. Not every single show. But like the majority of them, they feel so heavily scripted. It's like painful. Yeah. Right. Like, it's a whole bunch of people that know anything about sharks. They just sort of there for some exposure crossover event. They just kind of like doing stuff. And so it just feels so scripted. And it's really painful. Because it's just so like, you can tell some of it's like really scripted or like Dover almost. You're like, wow, this is not this is not good. So, just here's my official plea. If you are need some hosts, who are comfortable with organization, and love wild animals. I am going to go ahead and formally volunteer and request the Oh brother Shark Week. That's what Discovery Channel. I know you're listening. That's what we need. We your guys, right? We're ready. Pretty much born for this. I know. Right? Happy to happy to be pleased. We're happy to help you out. Just we just the only thing we really need is like really high SPF sunscreen. Okay. Other than


Aaron  14:22

that, we're ready. We're ready. I think Yeah. I think


Collin  14:30

well, you know, my Yeah, I am 100% on board with this and welcome the offer that we can review at any time. But my favorite thing to do during Shark Week is to get on to shark biologist, Twitter, and read what they're talking about during this time that it's bad it is. It is so much more amazing for what they're sharing and the research that they're doing and the photos and it's good as long as they're Yeah, I know I bet their comments on some of the shows are great. Oh, they're pretty. Yeah, they're pretty brutal. That's for sure about things. But you know what, because a lot of them, a lot of them just for as part of their research now, they're just having fun, you know, doing diving and they'll take GoPros with them. And so you get this footage from all across the globe, from people who, you know, are out there doing actual research. This is just kind of funds that they're videoing it, one of these shark researchers, they were down at this reef and they're actually kind of distracted by this other little fish that they were going into coming after him and he just casually pans up and going. Right above them is this massive, like, six skill shark that's going on. You can see the field you can see the camera kind of like jerk a little bit as the guy like holy crap. But Discovery Channel I want on our resume, we already know what sixgill sharks are. So boom, Dee, there we go. You will be on that show. We want to be on that one. That's like, you know, I want to have the show that's like, not great white Hammerhead, or like Great White Tiger Shark or bull shark. They have like the other sharks. Do that one. Yeah. That's cool. I love random sharks. Okay. There's like 500 species, the Shark Week. We got to get some more of them on the show. Right. I think what you may get is the is the patented over other top five lists. Oh, oh. Oh, you would you will get the top five. Oh, brother favorite sharks. That's why Oh, oh, man. Without T. I think I propose next year. We do some planning and do our own Shark Week episode. Okay. All right. We'll put that in the topic. But Oh, brother Shark Week episode for next year. All right. Aaron, you down for the brother Shark Week special next year? Yeah, that's perfect. All right. Perfect. I like it. Done. We go Other than that, lastly, Tour de France update today. Pr is a monster. And anybody who thinks they're gonna climb on a mountain is woefully mistaken. Right? Holy cow. Yeah, the move that he made today where he like, disgusting. He didn't need to know that. We did that. He's ahead by five minutes from all those dudes. And he was just like, No, I'm winning. Get out of here. I think I think like just kind of thinking about I was thinking about this. The past, like this is this year has been so much more fun to watch. Because it is not like, teams guy on the front with eight writers. Just all the time. Like, never even when they had the LSAT. They would like never attack anybody. They never really went for stage wins. No. They're all like Chris Froome did like once. And like, they're just like, we're just going. We're just gonna stare at our power meter. And I know that I need to put out this many watts for this many kilometers and take this much time. Bla bla bla bla. No, you're boring, right? I think I think it was today's stage. There was like a sprint or 13th. Yeah. Like, literally everybody is racing for everything. Yeah, a lot more fun. And it's more exciting. And like the end, like the last two stages, like at the end, at the very end of the stage, like every mountain stage basically has been the top the guys that are in the top, like four places. Just like hammering each other. Yeah. Your team is gone. There's not like 17 sky writers. It Oh, sorry, in iOS Grenadiers whatever that means. Just just stamping out on the pedals for hours of boredom. This is like some old school like we haven't seen this. Well, since 2011. Yeah, right. That was the last year like 10 years ago. That was when canal Evans one. Every year since then. It has been somebody from Team Sky slash ATL is gonna do yours, except for last year. And that one year where Chris Froome crashed on the cobblestones we learned Chris Froome can't ride cobblestones now. Conveniently no cobblestones in the Tour de France. Then I don't think that's weird. So for the class and then Vincenzo Nibali one that year, yeah, cuz he doesn't understand how commas don't work. They're not alike. So yeah, that's a it's just been such a breath of fresh air and excitement. And again, I didn't get to watch last year. It was different last year too, but it's just been so much more exciting to just see them all, like attacking each other. Like one on one. Like, the old school, like Miguel Indurain nonsense, right. Like or like even like Alberto Contador, some like contour contour approved. Just assault in the mountains. Right. It's great. Yeah. That older writing, I mean, even into the 90s like Marco Pattani. Right, some of those attacks that he would do on those mountains. Have you seen those videos? Those old videos from the 90s? Man?



I love watching him dude. Like Yeah, theme. So it's been a lot of fun. So this last week.


Collin  21:09

So because exciting. See, just nothing really exciting. Left. We'll see more COVID dish 36 wins. Yeah, I think he's gonna give it Yeah, he's gonna win tomorrow and on the show. He's a definitely they're gonna there's really no way. There's nobody else even close as fast as him. He's gonna win two more done. There you go. Tell I don't like it. But nobody in this tour is even remotely that fast. So but you know, and especially on the last day in Paris, there's it's going to be you're not going to be in there. That's just like a dead straight flat. Finish Line. Yeah, right. No way. In between now and then. But yeah, it really? Yeah. I mean, nobody else is there. Everybody else needs a hill like Walton art Hill. Sonico. Barely kill. Caleb Ewan is dead. So like, nobody's winning. I'm trying to remember the quote that Edie mercs said about the Oh, what he said, because you know, he's gonna beat his. Oh, yeah. I think he said something like, Oh, that's fine. It's not. That's those aren't really that important. I have. I have more to irwins anyway. Yeah, he's like, I have more yellow jerseys. Like how many? He said something on Twitter? Like, how many times you win? Yeah. Oh, that's right. Zero. response. It's like, how do you feel that I'm breaking your record? He's like, that's fine. I have more yells.


Aaron  22:46

Oh, yeah. Great.


Collin  22:54

Yeah, that's again, that's a and again, like, Mark Cavendish is an old school sprinter. Like they don't, they haven't had, they don't sprint like that anymore, either. Because I remember in 2011, when I was watching, I started watching. That was when you had like, four lead outs for every sprint. So every team that was sprinting, there would be like, for lead out trains, like perfectly straight lead train for everyone. Nowadays, it's like, you probably get one guy at the end, maybe got one guy. And he's really doubt. You don't have the train through the whole thing through that whole sprint deal. You don't have that anymore. And so like, that's the style that mark can do, because he's at track pursuit. Like, you know, I'm going to be in the back and then I'm gonna fling out. That style is not around anymore. And so like, because de Kooning can kind of do that, because I have so many writers like nobody else is gonna be able to deal with that. Like, what they're like, one guy that helps them get to lunch. No way. No way. And teams don't bring teams come to the tour like explicitly for sprinting anymore. Yeah, which they used to. Yeah, you know, they'd be like, oh, we're going to we have a sprinter. And our whole thing is sprinter. Now they've got we've got this sprinter, but we also have our gct guy, you know? Well, that's what makes it that's what makes it a breakaway guy, you know, right. Is that is that it used to be, you know, sometimes you're right, some teams were there for the mountain. Some people, some teams were there for the sprint, some people were there for the DC. So it really made a lot more. I think diversity in team build and style that Yeah, cuz they were specialized. Right? Yes. Yeah, absolutely. Which made it more fun to watch because you knew, okay, this is going to be a true sprint state or this is gonna be a true bounce rate or whatever. I think the rounds are still kind of there. But even then it's not quite like the theme is They're more like, yeah, if you can make it. Yeah. So sorry. It's interesting. It's new and exciting. Just like, like I said, this has been exciting. I've liked it. Yeah, Todd, he's fun. He seems like a nice dude. So that's cool. Seems like a nice guy hanging out. He was like all congratulating the guy that he beat today who's like in town back. Alright, man. Nice job. Mama, dad were there today. That was hilarious. Cuz they were like joking. Like, you'll never find his parents up there. And then the guy that does the interviews is like, hey, Phil, and Bob. You'll never guess who I ran into. And it was today's mom and dad. Larry's there. Yeah. It's like, no, they're going to find them. They're going it was funny. Yeah, that's like, yeah. Isn't that exciting? be sad when that's over. But have some Olympics coming up? So maybe some of those see how that goes? Yeah, it's gonna be a bit sparse. In the it's very weird. idiom here. Yeah. Though, I think it's probably best, really. But we'll see. How do you guys how's your week been?


Aaron  26:27

Pretty interesting. Some new developments had occurred. So got some attacks in the eyes yesterday, but it was a you know, traditional work was a little less chaotic. And it kind of looked like it was like, Oh, you know why? school years come in. So, you know, probably another another year of this. And then I had a few interviews. And like, it was like, kind of like, the first time I ever actually, like, sent an interview to somebody. And then they're like, hey, call us and like, but there's usually like, No, you have to wait for like, a few days. And oh, then now they'll finally like, in contact with you, or like a week and they're like, Hey, no, like, yeah, call us. Or, like, you know, we'll see you down here. I'm like, Okay, I know where that's at, like, an hour from where I live. And so at a sprint at work down there and a little bit more chaotic than I thought and interviewed, and then I had yesterday off and I was getting up with a bunch of places, and they're like, Hey, you have an interview. Like JK you don't have an interview in a way that's I have interviews where again, like I had my Yeah, and then I had I had another school call me which I thought this whole process of finding a teaching job it's either been like really small schools because that's kind of more where I fit in, you know, get reactivated, you know have like a better start but then like a six a school called me. And really, really nice school. I was like, all you guys actually have like, like a practice like indoor practice facility and like all this and I was like, oh, wow, this is this is crazy, but they didn't really offer me the position that I wanted. And they didn't really like know what they're going to have like the next few days or whatever. And then like I went to lunch and the school that I interview Tuesday with they called me and they're like, hey, do you want to be our history teacher and football and baseball coach I was like yes. So as of yesterday I am the new high school history with a sprinkling of some middle school for I don't know if I can save the school online. I don't think gonna bother Yes, I'll be I'll be it. I wanted this process to be a lot sooner. Because for me, practice starts August 9. And my last day with the department is July 30. I went ahead and is that's a process I've never like had to do before it actually like, like type of a like legitimate rep letter read recognize resignation. Because like beforehand, it's like I am out or you know, when I was like serving and bartending, I was like, Hey, here's I'm texting you my resignation, like I say. So. Like, that was like it was different and I was kind of worried. I'm like, Oh my gosh, you know, people are gonna hate me. But like, my boss was Like, dude, this is what you've been wanting to do. I'm super proud of you. And I was like, and then like, I sent my letter this morning. I had to I wanted to send it as like quickly as possible because I didn't want to be like, oh, here's a case or something. So they told my, my director, and our programs manager, email me back, and there's, you're proud of me. And excited for me. And they're like, Yeah, well, no, we'll get you set up. And now on your way, so next week, I think they're gonna have a goodbye, or Farewell Farewell to Arms. Kind of ordeal for me. So I can go and say goodbye to everybody. But they're like, hey, there's a training thing you have to go to as a call. But, but like, I'm now I know, you still need to go to it. I was like, yeah, I'll go, I'll go do that, like next week. It's not like, it's not like a big, like training. It's, like a defensive driving class I had to take. And it's not it's not anything like super major. It's like, Oh, you know, we're going over, like policy stuff. And I'm like, I'm quitting.


Collin  31:31

Yeah, but still,


Aaron  31:33

like, into my supervisor is like, Well, you know, you don't like you. But you know, it'd be awesome if you still went. But you don't have to, like, you know, participate in like, activities. Am I Oh, good. Because I wasn't gonna. And so, that was a little irking. Like. So, from from the two weeks now is what happens before is that like, people would leave like I had, here's my, you know, stuff, fix, like, clean the mess. And you're like, whoa, hey, now you can't just can't just leave. Like, there's a lot of stuff that we need to do. And so I never wanted to be like that kind of person. So I am making sure I have all my ducks in a row. And everything before I you know, track her caseload to somebody. At least either things are closed, or it's manageable. Because it's all laid out. Yeah. Yeah. Like, I'm not going to leave you guys high and dry. Kind of ordeal. So, from from now until July 30. I have time to close. I'm going to try to close like five cases. And I have like six cases maybe. But it's weird. Like, I don't have to, I don't really have to, unless it's like, you know, like a, you know, an emergency or like a family or something. I need to follow up with something. You know, just like Yep, I don't I don't have my phone. I don't have to go on call anymore. I don't have to do anything like that. At all. Wow. Nice. Um, yeah, they take me out. They take me off a full rotation. I don't have to take any, any cases. cases. Yeah. Pretty new cases. Yeah. So


Collin  33:19

maybe that makes sense.


Aaron  33:22

Yeah, so that's, it's, I was I was all excited. And then when, uh, when the principal will call me He's like, hey, this coach called walk in. Oh, we have our first meeting, August 9, and then some practice starts. Okay. So incrementally you're working, and no, trying to come up with a lesson plan. And I have to, like, learn eight man football. Oh, the place in question is a very small school. There are some famous Oklahomans that are from that area. But it's like, I was like, oh, there's I remember going through the little meeting thing. And he's like, also like, is the middle school like in high school like, December? He's like, now like, you're like it's one hallway. That's it like, okay.


Collin  34:16

So if that's cool, kids do it. It's fine.


Aaron  34:20

If yours is like, like off six things like ours is like legitimately like one long hallway. Oh, okay. It's so yeah, so it's it's it's a we different. But comparatively, I was googling all ogling over the the six a school which for those of you listening who don't know, here on here in the States, we have classifications for school sizes, and in Oklahoma. There's six a and then there's like six A B or something like that. And it's like for like the big like schools. All union James plays like that. And so the place that I interviewed with was with six a, it was it was nice. It was super fancy episode lost in Union High School. Right? So yeah. It's one of those things and so for, for me, I was like mesmerized by how like awesome this place was. But I think for for me mentally and to get re acclimated back into teaching in place, you know, growing up in a small town not as small as, as this place, but it just felt kind of a better fit. And I know I would be doing a lot more for this place. So that's a, that's where I picked. And I am excited to. And of course, our our father was, you know, when I was on the phone with them, trying not to cry and excitement. He was like, how do you get there again, like, Oh, I see it on Google Maps right here,


Collin  36:10

too. Yes, I have a mental image of like, literally every place in the world in his head at all times.


Aaron  36:15

And and of course, he's like, Yeah, no, I remember going down that highway and you know.


Collin  36:21



Aaron  36:24

All right. So yeah, so July 3, yeah, July 30. will be my last day mat, Department of Human Services child welfare. My my supervisor was super supportive. My other supervisor who has actually been sick and has been a real big support, he called me and there's kind of a lot of people leaving, and he's like, Hey, Hey, brother, I just want to you know, reach out to you. So, yeah, it's, it's definitely it hasn't hit me yet. Give me about like another like, week or two. And I might be calling for ended, like, how do I do geography? So I got you, man. Yeah. So I'm excited.


Collin  37:14

super proud of you, man. That's really cool.


Aaron  37:17

Yeah. Cool. It kind of sucks after a while of like, you know, applying to these places applying and either getting like zero response, or like, Oh, hey, come on in like, Oh, hey, psych. And then the day she's scheduled to come back, which he flew in, like afternoon yesterday. Everything started to work. I'm like, oh, you're the reason because you were gone. And no one wanted me. Now that


Collin  37:45

sauce? Yes. shelves secret sauce.


Aaron  37:48

There you go. Lucky. Lucky Charm. But


Collin  37:54

okay. No, I was gonna I was gonna ask, Are you going to move a little closer and split the difference halfway now or you're going to wait?


Aaron  38:02

Maybe maybe not the first year. I was given a job down and down to Tulsa and boom, you're there. My hour. But it's it's all like, decent highway. But everyone I've talked to everyone that I've talked to is like, Oh, you got to be careful over this small town and like everybody that I told they're like, Oh, yeah, I got pulled over in that little town like No. Well, yeah, let's you know. So yeah, there's there's that. Yeah, got the word eight man football. And yeah, it's it's, uh I'm excited.


Collin  38:50

And we'll dig into those geography standards later. Pretty exciting. tv. Oh, man. Oh, brother after show. Yes, that's true. Oh, brother after dark. So it will spare it will spare you listeners that one. Oh, that's cool. That's cool, man. Yeah. My other follow up question for you would be since the Shelby Nader has returned, was she satisfied with the state of her houseplants?


Aaron  39:26

Oh, this is good. Um, did she not feel them? Like like one or two of them might have been a little over watered. But overall, not bad. over nothing. It's kind of one of those things. It's like, I'm not mad, you know? It but it wasn't disappointed.


Collin  39:46

So, okay, well, there we go. That's good. That's it?


Aaron  39:51

Oh, well, at least some of them are silly, but some of them most of them are alive in some way, shape or form. Okay. It's good.


Collin  40:00

Yeah. Just make sure you weren't in like super hot water once you get home like not like, Listen, I can explain why. I don't remember having display before. Oh no, it's been there the whole time. It's fine.


Aaron  40:17

I had to stop by and talk to a very nice neighbor lady who had to stop my


Collin  40:23

love garden center. And


Aaron  40:28

what is it called by the gym that I go to my apartment complex. So I'm like, hey, question. How is your Fern so nice and then she kind of weird is trooper helpful, super nice lady every time. Every time I go up there and add a go workout or something. She always found ways and she she's very nice. There we go. All right. Was all together for a little bit there. Shelby might give you like another like a different statement. But they are still there. Alright, and yeah. Now once the ones caught on fire, we're fine.


Collin  41:09

Alright. Good guys. You pass the Turing test?


Aaron  41:14

Yep. That's what we'll call it. And it didn't, it didn't help. After we, we kind of set in for the night. There's an episode of Bob's Burgers where they're talking about plants, energy plants sitting like Oh, come on. Can I just you just give me a break for fun?





Aaron  41:35

Like he has to do. I'm trying. We all know that. So. That's great. I love it. Well, good. I'm glad you survived. And they survived. They're still here. They're still fight might have might have had to throw out a wicker basket. But it's fine. It's fine.


Collin  42:03

It's okay. Well, I think it's interesting that your last day is July 30. Because my last day with the department is July 23. Whoa,


Aaron  42:17

it's crazy. It's around here to heck. What is happening?


Collin  42:21

What is this nonsense? i? listeners? I'm not going anywhere. But I have read their key. They're stuck with me. Haha. Yeah, exactly. Well, no. So we must give it Yeah. The podcast isn't going anywhere, either. We're just Australia. Yeah, that's right. There'll be more time for the podcast or timing now. Yeah, yeah. Well, yeah. So I am leaving the department. And Megan and I are going full time into petsitting. Death. Have you told dad yet? I have not told that yet. So this episode comes out. Not that he would have made it 45 minutes into the episode, but that's true. That's true. So I have not yet Aaron I have not told dad yet. Because I don't know how he's gonna react. But we're very excited. And, yeah, so yeah, we're gonna go full time. petsitting it's gonna give us more time for Megan to homeschool. For me to work on the business. And then for me to do more with podcasting stuff too. Because I've got some things kind of waiting in the wings wings. That I just need. need more time to do, though. Man, my boss was very excited for us. As anything like you were man, everyone was like, great, cool, go have fun. We had an all employees WebEx meeting on Tuesday. And after that my boss stopped at my office and was like, I bet you're really glad you're leaving now. Not to rag on them too much. But they have a policy where you can get reimbursed for yourself portion a portion of your cell phone, if you use it or for work, and most people do. So the department has something like 1600 employees. A little less than half you get the site I get because I check my email on my phone. that qualifies me. That's all I need to do. Yeah, well, they went what they went through what they call a lien isn't where they take a process, make it shorter and more simple. And this process involves the accounting necessary to keep track of who had the policy or who had the who had the pipe end and well turns out that they were sick and tired of all the accounting so they just give gave the stipend to everybody. Which is fine except you Can't opt out of it. And there are like, things that you now have to do as far as like accounting wise on your end for phone usage, and like turning things in and record keeping and adding certain apps for communication that they require and all this stuff. And it's now going to become part of it is required, every new hire will be required to show proof that they have a cellphone in order to work with the department. Oh, yeah. And I think that's a bit much has been much. That's no good, man. No. Now, so anyway. But yeah, the third the last day, my leaving had nothing to do with any of this policy, or anything going on with the department. And I had to stress that a lot. Because the department's been kind of in like, really rocky road the past couple the entire time that I've been here. So literally, everybody that I talked to was like, Look, no, I understand, like all that stuff was going on. But I'm not leaving because of it. I'm leaving just because of this part of this opportunity that we want to try and take advantage of. I got to sit pets, bro. And see. So if you need a pet sitter when you go out. hog chasing hit me up. But you know, it's also like, you know, so in the in anyway, just you have to do more stuff. And I got to react? No, we're really excited about that. A big changes, but big changes, but no changes. I guess. We'll Yeah, that's my big, interesting. See how it goes. I'm interested to see how we should probably jump into our main topic today. We probably should. We started at 815. It's fine. Everything's fine. You had to walk things. So listeners, we have decided that this week. Well, mostly, I suggested this idea because I am sitting at home with not a lot to do currently. And so whenever they talk about things like Hey, what are we gonna talk about this week I go. So, we have investigated a genre of movie this week. And we have all picked one to talk about at least one. So this week's installment brought to you by Aaron suggestion. The Heist movie? Right? So, uh, before we go about our picks? What do you think about the genre in general? And how are you a fan? Were you? Have you had much experience watching these type of movies before? Is it something that you like or something that you were not really familiar with? What are your thoughts on this genre in general? Yeah, so I had to do some thinking about what exactly constituted a heist movie. And just from like, my perspective of what is what is, what would categorize it as their typical heist movie? Um, I have not watched, I don't know, I, I've watched, like, Ocean's 11. And kind of that series, and yeah, Italian in The Italian Job, both old and new. And I feel like that's pretty much the extent of my heist. jabi. Which don't, like okay, so maybe like, the original mission impossible, because kind of a hasty film. Yeah, but but, but I basically distill it down to this. I'm a high school, obviously, they have to be they have to be feeling something or someone. But I think what, what makes it more than that is there has to be the scene where they're building the theme, right? Or they're practicing, like they're running through what they're going to do to pull it off. And then they actually have to do the hike. Right. So I think I think a very integral part is the building the team and bringing people in and working through their each skill set, like every person's got something that they contribute, or they bring to it. And that's kind of how I formulated what a heist movie was. And when I I was scrolling through things try to without knowing too much about them, obviously, because I watched them but like, yeah, this is this going to get that or or what?


Aaron  50:11

Yeah. Aaron, are you so it kind of in the same boat with like, Colin younger growing up with a lot of like the heist films that I watched even though like kind of like the earlier mission impossibles weren't really heist esque. But there's always some sort of goal of like to steal something or find something. And so a lot of the heist movies that I like first sort of watching were more kind of like, actually, and like it kind of teetered on that like, you know, full on action packed movie instead of like, you know, the main thing is to like, you know, steal something. So for, for me looking into this, I kind of wanted something that was, you know, a good representation of like, yes, even though this is like a heist movie, you know, it's it's still kind of focused on, you know, stealing that something or finding that, you know, that one thing in some manner or form. But yeah, that was kind of like the biggest struggle is finding thermae anyways, of just finding that something that's like, Oh, yeah, you know, this is, you know, it's a heist movie, but it's not like, action, like 100%.


Collin  51:30

Interesting. Yeah. So, when I was looking this up, I kind of like, I just sort of googled like, heist movie, you know? And turns out


Aaron  51:45

that I have seen lots of them, right. I


Collin  51:50

didn't really realize it. But what is classified on the internet is a heist movie, I have seen a ton of them, right? I was like, oh, I've seen often I've seen that one, too, right. But like, I kind of agree with what you both have said here so far. Is that like, there's a difference between like a heist movie, and then like a crime drama.


Aaron  52:14

Right? Because in like a crime movie,


Collin  52:16

they will steal things. Right? A lot of times, it's like, oh, we stole this thing. Or there's a you know, there's lots of back kind of stuff in there. They will steal things in a crime drama. And they'll be like, all this stuff. But like the heist movie, I think I would agree with what Collin said was like, you really need to have that like, team aspect. Right, a heist movie has a lot of people working together to accomplish the goal. Yeah. Right. And I feel like that is a pretty important part of the heist movie formula. So if you don't have that, like team aspect, what you have is a crime drama, which are good. And I like those movies as well. But they don't feel the same. Right? Because in the heist movie. One other clarification, I think is important is like every part of the team has like their own role. Yes. Right. And I feel like that we're like, every part of the team is like an expert in something is what makes it more hasty. Because a lot of times in crime dramas, they're gonna like, they'll steal something, but they're like rob a bank. And it's just like, they all robbed the bank. Right? There's not like a specialist role for anybody.


Aaron  53:49

And I feel like


Collin  53:52

that if you don't have that, it doesn't make it a heist movie. You know, it doesn't have that same feeling. Because I kind of what I, how I did this is I just sort of like, watched a bunch of these that I already had, or like, had seen before, to kind of get the feeling of the genre, you know, and some of the ones that I watched were like, I wasn't really getting the highest vibe. Like it's like a crime movie. And it's kind of this but then, you know, you have to have that special little sauce on it. And I think a big part of that sauce, like Carl was saying was that that teamwork aspect and that everybody needs to contribute something special to the team, not just like a gang of dudes going into robbing a bank. Right. So that's what I kind of what those my general thoughts on the genre along with, well, I've seen a lot of these. So who wants to go first? She wants it Tell us about their heist movie recommendation? Well, I'll go because my heist movie was not a stealing something it was of incepting that they had to the I watched inception. And yeah, so the plot there was, the businessman wants to plant the idea of his competitor to sell his business and to make it feel like it was his dad's idea to do that, that he'll go out of business. And that is about it spiraled from there of how them to have how they can do Inception on this competitor. And to that the, that's the actual heist, right? The Heist is planning this idea or thought in this person's brain. And to do that they have to go through the different levels of the subconscious. And, but, but it has all of these elements, like it has Leonardo DiCaprio, his character going in building his team of who's going to be the architect who's the bag, controlling the sleep medication, who's the guy doing the you know, this other stuff and who's watching and then he's actually doing this, he's gonna he's gonna pull the heist, then they've been practicing these things, then when they actually go to pull it off, obviously, it doesn't go as planned, which, which I kind of, I kind of like when it obviously when it doesn't go, exactly what was supposed to. The only real problem for this one is that it's so dang complicated and hard to follow that the three line cut off. you've ever seen this movie, I can't even really begin to describe, like, what happens could have to go down through different levels of subconscious to try and break down the barriers. It's the point where they can plant the idea, they have like three or four levels down within their subconscious. And they have to have these coordinated kicks to bring them out to back consciousness so they can play with the idea. And the main character is also like battling these, his subconscious as his wife keeps coming into sabotage things and it's just its own, obviously, very convoluted. But I do like, again, I think at its essence, it is a heist movie, because it has the group training, it's got the specialties, and then it's got the mission that they're trying to accomplish. That's pretty interesting. I actually did not know that Inception was considered a heist movie. Right? I don't know if it I haven't actually, I've never seen it. And I've never, I didn't know anything about the plot. Right? So I never would have guessed that it was hasty in nature. Right? I never would have had no idea. From although marketing and all this stuff I've seen like, nothing like. So yeah, I saw a bubble up on a couple of games of these lists. That were but not all of them. And, and I had, I was like, well, that's weird, because I didn't think it was I that's not what I thought it was. I didn't I don't I can't really tell you what I remember, I thought it would be confusing, because that's literally what everybody said. That's true. Yeah. deeper, deeper meanings. But then they're trying to have to sedate the target. And then they enter his dreams. And they have to ward off all of his subconscious alerts that are trying to throw it off that it is a dream and keep it more like be like it's build reality. But they can't bury the they can't do the inception right at the surface level because it it'll be too obvious to the to the target. They have to keep going down and down and down and down. And each level that they go through is designed by the dream architect to make a whole world that's going to be believable to the target that he still thinks he's in reality. And that's where Ellen pay Ellen Page is the architect that designs each world after certain events and things in this person's life so that it's believable to them, and to make it real. And they do they do they do in a boiler alert, I guess they do pull it off. And then they had to get kicked out the kick. It's called kick where you remove yourself from the subconscious. So you can go back into the real world. But at the end, you're still kind of left going well, did they make it out? Are they actually in the real world? Is it because you're trying to keep track of Okay, they went down through backup one down one down to backup like and then like it ends? like wait a minute, is that reality? No, no And the last part of the movie too, but yeah, that was I enjoyed it. And specifically watching it as a heist made it very much more enjoyable than just like a sci fi thriller or something. That's interesting. That's really cool. I think you brought up something, and I meant something I meant to say, I think another important element of the heist movie is something has to go wrong. And then you kind of have that element of how do the kind of the characters deal with it? You know, I mean, I think that's another kind of ingrained, like, that's a very heist movie trope. They're like, makes it go well, because usually something goes wrong, and they deal with it in some way. And that's kind of that second third act kind of like actually, bit of the movie, you know?


Aaron  1:00:58

It makes interesting. Yeah, so Aaron, what about you? Oh, sorry. No, no, you're good. Yeah, no. So I, I took kind of like a little bit different approach. To this, I kind of wanted something that was like, even though like, it's still hasty, but it's something that was kind of, you know, a little bit unconventional. And so I chose one of the movies out of the loop in the third series. It's a, it's from a Japanese manga series. And there's like, like a bunch of movies that I actually didn't really realize. 1-234-567-8910 1112 ish, actual, like movies that came out theaters. The one that I known or least heard about the most, and I've seen, like a long time ago, it's called looping the third castle of cagli, estro. Although apologies for the butchering, of this, so in in this, you know, there's, since there's kind of like an established series, I was caught like a little off guard with some of the characters, but there's kind of like a reoccurring cast of characters. There's Lupin, who's like the main kind of like, thief, kind of person. And then he's got his, you know, arms expert. And then there's like, a samurai guy that hangs out with them. And then throughout all of this, there's a there's an inspector from Interpol, that's always kind of like chasing him. And it's kind of it kind of reminds me of like, because it's more of a comedy, but there's still some sort of drama to it. And it's got like, a little bit, it's got like a bunch of influences, and or some stuff that it has influenced over time, or that you see things of like, you know, kind of the old 19th is because this the the animated series, this will be particularly from 1979. And it's kind of got some of those Goofy, you know, animated sequences, or, you know, there's like a weird car chase, or what kind of things like that. And so the one of this one is, they rob a bank, and they find out the money is counterfeit. And so to find out where the counterfeits coming from, they go to kind of like this, this country, and there's a count and he's all like, really rich and powerful. And they found out like, Oh, he's, he's the person that's counterfeiting this and so it's kind of like a mixed hybrid of trying to like, kidnap the princess for not wanting to marry this count and trying to, you know, have people find out that that's a counterfeit process is here, and there's, you know, them getting ready and then failing. And then, you know, there's a quote unquote, plot twist, and then kind of all of this stuff, that kind of intermingles Indians kind of, kind of weird, cuz like, the whole time, it's like, oh, he's gonna get with the princess. And then he's like, Oh, I'm the bad guy you don't want to get with me and then just like leaves and like, what? Okay, cool. So there's a little little mix of that in between some things. And so, that's kind of different. I have not seen any of the other movies in the series. But if you just want something that's kind of enjoyable, that's got that those quirky you know, like early anime tropes in it. It's a really fun movie to watch. Apparently, this is not the best heist movie out of the series. There's apparently one or two board that's actually like didn't actually like robbing a bank and having to go through the process. This one was just fun. It was also easily deletable on Netflix. So if you want to check it out, you know, it's it's just fun. It's only like an hour and 30 minutes. But it's got a lot of it's got, you know, some interesting I don't want to say dialogue is if that dub series but it's got some interesting effects some cool like intriguing like things that that aren't like typical. It's just a fun, neat because it's like, oh, they're doing this Oh wait, he also did this Oh my gosh. So that's that's where that's where I picked it just because it was something that just just a smidge different. Nice, very good.


Collin  1:05:45

Like I said, My approach was kind of like, well, I'm gonna watch a ton of movies, and kind of see what I distill out of this, you know, and then try to pick on that like, really represents the highest Enos of the whole movie to kind of figure out what those tropes are, you know, that, that a good movie should have. And then some of these, like, play with those tropes a little bit, you know, like, Do you watch something like Reservoir Dogs, right? They famously, they don't ever show the actual heist, it's all the planning, and then the aftermath of what happens after after the end. Like, he never shows the highest, it's not an important part of that movie, because he's playing the, you know, the things that make a heist movie. And so I was kind of thinking about what does make one, I did notice that heist movies tend to go in one of two directions. There's kind of like the adventury, like, more action adventure type of heist movie, where it's like, there's action sequences, and there's like, cool stuff. And you know, it's all like, or there's like, the serious drama, wherever everything is just like sad, right? Like, it's like, much heavier tone of the movie. So you kind of get these two different tones. Depending on the director, you have like the heavy movie, it's like, really serious. And like, foreboding. And like, then you have like the slightly more fun action adventure. Depending on your mood, you know, you can pick from one of these two things. So I watched, I kind of decided that out of all these movies that I watched, the one that really just kind of takes the heist movie, and just presents it to you, in all its glory is 2003 is The Italian Job. I watched that one again. I like this movie a lot. I haven't seen it. I have seen this movie before, but not for like, years. Right? I haven't probably watched it for forever. And so I did watch the original one too, just to compare it a little bit. That movie is weird. Anyway, the 2003 window, I thought it was really cool. Because you have the defined team, right? You have the planning guy, you have the explosives guy, the driver guy, the computer guy, the safe cracker person, right? In this movie, The lady, but you have the same cracker lady. So you have all the roles defined, they plan out everything. And then like something happened. And then they have to, like, re plan as they go, you know, try to modify their plan. They're trying to do that, all that stuff. So I really liked that aspect of the movie, it really showcases the working together apart to make it hasty. Like we talked about that teamwork aspect is really important in this movie, like he can't, the thing they're trying to do is they can't, you can't do it with just one person. So you really have to have everybody working together. And the plan has to go just exactly a certain way. Otherwise, it isn't going to work. So that's where the tension in the movie comes from. Is that like, oh, okay, he has to do this. This is how it has to go. And then kind of the the part at the end of this movie is where that turn happens is there they then try to there's trying to steal all the money. It's gold bars, right? It's that thing from the person who knows they're trying to steal it. Like they know they're trying to steal it. And they have to like outwit them to steal the money back. So it's this whole thing of this kind of like cat and mouse like, Oh, well, I know you're going to do this. So I want to put in this countermeasure. And then the team has to like, go back and like redo the thing, right? It's very, it's very kind of that's where that tension and excitement comes from the movie. I really think it just really shows has all the elements of a big heist movie, now is all the dialogue and this may be wonderful. Not all of it. But I do have a lot of good moments where the characters interact with each other. And you can tell that they work together a lot. And you have this really interesting dynamic happening. So it makes it kind of like a fun and it falls more on the fun action movie side. Because you do have the iconic sweet Mini Cooper getaway car scene stuff happening. You know, that's, that's very fun. Everyone loves everyone loves that Mini Cooper driving sequence, right? Obviously. That was my highest movie that we picked. And side note, I watched it with Susan and she also liked the Italian Job. So it's Susan approved as well. Which as we know is very important for movie choices. So after your thoughts, any different thoughts on the genre as a whole? If you had not, like experienced enough? What do you think now calling after watching that heist movie? kind of do you like the genre? Do you kind of like those tropes? Are they do they make a good movie? Do you think? Are they interesting? Aaron, same question since Colin is gone. Oh, no. I'm here. Okay. You can answer. I forgot.


Aaron  1:11:38

I think I think for me, like, you know, it's what's the word? I think it's like, a lot of it's part of the thrill of, like, what you're getting yourself into, like, yes. Even though like, you know, that they're trying to steal something. It's like everything in between. It's like, Well, you know, this may not work and you know, it's, it's, it's a smidge Actually, it's God, you know, to me anyways, like it's got a lot of, you know, interweaving parts because, you know, trying to plan something is not is not easy by any means. But having having both of those you know, those aspects of the call, it's complicated convoluted, like, oh, there's a twist. Having all of those in some form or function, I think is kind of brilliant. So that's one of the things that for me that I truly enjoy about heist movies, even though like it's it's something that I traditionally don't want, like, oh, oh, man, this heist movie is coming out in theaters. I'm gonna go watch it. It's more of Oh, this is on let's let's watch this. Oh, this is actually really good. So


Collin  1:12:54

that's interesting, because I don't think a lot of movies are actually advertised as heist movie.


Aaron  1:13:01

falls in its falls in either the genre is like, Oh, this is an Action Pack or Yeah. Or it's a follow kind of the you know, the the means that would come out recently. You know, the Fast and the Furious like, this is your fan fan?


Collin  1:13:18

Yeah, I actually I was looking at that. I realized that Whoa, the Fast and Furious are half of them are heist movies. Who knew? This podcast? I don't know. You're either you either. If you had watched Fast and Furious movies for this, I have I have a new? Well, we can talk about that later. Well, we'll I'll table that one. Because I don't want to derail this. But I have a thought about this. But yeah, I I agree like that. It does have that excitement. But I think it's weird that it's not like a it is definitely its own genre. And it has its own genre tropes and its own kind of style of movie. And a lot of movies are not advertised as heist movies. Right? Like, I don't know about them as possibilities, because they are just like, oh, the action packed adventure ride. And it's just because I was looking at that list. And there's some movies that have come out in the last five years. And I didn't know that they qualified as heist movies, based on the trailers that I'd seen and stuff, but when I kind of read the synopsis, I was like, Oh, yeah, that's a heist movie. I think they get lumped in as just like, action or crime movies. Yeah. And there's not like there's not like, you know, they're not advertised as like this is a heist movie and I don't know if that's people don't care about heist movies. I think genre this distinction without a difference that's that's possible. Given even just bought, are they just stealing something right? That's crime. Or that the the the action movie because it doesn't actually movie Yeah, but I think I think like you, I really enjoyed this. And some of the movies that I had been to like, like, oh, like ocean Levin is obviously one of my all time favorite movies across every genre. And I think it's because it has all of these little components in it, that I think only really heist movies and have and have those components of having a team working together. And we've hit that on the nail a lot. But I think that's really, really critical to where you get those cool character dynamics, and especially in the oceans series, they really highlight the the character interplay with each other. And I think that's what makes it interesting. Yeah, it makes for good stories, and it makes for good drama, making them work together and relying on each other. Yeah, that's how you end up rooting for them, even though they're like, committing a crime. You the audience is like, Yeah, right. Like, like, wait, I shouldn't be, but I am because they're so likable, right? And I want them to succeed. Because I've seen this whole thing. I see how they interact with everybody. And I've know their motivation, all that stuff. And you get that through their interaction and dialogue and stuff. Yeah. I think what turned me off, or Inception was obviously very convoluted convoluted, but the hastiness kind of loses it. loses the thread while they're jumping between dream world and consciousness. And a little, it gets a little dense, and it takes itself like, really don't like okay, we all know this real right. A more lighthearted. I think I'm probably more in like, a more lighthearted way. But you know, I again, it's not a bad movie, if it was good. It took him 10 years to make. So there's a lot yeah, it's often that but yeah, no, I, I definitely appreciate the genre very much. And looking forward to finding more, I think more, maybe kind of like inception, you know, that's what I tried to do is find one that wasn't quite on the nose of like, this is definitely this, because I kind of like to see how these themes and these these, these components we've talked about. Any get played with, or drawn out or whatever in the movie itself to shine and say like, Oh, well, this movie isn't? Oh, this movie is actually a heist movie, but you wouldn't know unless you're thinking about it as a heist movie. Yeah, that's fair. I picked the one I did, because I was trying to find that one that was like a genre defining like, what is what if you boil it all down? Yeah, what do you get? But I think that is good, too. That's what would be a good thing to explore later is like, okay, now I know these things. What else can qualify is this, and it's a pretty, you know, it's been around his genre for quite a long time. You know, it's an old shot. Now, I was surprised that Aaron said he found a Japanese movie. Because the only heist movies I could find there, either English or American. All of them. So I don't know if that's, I don't know if that's true. international friends, you can let us know. Are there good heist movies from other countries? But I felt like all the lists like if I even tried to look for like international directors and stuff. I got nothing. Right. English. American. That was it. So I don't know. Well, it Castle of Cagliostro is a Miyazaki movie, isn't it? That I owe down here. I got to look up. Look up who directed it? on and go, I think it had like 95% on Rotten Tomatoes. Director i o. b. ezaki. Yeah. Yeah. That may be why he pulled some of those themes to he does like to experiment with these things. Yeah.



Yeah. I know, like in Japanese, in that media, movies and anime, like, crime.


Collin  1:19:17

movie is big. You know, that's a genre thing. But like, I've never seen I couldn't find any, like hasty ones. So I think it's very interesting that it's, it's about again, didn't do tons of research. Not I wouldn't call my research, exhaustive. But like, I couldn't find any list of like, top five best German heist movies, right? That wasn't a thing. So it's interesting. That that's all I could find. But again, that's all I found. So international audience, help us out here. Give us your recommendation, if you or country has an exciting heist movie that we need to know about.



And they, you know, we are at some point we're going to need to circle back around and go through some of these genres again,


Collin  1:20:09

trail up with them. That's true, but we should probably do more than just one genre at a time. So, yeah, again, there is a list you can look at. We can come up with another one of these for some of the time because I liked it. I thought it was fun to kind of just pick a genre of movie. I liked it. Yeah, a lot. Yeah. Especially the standard one, you know? Yeah. Not just like, action movie. Yeah, yeah. So I think that's good. Good choice airy try. Very good. Well, good rest of your week. You guys as well. Right? Yeah, you two new new topic, new challenger. General commentary on the world. Yeah. Love you guys.