cardinals drilling for oil

In what is absolutely one complete episode not recorded on different days, we stumble upon a completely missed opportunity for Snoop Dog. Collin is suffering from allergy attacks. Aaron is watching Cardinals. Brandon has new headphones. The challenge this week was to watch a gambling movie! 

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gambling, movie, bowling, buy, weird, tables, big, people, aaron, film, watch, store, box, happening, colin, dog treats, heist movie, amazon, game, cbd


Collin, Aaron, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your host, Brandon, Colin and Aaron. On this week's show, Cardinals drilling for oil this working Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Here we are doing things indeed. And stuff that Aaron's on look at Aaron Ellery raining outside how's your how's your internet connection Brandon? Right now knocking on wood. Okay, so we'll look at that we'll see if it stays that way well, good house. What's What's the day been like? Not a lot going on. I had to. I was Susan. I actually had to go to Springfield today. She was in town already. And so I was home hanging out. And so I didn't do a lot. I went on a small bike ride. I guess. I thought, well, it's gonna rain a lot this week. I better go right now. Did that today? The park for a little bit. But it Yeah, it's been raining a lot more than I originally anticipated. So I had having to dry my shoes out a lot more. It's wet. Me No, you just wear sandals all times as they find us. Well, it's so good to get wet underneath there. It's not nobody likes. Okay, fair. That's fair. That's no fun. That's true. Had some realizations today. We might get into those a little bit later if we got time. But okay, now it's my, my Well, I should probably tell you about my cryptic text before we get too much further into this. So I'll say Alright, hold on. Oh, you set the scene. Go ahead. Okay. All right. Ladies and gentlemen. I got a text. Aaron and I both received a text message. I pull it up here so I can not get this wrong. Colin all he says was 915 Still in Springfield testing CBD treats. Guy said no. Which leaves wild speculations as to the goings on of his activities. I'm imagining an alleyway maybe a van. Right. Or it's always been involved. Right. Definitely a van. I've been playing a lot of Grand Theft Auto recently. So this is why I immediately went here. Like, that's what I see. I see. Yes. That's fair. Fair. So that's what I went to college and a back alley. What are your What are your guesses? Aaron?

Aaron  03:23

So I'm not really sure I have a feeling that like, like, they got dog treats that were like definitely like, wrong prescription. And so Colin had to like, track down like your like store to store be like, I need dog treats. Like we're close. But aids like you don't understand. I gotta get these dog treats by midnight in like, I could get in crazy. Pursuit of dog treats in zoos. So

Collin  03:53

that's pretty exciting. Right? I think that's a movie. Right? It's like a very exciting. That's racing around town. burnouts everywhere. Okay. Interesting. Interesting. So far. No, none of those are true, which is fine. Fine. I realized I should have not sent the word testing. That was my mistake. Yeah, right. Like, I imagine, like, you know, there's scenes in the movies where they have like, all the put all the coke out in the table, right? Uh huh. And just like tasting it, right? Like, yo, this is the good stuff, right? I was imagining that was like dog trees. No, how do I know this is the real deal. taste testing stuff? No, I Yeah, right. Like, I was right out of 15 CBD now I was testing a text message because our The software that we use for our company sent me a message. Today, I tried to text my clients that I had given them, the CBD treats. The exact text was with the storms coming in, we did go ahead and give them their CBD treats for the night to help them stay calm. I tried to hit send. And this is the warning message. I'll read you the entire warning message from the people it reads. Please try again. Telephone carriers restrict messages that include the word CBD, the word CBD in your message has been flagged, please remove this word to send your message to learn more regarding your carrier's rules regarding the use of the term CBD, please contact customer support. Legal dude, not like

Aaron  05:58

texting. Weird like, hard drug it plausible. androids are superior. I'm telling you

Collin  06:04

know. Sure. Also, this. This is a third party service. Yeah, it's a third party service. Exactly. Exactly. The little bubbles, like green. It's weird. A couple things. CBD is illegal thing you can buy. And people that are messaging about drugs, don't just say the name of the drugs in the message. Because the police read does and so you don't just type things like, Yeah, dude, I have all of the heroin like you don't have that as I think anyway, that's what I I don't understand this at all. I couldn't actually tell my client what I gave them. I had to say we gave them the calming treats, treats and treat that even more celebrities. No, it's fine. But I couldn't believe that then I was like, what carrier is screening? For CBD. So I texted it to both of you and was like, I don't see. You got it. Nobody's screened anything for that? So I was like, This is bizarre. That is real weird. Like, not gonna lie. Yeah. Okay, this, this makes more sense. Now. I had a side thought before we go on. Why? Maybe this is happening and I don't know. But why is Snoop Dogg? Not selling CBD dog treats. Snoop, buddy. This is like the biggest marketing slam dunk in the history of the world. Well, you need to get on this buddy. Can you imagine Snoop Doggy Dog treats, bro. Like there's that I don't understand why this I know. I know. You're busy. Snoop. I know you're doing the death row acquisition. Right trying to get those masters back. And I understand. Hear me out. Snoop Dogg CBD dog treats. Unique. I think I think we need to fix. The other one perfect match has never existed in marketing. Ever. Yeah. I wonder why. I wonder why he hasn't gotten in on that note because he's kind of gone on. I mean, he's busy. Yeah, he's got lots of other things going on. He could even have it be a Martha Stewart Brand. I mean, they've kind of I know and with each other so yeah, natural. It could be like net right? That is one. This is this is perfect. This is a layup right. Boom. In easy money. Got him like Yeah, well, you know, maybe we'll just write up our proposal letter. And yo. That was this. I thought that was my secondary thought after I after I was thinking about this. I was like, Wait a minute. Why does this not exist? How How is this not a thing? Well, I think Oh, well. We'll try it we'll make that a thing then that's what we'll do. All right. Yeah, I just I just I was super confused by by this because it made obviously no, no, don't don't put it in the title of this episode, just in case. No, right. Who knows? Exactly. You will be like No. That's what I'm so confused by it and says, like, I can't actually have a conversation now about something that I kind of, you know, need to communicate about. So we'll just use our code words and our code language and like, I like how the, the messaging service is forcing you into like, code language. Like now, you have to like, it's even more shady. Where do you have to use like code words? Like that you're going to have this weird conversation with the people like, Yo, we need to code word for the stuff, right? This is like, and so you're just gonna have these like, weird code messages. It doesn't make any sense at all, though, and I'm gonna have to exactly it's just they just made it home. They just made it worse for us. And I'm so so frustrated by that. What it could stand for other things, too. Right? Yes. Certified right. Biscuit. dealership? Right. D. Connecticut business department. See? And yet, right. I can Yeah, got it, right. It's just no good. So anyway, um, they wonder if you type out the full term. Right? If you if you don't use the abbreviation. But also, who knows? Me do. I just I so frustrated by this. Because then my, I was asked, that's crazy. My staff member was like, What's this? And I was like, what's what? Because she tried to send the message first, that I looked at it, and I went, I have no idea. So I tried to send it. And I was like, That's new. Ain't seen that before. So we had an old switcheroo. And I was like, Yeah, I guess just go ahead and say calming treats. And she was like, okay, and then and then I got to thinking, what other words are they screening for? But like, I'm not going to be able to, I can't like test those for the client, right? I'm not just gonna start sending random, illegal and illicit words to my clients to see see if they get screened. So then I'm really interested to see if they have you know, a list somewhere. Oh my goodness, okay, I come from you. I come from you for our live from our father's basement. Beer. And on totally the same day. By the way, everything's fine. Don't worry about everything's fine. Yes. What, what same day? Yes, absolutely. Yes. That's what Oh, what am I honestly, anyway? Yeah, I'm mere inches away from the 5g Bait radio bands penetrating my brain activating the chip implanted there by the global allele. See, I'm ready to go. Well, if it doesn't, if it doesn't, just stop broadcasting we are good. We are good. Obviously. Everything is well. Hi, I had one of the worst allergy attacks in recent memory. today. I was outside as one is periodically. And my, my right eye started to itch. And I was like, oh, that's kind of weird. But then I was looking at my right eye in the mirror. And I could tell that the white part that the sclera was actually puffing up was actually growing larger to the extent that it was like deforming around the lens of my eye. Ah we didn't need to hear about this. No, but no. I mean, like not not in a major fashion, obviously, but like you could just tell that there was just a tiny like bold, like just a little and I said to myself, I says that that's not good. No. And, and so I ran Mehrabad went and I got I got some of like the like Mega dose anti histamine eyedrops. It took double the amount of anti histamine allergy medication, ran to the store got on all the watch list because it bought at seven boxes of Sudafed. Well, that was the other thing.

Aaron  14:57

I'll be here any moment. I want

Brandon  15:00

together with like my both eyes are bloodshot give me the Sudafed. I'm actively like no IP water away of like sniffing and one of the boxes that I grabbed, was actually opened. So I was like, Oh, I have to go tell somebody about this counter. For the, for the pharmacists to come out. I'm like, I'm like. Okay, bye. Sure he was going back and rolling back the tape to see if I was the one who Oh, yeah. How many of those are in your pocket? Okay, hold on international listeners. There's an important subtext here that we're busy. We live as you know, we live in the Midwest in Missouri, specifically, Missouri, and cold medicine, and allergy medicine, major ingredient in methamphetamine manufacture. So if you try if you go to the store, and try to buy that stuff here, you have to show ID, they will like only let you buy like one box, right? You can't No stocking up on cold medicine is illegal. So this, this is why we're laughing at Colin so much. I thought maybe there's some subtext, it's going to be lost here. So I thought I'd do a small bit of explaining case by case our international friends were like, Why is this funny? I don't understand you're sick. It's a medicine. It's very, you got to jump through a lot more hoops. Yeah. And every time you go in, you go on a list, like your name gets put on list of when you bought things like so like, if you can't, and if you buy like X amount within a certain time length, like they you will be questioned by it does happen. Yeah. It used to be that each store just had their own list. I remember that. Like, this is no good. Now it's like a statewide database. It's a legitimate database. Yeah. Where do you get logged? And so yeah, of course, like I get out to the car. And, and like a drug addled person. I'm like fumbling with the box. And I can't get the cap off of the eyedrops open fast enough, because it's got the little sealant around it and I'm struggling to get it like sprained my I can't get this thing. Anyway. No, and I couldn't see. And that's fair. And then I had to go and I had to do the rest of my visits like a pirate with one I should just got an eyepatch. Even better, I should have I mean, I did just wear my and then when you show up at the visits, like, just don't acknowledge it. Or if someone asked if like, imagine, you go into like a meet and greet. like, Yo, what happened to your Ike Colin like? Yeah, the last person's cat's not as agreeable as yours is like. Exactly. Just don't say anything else. Remember, it happened to seek free promotion? It? Yeah, that's like, it's like that, but but less, less, a lot less. Still are a lot less. For being very considerably less. But anyway, I'm not so floored. Yeah, that was, that was my adventure. Today, exciting adventure was not exciting, um, in the least. But I think but Aaron is bringing us live reporting from extra innings of baseball game now. That's true. The Cardinals are drilling for oil, I think. Right? Is that? Is that what's happening here? No.

Aaron  19:10

So I'm actually home now. I left at the top of extra inning, tied to two. And I'll send that that's why I kept pushing back because I was actually like, one of the first times in a long time where their games were actually interesting. Like, people were like, umpires are having to come out and like hold tight your players back from like, fighting each other. I was like, Oh, that's a pretty good game. And I was like, I gotta go. Friends, friends that I were with the peer pressure me the first time and that's why I texted you guys see if we can push it back. So I was like, Well, guys, I gotta leave. I gotta go podcasting and they're like, Oh, do you hear that podcasting Han people around us? Like, it's important to finally

Brandon  19:53

buy our merch here at duck backslash and you will obviously yeah, obviously you're wearing our T shirt. So as

Aaron  20:02

I sprinted home, got sick. I'm still working on getting situated. But yeah, I haven't meant to a drillers game this season yet. So, got a chance to get out the house. Shelby is gone for the weekend. And so I just need me being a hermit. And then her brother called me who want to eat and then we just been hanging out. And I was like, oh, yeah, you gotta go and do this. And so here I am. I get definitely articulate with Colin, when it comes just like sitting there reviving mind your own business and all of a sudden, like, Why does my I feel funny? There's nothing more stranger than when you're sitting there talking to somebody and you just like your eyes start watering. And it's like a literal fountain coming out of your eye. And people are you okay? Like, I don't know.

Brandon  20:51

It's like, just get so emotional about this pollen, right? Here's the mold. I met up with dad and the kids. Because the kids are here with that. That's this weekend. And I've just been kind of bouncing around because I've been covering for visits. So I met up with him for dinner in town. I was telling dad about my I got the eyedrops and stuff and, and he was like, wait a minute, look at me. And I looked at him and he was like, Yeah, you're right. I didn't feel weird. And I was like, well, it kinda it was actually starting to hurt while it was swelling. He was like, can you see? Okay, and I was like, Why? Why are you asking? And he was like, you're like, your pupil is crazy, dilated? Like four times dilated as my left concussion like what's ahead? What did you do? I have no idea. I've hit in the head by some sort of flying cat toy like knocked out. The only thing I can think of is that maybe the swelling inhibits the contraction of the pupil muscles, the you know, to imagine that something is going on there. The internal pressure, but just kind of like, it's kind of like the way he was burying the lede there of like you could see okay, huh. Oh, that's, that's interesting. What you mean, you can see, okay, let's get a backup. And we'll come in here and we're gonna ask some more questions. Yeah, skip something. Right. So, yeah, it was a who I had not had that happen in a very long time. And so that was quite fun. Quite quite fun. So Aaron had been commiserating with you in your endeavors recently as well.

Aaron  22:40

It's a It's not fun. Plus, I can actually talk now so

Brandon  22:43

let's true. Welcome in this totally the same episode as last time. Well, this voice Aaron's voice magically healed in between segments and so crazy. It's insane. It's insane. It's not ah, oh man, perfectly. It's perfect. Yeah, I've had a much more eventful week but for like many other reasons, I haven't died yet. That would be number one. Number one important thing today is New headphone day. Oh, that's right. Oh, yeah, it's Yab near headphone day. What's exciting. Okay. Sennheiser HD 200. Pros. That's what we're rocking right now. Sin Heiser I got a HD 200 Yeah. What's the Okay, okay, let's so you. You've used these for a grand total of how long? They came in the mail today. Oh, right. These are little like, literally new headphones. today. Okay. All right. And it's just inaugural run. Just for comparison. What were you using before? Some random headphones. That dad got me for Christmas one time. Nice. Okay, perfect. And they're like, these are much more like flat response. Very nice. I have a crime problem from breaking headphones. I've mentioned this before, like the band. Yeah, like I just buy snaps. Because I like on your headphones because they're very comfortable, in my opinion for wearing for long periods of time. Like don't like the in the ear ones for like, really long periods of time. You know? I just find them to be less comfortable. But anyway, have giant head and so I think that might contribute to a sense that I break them. That's fair. That's fair. So the other ones they're almost broken. Like, I took them out the other day and they flex like way too far. Oh, yeah. So I could see the hairline cracks forming. Now, I had to really intentionally get a lot better at the to hit two handed headphone removal. Yes, because I was so so used to growing up with the, the ones that you know, the really cheap ones that kind of just had like a single metal band or whatever that you could just whip off it was a metal band, so you could just like fling it. You just grab it with one hand and rip it off your head real fast. Well, when you get bigger, chunkier, kind of, you know, plasticky or the kind of things that doesn't, you know, bode well for his life. So, yeah. So cool. I'm glad we're coming to you flat, nice flat response of. Yeah, I mean, there's nice I guess. I don't really know. These guys really? Well. These are Shushi. Does yours have the sushi side things cat looks like a scalloped? Yeah. It says here to Sennheiser thing they do that? Yeah, it's like, yeah, it looks like it's have a seashell. I don't know why, but you know what I was? I'll include a link in the show notes. Look forward to your so in depth. Yeah. Forget the long term review later on. But straight from the box today.

Collin  26:17

Yeah. Because I had, I had some a pair of Tascam, which is actually my travel sets. That's what I'm wearing right now. And I remember why I moved away from them, because they just they just make my ears pinched. But they like make my ears in pain, like the outer lobes because of the way they squeezed my fat head. That's

Brandon  26:39

it? Yes. The problem I had with my other ones, like would push. Like, I don't know, I couldn't ever get them just right. And so they would put your cups were weird on the old ones. And they would sort of like pushing like by your temples too much. After a while, you'd be like, I don't like it. But these ones they seem to be like, bigger. Right. But you're cutting see much larger. Yeah. Which is nice. So they're more around you're you're a lot better. Yeah. Because it's because I know these are around here. Yes. Those are. Those are wonderful. I can't do these. These the ones I'm the Tascam. They're kind of like a weird mix between. They're not, they don't quite fit me for around ear. So they're kind of kind of mildly on top, you know on here, which is just not not Yeah, not good. Well, some of them are fine. I had a pair of on your headphones a long time ago, I had a pair of like Sennheisers that I use for ever. That were the only one making me wear I don't think they were on yours. And those were actually really, really comfortable. And I liked them a lot. But that I had them for so long that when they broke like I couldn't buy more. Yeah. Hey there with that. So hello. So that was number one. Number two, I was telling Aaron, Aaron, have official review for you. Last time. I mean, totally not last time, whenever you disappeared. Susan and I went on an adventure this week. Adventure. Oh, yeah. To go on. We went to an Amazon return store. Yeah. So basically, first of all, we didn't know what was called for a long time, because the name of the store is just the bin barn, which is really not helpful. Right. Oh, very bad name. But it's basically it's a return. I don't think it's just I don't know if it's just Amazon returns. But what they do is they buy because like when you return stuff to Amazon, like unless it's like unopened, and like 100% Perfect. They kind of can't use it again. So they put them in these e enormous boxes, and they sell them as lots like you can just buy a box. Right? But they're huge. You know, it's like big. It's like on a big come on pallets, but they're like four to five feet tall cardboard boxes. Yeah, yeah. That's what these are. So this place buys those. I don't know from like an auction or just from a it's probably from Amazon, right and clear. Whatever. Yeah. And they just get pallets of these. I saw them unloading them on the truck. Because we went twice this week, for reasons I'll get into in a minute. I started unloading them off the truck, it was like, Oh, my Lord. That's a huge box. And there was tons of them, right? So they unload these boxes. And just like whatever's in there, then they let go in and I'm imagining they sort through it and like if there's like just junk or trash, they throw it away. And everything else they just put out on these enormous garage sale like tables. Right They're kind of like, imagine a huge table, but with like a little bit of a lip on the sides and stuff doesn't like flat, the end. Right? It's kind of what it's like. I think that's what the been part comes from. So there's like, just these were heat rows of these tables, like, long tables, like a cafeteria, almost, you know, the tables that we would the big long tables in the school cafeteria with the benches. Yeah. You know, it's like that long, like super long, but they're like kind of waist height and have a little lip on the edge of them. And they just fill it with stuff. It's all this stuff from these returns. And so we went on Friday. Well, we went on Wednesday, the first time, because Wednesday is the day before restock day. So everything in the whole store is like three bucks or less. Oh, no, everything. Nice. And then on Friday, they restock Thursday. And then on Friday. Everything in the store is $10. Everything except for like, there's some like marquee items, right? They have like up in the front behind the case, you know, but it's still all reduce prep. Like there was Apple pencils out there for 50 bucks. That's a good buy. Right? There's some good stuff in there. But it's like, you gotta you got to look for it. That's the you have to search. You gotta go. Because everything else is just on the table. Yeah, what do you got to go? Probably repeatedly because they don't control their inventory. Right. So what they have one day? Yeah, no, it's just whatever they get. Yeah, it's whatever. And so like, Fridays, like $10. I think like Saturdays like $8. And I think they're close on Sunday. And then somewhere between Monday and Wednesday, it's like $5 $3 $1, whatever. Like, I don't remember exactly the schedule. What that's kind of how it works. And so it's really weird. Like, we went the first time on Wednesday, just to see what was up. It was like, $1 day or $3 day, whatever. And it was like, alright, well, I can not go. So we went the afternoon. And it was kind of weird. Because like, it was mega picked over. This place only been open for like two weeks also. So it's like, hidden fresh, right? Everybody's going apparently. Yeah. And it was so picked over. And it was really weird. I got some creepy vibes from it because like, the music they were playing on the little speakers was like, really synth wavy. And I got this like weird like cyberpunk, dystopian like vibe going on, like this weird synthwave music. And then like, all these people like picking through this, like, leftover detritus, trying to find good stuff. It was really Oh, I was like, it was like a hardcore cyberpunk vibe for me. They wave like future wave in the future. Yeah, it was, it was a little bit. It was a little bit weird. We didn't I think it was day, because we just sort of looked around. And we're like, yeah, now. They have like tons of clothes, too. We didn't look at that. Really. We're like, now we're good. But the Friday, like, no, 11 I think they have been like 1030, where they're like 11 o'clock. And there was a bunch of people in there. And they were just like, the tables were like, completely full. It was very weird. Seeing them, like Mega empty Wednesday. And then like, Friday, it was like completely full. All kinds of stuff. And like, you really do have to sort of like scour through these tables, because like some of them were like the boxes. They're just like the cardboard box. And you're like, I don't what the heck is this? How do you even know if you have to like take it up at the front? We supposed to take it up to the front. They open it you look at it. That's not what really happens, right? Most people just sort of like rip my side off the box and like hoping nothing falls out and you leave important pieces to whatever's in there. It's like oh, it turns out this is a shelf assembly and they go the screws. Dang it right like that's, that's gross. The rules are trying to avoid but it's really crazy. You're sort of like wandering around looking and just sort of seeing what's there like what who knows it's a mystery. I like their Facebook page they post some of like the marquee stuff like oh hey we got in like this like LCD projector and like this like theragun thing right you know those crazy deals and like these guys remember sometimes on the front table like gaming headsets and like stuff like that. So it's literally any


three of these boxes.

Brandon  34:55

Just go and

Aaron  34:58

see what's up.

Brandon  34:59

So Friday, Friday, we did end up buying something toxic and buying something she was almost not going to and it's like, do it. It'd be fine. We bought some of those like double walled glass coffee mugs. Yeah. Yeah. And they're actually pretty sweet. Like, they were in the actual box. So I just scanned the barcode. I was like, alright, well, let's just fine. And I found them on Amazon. They're like, $50 Normally, and so we bought them for like, 10. Pretty good. Like, why would I buy these for $50? Absolutely not. No, that's ridiculous. I would never do that. But, but $10 per set of four. Come on. Come on. How you cannot buy that. Right. That's a very different story. That boy, they did also have in their big, like, hexagonal pieces that big. They were probably like a foot. One by one. They both they were hexagons of like,

Aaron  36:01

studio foam. Tell us about those.

Brandon  36:04

But like, I don't have any place to put them in here. I guess I can put them on my door. Yes, saying I have to go back and see if they're still there. Like, they had like stuff like that in there. Like, they had a microphone stand. But it was like not the right size from a microphone. So I was like, Okay, well, I don't want that. But like it was like a desk mount mic stand. But it wouldn't it would the the mount was too small for my thing. I looked at it. I was like, that will fit? Like, oh my gosh, yeah. So it's like it's free for all of like, literally anything can be in these boxes. And you just go and and we're part. Oh, this is the weird part. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, it's okay. No, this is really weird. At the front, they had this pallet of boxes that they had boxed up, and they were selling mystery boxes. For 100 bucks. Yes. Oh, my gosh, it was just a box of something. Who knows? Who knows what, but they were $100. And I saw at least six people by what? Yes. Joking. I was like, one person was carrying theirs out to the car. And I wanted to be like, Yo, can you like open that right now? Because I wouldn't see what's in there like. So here's the other thing that I I'm trying to put piece together here. Okay, like, so this store is there extensively, because these are returns that Amazon's just like, I can't even like they're just hashtag done with them. And so they sell them to this to these people who buy these things on auction? Or they just they probably you know what they probably do? They probably drop by those big pallets for $5,000 apiece. And then they're not that expensive. Or because I've seen some auctions. Well, some of those you can do. Some of them are auctions and like, they don't let you look in the pallet. They just say hey, how much you pay for this? Yeah, you know, kinda like the Storage Wars stuff. Yeah. And like, don't be just look just like buy it or what? It's up to them to sell it. But all of these it's just word. Yeah. Or they can be like, hey, I need I need 12. Yeah, next week.

Collin  38:14

Like, Okay, go. That's what I'm thinking that these people are doing. It just tells you how much of how much, even though we have a lot of slight supply chain issues these days, just how much literal crap is out there it floating around in the universe, though, it's not that that kind of system can work because I guarantee you also hear is that some people are going into that store, finding those really good deals in those tumblers, and then going on to Facebook marketplace or Craigslist, and then reselling them yet again. You know, and going What's the item? Right?

Brandon  38:53

Yeah, I think that's what the mystery box game is all about. Right? It's not about do I want this if in this box. It's like, all right, I want to buy this box from $100. And I'm hoping this stuff in there is worth worth at least that much because I'm going to resell it on like Facebook or something. Yeah. eBay or or whatever. Like you're on online market, I'm gonna sell. I'm going to resell this. So how much like what's in this box that I can resell? for that? Yeah, and say that it's so like, those items have gone from the manufacturer to the consumer, back to Amazon, to a retailer, and now to a private market. Like the number of Yeah, the number of steps that we're going through here is ridiculous. To get right into user, it's nuts. Yeah. Wow. Yeah, it was really weird. Like it was really interesting. Like the mix of people in there was it was like literally just anybody right? It was I went you never you're never sure with like, who's going to be in a in a shop like that, right? Is it going to be like, lower class people only like trying to find stuff? Is it going to be people in there like searching for deals to flip on the market, but it was like literally everybody, right? It was crazy. Well, yeah. Because everybody, everybody benefits from something like that. Yeah. So I'm trying to figure out, what do I do I Google to see if I have such a place in my hometown, and I don't know what I would do. Like, yeah, it's there. They're normally just called like, read or like, like, yeah, Amazon resale or like resale shops. Because I know that there's some places that exist, that it's not just Amazon, it's like other online. Any other like, Walmart returns, like a return shop, I guess, maybe Yeah, well, I know, we have a Walmart or Target or JC Penney or whatever. Like a lot of them, like they can't use that stuff, either. And so it's easier for them to just like sell it to somebody else. You know what I mean? Like? Yeah, because I know, we have a quote, as the only the store is just called overstock. And it's definitely one of those where it's like, I don't know what's in that store. And maybe, maybe it's one of those things, maybe a little bit of that too. Yeah, over overstock has a different connotation, you know, like, then resale and returns Yeah, yeah. So I can't go in there. Kinda. Yeah, it was wild. Like it was literally like, what the heck? Like, I have no idea what what am I even looking at? Like you walk in the door? You see the first table? He's going? I don't know. But this is what any of that is what is happening. Yeah. areas you have shared. Have you been into one of these stores?

Aaron  41:52

I didn't know about it until Brandon told me. Yeah,

Brandon  41:55

I told him last week that I was going because I was

Aaron  41:58

super befuddled. Like I figured there was something more like that that existed. And I was like, Oh, that actually sounds like interesting. But yeah, I didn't know that. Like it was a legitimate, like, thing thing until Dale Brennan said something. So

Brandon  42:14

that's kind of cool. That's why I know I mean, like, it's like a, you know how it's kind of like a supersize version of that. Like, sometimes, you know, you just want to go into an antique store to see like, what kind of weird stuff is in there? Yeah, it's that same kind of vibe, right? Because literally anything could be in the store. Yeah, like, there's like shoes and pillows and shelving, and hopefully some more coffee cups or modern things in there, then like a sugar press or sugar bowl. Oh, yeah, no, no, I mean, like, Hey, you never know, what could be returned to the thing. There's like movies and books and like, all kinds of stuff. It was, it was crazy,

Collin  42:57

you know? And I wonder if there's a way now I'm thinking about like, how, like, if I'm a consumer, how would I get the most usage out of that? And I guess you kind of have to be on the, on the if not the leading edge, but the tailing edge of something like if it was really big in the market, to kind of wait for people to get it, and then return it and have it start showing up in those stores. Yeah, it's like, you're not you're not at the bleeding edge of getting something, but you're still interested in it. And you can go there and get it maybe two, three months later, once people

Brandon  43:31

and it's for like, okay, there's things that I kind of want from my house or something, but like, I don't need them immediately. Yeah. Right. So you just kind of like pop in there and be like, Oh, because we met one of the parents from schools in there. And she had bought one of those, like a little rack thing. For the, like a baking rack for the kitchen. Right there. It was on the counter. And she's like, oh, yeah, this is cool. We needed one of these and, you know, it's like something that you kind of want to have or something you're looking for, but not something that you like, need so badly that you're just gonna, like, go out and buy it for for price right now. Yeah, well, that's one of the things I've tried to think of getting my office more flushed out. So I saw there was a couple chairs in there. So you know, they weren't like office chairs, but there was a few chairs in there and the all the, the bigger stuff even like that there was like a big like, it was like a he was like in commercial kitchen like wire shelf things. You know, was talking about it was like one of those and it was like less than half of price of what it should be, you know, like just random stuff like that, like, Oh, here's some luggage or here's some like lamps, or like, here's some chairs like wow, like grazie. Okay. I think I have located a something like this in my town trip. I went to the Oh man. It is literally Oh, this place looks super sketchy. And it's got the same tables. Oh my gosh. Yeah, I think it's a thing. I think the tables King. This is it's weird because I saw a video online about one of these places and they had the same tables too. And I was like, alright, this must just be like, Yeah, okay, standard practice,

Collin  45:30

what I'm what I'm looking at what I did, I went to a local city Facebook group and just type the word Amazon. And then like, three posts down. So it was like, Hey, where's the Amazon retail store, resale store store here and down. And I was like, excellent. You get four and a half stars on

Brandon  45:49

on Google. Interesting. Yeah, but most of them operate on a similar model. Like, the first day all this stuff new is like, a price. And then the next day, it's less. And the next day, it's less. It's all it's just whatever, like, yeah, okay, this is fast. And I'm very interesting experience. Okay, I'm gonna, the weirdest part was they had a on Wednesday, they had a second mystery box. That was like, random stuff from last week for $10. And I was like, What could possibly be nothing good is in that box. Okay, I'm going to read to you the prices

Collin  46:34

for the earth so you can plan your shopping spree and I'm just going to say this, this is no shade, no lemonade. The the website that these people have put together for their business is was head and shoulders above the photos that they have circulating out there. And given the context of this, this is a very, very professionally done website. It's extremely slick and very professional looking. And then I know like, I'm just going to be sorting through random crap on tables. And it's in a metal warehouse, so it doesn't quite match up to me anyway. Here they're

Brandon  47:08

all right. For their prices. Ours isn't like it used to be an old like grocery store. Like a Food Saver or something to save a lot or something like that. That's where ours is. Isn't that building. So they have a furniture store to have $4 Mondays? They have $3 Tuesdays $2 Wednesdays $1 Thursdays 50 cent Fridays, holy cow and then $5 Saturdays so they must have stock somewhere you know between Friday on Friday night into Saturday while they only go to five they don't have a ban ours was 10 and then which tells me that they may be getting different quality items because they say please note that pricing may vary depending on product visit our store to get low cost household goods free options so that yeah, like the real big stuff. They pull out inside that the front leg behind the counter.


Right? But it's still like

Brandon  48:07

50% 60% of the original

Collin  48:12

now this is very interesting. No, yeah, I felt like this is as big of an operation as what you've got down there. I don't see very many tables here. Anyway, this is fascinating. Tables and I need to go I need to go in and buy that this is something I need in my life.

Brandon  48:29

Okay, yeah, it's weird. It's a trip just to sort of wander through and like sort of poke at the table like what's in that box Well, I think we should transition into the reason for this podcasting. Speaking of mystery boxes and gambling with your money Oh, we had a challenge with which we were supposed to all watch a gambling movie talking about why it was a gambling movie and a little bit about it. We did heist movie note we do we do we do heist or gambling? Gambling no

Aaron  49:18

because I thought we did heist movie.

Collin  49:20

We did High School movie already did. Yeah. getaway. Yes. Yes. I watched a townie job. I remember I watched The Italian Job last time here. Let me find this eight because it was Oh no, I've got to go to the new I'm gonna go to the archived the archive document so hold on. Give me one I still can't do it on my phone because it's too enormous. I had to archive the the petsitter podcast I've had to archive that one three times because it's kind of damn Yeah, Okay, that's fair. I S T heist. They topic watch a heist movie. Braden watch The Italian Job. I watched inception and air When we watched Aaron, if you were to watch a heist movie, what would you have watched? Do you know? Oh, wait,

Aaron  50:08

okay, because I don't because I don't remember like giving this one because I had a few options because I thought there was about that last time.

Brandon  50:16

Okay. Yeah, no, no, we watched we watch Aaron watch Castle of Cagliostro

Aaron  50:23

Oh, okay heist movie and then and then we think again so this one was gambling?


Yeah. Ah,

Aaron  50:30

okay, I got my mood I also I'm still okay, but I got my movies which

Brandon  50:36

Okay, fair enough? So there's a lot of crossover when I was looking at lists of gambling movies there's there's a, it's a very ambiguous, like what is a gambling movie? Because a lot of them are actually heist movies too. So it's like, where's the line at? Where did we? And that's what this podcast is here to answer. Yeah, so stopping at ambiguity. Yes. What we do worst? Yeah, worst? What we're bad at a bad. So yeah, I thought this was interesting trying to disambiguate between a heist movie and a gambling movie. Yeah. And there are, there are lots of movies that have gambling in them. Yes. But they're not necessarily movies that are about gambling. And that's also something that I was trying to find. It was not like a movie that just like happened to have some gambling scenes in it. Like the plot was very driven by gambling. That's what I was kind of looking for. Right? Yeah. I think specifically, that there had to be a moment where, obviously they're playing gambling, or like, there's a strategic

Collin  51:57

strategic arising about Yes. Gambling and like planning for gambling, and then the tension around a gambling move or maneuver or something along those lines, that that context where a plot, a plot point hinges on the outcome of something gonna take you with what they're doing, right?

Brandon  52:20

Yes, I would say that's fair. Yeah. Oh, so I guess before we move on, the next question that we must ask is, Is this a genre of movie that you have a lot of experience already? Is this a genre of movie that you like, already are a fan of? What is your what is sort of your history with the gambling movie genre? Aaron now, I'm

Aaron  52:58

in for for someone who doesn't like truly understand gambling, like, I don't know how to play. Like, Blackjack. Like, I have no idea how to play it. And so like watching films, but not like really understanding like, what is truly happening, it took me a long time to actually like, fully, like separate myself from that to be like, Oh, that's what's going on. And so that watching a gambling movie is kind of always been hard for me, because I just don't know what's going on. Most of the time. As I've gotten older, it's become easier to be like, Oh, that's what that's what this is. Okay, I get it now. Um, but like gambling, I've never just gone out of my way to go see like a good gambling movie and kind of what you mentioned, every time that there's been like gambling in a movie, I'm like, you know, good enough. I get it now. And so that's kind of where I've stood on on gambling films like I've just never like fully understood them enough to be like, oh, yeah, I'm an expert at this because I'm just not

Brandon  54:12

very good. Colin, may you value I enjoy watching

Collin  54:19

people do that in more professional obviously, like poker, those kinds of things, specifically to the gambling movie genre. However, no, this is not something that I have intentionally sought out. Really thought about because I think they just very easily or fall in line with more of the heist films like it's very easy into that realm, that side of things. So that's where I've always fallen on and but kind of come at this a little differently. And think about what exactly entails gambling. And those aspects. I haven't haven't really done much watching across different kinds of Filmed.

Brandon  55:03

Again, I would have to say that I'm kind of like a mix of both of you guys, because like, I think I have seen a lot of gambling movies, but I think it's been by accident. Right? Because like, when I was looking at the list of like gambling movies or whatever, I was like, I've seen that. Oh, yeah, that movie. And then I thought it was like, Okay, I guess that wouldn't be back in like, but like, it was never an intentional choice. Right? It was never like, oh, man, I want to watch this. Because it's about gambling. Because I'm kind of with Aaron on this. Like, I don't gamble. I don't like gambling. And it's not because I'm like, morally opposed to it. It's because I don't have the attention span for gambling. Right? It's a very bad thing for me, because like, I don't, I don't have the patience to be like strategic and like, that kind of stuff. Like is not, hey, I don't like it. Even when they put it in, like my video games. Like whenever I had to do the gambling side quests and like Red Dead Redemption, too. I was like, Oh, look, why, no, I hate this. So that's kind of where I'm at. They're like, I know how they work. And I kind of understand them, but I don't like them. Because I'm not patient. I don't have time for that. And, and so because of that, I just never like, I don't think it's like, it's not something I enjoy. And like, Oh, that's so cool. Like, I'm not I'm not that person. And so the gambling movies that I have seen, I think has been mostly by accident. Because they're like, some sort of action movie that has a bunch of gambling in it. Or like, whatever, but it's never a genre that I have, like, sought out and be like, Oh, yes, I am want to watch this movie specifically for the gambling

Aaron  56:54

step. Right? Yeah.

Brandon  56:58

Yeah, yeah. Same. i It's not something that a lot of time and so this was an interesting looking through lists of various things. Come up with this. So do we have any more opening statements before we dive in? I don't. I don't. Aaron, nothing. I'm good. Okay, okay. Well, who wants to lose off with their with the movie they watch? Or do I go? Okay, Brandon? Oh, yeah, I'll go first, I guess. Sure. Oh, okay. Did you want to go for exam?

Aaron  57:45

Yeah, I'll go over mine real quick. Um, as far as like, kind of like a true, like, horror. Isn't that hold on? I have my written down. Yes. So kind of a classic. This one's kind of odd to me. I always kind of considered like more of a mob film, that that did have kind of a influenced like an emphasis on gambling because that was kind of the main, like, that's what kept it in business. And I'm gonna go with 1995 Casino with Robert De Niro. Oh, okay. Yeah, so that one it shall be really likes those movies. And like when I have it on or something, and it's like, we're watching this, okay. And so that's kind of a unique little thing for us to kind of watch together. Especially when again, I know absolutely nothing about gambling. It's just kind of fun to watch. Like the gambling, although it's not like, not like the main focus. It's a part of the focus that makes it important. And so that's kind of why I always find it interesting to watch again, although I know absolutely nothing about gambling. I always find it just like, oh, this is actually kind of cool. And so that's kind of where I stand with it. You know, you can be it's got a little bit of everything for everybody. You know, gambling, kind of the development of what United's like Las Vegas came to be, and kind of all that stuff. And so for me, it's just fun to watch. Although, again, no nothing about it. Or anything or anything like that. And so that I just enjoy it. It's, you know, it's got its, you know, very mafia based parts. And that's, that's kind of the fun of it. i Oh, here's the mob part. And so like, yeah, bam. So that's, I get a kick out of it. Just because it's like a movie that not everybody can watch, but everyone is at least like oh, yeah, you know, I know that movie. And so that's to me why I kind of picked because it's got everything that you need in like, if you just watch like a true gambling film, it's like, oh, people sitting at a car table, or people like, oh, man, we got to do this. And there's like, I mean, like, is that it? Is there more? And so that's kind of why I picked it because it's got a little bit of everything with it. So it's not just like a one trick pony to me anyways. And so

Brandon  1:00:27

that's why I picked this, you know? Okay. I like it. Hey, sir. Did you Did you ever watch multiple movies or pick multiple movies through this?

Aaron  1:00:37

I had, I had multiple films that I have seen as far as like, recently, and that's like, the most recent that I've watched watch.

Brandon  1:00:44

I just, I just watched one, so I will just just let throwing that out there. I also just watched one this time as well. Okay. I didn't I didn't watch like 17 Sorry. I was ready for I had like nine tabs open. Ready for site colon Right. Now, titles. You're thrown at me as busy. Go into the Amazon store. Man. I had sharp stuff to do. Shopping. Sorry. Okay. Okay, cool. Cool. Well, I will, I'll go next. I'll go next. Alright. Okay. So, obviously, the movie that I picked is set in Las Vegas, and I think is an excellent commentary on stocks, as always, like a mystery. Like, what is Colin, it's exciting

Collin Funkhouser  1:01:35

commentary on on what actually goes on gambling. And I think the the institutions around gambling, it's pretty, I think some of the ethos of like casinos, and the kind of people that go there, but it really is kind of a it does this obviously through comedy, which because I fall into comedies a lot of time and, and gambling is about putting stuff on the line and kind of losing yourself at some point knowing when to stop right and pull back. And unfortunately, some people times people gamble with their family. And so I watched I watched Vegas vacation

Collin  1:02:18

as as a gambling film, because, because because while not while not the major reason they go to Vegas to I think obviously grizzled is interested in gambling, and it's kind of going there for selfish reasons. He does go down the rabbit hole. And if we're being honest, the best part of that film is when he and cousin Eddie are in the discount casino and he's betting 20 bucks on heads or tails or 20 bucks on pick a number between one and 10 it's just it's done. It was such seriousness on the on the casino side where you're like, that's stupid enough that that probably is somewhere that some time and as we talked about the opening of what makes a great casino movie is that the plot point hinges on the outcome of this and at the very end when they are playing I forget what they're playing what is that they're gambling at the at the table right the partner next to him dies of a heart attack and gives them the winning winning amount from the from his earnings and they take that before it gets scooped up by the by the vacuum cleaner to kind of regain some of his money and and they bring back his family through through the process. So great, great. He put himself on the line and lost his family and then risked it all to get them back in that's that's about gambling and staying on the edge there. So oh, I watched I watch Vegas vacation which okay for being very honest. I forgot was the fourth in the series and it is awful. It isn't really the fourth. Yes. Yes. Which 1am I missing I can only think of three. The film series includes National Lampoon's Vacation. European vacation. Christmas vacation is number three, although there's just a vacation. Yes, the VAT and the National Lampoon's Vacation came out in 1983 and 85 is the European vacation. Christmas vacation is 89 Vegas vacation is 97 Is it weird? Was it 90? So is it really it was that late? Oh, wow. Also, I didn't remember that. It was just Napa. National Lampoon's Vacation. I had I just forgot that was the title of that movie. I knew there was just one that's a bad title. Yes. Yeah, I forgot about the European one existing altogether, but like Yes, I actually Lampoon's Vacation. That's a terrible what you doing, buddy? Then there was a Christmas vacation too in 2003 Electric Boogaloo. Yeah. And then and then there was just the name vacation and 2015. That's, that's too many of those, which is even worse and Chevy Chase doesn't even. Oh no Chevy Chase isn't that I think briefly because like a cameo. No, seriously, he's way at the end. He's in there like Chris Hemsworth and Christina Applegate and Ed Helms. It's not a very, very bad movie. But this was the fourth Vegas vacation was the fourth film in the series. And it shows is not good. It's very bad movie. Don't actually watch this this is my recommendation is to watch Vegas vacation. But at the end with the gambling is everywhere. We're building up to the all this is to build up to the to Grizzle all reaching as low point and then coming back out. And that's that's the that's the good part. Everything else prior to that is bad. Basically the day, there's a day where they're like, because everything goes wrong. Like this is where they do the

Brandon  1:06:17

Oh, the Hoover Dam scene and a couple other stuff and everything goes wrong. So they agreed to have an alone day. And that's where he goes and gambled away all this family's money. The alone day forward is is decent, but everything before that is terrible. So that's my texting just went watch the back. Just watch the end only. Yeah, no, seriously, you do yourself well, really.

Collin  1:06:40

But I looked through, I looked I scrolled and went and looked at lists and all sorts of stuff. And I gotta be real here. I have seen hardly I've seen none of these movies that are on all of the lists of like, major ones. And I've only seen Vegas vacation like one time. Like it's really I think there's another one out here that had seen. But yeah, I was this is this is a category where I not not familiar with it all. And a lot of these are older films a lot. I'll just true. Most of the films that I saw were like 70s and 80s. Were like gambling, I think it was much bigger than was much bigger, at least in the film. Film wise. That was something that I noticed too. Is that like, you don't get very many films that

Brandon  1:07:33

are in the 2000s. Yeah, well, I mean, I think there's a few but they're more like actually, because that's when like they're like poker based because that's a big thing. Right? Like Yeah. So anyway, I just some things that I enjoy my watch biggest vacation, but don't you know, please don't go do that. Alright, there we go. So there are many classic gaming movies. Right? Like gaming news, I have seen like there's some months as a pool, right? You know, that's, there's some there. There love about card games, right cards and stuff like that. But I watched one of those. I went way outside the box here. Okay, because I had seen a lot of these movies on the list or like the normal ones. I'd seen him before. I think I had friends that like them. You think that's the type of gear. So I went and I went to left field, right? My movie does not take place in Las Vegas. My movie does not take place in the United States at all. Actually. Getting one interesting. Okay. Are we betting on? Ah, what are we betting on? It's not cards at all. Right? No card games. I watched a South Korean movie about bowling. Okay, this movie is called split. Which is rather confusing because there's an American movie called split about multiple personality disorder by MI Chalon. That came out the same year. Weirdly, so you can't even Google split 2016 Because they'll just give you have to do split bowling South Korea. And then boom, you get it. It's like right there. This movie actually has a little bit extra title for a bowling movie, by the way. I mean, yeah, it's yeah, it's a really good really good, okay, it's really good. Anyway, so. So this movie is kind of insane. It's like super dramatic, at some point, right? But this is a Korean language film. And so this movie chronicles the life of our K, South South Korean listeners. I'm very sorry for the butchering of names. It's about to happen. I was apologizing in advance. Anybody that speaks Korean is listening to this. I'm sorry. Okay. Here's my disclaimer. All right? Our protagonist. Guy, here is Yun Chol Young. Right? He is like an ex professional superstar bowler. Right. Like, golden child of bowling in South Korea. Okay. And now he is like, working in a junkyard. Right? You meet him in the beginning of every he's got like a leg injury. Right? And what he does now is him and his friend here. Jiu Heejun this lady is like the daughter of like, maybe his old coach or something. I don't really know. She owns a bowling alley.

Aaron  1:11:13

She's like,

Brandon  1:11:16

the bat maker. Right? And him and like a partner. Go and they play games. And what happens is this lady will meet up with another person. And they'll like it's her team, like her bowling team. Right? And they basically played doubles matches. Where there's two person teams bowling, and she makes bets on the game. Right? And so she's making bets like, oh, yeah, this game, you know, this game is going to be like $1,000. Right? And they bet and whoever wins the game gets the money. That's how this works. Right? That's kind of their shtick. So they just do that. That's what they do. They play pool, there's a little bit of like, bowling. I mean, there's a little bit like the pool hustler mentality. Like they'll like throw a game, you know, like, they'll lose like real close on purpose. And then they'll up the bat. And then they'll like, win the next game. You know what I mean? That's kind of how they they kind of like bowling Hustler's. Clearly, okay, right. And so that's what he does. Okay. Now, they're trying to get $30,000 to buy back her father's bowling alley, from this other ex pro professional. Whose goes by the name of toad in this movie. He's like, if he's like, evil Korean Biff character, right? Like he's a jerk. He's like the mega antagonists like he's the ex bowler guy. But like, he never beat our hero ever. Alright, and he's like, real better guy. But he's more successful now. After the bully crews over he's all like, dressed all pretty and stuff, right? But he's a jerk. He's kind of the worst. And he currently owns the lien on the bowling alley. And he doesn't like want them to pay it back because he likes holding it over them and stuff. So anyway, he goes our hero goes and works at this bowling alley where he meets an unlikely partner in bowling. Right? He meets this young kid who later like I'm gonna say, kid, but he's like in his 20s he's like 26 I think name Park

Aaron  1:13:49

Yong Hoon, who is autistic?

Brandon  1:13:54

And a bowling enthusiast. So like it there's this weird like, it's like Rain Man style, right? Like, he's just like, really good at bowling. Like he's both strikes like all the time. Like, what the heck, what are you doing? And so they like team up and become a doubles? Pair, right? He has to convince him. And then there's all these like, you go through the whole drama of like, oh, I you know, at first he just wanted to be his partner so we could win money. But then like, he really starts to care about this kid. And it becomes invested in him he finds out about his life and how bad it is like his parents disowned him and all this stuff like that. Right. So that plot is happening. Okay, blah blah. Then you there's like this big tournament that's coming up plays big betting thing, right? And like jerk guy wants to like, steal away the younger kid and exploit his bully ingenious for his own personal game, but he doesn't care about he's like super faithful to him and like, our hero doesn't like that and pull the line. So, like, the end is like this. There's like this massive betting thing happening between like, Chinese businessmen and our Korean team, right, obviously. And it's like, like crazy high stakes money, right? And that's like the end scene is this like super high stakes bowl off for like, all this stuff, bowling alley back and save this kid's future and you find out a lot about the past. Like what happened to our guy?

Aaron  1:15:38

Why he doesn't Bill anymore?

Brandon  1:15:39

What what happened to everything. It's really kind of crazy. It's really interesting how they like that kind of breadcrumb you along and all of a sudden, they like, drop a reveal on you like, whoa, whatever. Like, you find out that the kid is some of his like, when he bowls he's because he's artistic. He does these weird, like, it's a pattern every time he does the exact same thing. And you find out the reason that he is doing that is because when he was a kid, all he did was watch the bowling tapes of our hero guy when he used to be a professional. So he's mimicking him. Interest the whole time. Yeah, he's like all his little like tics and stuff. It's because he's trying to mimic exactly what the other guy's doing. And like the first time he watches in bowl, he makes a comment like your form looks weird. Oh, and it's because he has the leg brace on. Right. And he didn't use the bullet the labor so now he goes a little bit stilted because he's got this leg brace on his knee. Yeah, and but it's because he watched all these tapes of him forever. Because he went when he wasn't doing that. So some other weird twist in there. But overall, this movie is actually pretty good. I did it. Really know what to expect from this. I was like, I just didn't want to watch it because I was like, why don't like card games? Really? This one's about bowling. I kind of understand how bowling works. I want to see I'm gonna watch this. And so it's this like super high stakes gambling movie that involves bowling. Yeah, he's me with lots of questions like do South Koreans really like bowling? Yeah. Is this a thing? Because this movie would lead me to believe this is my only. This might be the only South Korean movie I've ever watched also, by the way. Maybe there might be another one. But if it is, it's like to this movie would lead me to believe that bowling is a hugely popular sport in South Korea. I did some quick googling. I don't think that's quite true. But I don't know it was.

Collin  1:17:52

I do have to quickly say here real quick. For those listeners who are frantically googling for split. Obviously we need to disambiguate it from 2016, right. Chamberlain's movie split the American film. Also, if you Google split bowling, there was a another movie called split that came out in 2016. That is about bowling. But it's about but it's about a woman who turns 30 Who has a thing for bowlers that decides to marry one of her dream men who was a bowler and she's going to make it all hat so under a month. So not that one. And that's the one I originally copied. And I started putting into the show notes. And I was like, what this is this big spread is describing the brain and watch this film. And then I went oh, no, I need to search for it didn't Hurrian bowling split? 2006 Yeah, that will if you split if you Google. If you Google split Korean movie. Yes. That will be it will be your first

Brandon  1:18:52

one split 20 16x and drama is two hours long. Which is it's a bit but it's a good moves pretty good. There's not too many downspouts in that movie. It's pretty good. Yeah, directed by Troy cook key again. Sorry. Hey, Ki I apologize, sir. So yeah, I like this gonna be a lot. It's a little dramatic. Right? It's a little over the top here. There. You're like, alright, what? I'm not gonna spoil it. But like the end. I was like, If this ends like before, you know, they do the thing. And then it's like, oh, here's the reveal. Like, like, if movie ends like this. I'll be mega mad that I sat through this whole day. It's fine. But like I was like turns out alright. Everything's good. But like, I was about to be real grumpy with this movie. Yeah. Fascinating. Fascinating. Yeah, it's nuts. Okay, I like this. Like this was good. Okay, so Yes, so I recommend split South Korean movie 2016. And I think that's, that's the key. So my so my follow up question here is we've watched each gambling movie. I mean, yeah, I mean, arguably, I did as well, me too. Is this a genre that you are interested in seeing more of? Aaron?

Aaron  1:20:29

I think for me, like, kind of what Brandon talked about earlier that it is kind of like an older genre, that there's not like, things that are coming out that are like pure gambling, and if it is, it's like, tied in to something where it's only like a part of it. I know, there's that one movie that I had on my list. But I didn't watch it, because I thought it was not that interesting, but it's like a movie where he my kids count cards. And it's like, oh, you know, it's about like, breaking the system. And it's like, Yeah, it's cool. And they're trying to, like, go for a younger audience, but it just never really, like, hit with me. And so I think a lot of people, you know, as far as like, you know, pure big block books or dusters. They're not like, oh, man, this is awesome gambling movies, gonna do it. And that's kind of how I feel. But just like, it's just not like, that big of a genre as it once was, is back in the 70s and 80s. And kind of that range, or it's like, all these, you know, cool movies, like had it incorporated, but it just like, wasn't its own standalone thing. That's how I feel because I just the movies that we watched, like, our hybrid movies like, Ocean's 11 Where it's like gambling and the heist movie, it's not just like its own personal thing. That's kind of the thing with mine with casino it just like there's this whole overall like overlying like arc of you know, the mob and you know, the mafia and like, all the things I did in Vegas, and it's like, the core of it is gambling, but it's not the main focus. And so what I watched like sit down like watch like a pure gambling movie, probably not. But I would I would I watched a movie that has gambling like in its core, probably.

Brandon  1:22:28

Well, and I think for me, Brandon has kind of hit on the niche of this genre that is square up my alley is gambling on obscure things and making movies out of that, that bowling like poker. Hey, I, I think I would probably watch just about any movie now that I think now that I'm thinking about this, if I think the more obscure the gambling that is being displayed or showcased, I think the more likely it is to hook me in to, to watching all of it multiple times. Yeah, that's why I didn't want to watch on the card games. Because like most the majority of gambling movies are about poker, or blackjack. That's it. Right? There are other ones about there's like, two movies about pool. Right? And like a couple about horse racing, maybe. But that's kind of sort of, right. Like it's all. And so when I saw that this one I saw, I was just looking through the list and I saw this, the poster thing has like bowling pins on it. And I was like, wait, what? I'm watching this having a scare. I need to be able to watch this. Where can I watch this? And like, my movie is ostensibly a drama, right? Because it's very, like human drama. But like, literally every scene has gambling in it. So I counted, because they're always gambling. They're always gambling. All the plot revolves about like, their next bowling, gambling match. Like, everything is about you find out that his past had a little bit of gambling in it as well. Which is why he's wearing a knee brace. Denta Don, like all this stuff, so yeah, this is 100% a gambling movie. It's like hardcore Ghibli movie but yeah, I agree. Kind of the same lines as Colin like, if there's, if there's more movies, I can watch where people are evolving the plot by gambling on other games that are not card based. I might want to watch it because it's just more interesting. Like how are they doing that? Like what did they do? I agree. Well, because yeah, so it's just like you gamble on what are like what what are the exact mechanics on that and yeah, just hit some of the novelty of it. Which to me is one reason why I love that scene where in my in my Vegas vacation where Clark and Eddie go to the off brand Casino. Because it is just so crazy. Like what he's betting on like, the picket number or like yeah, which hand is this in or like heads or tails of like, those are crazy. But also, that's what I would love to see. Like I would actually love to see somebody do do something like that or or whatever. So you should watch a South Korean movie about bowling. I haven't. Haven't I have split? 2016 Not that one and the other half Korean the other one as a weird three movies game about the same title that all say split parenthesis 2016 So it has to be split parenthesis, South Korean film 2016 or split apps parentheses 2016 American film or just split 2016 Well, actually, it doesn't have a disambiguation because nobody watched it because it only was an awful film. It was worse than the one I watched apparently. So anyway. Yeah, probably. Well, it sounds great. No, it's not strictly reading over the synopsis. I was like this is this garbage. Anyway. So Well, cool. We we've done it. We've made this one recording sounds seamless. Yes. Easy peasy. Hurray. Hurray, Ray sorry for my squeaky chair in the background. And move around way too much. This is why I have a yoga ball in my office set of natural chair Yeah, thought a pop. Did you get a new one that went with have it Yeah, we're gonna go with another yoga ball. Yeah, I just have to spend I just have to be home long enough to actually get it. fair. That's fair right now. Yes. Anyway, well, I love it. Hey. Very good. Well, gents, we will do this again. Just against you. All right.

Aaron  1:26:56

Now love it.

Brandon  1:26:57

Okay, love you guys.



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