pedantic land

Collin extolls the the virtues of voice-to-text, Aaron is on all the Zoom calls, and Brandon isn’t that into leadership. We talk about the things we judge because we know about the behind the scene work. We divert into a short stint into Pencil Corner, and then we get an update on Trial By Fire: Total War: Warhammer III and Brandon visits a MOVIE theater…in PERSON. WE get the in-depth review of “Those Who Wish Me Dead” that you’ve been waiting for.

  • Voice to text

  • Separation anxiety in dogs

  • Zoom call Aaron

  • Record keeping

  • Pedantic-land

  • Brandon’s not into leadership

  • Tracking our work

  • Slight addendum - HAIR CUT

  • Brandon judges live music

  • Collin judges audio mixing

  • Aaron judges hats

  • PENCIL corner...Sorry….

  • Trial By Fire: Total War: Warhammer III

  • Edit ~50min Aaron muted himself

  • Brandon saw a MOVIE!!!!

  • Those Who Wish Me Dead

  • Its fine...and very confused about what it is

  • Movie review corner

  • Movie theatre pandemic rules

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movie, people, movie theater, day, watch, called, talking, aaron, dog, game, theater, pencil, thought, videos, fine, hear, big, popcorn, fire, cool


Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Collin and Aaron. On this week's show, a gigantic land. Hey, this is good.



I was I was using that 30 minutes between eight and right



now to write a blog post on separation anxiety or nothing. Okay, that goes out tomorrow. Much faster typist than I then because it is the wonder of voice to tech. Oh, I is like a total game changer. I try my hardest to never actually type anything. And that's mostly because I spend on my phone. That it is incredibly difficult for me to write in for anything of length on my phone, especially when I'm away from my phone in my computer. When I'm out doing drop ins or whenever I'm at work, you know, work work, or I'm doing this other stuff. It's like, I just need to sit down and I can man I can bloviate fill up those pages fast. Yeah. So pro tip voice tech. Yeah. Well, if I speak slowly and succinctly enough for that to function all the time, you know, it tend to get pretend to like speed up, the listeners will know this is true. I mean, I do I do it all day in Google Docs. And it is pretty good at it. Right. And that's true. I do have to go back in and add sometimes periods or commas or whatever, do some editing, but I would have to edit myself anyway. So that's a good point. It kind of is a way for me to just keep because the out my brain thinks a lot faster than my little fingers can type and I get frustrated and then I kind of lose the thread of where I'm going. I can't keep it all in in this way. I can at least just literally vomit words onto a page in and then go back and assimilate them because that tends to be a little bit easier for me in my editing process. These days, at least. When I'm so scatterbrained. That's true. Well, there you go. Yes. pets have separation anxiety. You heard it here first ladies and gentlemen. It is so bad. I I it is it really bad. Yeah. Because everybody's everybody, everybody. The last year the here's the your pet corner. Last year, there was an 11% increase in pet ownership. Most of them for the first time. Usually annual growth is between one to 3%. Oh, wow. Okay, around. Okay. Yeah, just to put that into perspective. And then everybody spent all day with them. And yeah, for a year, a year. And now they're like, Oh, I must leave and go back to work. And the dogs are like, What now? I don't believe we've talked about this and you haven't weed out what I don't, I'm not okay. And we the number. I mean, this is for our business. Now people who have said things like, Well, are you going to be you can't be left alone at all, like you couldn't be around them? 24 seven? And it's like, no, what do you mean, at all? Not so and you wouldn't, you wouldn't want to pay my rates for me to be around them. 24 seven? No, you wouldn't want that either. That's very real about though.



It's kind of nuts. Like, I don't know. Think that people



like, adult people. I was gonna say functioning but let's be real. Like lock yourself with would still like, go Oh, yes, this dog will just magically take care of itself. Like



what? Nobody. What? Well, I think right now,



here's the problem. Okay, this is not this is not the problem the second half of my statement problem. There are currently somewhere around 130 million pets in the US. United States right now. And of those, something between 70, about 70% of those are viewed as members of a family. And so the owners see how the dog reacts to them, and thinks that those are good emotions coming towards them. It's, it's adorable when my little puppy whines for me, because that means they love me, and I am needed. And good, right. And what they don't realize is that that dog is mentally unable to manage and cope with emotions and stresses in a healthy manner and is actually dependent upon the presence of their guardian to help calm them down. And not good. They have, they're not concerned about raising they don't think about raising a mentally mature and healthy dogs, right. They think about its physical health of eating exercise and getting the proper food, but don't concern themselves with an emotionally healthy dog. Like what does that even mean? And even like, self regulate yourself like that. People aren't thinking about that. That's what people are thinking about. They like the dog that runs to them and clings to them when they sit on the couch, or, or whines for them when they leave. And so their goodbye is 45 minutes in the morning as they're like, ooh, likes a dog whining. It's an awful noise. bike. It's terrible. No, it was not pleasant. I'm not okay with it. Oh, yes. But Brown. So we are writing, I'm writing a blog post. And we're doing some stuff to help educate people in our area and get them connected with some trainers. Because the unfortunate part is that once people realize the dog has separation anxiety, it's usually at the point where the dog is starting to damage things and break stuff scratch cabinets apart, right? And it's like, why is the dog doing that many people go, Oh, my dogs doing that? Because they're angry at me that I laugh, right? Like No, no, you're anthropomorphizing way too much here. Your dog. dogs get like mad. Your dog is doing that. Because they are you have shut them in a small box. And they you know, even though the box may be the whole house, right? It's small to them. But yeah, they are now trying to, they are in fear mode. Because you their guardian have left and they don't know how to be okay, they're trying to actually get out and find you, and get out and get away from the claustrophobia. So, at that point, like you're dealing with a lot of things and you're having to go way back to just like basic, like crate training, and good manners and, and yeah, checking up on their health and making sure they don't have underlying health conditions. But you're working with a trainer at that point, you're bringing on a dog walker, so they can come midday, check on them, get them exercise is still a part of that, right? Because they need to release that energy in a way that's useful. Yes. So right, and they go or you leave taking them on a really good walk, having a set routine desensitizing. So this this counter desensitizing them to the stimulus, doing a lot of positive reinforcement, having someone come in the middle of the day to do a walk, and then in the evenings you're going to training and you're working on Yeah, well, and you know, again, walking them when they get home because they think do you have any pent up energy? getting that out? Walk? Yeah. And then Okay, here we go. What many people do is they go, Oh, I need to get them on puppy Prozac because they're stressed. Ah, yeah. Going, look like medications should be your, the end result. Like, you've tried all this? Yeah. Cuz some dogs do need that because they have a sort of imbalance, right? But yeah, it's not like, I'm not again, not saying that. It's not a thing. It's just, it's just when, when that's your first go to, it's like, I hate to say it, but at that point, you're being a lazy owner. You're not willing to actually help your dog. You're just wanting to find the easiest fix make them stop tearing up. Well, I mean, if we think about how, like American pharmaceutical culture works anyway, yeah, that's the same thing that people do their very own self right there you go, Oh, I have this and and then they just go I can take medicine and it's fine. And they don't think about like, well, I could, like, you know, change my diet. Now. I don't change my diet. When things mess. It's fine. Yeah, I could, you know, I mean five minutes in the evening and not have back problems or I could be on a horse relaxing. You know. Yes.



But you're like that's Yeah, that's,



that's the other thing that plays into it a little bit because they're conditioned to do that to themselves. Yep. So they do that. Anyway. Yes. Yeah. So that's what I was doing last 30 minutes. Aaron. Aaron, what have you been doing Mr. mee? But as far as like today goes, I don't know. No, yes. Only in the last 30 minutes. What?



Did you write a blog post? 30 minutes? Did you know Aaron was in training all day? Oh, yeah, I was good. Yeah. So dramatically throughout the years, someone find some sort of program in like the upper echelon of the state that, Hey, I know who could use that entire state agency. So yeah. So someone somewhere probably good idea to be like, oh, there's a thing called, it's something called hope training. And don't ask me what it was because I can't tell you because I wasn't paying attention. It It was mostly about different programs or ways to, you know, bring hope back into some of our families. But it's a kind of a weird program that no one's ever going to use. So it's kind of mood and begin with with whatever. So from about 930 this morning till about three o'clock in the afternoon, I was glued to my laptop. because it'd be like a 20 minute video. Five question quiz. 30 minute video. Two questions, but 45 minute video. Five question quiz. That's a 30 minute question. 30 minute video. Oh, so yeah, yeah, so that's what I did all day.



I can't imagine why you would struggle paying attention to such a no in depth, personalized learning experience.



If someone someone it was they recorded a zoom call, and they put it in like a video and so it was us watching people interact on a zoom call about Yang so that's what that's what Aaron did. All day a lot about programs and different ways to facilitate that with battling with the state. Yeah, so that's what that's I'm tired. Yeah, that's literally all I did all day. Today. I didn't go out anywhere. I didn't leave. I stayed put, and watch that. Watch those. Like, I can't even tell you how many videos that were. That's how bad it was. though. Yeah, that's what that's what I did. In regards to today. I sat here and watched the videos. And then people called me I said not now. Watch the video. I will call you back. And then I never did. Because there were people I didn't know. So. Well. I go Yeah, Eric, I was a little bitter today. Because I decided to deal with this. Right? Yeah, it was me it was pretty us it was in retrospect it was easy. Flight. Oh, my God, watch those videos like oh, here's Oh, and tomorrow after we have a early morning meeting. I also have to watch more videos for another training that I don't know what it's about. Because they kind of be like, Oh, hey, this you know, these people are doing this program. We thought it's a good idea if everybody did it. And oh, you have a week to watch six videos So good luck. So on top of everything that I already do, I now have that on top of it. Plus, you know, call people go out and see people type sleep. So that is that's that's what's that's literally all my week is like oh, I think I'm gonna type stuff. I can't type stuff. I have to watch this. Okay, I'm gonna watch this guy type stuff out now. All right, I'm just gonna sit here a little bit. I'm by



let's good that you're not holding anything inside about it.



That's all all there has been. During this week at least, very vengeful, very lovely. Now



what about you, Mr. Mr. Brandon, there? Are you done classes?



Are they done? Now? Friday? Friday, so it's just sort of like, random things happening this week. So it's just kind of like I mean, class is class over? Yes. Are we still in school? Also? Yes. So? Yeah. Yeah. Just gotta like, hanging out watching some videos and doing stuff like talking about things, randomly cleaning parts of my room. Yeah. That's kind of it, right? It's that weird, that it's that weird, like end of the year, time where all the i's need to be dotted, and T's crossed, right. And it's all these like, really hyper specific things that I don't actually remember how to do, or like, are not really normally relevant to my life. And I don't think about them. And then they're like, do this and like, what are we talking about? Like all the little fine detail paperwork that I don't generally concern myself with, because my brain doesn't really function in that kind of space. Like, it's not like a I'm not like a hyper detail oriented person. So when you're like, here's your checkout checklist. I'm like, Yeah, what do you mean? And they're like, you know, I always forget, they're like turning your grade book. I don't have one. So like, I don't keep a physical



book. Because that's



just, I don't need that my life. There's on my computer, there's a central computer system to do that. And so that's what I do. But apparently, for record keeping purposes, and to ensure that if something ever were to happen to the computer system, and since these are, quote, permanent records, I must provide copies for my gradebook to be filed away. Were in some filing cabinet for several for X number of years before they just get thrown away, because that's what happens they have to be stored for some number of years in a physical manifestation. And then after said, time expires, they throw them out. Wow. Or what's also happens in our school anyway, especially. I talked to one of the janitor guys last summer, they get stored in some random back closet. And people forget where they put them. And so last year, he was digging around last year, he had a lot of extra time. Right? And so he was just cleaning out these closets and stuff. And he's like, I found these records from 1983 is like, around, like, stashed in places. He they're like, yeah, we could throw away He's like, okay, we have to go in and, and because our our gradebook system is so user friendly. It's so wonderful. There's not like a print gradebook button. There's a what? Yes, there's not a print gradebook button. It does not exist. And for some reason, yeah, it's not there. So I have to go into each class. I think for both semesters, and manually export everything to an Excel spreadsheet and print that. Oh, which is terribly inefficient and disgusting. Why would they? I have no idea. It doesn't make any sense to me. It's so ridiculous. And they're like, make sure that you get checked off that you have your lunch balance paid. First of all, you administrator can just go online and look. There's a person whose job that is, like are the accountant the lady. That's just what she does. She can just look at it and go you owe $7.56 or if you're like me, you owe like literally over $100 a month. You haven't paid for an idiot but like Fine, don't worry about it. It's fine. Yeah, it's okay. So like, it's just like, there's no reason that I have to do that. Right? There's no yeah. And there's also in since we're living in pedantic land, they told me print off the professional development log. That sounds to me like there's one already made somewhere. Yeah. Yeah. There's one there is. I looked I scoured the internet, we have an intranet site thingy, right? That has all our little forums, you can offer the world Blam, you can either our exciting training videos are on there, when you need to learn about blood borne pathogens. Bam, there they are, right there. That's one of the things we have to watch every year at the beginning of the year. Here's the training videos about that. And one of them is about blood borne pathogens. And it's the funniest. Hilarious. Okay, it's still like, can't be in weird. But anyway, anyway. They, it's not there. And so I made one. I just looked at the calendar. I looked at all the PD days. I've made one, I printed it off. Nice. It was all done. And she was like, you can't use that one. I was like, What? So they sent out this checklist to be done like three weeks ago.



Last Monday, on Monday, she emailed the professional development lockout to one sec, are you thinking, kidding?



is wrong with you? Why would you do that? Wow. There was something else. She said. I can't remember what it was. He was like, here's another form that you need. I was like, and she like sent this checklist in a Google form. Write a Google form that is cataloged in the Google Forms thing in which you can go and look at all the results mobile. Then she says, make sure you print off the Google Form and turn it in with your stuff.



Oh my god, what are you? Hi. That's, that's ridiculous.



It doesn't make any sense. Like, listen, mostly stuff I hear is like asinine. Anyway, do like, make sure your learning team binder is turned in, like yes, no, I'm just gonna keep that. Why do you, man? Yeah, mine does actually count anyway, because mine, I work with the high school. So it's somewhere over there. I don't have that I don't touch it. It's not mine. I bring things I put them in there. And I gave it back. They they go. Like, all these things are like, to me, they're in the way of the things that I should I want to be doing right. But they're, like, important to other people in our importances are not meshing currently. It's like stressing me out. I'm



like, okay, about your checklist. It's fine.



It's but it's, it's crazy how, like, how often that comes into play. Because as you're talking, I'm thinking about, just like, the number of, you know, paperwork that I have to do. Like, one of the things that just calls me is I'm, I'm our I'm not hourly. But I have to record my hours every week. Yeah, and yeah, that's a thing that we have to do too, because it's like, for auditing tax purposes, you have to be like, dude, well, yeah, exactly. It's like, Okay, well, and the department wants to see, how much time did you spend in your week on priority watershed, or on priority geography or on accounting or on bookkeeping, or on meetings or so that at the end of the fiscal year, they can pull up a huge dashboard and say, well, we say our top five priorities for the department are x, y, z, w. b, but the hours that our employees are actually putting into don't reflect that. So how do we get these more in a line? Actually, what they're trying to do with them and, and I know some of it also is they get federal reimbursement are some of their expenditures. And if you do, like right now, if you have to spend your time on, on hogs, you code those out. is a special way the department uses the hog money grant to pay for your salary. Basically what happened? I hope you caught them I heart pigs, I think that's what you put on there. And I just, oh, it just I hurt every time I had to sit down at every, every Thursday and make sure I'm caught up and then Friday, make sure I submitted for the weekend. And then we also do these I know, I know, this is just me complaining about like, having to do like, quarterly pulse check in and filling out my independent growth development. And my five year plan that I have, yeah, we have those. My educator growth plan, can I re I just want to go back my work. Luckily, they got too busy at the end of the year for them to do that. And so she was like, we're gonna re talk about this at the beginning of next year. So you can format your educated like, because at the beginning of school, we had like two weeks of just professional development like straight. Yeah. Which is also code for like, get your room in order, which is I like having him at the beginning. I think two weeks is a bit much. Because one year, they were like, one day a PD and then like school started, I was like, What? Oh, wow. Yeah. But since the state of Missouri decided like, what last year like school has to start on this day for the entire state. Because the Missouri State Government has nothing better to do apparently than just pass really random and arbitrary laws.



You wouldn't we had all of our



PE and the first like, two weeks, and then like none the rest, like just randomly like a day here. Because we normally spread them out like Mondays. Right? But in order to keep like things and so we didn't have to end up going to school till June 12. They were like, okay, we're just gonna slam them all here, because we can be in school before that day. But the kids can. Like, yeah, blab. We just slammed while at the way. But yeah, it's that sorry. There's like the educated growth plan. And but she was like, make sure you listen to this, like inspirational podcast, and write down your takeaways and put them into this form. And I was like,



No, no, no, no, no, no.



He's one of those like, really weird, like, leadership, like, kind of things that I'm not into, that a lot of people are. So listeners, if you're into that kind of thing. I still love you. It's okay. You're allowed to like that. It's just not for me.



And like, two leaders? I think that no, I



not too into leadership. Like talks. I've heard this thing before. And they're really, yeah, they fly in my face about a lot of stuff. So I disagree with them. They come off as disingenuous A lot of times, right? I just feel like they're just anyway. So she was like, do all this and but I was like, Oh, no, this is gonna be a bad time. When I go in there. I have to talk to her about this. Because I'll be like, Listen, you're going to get in trouble. Right? Yeah, like, so what do you think I didn't. So yeah, I understand that we have to do all that kind of stuff, too. And it's, I mean, I understand why you need to do that. Like, it's good. Especially, like, if you've been doing it for like, several years, right? People, especially the teaching profession, they just fall into the trap of like, well, I'm just gonna do all the same stuff I did before. Right? Yeah, you just kind of fall into this trap of, I have plan, I follow plan done. And, you know, that's a way to go about things, but so I appreciate that. She's trying to make sure that people are really reflecting and being critical and all that stuff. But like, again, it just doesn't mesh with my personal like, the way that my brain functions, the space that my brain functions, because I do all that stuff, like real fast, and then I'm on to the next thing. I'm like, oh, that didn't work. I'm gonna throw that out. And I make a note and I get rid of it. And then I'm like, I'm done. I'm going somewhere else. Yeah. And so when I have to, like, sit there for a very long time, and like, reflect and journal about things or whatever, like, I'm not wired. Right. I guess I have wired myself to some extent, right to not function that way. And so it's really hard for me, kind of be on board with that.



I get like,



real antsy, and I don't know what to put because I'm like, I've done this. In my head. I've done all this and I've just passed on and so like, pretty stressful. Well, I think that that documenting process now It is hard. Because you're right. Like, I'm the same way I like to sit down and quickly go through four or five, either like scenarios or things that may happen, or plan that way, and then move on. And so what you only see is kind of like the end result. And for a lot of that stuff, especially for like the growth and development plan for things like they want it, yeah, documented, like we have ours where I have a set.



That's for like,



annual objectives. And then I have quarterly objectives. And I have sub goals with each one of those. And I have to come in and annotate those periodically to be like, this step was done for this on this date, these people that way, I do my quarterly reviews, right? We can sit down and look at this and go, Okay, this is the progress you've made. And it's happening. But these move forward. Yeah. No, it's time like documenting. And there's a difference for me between like documenting my work, and I don't even know what I would call this because this is even documenting my work is like tracking my work. Yeah. Yeah, no, I understand that. I know. And, you know, that's the thing that I was talking to one of my co workers about it because she was all like, you know, she's talking about, you know, making sure that you're exploring, like outside the box. And I'm like, Listen, you don't actually want me to do that. I'm already like, I already exist outside



your box.



So if you you're gonna let me out of mine. I don't think you're ready for what's going to happen. Not sure you will like it. I don't know what we're what I'm doing right now is working. So we're not going to encourage Yeah, and and some of the stuff that I already do is sort of like outside of your wheelhouse outside of your box, right? They you would like cuz I can I kind of understand how she works, right? Like her things. She says things she does, like I can see what you're doing. And I'm already sort of operating on the edge to outside of that cell. Push any further because he might get upset. Like, I can go there. But like it just feel well, I mean, they might like it. They might, you know, they might appreciate it. But also that might make some people like very uncomfortable and be like, Oh, how do you document that? You know? Yeah, exactly. Like that's it. It doesn't fit to your paperwork. So sad. Yeah, you know,



that's been office talk everyone's favorite corner of this podcast for sure.



You know, every time I go over to like the productivity office stuff, I think it's good stuff. It's helping people. That's true. might be other people. Might be weird people out there like me, and it's okay. It's alright. You're safe here. And you are seeing you are. It's great. anxiety. Oh, man, a slight addendum to last week's conversation. I finally went got my haircut. Okay. Out of that, first of all, it feels glorious. It's starting because Missouri has decided that Oh, yeah. It's about time to get hot. It's been like, cold. Still, relatively speaking. Yeah, all of May. And then like yesterday, it was like, haha, and it's been terribly hot and well, not hot yet. Exactly. But it's been so humid. Oh, it's been like raining and storming, like every day. So the humidity has just killed me. So first of all, it's very nice, extra great. But I was talking to my hair lady today, and we're talking about just she was talking about hair and stuff. And so I just jokingly asked her I was like, so like when you're out in public? Do you? Uh, do you judge people? Are you judging their hair all the time? She goes, she laughed. She goes, Oh, heck yeah. All the time. Oh, man, I'm really self conscious. When I needed my life, not okay. She was like, She's like, yeah, a lot of times I'm like, Oh, no, that's the wrong color for you. And we're like, oh, I could totally do that better. Like, she's like giving people fantasy haircuts in her mind after what they did wrong. So I don't know. This might add to people with anxiety, but like Like that hairdressers of the world are judging you when they see you out in public. I just thought it was hysterical that she said that she was like pincers, like, Oh, yeah, totally. I totally do that. But, you know, I totally get it. Like, if that's something like, but that's kind of like, I mean, just being honest, right? Like, when you I mean, you are, I'm gonna call you a musician, whenever you play, like, do you what, what's your that's very generous of you, thank you. When you are, you know, more musically inclined, I think, than the average person when you hear music or hear somebody playing, like, Where does your brain go to when you hear so I do it. I totally do it when I see people playing live or hear them playing live, I guess. Doing why. And for? And for me, I know, because my example was was like, I do a lot of audio stuff, right. So even before I was in doing like podcasting, mixing and things like that, I would do more live music, mixing in some circumstances or things like that. And will be it'll be a baby behind the board. And so I know whenever I hear productions or things like that, I'm listening for things and I catch it too. I do a lot of critiquing, as well. But yeah, so you know, when you're so familiar with something. Yeah, you see those little blemishes or those things where you go, I wouldn't put it done that or I would have done this a little differently. And it just it's hard not to though. Yeah, I just thought it was hilarious that she did totally Aaron, what do you secretly judging people on? Oh, yeah. Is it there? Are you secretly gentlemen there, Aaron?



Well, I don't really know because like I have, for the longest time, I was never like, a like, baseball hat. Not little baseball hat. But like, you know, hat hat covers, like, I would wear my hat. And now he is like, seeing people, like wear them kind of like, backwards or like super bend or like super straight. That's like, ooh,



you're actually there is a crease and chills down your spine?



Yes, like, now. So there. Is that where that is unavoidable? Please, I have a second letter A like, like, Oh, yeah, I believe do better. But yeah, I've seen I've seen people do that. Am I good? Be your head? No. Um, yeah, that's kind of the real, real, like, real big thing that I watch people on? Oh, no. Let me it took me to work like, this year to actually been the hat properly, like, an actual like standard hat. strategy to honed skill. Okay, you've been honing your craft for this moment in time. But yeah, I mean, that's kind of what's really the only thing I launched and then I look over at my hat collection, it's like, oh, I did that to that core thing. Oh, baby. I'm sorry. I like to think that I bet



haulin Auto judges people on the writing utensil that they whip out to like do stuff if they like without like a big pan. He's like, get out of here. So anyway, I feel attacked it used to happen. He does look at that he does we when we would do large conference meetings it was I was definitely something that I was immediately look for of like, what is every person writing with at around the table? And it wasn't of like this. Oh, I'm Sherlock Holmes and I'll be able to tell you everything about you and your past history in your life. It was Tiffany was telling it like



that I love like the same from American Psycho. Were looking at their cards. watermark. Oh, yes. I agree. That's calling.



No but it was it was just mostly I was just looking for interesting things of like, of like, Is anybody not using a Bic is anyone not using you know, something just random or standard, you know, normal pin towel or whatever. Like, is there anybody using something interesting so I was always on the lookout for that. At any time, I think I don't think I've I've yet to see anybody else use a fountain pen. Or, or like a fancy pencil. I have come across people who would write with the Sharpie fine tips, which I also like to really I love writing with those on certain papers






Yeah, I always look for seeing it you know some people I'm like, ooh, like I've talked to you before you seem really interesting and it seems like you might be the kind of person who would write with an interesting potential and then



implement Yeah, they do they pull out a boring and they go like random. Like this big mechanical pencils like Yeah, I just you bro



right like just the standard like seven point you know or point seven is what like the ones all the kids is glad the black ones with like the random colors. Yeah. Now, I will say those are my go to like a field pencil. I love those in those settings. But it's like those are relegated to the field in a way where we're only the elk can see them, right? Yeah. Not for polite company. But now I've never seen anybody with a fourth choice or with a Karen dash or with anything along those lines or, you know, I need to get in more Karen Dasha. I love mine. So much. I used one and then I still have one. I'm just I'm saving it. Mostly like the way that sounds like licorice. That's true. I really like the virus and Viking pencils.



By the way. Those are great. Yeah. I love those. I Yeah, well, they're sorry. I have no idea what I'm talking about doesn't die or die.



They're from Denmark. They're wonderful. This is a Viking element one in HB. Yes, it's free. Great. I like pretty much.



Yeah, you whip those out. People look at you funny. Sorry. Okay. Yeah,



I have I really gotta write some stuff with a pencil thing this summer here might remind me to do that con, you got to hold me accountable for this. Okay. Do something that you do need to I? Yeah, I was thinking about doing some, like more long term reviews of them. Because some of them like, I feel like I've worked through like, five or six at this point and is the better preference. Like one of the ones that I've just fell in love with? Is the black mean, volume? 24. It's an all black pencil. Black barrel and the black eraser is not the Steinbeck one. Yeah. Oh, well, blackwing makes variations on the same day. Oh, so. Okay, that's like being 602. Or now that normal ones the second two? Yeah, that's the 602 that's kind of their standard one standard wine. lot there to get sorry. Yes. So yeah, I think I think there's some more new pencils and paper company. I think I need to go. Okay. Sorry. Pencil pencil corner. Sorry. We have we have something else for that. It's fine. Aaron, oh, oh, I forgot my brain. Okay, now Tyron. Thought you were gonna ask me a question. I'll save it for later. Oh, no, because I was gonna say something different. So asking. Oh, but no, this is totally something different to Oh, that's fine. Have you go first? Aaron, did you ever get a release date of the that video game that you were saying that you didn't know the release date of?



No, not yet. You hate it. So what's happening currently is that they are it was some it will come out sometime this year. But the way it is being done is that they're introducing like all the factions and like all the cool, like new things that they will have. And so they have one race are one faction and then they'll do like another faction, like, like, just true of videos and we'll do like a whole nother thing. And then like else and then by you know, sometime like November or December, it'll be it'll come out with with the game of questions, so I have some time to wait but until then I'm being strung along by an orchestra of videos that are coming out with it come out at least like one video a week and it's been infuriating because it all looks so cool.



So break this down for me what is the what's the premise of this one? Is it connected with the other ones or into English that playing the pronoun game was a listener? They're very confused now probably more so than the pencil conversation so you need to tell me more so so Aaron sent us and our speaker next panel is the trailer for trial by fire Total War Warhammer read that I get all of the titles in that one correct.



Yeah, so it's just it's just Warhammer Total War Three. Okay, so in the first I don't even know where to start. It's like trying to explain 40k to somebody so it's it's there's two so game workshop is like the whole thing these with miniatures. They created one style of miniatures where like the tabletop miniatures where you can like roll dice and like battle like little figures and I paid them so they came out with like, sci fi which is called Warhammer 40,040k or 30k or whatever in space. Oh, wait, sorry, the other the other one is Warhammer Fantasy, which is what I am currently playing which is what I usually my usual go to whenever we're sitting here for long periods of time find out if I'm not working I used to have this thing pulled up in which it's it's kind of got a lot of different like historical stuff put into it but like it's you know, there's something kind of like the Holy Roman Empire but with like gunpowder and magic and then there's like, you know, the race of Vampire Counts and doors over here and there's orcs and goblins and there's elves and oh, there's lizard people and giant rat things then all the dog matters different creatures. So in it there's no like really like there's little like stories and books that you read of like different people in this universe. The first two games the first game pretty much takes place in what's called the old the old world which is you know, if you're looking at like a map of Europe take like the middle part of like the Holy Roman Empire and then slap like France hybrid with Britain. And then like, you know, kind of that Renaissance II feel and then surround it with like, you know, Viking warriors over here and then like, dwarves and goblins and vampire stuff over here the first game the second game we come all the way over to like the middle of the map and this is like the largest map in like gaming history it's it's massive the next game to is involving around like your there's like a vortex that's preventing all these are evil things from coming into this world. Known as chaos. Chaos is like in a different realm they pour into our world and they you know, death destruction. Yeah. So there's a vortex and you're trying to keep the vortex stable so chaos doesn't come in. Basically, in this game, it's pretty much just Total War, just conquer everything, or follow some sort of story depending on what race you are in the third game, since there's little kind of no one about it at this point. All the way up here. If you want to Google Warhammer Fantasy map Be my guest it is massive. There's there's like a bunch of different races that I'm missing that they don't have in this game. up here in the corner, it this is kind of where like my deep part of history that love mixed in with with fantasy kicks in because I love Russian history. I love love Russian Russian culture. There's a faction that it has, you know it is that's based off of Russian. Aaron, you muted yourself.



Okay, I'm not going crazy. Nope. Aaron, you're still muted. Laughing factions



Hello, okay, someone tried to call me. Okay. Yeah, so, um, where was Russia? Yes question. There's, there's there's a Russian and there's bear Calvary. And there's an ice queen and all this magic and all this more beer cans. And it's like, yeah, so there's and there's definitely not rescued in whatsoever. There's, they're like the, the bastion that's holding like all this chaos from this other world coming into this world into this world. And so the third game is supposed to be based around that. And there's like, different chaos gods and there are factions that you can play as you get to play as keys live against all these things. Or there's other factions there's something supposed to be called like grand cafe, which is like, like ancient like America like China, but like fantasy China, like dragons and all that kind of stuff. That's supposed to be like later in the game, but it's building on this from what this kind of medium sized map into this giant map to this gigantic map of all these different settlements and factions and things that you have to do. You know, kale and all that fun stuff. So there's no like real story with this one that I'm playing. It's pretty much it's here's a map conquer it. But there is a way there's a way that you can play the story. Cool.



Okay. I wasn't sure. I was confused about its connection to the other stuff, but it sounds like it's just an expansion can moving up to the north to do more battle with the watch. videos. Oh, I have a lot of video.



Yes. videos. You will thank me later. Yeah. Yes. You say people think Marvel has an expanded universe. Yeah.



Oh, hold on. Hold my hammer here



is if you want to go. Yeah, it's there's a lot and I can't I can't spend like a whole podcast just talking about it. Because there's like, oh, there's faction is based off a guy who in united the human races and he was gifted a hammer, which is called Sigmar, he's now a god. And there's this person that he did this. And now he is like, yeah, so there's just a lot that I don't even know where to begin or start. Okay. Okay.



I'm just curious. You came out. And I want to know if you have any more more thing. Not yet. Brains. Still on the horizon? looking for? Yeah. We saw a movie and the actual movie theater. Many questions. Exciting. Yeah. Like, what movie was it? That was gonna tell you that I've never had like side questions like, Oh, well, tell me about I'm sure you're going to tell you about, like, how big what the theater was like, what was there as a process? Or we know all those kind of things? Yeah, well, not. Not on this day. Because we went on Sunday, we went Sunday, like one o'clock. So it's like right after they open on Saturday, pretty much. And so that's generally a time when there's nobody in the movie theater here anyway. So like, there's pretty low key. There's like, nobody there. This this day, we had that magical, all too rare experience of we were actually the only people in both air. And the thing that we were seeing, seeing the movie that we were seeing. There was a couple there was only a few cards out front anyway. And I guess they were seeing something else. I don't know. But I don't know what else was playing that day. But they were seeing that so if you live in a very large city, and this has never happened to you, it's pretty much the greatest thing of all time. If you are the only person in a movie theater when it's showing him it's been. It's just so cool. Like, I just really like it, even though you still sort of like are following the movie decor of you, like tried not to talk too much just because it's like how your brain is wired, at least mine is. And a lot of times you have to talk like real loud to be heard in a movie anyway, because there's like, loud noises happening and so loud in there. But like, you know, so we had that glorious thing we just sat like, exactly in the middle. It was wonderful. So, you know, it was pretty great. That's when we pick that time because it wasn't like 10 people there. And we didn't want to like, go and be like, we really want to go to a full house movie screening. I would have been unfair. I would have been probably not the best. But yeah, we went in on Sunday. It was cool. Susan was very excited. Because also, as we've talked about for movie theater, popcorn does have magic sprinkled in it and she was very excited. That is one of her favorite parts is the movie theater popcorn time. So that's a popcorn and stuff. So the event was good. It was fun to get out and go do that. And then we watched. Hold on. I think it's called I forgot. Oh, yes. I said I'm holding. Oh, it's a sentence they titled The movie is a sentence apparently. Is that those who wish me dead? Xena. Have you seen trailer for that? Oh. So is Angelina Jolie



and other people?



I guess. exam. She is like, She's like a Okay, so it's kind of weird. She's like a firefighter in Montana. She's like a smoke jumper. Okay, yeah, totally. Right. And she's out there in the no apparent like, she's Something happened, right? There's like a tragic event. Like there was an accident in the in a fire. She's like mentally traumatized. And so she's not like cleared for work detail. So they put her on fire tower duty. So she's just out in this fire tower in the middle of the woods. Okay. And okay, so that's, that's part one. Yeah. That's the plausible bit. Okay. Before we go any further I here's the overall view of this movie, this movie is fine. But it's, it's very confused about what it is. And it doesn't end. It just stops. It's super annoying. And the person that directed this. Think they think they're really good at directing. I don't remember who even directs this. Taylor Sheridan? Is the director. Yeah, yeah, he made some choices. choices were made. Here's how I knew this movie was not going to end. Now. The beginning of the movie, they set it up as like, there's a guy in his kid. And like the guy is, he just says basically, there's a whole sequence of events. There's these two guys, and they like, murder a district attorney. Right? this other guy sees it on the news. And all he says is Do you know what i do sign, blah, blah. I'm a forensic accountant. And I found something. Something that people don't want found. That's it. That's all and now he like running away. That's it. That's all the motivation that we have. So he like flees to Montana? Because it's like brother in law lives there. It's like a sheriff. Right? Yeah, so he thinks, ah, I shall flee to the wilderness. But there's these two guys that are like fault. They're like, assassin dudes that are like, hunting him down. Yeah, you know. And like, they just only say really vague statements. And they meet with a guy who's definitely Tyler Perry. But in the movie, he doesn't get a name. It's just like him. There's like, Why is he here? I don't know. Where's the we didn't weren't supposed to meet him till later. Yeah. And then after the meeting, he gets in a truck with like US government license plates. So you're supposed to assume that this is like a big thing, but they never tell you Anything Yeah, about there's so for me personally watching this, there's like no stakes because I don't even know what they're mad about. Hmm. And for some reason, the director chooses to spend a lot of time focused on these two assassins and their travels and their dynamic almost like very The other main character and so like, instead of being like really foreboding and scary, they're just like two dudes. Which I feel like a better choice would be like to show them extremely rarely. Yeah, like get good establishing shots of their faces. So that when you see them again, you're like, Oh, no. Ah, right. But instead be like are riding with him in the car. They're talking ones mad because their bosses didn't give them enough supplies. You're like, Oh, you want me to sympathize with the bad guys? I want you to do it right now. Guy. What the heck. Anyway, events transpire. Boy is like fleeing through the woods. And he runs into Angelina Jolie out there, doing Firewatch duty. And then she's all like, I can save you because it's like her redemption arc is like saving this kid because other people died in this fire, right? And all this stuff. And they're like, tied together because they have like this shared trauma like of past experiences. It's very heavy handed. It's like, beating you over the head with this. Like, hey, look, guys. blap blap. Yeah, so. So they tried to do all that. And then like, at the end of the movie is just like, it just is over. They're like, yeah, you should go do that press conference. So you can tell the world



credits. Like, we don't even know



what happens to the kid after the movie's over. We don't know what happened. We don't even know what his dad found. Who is supposed to be in trouble? Like I like in some movies, like I guess, you know, you leave it vague because it like it doesn't matter. Because the rest of movie was like so good and inspiring that you like, but this one was not that. And it was like fine, I guess. But because because the movie was trying to be like because like, Okay, oh, by the way, because she's a fire person. In order to hunt down these people and distract the town from the fact that there's two assassins, they start a big raging forest fire. I skip that part. So like, everybody's distracted with the fire. And they're like, traipsing through the wilderness and just shooting random people to face. Because all the police and firemen are over there. And so they go over here. And she's






Right? Yeah. And she's like, yeah, yeah, covering. And so like, there's this whole thing. But so there's this, and there's like, there's all this other stuff like the fire tower gets struck by lightning, which, first of all, this fire tower in the middle of Montana wilderness apparently does not have a lightning rod on it. That doesn't seem that doesn't seem up to code, right? Because like, Oh, we can't call anyone on the radio because it got struck by lightning. And I'm like, Where is your lightning rod? What's the matter with you? You know, this movie tries to be like, it's trying really hard to be like a man versus man and a man versus nature movie at the same time. Right? So they sort of have these conflicting interests where the whole middle the nature stuffs cool when they're like running from the lightning storm. That's cool. The fire sequences are cool. Like the tech that they got to do, the fire starts they're really excellent, but they really really liked it because they did a lot of so like. It was fine. And if it was just like a dumb action movie, like I could forgive a lot of it, but there's like no resolution. And even dumb action movies have a revolution of some kind, like San Andreas that is a 100% stupid disaster action movie. And it ties everything up in a nice little bow at the end. So you're satisfied at the end that everything is over and everything is accomplished and there's at least a happy ending to all the tragedy this one it just like stops






if cliffhanger can get this right. Why can't you guys come on? What are you doing so annoyed me greatly that they were trying to make like Disaster Movie, slash action movie slash, like, our tour peace. And they did not blend these together well,



at all right?



It's not like a movie just sort of stops in except it is like, momento. Right? Like, that's where he's just sort of over me like, dang. That's crazy, right or like, something like that. But a movie about assassins chasing Angelina Jolie and a child through a forest fire. He's not on the same level as a Christian, Christopher Nolan film,



in my opinion,



right? Just like, it's just not fine. I guess the ending will let you down. I think in my opinion, I was like, just the vagueness of everything like, Oh, I found something. Oh, what's he doing here? Like, the pronoun game, this movie is strong, and they don't give you enough answers or anything. In my opinion, there's not enough cool stuff to like, override that. And then there's like minor details that are just like annoying. Like, why would you do that?



Why did you even have that scene?



Why is that character? This movie has like five characters. Why did you spend time talking to that one person didn't need to have you could have saved that money to shoot an ending. If I would have accepted because the end was like the kid talking to the news reporter like he was going on the way to talk to the news guy. I would have accepted that cheesy ending where they like it's somebody watching the TV news. Right? It was like Angelina Jolie in her house after everything was over watching the news. And you just get like a quick recap of everything, like a little wrap up. I would have accepted that. That makes more that would make sense. Give that movie five more minutes to do that. And it's it's an infinitely better movie, in my opinion. So there's my review of the movie that we saw.



Those who wish me dead dantata.



But it was fun to go back to the movie theater. And just kind of because I like Like I said before, I like being in the movie theater. I like going. I like watching movies on an enormous screen. It's like mega loud in there. Because it's all designed to be out there. And you're seen in that thing and heard in that way. We've talked about that before, so I won't rehash that too much. But it was nice. It was fun. So pick a better movie next time at but it was it was good first foray out into the world to see how things going out there. So



yeah. What, uh, what other? What other selections of movies? were out there for you? Ah,



let me look here. I'll look at the movie theater real quick.



There, I get that. That was like one of the funnest things is like getting to choose Oh, which movies out there? Which one would be a good, good thing but yeah, I don't know. Like, what other options there were?



Yeah, one of them was like, I don't I don't actually know. Other Mortal Kombat movie came out. But I heard that one wasn't good. And Susan is definitely not into Mortal Kombat. Right. I think the other big movie that is still out is Oh, Godzilla vs. Kong was out. And then that that was that one that the spiral that saw movie, which I could care less. And these other ones I haven't heard of ever. Wrath of man. Don't know. And then the ryan the last dragon, the animated one.



Okay. Now, that one's Disney right. Now, oh, there's



one called profile, but she was gonna go see that with one of her friends. So. Yeah. That's what's out currently in my neck of the woods, things you can see. So I think overall, out of all the movies that are available here, I think it's probably I think some of these movies are probably worse than what I watched. So there's that at least. I don't know what some of these are, but some of them I probably don't care about at all. So I definitely want to watch just personally and like we've talked before also so horror movie. are out. So anything to the soft tries I'm just bored with



was there was there any kind of different speculation or speculations any anything that you had to do different due to the restrictions or COVID or anything like that.



Now the movie theater still had all their masking stuff going on. So even though the city has kind of like relaxed some of that their movie theater still had it up. So we just wanted masks inside. And it was all good. And I don't know if they still have seating restrictions. But because we were the only people in the movie theater. Yeah, it didn't matter. So I'm not sure if they do or not, I still probably would have. I mean, I don't like to sit next to other people in the movie theater anyway. So if they would have been there, I still would have wanted to sit away from them, because I don't want to hear them eating their popcorn and whispering to each other. But I don't I don't know. I haven't seen any signs up. I'm not sure. I was also looking for them. So I just saw the mask one and they had the line they started their line separated a little bit.



But bear so yeah. Yeah. Cuz I remember that when when Shelley myself went to that one. Independent theater it was you know, it was very small. And like, I'll get well, you know, you got to make sure you got to do this. And like, Oh, yeah, you know, there's gonna be all these people. And they're the only two people here. This is awesome. Yeah. So but even even then, they still had to wear. Yeah, make sure that you have all this, this and this and wear a mask. You know, if you're sitting next to somebody make sure you wear a mask if you're not. Yeah, about it. Yeah.



Generally is like you have to eat it. You have to have it on unless you're sitting far away. Or you're eating your snacks, right? Yeah, I think so. wasn't bad. We wanted to go to the drive thru movie. This is the drive in Aurora, because they still have one. They were showing the Fellowship of the Ring. But we couldn't go because it was graduation. She had to be a graduate. I know.



Maybe yes. Maybe another time. Yeah, gosh, I have not been to that theater in forever. Little love theater down there. Just there's one in like in Tulsa. But even that one's you know, everything's relatively closed up. COVID or



ours opened up. It was closed for a long time. And it was opened, I don't remember exactly when they opened. But it was it wasn't super long ago. I



don't think I can't remember. Now, till a bit of a blur. But like they can't.



They're closed for a long time. And they they were doing. They when they open the they open to you could do like they had deals for like you could rent out a theater for like your family. So you could go in there. So they were doing business that way. Right? When they closed down, they were just selling snacks and popcorn just at the door. You could just combined buy snacks. Like right when everything started, they did that. Then they open to live. I know that they did open to limited capacity. And then you had to have like reservations and you actually had to like buy tickets beforehand and stuff like that. I don't know how long that lasted. Yeah. Because we were just like, yeah. And they did. They did a lot of like, they were showing a lot of older movies. Like they did the whole thing where they are theater. They used to I haven't heard about it in a while. But they do like a retro movie night. So they just show like, Yeah, all their stuff randomly. And they were doing a lot of that. I know for a while because of the shutdown. And because there was no new releases at all for like, yeah, months. They were periodically doing like, Oh, hey, this weekend, they would open for like the weekend or a day here or like these specific times. And they would play those on. I think our movie theater has eight screens. So they would show some of those, they'd spread them out and put them into the theaters. So you could come in and And, you know, they wish I think they would share the same movie in multiple, just like the same record movie multiple theaters just so that people could, yeah, spread out and they wouldn't they would have to sit close together and stuff like that.



So, okay, so they did that. But, yeah,



they mean Alright, I think I'm glad that they are kind of getting back to normal and I I like, again, I like our movie theater is small and and yeah, it's kind of little and I like going in there. And other guy that that manager people like super great, so I really like them. And, you know, I it's usually not super full anyway. Really. Any avoid that like, if you don't go like Friday, Saturday night. It's never like really full. Except for like retro movie nights. Those are like the most. They used to do it like Tuesday or something. And like the most packed thing ever. Because I went to some that were like, just completely full. Like, like we went to Bueller's Day Off. jam packed in there. Oh, wow. Yeah.



Do you do you think that movies will kind of return to kind of how they once were? Or is this kind of? I don't feel it's the new norm with movie theaters? Well,



I mean, I'll know cuz I know a lot of people don't share my opinion on like going to the physical movie theater. Like they don't really care. Like the average just like watch it at their house. Yeah, it doesn't matter. But I think I don't know. I think I think there still is a place for movie theaters. Because I think that yeah, I think that there are enough people still that want to see it on like a 60 foot screen. You know, they want to see that big presentation and they like to go with their friends. You know, it is all there's also a social aspect to it. Don't go with somebody or you go here and you enjoy stuff it's still kind of a thing and people still like to go like kids still want to go to the movie to like just get out of the house and like go socialize somewhere and stuff like that. So yeah, I think I think there's still a place I think this you know, for some things, I think the simultaneous releases Okay, like you can put it on your streaming service and release in a theater because people will see it both right. I think I think that's right. I don't think there's anything wrong with that because you serve more people some people don't want to go in some movies you're like well I kind of want to look at it but I didn't want to go all the way to see it so maybe you have more people see it that way than would normally do it because I can watch it at home and then the people that still want to go to see the movie theater because I still want to go see the movie theater I just like yeah I think for now there's still a place for that



because that's what you know a lot of people saying like oh the theater is dead from after this which conceptualize like I don't understand but there is still that that need or that you know thing that people want to go to the movie theater but I but also a lot of people are wanting that will this is going to be a new way to get you know cinema new way to get films involved you know having Elmander maybe like a smaller or minor release compared to a bigger bigger one like streaming services wise so I don't know how you felt I always liked theater. That was always something that I thoroughly enjoyed and that was something just something fun to be cool



Yeah, I think my definitely be tainted with nostalgia like hardcore because like i don't i haven't actually ever been to one so I don't have this opinion is just that an opinion? I have no facts to back it up. But like the you know, those like the like the Drafthouse II words where you go and there's like a couch and they bring you dinner and stuff. Yeah, that to me. That's kind of like, not appealing. Yeah, in my mind my experience with a movie theater. That's not what it is. Yeah. And maybe that's just me being old man. My old man had on here but like,



I don't want that. I don't want like



baked potato and chicken. When I watch a movie. Yeah, I want popcorn and bad candy. Like this is what I want. There's a specific thing that I would like to have. And so I don't. That's not the place for me. I don't think yeah, I mean, it's it sounds fine. I know a lot of people do like that. And you know, but I don't. I don't know. That's not what I want in a movie experience, like part of the movies face to me is the other people there. It is the popcorn people, you know, like, oh, they're talking to movie like, Well,



yeah, they do. But like,



it's fine. You know what I mean? Like, as much as I rag on the when we went and saw The Revenant. You know, there was, there was this old lady behind us and her husband was talking the whole time. She's like, Oh, my gosh, did you see that? Can you believe that? They're looking at the whole time. She was like, Oh, yeah. And it's at the time did enjoy the bejesus out of me? Yes. But now do larious. And like, the only thing it's one of the if that movie that that memory is directly tied to that movie, right? Yeah. It's part of the experience in my mind now. It's like solidified itself as one of their their bubble. So like, that's good. It's fun. You know what I mean? Like,






And so, I don't know, for me, again, that's just what I like, and what I like to do and, and I hope that there is a place for for for longer, because it's just a good, you know, it's a fun thing to go do. To good. You know, Avenue. And again, like I've said before on the show, as well, a lot of directors like they direct their movie to be seen in that format. I noticed that this time, because it's been so long since I saw a movie in the movie theater. And I've been looking at my TV and my laptop screen. So much to watch movies. When I saw the picture on that screen on the wall, the movie theater, I was like, Oh, yeah, there we go. That's it. Because like, for all the faults that this movie that I watched had, like all the directing faults, it looks



great. Yeah, it looks in tastic.



So, you know, you could just, I could I like a made of thought about like, the noticeable difference from looking at my TV for so long, or watching stuff on my phone or my laptop. You know, when I saw this thing on the wall, I was like, Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I could tell the difference in the quality in this picture, just like immediately. So yeah, there's also that part of it, too. I think, you know, you can be like, Oh, my TV's fine. I have a nice TV. It's not that nice. It's not as nice as the projector on thing. So I mean, maybe, maybe you have more money than me. Mine is not that nice. So my laptop screen is definitely not that nice, because it's like, a million years old. And like, the resolution is fantastic. But that's another thing. Right? That just the experience of the visual experience is different. Right when it's that big.



Yeah. So that brings part of the the next question. IMAX or just like regular theater.



I mean, I do like an IMAX movie, but I will only see movies. I will because there's no IMAX close to me like this movie theater is five minutes from my house. Yeah. So yeah. Yeah. It has to be like, a very extra movie that I'm really hyped about. For me to track it down in IMAX. Yeah, so I like the IMAX movies, if they're fun, but they're like, just a thing. I don't seek them out generally. Yeah. Unless, unless it's like a like I did when I went to whenever the Hobbit movies came out. Because Peter Jackson was like, I shot these movies to be viewed in IMAX. I was like, Well, okay, I'm gonna watch a distinction of whether the movie was shot specifically to take advantage of a larger screen or if it was just blown up to fit it. I feel that the app change. I think just from an artistic perspective of of how it was intended to be viewed, what does what change how it looks to because you can kind of see that aspect squashing a little bit when they just like blow it up. But when he said, I shot these movies to be viewed in IMAX, yeah, it's like, Well, okay. I think that's also why some people don't like them. Right visually is because they're not watching them in IMAX or they didn't. Or they're just watching them on like their TV. And you know, yes. Are they visually different from the other works? Yes. But I think part of the reason for that is because they were designed to be shot and seen on IMAX screen. Yeah, so I think that does play a part today as well. So I think that's where some of the hate comes from. Like why don't like how it looks? What did you see it and like 200 feet tall though. No, yeah, well, you missed out a little bit. That makes it special because you can only really see it that way once or twice, right, like when it's gone, it's done. And then it is relegated to my DVD collection where I just watch it on my normal TV. Right It's visually imposing and like grandiose as it was on that huge IMAX screen. It was fun it was fun to go do that and even though I didn't love movie it was fun to go do it and that's right to part of the movie experience for me is just like going and doing it like I don't know it's like the movies and watching but you know, how do you know until you know you can only read so many reviews and do stuff go watch it you know? And if you go in like Sunday afternoon the tickets are like cheaper anyway, so unfortunately, we can go and watch indeed. Well, we've covered



pencil corner we've covered haircut corner and movie corner lots, lots of corners,



Warhammer and Warhammer we've got our four corners for the episodes I think we've all right i think it's well rounded but I just mentioned that now it's got only four corners not well rounded enough. We had office corner Don't forget office corner corner in tagal geometry teachers brains. Good guys love you. Love you. Let me do my