movie watching hat

We find Brandon couchless and reminiscing about couch memories. Have you ever been antiquing? Boy howdy have we! So we break down the utility and fun it brings. Collin tells the story of a zero turn radius lawnmower. While Aaron has a lot to say about hats.

  • Functions sans memories

  • Couch qualities….

  • Couch corner

  • Antiquing 

  • Utility of antique stores 

  • It still exists in the world

  • Double cassette players

  • Zero turn radius lawn mowers

  • WHY was there a barber shop in Bass Pro…

  • A stylist must be stylish


  • Alternate segways

  • Hats and YOU

  • Movie watching hat

  • Food truck friday aa

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antique stores, hat, bought, couch, true, people, lawnmower, food truck, big, drive, cool, springfield, wear, haircut, aaron, random, sit, antique mall, fun, put


Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Collin. And Aaron. On this week's show, movie watching hat. Hello. Hello. Oh, called the couch outside. So this Oh, yeah, I was I was That was my actually my first line of follow up. How is how is the couch situation? Did you find one?



Yes. And we're currently couch less. So they're, they're delivering it tomorrow. Okay. But we had to get our other one.


Collin  01:02

Tomorrow is also the cleanup day. Yeah, day so we had to get our old one outside. And then so that they can come by and pick it up and take it away tomorrow. And then that allows us to clean under the couch, and then get ready for tomorrow when it's very horrible into there on



the couch has been in the same place since we bought it a few years ago, at least 1212 years ago.


Collin  01:36

And so we're both very sentimental people. So it's like, oh, it's just kind of like, it's like a good day because our couch is literally broken. And like, it's very uncomfortable to sit on. But it's also like, Really? I know, I'm very sentimental about like things, you know? So, yes. I'm aware of who your father is. So yes, I understand. Yes, yes, I take after our Father in this regard. So like, it's very, it's kind of sad, because it's like the first thing it's like the one of the first things that we bought together and like, we have a lot of we've watched a lot of movies together on the couch. And that's where we sat with Chuck. You know? That was kind of like a sad time. Right? Every time So, because we are getting a couch at functions. But it actually function for things. The memories. Yes, yes. No memories yet, which is sad. So like, you know, the new couch like actually reclined which is good. It doesn't fall in when you sit on it. Yes, it doesn't completely collapse. When you sit on it. We tip that sucker up. Yeah, I wouldn't got it outside to make sure there was nothing else stuck underneath it. And all of the springs on one side are completely blown out. They've all busted off and are not attached anymore to underside. So like you said I and there's nothing it just like the carpets are like grody under there we found socks, obviously, like 12,000 pencils and some dog food. Yeah, so it's a it's been an adventure. So what was the what was the selection process? Like what what kind of qualities were you after? Well, that's the prot like, so. It's kind of like, when you're thinking about it. The first question was, do we want another reclining couch? Right? Because this one broke so badly. Yeah. Because it has all those moving parts and everything. And it collapse so hard. That like, we were like, what do we want another one? And then we were like, well, we did have this one for 12 years. So like, that's pretty good run. As far as couches go. But, you know, we were thinking like, well, do we get like a couch with like an ottoman? set up? Right. So you can still sort of like recline and like lounge, you know? Yeah. Because when you watch movies on the couch, you don't want to sit like upright like you're in some kind of like interview waiting room. You know what I mean? Like but our living room is not big enough to contain said Ottomans. You know what I mean? Especially because we have that coffee table. in there, there's that stuff. So like, there's not, it's not a lot of room. So that was the big that was the biggest part of the selection process is like, What? What kind of like shape? Is this going to be? You know? Like, what, what sort of was the big deal? This This isn't like this is gonna be like a standard couch or one that reclines even though I reclining went broke horribly. Like, because a normal couch doesn't have moving parts to break. But also you can't like put your feet up on it. And when you watch movies and stuff, it's what you want to do. So I thought oh. So you went? You went with the reclining rain? Obviously. Yeah, just for the space. Right? She's a space thing, mostly? Because I don't I don't think the living room can handle Ottomans. A full Ottoman coffee table. Yeah, it's Yeah, like, especially the a lot of the ones that they sell are like huge. Now, it might be a different story, if they were like, small,


Aaron  06:11

you know,


Collin  06:12

like, old timey Ottomans are like much smaller, you can like move them around and stuff. But most of the Ottomans that are available are enormous. They're like, the size of my coffee table. So either. And then, like they were, they're always in front of the couch. You know what I mean? And so like, Yes, I mean, technically, you could break it up, and you have more seedings of like other people come over, you know, they can like you could have they could sit on the Ottoman. Right. I know. Right? That'd be cool. But that's just not I know, just kind of decided that wasn't really the plan. So it was just not a space for that. So anyway, they're planning one. Pretty nice. We'll see tomorrow how it fits in but it's like last night, it's like a lighter gray color. We Sq the traditional brown that my entire house is brown everywhere. The statement is like a gray. Gray ish. Yeah, yeah, statement, a different neutral. evey? I'll never see that one coming, right? Yeah, yeah, we are couch is. It's a kind of the normal cat's not a reclining couch. But one side is like the chase. Like, or like the long one. Yeah, just kinda like an L couch. Yes, it's nice. Because you can kind of decide which end you want it on. But obviously, if two people want to recline, you can't sit and that's Oh, it's right. Not recline. But you can't do that. So that kind of makes it Yeah, they had some of those too. And that's kind of what you know, we thought like, Well, you know, who's gonna sit on? What if we both want to sit on the couch? Which we do? We're gonna like watch TV or like, a lot of times we eat on the couch, you know? So it's like, are you gonna? Who's gonna get the chase? Have those ones? They're like, double chaise lounges. Right? So it's like a I don't know what shape that would be like. You like a you? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Okay, you, but that's also like, well, then what's the like? That's a lot of room. Yeah, yeah, what's the point? I mean, that would be kind of cool. But I don't think our apartment living room is big enough for that. I'd be kind of sweet though. No, I like the idea of that. But in my current, like, where we live, like the practicality of living with that I think I would get annoyed with it very quick. Oh, no, it shocked me like when we looked for couches, we bought this one we bought this one used from people who were moving but we'd go and look at couches and it was like where do you think people have room for this? Like I have a house it for houses that have room for this but that's because they're you know, a 70 $500 $75,000 house or the in the living room size of my entire like, my whole apartment. What is this and you try and go and find like small couches, and then they just get you know, didn't? Then that's a whole nother sub genre of couch. That's true of the vintage couch. Yeah, yeah. Right. That'd be cool. I'd be kind of cool. But again, they're like really touchy. Like they're either like, pristine and like a billion dollars or like pretty rickety and you kind of don't want to sit on it like


Aaron  09:59



Collin  10:01

And then you get to know you're rehabbing upholstery and rehabbing saying yeah, that's I'm not about that. Like, I'd rather not do this at all ends up costing you more than the brand new couch that I got. Right? Like so. Yeah. So, yes. So they're supposed to come up tomorrow. That's when they could get up here. They were gonna bring it down. Like, we brought it, we bought it from Susan's sister, right? Because they mean they own a furniture store. So why would you not go there? And they were going to try to bring it down over the weekend for Mother's Day when they were down here. But it was like, rainy, you know? So, like, that's okay. Don't worry, it's stuff. Don't bring me out in the rain. That's not good. They're just gonna bring it in their truck, or it's like, we'll just go in the back of the truck and drive it up here. Hold on a minute. After the thunderstorm, let's not do that. So we actually got it out a lot. I remember it being much more of a hassle to get it in the house. But maybe that's because we're sort of like being careful with it. Right? To get it out. We're just like, Alright, we're very sentimental, but we're also like, shove it out the door like the back door. Well, also, it's a bit more compacted these days. So it may have That's true. Plan Shana was here. So like that, we'd have a three person moving team. So that was more helpful than more hands always. Last time. I made it pretty good. We just like took it out the back door and walked around the front to the curb. So nice. Boom. It's been, it's that the phenomenon that goes with the city wide cleanup. And apparently this is like a very niche thing. Not Know, not a lot of other places do this.


Aaron  12:02

Yeah, from what I understand.


Collin  12:04

But they just they had the city cleanup day, where you can just put your stuff outside. And they come and take it. Yeah. Which is awesome. I, like I said it coincides with like the, like the big giant citywide garage sale thing? Yeah. Sounds like you had to buy it or throw it out. And you know, you can see, like, over the past couple weeks, because they like I said they do it in sections, like this part of town, like you call City Hall and the like the day for your neighborhood is this day. Yeah. So they're kind of spread out. Yeah. But people just drive around in the trucks, right? Because once it's outside, you know, somebody is gonna take it free, because there's people that just drive around, and a lot of people just like, well, I don't want this anymore, and I couldn't sell it. So I'm just gonna put it out. And people will just come by and snatch it up and take it. Yeah. So our pickup is actually in five days. So this is the first city I've that I knew to do anything like that. And it's amazing. I absolutely love it. Yeah, I we've never actually taken part before. So it's cool, right? Like, well, we, we took part because I'm the Funkhouser that doesn't get rid of anything, right? We took part last year, but we it was all like, guard when they redid all of our flowerbeds and stuff. They all kind of out. Yeah, bags and they took it.


Aaron  13:40

And yeah, it's I'm like, I don't know.


Collin  13:45

I understand in some cities, it's not feasible. But yeah, I mean, my cities are small. Right. So like, it's very not I'm, I think it's a really good service. Especially, at least in my area. There's a lot of people who are trying to like rehab homes or do renovations or things like that. And so Oh, yeah, here too. So there's a lot of there's a lot of older homes that are kind of like newer people moving in and like fixing even like, you know, not like brand new but like, old, a little bit older, you know, and there's no second or third owner maybe like not super old but they still read they're not like historic homes or anything. Right. But it's cool It's weird. It's kind of weird. There's like a whole entire Sydney spring cleaning event like it's um, yeah, I'm all for it and I like it a lot. You know, for a few days the the streets look a little a little full and crowded. But yeah, I read their stuff over stuff outside for a couple days because they you can put it up the city says you can leave it out like, you know, X number of days before the pickup just so you can start getting stuff out. Right It really is funny to see everyone drive around being like, oh, that chair though. Not so bad. I mean, we were trying to those people were were like, I did that last year someone. Oh yeah, there's some cool stuff Some people put out there, you know, just like, they're just like, I don't want to deal with it. Just throw it out. You're like, wait a minute, hold on. That's to deal with that. Yeah, you know, I think that's cool. You know, you go Go for it, get recycled stuff, just take it and use it for whatever or you know, feel like if you're, especially if you're like a very crafty person. I bet this time of year is like the best. Oh, well, if you are a person that's like, I can't repulsor a chair. Yeah. Then this is like, the time for you, man. Because you just go out, you know, boom, brand new thing. Or like, Oh, yeah, I can. I got all this stuff. I can like stain and refinish a table. boom, done. Yeah. I think of the people who are, maybe they're remodeling a house, but they're trying to source building materials from other places, you know, to try and match. Like, I know, a big thing in our area is trying to match damaged original pieces of wood and trail. Yeah. Right. And so you can go around some places. And there's, there's actually a pretty big market or crown molding, in the antique stores, to art antique stores, have whole sections devoted to crown molding and corner weird. But that's because people have I mean, not really makes sense. Like, I understand why it but it's totally weird. Because what I was a market I never thought of. And then I started to see, like crown molding pieces and corner pieces that like in my house, and it clicked and I was like, Oh, this is for people who only store up or, like they have a corner piece that got damaged by a dog or something. And they Yeah, and they just need that one piece of that old. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So there are people who go around and look for that kind of stuff, too. We're all windows. Because if all the homes in town were built at the same time, then a certain area. Yeah, they're all going to have a similar style material inside. Yes. So you can be like, Oh, wait, I need that. Bam. Got it. That's true. All right. Yeah, I don't think we have I don't know, I haven't been to antique mall in a while, actually. Well, I haven't been in since we did the EDC challenge, because that was where I bought all this stuff. That was a while back. Was that a place that you just like? I don't know. It's not a place that I just, like, seek out a lot. But every once in a while, I'm like, I want to go in there. See what's up? Yeah, I just want to see what's in there. There's a few that are kind of on the same city block in downtown. And it's kind of one of the things like if you if I was looking for something in particular, I would just need to drop into these three kind of like, once a week, just to walk through just to see what they get in. If I was really looking for like a piece or something or Yeah, if I was actively looking, because yeah, they get new stuff in all the time. I'm like, go but I guess a lot of their pieces go to like Kansas City, or to other areas. That's true. doing you know, people come into town to actually go antiquing to find pieces.


Aaron  18:32

Yeah, take back. That's the thing. I mean, see? Our Grandma, I guess our grandmother.


Collin  18:40

It's true. Yeah, we have we, I don't know. Downtown, we had a store that was like a kind of dabbled in like random. It's kinda like one of those like, I don't know. Like, it was kind of like an geeky stuff. But it was like the the real good stuff that people wanted to like, they kind of like fix it up, and we're selling it there. But then we have the big one. It's it's actually the old railroad depot building. Oh, cool. And it's awesome. It's so cool. It's like the best thing ever. It's like it's it's right by the railroad tracks. That because our cities are railroad town. Right. It's like a like a lot of towns and little towns in Missouri. Yeah. You know, it's a railroad town. So it's right on the river atrax still, like the rail yard, there's still a rail yard here. It you know, does its thing. It's like a little layover yard. It's not like a real big one. But it's a there's a small rail yard here and the depot is just right there and it's the antique mall now. And outside. You can still there still, uh, you know, you walk up the stairs and there's still this big platform. That's where you would walk in it goes it's it's perpendicular to the tracks. So you could walk down there. And it's like, right where they would load stuff. And then parallel to the tracks at the end, you can see where the stuff was, like the loading docks and all that stuff, right? That's really cool. And then inside is just this huge building. It's just really neat in there. I just like I like the building a lot, right? It's just really cool in there. And, you know, there's the general mix of like, really random things like collector cups, or just like, junk like that. And then there's like, just extremely weird stuff that you find in antique stores, like random junk from someone's closet. And like, you know, and then I'll send you like, a sweet root dial phone, like, okay, that's cool. I like that. Oh, yeah. Yeah, but there's actually like, a really weirdly big, like furniture section in this one. Oh, cool to have like a whole room. That's like, furniture. I'd love that. And it's awesome. Yeah. Like the front, the front little pavilion things are kind of like they're kind of lame, right? It's like, and you know, some of it's like, oh, somebody is a crafty person. So they made stuff and they put it in there. That's cool. That's not my that's not why I'm there. But people like that. But like, the back, there's these two rooms in the back? And then there's a book section?


Aaron  21:32

Yeah. Yo, just put


Collin  21:36

an E book back there. Right. It just, it's so just book right? qualify, the stuff you can find back there is, right. I have some stuff that I got in there. Like I have some random like old school books from like, the 1920s. You know, well, yeah. Like, I have somewhere. It's on my shelf over here. It's a it's like a tour guide book. About like sites in the USA, you know, like, places to go visit. And it's in German. Or what? It's in German. Because this part of Missouri German was like the second most common language spoken in Missouri forever. I mean, it's still up in the top five languages in Missouri is German. So like the the amount of German immigrants here is was humongous. So there's just like, German books. Right? It's like an old it's like an old book that they or somebody would have bought that or they came over right as a way to takhli it use the area.


Aaron  22:50

Yeah, are it's cool.


Collin  22:53

Our depot, original depot is actually now the visitor center. And it's completely Oh, that's cool, too remodeled and rented, they went through an extensive renovation. It's an exhibit that also kind of showcase the history of the town. But it's set up in a way that like some of the original rooms as far as like where the galley was or where things are, are set up to look like they would have back in the day. And so no, I absolutely love love this building. And they also have a railroad exhibits and are in model trains that you can go and watch and play with. Like that. That's really cool. I like that. Actually, no, they did. They really did a good job whenever they redid this, because it's just, you know, it's a beautiful building. I guess. It takes some pictures to send to my town council, we need that. And but yeah, the antique stores that we have here are very much the they're not the antique malls, you know, where people have booths that they sell. This is this is very much a there's one proprietor who goes out clients and buys antiques and then brings them back. And I kind of I don't know, I think I like that. More, because I don't know, I guess you'd have to see if you align with the owners taste and what they think is an antique or whatever, versus the the antique mall style where it's anything and everything is going to be found in the back. It's like it's more of like a curated collection type thing, right? Like, yeah, ours is, like a little both, right? It's a consignment, but like, it's some of the rooms I feel like it's just like, there's there are some booths where people are selling stuff. And then there are some like, we're just gonna put this here, like, like the store bought it or whatever. And they're like, okay, we're just gonna stick it in. Like, you know, someone's estate kind of had to close out and they didn't know what else to do. Yeah, put it in the corner, right or whatever. Yeah, they just bring it in like, we're just gonna. You buy this and like, sure. Stick it in here and sell it. Yeah. Or they go through it and go, Okay, well buy this stuff. The rest of it, you can go take it to Goodwill because you don't want this close. But yeah, it's really I like to do that and there are like, I don't know it is I don't go a lot. But every once in a while, I just would be like, I want to go to an antique store. Just want to see what kind of stuff is in there. As a person who likes stuff. Yeah, like I am fascinated by these buildings, because there's just like, there's literally anything thing could be in there. It's like mystery and



finding my favorite game of going with Mimi was What is this? What did you Oh, yeah.


Collin  25:56

What the heck is this thing? That is true. I mean, you know how many times how long it took me to figure out what a sugar mold was, you know, those old sugar mold? Oh my gosh, yeah. Holy cow. Yeah, that's it. Those things are, they don't look like anything that you would use ever? Like, why? Or why is this the beginning that was and also you saw them everywhere?


Aaron  26:22



Collin  26:24

Also, the random assortment of old tools. Right? Always, that's always fun. Like, this thing. That's cool. I like that thing. And some of them are like, you know, I know people that go because they, they, they need that stuff. You know, cuz especially like guys that work on a farm where they sell like that they like need those wrenches and stuff. They're in there. Yeah. And you can't find like, really? Some of them. You can't find new ones or new ones are like really expensive. So you can be like, Oh, hey, look, lamb. I have this. Yeah, I have this wrench now. Or even if he's like, I just need a wrench. Oh, got it. $2. Yeah. Or last or what? You know, whatever. You're right. Like. Yeah, a lot of lot of utility to be found there. And not just a Oh, I'm getting this because it's old. And cool. Yeah. So it's kind of like both because there is cool stuff that's like, utilitarian that you're like, Oh, I just need like the I mean, whenever I've moved, whenever I moved out into my first apartment by myself. That is where I went to look for stuff from my house. Yeah, right. Absolutely. Like, cuz they have just like, random kitchen stuff. Yeah. You know, it's like, because there'll be some booth where somebody's just like selling some mismatched old bike kitchen utensils. You'd be like, Oh, look, a potato masher. Boom, got it? Like, yeah, you know, like 75 cents. And, you know, you know, that may seem silly, but you can actually buy you can buy a new one for like, $6. But, you know, if you're, you know, being military and frugal about these things, you're like, Oh, I could get that thing. I could save a lot of money here. I bought an ice cream scoop in there. Remember that? I bought, I think I still have that actually, in the kitchen. If you have a somewhat more eclectic nature, you know, like, that's true. Last time we were in it was like, Oh, I could just come in here and buy like 18 different kinds of plates. And that'd be kind of cool. And take that. I'd be all about that. Who needs matching plates now? You know, like, I don't have matching cups anyway. So might as well just get a few more.


Aaron  28:39

Yeah, right.


Collin  28:43

Yeah, that kind of sounds cool. Like you can spice a cup. I mean, that's when I was in college. We did that. We went to random one in Joplin. Because we needed some coffee cups for our dorm room. Yeah. And we just bought a couple of really random coffee cups that were in there. For like, I think we spent $2 and got like six of them. I still have one or two of them. Actually. Two. I kept one of them. I think because Susan was like, we need to throw this out. Like No, I've keep it this one. Pink coffee cup, but I bought a lot. The other ones because they were like gross and nasty and broken. That's okay, get rid of those. This one pink one is funny. And I'm keeping that kind of stuff of like this. I think it does take kind of a different kind of personality to do that. And go now this is a this is where I'm gonna go shopping now. Right this is I'm gonna do it's fun. Aaron, what are your thoughts on antique stores? flea markets? Yeah. Do you and Shelby visit them in Oklahoma? Are you and are you going to now that we brought it up did upon you by your grandmother? Oh yes, true. Are you so traumatized by antiquing with me me that


Aaron  30:08

I made, I made the joke one time that Mimi knew where all of the antique stores were from here, or from Springfield to Pittsburgh, Illinois. And I know that that partially wasn't like a. Yeah, so it's only a


Collin  30:30

slight exaggeration.


Aaron  30:31

I remember going up there, like, oh, man, this is gonna take not long like, it's not that hard to St. Louis. And then like, it's Oh, it's it's it's so long St. Louis, because Mimi is driving and wants to stop at Ed burry.


Collin  30:46

It's already a four hour drive. let's not pretend as


Aaron  30:48

though I remember the one that we that was by our house and rogersville I just remember kind of how, like how cool that was. And he's just going through that, and I liked them. And never, in my mind, I never like really got the point. That makes sense. Because like, Oh, it's a place where all things are bought out. Oh, man, it's crazy. So like, for me, they never like, truly fascinated me. I now that I'm older I can I can now appreciate them a little more just because of the stuff that we went through. But I also have a different outlook on those because I worked in auction business forever in Soviet like, Oh, you just delve into this for you know, put this in an auction or put this in like whatever it's called my own. No, we gotta we gotta put that in. In, in this facility, so we can go do all this other stuff. But why like as an antique store, like, I don't get the point. I don't know what the antique store does. So for me, antique stores were always just weird. But then as I got older, I was like, Oh, this place is actually pretty cool. But you know, in my little mind, going to antique stores of seeing them like, Oh, this toy is more I like this is my now. So yeah.


Collin  32:11

Yeah. And it's fun to if you get into like really nice hobbies because you like walk around me, like, just the stuff that's next to each other is very amusing to me. Like there's one out of that giant one that's in Springfield on like, West battlefield or whatever that like, huge warehouse, one that maybe dragged me to a lot. Like, after I went through and I were married this this was like, yeah, it's huge. And it's just like, oh, look at a fencing foil from the 1930s. a cricket bat. fountain pen. This random microwave, like what the heck? Like it's like the stuff. It's just crazy. Yeah. And then every once awhile, you'd be like, it's just fun for me to see, because there's some things that you don't, because I'm officially an old man now. Like, there's things that you don't see anymore. That you will find in antique stores. Like, whoa, this like double cassette player. Like that's kind of cool, right? I don't like want to have it. But it's fun to know that it still exists there. Like it's still there. Like it's like 1989 double cassette am FM radio combo. It's very exciting. But that's because I have memories of like, recording songs off the radio onto tapes. You know, I mean, yeah. Or like making stupid mixtapes where you like, record songs off one tape onto the blank one, you know? Yep, the record industry's biggest fear. You can record your own. Ah, oh, no. Like,


Aaron  34:06

pie rat. Oh, no. Yes. Yes. Oh, no. Sorry. You know, I


Collin  34:14

have those memories of that. So like seeing that thing is when makes me like, that's cool. Like, my reaction is not into me for that thing. Anyway, strong enough to wear that I must buy it. But I give it another time. If I wanted to. I would probably only cost me like $6. So like, the adult habit. I could have it easily. I have to go back here before too long. Susan likes to go. Yeah. And we just like to wander around and look at things. And like we don't use a lot of times we don't buy stuff, right? It's just fun to like, go and wander about and look at random things. Usually we'll end up buying some kind of book. That's, that's really what happens. We're like, Oh, this book Crazy animals buy it because it like is funny, or old or interesting in some way. Right? I haven't totally too many atlases that are like pre 1940 for the season like time travel, I don't know what's the Yes. I mean, I'm a geography teacher, so it's fine. Like, there's either humor me, they amuse me to see that. Yeah, that kind of stuff. So usually we don't buy things. It's just kind of a fun thing to go do.


Aaron  35:33

Yeah. You know,


Collin  35:36

just like wondering I mean, even, like, I used to go with my friends in high school. This is how this is how I with the times I was Ladies and gentlemen, we were in high school like me and Cory would just like go to random ones in downtown Springfield. Yeah. Because the ones in downtown Springfield where all the weird stuff was. So like, we just like we just wanted to see what was in there. There's one of those like, we're just mostly like, curious about what is in this building? So did he one time buy like a Fonzie glass? Absolutely. Yeah, because it was in there. And it was 50 cents. So he was like, How can I not buy this? No, this would be legally required. Yeah. You know, it's fun to like that. It's just fun to I think it's fun. Plus, again, sometimes it's in a cool building, like an old railroad depot, or something. Yeah, well, and and like, I'm just thinking back to some of the ones here in town. Like there's a lady who are antique store. She only does like, furniture and big pieces. And so Oh yeah. If you wanted bed frames, or a side table or a couch, or even some


Aaron  36:59



Collin  37:01

paintings and or frames, you go to her, you know, that has a very different feeling than like, antique more than like knickknacks door. Like there's one yeah, corner where she's just like, everything that I kind of like will will bring into the store. So yeah, definitely about ours. And it's got a little bit of everything. Yeah. So I should know, but that furniture stuff, man, you know, that's a big deal. Like my, my old boss when I worked at the factory A long time ago. Yeah, that was like his side gig. He would like go out to yard sales. And he would look for old furniture. Yeah. And he would rehab it, you know, just just enough like he wanted, like, completely restore it. But he would like clean it up and make it structurally sound. And you know, he was like a woodworking guy. And he would do that stuff. But like early furniture, and like primitive things, he would look for that stuff. And he would go to yard sales and like the city winds and stuff like that. And he would take it home and kind of fix it up and rehab it up. And then he had a there's a store. I don't remember where it was now. But he would take it to there. He had a little booth in that store because they specialized in large pieces like that. And he would sell it there. But boy, did he, you know, he was excited. He made tons of money doing that it was crazy, like he were talking about was what he was like you're choking me. Yeah. And I think you know, part of that is, you know, people are trying to a lot. I know here at least, people try and I have been just in like trying to use pieces from the time in your house. Or if you're trying to do a renovation and take back some of the period pieces for the home. Like it's nice to have like, Oh, this boo duar this, you know, this, it's like are more or more whatever, right? Like it kind of fits the house because it's like, oh, yeah, that's why this house was built like this was for this kind of furniture or whatever. Yeah, it's a thing is true for like, a statement piece. Right? Like, if you want like, one thing in your house like whoa, was that you know what I mean? Like, it can be a piece of furniture like that. You could have like other more functional furniture that you sit on daily, but then you can still in the room, you can still have a big boom, like, here's my, you know, big statement thing or whatever, was kind of cool in its own way. Right? Like, if that's your style, that's what you want to do. So interesting, you know, kind of tie the room together as it were Well all that to say I think I'm glad I'm interested to hear your full review of your couch. Oh, yeah. Perfect. went and got a haircut today downtown. And I got it scheduled for next week I did that thing where I like, I don't pay attention and I looked in the mirror earlier like last weekend like, Oh, no, it was it was time for Noah. He was up to like, four and a half inches a hair on his head. Like we need to be a little bit though it downtown to two bit barber. It's an amazing place. It's all like, all the seats are like brass and leather. And now they've got a cigar lounge up front or back. And it's it's really cool, which is where a column was fine. Anyway, so we pull up and I look over and just right across the courthouse. I turn I look. I'm like, Ah, there's a lawnmower parked in the front of the courthouse. That's not really all that Oh, no interesting deer. And then I look I'm like, Oh, and there's a 10th 10th out there on the hill. That's weird. And then we went in, I turn around. And by the time I turn around, there are two security officers one police officer coming. And they're like knocking on the tent. Which is weird and funny statement. Right? And in the lawnmower is like brand new. And so I'm like, I guess they were mowing the lawn and came upon it. And yeah, they pull this guy out of the tent and he stands up, and they the cops start pointing to the lawnmower. And I go, did this guy drive is zero turn radius lawn mower



to the courthouse to pitch a tent and camp at 330 in the afternoon. And the answer is yes. The answer is yes. This man needed a nap. And so he drove a zero turn lawnmower radius timer, which is like $3,000 I was looking this thing up,


Collin  42:20

pitched the tent and crawled inside. And then I was yelling about being it being probably public land. And that he as a citizen of the county and paying his taxes, he had a right to use the line as he saw fit in to what he needed. Okay, so after he was arrested and hauled off the net, which was the predictable outcome of this interaction. What was then funny, it was like, I got to watch the cop sit there and kind of stare at the tent and the zero turn radius lawnmower and I know what his thought process was. How do I impound a zero turn radius lawnmower? Yeah, right. Like, what do I do now? nobody did anything. He just drove it away? He did. Yeah. It was so funny. And it's because we're downtown. And so like the impoundment area is, like right across the square, right. So he doesn't have to go very far is true. Just like, it's funny, this cop, like kind of like, his shoulders hang and he sees like, the tent, and like it's sitting it sitting on his lap. And then like driving. So funny, but it's just like, this is not what I wanted to be doing today. Now, to all of our listeners, who may or may not live in rural areas. Our Singapore listeners can be very confused about this. It is actually not an uncommon sight to see people driving lawnmowers to places like Missouri and it's a very odd now it does have I saw it just the other day. So this guy was driving his lawnmower to a place like I might just happens in Oklahoma Aaron, Is this true? confirm. Okay, yeah, reason this is because they cannot have a license for many, many reasons. Yeah, you do not have to have a driver's license to operate a lawnmower. Which is also why I realized that we have such a large abundance of scooters in my town. We so many scooters because you don't need a license to operate those either. If they're under 50 cc at 4949 cc right? You're good but I had never seen somebody writing out a zero turn. Now that is true. I have not seen that they're big. Normally you see that like old style riding lawnmowers with a deck just underneath and it's like a little mini tractor with a steering wheel. Sometimes they have a trailer. I have a steering wheel, right? Yeah, that's what you see. Yes. around. Yes. Again, you don't have to drive have a license to drive them for some reason. It's okay to drive them on the road, though. Like a lot of them are road legal because I have like turn signals. So it's fine. And but yeah. So yeah, people that have lost their licenses for some stuff. And then they just drive a lot more. That was the point that really old people could not drive the car anymore. But they for some reason will drive a lot more like rate low. Right, exactly. Low Risk, whatever. or lower risk. But yeah, that was the whole like the scene of like, okay, somebody is camping in front of the courthouse. ballsy move, zero turn mower is the for loop here. That's a brand new like bright, nice, sparkly, shiny, orange zero turn lawnmower. So that I'm going Did you steal this lawnmower and then get tired, I don't know. napping for the courthouses. And maybe he has jury duty in the morning like so odd that I got to watch the whole thing from while getting my hair cut because I was sitting right in front of their big windows looking out into the square. I I you know, like I don't? I don't know. Like, there's a lot of I have a lot of questions about what was going on. And none of them will ever get answered. So I'll just have to be satisfied with getting to watch it. It's very interesting. follow up question. Aaron. I have a question for you. When you get your haircut, barber shop or hair salon.


Aaron  47:03

So I, I have I had more of a question before that. Okay. Because I was I will answer your question. barbershop or what is it called? Like a salon quartet? I yes. Um, I've only found like really good places, hair salons by like, either like sports cards or something little things like that. I've never actually like been to a barber even I've like I've always like oh, you know, be like really cool. I got my my you know, haircut? And, you know, I'll get us the straight razor. I always thought like, that'd be really cool. Adam marbridge


Collin  47:49

I don't want to touch my beard. They might be in


Aaron  47:52

the forest for so so long for me. A statement is whenever I was in like college dad's like, Oh, just go use my barber when I can like home for like, a weekend or something. Dad went to like a really bougie barber shop in Springfield, why? You walk in and they like offered me wine. Very like fancy and very, like high tech. And there was I there was this guy is Oh, you must be Jack's boy. Come on back and get you some wines and water. And I'm like, but what is what is happening here? It was a character. It was a very unique place. And so I went there a few times. And that that has stopped going. He hasn't been for a few years but so that I just wanted to make that statement. Those The question is Why did our parents take us the best pro shop we get our haircuts when we were younger? Anyone have any answer is dad because it was a barber shop.


Collin  49:08

His dad took us there. Yeah, they had the cool barber which overlooked the hunting in archery area.


Aaron  49:17



Collin  49:18

Yes. But yeah, I had that memory too. All right. I would call him saying barbershop I had that that jumped into my mind as well. I was like, go there sometimes. That was so weird. I sent you Yeah, I


Aaron  49:30

just I just remember that I was like dad think is the best pro shop.


Collin  49:33

I didn't Yes. Yeah. The real question Aaron that you should be asking is why in the world was there a barber shop in Bass Pro Shop that's


Aaron  49:41

that was question number two because sir.


Collin  49:47

JOHN does it do it man was like buying hunting apparel and like, you know what, I do need a haircut. Yeah. Not enough people because it's not there. anymore but but yeah, it was. I love the theme of the you know, as nautical. You know, I don't know if you remember that the chairs were the boat. Yeah, we could put the pole and they're like fishing chairs, right fishing chairs. Yeah. I feel like nautical is one of the acceptable themes for barbershop. Yeah, I feel like there's only like a couple themes. There's like old timey. And there's like medical. Right? I think that's Yes. Yeah. This one that we go to is definitely more old timey. Big. And I sent you a link to it. You can see the chat I'm looking at right now is amazing.


Aaron  50:40

But yeah, I, I appreciate it very much. Yeah. So like,


Collin  50:47

the reason I asked Aaron that question was a nice chair. So I'll give it that is because I also go to like a hair salon to buy a haircut. I have not had good experience with barber shops.


Aaron  50:59

Yeah, like for


Collin  51:01

this is a biased opinion, right? I haven't, I haven't gone to a, like a traditional like, barber to get my haircut in a long time. Like, uh, you know, whatever. Because, like, I feel like when I did go when I was younger, they were all like, really old dudes. And you get one of three haircuts. And they can do a bus cut, fade, shorter buys cut. That's kind of it, right? That cut items, the options that you've got, you're gonna, you know, I was always like, that's not what I want my hair to look like. No, thank you. Now I know that that that statement is not currently true. in a lot of places. I understand that. Any professional barbers listening. I am not throwing shade down to you. It's Friday, it's fine. Like, I was saying, on my experience when I was younger, getting my hair cut by these, like old dudes in a barber shop. And I went to like a, there was a bunch of random ones. I've known as a kid. Like, I don't even know where they were. But like, I feel like they always given that they were completely different places. They always gave me the same haircut that I didn't like, I was like, that's not what I asked you to do. Whenever I wear that anyway, it doesn't matter. But like, No, you're right. You're right. This one is definitely I'm going to call it a hipster barber shop. Everybody has greased beards. They've all got like tattoos. And they all do like crazy. Like style haircuts, like the diversity of haircuts that I see every time I go in there. I'm like, wow, I want none of those. is True. True. But yeah, they're nice, though. And oh, yeah. No, no, really?


Aaron  53:15

Yeah, I, I feel like this might because like, that's,


Collin  53:21

that is a, like, he touched on it there. Like, it's interesting. Like, the way that any hairstylist, looks, is like very, it's like very important part of the job almost. Because, like, if you're going somewhere to get your hair cut, but their hair is like janky you're like, no, hold on. It's almost like a, you know, I feel like these people are very stylish people ran they do have very interesting hair all the time. Like no matter what if it's a barber shop, or like a hair salon type situation, like their hair is always like, very interesting. But I think it's that's also part of like the business, right? You can't like I feel like there's probably a lot of pressure on them. Like, you can't have a bad hair day. Ever. style day, like I don't know, like, Yeah, right. And there's been here several times. And every time I go in each one of these guys, that all cut the hair like they are totally on point that they are trying to give and like, just like, never miss a beat. And I think you're right like to just kind of like well, this is this becomes part of, at least for something like this of like, what we're trying to communicate as far as who we are and what we're doing. Yeah, it's got a lot of pressure though. Because like the business is like your look is representing the business. You don't want people to come in there and be like, Oh yeah, that guy looks like a slob. Because your job is a You are a stylist. You therefore have to be stylish, right? I feel like I feel like that's got to be Rough man. You know, some days I go to work and I'm like, it's not a good beer day. You know what happens time, Terry like, yeah, I'm gonna wear these. I'm just gonna wear this random polo shirt because I don't want to dress up very much. That's business casual enough for me. that's acceptable by my workplace like I'm gonna wear like in the wintertime like, Oh look, it's I can wear this gray sweater because I can't be bothered to think about what else to wear today. Meanwhile, one of these barbers he wears like a bowler cap of the past and he's got like a pocket watch. And yeah, right. He's got you know, I'm like that. Okay, first of all, let's talk about the vest. Because how committed you are? Are you to style if you are a vest wearer? Because how many vests are enough for your wardrobe? Yeah, right. Think about that. You can't wear the same vest two days in a row. Nope.


Aaron  55:59

That's a lot of vests. A lot of dry cleaning. That's crazy. Yeah. Right. Like


Collin  56:05

I mean, I guess you can I imagine you can purchase vests that are not dryclean only but that's still a very large commitment to style. Like, if you're going to be a committed vest wearer. That's a whole extra piece of wardrobe that you have to have many different ones. Yeah, not just a shirt person. Yeah, that's and then like, what best is going to go with the shirt? What season is it? Yes. All sorts of stuff doesn't matter your hat because he wears different hats all the time. That's true. Very different. Yeah. And I don't have to match you do that like English style thing, right? Like that. You know, they just like the same hats fine. Yeah, it has to it's like dark or brown and it's green and like what is the cover the head? Doesn't matter what you're gonna have the bowlers the working man's cap. Okay, it's a I don't know. He pulls it off. I couldn't. I'm not stylish enough for a bowler? No, that's no good. And I always fell in place because they all have these like, magnificent beard. And they come in they're like, totally cliche. Don't make that don't wanna make you all feel uncomfortable. mind me. It's alright. It's fine. That's gonna be rough. Man. I imagined and like, not allowed to have a bad hair day. Not allowed to have beard. Be all messed up. You know? I don't have that problem. But yes, I do. It's alright though. I can't imagine. That's fine. struggle. Israel. Well, yeah, what else you guys got going on. Then impounding lawnmowers and haircuts. Yeah, I am doing survey practice tomorrow, and I drive our new UTV for work. So wish me luck. Where Hey, the dream come true. Or, you know, whatever. I have to wear a helmet, safety glasses and gloves. operating it, though, will be gloves are important. I'm just gonna say that. In my experience with upgrading off road vehicles. Gloves are just the best idea you could ever have a windshield. Right? Like, that's true. I have a horror story though about why gloves are good. And so like I like there was Yeah, I was riding the dirt bikes through the woods. Right? Yeah. Let's go to the woods a day to do that. Like the part the woods by the driveway. Yeah, right down in there. was going through there. And I was coming up and I was driving and I guess I got too close to a thorn bush. And the thorn bush wrapped around my throttle hand yanked it off backwards. So like, basically the vine somehow like went around my hand. It's cinched as I drove by, and it like ripped it off. And so my, my aunt was so covered in blood that I could not operate the throttle anymore, like I couldn't hurt was so awful. It hurt so bad, like jerked my arm backwards real hard. And then when I put my arm forward, my hand was just red and I was like So I freaked out. And I that's down in the bottom of a gully, right. It's in a little valley. So the only way to get home was to drive the motorcycle up the hill, which you need excessive amounts of throttle to do. And I couldn't grip the throttle. So I just like, I basically leaned forward and I just leaned and I got the throttle. I just like jammed it. I just like I was like, we're going for it. And I shifted up and I just hammered down as fast as I could. And I just went up. Actually, we lead halfway up this hill, because I've just like we got to go like oh my gosh, it was so bad. Okay. Plus, Collin. Story. More of the story is white gloves. You know what's gonna jump in at you? reach around. Oh, yeah. Blam. fine brush sneak out. Alright, so surveying, are you gonna have flashbacks of all the terrible orienteering things that we did in Boy Scouts? I, you know, I will wait to see thought about that I start having my own, I have to pull out a compass and start figuring out which direction we need to be going. But hopefully, this will just be this will just be site prep. This is one of their, their standard surveying sites that they survey every so many years to see how this big civilization project is doing. Let's go back to our monitoring part of the process. And they have standard set points and survey line that they do every time and this is going out to a refined the benchmarks that they've set, and then start mapping the site or being there and doing the actual work. So we're going to start doing some clearing of stuff. And again, just finding these some of these locations to start it was cool. Yeah, it should be fun. Tomorrow is gonna be really nice day to be out doing it. That's true. Did you guys not have horrible people make your orienteering courses for Boy Scouts? Like I did? I don't. I mean, I they weren't fun. It was. I don't think they really thought through a lot of the like, what's in between you and this other point? I think they were just like, yeah, you go from here to here and didn't really do the Oh, they have to go through massive amounts of brambles or, yeah, no, I think mine did. They were like, I could make and go to this field. Or, or this tree meditated. Okay. Yeah, I see. Ours are premeditated. They're like, it would be more difficult and funnier. To watch them go this way. That's what we did. Yeah. It was awful. I remember one time we had to do it. And there was like, you know, those brand new trees that are like, basically the Missouri version of an Acacia Bush, right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that thing, there was just like a bunch of those and that the guy was like, so the hours went through that. Oh, that was great. Yeah, so I don't have fond memories of orienteering. I also didn't have gloves so that probably would have made it easy. I'll have gloves a silver helmet and safety goggles so I should be



silver helmets that department issue silver or that your personal style preference.


Collin  1:03:36

That was the color selected, though that it didn't confuse it confused with the other healthier buying. We each got our own color. Oh, okay. Yeah, there you go. So you can have you have easily identifiable helmets. Yes. I like this. That one of us doesn't grab the other person while we go on. Because, yeah, and you want to get to have a helmet too small. That'd be terrible. No, or too large. It'd be ineffective. That's true. I think too small. Of course. That's true. I'm excited for that. So yeah. What about Aaron? Yeah.


Aaron  1:04:29

Well, Aaron's been a it's been a very long week prayer, and it's only Wednesday. Colin can attest to what most of my Monday was like. just running around the county with a month old baby, so Oh, that Yeah, that was so it was a little chaotic, but we kind of bounced out relatively well. I started on call Friday. But my friends are coming in from all of them. Some of my my best friend and his wife had been in Idaho for the last. Oh, yeah. Two years. And so they are back in. They're living back in Arkansas, but they're down in Stillwater for about a month. So they're coming up for next Saturday or something. We're going to go do fun activities, then yeah, then I started on call, which is any, any indication of what this week is like? It's not gonna be very bueno for me. Um, other than that, that's what my, my weeks been like, it's been a lot of paperwork. A lot of driving a lot of like, Oh, do I get to go home now? No, you still have to sit and wait. Okay. Perfect. And yeah, so it was it was a unique experience. One that I would not repeat. Yes. Yeah. So that is that is just my what I would say to people like yeah, hey, if you want to do this a little bit, so it was it was definitely a very interesting experience. I am tired. And, dang, I just want to sleep. But other than that, it's been relatively, relatively. I'm not gonna say anything else that I don't want to jinx. Sure. I don't I don't want to upset the DHS guys anymore. So I'm just gonna sit here finally and put on my thumbs. But yeah, it's been it's been going pretty well. So


Collin  1:06:43

are you and your friends gonna go to an antique mall?


Aaron  1:06:46

No, we are going to, we are going to, we're going to call the flying t, which is kind of like Top Golf. It's called the pointy. It's, it's a train. It's a it's basically a distinct driving range that you can have like food, and have fun activities there. So we'll go do that. And spend like, a few hours but I got to the one one of the kind of the worst aspects of being on call, besides being on call is that you pretty much have to like babysit your phone. Yeah. Is like that's kinda like, Oh, no, it was just wondering. Okay, well, that part's a little, little frustrating of that had to like, carry around this phone constantly. But I'll do that for a little bit. See what's going on? Shelby's gonna go have a cookout with her family on Saturday, so you can do that and then hopefully chill on Sunday and then sleep some but yeah, that's kind of what all that I had. I had originally planned for. For this weekend. I for some reason. I thought today it was like Friday. Turns out it's not to disappoint. Oh, yeah. So I've been very like, Oh, I get to do this this weekend. What do you mean, you still got to go do this this this like, Oh, is it not? Only only Wednesday? Yeah. So yeah, that's, that's been the crux of my week. It's not very exciting. But I sent the picture of how much fun I was having. He's like, um, question. I was like, Oh, I have an answer. So Oh, man.


Collin  1:08:43

Hopefully your weekend is much less exciting with that. That's not


Aaron  1:08:47

Yeah, that is that is what Eric is hoping for. And I'm not James anything more. So I have been on a hat buying spree. Oh, yeah. I know. It's kind of like a weird segue. But


Collin  1:09:02

anyways, that's what this show is all about. Ultimate title of the show. Weird takeaway.


Aaron  1:09:06

When when we were up in St. Louis, or up there in Springfield last week, we did some shopping bought a hat. I was like, Oh, that's really cool. Like that. And then we went to no stores. So back to ads, and like the same day, didn't mean to, but I just kind of happened. It's okay. And then since then, how long was it? That was my two weeks ago, two weeks ago. So since then, I have maybe 234 this one, that's the one I've had. So I had but bear pass. No, four hats. So but I keep looking at other hats. This wouldn't be so cool if you already had a hat on but but I'd like more hats. So I have been, what's the word blockaded from buying a new hat for a while? So


Collin  1:10:10

it's fine. can be a blockade runner. Like Han Solo would be fine. So type describe your chapeau purchases


Aaron  1:10:21

for the bowler? What? Is it a bowler hat? No. So, to put you into perspective of how difficult it is for me to buy hat brand again, kind of the test of this I wear a 734 size hat. Yes, it's awful. And it's that's, that's pretty big. And it is just like, obnoxiously, like inconvenient to go to a half store and be like, Hey, can I get a hat? Oh, you know? No, cool. I'm just going to cry. So yeah,


Collin  1:11:00

I love that. I love the so like a medium, like, get out.


Aaron  1:11:04

I, I can never own a trucker hat or a snapback hat because I've put it on the very last snap. And then it just looks goofy. So don't don't do that. Because it's pretty impossible for me to do that. There. I'm also very picky about my hat. Because some hats just like don't fit or look insanely goofy on me because of the fact that I have such a gigantic head. So I have ordering online is dang near impossible because I was like I can't mess this up because I'm not gonna be able to return it. I have a bag in my closet of just nothing but like ads and there's like, or 30 hats in there. And I still have more ads. So


Collin  1:11:58

are those ones that don't fit or the chief has done


Aaron  1:12:00

were a little bit of both. There's some of them in there that I haven't worn in a while. So I kind of like all kinds of ads put you out to pasture partner so but here recently I have gotten the on field baseball hats that a lot of teams where I have a Arizona Diamondback hat. That's pretty sweet. I have a Cardinals hat forming right now. I've changed the world hat. And then I have a Springfield Cardinals.


Collin  1:12:34

Oh, there we go.


Aaron  1:12:37

Yeah. So yeah, my hat collection has grown exponentially. Because I am insane. Apparently, it happens. It's fine. But that's, um it's kind of going in waves like I still wear, like what am I slightly if I if I'm going out like be a family or something I wear like a normal hat. The I still have the hat that I bought when I was down in Texas with Colin doing this field research. Because I was like, I'm gonna get this hat, it's going to be out in the middle of nowhere as 1000 degrees on like, a more athletic, he kinda I still have that hat. But here here recently for more home use and more like personal running around us, I've just got my nomination hat. Yeah, we'll have a lounging as I was in a meeting last week. And we were just sitting there talking. And so I just had like a stack of hats next to me, and I wanted to see if anyone would ever notice. So I would just like put on a different hat. Didn't while while we're in the zoom meeting. And then I got the tail in my surprise. Like, that's not the same hat you're wearing. Took you an hour and a half. So you didn't notice that. But


Collin  1:13:51

it's actually the seventh different one I put.


Aaron  1:13:55

And then what happens is like if especially if I'm home all day, like documenting or typing like I'll, I'll get up. And if I know I'm gonna be sitting like there for us today. Like I'll get up I'll have a hat on. And I'll sit there and document for a while and then I'll just like, move like this. I just put that hat on.


Collin  1:14:18

idea that Aaron just changes hats, right? Yeah.


Aaron  1:14:22

Great. Yeah. I'll just I'll just get up and I'll be like, Oh, this is my movie watching hat. Oh, this is my hat. Ooh, so I haven't worn this hat. I wear this one more today. So that that does happen. I'm not proud of it.


Collin  1:14:41

So great. I am I'm very proud of you. This is fantastic.


Aaron  1:14:44

Yeah, the job. That's what typically happens like oh, there's I have a little hat rack on the door. And then I have hat racks like, I have like hat stacked next to my desk. And so, like I'll put one hat on, walk around for a little bit, sit down like this Oh, I worried I should wear this hat. And so like just me sitting here talking about it, I have put on two different just because because I'll be like, Oh, I like how this hat is like, Oh, this has really cool. So,


Collin  1:15:13

I mean, why not? It's fine.


Aaron  1:15:15

Yeah. That's what I've been doing, like, listening like, we're like, what do you guys are just talking about? Like, I'll just like pick up a hat look at it been the bill a little bit and I'll just like set it down. And then by the time I'm done, I'll have like, four hats on my desk, like well wait a second. It put these over here and then just the cycle perpetuates over and over again.


Collin  1:15:45

That's alright, that's allowed. It's also fantastic. This is the thing that happens is


Aaron  1:15:54

I don't know when it started. Like I remember. I was just a we taught like, Oh, yeah, I got this one really nice hat that I like. And then over time by Whoa, like six has just gone downhill from there. So that is


Collin  1:16:15

that's fine. I'm looking at currently one to six on my hair. So it's fine. It's okay. Yeah. If one and I need to get a couple more, because I need some lighter weight pads. Right? Because I have many years ago, I decided I want to wear flat caps. Because Yeah, they're just more interesting. baseball caps, I began to get bored. I didn't like them. And so I was like, I'll try this. And I have a bunch. There's something I don't really wear because I did same thing. Like I bought it. I was like, Oh, this Oh, I don't like this one. But a lot of them are like, whoa. And it is summer is upon us. And that's no good. To go. It's a bit hard. Yes. So I gotta do some looking around and try to get some different material to switch it up a little bit for some time. So I need to do a little bit of shopping. But other than that, so I understand air. It's okay. I don't really wear them in the house. Because I just keep my head down. But I've been the fact that you do brings me great joy.


Aaron  1:17:44

Glad I can help with that. I like it very much. What about you, Brandon,


Collin  1:17:53

what's your docket? And I'll add schools over next week. So hey, Joyce, just doing stuff. It's that time we were just get like random things happening during the day, some days. So it's like, Yeah, what am I doing today? I don't know. What about okay. So tomorrow, the counselors coming in the high school counselors coming in? To talk about the transition to seventh grade, seventh grade related things. Borrow, and then yeah, that's where Friday, we're gonna finish up our project thing we've worked on this week and watch the video probably. And, yeah, next week is to hold on to your hats because it's the last week of school. So that's kind of it. They got me to teach summer school again, somehow. So I do that. Luckily, this time, I have much more advanced warning than last year was like, you come in two days. Do you ever school? So I gotta go talk to the lady about that. But I've been thinking about stuff to do. Right. So the library is going to be open during summer school this year, because the librarian is doing summer school to do credit recovery for the high schoolers. Yo, hey, we can have reading time and library classes. Fantastic. It's gonna be cool. So I'm talking about I'm doing the same grade level again, though. It's the kids that are have kids that are going to be sixth graders next year. And a couple of kids are going to be fifth graders next year. Oh, I talked to the fifth grade teacher about like, what kind of stuff are we looking for? So we're gonna do some like civics stuff. Because then I think about government and that's a problem for sixth grade because we learn about like other forms of government. And then we like compare them to Like the US system, so we talked about, like, you know, like, how is like, well we look at it through the lens of like ancient governments or like Egypt, right? We do a lot of like, well, how is that similar and different to the US? And they're like, I don't know. Cool. So some kids are going to get the advanced advanced version of cynics this summer and do some sciency stuff, you know, some building things, or revive the building project from last year. I think we do those again. Those were really the kids really like those lots. I'm gonna do some of that. Some will have to do some writing. I don't like teaching writing, but perhaps some creative writing shall be in order to be fun out of it.


Aaron  1:20:49

We'll see. I don't know. Yeah, it's it. Kind of holding on.


Collin  1:20:56

Wondering went Oh, man, I got I got to tell you though, I don't know if Aaron saw my text from Friday. Apparently, speaking of things that my city has decided to do, they decided that last Friday was a food truck Friday.


Aaron  1:21:09

Oh my gosh, is what?


Collin  1:21:12

Excuse you. So they have downtown on like on French, I guess it's on Front Street. That's a mystery. And I can't remember. It's it's the it's also like really close to the railroad tracks. They've where they've kind of done a lot of the rehab stuff. They that big. There's a big pavilion they built down there, like a community pavilion and like a little park for kids and like, you know, the stuff that she likes bridges, everything. So it's down there by the retro packs. And there was like, tons of trucks down there. And they came from like, some of them came from Springfield.


Aaron  1:21:47

Really? Yeah. Wow.


Collin  1:21:50

So there's a couple local ones. There's a you know, your taco trucks and there was like a dessert truck and like something else was also in a very genius move. One of the local places they're like, they're in there do like, it's called like prime cut. And they do like barbecue II things. And they're really, they really do a lot of catering. They have opened a food truck person, which is kind of a genius move. Oh man, cuz they're such really good. But the highlight of this was the London calling food truck came from Springfield. Oh, yo, holy cow. What's up? So we went and got some pasties from the London calling for truck sounds. The line was atrocious, right, like Susan went to go pick it up because I was finishing up some stuff. And then I was gonna, she's gonna kind of get me taken out to her mom's house for a traditional Friday with the mother. It took forever. She said there's so many people everywhere. So that's good. Yeah. But yeah, so they can't and oh my god. Those pasties were so good. I can see why the line was so long.


Aaron  1:23:16

For Saturday, or this last Saturday for the weekend on Mother's Day, we show me and myself we took her mom down to Tulsa for what's called a fest. And it is downtown Tulsa. And they just had no artsy crafty kind of thing. Super cool. By they just had like, the whole area of downtown just blocked off and it was just nothing but minds through drugs. And I have not had a funnel cake. Since like I last went to Oh, it was something with me. What are some sort of like sporting or some sort of like, thing that maybe would take us to? Like I hadn't had a funnel cake. I have like, just this insane, like burger from like a food truck. And for Shelley. She She ordered like for this like really nice Mexican restaurant or Mexican food truck. But like they didn't they didn't have anywhere that said like how big some of the stuff was. Oh, so rose up with like a like next can breed it like burger. And like basically she basically didn't look like she ordered like half the time just because there was so much of it and she's like, Can you guys help me? I was I haven't I haven't sat down like ate anything in a long time. And I you had to roll me out of there. Yeah, because we had that we had they had just like this homemade sweet tea and like big jug things and And plus, you know, as fair skinned as I am, I was pretty relatively burnt by it. It was just so it was just so cool. Just be able to like just to walk around, and like, see all the little art stuff. And then it's like all the food. And they had like live music playing constantly. And that was really cool. Yeah, we went to that and then I was pretty much in a coma for the rest of Saturday. Yeah,


Collin  1:25:20

that's, that's cool. That's like, yeah, I didn't know. I was very surprised that they decided to do this here. I was like, What? This is a great idea we talked about First of all, like, say, the bangers and mash pasty. Yo, pasty, whatever. Man. That's the that's a brilliant idea. But by the time she got there, they were already sold out of like, two of the kinds like their traditional like, shepherd's pie. God. Yeah. That's the one that everyone's like, I got, but she had a chicken tikka masala pass. Dude. I didn't even know that was eye opening. Yeah, it is apparently. Boom. So that's exciting. I had some of that to that. Oh, yes. That's really cool. And they, I guess last year they did a, they started like a it's called, I don't know what's called like, first on front, like, the first like weekend of the month. They do something like that. They have like, some live music and they have a couple of food trucks. Because one of my friends went last year a couple of times. Or I guess the before that, because I didn't do it last year. But I think they're gonna bring it back. So might go go? No, I don't often, like a lot of the live music that shows up around here is off putting but you know, we go for a while. If we if my friends are friends. I go. We might go. You know if there's more food trucks I might be my neighbor purchased. Yes. That's just kind of cool. I'm trying to do some stuff down there. You know, make it actually go down there. Yeah. No, that's cool. Yeah. You know, cuz I was talking the other day. We were talking about I was like, it's not a lot of stuff down there that I want to go do? Sure. You know, and Susan was like, Well, what would you want? And I couldn't really think of anything. Right? Because there's like, the downtown is a cool looking. It's like the historic like the brick. You know, your classic like brick building mainstream kind of thing. Right? But a lot of stuff done. There's like, the pawn shop. The pharmacy. Yeah, I don't know what else is down. I don't really go there. Because there's not a lot of stuff. There's not a draw for me. So like, I don't know what I would put there. If they could be like, hey, you can put anything you want here. I can actually come up with anything that I would like, want to go do so. That's cool, though. They're doing that. So hopefully more food truck Fridays in the works because I was a great idea.


Aaron  1:28:06

Yeah, yeah. We,


Collin  1:28:08

we had we just started you know, I, you sent me that thing. I was like, Oh, I wish we would do something like that. And then like, the next day, I found out that there was a there, they're gonna start doing it on like, Wednesdays, in an area kind of in conjunction with the farmers market that we have bringing in from the area and but it's only for lunch, as well. Okay. Oh, I know. Like, I still need to try this. So I don't know why me Yeah, but what kind they have, but I was like, Well, okay, I need to get in on this ASAP. Wednesday. Lunch is a weird, maybe that's just a test run, I think to see, yeah, they're just trying to, you know, and then they'll probably expand from there. You would think Wednesday night, right? because it'd be like, you get that post church thing going on. Because, you know, people go to church on Wednesday, for some reason. I never figured that one out. But like, that's a thing. Well, who's in here in Missouri, if they surveyed other you know, if they surveyed the the food trucks and food truck owners, and you know, they may have other commitments in other areas. That's fair. That's fair that they need to be. So I don't know. I hope it continues. I'm definitely interested in trying to go more. Yeah, if I can add more bangers and mash pasties? That would be great. Yes, we'll see. That'd be cool. We can all report back on our ordinary excursions. guests. That's true. And we'll have to get Aaron to go to an antique store at some point to see if maybe there's a model and perception to antiques or challenge antiques under $10. Back best antique store purchase under $10. I like his plan. This is a beautiful challenge. We'll put that one on the books for sometime in the future. Not this weekend Aaron's busy but scroll past the top some point is that does that come before after top 10 mouse movies? I think I mean, it's fine. We can probably do it in a yes no particular we will probably get around to it much before that one. But I mean, I don't know. That's true. I have to look for some more mouse maybe. Because I don't know if we even have put that on my summer to do this. Watch Tales of despereaux. Yes, well. Alright. Love you guys. Bye