analog couch

The boys are back it’s totally ‘Revenge of the allergies!!’ Few times in history are we able to claim responsibility for something. BUT… if you’ve checked out Amazon Prime lately…because of our podcast, they’ve an “Indian” specific movie section. You’re totally welcome. Collin relates some home ownership woes while Brandon and Aaron are having relaxing, napping days. Main topic: Brandon laments buying a couch.

  • We are being recorded

  • Brandon claimed partial responsibility….

  • Amazon has an Indian specific section now… you’re welcome 

  • Collin on home ownership woes 

  • Indelible marker

  • Aaron had a relaxing day

  • Brandon - nap BOOM

  • Summer school

  • Brandon’s new phone! 


  • Bluetooth earbuds

  • Knob feel!!! 

  • Brandon’s couch

  • A couch story

  • Plug-in end tables

  • Car lot for couches

  • Tweeting toasters 

  • Insane couch

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couch, weird, buy, heating element, hot water heater, appliances, literally, tweet, sit, recline, furniture, day, people, happening, bad, replaced, headphones, week, true, allergies


Collin, Aaron, Brandon


Collin  00:05

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your host, Brandon, Collin. And Aaron. On this week's show, analog couch. Hello.



Hello. Sorry, I am about to say hello. And then my throat was like or you could call in. And I was like, I don't want to cough in my throat was like, don't you?


Collin  00:34

Oh yeah. Here's the episode alert. It's the revenge of the allergies. So everything's fun. Oh,


Aaron  00:43

yeah, I might have to mute myself off and on because I'm like,


Collin  00:47

Okay. Oh, man. Yeah, same. See, we went out. We were out the other day. Well, yesterday, we drove out to the cemetery to put flowers on the graves for season's family with her mom, you know. And like I got there. I open the door, and I breathe in with the allergens in the air. I already had it before that, but yesterday was not. Also I was laughing because I was I sat down. I was getting ready and the thing came up, but I went to push the button. And it just said this meeting is being recorded in the point ballroom I don't know that. But that's literally why we're here. So I know. It's a new thing that they started to do to announce and reach me out to me. And I'm like, it's mine. I push the button. I know it's being recorded. Yeah, that's a bit weird.


Brandon  01:51

Was it


Aaron  01:52

wasn't it? Like, when when all this you know, COVID stuff first happened? People started moving to zoom meetings. In some states, you have to tell people that they're being recorded. Oh, yeah. And I can't remember that was like a big thing of like, you're on zoom meeting. Oh, and you're being recorded. Like you're recording me? That's Yes. That's what it's a Doom guy.


Collin  02:11

I imagine that is exactly what it's for. Yeah, it's probably Yeah, some law somewhere. Now they have to be like compliant with something. So


Brandon  02:20

just kind of startled,


Collin  02:22

kind of waited a long time to implement that feature. Well, I did that. It for okay. So for a while it was doing that. But it was, for me, it was only in like a text to display. And it did it for like a couple like months and months ago. They did it a few times. And then it stopped doing it. And now that random robot lady just talked to me and I was like, What? What? No, it's not even a pleasant voice. Yeah, they want to use hard voices. She's listening. I guess I should got to ask. Are you both okay with being recorded?


Brandon  03:02

Like I said, it's literally the point. Oh, my gosh.


Collin  03:12

Before we hear about your exciting adventure for the weekend, something happened. And I'm weird. We're taking credit for this. Are you ready? Okay.


Brandon  03:21

This is


Collin  03:22

I I am I am claiming partial responsibility for this. Not like, like a little tiny part about I think we own this. I was looking on Amazon. The movies the other day just mess around seeing. And there is now a specific indian movie section. Oh, yes. I didn't sell cool. You can own that. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Right. You can search now specifically, at least in North American amazon for Indian movies, and I am. I'm gonna go ahead and claim partial responsibility for this. I'm not saying it's a coincidence that our episode about that just came out on YouTube this week,


Brandon  04:09

or anything. I'm not saying these events are related by though but also,


Collin  04:17

it's totally were partly your joy welcome humanity. I'm claiming 1% responsibility for this at least I think so. At least one podcast that Jeff Bezos listens to and that's right. Or somebody else Amazon so whoever it Amazon's listening. Welcome. I love that. Okay, but you can you can watch. There's a specific search thing for Indian movies, Indian film, and I check them all out because I was like, oh, man, this is great.


Brandon  04:55

had its own category and everything. So yes, good. Good. Berkeley we help people we do. Yes. Look at that. Contributing. Mission accomplished. But yeah, there we go.


Collin  05:14

I didn't know I was going to fit that in his absence. I just opened with it. Strong open. I like it. Yeah. Do that change and stuff. Boom. What's next? How have you helped world? Petey? anyway? Yeah. Goodness of it. It's true. I think that our listeners really want to hear about the trials and tribulations of home ownership from call. And I think that's really what do you say? Home Ownership was? I've just I'm just are your allergies, basement related? That's all I really want to know. Y'all. I really do think that that plays a huge chunk in this because you mentioning, I could tell they were bad when my when I felt it in my eyes. That's how I knew that today was going to be a bad allergy day. Yes. I have up until now. It is it is at the end of May, May 29. As we record this, I have not felt Allard. I have not felt the allergic reaction in my eyes up until this point. And today I woke up and went Oh, no.


Brandon  06:26

Oh, yeah. Yeah. So


Collin  06:29

and of course, the way my allergies work it I'm fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine, fine. Dead? Fine. Fine, fine, fine, fine. So it's like, there's no real point in me like getting on medication and staying on it because it just has to be that right mix everything. And so all that magic of medication is like, well, you kind of need like three days to get this in your system. So I'm naturally in popping five pills to be like, maybe this will speed it up. People ask me that all the time, like, Well, do you take you know, like this medicine or that one? And I'm like,


Brandon  07:01



Collin  07:02

I have I've tried that before, and it literally did nothing. I was just like, so I just give up and I'd like clarity, and


Aaron  07:12

clarity and will work for me pretty cuz I used to take the Allegro stuff. And, you know, sit there like top one, like, well, I'm still miserable. Pop another one, like a few hours later than then. Like, why this, this has made me worse. And then everyone's like, dude, get Claritin. I was like, Fine, whatever. So I took it and I was just zone the entire day, when I actually felt better. So people can now tell me like, Well, you know, you take like, half a pill, like every morning or take like a pill every morning. Get your system acclimated. So you don't get allergies. I was like, Can I take like 50 at a time like what was I like just what I walked outside, walked out to my mock mailbox. took a picture that book that I sent you call and walked back sat down. I was like, Oh,


Collin  08:03

I didn't go anywhere. So now deaf? Yes, that's basically what I have to do is I just slam like


Brandon  08:11

cough syrup type stuff.


Collin  08:14

But like that me snacks, whatever, or the whatever equivalent version to slam my symptoms way. And that's about all I can do. Like the congestion sore throat stuff. That's what I need. I just need to mitigate that. Right while


Brandon  08:31

so it's, it's exciting. Just love sinus congestion. It's my favorite. No, yeah. No,


Collin  08:42

I don't know how it's had time to be polony here. It's just been raining only. So like. I think I think the series has been really bad. So I think it's flowing in from someplace that has had time to only because it's just like flooded here. So like, everything's literally Everything's under water.



So I don't allergic to water. Bad news. That's what I've been drinking all day. So yeah, no, I allergies are not basement related.


Collin  09:18

Okay, listeners of the show like musty, damp nastiness. Like No, I have been battling a hot water heater for quite some time. where suddenly, it just we'd run out of hot water heater really fast or run out of hot water really fast. And we have a 50 gallon. And I couldn't even make it through a shower without it getting cold. And so I replaced the thermostats A while back and I was kind of like well, I need to replace eating elements because they're probably bad or at least I'll put new ones in and we'll rule that out. Then if that doesn't work, we'll just get a new one. And so I then bought everything I needed to replace the heating elements. In the heat of electrical heating, water hot water heater, and so there's two elements to talking about them. And you, you need a one and a half inch socket wrench to get them off. And I could not get these things open for the life of me. I tried off and on for like three weeks and could not do it. I could and I was worried about like actively breaking something. And each time I had to do it, it was I'd have to drain the tank. I'd have to wait, you know? Yeah, it's a lengthy process. And while I'm draining it, I'm like, Well, I might as well just flush it while I'm here. So I'm doing some flushing maneuvers and opening up drain valves.


Brandon  10:38

I cannot get these suckers out at all. No, they won't. But well,


Collin  10:43

yesterday. I guess dad was tired of me complaining about this. And he sent one of his guys over as he does. He's got a work crew up here in Newtown sent one of his guys over with an impact wrench. And shut up with us six foot Barb's like move over



and latched on to the thing and crack them open. And the first one came out.


Collin  11:16

There was like a man, that thing is covered in calcium. Oh my gosh, no wonder these things aren't heating. That's insane. Literally insane. I had this thing draining for probably about five hours by the time he arrived. We opened the bottom one and he starts undoing it and doing it and water starts pouring out from that the hole where the heating element is. And so he shoves it back in and he looks at me and he goes, didn't you drain this? And I said, Yeah, he goes, go look at the drain hose. And so I run over around the drain hose. No water coming out. And I was like, I don't know, tell you. There's nothing coming out of the drain hose. He's like, huh? Well, he's like, Are you okay with cleaning up some water. And I was like, there was six inches of feces in here. I was like you're, you're not going to beat that two brain away. Confused? You know, he kind of looks at me because he didn't know that. Anyway, he that's a weird census thrive conversation, like my face was covered in six inches. Like you're fine. Yeah, wait, but no, he unplugs this in the water that comes out. Again, this is the bottom heating element from the heating element, the water that comes out, it looks like milk. It is so white. And I'm so calcium money. And while it's also coming out chunks of calcium buildup, the size of my thumb, and the local marbles are also pointing out. They look like the softener pellets that you put in a water softener. That's how this stuff was it was pouring out onto my basement floor. I'm shocked and in horror now. He tries to pull the heating element out. But the heating element


Brandon  13:06

just a fixed. Well, no,


Collin  13:08

it starts to come. But then he realizes that the heating element is a loop, right. So it's one piece of copper goes in and comes back in. You just attach the 220 volt wires at the end. And they they they run the circuit through and that's what generates it.


Brandon  13:23

At some point, this


Collin  13:24

thing came so corroded that one of the wires on that loop that's supposed to sit inside, like melted and broke off. And so it's only by one wire on the inside. And because it is and it's now warped, he can't get the rest of the thing out. Yes, it won't go back through the hole because that piece is not attached anymore.


Brandon  13:51

And so he's like, what do you want to do? And I'm like, I don't know, I I'm weighing over my head right now.


Collin  14:01

And I'm looking at the floor and there's like, calcium everywhere and water and and then he like he's like, well, we we've got to get the heating element out. And he's like best case scenario, I can get this old heating element out. You can clear away just enough on the inside of the deposits to put in a new heating element. And at least you'll get hot water tonight. And then you can get this thing replaced. I'm like Fine, whatever. Let's go for it. Well, he cranks and cranks and pulls and pulls and pulls and pulls and pulls and pulls and pulls 20 minutes later breaks off the heating element and inside the water tank



and is holding the screw apart and goes well you can put one in now and I'm like


Collin  14:41

Oh gosh. Like I think we'll just skip straight to the new. He's like well, what will happen is is the one that broke off will settle down at the bottom and it won't contact the new one. Then I'm like Okay, that sounds may may may be sure.



So it's getting later than point


Collin  15:06

last yesterday and I thank him for coming over easily. And I start my goal now is like okay, well, I know there's some buildup of calcium on the inside, I will shop back out the inside of my hot water tank to get out the rest of the calcium. How much could there be that's a very bad thing to say by the way. I'm just gonna use the shot back to solve a problem that's very that's very is I know, but I'm just saying I know I meant that for haha. Well and the other part was is that the end of the shop back is too wide to fit in the hole. So I



take three foot piece of PVC pipe quarter inch PVC word, shove it into the piece of duct tape it


Collin  16:01

to create my air and it's getting worse know what is happening.



So I proceed to shop back out the inside of my hot water. And is what


Collin  16:26

I sat there no joke, I shot back for over 30 minutes, almost filled the shot back and there was no sign of any of this stuff. abatement. I, I could not even push the piece of PVC pipe all the way through to the other side of the house. At which point I gave up. I mean, at that point. I was going how much like I even like I drove to Walmart and sat in the parking lot and was like, how much vinegar Do I need to buy to pour into hot water heater to dissolve all of that they don't sell enough.



Realizing that they don't sell it sell enough. And I don't want to be that guy buying 19


Brandon  17:22

of vinegar. Yeah, right.


Collin  17:24

Do you mind? Just don't worry about it. Yeah, that's all self checking. Right here. Right, but I'm gonna go on some list. I don't know what list that is. But that's true. That was 19 leaders or



white vinegar. distilled white vinegar like that. fishes. So I gave up a and


Brandon  17:50

this morning. Dad came up


Collin  17:53

and we bought a hot water heater and installed it. What an exciting time.



And I just the good news is I didn't do it. Okay, like this is very key.


Collin  18:10

This is true. You didn't break anything. This is geologies fault. Curse you limestone bedrock. How dare you, Mississippian period? What is happening? Right coccolithophores and whatever else is all yes rocks. So and and that means the previous owners did not flush and properly maintain the hot water heater. Because it's the hot water heaters not that old. Right? It's like Well, yeah, it's 50. It's 10, maybe 15 years old at the oldest, which is still don't get me wrong. Yeah.


Brandon  18:44

But like it. It shouldn't be that. But anyway, it was it is and now it's gone. Oh.


Collin  18:56

So I walked downstairs and did another very dad thing. What did I'll ask you staring at the hot water heater. They just replaced


Aaron  19:05

him with his hands on his hips and looked at it. Did you pat and he's like I need to flush this padding. Okay. And we think you did? Yeah. No, I did not go and punch it again.


Collin  19:28

No, no, no. Backing up on the detritus around. Well, I did have to vacuum up and clean up quite a bit of other things. That's just seizure. I don't know. Let's hear it. What was it? Okay. I brought out my indelible marker and I know you've dated and dated it. As you do, you do? I know. And also you didn't call it a sharpie like the literal rest of the world. Said indelible marker. Uh huh. That was more clear. Listen to what was coming. Yes. wrote down today's date and wrote replaced on or installed on 29th of may 2021. Well, you know, that's good news, I guess. Now you know me no confusion about when did you buy stop watering and I kept the box for the kids to play when they get back home. So I mean, obviously, moral of the story flushed your hot water heater once or twice a year and how water softener in certain parts of Missouri. That's the most of the story actually. No,


Aaron  20:48

I had right. Probably one of the most relaxing days I've ever had


Collin  20:55

anything near that exciting things that you must overcome.


Aaron  20:59

I opened up all the windows with the fans do its job, and I sat back and I cleaned. And then this is the laundry and I just sat like on the couch and binge watch Netflix. Like, majority of the day. It was the most carefree day I've had in a long time. So that's been pretty. That has been my day in a nutshell. I haven't left except for to get assaulted by allergies. I haven't. I haven't caught it. I tell the new guys I haven't called or talk to anybody. And yeah, I haven't left my permit. And it's been wonderful. Most days, I'm like, Oh, we got to go to this. We gotta go to this phenomenon. today. I'm just I just want to stay right here. Don't do anything and not be mad at myself. So that's been that's been my day. in its entirety. I also forgot that it's Memorial weekend. Because people were like, Oh, hey, what are you doing for Memorial Day? You have a three day weekend, right?


Collin  22:17

I always I always forget about Memorial weekend. I don't know what it is about it. It's just not something that clicks in my mind is like a thing.


Brandon  22:24

Maybe it's cuz I'm not like,


Collin  22:27

attuned to the like, Oh my gosh, we got to go to the lake. Kind of, because that is the thing here is like you go to the lake or you go like do outdoorsy things because it's like, officially summertime. But I don't want to do outdoorsy things anymore. Like ever. Like I'm kind of over that. So there's just yeah, I had my day was pretty similar to Aaron's, except for with the cleaning part. I'm just like, I'm just gonna lay here. My face will stop hurting. And nap boom.


Brandon  23:14

I got


Collin  23:20

had to recover from those first two days of summer school.


Brandon  23:24

extra nice. Oh, yeah.


Collin  23:25

How's that been?


Brandon  23:26

Right? Uh, you know, find, I guess. Is he says convincingly? Yeah, I don't know. It's kind of weird. It's really odd. Like, it's always sort of taken aback by like, the difference, like where we are, like, mentally


Collin  23:54

developmentally. Like end of sixth grade and like, end of fifth grade, it's a very wide chasm. Are you doing are you doing a fifth grade? Yeah. So it's, I'm doing next year's fifth and sixth grade in a combined, loving, interesting. So yeah, there's not a lot of them. There's like 12. So, you know, but sign up for that. That's how it's partitioned off. It's the fifth and sixth grade. And so it's like, kind of weird interest like, Huh,



interesting. What would you say is the biggest difference? I don't know. There. It's just kind of like a


Collin  24:45

I'm not really sure exactly how to describe this. But there is like, well, there's like a maturity thing. Where like some of the stuff they're talking about. It's like what and like Just kind of like where we are with like our question asking. Right? I think that's kind of a big one


Brandon  25:06

is like are like


Collin  25:08

the questions that we think are appropriate to ask not like, the Bible talking about, like, Depth of Knowledge type questions right there. A lot of them are very still, like, level one on your Doku thing. Right. Like, they're not super in depth, and they're not like questioning detail things. So it's kind of weird. Like,


Brandon  25:29

like, oh, oh, yeah. What's that really


Collin  25:31

short and small? So it's like,


Brandon  25:34

you're so tiny. I just wrapped my Chima packet. Yeah, weird. So,


Collin  25:40

so far, so good. It was really weird. I don't know why. They decided to start summer school on Thursday. Honor who thought that was a good idea.


Brandon  25:49

That's, that's disgusting. It was kind of weird, because I was like, well,


Collin  26:00

oh, sorry. I'm eating cough. And then I forgot that. I tried to unmute it if stuck.


Brandon  26:07

Yeah, like I couldn't really start too much


Collin  26:11

stuff. Number one, because it's the first couple days and you're never sure, like, Who's going to show up? And like,


Brandon  26:17

if people are going to be gone the


Collin  26:19

next day, right? Plus, it's like now it's a three day weekend. So we don't go by till today. So



just basically reintroduce yourself on Tuesday, like Hello.


Collin  26:31

Yes. So we've just done a little bit of writing, and then some math. And we're talking about the Olympics a lot. So we're because they don't know anything about them. Because you know, that's the other thing I forget. They're only they're not very old. So the last time there was a Summer Olympics, they were like, you know, steaks. So yeah, that's how we're learning about them, where we're just going through and I'm just showing them little clips of different events. And it's really weird the stuff they're into, and the stuff that they think is boring. It's really kind of backwards because like we watched a clip of like the archery and they were like, Oh my gosh, like, you thought it was the most exciting thing that ever seen their life to do standing there. Yeah, not talking, like shooting 100


Brandon  27:21

we. So, I mean, it's cool, but they were like way into it and was like this is odd. Okay. Anyway. So there's going down, and we're doing that a little bit. And, you know, excitingly, however,


Collin  27:45

at least for me, from my point of view, is that the librarian is doing summer school. She's doing the like, high school credit recovery thing. Okay, so for like kids that got bad grades, they can make up their semester online to get a better grade. And she's having library class, like, every day, for the kids for like, 30 minutes a day, which great is wonderful news. So they call the library. They do a little library stuff. They can check out books and things so we can have like reading time in the classroom


Brandon  28:21

through so we just hang out


Collin  28:26

as a reading time library.


Brandon  28:29

Oh, yeah. So that's been exciting. Changes summer school pays there. But


Collin  28:40

yeah, other than that, it's kind of weird to just get started and be like, Okay, see in three days, bye. not sad. The next week is only for a week. Oh, yes. So anyway, the other thing that happened is I had to finally break down and buy a new phone.


Brandon  29:22

Because I've had the same phone for like,


Collin  29:28

I looked it up the other day, something like five years, something like that. And so it was basically not functioning. The battery was like non existent. And so, so I had to break down and buy a new one. So that's been the other chief trauma for this week is trying to like navigate new phone.


Brandon  29:53

Try to make it all work. Make sure everything's back. Alright. Sorry, Mike. I was having a hard time. time



hearing everything back. Okay, I don't know exactly where it came back into that conversation. Sorry. Sorry,


Collin  30:11

I was just feeling the words. I thought you might have had like a child based emergency and just had to like run off again.


Brandon  30:17

Notes no children are in danger.


Collin  30:20

Okay, but not in danger. But sometimes just like daddy like, oh, why are you here?


Brandon  30:24

Why do that to? Yes. Yes, I


Collin  30:32

had to navigate the terrifying world of


Brandon  30:35

new phone edge. Okay, so,


Collin  30:39

like I said, my old phone I discovered was something like five years old, maybe


Brandon  30:44

almost six. And it was kind of like not working. Really? Like, yeah, you know? Sometimes you just gotta call in and be like, now, I don't want to. I'd rather not. Yeah,


Collin  31:02

I'm busy not doing that though.


Brandon  31:03

If you could please. So, the, the this


Collin  31:09

I said that to sort of segue into the other thing I discovered. So this this is a Samsung has also followed in the suit of like, we need headphone jacks.


Brandon  31:21

Those are for losers. So I have been shopping for wireless earphones like earbuds


Collin  31:32

right? Though I bought a little one of those little like random dongle things on Amazon for like eight bucks just


Brandon  31:40

so I can get through this. But this has opened a world


Collin  31:44

that I am not familiar with. And it's very weird, and very confusing. And now, back to Britain ad rant there, my internet has been assailed with ads that just annoy me to no end


Brandon  32:01



Collin  32:03

And it makes me not want to buy anything, because they're just so bad. I saw one of them was like, I was like, Oh, these are kind of you know, they're cheap. They're reasonably priced, blah, blah. And it was like, I saw an ad and they refer to themselves as like


Brandon  32:22

something like


Collin  32:24

we we want to be, you know, purchasing the, like urban technophile. I was like,


Brandon  32:31

get out.


Collin  32:33

Oh, yes. A lifestyle brand. Oh, no. Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Nope. Not buying anymore. Sorry. It's terrible. And then I don't know where I guess. I have a new sort of ad that showed up one that I had never actually paid attention to if I've seen them before. But these are the ones that appear to be like, especially on YouTube, they stood up. They look like they're some sort of sponsored content, something that had been snipped out into their own ads. Right, because it's like, dude, with a microphone


Brandon  33:17

at his desk. And there's like, the black


Collin  33:21

egg carton, the sound deadening thing. So it's like, nondescript studio setting. Right. Like they're talking about it like, Oh, yeah, they just sent these over me to check you know, that kind of thing. Right, you know, but one of them stood out to me greatly because he said the phrase, this is my first time, you know, trying out wireless earbuds. Oh, okay. And then he followed that by comparing whatever brand it was to all these other brands of wireless earbuds that he seemingly had intimate knowledge of and I was like, I don't you're lying to me is what I'm doing your piece of trash you're not that I don't believe you but but I don't believe you comparing them to like these other ones. That's like, wait a minute. You never wireless earbuds before. Oh, do you know what? Yeah. And then why would I listen to you about it? Give a review on something that you have nothing to compare it to or know anything else out? Right? Like?


Brandon  34:36

Yeah, it was just a weird.


Collin  34:38

That was a whole weird sentence. And the fact that you clipped that to put like a


Brandon  34:43

standalone ad is something like I don't know about your lifestyle brand, bro.


Collin  34:56

You want to have like nondescript internet and bro with these backwards hat and terribly boring room. Tell me about your phones that he doesn't know anything about and then tells me all about them like, oh,



look what I just found. This is I don't even know where to start. So anyway, these are made out of


Collin  35:16

Yeah. Like proceeds to give you like technical specs rundown from memory like, Yeah. Wait a


Brandon  35:22

minute. Wait a minute. Yeah,


Collin  35:26

we would call that a disingenuous ad. It was bad. It was real bad. So I was like, remind me to not buy these boots. They might be good. But these advertising campaign is so terrible that I don't want anything to do with it. Nice. So the search continues. But that was the Yeah, I'm very end today. I didn't feel like doing anything again. Because I was like, but I just what are like, Oh, my gosh, this is terrible. What are your What are you looking for? qualification? I have no idea trigger. They're


Brandon  36:04

not super expensive.


Collin  36:06

Because I can't be bothered to pay tons of money for headphones.


Brandon  36:10

Even though I probably should. But like


Collin  36:16

do you want the bud kind? Or do you want like an over the ear? Or like, around the back of the head? Kind of I definitely don't want the around the back of head when that one is too. Like, Blade Runner for me. Right? I don't really like it's so cool. Yeah, and I don't because they would be used mostly just for like, I'm thinking, traveling, right, like going places, like when I'm out. I like over the ear headphones for at home.


Brandon  36:49

But I don't.


Collin  36:50

As discussed previously, I do not like to carry stuff with me. And so like having giant headphones to carry around. sounds awful. So I just Yes, that little bud things is what I'm looking for.


Brandon  37:05

in some fashion, but we'll see how long this takes. Because Oh boy.



It's a it's not a fun world to be looking for.


Collin  37:22

I yeah, and most like is like literally, they're all the same. Yeah, like, there's not a lot me that also sort of takes away some of the like, trepidation of buying stuff because you're like, it's just gonna be ahead, it doesn't really matter. But on the opposite hand, right? Like, it's, it doesn't really matter. They're all literally the same. But there's like 75 that are all literally the same. Like why don't What?



Why? Yeah, I I like the buds a lot. We got we use the, the


Collin  38:00

root version of the sponsoring us not going to use their names. It's fair. But But I know people cut it, but they are like, there's it seems like to get a decent pair you have to basically spend like, at least $100 on a pair. And yes, right. Cuz which is fine. Yeah. As long as they're gonna be like, adorable, because like the market is obsessed with like non durable goods that have to buy and, uh huh,


Brandon  38:28

I'm not really into that. So


Collin  38:34

yeah, I definitely don't want to buy like, I've definitely not looking into like the, the, this is the marketing term they are using not my term. Okay, premium brand, right, like get out, like that term that you use for that? Yes, that I came up with all by myself. And it was not inundated with constantly on all these websites I was looking at because they have like, normal headphone and then like, the premium version, and it's like literally exact same thing. Like I don't, why don't you I go Okay, like, what am I getting? Like, am I getting better sound quality? Am I getting better battery life? Am I getting better durability, and usually they're just like, they're just premium. As far as I can tell, sometimes you might be getting better battery life, but it's very negligible amount of battery life, right? It's not like well, it's not like ours more. It's like a bluetooth earbuds right? You're not getting amazing battery life because there's no Yeah, for the battery. Exactly. So you know, it's a little difficult, but the portability is, is really if you're buying buying bluetooth earbuds, you're ready for portability and pocket ability at that point. Yes, that's really cool. As for audio fidelity, you're not in it for any of that. No, these are just that I can have around. So if we have Like,


Brandon  40:01

somewhere I can just like, listen to music or when we go to


Collin  40:08

Susan's mother's to watch hallmark movies on Friday, I could sit at the table and be like, what's the plot? And then have something else play again, same time while I'm commenting on the movie, but actually be watching some other video or listening to something. Yeah, I've heard good things about I know jobra makes good ones. Or at least I've seen good reviews on those. But again, it's like they also make 18 to 25 different varieties, even within Korean. Like, which one? Yeah, exactly. So it's just like, whenever I feel the same way about like normal headphones to I haven't I need to buy a another pair of like, headphones to wear for this right now. Yeah. Or to have at home because I like I said, I like the big over ear headphones for the house. Just because I'm sitting on the couch and are sitting by my laptop, whatever. I like them, because they're more like noise cancelling and stuff like that like that better. And I have to listen to whatever chain is doing out there, like I know. But that's the same thing. There's like 75 billion, and they're all exactly the same, like, cool. It's not even, it's not even in this particular aspect. There's not even that aspect of like, Oh, I like how they look. We all look the same to so it's like a form factor. Because there's just the same they're all the same colors. Same design,


Brandon  41:54

which does not lead to, you know,


Collin  41:59

ease like you would think it might be like, well, they're all the same. Just get one it's actually more like anxiety inducing. Like there's got to be something different about it. Why would I buy I don't even know.



This this is also an undue panic attack that I that I was induced bond with, with home appliances.


Collin  42:22

I was as you're talking I'm reminded of how much like I hate shopping for like office chairs of because again, oh Yo, yes, that's crazy. That's why I use a yoga ball. Because I was just like, I'm just going in a completely different direction. And I am going to show you all of that nonsense, because it's like, for office chairs, it seems like from $0 to, like $500 literally no difference. And then you go to like 12 $100 and up and then you're like, oh, okay, those are actually better, but everything $500 in below. No difference. They're all crap. And you're never gonna find with a charity like, which is crazy. I like an office chair for 12 $100 what universe is this? Where that would buy like what? I'll just get it Herman Miller Miller, you know, air on terror on NPR. And but it is it's, it's, it's like, for whatever reason, like the low to mid range, almost completely indistinguishable. And then we're not gonna break in like five seconds to it. That's the other annoying part. They're all like the same plastic and or mesh combo, it's just going to literally shatter almost almost immediately. Yeah. And this is also manifested in the world of ovens. stovetop. We are, we're kind of needing one because we have a glass top electric oven, and the stove top is blacked out and it's cracked across it off. That's not good. still works. Like I have Yeah. been cooking on it for like, oh, two years now. Fine. And all the burners work and everything. It's fine. It's just it, it needs to be replaced. How fun scrolling through the 320 different options on Lowe's, and not menards and Home Depot and appliance center for all these white squares that are there's literally no difference between them. It's like these, these all have different this Whirlpool and all these other different brands. It's like, I'm pretty sure these were just stamped out factory. And what are right, yeah, it's a different section of a factory and they blast the different name tag at the end, right, like, and I went in the store to look at them because they're like, well, maybe I can see, you know, see some differences in personnel. No, no, there's no difference. And I would like again, massively overwhelmed by this because it's like how am I supposed to Make a decision like this one is $300 I look right next to it is one that is $800. They have the same knob. They're the same capacity. They're the same style. They have attachments they have, like, I, I have. So basically then I was like, well maybe then when I started to do was I really went off the deep end and I was like, What about knob deal?


Brandon  45:19

Okay, which one of these has the best? Oh, no, knob.


Collin  45:24

Aaron he went from dad to James me. Like, really?



And so I was that guy. Like, I don't care about price. I don't care about color. Just tell me what what does it feel like the turn?


Collin  45:41

He was going in there and he was just like opening all the doors listening for the sound me like how about this door? Oh, this one's a little smoother opening in this one.


Aaron  45:54

Get out. Right, like weiqi door.


Brandon  45:59

Sir. Can you stop touching the appliance? No. Oh, I didn't find one. And I just I still have a cramp.


Collin  46:14

Yeah, that well, that's kind of the same thing. Like when we went to pick out this couch, right? this weird couch situation? Oh, yeah. Right. Like,


Brandon  46:24

I don't. So. Yeah. Like,


Collin  46:27

I haven't been in a furniture store since I bought our last couch, what? 12 years ago? Right.


Brandon  46:33

So it's a weird place in there. Like,


Collin  46:38

Vermont, like new furniture is weird. Right? And a lot of it is like, a bunch of stuff that I don't want. And so it was really hard to be like,


Brandon  46:50

do you not just have like, a couch? Hmm.


Collin  46:54

Like, is that not a thing? because like you said they have, like a lot of them are like exactly the same. And they're just like a slightly different color. And like, Oh, this one's Brown. And this one's


Brandon  47:05

dark brown. This one's gray.


Collin  47:09

Yeah, once dark gray. However, one thing I was not expecting is the sheer number of couches and other furniture that you have to plug into a wall.


Brandon  47:23

For to function. Oh. So there's like, a lot of them have like,


Collin  47:33

whereas when we looked at like the middle thing, like does a little like folded down thing. And there's like, USB plugs and just electric sockets on it. Oh. Right. So it's there. Some of them are like the reclining bit is electric. Oh, I don't like so it's weird, right? It's like, so it's like an electric motor. Which, again, my brain is going, that's gonna be fun when that breaks. Right?


Brandon  48:04

You know, like, the or, and so that


Collin  48:08

it was really weird because there was there was this selection of couches from like, a normal, I'm gonna refer to it as the analog couch for the duration of this right? So sad. Which is a weird thing to have to say. But like, it's just it's a manual, you pull the thing to recline it and there's like nothing else. There's some of them you plug in and they're either like, they have the charging Bay on it or like, they recline electrically. Then there's a couple of these suckers that are like, friggin spaceship couches, man. Like one I'm not even kidding. It looked like First Class seats from like an airplane.


Brandon  48:47

Oh my god. Right? It has.


Collin  48:50

I sat on it just to mess with it. It plugs in. It's like a electric reclining. It has the little charging ports in the middle. It has like massage button things on it. And it has like little reading lights on this little thing. In the middle console thing. It seriously looks like it's straight out of like a private jet. It's insane. Like,



what in the world? is this? That's awesome. What's easy. You know,


Collin  49:30

it's just nuts. And I'm like, part of me is like, you can't actually like lay on this couch. Which is why like, yeah, that's the other one. There's two there's a couple that look like they were like the they they have their Susan's sister and her brother in law they on the store. And she was like her sister was like this couch



for some reason. sells like crazy.


Collin  49:53

I don't know why. And it's like, it was not like a I know it seemed really short to me. Because it was just too seats with like a console thing. And it looks like really fancy, like movie seats. That's what it was. And it reclined and had the stuff and it was like this really weird stitch pattern. kind of ugly, but like, people just buy this, they buy it up. I don't know why we can't keep it. I don't know why either. It's kinda comfortable, but it's really not pleasant to look at. It was really weird. So I was not expecting this sheer number of plug in furniture. And that to happen, that's new. They even have these, I don't know how I feel about these yet. I'm still on the fence. Part of me thinks he's a cool.


Brandon  50:44

Part of me thinks they're super unnecessary.


Collin  50:48

Okay, so I haven't decided I'm out of here, but they have in tables.


Brandon  50:55

And so


Collin  50:56

they're, they're like a little in table, they have a ton of these things. And you they're there, they plug into the wall. And then at the back, there's a little lip that pops up. And there's like three plugs in there.


Brandon  51:10

With just a little like, like a little handily thing where the cords can come out, you know.


Collin  51:17

So you can play like your lamp and your phone charger and whatever, just into the table. And that's like your, the table is like the power strip. So that's kinda cool. Right? Right. Like, it's very functional in that way. Reminds me of like, the furniture in like a hotel room, or like in the lobby area have like a student center, right of like, like, we need to make this as functional as possible. And only serve like one purpose. That's also true. That's why I'm on the fence. Right? Like, it's kind of cool. But also it's like a guy. I really don't need that though. Like, you know what I mean? It's like, it's cool. But like, not, I don't actually need it, though. It was kind of it's kind of weird. I was I was not expecting that. I was not expected to do that at all. Like, I was like, Why do all these tables and couches plug into the wall? That's so weird.


Brandon  52:31

Like, I understand. Yeah,


Collin  52:33

I can take it back for a little while. Oh, that's not what that's not what I was expecting. When I think about like couch furniture. I don't think yes. And I need to plug it in for to work like,


Brandon  52:44

yeah. Yeah, I don't. I feel like that is like kind of buying. Like you're buying a


Collin  52:57

I don't know how to say this, like a tool for your tool, or like a pet for your pet or like a happier hat. Oh, I have a cell phone. And therefore I need to buy a couch that I can plug my cell phone into charge it. You're like, I'm sorry. What? Did you just say? Cuz you know what, that's why it is right. It's so you can charge your cell phone while you're on the couch. Sounds like a brilliant maneuver. But it's a little crazy when you're like I need my furniture to charge my cell phone. Yeah, that's a bit that's a bit of a of a weird sentence to have to find like,


Brandon  53:33

what I'm trying to piece together here but, like, ever. Yeah, yes. So yeah, I haven't had the same thing. I was like, that's cool,


Collin  53:47

too. I need it though. Yeah, like will not make my life better. No, not really. So you didn't get a plug in couch. I know. Analog. All the way man. Analog.


Brandon  54:02

Yeah, well wrote me And so yeah, it's weird. It's so weird. Like, sitting on a bunch of different couches in a store and being like, this feels just like that one. This couch.


Collin  54:22

Because they're all new. And so they're not like, you know, they're not like broken in or anything. So I just kind of like


Brandon  54:29

Yep, it's a gouge. I don't want to tell you our discover that there's a couple of them that like, I'm going to describe this as some of these catches you sit in and some of them you sit on. Ah, that makes sense. Like,


Collin  54:56

you feel like the ones that you sit on. I was like this couch feet. Small and like, I feel like I'm too big for this.


Brandon  55:07

Oh, yeah. I kind of felt like I was like, really, really


Collin  55:12

think about it was weird like one of them you like kicked a little foot thing up you know from the reclining one I like hits me like mid to upper calf like, yeah, that's like a workout. Yeah, it was nice, but like that was another experience. I was not really ready for like, I didn't fact think about like fitting on a couch for there's not like a thought that really ever crossed my mind. Like it's a couch. He said whatever he said. But he said on some of these like, app. No. So you got a sit in couch? Yeah. It also has to do with how tall the armrests are some of those you're like it was not even there. Like what is so weird. I can't. It's like a weird waiting room couch. Like I'm out. This is one of those. A lot of those, like mid century modern styled couches, where it's like, the back is extremely straight. The arms are very low. And this is the chair of the legs are very, very spindly. Yeah, no, there were some that were like that. But they were like reclining sofas. And so it was weird. Like I didn't really, they were like combined into this thing where like the armrests felt like really low. And like the back was kind of straight, but also not very tall. And you're like I don't. But if you're going to recline in that, why is this thing not up to my shoulders? Like what's happening? Yeah. That doesn't make sense. Like that's fine. If it's a cashier just to sit there on it. That's not a big deal. But like, although the low armrest I'm kind of out on that as a weird I like that. Well, that's true. Like, you know, you mentioned some couches, like you can't lay across like they're very much designed to be like, you must sit in it this way. Yeah, head along the rest and feet down so you can recline. And if you try and lay, you know,


Aaron  57:13




that or in any other way, it's not going to work. It's not going to be comfortable. And


Collin  57:18

yeah, that's a lot of them, though. That's laying on the couch is the thing that I don't think people do anymore. I don't think it exists. I do it all the time, too. But like, but a lot of them they're like yeah, like you said they have like with like our old one was kind of like that. Yeah, he's like this very slight like bucketing, but, but I'm gonna lay down I don't want to sleep on the couch when I can't. Well, this is making me sad because we were not directly in the market for a couch right now. But it is on the list of things that need to be replaced later. So So I don't know if this is all stores. This might just be their store.


Aaron  58:07

But like, well, so there's a store in Oklahoma City that I wouldn't do. And it's in markets itself as a you know, furniture store and like it has some outdoor, you know, things like for patios, and you go in there and they have like, all these different kinds of like Jacuzzis, like all these high tech couches, like all these things that have like remotes, like built into the couches, and then they have like, all these like new game rooms, stuff that you can put in and like, oh, here's here's a, like sofa as this like, oh, here's also a, like a recliner, that's also like electric and has like 40 different options, like attached to it. So it's like, okay, but it just, it just feel like a furniture store. It feels like a car lot. That's like, oh, here's like, here's a building that has furniture in it. Go get them and so it just doesn't feel as you know, as furniture as I thought it would be furniture. Yeah, I mean, it's a good place to go in there. You go in there and just like oh, this is definitely not like, like a major furniture store. Like it's a big like warehouse but it's like, oh, here's furniture, but like also with technology. And we're trying to sell you a car. No, I just I just want like I want there's like um, so far that's all I want. So I definitely get the feel of you know, you go in there and it's like well, this is all the things that I want but I don't need all the things that I don't need but I want


Brandon  59:42



Collin  59:45

yes, that's thing to like, here's much extra stuff like I just want to


Brandon  59:49

couch though, like yeah that's like when we were I was at the store looking at this Those I wandered over to the refrigerator section drain bolster my spirit. And


Collin  1:00:08

out that go for it was terrible. I was staring at the Samsung refrigerator with the tablet in it that has the feature that if you push a button, it will look at what you have in your inside the refrigerator and give you recipe recommendations.


Brandon  1:00:25

Like that's weird man. Like, Oh, no. Go back and look. The other Yeah, I can just open it man. Or Yeah, or you could just look in it. That's why Yeah, but yeah, it did it had a button


Collin  1:00:46

where if you pushed it, the screen would go opaque. And you can see through you could see into it without having to open the door to save you energy, right. So I guess so. I don't like those days a lot. That's kind of weird. I don't know, I was definitely not okay with this.



Plus, the other thing is, like, that kind of those kind of features are only offered


Brandon  1:01:18

on a certain set of appliances. Oh, yeah. And I have we've talked about the


Collin  1:01:30

what was it capitalism in the kitchen was their episode where we talked about this yesterday. How we want more. I don't want stainless steel. I actually really like the way white appliances look in my house. And they can tell the kitchen was designed for white appliances, everything and they match really cool. But white appliances are like a base model. And they're like, Oh, that's that would be $7 and it's made of aluminum foil. Like like the nicer in last little bit like that'll be no no. Yeah. But I so this always wants to be a drum I bang on is we need more color options and make them all better. Anyway. ranch true maybe we should started an appliance like wrap company. You know, like this weird, like car wrap thing, but you could do it for like your appliances.


Brandon  1:02:33

So you can have


Collin  1:02:36

an old brother refrigerator. Blam. Gotta have a refrigerator with Aaron's face on it. How exciting would that be?


Aaron  1:02:53

there's a there's that one meme that I've seen. It's like, this girl's like, you know, parents took my phone away. It so she's tweeting about it, but she's tweeting on like, like an iPad. And then like 30 minutes later, like, freakin parents took my iPad away. And it's like texting on like her smartphone and twittering a tweet on her smartphone in like 30 minutes later, it's like, can't believe my parents took like all my technology and it says sent in from like, whatever like high tech refrigerator Yeah, like Yeah. That's pretty great.


Collin  1:03:32

When your toasters can tweet or you tweeting toasters coming off, man just what I always wanted to be tweeting toaster



you could probably broke so I have a couple things programs that like they tweet on certain days just certain things every year so I have to remember it like anyway one and I haven't I automatically tweet happy to hear crap like that.


Aaron  1:03:55

Yeah. So not happy birthday to your


Brandon  1:03:58

bro. Yeah, that's harsh, man. Harsh.


Collin  1:04:01

No, cuz I tweet I hand crack that tweet and I send that Oh, that's better.


Aaron  1:04:06

No, you'll only remember cuz Facebook says it. So I mean,


Collin  1:04:09

yours is literally the easiest birthday and return member so like. That's good. Right? You should be mad for conference. Good thing. I was just imagining what a what a tweeting toaster would tweet and it would probably just tweet toast.


Brandon  1:04:23

It might. But it could


Collin  1:04:30

be toast is done. posted. And then you go to the bathroom to like, you know, shower and then it's like boom, I'm done and see like, Oh, now I know my test is finished



to turn on tweet notifications for my toaster. So I know what is done, bro. Yeah, exactly. Well, I know the world is ending soon. Well, I think that just gives


Collin  1:05:08

give society a wrap. We're done. Yes. When you have to get a tweet from your toaster, you know


Brandon  1:05:14

that your toaster is finished. Or like your oven like DMU Hey, yo, I'm up to temperature now. Yeah.


Collin  1:05:25

noxious beeping noises for even making me like, I don't need you to message me to


Brandon  1:05:31

that is I thought there was just fine. It's fine. I'm looking at this picture that you sent in our right that's


Collin  1:05:56

not exactly the one that I saw. But that one is pretty cool. I sent them the link to one of them. It's like the most insane thing.


Brandon  1:06:06

I don't


Collin  1:06:08

know it doesn't look comfortable to lay across. It's not meant to be plain wrong. But yes, also like the pop up head rests in the middle.


Brandon  1:06:18

The reading lights back and the charging dock on that flips up. And then the electric motors. I just I'm surprised.


Collin  1:06:29

I'm surprised. It doesn't have a chilled like section for drinks and the armrest probably does. I'm just there's probably maybe not that one. There might be another one that does Oh yeah. So you can chill your wine in your million dollar. Alright, now that is an abnormally expensive couch by the way. But still. like yeah, that's very similar to the one that I saw in the store. It was a little bit different. But it was in that same vein,


Brandon  1:07:11

right? I also love the ostentatious like, like leather.


Collin  1:07:17

Like nail things around the thing like that does not match the rest of the couch at all. Like what do you do? What does that design choice to? Like? Oh, yes.


Brandon  1:07:27

It's this like this.


Collin  1:07:28

This one feature is like 1850s library. The rest of it is like extreme future man like gamezone bark collection. It's like, perfect for what's it say this perfect seat for gaming, lounging or just relaxing. It's like a power relaxing chair. And it's in all brown leather with thick bronze nail head sticking out on the corners like I'm sorry what? Yeah, it's a bit it's a bit of a mixed message. That one



yeah. says it's adjustable headrest. cupholders storage charges is everything you'll need for binge watching or power play. What? Yeah.


Collin  1:08:15

But with the design aesthetic of a library. Yes, exactly. Oxford, like this is not a gamer chair that I would like goodness. It's a very odd it's a very Yes. Not words I want to use to describe a couch,


Brandon  1:08:47

right? Yeah. Very traditionalist In this sense, right. Like I just want furniture to work and to sit on it. That's like, totally What?


Collin  1:09:02

I need the word extreme to be in my couch advertisement right? That's not really


Brandon  1:09:09

a 9095 view couch but the eyes tone. Down here.


Collin  1:09:14

I don't I don't want my calf to think it's actually in a Doritos commercial. Right? It's not that's not the crossover of it. I need or is it? No, no, it is not. Think, man. Well, now I'm scrolling through other couches. I'm getting distracted. I know


Brandon  1:09:37

that a lot of them are much more like calm and yeah. Better. Like that is am couch. Perfect. Yes. It's very nice. It's not extreme relaxation, bro. Like, stomach like I'm using it Um, that's true. Right?


Collin  1:10:03

You guys have anything coming up this week? In your


Brandon  1:10:08

stream in live? I don't think so. I don't know. I just have to go back to summer school. I think it's it.


Collin  1:10:20

I hope not going to be surprised by anything extreme sneaking up on me. I don't know if that's true. So right now that I know.


Brandon  1:10:32

No summer schooling,


Collin  1:10:34

seeing how many kids show up on Tuesday. Yeah, hoping less than 12 as well. With my luck I'll find another one but I hope it's less as we


Brandon  1:10:51

all show up. No, go away.


Collin  1:10:57

I should have tried to make it like super boring like the first two days like Yep, and then when they're all gone like Haha, alright, now here's the


Brandon  1:11:05

I don't know what happened. That thing? Dang it. I really messed this up. Next time,


Collin  1:11:17

you'll guess next time Aaron robot do anything exciting, upcoming.


Aaron  1:11:23

Well, Sheldon is going to go to New York for like a few weeks. Whoa, next month. She's going up there. I don't think we really have anything because we I still pretty much work during the summer. So my. My summer pretty much doesn't really change. But I think it's kind of like really the only big thing that's happening. At least that I have. I don't I don't I didn't plan that far. I didn't even know like it was a holiday like, you know, holiday weekend so I can't I can't be better on the plan that far ahead. That's fair. That's usually how I feel to one day is it What's happening? Oh, no.


Collin  1:12:24

This is the start of the busy, busy. Busy, busy pet sitting season. Oh my gosh. Everybody was like, You know what? June we're gonna travel. June. That's what we're gonna travel. It's been. Yeah, it's real bad. This is the first time where we've had to send out communications like constantly thing. If you're wanting us week away, talk to us in August. Because we're totally 100% booked all of June, every day, every night, every weekend through June and now encroaching into the first two weeks of July. It's just like insane. In Holy cow. Yeah, nuts. Yeah, it's people already traveling.


Brandon  1:13:19

Apparently. He will be. This month. This month will be fun. Oh, yeah. We'll see.


Collin  1:13:37

Sometime something busy is busy can be busy as bees. It's down to the dropping of the last reference here. Yeah, I don't remember



that particular life down to the topic. Then Oh, baby. Oh, how my business they grow. No chopping the tree at a time was too slow. But quickly minimize paper.


Collin  1:14:02

One schmucker we were making reasons before that, Laura? No, no, no, no, I know. I know. I don't have to memorize weirdly. So. I have. I have about six maybe I have about six children. That's fair. Yeah. Maybe we'll do a reef citation next week. Okay. Anyway, like Collins on aperture Matic in interpretation of Dr. Seuss. an interpretive dance. That will be out here live on the podcast. Oh, dear. Oh, no. I'm slightly worried now. Well, with that great disappointment, I think now All right. Let me Guys