Darn geographic uplifting

Snow. Books. Rocks. And the conspiracy theory they don't want you to know about! You won't believe how random this show is. Also, go to an Asian, Mexican, or European market. They're amazing.

  • We’re disappointed by the amount of snow we got

  • Air pressure demonstrations

  • Brandon and Aaron have been reading

  • Books!

  • Our reading habits

  • Hand washing and sickness! 

  • Missouri roads… whew boy

    • The road doesn't go there!

    • Darn geographic uplifting 

  • Oklahoma: Land of 10,000 potholes 

  • Oklahoma and GM conspiracy theories 

  • We have opinions on roads

  • We are all for Asian, Mexican, and European markets!!!




read, books, called, road, weird, oklahoma, people, osage, bad, bought, highway, driving, history, conference, nice, little bit, big, hear, thought, places




What is


what is up?


Nothing just getting settled.


What were you doing?


Well, I was checking to see on weather and then I sat down and then it started going off and it scared me.


The weather started going off for the call.

Brandon  00:46

The call started going off. Joe


was like, whether you having

Brandon  00:53

snow mostly Snow,


snow. Yeah, you guys didn't have snow. You didn't have school today.

Brandon  00:59

yesterday. Although we also did not get the amount of snow that was forecasted, and so I feel somewhat cheated. Because I promised much more and there's just like a bit which, on the one hand, I can drive places. That's nice. But on the other hand, the funny snow outside so I mean there is snow but not a whole bunch. How did you guys end up getting? Not a lot I think it's less than an inch probably. Oh, wow. But they were calling out for like, ridiculous amounts of snow. So yeah, this morning was all mixie and freezing rain and it was gross. So they're, they're calling for like three inches down here. And we definitely did not get that.


Yeah, but I know it


cuz it warmed up. A lot today and a lot of like the major snow like on the roads I think got melted. But now we're in the freezing stage. Yeah. So do you guys even have a school tomorrow?

Brandon  02:12

so far? Yes. Okay, but and sort of remains to be seen it depends on like you said how much of that will freeze it's supposed to do some more stuff a little bit later tonight. Looks like but I don't know how much that will be. And I don't know how much it snowed south of me down towards work so it's a mystery at this current moment. really messed up. really messed up my science demonstrations that were supposed to be today. Oh, no. Look, reschedule at a later time,


we'll see being being flexible.


Yeah. It'd be

Brandon  03:06

what would they going to do today? Well, they were going to do conveniently enough, we have begun talking about weather and weather related things. Starting with air pressure. So today was supposed to be some sort of air pressure demonstration for the class. So I gave him a big list of stuff. It's like you pick something from here, or something else you find, okay, but I give them a list to start with began like, I know, eight things. You pick one, you have to tell you have to present to us. And you have to tell us what it is, number one, kind of how it works, to kind of explain what you're doing while you're out there showing us and then you have to tell me why It works, how it's related to a pressure in some way. So they're supposed to it was like, they were supposed to get stuff from home. Most of it's like straws, or, you know, a balloon or something like that. To bring in a cup, right? Yeah, some string, not very many supplies needed. So they were supposed to come up with their supplies, their group and a group of two to three, depending on which class it was. And they were going to come in and show me and us things. And Alas, it was not to be to the last, last last lesson. So that was the plan for today. But instead, I played video games and read books. So


very much the same. Yeah,

Brandon  04:53

yeah. So it's all good. Very, very much the same. I got I got to Text Message last night that our office wouldn't open until about, like 10. And then about like, seven o'clock. Get the early was the others this morning? about like, six o'clock 630 I was like, Oh yeah, we're closed today. Yeah. So I mean, I'm back to sleep. Because in two Huskar there's only one mic from bartlesville there's only one road. And it's very windy and treacherous. And so if that's just a little bit and yeah, they're like, Oh no, it's closed. I'm like, Oh, no, fiddle. I saw one today. So I'm waiting for the call about now, six o'clock tomorrow morning, see if we actually have work or not.


But no, I


had some typing I was going to do today and phone calls. And I was like, Well, guess what, it's a movie day slash video game. book reading day and I finished. finished one book I've been working on. So there we go. I think accomplished. Nice. today.

Brandon  06:09

Yeah. What did you finish?


I actually


finished that killers of the flower moon book.


Ooh, ah.


And I just finished that today.

Brandon  06:23

Finally, very nice. I started working on the other book that you guys got me for Christmas. Sweet. Yeah. But yeah, it's I got plenty of time to, to read some things but hopefully tomorrow. Thanks to do with that as well. Hold on. We'll see. Okay.


I don't know. Okay. went away.

Brandon  06:55

Okay, I heard a doorbell. Maybe it's pizza delivery.


Invite invite him in.

Brandon  07:03

Just one see wait with bated breath indeed. To be edited out later.


Gas brake


riveting stuff here.


This is really great.


Definitely radio. Well just this

Brandon  07:42

market cut


cut all this


you did you didn't get abducted.


Great news never came in

Brandon  07:57

to my door. I returned


Right. Oh, yeah, we were thinking it was like pizza. Oh, no, not that cool.


No, no.

Brandon  08:14

Well, anyway, back on track was reading today too. I couldn't decide. I have two books I'm reading and I just one of them is very heavy, like, literally and figuratively. And so can be read in very small chunks of time. Yeah, because you need to like process what is happening. And the other one is very light hearted and short. It's gonna be paying a little bit of those today. And my other one I'm reading is that school I'm still definitely reading the Egyptian Book of the Dead but that's in my to my desk said


you know, just bring that with you wherever you go.

Brandon  08:52

It's very large. Turns out shocking. Yeah. So I read that schools and times during reading time or whatever the time to do so it's kind of interesting to look at read about so he I'm pretty sure you still need to make them watch the money but yeah but the the video that


I actually use some of those whenever we talked about kind of world history stuff like because they that channel makes a bunch of those like day in the life of like an Egyptian royal or Oh yeah, damn I met like a medieval castle and so I watch out watch some of those videos every once in a while I had a book

Brandon  09:36

on my shelf at school it's called 24 hours in the life of ancient Egypt. It's very interesting. It had a lot of that stuff in it sort of in book form. So I put it on my shelf at school so I have access to it if I need it, grab it, and go do that. I gotta kind of get myself into quite a corner book wise because sporadically. I think I just kept piling more books. Like a guide. I just finished that. Shelby got me two books.


I guy.


So there's not really a bookstore in busca. But I was kind of wanting to find more things about like kind of the area. And so there's a history museum there, that's really cool and they got a lot of the old books. And I felt really bad because those people don't get a lot of visitors and so I bought

Brandon  10:28

two of their books.



Brandon  10:34

one is the conta, the Osage and the white man's road written by an Osage Chief, or an Osage citizen back in like the 19 something


and then I got another book

Brandon  10:51

about Pistol Pete. Over here. It's pistol Pete's biography, Frank eaten Biography


I even call it

Brandon  11:04

a TT D. Cuz I was like, oh, I'll help support the local local economy because people seem like they don't get a lot of visitors. So they guilt bought me. I and because they're really nice meeting and said, well that too and also it was like wow, I'm so I got a DVD I need to watch about the Osage murders. And Amazon was having a sale. And so I may or may not have


this Atlas of Indian nations, North America. It is quite the big book. I was expecting me that, Toby Yeah. And then I got the other books then. Brandon Souza got me for Christmas that I've been reading. So I have a book that I read at work and then I have a book I read here so I'm kind of dual booking it at the moment. That is

Brandon  12:00

the same reason I am looking at I think I have somewhere on the order of 25 books that are haven't been read yet just about here in these piles, because I have this terrible, terribly odd habit of I don't put books on the shelf until I have read them. Oh, so my shelf is only for Captain him. Yes. Yeah, they're, they're on right now. They're sort of in various stage stages of on my coffee table and on the floor next to my coffee table. And there's a couple of my desk over there. Where the shelf is mainly for finished books. There's a few exceptions. There's a couple like antique things that I bought from like a flea market that are like poetry. And I bought them because they looks cool. Not really going to read it. But like so I have some like vintage books. And one of them is also in French and so I can't read that one very well anymore. So I'm Brandon books like that, but the majority of books I have to read are in this pile here. And so that's why that's why I'm double booking as well. So yeah, I Brandon, that picture I showed you


because I literally just bought a new bookshelf that I put together Oh yeah, just for a separate conglomeration of books and movies and games to put on and there are books on your that I have not even touched. There's books that I started and then like, Oh, another book

Brandon  13:42

Yeah, there's there's a lot that's why that's why I have my book collection is very large at this point. And so the reason for the delineation is mostly so that I don't miss any. Right there is not something like oh, have I read that there's not any confusion. Really, because it's either if it's on a shelf, it's done. I've read it whole thing, block. If it has not been read, it's over here. And then the two that I'm reading are sort of next to that or on my, my table. Go back and forth here. So just


Well, some some of them like I find, like someone tells me about the book like, Oh, you should read this book. And so like immediately search for it on Amazon and put it off put it on my wish list, or like on my on my cart, and, you know, sometime down the road, like oh, that's like $5 now click and buy shoes. So the idea that you waited a lot of books that way?


Well, I do the kind of the opposite way.

Brandon  14:46

I if it looks interesting, it looks like something I want to read. I just buy it right then. Because normally what happens is I can't find it again. Right, then I'll be like, Oh, I saw here and it's online. It's easily available cut, sometimes a year later, when I'm like ready to read something like that is nowhere to be seen. Yeah. So it's kind of like a, if I have it. I'll be I might not be in the mood to read that book. right this instant. Yeah. Because I have to be certain books require me to be in like a mood because sometimes I'm like, Oh, I really want to read like science fiction. Which I'm going in that direction. I was thinking about that today. And in my pile, conveniently enough, is zero science fiction books. Now, this is a problem. So I don't know.


The I have the same kind of problem with like, different historical genres. Like, I'll have like a few sections of like European history, and then I'll be like, I'll watch something or read something that mentions about like, African history and like, oh, what happened? There And then like, I'll just like, get or find a one or two and then I'll read like, oh, Japanese history once. Yeah,

Brandon  16:06

though, I have that to see ya in my pile is definitely mixed of fiction and nonfiction to read. And so yeah, sometimes I'm like, I really want to read this nonfiction. Sometimes I really want to read this like thriller novel. Sometimes I really want to read some hard sci fi, you know, and which again, I don't have enough of so I've been looking I have a list around here somewhere possible candidates for that, but just yeah, it's kind of, because I'm not always in the mood to read that. But I think it's something that I will want to read later. So, yeah.


My, my big thing is, is that, you know, getting back into teaching, I want to have books for subjects that I'm going to talk about and you know, talking about us subject. You know, a kid needs something more to look through a research and be like, Oh wait, I have this book on my shelf. And also to have a classroom full of books would be super awesome. So it's kind of Eric kind of, you know, double whammy, but

Brandon  17:14

True. True. Yeah. That's why Yeah, I have a sub pile of books that are appropriate for school subjects I teach. That's it's a small sub pile next to it. Yeah, that is like, because I definitely don't have a lot of ancient history books. Right, because it's not really my jam, when it comes to history, not really my preferred zone. And so this year when I they're like, Oh, yeah, you're gonna teach sixth grade history, too. I was like, um, ah, okay. Well, you know some I have very You know, I have general knowledge about all that stuff but like, like Yeah, probably need a little brushing up there. So I've got well that was kind of that and I have those on my I have a bookshelf at school that I have any that I have that are applicable. I have migrated they're not the kids three necessarily but for me to have to look go, Oh, yeah, let me check this out real quick or me. See that was kind of kind of my big problem is that I know pretty much had anything US history from the Civil War up there like Oh, hey, you're going to be teaching us history, pretty much from like paleo to like discovery, all the way up to the Civil War. And I'm like, I have nothing on that. And so I kind of had to Yeah, we're on Amazon for a few books for those. I'm like, I gotta look this up because he had the school book they gave me was super not helpful and you know, the one that I have, is also antiquated, but for general knowledge about Egypt, it's fine. So we intersperse that. Right We do some reading and then we'll do some other things. And then we'll go and read another chapter and go do other thing, right? Kind of bounced between, give us some variety he said to do was it's just a lot of it's just general knowledge building. Because when we start these things, he asked the kids, what do you know about Egypt? And they're like, Huh. I kind of know where it is. Okay, well.


Alright, well, we definitely got to start from

Brandon  19:39

bad. Some of them have to know a little bit about like, Greek things. So we'll see how that goes when we get there. But like, they're very like, Oh, yeah. Mostly it's like, oh, I've heard of Apollo. Nice. So it looks like you're watching the original nine. Team IDs, TV series Hercules looks like, looks like no, I think maybe not. Because like another thing that I have, you know, I've always wanted just to have like kind of an office slash library. But, you know, one thing that teaching wise, I love to have the kids be able to, you know, understand more, but also just give them another tool as a resource. And plus, I like to learn just things in general, so that way I can kind of teach it a lot better. And plus, I can be like, Oh, wait, where did I learn this from book? Yeah, that's true. No, I do too. I just don't. Yeah, again, all the majority of my nonfiction collection, if I look behind me over here is a 19th century history of some sort.


How would you guys say that your reading style or interests have have changed over time if at all.

Brandon  21:14

Um, I know for me, like in high school, when we knew would take us to like, Barnes and Noble, like I would usually go to like the sports section like almost all the time. So a lot of the early books I have were nothing but sports related like nothing but Oklahoma Sooners history, like things like that. And then that kind of developed into like, you know, stories of like, I have a book somewhere around here that's about like the


undefeated seasons of Oklahoma, so they kind of was more story narrative driven instead of actually like, here's a bunch of facts. And then I think when as I got older, older, like, especially in high school, Everything's just kind of, it's pretty much now like nothing but history. And then like,

Brandon  22:06

whatever else,


because like looking at one of my shelves right now it's like there's I have the fantasy genre of the Warhammer

Brandon  22:17

series. And then it's like, surrounded by history books. And so there's, you know, the fantasy sci fi, somewhere in there like, oh, there's the Witcher, there's Warhammer 40 K, and then it's like history everywhere around that. So, I think for me developmentally wise, you know, just it kind of progressed from, you know, single minded breeding to, oh, well, this is a very interesting story about, you know, some small town and the school and then you know, nothing but, you know, compile ation of whatever. Yeah, I'm sort of the exact opposite of that. It's more of the Jefferson And approach to reading I would say it's just like literally a little bit of absolutely everything


just fits with it. Well, this fits with your music taste, too. That's true.

Brandon  23:12

It's, it's kind of all I'm staring at my bookshelf right now. And it really did. Yeah, it doesn't really, I can't really categorize what's happening here in this thing. There's all kinds of stuff, a little bit of everything. Just kind of again, it's sort of what I'm in the mood for. At that time. It's very, like, whatever I feel like that time and then like my book, buying habits are also very random. I just sort of wander around like when I go to the physical bookstore, when I go to like Barnes and Noble. The reason I like to go in is because I do just tend to wander about and pick up things aimlessly and read the back and go now, or, oh, yeah, let's try that and just go for it. Because I like different stuff. I don't like to read a lot of the same stuff I do have authors that I read, especially like the fiction authors. Because they're, you know, get some series, right. Some of them are like that thrillers like spy novel II type things. And they're fun to read. Sometimes. They get a little bit if you read too many of them at once. You just kind of like, yeah, this is gonna happen next. And then this, the story beats are very formulaic at some point. But interspersed with other things, it's fun, you just want to sit down, read it, boom, done. Go on something else. Like my to read pile is the same way. It's just a weird mix of all kinds of strange things. Just whatever I feel like reading I felt the other day I read. I've had these for a while too. They're not new By any chance, stretch the imagination, but I've been reading them just periodically. They're the William Shakespeare's Star Wars. Oh, yeah, sure. You have you read this. So, yeah, so this guy, Ian dozer, sorry if I'm mispronouncing your last name, apologies. But he has gone through and written all of the major trilogy Star Wars, movies into Shakespearean plays. So they're all in these little books. And they're just all in this in plays in the style of Shakespeare. So, there I am. I am big pentameter and these prose things and they're really super hilarious. And they're great. I've had them for a while and everyone's wise is read one. Sometimes I reread those because they're just great. They're really, they're not. They're great. You can read them very fast. Right? What are they? What are they called? Like? What do they call the Well, they're called William Shakespeare's Star Wars. That's the first one. And so he wrote he originally did the Original Trilogy Trilogy. And then he went back and did the prequel trilogy. And now he's, as they come out, he's doing the sequel trilogy. Right. So, but they're like, William Shakespeare's The Phantom of menace. William Shakespeare's the clone army attack it, right, these type of things. So. Okay, so I read one of those, like, last week, just because I was sitting around was like, I don't want to do Oh, I know. I'll read The Empire Strikes Back. Excellent. Because like, I like little books like that to where they're, they're not necessarily planned. They're just kind of randomized. Really


because I The reason reading all of these, you know, especially Native American books is because I work with the tribe

Brandon  27:06

directly, sometimes. So I kind of want to get a better feel for, you know, culture and history. And so I've been on that binge of with those but then like, I've picked up like the Witcher the other day, which, you know, it's it's a very easy series to read sort of, but I like little books like that that are just like, out of the blue, just random things that changed Facebook, right? Especially I am reading. I'm reading this giant thing. It's called Sapiens a brief, a brief history of humankind. Yeah, cool, boy. It's dense. Right? How very is that? Not very, not. It's all about. It's, it starts out is like, you know harmonizations History and stuff, but then it starts going into cultural constructs of humanity. And like, how these things that we have developed affect our lives and how they're all just these social constructs that we have created, and yet, they define our lives. And some of them are very weird. And we have a hard time reconciling them with each other. This cognitive dissonance that they create in our lives is sort of affects how we view the world and all this stuff. And it's a bit it's very heavy. So you read a little bit, and you put it down. Think about you think about it. And you go, Yeah, why? Yeah. I just read the chapter today about money. Right? Now it's simultaneously a fantastic thing. And the worst thing, you know. So how you can it's really the greatest equalizer of everybody because everybody agree on money, right? But it's also the worst because people have agreed to buy things with money that probably ought not to be bought or sold for that matter. So it's very, it's very dense. And it really makes you think about a lot of stuff. This book is definitely not for everyone. Yeah, sounds like it. So to balance that out, I am reading micros the way I heard it, which is just like a zillion little tiny short stories about micro the micro things that are put together with like, stories from other stuff. trinkets, I like it. Yeah, I've heard that was good. You can just zip through a couple of them real fast and go do something else. Very nice. change of pace. That's why I'm reading both of those at the same time. kind of bounce out of there out. So there's there's a book that I I want it's called a Osage Indian murders but it was written in catalog by like a bunch of like FBI agents during like the 1920s and so it is just like nothing but dole facts. That doesn't sound like the best read.


And like I really want it just to add to my collection but I was like reading through snippets of it I'm like,

Brandon  30:28

I this books interesting, but I would have it would be it's one of those books where I have to read it in correlation with another book. That's like completely off topic. Oh, yeah. Like, it's not related. Because I just read like, a chapter and I'm like,


Oh, boy. Yeah. Right. Yeah. I'm taking a break from a book right now.

Brandon  30:52

I don't know if you guys ever do this, where you read it for a while, and it's like I had to have to not because it's hurting my brain a little bit. I'm reading It's called. It's called either supreme by gusto robustus. It's a Latin American, fictionalized writing of the sea, Paraguay and hold on. Yeah, the Paraguay and dictator way back. And it's, it's told basically it's a stream of consciousness novel told from the perspective of the dictator and the only two characters in this book are him and his secretary. And it's just sort of the conversations between them, but like, also the inner thoughts of his mind and also it's very hard to read. I couldn't, can't imagine why not why it's really good and really super interesting. But oh my gosh, it is tough. I'm not even that far in. It was like, I got it. I gotta, I gotta take a break for a minute. Go back somewhere else. Definitely. Like it's a rough one. Good. But it's a rough one. I had some other ones like that too that I've read recently. Well, within the last year or so, that have just been like, Oh, okay. Got in over my head here a little bit. I need to take a break. Go somewhere else come back later. So that's what you call it. I can't help but you have not weighed in on the topic yet. So I'm interested to hear your thoughts and opinions. Hold on. Hold on. Just kidding.


Sorry. I was I was moving my microphone.

Brandon  32:45

I can hear that.


I'm so sorry.


Let's try to do that. That did not work. No, I'm well So, yeah, my reading habits really changed whenever I got into graduate school and they haven't bounced back very well.


I just because in grad school,


I spent so much time reading articles

Brandon  33:17

and nothing else that


I didn't really like,


I stopped being able to read long periods for pleasure because it was just a a reminder of work and be reminder of that I should probably be reading something for work. And so, I have, I've almost exclusively most of my reading habits these days. I read some theology books and some like family, parenting books, those kind of things.


And then I,


I follow and do most of my reading of authors that do kind of like long form blogging. So I really I read a lot of those. So I read a lot of blogs on RSS readers and things like that is where most of my reading is these days.

Brandon  34:08

I can recommend William Shakespeare Star Wars. It's very short.


Good. Yeah. So I like I like those kind of things.


And, and now in with my current job, I do a lot of again, I'm back into doing a lot of reading of primary literature and textbooks and technical reports that whenever I do have time to read, it's just like, I literally just I sat all day and read, I don't really feel like reading anymore, which it sounds bad.


But it's,


that's kind of where my brain is these days. And and you mentioned of like taking a break from books. There were a couple series of books that I was reading and I was like, six books in to nine or whatever out of them, and I just, I couldn't I I had to close it and be like, I need to take a break from this. And now I can't get back into it because it's it's been so long. And so now I've got this series of books, they're just like sitting there kind of staring at me going. I could probably finish that series and a week, a week and a half if I wanted to, but my reading habits have been broken. And I haven't gotten back into them very well.

Brandon  35:28

Unfortunately, it makes sense because it's hard to work when you have to read so much. Like, just during the day, you want to do something else, right? When you when it's like, oh, it's time to unwind. Let me do that. Yeah, like let me do this thing that reminds me of my job. Not really.


And I know that there are books like obviously there are topics that I 100% love and are fascinating to me. We'll just try and find them in like, Oh, I I do a lot of like I do a lot of audiobooks for for those kind of things to enjoy. Which is not quite the same, obviously. But I that's what I do. I do consume books that way too.

Brandon  36:19

Now my my friend's husband, right? He's the same way. He isn't like literature teacher. And so she doesn't want to. He does audiobooks. Yeah, way to the gym on the way to work on the way because, yeah, he's not.


He loves reading. He loves books. He loves

Brandon  36:41

stuff. He doesn't always want to read them. Because he spends all day talking about them, and reading in class and then really diving into the stuff. So a lot of times he does that audiobook thing too, for some reason where he's just like, yeah, I need to just, you know, I can do this while I'm driving. I can do so I'm going here. Like, that's so yeah, if I can do them just because I have a hard time like, I feel like I should be. When I do audio, things like that. It's hard for me to like, just sit and do it. Like I always feel like I need to be doing something else to like, like when he does in the car. Makes sense. Like, I know, I always need something visual to hold my intention sometimes. So yeah, I mean, there seems like some really in depth. Like, I don't want to just listen to it because I have a feeling that I'm not going to be really paying attention.


Yeah, and at that point, I can't I do it. I do treat some of the more in depth ones kind of almost as as lectures. So I know with some books or some some podcasts, I go, this is a topic that I'm very interested in. So I will sit and I will listen with a pen and paper and I'll just take it notes while I'm doing that, as I was supposed to other stuff where it is just something to enjoy, make, you know, it's funny or I don't need to be paying that much attention to it. So they're a little bit that visual, but that's how I treat it. And as far as being able to focus because there are some where as soon as you my brains like what did I have for lunch yesterday? And why am I thinking about lunch? What was it? No, I was listening to something and then I've completely lost where I was. Like those I know, okay, I've got this is something that I'm very interested in. That's kind of in depth, so I need to I need to focus. But

Brandon  38:40

yeah, that's what at least a Sapiens book it's it's broken down into the sections are not like extra mega long. That's one of the beautiful things about some nonfiction authors is they know when to break things. Right. Some of them they're not. I have some books. go on forever. And you there's like no real natural pause point. And so when you're reading it, it becomes very hard. Because you can feel yourself going, Oh, no, no, I'm right, it's gone. And there's not really a stopping Blaze. So you can have to like manufacture one. And then when you go back to it, you're like, Okay, I gotta back up a little bit and go through. So this one is broken down into nice little sections that are very manageable, like nights that you can read through and then pause, you know, process come back, read some more. That's nice. So I could today that's what I did. I would read for a while. Blah, blah, gonna go Yeah, I gotta take a break from this and watch a video or play some video games and then go back to it later. Because it's, it's at least nice in that passion. Do you find myself maybe that's just because my attention span is actually getting worse. Maybe like Because I had definitely have some but especially not very often you're like oh my gosh what are you just gonna go forever? Like there needs to be something in here What are you doing? I mean


it can be really it can be really bad know

Brandon  40:20

even if it's a topic I'm like really interested in I'm like okay hold on We gotta we gotta I gotta stop though guys I can't read out loud I got these


I definitely can't do like on evil stuff like that I kind of have to have a like solid copy in my hand because if it's something on my phone I'll probably just get distracted with it and mana play on my phone just feel like oh I'm listening to this like all the way but then I'll but this is on so what does YouTube have to offer and I feel like I have to have that physical

Brandon  41:01

Copy. Sure. Yeah, I can, I guess it maybe, but I do enjoy it. I do also find myself thinking things like, why did they choose this paper? That's a weird choice, but oh my gosh. Okay, so this is a valid point, if you think sometimes I read at school like at work, right? So I read at work because sometimes during the day, we have the response intervention reading time. And it is just like we do like in depth reading instruction stuff during that time. Most days, and some days, usually usually Friday. It's like, Hey, we're just going to read today to make sure you're caught up with your reading goals and all that stuff. So I'll just read also Did you find out there? Reading under the fluorescent lights? I find the very glossy papers in the book are the worst. I can't aval and so they're like muted cream colored ones like, Oh, yes, this one. I like this room.


Some of them are like, Ah, my eyes are straining, I get it. So

Brandon  42:26

it's an environmental problem for anything else. But yeah, I think that's a


that's an interesting point as far as the




adaptable. certain books at least are to various environments that would be less hospitable to other forms of media consumption.

Brandon  42:51

That kind of lend itself to


you can you can read the same book, in the car by the beach, in a room You know in all these different locations while if you're doing that with it's hard to do that on audio format as well as kind of in a digital way to have screens on always look the best in certain scenarios and you don't want them near water most of the time. So

Brandon  43:16

yeah, problem. Choose your media wisely. On that note, what are you doing in a hotel room?




gas so you guys are talking about should know. And we got over the Osage beach got five and

Brandon  43:55

a half inches and you call our snow I


Yeah, and Sedalia


Sedalia got four.

Brandon  44:04

And so


I am at the Missouri natural resource conference at 10 Tara, formerly known as cantera. It's currently known as currently called Margaritaville.

Brandon  44:19

Ever Everyone's so called the champ Tara. Yeah, the conference center in Missouri. Now. Nobody knows anything else. So


it's still cantera. And if you look on the map, it's still called tan Terra.

Brandon  44:32

And so


it was started yesterday, today, and then it goes into tomorrow. So it's a it's a Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday conference, which is kind of weird. Very odd. smack dab in the middle of the workweek. Yeah. But yeah, so this where I am, I am. I'm a little concerned about getting out because it's not like that. Huge major roads getting in and in from this area.


So we'll see how the roads are tomorrow afternoon never leave for home.



Brandon  45:12

they've had a lot of time to do stuff with them. So hope that's gonna be all right. Hopefully.


What's the worst thing? Oh?


Oh, yeah, that was that Yeah, Lake


Lake roads bus No.

Brandon  45:32

What's the what could happen? It's fine.


Oh, oh, all of that. Yeah.


So and that's where I am


and the last time I was here was 11 years ago the for attending the same conference as an undergrad while I was at Missouri State and I came for the job fair and resume critique. mock interviews that they do at the start of the

Brandon  46:03

of the conference.


Yeah, just kind of nice. You can come in full circle.

Brandon  46:11

Yes. So I was I was walking around and I'm just totally, totally lost.


Everywhere I turn, this place is not not user friendly. Yeah, you would think you would think that they would provide a little bit better signage, because as with everything by the leg is built into an Hill, you enter on the sixth floor, which is the main lobby, and there are like nine levels, but like the level three parking garage does not connect to level three rooms. So you have to go from level three parking garage up to level six over to a different elevator set. Down to level three before you can get to your room if it hurts trying to think about Wow,

Brandon  47:08

how how beautifully convenient for everyone involved to find their way that's what makes it so nice No, it's terrible. It's bad. It's bad and and all the concerts into a hill the all the hallways are basically hobbles


and there's hardly any windows. It's a very weird,

Brandon  47:37

very weird thing. But anyway, that is


that's where I am

Brandon  47:48

riveting it is and last night's dinner was a pit pit spit roast whole hog which was interesting, I thought I thought given the feral hog see


i thought that i thought i know it was not because we got no because the department actually tells you not to eat feral hogs because of the diseases the communicable diseases that they have. So I just thought it was a little on the nose given everything that the department is going through to have all spit roast hog as the main dish and like,




bad form that one guys awkward. Yeah.

Brandon  48:42

Wow, what a weird I gotta say,


oh, man, that was


was fun.


Weird. I don't know. It was it was

Brandon  49:01

But I think that that may I think, I think I picked up a bug or something from


the food last night because I have not been well today. So I tried to attend this conference illness. So I'm just No, no, I was like, Yeah, I left my room just a mere handful of times to go to go see things and listen to certain talks. And then it was right back to my room to recover because I just I just


so Wow.

Brandon  49:36

Yeah, that can happen. Just, you know, when you go to big things like that we just tons of people, just just, they just goes around real fast just because everybody's there. coughing on each other. So wonderful. It's just like school, really. Tons and tons of kids at a school this last week. And just because the weather's been so Ridiculous people getting sick and just goes Blam. Fast. I had five kids gone Tuesday, just for my homeroom class. So there was another I don't know, two to three for each other class. So we had to hold over 10 Kids gone probably from sixth grade. So it's not that big a grade either. So yeah.


Yeah, that's significant chunk. Yeah.

Brandon  50:32

That's a lot but just to be gone. Yeah. So yeah. Yeah, it's been rough. For the last couple weeks. Just people sick all the time. In and out, and then someone else is gone. Like stop sharing. Please showed you that video I showed you. I showed them every year. The What is it the World Health Organization, the official hand washing Recommendation video we watch and why? I think


yeah, I think that should be a weekly occurrence. Hey.

Brandon  51:14

Yeah, cuz for a while they're like, oh yeah. And then they probably like oh yeah, just put some water on America for lunch. No, no, no, Washington.


He's my friend little


bit. Is that work? Lovely,



Brandon  51:32

Well, hopefully you make it home, alright and not succumb to too much illness. Yeah, that's what I'm hoping for. That's what I'm hoping for making home safe. I'm already trying to plan my route to make it the easiest way of most likely to be cleared. So that's the worst part about going there. Like Lake of the Ozarks. from anywhere in Missouri really is there's no road that goes there. Like there's no highway. Yeah, just like there's no other and this this affliction probably affects other people in other parts of the country, but like in Central Missouri there are now there's like basically no major north south highways in the middle part of the state, right? Yeah, you can go from if you want to go from Springfield to St. Louis. It's basically triangle highways, right. Kansas City to Springfield, to St. Louis. back over to Kansas City. Major interstate systems anywhere else? Nope. Sorry. doomed forever. So like, even though here's you graphically, geographically, Lake of the Ozarks is not very far away. takes forever to get there's no road you have to go way up here and then like up north then way back West he like but I don't want to go way back was when I had to go really far he's gonna go over to like Lebanon like and then up is ridiculous it is yeah it doesn't.


Yeah because yeah looking at a map like oh it's not that bad not that bad and then you see the roads you have to take to get there and it's like Why? Why am I even doing this? What's going What

Brandon  53:32

if you want to get to the like okay, now I understand this may sound weird because you like oh Lake of the Ozarks that's a random town right? You know, it is it is a major vacation spot against, not to me at all the conferences are Atlanta, or formerly known as Santera. The resort phenomena known as Santeria is where we got there, right there. All the major conferences are there, basically There's a teaching one in a couple weeks, my friends going to so like, same place. But like you can't get to Jeff city. You can't get to the state capitol because the road doesn't go there. You have to go. It was built at a time with like, yes, river. That's what that's the only thing that we need to get to the capital, the river, then think it wasn't anything such thing as a road against 1821.


The road was a river.

Brandon  54:30

I know. Now you're like, Oh, I need to go to Jeff city. Help me.


Follow the risen.

Brandon  54:39

Yeah, take this farm road, and then get over here on this weird state highway. It goes in all kinds of squiggly directions, not the way you want to go. It's very little ways. Now. Yeah,


well, it's because you go, I need to go. North, okay, take this highway, it will immediately take you south for about five minutes.


And then


don't worry, it'll actually curve back around it goes class overweight.

Brandon  55:12

I want to go



Brandon  55:19

not being able to make it to your own state capital, which again,


not that far away.



Brandon  55:24

when you look at a map, it should be relatively close. But it still takes from down here. Things like three hours, the same amount of time it takes to get to St. Louis. Yeah, maybe for all the way over here but still like it's crazy. Yeah, it's comparable.


Silly sleep traveling and sorry. I

Brandon  55:51

know I put all those hills there. Darn geographic uplifting. Why? I don't think that's a thing. inconveniencing me from several hundred thousand years in the past decade. New it new ah


found a purpose for everything It was designed to make your life miserable.

Brandon  56:18

Yes, I can't get anywhere. can't go anywhere to anywhere else going hills. People from down here and people like oh yeah just go this way to Branson. It's the longest, most crazy back road you've ever seen in your life. It's insane. It is actually faster to go all the way to Springfield and then South 65 by a considerable amount of time there is to take the good to go down south to cashville and take this crazy 76 Highway over through like crane and Galena, and all these other weird places. It's not


No, it's Yeah, that was


the first time we were down there Susan. The mom was like, Oh, yeah, just go this way. It's easy. I was like, this is what

Brandon  57:10

this is. Let me redefine. Apparently you have redefined easy. And it's just it's a way. I guess.


This is certainly a way to do this and she gets like a mega carsick. I like

Brandon  57:25

you took me this way. This was your plan. Why did you haven't discovered a better way to go? This? Not so weird. It takes years to get over there. It's crazy. It is take years to get places in Oklahoma.




There's only there's only one road from bartlesville to to posca.


That's about a 30 minute



Brandon  58:05

from because it's all windy and go through the Osage hills. And let me It's very pretty sometimes. But it's just the first time.


Yeah. And they're like, Wow, this is so great. And then you're just like

Brandon  58:21

this is great.


And then yeah, there's only one road to panca City and it's you know, after you get out of Alaska, it's pretty much just like a slow meandering road. Just like is there any way other faster? Nope. Okay, that's cool. This is exactly what I wanted.

Brandon  58:42

The other there's usually like, and road to places to and from places and that's, that's about it. It's not like, Oh, I got you know, multiple options. Now. There's none of that it's, you have one road and you may be lucky on the way back Maybe it kind of depends what the road has. But that's a different problem then because also in Oklahoma, there's just one road to get there in Missouri. There are several they're just all bad.


None of them are.

Brandon  59:19

Yeah, just not most of them are not great. But just like


that one row that you do get it's, it's not the best.




well, this is my this is my only option to here so

Brandon  59:36

who knows how big the potholes are? Just like a small size. Yeah, lakes.


Lake. The potholes are bigger than most lakes we have here in Oklahoma,

Brandon  59:48

the potholes and I'll call morones kind of look like if you look at a map of Minnesota, this time of year like that's pretty much




like, oh man that doesn't look that big and then you like like the moment you're about to go through it just that other fear that plagues through you and you're like, oh this is a bad idea and then it just like destroys your car and then you just cry,

Brandon  60:17

cry forever for several hours. That's a usual you know, pothole experience when you're no nice for any for any of those people listening who are not aware Minnesota is definitely the its nickname is the land of 10,000 Lakes. So there we go. That's what the Oklahoma roads are like. 10,000 potholes per mile.




Well, that's what happened to my poor little car like going out of Oklahoma City.

Brandon  60:50

Oh, yeah. Yeah, he told me


Yeah, well, I poor little windshield just decided to come off a little crack thing is because of

Brandon  60:59

this Too much can do it. I'm sorry, it's not my fault. Forgive me a little window. Forgive me. Now. I suppose in the defense of the Oklahoma offense, we're in a one to one defense. We also used to have, and I was gonna be alero. And one time we were just driving down the road here on 60 Highway, and the window just fell out. So it might be more of an Oldsmobile thing. There's a bolt that holds the little slide thing. That little tray on the window. Yeah, it's plastic. And so the bolt and the nut that hold the window to the window tray that moves up and down with the window thing.


It's a little it's a little plastic bolt in there.


Maybe two of them. I'm not sure.


I don't remember

Brandon  62:00

There's little plastic bolts and sometimes eventually they'll just like ours. It just the very end of it just sheared off this plastic. And so like, we were just driving down the road. Of course it was December because why wouldn't it be? And it just like, Hello like what I'm trying out here this is like


oh no, I'm trying to see if there was any like tips or fights between Oklahoma and GM maybe for the building an Oldsmobile plant and maybe they just


have engineered their roads

Brandon  62:39

to sabotage them.


I'm not giving up immediately, but that doesn't mean it's not real.

Brandon  62:48

I'm not aware of any cars in manufacturing Oklahoma. please correct me if I'm wrong. Now you will see that could have been but all maybe they slide in them. Maybe they didn't psycho production and this is what I'm saying. And


I about fair play GM your oldsmobiles are

Brandon  63:09

our neighbors. We live devour the


window by window, little plastic balls.


Were coming for your plastic bolts. We're coming for him.

Brandon  63:27

That can be it can be it. Show him what's up. Do you remember I do remember they they took that thing off and they showed me they're like, yeah, this is the thing that holds it on there. And that's like, why? And he's like, Yeah, no, it's terrible. I don't know why it does. Probably it's probably a lot more common than I realized. It's probably many cars out there probably it's like do with this problem now. So be wary of your window. bolts because they're plastic probably but


Yeah, and


they probably weren't even able to replace it with a non plastic bolt either. They probably had to just replace it for part for part. Probably

Brandon  64:11

because usually that's what they have to do. Yeah. Just made to have to put another one in there. But yeah, it was literally just driving on 60 Highway and they would have found out what


was going on here. Why?

Brandon  64:37

Lisa was a rainy Yes, that's good thing. Hey, look, it was positive side. It was very cold. Oh, oh, that's that's not good. You know and thanks Mary Cole. Thanks That's right what is bad plastic parts? Finally sharing off under the stress of the Oklahoma potholder written surface.


Dun dun


sometimes you're driving and it's like, oh, wow, this is a very terrible road and then like you come around a corner, and it's like oh wow, this is a nice road.


Oh man, like next


like I spoke too soon Why Why have you cursed me? Kind of road like that's that's what happens a lot of times unfortunately because you're like, Oh man, this is like a bad road and then like a throw like a split second. Second. Your brain is like, Wow, I've spoken to soon. Oklahoma's really turned the corner and then that thought, just like



Brandon  66:00

It's probably because that was the former worst section. And so they just fixed it. Only Yeah. And they went back. They started, they did our road a couple years ago, the one right in front of my apartment. And it's like, I don't know what the city was thinking, but they used the worst like, road surfacing. Whatever I've ever seen. It's terrible. It's like the cheapest, it's not even chip and seal. really even know what you call this. It's just like tar. And they just put stuff on top of it. Right, like these little black asphalt pellets, but it's not as faulted as such. Right. It's very odd. I don't really know what this construction method is. But it's the cheap one. Basically, like, it's just like put down a layer of tar and then they threw down like a little bit of asphalt II like petty things, but they're not like, mixed with the tar. It was like a separate situation. So it's, it's like a loose surface. It's weird.


So it's like the chip old like the chip and seal,

Brandon  67:13

kinda, but it's blacker. And it's not like that weird gray e nasty chip. It's it's sort of like chip and seal. I guess it's basically a chip so but it looks like they're using something different to do the chip until process. Right? Because it's kind of like that same process where you just throw stuff down the run over a little bit, and then it's done. But it's all the stuff like comes up everywhere. And there's huge patches in the road. Were just like, all washed off. There's like bald spots on the road, where none of the chip is there anymore. The seal is there, I guess. Yeah, we're gonna call it that. And there's like, cracks because of all this stuff. It's it's really weird. And it's really strange. Yeah, it looks like it cost him about $5 to do this whoo fancy, it just doesn't hold up very well. It's a really I don't know it's just like a really random Side Story The Dead End back here. But like, but come on come on. Yeah. Why would you?


Yeah, no

Brandon  68:30

I saved all that money apparently. We are going to get a roundabout. Oh yes. Oh rounded boot. Oh yes, boot is coming at least one, maybe two. I don't remember where exactly. But I was reading in the paper they were talking about switching up some of the traffic stuff. It's I think they're gonna do like one not kind of random side street or just maybe on business 37 maybe by downtown so we'll see Save all the money for that. Training means interesting. Right?


It'll be weird,


like going to war at war it will be fine.


Well, I mean

Brandon  69:18

it'll be fine for me. I guess I've no no.


You can drive around a while. You can. Yeah, work one today. Well,

Brandon  69:28

two thoughts on that. I'd remember the first one they put in Springfield over behind OTC. Yep, that one. I remember that one. That was the very first one springs will ever put it in. Now they're going crazy with all their roundabouts and double divergent diamonds and all that stuff. But the first one ever made put behind OTC on that side street is like a test to see how people handled it. That's a relatively high traffic area. For to get into that. That's actually back to the school. But like, not tonight. Normal like, every day traffic wouldn't see it. So he's like a weird spot. Remember Corey and I went out and sought it out specifically, on our way home from somewhere and we just drove around it for a little bit. Like just because we're idiots and we were in high school. But serious note, I was reading that. I don't remember where it was a while ago, I read an article about a town was trying to look for ways to make the roads safer. And so what they did was they took a lot of the signage down.


Right, like the the

Brandon  70:46

arrows pointing which way the traffic went and all that stuff. It took a lot of down. And so what happened was everybody through those certain areas, everybody started driving slower. Because they were more like, cautious. Yeah. And if and unaware of what to expect, so they would slow down. And traffic accidents like dropped dramatically. Whoa. Yeah, it was really odd. So maybe, maybe by adding new and bizarre traffic, four inches here, that people will slow the heck down sometimes because they're unsure about how to cope with them. All of the signs in Russian true. Well, I think one of two things gonna happen. People will slow down and be cautious or someone is just going to drive straight in the middle of it with a truck and be like, screw it, and just run right to the middle of it. Yeah, yeah, that'll be fun. I mean, yeah, someone arrives do that one for fun one day because I think it's hilarious. I'm just drive right in the middle of it. Oh, oh. Oh, that works.


Yeah Sedalia has one. I would have to technically once on the fairgrounds in one's

Brandon  72:06

on the south west side of town. Then Yeah, there's there there are tracks through the middle of it quite frequently, which is fun. But I mentioned I said Russian. Speaking of Russian meddling in town, there is a shop called European market. It's a European, they mean Germany, German, Swedish, and Russian products, all with all with original labels. All that I can't read.


It's not like the Oh, this product is manufactured by a company in Germany and then shipped to the United States. It's a this is a German product that they would sell on their grocery stores in shelves.

Brandon  73:05

First of all I'm kind of by those three being the representative of Euro right like yes Russia calm yeah one ever talked about European history. I'll give you that we can have it for nothing. But you know,


land wars lot with land wars notwithstanding yes

Brandon  73:28

yeah Lana was I was ending and I think it


was in there but like those are the three the guys specifically mentioned and there is everything in there like we're talking everything from hygiene personal hygiene products, to baking goods to canned goods to frozen stuff to meat and fish that they bring over. The really cool thing get this. They bring fresh the being bread over from a couple bakeries overseas and in order to do that, This is what they do they the bakeries over there partially break bake the bread the breads and then flash freeze them.

Brandon  74:07

Whoa oh so


when they take them out of the oven they're still in the middle still rod finish baking them here yes and then they've finished making them here so that you still get the what what the fresh bread or a product you know as close as it can after being flash frozen for a while and brought back over and whatever but it's it's like having fresh bread from those bakeries

Brandon  74:33

is okay. So, my follow up question is there large populations of those country people there like no other there are a large German population being serviced by this market in Sedalia. No. Okay. So that


I don't Really, maybe there is and I just don't look for it whenever I'm out and about maybe maybe there are people from from more people from those countries then then I recognize right off the bat, but I don't hear those German being spoken or I don't hear those dialects. I don't hear those things around. But again, I could be completely off base and

Brandon  75:23

I'm no or Swedish. Maybe. Oh, no, just a cool thing. I mean, it's kind of awesome. Like, I'm not a big fan. This is a very interesting thing. So like here in Bonet, right? We have two stores that are similar that have products from like Mexico and other places like that, right? Because we have a very large Hispanic population. And we have a we just, they just opened one here at some sort of out the name of it is down here on this other Street and I saw yesterday It's like an Asian market. We have a very large population of people from Southeast Asia. Right? So this makes sense to me. Like a Swedish store. I guess it's kind of awesome because I go into the like the Latin American stores here, whatever, little Mexican market, like the super Mercado is what it's called. And there's some really awesome stuff in there.


Right. And I have like a little

Brandon  76:34

bakery in there and they there's one of them has a thing where they just make fresh tortillas all time and bag them up and sell them. And there's also our restaurant in there. Yo, that yes, that's what's up.


Yeah, I am. I am all for this and I'm very excited.


I driven by quite a lot because it's kind of right off the main highway. And I always thought like, what, what does it mean to European market like what What are they having there? Why is that they, they walked in there and I was just like, like it was one of the things. It was very otherworldly because it was like, I'm looking at the store shelves, and there are boxes of what I think are cookies. But I don't none of those words or symbols mean anything to me. And so I don't know, like what I would be buying or Yeah, that was really cool. And I talked to that I talked to the owner because I was like, quick question. How long have you guys been here? And this is really cool. Why did you start and he just said like, they just started it because they liked the products. And so apparently, there's a small network of markets like that, that group together to buy in bulk overseas.

Brandon  77:52

That's very, that makes a lot more sense.


And so, so yeah, it's not just like that one store ordering. It's that store plus a bunch of others. stores across the Midwest kind of thing. And

Brandon  78:04

and the way they order is is is


they have really long lead times because that you know, they don't have access to things the shipping like Walmart or you know, whatever Amazon kind of thing. So it's like

Brandon  78:18

and yet you are always out of stock still interesting always turns out, I don't know understand that. But yeah, he's like, yeah, we get one or two shipping containers and then they just


disperse out of that for whatever order you got. And then whenever you're done like you have to wait till the next shipping container. It was it was very interesting. And I was just fascinated and wanted to know more but I had to go pick up the kids so


I'm definitely

Brandon  78:47

Yeah, but he had places like that you can find some crazy cool stuff like an accident. Yeah.


Well, I was very excited because I had some really cool like smoked meats and smoked fish that you just can't find any day. Who does that? Except for no one. So I am very tempted to go back and buy like a whole smoked fish. I got

Brandon  79:13

other things that might come with my kids and went together and bought me for Christmas. I have a giant I got a giant bag of like Mexican candies. Lauren, oh my gosh.


I have that. I have some Hmong students too. And everyone smile, they just come in like, Hey, you wanna try this candy? Like, what is it?

Brandon  79:33

Like just try it. Okay, because there's a couple little Asian markets around here like that. And they just like, have some extra stuff in the character. That's alright, that's cool.


There's a little place in panca city that's an authentic Mexican restaurant. And like they actually have like, the Mexican candy, but they also have like other traditional sweets. That like the guy Mom just cooks. Oh, yeah, they're like, no, yeah, like there's a random population of, you know, markets like that here in panca. City of all places. And that places are really fun to go to. And I try. I can't remember like where it's at, because I've been twice. I can't remember how to get to it. But it's over by I know, it's I know, it's over by one of the refineries there in paka.

Brandon  80:24

Just deciding that stuff is good. Oh, man.


There's like, there's like the little breads, wheat bread, things like that. Oh, yeah. And I was just sitting there dumbfounded one day, and I was like, What is this and the guys like, try? It was like, okay, those are really good. What is that? It's like, I'll try this. And yeah, I think I tried like, six or seven. Just different kinds of like, things that they could have like, just like traditional sweets. And I was like, What is this? What is this? What does this he's like? Oh, I keep trying to

Brandon  81:00

Yeah, that was a fun day, too, cuz you go in there and one of the tuple mercato is here. Yeah, they have stuff in the little, little restaurant in there, like I said, and there's a lady in there that makes stuff. They make all the kind of stuff that you can't get at any other, like, restaurant, you know? So, a lot of the stuff is not stuff that you're gonna get just when you go to some other random restaurant. So there's all kinds of really interesting things in there and they have crazy fruit in there. Like, what does this place come from? or Why? Why are these bananas? So good? Right? Like, what did you do? Oh my god. Yeah, I got to try like, like Mexican coke. Like Mexican soda. Oh, yeah. Like in the actual like, glass bottle. Like, yeah, we got the shipment, like last week, and I was like, Oh, that's the best. Yeah, it was so good. Well, cuz that's all the actual real sugar Right. So So those who eat us the sodas Have you had those ever? The other ones


that those different like flavored ones?

Brandon  82:12

Yeah, the orange one. Yes. Yes. Morning mitos is the best. And the other ones are good to the orange ones my favorite.


But oh man.

Brandon  82:24

Yeah, as they have those they sell those in the Walmart here, too. Oh yeah, I have a big it has some of that stuff in it. You can grab that just the Walmart you can go down the island boom. glass bottle. Soda time. Oh yeah, that's what as well as some other really random things like what why? This I don't know why their story. It's fun. It's cool. Just I saw one time I went in there and I saw one of my kids from school with his family. And they were like he was like you doing here? I was like, I'm buying food and the sandwich and he was like, sweet All right, thank you are on this torta, man. I don't know I need this right now. This is right now. Yeah. Cuz he was like a new year coming


that's cool though.

Brandon  83:39

I'm sure I should add


that I don't know. I'm sure that that's they love seeing you in there

Brandon  83:48

yeah cuz he's talking about later he's like I really odd. I don't really know. But yeah, I wonder I was checking out and see what's going on. So the funny was,


I was hungry.

Brandon  83:59

Last portas man. Oh my goodness.


My favorite. I love


the little by those anywhere.

Brandon  84:11

Seasonal thing yet a Walmart. And they have a few like


Mexican or Hispanic kind of treats but I was in there. And I was trying to like attempt to do like different kinds of like tacos and tortillas. And this little old Hispanic lady walked up to me and she's like, you don't want that spice you want this like seasoning. I'm like,

Brandon  84:30

Oh, thank you.


I was like, teach me Your ways. And she's like, no better. I was like


thanks anyway,


to taste their idea. I tasted so good. I was like, Oh, just some like


traditional and she's like, kind of that just tastes better. Like

Brandon  84:51

No, no. trashed.


Okay. Bloody ice