my other neurosis

Collin still hasn’t been on a jury. Brandon is washing clothes. PLUS, a deep discussion on 90’s movies about children on adventures without adults. Latchkey problems.

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movie, home, watch, weird, day, kids, people, tim curry, happen, left, talking, laundry, plays, long, 90s, wash, presents, phone, good, lounge pants


Collin, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your host, Brandon. Colin. Has Aaron. On this week show. My other neurosis. Hello, boy.

Brandon  00:21

Oh, boy. Yeah,

Collin  00:23

it is a new day.

Brandon  00:27

It is.

Collin  00:30

It is a day that I did not have to do jury duty. So that's something

Brandon  00:35

surprise you non jury duty again?

Collin  00:39

Again, bizarre. It's so again.

Brandon  00:45

Now this is what three brief Oh no, it's fine. Time for this is worth your add time in his little window of I don't know you call it eligibility

Collin  01:03

of wonder. I guess.

Brandon  01:07

I don't think that's I don't think that's what they call it. But that's what I'm gonna call it because yeah, that word makes sense to me. So we're gonna go.

Collin  01:14

There's a lot unknown. Yeah. Now I must say. Not not. It's one of those moments where it's like, sure. Did I drive back home two hours to be ready for this in the morning? Was it fun to do that? No. No, no, it wasn't. But then like, when the when I knew it was I knew it was wrong. I knew something was wrong when the judge came out, because usually, they have the County Clerk come out and say like, read off the paperwork and say, here's the little spiel and how it's how it goes. And here's what's going to happen and blah, blah, blah. And then the bailiff comes out and goes all rise for honorable blah, blah, blah. And then you rise, and the judge sits down. And he gives you a little talk about the judge just like walked in, wearing his normal clothes. And what's like, Okay, here's the thing. Thank you for all being here. You're not needed, the prosecutor at prosecuting attorney added to go into for emergency surgery, so we're not able to hold the trial today. You're dismissed. I was literally seated for a while I was seated for five minutes seated. I was sitting down for five minutes. Now, when this happened when this happened, obviously my first feeling is this really sucks. It's followed very quickly by I hope the purge.

Brandon  02:44

Right. Like, that's kind of a big deal. And I mean, yeah, right. Yeah. So two hours for this

Collin  02:56

lady, the lady in front of me, like stood up and like ripped off of her ripped off a badge. It was like, I drove three hours for this. Are they reimbursing me for mileage? I guess not, and was like, really angry about this?

Brandon  03:13

And I get it. Like, I mean, they could have called you, you know, like I

Collin  03:19

was listening? I was thinking about this because I was like, you know, they don't call you to let you know that you have jury duty. They send a letter. And so I think I mean, yeah, that's a good point. So I think sort of legal, I think they have some sort of legal precedent and like requirement of how they contact people. Because, you know, dad was like, why didn't they tell ya? Because dad was like, why didn't they text? He said, You get text messages when you get jury duty? And I said, Yeah, but I had to sign up for those. I had to elect into the text message alerts. That was not something that's offered everybody because some people sit on jury duties, who don't have phones, right? Like, they can't just especially everybody, they can't let that that's not a requirement. But in order to because Who's Who are they going after people who

Brandon  04:08

exist that would be considered like discriminate? discriminatory, right? If he has it required to have a phone like yep,

Collin  04:15

yep, can't do that. So you know, so that you have to have an address because you have to be a registered so what are the link to voting registry and paying taxes, but all of those require having a

Brandon  04:26

an address to to

Collin  04:29

relate to to have paperwork sent back to you. So that's what they go off of. They go off of your address and so they can't exactly send a same day letter to you to tell him the telegram that when they when they woke up that morning and at eight o'clock the prosecuting attorney was rushed into the hospital like can't exactly get the letter out. So I really think that there's some sort of legal requirements for how that because the the judge because I've sat through a few of these Since a very recent memory Oh, yeah, because you're an expert now I am. You're welcome duty, I will feel free to send your questions. No, I

Brandon  05:09

he was very

Collin  05:15

earnest about procedure, because obviously what he is trying to do is he's trying to run the courtroom. So there's no point or a possibility of like, a miss trial, or a technicality where somebody can come back like that's really his job and a lot of cases is to make sure that when he says Order in the court, he's really saying like, the procedures are not being followed. And, and we are, yeah. And so that's what he's trying to do is to, he's tried to keep it fair, and manage it, so that the person gets a fair trial. And nothing is swayed. And so when he's up there, he's like, look, we're we're going through this process, because one of the things that he was like really harping on us on was whenever they were doing the questioning before you go in, of like, when you rise, state your name, state your number, so that we can get it rented into the court documents. So there's that there's no question of who was answering, because apparently, things have been stenographer candidates copy down, because apparently, Jury pools have been drawn into question in years past because they did identify who they were, and so they couldn't reference who they was. And then you didn't have a jury of your peers, because you didn't know who was saying the things and then it ends up being thrown out. So, you know,

Brandon  06:32

he's basically like,

Collin  06:34

letter of the law literally here. Yeah. So it just, I could imagine how if they said, you know, oh, we're going to call everybody. Well, if that's you, again, that's kind of discriminatory against people who don't have a phone or whatever. And so they just gathered us all, and took all of our numbers. And I think that was the thing that was probably a little

Brandon  06:57

peeved about of like, when did you know? Because like,

Collin  07:05

I was there five minutes prior, and they were still taking my number, and we were sitting, sitting down. And like, could you have just turned away people at the door? Like, is that legally allowed? Or do you have to assemble everybody?

Brandon  07:18

Like, you surely could just put

Collin  07:22

somebody at the door that says, we're not doing this today? Thank you for coming, and just have them repeat that forever?

Brandon  07:28

Like, surely. Yeah. You would think so. I don't, again, not being an expert. In this particular field. Maybe there's maybe it has to be like officially called off by somebody. Right? That's that's the dude. You know, like the the people that work at the desk? You can they can't be like, yeah, sorry. Just kidding. You know, maybe they don't have the proper quote, authority to do that.

Collin  08:05

I mean, that would that would make sense because then then you could just then the opposing attorney could just station somebody out there and sit everybody wait to delay the seating of a jury to give themselves more time. Oh, right. Like squeaky handedness. So I probably is maybe has

Brandon  08:24

to be the judge, we like

Collin  08:26

to call it. Yep. Because that is true. He was the one who came in the technically the second time I was called it was the first time that was actually present. He was the one who came in and said, he said, thank you all for showing up. Because you were here today, the defendant has decided to plead guilty and not take this to trial. You've done your duty. Have a good day. And I want really want to be like so does that count? Like Does that count? Because like, you know?

Brandon  08:55

I mean, I was here, you can cross me off the list. Call somebody else.

Collin  09:01

Yeah. Like, can you just count towards my three years of you never contact me now? Okay, that's fine.

Brandon  09:08

Whatever, contact me here I am. I'm here. So yeah, I feel like this. This particular what where did I decide to call this your eligibility period? That they only like activate like, 50 people like, no,

Collin  09:26

that's it. We're just gonna keep



Collin  09:30

I guess I think what they did was they had the jury pool. And then yeah, I think they probably had a jury pool of like 100. And then each time a jury was called in, they would only call in like 40 to 50 people of that and then as 12 would get selected for each trial, they will just move more 12 more and into rotation. Oh, yeah, maybe and then keeping that original set because, like when they said He said, Who of you? Who, who here has been here before, and 99% of the room had raised their hand. And so like, they were really using the jury pool quite a bit over and

Brandon  10:15

over and over again. He did say,

Collin  10:21

he did say that this was a record year for trials in in, in the county. And I was like, that's not a good thing. Right. Like, that's not a good metric.

Brandon  10:34

Yeah, it's hard to say, right? Because, I mean, a lot of them most, most, not most, but like, a large portion of trials do come down to just be like, Yeah, I'm just gonna plead this or whatever. And it'll be fine. Right? You know, like, they do the deal, or they do something or they just go Yeah, I'm guilty. Oops. They're like, just no, like, they're like, we have all evidence like, Hmm, okay, I'm not gonna try. Yeah. So maybe it was just a weird fluke that they decided to go. I don't know. It's It's very odd. Or maybe there's just more crimes. Who knows? Yes. Who knows? Not me.

Collin  11:12

Yeah, so I think I think it'd be interesting to see crime debt. Now. I'm really looking forward to seeing this year's crime statistics come out from the sheriff's office and be like, oh, oh, my goodness.

Brandon  11:24

Yeah. Oh, look at all these crimes. Look

Collin  11:25

at so many crimes, so many crimes. Although that doesn't make me feel good.

Brandon  11:37

No, no, it is not. But you know, it's online. So it gave me some time catching up. Yeah. I was saying it means they're catching the criminalists though. Right. If they're having the trials, that means the people doing the crimes have been apprehended. So that's good, at least.

Collin  12:00

Well, yeah, it's one of those things of like, is there more crime or it's just more crime being caught? Like that's the always

Brandon  12:06

Yeah, that's yeah. The criminals just become worse.

Collin  12:12

Worse at criminalizing? Yep.

Brandon  12:16

Yeah, they're worse, worse at cramming, right. And he's getting busted all the time. So that could be it too. So if you had a lot of drive time to ponder life, or listen to Rammstein, I don't really know what

Collin  12:38

I, what I did use it to listen to some podcasts, obviously. And while I was up in that service area, I did manage to do a few more droppin checks on, like shadowing, coming in behind my staff, just to make sure everything's going well. And that is, that's the second time that I've done that second round. It's very good. It is it is very good stuff. I am definitely trying to think of a way to more formalized this into our policies and part of our so I can make it a section of like our quarterly reviews, so that I can go over that kind of information. Because I think it's really valuable. It's not something that we were capturing beforehand.

Brandon  13:22

Yeah, well, that's good. See, kind of bonus deal

Collin  13:25

I did. I did some work. And then I was like, Well, let me just Boogie On Down back home. Going

Brandon  13:33

back to see dad again.

Collin  13:36

ILU Kobe was kind of confused because I did take me home with me. And then it's like, quick, we gotta go mean we're going back. I know. I mean, he wasn't too upset because he got to sit on top of my jacket on a heated seat. So you know,

Brandon  13:55

he was like, let's go. It's like

Collin  13:57

well anyway, riding dog too. We need to we need to go into Arkansas. Can we just keep driving please, as your

Brandon  14:02

how long we're gonna be this car to get all the get unloaded while you're up there to did. unloaded and get

Collin  14:12

ready for round two? No, I got the I got the yeah, sorry about that. No, no, we got the so last night. We went to dinner with the with the family with Megan and the kids and then I drove up so I didn't get home until like 830 and then helped me unwind before I kind of had to edit an episode to help you unwind before bed I was like well, I need to get everything unloaded and like set in the kind of like positioned station a little bit. So I feel

Brandon  14:43

like where can where was it? Where is this thing going to live now? Right like I

Collin  14:49

did get the houses setup, every setup and instead put in there in the kids rooms. They both have the perfect corner for it. And so nice. All right. I have the kids. Lillian's is definitely going to be full of stuffed animals. So that's she is she is quite thrilled babies. She's thrilled with this. Maybe the place to go. Yeah. She said they need a home.

Brandon  15:18

Ah, perfect. So

Collin  15:27

that's all well, so I did get that. And then I was like, okay, like, because I'm, I'm kind of one of those people who I can't. It's not that I can't it's very difficult for me to focus on certain tasks, if I know that there's like,

Brandon  15:39

cleaning to do.

Collin  15:41

Now, is this an effective tool? Nothing's Yes. Is this an effective tool that I have used to procrastinate to the nth degree? Absolutely. It is definitely. I wasn't trying to procrastinate. I was just like, I really, it just helped me focus a lot more on this, if I can just get all these things taken care of get everything put back in put together put away and then it'll be just to be nice. Good.

Brandon  16:06

So I did that. was good. I'm glad you found homes for things on round one. So that I can think round, too much easier, at least right. So whatever. This was my thought I'll go back.

Collin  16:22

This was my thought. And I was like, I'd rather do this now without like, all the people present, because that makes it more difficult. Now I can just make a unilateral decision of like, this goes here. And that way when when everyone else arrives, it's a Oh, look how it's already set up and ready for you.

Brandon  16:42

Oh, oh, so this is where this goes. Right. So you know where the home is? Take it out from there. Right. So that is that is good. You know, that's handy. Handy little piece of fun advice there to do that. So

Collin  17:01

preemptively put things away. But other than that, that's been our it's been our day, been pretty relaxed. As I said warm.

Brandon  17:13

Pond is still frozen. So you know, good things. Hey, there we go. Perfect. All I got accomplished today was laundry. Exactly. Okay. I can't avoid this peep anymore. Especially after I packed my stuff. The weekend, whatever it's like, now is way too big. Okay, I got to start on. The problem is of course, the problem is of course I cannot. Like there's so many like sweaters and like, pullover things in my laundry that I cannot do. Oh, just like laundry smaller loads because it was theirs. It will never dry. Yeah, right. So like, I was like, breaking my laundry down into like, so I can do this. And this. And this too. And like maybe these jeans and

Collin  18:18

maybe, right like it is totally through and like it's totally a fox frog and scorpion scenario situation where you're like if I combined these two together, that's way too much but also, or whatever it

Brandon  18:30

is the fox. Is it? No idea what you're talking about

Collin  18:34

the fox, isn't it the fox and the frog and the scorpion head with crossed the river. And the oh my gosh, okay, hold on.

Brandon  18:44

Oh, is it Oh, okay. We're talking about the fable thing. Okay, okay. Yes. All right. I just, my brain was not in the right frame of mind. And I was like, Oh, okay. Okay. What?

Collin  18:57

Okay, no, no, it's not. It's not that. Well, it's no, yeah, it is. The fox is because he wants to back there's a Scorpio it's the fox and scorpion. And he's like, the scorpions, like, can you so I was mixing the one where it's like, what's the one where it's like, you have to get three things across and the two can't go together. And it's too much? Because the fox and scorpions were the fox is like, no scorpion. I won't let you ride with me. Because you'll stick me and then the scorpions, like no, of course I won't. I won't sting you. Because if I sting, you will both drown. And then the fox like that makes sense. And the fox, that's the scorpion rounds back in the fox stings the other side of the Scorpion saying The Fox and the fox is like, why do you do that? No scorpions, like, I'm a scorpion. It's what I do. And then they both doing things. Yeah. It's not like what I tried to think of the

Brandon  19:43

what is that? What is that?

Collin  19:46

What is that? That puzzle of like, crossing the river puzzle. Do you know what I'm talking about?

Brandon  19:51

No, I oh my gosh, I don't know. Not sure I haven't been to Google crossing the river Puzzle.

Collin  20:05

Oh, it's where it's got the it's called blocks as the Cross River and the fewest number of trips since like the fox, the sheep and the plant or whatever. Um, Wolf goat cabbage. Yeah. And it's like, you can't put the wolf and the cat in the goat together because the wolf will eat the goat but you can't put the wolf and the Chi. So I have

Brandon  20:27

I have a quoting from Wikipedia. First of all, I'm saying According to Wikipedia, the wolf goat cabbage problem is a river crossing puzzle. It dates back to at least the ninth century, and has entered the folklore of several cultures. Alright, so the story apparently, is thus, a farmer went to the market and purchased a wolf, a goat, and a cabbage first of all,

Collin  20:53

as one does, obviously,

Brandon  20:56

I'm not familiar with many times in history, where you just like straight up purchasing a wolf. But anyway, that's fine. I'm on his way home, the farmer came to the bank of a river and rented a boat. But crossing the river by boat, the farmer could only carry himself and one of his purchases. if left unattended together, the wolf would eat the goat, or the goat would eat the cabbage. The farmer challenge was to carry himself and his purchases to the far bank of the river, leaving each purchase intact. So he has to shuttle them across. And it's not what's gonna be in the boat necessarily. It's gonna be what's left the laughing together. Right? Yes, is okay. Okay. I don't know the solution. I'm not gonna click on the solution. But

Collin  21:42

so that's what my brother's reaction to this.

Brandon  21:45

You have to take the think you have to take the goat.

Collin  21:52

You have to take the goat first. Then you come back. Oh, you take the goat first.

Brandon  21:58

And then. Oh, wait, what is it?

Collin  22:03

Yeah, it's you take the goat First you come back, you get the wolf. You get the wolf, you drop off the wolf, you pick up the goat, you take the goat back, you pick up the cabbage, you take the cabbage back, and then you go back and get the goat and bring the goat back.

Brandon  22:14

Okay, that makes sense, because he would leave the the wolf and the cabbage together.

Collin  22:19

Yes. The tricky. The hard part. The hard part about this is that it as presented, your brain doesn't typically think to take it back to the other side across why this is that's why this is hard is because you have to think Oh, well. Most people just think oh, if I pick up the goat, I'll take the goat back. They'll leave the goat and then I'll come back and pick up the wolf. Oh, but then like, they don't think oh, I'll put the goat back in my boat. But it like you said it's important if what's left behind? What was what was in my brain was you doing this kind of puzzle, piecing different articles of clothing together to try and make like the perfect an optimal laundry bundle so that you could wash it and dry it effectively. That's, that's what I wish

Brandon  23:01

I had to think about, like, how many sweaters how many normal T shirts, how many like undergarments of like underwear or socks. And pants, or lounge pants right? Also have you need to take into consideration. I received articles of clothing for Christmas. And those must now be washed before they enter rotation. Right? Because I have this thing where I won't wear I won't wear anything unless I've washed it first. It's a weird neurosis thing that I have. And I won't. I won't wear things unless I've washed them first. So like that got me a shirt. Susan got me some sweet lounge pants. I am currently wearing some Bollin Lord of the Rings a lot of fans, right by the way. Yes, they're so great. But like they had to be washed today. Because I'm not wearing them until they've gone through the wash. So they don't go into the closet rotation until they've been washed. So there was also that to take into consideration. Today I have more closed than I did two days ago. So

Collin  24:18

this actually fits really well because Because also you want to do this in the least amount of of of cycles possible, right? You don't want to just be doing loads of laundry for nine hours a day like nobody wants.

Brandon  24:33

So also, right, here's the other thing, right? The goal, the goal of all of this is to because I will because I'm on break, right? And so I can potentially just wear my pajamas for a few days in a row. I will at the end of this I will I will there will be a small moment in time where I have zero Row 30 Except for whatever I'm wearing, right? Like, that's it.

Collin  25:05

It's an amazing feeling. Yeah,

Brandon  25:07

when I play this out, right, because I did a couple loads today might be a couple loads tomorrow. And I might be done after tomorrow. But if I do have to do more, I'll do one more, because it's using heavy laundry. So I was trying to base it out. But like, aware of these, like pajama pants for a little bit, and then I'll wash them and then so then we'll just, we'll have no dirty laundry at all. For like, just a small amount of time. And that is the goal, right? That'd be a brief moment in history when it's all done. And then I'll get ruined because I'll have to like go to Susan's mom's house or something really? Close No. No, no, because my other my other neuroses is cannot leave the house. And where wearing like, will not leave the house wearing like lounge pants or sweatpants. Well, sure, I can't do it. So like, I will have to put on jeans or some sort of other pant right? And so then they will become dirty. Sadness.

Collin  26:17

And it never ends. Never Ends such as the human struggle

Brandon  26:27

ah messes up my rotations, right. Going into the new week with like, one dirty shirt. Not really the end of the world, right? It'd be fine, but this is so mildly annoying. Yeah, so that was what I was doing today. puzzling, how much longer and then throw that into the mix it like I have a few jackets that I could wash that haven't been washed in long time. That kind of wash that. So like wash one of my coats and he had like wash it like by itself, right? And then, but then you don't dry it. Right? He's hanging it to dry. So where does that fit into the rotation? Right, I'm not going to try that because I've missed all up so you can hang that over here. You know has been puzzling because yeah, because

Collin  27:24

fewer things are more frustrating then it's usually it's one load, you run the load of wash and then you can run one cycle in the dryer it's done and then while the dryer is going obviously you get the washed going and it is very frustrating when the second load of wash is done but the first load in the dryer is not and you know how

Brandon  27:46

yeah but back I have a lot right? That's okay, I'm used to that because our dryer is old and kind of inefficient anyway so like this is the thing that happens sometimes you have to run it like a bit longer than just one cycle anyway Sure. But does tell you what you do in this situation is you take the dryer and you make sure you open it and you Roush the clothes about they aren't all in direct contact with one another and you're kind of even some of them you can like hang over the edge and they will kind of I mean it won't be very long but they can begin to air dry slightly. Yeah. While you're waiting for the dryer to be done. So that's the strap for that one you got to play into the the old plus see the other things to take into consideration here is the laundry room is small and has a door that closes it so if you have the dryer go there is residual heat emanating from the dryer if you close the room that room is now warmer than the other parts of the house and it will maybe help the clothes that you have used about and left in there maybe it will start maybe that will help them dry before they get the dryer. I don't know if that's true or not I like to think it helps I don't

Collin  29:13

well as many things done in life we do them in hopes that there is something on the other end and we go well it's not hurting anything right it's not hurting this process so surely it'll be fine

Brandon  29:28

that's true. Definitely not going to hurt it so so there is that but that was based gladness day instead some laundry it's more laundry. Yes. And then slowly started to find homes for some of my Christian friends. Right. Well, I know that this can go here. I don't know where that's gonna go. So I'm just gonna leave it over here. Bye. For now Till I can decide where to go like you look

Collin  30:06

you're going to you're going to be in the in the interstitial space for just a little while. So I'm gonna have you have a few pieces and we're deciding

Brandon  30:15

yes no deciding deciding where it should live you know, might go one place and be like actually no not gonna go try somewhere else. So we'll see how that goes. That's the slow and steady route for that. Why these beers mostly puzzling apparently.

Collin  30:44

Tell us puzzler was sober Yes, we thought of something he hadn't before before. Yeah, we got we watch that. This is obviously no longer in the in the Christmas season but in the Christmas spirit.

Brandon  31:07


Collin  31:08

Especially I know in the in the household that you reside in. It's Christmas a kind of a big deal. What are they? Oh, yeah, just a bit. small, tiny bed. What are your go to Christmas movies? What do you like? Do you have ones that you watch? Every must watch every single year?

Brandon  31:29

Yeah, there are three mandatory movies that we must watch together. Now you will watch some other movies just like by yourself? Because I know. It'll be like, I know. You don't like this one. So I'll watch it. So like she was like, since on last week. What about mandatory without question must be watched. Is of course, the original cartoon Grinch movie. Right. With Boris Karloff, right. From the 60s. I guess this is it. What?

Collin  32:11

Who? What? Who animated those? That was?

Brandon  32:15

I don't remember. I remember. But it's Yeah, that one that is mandatory. Without question. We also must watch. Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown. Mandatory right. I said the other day that we have two Christmas trees in my house. Heck, sneakily as incorrect. Technically, we have three because we do have a Charlie Brown Christmas tree that he got from somewhere like legit like the little like the bent over one with the red ornament on the end of it. So we do have that sitting on a bookshelf. So if you want to count that one has its own Christmas tree. Technically we have three. But that one's more like a decoration, right? Sure. Yeah. So that one is also mandatory. And then the third most mandatory of the mall is of course, the Muppets Christmas, Carol, yap, Baba, bah, bah, bah, bah. So those are the three non negotiables there are other ones that we watch just like randomly, just depending on how you're feeling or whatever. Sometimes they have those ones that are on like, you know, but those are the three non negotiable Christmas movies in our house. I like it so Susan says Sit down or else yeah, we're just getting the

Collin  33:54

kids into the Rankin bass.

Brandon  33:57

Stop Motion. Oh, yeah. Once you know Rudolph and what else do people watch? Well, there's Jack we've seen Jack Frost some of those are some of those are weird. Yeah, like a couple of what about like just not getting good? Does rest them like once about a dozen What about a donkey? But I think and they just get well yeah, there is one there are some really strange ones. Like I can't remember what the there's a really strange one. Where it Yeah, the Jack Frost one is odd. What's the one? That's like? Yeah, the Santa Claus is Coming to Town one. That was real weird. Oh, really love that one. That's almost like the Burgermeister Meister burger. Hang in. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Weird like, Penguin thing and like that's it. Like neither of us had watched that a long time. And we watched that last year like, oh yeah, watch this one. It was probably pretty good. Like we hadn't seen it in years. And then we both watched it. We're like okay. Yeah, it's like why Santa has whiskers lives at the North Pole brings you presents once a year. Right upstairs, like the main guy is like the narrator thing. Yeah, this is all really strange. And like, oh, it's like one of those movies. It's like, this is why this tradition exists. But it's like some rural random explanation like the town is like, giving presents is like illegal because they're like, No, Joy. Illegal back. So that was odd. Yeah, I don't like I don't like that was

Collin  36:05

watching all of them but mostly just Rudolph.

Brandon  36:09

Rudolph is good. Frosty the Snowman, raking bass you that's a good question. I'm not sure on this list here. But Rankin bass. I don't know if it is or not. I think it is. Yeah. Yeah, it is. Yeah. Frosty. Sounds pretty good. Oh, yeah. The frosty ones. The frosty ones. Good. Like that one. The Rudolph in the frosty wonder good. Yeah. Yeah, that's a fun to watch. Yeah. Frosty the Snowman? Yeah. The kids like that one a lot. Oh, it's good. We usually watch that one. Because usually, it's on somewhere. So we'll watch that one. But that's about it. Okay. We used to. I used to really like a Christmas story. Right? About like, at this point in my life, I've seen that movie just too many times. And the fact that like TBS does like the 24 hours of recruitment story where it's just on all day. Uh, huh. I don't want to watch that movie anymore. Like, it's I've just been

Collin  37:21

overexposed to

Brandon  37:25

a Christmas story. I feel like I feel like that's one I'm just like, it's fine. But it is one of those likes it when I was younger. But now that I'm, you know, that I've seen it 100 times, like, I

Collin  37:41

don't think it is one of those things where you kind of have to, like keep your powder dry on it. It's like why I don't listen to like, I am definitely one as previously discussed that will listen to the same song literally for like five hours on a loop with no problem. However, there are other songs, where if I did that to them, I know I were to ruin them. And I could never go back to them. And so I listened to those very sparingly, so that I don't ruin them so they can continue to enjoy it. And I definitely think Christmas story is one of those that needs to be enjoyed

Brandon  38:13

one time a year. Maybe,

Collin  38:18

like every three years would probably be good. Yeah, at this point. I

Brandon  38:23

don't think I've watched it in at least two years. For that reason, like huh? Yeah, I just don't feel too much. So watch home alone, usually. Because that was on TV lab. The first time alone. That's pretty good. I always forget how draggy it is, though, like that movie is way longer. Every time I watch it. I'm like, Man, this movie is a lot longer than I remember it being. Right. Like it feels like there is a lot more of just Kevin just like sitting at home by himself. That's, that's a lot of the movie. Yeah, like doing nothing. Like that's a whole lot of the movie, if you like, on the part that you remember. And the part that you like, enjoy watching is like the last 20 minutes of the movie. That's it. Like the part that you're like, oh, yeah, I remember this part. Like, it's the end. Only, like the rest of the movie is way too long. Now, I mean, you know, maybe it's just like my brain playing tricks on me. Right, but like, oh, it's an hour and 43 minutes long. And the only part that you ever remember is the last 20 minutes. Yeah, you don't remember him whole little scenes here and there like, you remember the part where he's like, having the fake precursors party in like Michael Jordan cardboard cutouts on little train like going around the living room. Right? But that's like 10 seconds. Somewhere in the middle. Have

Collin  40:02

you totally skip over the fact that he shoplifts. And he goes, like, he's just like, staring around, like walking around the home, like touching things and looking at them. And, like, there's a whole lot of not action in that. And definitely I know, there's nothing happened. And I know the pacing of movies has definitely changed over the years, like modern movies just go at such an intense pace. They're almost breathless at times, which can be good and bad, depending on the content. A lot of definitely older movies. There's, there's just like, time for days to do stuff and like, stare at things and walk around and you're like, oh, man, if this were made today, this would be this scene would be so chopped up. And we'd be in and out and done moving on. But that movie in particular, yeah. It's like, everyone just remembers the booby traps. Like that's it. And there's, there's a, there's an hour before that. of things so

Brandon  40:59

well, okay, so let's, let's think about this. Because, you know, in a movie was in 1990, right? So like, other movies that are like, kind of at this time, like other movies that I you know, you enjoy like, if you think about like a more action the movie like, I don't know, like Lethal Weapon, right? Or like a die hard or something like that. Right? There. So they're paced such that there's like, a burst of action. And then there's like, you know, because Lethal Weapon there's a lot of just like sitting in a car. Right? But that'd be like, first of action. And then like them walking and talking about stuff. Right? First of action, them walking, right? So you're like, it's up and down and up and not even in like, I don't know, I really okay, here's a really random move for like rumble in the Bronx, right, Jackie Chan and K. Yeah, this movie has like, crazy weird Jackie Chan action scenes. And then there's just like, Kim talking to Okay. Right? You have these breaks, where you have action, and then you have a break and you have action and you have a break and you have action you have a break finale? Right? Home Alone is like the movie starts it goes for an hour and 20 minutes. And then there's a lot of action at the end right like the quote unquote action in the middle is like him getting scared watching that gangster movie. trailer or him scaring away the burglars with the gangster movie. Or him like running downstairs and turning on a light. And they leave the house? Like that's not really actually. Yeah.

Collin  42:55

The action isn't enough. It really isn't enough actually. Like if you think of the peaks and valleys like the highs in the trough. Like the difference there between the highs and lows of action state is really minimal there that doesn't have a bank. It's like differential. Yeah, exactly.

Brandon  43:11

It's like rolling hills. Right? The whole first at least hour and a half of that movie is well okay, we'll say our and you know, a little bit of that movie is just like, rolling hills. Right. A little bit of action back down to Kevin. eating junk food. Right. Shot to the parents frantically making phone calls. Back to Kevin doing something weird, right? Like taking a shower. Who knows? And then like, all of a sudden the ends like to do the Pikes Peak lab. Like there it is. massive action scene at the end that lasts forever, right? It's a very oddly paced movie. And you know, think about it. Really, because all the parts that you remember, are either the end, or one of the random like 12 Second things from the beginning. Right? That's all for those like the early action scenes are like, action. It's like 30 seconds. Right? That's it. And then the end is like 20 solid minutes of just like straight Yeah, like fatiguing. So tired Yeah, it's really kind of weird, but

Collin  44:38

there's a lot that goes on with that. That's a good really good point.

Brandon  44:40

Yeah, so it's it's a weird movie. Right? And I never remember that until I'm like, oh, yeah, like all alone. And I'm watching it and like, man, that thing is

Collin  44:56

happening. When When do we get to the paint cans? When does that happen? And

Brandon  45:02

yeah, right like that one. I haven't seen Home Alone to in several years. So I don't know if that movie is better or worse in terms of pacing, so I don't remember how that one really goes. The only part of the movie I can remember right now is there's a weird pigeon lady. And I forgot otherwise. He slides down the weird trash tube thing and one of the buildings under construction. Yeah, and how is how do they? Oh, man.

Collin  45:35

How does the pigeon lady get tied in with that later? She helps him with something the pigeons do something.

Brandon  45:41

I know they do. Yeah. She, she like, takes the role of old snow shovel neighbor guy from the first. Right who's like the guy. And he's like afraid of him. But like, it turns out, he's just like a nice food who lives next door? That role gets transferred to pigeon lady. Right? I've like weird scary pigeon lady in the park or whatever. The volcano is it Tim Curry in the movie? Oh my gosh. bellhop Butler, whatever. Guy at the hotel. Is that right? He is.

Collin  46:29

Oh my gosh. Guess. Oh my gosh. And Tim Cook. Yeah. And he definitely He gives us some I mean, he gives off some hardcore Tim Curry vibes in that in that movie. Like, he really plays into that really well. Oh, my goodness. He's a fantastic actor.

Brandon  46:51

Oh my God. He was there. Wow. Who else is in this movie? What? No idea. Hold on. Let's see. Let's IMDb this thing. Ah. I don't know really? Because I haven't. I haven't watched his movie and

Collin  47:11

Rob Schneider. This movie? Why is this the beginning of Rob Schneider's. Ascent? Jack seeing in random movie? Yes. Because he's in the hotel. That's right. He's in the hotel as another bellhop

Brandon  47:26

kind of person. Yeah, it's very. It's weird. Like, it's just weird, because he's like in New York, and then like, airy and marbridge is also in New York. And then they just like, want revenge on the small child and like,

Collin  47:57

yeah, definitely. Definitely some weird I don't remember how he gets alone

Brandon  48:01

in this movie. I have not really. Cuz he is alone. Because like, the only reason I remember the Tim Curry was even in this is because I remember him like. Like, trying to prove that he was a lot alone, right? No, I

Collin  48:22

thought he was trying to prove that he was alone. I Yeah, that's what I mean. Kevin, and Kevin is trying to prove that he's not alone. So he's curry in the bellhops are trying to find out. Yeah, because he like walks in and on him. But he's like, Oh, he had this. Ah, this movie. Of course.

Brandon  48:42

This movie is a talk boy commercial. Oh my gosh. Oh.

Collin  48:48

I really? Yes. I do. Remember he.

Brandon  48:50

He plays like the ring off the first movie where he does that thing where he plays that? Yeah. That movie. Yep. Right. Extra movie. Yeah. Thanks for movie rich listeners. If you didn't know not a real movie. Sorry. Now made specifically for that. for that. I was getting in the movie. He's like recording on the hottest toy of that year. But 9293 92 Talk boy, which is just a handheld tape recorder. But do you like records all the people in his family and like I remember there's a part where Tim Curry comes he like busts into the bathroom. Yeah. And like weirdly has rigged up like a fake person in the shower. And he's like playing his uncle's voice. Uh huh. Like responds to Tim Curry. First of all, do you ever use it? Tape? There's no way that this would be like, worked properly. No, can't like find a spot on a tape to be like, oh, here black like this doesn't work. Yeah. I do this even as a child. But uh, yeah, this movie is a ton. Talk boy commercial. Well, actually did.

Collin  50:02

So you said talking about commercial? Did you know that the talk boy as designed was just a prop for the movie that they then licensed out to a toy manufacturer to make

Brandon  50:13

because of the movie? Okay, I did not know that. Yes,

Collin  50:17

I do when you were talking about that. I was like, Wait, I've looked into this before because I loved my talk boy, was a very good one. I like I. And it was cool. I mean, it was it was ridiculous to have a little tiny microphone and this little plastic stem that you could like, extend out or retract down, moving? I don't three, three millimeters? No, it did nothing. It totally looked cool. It had the little, my favorite part was you held it like a camcorder. And there was a thumb button that you activated to do the recording and such. Where instead of a buttons on top, so it was a thumb activated button. So imagine sliding your hand up in gripping the old cassette with a plastic strap around the back. And then where your thumb rest actually had a little button to actuate the recording and manipulate it that way.

Brandon  51:11

Because like basically coming back from your thumb is where that microphone came out. Yes. Right. In the front end was where the speaker was.

Collin  51:18

Yes. Yeah. I don't know where this one is anymore. But yeah, this was a product in the attic. Yeah. 100%. This was a prop made for a movie that then a toy company approached them going, we'll we'll make that plays and sell it. And the studio said, Okay, you may licensed the design for this prop, and actually sell this to people.

Brandon  51:40

And they did. And it was glorious. Oh, that's, I guess I didn't realize that. I thought maybe it was like, togetherness, because I don't know, that's what they had strong memory of like that timeline here. No,

Collin  51:57

no, you would be you would be forgiven for thinking that because that is what is totally done in all sorts of TVs and movies today. Right where they go, we need a phone. And then the phone manufacturers will actually petition studios to use and pay for the right to use their phone, in the film or in the TV series. And effectively does become a commercial for them. But they have to get get the rights to use the likeness so and so it's definitely works the other way around. This was just must be it. I wonder how many other times this kind of thing happened where somebody approached him? And because of the design in the movie made a product, not the other way around? Because we definitely don't

Brandon  52:47

think of them in that way. Yeah, I've had to have it a lot of the 90s Because nowadays movies are weird. And that's when like licensing kind of like well, I mean after the late 80s Right, because the 80s I guess the 80s is really when like licensed products like being their own property and movies kind of started right with like Transformers and GI Joe and all that stuff. Right? So I imagine that happen. I imagined they sold that they made an actual action figure from like, jingle all the way. Right. But they do that yeah, you didn't know they did, unfortunately. This also reminds me, right? Speaking of strange, strange 90s movies tropes. This was a common feature, right? Kids being alone through one way or another and like, getting up to all kinds of weird shenanigans. Right? This was like a very 90s movie thing that happened frequently I think like random kid is alone doing weird things like getting up to no good you know? It's happened a lot. Do you have any favorites in this genre? Other ways that I got to write off top my head

Collin  54:29

okay, well, I'm thinking of the three ninjas obviously. Perfect. As as a film in which not want I mean, technically, were they alone? Technically no, but did it involve three boys? Yeah, for several parts of this movie. Yes, they were. Well, but they had each but they had each other. Or they did have each other. Okay. When I say alone, I mean, without adult supervision. Yes, it my brother children notwithstanding. Okay. Yeah, three ninjas. Obviously, a prime example for this

Brandon  55:05

movie is, I bet. I don't know if I would say that if I watched it today, because I have not seen that movie a long time. And I will never was a kid. I loved that

Collin  55:14

movie so much. I mean, notwithstanding the fact that was also a movie of three brothers. And being at home with three brothers. It was like this is how how more perfect could this get and, and the middle kid, that kid was blue, so it was perfect anyway. Anyway, so that's that's I'm throwing I'm throwing three ninjas into the

Brandon  55:37

Oh, man. That's a good one. That's a good one. How about the first movie? I thought I thought okay, so my, the way that I arrived at this is I was thinking about home alone. And then I was thinking, I couldn't remember if Tim Curry was in home alone too. Or this other movie. Another movie, where a kid is alone in a hotel. But he's not alone. Because he has a ring of Tang. That movies of course affront checks in. Wow, pretty terrible movie. It's an awful movie.

Collin  56:16

It really

Brandon  56:17

is. But instead of Tim Curry that movies. nosey bellhop guy is Jason Alexander. I remember

Collin  56:29

and I asked does Faye Dunaway in it to my gosh, I

Brandon  56:33

forgotten Yeah. How terrible that movie is. Wow, it also has peewee is also in that movie.

Collin  56:43

That just takes it a whole nother

Brandon  56:47

that thing is insane. Okay, takes in. Oh, yeah.

Collin  56:58

Wow. Is the is your is your number two? Is this going to top it? Or is this gonna? It's I don't know. Why would you lead with Jackson?

Brandon  57:07

Because the first one I thought oh, okay, fair. Here. Do you have any more?

Collin  57:14

My brain my brain still circulating about an orangutan in a hotel? And it's not right. It doesn't make any sense. No, I feel

Brandon  57:24

bad. Uh huh. Alright, got one here. Hold on. Let me let me read you this synopsis. Let me see if this is I'm trying to remember. Yes. So. So here's another doozy of a movie, right? This movie doesn't make any sense, either. Okay, okay.

Collin  57:56

I have okay actually have anyway, continue.

Brandon  57:59

Yeah. All right. So here we go. This. Let's see if you remember this, Jim. This is a movie I remember liking a lot. For some reason. I don't really know why. I haven't seen it. And since I was like, 10, probably. So that could be I mean, it can be 10 because it came out in 1995. So k 11. This is a movie in which a young boy apparently has to travel to China to reunite a panda cub with its mother. This is of course amazing panda adventure. Right. Where he meets another random girl named her grandfather. Access translator. And him and girl end up for long stretches of time like evading poachers in China while they're trying to reunite a panda cub mother. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Is that what I

Collin  59:12

don't remember this movie. That is insane. What was going on? What's going on in the 90s? Why did they think that would be real weird

Brandon  59:21

stuff. Bam. Wow, what weird stuff. Okay, okay. Um,

Collin  59:28

I this is not going to top up a kid with a panda in any way shape or form. i This is probably this is a movie probably to the extreme of a child being left alone.

Brandon  59:43

Babies day out.

Collin  59:47

It's a literal baby. Evading all sorts of high jinks causing all sorts of havoc around an entire city. Babies day out where they're going to kidnap The baby and the baby just in just what? crawls literally crawls around because again, a baby crawls around city as the kidnappers try and get the baby but they they cannot. Yes. Yeah. So yeah, babies day out. That's that's all throw that one in there because I'd forgot I was like,

Brandon  1:00:23

Yeah, babies out. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness, that's great. Ah, another one. Right? This is really apparently clocking in as Google they're clocking in with a whopping 9% on Rotten Tomatoes. Oh no, right yo. Oh, yeah. No this is a movie, where I don't even really know how to describe this. This. The setup for this movie is really bizarre. There is a 11 year old boy, right? Who gets his bike run over by gangster gangster in order to placate the boy gives him a check. But he forgets to write $1 amount on the cheque, hoping it blank.

Collin  1:01:37

Oh my gosh. I remember the

Brandon  1:01:40

boy like, he like writes in like $1 million. And he thinks the bank and I'm like, okay, here you go. And he's like, what? And then shenanigans ensue zoo, right? He buys like a house and all kinds of like real crazy stuff. And like, so yeah, yeah, they go. And then like, the dude comes back and tries to seek revenge on him. But also like the cops are after the bad guy. It's a whole. It's a whole weird movie, but blank check. There you go.

Collin  1:02:10

That's got Miguel Ferrer, Miguel. Is that Is he the Is he the

Brandon  1:02:16

three? Is he the gangster?

Collin  1:02:17

Or who plays the gangster in that movie?

Brandon  1:02:20

I forget him. Okay. Yeah, it's okay. Yeah, he plays that really? Like Yep, yeah, that's me. Yeah. Oh my gosh, him. Yeah.

Collin  1:02:29

I forgot what a weird premise. That's so crazy. Yeah. And he goes out and he gets everything. Oh, yes. Oh, it

Brandon  1:02:36

doesn't make any sense. Oh, Michael Lerner is in this movie. Yeah. Yeah, it's a home Lok 90s favorite. Loke got out tone log was

Collin  1:02:44

everybody's favorite. Juice batch.

Brandon  1:02:48

Everybody loves. Everybody loves FernGully. Okay, they

Collin  1:02:52

obviously. Yes. This that goes without question. This does have the weird is that the weird relationship that he has with that woman halfway through where you're like, This is a little cut. I'm kind of unsure about what's going on here. And I don't think I don't think she's like,

Brandon  1:03:10

Yeah, that's

Collin  1:03:13

not not Yeah. Anyway.

Brandon  1:03:17

Awkward. It's like requestable she's like, it's implied that she's like, substantially older than him. And you're like wait a minute.

Collin  1:03:27

Hold on, heavily blade. Yeah, no, thanks. That's a good one. That's good. I have

Brandon  1:03:33

Yes, this this article says, Sorry, this is alright. 90s kids blank check is Disney's most disturbing movie. It's talking about that. Right? It's talking about 11 year old Preston. How old is this girl supposed to be in? Red flag Curzon presents are spending all the money. He has to go curfews. Parents. I want to know. I don't know. Yeah. Che the 32 year old

Collin  1:04:02

FBI agent.

Brandon  1:04:04

Yeah. Oh, it's bizarre. It's not. It's yeah,

Collin  1:04:09

I just, I, I have watched this one time in the last 10 years. Oh, like, like, what was? What is going on with this? This is not okay. In any way, shape or form?

Brandon  1:04:23

Yeah. It's, uh, you just brought it up. And I just saw this picture. It's like, Wait a minute. Yeah.

Collin  1:04:29

There's that scene where they're like, in the dinner and then like, riding in the rain and in the back of the car goes like, this is really is it? Something about anyway like

Brandon  1:04:42

that? Yeah. Not don't need that. So David.

Collin  1:04:52

I have one more to add to this list. And

Brandon  1:04:56


Collin  1:04:58

all I can say is Is this this movie taught me to not play with your father's secret ray guns that he builds in your house? Oh, because Honey, I Shrunk the Kids.

Brandon  1:05:16

Oh my gosh. He's so good.

Collin  1:05:19

Wani one of my all time favorite movies. I can't tell you how many times I have seen this. It's not a 90s movies, but it's a late 80s movie. So it's

Brandon  1:05:31

a cat overlapping period.

Collin  1:05:33

Yeah. If you if you look at just looking at the dates of these, it spans from 1989 to 19, like 9596. So it's like this early this time period for some reason. This was such a, I love this movie. Because like

Brandon  1:05:50

the this I mean, so this Okay, go ahead. Do you think and I got I got a call.

Collin  1:05:55

I think the thing about this movie that I just absolutely loved was

Brandon  1:06:00

the they're they their use of practical effects.

Collin  1:06:07

Is that made this just stand out when you watch this back again and again. And you know, the broom scene and just does how they're sliding down at there's a slot. It just, it just really did a great job of immersing you into what this would look like, in these very mundane days. Or tasks in your life that now are all sudden like just horrible. And rip to the ant. As long as say I still cry. It's never

Brandon  1:06:41

never have I been sad about the death banana. Like severed that movie? Oh, it makes you like, it makes you like feel really bad about ants. I like no anti

Collin  1:06:57

think it is actually it's literally anti. Oh my gosh. Yeah. So what were you What were you gonna say? That's right.

Brandon  1:07:06

That's great. I wanted to talk about that. Because yeah, that movie is really good. Right? I haven't seen them really, really long time. There. But that movie is really good. Yeah,

Collin  1:07:19

I mean, it Rick marinas just doing like, he is great. Brantas is always great. It's always he's always great. I love how it's like, everything that he's doing to find the kids and it's just so zany. But at the same time you're like, I could almost believe this happening. It's happening because of the that'd be the purpose is kind of like the shrink array of the addict. Like okay, that's kind of odd, but I can't say enough how much I absolutely love this movie.

Brandon  1:07:50

So good, right? Yes. Scrolling through here seeing if there's any other movies that I missed? I want to know your thoughts on does one of these movie counts? Because it's technically a kid. Alone. But it's a little bit weirder. How did it Where does does do we count warriors of Virtue on the first?

Collin  1:08:09

Oh my gosh. Oh, okay. That's a movie for sure.

Brandon  1:08:21

Probably that kid is alone. Right. But there's like weird martial arts rooms around them. So I didn't know about that. But I mean,

Collin  1:08:31

it's the it's the kid having the adventure. I think that's I think we have definitely accept the premise of this of being alone. But I mean, it's the kid still everybody's

Brandon  1:08:43

on a different list because he's looking at

Collin  1:08:45

weird. It's an odd one. You know? I'm gonna put an asterix by this but

Brandon  1:08:49

okay, yeah, well, asterisk. Whereas, whereas Honey, I Shrunk the Kids firmly fits into this genre. worries of riches kind of like, maybe it's like adjacent to this definitely adjacent. But my gosh,

Collin  1:09:05

that that's more I feel like that's more in the like, child gets picked for a special mission. Ah,

Brandon  1:09:14

you might be we're okay. Kind of thing. You're right. That one is a chosen one. That is a

Collin  1:09:20

movie. That's definitely alright. chosen our discussion

Brandon  1:09:23

about that one.

Collin  1:09:24

I still okay, looking. Okay, look. My brain I'm so sorry. It's It's like looking back like we watch this in theaters. I guarantee you we have like I I like to be watched us in a movie theater. I get the feeling like we did or we

Brandon  1:09:40

did. It was one of the it had to be one of those like, yeah, we would have. Oh my gosh, yeah, we would have for sure. If it was like one of the summer movies where it was like no dollars or like, yeah,

Collin  1:09:54

it definitely was. Oh, just the screenshots from this movie. You're like, well What?

Brandon  1:10:01

How was happening? Yeah,

Collin  1:10:03

it's just a fever dream of so many things. Okay. Yeah. So I mean, that's, that's

Brandon  1:10:11

yeah. There's other movies that are slightly adjacent to this. I guess one of them would be like the Goonies. Yeah, that's like kids on an adventure. That's the 80s movie, right? Yeah. Like mid mid 80s. Right? Yeah. Yeah, that's kids. And then of course, the other one that's sort of adjacent to this where like, the kids are like, they're like, it's not so much that they're on their own but they're just like it's the movie just follows a kid's out doing their own thing all the time is of course The Sandlot the greatest movie of all time. That's true.

Collin  1:10:51

True, fair, that kind

Brandon  1:10:52

of drifts into that weird, like 90s Kids sports movie genre. So that's, that's adjacent anyway. Yeah. Yeah. No, but

Collin  1:11:02

that's, that's good. Because then that movie is just about kids, like out doing to living their life. Yeah, it's not exactly on like an extreme adventure like saving pandas.

Brandon  1:11:13

Yeah, like saving pandas. Or defeating images, or RPC. Jobs.

Collin  1:11:20

What are you doing with your life? Because yeah, then that is that does get into other things like, Ah, I don't think these would go on the list. But like, you know, like, e t is kind of like a kid's adventure movie. Like he's doing the adventure by himself. And then, finally, kind of, then I'm also but the other ones we talked about the kids are like alone, alone. Yeah,

Brandon  1:11:41

we're like away from parents. So like home alone. Okay, let me check right there like okay, from parent basic kind of injury. Okay. It's like the three days even they're like, away from apparently like, leave their parents to go out and do all this stuff. You know what I mean? They're not like at home.

Collin  1:11:56

Okay. I have I officially have one to add to list about kids leaving their parents to go to venture it may fall into the category of like, the chosen, I'll let you decide. 9090 ones,

Brandon  1:12:10

look. Oh, tricky. Because that is a chosen one. As it's like, Peter, Rediscovering His chosen this. That's the point. But that's a tough one. But they do leave. That's a fringe one. That's offense. One. That's a good one, though.

Collin  1:12:40

Is a Dustin Hoffman has an amazing like

Brandon  1:12:42

stat movie. I feel Oh, yeah. So I feel like everybody talks about Robin Williams in this movie. Not enough people talk about how excellent Dustin Hoffman and Bob Hoskins are, oh my gosh, I don't know if this movie, because it's so good. Like them together. It's brilliant. I Bob and his other credit. I mean, because he's great. But he's Hoskins and does it often. Man, come

Collin  1:13:10

on. I mean, yeah. And if because if you if you just glance at the hook in the movie, like, you don't get Dustin Hoffman, like you'd have to like, it takes you a little bit to realize who's underneath there. Because, you know, they did the thing with the teeth. And they changed his nose and the eyebrows. Like there's a considerable makeup going on in there. But yeah, like he's amazing. Well,

Brandon  1:13:34

and the way that he's acting, he's like, that's just chewing it up. And he's just leaning into it so hard. So good. Yeah. He's really amazing. It's one of my Yeah, so many.

Collin  1:13:47

Just, it's a good movie in general. But yeah, I think it is. I do agree. It's on that borderline of kind of chosen adventure. versus just being true, like kids on their own kind of thing.

Brandon  1:14:00

Yeah. I think it might be more chosen. He. But he's good. Either way. Right. All right. Back to what I was gonna say about that. When you talked about the time period of these movies take place in Yes. Good. Right. So I think that's pretty interesting because I don't have any more movies to add. Okay. Unless you do know, I know. I'm about I need you for this time period, right this kind of like late 80s, early 90s Right. This is interesting. Because this is very much like kind of the last time where like you have like the term like latchkey, right? Sheds was a thing, right? This like late Gen X like early millennial, right? Like me, where you would just like go You know, like, you would just like, go out and do things. Or, you know, we would just get off the bus and I just had a key to the house in my backpack, and then we would just like, go outside. That was it. Right? Like, if nobody was home was fine. Yeah, that's okay. Here's what we do. Like, we would go out. And, you know, mom or dad would just be like, be home by dark. Okay, by bright light. That was it. Or, you know, we go to the mall, and mom would be like, meet me at this bench at four o'clock. Goodbye. You know, and like, that was just it. You just like, go around. This is like the last, the last, like, the last time before everybody was connected by phones. You know, I mean, like, this genre movie sort of disappears when cell phones become a thing. Because, you know, as a movie device, if you can just call somebody. Your movie is over. Right? If Home Alone was now it would be a five minute movie. Right? Just like, it was just like Facebook Messenger each other. It'd be like, oh, yeah, you left me home. Okay. I'm going to so and so's house. See when you're back? Yeah,

Collin  1:16:34

I'm good. Okay, cool. Good.

Brandon  1:16:35

See you later. Yeah, right. Like, that's, that's good. Yeah. Movie.

Collin  1:16:42

It really was the last time that kids this is gonna sound bad. And it doesn't mean like, like, kids could disappear in the world, and weren't connected to anything. And so what I think what you're getting at, was like, Okay, right.

Brandon  1:16:56

Yeah. Okay. Because there was no expectation of like, I'm going to need to know exactly where you are. 100% of the time, right? Yes. Like, I like that. Was it? Like, this was the I mean, they didn't. I didn't really know it at the time. I guess. Like, that was the last time when that was a thing.

Collin  1:17:17

Yeah. And so these movies really were possibly playing into the, what? What goes on in the interstitial time, right like that. So these were these were kids movies. And as much as they were speaking to that time, the kids were away from parents on their own adventures about what are they getting up to basically, some of

Brandon  1:17:39

those movies like and like, what were you doing? Like, Oh, nothing. Right, like winking at the camera, freeze frame and credit roll. Like, that's kind of the thing that happened, right? Like, that was it and a lot of these movies where they it's like, even the ones that are like, you know, more like, not like kids go off on random adventure, but like, other genres and movies were like, kids in the 90s they were like, you know, there's like, wandering around the road, ran around the street. Doing whatever. Like, right, you know, like once you get up to today, Oh, nothing. Nothing. Yeah. Pete like, wink cheesy, like, Sound Effect Noise? Freeze Frame, freeze frame. You know, like Ferris Bueller II kinda where it's like, oh, well, that's, like, go over.

Collin  1:18:29

Yeah, that's another possible one. If you want to add Ferris Bueller, to I mean, he's older in it, but

Brandon  1:18:36

he's a little older. That's a little bit slightly different, but like, similar vibe, you know, for sure. Same kind of thing where like, he's just going off to do his own thing. And like, if there were cell phones around and that movie was out that movie would not happen. Nope. You know, that might be one of those like, high school drama movie you know, like high school or because he's like a high school kid. And so yeah, so that's a slightly different genre movies picked up by that one later. Some good ones in Atlanta. But you know that for this purpose of this conversation if Ferris Bueller has a phone game over, right? Because principal what's his face? Just like? Calls dad cell phone? Dad goes on mom goes home seafarers, not their movie over that. Exactly. Right. Like none of this matters. I can't get a hold your dad. Nah,

Collin  1:19:32

nah, not half. That's not how this word

Brandon  1:19:34

happening. So this is like the last the last unconnected time really? Which is why you know what's weird we think about it because like, like I said, these movies didn't know that they were doing that. Right. Like they didn't know that this was the end of that. You know? So like Cavalese like really crazy adventures and stuff going on and like this was the last hurrah of weird, crazy adventure movies where children would be left alone to their own devices. You know, it was just like normal. Right? Like it just kind of normal. Where it's fine. And then a few years later, it was all gone. Forever. True. Beverly was, it was you know, like, yeah, because I've said that became, can do that anymore. Was not not okay. Yeah. Because, you know, like, like I said, we go the mall, like, Mom would literally like sometimes, like, you know, one of our friends would be there or it was gas or whatever she'd be like, alright, just go. Okay, like, we would go watch a random movie, and we would go eat french fries. Like, right? You could go to the arcade thing. You could go into the toy store, like, wherever you want. And no matter


as long as you're on the bench before, but

Brandon  1:21:09

you were not there four o'clock. You were dead, but very serious things that happen very seriously, you can happen. But yeah, I was like, I was it, you know, because that was the last time where, where, you know, I could I could go somewhere and people wouldn't like call me. Yeah, you know, usually, you know, later just trying to be like, I was gonna call you that you were you? Were a little bit after that text. You. Were you at get back here now. Okay, well,

Collin  1:21:45

it's interesting how how that has impacted, I don't know. Part of the storytelling and writing to some extent, in what stories you can tell. Because of just the the connectedness that that we have, right? You're not able to tell these fantastical disappearing from the world and nobody noticing because these days, somebody would notice and the only time like somebody watching that movie would be like, well, that's completely ridiculous. There would be at least 14 people who didn't see their recent Snapchat who'd be concerned that they weren't didn't show up or bla bla bla bla bla, you know?

Brandon  1:22:25

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it does affect the storytelling. It's very weird. Like some of these like intentionally like, notice there's like not a lot of phones in them. Just because they're sort of establishing like forget about the phone for a minute. So we can done this you know, like there's pay no attention. Don't remember that. You have a phone. Yeah. In other movies do the opposite where they like play it up. And then they introduce some sort of like, thing that makes the phone not work right. Yes, they left it they've dropped it.

Collin  1:23:05

The charger wasn't plugged in overnight and the batteries

Brandon  1:23:07

Yeah, the battery's dead something right. You have to but you have to like say that. There's some plot device. Yeah, that's yeah, some sort of plot device of like, oh, just again. No, doesn't work.

Collin  1:23:20

away. Look away.

Brandon  1:23:22

Like I accidentally grabbed the wrong phone. Right. Like, you know what I mean? Oh, I was at this restaurant and I grabbed some random lady's phone and she had my info on. Oh, darn. Right. Yeah, they have to do that like attentionally they have to like waste time and movie be like Hey, look. Okay, anyway. Yeah, the

Collin  1:23:41

phone that you think Yeah, exactly. It's like

Brandon  1:23:43

cheese. So yeah, I think that's why you know, that was a you know, that's really they didn't know but that was that was a common theme in the time and so that was that sort of showed up in the movies of like, Oh, hey, look, you know and like you said like play into like, what about if this happened right like Oh, man. Oh, no scene kids. Oh outright in the muck. You know what I mean? Like I agree you're here so watch more

Collin  1:24:21

90s movies.

Brandon  1:24:22

There we go. That's true. Listeners if you have any movie suggestions about kids on their own running amok causing shenanigans, let us know what we missed. Tell us what you think of our our newest entry into yet another strange sub genre mini series here on Oh brother.

Collin  1:24:46

keeps coming back around kick in the wave.

Brandon  1:24:49

Right and the other was the episode another nice genre right another? Yeah. Do you like this? Go check out that episode. Or not? always more. Oh my gosh, I love it.

Collin  1:25:08

I like it. We will continue our deep dive into more and more niche genres.

Brandon  1:25:16

Yeah, we gotta get we gotta get to 90s children's sports movies is that oh man, old man are there small kids doing sports vainly? Whoa

Collin  1:25:33

it's definitely

Brandon  1:25:37

cool. Some point in the future that will happen. Yes. Okay. And what was the?

Collin  1:25:43

What was the? What was the top five that we need to come up with? That we talked about? Just here in closing here. We talked about doing a top five ranking of something the other day cat movies cat movie? Was it cat movies? Yes. Okay.

Brandon  1:25:59

Yeah, cuz we were talking about the mice thing. I know. We were talking about cinema cats. And so we thought, oh, we should do. Okay. I want to nail down we need to nail down some criteria. Yes. About this. Yes,

Collin  1:26:13

this will be this will be on the list. Okay, we will work on this.

Brandon  1:26:18

Moving forward. Now that's some criteria, because now I have some questions about does that mean snoring like cat? Because the other one was? Was mouse in starring role? Yes, main character Pro. Okay, it does mean that. I feel like there's a lot more. That's pretty much the only thing we need to talk about. Right? Because I think efforts animated or whatever. Because my the other one we had like Stuart Little was on there. And that's yes, I've actually

Collin  1:26:47

I do I do think they need to be in some in some starring role in a starring role as well

Brandon  1:26:54

as protagonists. Yes. Yes. contributing? So I mean, like as the main character, right, because I feel like I feel like that's important, because that's how the mouse one was. Yes. The mice were the main characters in the movie.

Collin  1:27:08

Yeah. And in order to be other animals about in order to get good apples to apples comparison with the movies, obviously, we need to standardize its main character. Yes, I agree.

Brandon  1:27:18

Well, I mean, yeah, clearly. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Because I feel like it wouldn't be fair if it was like, because Okay, so when you get into these, like animated movies, where they're all anthropomorphize animals, like, it could be the antagonist is the cat. Yeah. But not the main character. So maybe just from my personal list, I would just do there were at least one of the main main protagonists.

Collin  1:27:48

I like that. I like that idea. Yeah. Okay. So what was it? We said, have to shortlist this one? We say, one of the main protagonists, right?

Brandon  1:28:02

Yeah. Cuz some I can think of a couple of movies right now. There's, like, you know, two main characters or three main characters and one of them is maybe not all of

Collin  1:28:12

them, but one of them. So I would say allow that.

Brandon  1:28:19

Okay. All right. Start working on this list. Okay. Top five movies

Collin  1:28:27

of all time. Today, all time,

Brandon  1:28:31

homeboy. I feel like a lot of mine are gonna be animated, but that's okay. Hey,

Collin  1:28:35

I I guess I'm trying I'm sure we're gonna try it or we're gonna find like some weird obscure like 1930s movie that was built about a cat rabbit wrecking if only in Hatton and we're only there

Brandon  1:28:50

was a website that would help us with

Collin  1:28:54

that, sure. It'd be handy. And they're gonna get a lot of traffic. Oh seven cats. None of our favorite places. Yes. Many corners. So. Okay, well, with that. We will pay up the microphones for another week.

Brandon  1:29:17

All right, I'll start working on my cat list. Even if it's not for next week, I'm gonna start working on

Collin  1:29:21

Yes. Because yes, same day.

Brandon  1:29:24

Because as the tagline says, Who knows what will happen? Who knows?

Collin  1:29:31

Okay, yeah, yeah, we're just yeah, we're sorry. Yeah. Oh my gosh, yeah. You work on interesting music. Sit over the file. Sounds good.

Brandon  1:29:39

Little like Stinger thing like Love it. Love you. Love you. Bye bye.