rhyolite is also there

Collin struggled with an onion and has been busy organizing. Brandon admits to being a serial piler. THEN, we dive into a ranking of the Top 5 Cat Movies of all time. Or at least from the 1980s and 1990s anyway.

  1. "Cats" - a musical fantasy film based on the stage musical of the same name, featuring a cast of cats who sing and dance their way through a series of adventures.

  2. "The Aristocats" - an animated Disney film about a family of aristocratic cats who are kidnapped and have to find their way home with the help of an alley cat named Thomas O'Malley.

  3. "Fantastic Mr. Fox" - a stop-motion animated film about a clever fox who outwits a group of farmers to steal food for his family. One of the main characters is a cat named Bunce.

  4. "Kedi" - a documentary film that follows the lives of several stray cats living in Istanbul, Turkey. The film explores the deep bond between humans and cats and the important role that cats play in the city's culture.

  5. "The Cat Returns" - a Japanese animated film about a high school girl named Haru who is visited by a group of cats and whisked away to a magical cat kingdom.

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movie, cat, number, drawers, fever dream, list, big, good, watch, moved, main protagonist, pull, remember, talking, long, find, area, put, charging, voice


Collin, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out. Here's your host, Brandon, Colin, and Aaron. On this week's show, Riley is also there. Oh boy,

Brandon  00:20

Lois hallway.

Collin  00:22

How are you doing?

Brandon  00:24

I'm very tired. No. Well, I had to get back to work today. I was on motivating. So are

Collin  00:32

you using your you hear that? Yes, I am. Okay,

Brandon  00:39

ah if you need a logins for throat or voice, the unofficial sponsor hashtag not actually sponsored. The grantors pastor Lee's throat lozenges highly recommend rocking the blueberry flavor currently.

Collin  00:58

My choice. I have the black currant in front of me right now to this my. Yes. I I had to use mine quite extensively today after I ate a year I finally you know, I was we had a euro. Okay, I had a euro. Okay. And after which my throat decided it no longer wanted to work for any reason whatsoever for anything. Where I kind of this is this is so boring and nobody cares. But I kind of choked on an onion. And then after that my throat bricked up, like, like, there was nothing for me. I couldn't talk. I was walking around croaking and like had no voice like it was literally like this for like, over an hour. And then I went, Oh, if only I had something to help me with this. Like, oh, wait. I do. So I went and I hounded these for quite a long time after that. And they worked the wreck. So that's my endorsement, a Euro of your grandfather's

Brandon  02:11

on hand. Or, if you have to go back to work after about approximately two weeks, we're exactly two weeks, whichever, and you and your normal human being live. Do not speak as loudly as you do when you are talking to sixth graders. Just because it's necessary to speak loudly. We're talking to sixth graders because well, they're not listening. So indeed. You have to have a high volume, right? Let's just my presenting voice is much louder. So well, yes, you're standing in front of classroom talking about common igneous rock types, why? You know, could be excited about this is important stuff here. So,

Collin  02:59

you do have to you have to bring the energy. Sometimes you do,

Brandon  03:03

you do. Alright. So, you know, whenever I was telling them about the thing, like we we talked about, like how these rocks are useful, like what do we do with them? And some of them they were like, wait, what? Wait, oh. palmas was fun. Oh, no. Yes. Very useful. So we did granite. Right. Very useful building, interior design, kitchen cabinets, cabinets, countertops, excuse me. Promise for your exfoliating needs. And they were like, Wait, really? Like? Yeah. Yeah. Check it out. Check your exfoliant. Look and see if it says promise. It might. Boom. Tada. Tada. And then we talked about the salt. Yeah. Yes. Okay. As you know, all of your roads are made out of basalt. Kaboom. Which are important. They're important. And I never really tire thinking about the fact that roads are recyclable. Because yes, you can just grind them up and use it again.

Collin  04:18

Yes. Definitely. So it's a really weird thought.

Brandon  04:23

But the salt is so durable, that you can just like grind up the road. And like tumble it to kind of like clean it up because it was more tar and lay it back down again.

Collin  04:32

Yeah, you don't that's it. It's quite amazing. Yeah. And

Brandon  04:37

then I told them that and they're like what? Yeah, and then the Yeah, so it's pretty good. rhyolite was there you know, it's kind of a sorry. That's okay. You know, it's also there. And then obsidian ABS the other one I was thinking but there we go. So very exciting, but was very tired today. So I was like

Collin  05:11

Well, that's nice, kind of hopefully. How long does it How long do you find that usually takes you to get the not just you back into the swing of things, but the class writ large.

Brandon  05:23

The first day is usually not too bad, because they're kinda tired, because they haven't been going to bed since like, they all stay up to like, three in the morning, because they're ridiculous. So today was kind of not too bad. Tomorrow will be a little bit more rowdy possibly, but I just reminded them that this week is reminding you about how school works. Right? I told them like I know, for the past few weeks, you've been running, shouting and whacking your siblings in the head. But we can't do that. And

Collin  06:07

don't try and deny this. This. I know this is a fact.

Brandon  06:11

And like, it's even more potent in sixth grade because we have multiple sets of twins, right? So like, oh, it'd be like, don't you can't hit them here either. Okay, don't hit them at home. Don't hit him here. Hey, stop it. So nice. So we have talked about that. We have three different sets of twins. I think that's right. Well, twins. Yeah. Yeah. So that'd be like, no, no, no. No hitting your brother. Stop it. Stop it. So today was alright. Especially this morning. There are like dragging. Yeah. What is what is this? What is my life? What's happened to me? Right, what Gandalf mean? I have no memory of this place. Exactly. Yes. So we'll see. It's a couple days to kind of get back in the swing of things a little bit. Wake up. Like, do you remember where your science notes are? Find them, please. They're on that shelf over there. Spoilers. You should go.

Collin  07:24

I remember where they are.

Brandon  07:30

It's always, like jarring to because you come back. And then the email is like grades due tomorrow. Like what grades once I log into my gradebook. I don't even know why. Hold on. Let me find that.

Collin  07:42

Yeah, like, wait a minute

Brandon  07:43

to have to like dig through there and find it. And like matter. They're all done, except for like a couple people who were gone at the end before we left. So I was like, come here. Now give me this do like guess where you're going to recess with me? To do things? Yeah. So I only had like, three different people and stuff from everywhere else where we left. So they're just either gone or so behind that. They didn't get all the way done? Because they were absolutely one of them was really sick for a long time. So he just he was getting caught up. It was just like the timing was real bad because he got sick, like, right at the end of semester. So it's like, like, right, the beginning of December. All our time. was like, Oh, no.

Collin  08:37

I need you to not do that.

Brandon  08:39

Yeah. If you could not, that'd be great. That'd be Israel six. Oh, we just got him caught up when he came back. And he just do it a little bit for everybody. You know, it was just like, I need just one more thing from you. And he was like, okay, that's fine. I was a first person to turn in my grades in sixth grade. And wow, that Secretary because I have to go in you have to like finalize them in the gradebook. Like, import them to that. So they have to like open a grading window. And you have to like import them into that like quarter slash semester tab on a different tab than the normal gradebook. So you have to basically say, yes, all my grades are done. import them over, finalize them to the program like locksmith to thing. And then I have to email the building secretary, cuz she's the one that does all this stuff and like prints the progress report. They're great cards and everything. So I emailed her I was like, I'm done. And she sent me an email back was like, Who are you? And what have you done with Brandon? You're never first.

Collin  09:57

No, wait, listen here.

Brandon  10:00

It's true, but I had less missing work than the other teachers. So I did. My assignments, my missing assignments were smaller. So like, we got to bang out pretty quick. So we've done Ah. So basically my day being like, Oh, how does school I also had to be like, how do schoolwork What is this? What am I doing? How long is it? What time does class get over? Remember? Right? That's always the

Collin  10:40

when I was teaching labs, that was always the hard part after a break, because you'd come back and be like, no, wait, do this. Send it to 15 or two. Wait a minute,

Brandon  10:48

wait a minute. There is an enormous difference between 215 and 220. Yeah, like, it's big. It's vast. All right, like I know, some people might not believe me, but five minutes. If you get done with your lesson five minutes early. Oh, no. Like what?

Collin  11:11

That is five minutes to descend into terror. Your 12 year olds,

Brandon  11:16

right? It goes downhill in a hurry. So like, yeah, you know, three minutes is fine. Right? Usually they like put their stuff up, they get ready, they bla bla, they might like mess around the iPad for like a minute and they suddenly go, that's not bad. That's fine. But when it's longer amounts of time. Oh, no. So hard for me to going from like, having absolutely no schedule of just like being home. Doing whatever. to having an extraordinarily rigid schedule. Right. Like, that's a big like, up. You know, it's not just for the kids big for the kids to be like, Oh, I gotta go. But that's for me, too, right? It's just like, hanging at home eating lunch whenever I want. Doing whatever. To me. Like, you can only eat lunch now. Like, oh, wait a minute. I don't want to eat lunch that late. So yeah, that's pretty much it. It's not a lot of excitement in this happening. Oh, well, I

Collin  12:30

I organized. Oh, no. Well, it was one of the things of scary word. It is it is it was necessary. Because we well, first off, so we completely rearranged the entirety, not the entirety of our downstairs. But we flipped how our rooms were, we have this middle room that was in between our kitchen and our family room that we just called the playroom where it had a table in there and had a bunch of the kids toys and a play in this big open area. And it was very underutilized. And but we would eat in there sometimes or sometimes we'd eat in the dining room and then sometimes it just but then sometimes we wouldn't be in that room ever. And so that's weird. It wasn't supposed to be like a dining room. No, because we have a dining room. We have a full like formal stain dining room. And it's this, um, it's this room, it's like a second living area is what it is. So it would be like, so you've got the front room, you walk down. And then it's one room back from that. So it's kind of like that's why I call it the like the family room versus the living room, I guess as whatever. So yeah, the front room, as I will call it is when you walk in, it's very odd. It's actually L shaped. It's very wide and open. And we had actually kind of cordoned off a little corner for that was where our couch was that faced a TV. And then the rest of the room was a big open play area. Okay, we have kids. So mommy. Important. Yeah. And so it just it felt weird. And so, one day, Megan was like, I want to flip to the awkward second living area and where our couches. And so we spent the day that

Brandon  14:20

makes sense. Like make that into the living room and make the random play area in the back.

Collin  14:26

I can see that. Yeah, well yeah. So we made actually we made our whole front area. The Tao now it's the playroom and that other big area that was opened already. So just has everything. So it's this big area. So now the kids have doubled the bookshelves they've got because we had one bookshelf in the one area and then in the back area. That's where their big trampolines are. They have their indoor trampoline and right. We moved the table that was awkwardly in that other room up so it sits kind of in front of our fireplace. And now it's like that's the kid kids crafting table instead of our dining room. room table. And so now yeah. So we we moved all of the now it now our family room is the subset room that's one back so it's away from all of the windows, it's a little bit more private and secluded couch fits great in between our two big windows. And it's just much more simple room. But I noticed that I had space for a side table now for our couch. And I was like, I don't want to buy a side table. What can I use as a side table that I really

Brandon  15:34

don't? Do you know that side tables are stupid expensive? Yeah, right. I just the most idiotic thing I've ever seen in my entire life is the most expensive piece of furniture that is should not be

Collin  15:46

price per amount of wood. It's very

Brandon  15:48

Yeah. You can pay like hundreds of dollars for an intake. Yes, for

Collin  15:53

it entails. So I realized i i at some point. So during the the once a year,

Brandon  16:01

trash day or whatever, like,

Collin  16:05

like, they're the whole city puts out a citywide garage sale. So anyway, that's what we call it down here. That's what they call well, except that you just put your stuff out in the front that you don't want a big claw machine comes and takes

Brandon  16:16

it away. So like, yeah, ours runs in conjunction. Right. We have like a city wide garage sale. Like the whole city, like has garage sales, like one week. And then like a couple of weeks later is the city wide cleanup sale. Oh, that cleanup? Where? Yeah, you can like one time a year you can put stuff out? Yeah. And then it just disappears.

Collin  16:38

Yeah, I drug A 1950s Washing machine from our basement. And then there was in the coal chute and set it outside. And three minutes later, 78 year old man was lifting it into the bed of his truck. And Megan was like, should we help him? And I was like, no, no, he's got this. Anyway. During that time, you just pass by stuff. And I've actually, like we've gotten bookshelves. Yes, see stuff. And you're like, Oh, they're not getting rid of this because it's broken. They just don't want to sell it. Like that's what genuinely like. So I had actually collected a an end table of sorts. And I had at my office and it sat right next to my desk. And I was like, I want to put that next to the couch. And I also have

Brandon  17:24

a place to put your water. Right. You need a place to put your drinks like it's important. Yes. Yeah. So I was like,

Collin  17:29

I have one. I want to put that by the couch. But now what am I going to put all the stuff that's in there? Where am I gonna put desk? Well, well, no, I don't have a big enough desk for dinner. I mean, what are you gonna Yeah, what are you going to put by your desk? What are you going to stuff so for all the difficult stuff. Turns out we had bought a, a shelving unit a wire shelving unit thinking it was much, much larger than it actually was. It came out is this little tiny thing. And so it's just Oh, no, it just, it just sat like, in a corner of our house. Like completely unused, like the kids would put some stuff on it and whatever. Well, I have now moved that next to my my desk. And this is now my desk side table. And then the actual side table side table is a side table now by the couch and the couch area. So this entire of

Brandon  18:17

jangling around here, it's so this goes

Collin  18:21

there. And it has been so because I had to completely declutter and remove everything from my, my former side table that that triggered a well, if I'm going diving into all of this. What else is going am I going to be diving into so like taking everything out of these two, these two little drawers? Now I was like, Okay, well, what do I actually need by my desk? What are the items in here that I don't need? Where do those go and somewhere like oh, that goes in text in my top center drawer of my dresser, because that's where I keep these things. Well, okay, now I'm in there. I need to remove everything from there. Okay, now Oh, great. This goes

Brandon  19:01

I did this. A year or so ago. Oh my gosh, with my coffee table in my little front room here. My little room? Yeah, because I had a bunch of just stuff on it. Like it was just like a collecting table. Where I just put Yes, because I like to see real Pilar. So I decided all right. I have to make room for stuff. Yeah. Mostly that space is now taken up with it. No, not insubstantial. Talking Book Collection. That's fine. That's moving on the tables very stylishly. I mean, well, we've been highly pileup there's some of them are standing up. Some of them are pilots. But you can see the spines. Yeah, it's a pal just so anyway, I had to like take you through like a whole bunch of stuff way. And then yeah, I did that. I was like, Okay, well, then. I had this other stash area, like under the table that I had stuff, which I still need to organize a little bit there but like, yeah, so I moved, I dug a bunch of that out and I move stuff from like here to there. Like, I don't want to get rid of it, but I don't really need it right now. So it goes there. I sort of like, moved it down the line. I didn't like the end of the line, the big area, I just like threw it kind of stuff away.

Collin  20:17

That's exactly what exactly as it pushing stuff into the stream of items of my life, and realizing that over the past, because this was something that when I just worked my normal job, a job I had lots of time for, like on the weekends and evenings. And now I don't have always I don't have time for this. So this was actually extremely therapeutic for me and I and I, you know, it was just one of the things of like, oh, I realized I've got batteries in seven different places. Where is going to be my Newt, where's my Where do my batteries need to go? Right? Like, that's what I did a lot of. And like what? Yeah, one of the things I'm there with my desk, too, right? It's like, Yeah, but one of the things on my, in my office, I have one of those. It's one of those organizing drawers that you see on work benches where it's got all the little trays that pull out. Oh, yeah, I have one of those. It's great for like pens, and ink, and erasers and all sorts of stuff. Right? That but they'll tell me that I don't have room for one of those. Now it's an a

Brandon  21:18

nine. It's it's 21 little

Collin  21:21

drawers. And it's already compact. So you can fill all your pins in there with the Noel's Oh, and then erasers. And nope, you can put some notebooks and stuff in there too. It's great. I love it terrible. But it's also like, it can be fiddly. Right? Right. So I then I like pulled out all those drawers. And then I'm seeing where things are. And I'm like, Oh my gosh, look at all these cables. So now we're gonna find cables. And then like, I had a stash area that was above the washing machine. So we've got to help pull all that out. And then we got the junk drawer. And then I was like out in the garage because some of the stuff was like, I actually don't need the wrenches inside the home. This can go to my toolbox. That's actually yeah,

Brandon  21:58

I do do that every once in awhile. They'll be like, like some of my I don't have a lot of tools because I don't use them a whole bunch. But like screwdrivers and like random wrenches and stuff, they do tend to migrate inside. Yes, every once awhile, I have to be like, out, like I have a toolbox, I bought a toolbox specifically for this reason. So chigo, right, like,

Collin  22:21

and then, but each time I'm taking places from one place to another, when I arrive at the new destination, it's like, oh,

Brandon  22:30

I clean it out.

Collin  22:30

I now have to do work here because there wasn't a wrench here previously, it's now been taken up by who knows what. Now I must make room for wrench. And that means so it was just a whole process. And it's it's also one of the depressing things of

Brandon  22:45

at the end of the day. You can't

Collin  22:47

really tell it like, like

Brandon  22:52

that's because, right that's because the so if you think about it, like, like pushing it downstream, right? Like at the end, there's like this reservoir, right? Where, where everything just ends up. And when you start going in there, like the end, like you keep moving things from pile, I'm gonna take this and put it there. But that means all the things that were in like spot B, I have to pick up and throw some away and then move other things to like spot. See, just keep pushing it down. And there is a spotlight, x like the end like a spot Z right? Where that thing is what suffers the most cleaning, because that's the stuff that like you haven't even seen in like two years. Yeah, you're like, I don't need this. And you just like, throw it all the way. So like, even though you can't tell, cuz that's usually some sort of closet, or like cabinet or storage bin somewhere else. So even though you can't see that, that big reservoir of stuff is gone. Right? Yes.

Collin  23:56

Because eventually it does get you make that decision to throw it away or do something with it. And so that's

Brandon  24:01

yeah, that is like, this thing has been sitting I forgot I even own this. It's been sitting in this tub for like three years. I'm probably just gonna throw it away. Now I struggle with this. Right. Susan is much better at this than me. She does this more frequently than I do. Because I'm like, No, well, I'm not motivated to do that. Do it later.

Collin  24:22

When I have also like, because the drawers in the little organizing thing that you find on workbenches, they're not very big. I couldn't fit like big rolls of tape in them. So what the ones that roll of tape got below a certain size. I was like, Oh, I can store that in my little drawer. Like that's where the small so I had to pull them out and I had some some electrical tape was like why do I have electrical tape in this drawer in my office? Why? Well, it's because

Brandon  24:52

it would fit there would fit.

Collin  24:56

So I've built that thing of electrical tape that literally had like three more polls around it before it was just junk and I was like, Okay, I need to I could do the

Brandon  25:10

interviewers have like two full roles you're like

Collin  25:12

yes, yeah, I think I'm gonna be okay because they come in like 17 packs and I also went through and like checked all my pens that's something I hadn't done in a very long time of like pen check so I have two pages of my notebook of that are just the scribbles in the writing that I use to make sure that they're still flowing and I style over last night I like soaked all the fountain pens and like gave them all the deep clean and everything so it was very much a like re setting the chaos of everything and like pulling down the folders for the tax documents and making sure I have all that information and going through that that motion was all part of this this process that all started because we moved a couch it was like I can't like it was because also when we move the couch it was like okay, we're moving the couch what else now that the couch is moved and is moving? What else can we do in this area? So I was like, Oh yeah, deep cleaning the floors, scrub the baseboards, wipe down the walls, like all this stuff. We know that and it's so you have those tasks where it's like, you do need to I think not that I'm always trying to optimize the most out of everything that they do. You are certainly

Brandon  26:28

not gonna lie to us. Okay, don't lie to me listeners, you are always trying to optimize things. It's okay. But it's me it's we understand we know I need to

Collin  26:37

I need to make the most of this is what I'm trying to do. Right I'm gonna use the word allies because that's like optimization. Oh, no. Different very, very different words.

Brandon  26:49

Going while this

Collin  26:52

is done, we need we need to make the most of this because I don't have to do this again. Right that's the other thing is I don't want to have to move the couch just do bespoke Lee wipe down all the baseboards in the room. So we'll just while I'm wiping down this wall, I might as well have I've done the other wall and do and then that's it. And then, you know, just once these things go in motion, you can't stop them. You just You just along for the ride. And you let the the mania take over for a day and it's great.

Brandon  27:14

About Great.

Collin  27:22

Well, I found some stickers with dark colors on them. And it's great. I got rid of I don't know why we haven't owned Exactly.

Brandon  27:33

One DVD player.

Collin  27:36

And that was seven years ago. I don't own a DVD player. Somehow I have five HDMI cables.

Brandon  27:46

I mean, it just happened. Right? It does.

Collin  27:49

So that was HDMI cables, old camera charging cables, ethernet cables, I had an Ethernet cable that was like four, it was like it was like eight inches long.

Brandon  28:03

I was like, what, what, why what is this? Handy? What did it take to deal with this?

Collin  28:10

So it's a good question. I don't know, it was a great question. I have no idea how this even came into my life. I have no memory of this thing. And it's. So what I did was I went downstairs to my basement where I have my router, and I have the Synology and I have our security cameras set up. And I was like, Oh, you are now a little bit closer. And I would just plug directly and I found a spot for it. But again, looking at these things going okay, I don't need these HDMI cables, and I am not going to hold on to them anymore. So I will if I can find one that is labeled that I can figure out which one is the quote unquote best. I'll keep that one

Brandon  28:48

and then these other ones will just

Collin  28:50

get moved one step closer to being pitched so that's what that was my day basically. realized

Brandon  29:03

I had the I did I was scavenging through my thing because I did need something from my random cable box the other day. I needed a like an old phone charger with that with the USB plugging thing in it. Oh yeah. Because I because one of the presents I got for Susan is like rechargeable. It's a rechargeable kitchen appliance. But it's USB charging. Oh, which is confusing to me. This happens a lot when you look at like kitchen gadgets. It's like a It's a frother it's like a little battery operated like frother thing frother slash like small hand mixer. Yeah, like make milk broth we got into that you can make like she got some matcha tea, but she ordered the wrong one and it was like the actual module like powder thing. Oh, we didn't have any way to make it. So I got this sweet like frother deal. It's pretty rad. It's really good tea actually, by the way. Nice So one of our Christmas presents was that that was the need. Easy and USB charge. Right and a lot. I was just looking at other like, back because I wanted a rechargeable thing because I don't want to buy batteries because it's dumb. Right? Right that in my life. I wanted rechargeable things. And there are a ton of rechargeable kitchen appliances. They're all USB charging.


It's not odd to me that that is your method. Right?

Brandon  30:34

So I need a little brick tube thing. So that oh, the little whiteboard. Yeah, the wall thing the wall class. So I could just plug the USB into the plug and plug into the wall. And it charged thing. Yeah. Because like, what are you gonna do? Like, take it over and sit by your computer and plug it into your plug your mixer into the laptop so I can charge? That doesn't mean Yep.

Collin  30:57

It's not at all what's going to happen?

Brandon  31:00

Yeah, he's very goofy. So actually had to go into my box of like, oh, I had a random old phone charger somewhere where did

Collin  31:07

well, I did that too. I actually discovered two other charging bricks and cables. So I was like, oh, instead of the kids having to always use our chargers when they go on their phones because we have they have old phones that have everything wiped off. And they're brick, they're they're locked away from everything. And these have some games on him. And they get to do that every now and then like instead of them having to go pull my charger out of the wall. Now they each have their own dedicated charger, and Kayla is a wise choice. Like this is this is I am surprised I'm mad at myself it took so long to get so it but it felt really good. And I haven't been able to I haven't had a lot of time to just to dedicate to something like that, where the where it. It really is a it's not a super like in the grand scheme of things. It's not insanely productive. Like for like business or whatever like via like it is it was so like therapeutic in a sense to go just go through that process and really think about and be super intentional about what items go where why are they here? What are they being used for? Do I have a plan for this? can i improve make an improvement in our lives with stuff we already have? See dedicated charging for kids phones like that? Yeah, my gosh. Amazing. Um, I think I as I was going through that process, just me think like that's, I I want to try and find more space for that kind of stuff this year, because I think it is. I think it is important to do that not just so that you don't look up 10 years down the line and be like, oh, there's stuff everywhere. Like that's one thing but like this just satisfaction it just just push more down. Find another find another footstool to shove. Go you're like it was just very satisfying. Basically, at the end of the day is what that what that was and I was like, oh, man, I liked this. And I missed it. So it's good stuff.

Brandon  33:23

I'm glad you had a productive time. Did

Collin  33:35

speaking of extremely productive things. We gave ourselves a challenge last week. We did. Are you ready? Are you ready for the challenge? Bring in? I do I have my list. Okay, completed. Okay, this, this was the top five cat movies specifically with ones where they're the main protagonists, so that it wouldn't just throw in a random one with a weird side character and be like, Okay, well, because there was a cat on screen for point three seconds. This is now a cat movie. Although,

Brandon  34:18

I will ask.

Collin  34:20

I didn't do this. But I guess if the movie revolved around a cat in some context, whether the cat was a main character, like actively doing things or not, I would still accept that,

Brandon  34:33

which I had one that was like that. But I ended up leaving off my list because I just liked some of the other movies better but I will give you the runners up. That didn't make the cut at the end. Okay.

Collin  34:45

Yes. So do you want to save your runners up for later? We'll do like we'll go back and forth. 554-433-2211 And then we'll discuss runners up or do you want to start with runners up? Let's do

Brandon  34:59

we'll do it. several mentions buffer between two in one. I think that's

Collin  35:04

okay. Okay. It's just fancy. Right. That's, that's good. I have to remember. Okay. Honorable mention. Okay.

Brandon  35:10

Right. Well, I will.

Collin  35:13

I will let you kick us off with your number five.

Brandon  35:17

All right, well, my number five is kind of set the tone here. This I haven't. Okay, so other full disclosure, I was not able to rewatch all of these. So a lot of this is based on memory. And going, okay. And also, the fact that my are kind of ranked in like, order of, if you asked me today to watch them, which ones would I want to watch the most? Right. That's kind of how it's like, the ones I remember liking the ones that I have good memories about the ones that I would be like, yes, I've gotten to watch that. Right. Let's go. Because I did not I was not able to watch a bunch of them. So that's, that's the caveat here. So, my number five is movie you haven't seen a long time, but it's pretty good. It's got some good nice soundtrack and some zany shenanigans. That is of course 1970s. The Aristocats. Right. On that, okay. Era of Disney movies that I like, but no one else does. Other than you. Right? Oh

Collin  36:40

my gosh, yeah.

Brandon  36:42

It's kind of I remember what they call this, like, that kind of last era where like, all my favorite Disney movies are actually from this time. That was, yeah, yeah. I was like, these Disney movies are bad. And like, I like them. It's funny to me that half of the animation is reused in the same and you're like, Hey, that's a scene from Robin Hood. Hey, that's the exact same scene in the jungle.

Collin  37:07

Well, because they were they were they were cutting costs of so it was so bad, right? Like they were really strapped for cash during this time. And even its points during the same movie. And in The Aristocats. If I remember correctly, there is the segment where the Butler has just dumped the cat spoiler alerts for it's about The Butler Did It. When he's coming back in, he's being chased by the dogs. And they're going through that scene. That's kind of comical, like he's on the motorcycle and they're being chased. I think there are even repeated frames in that. Yeah, I

Brandon  37:44

believe in that whole seat. Yeah, I think I think you're right. I think that's true. But yes,

Collin  37:49

then across movies. If you look at scenes and like the jumble junk, you can compare the Jungle Book and like Winnie the Pooh, there are very similar it's all very the same.

Brandon  37:59

The Robin Hood movie like it's all it's all the same. Yes, Agent stuff. Let's look at voice acting. Right. Like, I could legitimately just listen to Eva Gabor say literally anything. Like your voice is so amazing. So that's I agree.

Collin  38:21

This was this was actually my number four.

Brandon  38:26

Oh. So I, us. Well, there's a little bit of a spoiler

Collin  38:33

that I figured if you mentioned something I will I'll tell you about it. Okay. Yeah.

Brandon  38:37

Yeah, I figured that there's gonna be a lot when I was Googling movies with cats, there was a lot of movie there was not as many movies as I was thinking about. And a bunch of them I had never seen before or never heard of. So I imagined that we're going to, once again share some commonalities on the list, but will Oh,

Collin  38:57

yes. I. So there's your first one. The aristocrats. It's number four on mine. I think because I it's the one that I've watched the most recent, I just went through watching it with the kids. And so it elevated it quite a bit. I had forgotten it was actually made in the 70s. Like, when I saw that I was like, Oh my gosh, like that. You see the animation you go? Oh, actually, yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

Brandon  39:25

Yeah. Um, so I

Collin  39:29

I liked that. And also, it's, um, I just like the Zayn Enos of it, too. It's just, it's just hilarious from the characters that they pull in. And then it's the whole like, it's kind of a the kidnapping

Brandon  39:44

sequence it's just

Collin  39:46

like, voice acting is top notch. Yeah, it's

Brandon  39:49

really good. And I it's number five because like it was never it's never like one of my favorite movies. Like I wasn't usually being like, oh my gosh, I need to watch this movie right now, but I I always enjoyed watching it when it was on. Right? Like I liked watching. So, again, caveat, this is my list today, right? Based on the fact that I haven't seen some of these movies in a very long time. Yeah, we'll just we'll just put that asterisk there if you disagree with my list. Know that it is

Collin  40:21

always changeable lists. Lists are always going to always, always, actually, quite frequently, actually, yeah, maybe tomorrow, I'll

Brandon  40:27

be like, you know, what, actually, actually,

Collin  40:30

throw it all out. Every record

Brandon  40:32

was what was your number five.

Collin  40:34

So my number five. Okay, so, um, my number five, and I'm going to argue the main protagonist point. So I said I didn't do this, but let's be very real. Of course, I did this. My number five actually does have

Brandon  40:49

a cat that is

Collin  40:52

sorry, my throat is still acting up for my onion I ate seven hours ago. It's so bad. The Cat in this is actually quite essential to the plot of the movie. And takes in assists the what we would consider like the main main protagonist in this, but also helps in the resolution to the storyline in ARC of this day.

Brandon  41:17

I think I know what you're talking about.

Collin  41:19

I don't I don't know. I don't let's see. This is of course, the movie. 9090 threes are the hocus pocus.

Brandon  41:26

Oh, yes. Oh. I,

Collin  41:32

this was my number five. Because it just in my mind is like at the very edge of what I would consider cat related movie because it's the Black Cat, the witch's curse child in cat form immortal for all time coming to set them free and prevent this from happening to other children. And so like, it actually does play a considerable role in the movie. Um, this is also a movie that I have not watched it really recently. But I remember always enjoying this whenever I did, and have fond memories of banks, the cat which banks is not just a good like, it's a good cat name. That's the other thing that that grief, battery banks. And then he's a cat in banks, the cat just, it's perfect. Like that's has worked very well. It's a great name for a black cat. So I also just liked the movie in general. And then thanks is there. So I don't know was did hocus pocus make your list?

Brandon  42:40

It's actually my number four. So what's perfect? Yeah, it's my number four. So yeah, I would agree with you. Right? That it he is like a very central character. Like a lot of the story revolves around him. Like, in order to save everybody, they have to, like resolve his story. You know, in order to defeat the witches in order to save a little girl, whatever her name is. They have to resolve his arc. Right. So I'd say that that is a pretty main character. Definitely a main protagonist in the story, even though it's you could argue it's the other kid. Because he goes through the growth. Right? He experiences that the character development, right? Yes, Binks is much more of a of a static character. Right. Like, he starts out good. He is good, right? It's like not really a surprise. But he's very central to the plot. So I would classify that as, as a cat movie, right? Yes. I think that's fair. Okay. Yeah, that's also the movie that I have seen the most recently on my whole list. Okay, maybe that's why I put a little bit lower, because like, I wanted to watch these other ones more, even if they're not necessarily. Some people might not think their code is good, but we've seen that one the most recently. But that is my number four on my list. Okay, couple nice. Okay.

Collin  44:14

Okay, so back to you with them. Oh, so Oh, so you just did number four? I guess.

Brandon  44:17

So. Yeah. So but you already said that you're number four was the risk gas. So we just had them? Flippity floppity? Yes. Okay. So there we go. I'm interested to see your number three. Number 333. All right. Also coming to you. From 1993. This is a movie that until I looked it up again. Did not know it was a remake of a movie from the 60s. I was unaware that this has happened. I did not know that at all. This is of course the classic homeward bound. Incredible Journey. That is my

Collin  45:09

oh my gosh,

Brandon  45:11

Sally Fields, a high the voice of the cat. Incidentally, cinema cats.com tells me that's a Himalayan cat is tricky. So I use my resources here on this slide that right I like that this is one of those movies where I remember going to watch this. This is like one of the summer movies that we like, squeezed to get those like school summer movie things where the movie was cheap, right? Yeah. And we would just go to just random movies. Now. This was I also distinctly remember that movie theater that we went Saudi and is no longer there. It was actually the, you know, the Freemont shopping center where like just for him is yes, no battlefield and on Battlefield there. Well at the very far was that the west end of that thing was like a sporting goods store for a long time. That actually used to be a movie theater for a while. And it was like just a random cheap movie theater. There's only probably like four screens in there. Maybe five. But like, it was like not expensive. And like some of the summer movie things. Were redeemable there. Yeah. And so I'm sorry. I'm pretty sure I saw that. Actually, no, I couldn't tell you what it was called. But I pretty sure listeners let me know what's up. But uh, I saw it in there. And it's just a fun movie. Right? You got the, you know, to the last like, trying to find your way back home kind of deal. Right? Yeah. Michael J. Fox, right. Always the always excellent. Michael Yes. And then, you know, the older, wiser shadow, right, trying to be the leader, and then the conflict between them. And then Sally Fields being there, you know, doing all the stuff with the cat. So it was just a fun kind of like inventory. kind of movie, right? Kind of like, coming together movie just to like overcome odds, you know, to put it in that category. Like, you have to come together to overcome your differences to to overcome the problem, right. I remember that movie being kind of fun to watch. And so I definitely would want to watch that right now. So I put homeward bound. And number three, also, again, I did not know this was like a remake.

Collin  47:41

A remake, or it was based I know is based on a novel, right?

Brandon  47:45

Well, yeah, but there's also an old movie this just called the incredible journey. Oh, right. I found that when I was looking up movies, hey. So homeward bound. The Incredible Journey appears to be either a remake or like a spiritual remake of the 1960s. Maybe the incredible journey which I have not seen. I see. Okay. Okay. Um,

Collin  48:12

the reason I know it was based on a book from the 60s is because the Homeward Bound The Incredible Journey is also my number three is there Yeah, boy, boy, howdy. I think I have seen this movie Exactly. Twice. I'm

Brandon  48:34

not so tear

Collin  48:37

tear. Long time, though. I know. And all of these were a very long time ago, a very long time ago. For sure. Yeah, it really is. It's one of those that I was looking at some screen grabs from it, and you're just like, man, they got the dog and cats to do what? Yeah, it's a marvel in what they did with the, with the pets. And the situations. They have a man obviously, I'm sure they were very safe and whatever. But like, great, great storytelling with the animals. My goodness. At the end, when shadow says Now all you have to learn is to say goodbye. It's like, oh, okay, my, like knocking the onions. What's going on here? Like not not okay, right now I'm really. Oof. Man. Yeah, that's, uh, that one. It's, it's good. And it definitely is. With the cat and the dog working together. Like you said, overcoming differences. Yeah, that's my that's my number three. movie as well. It's so nice. So now, I'm, I I'm very interested to see where things go from here.

Brandon  49:51

Well, staying in there. You can you could tell when I was in my phone All yours because this movie comes to you straight from 1998. Okay, right. It is a classic story. Right? Some might even say Dickinson ask

Collin  50:21

the story of an orphan

Brandon  50:22

in the big city. That's right. I'm talking about Oliver and company on Earth. And Oliver and Company. Right? This movie is excellent. I remember this movie being fantastic. Also Billy Joel is the dog. What? Like, guys, it's like showing them around. Right? Like, yeah, you're right. It's Andrea the dog.

Collin  50:40

Oh, yes. Daughter.

Brandon  50:42

Yeah. And the, the, the always original Dom delouis is also this movie. So that's great. Right? What's the story of the cat, right? It gets lost in the big city. He's all trying to find his way. And they they're, you know, gets taken under the wing. And they're, you know, trying to teach him how to be streetwise and stuff and all that stuff. And so there's lots of shenanigans. Lots of fun stuff. Lots of singing on top of taxicabs. Oliver, Oliver, this is

Collin  51:20

that's interesting. This is one that I don't have a good connection with. Really, like, I know we have the movie, and I've definitely seen it a couple times. But this one actually just slid completely off of my list. I don't this isn't on my list at

Brandon  51:36

all. Oh, yeah.

Collin  51:40

I don't.


I really,

Collin  51:42

I don't know why, I guess.

Brandon  51:45

Hmm. I'm trying to. It's one of those ones. Like it's kind of a it's not one of the most popular movies. Yeah, right. It's definitely not a popular Disney movie. You know. It's got a lot of, you know, like weird stuff. But it's a little bit of zaniest. Like, why is their loan sharks threatening and all this weird stuff? I don't really know. But I just think I remember being a fun movie. Yeah, maybe I put it too high. Because I did want to watch it again. Like I was really, I really want to watch that. So maybe that's what made up so high. You know, it could be it. But I just always remember like, even like 1998 I was little, like I was older by then. So I might, you know, part of me was like, too cool for that. But also, I was extremely nerdy and ridiculous. So the other part of me was like, aghast It was awesome. So like,

Collin  52:38

naturally, naturally,

Brandon  52:41

right? Yeah.

Collin  52:44

I think I'm gonna have to go back into

Brandon  52:48

being kind of a fun movie. Right? It's fun to watch lots of fun stuff going on. Billy Joel is awesome. So like, you know, that was good. Yeah, I just got really good at being good movie. And plus, it's based loosely, on Oliver Twist. So that's always fun. Right? God knows good. Yeah. Gotta love those. So they go, yeah, that was my number two. Okay, you're

Collin  53:12

number two company. Okay.

Brandon  53:16

diverges in a way Oh, man.

Collin  53:18

I don't know who this is going to be interesting. I'm, I'm really looking at my list. I think I think we'll go ahead and stick with this. Um, my number two is actually

Brandon  53:30

it's, it's, it's a comedy drama.

Collin  53:35

And about two friends on an adventure. And I am obviously speaking out about the much lauded and appraised Adventures of Milo notice.

Brandon  53:47

I was wondering if you're gonna put that fever dream of movie?

Collin  53:50

Yes, of course. This when I think back to things that are foundational to my upbringing and youth this one, this one is up there. Okay. I, I have not seen I mean, I've Okay, so I've watched this movie more recently than others. And I like to admit, but before then, I still have like, remember being impacted by like, the like, when they have the pups in the kittens and like at the end of the story and how it's like super nice and happy and like, that was a very, it's a it's a it's it is a fever dream at that. So that's 100% True. And I still really want to try and find the original as Japanese release to see what exactly that's like,

Brandon  54:35

because I need to watch the release. You know, we you know, we missed the opportunity here. Because we were just a dad's at Christmas. And that movie is in the basement somewhere. It is. You should have watched it.

Collin  54:48

Yes, we should have. We should have but we didn't. So

Brandon  54:51

next time next time. Okay. Live watch along audio watch along. Over there. reacts to your Oh, yes, this

Collin  55:04

I think this needs to this needs to happen. I mean, it just this this was extremely foundational to, to my upbringing so and it's just, it's super cute and again, the screen grabs it's like, oh, it's a little orange DAB you

Brandon  55:24

got some? I, I approve this.

Collin  55:29

Yeah, so that's my number two.

Brandon  55:31

We have an episode where we go at late. Remembering the fever dream that is myeloma notice so yes, I have to put that in here because I remember what the title of that one is. But we'll switch it up later, but put in the notes for you guys. But that that that is a good listen, because it is a fever dream. i There is no, I have no memory of it being set in Japan at all. Like absolutely nothing in my memory gives any sort of Japanese context whatsoever. No,

Collin  56:02

there's just no context period. Like that is true. Like,

Brandon  56:06

why is this dog in a river? I don't know. Like, where does it meet this crab? Not sure. Bear what's like out there and there's a raccoon and what is happening? So So yeah, that's that's a good one. Good one. I was wondering if I was gonna make your list. Yeah.

Collin  56:27

In case you're wondering, that is episode stream of consciousness mode where Aaron Hall so details rocket doodle.

Brandon  56:35

That's a good one. That's a good episode. And I'm just saying that. Obviously, I'm just saying that because they're all great, but not really. Okay, so that was my,

Collin  56:51

you're gonna Okay, that was my number two. So now we need to detail what didn't make

Brandon  56:54

the list. I had a couple I just when I was sitting down doing this. I just sort of, I did a shortlist of where I just sort of wrote down a bunch of movies that I thought of. Yeah. And then from there, I whittled it down to movies that I remember being like, good and have strong memories about and then put them in my list. Right. Okay, so a couple movies that were on the shortlist, we'll just do two. One of them. We have actually discussed also, in Episode The episode about foreign animated movies. I when I watched a cat in Paris. Uh huh. Right? That is a movie where the cat is sort of the driving force around the movie, but like, he's not like the main character. But like, all of this shenanigans revolve around the cat. And the cat is involved in everything. So I really liked that movie. But I didn't put it on the list is because I was like, well, it's not really a character. And he doesn't have any, you know, like, voice lines. He's just sort of there. He's like, actually just a cat. Right. So yeah, I left that off the list, just because I didn't feel like it met the criteria of like, you know, cat because and all the other movies I have here. The cats have speaking lines. So sure, that makes sense. And then the other one I left off because mostly, I just didn't remember the movie at all. Is the Cats Don't Dance movie. Right? I left that one off. Just because I was like, I have vague memories of this movie. But I don't remember what the Bible looked at the synopsis was like, okay, yeah, that kind of makes sense. But like, I don't really remember have any sort of feeling about the movie. So positive or negative. So I couldn't recall. So I just didn't have a good enough grasp. It's been too long since I've seen it. And so that one stayed off my list as well. Okay. Well, I

Collin  58:59

also had a cat in Paris because of that episode that we're talking about. And I need to go back and find I will find that episode in shorts as well. The other one that I had, that I was going to include in kind of ironically, I guess, but it is so horrifying. I don't suggest anybody actually watch this movie. Is the movie cats from 2019. Ah, yeah, I know. This one was this one was put in there as a warning to everybody else like to not like watch the original play. It's just very unfortunate with Judi Dench in this movie and what's done to everybody else in this it is yeah, it's a Wikipedia rightly has is categorized as a fantasy horror film.

Brandon  59:55

Oh no.

Collin  59:57

Because of just the the what they do to what they do to these poor people? So don't, don't don't don't don't watch cats to,

Brandon  1:00:09

ya know, don't put down. I also thought about putting a meme entry on here, but I couldn't do it because movies too bad. That is, of course the Halle Berry's Cat Woman. Because in that movie, she's supposed to be an actual cat. Right? It's like, Oh, yes. Right, because it's like the cat gives her the power or whatever. So it's like, it's so ridiculous like this.

Collin  1:00:28

Yeah, that is awful. out other other movies. I guess I'm surprised Boondock Saints did not make your list of Academy. Out there was a cat in the movie. Oh, that's right. There is for a very brief.

Brandon  1:00:48

We don't want to we don't want to upset Linda. It's

Collin  1:00:52

just just making sure that that is out there that we

Brandon  1:00:54

didn't. We didn't deny that we do not condone cat violence.

Collin  1:00:59

No, of course not. So yeah.

Brandon  1:01:02

What about what about that darn cat remake from the 90s? Started Christina Ricci? No, I did not. And Kenan Thompson is the the guy robbery.

Collin  1:01:12

Yes. Yes, it is. I'll actually go ahead and take I I've been fascinated with AI and all sorts of stuff recently. And I actually went to chat CPT and I asked, What are the five best cat movies of all time?

Brandon  1:01:27

Oh, boy, what did it What was its list and why is it worse than ours? Yeah. And I said, I said

Collin  1:01:31

What are the five best cat list? Number five was, the cat returns a Japanese animated film about a high school girl named Haru, who was visited by a group of cats and whisked away to a magical cat kingdom.

Brandon  1:01:43

Yeah, that's a movie. I think I've seen part of that movie. But I don't think I've seen all of it.

Collin  1:01:51

They're there. Number four was kedi, a documentary film that follows the lives of several stray cats living in Istanbul, Turkey. The film explores the deep bond between humans and the cats and the important role the cats play in the city's culture. This is available on Amazon Prime and is now on my watch to watch list. Hey, all right.

Brandon  1:02:09

There we go. Yes. Upcoming.

Collin  1:02:11

Yes, number three is wrong. Fantastic. Mr. Fox, a stop motion animated film but a Clever Fox who outwits a group of farmers still food for his family. One of the main characters is a cat named bunts, which is not true. Bunsen is one of the farmers

Brandon  1:02:33

Wow, there you go. Uh huh. Yeah, I was like, Who would have thought the Fantastic Mr. Fox didn't have any cats in it. That's weird. I was

Collin  1:02:42

fantastic, Mr. Fox. And it's one of the anyway, yeah, so that was wrong as well. That's okay. Anyway, number two, The Aristocats film about Disney rescue cats who are kidnapped and have to find their way home with the help of an old cat named Thomas O'Malley. I'll go ahead and give away a chat CPTs number one film is actually the movie cats a musical fantasy based on the stage.

Brandon  1:03:07

Alright, so we've learned that I cannot trust cats that their opinion at all each has Yeah, it has no opinion. It didn't actually watch this movie.

Collin  1:03:19

It just it just knows about.

Brandon  1:03:22

So yeah, that's

Collin  1:03:23

a there's a little bit of help from our AI overlords.

Brandon  1:03:28

Wow. Yeah, super helpful. I'm on a movie on the worst list and one movies not starring a cat. So

Collin  1:03:36

excellent. I am I am. I am very interested to see what you what you have done for your.

Brandon  1:03:46

So I again traveled to the 90s I had some trouble thinking of other good cat movies, right? I was also googling like, I just Googled like, move like cat movies or movies starring cats. Oh, get a lot of movies that have cat in the title. But then are there are no actual cats in the movie? Right? Like Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Right? It's more of an idiom than a actual cat. Right?

Collin  1:04:14

No cats on tin roof.

Brandon  1:04:16

Yes. Please do not put your cats on hot tenders. Okay. But then I was thinking, Wait a minute. You know, lions are technically cats. So my number one cat movie is 1994 is the Lion King kablam. might be slightly cheating, but we didn't set any parameters. And lions are technically cats. So this movie is just excellent in literally every single way. Yes. And so I might have cheated slightly but I put the Lion King at number one.

Collin  1:04:55

I'm not going to throw a flag for this because I also have the leg Because I too, was like, well take it. That's a cat. And this is quite possibly one of the best movies ever produced. Ever.

Brandon  1:05:13

It's so good. B, you've

Collin  1:05:14

got the fact that you have Jeremy Irons James Earl Jones music by Elton John. Just like

Brandon  1:05:21

Jonathan Taylor Thomas. Yeah. 1994 is Jonathan Taylor Thomas. And that's work obviously.

Collin  1:05:27

And Hans Zimmer, like you and Hans Zimmer, this is this is Disney Disney to the Disney and like the dealer

Brandon  1:05:34

right, isn't it? Yes. Matthew Broderick old Simba.

Collin  1:05:37

Ultima lane.


Oh, man, every go. Just

Collin  1:05:45

so much going on in this film. And just I think this was experience

Brandon  1:05:50

influenced? Yes, of course,

Collin  1:05:54

pulls on lots of themes. And when I think back to my childhood, it I mean, there's a lot of, obviously a lot of sentimentality and nostalgia that goes back to this movie. But even on more recent viewings, because let's be honest, I viewed this very recently. Um, it holds up it is it is a is very well done. And

Brandon  1:06:19

you just, it just, it's

Collin  1:06:20

great. It's really, really good.

Brandon  1:06:22

I mean, that's, it's very rare, right? To have an important, like, this movie was important to me when I was younger as well, right? Because like, this was an important like, we had this movie, we watched a lot. So this is very important connection, right? Yeah, the Sega game is impossible to beat just in case you're wondering. But like, it's very rare that there is an important movie from your childhood. That's still good later. Right? Because like we were talking about, you know, last week or whatever, like, I'm pretty sure if I watched the three ninjas right now. I would not have the same takeaway that I did when I was like, 10. Right. Like, it's not, not quite something's missing here don't really know. You know, missing a little something, something. But the ranking is good. Like, whenever, like, it doesn't matter when you watch it. The movies. Excellent. It holds up so well. It does, like so well done. It's so good. It's so fun. And like, again, the nostalgia factor is like 9000. Right with Emory. Well, and,

Collin  1:07:31

and the Library of Congress agrees because in 2016 it was selected for preservation because of its culturally historically, or and aesthetically significance to the culture of the United States. Yes, it is. It is preserved There we go. Yeah, it's been it's been dubbed in Zulu. It's been spread like it's just globally at this point. And yeah, there's everything this is one of those where it's just everything's filing firing on all cylinders from the songs voice acting the storyline the animation like it's just I yeah, I did whenever I once my brain like cuz I did the same thing. I was doing just the movie dump. And some of these I had to go and I had to look up again or like think about it, but like, this one I kept circling back to and it was like, when I think I think about this like this. This really is like you can't i i dare someone to challenge the district.

Brandon  1:08:36

I literally I think I was literally sitting on the couch with Susan. I were watching something else. And I like actually said out loud. Wait, lions are cats. And she was like, What are you talking what's the Oh, sorry. I was none of the rest of that was out loud. My bad.

Collin  1:09:03

I'm going back inside my head right now. Right? Yeah, sorry

Brandon  1:09:05

about that did not mean to like, scare you there. But yeah, so good. Right. So good. I also have Yeah, I just like you said, it's like classic. Like there's not a part of the movie. That's bad. Right? Like, it's so cool. Like, and also we can't really I know we're a long time removed from 1994. But like, this was like a huge thing for like, years in a row. It wasn't just like a big movie in 94 then kind of like went away. Like it was big for a long time like and we cannot we cannot underestimate the cultural resonance of Hakuna Matata. Oh my gosh. Literally, everywhere, right like If we just like talk like culturally impact, like, It's kind of insane. I'm just, man, when was this? Oh, we, we were.


We were hiking at a state park on New Year's Day. And Megan was in front of me talking and I could not hurt hear what she was saying. So I just went,

Collin  1:10:21

ah I still don't know the words that song and that's what comes to my mind when somebody's mumbling and I can't hear them. That's and that's what she sounded like. i


So, I still

Collin  1:10:41

sing the songs actively.

Brandon  1:10:43

Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Like it's a it's

Collin  1:10:47

it really is an extended in it. And it's also been turned like, very successfully into the Broadway play.

Brandon  1:10:56

Like, Oh, yes. Oh, boy. Do I know about that? Saw that once. And then she just bring it up anytime. Just randomly.

Collin  1:11:04

Yeah. never believed the drafts like, what does I know? To talk about ice cream we're talking about? This is like, why I know about Yeah.

Brandon  1:11:14

No, I

Collin  1:11:15

Yeah, man. Goodness. That's, that's good stuff. I

Brandon  1:11:18

have I have a side note story. tangentially related to the Lion King. Oh. This is like, it was such a big movie that like, at least four years later, there were still Lion King Happy Meal toys. Being a thing. Yeah. So I have, like, we Okay, so his very specific context here. Eighth grade, science club field trip to the Branson some sort of science sent. I don't know where we went. We went to Branson somewhere. Some sort of science thing I remember. went to McDonald's. Somebody's got a Happy Meal. Um, who was I think is one of the girls maybe? I'm not sure. And I want my friends. Adam Wright random. Yeah. Like, we somehow we ended up with this stuffed zoo toy. Right? Oh, right. Is a blues as your toy. And we somehow in in only a way that eighth grade boys can turn something ridiculous. It came about that. Like, it became a game to steal it back and forth between a group of us. So like, the rules weren't, you had to bring it to school? You had to have it on you at all times. And someone had to try to steal it from you? All the time. So it became this game that we played. Uh huh. Just during school all day, we would try to steal it from whoever had it. And it's important part of the story to know that I still have this thing. Because I was a champion.

Collin  1:13:05


Brandon  1:13:08

Longest, I'm glad. Cool. That's,

Collin  1:13:11

that's a long time.

Brandon  1:13:13

That's true. I think I went guys, it's fine. But like I had at the end of the year, like I kept stealing it back and then boom, mine now. And so. My tangential linking story, but a lot other than that. Yeah. It's a very important movie. It's just so good. Like, you can watch a movie anytime you like. Yes. Great. Right. Like there's not really any time you're like, No, I don't really want to watch the Lion King.


I've never said that phrase. Never, never not been something. Yeah. And that's an important part of this too is I? I definitely ranked mine on.

Collin  1:13:52

I guess my my legs falls into not I didn't rank on how good of a cat. It was in the movie. Like, cattiness was not an aspect of this. Just in general like, of the movies with cats. Which one was just as good movie?

Brandon  1:14:10

Yeah. Which ones do I like? Yeah. Which ones do I want to watch right now? Yeah. And I'm pretty sure I'm happy with my list.

Collin  1:14:21

So I

Brandon  1:14:22

think it's hilarious that it's basically the same list except for number two, right? Number two, okay, I like it.

Collin  1:14:26

So it was with mail number three, and number one, and then two was like, that's a really Oh, is this I don't know.

Brandon  1:14:34

What else did you put on here? Yes. And then four and five were the same to you just the opposite. This is so it's so kind of so. Yeah, we're at a five seems basic.

Collin  1:14:45

So four out of five. Yeah. So these these, these these, these lists are much more conclusive and way, way more better than many things AI can give you a

Brandon  1:14:57

definitive list right here. Five No, that's

Collin  1:15:06

good. Well, I have some more to watch some of these actually Willie,

Brandon  1:15:10

right. All right, listeners. Let us know your favorite movie starring cats especially if your name is Linda from Cinna Canada cinema. cats.com What are your opinions? Lincoln shownotes blam.

Collin  1:15:25

She's still posting Oh my No,

Brandon  1:15:28

I was reading your website today. Like I was looking at literally has all of these movies on there? She has animated movie categories, where it's just sort of like for cat enthusiast enthusiasts, right? Yeah, kind of give you a summary and about rating on how she likes it. Right. So even it's not just live action cat movies. Ladies, gentlemen. Animated cat movies are on the website as well as reading mountain today. So there you go. I did not look and see if she has the light on her site. I looked at all the rest of them. Homework will do that. No. i Oh, I don't think I don't think she dies. Oh, domestic cats only overseas because it does. Number one on our list and

Collin  1:16:15

she does have a true tale about Alliance tale from 1950. Okay, but in Lionheart from 1968.

Brandon  1:16:25

Oh, but knowing key. Oh, maybe she just hasn't gotten around to it yet. Maybe it's all right. She's

Collin  1:16:34

there's a lot of cat movies as we are learning.

Brandon  1:16:37

Yeah. Who knew? Me cheated though.

Collin  1:16:42

Man. Yeah. Yes. Check us out on mcats.com links in the show notes galore.


This episode

Collin  1:16:51

two and the the real quick the the episode where we talked about our dive into animated movies that were not from the train or the US or was the episode time passes?

Brandon  1:17:08

Ah, yeah. Where? Yeah.

Collin  1:17:12

Yeah, yeah. You watch cat in Paris. And they go. That was

Brandon  1:17:18

the other one. The Irish

Collin  1:17:19

one is secret.

Brandon  1:17:21

Yeah, I

Collin  1:17:22

watched a very depressing movie called

Brandon  1:17:26

this year. Jack.

Collin  1:17:29

Like this is going weird. Oh, my

Brandon  1:17:33

sadness alert. That

Collin  1:17:35

was dumb. These movies though. Not sad. Will make you cry. Some of them homeward bound. I'm looking at you.

Brandon  1:17:43

Still good, though. So good. Or bad. Two losses have just go. Not as good.

Collin  1:17:52

Just a little bit. Yeah, supposed to.

Brandon  1:17:56

But listeners go to our website to check out all past episodes. If you need to look up which one to find to listen to you on your favorite podcast service or YouTube actually go there to

Collin  1:18:08

Yes. On YouTube. Because we're like that.

Brandon  1:18:11

They go Yeah, over the.com Search archived episodes. Can you can actually search by topic, and it'll tell you what we're talking about.

Collin  1:18:22

And you can read an extra full inextricable transcripts. So can't look at listen, if it's difficult. If you are traveling and you want to play to fresh air pods. You could read this, if that's something that interests you, or whatever. And it makes sense to do.

Brandon  1:18:39

If you come across a topic that we haven't talked about yet. Since an email, we'll see we can do about that.

Collin  1:18:48

Or just wait long enough and it will come up naturally as

Brandon  1:18:51

you can't wait. Maybe get to a faster that way. It satiate your listening

Collin  1:18:57

ability. Well, all that as well. So some more movie viewing to do

Brandon  1:19:05

night to come up with more animal movie lists. Later,

Collin  1:19:12

listeners, just imagine how many of them will be from the 90s I think? Well,

Brandon  1:19:20

four out of five from between 1993 and 1998. So I think

Collin  1:19:29

we call that peak media was

Brandon  1:19:32

one inextricably from 1970. But you know, it's fine. It's fine.

Collin  1:19:35

Those seven years were the 90s of the eight anyway, it

Brandon  1:19:43

was the 90s of the 60s.

Collin  1:19:46

Yes. There we go. Exactly. Well, love you