inner jungle aesthetic

After the most (or least) exciting winter event of the year, we are excited about the New Year. We continue to look for items to bring us happiness. Brandon had a boring week, but is gearing up for some intense UNO games. We discuss performance reviews for employees and Brandon introduces another installment of “Brandon watches random stuff on Amazon Prime.”

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cat, people, play, staff members, watch, episodes, feel, called, person, game, talking, cards, random, reservoir, week, water, deal, detective, interesting, town


Collin, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out. It's your hosts, Brandon, Colin, and Aaron. On this week's show, inner jungle aesthetic. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Happy New Year.

Brandon  00:29

Oh, yes, yes, of course.

Collin  00:30

Obviously. We obviously know how the deep deep Arctic Christmas freeze of 2022 Winter that's all by now clearly. Boilers It was cold. Very cold. Yes. You know and Pete many or few people lost power and it was also one of the most or least eventful storms that we've had pushing too hard

Brandon  01:03

is that one I think anywho that's

Collin  01:16

all I have now.

Brandon  01:19

Well, wow, that was magic. All right, there we go.

Collin  01:22

I came to bear. No, no, no, that's, yeah, we're man. I don't know what the weather predictions have been like for you. But they have been all over the map

Brandon  01:35

for us up here. Yeah, I haven't really watched the I just been looking at like the what they've been telling me and it just says it's gonna be cold. So I don't really know like the news. I haven't watched it. I figured the news would probably be things watch, like in the morning. But well, yeah, I know. Are they going to snow tomorrow?

Collin  01:56

Our city went ahead into really cold. Our city went ahead and preemptively canceled trash service on Friday

Brandon  02:03

is two days from now. Oh, there is that?

Collin  02:07

Yeah. Well, it is because of the windchill, they obviously they don't want them and the sanitation workers don't need to be out in negative 33. Windchill?


So that's

Collin  02:22

that's something nobody needs in their life.

Brandon  02:27

No, no, no.

Collin  02:29

So I feel bad, though. You know, because it's like, I know that. Like our trash is overflowing because we've been getting things ready. And the kids have been home this week. So we've been generating a lot more stuff. And so I can't imagine the hours come gets picked up tomorrow. So I can't imagine. Yeah, you know, and then those people have to go through the weekend of Christmas. And so there's gonna be some old trash bins. Come next week.

Brandon  02:58

Gonna be fine. Yeah, just put your house dole it out. Slowly lubricate Yes. Mostly paper. It'd be fine.

Collin  03:08

Yeah, they're calling for near whiteout conditions and 45 mile an hour winds.

Brandon  03:16

Yeah, I haven't heard any of that for down here. So I don't know. I don't know.

Collin  03:21

Yeah, earlier in the week, they were like you were gonna get nine inches. And then, like yesterday, they were like maybe two and now they're like, how about five? The great mystery continue. Yes. Yeah. Like I can't, I can't wait to see what happens.

Brandon  03:40

Yeah, we're like, right on that edge of like, far south enough. Where it's sometimes it's like, usually it's like it'll snow and then it was like, a quarter inch really? Oh, just kidding. Anyway, yeah. But either way, it's going to be cold. Yeah, real cold.

Collin  04:01

Well, and so we are.

Brandon  04:05

This is

Collin  04:06

Christmas is busier than Thanksgiving, most travel years. And so we are taking care of especially we're here in in our northern service area where we're supposed to get hit harder. We've been doing lots of prep work with staff and communication with clients being like, hey, so it's gonna be real bad while you're away. Just so you know, we're gonna probably leave a faucet on or two and make sure you got your thermostat set to 65 or 68 depending on what you want. And, you know, blowing through the staff. Because the other one and this is one that I just thought of today. I was actually taking care of a house for the cat. And I love cat fountains because they encourage cats to drink more. But I hate cat bounds because almost I don't know I'm going to say 2% of all cat fountains in Production actually have a reservoir of water, such that if it shuts off, there's a little bit of standing water remaining for the cat. Most of them, oversights fall into like a little flat dish, which then runs to the edges and then go down to the reservoir, which is below where the cat can access it. And so with impending with the, with the wind that we're going to have, I'm really worried about branches and down lines and loss of power. And so basically, I just was I, I sent a mass message to all of our staff that was like, if you are caring for a cat, and it has a water fountain set out a, you know, a cereal bowl with some water next to it, please. Bonus water. Yeah, just so it has some access to something

Brandon  05:53

that's interesting. Yeah. Seems like a gross oversight to like, hide all the water in your water fountain. No,


it's one of the things

Brandon  06:03

I just odd

Collin  06:05

is it is in in what they try and do is they try to have a small footprint. So the old fountains would have like a reservoir that would pump up and then we would flow down like a little waterfall to a little standing pool, which would then be sucked back up, it was be fed by gravity, it was just like a waterfall and then a little standing pool at the bottom. But those are rectangular. And they're larger level, larger footprint. Now all the really fancy ones are a perfectly circle. And the reservoir itself is probably about four inches deep. And then onto onto that sits a flat dish where water is pumped up from a little pump from the bottom up through a little hole that kind of squirts up and splashes back down and then runs off the edges and back to the reservoir. And I get it I understand trying to do, but they don't I guess the manufacturer these never live in places where the electricity could go out. Like, I know, usually they don't they're not thinking of that kind of thing. But they should just, it's bizarre. So yeah, like,

Brandon  07:15

I don't know. I mean, it feels like so so when you when you talk about the like the like we're talking about the first one, right? Just it feels better, like waterfall into a pool, that then like maybe goes overflows and then reused recycled into reservoir that makes more sense to me. Plus, it it it fits in more with your cats like inner jungle aesthetic, right? You know, just kind of feels like it fits better. But But yeah, having access to water in a water dish seems like kind of an important feature. And to not include that in your water dish seems just very wrong to be like, Oh my god. This is weird. I don't. Yes.

Collin  08:11

One 100%. I do not understand this process. And so we have to make, we have to make adjustments for them.

Brandon  08:22

And when you google cat 1000 you get some really strange looking things. Yeah, these are weird don't.

Collin  08:32

Yeah, I mean, you'll see one of the ones with like flowers on the top. Yeah, that's like a white bass. Those, those are the ones that basically, every buddy has. And none of them have a nicer


because they are $20.

Collin  08:52

Many of them from like

Brandon  08:53

the $20 or

Collin  08:54

less there from Lakeview chewy or some other say names but yeah, it's fine. It's a big brand that will send you stuff and they will and they're cute and whatever. But also, no,

Brandon  09:09

don't do these. You need this one. I found one here that I see it's labeled dog and cat fountain. And it is much larger. And it has like a three tiered reservoir system where the water is like dumping down into three like separate but it's much larger and there's much more standing. That's what you need. Right? So yes, pro tip for you cat owners out there. Get the dog fountain.

Collin  09:39

Yes, it is one of the here's the thing that makes more

Brandon  09:42

sense to because dogs would generally require larger volumes of water, right? Yes, they're thirsty are beasts, right? They just go into town in there. And I

Collin  09:52

had it's amazing. I'm scrolling through this list. You said to do that, and I'm doing it and I'm just like, Yep, I know. Okay, yep, they've got Yep, okay. But Here's what they're trying to do. They're trying to appeal to a certain corner of the market. People living in small apartments or small spaces, cramped spaces, also trying to make things that look nice and appear to be you know, aesthetically pleasing, and

Brandon  10:19

well. Okay, now here's here's I'm gonna go ahead and throw this out there. Right? Cat? Certain there are certain types of people that own a cat that are really confusing to me. Okay, big now that again, only certain types of cat people okay on cat, please stand to listen. Wow, no, no, no, no, no, listen, internet. I'm not saying all people. Okay, but there is a percentage of cat owners who I guess like cats, and they want a cat. But they do not want to own anything. They don't want to own any sort of like cat accessory. Right? Like nothing associated with a cat do they want in their house? So like litter boxes? No. Water? No. This Yes. Cat treat? Get out. Right? Like, they don't want the stuff. And cats need things. Right? Like cats require, like, a certain space commitment of they need their own furniture, or they need their own like zone to be catty in. And some owners are just like, No, I just want the cat only. And I don't want it. That's why you there's like some of these litter boxes that look like really weird and strange, because people like hide them off in some corner. They don't ever want to look at it. My favorite. Sorry, but you, you have a cat. So you need to deal with cat stuff. Right? Like,

Collin  12:06

ah, well, and they try and be cutesy about it. So we're actually taking care of somebody right now whose side table to their couch is actually where the litter box is stored. So there it's a little cutout in the bottom of it. Or the litter genies that kind of do everything automatically and all this stuff. And yeah, there's those cat people who are cutesy and for some reason, and Cat people do it a lot more than dog people. And I think that's just because dogs are just way more hoop outside in your face. Right. And some, there's a corner of the cat market who will go that side and be cutesy and kind of technofix their way into making the cat disappear and just kind of become part of the house. Then there are the cat then there are the cat people who are like, I use a Tupperware and I have seven of them around the house.

Brandon  13:02

As little rain. Yeah,

Collin  13:05

there is a there is an

Brandon  13:06

opposite effect here where like your house is only cat things cane that is also true. Right? The the other extreme does present itself, you know? But like, so yeah, that is that is true. That is also awkward. And strange, right? Like the cat has more furniture than me like, Young. Wait a minute. Yeah, it's very,

Collin  13:32

it's very interesting how you can swing both ways and how some people where it's like the cutesy and the hiding versus like the extremely practical and very blatant about where everything is.

Brandon  13:41


Collin  13:43

and you know, cats just kind of go with the flow. So you're just

Brandon  13:47

Yeah, it's sort of weird.

Collin  13:49

Don't care. Also,

Brandon  13:51

I'm also gaining, I'm gaining most of this knowledge from just like, pictures I see on the internet because it's full of cats. And of course, everyone's favorite cat documentary special. My Cat From Hell featuring Jackson Galaxy. like,

Collin  14:06

Man, that guy

Brandon  14:10

is a little much but I was thinking about like people's houses before he comes, right. There's a lot of these people they're like, like, my favorite pet owner, the one that confuses me the most is like, the mid century modern cat owner. Right? So the person that believes that Bauhaus is the greatest thing of all time. And they like lounge in their house wearing a turtleneck. Well, I mean, I liked they dress nicer, like lounging in the house and I do to go to work.

Collin  14:41

So they used to drive a Saab. We all know that. Yes, yes. They wouldn't be driving sadly. If it was still around. Yeah,

Brandon  14:47

they had a slob. They probably have a sub key fob somewhere in a drawer, actually now because you don't have any clutter. Now that one lady be like that one lady who makes you throw out things. It doesn't spark Nothing sparks joy. So they have nothing in their house. Except a cat. Three and like, is it Marie Kondo or whatever Honda? Yeah. Yeah. They have like, only a cat. And it's like, because it's sleek and gray that matches the design aesthetic. But they won't put any cat things in their house. On that show you get like, This cat is acting insane. Like, yeah, because it can't go to the bathroom anyway. Where's the cat food? I don't put it out because I don't want to look at it. Um, your cat has to eat food. You know that right? Like that's. That's on the table. You can't just sit not furniture. Yeah, they go. Like go bit. That overboard. Again, this is on small cat ownership. Demographic, right, I realized that cat people of the internet. Please don't harm me. I just I think we've

Collin  16:06

we have pretty bonafides with the cat community with our love of cinema cats. I think that is true. It is true. That at least in our corner.

Brandon  16:15

Yeah. So see, look. We love Superman, not against you. Yeah. You know, at some point, we should probably do a top five cat movie ranking who? You know, since we'd have the mass version, right? We need to revisit this arbitrary animal that list. I mean, I

Collin  16:44

think we've pretty we've we've laid out our process here. We understood.

Brandon  16:49

That's true. But But this process is it will start out like this. And eventually, in like a year's time, we'll have like, top five best movies featuring bison. It's like what like, wait. Yes, right. Like, I feel like that is definitely in the cards. So what's fine. Should do what's gonna happen v1. Okay, so we have masks, we should do cat. We'll do dog and then we'll go from there.

Collin  17:17

We'll get on the list.

Brandon  17:23

To do a bit of research about that one, but I feel like there's some strong contenders here.

Collin  17:31

So, yeah, that's about all I have. For the storms. I put on the list top five get movies. Well, we'll do that.

Brandon  17:42

That's, that's a must. For this time, no pad here. Oh,

Collin  17:51

it's all fun.

Brandon  17:56

true, that's true. True. Oh, my week has been very boring. We have like, well, today was our last day of school before breaking like half day. So like, basically, this week, I had nothing to do. So it was just an exercise of like, where's your work? Like, and then

Collin  18:23

feel like the mafia ready to go? Outdoors choose.

Brandon  18:25

And of course, the people that I like really needed were like, not here, like, Sure, naturally. But like, we were sort of at an impasse where like, I cannot really progress further, because it will not. It won't do me any good anyway, for these two days. And like, it doesn't really do me very much good to learn some brand new stuff and then be gone for two weeks, and then come back and be like, well, you remember that? No. Okay. Anyways, we're gonna redo it anyway. Fair enough. So we were sort of at a natural stopping point. Plus, in one of my club, I suppose today's class one of the next things is like a presentation project. So we clearly cannot start that now. So we know, yeah, not work at all. Bad. Very bad indeed. So we'll do that. We'll come back. We'll do good because we'll come back and we'll The first thing we do to come back will be like a reading from our one of our chapters. So that'll be good. Like, hey, remember, boom, this is what we did here. And then we can go from there. So but so it was just like an extra day, like two and a half days of like, Alright, so now what? Stretch? Yeah. Oh my gosh, what? What today it was like, party day, right? Like, even though like we don't really have parties and safety It's just like, we're gonna watch a random movie need snacks, so,

Collin  20:04

and the movie was

Brandon  20:06

home loan, obviously, obviously. So well, the other ones they could agree on. And it was on Amazon, so just watch that

Collin  20:20

makes it easy. Yeah, that's for sure.

Brandon  20:22

Yeah. No. Again, they're all whiny. These movies are good. I do I look like I care and watch something. And if you want to keep complaining, I'm going to close my eyes and click a button. So you don't want that.

Collin  20:40

Nobody wants that one. Right? Yeah, no,

Brandon  20:43

no, but he wants that choice. At the very route choice, there's some weird things on there. So like, you know, pretty much it. So that was basically this week is very, like drag it out. Try to do random things. And then just like Mac, whatever.

Collin  21:10

Just get close enough to the end, I guess. And yeah, it's

Brandon  21:13

really weird. Like, it's always really strange and awkward and like what do I do? And a lot of like, the other elementary grades do like, again, this is where sixth grade is very difficult, right? Because like, Oh, the other elementary is doing like, like, Christmas themed activities. Sixth graders aren't really into that very much. And like, you know, the other option would be like, keep learning about like, they're shut down, like completely. So

Collin  21:49

yeah. Like well, and then there's only so much like, there's so much review. You can you can do because then also you're going like to what end like what is doing?

Brandon  22:04

Yeah, that's much more useful. Like when we come back. Right? Yeah. Okay, take a day to be like, hey, remember this. Hey, remember that there?

Collin  22:15

Okay, last we summer adventures.

Brandon  22:18

Hence last we spoke. We're discussing igneous rocks. Tell me properties of igneous rock. So yeah, that's where she took him back. So it was just a stretching so we had a board game tournament and it was exciting when the fan Oh tell us about we did basically nice very nice and then we did some like just random games and stuff. But it was very 3d very boring. Lot of me just being like



Collin  23:05

Speaking of games we we went to our local game shop it's a locally it's not not Game Stop. It's literally just called the game shop. Whatever it's it's a locally owned mostly where you can go buy some rad d&d dice.

Brandon  23:25

I was gonna say is it like Magic the Gathering store? Because most places like that. That's what they sell it there though. Is your magic. They still do magic on Wednesday. That's the little thing Friday. Oh, remember? I don't know.

Collin  23:40

I do know that. I talked with him for a while. He said he was not so impacted by the supply chains for actual product. But he's like, I just couldn't get boxes or things to put my things in. We're saying like he would get comics comic books in. But then he would have to apparently didn't know this. They don't ship them to you with the with the paper but with a cardboard back in the sleeve. You have to put them in those at the shop. Oh, it was Kaylee's? Yes. Especially if you're well, and he does with like new and used. And so when he would get boxes, he would buy boxes of us to then resell or he would get some new copies. He would have to go and source cardboard to put in the box so that he could sell it to people. And it was fascinating talking to him about this. Yeah, it was very, very odd. And so we were in there. Because I tell you about the the what was it called the cookie countdown or the cookie something down to our downtown cookie

Brandon  24:53

scoop. It's gonna be hard. No, I have no idea or shocking. Okay,

Collin  24:55

so our downtown business alliance is real We'd like knocking it out of the park. I do think I told you about the time where we did the astute downtown storybook walk.

Brandon  25:05

Yeah. Okay. So this time they called out what? I recall that, go do it. So

Collin  25:12

this time business has partnered up to do a cookie walk. And they would have home baked cookies in various shops. And you could just go in and get some person to cook Christmas cookies. And this is good plan. Thanks, plan. Amazing plan. And so we just went from shop to shop and got a bunch of cookies and went into the game shop, which, because because it's a small downtown, like one owner store, his hours are, whenever he wants to be there. We finally figured out what his general hours were of like, statistically, if you go between this and this time, you are very likely that you will be there. So we have been playing lots of card games and just lots of Go Fish and lots of this other stuff. And but we have lost like two of spades. And so the card deck is starting to become less useful to us. It's only one card missing, but it's just a matter of time. So like I said, it doesn't make

Brandon  26:20

Go fish. extremely hard, though. Right. And Ramy is just out now. Right? Yeah.

Collin  26:24

It becomes limited. So I was like, Okay, let's just go. And I know he's got cards there. So let's just go and get a deck and buy it from this guy instead of ordering it through Amazon, and it'll be a lot, lot better. Well, we're there and all sudden Lily's like, what? Ooh, no.

Brandon  26:43

And I was like, I was

Collin  26:48

like, Oh, it's a fun game. She was like, Can we get it as like? Absolutely. So we got our playing deck. And then we came back with Uno. And I don't think we've stopped playing who knows? Oh, no. She is an Uno fiend. And it is. It is. It is wonderful. That is. I don't know how you play. Oh, no. But I've I've always played that if you don't have the color of card, you have to draw until you

Brandon  27:23

get the color. I think that's how you play. Okay. Isn't that the I

Collin  27:27

think rules? I think that is i It's one of those things of like,

Brandon  27:31

it's it is hard sometimes to know, what are the real rules? And What rules do people just have to play by right? Like your quote, house rules, you know?

Collin  27:41

And then there's the whole like, Should you like this discussion of like, ethically and morally of like, okay, let's say you have a blue, but you don't want to play a blue because the other person is getting low on cards, you want to try and throw them up? Can you just switch colors randomly? And as long as the number matches? Well, I have played with friends that have said nay to this and they have their own call out rules for face Thank you have a blue, there's some word that you'll say you have to show them your hand. And if like, if they actually have that color, they have to take 20 cards and if they don't, you have to take 20 Anyway, because it's

Brandon  28:21

kind of like somebody hurt them in the past. That's what that's what I say they have trust issues. And they need to deal with that themselves. But yeah, I don't think there's anything requiring you. I don't think there is either. You can switch it up whenever you want

Collin  28:35

it My goodness, Lilian loves just be at like, seven unread and then a three on blue. And she's just like, boop, boop, boop. Trying to get the cards out, man. She's just trying to she's just blitzing through. It's amazing. And then because of how I play, I would start to say, you know, you put like at draw two more, whatever I'd say. Like it looks like you need some more cards. And now and I lay that down. And now she's starting to say that back to me.

Brandon  29:00

Wow, look under the passive aggressive lingo waiting.

Collin  29:04

Like, you need some more cards.

Brandon  29:06

If she if she discovered like face 10 I am not coming to visit you guys. Not having it. ever be a dad's Nope. Sorry. I cannot. No. No, it's been.

Collin  29:22

I mean, it's just it's all been it's all been fun. There's been no tantrums so far. So

Brandon  29:28

mostly, it's a secret, you know, strat, I'm gonna let you in on my secret, you know, strap. Oh, okay. This is what you do. Right? You purposely do that? Where you? You play that game where you like if even if you have the car like you don't play it, right? Because what you want the ultimate, you know, perfection hand is you want your last card in your hand to be the wildcard. That's what Yeah, yeah. That's what you should strive for. Yeah, right. That's my strap, so I try to always make the last card you like, Ooh, no. And the people that like freaking out like, oh my gosh, I gotta change the color. I gotta do this. Uh huh. Literally doesn't matter, right and lamb. You get both points until they hit you with like the draw or something, right? But like, you want it to be the, the wild card, that's what you want your last card to be. So you can like, oh, doesn't matter, you did all that work. And you're right, I didn't have a yellow, I haven't had a yellow for 12 minutes. But I had this wild card. Because I'll do that before. Like, if it gives you color, like to say I'm passive aggressive. Ya know, like, I'll draw. Even if I'm sitting on a wild card, I'll just draw. Like, no,


I'm drawing this blue. So I'm not wasting this yet. Because I'm not as close.

Collin  30:54

I will eat all of these 35 cards, all of these 35

Brandon  30:57

Yes, I didn't say that my strategy was perfect. And it didn't have flaws. But when you execute it, it feels good.

Collin  31:11

We have, we have certainly laughed harder than we have in a very long time, as I have drawn like fistfuls of time and time again. It's been it's been real good. So

Brandon  31:24

but yeah, I have some random game in my drawer over here, I'll have to bring it if I can remember. It's called like, however, what it's called, it's just a random card game where you just have to like put down cards in order. And if you put them out of order, you have to draw to the bottom of the deck. It's not very complicated it's been I'd say go for it because we're candidate fits in.

Collin  31:57

A cat and rat game that was a little complicated, where it was kind of like an over under strategy kind of game where you had to be close the he wanted low numbers, which were cats and the rats were high numbers. But you didn't know what the net what the what the next number any I don't remember really how this game worked. It was a little bit confusing, and we just kind of went, Oh, that's if it's close. That's what we're gonna go for. So that was that was odd. That's that has since been squirreled away. So, yeah, we've discovered you know, and all of its wonderful glory. Good. Top tick, other top tip, visit a local game store and talk to the proprietor. That cardboard will be fast and cardboard and

Brandon  32:43

he'll try to sell you Warhammer figurines or something do you have to?

Collin  32:47

Yeah, I mean, I did feel a little like, you know his whole game with Warhammer figurines and die cast, whatever board pieces and he Oh, he's he he also does vintage video games that are set up in in a playing area at the back of the store on on CRT monitors. So you can play Mario on how it's supposed to be played bra badly. Very badly in very low res. And he's got like, he had a couple of hit like original Playstation and an original Xbox and a couple other things out that you could play games on. And you know, when I come in and I'm like, I just need a box of playing cards. And some you know, please

Brandon  33:37

like no, I don't have that done. I do have interest Do you like this giant dice packet thing? Boom. For

Collin  33:50

ya interested in some solid? Titanium die many anyone dt 20 D 12. Do you need though to all of them? Yeah.

Brandon  34:00

Yeah, I know. Some of my former students have taken up playing Dungeons and Dragons. Right. And so they have been swinging by my room randomly. Tell me about how it's going. It's very hilarious, right. So that's been happening. They they've been coming by telling me about their misadventures. It's been good. It's nice. I play it. It's, it's an interesting.

Collin  34:41

I think you'd have to I think just having a good group I think is important. I played online for a little bit roll 20 earlier in the year and through last year, and with a group and I was definitely the one who wasn't taking it as seriously as everyone else if that's a surprise

Brandon  34:59

but Yeah, it depends, right? Because some people will take it like, quite seriously, they're super into like the role playing part. Right? Like, it's, that's important. And other people are like, way more chill and like, like, yeah, anyway, so and they just do like really random things. Right? Although that is kind of annoying, right? Like when you have like, the, I believe the correct term is murder hobo. Right? We just like does this like really random things all the time? Like, first of all, what alignment Are you because none of this makes any sense. Second of all, if your Dungeon Master Guide can't like, rein them in, then it becomes a problem.

Collin  35:47

And I understand that part of like, why the alignment is so important, because then that you should draw from that on your decisions. And, and many times the DM will put you in a situation where you were in character, you should act a certain way. For, you know, either a story or plot or whatever that they're trying to put together. And that's real hard for me. That's

Brandon  36:10

Yeah, cuz you have to play to that, because that is kind of important, right? And I think a lot of people kind of when they're new, right, they don't really pay attention to that part so much. They they're focused on lots of other things, and all the more like, you know, fun things, like, what really random things can I add to my character when I level up, right, like, because there are some, like, incredibly broken things that like, late game that, like start to character just like becomes unstoppable. But like, the, the alignment part is like, it's very core to just your Yakuza, your decision making and like how your game progresses, because, like your character motivations, you know, because like, again, the role playing part, some people aren't so into that. But like, you kind of have to, to a certain extent, because you have to think about like, what your character would do, right? Like, what are they going to do now? What's going to happen because of this, and the alignment is like the crux of that, because if you have like a lawful good, like, if you are in a party with a Paladin, oh boy. Right, right, you're gonna have some there's gonna be some tough things that happen, because there are certain decisions that they cannot make. Right? Like, they will be put in situations and they like, be like, No, I have to do this. Oh, of like, the right thing to do. Right? And it's like, oh, no, we all know that's, that's bad. Because, yeah, we have to, like, pursue this little white light. Oh, come on. Why don't you like you have to, like, convince them that like, you know, it's not that bad. Yeah.

Collin  38:01

Or like, yeah, we won't. Like there's obviously, somebody has been affronted because of an evil spirit. And he's like, Well, I have to go pursue this and find justice for this person. And


you're like, Yeah, this other

Collin  38:14

thing right now. Yeah. Like, we were going to wait. We don't need you to blow our cover. And they're like, No, I must.

Brandon  38:21

The other problem is if you have somebody who's like, playing like chaotic evil, that is also horrible. Because it was like, No, I'm gonna steal this thing. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Why? Why would you do that? That's No, no, no, no, yeah. But that's

Collin  38:38

but that's, I guess that's where that is an additional element of the fun of of trying to wrangle that and deal with the personalities and deal with everything else to make that make that story to make that gameplay work. So that you get you get something interesting in the end for everybody.

Brandon  38:56

Yeah, I mean, are you die? You know, that also? That that two people are doing like ridiculous things like, oh, no, no. Why? Or, like, just hypothetically, you end up tied in a basement because somebody stole all of your equipment. While you were somewhere I remember where it was, but I mean, where somebody else was totally not me. Yeah, so like you because someone in your party was like, oh, no, that's shiny and I have to steal it. No, no, no. So yeah,

Collin  39:56

I don't I don't think we'll go into the d&d with me just yet. Okay, yeah, but we'll see how it plays out.

Brandon  40:04

All right. Sounds good. Oh,

Collin  40:09

other things I was wrapping up this week as we approach the end of the year. I was I was doing but I was six month reviews of staff members. And those are I have, I had, I didn't realize how much dread was just like, hovering over me to get these done.

Brandon  40:30

If you have any staff members that have been with you for six consecutive months.

Collin  40:33

That is funny, but it's not. That's yeah, I told Megan, it's like, Isn't it odd? We have just completed our first staff reviews of six months after having staff members of for a one year. Do that math? Yes, yes, I do have staff members who went really well. See, I did, I did two six month reviews, I did two three month reviews. Some other staff members. And I don't know, I don't know how to run reviews. I don't I know they're they're important. I also know that previous to this, basically almost every, basically almost every time. Basically, anytime we reach out to somebody, they would have bad news to report back to us. So I'm like I have PTSD about this process. I need to schedule my your one month review. And they're like, oh, by the way, I'm leaving and you're like I'm just like on pins and needles talking to people. And I would I Sears I mean, scheduled for these two yesterday, two on Monday and two yesterday, or two, Monday, one yesterday and one today. And I've just like, there's been a cloud over me, as I've been dreading this process. And they're not there's like nothing bad. And I, again, I'm not very good at reviews, I'm trying to give good feedback and things that they can work on and what we're proud of them for and the things that our clients are saying about them. And encouraging them to continue to do the stuff that they're doing well and getting feedback from them as well like how we are doing, what training else, you know, anything else that they're interested in doing what they want to see the company do more of or less of, or anything like that. But still over the head, the entire conversation. I'm just like, the moment I stopped talking, they're going to interrupt me and told me that they're quitting, so I'm just gonna keep talking. I'm gonna get off the Zoom call, I'm gonna go live which, which isn't a healthy way to go through life?

Brandon  42:45

Oh, no.

Collin  42:53

Megan was like, what didn't you feel better after like each one? And I was like, no, because when you're running a gauntlet, you're don't feel better, until acid and knives and fire of being stopped thrown at you. Like when you're out of it. That's when you're like, Whew, that was something. But when you're in the middle of it, you're like, what's next?

Brandon  43:12

So it was just? Ah,

Collin  43:16

I don't know. Do you have tips on how to do a good Quarterly Review? Let me know.

Brandon  43:23

I do not. But

Collin  43:25

there may be things I shouldn't do.

Brandon  43:33

Sounds like breathing is step one. Right? Breathe.

Collin  43:39

Oh, that bit overrated? I

Brandon  43:41

know. Right? pesky. Yeah, and all

Collin  43:50

of these, all of these were fantastic. They were all great. They were very supportive of new things that we're doing. And one thing that we did recently, we changed from having staff drive to the office or to our dock or house to pick up client keys, before they go out do visits to now changing over to having just locked boxes at every client's house. And this has been a huge quality of life improvement for everyone. And so we try to get feedback on that making sure that we're

Brandon  44:29

implementing those well, and that we're not missing any.

Collin  44:38

anything as far as like lockboxes because I don't know like it. Or if we could be doing better. I don't know. Because again, that's that's the thing about having this sucker is making it about this, like, I I'm talking to these people, and they've been my employees for three months and six months respectively. And I'm still sitting there like, I don't know, like I did that impostor syndrome. starts creeping in where you're like, Oh, am I to really be telling you about this, and I don't really know, you're the boss calling. And I get it, I get, I think we're the one of the one of the problems is, is because of how our company is set up. I never see anybody. Like, it's all remote, right. And I have a feeling like if we had if we had an office where people were coming and going, and like I saw people and I interacted with them on a daily basis, I would feel more comfortable to be in that position. Because basically, I'm just a digital face from the sky that shows up every now and then in their lives. They're like, Okay, you person, like, even people who are in our local city, like, we don't see them very often at all. So it's a different kind of relationship. And I'm trying to balance how I interact with them. And Megan does to, to foster some of that. So that it and foster some of the, not that this is gonna sound sound wrong. And don't it's but this like, they view us as, as boss as well, like, not just some random people involved with a company. No, yeah, no, it's kind of hard to get that across digitally. I feel like, and maybe I'm the only one suffering, it would be a shocker to nobody, that I'm the only one suffering. So

Brandon  46:36

yet again,

Collin  46:40

it's just been, it's been such a weird process for me to try and wrap my head around how to how to evolve in that way. And recently, something that we've started to implement what our I don't like calling them spot checks, but where I'm coming back out and re shadowing staff members on visits, that I haven't shadowed in a while maybe for a particular visit, or just for a particular series of visits, just to check in with everybody and make sure that they're still doing everything. Okay. I don't know quite how to get to present this to them as so that it's not a I'm showing up because I think you're doing something wrong. But this is just part of the process of I need to check. We're going to be checking in every now and then on

Brandon  47:33

on everything. Yeah, that even that makes sense. Because it's like it's almost like a mini, like, performance review type deal. Like, hey, I'm just here to see what's up. Make sure you're doing okay. Make sure you know, you'd have questions while like, have any, you know, anything come up. While you know, this has been going on that we could talk about, right? Like, that kind of thing.

Collin  48:00

I like that field performance review. Yes. Because I did. I did this recently with a staff member who was doing Meet Greets, and I had chatted this person I meet greet and like three or four months. And it was very enlightening to be like, Oh, okay, like, Oh, here's some things that I see that aren't sticking, or that didn't stick the first time. And I think that we can do some of these things to improve to make this better. So I do, I am trying to figure out how to put that into a good rotation. So it's not just whenever I remember to do it. And I don't want them I don't want to surprise them as well, because we do have some friends who run them where they're like, they literally just show up and surprise a staff member that they're there. And I don't think that's very honest, either.

Brandon  48:53

Or? I don't know, I

Collin  48:57

know that you get surprised reviews every now and then. Right? where somebody's like, yeah, you do the scheduled one, and then somebody will just show up one morning.

Brandon  49:05

Yeah, but it's different. Right? Because, like, my working environment is is different. Right? Like, it's like, like, I do know that my boss is there all the time. And I do know that he's, you know, so like, it's slightly different. And and if they do come in, right, normally, my pop interviews, they don't last that long. Right? And because if it's like your puppet review, like you would, you know, stay there for longer than like, five minutes. You know, I mean, right? Yeah. Because, especially if it's like a meet and greet, you can't just be like, hey, like, slowly back out the door. Right? In. Yeah. And you want to like talk with your employees, especially if you don't get to see him like, a lot. You know what I mean? So mine is like, they just come in sort of, like, sit in the chair randomly, and then leave. That's it. Yeah, that's all. That's all it is, like, the any informal thing is like that. Just like walk in. And they just, like, hang out for a little bit. And then they leave again. And it's like, okay, whatever, and then I'll get an email follow up later about, whatever, or like, you know, like, oh, I noticed you were doing this, that was really great. A lot of this, you know, I, you know, think about blah, blah, this, whatever it's all like, that's all it is. And, yeah, so it's very, it's a different kind of situation, because they are able to just not stay. It's just kind of like a, poke your head in the door. Yeah. And out of here, you know, and then, you know, our old into, like our old superintendent, when he would, he would do stuff like that, sometimes he would just like, go like, and he would just stand outside the door. And just like, just kind of be he was kind of walk through the hallways and kind of like, stand at the door, you won't even come in, sometimes you stand out there. And one of the old high school principals do that to stand by the door. And listen, kind of peek in and be like, go and leave, you know, for like real, just informal, just like checking on stuff really

Collin  51:31

well. And so that I have been thinking about striking a balance of trying to do just a few ones where I'm present with them while they're at the visit. And then there's the other kind of review where after they leave, that's when I show up and check the house and check everything kind of like a follow up of did they actually, because I can see the report that they send out. So if they say Oh, I did the water, you know, I can show up and go, yeah, the water is done. This is done. This is done. Oh, yes, they do XYZ.

Brandon  52:06

Those are,

Collin  52:08

I have not done any of that yet. But I am, I do think that will be important moving forward to make sure that everything's matching up. And that we can be finding places where we can be a lot better. So that things aren't falling through the cracks, not that anything's doing it right now. I'm just trying to think of ways that yeah, we can stay on top

Brandon  52:33

of everything. Well, it makes sense. But it's hard with a with a service industry job. Right? It is. It's harder to do that because you're like, it's real awkward to try to, you know, quote, evaluate somebody, like, during a customer interaction, like, that's real weird. Yeah. Like, you know, and then you know, it's a little better with the dog, you know, or the pet, whatever, if you're just sort of there with them, while they're going through the deal of, you know, the check in and the walk or whatever, like, you know, that's, that's less awkward, you know, that's the real, like, bones of the whole operation anyway, so that's what you want to see in. That would be, you know, that could be good time for just like kind of chat, you know, make it really informal, just kind of like randomly, you know, talk like, Hey, so, you know, how's it going? Like? How are things like how, you know, whatever, like,

Collin  53:44

Yes, and that's the other I think that that's important for us to do is to be again, present so that they feel so that our staff, do you feel just a supported, but be that we are people that they can come to when they have,

Brandon  53:59

yeah, you're like around, right? You're like the man behind the curtain, right, just

Collin  54:03

like, well, well, and that was, that was an interesting thing of something that I didn't think of, of we had a staff member who we brought on, and prior to this staff member, everyone who had brought on, it was a very slow build to get them getting a full schedule. And then just because of how so we had some scheduling, this person's first day, they went with me. I was with them straight for eight hours. Just like from when we got the car together, and we just drove straight. And then in the second day, it was seven hours and the third day we had to get like eight or whatever. And then what and then I was like, Okay, well I'm gonna start slowly pulling back. But I didn't check in with this person and ask them Are you okay with me pulling back right now, because then when this when the staff member realized that Oh, Colin is going back to his house, which is several hours out away from me, as the staff member, later actually just at our three month review told me that they felt abandoned by knowing that I was no longer in the area. And even though I had done over 40 visits with this person, by the time I turned them loose, like they were the most shattered person in the history of our entire company. But because they were so used to me being present, and then I, in their minds, suddenly disappeared, even though it was over the course of two weeks, that I was slowly being there, and less, less less than less. And then it was the physical act of me driving away. But later, they told me that they had a breakdown later. And they were also dealing with some other personal stuff that was kind of tied in with this, but they were like, it felt like I had been abandoned. And I was going, and I was like, I never thought of it that way. Mmm. Hmm. Like I Okay, like, I see that now I see how you could feel like, okay, Colin showing up, and then he's disappears. And apparently, I didn't communicate that process well enough. So So now, it's, you know, that was really valuable feedback of, of knowing, okay, like I can, that transition didn't go well. So I need to make sure that I'm cognizant of those transitions of me being there, then not being there.

Brandon  56:29

Yeah, that's interesting. Right? I could see that. Right. Especially if they were like, because if their normal was you being there, like all the time, right, like, even though it was just sort of an accident. Yeah. Not not not not intended to go. Right. But if the normal was, you were always there. And you're always nearby. And then, yeah, you're gone. Like, I can see how that could be. Yeah, they were used to

Collin  56:55

that we're used to an eight hour day with somebody to talk to somebody to guide them, somebody to help them. And we did that for like three days. And then I did a little bit less, and, but I was still there. And I was still in town. And then last, but I was still in town. And they were still and then I told them, okay, well, next week, you're fully on your own. And I'm, I trust you, I know that you're going to do well with this, you know, whatever I said. And I told them, I'd later I was like, well, instead of just accepting that you should have asked me at that time, but you know, neither here nor there at this point.

Brandon  57:32

And then we just kind of went on. So

Collin  57:35

every transition is different, but it was it was again, okay, well, I'll add that to my things, things to be at least aware of, and try and communicate with them now.

Brandon  57:43

Yeah, it's very interesting. Yeah. It's,

Collin  57:49

it's, it's weird. And, you know, I sent you that, that website that I built out for onboarding new staff members, as a way of trying to consolidate all of our information. And it, it really, it kind of hit me at that time, as I was putting all these individual pieces in one spot of like, there's a lot of just online digital stuff, before they get to the very first visit. And I could see how that might be kind of off putting for some people

Brandon  58:28

have, they want

Collin  58:32

the physical presence, they want an office to come to they want this stuff, instead of just a voice in the sky, versus I know that there are other people who were like, Oh, this was perfect, I could just watch these trading in wherever I was. And I would not want to come to an office at all. So please don't ever change that.

Brandon  58:50

Yeah, that is true to like, you know, because different people need different things. And I guess, I guess the real key is just being aware of that fact, right? And knowing like, hey, and you know, that could be part of the, you know, just the, you know, the field review, just like yo, what do you need from me? Like, is this cool? Do you need more like, like, what do you specifically need from this like, situation, right? Like, that could be something that would that could be part of it to to, you know, kind of make it feel less like they're just gonna watch me and stare at right you know, like

Collin  59:31

Yeah, cuz we we have gotten some feedback. So we do weekly meetings, and I know that that sounds just

Brandon  59:39

ridiculous. It does. Yes, but like, I know.

Collin  59:43

But in a, in a business where not just the staff don't see me but staff don't see other staff. Right. Like that's,

Brandon  59:52

yeah, that's true, right? It's very like, yeah, just by

Collin  59:56

like the only time they actually interact with the other staff members is via text. Yeah, right like throughout. There's not even though there's no, there's no hallway that they can pass by. So we've we've actually gotten some feedback that even though some meetings are very dry and straightforward, most staff really enjoy them.

Brandon  1:00:20

Just because of the interaction, just because it's been right. Yes. Yeah. Have, and we

Collin  1:00:27

say they're mandatory. But obviously, some staff members have other jobs and other things. So we record them, and we send them out later. But yeah, they love the just the interaction, the banter that happens, the funny jokes or stories that we tell and other people can relate and kind of how their week has been. And that kind of sharing experiences with other people who aren't doing the same thing that they are. They've really like they, they really like that. So we've worked with for a while, we thought about just trying to do away with the weekly meetings, Megan, and I would just record a video and send it out. I was actually going to just turn it into another podcast that just being like, hey, here's a private podcast for you all to subscribe to in your that way. I know you get it, because only you have it. But we've for now done away with that and have just stuck with the weekly meetings.

Brandon  1:01:29

Yeah, no, I think it's good. Because like, that way the communication is much more two way. Yeah. And I feel like that. So that's something I've been struggling with a lot at work too. Right. Like a lot of the the, you know, the buzzword since my administration loves buzzwords because they're that kind of people. What they talk about that all the time like, oh, yeah, well, we're, you know, communicating like, I'm not really right, because all you're doing is you're talking that's it. Right. Whereas a communication dialogue, if you will, is more a two way street. Right? Like, you have to actually also listen. So like, when they say things like, yes, we feel like we're doing a great job communicating, like you're terribly written newsletter thing is not really communication. Right. Like, I guess it is in the barest sense of the word. You know, but, like, a badly written newsletter. Doesn't really, right, it's not really communicated, right. It's not like you know, it's just you saying things. And that's it. That's not very helpful or good or useful at all right. So either I feel like the I can definitely see where that that keeping it live like that keeping it a two way thing. And like even Yeah, even just like, saying weird comments, right? would, you know, inspire that like, oh, yeah, this is like, more of a team environment other than just me doing random solo missions, getting, you know, checking on this cat. It's out in the woods and it's water bowl is empty, because they have a badly designed water dish. Ah

Collin  1:03:41

yes, and that's what we were trying to figure out what we mean by communication. Yes. Is is one of the bane of my existence is since as soon as we started hiring people have there's that phrase I say a lot in my head of like they need to communicate more Harrumph, Harrumph. Harrumph, right. And then I go,


What do I what do we

Collin  1:04:02

actually want them to do though, like what does that what does that mean? And then importantly, am I modeling that in an appropriate fashion? And if not, how do I change that? And one of the things that I have been desperately trying to get our team to do is to lean on the other staff members for their their knowledge and expertise, because one thing that I recognize is very quickly, there is a much the amount of institutional knowledge has now vastly out paste my knowledge of the people and pets so be careful with that. Mine is super narrow of what I am aware of. I can tell you how to handle certain situations. I can tell you how to do that do a generic things but Specifically how DAX takes his meds and where those are usually kept that kinds of like, I have no idea.

Brandon  1:05:08

Right? So if you have multiple people, like, you know, maybe two different people, or just the way the schedule works out, this is just hypothetical, right? If two separate people are, you know, just depending on time of day, I've been going over to a certain pets house, right? They need to be talking to each other about like, hey, you know, was, was this the way it was? Whenever you were there last like, oh, yeah, Milan? Or like, that kind of thing. Right?

Collin  1:05:34

Yes. So, and because of how we schedule, if someone books from a Wednesday to a Sunday, five people will see that dog? Yeah. And so trying to generate that. And so what I've started to try to do during some meetings, is basically like, pick a client, that I know several people have done. And like, Hey, can everybody share a tip for this client? Or what do you struggle with on this client right now? What are you What are you? What are you enjoying? And it gives people a certain talk, a talking point, to now start sharing. And my hope is, over time, people will see and acknowledge what other people are sharing. Yeah. And, and while and that we're doing it on Zoom. And now we can kind of hopefully take some of that into text when we're not in the meeting. Just to get keep as a it's a starting point, at least I hope for that kind of culture of like, don't go to me about this. You need to go to to the group chat and see what people can share with you there. And that's it. Oh, that makes sense. Yeah, it's been saying that that's a process that'll be a, that'll be a, that'll be a cue to 2023 objective.

Brandon  1:06:54

Oh, wow.

Collin  1:07:00

Here's, here's, well, I don't know pro tip when you can tell somebody who is either like in like business or finance, and they're like, you're taking it way too seriously, when they refer refer to segments of yours in q1, q2, versus months, is how I've noticed this. Like, they're the business owners who are like, they're like, oh, and like, may I kind of think about doing this. And then the person who refers to their urine quarters and like, you're a different breed, and I don't, I don't know.

Brandon  1:07:37

Yeah, and then it always messes me up because I think about quarters also, but write like, um, what's my first quarter is like, August, October or something. So like, like, quarter quarter of what? Yeah, like, yeah. So because my brain is so addled with school terminology, like, I don't always, definitely not picking up what some people are putting down, right, because they'll say things I'm like, Oh, okay. You're not okay. Yeah, you don't Okay. Yeah. i It's my own personal issue that I have to deal with. Right like to close out the show. Oh, okay. You have closing more, more episodes. another installment of Brandon watches random stuff on Amazon Prime. Oh, yeah.

Collin  1:08:52

You can tell. We are closing out the year.

Brandon  1:09:00

Like I said, this week was very uneventful. I haven't had lots to do. And I, again, I made that I abandoned house because like we talked about last time, the last two seasons are just boring and not very interesting at all and can't be bothered. Sorry. All right. Now I know, listeners. I know what you're saying. You're gonna say, Brandon, do you watch Rings of Power yet? No. I have not obviously, because that would make sense. Is it even on

Collin  1:09:34

your watch list? I'm going to ask that. I

Brandon  1:09:35

mean, it's I see it on there. Okay, I'm like, I just haven't watched it yet. I just haven't been able to make myself

Collin  1:09:43

do that. Are you are you are you ironically not watching it or is it an ironic at this point? Or are you just squirreling and finding other stuff too?

Brandon  1:09:54

I feel like well, for a while it was ironically not watching it because I was like well, I'm I wasn't The middle of reading a whole bunch of talking stuff. So like, I was like, I don't want to watch it now. Because to focus on this right, right,

Collin  1:10:06

obviously real.

Brandon  1:10:08

And so like, and then I got distracted with other things. And now it's just like, I'm just not feeling it. You don't I mean, like, understood is like a commitment, right? It's a big, big ask so. So I randomly watched it at a new show, I guess. It's based on a book to others that it's called the Three Pines. Right. So it's like a K. Detective movie, mystery II kind of show. So it's pretty cool. So far. I've only watched the first four episodes, which there are currently six, it still says new episodes every Friday. So I don't know if there's going to be some more like, this week or not. I'm not real sure exactly how this works. Because the last episode came out last week. So I'm watching one yet, but it's like, it's really kind of interesting. So like, first of all, it's got Alfred Molina. Oh my guy. Yeah, right. So, okay, that's excellent. All right.

Collin  1:11:21

I am. And he's wearing dark rimmed glasses.

Brandon  1:11:25

Oh, yeah. Yeah, he's like, Yeah, you want to steal his fashion? I know. knows him and, and like, yeah, obviously. And then two other, like detectives from? I will be honest with you a lot of this show. It takes it's it's connect, it takes place in Canada. And right. Okay. And so there is a lot of it specifically takes place in Quebec. So, you know, there are some there's a lot of French Canadian in this. And the French I learned is French, French. And so not as

Collin  1:12:06

there's anything wrong with that. No, it's

Brandon  1:12:08

just different. Right? Because a lot of different

Collin  1:12:12

things. Well, and

Brandon  1:12:13

I'm just saying any anything I attempt to pronounce in this segment currently will be bad.

Collin  1:12:21

So that was a content morning that you just came Yeah, mostly

Brandon  1:12:23

mostly. Trigger warning for listeners. Sorry. About mispronouncing yours, your second national language and I apologize. What's like super interesting, so like, so far? Right? Like the the detectives are based out of like, the city, right, obviously. And then their cases have been taking place in this smaller town called Three Pines. And like, it's kind of interestingly structured so far in debt, like, episode one, and two, are basically like, part one and two of one case. And Episode Three and four are like part one and two have a different case. Oh, interesting. But they're both in the same like village. Right. So like, it's kind of like they were they were there for like this all in one case. And then a few months later, they're back again, with something different. That's kind of what that's what the timeline feels like, Oh, we

Collin  1:13:34

don't get like actual dates. Right. But like, what they're not there to, like, solve one thing. And then another what there's not no connection between them, I guess, is what I'm automat.

Brandon  1:13:45

Yeah, I mean, the first two. So I want the first four episodes, right. So the first two cases have a tentative connection, but like, not really. I mean, but you see the same, the same towns people are around and they're talking to them, and you're learning more about these people in this small town. Right? And doing that. Meanwhile, there is also OMA an overarching story that appears to be going for the whole season of like this missing indigenous girl, and like what actually happened to her? Right? So that is also part of the storyline of that like kind of kind of highlighting that, you know, that Canadian thing of like the marginalize indigenous population where it's like, kind of some of those like, you know, like, you'd have like the missing girls and then like, oh, nobody's looking for them and that kind of deal, right? Kind of playing that. And so that is the overarching seasonal story that they're still dealing with, and going through and finding and thinking about and it sort of peppered in during their other investigations that they're doing. Oh, geez, innocent. So it's very It's very cool. Like it's very Yeah. So it's pretty. It's very like cerebral. It's very like, who done it? Kind of mystery, which I like, you know, because you're trying to figure out to with the detective like, What the heck is happening? What is going on? Like, what? Who has the motive for this? Right? Like, it's not much,

Collin  1:15:26

but it's not like, like a psycho thriller or jumpscares or things like that. Is it a pretty? No, not really. I like to think it's

Brandon  1:15:36

very detective. He's like the one of the episodes had some like jumpscares but it was a raccoon in the basement. Right? Okay, boilers, boilers for that episode. Like, okay, killer. Okay. Killer record. It was interesting. It was funny. Like, it was played out for funny because, you know, one of the guy one of the detectives who's like, not the main guy, but other guy. He was like, you know, he's all like, I'm not going to there. No way like the ladies like, we should go down and check it out. He's like, no, no, no, no, I don't think we should. Like

Collin  1:16:09

the worst idea I've heard today.

Brandon  1:16:10

Yeah. It was played very well. Okay. Very played really good. Okay. Yeah, it's very interesting. Yeah. It's not like so far. There's not like, it's not like slash hurry or like, big things like that. It's like, Oh, what the heck? Like, what is going on? Like, how did this happen? Like the first, the first episode, a lady gets electrocuted. Watching a curling game, like a curling match on Boxing Day.

Collin  1:16:41

Very Canadian. Okay. Yeah.

Brandon  1:16:43

Yeah, I'm telling you, right, like, and so it's like it happens, but it happens in the middle of the day. And so the whole thing is like, how? Who? Why, like, why on earth? It hit you? Right, like, and so you uncover like things about her past and some of the town folks past? How


does it connect together in mysterious ways?

Brandon  1:17:09

Right, like, right, right, right to suss out the motive of the thing. So it's really good. It's like, excellent. So I've been enjoying that so far. So here's my random review of an unfinished season of a new show. Brimstone, so I think it's really good. I like it so far. Yeah, that sounds very good. Okay,

Collin  1:17:31

I'm gonna add that to my watch list. And add, probably get around to it before everything's power as well. So look at that.

Brandon  1:17:40

Yeah. It's just very mystery, like identity things. Yeah. So it's, it's very fun to watch, you know, and go that way. And so it's, it's very interesting. I like the the pacing is very good. Right? The two, like every case, getting two parts is a very, it's very interesting way to do it. Right? I was a little worried that it would be too spaced out. When I was kind of understanding when I was looking at it just kind of reading like, Oh, what the heck, like, but it isn't, it's paced really, really well. So every episode is, like 50 minutes or something? Like 5351. Right? So about 50 minutes. That's pretty good. Time, right. And there's quite a bit different in there, when you think about like the carrot case, and then like, peppering in a little bit of the overarching story of this missing girl. And like, how that ties in and how that's affecting the detective. And, you know, every once in a while, there's like, these things that just pop up, you're like, oh, what? And so or he'll ask, you know, one of the, like, the case he's working on will sort of make him think about the other case, you know, the missing girl case, and he'll get an idea, or he'll ask somebody to look at this, or what do you think about that? Right? So it's, it feels very organic in that way, right? Yeah, it all goes together. It all flows together very well. You know, doesn't really feel in these four episodes. It doesn't feel very forced, you know, very much. You know, obviously, every once in a while you have that, like, the text has always had that like a ha moment where sometimes it feels like contrived but it hasn't really so far. In this. It's pretty because he's pretty grounded. If a character the main guy offered Molina's character. He's pretty grounded and pretty like chill armor. His name is Armand. He's a pretty chill, pretty even keeled, easygoing guy. And throughout the whole thing you're getting like these snippets of like his backstory as well, which is at this point in four episodes in like, very mysterious as well, you're like, oh, that doesn't happen. So it's kind of unclear about what it means, you know? Well, and I think I just the kind of how that's described. It's very,

Collin  1:20:25

it's antithetical to like another, another detective II movie or TV show that I watched. It's called broad church. I don't know. Yeah. And my, one of my complaints about that one is, it was only focused on the main mystery for every single episode. And so, it, it really painted it as like, I understand, like in those in that situation was trying to cover, but it didn't show anything else about things else going on outside of just the central focus of that case. Well, this kind of thing, Three Pines, like, well, we're going to have these little cases, quote unquote, little cases that come up, but there's going to be an overarching thing where they keep getting drawn back to because that's actually how detective work works, right? They don't just get stuck on. Here's the one thing that you're doing, right, they get set here, here's your case load that you have to take care of. And to have it kind of still set in the same area to I'm sure of like, oh, well, you know, who knows, these same actors may come back up again, or whatever, like, that just feels a lot more. Not that everything in life has to be realistic, but it seems more, I'm sure comfortably paced as well, as you mentioned,

Brandon  1:21:44

it's more organic to write because like, oh, you know, the whole deal of being like, oh, okay, well, I was in this town for this one case, a few months ago, because like the first episode, it's very, like, what it takes place on Boxing Day, right? I guess, this next one seems to be much more like springy or something like I don't really know what time of year is supposed to be, but it's not snowing anymore. So clearly, some time has passed, right. And so you see some of the town characters again. And now, like wearing as in the first, the first case, right, the focus was more on like certain characters in the town, right, because they were more integral to that particular investigation. But the next time around, it's like a slightly different group of people. And even though it's a small town, you get some more, you get more character development from them, as well as more character development from the main detective trio. And, like, their kind of life situation, and then he's like, very slowly getting more all the time, like a little bit more about this person a little bit more about this situation, and a little bit more about this. So that pacing is very, so far, it's very satisfying is where, like, you're always getting something else. Right? A little bit here, a little sprinkle there. So it's very kind of rewarding, right? Because you're going you're kind of putting some things together yourself as you're watching. Okay. Like, versus especially. Yeah.

Collin  1:23:23

Versus just like a big exposition dump about like, and here's the barber and here's why we care about the barber and here's the barbers instant connection and moving on, and we won't see this person again, right? Yeah. Especially set in small towns like that. We're here, like, how many characters we're gonna throw in here? There's not that many people.

Brandon  1:23:40

Yeah. Yes. And so they do a good job of that, because they're like, they're done. The second one. They like they, they do the there's a situation where it's the beginning, right? Like the town like, doesn't want to talk to them at all, or whatever. Yeah, on the second case, there's this situation where they get invited to dinner, there's one person's house, and they're like, Okay, yeah, sure, we'll come over and, you know, whatever. And then, like, 10 people are there from the town because they want to ask the textbook stuff about this. I mean, it's like, it's been ambushed. What, you know, these people a little bit now before and so like, yeah, you know, it's very interesting. And like, in the first one, there's like, one of them is like a native lady, right? So in the first episodes, like, she's there, and she plays like a role right? In the other ones in the second two. In the second case, we'll call it that when they come back, she plays a much more prominent role. So you kind of were introduced to her in the first one and now like, she's a much bigger part of the story in section one. So you already have some backstory from before, and so you don't need it. Now I mean, Tibet is also interesting. Because it is like the same people, like you already know a little bit. And whenever it's necessary now you know more. And then you have the history of the town and stuff like that. So it's very cool. It's very interesting. I like a lot.

Collin  1:25:16

Yeah, it sounds like it. Okay, so two thumbs up. Yeah. Three Three thumbs up but three pine that's obviously how we rate things clearly by numbers in the title. Yes, obviously. I will add that to my list.

Brandon  1:25:38

Yeah. Like it's awesome to be watching tomorrow. Boom.

Collin  1:25:44

Megan likes those kinds of things, too. So she will enjoy the Dacian

Brandon  1:25:50

Dasha my life actually, because it's very like cerebral and very like thinking through like

Collin  1:26:02

texting her link right now to it. So she'll probably have to finish it when she's done watching Million Dollar Listing.

Brandon  1:26:09

Hey, you know, priorities are important, right? It's okay.

Collin  1:26:13

Okay, we bought the season two worst. Well, good. I like that. Good recommendation.

Brandon  1:26:19

Yeah. Did that go to the bar into random musings for things I watched?

Collin  1:26:25

Yeah. We'll take that into the new year since that's where we are right now. Yeah, of

Brandon  1:26:29

course, obviously. Totally.

Collin  1:26:33

Okay, yes. Well, until until we do this again. All right.