hacky sackin'

3 Confused 90s kids reminisce about that EXTREME decade!

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pogs, toys, played, remember, watch, big, motocross, hacky sack, 90s, buy, game, movie, yo, commercial, extreme, pugs, people, talking, walk, weird


Collin, Aaron, Brandon


Collin  00:05

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it



all out



with your hosts, Brandon,



Collin. And Aaron.



On this week's show hacky sack Aaron.



Hello. Hello.



What's new?


Aaron  00:32

Oh, Paul. A lot. Dylan call this week.



You guys been on the call this whole time? What?



No, no.


Brandon  00:45

No, just


Aaron  00:47

just get done typing just chillin for a little bit. I'm still on call until



eight o'clock tomorrow morning. So just been here just



idly when doing dumb stuff.



Yeah, that's been. That's that's my day in a nutshell. At least. How do you spell hightly? holan? I hope you don't. You don't you don't have to own up. They're


Brandon  01:17

down and must be a thing. Oh, no, that's pretty. That's pretty sad. I'm not gonna lie. Um,



now it's


Aaron  01:29

what? Yeah, the whole, for some reason. Someone big brain was like, oh, we're gonna move the servers out of the, the offices and put them in one central location. So our whole system was down today. Because they wanted to have all of the servers in one central location because of reasons. And we had we had a meeting this morning on zoom in, they're like, Oh, yeah, by the way, we're going to be doing Oh, they're going to be moving the servers and right when the lady said that it like completely shut the servers down. And I then had to type all my documentation in Microsoft Word, and just hope it saved. Because I didn't have access to any of my, my saving systems. So I'm just like, well, yours, hoping that something happens. So I hope that all of my documentation, which I wrote pages, I wrote a novel today on on some of my cases that did get saved so I hopefully I haven't backed up. Hopefully I had them done something. So that was my kind of, well, I guess if they're not saved, I'm gonna cry tomorrow.



Other than that, that's been my day.


Brandon  03:05

what's what's going on? What a mess? I don't know what you missed. But you missed a whole week of testing with sixth graders. Oh, boy. Oh, yeah. Oh, man, what a great, lovely time. This has been.



I can't


Brandon  03:35

it's I cannot accurately explain just how terrible it is to be in a room with like, 20 kids and just like, stand there looking at them. So awful, gets the most boring thing





Brandon  03:55

The day is just like 1000 years long. And like, it takes some of them a really long time. Which is fine. I mean, we literally have all day, but I'm sure there's also a part of my brain that's like, Guys, this this one doesn't count. Just, it's fine. Just do something. I mean, I appreciate that we're willing to try so that means like in the springtime, right? We can Okay, then they already know. They're gonna be fine. They they're willing to give a shot. There's a couple of minutes like



please, please finish.


Brandon  04:37

To get me mad at him for like trying and wanting to like actually do it. So, but it's just you just stand there. And he Alondra about and then I go back to my desk and I sit for a minute I stand next to my desk and then I pace around the room a little bit and adjust that So it's so terrible so business back to normal tomorrow for the last for Friday, so that's good.



Oh, it's not it's not movie Friday cuz they just got done testing No,



never movie Friday get out.


Brandon  05:17

No, we only we only watch very few movies in my classroom they're not movies we watch some science like videos, documentaries and the only the only videos that we watch that are like super long are later violent. We definitely watch wild weather with Richard Hammond. Oh, yes. So good. I can't even recommend that enough. And we watched I watched one of the expedition unknowns with Josh gates about like, there's one episode where he's like, in Egypt digging up like there. They like a couple years ago, he was in whole bunch of people found like another cache of movies and stuff. They did like literally last week. There's episode about that where he's going in just crawling around in a late period to looking for like a priest a high priests. burial they found the high priest barrel so it's really cool. So we watch that like the very end of our Egypt one is just kind of like a. Alright, like, were we at the end when we're done with everything? That's kind of like the last thing that we watch. Just kind of like a wrap up and look, see? still cool stuff to do. Yeah, the rest of that if you watch videos, like five minutes long, so I tried to keep them short. Because it's boring. It's.


Aaron  06:39

So none of them is the classic science documentary. October sky. No.


Brandon  06:46

No, it's not. It is never is never the only movie I've ever watched in school. Remember, the Titans hate that movie so much? Not because it's a bad movie. or not because it has a good message. It's because every single time there was a substitution in high school we've watched Remember the Titans?


Collin  07:07

Did you ever forget? Did


Brandon  07:09

you forget that time? I wish I could forget it so much. It's like one of those ones like the first time you watch it like yes. Pick a movie the second time you watch it like yes. So pretty good. Pick the 12th time you watch it like I'm over this movie so hard. I can't do that silence. Oh, I can't. I can't with that movie anymore. It's overexposure. Del mon


Aaron  07:33

that am I actual treasure. And Remember the Titans those are the big three that were ruined for me. I can't sit down and like fully watch watch them because it's like, oh, National Treasure Nicolas Cage. A


Brandon  07:52

Well, at this point, that movie to me is just like, funny. Yeah. Right. Like, it's like, it's like a level of silliness that I can now appreciate. Like, at first I was like, really? What is this movie? What is happening? What the heck is going on? But now it's just like, it's I accept it as a movie. And it's just kind of humorous. And that's it. That's all we got. It's all I got. That's funny. So



that's Yeah, that's it.


Brandon  08:30

Yeah, we watched a lot of October sky a lot of October sky. So I'm pretty sure I watched that movie was on in the room, but I could never pay attention to it. I'm only vaguely aware of the plot of the movie. I don't really there's a Corey scene right there the Korea at some point is that that movie? Yes. Okay, that's all I remember about the movie. There's a Korean in a swimming in it. Yes. Accurate? No, no movies at


Aaron  09:01

all the there is some sort of core e because they have to like use the do the rocket like,


Brandon  09:10

well, is this a quarry? No water. This is this is the coal mine


Collin  09:14

thing. If you're thinking of the quarry,


Brandon  09:17

I was thinking of a complete different movie that I didn't pay attention to. shocker, so maybe I remember less about October sky. This is probably this is where


Collin  09:28

Homer and his friends like shoot rockets, but his dad's a coal miner and like doesn't respect him for his pursuits in to be a scientist. But the teacher does. Then there's like the accident in the coal mine. So Homer has to give up his dream and go work in the coal mine and then like they go to a science fair and he solves all these problems and he gets in trouble because isn't there like a fire? Because there


Aaron  09:53

Yeah, cuz someone thought it was him. And so they're like, we found this rocket like this. Not mine. And then I was like, Whoa, or


Collin  10:02

there or at least there was no way for it to have set off the fire. So he had to do all these calculations and he amazed everybody with the mathematics that he did. The solid and yeah. Okay, the


Brandon  10:15

the coal line thing sounds vaguely familiar. Okay, maybe didn't figure out what the heck is other movie I'm thinking of is I have no idea what that movie is.


Aaron  10:24

Whose class? Did you watch it in? You remember?


Brandon  10:27

Probably all the time. I don't know. I was only I apparently was not paying attention much like October sky. I probably like was not doing something Who knows? not watching a movie or whatever it was. We're gonna lie and say I was doing homework. Yes, definitely. What else would I be doing in school?



Clear, obviously, clearly, obviously more.


Brandon  10:58

There we go. I did today. However, we were all finished like by basically, right after lunch, we were all done with our testing, except for like, one or two people. So we they went to a testing room to finish up their like last like two questions. And we we did one classroom rotation. Where, like yesterday, like the birthday we tested, we just kept like kids all day long. Yesterday, like we just sent them to one other class. And today we sent them to the other one. Right? So we had time to like work on stuff in that class. And they were working on their, their thing for me, or finishing up our landform picture dictionary. Because like, a lot of us don't know what these things are. And we need a visual representation of a plane or a tow, because we don't know that word. So I make them find pictures of it, and put it in a slideshow. So they can pick whatever picture they want. Because it's printing them to know what they're talking about. Anyway, we're finishing up somehow. I'm not entirely sure how this came up in conversation. But they started talking about Mr. Potato Head. Yes, as you do, obviously. And I dropped the bomb on them. That originally, originally Mr. Potato Head from 1952. You had to use a real potato. Yeah. He looked at me like what we've talking about as like, yeah. Yeah, you had, like you bought the Mr. Potato Head toy. But it was just the face pieces in a box. And there was a little body that went with it. And you had to get a potato to play with. And they weren't they didn't believe me. I was like, google it right now. Do it. And these two girls was like, whatever. That's not true. You're lying to us. And I was like,



it is I mean, if you look at if you look at his like weird, like eldritch horror, the



very first one



is we're gonna watch


Brandon  13:26

the commercial, the original commercial. See that? Oh, yo, it's so good. It's so I made him watch it. And they were like, what is happening? I was like, yep, that's it. 52 for you. And it's black and white commercial edition. It looks good. But the best part is they kept finding that pictures of people playing with it with like other vegetables like a Karen. And like,





Brandon  13:57

My gosh, like an, like an orange. Like these apples. Maybe we'll just put it on others. So that the carrot one was the best because it had the face and all that stuff like at the very bottom. And then at the very top, they put the little hat on. Oh, no.



And that was in the original kit. There was hair.


Brandon  14:23

It looks like not. It looks like not good. No,



no. Okay. It's


Brandon  14:30

it's funny. So we spent the last like 10 minutes of class looking at that thing go. That's educational. And they were Yeah, it was really hilarious. They're all done with their thing. So it's fine. But that's what I got to drop that that news upon them. That was a real potato. And then of course some kids are like, you know, imagine your mom tells you to pick up your toys and you just throw them all into the bed and you find it like two weeks. Some moldy potato. And then another kid was like, yeah, imagine that. Your mom's like, right to pick everything and come to dinner. And you go and you, you can't find your potato head and you go to dinner and it's a baked potato. Like, but mom, no. Why?


Collin  15:26

Can we just talk about our love for old commercials? I love this so much. I have one that I want to send you guys. I don't know if you've seen these at all. Have you heard of the Lovejoy dragon?


Brandon  15:42

No. So that I've heard that word before, but I can't. So I have no more context. Right.


Collin  15:53

Back in 1960s, Illinois, Maine, wanted to latroy chowmein wanted to sell their new quick cooked chowmein to customers. They hired the very young Jim Henson and his company Oh,


Brandon  16:09



Collin  16:10

To go up with to come up with one of his first like commercial, debuts puppets. And so






what it is, is it somebody being like, Oh, I can't cook. And then this huge dragon like burst through a wall. And he goes,



boy dragon



knocking over stuff.



Did dragon fire.


Brandon  16:39

It's real horrifying. I just wanted I was so scared to look up right now. This is this is very strange. I see what's going on.


Collin  16:51

I sent you guys the video of it in our super secret text channel. And I'll include links to that in our show notes on our website. I love this so much. Because it's like this is the this is from the same group that went on to create all of our beloved characters from Sesame Street and the Fraggle Rock in Fraggle Rock and


Brandon  17:12

stuff. I mean, you could definitely see the Fraggle Rock in this day. Like right there. Front and center. Oh, there's more. Here's a lady and her husband, her son at a grocery store and a scary monster dragon. I love chef's hat. Yep, bursting out of birth. Stop.


Collin  17:37

I love old commercials so much, especially when they're, you know, like this. When you find ones where they're from somebody's early career or something like that. And this is just it's so wholesome. It's so ridiculous,


Brandon  17:52

but also like, well, it's


Collin  17:56

Yeah, cuz you're like, Oh, no, they only have crazy commercials today. And then you go back you're like, Oh, no, these have been insane for fair, you


Brandon  18:05

know, it's, it's, yeah, there's been some bizarre ones. I can think of other ones I've been because I have so much Mr. Potato Head on the brain from today.


Collin  18:16

Anyway, that's one of my favorites that I like.


Brandon  18:19

a pretty good one. I gotta say.



Not bad.


Brandon  18:27

makes me scared to go grocery shopping. I don't want a giant dragon to like, leap out at me. He's like, lightning little iron,


Collin  18:34

like at the store clerk just putting it out. And like there's, there's so much going on in these though. Like, like, there's just no explanation. It's just



a giant red dragon with a chef's hat,





Brandon  18:51

and somehow, somehow this is part of the whole thing. Like I can't like the fact that there's a giant Muppet dragon in the grocery store is somehow not as weird is the fact that he's also wearing a bizarrely small chef's hat.



Why this one?


Collin  19:11

And what's cool, what's cool is that this the puppeteer and the I forget his name, but he I think he was the same guy who ended up doing big bird maybe, but he's the puppet here and there is doing it the same way that big bird is. So his mouth is actually his right hortau


Brandon  19:26



Collin  19:29

Yeah, so so the mouth and neck are his right hand and arm. He's hunched over and his left arm is the left arm if you watch the right hand of the of the puppet doesn't move. And it's very typical and big to except for some very specific specific scenes. So he's hunched over there and say this massive thing, like looking and having this conversation with his hand. And looking


Brandon  19:52

back somehow even more terrifying that you think about that, right? Like Yeah, absolutely.



Oh dear.


Collin  20:04

Yeah. Did you ever watch the guy who did Big Bird like getting the suit and what that took like it was a grueling process and really heavy. And he did it up until like, two years before he in the passing away. Wow. Yeah, yeah, I can I can send you guys that hold on.


Brandon  20:24

I am afraid now I know where they want to see that big


Collin  20:28

no he's a really really nice I Oh, what was


Brandon  20:31

it like watching that process sounds mighty oh yeah no so it gives out to get into this little Lego thing. So big


Collin  20:39

bird Carroll Spinney


Brandon  20:41

Yeah, he's Yeah, okay, I recognize that name. Yeah.


Collin  20:46

And I can send you the suit thing just give you an idea of how he did that like, it's just it's crazy. Here's, again, thank you listeners for things that you can't see, you can check out our show notes. Or if your podcast app supports chapter art, you can look at your podcast player right now and see the image that we were looking at show up in your podcast channel.


Brandon  21:09

So I didn't know. There you go.


Collin  21:15

See? Yeah, so this is that's how he did it in this picture shows him with his with his right arm up and he's tucked down and he's got the suit kind of falling over him but they're gonna come in and put a like a girdle or whatever to wrap it around him. But he's got like, strapped across his body in multiple different ways.



It's pretty cool.


Brandon  21:34

Wow, that's nuts.


Collin  21:38

Yeah, can you imagine like, that's what Big Bird so when you watch that shoot, now when you watch Sesame Street and you see big bird, like walking around, there's an ad now I was gonna think about a deformed guy shoved in a suit. That's really fantastic. Thanks for refining what you're trying to say.



Yes, true. Yeah,



that's nice. So



much. Fun.


Brandon  22:13

Wow, there we go. To drop that knowledge on them at some point, if that comes up in class, teaching. Other vintage more martial, commercial nonsense.



If they get really bored, like, oh, there's something new. It's true.


Brandon  22:31

I do remember that. Oh, yeah. There's a commercial from like, the 80s the the Teddy Ruxpin one pier or this? Or like the kid, like, is it school and he's all like, Oh, I can't read any like, crazy. But then he like, throws Teddy Ruxpin up on the table. And he starts talking all the kids are like, wow, like their faces are just like, ridiculously. Do you remember our Teddy Ruxpin? I do. Yes. I seem to recall that we had a later version of that. Yes.





Collin  23:08

Yeah, I wonder I don't know where that thing is now.



Actually, the feeling it's up in the closet to be completely honest with you.


Brandon  23:15

For the attic.


Collin  23:16

And was attic not necessarily closet?


Brandon  23:18

Yeah, or the window seat because a lot of stuffed animals ended up in there. Just because they were sitting on top of it. And then like eventually, like



Hear me out. Put them inside side. Nailed it. And that way we never have to see them. It'll be great. That's true.


Brandon  23:38

Done really awesome old t shirts and Daniel's never seen that thing. I think I'm not sure. That's fine.


Collin  23:53

Like a giant time capsules.


Brandon  23:56

Perfect. Something exactly what you want? Yes. Excellent. But yeah, they were asking me about like a TV because we watch that commercial. They're asking me like TV commercials. When I was a kid. I was like, I don't really remember. I remember lots of really weird cereal commercials. And



it was mostly cereal. Yeah, you're right.


Brandon  24:21

And just like bizarre, I don't remember any like, but like, I feel like that we're like toys. Right? Like,



from there. Like





Brandon  24:36

when they decided that I needed to buy like all the Pogs in the world. Right? That was a television commercial that happened. Like, right. missing from your childhood, Mr. Funkhouser? Pogs definitely. For sure. It is like I don't even know like how do you You explained that to a child like today like what's a pug? All right, well here it's like a it's a cardboard circle with pictures on it and you're just you're mostly just concerned about getting ones with cool pictures.


Collin  25:20

There is a game that I still don't understand exactly. Oh you


Brandon  25:25

remember I don't know how you win I don't remember the I You said you had the slammer? Yeah, the god like



he had to like flip them. I think it's however many like landed face up. You got to collect. I don't remember. Yeah, you


Brandon  25:38

turned them all upside down in a stack. And then you slammed him? Because that was cool. Ah, and yeah, something happened. And then you did again out? I remember them


Collin  25:59

I have I literally I have no idea. I just remember and then you had like the the the tubes to collect them in?


Brandon  26:05

We had they were in the little. Yeah, the tube just so that you you go It was like a storage thing you carry around with it. gameplay. Here we go. What do I say with Wikipedia? They contribute an equal number of milk caps based on milk caps. How cool is that?





Brandon  26:28

For all the listeners younger than me that have no idea what I'm talking about. So yeah, you put them in a big stack. They take turns stone their slammer onto the top of the stack, causing it to spring up. Yeah, so yeah, you're right. You keep them face up. And then when when then are left. Whoever has the most wins. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. They came in a big thing. And he just like they had they were everywhere. They're very ubiquitous for like, a year. Everywhere you went, there was Pogs didn't matter. Like everybody every restaurant every like, everything in the cereal boxes, right? They were in those little quarter vending machine deals. You know? Like the sticker machine. Things are whatever they were in those. They're everywhere. Was that right? They were everywhere. And then like all of a sudden the world collectively went Yes, dumb. Anyway, wait.


Collin  27:40

Wait, what?


Brandon  27:43

Yeah, now that I have this tube full of pugs.



Cool. I collected I collected lots of cardboard in


Brandon  27:52

cardboard with weird pictures on them. And then like, big thick pieces of plastic. Actually, if you had the metal slammer, there was like metal ones. If they were just like nickel or something and we're like, smell the steel. You're like no. Those are the cool ones. It's the ones you want. There's definitely some of those in the attic somewhere. There are Pogs someplace at Burger King crossover event with Burger King actually, they released I remember this because I had some I can't believe I've I've said this in detail that



there was a


Brandon  28:36

Saturn five or like Apollo 13 rocket. It was Yeah. They were like the Burger King Kismet over there was the segments of the Saturn five rocket could scrub all together to make it progressively larger. Pogs





Brandon  29:06

I'm pretty sure I had some of those. I didn't get the whole thing. I don't think I had the booster. I don't think I had the rocket base. I got like the first like two sections. Yeah, like



depth spit effort.


Brandon  29:23

Like third or fourth grade. I was like, had it been about time? I think fourth grade. So this is probably like 94 ish. 90 of the policy. The policy 13 it would have been crossover. Yeah. 9495 area out would have been the heyday. The year right. There has been at least in the Midwest, right in New York. It was probably like two years before that. Let's be real like it's ours.



It's fine. It's fine.


Brandon  29:57

But then definitely has Have a pocket collection. And it was one of the things was like, like, it was so ubiquitous and like they were everywhere that like It Wasn't it was not a big thing to just like randomly pick them up like I was gonna grab some of these, right? Because it was like sense of it.


Collin  30:21

There were not Yeah, there were not like a Beanie Baby craze of also of the 90s where it was, like all the valuable. It was just like, it was like everybody readily acknowledged how cheap and utterly worthless they were. And yet,


Brandon  30:39

yeah, as he just got them and like he traded them, like kind of like trading cards, right? You know, like, because it was when I was very young, very young, but like, around that age, maybe a little earlier. I was like, for some reason. I Well, I played a lot of baseball. So I had like, lots of baseball cards. So like I would just randomly when you're out because baseball cards were everywhere. You just randomly just like, buy a pack of baseball cards. And it was like cents. So it didn't really matter. You weren't like breaking the bank to indulge in your coffee. Right? Because like, I want to buy this candy bar and this and this bag of baseball cards from the gas station, like whatever. Okay, cool. I bought them at the gas station, right? They were just there on the counters like amperes I cool. Nailed it. Awesome. Pogs are the same way. It was like, Oh, yeah, I'm at the store. I gotta buy you know this and like, you know, like, Hey, Mom, can I get this? And it's like 50 cents. So she was like, okay, whatever. This is way cheaper for me to buy on time. So yeah, what the heck, why not?


Collin  31:48

Yeah, they totally were the checkout item. items. The checkout counter. Yeah, that's they were not placed deep in the store.



They No, I don't think so.


Brandon  32:04

They understood. I mean, there probably was like an end cap display. Right? That's probably why they were on the end cap thing. Not like in the middle of the aisle. Just like you're on your way to something else. Oh, yeah. This?



Oh, by the way,


Collin  32:19

it's Elsa. This really, really?


Brandon  32:22

She's really really sweet cardboard with like, the most random, the thing that I think was so bizarre about them is they just had the most random pictures on them. Because it was absolutely anything. Right. It was like could be sports team could be like, a band album. It could be like, just random art. Could be from a cartoon could be doesn't matter.


Collin  32:55

Anything, whatever. There was no, no limitation on the intellectual property that they were willing to put on apply.


Brandon  33:04

Some of it might have even been just like, I bet some of it was just like commissioned art like a art person. Make a random weird like psychedelia drawing? Oh


Collin  33:19

100% you definitely know they commissioned a whole team of people to just spend days buying random stuff. And they were like, How many? Like bright colors? Yeah, they're like, how many revisions do we go through? They're like, none. That looks great. Give it to us.


Brandon  33:37

Show it to the person working across from you. And if they don't hate it, it's fine. Can we do geometric designs? Yeah, whatever. I don't care literally. Like, whatever. Why are you talking my nose? Because I want to see what's on them. Now. I don't remember anything about them. I don't know. I remember down that road.



I do.


Brandon  33:58

Because I want to know, now. Well, I had two containers. I had the Apollo 13 rocket pieces. And there was like a small orange one. One of my friends had like a yellow one of those things. That was like feet long. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Like the it was like two feet long. To if they went in I don't know how full it was. Right? It might have been overly ambitious with the size of the two. Uh huh. Sure. I mean, I'm fully expecting to fill it out. But like yeah, I seem to have remember one of my friends had like a big huge thing because we took him to school. Right We used to play at recess. Yep. We're like whatever or inside read I don't remember.


Collin  34:47

Yeah, I remember on the playground at the lower Elementary School.



Yeah, sure.



Like on the blacktop but on the theme


Brandon  34:58

train them up. Yeah.



I can't even afford circled you got today man. Oh dude, you gotta check this one out.


Collin  35:05

I can't even imagine something like that. I don't know like, like happening these days especially that well okay not these days okay let's


Brandon  35:13

say oh man you want to think about a list on the on my list of words that is just that just annoys me to hear because for some reason in the last like six months I've just heard it so much is the phrase these days days


Collin  35:27

and in these times like no other unprecedented yes. Okay I'm not I'm saying like what kind of thing like that would take off in modern schools.


Brandon  35:40

The weirdest stuff and I don't know it's a weird it's hard to know because I feel like the punk thing was just like an accident. Like it was just a thing that people made and all of a sudden kids like yo is awesome and that people have made her like what I mean yes. to stream and bro because it's 95 right so like, everything was


Collin  36:03

extreme watching


Brandon  36:07

thanks Doritos commercials that is your fault. I think that's ridiculous Mountain Dew Come on. Watch a mountain dew commercial from the mid 90s if you want to see bismal commercials


Collin  36:19

oh my gosh is so bad. Everything is flashy, especially


Brandon  36:24

Mountain Dew Doritos crossover events, right like don't you wear those like, even for those that are the no fear brand t shirt?



Do you remember this? No. What were these?


Brandon  36:43

I don't know. It was just a brand. This is sort of like extreme sports. Yeah. And it was like the brand was like no fear clothing. Oh my gosh. Right. And it was like a really bizarre It was like extreme action sports like skydiving bungee jumping, like snowboarding from helicopters like it was that guy kind of thing. Oh, dude, I just googled it. And the first thing came was no fear. Pogs Yo, what? fit perfect. Probably there too. Oh, yeah, it was ridiculous. Extreme. Yeah, yeah. Right in the way away with my penguin. Oh, no. Sorry. Yeah, with the brand new. Tangent. Well. Oh, I remember. Because, like, in that during that time period, right in the middle to like other like really bizarre things were really popular. Like, huge. Do you remember? Have you remember that? You probably should have Aaron remember this somewhere? 9697 like, Yo yos were a huge deal. Yes. Yes. They were just ridiculously popular. Like everybody had a yo yo everywhere. Like yo yo tricks or like, people just do it. I'm like in the mall, in the park in school hallways like yo yo tricks like showing off your managerial skills. Like



I remember like what wasn't happening


Brandon  38:29

I totally had one because again to be part of the cool trend your your startup cost was like $2 yeah whatever like mom got a yo yo and like yeah it was it was a cheap what the cheapest toy ever All right, cool.



Yo Yo, okay, sure.



Yeah, no, I was like I remember


Collin  38:57

we got I remember we got like we got him for gifts like we got would yo yos forget I had a blue one Aaron had a green one you got a red one


Brandon  39:06

for every gift we ever got by the way it was that exact color. I don't even know if he actually likes green.



The only reason



another readily available color color. Green prime


Collin  39:33

you know we got those and then I remember like the whole like, oh, getting a yo yo the head the ball bearings and it was


Brandon  39:45

like yo yo, his analogy was a talking point. Like the middle school yo yos was like yo dude. This one check out these balls, like sweet ball bearings like The most ridiculous sentence I've ever heard in my life, right? Yo, Yo,



man, like, bro, you can walk the dog so long,





Brandon  40:16

I can walk. Because it was like a freakin clutch thing. So if it was spinning, it was going that way. So it's like, Yo, I could totally do all these awesome yo yo tricks. Yeah. Yo, Yo, man.



Everything in the 90s was extreme, right? It was.


Brandon  40:35

It was the late 90s in the early 90s. It wasn't so much. It was still like weird and like, weird, bizarre land. I still feel kind of like the 80s right. But like, after 94 I was like, yo,


Collin  40:48

it's extreme. Everything was close games happened. I was just about to say x green X Games and motocross were like, massive in late 90s


Brandon  40:59

true motocross was big like I was to watch I had a video game at a motocross video game that Corey and I used to play.


Aaron  41:08



Brandon  41:09

yeah. After we played Tony Hawk, which I haven't bought yet cuz they're sold out. Sorry. Yeah, but we played that and we played like the motorcycle racing game. Good cuz you had like the freestyle event on it and so we would like try to outrank each other. No, we got bored of Tony off for a little while between Tony Hawk and Gran Turismo, we played some like motocross Yeah, we did that right you know, we've just like yeah, sweet we could we could gather cycles, but like I could play this. Yeah. motocross has been there was also I don't remember if you know there's any winter X Games I introduced like motocross but was snowmobiles. Yes, I


Collin  41:48

just feel good. How how I just think I don't even know how to describe what it is watching a snowmobile do that kind of stuff. Like it is just ridiculous from the outside crazy.


Brandon  42:05

So shout out to Blair and Morgan. Right. That's the only name from snowcross. I remember about Blair. I totally know you're listening. So dub man. Gone?



Big fan? Big.


Collin  42:17

Yes, he's probably one of our most ardent listeners. So thank you.



I'll tell tagging when I post this.


Brandon  42:28

member, anybody else for motocross? I probably could. Mark McGrath. Those names. Yeah. Ricky Carmichael, boom, another a blast from the past. wasn't a big name. There was another guy. I can vaguely reply on his full name as though those are the two big ones and there was a couple other guys that I watched a lot. Yeah, he says watch motocross like, no, no. So there's something about like things like racing of things that I would just watch it like I don't even care like we're racing this like sweet. Like other day, that was flat track motorcycle racing. Like Yeah, watch that. Cool. It was on TV. I was like yeah, sure.


Collin  43:10

I can do this. This is a thing.


Brandon  43:12

I mean, like racing things are pretty universally translatable. So it doesn't matter what it is but it's like oh watch that. Oh anyway other low tech 90s toy of choice for the masses was of course the hacky sack



he has


Collin  43:37

know what yet again something that like I just I don't I never I I never understood the hacky sack I never understood its appeal. Why that it just but like I was also pitched is also extreme because people join like Park core and like stuff in like in groups with hockey so


Brandon  44:01

the guy who played he's played is not the right word really like engaged in hacking attack, right? Like I don't know. But yeah, yeah, he's like in the hallway, like outside randomly because somebody had one. Right? Like, somebody you were around somebody in a 15 foot radius Have you had one at all times? they matter? Well, that's


Aaron  44:32

the one thing I definitely remember about going like Boy Scout camps because like you'd always find like a circle somewhere of someone playing hacky sack like that was just the things like who's gonna jump in okay.


Brandon  44:44

Like that one stuck around the longest.





Brandon  44:47

my definitely longer than pugs. Very well, that was like five years Yes. Cuz I remember I even through high school people was like, one of their pocket like this. Did it matter like, and there was like a criteria for a good one. Right? You don't want to want to do good. Yeah. Yeah, they had to break it needed to be like, for lack of a better term slightly like flat. Yeah, it couldn't be like overfilled. Because you didn't want it to be like really, really round. You want it to be able to be like, flattened and deformed, so that you could like, catch it on your foot and like, do all the stuff. Right? Because you needed to do that. Otherwise, it would just like roll off. So you get when you like to stop since there was like, yeah, it was like at the mall. Right? He's walking the mall. Some dudes played hacky sack over there. Whatever, like eating pretzels and hacky sack and like, it's like at the arcade. It's like doing it like what the heck? This is so weird. Like, it was the thing that was just like it was literally everywhere. Everybody knew somebody that had one or you had one, right? Mm hmm. I don't know. I think I had one. I didn't carry it because I was not a committed. Hockey soccer, right? Well,


Collin  46:17

yes, I'd have big devotees.


Brandon  46:21




you can get oh my gosh,



you can get a an order a bulk order.


Collin  46:30

of 250. Custom hacky sacks promotional hacky sacks for three. For 300.


Brandon  46:39

I just want one hacky sack for nostalgia sake. You got to get like that. Do you remember? Like knitted? Yeah, no, that's the one you want?


Collin  46:46

Absolutely. You can get Yeah, no, I'm on Amazon right now. There is a Oh my gosh. These are branded. These are branded hacky sack.


Brandon  46:56

That's not cool. That's not gangsta.



Right. No, you need to get the one


Collin  47:01

from a vending machine. Here's a set of three hacky sack sorted, man. these are these are branded Turtle Island imports. Even


Brandon  47:10

that's not cool. You need the ones that like all the ones I remember. They were either like, at least all the kids I knew that had them. They were either like the eight ball ones. Because this right? Yeah. Or they're just like a weird, muted Nick color palette. Like these are like stripes and then like black,


Collin  47:31

really ugly sweater that somebody added? No, that's what yeah, that's what these are. These are knitted in very obscure, nonsensical patterns. There's a set of three for $11 you can get these in today's show, man.


Brandon  47:42

Next week. I think we should do it. I think I'll do it. I was gonna. I want to get no I want to get what I was gonna put on my desk at school and see what the kids say about it. Like, Yo, this is my middle school toy from back in the day. What the heck was a Matthew sack of beans and rice? Beans. I bring in my sack of beans. Literally a bean bag around bean bag. My Pogs my yo yo but yoke is what up?



Guess Okay, Guess who? I'm reading up on?


Brandon  48:24

Even more with me than they already do? like it'd be great.


Collin  48:27

Guess who registered the trademark for hacky sack. You'll never get this, but



it's a toy company.


Brandon  48:38

whammo. What's in Bradley. whammo the company. Oh do you Wow. Okay. There we go. Got it.


Collin  49:04

Yeah. Wow shop your favorite classics. They also hold the the patent for the the thing for frisbee and slip and slide. And Super Bowl. We have


Brandon  49:17

whammo whammo. Wow. Wow, that's


Collin  49:25

a slip and slide. Yeah.



Basically all of those old games.


Brandon  49:32

thing's from nice



yeah, they, they hold hold all of those.


Brandon  49:39

That pretty understood, slip and slide that just like, how would you like to die in a rocky maybe it's because I live in Missouri. And just like sliding on the ground in the state. It's literally rock. It's just couldn't possibly imagine like, would you like to dive onto the ground and slide The last thing I would like to do, please


Collin  50:03

Would you like to cut yourself from your eyelid to your big toe? Yeah.


Brandon  50:07

Do you want a concussion today? Yeah. Oh my gosh, I just pulled up a list of 90s toys and this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. Wow. Wow. gak Alright, I'm gonna do that right now. Oh my gosh. Oh, dude. Okay, except for the Super Soaker 50 with the greatest squirt gun all time. Okay, okay, this is fine. This is okay. Some of these are just ridiculous. So these are like, What was this? I don't know this at all.


Collin  50:51

The 90s was such a weird time for toys because they were transitioning between from like the 80s technologies into some things that were just like they were I don't know. Like, there were so there's such low tech, like low tech things like the yo yo like hacky sack, and also



things like the Tom gottschee.



And the Furby alright guys


Brandon  51:13

the worst. The worst toy ever the Furby? I never understood the appeal of that. I did not understand. Or Tamagotchi, like you want to feed a fake pet? No, I really. Feed in the cold Island Island atomic.



Yeah, ah.


Collin  51:33

Count how many times you jump? like okay, I guess we all need more exercises. What you're telling me? Like,


Brandon  51:42

oh, god forgot about trolls to why that was like the worst toy ever. I don't understand that one. up. Oh, the real, the real winner of toys that nobody actually played ever. You already know, mousetrap. Hey, we actually know how that game is played? Because I can tell you we had it. Yeah. And do you know who still never played a single actual game of mousetrap? Or B any of us?


Collin  52:16

Know, cuz the whole point was you just I remember just moving the mouse around and triggering the traps, setting them up and then getting them right like I don't


Brandon  52:24

I just use it as like a construction site to like build the thing. Like I didn't


Collin  52:30

I still remember the big net that came down on top of you or whatever, like,



Yeah, but I don't remember.



I remember.


Brandon  52:42

Excuse me, I have no idea how it actually is playing. This is true. I have no clue how it works. It's allegedly a board game. I don't I can either confirm or deny that.



There is a board and there are pieces. Yeah, there's


Brandon  53:06

a board. Was there like cards was a dice involved because you were supposed to move.



I thought it was


Brandon  53:19

based purely on supposition. I'm going to guess that you are supposed to get your mouse from one place to another before the trap was built. Because I think that you were like as you moved along in the game that it was supposed to be built like progressively. I try to avoid it. But this is purely guesswork on my part. So if anybody out there actually played mousetrap and didn't just play with the mice, please



please be right in line three confused 90s kids


Aaron  53:59

just from just from my initial Google when you're when you end your turn by landing on the turn crank space in the corner, the loop there's an imposing mouse on the cheese wheels face turned the crank



in a clockwise direction


Aaron  54:19

in motion if if the trap operates correct correctly, the opposing mouse will be captured and is out of the game. So basically it because there's a little white space around it. I guess you just kind of move the mouse around. Yeah, so


Brandon  54:39

was it one of those like last men standing games basically. It looks like it kind of like those like those must have been really popular then because that was like remember the break the ice game? Wow. In like


Collin  54:51

the 90s was preparing us for a lot of Russian Roulette apparently.


Brandon  54:57

Yeah, that's kind of the Coffee there was one with like steak shipping you like poke sticks in a thingy and like



oh yeah


Brandon  55:06

ah right there were red. I don't know what that game is called. There was the duck break the ice one too. Yeah, I remember the commercial for that but it was really obnoxious. It was like skating on thin ice whatever that was like the theme of that game. Like don't fall through the ice. And like I feel like there was a bunch of games like that just like haha hope you don't die right wow cool.



Some life lesson here I guess





Collin  55:42

What? Well, there we go. It fits in. Everything is life and death in the 90s motocross break falling the ice and drowning cold painful death. Yep, yep. catching your opponent in the trap of your own design. I guess that's where I guess that person really loved you know that's so as as the creators of saw Did you play a lot of mousetrap whenever you


Brandon  56:09

Yes, that's what happened. making all these sort of connection actually locked them in a room and whittling them out that's why I got dark real fast anyway.









Wow, that was a trip down memory lane. That was good. I have so many show notes. typed up for this. This is insane. perfectly.


Brandon  56:42

Any other toys that you remember fondly that you need to add to our list of bizarre 90s toys?


Aaron  56:49

R Us I kind of came up out of that hole? What's the word? Like where you know, you know TV shows or kind of you know, becoming more anime s like anime was coming like really popular and so like true. I remember going out to the playground like elementary middle school and playing with like a little metal box. figurine Oh, he yo Pokemon and Pokemon art was was a big thing. And that was kind of like healy's or wheelies, whatever they call. Those are, oh, popular. rare. And Aaron is


Brandon  57:32

the youngest one. And he was actually born in the early 90s. So he missed some of this. He missed Pogs altogether. But I remember


Aaron  57:41

only for him and I have is number one watching you play it and then being like, Oh, this looks fun. And then I playing it. Like, I don't know how to play


Brandon  57:50

this. Like it's also actually not that fun now. Like, why did I do that? I don't know. We just have a mess to pick up. Yeah,



we had a Star Wars card game that we played.


Brandon  58:04

A game was incomprehensibly hard.


Aaron  58:06

I remember that. Because I just remember I remember playing that But yeah, I remember growing up in that in that phase where like, no anime was, you know, coming you too into America and you know, shows like to Nami was becoming really popular. And you know, just just kind of like, Oh, you know, Benghazi toys and you know, McDonald's, or Burger King. They are bringing up their you know, kids Meal toys


Brandon  58:37

and errands actually all time favorite toys. And TV crossover is of course, street sharks.


Aaron  58:45

I did have I did have a little rollerblades.



Yeah, because they were extreme dude. Like, like,


Aaron  58:56

Biker Mice from Mars.


Brandon  58:59

The criminally underrated television show.


Collin  59:02

Okay, I we have we have another I feel another challenge coming up, where we're gonna draft 90s TV shows. Okay, we can do that later. But homework boys got to finish his homework. One of the good things I am good at is giving myself more homework before completed. Now we're always moving the ball. Okay, so


Brandon  59:26

we can do that later. Well, well, without the burden of drafting and 92 we'll come up with that. We'll come with parameters for that one.


Collin  59:32

I just need to put that on that get on the record that this is gonna work for you. Okay, okay.



It's my it's


Brandon  59:57

it's your wet



it's A paper clip


Brandon  1:00:02

that I have. I don't know why. No, it's not a paper clip. Um



Is it called What are you? Small feature?


Aaron  1:00:12

It holds papers. That's its primary


Brandon  1:00:14

job. But like


Aaron  1:00:17

it's the thing where you push down on it opens up and



every paper holder device apparatus,



one of those things, but I said they're okay with it. Okay.



You don't talking


Collin  1:00:38

to No. Okay. Oh, Brandon is trying to reconnect econnect Oh, yeah, I talking about a binder clip?



No, is it black?



No, it's green, actually. But it's got the tool things that you squeezed together to open it. Okay, that's called that's a that's called a binder clip. Well,


Aaron  1:01:04

it'll have a binder to hold the papers. We're not



buying things. Um,


Aaron  1:01:12

but it's, yeah, I have my little desk all set up. nice and neat, sort of. And so I just have office stuff extrude extrude. all over my desk. I'm just like picking up random things and just fiddling with it.



And telling you kind of Plato, you gotta get Plato. It's amazing.



Here's my thing. Hold on. I have. So I have a


Aaron  1:01:43

I have a little stress ball thing that I fiddle with a lot. I have a little Lego character that I also pick up and, and kind of fidget with. But if I'm not like typing, if I'm just like scrolling through, and just like uploading documents and stuff, like I'll just start moving random things on my desk, like, I'll just be like sitting here to do to do, I'll pick a pin. And then like, all the pins from one side will be moved to the other sides, like sporadically through throughout the day. Sure. And so be like, Oh, well, I got to clean my desk and I look at him like where my pins I've real problem with picking up and moving rubber bands, I have this giant stash of rubber bands that I keep depleting because I keep picking up and fiddling with them. That's what I'm fiddling with fiddling with right now.



I'm telling you,


Collin  1:02:29

of course I have I have a little I have easier access to to Plato given. Yeah, my house. But it's great. I seriously like it to the meeting. I probably talked about this before, but I attended a meeting where the presenter passed out playdough and pipe cleaners and other toys and put them on the desks. And we were you know, of course, you walk in a bunch of professionals or whatever, you know, in the industry, and we're like, I'm not gonna play with it. And then like, five minutes in, I'm like, Yes, Play Doh give me I knew that everybody's playing with stuff. It was really cool. I mean, she was just like, yeah, they're just there to fidget with if you need to or not. It's just whatever, you know. And she found that it really helped people pay closer attention because they were not distracted by other things because they were able to keep their mind focused by playing a Play Doh or whatever.


Aaron  1:03:21

I would I know. I know. Definitely when I was in high school. I can't remember a time in college. I knew this. But I used to drum like, yeah, just with my fingers. I'm like, I don't know if it was just like, but it was a fidgeting tactic that I did. And I just sit there and we're like, just twiddle with my fingers on the desk. But now my new kind of target is I got one of those things that sticks on the back of your phone case that you can like hold better. And yeah, that's what it is. It's a little black, black and orange OSU thing. And I was sitting there talking to a client the other day and I've had my hand in my pocket now just you just hear this little that's annoying. I was like, I probably should stop doing that very seriously. Sorry. But yeah, I'll just sit there and fiddle with it. Or I have like a Fidget Cube somewhere but I'm like yeah, rubber bands better.


Collin  1:04:22

I don't I try and I try and pick things that are going to be noisy or disturb people


Aaron  1:04:30

if I'm out in public you know the Yeah, definitely go to is like a straw wrapper. Sure. Install just sit there do that but like it was just me here like it's, you know, a little rubber band or that little pop thing. Or that clip doesn't get loud and that sometimes it annoys me and I'm like, Ah, this thing be gone. And then like an hour later in the call, you need to come back. But yeah, especially when I'm out like driving or something. Yeah, my hand is usually occupied with either driving or you know, eating. So, but yeah, little little straw wrappers are, are usually my go to. And then I get very heartbroken when the



server comes like, oh,


Aaron  1:05:17

let me go ahead and clear this up in like kicks up and puts on the trail. No, that's okay. Okay, thank you.



I wasn't done yet.


Aaron  1:05:27

In that I feel like Charlie's little straw wrapper. And just this look of utter defeat comes across our face. Like, Oh, I know what you love me. And also don't fiddle by too.


Collin  1:05:38

That Brandon guys a real jerk, though. I can't stand him. Especially his face. It's, it's true.


Brandon  1:05:44

It's really true. Sorry about that, man. I was just like, No, I'm not. So you were you were


Collin  1:05:55

telling us about the key chain games? I think like they were just the single use.


Brandon  1:06:01

Yeah, it was similar to that. Yeah, but they had Tiger ones like handheld. Mm hmm. So that was a thing I


Aaron  1:06:09

remember talking about, because I definitely remember getting one of those. Yeah. And like is like my we played on like a Boy Scout trip, like going to there. And he played it for good chunk. And then I got it with like the battery like die. Yeah. And that's


Brandon  1:06:27

true. Because when the battery died, a little things will start fading and you couldn't see them anymore. So the game was still functioning, but you actually couldn't see it. Yes. That's the other thing I remember randomly from like them earlier to mid 90s. I was thinking about, so let's go.





Brandon  1:06:54

There we go. Excellent. Really cool. Yeah, there was some interesting time. Yeah, it was just like the weirdest stuff. Like you said, like, simultaneously, things like that. Right? Like the, the key chain games like the top agachi or the whatever. And then I also silly buddy for like, just enormous. At the same time, it's like I'm really confused. Yeah,



cuz you don't really see a lot of the the low tech kind of options being


Brandon  1:07:33

blasted about these days. But yeah, I mean, yeah. Yeah, really? I don't know what like I don't know if there is like a big hot like, boy. That kids that are that age actually want currently. Yeah. And I work with that age group of children. And so I don't think there is anything I can think of anything that's like,


Aaron  1:08:06

this just like becoming more like online based, like watching people know, video games. Yeah. is definitely the thing that Pete that is want to do is that you know, everyone everyone wants, there has to be online, everyone. Yeah,


Brandon  1:08:25

that's true, I guess. But yeah, even in that buy back in the 90s. There was like video games and also like, slinkys. But this league, he has neon colors like, Wow, it's so cool. Right? Right. So yeah, it was like that weird bridge gap where it was like still in weird like bizarre land of simplified things. And like, so like really weird, like techie toys.


Aaron  1:08:57

There's, there's a really neat series or documentary, if you will, that's on Netflix. That's, that talks about the like, the toys that made us. And it talks about this


Brandon  1:09:13

love of those


Aaron  1:09:16

toys and games and stuff. And it is such a nostalgia hit. Were you sitting there watching it? And you're like, Oh, I remember that. Oh, I remember that. Oh, no, not that too. It's a fun watch. But it's also just like, oh, man, now I want to be able to like play with that again, or it's very enjoyable. And it you know, a lot of the fields come back. It's like, Oh, I remember when I played with that, or there's also a lot of the What does that toy


Brandon  1:09:47

like I'm sure I remember seeing it but like it just wasn't a part of my life. So I did a bit like, internalize it, you know, the same way like I knew I at the time it was around, but it kind of goes back to Like we're talking about last week, like the shopping experience, even like, especially for toys, like the physical toy store shopping experiences, like so good when you were a child again, it's all mirrored by like, you have those like rose tinted glasses of being a child and like bright colors and loud noises. Oh my gosh, right. Like you, you have that distinct memory so much. That also you remember, you have a very distinct memory of going to toy stores that were just like, crammed full of stuff. Right? Yeah, like the KB toys in the mall. Like, oh my gosh, why are you talking about like, ridiculous? Yeah, you could barely even walk in that store. That was much done.


Collin  1:10:40

Now that is an experience that not many kids have today's of walking into just the globe being affronted with your eyes and all of your senses with the with a glut of items and stuff that's crammed in there.


Brandon  1:10:58

I will say. I mean, I like currently, probably because again, I haven't been inside a Walmart in months now. Right? But the Walmart toy aisles sometimes feel that way. Then that one little small section of the store, you get a glimpse of what life used to be like, in a Toys R Us over toys. Right?


Collin  1:11:21

Like I mean to me now. Right? Like I walked past that one aisle and I'm like, hug No, I got it.


Brandon  1:11:28

But we know that you're a very organized person who likes tidy orderly things. I when I see like an aisle, like ran full of stuff, I'm like, Ah, yeah, I wonder what they hit the back of this thing. Right? That's because it's all the good stuff sat right.


Collin  1:11:45

Yeah, maybe nobody's looked behind this one yet. But just to name one. And there were entire stores like large stores, Toys R Us large footprint one of their one of their undoing. Right, obviously, but like, crammed full of those aisles that give me such a headache. That


Brandon  1:12:04

was a lesson. Springfield was huge, huge. I like it. But I mean, for a long time, it was full. And it was like it was fine that it was that big because like holy cow, that thing was jam packed. Well, and this was like a big,


Collin  1:12:20

and they were able to Section stuff off. Like I remember whenever like they had the video game section when you walked into the doors. over to the left was where the video games were back there. And then like the other toy Originally, it was not


Brandon  1:12:31

on the left. Originally, it was down an aisle on the right hand side. And everything was just behind glass things. You had to go back there and buy it that way. Yeah.


Collin  1:12:39

But then they could more walk through it right and open workspace to it. So yeah, it was definitely like, you can actually buy things


Brandon  1:12:48

like the thing that I don't like about buying video games at physical stores. A lot of times it's behind glass and have to find somebody to get it to me. Like, I just want to buy this stuff. Get Why don't have to find a sales associates. I know why they do it. But it's really annoying. Like, I just want to buy this. And if you buy it at Walmart you have to like attract the really annoyed lady that's back there or the dude it's like been talking to some crazy old lady about her phone for like 45 minutes and they can't even with you anymore. So you're like he's like Fine, whatever. Whatever. Setup stuff, man, come on. Yeah. Okay, make my shopping experience easier. Why are you going to not buy things your store? Understand? Yeah, it was like yeah, it was just a massive like that Toys R Us was huge. And even like that I did I also liked the KB toys in the mall, because it was like, crammed full, like a very much smaller store. Much Yes, but full of exciting wonders of really random LEGO sets like shoved in the back and thing and like oh, yeah, but those are the fun find.



Yeah. Well, that's because


Brandon  1:14:09

again, because I'm a browsing shopper. Branding is dead for they told me this week. I was like, Oh, cool. I'm sorry, brand by you go. Yeah, he would go to the toy store. And it was like, not necessarily know exactly what you wanted to buy. You're like, I have allowance money. I want to buy something. Right. What? Right? That was the that was always the exciting part for me was like, I didn't ever again. Surprising to no one. I did not have my shopping trip. planned out. Sure. Right. I just like I have $12 and I'm gonna buy something cool with it with $12 What's it gonna be? Yeah, right. Like what could be any day right? Added even though like,



but this is the one we're going to the store for a while. So whenever


Brandon  1:15:07

we Yeah, no, let's be real in the 90s we were at the Mall of our time, the mall that was again that's another cultural scene that has decayed, right? We usually malls like we could talk about that a separately because I know we're running long today but yeah pencil that in for later.



But like,


Brandon  1:15:26

you know, just like but you didn't spend all your money you didn't spend sometimes you go to the mall just like look. And other times like today's the day when you're a child again, not when you're grown up. Like when you're a child you like today's a day? I'm bringing my money. Yeah, watch out. Right. Yeah. Right. Because, you know, it was like a, an event, right? Like, I'm now getting my money. And we're going somewhere and whatever else you've saved, right? And it wasn't you didn't always like, you know, because you're, you know, to actually speaking, right? You didn't always spend all of it right, because you were like, I want to save some for next time. So like, what's my, you know, tell you shop a little bit, right, like, what toy Can I get? But you never knew right? ninja turtle action figure? Maybe? LEGO sets? Probably, but not for sure. I don't know. I could. Some other crazy like, toy thing like 6 billion Pogs? Because they're like five cents each. I don't know. Like,


Collin  1:16:33

whatever your little heart desires.


Brandon  1:16:35

Yeah, right. Yeah. The world was literally oyster.





Collin  1:16:41

Yeah. But because they did have toys, I guess. You know, that's one thing. Like, they didn't have toys that spanned gak and Pogs to the more high tech or more fancy things that we're going to really come out right. You could you could walk in and go. I can walk away with an entire bag of these. And you felt really satisfied with it. Right? You felt really? Yeah.


Brandon  1:17:05

Because you went through the whole purchasing thing. Like I have this money, I got to figure out how to spend it. You did your little child cost benefit analysis, right? Like, this meant I have $12 and I could spend all $12 on this or I could buy this thing that $7 purchase other thing for it. Yeah. Like there's other small thing, right? Let's be honest, he probably bought like one action figure and then some random Pogs in a bag. And there was like yeah, I mean, is it grab a grab bag of pugs. And then we're like, let's go.



I'm out.


Collin  1:17:50

Oh, man, hopefully, one



day we'll be


Collin  1:17:54

back to simpler simpler times. Back in the day of pugs which were simpler, more confused now there is fear


Brandon  1:18:04

and simultaneously more extreme



Yeah, that's what we could that's what we can hope for more extreme D not maybe not enough we have lots of extremes right now. A lot of house trying


Collin  1:18:20

enough but we're Pogs that's what we pugs see Ah, we'll get the balance right of inch


Brandon  1:18:31

we went to way extreme no Pogs and that's that's the tipping point that's the problem go see when he


Collin  1:18:38

brings Pogs back so 2021


Brandon  1:18:40

year of the Pog return All right, let's do it. I'm gonna give you attic. Find.



Oh, yes. You guys


Collin  1:18:56

have a wonderful evening.


Brandon  1:18:59

Yeah. And


Collin  1:19:01

we will we will eagerly await Pog 2021


Brandon  1:19:06

Yes. slamming slam. Slam jam. Yes.



Love you guys.