Tomorrow, he dances

The discussion you didn’t know you needed. Feral hog eradication plus THE definitive TOP 5 Disney movie list of all time. You’ll thank us later. Probably.

  • Feral hog-ologist

  • Hogs a hoggin 

  • A GPS and hog feces 

  • Too tired to dance

  • Tomorrow he dances

  • Oklahoma AM radio is confusing 

  • That’s not a light breeze!

  • We love hills 

  • Finally holes

  • Singing might be allowed

  • Top Disney movies

    • Rescuers down under

    • Lady on the tramp

    • Sword and the stone

    • Great mouse detective

    • Robin hood

    • Ducktales the movie: treasure of the lost lamp

  • Brandon was wrong about live action Disney movies




Indeed What up


oh man fun things happening going on Really?


over such as


so I don't know did you ever have close to you guys pay attention to the battery services management of the Mark Twain national forest?


Anybody gonna be not very much shocking I'm just Aaron probably less so.


definitely definitely what


what sounds like it's going to be a recurring segment on our show of keeping everybody up to date on wildlife codes. It is now illegal to To shoot feral hogs in the Mark Twain national forest in Missouri


Oh yeah. The other day.


Yeah. And so because they did that, the department has now gone, we are fully behind you. And so we've been getting some rollout about what that looks like. And basically it entails you will get a get put on a 50 person crew, and there'll be three crews in rotation at all time. And you will go on for your work for seven days. Then you will go back to two weeks for your normal work routine. And then you will go back on for seven days. And then you will repeat that five times. And and, and the job duties are very illustrious I tell them I can only imagine the excitement


this it involves sitting in a wood freezing to death especially this time of year nice and nice and hot outside way yeah yeah


but it's it's year round it's year round so it's nonstop


oh so you're either boiling alive or freezing to death haha yeah exciting


yeah so


so the job I'm sorry the job duties I'll get those out real quick job please


and I would like to know what you were supposed to do whilst in a wood okay but hopes if you will


so before before you get into said would you must build the traps


oh you're wrapping them? Yeah. Oh


bunch of wildlife people firearms. So that's smell there


is that That is part of it. So you must build traps, you must also do the bait. So you've got to do all the fermenting and all of that. Yeah. Then you have this setting up of traps, the monitoring of traps, the replacement of traps. And then you have what what was described to me. And this is personally my favorite job duty and I am all about this one. Imagine wandering around in the Ozark hills by yourself with a GPS unit to take GPS points of feral hog feces.


No, no, no, no, no, no.




I was like, are they going to give me a firearm because I don't want to run across some feral hogs or bears or mountain lions or crazies or meth cookie facilities.


Hot growing location. Yeah. Or massive marijuana grows? Or let's be honest moonshine stills.


Yes. And yeah, so I don't think they've really thought that through because at least a good




No, it's all right now it's solitary work so you can cover more ground. Whoa.


Now, I have many questions about this. Yeah.


First of all,


how often


do you think one needs to check on the said harger trap? First of all, I guess the first question should be what type of trap are we talking about? I like


I think they're implementing several of them. But the big one is going to be those big round pins. pin. Okay. Okay. I haven't seen the bait Beetham. The problem with those is that the hogs are, are very hard to, to cat to kill, because they learned so quickly. So yeah, anyone can't overuse it a small geographic region.


Well, my second my follow up question is going to be


how often do you have to check these because hogs are very large. And so that means that the trap that you have set for them will just catch all manner of things. Right. Like, lots of things can get hard tries traps.


Yes, but if they're smaller, you know, if it's a deer, well, I mean, deer will probably be able to jump over maybe and then what about when you catch bobcats, or big mountain lions?


They can probably Bear Bear.


Yeah, it's that kind of stuff. I'm sure they'll be monitored with like video so that you can check on them remotely that way, but I don't know. I am not a feral


that is definitely not going to happen. We are talking about the live feed video surveillance is a rather expensive endeavor. And they want to save money by sending people out into the woods one at a time. Yeah. So I'm gonna go with no, you're not gonna fly. Yeah, just gonna have to drive in a circle.


All probably it's probably going to be Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. Again, I don't know how it's gonna work but so that'll be rolling out soon. And for all of the hunters out there, which I'm at. You can still you can. It's kind of open season. On hogs as long as you have like an open an unused tag for a deer, so if you're out deer hunting, and you see a hog you can shoot it and use your deer tag for that. But I think that's how it's gonna work but don't I'm not a I'm not a conservation agent so I'm not hundred percent sure on that but they're trying to to walk a middle line of still allowing people to to hunt with a tag but without formalizing it into you buying a feral hog tag. It's more of an opportunity. an opportunistic take.




Yeah, I that was I don't know, I feel I know that you had mentioned over Thanksgiving that one of the reasons that they stopped the just legitimate, literally open season, when you could go Whatever is that they didn't want it to be come a commercial operation. Right? Yeah. So you mentioned that because I said, people just go out and do that. They just go out and like, Hey, what do you do this weekend? I'm going to go shoot some hogs. Right? This is a thing people do. And I is that is a problem to be able to because with other invasive species in other areas of the country, that's not a thing, right? So with like, the people that just go out and just murder, Asian carp and like the Illinois River, for example. They're not worried like, oh, man, someone's going to keep growing that because everyone that goes out and does that is like, yo, these things are bad. And I think everybody agrees that hogs are the actual worst. So


is it a problem?


Like I don't know. I don't know. Again, I am not. I am not an outdoorsman. Like


I don't know the answer to these things, which is why I'm asking.


Yeah, well, I think, you know, I will tell you this is that the big people that are behind a pushing back against this are the hog doggers. And that's the guys who get together with their dogs and run the hogs got dogs and hawks, right? So, it is it is it to them it is a sport is a sport, it is a hunting opportunity. And so, there is anytime you start getting into that mentality, you there's it's always said that the hunters are some of the greatest conservationists whenever you're working well. And because they want to be able to continue doing that hunt. They want to be able to always go out and hunt mallards and shoot turkey like so they're going to most of the time, they're gonna be behind you when you get around the initiatives. So if there's something fun Kill, and it becomes a sport. They're going to want to continue to do that as long as they can. So there is there is that concern of continual feral hog release to bolster the population to spread in and then what they what they push back and they say as well, you know, yes, but we're hunting them to keep their pocket so we're also keeping their populations low and we're going we don't want their populations low we want their population row non existent. And when you start talking about that, all of a sudden you go, then the other side goes. So you're trying to take away my hunting opportunity and my fun Why are you ruining my fun? And you go,


yeah, so


yeah, it would be nice if you if there was no sport attached to it and you said, Every Ozark hillbilly with a Gun go into the woods right now and kill as many hogs as you can find. That's very different than the hog dogging mentality of the sportsman behind it. mass murder of Open Season different than a Huntsman because


most of the again, I imagine that's a extra nice thing because like, I don't I live in this part of Missouri and I don't know anybody that does that. And like, people have lots of dogs here the Coon hunting is a thing that happens, but like most like other hundred people that I am aware of, which is like literally everyone else that's here named me is like, like, they're the worst I them they you know, because they like mess up deer habitat and they run all the deer off and they're, you know, Eating all the turkeys food and stuff so like, I think the majority of the people are like, against like they do want the eradication of the menace hog right. But yeah, again I'm not exactly plugged into these things because I don't I don't outdoor really, you know, shoot things I can't be bothered to Bolton I'm too impatient and loud so I can't do

interesting I am curious to see how the Lone Ranger wandering the woods not but a GPS to protect them from the wild animals and insurgent bear population in southwest Missouri that's a good that's a good plan really man great plan have discovered their


Yeah, so in there's yeah it's it's whole big mess. And when this rolled out, I mean, it's gonna be it's already they're already trying to push some, some some media outlets to start running it and it's going to hear to hear a lot more about it. But let me find the fun. So I've got something. Yeah, I don't know exactly when they're going to start rolling that out or how that's going to look for employees. But it is definitely not a volunteer opportunity. It is a it is it go.


Green. That's crazy.


Yeah. And it's department wide. So


yeah, I mean, you would think they would start with like a task force. Right, like, but that's nice. Like, yeah, literally everyone.


Everybody will, it'll be an all hands on deck and basically will be setting aside, effectively 150 employees for five weeks for five weeks.


So as I know this is gonna be this is an insane question. And I imagine that nobody has done this, but I'm going to ask it anyway. Has anybody talked to like, I don't know, the Texas Department of Conservation that has been fighting this battle for literally years and is making zero headway at all.


Yeah. I would assume that they are. Again, what they are running into is Google Texas hog hunts. And oh, yeah, I know that they have been


well, I know that's a thing right? Is that is a sporty thing.


Yeah. I was first hit helicopter hog hunting in Texas sky hunter outfit.


So I I do know that like, what a lot of people do is that they actually do that for money. Like that's how they make their income is that they a lot of people like import hot drugs from other places down to Texas. And then people have these ranches and farms down there that are like yeah, this is how I make my money is that I have people bring me hogs and then I let people hunt dogs on my land. And so I know like that's kind of one way they combat it is that they have like these what's the word? Like hunting me they're hunting ranges essentially. But they like like, these places are huge. And you have a charger for the helicopter ride. They charge you for the weekend. And then they're like, all right, shoot as many or they give them like their own little limit. And that's that's what they do. That's that's one way a lot of the communities down there make money is that people just, you know, import hogs from Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, down to Texas, because there's sometimes you can see him on the highway. I think sometimes he like down on my interstate 44 here through Oklahoma, is that he had these big trailers. And they're not there's no cattle in them, there's hogs that they brought them. The some people bought them from someplace in Arkansas, and it'll just ship them down to Texas. And that's what they do is that they'll just put them on a ranch somewhere. And then yeah, you spend like, a few thousand dollars to either go out like in a safari hunt, or they put you like literally in a Jeep or you take a helicopter ride. Yeah, that's that's one way to I don't want to say combat. Like the minutes that is the hogs because they're just shipping them from somewhere else. Yeah. But mean that that is a legitimate business that a lot of people have. And like there's a really fascinating mini documentary that I watched about it. And people like, yeah, you know, I was in the oil business, but when the oil dried up, I didn't have anything and so what money I had left I put it into, well, they said hog conservation, but it's literally Yeah, I buy hogs, and they ship them down to me. And then that's how I, you know, make my money is that I let people hunt them.


That's so weird. It's like, first of all, again, as a non sportsman, okay, and this is looking at this from an odd angle, but like when you think about going on a hunting excursion, right, generally, people that do the search, like, in my mind, at least, it's like, the majestic animals that you're trying to, like hunt, right? Or, like, difficult to find animals. Like, we think about people like Teddy Roosevelt, even, like, you know, bighorn sheep hunting, or like elk hunting or moose hunting these type of things. Like yeah There is like a certain romance attached to that thing or like, even brought up the safari hunting, right? Like, I don't get it. That's not something that I would do but like, you know, the old timey like wild Willy beast or something like that, but like, Yeah, can we be serious here is a hog. Right? That's like not cool


at all. So like, I don't know why


you would want so I like I know that a lot of people like, what what they have a tendency of doing is that like the trap that Colin has, or that they're going to be doing up there is that they, you know, they capture them and then they pretty much corral them. And then they try to legitimately like fatten them up and so you're pretty much trying to shoot or hot like, the largest hog possible. Yeah. So it's, I mean, it's a commercial business down there. And like, yeah, like you know, there's there's some rules I gotta look at what the actual like. Department of Wildlife for Texas is, but You just literally pay people money. And like some of the money goes to the family, some money goes to community, some of the money goes into hiring people to bring the hogs down. And so yeah, it's a legitimate business. And like, what,


what? What trophy does one harvest from a hog because like most other animals do some sort of like, mountable appendage. Right, like a horn. So, you like, you know, some antler


tykes? Yeah, I mean, you got very Yes, the head, the blade, you know, pretty much from pretty much from like the neck down, like if the tusks are big or if it's just like a big hog in general. Like that's a win. That's a prize bowl trophy. Some people like Ken the tail off. It's weird, but like, Yeah, but like the meats, not bad. And then yeah, you, you take the mask, you send it to some local barbecue place and they cook it for you.


Yeah, but again, dear, that happens a dear. So, I don't know. It's just a weird I don't know. It's a weird thing to be like, Yo, I'm going to do that. What? It's not even like, a cool thing. It's like a bad No, it's a very it's a very weird problem to have. Right? Yeah, Adam.


Yeah, I think part of it too is just the size of the animals that you can get like, like if you if you stumble across something you know, like Texas, you know, I, I think their last their population in Texas was something over 3 million pigs. And so if you stumble across a herd moving through with 4050 hundred pigs in it, you can just get your ar 15 out and just go crazy. So it's a Yeah,


but also let's not forget that we have all seen Old Yeller stumbling across like giant groups. hogs and the Lone Ranger wondering the wood with the GPS going to be to defend you from Uh huh.


So this is


what's called ox ranch in Texas not chatting anyone out. But you get a weekday a weekday hunting package which is $2,000 weekend hunting package is 2500 and additional non hunting guests is $200 a night.


I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I have nearly drowned in my water that you said. You said that someone would want to pay $2 to hunt pig Yes.


Helicopter one I think it's one of the helicopter ones. Oh my goodness I need more information where are you know yeah, there's a Google Maps has you know Plenty of lips Oh, nope nope don't call don't call


like a lot of these $5 rattlesnake hunting remember


this is oh that's right this is much more


but they know they have like it is a dotted checkerboard map of Texas that has you know helicopter ride Hawkeye thing, Texas Way up north that's not far from me how to do




just resist


but I'm like a like it's like I said it's a legitimate I'll see if I can find that little mini documentary thingy and probably like send it to you but yeah, it's it's a thing that people are like, yeah we didn't have like we lost all of our jobs. And so what like what's one thing that we have a lot of hogs like What does one thing people like to do? hunt. So you put two and two together you got yourself a business and then like they just buy it little little three person helicopter three seater and they just, you know, get up get a pilot's license and go out and hunt.


And at that point it's established name yeah and then and then and then what do you do? You can't like your unit obviously you're gonna outlaw pigs like yeah what so so just saying no hunting is you got to start there


yeah that's full blown insanity like what


in the whole industry wrapped up around that so that was that was a


that was been dry. Just want to know I just want all the pictures of all the knot hogs that are in this trap. Right? How many? How many just like possums and raccoons and sharp dudes dog and like


so I know.


With with hogs, like a lot of them are some of them censored and some of them are even like remote trapped like there has to be like someone who's like in like a deer stand or something


that way. That's how the department was planning on moving forward is having remote triggered so so basically, you would have to have somebody there to verify that all that there are pegs in it before you let it go. Yeah.


That's that is the definition of tedium. dee, dee dee dee dee dee dee dee being in a sitting in a duck blind with a red button. Right? is like,


but it's also very, like unique bait that they use, like corn is obviously one of the big things and but there's a lot of people like I've even talked to a lot of hunters out here that are like yeah, you just put motor motor oil little puddle and hogs will come fly into it. I was like, um, I beg your pardon, sir. Excuse you. Yeah, so like, it's just something about the smell like the hogs love it. And so he was explained to me that you know, sometimes you know, you know clearly put corn out and it attracts a lot of things but if you want hogs to come hoggin you literally put motor oil that's the word he used. You know, Morgan, I like it. They you put motor oil down?


Yeah, you do they come faster if you use motorcycle oil.


I'm not sure I did not inquire further.


me let me Google will hold on. Let me


in. Yeah, that's like and I know some of the like, because I've actually been hog counting down here in Oklahoma. And what we literally did is that we put a little light stand And like a few those like 50 yards away from us, and we pulled a horse trailer out, parked it. And then we pretty much just latched it now and had our own little fortress. And we put a bunch of bait out and some motion sensor lights in hog calls. And so all we pretty all we did was just, like, sit out there and wait for them to come to us. But like do you like the traveling mechanism is like a lot of people do that. And then they just either kill them all at once or they catch them and they ship them out to anybody who's sensitive to this kind of stuff. Go to YouTube. I know in Google, I don't want my search history.


Okay, so go to a private browser, and it will it's terrifying tannerite hog hunting or whatever. And basically, basically what they do is they do what Aaron described. So you sour the corn people typically you add some chemicals to it and put it in a big trash bin and you leave it there for like weeks and then you add motor oil or diesel to sour it. you dump it in a big pile. And then what they do is they, they put Tanner right, right on top of it, and then they go sit hundred yards or more and shoot the tannerite with a rifle when all the pigs are around it and you get a massive explosion in throwing. Okay.


Okay, Princess Mononoke.


Exact same thing.


Exact same thing. Yes.


I don't even


know the world.




that brings me to a follow up question for Colin. What is the Missouri Department of conservation is going to do with these once they have captured them. You sure they're going to blow them up? No


no, they will be shot. Yes. pinned and shot and disposed of as the way that I think they were planning on doing it. Other places have tried to lay out like poison almost like rat poison for


like with the


with the hog literally everything else will eat. Yeah, everything else has eat them and the hogs have to consume like, like a ton of it like like, but not a magic a hay bales worth of this poison. Let them kind of consume basically, you're like,




so so not efficient at all. No.


I mean, always has to be that way because literally everything else would eat it. And yeah, like dead. Everything. Yeah.


And Texas was dealing with it where they were doing that and then coyotes and stuff for eating the carcasses of the kill the animal. Yeah, yeah. And then and then they were dying because the poison was still there. Oh is bad.


I mean, we also just have an insane number of coyotes around here. Yeah, but you know that's not the best I'm not good to do


two birds one stone, so I'm here.


Yeah, but again, there's other people's dogs out there. There's weird things like chipmunks and just there's bears. There's bears. Yeah.


So, yeah. So that's the so that's the eternal debate of exclusive trapping and targeted, you know, methodical moving and versus the kind of Open Season free for all mentality of of the


sportsman there.


There we go.


Like an internship or something for people who want to be like, like people who, let's say like Missouri State who are in the field of biology, like hey, do you want to summer credit?


Nope. Help us travel with that is exactly what this is for bad. Yeah, that's a genius idea. God, not people.


Nope, nope. They are paying their peak. They're going to be paying people with master's degrees and up to go GPS Hawk VCs know that is that


college juniors job right there. What? You Yeah, you need to tell somebody about Aaron's genius plan, okay, hey.


Well, I can't I can't really give myself full credit because I'm actually sitting here looking at a copy of Life Aquatic with Steve zissou. And just how they use insurance in that movie is so funny. me know


we can give you credit. It's okay. Okay. In spite you can be inspired by Bill Murray. being inspired by this is a weird chain because it's it's Aaron being inspired by Bill Murray being inspired by Jacques Cousteau. It's a very weird transition plan, but it's okay.


So yeah, just don't just tell them any any college freshmen or sophomores in the field of biology. Want some science credit management or management or forestry people who true and be like, hey, you want to science credit? Boom? Yep.


GPS and hog fecal matter.


Oh yeah,


not the not the rats, not the giant swaths of forests that they uproot,


just for some reason they were GPS in feces was one of the I don't


That's weird that you wouldn't do the feeding grounds. Right? Like where they keep coming back and like uprooting literally the earth. It's like the whole planet just digging. I've seen some of those down here. Yeah, my goodness. It's just like a destroyed swath of forests just like ready to do there. Is everything just completely turned over? No wonder medieval people use them as plows?


Turns out, they're really good at that. Yeah.


But man, you would think that you would want might want a GPS that?


I don't know that's, that's what that's what they were talking about. I don't know. I don't think they know. Speeding.


Generally, if you want to hunt a thing, you need to find out where it is eating. Right, because it can it can dedicate literally just anywhere just where we would be walking. It's not like it's not like Hobbs go all Dude, I'll be right back. I need to go to the bathroom.


Well, and I don't know


if it's a way of a more fine scale because they do walk and poop at the same time. So like, you can track them. Or maybe we're going to be collecting DNA samples or, I don't know, maybe DNA for populations. Now, that could be it too. But yeah,


it seems like if that's just if you say only GPS fecal tracking, it's like a mini there's many other things that hogs do that you probably should know about. Not just like, where they happen to be standing when they dedicate the weird thing. Yeah, and I the spot where they spent literally an hour eating, maybe that's where you should find it.


I'm, I'm hoping there's going to be more rolled out soon so that I can plan my time away from my family vacation. I can add your shopping trip to basspro to get geared up. Oh my gosh, it's gonna be it's gonna have to be really intense because


yeah, I don't know. Can I sign up for this? Because I need a vacation. better way than I don't


think there's taking signups right now, but


it should they should take some volunteers first.


So that's what I asked my I asked my supervisor like, Okay, what other partners are going to be contributing manpower? And she was like no one really?


Nobody counties or no?


Nope. So so basically this is what this is the way it's going to work is the department is going to supply all of the boots on the ground technical expertise and the traps and the shooting and all that stuff. And then, like the Park Service is providing free lodging at some of the camps and stuff down there at the park. And so other people are kind of contributing, you saw can bring your own him, but




he had to be like tenten it up for like weeks.


See, I don't know. I don't know if there will be camping or there will be hotel stays or if they'll be in the park cabins or that kind of stuff. I don't I don't know.


Whoa. Yeah, this is a logistical nightmare. Yes, I'm not. I don't think ups can help us with this one. Yeah. I mean, they do logistics after their commercials, but


but you know, it's like it's like something, something obviously has to be done. And it just is just, this is the a response and a response. All right? If we've learned anything from Texas and Louisiana and Tennessee and Arkansas and Oklahoma, it's, you have to hit hard and stay on it. And you've got to be ruthless in it. Because if you start to take your foot off the gas at all, these things can reproduce like crazy, like, like pigs like this. Yeah, like, wait, wait a minute.


Well, I feel like you also have a good population of people who would hunt them for free. In general,


why I think that's why they say the like, if you just have This one and you shoot it. Like, you can use something and no one's gonna be like, oh no hats bad. Yeah, they're gonna be like, thanks. Yeah,


like you just use open up free free signing to anyone. And like, hey, but yeah, that's that's one thing that I think I pressure Oklahoma tried like a few years ago to be like hey we're going to go hog hunting and then like they did it for like a weekend and then I thought that's good. And then yeah clearly nothing happened because we still have a huge hug population especially in


what southeastern Yes,


an area because they're like oh this is a great idea like they had it yeah it was like for like a week or something.


Well the problem is, if you have a rifle and a herd of 40 dogs come hogs comes towards you. You shoot one, the rest are going to get away. Yeah and and before you can get reloaded they are all gone right so single single shots of oh no I'm labels I played Red Dead Redemption they run right


one and the other one just charges right at your face and your lighting know what


you do have more experience in this


game obviously


so you can see why like, like sure, like do all this stuff but what you don't want to continually do is since they are different than dear behaviorally when you when you shoot at them and they spook they they'll move out in a way for a while and go roam so you can actually end up pushing them into new areas. So hurting. Yeah. And yeah, so you have to be real careful about how you go about important during


hunting or that stuff. You heard them where you want them


back to Arkansas? know if Missouri just built a wall, I


wouldn't have this problem. No.






Yeah. I don't know.


Well, it also sounds like we need to open up our own hog hunting business.


Yes, that's exactly my


dad wants to get it that has his pilot's license. This just tweak it for helicopter and then boom, they go.


Yes. just tweak it for helicopter. That's how. That's how


that's how it works. Yeah.


Instead of spinning this way, the Sharpie pointy blade goes around this way. Go, you're good.


See, it's like it's like owning a jetski. You don't need a license. Hey can you can you smell your aviation


may disappear?


Yeah, they might be fine


there is that acronym that deals with planes I don't


I typically confuse them with FAA and FDA interchangeably in my mind and I hope one of the food ones with airplanes


is the different one is a different one is FAA also or the FAA. FFA that's the bestest High School agriculture thing. The FAA they also do like a radio tower stuff and all that like radio signal things that same he Yes.


Dad would better be able to answer that one but I think they do control the the the air the radio signals. Yeah,


maybe. Good dad on the phone.


That's true. Yeah. Yes.




I need to I need to see if my friend


his dad has any hogs cuz These are people that go hunting deer hunting with every year with now with their family farm. And I just want to one year I just got a text and it's like we're going like we're not going deer hunting going hog on a like well okay. I can't complain because they were things we


talked about Aaron's hunting, packing so he's like, well, I need more warning I need to bring, but yeah, we,


it's it was it was it was fascinating just to go in that aspect because I was like wait we we track and hogs and it's like no we're gonna take a trailer park in the middle of the field and I was like whoa, this is so trippy. But it tears up a lot of things that you know, people like it's been can also hurt cattle.


Yeah, like agricultural land, right. So like yeah, your your corn crop Goodbye, right? Yeah, like, you know.


So yeah, that's that's one reason but having every year on their trail cams, you know they can count 3040 hogs and it's weird because they'll be like, well, the year before we shot at least, you know 20 and look, there's it's almost like they have six to eight piglets at a time.


And they have they have they have two litters a year? Yes. And they start when they're like, seven months old. Yeah.


That's mind blowing.


Yeah, it's crazy. I think one other Oh, no, that's crazy. Yeah. Well have fun in the would be pretty.


It's a pretty area at least being


mountain man the time


recording so we're gonna start recording some extra Wednesday's for when I went out on the mountain top in the bush, Taney county somewhere just like lost in the woods like hog


Do you gotta know, like when you'll be going, are they still just kind of like things in the works?


Things are in the works right now. We were waiting on the forestry service to make that decision about Mark Twain. And once they made that the MDC through their hat in the game, and the rest of plans are being rolled out. It's you know, it's not 100% guarantee that, like all even be picked for the first round of employees, but it's like, it's either this or later in the year or next year. And in the meantime, we're still doing CWT stuff, so I'll be doing something very soon at least


Yeah. double double recording weeks for


last with not but a GPS and heart disease to keep him company.


But what what more could you want?


Many, many other things literally everything else

I would take rattlesnakes




I guess this is where should we obviously make the disclaimer that like none of us are like actual management biologist or obviously hunters or anything like that these are


that I know. Aaron is the outdoors.


Yes. Your time growing up in a small town prepped you for nothing


for me for others. things not having camouflage teacher


shocking coming for the person who wear a leather jacket with white out writing on it. I did not. There was no lighting on it.


Okay. First of all, you know writing just a leather jacket


that just happened to have writing on it.




How does it feel? Are you officially completed with your sojourns to southern parts of Oklahoma?


Yes, I just had our last thing today. Did you dance? I want to dance every day. I tomorrow. He dances Yeah, I'll be I'll be actually taking legitimate cases tomorrow. And so, wow, it's it's exciting, but it's also kind of terrifying. But that's fair. I'll get it. I'll get a few cases at a time to kind of ease me into it. And then it'll be like, bomb show. That's true. thousand


seven. Yeah. 7000.


So it's like, the whole experience. And this is what a lot of people said. And for those of you listening, if you're ever thinking about


joining DHS, just listen up for a second. The DFS period any other state because that's what they call it. Now.


Well, whatever they speak in the


what is the H stands for


Department of Human Services? Oh,


sorry. Yeah,


Susie was like Homeland Security. No, no, no, no.


undercover. If you're thinking about doing one of those, it's, it can be rewarding.


You know, knowing that you're helping families, but the whole process that you have to go through, just to get to that point is extremely exhausting. Like, yes, staying in a hotel for how long was I got like two months, almost three months, is like the first part is like, well, this is exciting, because it's new, but it is just taxing on like mentally taxing. And the people that you meet, like in the training and conferences that you go to is very unique. And it's fun, but I was a lot of people were just already burnt out. And so it's not just me. Even though we have a tendency to record these right when I get home after driving for like three hours and I'm like most of the time


Isn't it unfair?


It's very, like the things you learn. Like, you don't really learn anything until you're out in the field, like talking to people. And because, you know, especially the people that I that train these courses, you know, a lot of people are like, especially where I'm at, in a very rural county. You know, I deal with farmers and things like that, you know, agricultural people, and these people are like, treating everybody know, like, you gotta treat these people certain way. And I'm like, Well, no, that's like, I don't, like I have, I have farmers, like, that's literally who I have in my county. And so it's very, you become very disconnected very quickly. And last or two weeks ago, we did this thing. It's called connections and it's a very it's pretty much like a 10% For adults, kind of natural until, like, immediately I was checked out. But it's very much like, oh, we're so awesome look at us. And it's it, you know, working for the state is very unique and it is very special and important what you do. But, like a lot of people haven't done this job before, like, especially a lot of the higher up people. And so they have their own mindset and you know, as people who actually go out there daily, and it's just mentally exhausting. And so, it's fun, it's unique. But I am so glad that it's over. That's a long, that's a long version of saying, I'm so glad I'm out of there. Drive three hours again, mostly that one for a while. Plus, I can actually recover from this plague that I've contracted somehow. Yes,


yes. And


oh, last week was terrible. I could not talk. Like this is this is an improvement.




But it's like I enjoyed the people that I worked with down there. But I am just so tired. I if I didn't have to do this, I probably would have been a lot more inner, inner. energetic, that's the word. Yeah. But, you know, after what, eight weeks, I just flat out. Aaron is very sleepy. I learned like the past last weekend this week, I've actually learned more than I had in the past, like, however many months because it was




Yeah, and it was a lot more things pertaining to what I will actually be dealing with. And so I was like, Oh, of course. I'll learn this at the tail end of my experience. But it's it's very it's very interesting. Like I said, it's very rewarding, or it can be at least. So yeah, I'm just, I'm just burnt burnout. And me being sick didn't help much. Although it did get me out of doing a lot of presenting. I'll get because every friggin instructor we had we had to do the old college thing. It's like, oh, stand up, tell us where you're from and why you're doing this. Like every single instructor. I'm like, do I have to fight you right now? I will fight you in a heartbeat. And I was like, Oh no, my voice Yes. Oh


enfeebled and weekend I must mighty


leprosy has kicked in. I'm sorry. But like meeting people was cool, but I am very glad it is done. And now I actually start the real stuff. So we'll See how that goes? Huh?


Wow, glad you survived it. Indeed. Did you ever investigate Oklahoma am radio or do you forget about that? I was thinking about that today because I did that annoyed at school the other day because I did. Yeah, I was messing with because I was Susan and Jamie were gone. And so I was driving myself and I was like, Oh, yeah, let's check this out. And I found some random station. I don't even remember what number it is now. And I listened to over probably five minutes. And I, I cannot tell you what on earth they were talking about. Like I have no




No clue. And like, they said some names. And they were talking about something and I was like, what


I have


absolutely no idea what's going on. Like there was one I thought it was like a sport one was like, okay, they're talking about football things. I get that. There was another one that I could barely hear. And then this one that was like, What is going on? Five minutes just listening to it and going.


What is this?


there is any context at all. Yeah.


There's a station based out of Oklahoma City. And like, no surprise, all they pretty much talked about is Oh, you football? Yeah, I remember. I remember. I was listening to that when I was down in Norman. And yeah, I know. It's so strange. But it's like it was pretty much like these three guys like yelling at each other. Like, oh, you football and they're all you fans. They're talking about like, how good oh you was going to be Like I was scared, like they're gonna start yelling at me even though it was like, it was like, they're just like they're trying to. They're trying to take calls. And they're like, no, there's they're gonna win by 40 points and like 40 points. Are you kidding me? They're gonna win by 50 and I was like,


Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I don't we just


move along.


quietly, quietly turn the station so you don't notice me leaving just


like it was terrifying. I only listened to it for like, like two minutes


of the radio. Right.


Okay, I'm sorry. Like, are you all are you fans? Of course we're all good. Okay.


So there was


like, I've heard some Oklahomans, but I haven't Think I was going to go see cousin Alex when he had his wedding reception up in like Wichita and boy howdy western Kansas. Let me tell you Oh indeed yeah that's that's where it's at like Oklahoma's fun. Boy Howdy, western Kansas something not yes it is now it's it was very much like old revival one and it's like yeah it's a lot of those interesting but again they also sound like they're screaming at each other but




yelling over there in the Midwest


sorry that's how we that's how we have to communicate


but shafie the norm they used to standing so far away


yelling through the wind is it Russia?


Yes them yes


as I was talking to this gentleman from Western Texas. And he was like, you know, telling me he's the attract star. But he's like, Well, I was only good because of the wind. I'm like, I beg your pardon. He's like, well out there in western Texas, you don't have any cover. And so you got people who are running like the mile or whatever. And you have like, they're just being pushed against the wind, and they're pretty much like a tree just being bent back. And then when they come around the corner and the wind at their back, like it increases their speed time by like, five seconds. It's crazy. I'm like, that's a thing. These like, smaller,


smaller you cut through, right? Yeah, hunker down.




I wasn't fast, but I was a track star in western Texas. And I was like, us, me and the other guys are bigger, caught more wind and




Yeah, more.


So whenever I think I have it bad here in North Central Oklahoma, I was thinking about the people in West Texas and how windy it can be.


How much dust they have in their eyes


right now. It's the


Dust Bowl 24. Seven, we had we had to recalibrate our our the verbiage of when people would say Oh, it's it's it's windy today. I mean, I know what windy days are like in Missouri but whenever by the time the weather stations out in Lubbock were saying windy. It was like 45 mile an hour winds. Like light light breezes 10 to 15 out there and you're like that's no that's not like this Yeah.


Yeah, that makes sense to we don't that windy here. We have trees and Missouri. So We have so many hills. Oh my goodness stinking plateau. me doing


that is kind of one thing I definitely miss about. You know, I go home of actually, you know, legitimate legitimate Ozark hills. And like, I remember one of my friends him and his wife lived in Bentonville, Arkansas, and coming down intimate until you have to go through part of the Ozark Mountains and the windy part and I remember my friend made me drive because he's like, I've never driven hills before. Because he is from like central Kansas. And I was like, Oh, I grew up around these. Like, this is what it was around rogersville all the time. And being a being able to, you know, speed through the hills like the old days was pretty exciting.


heels are fun.






there we lose Brandon.


Brandon. I looks like you're trying to talk.


Yeah, sorry. I haven't had to sneeze. Oh. Emergency right away


Aaron was talking about how much he he enjoys the hills.


I heard driving through the hills That's what I heard that I was like,


right away. Yep. Yeah, like there's there's some hills like in know, this part of the area but they're not they're not the like what's a good way to describe it? There's something majestic and magical about those hills and just the roadways, is it and no hills hopping?


I think it's the exciting geologic history. It is Missouri because it used to just be a hill Yes. The fact that this is this is all he Rosen based hills is very exciting indeed. Yes. Because


you have your students listen to this


podcast. No, no. We're talking we're talking about we're finally at the end of our geology thing. So talking about rock formations and how they happen. And so we This time, it's hard to bring in the Missouri geologic history into our science lesson is going to be very exciting next week, right before Christmas break.




yeah, did Did any of you guys have like, was there ever like a Missouri history class? that we had to take? That was that the thing?


Nope, not not until


college. I didn't ever take one ever at the take a Missouri constitution class Missouri State and a Oh, now us


I had to do the constitution test in high school. I do that. Yeah, but I know Missouri history. That's all weird things that I've read so far about this other stuff. And then


is I try to


talk about it. I try to talk about it a lot. Yeah, whenever it comes up, because, like they don't, it's not a thing that happens. So I try to like relate it to what we're talking about, which is why we're doing the geology thing. And I mean, they don't really need to know that like, the, you know, Mississippi in limestone deposits of, you know, whatever, but we do need to know that it was a seed at one point, and that's why we have all this stuff, right, so that's cool. I think they're into it. Cuz like we finally digging holes tomorrow. Okay. Follow up. Tomorrow is the day. Yes. Weather and some more shovels but tomorrow. And we like our geology thing goes if we go in order from like, orders of magnitude like biggest to smallest. So we started with like, plate tectonics right I know we talked about like, the after effects of plate tectonics. So there was a whole unit on like volcanology and then one about like a short one about like earthquake things. And then now it's like rock cycle, small scale. So that's what we're going outside. And tomorrow.


That's really cool. What a neat progression. Yes, and so we're doing like,


today we just did our like. We have teams, we all have jobs to do tomorrow. So we have person is digging and then we have two people that are are like sample collectors. Right? So have one person like recording the same Yeah, recorder, okay, this is our This is group a sample number one goes in the box. And then the other person is that they're doing is taking pictures with like the iPads and stuff. Because I told him I need proof that that rock came out of that hole. That's how this works. I have to see where it came from otherwise, you know, I don't know it's not. There's no proof. So that's their jobs and they can switch jobs on the outside like, I don't want to dig right now let's switch it up. But again, not gonna be too hard to go out into a field in Missouri and find a couple of rocks around.


Good luck with that.


And then I have a couple people that are going to be like, basically field reporters. Their job is to document the whole process. So their job is to take pictures of everybody while they're working through it. Like short little, like short video clips, that then we can keep to Susan, since she's the district media person, like, here's some stuff that we did a show all the parents all the things we


know, but that's a neat way to to utilize them and because, you know, not everybody's interested in the in that the science or the digging of the data recording but there are those that want to be writing or producing media and that kind of stuff so that


that you do need to make it more realistic. And like, have them call Colin and have them do a land survey area and they were


we were going to have a pre dig day where we went outside in like surveyed and put little flags and stuff in the ground. Yeah. I looked at the weather forecast for the big credit next week. And I was like, No, we're digging tomorrow. Yeah,




Monday in freezing rain, rain


and so we're going to mom, so


I had planned on doing that. But then I was like we'll cut that part out because Ain't nobody got time for that. So we just did safety today talks about how to not carry a shovel. How much all of you like your teeth in your head so please shovel point down why we're walking like


nobody likes stitches is I


make sure they don't they have enough clear space to swing the pickaxe around them call it No, we don't think x is


the bigger you have. Why did you hit Aaron with a pickaxe?


I don't know. I don't remember this at all.


Yes, we are going down to where that little. We are heading east in our field. And like we're going to that little quote unquote cave. That's up North the PEC hollow. And I was behind you and you just swung back at a nowhere with a pickaxe company right in the temple. Like


No, no, no.


This was this did not happen.


did happen I


tell them since we're all out in this field that if you're not digging you need to be in front of the person with the shovel. Yeah. And we talked about all the ways and all the reasons why you should not be behind them. So I guess I did address this event that I did not know existed. This is that I did not know existed.


official story all over again. I remember


pairing I remember that one. Yeah. So I remember calling did try to take your ear off with Fisher but I did not know that. It


didn't matter


on all of these, but


I remember when


yeah and i also, I also now I'm in possession of some 30% hydrochloric acid that I got from the high school chemistry teacher borrow that you do some limestone tests


all the limestone I remember one of our STEM projects that we did for my students is that like, we are we're just pretty much having them build a bridge. But you know, they had like a budget that they wanted more they had alone You said that but like every What was it like every five minutes? I would like introduce like something new. That's like, Oh, no. There's like a worker strike. You can only you use one hand for like five seconds. And the kids will be like, Are you kidding me? And so they, they'd have to, like, only use one hand. Or like, there was one time. I was like, Oh, no, the weather conditions at your worksite are so terrible that you can't hear each other if you speak. So you can, you can only sing your instructions to each other. And I just think a lot of fun of it. And like, I remember, like we were kind of doing at times, and I remember coming around like, Oh, no. So like, surprise inspection. And like the kids would have to like, the group I would go to have to stop what they're doing, and explain to me, and I was like, so is this is this being a safe environment? And they'd be like, Oh, yes, Mr. Funkhouser, that'd be like, okay, continue. We're like, there was one. I think one of the last ones I did was like, old guys, you know, we're in Oklahoma. So Oh, it's an earthquake. You can only Work on one leg. It's a wind event. advisory, they had to sing earthquake, they could only stand on one foot. And then it was like I think it was like a worker strike or something. And they can only use one hand. And the kids had a lot of fun with it. But I was just sitting there and I was like, You guys want to spice it up? And they're like, sure. And I'm like, he probably should have said that. For 30 seconds you have to sing.


own free will. Right. Did you have them press the Home mining horse? Yeah, I do not. I don't know. I don't know how many Snow White enthusiasts they have. Although Disney pluses around so maybe they've been watching that one. Should I probably not. I don't know if anybody watches. I don't know if anybody likes Snow White.


Not sure. I don't think That's the one that's on top of people's lists.


I mean, when I think favorite Disney movie, it definitely does not come to mind even as I'm like, it's not even like top 10 so I yeah, okay, what are the top five? What are the top five? top top five? Number Number one obviously Robin Hood that's number one. Number two probably I just had it well taken to say oh Great Mouse Detective. I like beating the beast.


I like


see what some other Disney movies like oh Rescuers Down Under under Yeah, that's good. That under gotta be in there because I was great. And


I'm huh


I don't know about fifth one


I I know it I would throw in there What?


Well, let's give us your other top ones here.


Okay, well let's be real here. You just named all of them


are we although


any any


Yeah. So I am talking about the animated Disney Beauty the beast I did not like the remake it was not well


no who would like that man yeah April but again not not for me. I am going to note to that of if people were paying attention to those and if they look at the release year of those, they may find where all of these are going to land and that we are probably not going to be too kind to anything post 2000


most of the ones that we listened barely were considered dark years Disney Robin Hood it's like 1960 something. Yeah, that might be inaccurate, but that's not definitely and most people's the New list there are any from a Oh, I think maybe lady in the tramp I like Lady in the tramp. Okay,


see I would throw Sword in the Stone in there


but I forgot about Sword in the Stone I forgot


that is okay.


champion number six. Oh


it's hard because yeah, yeah and then I think like


well actually I might put beating the beast number six tramp and five move sword and stone up to four. I can respect cuz I really like or likely the tramp I like that movie i like i like Jacques and Rusty


trust what happened


I like that the Scottish terrier


yeah Scottish terrier and then the neighbor dogs I love movie so good. Oh man.


Oh man that's another movie that I saw that No, no no watching that. I know I like it. I understand that you want to make it for like new people, but it's not for so that's like for new kids, but haven't seen the other one. Yes. Right. It's not for me the love the other a lot. A lot a lot. A lot. And do you have any that you need to add to this list? Yeah,


so I was gonna say


like there's some of the newer movies that are like my one that I that I said, I can't remember I was talking to, but like the movie marijuana. Oh, yeah. That is actually that is actually a very good movie and they actually also expresses, like phenomenally well about, you know, Polynesian culture. Yeah, I thought that was you know, mind blowing.


I also liked Did you say aristocrats or success?


That's a aristocats that's another good one another one.


Here is your cat's


eye light. And you know, you know obviously you know things like the Lion King Aladdin clearly.


Yeah, true. Those are those came out when you're a kid. That's kind of like the revival right that is what they call it.


I also liked and this is more of a modern one, but I really liked Wreck It Ralph.


I never saw record. Oh, it's Yeah, I didn't.


It's very like, Oh, that's good. Like, it was very kind of like shocking. Yeah. But again, that's kind of more of a modern one.


I always also kind of like sleeping beauty. Like that one. Yeah. One of the classic ones. That's pretty good.


I like the Black Cauldron. A lot. I


think that is


let's see here


well if I can spell coldren


Is that an


85 Good heavens yep it's Disney


Disney okay Really? I can't remember if that one was officially or not gosh


all right hold on here we're gonna we're gonna do


because it there's there's the there's a lot of those movies that came out at that time but they're they're those Don Bluth movies because he left Disney Animation Studio and he's yeah


there's other ones


he did all that other stuff like I just went blank right like rocket doodle I think that's him right yeah yeah and then like the dinosaur one thinks the dinosaur one Land Before Time No no no no no that dumb one What was it called? Was it the we're back at dinosaur story? Oh


yeah. Three


Three Caballeros is good. I like that one.


Not like a feature length movie. No, no, it's still


dumplin Oh my gosh, you're back. Yeah, yeah.


I I also really liked all very company


is Yeah, all of us pretty good. Mike Oliver.


I pulled up the list because my brain was gonna hurt.


No, that's fine. That because I would miss some for sure. But again, Oliver is not like top five. And again, you're right. There's a lot of modern Disney movies that are that are good. Like, I can't even lie. Frozen is a good movie, right? So I'll saying I'm not scared.


So I am going to say It's good the


idea with a lot of stuff around and it's like oh, there we go. The true love was her loving herself. Oh. Oh.


So I did like what I wear the retro modern


Treasure Planet


I really liked that movie.


Yeah, that was that was a that's a controversial choice there. Oh.


Oh both Heck yeah. Oh yeah, I heard that like, inside out was also a really brilliant I really liked that one.


Yeah no no joke that was the last film Megan I saw in a theater together it


was it was we watched that before Lily was born


right before Yeah,


I bawled my eyes out and that movie,


I bought


all of it. Big Hero six that's a good one. Do you know um, yeah, but yeah, like there's I've a good mixture between a lot of the original classics. And then some like, you know, modern like frickin tour story three yeah tears.


That's true. Yeah. But again, that's not what I want to rewatch over and over again because technically I want to watch I want to watch Robin Hood like all the time. I want to watch a Great Mouse Detective like every day. So good. Like The Rescuers Down Under. A




watch that a lot. Yeah.


What about what about the first rescuers? I don't controversially, I prefer The Rescuers Down Under. Yeah. Why? I think it's because it's not so like, I just think partially because I have the association in my brain of like, brighter colors more interesting. Yeah. Like like the


Louisiana swamp.


Yeah, I mean, I like the phrase rescues movie. Yeah. I like it a lot because I just love Bernard and Bianca. They're great, right? Yes. But I think I like to better


Yeah, to was a little bit more. I don't know like hot not right? Yes, for sure.


It was kind of more of like the more iconic look for rescuers. Like that's the kind of the one that really kind of set it into the lot the white of pop culture you know, because you know, the


I don't hear a lot of people talk about The Rescuers Down Under. I usually hear people talking about just the rescuer is the first one now which is cool. But I and I like that I like the second one better. I like that Australia setting I like was it George see Scott is the bad guy. And the way that great, like, and yeah, Wilbur, the albatross. And then I mean you have I mean, obviously that was it, Bob Hope, right? Yeah. The Guinean in the what's the name of the Gabor lady? Is that


so good? Yeah.


Joshua Gabor is I heard the other one it is Yeah, I think so. But man that's the voices and those movies are so good I love it.


Yeah. Well, it was it was was just interesting to me is is how much Disney as a corporation has changed because you know, asking somebody now with their favorite Disney movie as they would probably say, like, Avengers or Star Wars you know.


Oh, and everything. I also read like Alice in Wonderland forgot about that. I also got the list here and because I was like,


This are just infinite all of them.


Holy cow. No. Oh, no, wait different number.


Yeah, it was like, you have to be very specific. When you list for Disney films, like because I had to put Disney animated films, and you just put Disney films, it's like Star Wars and all these stuff. Yeah,


that's kind of what cause I rap but like, I mean, they, they always had other ones because like we talked to I already mentioned one way earlier is Old Yeller. Is that Disney property?


I, I


have that mentality of Disney equals animation. Right? That's just what I think of when someone says Disney I think of animation thing. Yeah. I don't think about any of the live action things I've ever done. Those never even crossed my mind. Really? It's always animated movies. Yeah, I mean, not that about like most of the original live action films of Disney's were very good.


They were looking at the South. But yet,


even thinking like, you know, the Parent Trap I don't even think I don't consider that like a movie that I want.


Like Like when when they like originally started. And it's funny, because I remember Disney did a whole thing on like Daniel Boone in like the swamp. Like I remember like a whole series of those I'm like, really?


Oh man. Oh, two two I'm going to throw out there who framed Robert Roger Rabbit and bedknobs and broomsticks. Now? It is technically




I'm pretty sure is that what is that independent that? I know that was a big one because it had Warner and Disney in it. It did.


You're right. What about a month also,


I forgot about bedknobs and broomsticks. And I would like to take one small step back and I said that I didn't like any of their live action movies. Because Susan and I fight about that. I think that movies dumb and I'm like shut your




So happy every time I watch it


I'm happy


that I wasn't broomsticks and like this is Chitty Chitty Bang Bang




yeah I never really liked that one and then it might be only so far on this list that I'm looking at it he's only been I was a broomstick and I'm like, Oh, I really liked and now I only saw this one I was like itty bitty so I vaguely remember it but like Pete's Dragon.


Yeah, I didn't like peace dragon. I mean, I remember seeing it and being like, Yeah,


I remember I remember that won't be I just remember like, there's a whole like series of like on the Disney Channel like when Disney Channel first started. Also Sorry, wrong. Gabor sister, Eva, Gabor, my baby.


Okay, that'll be cleared. There was the other one. The singer one There was a bunch of good boy sisters. Eva war. Hey, anyway dz bus sorry, continue.


Yeah, I don't I don't have Disney plus or whatever. Disney Channel. Oh yeah like the original Disney Channel Yes. of like all their original or endorsed in off things that turned into animated series like I remember there was, you know the Buzz Lightyear animated series on for a long time I think things like yeah it was weird Lloyd in space that was another big one that I watched


growing oh wait a minute. Wait a minute I just do it I just remembered one of the greatest Disney movies ever made. Okay DuckTales the movie


oh that's


Oh my god. Oh my gosh know that No, I gotta make room for that.


Okay, so


maybe that wasn't good number six you're going down again


okay hold on let me just let me just let me just verify the top five are still Rescuers Down Under in no particular order lady in the tramp Sword in the Stone great mass detective and Robin Hood.


Yes. Okay. And number six is ducktail that one is purely for nostalgic reasons. Because watching that as a child I was like I've loved DuckTales like a lot like I have a very, very specific memory of school shopping for first grade and having a red DuckTales lunch box thing like the hard like classic style lunch box. It opens you know, it was red DuckTales lunch box with like a with a thermos. Okay, this is how, yes, that's what I had this very specific memory of just being in love with DuckTales as in first grade, and so that one is 100% nostalgia reasons. It's not a good unfair. Okay, not it's not a it's not like a cinematic masterpiece, man.


Also choice.


Yeah, that moves so good. And it's it's thinking Tim Curry is the bad guy that movie is yes, yes.


Yeah. Where you find those people on just


I know. Oh speaking of Oh no, that's


dude Honey, I Shrunk the Kids a Disney movie.


What? Is Muppets on by Disney?


Yes, now they are. So Christmas Carol. Definitely.


Muppet Treasure Island is one of my all time favorite Island. I can watch Tim Curry jakhary that I could I could sit and watch that movie that in course Muppet Christmas Carol, but Muppet Treasure Island. Like I could sit down any point in time and watch that film. This is my island in the sun. I just Yeah, I just hearing Tim Curry's voice in that and then especially as I'm older, like just hearing it and just like, is that Tim Curry? Like it's just like the perfect fit.


Yeah, so also I'm taking another step back. I just realized looking at this list that Mighty Ducks and Hocus Pocus also Disney movies. Three live action Disney movies. Still not the top 10 but more than I thought all of them but only the first I'm only counting the first night ducks no be the SEC.


I like the second one.


I'd be like the second one. I forgot about the second one. Now the third one though, I guess I want to pass not three.


Sorry. Sorry. I like I like the second one more I think




just be just because they kill the fix


is a living so.


So do you know the comedian? Aziz Ansari? Yeah. So he he did a joke and it's like he was playing with these like these. Like he says a question, no question to answer stuff. And he's like, so what's the worst like what's the most evil villain in Disney films? Some of you are saying scar you're wrong. It's the it's the ice hockey team from Mighty Ducks to most evil villain in like cinema history might be.


I might go with the slaver dude from Pinocchio.


Yeah, he's pretty. You talk about a dark


and yeah He just like Pinocchio escaped he just keeps on turning kids into donkeys and selling them. Yeah.




also one more one more one more step back about how wrong I was about live action Disney movies. Right and I have to I discovered operation is on this list as well. Oh, yeah, I can watch the movie. Oh, man.




saw that movie. I bought it because I like Susan, you have to watch this


is actually came out. You guys. I think you like both of you and dad went to go see Apollo 13. And I think, Mom, me, me and myself went to go to the theater next to you guys. And we watched operation Dumbo drop in theater. We went into a movie theater with dad. It must been like it was just both of you. You guys


remember a time when dad was in the movie theater?


Yeah, I can call him Do you see the movie? The movie Norbit? With Dad?


Oh my Oh, no, we can't we can't talk we're not talking about this. We're not


happy please


don't look that up


it's not it's not a Disney film for a reason. There we go.


Eddie Murphy. Yes.


That's the last time number dad taking us to a film. I I don't ever remember being in a movie with dad ever. I just remember you guys always mom and means always.


Pump I definitely saw operation double drop in the movie theater. So


I remember going to see it. And I remember like, that's when Apollo 13 came out, because I remember seeing I remember seeing the film.


Now I have a very distinct memory of this. And I wonder if you might be confusing this because you would have been like four years old. It could have been that like the Palace Theater or something. It wasn't at the palace. It was


at on the battlefield


in that Fremont shopping center, do you know where like the it's the down there by Windies? It's like a fitness center now a fitness shop or something that used to be a movie theater. Okay, so you know where you know where just for him is in the Fremont shopping center there? Yes. Okay. At the very east end of that there's a big it's like a used fitness equipment store or something now, that was a movie theater a long time. Right. We went in there. I think that's where we watched it. Because we did the summer movie thing. That okay. And the theater next door was playing Apollo 13.


so loud


that we could hear it in the theater next door.


Yeah. Okay.


I think that's what has happened.


Yeah, I just remember. Dumbo dry. Yeah, movie theater, and then just an insane amount of rumbling.


Yeah, that insane amount of rumbling was the theater that would have been on our right hand side playing Apollo 13. Ah, when that's when the rocket launched. That's what that


was a truth comes out. Yeah. I remember.


I remember that. I have that memory of going of being in that movie and going,


Oh, what on earth is that noise like, oh my gosh.


And it was a normal But yes, that that little thing on the end, there was a small movie theater that had, I don't know, four to six screens in it. Whoa.




That was a movie theater. There used to be a lot more movie theaters just randomly about Yeah, that we would go to. There was that one there was one in the mall. That was great. I missed that one


was really cool.


By the fruit court.


Yeah. Wonderful. You look cool, but it was cool.


I liked it because used to when mama go shopping with like, somebody else. Yeah, like her friends or whatever. She would just go. Here's some money by like, right here. Just be like, meet me at four o'clock. Yeah, I don't want to see you till then. But there wasn't sure.


Yeah, it wasn't. It was implied. You must disappear.


Yeah. I'll see you like see it. Meet me like here was that famous bar to be honest? Yeah, me on this bench outside famous bar at like 330. Okay by at all. Like I would just go with what we feel like when my friends was there was Collin, was there something we would go wandering about the mall forever? Forever. It was awesome. Like awesome but like it was fun because the mall used to have stuff in it you could like do things because there was the arcade. Yes. And if you go way back, like way, way back. You have the glory that was Aladdin's lamp. Yeah. No, I remember Atlanta right inside, right when you came inside the fruit court from that South door, you know the right hand side. It was on the right it's like a Chinese boys now or something. Yes, I right. There was it or miss. Okay. Maybe that's my small child brain thinking that in my mind, in my mind, it was enormous. Yes. Massive market. There was definitely stairs in it. You had there was an upward ramp.


Yes. I would like stuff. Okay, that is all coming back to me now.


It was. And it was great.


Because I remember I remember that and then I remember when they switched the when they'd kind of not renovated it. But when they switched the, like food court stuff around and they put that arcade area over. We're kind of like it's over by the kind of where it is now, I think. Yeah.


But I remember it didn't they didn't switch it 11 Castle closed for a while. Yeah. And there was nothing and then they open that other one down on that was that Sears down there by Sears that had that Laser Tag. And yeah, arcade stuff and the weird like, roller coaster simulator thing. Yes.


blue thing, laser tag and I remember going to like I wanted to do that more than anything was on that simulator. It was just like a blue box.


Things that later when I got older and mom was still do that. He would go and play laser tag, right? Sometimes or go to the good old movie because the movies weren't that bad in the mall. You just go and be like, Oh, hey, here's this random movie playing it short. I can be at time I'll go watch this movie. And they go me a mom later why she was so she was shopping and I was in the movie theater hanging out like yeah, that was awesome. We're buying TV Mr. bookies. Totally, totally, not sneaking any of that. Candy into the movie theater.


No. loud. Definitely not. Yeah,


yeah. No, I never do that. Yeah, I mean, it was not you know, just a shame cargo shorts were just at fashion and just happen to have conveniently side pockets for


for all of the candy. Yeah. still wear cargo shorts. And because of that, but anyway, so


yeah, cuz like you knew that the candy people knew too because like, when you brought all your candy up just in one bag


it's kinda like, look at you.


$3 Okay, I


gotta go right now go. Like,


there's no reason that you would have runs and m&ms and Reese's all in the same bag. Unless you're sneaking into the




And that was like a surprise right? You expect Getting an m&m, you get a banana rent. Oh, no,


it's just exactly what you're going for. But


you know, maybe on the next trial, you'll get the image.


But yeah, that was


my gosh.


Well, I have I have a lot of things to watch on my list now. I've got to get some stuff queued up and plaques and plus it just


your do that just Robinhood just


Of course.


Now I have songs in my head right now. All the time.


Like, I just did like a job. Anytime that they, like, Am I mildly flustered? I'll be like, oh, mommy.


Did I say and I say ooodle Ali, I just


it's fine. Oh, I did say I've been known to say ooodle all the as well. ac


What was the movie I listed? I can't remember now.


You listed a lot.


But there is one that's like very, I said, I almost said musically inclined. That's almost every Oliver Oliver already. But yeah, I did say that but there was another movie that I was seeing the other day and I'm like, Oh, it's still with me. Yeah. The power of song. Like, oh, that was another thing like I was listening to like the radio and driving back. And you know, my voice clearly sounds like it's going through puberty again. And throughout the entire week, I was like, you know, I'm not gonna sing. I'm not going to speak much. I'm going to say my voice and then I heard that song and I'm like, Oh, I could totally sing and then like, the first few notes is like, are like, Oh, nevermind, gross.




Okay. Yeah, you can't have the power of Disney strong, right? You can't deny Well,


the new Star Wars movie comes out on the 20th. So just remember that.


And we've seen 75 trailers today for that.


And actually, right now, you can go watch the new Grand Tour episode before it drops tomorrow. Officially. Oh, yes, it is on right now. In the US. They Yeah, they always release it Thursday. What's


right on Thursday?


Yeah. Instead of Fridays? Oh, no. So you just realized that so it's speaking of things to watch

Keywords: hogs, people, hunting, remember, movie, Disney, Texas, big, traps, literally, taking, hear, watch, pretty, Oklahoma, good, thinking, hills, GPS