extreme mini-golf

Always remember, never trust computers. That should go without saying, really. Aaron is on a mission to run all of the miles. Brandon has a bike update AND has been lied to! We bring the the patented Oh Brother consulting group brainstorm session on making TV shows better with Muppets. We share strange words our family uses and Collin got to use his office…finally! 

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bike, muppets, pollywog, true, aaron, people, handlebars, run, table, thought, fish tank, marathon, big, nice, walking, abc, gonzo, buy, biking, muppet


Collin, Aaron, Brandon

Collin  00:05

Welcome to Oh, brother, podcast of three brothers, trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Colin, and Aaron. On this week's show, extreme mini golf. I have realized that Doom is relatively fickle. And so what I have to do to make sure that the audio system is the one that I want is that I have to go in I have to select my audio equipment, even though it still has the little checkmark by it.

Brandon  00:40

Zoom says it's selected and ready to go. Sometimes it ought. Ah, gotcha, love. Technological consistency. My favorite. help out with many things in life. Not true. Yeah, I also have that same issue with my other recording software, where it'll say, Oh, yes, microphone is selected. And then you'll record it. And then you go back and listen to it. It's like Just kidding, loser. Yeah, that's not what you wanted to even though it's a don't world the story is don't believe computers. Question everything. Blame. That's all that's that's all like. Have you made? Indeed, hello. In the hallway? And who I forgot that part. Sorry. Aaron, are Aaron, are you all set up to do a marathon event? Are


you running the marathon event or my question, Shelby and her mom ran it. So we went down there.

Brandon  01:59

Started like seven. And then they ran it and we went to a meeting that we just got back. So yeah, they ran it. I'm going to be running the next one with them. You are? Yeah. The full one or a half one. Oh, sorry. This is a five game. Sorry. Okay. Okay. Okay. All right. Joke. Omegas are very different distances. Right. So yeah, well, this next one, and then just do a few more and then hopefully, on a full or walk in or jog a full marathon. Sometime later. Yeah. No have pate. Okay, today. So we've long ran it with some friends from work. And then I saw one of my co workers, his family, so it was kind of fun. Shall we finish in 30 or 31 minutes?

Aaron  02:58

And I have no idea if that's good or not. I literally have no minutes faster than true. I never would have done it. I gotta work. I gotta look at how many people that were by the finish 16 out of like 200 or something. And so that was pretty cool. Heron


sounds pretty good. Yeah. Yeah, so she did that participated. And so hopefully next time rolls around I'll be I'll be able to join them because I thought I was gonna do the stuff with my school today my coach was like, Oh, the guy that's been working on our

Brandon  03:42

fuel houses are like oh, yeah, no, no, don't worry about it. Give me a give me a Friday off and I'm like, no, because they'll probably make me do stuff like run a marathon. So we just went down there getting set up click in and then they ran it and then we went and got it. It was it was the Cinco de mio Parque de there was a purpose for it. So then we just when literally went through a soccer shop called delta taco in Tulsa. Highly recommend y'all are come now. It's right across my favorite restaurant in the world was known as vertical Street, little taco shop. Boom. When did that Mecca set up and then not here? Okay, that was this is a lot more information than I was really anticipating having for this today. So you are on the 5k plan. Is this what I'm hearing next? When is when is your Do you have one? Are you just like, do you have one targeted? Are


you just saying like eventually someday? Yeah. So for my I think there's more than next month. I'm not 100% Sure. But that'll be

Brandon  04:56

the one that I hit or that I go out with them. Do But the brother shows up there and goes out and does marathons, the 5k ones. And then he does like he did like a whole one doing stories up in St. Louis. And they finish like, on Busch Stadium field. And cool, but he'll probably get at me, but nobody wants me to run one, run one or the other plan. I'm going to run because I thought I was going to do stuff down on my, at my school all day so the guy won't sign up. Okay, and then I got to go and watch. And they have like the cool little things add up and add the little trackers in people's like, the cards would have like the numbers on them. Oh, yeah, actually, it times them for them. But I didn't have to do that. But that was kind of cool. Because one of the presenters planned to announce their name. Last name. Yeah. So So after the 5k. Now you're using these terms very loosely interchangeably. So I'm concerned about your safety? Are you planning on then going up to a further distance? Or are you just going to, like say, that's


good? As far as like, a 5k 5k? Yeah, well, are you gonna do a 5k? And then be like, you know, what?

Aaron  06:19

10k, maybe? Let's go. I think I'll definitely stick with five K's for a while, because I remember I did track in high school. And I was forced to do the mile and the two mile running running isn't, like uncommon to me. It's just in the fact that like, Oh, how about you run more like, Oh, I haven't had to do more.


Yelling me to run farther. And like, I thought I'm already doing that. So my plan is to eventually, like, maybe not do like a whole marathon, but the fact that I'm just out there running options are the ones. Yeah. Well, yeah, that's true. But like, when you say full man, do you know how long a full marathon is? Yeah. Okay. That's, that's nothing to scoff at. It was like, yeah, that's 26 miles. It's ridiculous. We'll do that next weekend. Come on, through whatever the next year plan is, is that the end goal? Is there an end goal? Like,

Brandon  07:25

I didn't know if you were like, if you were like, losing a half marathon, or like weight in general for for the wedding is kind of the end goal. Okay, decent, and then flash staying consistent, but I want something that's kind of like, help solidify the take it up a notch. Right. Yeah. And so that's my plan. Going out eating for tacos. Probably doesn't help that plan. But have you tried tapeworm? Wow. That's will I came up with that same thing and wasn't really shut down. No. To give you the pills. Those were the diet pills back. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. But we think about medical technology in the 30s. Not exactly high point. Okay, and math often not accepted. Weirdly. I know. That's that's also Yeah, yeah.


But yeah, good plan. Okay, fine. No. That Do you? Yeah, so that's you know, that's what we did day again, I didn't have any I didn't have school today. And I didn't have to go out and do anything throughout and I pretty much stayed home and

Aaron  08:52

kept up to date on or trying to find a new TV show for you need to watch at least.


And just kind of hung out and buys and just enjoy the day all the way to that job this week. Next week is our last week of school. That's actually kind of wild to think about


coming out to a game plan sort of release last week and then like it sounds like we're gonna be educational movies about yeah

Aaron  09:30

yeah, that's our that's our my plan for this coming week. And then you go to court working on baseball facility and then get ready for summer which our summer so for school, it's gonna be a little bit hectic. We have summer workouts and without summer school going on. And then the other so

Brandon  09:51

someone's gonna be a little bit crazy, right? I think already more because we're gonna be shoving my you're gonna sell some of the venture is back home and ultimately there's been like a week or something up there and gal and or wherever else we used to enjoy a summer off once in a while for a long time. That's gonna be kind of nice. But yeah, I'm putting you could eat


ice cream sandwiches to my summer plan. I got the email saying, hey, Vernon, are you interested in working summer school? And I said no.


Get out. Don't talk to me about that. Go away nice. So they go. Yes. What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do instead? With all your time now?

Brandon  10:45

Nothing. Now you're nothing in the release, you know? Only work in nine months out of the year. What are you going to do now? Nothing. Probably not run any marathons. that's for darn sure. More time for biking. You just go. That's true. That's true. Like day by marathon things. I don't know. How's the new key? Okay, how's the new gear work? Right. Bike? Corner bike, Brandon. Hello, one. Hello, right corner. There's really good, actually. So like, I as a person who knows very little about


bike things. Right? Like, engineering wise. Yeah. I was like, you know, it was like, Okay, well, I'm gonna buy

Brandon  11:40

this cog. Is one tooth bigger. Does that really matter? Will you actually be able to that much of it? Yes. The answer is yes. By the way. Just case curious. Yes, absolutely. Yes. 100%. Yes. Okay. One, two, only. So the old 17 is pretty nice. Are you still in? Fixed or? Oh, yeah. Oh, kind of percent. Just want to make sure I that's what I thought. I just wasn't I hadn't touched base on that. That's true. Yes. For reference, fixed. gear bike pedaling? Only. So yeah, the 70 I don't know if it's like by you know, engineering wise, imagining like the one tooth does mean that it is a larger diameter circle. Yeah. Right. So therefore, the effort required to turn said circle is less. You know, like your initial first pedal is not like Right. Much better. Yeah. The few small, gently sloping hills I went up much easier the other day when I went on my ride to the park. So we'll see if I can repeat that. I don't know about this weekend. It's Mother's Day traffic. So I had to find out. But Rosie may go again this weekend to have a direct comparison. is nice. So pretty good. Like I finally have writing positions mostly sorted out.


My it's really annoying. Like, there's a seat go here, or here or there. Or this way or that like, super annoying. So like.

Brandon  13:43

Well, yeah, you'll probably work through.


Oh, yeah. It's just like little bit back. Nope. Little too far back little bit. Footnote. Okay, a lot about this. Like, well,

Brandon  13:54

and, and even as you bike and get kind of, you know, get

Collin  14:00

more fit to the bike, you'll be able to change your position. Yeah, right. That's true. There's a little bit of a feedback loop on that to where a position is not stagnant. Oh, where you were like, No, is probably more along the lines of like, okay, like this, I can kinda do this.

Brandon  14:17

Yeah, I noticed that like, even within this past month of like, getting the bike back out of the garage, and not being like super mega cold all the time. Like, the reach part, like the forward reach has been, like, better, you know, my back hasn't been like, no stop. So that I like, had to sort of adjust my setup a little bit to accommodate that, you know, like, oh, I can reach now so I don't, I can like, slide backwards slightly and I have more like pedal room this way. You know what I mean? So like, yeah, it's right. It's just sort of like always like a little adjust here a little Just there, we'll do this blah, blah, blah. So that's pretty good. It's very nice. It does help satisfy that tinkering urge that you have. Right? He's like, I just need to like, tinker with a thing. Ah, this this is it. Yeah, because you can again, it's now you kind of have a project and a project right of like, it's not just get biking in the that have its own fiddly stuff. But now you can fiddle with the bike. And you can fiddle with clothing, and fiddle with it. Like, there's a lot of stuff that I've enjoyed. Yeah. It was really


very satisfying. A refund that caught off. It was really just like, Ah, yes,

Brandon  15:43

the wrench. Gray. Now, did you? Is there anything more satisfying with a chain whip? No, the answer is? No, do did you have to change? You didn't have to change your chain chain length at all. You were able to get on there with now? Yeah, fit in there. Fine. There was I was worried about that. Because I didn't know how much big I really had no conception of like, how much bigger this cog was going to be like, I didn't think it was gonna be that big. But like, I didn't know if that was true. Right. So it was sort of like, my Yeah. So it's still good. i Yeah. If if I'm good. So it was all good. And did that I think the next point of contention is going to be a handlebar. Right. I think I think that's going to be the next thing that's going to have to be changed out. Because the flat the It's like a It's a riser bar right now. Right? Yeah. And so I just think I would like more than one place to

Collin  17:01

put my hands. It is, it's nice to be able to change. We talked about change riding position. But yeah, halfway through, right. Because again, going uphill is sometimes easier to Yeah. You know, to sit up a little bit versus downhill. Lean forward. Yeah. X versus you know, whatever. So

Brandon  17:20

it's like, you know, it's like, it's, it's like they're nice, right? They're


fine. I got them in this spy like them, but like, I feel like I need that need, would want more hand variety. And I don't know what that looks like. Exactly. I

Brandon  17:40

don't know. Right? The problem with handlebars is there's only about 750,000. So that's cool. Like, because you're like, oh, yeah, there's like flat and drop. Or bool. Like, okay, well, past not true. Because with riser, you have like all kinds of different lengths, and then degree of rise. Okay, that's cool. I've wet wits, excuse me wrong. You compare these with different stems. Right? That's true. long stem and inverted them. Which is you know, I'm gonna Yeah, I'm not gonna go with the inverted I'm the stem I have right now is relatively just like flat. Right? I don't remember the exact degree on it, but it's not very dramatic at all. So I think I don't want to do that. Currently. They're gonna leave the stem out of it for now. Just leave it slammed down and extended. i That's true. I could. Well, that's true. I do have the spaces on there. So I could slam it. But that seems a bit extreme right now. That's the coolest that's the that's how the cool kids do it. Super Arrow tuck, go down, right? You slam it and then just cut it off. Right? Say who? Didn't


you ever put it back up? Like, wait, hold on that up? I don't think I'm ready for that kind of commitment. Right.

Brandon  19:13

So like, so yeah, there's that and they're like, Okay, well then there's just like normal drop bars. Well, except for there's like, compact drops, track drops, road drops, drops that are flared. How much drop is there? How wide are they? Do they have weird like, straddle? No, there's all kinds of bizarre things so like, it's gonna be like that one because it's 30 bucks. That's what I want. I want exactly like nashbar to the rescue. Yeah, I really like layer drop. They're very dramatic. But I don't think just for the way they look. Or they I love the way they make a bike look, but comfort wise. I don't think I would like to have my arms out that far I know they're not super wide, but I just promote some of them go. Flare dramatically. Yes. Right.

Collin  20:10

What does the off road thing? Yes, but right it's for like leverage. Yeah, but I'll but as we've seen not only do off road, mountain bikers and harmony doesn't matter to riders, but wherever you wanted road bike cyclists, but also a lot of the technology and the setups, you know, like gearing is one of them. Just think of Chris Froome like one buy. Oh, yeah, he

Brandon  20:37

hates the one buy. Yeah. Anyway, so yeah, it's, I think a lot of that technology really does. And is through setting up the bike to come over. So what I think that's the thing, like you got to remember, right? That you have to keep in perspective. There are like


there's no real rules. No, right. You could literally do whatever you want, does it? It doesn't matter. Could

Brandon  21:06

I put 650 B wheels on my fixed gear, but absolutely, yeah. I could if I wanted to, like, weird track low cross nonsense. Could I do that? Absolutely. Right. Can I put like 80 centimeter wide bull news bars on that sucker? Yeah, again, is really want that? No, but there's nothing stopping me from doing it. Yeah, I mean, except the frame bike. The bike? Well, I mean, okay. Yeah, the forks. But the bike police are not going to come and say, No, you can't. Now if you post a picture of your bike on the internet. Absolutely. They will go bike the bike gatekeepers will shout at you, they will burn up. But that's like 12 people. And the daddy who cares? Right? Like,


it's like, I was watching a thing of the day, it was like a popped in my feed. It was like a review of like bikes. And it was mine. Right mine, the one that I bought. So I was like, Oh, watch it. And the lady that bought it. She really liked it. And I was like, Yeah, see, but she kind of had the same

Brandon  22:17

thought, right? Because all the, you know, when you read the reviews and stuff, like all these people are like, Oh, this, it's okay. But you got to change all these things. Like right away, like you need different pedals and you need this, you need that blah, blah, like do you though, like maybe you do. But maybe that's because you have a very specific idea of what riding a bike is like, and those are the things that you've like. Doesn't mean you have to change anything about it. I mean, right. Except that, yes, you're doing it wrong. Well, yeah, I mean, that's what that's what reading things on the internet makes you think as a newcomer to anything. Right? Like, it kind of puts this anxiety in you like well, what if I'm doing it wrong? And then you go Wait, it's a bit of bike there's not you can't do it wrong. Bike wrong, right, is that you know, you can do it in a way that like a certain group of people might not like but

Collin  23:22

I don't have to be friends with those people because at the end of the day, it's it's one of the amazing things about bicycle that even more so than like car of like going does like what do I Can I hit like it is extremely feasible. Take a frame and within reason do anything you want to it with this with the end goal. Like I guess this depends on your goals. Like are you going after looks? Because there are some sick bikes that I see that I'm like, That would be awful. Yeah, right. But like am I for extreme comfort or long distance? For kills? Why don't like look why cool? And that's that's the best part about it. And this is why that's why typically people have when they get into this they start having their stable rose basic right because they have the bike that's perfect for downhill this perfect for beach and the vibe is perfect for now did the perfect you know, like, each one is dialed in. Exactly. And yeah, instead of you know, all rounders, but that's kind of why so cool to be able to do that.

Brandon  24:30

Yeah, and it's like, I don't know, like I said earlier satisfies that sort of like the urge that you have like that I have any way of like, unless, like TINKER WITH something like nothing drastic like because I'm scared of certain parts of the bike right? Like irrationally forced because you like Oh, wheels? No. Like headsets? Little, little scary, right? Like, no, no, just because I don't know, like tolerances. I've never done anything like that, so like, you know, it's just like a fear of the unknown type situation like, Oh, what do you do with this wheel bad? Like, I literally don't know, like it's beyond my capabilities to deal with this. Currently. Yeah. Well, yeah, you've you take on what you what you want and also say wheels that I've always stayed away from because that is the best way to burn all of the money in your in your account as the wheels if you're laughing like, how are these? Why are these more expensive than the bike? Yeah, what's happening here? But handlebars, I think I can probably do it with I can I can unbolt four bolts and stick them back on. Yes. So maybe eventually, after the search continues for handlebars, but that's the next I think that's the next thing. So I just feel like that's the thing that needs to be different for the hand positioning, mostly. Yeah, because it's just like, again, the right is the flat risers are not flat flat, but like the riser boards are fine, but like,


I feel like maybe something else. A secondary place to put your hands might be more comfortable.

Brandon  26:30

If it makes it more comfortable, be able to bike long, right will be able to move around. It really, really helps. So that's yeah, so we'll see. We'll see how that goes. And again, one of the cheaper things that you can swap out on bike handlebars


out of all the things that you could do like one now don't get me wrong. There's some like ridiculously expensive handlebars but like I don't like why don't want those ones.


Are the normal human being was born normal people yeah


that's I have granted this Brandon's bike then because I wanted to have glam raishin

Brandon  27:29

I can't say corner because the BBC and that's true. Obviously trademarked. So like, then I go every time I see so there's a few guys in town here that bike on the bike. surlis. And oh, really? Yes. Nice. Yeah.


Which is again, it's a steamroll on it. Are they really? Yes. Oh, yeah. One of those things are sick. I don't like those. Yes,

Brandon  27:58

I know. Right. And every time I see one, I'm like, Oh, love those. Right. Like other frames. Everything about that? Actually saw one.

Collin  28:08

Two days ago, Thursday, as it was. Yeah. And no, I guess was Wednesday, so it was a holiday figured it out. Anyway. So he was he was biking me and it was weird as biking along the service. I was walking along this path of dog I looked over to my right, as long as a steamroller going past me was steamrollers. Surely bicycles like frame company, very popular. At least that frame is. And I look over and he's biking by and then to my left on the field is a guy bike or not biking, riding on a lawnmower in the middle of this giant. And he has the hammer. It's a riding lawnmower, like a little tiny

Brandon  28:56

yard. He's got the hammer down on this thing. And there's no deck on it. But he's just blasted it across this. This field hit potholes. It bumps it just like why? Well, why does anybody drive a chair? Because he has no driver's license, driver's license. I look up and the guy's walking towards me a lot was going on in this 13 seconds where all this was taking place. I look up and a guy's walking towards me. He takes that as your bus. He looks over the guy on his on the lawnmower and goes live in his best life. Am I right man?


I gave the head nod that indicated please stop talking to me and I read the other. It's like Yep, sure is here and I don't want to be here anymore. Please, please.


Oh, See? That was a moment. Yeah, did she get one she gay on that steamroller train? The problem is, is that when you go to surlis website, they don't have any pre bill. Oh yeah. Now you got to buy them all the frame, and then

Brandon  30:18

you kind of build it up from there again. It's true. No, then this is where things start to go off the rails because, as we have previously discussed and Colin is faced with an overabundance of choices, things go poorly as true colonies that complete bike setup. I used to like, I love their little Shirley's What, like they talked about, like capabilities out of this, but they've got these five little circles, and they'll circle them in for how good they are at something. Oh, yeah, but one of the categories is shifting. And they for a single speed bikes. Yeah, it's got one circle did. Don't know why. There's no shifting, you can pedal faster. Exactly.


Every time I see that, I'm like making Jens Voigt proud, right? Just spin your legs more. Boom, got it? Yeah, I have this tattoo Shut up legs on my thigh.

Collin  31:15

You could just get the sticker put on the top two. Tattoos. But obviously, no, every time I look at those, like happy, great, but maybe if I could find someone who's already built it in my size. Class true. That's the hard part you or I could just go down to my local bike shop.

Brandon  31:36

Maybe that's true. As a person that lives at least an hour away from a bike shop. I have. The reason I bought my bike is because they would just they just shipped it directly to my house. And I was like, I'm fairly confident in my ability to screw by together. I think I can do this. Yeah, I have I mean, like two specialty tools from Amazon and then ready to go. I have biked to my bike shop here in town so that I go. Yeah, I cannot do that. That's the other problem with internet reviews to like, well just go to your local bike shop and like, no, oh, not a thing. I can do. You make a lot of assumptions about me right now?

Collin  32:23

I don't like Yeah. Well, and I remember last two years talking with Abby. And basically just like, every time I would talk to him, he's like, I have a bike. There are no bikes. Everyone's buying all the bikes. Oh, yeah, that's true. I can't get any parts. And so

Brandon  32:41

I think that's sort of cooling down. Now. You can buy it now. Thankfully, but still, you know, but so that fixed gear bikes in your future,

Collin  32:52

I can see it coming out. That'd be a good fit. Because I would like to what I would actually like is if fixed gear or single speed will say more gravel, gravel bikes, because gravel is huge. Here in the area. Oh, yeah, that's because we've got the Katy Trail, which is true gravel. And people, they'll go and they'll go down and they'll bike to towns along a trail for lunch. You know, that's what they'll do. They'll bike back that's the day that they do and

Brandon  33:27

there's a pretty big biking club here and I think kind of sweet. Yeah. The day out trail biking. Lunch. Yes, I will bike for food What are you talking about? That'd be kind of cool. We don't have anything like that here. We just have two bros so missing out on the excitement but you know I did a visit I did. bouncing back and forth between Springfield and here. A mixture of dogs in the morning in Springfield. And then doing afternoon evening here.

Collin  34:06

I had a good time. But I one of the one of the clients that we have out there the cat is name is Sammy and it is adorable. But the owner left post it notes all over house which I love because they're very informative of like dislike like over here is that like they kind of give like when you go to a garage sale and there's like the sequence of signs that are like your next left 100 yards of when you walk in as please remove their three lines. The three post it notes one says Please remove shoes. The next one is care information. And the third one says please be mindful of The fairies

Brandon  35:00

they are watching. I think that's to me that they have cameras. Or, or they have fairies. They're like Wiccan, and they think, like they may have been communing with the forest spirits or something. Boy, that's probably likely could be because fairies Ares, thought fairies is all both analyze

Collin  35:28

and think. Yeah, but my favorite bit of this was, they were labeling all of this stuff. And then I posted on a fish tank, which is obviously not been used in many long time. The Post It note is labeled fish tank. When, upon closer inspection, you find no one else. And I love that so much.

Brandon  35:56

Because the fish tank is completely empty. It felt like corroded over it was like in a corner. But they went, they purposely went and labeled.


Somebody has been playing too many video games on down this. Like, I think these people have been playing some adventures some d&d.

Brandon  36:15

Yeah, maybe right or some like weird, like, I don't know. What else do you? I don't know what that definitely be something of like, you walk into a room and there's a fish tank in the corner, I inspect fish tank, and there was a


screw on closer. Aaron and I are like freaking out the bed. But the fish tank and Cole is going it's just a rule. And we're like, what if? What if we have to go find a fish and we have to clean the fish? It would be like find a brillo pad. It's so confusing. Sometimes you don't know what to do.

Brandon  36:49

There laughter request probably way to log why my staff member who I'm onboarding like, Oh,

Collin  36:55

great. This was definitely one of those visits where when I onboard people, I train them and I'm like, Look, they're the only visits where we do what's called Proof of Life visit. So is there evidence that the food has been eaten? Is there evidence that you know is the litter box being used? That's way of life since the cat is like, hiding, major hiding. And so we like went through the water when I replaced both foods, litter box, the other stuff? And then he was like, Well, what do we do now? I was like, well, we we leave. And he was like it wasn't the full time. I was like, I'm not sitting around.

Brandon  37:39

We're leaving, like the cat is hiding. I we've identified where the cat is. Check. I'm not gonna say we're done. And he's like, Oh, well.

Collin  37:50

We saw the cat. It doesn't want us here. We're not gonna stick around and stress out yet. So we headed out. And it's it's also funny because that says this is second assignment. first assignment is a dog that owner has mobility issues can't get up to he isn't he's wheelchair bound in his heart of the family very well. And so he's

Brandon  38:14

when the dog goes up on like the grassy knoll, I'm not that old, but the other Knoll in a day.

Collin  38:21

He can't get up there to pick up poop. And so when we arrive, sometimes he's already taken her out for a walk. But he'll show us where to pick up poop. All we do is follow along, pick poop that happened an hour earlier. Or sometimes he may ask us to go and do the full walk. So it's kind of also had to explain. This is another weird client where sometimes there's 30 minutes of work. And sometimes there's 30 and kind of just me, they're paying the same rate that you get paid the same. So you know, we'll roll with it.

Brandon  38:52

Yeah, just whatever. It's fine. We meet the needs and demands that they give us. That's all we can do. Right? I'm not sure. So that was that was interesting day. That's very interesting. Oh, man. All right. Speaking of meeting needs, is the clunkiest segue in the history of the world this week. I have been lied to by television does not in fact, meet the promises and needs of their commercial cell. This week, we're watching something,


whatever. We're like, like you said the Alec area was talking about trying to find TV shows Watch right? This is an important part of your life in your 30s This is why you do

Brandon  39:53

have to have things watch. Like when you're eating dinner, or whatever. It's just a thing. It's important, but it's getting to be summertime where there are no television shows on at all, like nothing new. They're just like, Hey, okay, fine, whatever you want to do losers. So I saw this crossover thing is ABC, right? Like, ah, there's this show never heard of before. It's called Holy moly. I don't know what this is, but it has the Muppets on it. And so Susan, I obviously like, we'd like Muppets. All right, we're gonna watch this. Turns out holy moly, is like some sort of really bizarre carbonate combination of miniature golf and American Ninja Warrior. Right? That's really what? Yeah, yeah, it's like imagine like extreme mini golf, where there's like, you have to make putts and then also surmount obstacles on your way to get the next place. And then like, if you fall in water off the obstacle, you get like a stroke penalty or something. It's very weird. Game Designers are really reaching. Yeah, right. Yeah. And so and so hold on. What's the guy's name? I don't remember. This, this show is? Well, it's terrible. Right? There's really only one way to say it. This show is completely awful. Yeah. It's hosted by Joe tessitore. Who's actually a sports caster guy. And then this Rob Riggle guy who's a lead? I don't know. He's a comedian. I guess. So obviously, he's not funny. He like is trying very hard to make jokes. And they're like, bad, right? That guy? Yeah, he's not. He's not funny, like at all. And the worst part is they like there's no Muppets on this show. At all, like the only the only place they are is like coming back for the commercial break. There'll be a little skit with like, Rob is Rob dude talking to him of it. And that's it. Yeah, that's it. So somebody, somebody ABC does not understand what the Muppets are and how they should work. Right. So ABC. I have some some info for you. This is your free consultation.


Right with the old brother. Their advertising firm. Right? He goes, sir, first of all, first of all, Colin Nair. And I want based on what I've taught, this is really no joke. It's kind of garbage.

Brandon  42:46

How would you incorporate Muppets into a mini golf show? Right, I need your I need your opinion. Before we go into this, I want your thoughts just knowing nothing about the show knowing it's mini golf slash like Ninja Warrior, slash like, wipe out right? That's the other show that you fall in water. auto shows where you fall in water. How would you utilize Muppets in this environment?

Aaron  43:11

Because I guarantee you anything you're gonna say is gonna be better than this trash. Aaron, Aaron, Aaron go. How do you? Oh, I for some reason, my first thought went away the like Mario Party, or something. I was thinking like video game for some reason. But like, I don't swear like they're like a team or like they have different every hole you go to. There's a different number that and there's some sort of shenanigans that goes on. Like father's over there. The windmill thing and it's like, oh,


oh, is that a blow to hard waka waka or something like that. I'm not gonna go That's what I was thinking. No, I think bad joke. I think Fonzie joke distractions while putting is

Brandon  43:59

a genius. Exactly. That's what that is. Yeah. Yeah. No. Well, and you'd have you know, you'd have animal playing drums on something's or who's the guy? Sam Eagle would obviously be commentating this? Yes. Like, exactly. What yeah, there's no Muppet band. Right? Like that. Where's the band? They need to be here. It's a game show. For crying out loud. There's Why is there no band? Yeah. Why are the birds Rolf cheese have around like, yes. There's a Gonzo, flying in from from above. Right? Most importantly, and where how I know that nobody at ABC has ever watched any Muppet thing ever, is because this is a show that involves like extreme stunts. And the great Gonzo is Nowhere to be seen here like, Gonzo not like being shut out of cannon. Exactly. And like,

Collin  45:07

where's the chicken cannon? Why is it not here? He should be displaying how to not do them based. I mean, he would show them how to do it, quote unquote, and then it would fail miserably. It'd

Brandon  45:17

be hilarious. Yeah, he should be like him explaining the hole. Right? Like Sam should like, pass it over to him. And then he should like, kind of talk about the hole and then like circum to the danger, right, like, get blasted off. And that's exactly what should happen. You just can't just have them. Like, it sounds like somebody had some was like the lawyers were like, We need to use the IP for the Muppets to keep it going. What can we do? minimal effort. Yeah, it was literally just like skits cutting back for the commercial break. And the annoying part is one of them was like this Rob character. Like having a meeting with Fozzie Bear being like, what can we do to make this show better? might actually have Muppets on the show? numpty? What are you doing? Like also importantly, I don't know how you're going to have a challenge show where people are making complete fools of themselves. And not have Statler and Waldorf anywhere.

Collin  46:23

In the old tackling guys, where's the heckling guys to laugh? or, or? Or, you know, I don't know what kind of physicality stuff that they're doing. But the obviously anything revolving around like karate, or martial arts would be would be led and critiqued and scored by piggy. Like, you could clearly have have. Yeah, I just see. The biggest asset of this is like, running commentary, based on the stereotypes baked into each of the main characters of, of the Muppet, but also Yeah, using just like, the gags and all of the stories that every single one of these people has been built on. Like, yeah,

Brandon  47:08

and like you could talk about, like when they're talking about the obstacles, you could have beaker and the other guy, Bunsen Yeah, yeah, Bunsen they could be talking they could be the ones that came up with this they could like help build them right and they could be there they could be talking to you like karmic or Miss Piggy Miss Piggy should be the field reporter right the sideline reporter obviously, to write you know, you're going to talk like talking to the contestants after they do something like she could go talk to them, right? You can have Kermit like hanging out with Sam Reno doing stuff, you know, helping run the show. Like there's, there's just many things you can have all their like craft services, like players should go back and be like, I need a snack. It's like this Swedish Chef, right? Yeah, this is not complicated. Guys. Imagine a skit with Bunsen and beaker and Gonzo strategizing how to accomplish the maze or the physical activity thing. And Alright, here's here's an example. Okay, I remembered one. There was one where it was like, you had to make this putt through this like narrow ledge and then there was like a bank and then it banked off to the right. And then the hole was over there. Like you're pretty average miniature golf course thing, right? But for some reason, on the left hand side was like a giant corn on the cob thing. And so after you made your putt, you had to run across the narrow ledge and get to the other end of the giant corn on the cob thing before the corn pops up. And like airbags are shot out of the side of the corn launching you into the water. So like, obviously the great Gonzo should be somehow right. Rizzo should be trying to eat the corn. Yes. Right. Like these are great cons of trying to, you know, what, yeah, trying to fly across, you know, quickly and getting over. This is like there was one where it was like you put through the windmill, but it was like a huge windmill. And so you also had to run through the windmill. Sure after your putt. And if you get hit by the windmill, big foam windmill blade, it like knocked you off the catwalk thing into the pool of water. Like


tell me how Muppets don't fit into that. I don't understand. This is a hard ABC. What did you do on

Brandon  49:33

all of this? Well, because they they're together just effort for IP and sales to the real problem is you tried to make Rob Riggle and Joe tessitore The star of the show clearly, clearly wrong. They are not. Right. Clearly you cannot have somebody trying to upstage Muppets. That's not how this works. It's like every villain and every.

Collin  49:55

Like, why would she do that to yourself? Does that make sense? as well because again, they're they're not they are just using their present they're not actually interested in in them. That's yeah, it's upsetting is what it is.


corporate corporate corporate Muppets Welcome to corporate puppet everybody yeah

Brandon  50:17

Muppet misappropriations what this is this is ridiculous this appropriated corporate puppet that that awful awful complete horribleness so that was the other that was my my big rant for this week watch this complete track television as I was promised Muppets I saw an ad Kermit the Frog sitting at the broadcast ask it you know what I didn't see it all


Kermit the Frog sitting at a block turns out turns out you're liars ABC lies why doesn't make decision it's all take all that this painful stuff. Yeah, it doesn't make any sense at all. It doesn't it doesn't make

Collin  51:23

it doesn't take brilliant marketing back to No no offense Brendan Aaron and myself as a brilliant marketing execs come up without us up it in is something like this. But it turns out they're not just for

Brandon  51:39

it turns out that we are brilliant marketing execs and they think I think we found it. Good. As the real answer. Sorry. Yeah. So it turns out we are bright. Yes. And the other pre qualification to this. Have seen a Muppet Movie one like that's


just one is really all you didn't even have to have a love for the Why do you need to see the one before Disney bottom right before did you need to seen a Jim Henson?

Brandon  52:11

Jim hit one Jim Henson movie. You don't even have to remember all their names. You could just remember the tropes and say the one that does thing right and people will get it. No. I mean out of other names. What's that big? A big huge monster guy. Why is that guy not like pushing some contraption into contestants? Why is that not how things happened? Or writing after them? Tried to push? Yeah. Oh, yeah. What does that do that? What is this It's horrible. It's absolutely the worst thing of all time. I don't know you got history. You heard it here folks are saying Oh,


hold on. It's it's literally the worst thing on television. travesty of love it misappropriation will not stand for it. Well, not

Brandon  53:02

writing strongly worded letters. Yes. It's gonna forward them this episode. Clip this Senator Ah, look at that in our own words with our literal voice


alone as the Fallen network television horrible I know there's a reason why network television This is why


betrayal. That's what it is. Oh, love it fans fandom betrayal. I don't like I just want to go watch lovers Take Manhattan. It's really what this made me want to do

Brandon  53:47

is pick your island again. And that was Treasure Island. Beautiful. I love that. I haven't done that yet. Waiting for them to get a little older. It's quite theory. Yes. True. Yes, but it didn't understand what was happening slightly better if they were still in the middle of it. Yeah. Well, I mean, it is just total manic. The entire Yes. Obviously. As it was Yeah. But man, terrible. Terrible. If a word I see the word pollywog you you know that they Okay, Vaughn. No. Oh Aaron, Aaron, do you know to pollywog is that's

Aaron  54:42

poly wag a poly wag is the Poco mon poly. Poly ROG is another name for that

Brandon  54:54

thing. Ding ding ding ding ding. Yeah. Which is why Polly wag is named that because you Looks like it's taken tadpole. That's where it says, yes. pollywog dad sent me a photo today. And it was like, I have pollywog in my brain Wait. What? It took me a minute to remember, the pollywog is in fact, the name for a pet. Is it really do people other than dad call it that? I know if you Google pollywog I mean it is it's a legit term. For it's a baby frog or Toad bite. I think it's more specifically to the where they have the back leg. I think that's where it's specific. That's tabel Gotcha. So, but it's the offspring of a frog. And so I had to I obviously had delicate hay, etc. Says photo of a pollywog. Oh, Lily go black. Exactly what? Exactly wonderful. I can hear her saying that actually. And so then we had to FaceTime I sometimes question whether words that he says are real? Because I've never have heard anybody else say them. Right? Like, I've literally never heard another human being say the word pollywog. I

Collin  56:26

don't think so. Like, I'm just like, I have never other I mean, I do other words. I have never I mean, he is actively referred to a permanent marker as an as a what? It's an indelible mark. Marker, right. Like, that's a phrase. Father said that I.

Brandon  56:52

Also, who uses who still uses the term cellophane? Nobody. It's that's true. It's been branded. Now. He's free of corporatism. Like mothers should be doing it. That's what or everyone's are everyone's everyone's favorite. Everyone's favorite.


Monster fergan. Oh, yeah, best. I don't think that was real. That was not real. For sure. That was a that's 100% made up.

Brandon  57:19

I don't even I've tried to look that one up every time. I don't even know how it would begin to. I don't think so. That one's got to be pretend. See your question, right? As you're like, oh, you know that indelible is a word that nobody says Intel. Nobody says it is a Sharpie, right? No, they just say marker. Oh, sorry. It's a strange like, wait. That real thing was I don't remember. So one of my co workers the other day said something. And I looked at her and I was like, because it was something that Mimi would have said, like all the time. I can't remember the word now. But she said it. And I was like, what's that?


look like? Why did you say that? How did you know that word? I didn't I did stop. I was looking at it. She's like, what I was like,


I've literally never heard anyone other than my grandmother say that.

Brandon  58:28

She thought was funny. But like I did I just stopped.

Collin  58:31

What did you say? I wish I could remember now what it was. But it was many days ago. Oh other other life of date. I got to work in my in my in my office at work real real. For realsies reels I had to tethered to my phone to do work on my computer because I don't pay for that as the

Brandon  58:59

pain. I mean, if you can tether to your phone, it's fine. Who needs it? Yeah. How did it feel? Working in a real life office? Yeah, my own well felt felt weird because there's nothing there. I was just sitting on the floor of the empty room, but it was fine. Would you have a desk and like an chair. And so I guess we only have two chairs because I onboarded our Springfield staff

Collin  59:31

anyway, so I'm more than in the office and so every time the internet I was like hey, like we're just we don't know how to use this space is just ours. It was kind of like a white box with right now. So we're gonna work on making it useful or something. But yeah, all the chairs, Chair storage, like chairs. Oh, we know we need like, like a table like like a meeting table. Not like a like a conference table. But


just like table the like to get 12 foot long. Like literally touching each wall like No, no, guys, it's fine. Right? Exactly. It's like a long table that is either that or like a random card table from a flea market. Like No guys, look,

Collin  1:00:14

it's fine. This is this is what I'm starting to, like, run through my head of like, okay, like how would I How am I going to appoint the office? Because right we have like a desk and like chair like filing cabinet. Nothing in there. We don't need those at all. Like I really need just like a place to like, hang out. Right, like, like, like I'm really I'm really guys. I'm really thinking I would need an out really thinking

Brandon  1:00:42

and obviously and like to an Erich Gamma his away. Yeah. Aaron. Where's my sea of couches? Temper a little baseball barn. But in two years ago, why did I wait? So many? You might say you had a coastline of catching.


Quick experiment. Aaron. Are you still there? Yes. Okay, you're gonna start? I need you. I'm gonna say a word. And I want you to describe the object that comes to your mind immediately. I need you to know what it looks like.


Okay, it's that's fine. Table. Like the study out there? Yeah. When you when I say the word table, what's the picture?

Brandon  1:01:37

What do you picture as a table? Oh. WWE, like folding table folding table like nice. colons and question. Wow. Wow. I think of a dining table table. Oh, ah, there we go. I think of like a card table. That's why I was like, I just had this either, because columns, like I need to buy a table. And I was like, that word is a very loaded connotation. And I go, I don't know what I don't know what EVs are. And I thought then I thought about you the previous conversation about handlebars? And just what is your thought process? When you say I need to buy a table? Yeah. When presented with the infinite choices that are tables?

Collin  1:02:26

This is a really good point, because there are so many tables. And when you google like table for sale? It's like you don't because then you're like, Well, I don't want a dining room table. But the right dining room table might work. Because there are a lot of different kinds of dining tables. I don't need an office table or a meeting table. Because those are very long rectangular. They have slots for things and stuff. So I need more like a I I've settled on.

Brandon  1:02:56

I've really focused on shape a lot like okay, what kind of shape of table that's where I started with, what do I want? Because hexagonal? I focused on, what do I want, basically, I reduced it reshape, square, a circle or rectangle, basic shape.

Collin  1:03:18

So you could hire more people through them. Clearly under the triangle stuff, we're not doing it. And I figured that what we were what I would actually like is because we're going for a small group, we're going for a small space, we need to optimize the usage of that space. It needs to be round, which doesn't make sense, right off the bat. But if you have a small group of people, it's easier to fit in work around a circle than it is a very clearly delineated linear line of you're on that line.

Brandon  1:03:51

I'm on the side that you can kind of shuffle around easier. Okay, King Arthur, calm down. No, one's really, right. We're all equal. But my chairs bigger day. And then it was what do I what I want for material, right? How do I want this? Then, I was like, well, this can't be super fancy. cost. So I'm not looking at an oak table or like, onyx round table or whatever, you know these things.

Collin  1:04:26

So I found that I actually found a guy selling some quote unquote, industrial round tables, which are kind of like the dorm room round tables that you would find in like a common area have always just like the janky wood top thing. Yeah, but they're built relatively robustly because they know that like people are going to be standing on them and like, no, never happened. It's fine. Don't worry about I think nothing ever happened. But they did them to kind of like take the news. If you can find something that's not ancient. I was like, well, that that actually solves it because If the relatively inexpensive welbilt And it's so

Brandon  1:05:08

nice, go super industrial and get those big wire spool things as cable spools just signed a piece of wood. Do we need that? But oh yeah, maybe. All right. I was a bad, bad a member of the office complex. Because I don't know who else is in the office complex because I haven't bothered to learn. But I came out of the office that there was a lady standing there and she was like, we get these made here. I was like, No, these are all off. It's just like, oh, there's math that there can make easier. And then a

Collin  1:05:57

lady from across the hall was like, oh, yeah, the key making place is right down the hallway on the left.

Brandon  1:06:01

Dang it. I need to not it Sure enough, I looked down and there was a sign that he didn't say like, he makes keys and we're little offices back out weird. Random is that he's got Hokey Pokey machine. I love that you're just a grinder go in. And that's really that's it back to the back where we never went right because it was scary and dark and backwards. The back door like we stayed up front was the officer. But no, there's definitely like, that's okay. How odd rental locksmith. So he Okay, okay. Okay, that makes sense. Yeah. No, it's not like it's not just like some dude with like a key grinder. Like he does other stuff. But sure enough, just as you couldn't have been a really random or random. Then as I was leaving and walking down to my car, like, like looking at all the names of places and some guy popped out his head was like, a big year for the pizza. I was like, you offering a pizza? He was like, oh, no, I thought you were trying to deliver the pizza. And I was like, No, that's not me. And then I see the lack of pizza in my hand. I know, like, Exhibit A stands pizza mat. But I'm walking and then I noticed that there's big signs. It's like, dog trainer. And I was like, what's called up? We need to talk. I did, but it's not in that main hallway. It's several doors down along the storefront down there. Oh, okay. Okay, okay,

Collin  1:07:41

I'm here because I'm a bar in a music store. It's kind of down that. Okay. It's like I was like, well, and so I called and they are actually based out of Ozark, that's where they have a boarding facility. But their training facility is just like straight up right there by craft. And

Brandon  1:08:00

but they're only open on nights and weekends. It's I was there in the middle of day and it's very odd. Yes. Yes. My number one thing Wow, all the excitement at the office. Yeah, I also recognize how like horribly roll those those off. Are I mean, yeah. So I need to like have eater in here in winter. I like it cold it's 50 degrees outside and in this old right yes, plugging in rain vago? Stash and park is in the closet. Alright guys, here's your office coats. Yeah, welcome to the office. Please take your your company porque no, no, you may not take it with you. It's just for the sufferer walking the dogs. This is for meetings until up now Ah, well, I think we know all the report on this one. Tired already late. That's true. Extra late this list this week. Ladies Gentlemen got some scheduling conflicts. Aaron's running marathons and we did not record at our normal time because he was tornado warned so don't really want to be recording podcasts in the middle of tornadoes

Aaron  1:09:41

in Oklahoma. So we had our fourth banquet. And we had to postpone it for about like an hour. Because the guy yeah, the party came out and was like, Yeah, we're gonna go to like now and then, every day then They had nothing but miserably and


that's true we're super flooded up here got the rip roaring rivers up here so it's been pretty intense but like it didn't actually rain today but we still couldn't go outside to recess because our playgrounds like flooded so


we might have been able to but they wouldn't have been able to resist the mud so we're like we're glad you didn't blow air into your job though I do think we could have brought some groundbreaking reporting like everyone's favorite weather person out there we could have had our own weather weather van live weather forecasts out there storm chasing lymphoma Yeah, yeah. Aaron


on this I'm sure Shelby would have


that I'm gonna strike no vibes from that voice there are you home so late? Well, we recorded the podcast and Brandon Collins compelling me to


ask now Yeah, I mean, I could probably survive the tornado I probably can't survive lb Fair enough. Well, we will continue. We are going to continue that discussion of demand shall be will we will continue his training discussion for his class. I'm very first Brian rents to get the back details. Right. You guys losing money

