cleaning day for rocks

Collin has yoga ball problems. The boys spend quite a while discussing office furniture and optimal (mostly sub-optimal) chairs. We then go and share/discuss phone wallpapers because Collin needs help…again. Brandon has a field day and is cleaning Rocks. 

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chair, big, rock, office, lazy boy, wallpaper, put, sitting, ball, day, icons, wheels, feel, nice, screen, picture, pineapple, aaron, yoga, true


Collin, Aaron, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your host, Brandon, Colin, and Aaron. On this week's show, cleaning day for rocks. I am so sad why my yoga ball is dead on to do work at my desk is suspiciously much smaller than it previously was earlier in the day.

Brandon  00:44

Yes, that is a problem.

Collin  00:47

Yes. So I am sitting on a boring old wooden chair.

Brandon  00:55

Boo, boo. So my Yeah, my yoga ball problems just started. I really think what happened, what had happened. But sometimes children like to play thumbtacks to put paintings or pictures that they draw on their wall. Ah, this, and this does sound like a big problem. And sometimes they don't always make it back to my desk.

Collin  01:25

Though, I believe there is a random thumbtack on the floor somewhere now just waiting to attack my heel. While I'm walking in the middle of night, which will be really fun. That will be exciting.

Brandon  01:38

We'll keep you on edge. On your toes as it were. We're off right? Yes, true.

Collin  01:44


Brandon  01:49

Oh, dear. Yes, that is. So now I'm boring sitting in a normal chair. Right? To make the best of it. You know, life is hard. Well, yes, that is true. Sorry, for your suffering. Thank you hope that one day you will be able to.

Collin  02:10

I mean, trying to think we've had this for coming up on the yoga ball for coming on two years. So I mean, that's a long time, because kind of hoping it would last a little bit.

Brandon  02:21

And I feel like that's a long time for a yoga ball. Right. They're not exactly like the sturdiest thing in the world. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like,

Collin  02:31

yeah, and it's not exactly like it's a manufacturer sailing, like it's kind of, you know, it was sabotage, sabotage. Yeah, true, right, like a man, that does change

Brandon  02:41

the algorithm a little bit. How to judge?

Collin  02:48

Kind of like, oh, man, I really expected my car to last longer, but the bulldozer ran straight into me, man, I'll never buy this brand again. Yeah, right. Two things aren't really related.

Brandon  03:04

So hopefully you will. So here's the real question. Sure. In your search for replacement, are you going to just buy a yoga ball? Or are you going to buy a different seating? apparatus? Yeah,

Collin  03:28

that's a good question. And I am not 100% Sure. I know the answer to that. And here's the reason why. I really like the yoga ball. Because you might not know this about me into like,

Brandon  03:43

fidget, move around. I've heard that. Yes. We've heard that about Yes, said

Collin  03:47

a timer to that i Yes, issues. So for that, it's very nice. It's very nice to sit at it to be working at a desk to have that often. On the other hand, when it comes to like, well behaved office furniture. yoga ball does not rank high on that. As

Brandon  04:06

No, no, it'd be very low


on the list.

Brandon  04:10

Like it's, it's, you know, I question like, if you put a chair somewhere, you generally expect it to stay where you put it, right? That's not how balls work. Like

Collin  04:25

no, that's not how balls work at all.

Brandon  04:28

Or like let's say

Collin  04:33

you wanted to do something else with a yoga ball like you want it looks like something that Megan and I may do is we may shoot a video. Oh, yeah, no. I said shoot a video for social media sitting down. doing that on a yoga ball is is not a not easy, and it's very awkward. As you sit there and Kate Have bounce and sway, and rock back. Highly distracting to watch somebody do that. That's true. And it just looks, it's hard to position and set places and do other things with like, oh, I don't know, like, oh the or like what that's like just utilitarian, the filter or our upstairs. H vac system is in the ceiling. Right?

Brandon  05:24

I have to Yeah. If I wanted to standing on the yoga ball or you have on

Collin  05:28

top of something, I'm not using a yoga ball, then I have I still have to have a chair in my office for cases in instances such as that. So as like, I have to. So I don't know there are a bunch of weird office furniture. But I think we'll probably we'll call back those weird ones. They're

Brandon  05:50

like, half a yoga ball on like, on air legs.

Collin  05:55

Like you're elevated up.

Brandon  05:57

Exactly. So and but I don't want I don't

Collin  06:02

want to roll the chair because we're on carpet. I don't want to have to get the little plastic sheet. Right? Oh, yes. Because the important plastic sheet exactly like to noise really well, if you have a tight pile of your carpeting. Ours is not ours is pretty long pile. So it's going to be bendy and warm. And it's not going to sit well or Ben is going to crack and so I can't

Brandon  06:24

have a problem is when one wheel goes off the side. Yeah, he's doomed, exact, right? You have to like get up and move the chair bag and like reposition everything. It's a whole vague like,

Collin  06:35

exactly, yeah. Well, and because the fact that it's being elevated, you know, a quarter inch or half inch off the surface of the heart as you like, as you press down in one port. It just kind of warps like you're, you know, I asked you I'm like, you know, planets sitting on the spacetime fabric, like it's kind of what's happening there as you're warping down at various points along that plastic sheeting is dipped in down into the carpet. It's awkward to roll. It's not it's just not good. So I don't think I can't have a rolling chair. Um, and so I need something that is either just stationary here with no rolly or like, annual ball. I don't know. We're gonna have the search again, in an artist. And we'll see what maybe you need some like off road wheels or your chair like big like this big like big caster wheel.

Brandon  07:32

Yeah, those big Yeah, like big ones. Yeah, yeah. No, like rubber ones. Dolly wheels. A dolly or Yeah, cart. Yeah, exactly. That way you could still have rolling, but like then, you know, it would go over the carpet. So like, fabricates aftermarket chair wheels to put on there for carpet, like carpet mode.

Collin  08:01

Carpet load chair said. Yeah. I'm envisioning something like

Brandon  08:09

James Mays. All Terrain? Access wheelchair. Yeah. I was thinking about you know, those big like a, because I like omni directional wheels that they have on like robotic things. Uh huh. Yeah. That's what they need to be. Like. There's weird ones that are on forklifts to have more forklifts to like there's big, like omni directional wheels. You can put a forklift and stuff, just get some of those on there. So you can roll whatever direction that would actually but they're big enough. So they're all across the carpet. Yeah, thing or I guess the other option, I do know they make this easy. They you just like pop the wheels off. And instead of wheels you put on just like it's just like a flat thing that turns it into it turns rolly chairs into a stationary chair.

Collin  08:59

Right? Sure.

Brandon  09:00

It's just like a flat little thingy that you stick in there. Yeah. And then so it doesn't move anymore. That makes sense. I mean, I probably do that. That way, you're not, you can still get the office chair. Right. And then you could just take the wheels off, and you put these little things on there. So it still kind of sets up like it's supposed to. But they're just flat and they don't, so they don't move.

Collin  09:26

I will say when it comes to office chairs. They're yet another example of one of those things, like with many purchases in life, where spending anywhere from zero to like $600 doesn't really change the quality of chair like much at all. It's well it's, I mean, I mean, if you let's say you walk into like Office Depot or staples, and you see the office chairs that they have set out there and you go, what's the cheapest one, all the way up to something that's like, you know, four or $500 There's not a whole On a different theory only really once you get to tears like 1000 or more that you really see, oh, this is actually a better build quality or it has to

Brandon  10:08

shrink. I don't really I don't know, I don't really buy chairs like that. So I just know, I know that I know. There are some office type chairs that are stupidly expensive, you know, like unhealthily, like was that the Herman Miller ones or whatever? Chair? Yeah, exactly. There's like

Collin  10:24

a billion dollars to two.

Brandon  10:27

I've just seen him around I listened to. I've seen him on like, random things. Like I've just seen them and like, that's a stupidly expensive chair. What in the heck? Like, I own many things that are less expensive than that chair, right. Like, that's the

Collin  10:50

biggest act interesting. Speaking of office chairs, I got to use my office. I got bored interviews again. It was it was wonderful, glorious. And I was in there. And John was he's obviously still has his office there. I come out the door and he's standing there. And he's has these chairs in front of him. And he's

Brandon  11:10

like, do you need chairs? And I was like, yes, yes. Here you go.

Collin  11:17

And so I went through the clash. I know I didn't, he was like, Yeah, I figured you

Brandon  11:25

might need some more things like this. I really appreciate it. You figured correctly.


do indeed.

Brandon  11:36

So that we have two additional chairs. All right. Now I need as previously just a listen that at least you have a chair step one,

Collin  11:49

or do I need a zero gravity WorkSafe you've seen those? I don't That sounds terrifying. Okay, what is the agian one of those like high end gamer chairs, but it reclines and puts your total body into a neutral position. And then you have a giant tray that goes in front of you where your keyboard and mouse and other stuff go. But then lipping down in front of you is like 180 or 270 degree view of curved screen panels that are in front of you. It's kind of like you sit down and the whole thing reclines backwards, stare up and

Brandon  12:29

screens typing. That sounds horrible. I don't, I don't want to be typing anything. For a long enough time. That an apparatus such as that would be required. Oh, that sounds absolutely terrible.

Collin  12:52

I sent you an Amazon link.

Brandon  12:54

I know. I don't want this. Go into my Amazon. It is still looking at it. No. Oh my Lord. And I know that looks like the thing that Darth Vader sits in in Empire Strikes Back where he's like meditating or whatever. And he's got like his helmet off, you know, and the officer comes up and looks at it. This is what this looks like. It's so there's some like Tron stuff right here. This is not cool. I mean, here's basically here's what happened. I played like the arcade games that you like, sit in and you shoot the Jurassic Park dinosaurs. You know, as long as it looks

Collin  13:27

very real. If you Oh, oh, you know what this also looks like? Okay, this horrid looks like the from the side view it can it because of that has a big curved arm that supports the thing with the screen. It looks like the droid from Star Wars tech. The wheeled ones Yeah, that looks like I mean, if you walk into somebody's house destroy your droids or whatever. If you walked into somebody's house and they had this sitting in the corner I would leave

Brandon  13:54

Yeah, I don't like I don't want to talk to you I don't make your

Collin  13:59

judgment calls very much on people but and now this is where Aaron says that like six of his friends as parents

Brandon  14:05

like bro I got one of those today's Austin office.

Collin  14:08

He's actually talking to us from His zero gravity position. Oh, Aaron how's it saved zero gravity.

Brandon  14:14

Bang bang bout I've got my feet back as far as possible I am physically and mentally out of it right now. No, my I without even looking I know exactly what I'm talking about.

Aaron  14:30

Because I want to have one for my office when I was with DHS. Like I wanted it so bad and they had like these really cool like, real big like leather one that you could recline but not like full on labs but like about but then they can like you can extend the leg portion out and like have like a like you can leave all these things. And I wanted to feel one when we closed the office. We could

Brandon  14:56

fast forward to my classroom. One I have black tape wrapped around one of the armrests because of the lever parked on. And if you lean back ago if you lean back and lean left if five of you lean back and lean a little bit, right? It's like the things like knocking the ball out. It's just like a mid air before action. And it's just like, got all these cut up on it and it's the most comfortable one I could find down there. Because I you know, failing before school or piano was what got


me got my good old little trusty

Brandon  15:40

orange camo squeaks a lot. Tear sitting here at home right now. I told myself I was never going to be one of the people they got like a lazy boy. And then I have a friend who has a lazy boy. And I'm like, I need a lazy boy that might be different when we do move. We're going to upgrade the couch. And I don't think Shelby knows what we're getting rated. Why are you guys gonna get cool? You can have tandem lazy boys. Oh, you could have like the double recliner thing. Or you just have your own chair. We're not gonna be an old like that kind of an old couple now like Archie Bunker style, right? Each having put the end table in between you. So you can have you can rest your drinks on it. Go. I think this is this is this is what's gonna happen. Yeah. And then I never realized I like was and then like I said it on like it his like how it's kind of like, no. Okay. I'm like you. You like us here. And he's like, I know. I agree. He doesn't have a kid. So he's like, yeah, just take my baby. We just went back and take it and just you don't have to get up like oh man, you get to bed. Nope. There we go. Dark magic is this. Me? Neosho Missouri, bringing joy to so many people who knew?

Collin  17:27

how to spell. Lazy Boy. Yes, there's too many hyphens specifically to Yes.

Brandon  17:36

Or whatever. Is late because it lays back dough. Ah my school chair at my desk is just a random one that was in the room. Right? And it's like, the classic office chair shape. Like the round one, you know, with the arms. They like, move, but they might just be stuck there. It's hard to know. Probably. It's like this super old like really faded pink color. That's like super gross. But like it was it was like You need two chairs. Like buying a chair kit outta here. I would guarantee you the school is not going to buy me a chair. So I'm not buying my own office chair. No, no. Sit in it enough to really warrant like that like sitting in my desk to grade things after school doesn't really warrant new chair mode. So like whatever I am trying to get one for the the baseball barn or working on our ad kids getting me or asked me to give them a list of things like what do you need for like baseball? What do you need, like facility itself? Like when you meet Sam? I keep like throwing in like little things. Maybe he'll catch the hit like like I'm the first one it's like Bulldog mascot was Bulldog out was like full on the leash or mascot

Aaron  19:15

haven't said no yet. So on Netflix, I'm going to put lazy boy because we're going to put a little little office thing where we can go through and like store stuff and where as coaches can go and just didn't hide from, you know, children. And I'm like, to just put like, like, okay, like, like you have like a whole office and then like

Brandon  19:40

like the arms pulled up and like they're like, Oh, we're gonna do a couple there. And they're like little Oh, cool. Like he's going to give you a folding chair from the storage room as a duct tape like the ones from the cart. Do you guys have the folding chair cart? Right? We have one that's like part immediately parked in the hallway. It's kind of super ghetto, right? It's fine. Like, there's just like a folding chair cart. The big is the old one, like just a big long one that they're just like, stacked in, you know? Yeah. And it's just sitting there all the time. In the same place forever. I'm gonna give you another point. It's either Lazy Boy or Bulldog mascot. So it's kind of up in the air right now. I know exactly what you're talking about because I remember in elementary coats heavens that it was a corner and I was one of the climatic because I thought it was cool. Like pretend it's like a car or something and you cannot you get yelled at. So I never did really seem to like it around and like all the things are heavy. So yeah, hold on. For lazy boy as the fun goal for next year. It's also a universal rule that those chair does folding chair cart things. The wheels are like Mega broken. So like yeah, they never work they allegedly can move. But like in practice, it's very hard and takes multiple people like heaving upon it. So

Collin  21:19

the trick there is that it is also never in a straight line is true

Brandon  21:23

because they're like caster wheels. Yeah, like but they're they're broken caster wheels. Yeah, so like

Collin  21:28

the frame is been offset by at least 11 degrees

Brandon  21:32

are you have to bend but big time. Major benzene? Oh, yeah. Oh, man. So yeah,

Collin  21:50

I figuring out new new office chair will be, it'd be fun.

Brandon  21:58

It's not going to be fun, because because the problem is, as we know, the options for purchasing office chairs are approaching infinity. And with that many options to deal with trying to whittle them down. You have like subcategories upon subcategories here. Like explode your brain. That is going to be a stool. No,

Collin  22:26

I have really been like, I still think this is just me. Wobble stool. Got it. Yeah, a slightly wobbly three legged stool at like a drafting table. I really feel like I would do a lot of

Brandon  22:39

like, that would be good. Now you can have you seen the wall? You know what a wobble stool is? Oh, no, I thought you're talking about him? Badly. No, no, it's like a. So it's a stool. Right? Like a normal stool. They're short. Right? Yes. And then the bottom is like, slightly. The bottom is a big flat bass. Right. But at the bottom is like concaved sort of like sort of rolls about? Yeah, right. They're pretty great. I like them a lot, but

Collin  23:10

it's a lot more expensive.

Brandon  23:12

Yeah, they're like, actually been throwing up. He's using a fanbase this entire time. Ah,

Collin  23:18

betrayed. Oh, I thought about a standing desk for a while. But then

Brandon  23:25

Susan had when she loved it, I needed

Collin  23:26

like, she liked it a lot admit to something whenever I'm there, I gotta

Brandon  23:32

look, it moves up and down. You don't have to commit. You could be like, I feel like standing up like I'm tired of some bad guy.

Collin  23:39

That's the problem is that I would just do that constantly, like, up and down. And then you start doing I'd start going, what activities should I be doing while I'm standing? And what activities should I be doing while I'm sitting and I'll just switch between those true context just

Brandon  23:54

kind of go with what you feel, man. You just go man. My knees are tired. I wouldn't sit down now. But this still doesn't solve the problem that you also need a chair for at least half of the time. So this is not like alleviating a problem. No, it actually just adds more cost to this. Yeah, so that like maybe that's the worst part. It's the worst plan more costs. Oh,

Collin  24:20

like Oh, and also increases your number of options. And it's like two three times more costly.

Brandon  24:24

Enjoy that. Oh, well. Yeah, I mean, you can just stand up next to your desk. I gotta be fine.

Collin  24:35

Why crouch sometimes I'll push I would push the yoga ball back, just crouched down, kind of stare at the screen.

Brandon  24:46

That sounds like the worst possible plan. Well, why on earth would you do?

Collin  24:50

Stretches gets gets to your lower back

Brandon  24:58

I don't either, either. Anyway

Collin  25:14

Yeah, speaking of things, infinite possibilities, I'm on a new kick to try and find a new wallpaper own.

Brandon  25:23

Oh my goodness, it's

Collin  25:24

just it's just bad. Just

Brandon  25:26

kind of go into your feel what you're feeling at the time. Right? The thing about wallpapers, Colin, you need to remember is it's easily changeable. So you don't really have to commit. Because if you change your mind in like four to half days, just change whatever,

Collin  25:46

like I do. But what it has has to offer you also has to work well, because that's the other part that gets me frustrated is that you get this really beautiful wallpaper, and then you can't see any of it because it's covered with app icon. And then you end up not being able to see the beautiful view. So you pick a bland wallpaper, and you're like, this is actually not doesn't actually speak to what I want this right now. So you end up changing it or then like me, you just go with black wallpaper. Black solid black.

Brandon  26:21

That's a horrible Why would you

Collin  26:23

know it's the best one? Because it's like right now I have like, I've been scrolling through so I've downloaded like 30 Different wallpaper options, and all of them are minimalistic, but like have color shades and hues and I can only see about 4% of it. And the rest of it's broken up by apps and icon. So how do I What would I do knowing and that's sometimes you just get one that you feel alright, please time Aaron What is your phone background?

Brandon  26:51

So the fan awfully I mean right the second the background background like when I open up everything I put the password and it is a picture of LVM myself one of our engagement pictures the I guess it's called the lock screen or yeah Lock Screen Lock Screen. Yeah, so the the one like if I just turn my phone on right now not typing anything in life. I like quick little side buttons, and political some client ID thing and it gives me the time. Yeah, it's a background of how to Boone Pickens Stadium and has LSU and has the black OC thing above it? Because I hate to specialize in my store something I like working with saying and having kids standing there so I just have I typically have a neutral, open scream. And then when I into my iPhone, my background is of Shelby Mr. Bell. Ah, there we go. Oh man, nice. To I feel like, like we need to be sharing a home screen shot.

Collin  28:06

That would be lovely Holyoke.

Brandon  28:09

Okay, here, I'll send you mine. I don't know if you're ready for this. Okay, hold on. I have to find it. Gallery. Download. Boom, here we go. Here's mine. That's my home screen. It's Gandalf. That's what's up. Please. Get off. It's a sweet like shadow picture of Gandalf. And like radix talking to random guests.

Collin  28:39

Really? thing? Yeah.

Brandon  28:42

I just found it online somewhere. I was like, That's it. Here's my my lockscreen is also Gandalf. It's the painting of him like walking over the hill to back end or whatever. Oh, nice. Yeah. So my name is my name. Is Gandalf themed. That's my that's my super nerd mode activate. Yeah. Ladies, gentlemen.

Collin  29:07

Here's what I've been rocking recently. So our lock screen is family picture that we got when we did the one we were all out of dad. That's the lockscreen is like my phone do that. And I sent you a screenshot of my homescreen and then it's a pineapple. It's a pineapple. It is in fact pineapple. Why a pineapple? Well, because it is it?

Brandon  29:26

Is it because it's unobtrusive or because he really liked pineapples. It's because it's

Collin  29:32

unobtrusive but it's kind of quirky. So only takes up a quarter. A quarter of the lower quarter lowered. I don't know two thirds of the screen. Yeah. So you're not missing anything up up

Brandon  29:45

above that. And so see every kid's Nice. Very, hey, nice to side on Aaron's with a good picture of you. Oh yeah, that's,

Collin  30:07

that's my thought I've landed on his pineapple.

Brandon  30:10

But it's the search still continues. So what why do you want it to be? Are you just tired of the pineapple? Or do you feel that the pineapple does not accurately express your personality? You just feel like you just put it there just

Collin  30:28

because well, I put it there, cuz it was different. So I swing of quite rapidly back and forth between wanting like, nothing, no color, like for the longest time, if I could change a, an app icon to make it black or gray I would. And then my background was was black. So everything was just black. And then the theme was black. It was all dark out with red Ray, but

Brandon  30:55

enough of you. Yeah. Okay. Now I'm

Collin  30:59

listening to like chemical

Brandon  31:01

romance like, yeah, exactly. Small email, like, Oh, I just got this white belt. And I was really?

Collin  31:07

Yeah, white stripy gloves. Yep. Black, bring it up. Anyway, so I

Brandon  31:12

was coming back, man, watch out.

Collin  31:15

So but then I swing the other way. And I'm like, I want as much color as possible. So that's kind of where I'm swinging to now. So I've changed all my icons to be as colorful to their colorful version that allow me to express that. And then that kind of means the background is different. Right now. It's white with pineapple. Because again, anything that I like, what would I like to look at that I can see through a grid of icons? That's very different than what do I like?

Brandon  31:43

Really? That really, because you can start with the what do I like? And then go with? How do I make How do I adapt this to something that is aesthetically pleasing for me? Because it appears to me that you put way more thought into this than I do? Because I just go by pictures cool. The lamp, what's the done? is ideal.

Collin  32:08

cool picture, I want to be able to look at it. I want to see it. I don't see it. There's no point. So as my black and black wall parties, though

Brandon  32:17

this does not the site does not? Does not like if there's some icons in the way like I don't care, because I still know what it is, I guess. And I'm like, okay, sometimes like I wouldn't move this icon over here, because I don't have like super just tons of icons on my homescreen or whatever. Right? Like, I have them just like, you know, in a different spot. So yeah, I can see it fine. And I'm like, Oh, that one's in the head. Gandalf head, I'd slide it over, like, oh, that's better. Yeah, on my screen right now. I have 12344 apps, and the Google search bar. That's it. See, I don't have to have like, just as I did have lots of stuff on

Collin  33:08

here. Yeah. So I don't know. on my, on my screen, you see that there's those three big blocks once a calendar ones, whether one's photos, there's those four little ones off the side. And then there's that big grid of eight, those eight, constantly change based off context and what my phone thinks I want.

Brandon  33:30

Oh, that's super annoying.

Collin  33:33

But sometimes it just really nails it to what I want to be looking at. It's kind of like your most used apps, but also Yeah, it's like, oh, you use this app in the morning. So I'm gonna try and put that up there for you in the morning time, whatever. So

Brandon  33:45

that's, that's to me. Yeah. Yeah, I don't care. I just look at my phone and say, Oh, that's cool. Victor, you're done. That's it. And it's like, whatever I'm feeling like, oh, man, when I put this on here, obviously, I was like, super feelings and Lord of the Rings, right? And I was like, What's gotta be Gandalf? Right? Obviously, he's coolest. So I began off on there and then like, before I even wrote was before like, even know what my background would have been before that because I've had that on there for a while. It's like something really random probably. At one point, it was like old school fountain pen add. Because I thought it was cool looking. I was like, one time it was. I really don't remember what it was before. This. Must not have been

Collin  34:50

that memorable. I was the one that I had for literally the longest time. I love this one a lot. But again, I only like it because He has characters in the Studio Ghibli minimalist wallpaper, anime, but I have one like that. Yeah, I have this one, which can be hard for me to see the characters that I was like moving. Then what I did was I moved all of my icons away from the center. Yeah, I made my phone like unusable and I have as many I couldn't access the apps that I needed. And then I was like, I'm living with a phone that the only reason to look at this picture, but I can't use my phone. So I got frustrated

Brandon  35:38

that's great. Oh, I know what my was mine was this. He was there. I had one that was a big it was a Dark Souls One. So I have it's like a welcome to Lord dren. Right with Solaire says prayed to sign on it real big. It was great. It was like an old school like, poster. Vintage like poster style. I had that on there. That's what was on there for a long time. Because it's funny. Hahaha. Yes.

Collin  36:09

Did I tell you that Lillian finished both Spirited Away and Kiki's Delivery Service?

Brandon  36:16

Ah, no, you just said Kiki's Delivery Service, I believe. Yep. And

Collin  36:22

then she doubled up. And I might also add she finished both of these

Brandon  36:27

in the sub version. Not the dub. Obviously,

Collin  36:34

she read the best word.

Brandon  36:37

Rare, and I was like, good job. Catch all of it. But that's fine. can watch it as million 1x Fortune again? You go. Err, did you say something? Yeah, that was I was like, um, did you not like once he had an

Collin  37:00

honest review was she really liked key delivery service.

Brandon  37:08

She liked the girl. And then she like

Collin  37:15

Spirited Away. Except for two parts. I wonder I want you guys to guess what two parts she did not like

Brandon  37:25

in Spirited Away. It has been a minute since I've seen very quickly where the big goofy thing is chasing after

Collin  37:35

the person. Yeah. So when no face is chasing after her. That's

Brandon  37:41

okay. Yeah. Is that when the water spirit comes in? It's like muddy and gross.

Collin  37:45

No, she thought that was fascinating.

Brandon  37:46

She know, the very beginning when the parents sit down and turn into pig Yeah,

Collin  37:59

right. And I understand that's a bit unnerving. When nevers all of a sudden, little girl is talking to mom or dad, and then they weren't paid. I really doubt that's an amazing brand.

Brandon  38:09

Yeah, I have that. I had that one on my phone for a while too. Okay. I like that one. Still that one for a while? Yeah,

Collin  38:18

I forgot about that part. Yeah, so that was the one. Otherwise, if we loved them, and she had lots of questions about happening, and what's going on, which is fine.

Brandon  38:31

As one does,

Collin  38:33

I still have questions that I've seen each of those 20 times or whatever, at this point. So it's okay. But now, she she really liked them. And so I have more that we can keep watching and I'd like for her to watch this again. Any year to just keep revisiting those.

Brandon  38:53

She's not Dean is not in total. So I need to I figured that would be a good start one because that one's just like the most chill one of all. Yes. Like it's just like, yep, which is hanging out. And there's a word spirit. And we're sad because I'm I'm sick of asking, asking to watch things like Attack on Titan. And on my way, or my hair academia. Oh, dear.

Collin  39:21

Be a few years.

Brandon  39:23

I was thinking how old do you have to be to watch the best one? Which is of course pretty disappointed. Okay, right. How old do you have to be for that crazy thing? Hot Minute, because if she didn't like no face, she's not gonna like the pig or if not. Have you ever ever think about in your parenting life you'll ever have to have that conversation about what kind of was animating your children we're gonna like one thing the doctor says you and like now one day Hey, we're gonna have a conversation about the ins and outs of the impact on cultural phenomenon of your Miyazaki films. And you know, you gotta be ready for that. Yeah, I think that was in the brochure. Right. So. So random episodes of slam dunk.

Collin  40:22

I'm really worried about those conversations No, no, it's, it'll be interesting. Like I said, she didn't glean a whole lot from them. It will keep raining. Well, both you and I are winding down this semester. Right? How many? How many days?

Brandon  40:56

Next Friday.

Collin  40:58

Nice amaro

Brandon  41:00

watch. Dang, there you go. So tomorrow is a half day. But we do have professional development Friday, but we didn't have spring camp or football next week. And then we have a thing called Summer pride where a few times a week we go and we go and work out. I just like to work out days, summer workouts and stuff. Yeah, yeah. And things like that. Yeah, tomorrow is a half day. And we That's it. We had all the state tests over finals. You. You had professional development after school was out. I would be so glad to know, schedule your life better. That's to get tested at the beginning of the year. I think it's I think they call professional development. So we can go ahead and hire them. Literally just like to clean up our classroom. Okay. Absolutely. That's kind of like, do the

Aaron  41:57

I have to do on reading the classroom. So angry. But then I'm gonna spend the rest of the day working on baseball facility. And then I think we have a workout that day. I think I've heard that's Friday. Sorry.

Brandon  42:16

Yeah. So tomorrow. Morrow half day. And I got but we're gonna work on the barn and then Friday. Yeah, Ed stuff in the morning. Inventory classroom, check out all that stuff. And then yeah, we got our stuff. Yeah, I need to find my check. And somebody emailed me a checklist, my like checkout list, and I don't know where that is. So I don't know. Most of us just like clean your room. Like, yeah, I know. Do I think I don't know how to do is we have to, like, print off the grade cards and stuff. And I don't really know how to do that. I don't think because it's like a new system. And I don't, I'm not real sure. Check grades and they'll figure it out. But we're gonna have like, hardly any good show up tomorrow. So it's gonna be kind of awkward. Now. Back up, we have to like, because I haven't like I think I have to put in one more grade. But like, we have to, like, print them. Like, it says, like, turn in your gradebook. I don't have like physical Gradebook, right? Because you gave me a digital one. So why would I want that? So I think I'm supposed to print it. But like the whole thing. I don't know how to do that. I don't know if anybody else knows how to do that either. See, problem might be problem, but everything else is like yeah, like put your put your remotes away. Yeah, yeah, I know. Leave me alone. Let's put them in a drawer. Boom. Done. Stop it. Yeah, tomorrow is the worst day of the entire year. For us. It's Field Day. Korean well, because it's Field Day. And how do we decide on the alarm? It's supposed to be like a billion degrees outside. I don't want to go like 90 degrees. outside all day. No, no, I don't want to. I don't want to go. So I have my giant bottle of sunscreen over here. Ready to go. I'm ready.

Collin  44:41

Ready, ready prepared. I was spraying myself with this brand sunscreen today. And for whatever reason I finished spraying my neck and then I moved sunscreen over across my face. And I didn't let go of my finger from that's not a good idea. Failed. My ear was

Brandon  45:03

well, it would it

Collin  45:05

didn't ever now did it. Go my right ear is very well protected for the next week

Brandon  45:13

ago. So yeah. And like, yeah, so tomorrow's field day, it's gonna be horrible. I'm probably gonna die. Probably like twice. Yeah, definitely today for the elementary here we did the, I guess to do the thing where they called like the Oklahoma land run with our own kids like team up and then because they Wow, race and try to find certain parts of the elementary school, they all said they're tracking their own tech field days. And so if I had busted me today no matter what's on all this week and last week, like the kids today were like all sunburned. They're all tired they got there like so quiet. I was like, you're putting yourself out? I'm sorry. Our tracking field is just well, it's not there's no track, right? It's just our field day. It's making lame. Yeah, I don't like it. Oh, no, like it's boring. Right. And usually, because it's been the exact same events every single year for ever. By the time that kids are in sixth grade, they're just like, whatever. I don't write because it's the same field day, every year. And I understand like, it's probably a pain in the butt to try to find new things to do or feel they are I can imagine that would be very difficult. But the fact that it's never changed. They're just kind of like, I don't like that game. I don't like this game. I don't want to do that. We'll see how they act tomorrow. Right? Because it's what it's one thing to say these things. Right? It's another thing to like, see how it goes. So we'll see how it goes tomorrow. But you know, when they talk, they're like the, but again, sometimes when sixth graders speak and when they act, not the same thing happens, right? So well. We'll find out about that. And then Friday, we'll just be just like blah, whatever. And then next week is our last week of school. But we're doing like all kinds of weird stuff next week, too. So next week is the sixth grade field trip. Which is apparently going ice skating in Arkansas. Nice. So we're gonna be getting a bunch of kids who never actually before it's gonna be hilarious. Can't wait for this to Arkansas. I don't. I don't it's because it's where they've always gone. And whatever. Whatever the English teacher she's in charge. So she's just like, we're doing this like alright, fine, whatever. Adams


quite unique.

Brandon  47:58

Yeah, we just go there because they have a big they have ice rink and they have like a pool. So like, they skate. They swim. We eat lunch. We like play the thing. Come home, come home. So like, whatever was a really long day. We're not going back to like 536 o'clock. Oh, wow. Yeah, it's like, extra mega bonus field trip. It's kind of we do at the end of the year, because it's like, more like a celebrating sixth grade being over type of thing. Right? Like, right. You're leaving Elementary School. I like it's like the big. You're at a sixth grade. You're going on to Big Boy land in seventh grade. Right. So that's why it's so massive. But then the day after that. We have our fourth quarter celebration at the motet Park. So we have to go all the all the security and be like, tired by the end of Wednesday. Back? Yeah, so then it's after Tuesday. Then the next day the very next day. We come to school and then we go to the park for like literally all day. Oh, no. Yeah. And they like the tea the principal like grills hot dogs for everybody. And it's like whole thing and stuff but like it will be a long day. Again. At least there's lots of trees at the park. That's nice. Shade don't die. Yay. So it'll be very, like exhausting.

Collin  49:38

Yeah, well, but last big push and then and then you're dead right? Oh, yeah.

Brandon  49:44

Pretty much. Yeah. Classroom pretty much dead. Did we just been talking about random sciency things? Friday, we're definitely watching a video about river pollution. So that'd be exciting. But it's video day Friday, because we're really tired. Probably sunburned feel they like, no. Yeah so just wind her down. I do have to finish the worst part of the year which is cleaned my classroom because that's not fun. How many?

Collin  50:20

How many rocks? We still have?

Brandon  50:23

Like a billion, right? I even like got rid of a bunch but all these kids like I can't like they bring them to me they like like, oh you if I was out in the woods with my dad and I found this rock you can have it and like okay, well I guess I keep that for a while at least they bring me like sweet ones. So like no keeping that all of them right. Now this kid the other day he brought me this giant like thing. Remember these two like massive rocks? It's like I got a third one. But I couldn't put it in my backpack. Like you keep that at your house. I totally don't think that here. But it's like it's the bottom half. It's like this weird. There's like this line. Right? So the bottom half is like sand, stony face and stony. And the top is just like, giant quartz. stuck to this rock. Whoa, it's insane. It's huge. Like, what's, where did you find this? He was like, I was out in the woods doing this thing. And I found it. It was like, pull some massive is a massive chord structure. The rock is like the size of my hand. And the whole thing is these huge courts things like it's like, dude, what you got? No one's crazy into these suckers. Agency Yeah.

Collin  51:59

sounded out there,

Brandon  52:00

dude. Yeah, he just found it was like his aunt's house or something. Just like, dude, what in the world? As one as one does? Yeah, you know, just hanging out. Fine, giant rocks in the woods. That's okay. I do that. So it's fine. But so yeah, I have so many rocks. I don't know what I'm gonna do with them all. I gotta like to rethink my life. Because there's so many now. Like on the window with them.

Collin  52:32

I think I feel like you need to start building a wall.

Brandon  52:35

I do have some some of the ones that are like, just kind of like, whatever. Like, I put them over somewhere else. But some of them they like yo, I found this rock and it's like, this one girl brought me one. She's like, Oh, yeah. Her lead in was Oh, yeah. I found this fossil in the house. I'll bring it to it later. I was like, Okay, well, that's cool. Right? The thing she brought me. It's like a seashell fossil. It's like, three and a half inches wide. It's the biggest one I've ever seen in Missouri, ever. And she was like, oh, yeah, this is just my friends about my grill. It was like it's enormous. Crazy. Like, it's so big. Sci Fi sci fi. Like, it's huge. It's like, Oh my God. What? Like, yeah, I just have this like,

Collin  53:36

it's just the thing. You know, for me.

Brandon  53:38

It was just, it was just you know, I just had this at my you know, it was just yeah, she was like I've heard about my grill.

Collin  53:51

Grilling. Yeah, my question I have in the backyard. Right now.

Brandon  53:57

If wild, too. Oh, my goodness. It's so massive. Yeah, then like, what do you Yeah, how do you process? Yeah, what keep versus what? The topic? Basically. Yeah, that's the problem, right? Of like, Okay, well, I'm gonna have to at some point, go through and like call them and be like, okay, like after the year is over, or beginning of next year be like, Okay, this rock is awesome. This rock is a rock. So I'm just gonna like, yeah, it over there. Take it outside and like, yeah. Quietly, you start quietly get rid of that one.

Collin  54:42

Build a low retaining wall around the around the buildings true.

Brandon  54:46

Some of them have a bunch that are like very small size. You know? And so I started like, just putting them up on top of the whiteboard in the back of my room like was just like, little like small pebbles eyes, just like lined them up up there. Like doo doo doo, doo doo. You can just live here. It's fine. Yeah, all right. But a lot of them are like big like, Okay, well that's not gonna work we had to find we have to find a better solution because that's just too many giant rocks everywhere that I don't need and like some of them are really cool but also they're like not really going to contribute to the making the class better right they're not going to be like good examples of rocks you mean like like showing them in class will not really be useful? Sure so I don't like I just had to be like nope not that one had to get that here so that will be a hard decision for some of them but I can't I can't keep all of them because I'm like literally drowning in rocks sometimes like I can't just do what I do

Collin  56:22

I look forward to seeing the list of rocks that made it

Brandon  56:26

true or just have to see

Collin  56:30

now being placed back into the hole that's what you should do is to go back to the hole dug earlier and secret away some of these more interesting fascinating rocks to be rediscovered the next time you go to hold on

Brandon  56:41

now you can't can't be sabotaging right now. Everywhere they go I found it. There it is. Right like the disingenuous to my life.

Collin  56:56

Like Noah, as I wait for your job is digging a hole in front of our house. Our yard is a big,

Brandon  57:06

huge screen is bright. I know. It's like a full, complete, massive seashell imprint fossil was like I've never seen one that big. Just like you know, like real cool grill. Yes. Yeah, I feel bad because like, some kids will be like, they'll come in and they'll ask me like, hey, what's his rock? And sometimes I'm like, they're like really cool like that. And I'm like, oh, yeah, look at this like, shirt. But then we've got this thing here. And then he got this like, you can see the sandstone imprint. And other people they bring me this rock they it's just like a rock from the river. Like, what's this rock? Like? It's, it's a rock, like outer rock. Like it's just like, it's just you know, I feel bad. But it's also like, this really isn't even remotely interesting. Like, I don't know.

Collin  58:04

Rock is just a rock. Yeah.

Brandon  58:07

Sometimes it's like, Yo, look at this, like, there's a really good piece of like Flint and you can see here these like coital fracturing, blah, blah, and other times they're like, yep, that's a rock. All right. Like, I feel like it's sedimentary. I don't know what you want for me. Like it's not really cool. I feel bad. Or like, oh, yeah, that's really neat. Like, do you want it? No, no, you should keep that one I got because I don't know my God. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Anyway, no digging holes. Is he wearing his high heels really fast? YZ console.

Collin  58:54

He doesn't need some time. Good.

Brandon  58:55

Way to be safe, Noah. Good job. Mike Rowe would be proud.

Collin  59:03

Recently, recently, I don't think the kids make it an hour. But anyway, so this is good. But anyway, recently, our neighbor friend older gentleman has every time he walked by on his daily walk, he'll throw like a pocket change into the hole. That as you uncover it, it's very, it's very sweet.

Brandon  59:26

That's hilarious. And I I love it very much.

Collin  59:29

was nice because he did ask like, is it okay if I do this? I want to make the nurse default. Thank you for asking. I appreciate that. Yeah, look totally fine. It's like a nickel and some pennies, but it's still exciting, ya know. Uncover Yeah, that's hilarious. Okay, this is good. This is very wholesome. Indeed. Well Aaron as you start to think of a call it a wrap. Because should I be ready for your big hearty day tomorrow I'm gonna have like four kids and he's all dressed up for your busy day. And we'll

Brandon  1:00:40

delve right. Let me guys let me see

