describing a map

Collin find the source of his environmentalism. Brandon is reading all the Lord of the Rings and random assortment of surrounding works. Aaron is dapper in a bow tie. Boom. In the beloved “Disney ruining our childhood corner” we discuss why Cruella should not have been made and what other movies they’re most likely to ruin.

  • the history of middle earth series

  • The Simarillion

  • Description of a map

  • Aaron is studying for a test

  • World history

  • AND interviewing to be a teacher

  • With a Bow tie

  • Charter schools

  • Collin had a meeting today...boy howdy 

  • Couch follow-up

  • It’s NOT broken

  • Mattress shopping is even worse 

  • Disney Movie Corner

  • Cruella

  • Please stop...nobody cares

  • Which villain?

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backstory, people, person, silmarillion, read, literally, villain, interview, big, week, book, bit, history, weird, bad, vibe, pillow topper, happening, ruin, minutes



Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your host, Brandon, Colin, and Aaron. On this week's show, describing a map. Hello. Hello, hello. Until my kids have been playing in the office, I can hear nothing. You all are very loud. Daddy, what's this button? Do? I blame him? I'll get this figured out. Don't worry. We'll just keep talking away. I'm just I'm just saying that you keep giving me anxiety. Because like, you say things like yeah, we're recording at 745 and then you send out an email that says 730 I'm like if I don't keep you on your toes, like what is what is what even is life What even is life? if if if not for a little bit of Mayhem and by a little bit of Mayhem? I mean, copious amounts. No, no one knows what if anything's happening. Mystery must solve the mystery. Just finished reading the book a messy monster the kids do you guys remember that book? Negative know what Sam Sam skunk and his friends like the picnic by the lake. Like the picnic by the trees and by the by the lake with Apple fours and then Carrot Top that bells weight back boxes. Dance goes to picnic one day, and there's a mess and what a monstrous mess. Uber is friends is the mess is too big or a skunk or a squirrel is even too big for a bear. Are they going to solve it? And it turns out that the monster was them because nobody cleaned up all together. They know they can make the picnic place nice again. They all picked up litter. And Esther was never seen again. That it sounds vague. really familiar, but I don't really have a strikeout for like for this. I pretty much trace my roots back through environmentalism back to that book. No. Oh, well, there we go. I know. Who knew? Man, both built for sale on it on Amazon. But Oh, there you go. listeners. You too. can learn about being a messy monster. You got to do all the voices. Obviously. It's the book is from 1986. Hey, go. Classic, then is what you're saying? Yeah, sure. Perfect. Okay, well, there we go. Yes. I've been reading the silmarillion not exactly a bedtime story. A bit different. A bit more. A bit more insanity happening in that one so stinking failing, or why you got to decide anyway. Yeah, wait a minute. Yeah, it's not exactly the same. Have you? Have you read it before? I've read like random parts of it before. I've never like sat down and read the whole thing, which is what I'm doing right now.






gone through the whole thing, and I have amassed a bit of a collection here. of other Tolkien works that I'm working with. Yeah, you seem to be. Ben, are you gearing up for the Amazon? I guess Oh, if that ever comes out? It's but I've read I've already read the book of lost tales part one. exciting to be the most expensive TV series in history. Well, you know, it's cool. Now the problem is obviously, that's all Second Age things and all this exciting. silmarillion stuff is the first age and so it does. I'm sure it will help put in context. That's true. That's true. You you'll understand sarens motivations better, why so grumpy? Probably. Based on what I know, well, there's a whole thing to watch over the whole the whole day. So, you know, yeah, but the book of lost tales. So I've been buying the, it's like, what's it called? The, the history of Middle Earth series. Right. And so this is, I think there's 12 of them. I don't have all 12. Currently, I have a random assortment of them currently. But it's like, basically, Christopher Tolkien went through and kind of, it's all the early drafts of a lot of this stuff. And he put it just kind of in this series of like, so it has the writing, and his interpretation of the writing, plus lots of commentary about it. Like, when it was written, where this goes in the timeline of when he was writing this stuff. When his dad was writing stuff, and so like the book of lost tales is like the very earliest kind of inkling about what would later become the silmarillion and the legendarium stuff. So it's like, early stuff like 1917, when he's writing some of this stuff, just like randomly. It's some of it's like, familiar, like, Oh, yeah, that's like this thing. And some of it's, like, extra different like, Whoa, what? Wait. And so, yeah, it's, it's pretty cool. Like, I just like it. So I've been reading. I read the first one. Okay. Big like, up until because I've been reading because the Sumerian is quite dense, right? It's I just read a little bit at a time bit, is a bit it does have that reputation. It's not nearly as bad as I, I was always afraid of it. Because people like, Oh, it's so like, you know, that's what you hear about it. I started reading it was like, this isn't really that bad. So you know, I was reading there, and then the book of lost sales kind of like, it's sectioned off as there's pieces of it, they are, they kind of match up with it so far. So I've like I read through a little bit. And then I went back and read kind of like the early versions, and to see what was different in that kind of thing. So it's been pretty sweet. Just kind of fun, random light reading randomly, like, oh, I'll read another chapter that suddenly today, Blam is 50,000 names, and they all begin with F. Sorry. That's what I needed. True. I think that's one of the things that gets people but like, if they're really important, they come back later. So it's fine. You don't have to like remember them all. Now. If they're if they're super important, they just show back up again. And he'll talk about him like a bunch more. So it's Don't worry. Okay, right. Yeah, so it's Yeah, it's pretty good, though. Because it's kind of it's written like a history book, because it's basically supposed to be the history of middler. So it's in universe, it's all nonfiction. Right? It's like, what happened? So if you kind of get your brain in that space of like, Oh, it's kind of like a history textbook. It's Yeah, it's much better to read. But if you're like, I want to story. No, that's not what. That's not what it's for. Yeah, when you start reading chapters about, like, the geography of Bulgarian, like, not exactly story, book material. Unless that's your thing. And then, yeah, also highly regarded as the chapter that you can just skip and it'd be fine. Maps help map masturbate if you have a map to look at that chapter makes much more sense. Right? Yeah. Who wants to know, a written description of the topography of Russia? Have a giant Yeah, but giant land area, like, so you're like, luckily, the book does have the map in it. Plus, there's some really good resources online. They're just like maps of Middle Earth. You can just look at them. And when they're like, oh, and off to the west is there to you? Oh, okay. Now I see what's happening. Yeah, that, that makes sense. But when you're just trying to read the text, it's that chapter is literally just a description of the map. Really? Cool. And it's like, it's really weird. Hold on, let me open it here. Because it's like in the middle of some random stuff. It's like, yeah, there's this whole thing that's happening, right. There's kind of this narrative happening like the sun and moon are created and validated or is hidden away from The evil and men show up the men awaken on earth and the noldor return. And all of a sudden, there's just like, of balerion and it's realms. And it's just a whole chapter about geography. Like, what? And then after that, it's like back to story. Like, okay, I got anyway. Right? Well,



yes. So that's what I've been reading. Well, good. I have never read it, though. I mean,



it's really good. Your your progress, like it's, I mean, obviously, it's written like very well. So like, Oh, I couldn't get into it. Yeah, not a thing you say. So, got my reading lined out for me for a while. I bought, I also bought the, so I have the, this history. So I have like, the original versions and like the multiple, different all, you know, the fleshing out and then also, apparently, Christopher published a collection called the Great tales. So there's like three major stories late in the silmarillion. And they publish those as like, complete novelizations because the version in the silmarillion is basically from what I understand is basically like, a summary of some of these things like of Baron and lithiumion, and the fall of gondolin all these stories, and they're just kind of like the summary version that Tolkien was writing he had like a plan for like a more Yeah, because it's it's he had a plan for like a more fleshed out, like novelization version, or probably some sort of prose poetry thing, whatever. And so they, he and the estate, published standalone versions of each of those, like the as complete as possible. Based on all the collection and notes and random stuff that was around, they made a novelization version of those stories. So I have those two for when I get there. That's cool. That's That's fine. That's my light reading for the summer. The the complete talking legendarium that's sure. This year, your light reading weekend there with me?



Well, my readings, my readings been a little different as I read anything exciting. The OSEP middle level studies, zero to seven secret study guide edition. Oh, man, tell me more date test. Me it's pretty much kind of not like the cliff notes or anything, but it's kind of like what you would expect to take or to be on the certification test. Oh, yeah. No, I just I just didn't kind of studying up on that. Because even though it's been like, you know, history nonstop, it's been like, so long. It's actually like looked at like, what school history is. Well, yeah, that's that's been a completely different like field and kind of like, oh, like all I'm gonna watch this YouTube video on something that I'm interested in. So I am currently I haven't really, I've just been taking notes. I am on the where am I, um, civilization to the Mesopotamia.



kind of stuff, a perennial favorite of mo da,



I'm excited to kind of reading through that. It's kind of the only book that I've been reading, kind of looking at about 30 minutes to an hour, kind of every night you just kind of get the vibe feeling. It's kind of getting my mindset. Ready for whatever, come. I'm, it's gonna be intriguing. What happens my test is on the 28th. Okay, so it's, I definitely have more of a comfortable mindset than I did the first time because I think I talked about this before was like, Oh, you know, taking Oklahoma history. never taken Oklahoma history. So yeah, this is this is this is different. This is neat. So that was a different, different feels. I feel 1000 times more competent taking this kind of world history than anything. So I think once I get this taken care of, I think I'll be all good to go. But I also haven't like studied studied for something in like a really long time. So that's that's different of actually like sitting down taking notes over you know, whatever so I haven't picked up a study book in so long like Oh, I forgot how to do study habits awesome oh yeah that's kind of what I've been going through had some this week at least had I don't want to jinx anything but I want to talk about it because they've been vastly different experiences of my head a my first interview was with a charter school in Tulsa, I won't give out names yet. It very nice school. For those of you listening, I'm trying to get back in education. But it's a completely different vibe than anything I've ever like, experienced. It is a very, like, positive atmosphere, a positive this positive that? You know, they were like, Oh, you know, we're gonna give you you know, some feedback, and we're gonna roleplay during this interview and those like, roleplay What, what, why? Why do I like, Oh, well, you also need to, we're gonna give you three minutes and then you're gonna come up with like, a lesson plan. And then you're gonna like, teach it for five minutes. And I was like, What book Do I have next to me? You know, crap. Oh, look at this the



time to learn about Russian history. And the two the Three Kingdoms book. Well, this is where we talk about early Han Dynasty China. Yeah, I talked about like, his his Peach Garden, right. And there's



a difference. different sources, like how we get sources throughout history, and everything's not all like 100% they're in like, you take this crazy guy. And it's like, oh, it was 100 years after all this stuff happened, like, whoa. Then we did like some weird, like, role playing like, Hey, you know, we're gonna, we're gonna do this. And, you know, we're going to give you feedback, and then you're going to do it again, but differently, and I just, Oh, okay. Okay, all right. I did there. Were there was that Tuesday, cuz we actually had Monday off. And then I my giant map going, I can't see it. Thursday, I had an interview. With a school that's only about 30 minutes. For me. It was kind of weird, because this guy called me Tuesday, after I did that meeting, and then I got off the phone with like, the district attorneys and like, Oh, my God, who was calling me and I don't know this number to pick it up and is like, Hey, what are you doing? Like, the thing you're needing me to do after you, like, introduce themselves? And so he's like, Hey, how about 915 in the morning? I'll see you here and went over it. Okay. Um, it's, it's been a while since I've actually done like, an in person sit down interview, and I forgot how to actually talk to people.



bigger problem, I have to get dressed. Oh, no, I just,



I wouldn't say to the Tim's but you know, I was you know, dressed like the sevens and I have my bow tie. Or bow tie. I had my I had my tie blue shirt button up.



I think history position warrants bow tie every time. I think I had it. blenders.



Someone that I live with. There was a scowl on her face. And I probably should wear that.



Like, no, it's memorable stands out. It's good.



I have these these pair, this pair of bright orange on cloud shoes that I was going to rock and she's like, no, we're dressing. Fine. That interview went really well. Some of the questions that they asked me like on Tuesday, like set me up for some of the questions that they were going to ask because I've never been asked like, oh, if you're given this situation, what would you do with like x, y, and z? Or or how would you handle a student doing this or whatever? And I was like, Oh, these are actually really, really good questions. Okay. They asked me kind of the same things with my other interview. So it was kind of like, Oh, I kind of expected this, but it was a much different vibe. It was 1000 times more relaxed than anything. So I definitely got a feel good thing and then I've never done this before, but like, he's like, Well, you know, I got you know, people I got to interview afterwards. So when I was leaving, one of the other people were coming in is the position Were a high school, high school history and high school geography. And so I was like, Oh, you know, I could use like, what are you comfortable with? And I'm like, Sarah put me in whatever and I will kill it. That it's a that but we talked for like a really long time about, you know, school and expectations of all so he really started to like me. ob did and then I was seeing the individual that I was competing against sounds like and he kind of walked in and he definitely didn't have because it was high school history. And then coaching positions. I was like, I could kill this if I



his time was trashed, wasn't he? Yeah.



So he walked in I was like, he did not. So I was automatically like, in the in the zone. I was like, if that's my competition, dude, I got so I felt pretty confident with anything come in like afterwards I'm like, I you know, if this is what I'm competing against, I think I got you know, this relatively in the bag. So it was a it was a nice vibe. It was one of the first times in a long time that actually like felt super confident about, like an interview of any kind. So that was that was a big plus for me that I've never, you know, again that I've never experienced, like ever,



though. I was pretty high.



So I will know more by next week. Next week. Yeah. That's been my, it's also been really slow weirdly at work. I've actually had opportunity to spend time doing some of those things. Like oh, hey, I gotta go. Do this, like real quick, like, Oh, yeah, you know, or whatever. So I went pretty well. And it's, it's also one of the first times that if someone like offered me a position, I would like 100% take it. I've never had that. I've never had that experience. Ever still my dude. Like I've never Okay, so I'm super stoked about that. So yeah, that's kind of been my my week in a nutshell of waiting for phone calls. I've been applying to places copious amounts, like per week, so So yeah, that's been that's been what I've been dealing with, roughly. For my a week show, he has a friend from Mississippi, up here. But they're there in the living room kind of hanging out by then.



Yeah, that's kind of been really sweet. Yep. It's very vengeful and exciting. It is. Yeah.



A lot of things



going up. Yeah. So keep our ears to the ground for hours on that. It's pretty cool. So



the gentleman was talking to me and it was like, your coaching positions, you know, football and soccer and I was like, I haven't watched a soccer game in the years like so little list me you know, the top five like coaching positions you do? And I was like, Oh, yeah, soccer is up there like no doubt.



Like handball. Like if you ask me all synchronized swimming, able to tell 10 is Yeah. Table Tennis, less running and table tennis. That's a good one. I don't know. Sometimes. That's true. That's true. I mean, less than real normal tennis, like full size tennis. We call it full size tennis.



And that's been kind of a bit of my my week.



Relative it's very eventful. Once I Other than that, that's like literally tons of things. So he's,



it was I was not expecting, like anything like major to happen and they're






hey, come talk to me if I ask Okay. Oh, I forgot how to talk to people. Oh, no. Yeah, that's been that's been what I what I've been doing. It's been relative chaos for the past like week, Monday was really nice just to have like, a legitimate like, day off. And, you know, relax for once and get get prepared. And it's like, Oh, I got this, this main interview on this day. And then it's like, I don't really think I went well, you know, whatever. And then like, hey, come talk to us, though.



Oh, yeah. That's all I got sweet. Pretty exciting stuff. So, hopefully that's good. Because charter schools are weird places, man, they're a little bit interesting. Strangely, sometimes it's sometimes like, Oh, that's cool. It's sometimes I'm like, What? And I don't know, that doesn't really vibe with my style very well, like



some of the questions that they're asking me for, like, my classroom management, I was like, you know, I'm interviewing for like a PE teacher, right? And I'm just make them run. Like, elementary kids, like, y'all know that, right? Does that is it just mean? Like, what am I doing so?



Well, I mean, that the especially with things like that, like, the important thing is consistency throughout like em. So like, having somebody that already you know, they're probably looking for somebody who, whose answers kind of already match their style, right? And so that would be a good fit. Like, if you're already naturally inclined to do certain things. And that's close or what they're already doing. Yeah. In their school wide discipline program, then, you know, that's probably why they asked that like, Oh, yeah, cuz Even then, you're gonna be like, in the hallway, you're gonna be in the cafeteria, you're gonna be whatever. So



they said, this is like a little like, precursor, like survey beforehand to get to be like, Oh, you know, does your stuff match ours? My pressure does? I mean, mostly. Yeah. But like, there's no right or wrong answers. Like,



that's a trick question. I feel like there's a wrong answer for sure. Like,



oh, yeah, that happened this Tuesday. And Wednesday, then he's like, hey, come talk to me at 899 15. talk with him for an hour. And he's like, Oh, yeah, I'll call Yeah. I think this is like the first like, is, it is the first time I felt confident from an interview in a long time, as I've talked to people, like, you're not gonna call me like, just straight off the bat. But this is the first time like, Oh, I can definitely, I would definitely say my as you call me like I even even if it's just like a like, the not the answer that I'm wanting, it's still like, the best vibe that I've gotten from anybody in a while. So let's kill this. I will take that victory any day.



Yeah, absolutely. It's good feedback just on you in general, and like how to handle those situations and how to win and just kind of the vibe and knowing like, what kind of thing is going to fit with you or not, you know? Yeah, that's the other thing too. Like, is that environment you want to be in? And that's the important second half of that question. Like, yeah, you know, you almost got to think of it a little bit like you're also interviewing them. But do I want to do I'd want to work here. Like, Is this the place I want to be? Like,



the hardest thing, the hardest thing that I've always had, like, with interviews in general, is like if I if I usually, you know, go into like Google, you know, like, what the compensation or what the pay is, but like for schools, especially here in Oklahoma, it is so hard to like, get that it's so different



per district, every district is different based on you know,



and so, and so like, I always feel awkward. Oh my god, I know, I just had this talk, but how much are you gonna pay me? Because I don't know. I always feel that that's like, I overtime, I've definitely been able to, like, articulate it better. But it's just like, the weirdest thing I've I've always had is like, How much?



Yeah, it is awkward conversation sometimes, you know, like, especially when you haven't, you know, if they're bigger behind you, it's like, oh, by the way, how about you're talking about here? Like, what are we talking about? So, yeah, but you know, that's, that's it's eight but like, it's hard because every school is different. You're in our county, like, literally every school is different. So it's really hard to kind of know like, which I mean, you know, you do know now like everybody knows, like, this one pays more. This one doesn't like



now it was just weird of like, you know, it caught me off guard. He's like, well, this is the probably the closest to a private school you ever you're gonna get. Go on. So, I will you guys will definitely be the first after, you know, the, you know, situation here. It'll be the first I'll probably just like your message to everybody. If it's if it's just a bunch of like letters by again, like exclamation points, like, but you can't like there's no word like that's why well, no, okay, like to hide. But if you just send like a frowny face then that clearly means that I did not get it.



Yeah, right. Yeah. Um, so that's cool. excited for you, man. Good stuff. Other things.



Thank you. I am 100% ready to get out of what I do now? So I mean,



yes. Yes, like, go. Yeah, that's some tough heavy stuff. So, yeah. But again, that's also good experience that you bring into the education world because, you know, that stuff that that we talk about and we have like, training videos on it some better than others, clearly, people will come and talk about it, we talk. Sometimes we have those people from the service come in and talk to us. But, you know, a lot of people don't really get it. And that's definitely a strength that you now have. Yeah, and you can leverage that he's like, yeah, I have experienced this I know about this kind of thing.



This is and I definitely talked about that a lot. You know, we've talked about situations like oh, you know, how would you handle like this dude in this situation like well, you know, I've been in the home with x y&z so I have seen you know what it's like for them? Yeah, I've definitely I definitely talked about that. A lot of strength. Right. Yeah.



Look at that other that view, like that sympathizing view, like I can understand why this could be happening. Right. There's a side there's something in the background that's probably happening that Yeah, needs to be looked into. Right. Yeah. Yeah. You know, kind of questions to ask, and I think more like and how to handle those situations. delicately. Right. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's a big plus. Yeah. Well, that's that was.



That was my week. Relatively.



Ready for some change? Yeah. majorly? Yeah. Speak. Yeah. Speaking of change, man. This week, the weather is the first day we get to summer school like, Tuesday, right? I had to wear my sweater to school. It's like freezing outside. And today, like 75. Like, why? On June? What are you doing? What are you doing here, man? Summer. And I had to wear two days work good. Cold. It was cold there. 58 degrees. Why days? Why?



It's been like, yesterday. And today. It's been like in the 70s and 80s. And then like, Wednesday, it was like, oh, here's 50. It's like I beg your pardon? Yeah. Like we went to the went to the pool. yesterday. I went, I went and worked out. And then like, I sat outside by the pool. And I was like, why is this supposed to happen? Like,



this can't be the same week, right? This is



weird. So just all in all in one, like all in one week. Hey, Oklahoma. I know you have like your own stuff. But you could quit



gray a little more. It would be great. Also, the other thing that's weird about this week, somehow, I had to go out to dinner to eat with two different like friends. I didn't even remember that I had two different friends that wanted like eating dinner. And so this week, it was like twice a row twice a week like place. This is weird. What's happening? What's going on? Let's be exhausted. I have it's very it's very tiring. How? And I was like once, like, last Sunday, and then once like yesterday, I was like, Man, this is really wild. I didn't remember. This was a thing that I did. Oh, yeah. Yeah. How do I behave in a restaurant? I don't even understand what's going on around here. geared Well, I I will say we been in the office now full time for like a week. Three weeks. It still I'm still not used to rounding a corner and like seeing somebody stand in the hallway. Like Yeah, a person well, cuz we would, you know, I would come in on time. And yeah, but no one no one else was in there. Yeah. No one else is there. Right. Or if you did, like you would hear somebody coming down the hallway. So you'd go in a different direction or whatever. around a corner. Like I've literally like jumped a couple times. Like, what do you think like, totally psychotic matter? We just go crazy. Came back, really jumpy. Just been out talking to those fish in the streaming man, he doesn't know he hasn't never been the same. Oh, oh, it's great. Yeah, you know, I, I ran a meeting today. Then it felt weird because we were all, all in the office, dog jumped on the WebEx to get dinner. Because we had like three people that couldn't make it there that were in a different office. Oh, yeah, like say just, instead of the three of us sitting in one office with a camera, like we just stayed in their offices, we're literally next door. So we did the did it and oh, my gosh, I was so frustrated. I have been a part of this, this is a project that I've been working on for the last two years of, of doing a whole revamp of some educational material that the stream team dies. of ours understanding stream. That's the title of the program, it used to be a two day event where people would come in, in person and be lectured to. And then they go on field trip. And they wanted to revamp it because the last time they revamped It was 2000. And I somehow got put towards this. And so basically, since I started, I've been trying to work with a group of people to re rethink think differently about how they instruct, and the level of content that they needed to have in there. And I'm just trying to wholecloth change this, this procedure, and then 2020 happened. And in February, we stopped production on and working on this in person. And I was really upset because we were like one meeting away from finalizing it. Like, literally, I was trying to schedule an in person meeting to do a dry run with some people from Oh, and he would do outreach and education and some other people to bring in and watch us, they'd be our quote unquote, student, then they'd critique us, and we'd review and talk about it. And I mean, I had, I had worked with the people in my group of like, lesson planning, and like setting goals or, and how to assess goals and education and all of the stuff and like we had developed new hands on activities, and really made it it's going to be the 2020. And so we quickly pivoted to an online thing. But that has been literally like point pays, because nobody wanted to do it online. They were extremely concerned about what is the big takeaway, so we like to burn everything back down and go to ground zero and go, Okay, I know we had all these goals and these objectives or the in person class. What what are our new goals and objectives? Or the online? And then what do we want that online thing be? I mean, we literally spent months, going round and around setting, trying to come up with new goals, objectives, and then what how we wanted to look at first everybody wanted it to be as full featured, like trying to replicate in person as much as possible. And so that was one meeting, I probably have talked about this before where I just like, I did it, like I got everything set up in a WebEx I did all I did all these trainings to figure out how to run the app, how to do breakout groups, how to do all this collaboration had, you know, unmodified things. And then I ran it for them. And they were like, oh, man, that was awful. We never never do that. Like we can't, like, Oh, that's what you wanted. You told me, I don't know. And I've tried to stay really, I guess, third party in this and just be guiding through this process. But over the last several months, I've been more and more like, I think this is the best way forward, or this is what we need to do. Because they were they like they don't want to do standalone video. What you really mean is just let me do it nice, do it abroad. That's really what I wanted to do. But I group thing and there are 12 people involved, and they all have different stuff. So like, we'd have a meeting and we talk about something and then like I would send them off and like they will all had four groups of three. And they would have a project. They have homework doing they have submitted to SharePoint, upload it and then I send that back out and we'd get feedback and like all this back and forth, super collaborative. It was a really fun process. And we've landed on standalone videos about certain topics with a little of overlap that people are going to watch in a series just to have out there, right? That's what we've decided just to get information out, we're still gonna have the in person. And today's meeting was supposed to be. we've, we've now this is the second round of video revisions. Everybody watched the video show up. And you better can be pretty convincing to not click upload on these videos for the last time. Right? Like it was basically like, you're gonna have to tell me there are expletives in there or something really inappropriate for me not to upload these a day. Just done. That's where we're, you know, we need to be done. Like we need to be done. We're already I recognize that many people recognize it. Like three people showed up. And I was asking for feedback. And they're like, well, just to be perfectly honest, I didn't want like, like, when the third person did it, I jokingly said, Well, I can go ahead and kick you off that I guess. Like, the whole point. Oh, point two feet back. I don't have any. Why are you here? Yeah. Then our blood numb. See you later get out go home. By what I said was, I said, Okay. We'll talk about some basic stuff. Those of you who did watch it, give me your feedback. And let's finalize some little details. And then make sure we're okay with that. And then everybody must have made their final comments by end of day on deck. I'm going to delete all of Monday, Tuesday. It was and then I understand, right? It's hard. It's quite the aspect. We have two videos. Each of them is around 20 minutes. That's a lot to work. Right. They had a month, but they had a month. Yes, that's the thing, like even it like, half of one a day.



But one lady was like, oh, like, like, what are we going to do? Are we going to have an implied one? It



was like, have you forgotten? Literally every? Yes. Yes, geez, she's been not paying attention the whole time. For months, just completely clueless about what's happening. So oblivious. So I was like, I have all this stuff sitting over here in my folder. And when we get these photos, when we get these videos uploaded, we'll blow the dust off of that, and hit the ground. And then be done with those. Because we were like, we're basically done. Yeah, it was just like, no one's gonna read them and have feedback because they haven't paid attention. No, no, I was just like, Oh, my God. Like it was really, I had, like, two hours blocked off. I cared for this. And then like, after 40 minutes, I was like, Okay, well, I think we're done. And give me your comments by Monday. And that was it. Right? Like, I felt like it was a little terse with everybody. But it was like, I just, I had a hard time keeping it together for that. It's a very straining very hard to walk through that when Oh, yeah, no, especially when you're the only one putting in, like, the actual effort. And they're just like, I because I'm a jerk, I would note in the file, like, these people had no feedback, because they did not watch anything. And so they had nothing to add, boom. Done. So when someone's like, Well, why did you do this? I was like, because none of these people said anything about it. So and then later to like, Well, why is it like this? Like, you had you person who is complaining about it now, two months later? I see on my list here. You had the opportunity to talk about this four months ago, and you didn't, so shut your face. Get out. I was seriously there was I have? Well, actually, you know, the talk that I came down and gave you gave your class right in. Yeah, that is I was there. Yeah. You know. That is a talk that I made for this project for this thing. That's going to be nice. I hope that that talk has been around for about a year and a half that I've given that talk to this group about five times If that's your end today, somebody was like, Oh, well, I have, and it hasn't changed, right? Because we just keep going through small iterations. Yeah, I changed one of the thing here that But yeah, I know, today. One of the guys was like, Oh, well, Collin, I've got I've got some comments. I can call you about. Like, you can email them to me. And we'll go from there. was like, Yeah, what? What do you tell me right now? jerkface? You could tell me right now. Or you could have told me the last four time. Yeah. interviews on your phone messing around. I have just very low tolerance for that kind of, Oh, I didn't do my homework, or, oh, I'll get it to you later. Or Oh, whatever. Right. Like I can't.



Especially like professionals, like people who like, Yes, they are. This is part of their job.



Anyway, right. Oh, yeah. Time. Again. Deep breath. You are now how many weeks in at your two weeks and with your couch? Oh, is? Let's do some product. Oh, yeah. Follow up with the end result? It's gone. Well, all right. I mean, it's very comfortable. Again, haven't broke anything yet. So yeah, that two minutes report Really? Like it's fine. It seems to be going well, like I don't say that to me. Like,






what am I going to say? Right. So it is still kind of weird, because it's still like not quite broken in yet. So it's like still right. It feels a little bit too firm sometimes. But that's just because my other one was so like, last Friday that it was just like, sober. Okay, and so that that's a bit of adjustment. But like, yeah, it's gone pretty well. So no complaints, Matthew Catarino doing pretty well. So hopefully, we're done by furniture. That's all I'm doing more. So although we're the next thing on the laces, eventually we're going to have to get a new mattress because we've also had our mattress for like, ever. And it's like, yeah, so that's, that's not something I'm looking forward to. Doing because that sounds even more obnoxious to say couch shopping. You thought couches were bad to go and sit randomly on. laying on a bed for two minutes. And going. Yeah. Yeah, right. Trying to make a decision about how you're gonna sleep multiple hours on a bed by sitting on it for like, five minutes is not really. That sounds awful. Yeah, when we so we put our mattress on six years ago, seven years ago. And yeah, that was a that was a horrible experience of like, big showroom, laying on each one. And then then be even being like, Oh, and if you don't like that exactly. Like we just, I was like, I don't even know what I don't like about this one. I know. Like, wait. Cuz then it's like, well, then, because they were like they had like set. It was ones where they could change like the ratio, spring memory foam to something. Definitely to one. So they're like this one brings, but we can take it down to two. But then we changed up with binnorie phone, or could you? I don't know what that means. I don't understand. And then they're like, well, if you don't like this exactly, we could put a pillow top up. And once all of a sudden it's just like, oh my god, there's too much variation. I there's too many unknown is what I want was then like, I need to put a pillow topper on all of these to see how that's true. How pillow topper interacts with oranges, a memory foam versus two inches marathon versus eight inches of memory foam because I don't know like is it the same kind of relationship is there like like, neck and shoulder or whatever. And I just I finally I was like, I don't Yeah, we I'm not looking forward to that one. So we're still putting that one off even though we have had our mattress for like ever. So it's, it's Yeah, it's like it's still fine. But like the it does have the pillow topper thing on it. And it's like, yeah, that part is the part is giving out. And so I don't know if we're gonna get another way though. I think that's the conversation we've had so far. It's like, I don't know if that's worth it. I think we might not want that. So we'll see. But again, that's we're pushing that went a little long here, because we want to have any more of that. So yeah, I'm afraid of that one. I'm a little scared. mattress shopping. So Oh, yes. Okay. So, to close out here, I know you got to go here, and not too long. But I had this thought this weekend, and I am in the minority in my household. And I wanted your opinion. And your thoughts on this. No. Okay. Yes. So this is a favorite, favorite section time of the podcast. This is Disney movie corner. All right. So. So that, that backstory that krewella movie, just came out, right, to backstory of Cruella de Vil, the villain of 101 Dalmatians. I am of the opinion. And again, I have been scorned for in my household for this means. This is kind of a thing, right? They did the one with like maleficence. And that's kind of seems this direction they're going. I don't care about the backstory of any Disney villain.



I've decided. I'm not super interested. Right? Like, Cruella De Ville especially. This is a woman that wants to kill puppies to make a coat. Right?



There is no real way that you're gonna make a movie. backstory, like tell me the tragic backstory, because you want me to sympathize with this one. And like make her the light? No, I don't need that in my life. I don't care about they're the bad guy. I'm not supposed to like and care about the bad guy. That's what makes them the bad guy. Right? So this, I don't I don't like this, like, new direction of like, Oh, you need to know all about the bad guy and why they're bad. And so you can sympathize with them and understand their motivation. Like, no, no, they're the bad guy is literally the simplest character in any story to write is the bad guy. So like, cuz they're just the opposite of the good guy. That's how it works. Right? That's what makes them interesting. Like, you can you can count another tally and your side of the ring on this. I I could not not only do I not care about it. I don't like what it does that franchise. Because like, all the other 101 Dalmatians, 100 donations, whatever movies are very light hearted. And like, you know, not not dark. Not they don't have this rating. Yeah, they're they're weirdly not dark movie about a movie about a woman who wants to kill puppies and make jackets out of them. Like they're very likely to be right. It doesn't really it kind of doesn't match the storyline. But yeah, this one apparently is like, torque intense, right? Like hardcore. It's like, like they. It's like they saw Yeah. 11 cent. And then like the backstory of the Joker, right? And then all sudden, they're like, you know what, like, yeah, Cruella does? Well, we need to get her brain a little bit. Like you. A No, not important. There's nothing that you can put in this that is going to convince because because what are you going to do? Are you going to convince me that something broke in the I don't want to see what broke this person to turn them into a puppy murderer? Right? Like, yeah, that's kind of intense, right? Like, if I guarantee you that whatever they say is what broke this person to turn them into a puppy murderer. What does is going to be so totally stupid and not actually explaining? Yeah, like, there's no reason to have that and then having it be so dark. Like, who is the target audience for this? You know what, it's, it's millennials and older. It's older millennials is who their toy? Yeah, no, it's it's us and the old generation that like, you know, and the Gen Xers that watch that when they're little and they're like, Oh, yeah, I remember Cruella de Vil. Right You know, but like that's a weird target audience for a Disney movie. But I mean there's a lot of there's you're skewing older with like the Marvel right? Those are not like kids movies either, but I think it's weird. I don't I don't No like even franchises where I really liked the villains like, you know Batman like the DC like, I think like the Joker like you said the Joker like he's like the Best Villain ever. But like the Joker origin story is not the important part or the thing that makes him a good villain. Like even somebody who you know exactly, they're all just like Harley Quinn, right? Like, that's only kind of like a mildly interesting part of what makes her so interesting and dangerous. Right? Like, you know, brainwashed crazy ex psychiatrists brainwashed by the Joker in ARCA asylum. Boom, they go, there's a Harley, quick backstory. You don't really need a super long drawn out. thing about that. And so that's just their motivation. And she goes with it.



And so like I don't I don't need a feature like movie about



Cruella de Vil? No. And they've got like, you know, they've got some acting powerhouses like Emma Thompson and Mark Strong in there. That like, Yeah, I just, but it's not gonna make it interesting for me. I'm sorry. Like not? Yes. Sorry. It's like, no, nothing in here. The printer make it even remote. Like, I I won't be watching. Yeah. Aaron, what are your thoughts about this? Do you care about the backstory of Disney Villains? So



yes, and no, not correlate avail. Um, even though I literally just watched a YouTube video today where it talks about like, it's like, the messed up origins of like, certain like, characters and like, they'll take like, like, you know, the real backstory of like Winnie the Pooh, or you know, whatever.



Um, yeah, again, those are cool YouTube videos, because that's like, 12 and a half minutes. Yeah. Right. Like, not like 100.



I know that they are trying to, you know, kind of what you guys said, target a different kind of audience. I feel that quality or Well, yeah, quality is not like the person I would take. I was literally having this thought the other day of like, like the the Kingdom Hearts video game series. I'm like, I want to learn about like, he, you know, I was like, what's his story? No. Yeah, that's who I want to hear about. So, I'm, like things like, I think there's like a person for it. I don't think Coachella is the person that Yeah. Okay. So I, um, I it's interesting, because, like, it's a different spin. I know, like, I get like, what Disney and all them are trying to do, they're not trying to or they're trying to make you know, everyone understandable. And you know, like, Oh, you know, there's good people and bad people. Blah, blah, blah. There's not, it's not like, you know, back in the old days, everything was like just one dimensional. Like, this person is bad. You don't need a reason. But I mean, clearly the villain is bad. So, I again, I get it. I don't think I would have picked koala. krewella whatever, however, is it. Like Melissa said it was kind of cool. But I felt like, you know, they were so that they're in that kind of like older fields of Disney that like people are like, oh, like that. That's the person where we're taking I mean? Yeah, Angelina Jolie. Awesome. You know, lovers and actress was a pretty interesting movie. Definitely a vastly different, different take on what we're used to. I just, I don't think Cruella de Vil is the person that I would have picked. Right. So for a villain, I would say other than Pete.



Who is the villain that you want to? Because my follow up question. I had two follow up questions. Who is the one that you want to see then Aaron? And then follow up question for Collin and myself and YouTube? With Which one do you least want to see? Which one do you least care about out of all the Disney movies, but they will probably make a backstory for which way you're gonna be like, Oh my gosh, why? No, stop. Um,



so hold on here. I had to Google Search real quick, because I was like, that's fair.



Because I was saying I was thinking about Yeah, cuz there's like five that come to mind, maybe less. And you're like,



I would kind of love to see kind of, like the grow up of a judge cloud furlough from Hunchback of Notre Dame.



Okay. Okay, maybe I could see where that would come from.



Or kind of like, Um,



let's see here.



Sean you from Milan, like, I know, like the live action version kind of touched on a little bit But I think kind of like him growing up like the steps and having to scrounge for a living. That would be kind of cool. I made the joke to Shelby the other day, didn't think it was funny. I made a Lion King reference. I was like, we actually don't know if Mufasa was a good king, he could have been a tyrannical dictator. Later, and scar actually, like, stepped in was trying to, like save the kingdom. But people like, you know, had that Stalin mentality of like, No, he's a great leader. And so star is like seeing the bad guy, but like, maybe he was doing something really good for the kingdom. We don't know.



I just don't really want the scar movie because like, the whole thing will just be like about how he got a scar and like, how his name used to be like, Tim or something. And I



definitely day I didn't like I did not like the the live action version. Like is that would like the animation was just weird to me. Look,



I didn't watch all day by the trailer. That stuff was like that's. Yeah, and it's weird because the Jungle Book One looked really good. And then like The Lion King, one participant, I was like, Okay. Yeah. Anyway, continue.



That's where ever My mind went to the first time. It was just, it was just that I'm like, Yeah, I don't think puella Cruella was like the person to go off of, but like, I'm sure there's like other people. That's there. And I was like, crap, who else is



better than when we couldn't see that? Oh, yeah. But I mean, like, for as far as like, like big villains in the Disney movie. There's not like, when I sit down think about I looked at the list the other day, there's really not as many as you think there would be big bad. Yeah, like the big bad, like, you know, the ones that you would have a backstory for? I'm gonna say I think one of them. So it's hard to know. Like, what I think they're going to try and do neck ruin. Ruin something. You're going to ruin your childhood, right? Because it was very odd that they picked a left. Let's do that very well. Even though anyway, I don't think I could see them going and doing something with Ursula. Because she does drop the like, I used to be in power. And now I'm not because of the merfolk. That's true. And then and then she goes on, like I could right now but like, I could see how they could go. Awesome. Epic Battle. You know, and big takeover and love interest. And we can fill an hour and a half, two hours. Perfect. I can see Yeah. It's very tempting to I would say you're gonna ruin that one. But But then, then I think something else that I think if they don't ruin Ursula with the backstory, they're going to ruin too far. With see my thought what to Jafar that's what I was thinking like, Oh, man. Oh, man, they're gonna mess too far up so bad.



Well in in the live action, Aladdin, they didn't really like kind of do them justice like in animated series. And like, you know, he he's been in the shadows for so long. And you're like, he's trying to rule. Yeah, but like the animated one. He's like, just bear.



Yeah. Well, yeah. In the in the animated when he's like, so good, right. He's like, a really good failing. And then like, I don't, I don't really want to see them, like steadily trying to make a whole backstory for him about why he's so grumpy and just like, totally destroyed, like, awful. Or like ruin the mystique of like, why he's mad, right? Like, kind of, yeah, it's one of those things. Like, sometimes the unknown is actually more interesting. Or mysterious. And when you try to like, fill in all the gaps, it is just like, it becomes not as cool because you don't do it well. Right. It's so like, sorry, the unknown makes the world bigger. In my mind. Yeah. Right. Yeah, I think so. Yes. You know, we talked about that a little bit, like, back to Tolkien for a minute. Like, even though it's like so his Expanded Universe is so massive. There's like tons of stuff he didn't write about. And he's like, but what about this? And you're like, Oh, no, you're right about it. What about it? anyway? Yeah, what about it? Yeah, I yeah, I My mind went to Jafar for like, one that would be bad to do because like, I think it would kind of mess him up and kind of ruin that character a little bit to have like, a whole backstory about like, all this stuff, because it'd be like, you know, I could just see them like trying to wedge in and like tons of stuff. Be like, Oh, this is why he did that. Scorpio he grew up scoring he was denied things that he thought he had, you know, rightfully his and, you know, what are they going to do in the meantime? Like, make jasmine and her family look awful? Yeah, right, like, hurting him or whatever. It's just like, come on. Yeah, it's so ridiculous. So I know. Like, I can also see them like just doing weird things. It's like Captain Hook. Right? Just like, oh,



he was gonna be next on my list



of what you would like to see or not?



Like, like, kind of like would like to see cuz you know, what's the other live action we had was the one on one with Robin Williams. Yeah, hook. So I know a great story. But like what else is there for us? Oh,



yeah. I mean, it just be like, Oh, he's piratey. Yeah. Or, or hago bat a bad case scenario. We're gonna make the guest on movie. Oh, man. Hey, go. What is he gonna be a pain in the butt? Yeah, he does. He's like, Oh, please. Nobody, literally, Renaissance era whenever I was making Yeah. Oh, no. Wait. I the worst one. Ready? Ready? Said from Toy Story. Said movie.



No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, that would be that'd be um,



you can turn it into one. Terrible Ah,



you're right. But that's so bad. That's the one they would do it like Oh, look at you know what? What are they gonna shut like an awful parenting and like terrible yes life. And like, it's just given poverty and bullied, bullied and no, I think yes. that would that would know that let's look at a list here. Is there anybody? Where's the boogie Boogie now? nightmare. Actually yeah, yeah, that would be pretty bad too. I don't know. Does Yeah, I was looking I've just pulled up the list of Disney villains and someday maybe maybe a possible good one would be Professor bad That's true. That's true. That one could be good. Just because he's he's over the top right he's he's so do you want them to ruin Vincent prices performance as How about how about the backstory of the annoying aunt from lady in the tramp that has the cat's basil Oh anyway yeah, cuz I just look at all these things of like, most these people are doing like terrible things. Like the villains in the rescuers. Rescuers Down Under or like oh, yeah, the backstory of that crazy lady for the rescuers. No. Oh, are that psycho child trafficker from Pinocchio just the the one that never gets punished by the way he just gets off just gets free just like Okay, bye. I'm gonna go sell some more boys. Yeah, maybe they do. Maybe they'll do Madden madam Mim from Jordan the stone. I think you're mad at him. Again, I have I have such a hard time of being able to justify any plus, yeah, cuz I don't Yeah, I don't need any more money because usually the movie they like tell you a motivation and you go okay. It was done. Yeah. That's kind of it like you don't need a lot like I don't need I don't need the the bakst I don't need the that childhood growing up story of Prince john and King Richard from Robin Hood. Right. I don't need that. I don't want I don't want that. So hopefully, they get off this trend for they do something terrible. I knew Disney knows no. Bro. Oh, man.



Well, thanks for that. Show. You have comments or concerns or maybe which villain you'd like to see ruined by Disney. You can write in. Check this out. Yes, you ruined our childhood. Yet again, USA